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하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을

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Basic Understanding of the Disciples of Christ about the Unity We Seek Entendimiento Básico de los Discípulos de Cristo sobre la Unidad que Buscamos 제자회가추구하는일치에관한기본적인이해

This statement was drafted by Robert Welsh Spanish Translation by Lorna Hernandez Korean Translation by Seung Un (Paul) Tche 2016, Council on Christian Unity P.O. Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Council on Christian Unity is the Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada.

Basic Understandings of the Disciples of Christ about the Unity We Seek 1st As the starting point, our unity is in Jesus Christ, not in structures or instruments or theological agreement, but in the grace and love of God offered to us and to the world in Jesus Christ. 2nd Thus, unity is God s gift. It is not something we vote into being. Rather, we receive unity and oneness as a gift from God as we enter into new relations in mission and ministry, service and witness. 3rd As Disciples of Christ, unity begins at the Lord s Table where we are made one in Christ; and from the Table, we are called to witness to the message of reconciliation, welcome and hospitality that we have experienced in our being welcomed. 4th Unity is being lived out at home that is, unity exists in congregational life and in seeing our congregations today as ecumenical communities of faith. 5th Unity is more relational than institutional. Christian unity finds its life and reality in relationships as we worship together, serve together, and engage in mission together. Today, we are not working on plans of union or statements of theological consensus; but rather, we make commitments to engage in deepening relationships with other Christians and churches in worship, confessing our faith, and addressing issues of social justice and peace together. 1

6th The task of Christian unity is really about the task of sharing gifts: of learning to give and to receive, in offering the best of our Disciples heritage and tradition, and being open to receive the best from other denominations and traditions in their histories, theologies, understandings of faith, worship styles and spiritualties. 7th Unity does not mean uniformity in belief or practice: it is not based upon our agreement as Christians, but upon a profound humility arising from our shared life in the Risen Christ. We are seeking oneness in Christ, not sameness in our theologies or worship or practices. 8th Thus, unity will be lived out with a great deal of diversity. The challenge is to embrace an understanding of church that is bigger and wider, richer and older than we are today as Disciples of Christ. Unity is not about a loss of our identity as Disciples, but the claiming of a larger identity in Christ. 9th The challenge of Christian unity in our world today is also a call to interfaith engagement and dialogue: learning ways to encounter people of other faiths in order to live in community with them; to learn from them, develop mutual respect, and discover areas of commonality; and, to witness to God s love for all peoples in breaking down barriers between persons and nations in the pursuit of peace. 10th The unity we seek in being reconciled to another as individuals and as churches is finally personal, not simply institutional and it is grounded in a shared passion for God s justice. That is, all exclusion, prejudice and division based upon race, gender, nationality, theology or belief are not simply issues to be addressed or programs to be undertaken, but are experienced personally by individuals both within the church and in society. 2

Entendimiento Básico de los Discípulos de Cristo sobre la Unidad que Buscamos 1º - Como punto de partida, nuestra unidad está en Jesucristo, no en estructuras o instrumentos o acuerdos teológicos, sino en la gracia y el amor de Dios ofrecidos a nosotros y al mundo en Jesucristo. 2 - Por lo tanto, la unidad es un don de Dios. No es algo que se vota a la existencia. Por el contrario, recibimos la unidad como un regalo de Dios al entrar en nuevas relaciones en la misión y el ministerio, servicio y testimonio. 3ª - Como Discípulos de Cristo, la unidad comienza en la Mesa del Señor, donde se nos hace uno en Cristo; y desde la Mesa, estamos llamados a dar testimonio del mensaje de reconciliación, acogida y hospitalidad que hemos experimentado al ser bienvenidos. 4º - La unidad se vive en la casa - es decir, existe unidad en la vida de la congregación y en ver nuestras congregaciones hoy como comunidades ecuménicas de fe. 5º - La unidad es más relacional que institucional. La unidad cristiana encuentra su vida y realidad en las relaciones mientras adoramos juntos, servimos juntos y ejercemos la misión juntos. Hoy en día, no estamos trabajando en "planes de unión" o declaraciones de consenso teológico; sino más bien, nos comprometemos a participar en la profundización de las relaciones con otros cristianos e iglesias en adoración, confesando nuestra fe y tratando juntos los asuntos de justicia social y paz. 3

6º - La tarea de unidad de los cristianos es realmente acerca de la tarea de compartir los dones: de aprender a dar y recibir, en ofrecer lo mejor de nuestra herencia y tradición Discípulos y estar abiertos para recibir lo mejor de otras denominaciones y tradiciones en sus historias, teologías, comprensión de la fe, estilos de adoración y espiritualidades. 7º - La unidad no significa uniformidad de creencias o prácticas: no se basa en nuestro acuerdo como cristianos, sino de una profunda humildad que surge de nuestra vida compartida en el Cristo Resucitado. Estamos buscando la unidad en Cristo, no similaridad en nuestras teologías, cultos o prácticas. 8º - Por lo tanto, la unidad será vivida con gran diversidad. El reto es abrazar una comprensión de la iglesia que es más grande y más amplio, más rico y más viejo de lo que somos hoy como Discípulos de Cristo. La unidad no es una pérdida de nuestra identidad como Discípulos, pero la reclamación de una identidad más grande en Cristo. 9º - El desafío de la unidad cristiana en el mundo de hoy es también un llamado a la participación y el diálogo interreligioso: maneras de encontrar personas de otras religiones con el fin de vivir en comunidad con ellos; aprender de ellos, desarrollar un respeto mutuo y descubrir áreas en común; y, para ser testigos del amor de Dios para todos y todas al romper barreras entre las personas y las naciones en la búsqueda de la paz. 10º - La unidad que buscamos en la reconciliación con otros como personas y como iglesias es finalmente personal, no simplemente institucional - y se basa en una pasión compartida por la justicia de Dios. Es decir, toda exclusión, prejuicio y división basado en la raza, género, nacionalidad, teología o creencias no son simplemente cuestiones que deben tratarse o programas a desarrollarse, pero experimentadas personalmente por individuos - dentro de la iglesia y en la sociedad. 4

