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2 공제회 소식 노후자금, 매달 연금처럼 받으세요 신용 등급 세분화 1~2등급 1000만원 확대 회원대여 이용 한도 변경 장기저축급여 분할급여금 낮은 세율로 높은 실수령액 시중 상품보다 안정성 높아 퇴직 시점 한 번만 신청 가능 한국교직원공제회의 연금형 상품 장기저축급

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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습


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있다 : To have The word 있다 has many meanings. To a beginner of Korean, we can simplify and generalize these meanings into two forms or usages: 있다 = to h

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to


Key Dialogues This section introduces a few sets of a short dialogue and the grammar points. Grammar Points Key explanations on the new grammar points

해외취업 가이드


D.J. Silva Unit 3: An Introduction In this unit, you will learn how to: introduce another person; discuss your language abilities and limitations; give and receive a compliment; use the verb ending - 지오 / - 죠 -jiyo/-jyo to form a tag question or provide emphasis; name common occupations. Once again, you should begin by working with the CD-ROM. First learn the monologue. Then spend time learning the material in the dialogue. The dialogue may appear long at first, but as you listen to it, you should recognize a fair amount of material that was covered in Units 1 and 2. As ever, don't forget to access the CD-ROM's footnotes for grammatical and cultural information. Additional Grammatical Notes Pronouns Korean has three commonly used pronouns: 나 na I (neutral) 저 jeo I (self-humbling) 우리 uri we Use the neutral form of "I" when speaking to people of equal age or status. Use the self-humbling form ( 저 ) when speaking to social superiors or others to whom you must show special respect. When used with a subject marker, 나 becomes 내 while 저 becomes 제. There are other pronoun forms in Korean, including several forms for you (both singular and plural) and a form for he/she/it/they ( 그 ). It's important to understand, however, that these pronouns are typically not used in polite situations. There are other ways to indicate information about the participants in a situation, including use of the honorific verb marker - 세 / - 시. Neutral ~ Honorific Vocabulary In addition to the verbal marker 세 /- 시, Korean has a limited vocabulary of nouns and verbs used to bestow special respect to the person being addressed (or referred to). These include: Draft Do not cite! revised 9/18/2004 33

Beginning Korean: A Grammar Guide Neutral Honorific 사람 분 person 집사람 부인 wife 이름 성명 name 보다 뵙다 to see Additional pairs of neutral~honorific forms will be introduced as necessary in future units. The pattern TOPIC SUBJECT VERB As discussed in Unit 2, Korean sentences tend to include either a topic or a subject. There are cases, however, in which using both a topic and a subject are acceptable. One such case we've already seen: negative identification. 저것은가방이아니에요. 그학생은일본사람이아니에요. That (thing) isn't a bag. That student isn't Japanese. In this unit, we encounter yet another use of this pattern: 저는이름이서인호이에요. My name is Inho Seo. (lit: "As for me, name is-inho Seo") Note that there is no possessive form used in conjunction with the word "name"; in Korean, one would not say "his name," but simply "name." The fact that we're talking about Inho's name is clear from the context. The Negative Element 못 The pre-verbal element 못 is used to indicate that the subject of the verb is unable to perform the action: 한국말잘해요. 한국말잘못해요. He speaks Korean well. He can't speak Korean well. Some notes about 못 : 못 must always appear immediately before the verb. 못 is pronounced mot; the final ㅅ is reduced to a [t] sound 못 can be translated as "does not," but only in the sense of one's ability. There is a different verbal negator for indicating a subject's unwillingness to perform and action (namely 안, to be formally introduced later). 34 Autumn 2004

D.J. Silva The Verb Ending 지오 / - 죠 The verb ending 지오 serves several purposes. (a) - 지오 can be used to elicit a reaction from the listener. In this role, - 지오 functions much like a "tag question" in English: 한국말잘해요. 한국말잘하지오. He speaks Korean well. He speaks Korean well, doesn't he? (or "He speaks Korean well, eh?") (b) - 지오 can be used by the speaker to provide gentle, casual emphasis to a statement, perhaps to indicate mild surprise and/or admiration. In this role, - 지오 has no clear counterpart in English; one approximation would be the use of the helping verb "do," which helps to emphasize the verb: 한국말잘해요. 한국말잘하지오. He speaks Korean well. He does speak Korean well. The ending 지오 is often reduced to 죠 in both speech and writing. A Note about Responding to Compliments Briefly put, one should be very reluctant to accept a compliment in Korean. To do so would very likely be viewed as immodest and selfpromoting. If you're given a compliment, your best strategy is to refuse it as modestly and politely as possible. It's often enough to say simply 아니오 while either (a) waving an open hand in front of your face or (b) gently shaking your head left-to-right (and back) to indicate "no." They key here is maintain your composure and politely deflect any praise. Whatever you do, avoid saying "thank you." While accepting the compliment might be proper in some cultures, it's not appropriate in the Korean context. 로마에가면로마사람이된다.. Rome-to go-when/if, Rome person-subject become. "When you go to Rome, become a Roman person." Use the CD-ROM for additional practice and practice your developing skills by accessing the exercises. Don't forget to quiz yourself using the flashcard function, too. Finally, don't forget to access the extra link at the end of the lesson, where you'll find additional information about occupations. (The list is given below, too, as the CD-ROM omits the English translations.) Draft Do not cite! revised 9/18/2004 35

