The Indianhead Magazine, May 28, 2013 VOL. 50, ISSUE 05

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H E A D Q U A R T E R S, C A M P R E D C L O U D, R E P U B L I C O F K O R E A INDIANHEAD S E R V I N G T H E 2 N D I N F A N T R Y D I V I S I O N C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 6 3 VOL. 50, ISSUE 5 WWW.2ID.KOREA.ARMY.MIL MAY 28, 2013 TOP GUN QUALIFICATION private earns top honor page 4 STEM WEEK military help explore science page 10 EFMB COMPETITION medics earn coveted badge page 12-13

2 INDIANHEAD Maj. Gen. Edward C. Cardon Commander 2nd Infantry Division Command Sgt. Maj. Andrew J. Spano Command Sergeant Major 2nd Infantry Division Lt. Col. Joseph Scrocca Public Affairs Officer Master Sgt. Reeba Critser Public Affairs Chief Joshua Scott Webmaster PUBLICATION STAFF Staff Sgt. Jill People Editor Pfc. Lee Ji-hwan Korean Language Editor Sgt. Levi Spellman Staff Writer Sgt. Ange Desinor Staff Writer Pfc. Kim Dong-su Staff Writer Pvt. Lee Dong-hyun Staff Writer Like us on Facebook! 2nd Infantry Division (Official Page) The Indianhead paper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Editorial content is the responsibility of the 2nd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office. Contents of the publication are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, or the Department of the Army. This publication is printed monthly by the Il Sung Company, Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea. Circulation is 6,300. Individuals can submit articles by the following means: email usarmy.redcloud.2-id.list. pao-editorial-submissions@mail. mil; mail EAID-SPA, 2nd Infantry Division, Unit 15041, APO, AP 96258-5041 Attn: Indianhead; or drop by the office located in Building T-507 on Camp Red Cloud. To arrange for possible coverage of an event, call 732-8856. The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 Commander s Corner: Farewell This is my last column to the Warrior Division as I will relinquish command of this historic division on the 24th of June to my good friend, Maj. Gen. Tom Vandal. As I reflect on these past two years, it is truly hard to believe that my time here in service with you is drawing to a close. Over the course of the last twenty-one months we have witnessed historic events across the Pacific region and here on the Korean Peninsula. And through it all, the Warriors of the 2nd Infantry Division have stood shoulderto-shoulder with our Republic of Korea partners, ready to respond to whatever contingency might arise. As importantly, through it all, we have further strengthened our Alliance, continued to modernize the Division and constantly improved our overall readiness. The one thing that remains consistent and an enduring hallmark of our division is that we are blessed to have the most highly trained and professional U.S. and KATUSA Soldiers, Families and Civilians serving in our Army. The Division s most precious asset is our people each and every one of you, bonded together by our profession, represent the true strength of the Warrior Division. I wish it were possible for me to spend time with each of you individually, to personally thank you for all for your service, your commitment and for what you do every day. Your service here in Korea as part of the last permanently forward-deployed division in our Army is something I know each of you will remember for a lifetime just as I will. Your selflessness, bravery and courage are an inspiration to all. As Soldiers, we are doing something on behalf of our nation that is bigger than ourselves. There is no greater honor than to serve. As Soldiers we also represent all the Soldiers who have gone before us, and you continue to carry on that tradition with pride and professionalism. Your contributions and service build on our history we are all so proud to share and to wear the same famed Indianhead patch worn by those Soldiers who fought valiantly at Belleau-Wood and the battlefield of the Meuse- Argonne in World War I. We wear the same patch that Soldiers of the greatest generation wore during World War II at Omaha Beach, Normandy, and later during the Battle of the Bulge. Moreover, we wear the same patch worn by 2ID Soldiers who fought during the Korean War on the very same ground we stand on and serve on today. We are reflections of those Soldiers who bravely defended the Pusan Perimeter and withstood the harsh realities of combat at Kunu-ri, Chipyong-ni and Heartbreak Ridge all in defense of freedom and democracy. As heroic as our actions are in war, they are equally important during this period of armistice. We are links in an unbroken chain of Soldiers who have worn the historic Indianhead shield for nearly 100 years with over half of those years right here on Freedom s Frontier. We are not alone nowhere else in the world will you find an alliance like that which exists between the U.S. and the Republic of Korea! An alliance strengthened by the fact that Soldiers from our two nations serve together full-time, side-by-side every day. This is unlike any other unit in our Army and is what makes us great and the most formidable combined fighting force in the world. I am especially proud of the tremendous advances in our relationships and partnerships with the ROK Army and our local communities. To the many senior leaders with whom I have been fortunate to serve, including our senior leadership, command teams, warrant officers, Soldiers and Civilians, Linda and I are Sgt. Allen Joseph Carrick from 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, shows off a 30-pound carp he caught in Casey Creek between Jeihang and Yangju. Photo by Staff Sgt. William Staneck Maj. Gen. Edward C. Cardon 2nd ID Commander indebted to you for your many sacrifices and for doing the hard work that keeps this great division ready and trained to accomplish our missions. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed. Through many long days (and nights) no matter what the conditions, you made it all happen and persevered with the flair for excellence that is our reputation around the world. As Linda and I prepare to depart Korea, please know that we will take with us many friendships and unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. You are now, and will forever be, emblazoned in our hearts and memories. We have truly enjoyed our time here serving alongside you, our indomitable American Soldiers along with your Families and Civilians who have done so much, accomplished so much, and represented our Army with pride and distinction. Linda and I also realize this is the last division we will ever serve in we have been blessed to serve in six of our Army s divisions. Divisions are special their power formidable in every way. Each has been special in their own way, and among them the 2nd Infantry Division stands unique it has been the greatest honor and privilege of my career to serve as your commanding general in this great and storied division, the 2nd Infantry Division. My final words stay ready, train hard, and find happiness and reward in your selfless service, mission and duty. Each of us is called some day and though we know not the time or place, we must be prepared and ready when called. I know you will be vigilant, prepared and ready, just as those were who went before us. I want to personally thank each of you for a job well done in service to the Warrior Division, the Army, the United States of America, and the Republic of Korea. Thank you, Warriors, for you made this experience unforgettable and for me, you will always remain, now and forevermore, Second to None! Warrior 6 Asia Pacific Heritage Month: Korean style PFC LEE DONG-HYUN 2ID PUBLIC AFFAIRS In a world that seems to become smaller every day, cultural exchanges become more commonplace. For U.S. forces stationed on the Korean Peninsula, that exchange goes much deeper, and May is Asian-Pacific Heritage Month. In order to celebrate Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, the 2nd Infantry Division s Equal Opportunity Team invited The Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company May 16 to perform at the Camp Red Cloud Theater. After the welcome, proclamation reading and introduction of dancers, the performance started with a fan dance. Along with beautiful Korean traditional music, dancers with long showy skirts and flashy fans in both hands showed-off their dancing skills. The next performance was the southern provincial Salpuri, which is a dance that originated from shamanistic rite. Humorous mask dances and elegant drum dances followed. The highlight of the performance was Samulnori, which is a group of percussion musicians conducting enthusiastic and harmonious beats with Korean traditional instruments. As the performance ended, the theater was filled with applause and a standing ovation. This is my fourth time watching performances like this, said Lt. Col. Eric Walker, commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division. I get impressed by Korean traditional dance performances every time I watch them. The most interesting performance for me was the mask dance. I liked the variety of it. Also the Samulnori was very exciting and motivating. The Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company belongs to The Gyeonggi Arts Center. It was founded in 1993, and has conducted more than 1,000 2nd Infantry Division Soldiers celebrate Asia-Pacific Heritage Month with a performance by the Gyeonggi Provincal Dance Company. (Photo by Kim Seungnam, 2ID PAO) performances including overseas and national tour shows. They are introducing Korean traditional culture to people who have few opportunities to learn about the Korean culture, through a program called Arts Habitat. It is a voluntary culture sharing service sponsored by Gyeonggi Provincial Government, said Jongjun Song, manager of Arts Habitat service, Gyeonggi Arts Center. Camp Red Cloud is the perfect stage for us to conduct Korean traditional dance performance. There was no reason to reject this great opportunity. Walker also said that Koreans seem to have a high respect in their lineage and history, and events like this are very valuable for showing the strong alliance between South Korea and the U.S. We chose to invite the Korean traditional dance team of Gyeonggi Province because we are in Uijeongbu, said Sgt. 1st Class Karen Lassiter, Equal Opportunity advisor, 2nd Inf. Div. It is meaningful as a way to open a relationship with the community we are living in. Another aspect of the Asia-Pacific are the holidays celebrated each month. One of the major holidays in Korea is Buddha s Birthday. Like Christians celebrate Christmas, the birthday of Jesus Christ, Buddhists celebrate Buddha s birthday, which is a central component of Asian culture and history. The holiday celebrates the birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, whose teachings on both the causes of human suffering and their solutions evolved into Buddhism. In South Korea, Buddha s birthday is celebrated on April 8 according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Therefore, the date varies from year to year according to the solar Gregorian calendar. In 2013, Buddha s Birthday is May 17 and is an official national holiday in South Korea. Buddha s birthday is the biggest annual event in Buddhism. Actually, it used to be one of the biggest events on the Korean Peninsula. Today, Christianity is the most predominant religion in South Korea, but the history of Christianity in South Korea is very short (less than 150 years). However, Buddhism has been with the Korean people since the fourth century. In Silla and Goryeo Dynasty, Buddhism was a national religion and its power was very dominant to people at that time. At that time, Buddha s birthday was the most important annual event in the peninsula. Since there are still many Buddhists in South Korea, Buddha s Birthday became a national holiday in 1975. Buddhists usually go to the temples and participate in the celebration, just like what Christians do on Christmas. I remember first going to the temple with my family, said Pfc. Kim Byung-do, a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army soldier from 4th Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade. There were so many people and the event was enormous. Korean soldiers participate in religious activities every week. Usually they choose to go between Christianity and Buddhism, said one Korean army soldier. When we go to the temple on Buddha s Birthday, since it is a very special day, we can get a lot of snacks, said Pfc. Lee Jae-wook, a rifleman 3 Thousands of Koreans march in the annual Lotus Lantern Parade May 11 in Seoul. Carrying lotus lanterns, the Koreans join many illuminated floats in the annual parade, which runs from Dongdaemun History and Culture Park to Joygesa Temple. (Photo by Capt. Jonathon Lewis, 2ID PAO) of 5th Company, 2th Battalion, 78th Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, 2th Corps of Republic of Korea Army. Not only that, but there will be a special performances of dancing girl groups and singers. There are many events celebrating Buddha s birthday. Among them are, tapdoli, bangsaeng and the Lotus Lantern Festival. Tapdoli is a traditional Buddhist ritual where people and monks circle around a Buddhist pagoda and call down a blessing. Bangsaeng is another tradition that sets captive animals free, since Buddhism promotes non-violence and nature friendly life. In the Lotus Lantern Festival, Buddhists fill the roads with shining lotus lanterns. Before I enlisted, when I was a civilian, my family and I used to write our wishes and prayers on paper and put them into the lotus lanterns, wishing the prayers may be fulfilled, said Lee. In Korea, Buddha s Birthday is usually a week-long celebration. Soldiers can find the streets all over the country lined with lotus lanterns and parades featuring dancers, lantern carriers, floats and dragons. We celebrate it because that day was the starting point. It is like another New Year s Day to me. This is because I try to take time for selfreflection about what I did and restart to pile up my virtue, like what Buddha did, Kim said. I wish Buddha will help me pile up more and more virtue. Happy birthday, Buddha!

