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원전수출사핵비확산행동강령 브뤼셀, 벨기에 2014. 3. 6


서문 원자력공급자그룹가이드라인 1) 본원칙들은부록 B 를인용하며관련참가자들에의해지속적으로검토된다. 문서의이름은굵은글씨로표시된다. - 1 -

- 2 -

원칙 1. 안전, 보건및방사성방호 원자력안전조약 IAEA 안전표준인 국가원자력프로그램을위한안전기반시설 2) 이러한산업기반시설의필수적인부분은원자력발전소에외부전원을신뢰할수있을정도로충분히공급할수있는송전선그리드이다. - 3 -

기본적인안전성원칙 안전가이드 안전성요건 3) IAEA 안전성표준의부록 B 참조 - 4 -

안전성문화를강화하기위한주요실제적문제점 4) 벤더들은원자력문화에관한 IAEA 일반원칙을구현하는베스트프렉티스로서 WANO 의 Traits of a Healthy Safety Culture 에관심을기울일수있다. - 5 -

5) 원자력사고조기통보협약및원자력사고및방사성비상사태지원협약에명시되어있음. 6) 상세정보는 WANO 헌장을참조. - 6 -

원칙 2. 물리적보안 원자력물질의물리적보호협약과 핵테러억제협약 7) 원자력발전소의안전성과보안과의연계에대한국제원자력안전성그룹 (INSAG) 보고서에논의됨 - 7 -

원자력물질의물리적보호조약 8) 그러한원자력보안체계의예는 [IAEA 원자력보안기초 : 국가원자력보안제도의목적과기본요소 ] 에서찾아볼수있음 - 8 -

- 9 -

원칙 3. 환경보호및사용후연료와방사성폐기물취급 사용후연료관리의안전성과방사성폐기물관리의안전성에관한연합조약 9) ALARA 원칙포함. - 10 -

국제연합글로벌협약 리오선언 - 11 -

원칙 4. 원자력손해배상 원자력손해민사책임에대한 비엔나협약 원자력에너지분야의제 자책임에대한파리협약 원자력손해보충배상협약 - 12 -

- 13 -

원칙 5. 핵비확산및세이프가드 핵무기비확산조약 원자력공급자그룹가이드라인 국제연합안전보장이사회결의안 원자력공급자그룹가이드라인 국제연합안전보장이사회결의안 10) IAEA INFCIRC/254/Part 1 최신개정본참조. - 14 -

추가의정서 11) 그러한조치와사건예는부록 A 에제시됨 - 15 -

원칙 6. 윤리 국제연합반부패협약 국제사업거래에서의해외공공공무원부패와의전쟁협약 세계인권선언 - 16 -

부록 A 원칙 5 의부록. 핵비확산및세이프가드 핵비확산조약 포괄적안전협정 추가의정서 국제연합안전보장이사회의결 검토회의최종문서 - 17 -

부록 B. 참조국제협약 United Nations Convention Against Corruption - Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution A/RES/58/4, October 31, 2003. OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions - Adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, signed December 17, 1997. Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, - Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/336, adopted September 26, 1986. Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, - Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/335, adopted September 26, 1986 Convention on Nuclear Safety - "Convention on Nuclear Safety," IAEA INFCIRC/449, adopted June 17. 1994. Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) - Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/274/Rev.1, May 1980. Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management - "Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management," Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/546, adopted December 1997. Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC) - 18 -

- "Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage," IAEA INFCIRC/567, adopted September 12, 1997. International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism - Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution A/RES/59/290, April 2005. Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy - Adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, February 12, 2004. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, - Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/566, as amended September 12, 1997. Considerations to Launch a Nuclear Power Programme - Considerations to Launch a Nuclear Power Programme, International Atomic Energy Agency, Reproduced in IAEA GOV/INF/2007. IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS - Standards of safety issued pursuant to Article III(A)(6)10 of the IAEA Statute. Safety standards issued since 1997 in the IAEA Safety Standards Series are designated as Safety Fundamentals, Safety Requirements or Safety Guides. Establishing the Safety Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Programme - "Establishing the Safety Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Programme," IAEA Safety Guides, IAEA Safety Standards Series, October 12, 2010. - 19 -

IAEA Fundamental Safety Principles - "Fundamental Safety Principles," Safety Fundamentals, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, 2006. IAEA Safety Requirements - Refers to "Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design," IAEA Safety Requirements, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. NS-R-1, 2000. IAEA INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR SAFETY GROUP (INSAG) REPORTS Key Practical Issues in Strengthening Safety Culture - "Key Practical Issues in Strengthening Safety Culture," Report by the IAEA International Nuclear Safety Group, INSAG-15, 2002. The Interface between Safety and Security at Nuclear Power Plants - The Interface between Safety and Security at Nuclear Power Plants, Report by the IAEA International Safety Group, INSAG-24, 2010 IAEA SECURITY STANDARDS IAEA Nuclear Security Fundamentals - "Objective and Essential Elements of a State's Nuclear Security Regime", IAEA Nuclear Security Series No.20,2013 IAEA Nuclear Security Recommendations Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities,INFCIRC/225/Rev5, 2011. IAEA SAFEGUARDS - 20 -

IAEA Additional Protocol - "Model Protocol Additional to the Agreement(s) between State(s) and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of Safeguards," International Atomic Energy Agency, INFCIRC/540 (Corrected), September 1997. IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement - "The Structure and Content of Agreements Between the Agency and States Required in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons," International Atomic Energy Agency, INFCIRC/153 (Corrected), June 1972. State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials - See "Systems of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material," IAEA Bulletin Vol. 17, no. 2, 1975. OTHER DOCUMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Final Document of the 2010 NPT Review Conference - NPT/CONF.2010/L.2, May 27, 2010. Nuclear Suppliers Group Guidelines - Refers to 1.) "Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers," Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/254/Part 1, as amended November 7, 2007; and 2.) "Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, Software and Related Technology," Reproduced as IAEA INFCIRC/254/ Part 2, as amended March 20, 2006. Pertinent United Nations Security Council Resolutions - Refers to resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter that address issues relevant to nuclear - 21 -

non-proliferation and illicit trafficking. It includes UN Security Council resolutions S/RES/1540 (2004), S/RES/1810 (2009), S/RES/1887 (2009) and state specific resolutions such as S/RES/1718 (2006) and S/RES/1929 (2010). Rio Declaration - Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, A/CONF.151/26 (Vol. I), adopted June 14, 1992. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) - Reproduced in IAEA INFCIRC/140, March 5, 1970. United Nations Global Compact - "Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact," 2000. UN Security Council Resolution 1887 - Adopted by the UN Security Council in S/RES/1887, September 24, 2009. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution A/RES/217(III) A, December 10, 1948. WANO Principles Traits of a Healthy Safety Culture PL 2013-1, May 2013-22 -