제자회가추구하는일치에관한기본적인이해 첫째 우리의시작점은바로일치가예수그리스도안에존재한다는것입니다. 우리의일치는조직이나신학적인동의에서시작되는것이아니라, 예수그리스도를통해서우리와세상에전해진하나님의은혜와사랑안에서출발합니다. 둘째 따라서일치는하나님의선물입니다. 서로하나가되기로투표를통해정한것이아닙니다. 선교와목회, 봉사와증거를통해우리가새로운관계속으로들어가게되면, 하나님으로부터일치와하나됨이라는선물을받게되는것입니다. 셋째 제자회로서, 일치는주님이마련하신성찬의식탁에서시작이된다고믿습니다. 주님의식탁에서우리는그리스도안에서하나가됩니다. 그리고이주님의식탁으로부터우리는화해, 환영과섬김이라는메시지를증거하도록부름을받았습니다. 이는우리가하나님안에서이미우리의있는모습그대로받아들여졌기에가능합니다. 넷째 일치는각자의삶의자리에서실현되어야합니다. 그것은바로일치가개교회의삶속에존재한다는것을뜻합니다. 또한이는각회중이야말로에큐메니컬한신앙공동체라는인식을가질때가능합니다. 다섯째 일치는조직을통합하는것이아니라관계를맺는것입니다. 그리스도인들의일치는우리가함께예배하고, 서로봉사하고, 선교에임하면서갖게되는관계속에존재하는삶과현실속에서발견됩니다. 오늘날, 우리는 교단합병계획 을추진한다거나, 신학적합의를공표하는것에크게신경쓰지않습니다. 오히려, 예배, 신앙고백, 그리고사회정의와평화에관련된문제를다루는일에다른그리스도인들, 다른교단들과함께일함으로써, 서로간의관계를돈독하게하는데더욱헌신하고있습니다. 5

여섯째 그리스도인들의일치를추구하는임무라는것은사실서로간의은사를나누는것입니다. 이는서로가가진다른은사를주고받는법을배우는것입니다. 다시말씀드리자면, 우리는제자회가가진유산과전통중에가장좋은모습들을다른사람들에게보여주고, 또한다른교단들이가진가장좋은모습들을그들의역사와신학, 신앙의이해, 예배의방식, 그리고영성을통해서배우는것입니다. 일곱째 일치는믿음과실천에있어서의획일성을의미하는것이아닙니다. 이는일치가그리스도인들간의합의에근거하고있지않기때문입니다. 우리의일치는부활하신그리스도안에서삶을나눌때배우게되는깊은겸손에근거하고있습니다. 우리는그리스도안에서하나됨을추구하지, 동일한신학, 똑같은예배방식, 혹은획일적인실천을추구하는것이아닙니다. 여덟째 그러므로일치는다양성속에서추구되어야합니다. 우리의도전은교회가오늘날우리가섬기는제자회라는교단보다더욱크고넓고, 그역사에있어더욱풍부하고오래되었다는것을인식하는것입니다. 일치는제자회로서의정체성을용해시키는것이아니라, 그리스도안에서보다폭넓은정체성을갖는것에있습니다. 아홉째 오늘날세상에서그리스도인들의일치를추구할때우리가직면하게되는도전은바로종교간의협력과대화라는소명에응답하는것입니다. 한공동체안에서평화롭게살기위해서는타종교를가진사람들과함께살아가는법을배워야합니다. 이는그들로부터배우고, 상호존중하고, 공통점들을발견함으로써가능합니다. 또한이런자세야말로평화를추구하는모든사람들과국가사이에존재하는장애물들을깨뜨려버리신하나님의사랑, 그리고모든사람들을사랑하시는하나님의사랑을증거하는것입니다. 열째 마지막으로, 개인간에그리고교회간에화해를모색함으로써추구하는일치는단순히공적인문제가아니라진정으로우리개개인의사적인문제입니다. 일치는하나님의공의를위한열정속에깊이뿌리박고있습니다. 다시말씀드리자면, 인종, 성별, 출신국가, 신학혹은신앙에기인한모든차별, 특혜, 그리고분열은우리가단지지적하고넘어갈문제도아니고, 우리가하는프로그램을통해해소될수있는문제도아닙니다. 이문제는교회와사회안에서각개인들이뼈아프게경험하고있는문제인것입니다. 6

Note 7