4 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 5 SGT JUAN F. JIMENEZ 1ST ABCT PUBLIC AFFAIRS In a time of trial and difficulties the human brain can overcome anything. This was the case for a Soldier who was able to muster patience, perseverance and confidence while she was in a competition that would change the way she was viewed by her peers. Hard working, confident and a natural leader have been some of the words used to describe Pvt. Felicia J. Bowers, from Shippensburg, Pa., a petroleum supply specialist with Troop D., 4th Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team. When she arrived to Troop D in January, Bowers immediately made positive impressions on her superiors. Being handed a.50-caliber machine gun or M2, Bowers demonstrated her raw natural talent in shooting by outperforming her peers at training ranges. The M2 is an 84-pound, air-cooled, belt fed machine gun that can be fired in single shot or automatic modes. It has a max range of 2,000 meters and an effective range of 1,830 meters. The firing rate can vary from 400 to 600 rounds per minute. This is Bowers first choice of weapon. I was nervous but excited when I got behind the Pvt. Felicia J. Bowers, a native of Shippensburg, Pa., assigned as a petroleum supply specialist for Troop D, 4th Squadron, 7th U.S.Cavalry, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, achieved the title of Top Gun on the.50-cal machine gun at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex April 2. F e m a l e e a r n s t o p h o n o r NEW ARMY PRIVATE DESTROYS THE COMPETITION, NAMED TOP GUN AFTER FIRST QUALIFICATION WITH UNIT Soldiers from 210th Fires Brigade and 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team trigger, said Bowers. I loved the feeling of firing round was complete, the results were in and Bowers help plant 1,500 small pine trees for the annual Arbor Day tree planting event this with weapon, the citizens I loved of Dongducheon every minute April of 5. it. received the news that she was the squadron s Top Because of her skills, Bowers volunteered to Gun. be a gunner. Being named Top Gun means the I was surprised, excited and a little shocked, Soldier is the best and most proficient shooter in the said Bowers. I wasn t going for Top Gun. I was just squadron. It s an honor for a Soldier to receive this having fun and trying to qualify, and not let my crew distinction. down. The qualification included acquiring and engaging Bowers was also surprised to find out she was the stationary and moving targets from moving ve- first female Soldier in her unit to ever get this title. hicles during both day and night. For most Soldiers The fact that she is a female Top Gun, that s not the pressure of qualification is more than enough. a big deal, said Sgt. 1st Class. Vic Tapong, the distribution Bowers had the added worry of her father who was platoon sergeant, with 4th Squadron, 7th ill. U.S. Cav. The fact that she is a private and that it s I remember getting behind the weapon and her first time firing this weapon, that is what makes clearing my mind, said Bowers. I was in the right this special. place at the right time and I remember hitting each Although Bowers didn t initially understand the target. prestige of earning Top Gun, everyone in her unit Bowers didn t let any distraction enter her mind, did. which enabled her to engage and hit each target with When you re in a unit with mostly males, women just one round. don t usually get the opportunities to really show She was in the zone, said Staff Sgt. George W. what they can do, said Staff Sgt. Detrice R. Burriss, Leftridge, a truck commander, with the 4th Squadron, a section sergeant with Troop D. This young Sol- 7th U.S. Cav. She was focused and she just let dier has shown us with dedication, motivation and her training kick in. confidence you can accomplish anything. During the qualification, Bowers said she never Bowers received the Army Commendation knew how well she was doing because she didn t take Medal and a year of bragging rights to be the first her eyes off the target. After the final qualification and only female Top Gun in the squadron. STAFF SGT KYLE RICHARDSON 1ST ABCT PUBLIC AFFAIRS The sounds of the American and South Korean national anthems resonates through the air while played by the Republic of Korea Army s 26th Infantry Division Band marking the beginning of a new chapter in Lion Battalion history. After more than eight years away from the Korean Peninsula, the 23rd Chemical Battalion Lions made their way back to Area I, calling Korea home once again. The Lions officially recognized this homecoming with a re-patch and battalion colors uncasing ceremony held on Camp Stanley April 4. My Soldiers, the Lion Battalion, we are all excited to be back home in the Land of the Morning Calm, said Lt. Col. Sean Crockett, battalion commander. It s something that we knew was Lt. Col. Sean Crockett, commander of the 23rd Chemical Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, and Command Sgt. Maj. Luis Rivera unfurl their battalion colors during a ceremony at Camp Stanley, April 4. The uncasing of the colors symbolizes the unit s pride, history and readiness to take on new challenges in service to their new unit and their nation. (Photo by Sgt. Juan F. Jimenez, 1st ABCT PAO) coming for a while, so I m glad we re back to bring our services to the table again. With 23rd Chemical s history of enforcing the armistice, the unit joins with the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, to reclaims its vital role enhancing the division s assets, increasing its ability to fight tonight and conducting full spectrum operations. Before the Lions were inactivated in 2004, the unit maintained a motto dating back to the Korean War Moong chi ja two joined as one. As U.S., ROK Army and Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army Soldiers stood together on the parade field, they signified the motto. Our main focus here is to build upon the 60-year alliance between the U.S. and the ROK Soldiers, said Sgt. Allen Tracy, an explosive ordnance disposal technician with the 501st Chemical Company (Technical Escort). We have a lot of training coming up so we plan to get to know our ROK counterparts better. Not only did the trip back to Korea mean the unit will get to reconnect with some past acquaintances, but also for some, the trip was even more like home. Being of Korean descent, I think it s cool to be back over here, said Spc. Steven Hong, an Atlantanative and decontamination team member with the 501st Chemical Company. I still have Family over here so I get to see them more often, plus the unit gets to build on past relationships. I m looking forward to doing my job and spending some time with my Family. It doesn t really matter if we re in the States or here, the job stays the same it s all about saving lives and preventing threats. The battalion colors have been unfurled and the welcome mat has been officially placed out front of the headquarters building. The Lion Battalion is open for business as they incorporate Moong chi ja with fight tonight. A TRANSITION IN DIVISION LEADERSHIP Soldiers blast targets with TOW missiles SGT JUAN F. JIMENEZ 1ST ABCT PUBLIC AFFAIRS Approximately 20 Bradley crews from 4th Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, fired wire-guided TOW missiles, scoring hits on targets more than 3,500 meters away at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex April 2. The acronym TOW stands for Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire command-link guided. We have to make sure that our troops stay sharp with their skills, said Lt. Col. Jeffery P. Gottlieb, commander of 4th Squadron, 7th Cav. They have to be capable to destroy enemy armor vehicles, they have to learn how to coordinate their actions on the battlefield and this training gives them confidence in their crew, their equipment and their leaders. Gunneries like this allow Soldiers to maintain their basic skills and remain qualified with their small-arms weapons as well as their heavy weapons. Though TOW gunners do most of their qualification training in simulators, there s nothing like the real thing, said Maj. Michael D. Bejema, operations officer for 4th Squadron, 7th U.S. Cav. On the actual system, for example, the missile may launch a lot slower after the gunner presses the trigger, as opposed to simulator that go a lot faster. It s important for TOW gunners to experience and learn from that and other differences by firing actual TOW missiles, Bejema said. Twenty-three gunners from the squadron fired missiles from Bradley Fighting Vehicle turrets. One of those Soldiers was Spc. Kurt S. Tavares, a Queens, N.Y.,-native who went from being a qualified fitness trainer to being a scout and a TOW gunner in June 2012. It s pretty fun to see this missile fly through the air as it approached its target, said Tavares, who guided his missile to hit a target 3,000 meters away. Being new to the team, he savored the experience of firing a TOW missile for the first time. Yes I was a little nervous, but with the training we received from our NCOs, I guided the missile and destroyed the target, he said. I am confident if we had to do this for real that all the gunners are ready to go. A Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire command-link guided missile is fired by one of the 4th Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, Bradley crews during a certification range at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex April 2. Nearly 20 Bradley crews received the opportunity to certify and fire the TOW missiles. (Photo by Pfc. Kwon Yong-joon, 1st ABCT PAO) The 2nd Infantry Division held a patch ceremony to bid farwell and welcome its general officers May 1 at Camp Red Cloud. Leaving the division are Brig. Gen. J.B. Burton (second from right), the deputy commanding general for maneuver, and Brig. Gen. Darryl Williams (second from left), the deputy commanding general for support. New to the division is Brig. Gen. Paul J. Laughlin (right), the deputy commanding general for maneuver. Laughlin last served as the commandant for the U.S. Army Armor School, Fort Benning, Ga. Burton will go on to command the 20th Support Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., while Williams will serve as the deputy chief of staff G3 for Seventh U.S. Army, Wiesbaden, Germany. (Photo by Pfc. Lee Ji-hwan, 2ID PAO)