Beginning Korean: A Grammar Guide Exercises Exercise A. Answer the following questions. 1. 이것은신문이에요? 5. 이것은창문이에요? 2. 이것은의자예요? 6. 이것은한국지도예요? 3. 이것은안경이에요? 7. 이것은미국국기예요? 4. 이것은책이에요? 8. 이겅이무엇이에요? Exercise B. Answer the following questions about yourself. 1. 중국어하세요? 2. 일본어하세요? 3. 한국어선생이세요? 4. 영국분이세요? 5. 부인이있으세요? 6. 성명이무엇이에요? 36 Autumn 2004

D.J. Silva A Brief List of Occupations Academic Business Medical Military Technological Diplomatic Artistic 선생... teacher 학생... student 교수... professor 연구원... researcher (research asst) 상인... merchant 사무원... office worker 은행가... banker 경영인... merchant 의사... physician 치과의사... dentist 간호원... nurse 군인... soldier 선원... sailor 조종사... pilot 장교... officer 공학가... engineer 대사... ambassador 연사... consul 정치가... statesman/stateswoman 대사관원... embassy worker 작가... author/writer 음악가... musician 가수... singer/vocalist 배우... actor Draft Do not cite! revised 9/18/2004 37

Beginning Korean: A Grammar Guide Answers to the Exercises for Units 1 3 Unit 1, exercise A (p. 24) 1. No. 2. Help! 3. I'm sorry. 4. Yes. 5. How are you? 6. Thank you. 7. Goodbye (to one staying). 8. Goodbye (to one leaving). 9. Where's the bathroom? 10. Do you speak English? 11. Please write it (down) for me. 12. Excuse me. 13. I don't know. 14. How do you say it in Korean? Unit 1, exercise B (p. 25) 1. Sit. 2. Read (it). 3. Write (it). 4. Write it on the board. 5. Look at me. 6. Answer. 7. Say it out loud. 8. Say it louder. 9. Stand up. 10. No, I don't know. 11. Do you have any questions? 12. Listen. 13. Listen well (carefully). 14. Look at the board. 15. Open your book(s). 16. Do you know (it)? 17. Yes, I know (it). 18. Repeat (after me). Unit 1, exercise C (p. 25) 1. naganeun gos ("exit"; literally "going out place") 2. pyosaneun gos (literally "ticket buying place") 3. jihacheoltaneun gos (literally "subway alighting place") Unit 1, excericse D (p. 26) How are you? 아녕하십나까? I'm sorry. 미안합니다. Good-bye. 안녕히가세요. Please show it to me. 좀보여주세요. Please help me. 좀도와주세요. Do you have a watch? 시게가있어요? What is (it)? 무엇이에요? I can't speak Korean well. 한국말잘못해요. Unit 2, exercise A (p. 30) 1. 그것은신문이에요. 2. 그것은연필이에요. 3. 네, ( 그것은 ) 책이에요. 4. 아니오. ( 그것은가방이아니에요.) ( 그것은 ) 시계예요. 5. 아니오. ( 그것은연필이아니에요.) ( 그것은 ) 공책이에요. 6. 아니오. ( 그지도는미국지도가아니에요.) ( 그지도는 ) 아프리카지도예요. 7. 아니오. ( 그지도는한국지도가아니에요.) ( 그지도는 ) 미국지도예요. 8. 네. ( 그지도는 ) 텍사스지도예요. 9. 아니오. ( 그국기는일본국기가아니에요.) ( 그국기는 ) 영국국기예요. 10. 아니오. ( 그국기는캐나다국기가아니에요.) ( 그국기는 ) 한국국기예요. Unit 3, Exerice A (p. 36) 1. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 시계예요. 2. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 책상이에요. 3. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 의자예요. 4. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 연필이에요. 5. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 안경이에요. 6. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 미국지도예요. 7. 아니오. ( 그것은 ) 한국국기예요. 8. ( 그것은 ) 공책이에요. (Note that #8 isn't a yes-no question, so it wouldn't make sense to begin your response with "ne" or "anio.") Unit 3, Exercise B (p. 36) Here are likely answers; your responses may vary a bit, depending on your specific circumstances. 1. 아니오. 중국어못해요. 2. 아니오. 일본어못해요. 3. 아니오. ( 한국어 ) 학생이에요. / 한국어를공부해요. 4. 아미오. 미국사람이에요. 5. 아니오. 집사람이없어요. 6. 이름은 ( 이 ) 에요. Note: In each case, your response should not include "- 세 " or words such as " 부인 " or " 성명 " do you know why? 38 Autumn 2004