6 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 7 2ID HOSTS JOINT TRAINING WITH MARINES STAFF SGT KYLE J. RICHARDSON 1ST ABCT PUBLIC AFFAIRS Thick fog countered the sunshine. Strong winds made the trees on the mountain lean slightly to one side. Artillery rounds fired from several miles away rained down onto the mountainous terrain. Between every ground-shaking boom, thunderous claps of mortar rounds followed. Pilots with the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade cut through the air flying UH-60 Black Hawk and CH- 47 Chinook helicopters carrying the main element of the air assault portion of the joint suppression of enemy air defense mission. The whirl from the helicopters propellers grew louder and drowned out the explosions as they raced to the landing zone at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex. Kicking up dirt and debris in the process, it was hard to see the insertion of Marines from the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, and infantrymen from the 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, onto the range April 5. The 2nd CAB pilots flew away as fast as they flew in, laying down suppressive fire for the ground elements as they took to the air. By the time the air cleared, the Marines and Soldiers were well settled into their fighting positions. The Marines and Soldiers had one joint objective, which was to assault the target on the mountain range. During such suppression of enemy air defenses training missions, multiple services work together to operate almost as one unit. The joint partnership was absolutely seamless between the Army and the Marines, said U.S. Pilots with the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade fly in a formation after inserting teams of Marines from the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, for a suppression of enemy air defense training exercise at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex April 5. 2nd CAB and the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team hosted the training exercise for the Marine unit. Army Lt. Col. Brian Walsh, an Orlando-native and commander of 2nd Battalion (Assault), 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd CAB. We integrated and collaborated on all of the training to get to this point and this combined air assault went off without a hitch. It felt as if we were all from the same unit, he said. It s truly critical to execute joint operations because that s the environment we live in. Although 2nd CAB hosted the air assault portion of the SEAD exercise, the training was part of a 15-month culminating training event for the Marines, said U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Christopher O Connor, commanding officer for the 1st Bn., 3rd Marine Div. The training here is similar to missions we may have to conduct some day, said O Connor. Having the Army here with us is great because the assets that big Army brings has enabled us to do things that we don t regularly get to do. Coming to Korea has been fantastic and it s great to have our brother Army service here with us. The mountainous terrain in Korea adds to the realistic training the unit receives that they cannot receive in Hawaii and Japan. The integrated team advanced toward the objective, moving in a synchronized fashion like a gelled unit showing their hard work and training has paid off. It s all about readiness, said Walsh. We need to be ready at a moment s notice to fight tonight. And with training like this and good execution that kind of preparation gets us to that state. TRAINED AND READY Soldiers from Company A, 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, roll through a simulated chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attack during their combat patrol qualifications at Rodriquez Live Fire Complex. The unit was evaluated on its ability to respond to combat situations. (Photo by Pfc. Kim, Young Gun, 602nd ASB) An opposing force Soldier waits in ambush to deliver a simulated attack against members of the 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, at Rodriquez Live Fire Complex. (Photo by Hector Torres, 602nd ASB) STAFF SGT KYLE J. RICHARDSON 1ST ABCT PUBLIC AFFAIRS On average when Soldiers head out the gate of a military installation, it s after hours and they are getting ready to shop, relax, eat, hangout or go sightseeing. However, Soldiers of the Lion Battalion made their way to the gate earlier in the day in order to lend a helping hand in their community. Soldiers assigned to 23rd Chemical Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, took to the streets of Uijeongbu to show some appreciation to the families and business owners outside the gates of their new home on Camp Stanley April 17. The weather took a break from the typical Korean spring showers and gray skies for one day to help the Soldiers. The sun shone through puffy white clouds as the Lions armed themselves with gardening gloves, trash tongs, bags, rakes, brooms and reflective belts; ready to give the ville a makeover. Today is a great day to be out here, said Master Sgt. Terry Preston, a native of Machias, Maine, the noncommissioned officer in charge for the installation coordination office. We re out here cleaning up the ville, showing the locals that we care and want to make Camp Stanley and the surrounding area a better place to live. This shows that Soldiers are willing to help out even though we re in somebody else s country. In the spirit of spring cleaning, the battalion leaders wanted to do something different than the usual raking,cutting grass, or pulling weeds on post, said Preston. You know we live here too, said Sgt. Quentin Wilkinson, a Raleigh, N.C.- native and hazardous material handler for the 501st Chemical Company (Technical Escort). Everyone out here treats us really well; they re always looking out for the Soldiers. Why wouldn t you want to help the people out here? It s home for the next year, we should want to keep it clean. The neighborhood that surrounds LIONS HELP CLEANUP Camp Stanley s back gate is home to approximately 50 businesses and several hundred residents. Some Korean nationals rolled up their sleeves, pitched in and cleaned up. They also expressed happiness that the Soldiers were taking pride in their community. I see a lot of the same Soldiers every night, said Li Sueng-mi, a Korean family restaurant owner. I enjoy it when the Soldiers come into my business. I m happy to feed them and laugh with them, but it is really good to see them take time from work to help us today. The cleanup effort provided an opportunity for the Soldiers to get to know their neighbors better to help foster better relations with the Uijeongbu community. This is something all Soldiers should do. A lot of times people focus on the negative, said Staff Sgt. Clayton Lam, native of Heidenheim an der Bernz, Germany, a trans-load supervisor, 501st Chem. Company. We re usually out here doing good things and taking care of the community that we re living in. The community helps us a lot so we re returning the favor. Soldiers with the 23rd Chemical Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, cleaned the streets of Uijeongbu to show appreciation to the Korean families outside the gates of Camp Stanley April 17. The Lions cleaned their community with pride. By the end of the day, they collected several truckloads of trash. To celebrate, the Korean business owners and residents rewarded the Soldiers with a Korean style barbeque. Soldiers from Company A, 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, recover a simulated injured comrade after performing medical care at Rodriquez Live Fire Complex. The unit was evaluated on its ability to respond to combat situations. (Photo by Spc. Hector Torres, 602nd ASB) STAFF SGT AARON P. DUNCAN 2ND CAB PUBLIC AFFAIRS A light utility truck maneuvers through a city as its Soldier occupants dressed in tactical gear remain alert and man a variety of weapons that include.50-caliber machine guns and M249 squad automatic weapons. When these Soldiers found themselves on the receiving end of gunshots, they immediately returned fire and quickly moved through the kill zone to reach a safer position. While it may sound like the Soldiers were on patrol in Afghanistan or Iraq, the Soldiers of the 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, were actually at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex. The training was conducted as part of the battalion s combat patrol qualifications April 18-30. CPQ is important because it provides an opportunity to train my combat logistic crews in convoy tactics, gunnery skills and crew coordination, which are tasks that they would be required to perform in order to accomplish their mission, said Lt. Col. James A. Duncan, 602nd ASB commander. The battalion got the chance to do extensive combat patrols that included other Soldiers playing the part of the enemy. In the mock patrols they had to react to various scenarios created to simulate possible combat situations such as a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attack, a vehicle becoming disabled, or even Soldiers that are part of the patrol getting injured or killed. Combat patrols were not the only activities the battalion engaged in while in the field. They also conducted live-fire ranges allowing the Soldiers the opportunity to remain adept firing their weapon. Weapons qualification is important to me because it lets me know how effective I am with a weapon in a real-life scenario, said Pfc. Jake Foxworth, an artillery repairer from Seminary, Miss., assigned to Headquarters Support Company. The more time a Soldier has hands on with a weapon, the more proficient he is with it. The Soldiers who participated in the battalion s CPQ Spc. Ivan Jimenez Rosas, an AH - 64D systems repairer assigned to Company B, 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, qualifies with a mounted MK19 April 27 at Rodriquez Live Fire Complex. (Photo by Sgt. Peter Adams, 602nd ASB) not only received tough realistic training during the field exercise, but also increased their trust in their battle buddies standing to the left and right of them. The training we received at CPQ made us stronger as a team, said Foxworth. I know I am more confident with my unit in a real-life scenario. Running these activities from a tactical operations center is the battalion staff. The commander said this training allows him and his staff to better understand the big picture with all the moving pieces to better direct them if they need to fight tonight. In a resource-constrained environment it is important for units to utilize every training opportunity, said Duncan. In addition to training our combat logistic crews, this exercise allowed me to train my staff on battle-tracking and mission command. When the training concluded, the Soldiers received the mark of approval from their commander, proving once again that not only are they Second to None, but that they are ready to fight tonight to deter aggression on the peninsula.

8 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 9 Members of the 210th Fires Brigade and soldiers of the Republic of Korea Army educate one another on equipment, developing functional knowledge and cooperation skills during a recent visit. THUNDER BUDDIES US AND ROKA FORCES EXCHANGE ARTILLERY CAPABILITIES PFC KIM HAN-BYEOL 210TH FIB PUBLIC AFFAIRS Senior leaders from the Republic of Korea Army headquarters visited 210th Fires Brigade on Camp Casey April 19. Sharing common information makes us understand each other better and then we can plan how to help and support each other, said Maj. James Dayhoff, 210th Fires Bde. operations and plans officer. The meeting allowed the U.S. and ROKA leaders to discuss how both countries capabilities complement and enhance one another, increasing readiness to defend the Republic of Korea. In the spirit of sharing information, U.S. Soldiers prepared equipment displays and explained operations and tactics to the ROKA leaders. We have to understand our ally s capability, so that we can integrate better, said Lt. Col. Jay Gardner, commander of 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment. Especially for air defense, it is important because we have to pass information to each other. Then we can strengthen our combined combat force. The leaders observed the counter-fire equipment of Battery E, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, attached to 6th Bn., 37th FA Regt., and the 333rd Field Artillery Target Acquisition Battery, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment. The brigade Soldiers also explained the role of the U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Control, Communication, and Computer Intelligence system, as well as the strike alert and response systems, such as the Firefinder radar, the Sentinel and the Avenger. The Firefinder radar is used for target acquisition and tracks enemy artillery and rockets. The Sentinel system automatically detects, tracks, identifies, classifies, and reports airborne helicopters, high-speed attack aircrafts, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The Avenger provides mobile and short-range air defense protection. This visit showed how we care about each other s readiness to defend this country, said Sgt. Park Won-jin, from Yongin, a senior Korean Augmentation the U.S. Army soldier assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Battery. We interact continuously to strengthen our combined combat force so we are always ready to fight tonight. Spc. Hailey Wilkins, from Lipel, Ind., assigned to 23rd Chemical Battalion, gains back control against her opponent during the 2nd Infantry Division combatives tournament. GETTING U P C L O S E A N D P E R S O N A L T E A M W O R K T R A I N I N G T O F I G H T T O N I G H T STORY AND PHOTOS BY STAFF SGT. CARLOS R. DAVIS 210TH FIB PUBLIC AFFAIRS While I was sitting in the turret waiting til it was my turn to fire, I just didn t want to mess it up that was the only thing going through my mind. I kept talking to my team chief. She kept motivating me and kept me on the straight and narrow and we knocked it out, said Pfc. Desmon Hayes, from Slidell, La. Hayes and Soldiers from Battery E, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, attached to 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, fired Stinger missiles at flying targets from the M-1097 Avenger Air Defense System and the FIM-92 Stinger launcher to certify their artillery skills at Chulmae Range April 1 to 5 in Daecheon. Soldiers tested their equipment, developed crew cohesion and built confidence in themselves and each other, all while firing live Stinger missiles and working with Republic of Korea soldiers. There is nothing like shooting live ammunition to stay good at what you do, said Col. Tracy Banister, brigade commander. The exercise allowed experienced Soldiers to share their knowledge with the newer Soldiers, said Banister. It feels good to share my experiences with him [Hayes] and get him right on track, said Spc. Emilia Castillo, from El Paso, Texas, an air and missile defense crewmember assigned to Battery E. Korean soldiers understand the sacrifices U.S. Soldiers endure when they are deployed to other countries. You guys probably miss your Family, but you do not lose sight of why you are here, said Cpl. Wong Jaewon, a ROK Army soldier assigned to 2388th Fires Supply Company at Chulmae Range. Although the United States and Republic of Korea are separated by land and sea, their Soldiers share common interests. When we finished up with the training each day we talked with the ROK soldiers, said Spc. Julian Gonzalez, from San Antonio, Texas, and an air and missile defense crewmember assigned to the battery. We played basketball with them and talked with them about the culture and they ask about ours. While at Chulmae Range, the Battery E Soldiers qualified 27 Avenger crews earning their semiannual qualification on the weapon system for their aerial gunnery certification. Banister said they also had a chance to live side-by-side, learn about the Korean culture from their ROK allies and experience a brotherhood that continues to grow strong after more than 60 years. Pvt. Tor Duncan, prepares to fire the FIM-92 Stinger missile while Sgt. Brant Croft spots him. Both Soldiers are air and missile defense crew members from Battery E, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, attached to 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Brigade. Soldiers from Battery E, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, attached to 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Brigade, fire Stinger missiles from the M-1097 Avenger Air Defense System during qualification exercises. 2nd Lt. Cody Harvey, from St. Louis, Mo., an air defense artillery officer assigned to 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, attached to 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Brigade, chokes out his opponent during the 2nd Infantry Division combatives tournament. STORY AND PHOTOS BY STAFF SGT. CARLOS R. DAVIS 210TH FIB PUBLIC AFFAIRS The 2nd Infantry Division combatives tournament was held at Camp Hovey on April 27. More than 50 Soldiers from the division s 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 210th Fires Brigade, and Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion participated in the tournament with hopes of representing the division in the Eighth U.S. Army combatives tournament the following week. Staff Sgt. Glenn Garrison, from Woodland Park, Colo., a multiple launch rocket system crewmember assigned to Battery C, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Bde., jumped at the opportunity to compete. It wasn t a hard decision to make once I heard about it, said Garrison. This is something I like, something I enjoy doing. According to Garrison, combatives is a skill every Soldier should have tucked away in their tool kit. Everyone has been to the range and everyone has had their weapon jam on them, said Garrison. If those malfunctions happen and the enemy is close enough to a Soldier, the Soldier needs to know what to do to stay alive. T O U R N A M E N T R E S U L T S 2 I D C H A M P I O N S F L Y W E I G H T - S G T. D A V I D T A K A H A S H I, 2 N D C O M B A T A V I A T I O N B R I G A D E L I G H T W E I G H T - 1 S T L T. J O N A T H A N J O R D A N, 2 N D C O M B A T A V I A T I O N B R I G A D E W E L T E R W E I G H T - S T A F F S G T. G L E N G A R R I S O N, 2 1 0 T H F I R E S B R I G A D E M I D D L E W E I G H T - S P C. L L O Y D G R A Y, 1 S T A R M O R E D B R I G A D E C O M B A T T E A M C R U I S E R W E I G H T - P F C. Z A C H A R Y M U L L I N S, HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS BATTALION L T. H E A V Y W E I G H T - P V T. E N D H Y R M E Z A, 1 S T A R M O R E D B R I G A D E C O M B A T T E A M H E A V Y W E I G H T - S G T. B E C H E L C R E W, 2 1 0 T H F I R E S B R I G A D E 8 T H A R M Y P L A C E W I N N E R S F L Y W E I G H T - S G T. D A V I D T A K A H A S H I, 2 N D C O M B A T A V I A T I O N B R I G A D E ( 3 R D P L A C E ) L I G H T W E I G H T - 1 S T L T. J O N A T H A N J O R D A N, 2 N D C O M B A T A V I A T I O N B R I G A D E ( C H A M P I O N ) W E L T E R W E I G H T - S T A F F S G T. G L E N G A R R I S O N, 2 1 0 T H F I R E S B R I G A D E ( C H A M P I O N ) M I D D L E W E I G H T - S P C. L L O Y D G R A Y, 1 S T A R M O R E D B R I A D E C O M B A T T E A M ( C H A M P I O N ) L T. H E A V Y W E I G H T - P V T. E N D H Y R M E Z A, 1 S T A R M O R E D B R I G A D E C O M B A T T E A M ( C H A M P I O N ) SOLDIERS WERE COACHED BY STAFF SGT. TIMOTHY VENDITTI, HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS BATTALION

10 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 11 T E E N A G E A M B A S S A D O R S L E A R N V A L U E, F I N D C U L T U R E L I V I N G O V E R S E A S (From back row left) Michael Peden, Brittany Lonergan, William Steele and Emily Banister pose with a group of younger students at the International Christian School in Uijeongbu. STAFF SGT CARLOS R. DAVIS 210TH FIB PUBLIC AFFAIRS Asking teenagers to pack up their belongings and move approximately 7,000 miles away from their friends, their home, their basketball team and their school is asking a lot. Most military dependents choose to stay in America and not embark on the journey with their military Family member to a different country. Those who do decide to live in another country have their eyes opened to a wonderful experience one that would probably change their lives forever. I have learned a lot from coming to Korea, said William Steele, 16, from Naples, Fla., son of Maj. Shawn Steele, the 2nd Infantry Division plans officer. I wasn t going to come to Korea at first. I wanted to stay in Kansas because I had a pretty good basketball team I was associated with there. It was pretty promising where I was at, but sometimes a person is not in control of what happens. One benefit of living overseas is being able to attend an international school. Some American students who attend an international school find it gratifying. It is very challenging but [a] rewarding experience, because Americans come into a situation like this and they cannot act as if they are in an American school, said Emily Banister, 15, daughter of Col. Tracy P. Banister the commander of the 210th Fires Brigade, a student at the International Christian School in Uijeongbu. The kids here have a completely different culture, so it is definitely a challenge. Attending a school outside a military base provides U.S. dependents a chance to be ambassadors, to reshape views of the young population who might be scared of the American Soldiers who work behind high walls with barbed wire on top. ICS was founded in 1983 by Joe Hale, when there was no school option for dependents who were stationed in Korea with their parents. So the founder started the school expecting around 20 to 30 kids, but 70 kids showed up to the school, said Rex Freel, the director of the International Christian School. Now there are four schools on the peninsula, with approximately 270 students attending. We have kids that are from all over the world; 19 different countries are represented here, said Freel. So they are bringing in 19 different cultures. Michael Peden, 15, from Cunningham, Tenn., son of Camp Casey Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Alexander Peden, thinks it is a great opportunity that provides different views of the world. Students who attend ICS not only get to interact with students from different countries everyday in school, they also get to travel to different countries. I feel really good that the school takes trips to other countries that are much less fortunate than a place like South Korea or America, said Steele. The students take part in social outreach and assistance programs on their trips abroad. Their efforts range from providing dental assistance to leading Bible discussions. Freel said they were even able to raise money to help purchase motorcycles to assist with local transportation. It was amazing, said Emily. Just coming to the school and learning all of the values they teach and to be able to put them into motion [ ] was amazing. Steele said he really enjoyed the trip to the Philippines mainly because of how the locals accepted them. We would be walking in the streets and a group of kids would run up to us, ask where we were from and our names, Steele said. They really enjoy other people from different countries coming to visit. They were really kind and they made us feel welcome. It was a very warm environment. While the students take away positive impressions from their visits, they also leave behind their own unique imprint in international communities. By accepting the challenge and stepping out of their comfort zones, they are able to build cultural understanding that represents the U.S. and military Families. It has opened my eyes to the amazing things you can find on the other side of the world, Emily said. While these kids are attending school outside of the U.S. and interacting with other cultures, they are the representatives for the American people. They are standing side-by-side with the next generation of leaders and building relationships for years to come. STEM Humphreys American School first grader, Adrian Torress, sits in the cockpit of a UH-60 Black Hawk during a visit to Desiderio Army Airfield on Camp Humphreys April 23. PROGRAM HELPS DEVELOP STUDENT INTEREST IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS CAPT PATRICK MORGAN 2ND CAB PUBLIC AFFAIRS At first glance you would think you were just witnessing child s play, but further examination leads you to see it is something more. On April 23, more than 180 students visited Desiderio Army Airfield to get hands-on experience with Army helicopters. Aviation units assigned to 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade partnered with Camp Humphreys American School to help celebrate the annual study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics week activities. The program allows students to explore new ideas and possible career paths related to [these subjects], said Amira Ammari, a Camp Humphreys American School kindergarten teacher and STEM coordinator. It also provides students a new way to look at technology and education. The week-long celebration included learning about earthworms, creating balloon-powered race cars and attending a STEM pep rally. This program engages students of diverse backgrounds, genders, abilities and experiences at all grade levels to yearn to learn from an integrated perspective across all disciplines. There are other aspects to the program the school would like to implement to add new learning for the children to explore. We are looking forward to expanding the STEM program by adding [an] arts portion to it here in Korea next year to target different types of learners, said Ammari. During the trip to the airfield, students got an up close and personal experience with AH-64 Apache, UH-60 Black Hawk and the CH-47 Chinook helicopters. Most kids here on Humphreys who have parents that fly helicopters know a little about the aircraft but STEM gives them a new way of looking at that piece of technology in combination with education, said Ammari. The favorite helicopter for the kids turned out to be the Chinook for the simplest of reasons they all could fit in it together as a class. I really enjoyed coming to the airfield to see the helicopters, said Adrian Torres, a first grader at Camp Humphreys American School. I was so excited to sit in the helicopter and [take the controls]. That was so really awesome, and I hope one day that I can become a Black Hawk pilot. SURE START PROGRAM TEACHES EDUCATION EARLY TO MILITARY CHILDREN SGT ANGE DESINOR 2ID PUBLIC AFFAIRS For some, the crisp sound of children singing along, clapping to a familiar tune and dancing in a learning environment is a joyful way to start a morning. The innocence of children and their way of absorbing education can make programs worth sending children to. The Sure Start program, which is similar to Head Start in the States, is an early education program for Families with 4-year-olds in the Camp Casey area community. The overall goal of the program is designed to teach children the basics before starting kindergarten. My kids can say hello in English, Spanish and in the Korean language, said Diane Jones, a Sure Start teacher on Camp Casey. My class specifically, can count up to 100, they can count by fives up to 100 and they can write their names. They are also writing sentences with capitals, spaces and periods at the end of the sentence. We also have a feel of the local community in our class. Other than just registering for the program, Sure Start views parent participation as fundamental to the success of the program. Parents must agree to volunteer their time as a prerequisite to their child s enrollment. I really like how my son comes home every day and tells me that he learned something new, said Shalin Candelari a teacher at the Camp Casey Child Development Center, whose son is enrolled in the program. He s also learning how to read, which is very good since he hasn t started kindergarten yet. Parents of enrolled children are required to volunteer at least 30 hours of their time. Also, in two-parent Families both are expected to contribute their time equally. I enjoy volunteering and actually seeing how the program runs and how beneficial my participation is, said Candelari. Jones passion for making a difference in the lives of the children makes her job a lot easier. I love what I do, said Jones. Helping and providing opportunities to the children will prepare them for kindergarten. Parents of the children also have to meet certain qualifications to enroll their children in this program. Priority is given to children whose sponsor s rank is in the E1 through E4, General Schedule 1 through 4 or Non-Appropriated Fund 1 or 2 range who are living and working at military installations overseas. If a sponsor s rank is E5, GS5 or NAF3 and higher, they may also apply for the program, but without any priority consideration. All Sure Start students must be command sponsored. For more information, call Tyler Tescher, Sure Start director, at 738-5237 or visit Diane Jones, the classroom teacher, reads a story to Sure Start children on Camp Casey.

12 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 13 EFMB DMZ ON THE STAFF SGT CARLOS DAVIS 210TH FIB PUBLIC AFFAIRS PHOTOS BY PAK CHIN-U 2ID PUBLIC AFFAIRS With one of the most prestigious Army skill badges on the line, medics from across the peninsula arrived at Warrior Base to see if they have what it takes to secure their place among the few. Three hundred and Soldiers from across the Korean Peninsula competed for the Expert Field Medical Badge during the EFMB on the DMZ course April 21 - May 15. Due to the large number of candidates taking the test, the Soldiers were split into two 10-day cycles. Each cycle ensured the Soldiers had time to practice each skill before taking the four-day test. This is the most coveted badge in the Army, said Sgt. 1st Class Todd Huidekoper, from Hampton, N.H. It is one of the toughest ones to get. To earn the badge, candidates must pass 11 of 14 tasks for tactical combat casualty care, eight of 10 tasks for evacuation of the sick and wounded, 10 of 13 basic warrior skill tasks, four of five communication tasks, take a comprehensive written examination, find three of four points during the land navigation course, and complete a 12-mile foot march. All of these events are timed. Huidekoper, the senior medic assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 210th Fires Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, prepared intense training for his Soldiers to qualify for this badge. We trained very long and hard over the last three months prior to coming out here, Huidekoper stated. 210th Fires Bde. started the first cycle with 14 Soldiers and two Soldiers were able to complete the training and receive the EFMB. Maj. Johnpaul Kelly, from Breezy Point, N.Y., the support operations officer assigned to 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion and officer in charge for this training, said two out of 10 Soldiers who attend the training successfully complete it. Of the original 323 medics who went to Warrior Base to compete for the badge, only 81 remained after the completion of the EFMB testing, Kelly added. It feels good to still be a part of the competition this far along day three of the four day training cycle, said Pvt. Reagan P. Holley, from Ennis, Texas, assigned to HHB, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Fires Bde. It shows that the training we conducted as a unit, before we came here, really worked. Successfully earning the EFMB is a major accomplishment for the Soldiers. It means that I am prepared for any medical situation, said Huidekoper. Because it covers a lot of various different things beside your basic medical tasks, like your warrior skills; it means that I am an all around, complete and confident Soldier. The EFMB was created in June 1965 as a Department of the Army special skill award to recognize exceptional competence and outstanding performance by field medical Soldiers. Medics testing for the EFMB are to perform several battlefield tasks, including patient assessment...... responding to enemy fire... The Expert Field Medical Badge is awarded only to those Soldiers who are able to display thorough Soldier and medical competencies under a wide variety of battlefield conditions. Since there so many participants competing for the Expert Field Medical Badge, they were split into two 10day cycles. THE EFMB WAS AWARDED TO THE FOLLOWING 2ND INFANTRY DIVISION SOLDIERS: 1ST ABCT CAPT. ADHANA MCCARTHY 1ST LT. NATHANIEL SHEEHAN 2ND LT. BRENNA GOODMAN 2ND LT. THEOPHILUS LITTLE 2ND LT. MATTHEW SELBY 2ND LT. RYAN ZIMMERMAN SGT. TIMOTHY CONNOR SGT. SIDNEY PIRTLE CPL. LEE KANG-YONG SPC. ZANE BEACH SPC. DION BROWN SPC. GEORGE DELGADILLO SPC. MICHAEL RADOVANIC SPC. DELANI SIMMONS PFC. ANDREW HARADA PFC. MATTHEW MATTHEW PFC. ALEX STAMM PFC. ROBINEDWARD VELASCO PVT. JESSE CASTENS PVT. JAE LEE PVT. ALEXIS MICLAT PVT. TYLER TWIGG 323 Soldiers competed for the Expert Field Medical Badge, but only about 25 percent of them earned the badge. 2ND CAB 1ST LT. CLAYTON EMRICH SPC. NATHAN CUTRELL 1ST LT. GARRETT KUIPERS PFC. ARRON SATER CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 2 KYLE HARTMAN 210 FIB MAJ. PATRICK WALSH 1ST LT. DENNIS KIM SPC. BLAKELY PITTMAN PFC. CHRISTOPHER SERNA PVT. REAGAN HOLLEY PVT. DOUGLAS WHITLEY There were 14 Soldiers from the 210th Fires Brigade in the competition; two of them earned the honor of wearing the Expert Field Medical Badge. During the three-day testing period candidates must excel in tactical combat casualty care tasks, evacuation tasks, basic warrior skill tasks and communication tasks. In addition, they must qualify in the written examination, land navigation and a 12-mile foot march.... and evacuating Soldiers. Often, these tasks must be performed in rapid succession, or even simultaneously.

14 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 15 G E T T I N G A H E A D S T A R T 2 I D S T R E N G T H E N S C U L T U R A L T I E S T H R O U G H R O K - U S C U L T U R E P R O G R A M S SGT ANGE DESINOR 2ID PUBLIC AFFAIRS Far away from home, in an ancient place with minds eager to learn a new culture curiosity strikes new faces. Approximately 40 Soldiers attended the first Area I 2nd Infantry Division Korean Head Start Program opening ceremony at Shineheung College University in Uijeongbu May 4. Although the program originated in 2006 between Eighth Army and Pyeontaek University, this is the first time the Soldiers in Area I have participated in it. The goal of this program is to enhance the cultural understanding of Army Soldiers by learning about the Korean language, culture and history, said Dr. Kim Byung-ok, president of Shinheung College. The program is intended to cultivate a better understanding of Korea to reduce incidents or conflicts by cultural awareness. Every working Wednesday to Friday until Dec. 7, the participating division Soldiers will attend Head Start classes in Shineheung College or Kyungmin College. The program is taught in English by the school s professors, the course starts with an introduction to Korea, taught through videos and lectures. Also, through the program, the Soldiers will learn Korean history, how the Korean government works, experience the local life and culture, and basics of the Korean language. I think this program will be great, said Pvt. Paul Ignacio, assigned to Troop A, 4th Battalion, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team. I don t know the culture that well so this will help me communicate better with the [Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army Soldiers], and the communities. Local officials agree and support the program because it is in the best interest of the Soldiers. That way they can learn to adjust to culture shock or how to conduct themselves in public. Regardless of their ranks, U.S. servicemembers who came to Korea for the first time can benefit tremendously from Soldiers and Korean national attend an opening ceremony of the Head Start Program at Shinheung College in Uijeongbu May 14. (Photos by Kim Seung-nam, 2ID PAO) language and culture lessons more than anything else, said Jason Suh, a liaison with the Civil-Military Cooperation Division at Gyeonggi Province Office. I can t think of a better way for them than this type of government-sponsored program where university professors and instructors teach Korean language, culture and history to U.S. Soldiers. This unique program will benefit the Soldiers. I am glad that 2ID Soldiers are given this opportunity to learn the Korean language, culture and history because many of you came to Korea for the first time, said Lee Han-kyu, director general, Planning and Administration Office, Gyeonggi Province. I am also confident that your assignment in Korea will be memorable and positive as you become exposed to interesting sides of Korean culture that many Americans have never experienced before. The program is offered at no cost to the Soldiers. To attend the program, a unit recommendation is required. The program is also available at Kyungmin College in Area I and at Pyeongtaek College in Area III. For more information, in Area I call Kim Chong-uk, community relations officer at 732-6204. For Area III, call Kim Kwan-hong, community relations officer at 753-6464. 2ID SOLDIERS EXPERIENCE KOREAN CULTURE MAJ JUNEL JEFFREY 2ID PUBLIC AFFAIRS More than 70 2nd Infantry Division Soldiers and Family members were provided the opportunity to attend two Korean culture tours April 30 to May 3 as a component of the ongoing partnership between the United States and the Republic of Korea. These are two of the many events sponsored by the Gyeonggi Provincial Office throughout the year to help welcome and integrate 2nd Inf. Div. Soldiers and Families. These two free tours included all admission prices, flights, lodging and meals. We want to support Soldiers while they re stationed in Korea and help build a stronger relationship between U.S. Forces Korea and [the citizens of Gyeonggi Province], said Lee Kang-hee, the director of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office Military Cooperation Division. The first was a three-day trip April 30 to May 2 for more than 40 division Soldiers to Jeju Island, a popular island tourist destination in Korea. After the short flight from Seoul, the 2nd Inf. Div. Soldiers enjoyed a boat tour of the volcanic island; visited the Museum of War, History and Peace, which included a tour of a restored Japanese bunker deep in the rocky hillside; and even shopped for high-quality tea products and baked goods at the Osculloc Museum, an outlet for one of the premier manufacturers of tea in Korea. I loved the tour, said Pfc. Mickenley Bush, with Company A, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, who participated in the event. It was a different side of Korean culture. Kapshi Kapshida We go together! The second trip was held May 3 for more than 30 Soldiers and their Families in the Gyeonggi Province area. The day s activities included a tour of the Gyeongbokgung Palace located in northern Seoul; a visit to Seoul Tower, the highest point in Seoul; and an opportunity for some shopping and meals at two local Korean restaurants. Participants also enjoyed the Cookin Nanta show, which incorporates acrobatics, magic tricks, comedy, pantomime, traditional samul nori and audience participation into a first-class theatrical experience. 2nd Infantry Division Soldiers visit the Yakcheonsa Temple as part of a retreat to Jeju Island sponsered by Gyeonggi Province. (Photo by Sgt. Levi Spellman, 2ID PAO) I have experience with past tours, but this is my first tour in Uijeongbu, said Capt. Benjamin Ahn, chaplain of Headquarters Support Company, HHBN. I recommend that Soldiers and their Families take advantage of opportunities to explore Korea. The 2nd Inf. Div. is committed to building strong relationships with the communities surrounding its garrisons and units. We appreciate the generous support of our friends and neighbors in the community to welcome our new Soldiers and families to Korea, said Lt. Col. Joe Scrocca, the 2nd Inf. Div. spokesman. All 2ID Soldiers and Family members are U.S. Ambassadors to Korea and cultural awareness is essential to understanding and accomplishing our mission here. Nowhere else in the world will you see an alliance like this one I am proud to be part of it. Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Cowan and 2nd Lt. Thomas Risi demonstrate how to properly wear the face mask at the Camp Casey paintball course. ROCKIN THE ROK T STAFF SGT KYLE RICHARDSON 1ST ABCT PUBLIC AFFAIRS Hunkered down tight, you look over to your battle buddy on your right. You give him the signal that you re ready to move. He lays down suppressive fire while you roll to the left. Suddenly, you re met with a colorful blaze of fire by the opposing force. The sounds of hollow-whistling thumps whizz by you and splatter a nearby wall. You move for cover pumping out rounds thump, thump, thump in successive fire. Splat, splat, splat multi-colored flashes burst in front you. Before you can make it to cover, you re coated with more paint than a paint-by-numbers kit. As the seasons transition from winter to spring, the Area I Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation office transitions from using the indoor paintball course on Camp Mobile to the outdoor course behind the Casey Community Activity Center on Camp Casey. A L E S F R O M L E I S U R E S F R O N T L I N E S O N T H E K O R E A N P E N I N S U L A Families, Soldiers or units can occupy the paintball course for training purposes, some good old-fashion leisurely fun or even battle it out like new-age gladiators. A group of Soldiers and their leadership from 1st Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, already took advantage of this season s opening with a little reactto-contact training, followed by a few rounds of capture the flag. Training on the paintball course provides that element of realism, said 2nd Lt. Thomas Risi, a Massapequa, N.Y.-native, and a platoon leader for Headquarters and Headquarters Company. Being on the ground with paintballs whizzing by makes you think more. You react faster to events as they happen. The paintball field is setup with multiple inflatable objects to hide behind, varying in shape and size. The course also offers four standing structures with rooms. Units can use these structures to practice room clearing procedures or setup ambushes. It makes me feel good to know that my Soldiers are enjoying themselves and learning, said Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Cowan, a Michigan City, Ind.-native, and a platoon sergeant with HHC. The paintball course also makes for great team building. This is the kind of stuff that helps to build cohesion and morale. Plus with this kind of training, you learn how to react when something is coming at you opposed to just using blank adapters with no projectiles. Units or groups can bring as many people as they want; however, only 20 people are allowed on the field at one time. Children 16 and under are not allowed to run scenarios unless supervised by at least one parent. In addition, for children s safety, the pressure of the paintball gun will be reduced to less than 250 fps. Those skilled in the art of paintballing are allowed to bring their own equipment. The FMWR staff will set the guns pressure to meet the safety standards of 270 fps. Throughout the week, units can call to reserve the paintball course. On the weekends, the course is open to everyone for various matches. The course is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 730-6187. Group discount rates are offered. Individual play is $55. Special to the INDIANHEAD: Spouses Column JESSAI CANADAY WARRIOR COUNTRY SPOUSE Outlet shopping is a fun way to spend a weekend. In the States it is popular to hop in the car, drive to a good outlet location and spend the day getting good deals on favorite brands. Guess what? You can do it in Korea too. If you are looking for good deals on kids, sport, outdoor or fashion clothing I have a spot you need to check out in Area I. Want to spend a whole day shopping? There is a perfect place south of Pocheon and east of Yangju off 43. It is a little out of the away but it is well worth the trip because of the large mix of shopping and outlets. I arrived by car and parked in the Uni Qlo store s parking lot. The chain is similar to Gap or Old Navy with a wide variety of affordable casual clothing. The prices are what you would expect in the states. This Japanese based store offers American style dressing rooms so you can try items on before you buy. Bean Pole Outdoor is located next to the Uni Qlo. This brand is a high end line, the Outdoor addition is the line s sporty version. They have nice golfing, camping and hiking fashions for the entire family. Their prices are high but the quality of items is comparable to LL Bean or J Crew. From this parking lot you can see many of the other stores and outlets to help you plan your move to your next destination by foot. Across the street you will see many outlets, the main one is called The Eco Outlet. This large outdoor venue has North Face, Fila Sport, Kolping, Jeep, Polo, Levis, Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch stores and more. They are all organized clearly. Folks working in the stores will speak English the best that they can with you. This outlet will take you about two hours or more to look through. When you are done you can walk further down the street to the conjoining stores and outlets. There is a K2, Disney and Center Pole for starters. This large area will take time to explore. If you have kids with you bring a stroller and entertainment as there is not a play place for them to enjoy and they will need to stick with you. Also bring a lunch if you have picky eaters, there are a few sit down restaurants but choices are limited. If a big shopping day trip is not what you re looking for, there are also outlets off Route 3 the Orange Outlet and V Plus are both south of Dongducheon. The Outlet Shopping in Korea Orange Outlet is the smallest of the two consisting of about six stores including brands like Nike, Adidas, and Tommy Hilfiger. V Plus is more of a three story mall which appears small in the front but has an outside portion where there are established outlet stores with room to grow. Remember outlets always have good deals but some will have better prices at certain times of the year than others. In the States for example there are usually great summer sales and back to school deals. Try shopping around common Korean gifting times or when the seasons change. Find the shops with competitive sales encouraging shoppers to purchase. To get to the outlet malls in south of Pocheon, east of Yangju by bus, go to the terminal located at Lotte Mart by Jihange Station. From there take bus 57 south toward Idonggyo-4ri 미톰교 4 리. To get there by car take Route 364 toward Pocheon stay to the right at the major fork in the road. Take 43 south until you pass the Home Plus on the right and keep your eyes open for the outlets. Editor s note: The information in this column is the personal opinion of the author and does not constitute an endorsement by the 2nd Infantry Division or the United States Army.

16 The Indianhead MAY 28, 2013 17 My Korea, My Life A brief insight into Soldiers, Civilians and Family members in Warrior Country My name: Staff Sgt. Antonio O. Lewis and I am from Birmingham, Ala. What is your job? I work as a CH-47 Chinook repairer and standardization instructor for Company B, 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade. What do you like about Korea? When I first got here I didn t have a car because I am not command sponsored but that wasn t a problem because they have such great public transportation. It is a lot better than the States. What do you miss the most from America? I miss my Family the most. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully a sergeant first class and stationed in Germany. If you had one superpower, what would it be? I think it would be a shape shifter so I could change into whatever I wanted to. What is your favorite video game? Need for Speed: Most wanted. MOS 11B - Infantryman What is your most memorable experience since being assigned to Korea? Me, my wife and my daughter went up a mountain, and another time we went to the beach and hiked as a Family. It was really nice. What is next for you after here? I am about six months out and so far my branch manager has given me two options: Fort Rucker, Ala., or Hawaii. I would rather go to Hawaii. What is your advice for Soldiers just getting here? If it is a first term Soldier, I would definitely tell them to keep with the guys who have been here for awhile and don t go out by yourself. You should do some research on where you are going before you go. Do you have a story to tell? If you would like to share your experiences in Korea with the division, please contact your public affairs office. CPL KIM HAN-BYEOL 210TH FIB PUBLIC AFFAIRS Not many Soldiers can say they do a truly unusual job. Every morning Pvt. Anthony Laise, a native of Carlinville, Ill., watches a giant North Korean flag hoisted up high waving in the wind and observes North Korean villages. When it comes to working in the demilitarized zone, looking at North Korean guards is a normal part of the job. Working in the Joint Security Area is unique, said Laise. It s different than a traditional infantry unit. Although Laise wakes up every morning, conducts PT and eats breakfast in the dining facility like normal Soldiers do, he does something very different after 9 a.m. We get ready if we have any tours coming in, depending on what time you have a tour. Or cover down on other things, if we are doing personal security, said Laise, an infantryman assigned to the Security Battalion, Joint Security Area. Laise leads a DMZ tour twice a day. He shows military visitors and tourists, places like Freedom House in the Joint Security Area and the Mac Conference Room. For Soldiers who have never experienced Korea, he recommends coming to Korea and actually going on a tour to learn why the Army is here. The JSA is Laise s first duty assignment. He said it is hard work, but he also enjoys his free time on the weekends with his friends, including Republic of Korea soldiers. It s a great opportunity to work with ROK soldiers, especially the security platoon, on a daily basis, conducting tours for visitors, said Laise. Kickstart program The AFCT Kickstart program is a product of Area I education centers and the University of Maryland University College. Soldiers can enroll in college math and English courses with books loaned from the education center and all application fees waived. For more information, contact your local education centers: CRC Education Center, Building S-58 Byron Johnston, 732-7015 Camp Casey Education Center, Building 1747 Carroll Chapman, 730-1802 Camps Hovey or Stanley Education Center, Building 3754 Kristi Noceda, 730-5252 Camp Humphreys Education Center, Building S-3000 Shin Hwa-joo, 753-8906 Education centers are open Mondays- Fridays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Army s 238th Birthday Come out to the Village Green, Camp Red Cloud, June 14th to celebrate the Army s Birthday. Events start at 5 p.m. with birthday cake cutting at 6 p.m. Stay for live music featuring U.S. and ROK Military Bands and the K-pop concert. The event is open to everyone. For more information, call 732-7417 Family Life University The 2nd Infantry Division chaplains are Across 1. Live up to Army values. 5. Some 8. Fulfill your obligations. 12. They can be inflated 13. Acronym for a common approach to computer network security 14. Greek consonant W A R R I O R N E W S B R I E F S holding spiritual resiliency seminars for spouses to build communication, Soldiers preparing for marriage and marriage seminars: First Tuesday of every month premarital seminar at West Casey Chapel providing morning and afternoon sessions. Second Tuesday of every month premartal seminar at Freedom Chapel Camp Humphreys providing morning and afternoon sessions. Third Tuesday of every month marriage training seminar at West Casey Chapel providing morning and afternoon sessions. Fourth Tuesday of every month military spouse seminar at West Casey Chapel providing morning and afternoon sessions. Refreshments and limited childcare will be provided. For more information, call 732-7469. Virus alert When you suspect a virus on your computer, unplug the network cable (the one on the back of the system that looks like a big phone cable) and DO NOT POWER OFF or UNPLUG your power cable!!!! Then contact the IMO. Put a note or a piece of paper on the monitor of the system stating not to use it!!! Wait for further instructions. Thrift Savings Plan changes Thrift Saving Plan now offers ROTH WARRIOR CROSSWORD 15. Baseball stat 16. A small Belgian town in Antwerp 18. Big, Calif. 19. Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral). 25. Black shade 26. Mary Kay rival 28. Pub fixture 29. Do what s right, legally and morally. 34. Scorch 36. A weak attempt at a come back, in an argument 37. Locks: The locks between Lake Superior and the lower Great Lakes 38. Treat people as they should be treated. 40. Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. 42. Caribou kin 43. Pa s counterpart 44. Gambling mecca 45. The channel you will tune into for Shark Week 49. If you grew up during the 1980 s you might have worn them on your feet. 50. Pelvic parts 51. Alternative to a fade 53. Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates before your own. 60. Bard s before 61. told you so! 62. Common conjunction 63. Compass heading 64. Young fellow 65. Ruckuses 66. Call to attention TSP after-tax contributions. For more information, visit www.dfas. mil/militarymembers/rothtspformilitary. html. Girl Scouts The Camp Humphreys Girl Scouts are looking for volunteers for the following positions: leaders and co-leaders for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors. Admin positions include: secretary, event planner, web page manager, overseas chair and overseas co-chairs. No experience needed. For more information, email DFAS mypay MyPay is the online pay management system for payroll customers of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Users are required to change their passwords every 60 days, using 15 to 30 characters. For more information, visit http://www. Hangul Facebook page As we strive to embody the Katchi Kapshida mindset, the 2nd Infantry Division wants to share those stories with our Korean allies. We are proud to announce our new Hangul Facebook page. Please visit and share with friends and family at pages/ 주한미군 - 제 2- 보병사단 - 67. Castaway s home 68. Young salmon Down 1. Dickens s Uriah 2. Shrek, for one 3. A regional Brazilian airline 4. Windows Vista, eg. 5. A chronicler of events, especially yearly ones; historian. 6. Get-out-of-jail money 7. Brand name of an electric Zamboni machine 9. Celestial bear 10. Hoodlum 11. Long ago 17. An eager reply of acceptance 20. Line of cliffs 21. An acrobatic basketball assist near the goal, Alley- 22. An element needed for salt 23. Guamanian s first choice for higher ed. 24. What you might need a little of during a deployment 27. Having acres of land 28. Duties 30. The opposite of yes 31. British 32. NPR radio program 2nd-Infantry-Division-Koreanver/318145054942383?fref=pb. Veteran employment resources The DoD has established a special website to help provide veterans with all the resources they need during their employment search. For more information, please visit features/2012/0712 _vetemployment/ Flea markets The Dongducheon Tourism District hosts flea markets at the Korean-American Cultural Plaza in Bosan-dong (near the civil-military operations box next to Bosan station) on the third Saturday of every month. This is a unique chance for you to sell and buy goods, meet local citizens or just get out and browse. For those looking to browse, you need only show up. The flea market is open at 11 a.m. For those looking to sell, follow these steps: Pre-register over the phone the day before the market by calling 031-857-3077 or register in person the day of the flea market at 9:30 a.m. Keep in mind that this is strictly a personal sale venue, like a yard sale, and no commercial or home business products are allowed. The items for sale must be registered. After the market closes, you can either take back your goods or donate it. 33. Goes up and down 35. Prefix with pad 39. Tailless South American rodent 40. Place out of the way 41. James Bond s Alias in The Word is Not Enough, Dr. Mikhail 43. Bean 46. Where you go to DX your gear. 47. How Yoda would text that he thought something was funny 48. Stands for things 49. It s c-c-cold! 52. Iron 53. Slip through the cracks 54. Sea eagles 55. Wranglers alternative 56. Navy commando 57. Prefix with China 58. Not nerdy 59. Once, long ago 65. Usually daylight hours Designed by Master Sgt. Jason Baker, 2nd Infantry Division Information Operations The answers to April s crossword puzzle are on the 2nd Infantry Division official Facebook page.

7 종합 인디언헤드 2013년 5월 28일 인디언헤드는 사랑을 싣고 이번 호의 주인공은 미2사단 사단본부중대 서 도성 일병과 여자친구 이가원 양입니다. <인디언헤드는 사랑을 싣고>는 여러분의 참여 로 이루어집니다. 게재를 바라시는 분은 미 2사 단 공보처 이지환 일병 또는 732-9518로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 사랑하는 도성이에게 도성아, 안녕? 나야ㅎ 꽤 오랜만에 쓰는 편지인것 같은데, 맞지? 우선 요번 월요일에 있었던 우리 500 일을 축하합니다!!ㅎ 크리스마스 이브에 자기를 군 대에 보내고, 그 이후로 500일은 언제쯤오려나 학 수고대했는데 어느새 시간이 훌쩍 지나서 벌써 500 일을 넘겼네. 자기가 군대 갔을 때 기간을 돌이켜보 면 역시나 논산 훈련소에 보냈을 때가 제일 힘들었 던것 같아. (자기도 이 시절이 가장 힘들었지?) 군대 보내면 짝사랑하는 것과 마찬가지라는 말이 나에게 는 큰 도움이 된 것 같아. 자기를 못보는 것뿐만 아니 라 연락 조차 할 수 없으니 하루하루가 참 힘들었었 어. 하지만 자기가 시간 날 때마다 희미한 불빛 비춰 가며 써준 편지 덕분에 내가 이쁘게 기다릴수 있었던 것 같아. 앞으로도 제대는 한참이나 남아있지만 둘 이서 이쁘게 시간 보내면서 행복한 추억 많이 쌓자 우리 학교가 축제인데도 불구하고 우리 과는 시 험이라서 자기랑 제대로 축제 분위기를 내면서 놀지 못한게 많이 아쉽고 미안해. 자기 나름대로 늘 내가 힘들지 않도록 배려해주고 노력해주는거 알아. 나도 시험 투정 덜 부리고, 자기의 힘든 군대생활 이해하도 록 더 노력할게. 주변에서 오랜 기간동안 연애를 쭉 해오는 커플을 보면 늘 부러워. 우리도 이제 꽤 오랜 연애기간을 지냈다 할 수 있는데 앞으로도 신뢰와 사 랑을 바탕으로 서로를 배려하며 행복한 시간 보내자. 내가 자기의 힘든 군대 생활에서 활력소가 되어서 기쁘고, 또 자기의 가장 가까이 곁에서 자기에게 힘을 불어넣어 줄 수 있는 존재라서도 또 기뻐. 늘 변치않 고 힘들 땐 쉬어 갈 수 있는 나무가 되어줄게. 한 점에 서 접하는 두 직선은 만남이후에 언젠가는 영영 멀어 지지만. 우리는 근접하지만 수평한 두 직선으로 같은 곳을 바라보며 언제나 함께 하자. 자기를 만난건 나 에게 행복이고 행운이야. 도성이, 늘 건강하고, 다치지 말고. 사랑해 이만 편지 줄일게. -2013.5.15. 가원누나가- 사랑하는 자기에게~! 안녕 자기야~? 도성이야ㅎㅎ 우리끼리의 애칭으로 불러볼까 했는데 남들 다 볼거 생각하니 좀 민망해서 그냥 자기라고만 부를게ㅎㅎ 요새 편 지도 자주 못써줬는데. 인디언헤드 덕에 자기한테 편지도 써보네! 단순히 편지만 못써준게 아니라 입대 이후로 군대 적응한다고 바빠 서 자기한테 신경을 많이 못 써준 것 같아 미안해 ㅠㅠ 카투사라고는 해 도 주말 내내 다 보지도 못하고, 주중에는 연락조차 할 수 없는 생활이니 그저 기다려야만 하는 자기에게는 너무나 힘든 일인거 알아 요 근래 내 가 자기 속도 몰라주고 태평한 소리한 것도 미안해. 내가 입대한 이후로 우린 완전히 동떨어진 생활을 하고 있잖아 내 가 과제나 공부란 걸 해본지 몇 개월이 지난거지?;; 과제 왕창 내주시는 대학교 교수님, 시험의 압박, 소소한 학교 일상 생활 이런 것들 예전이라 면 정말 잘 맞장구쳐주고 응원도 해주고 했을텐데 지금은 나와 거리가 먼 생활이다보니 제대로 공감을 못해주고 있는 것 같아. 자기는 내가 아침에 PT할 때 다치지는 않을까, 영어 의사소통 때문에 스트레스 받는 건 아닌 가하고 늘 걱정하며 내 군생활을 지켜봐주고 있는데 말이지 지난 5월13일이 우리 사귄지 500일 된 날이었던거 기억하지? 때마침 내가 휴가이기도 해서 얼굴보고 행복한 시간 보낼 수 있었던 것 같아. 맛 있는 것도 먹고 없는 돈 모아 서로 선물도 사주고ㅎㅎ 이런 시간들이 얼마 나 소중하고 행복한 것인지 군대 들어와서 새삼 느끼는 것 같아. 비록 힘 들고 아쉬운 점 많지만 자기의 소중함을 더욱 잘 느끼게 해준 점만큼은 군대에 감사해야 할 듯해 ㅎㅎ 비록 우리가 사귄 일수만큼 더 사귀어야 내가 제대를 한다는게 함정이긴 하지만 우리 변치 않는 사랑하자! 그 리고 제대하고 이틀 후 맞이하는 천일날. 이전처럼 멋없지 않게, 평생 자 기 추억에 남을 수 있도록 준비해서 다시 한번 고백할게! 개인적으로 남자 인생에 여자 잘 만나는게 정말이지 중요하다고 생 각해. 잘못 만나서 패가망신한 사람도 주변에서 봤었고 다행히 난 최고 의 여자친구를 만난 것 같아. 평소에 뭐든 나부터 생각하고 챙겨주던 모 습, 논산훈련소 때 뭐하나 내세울 것 없던 내 어깨를 으쓱하게 해준 수많 은 편지들, 이벤트라곤 작은 것도 해준 적 없는 내게 보내준 KTA에서의 영상메시지. 수 많은 시간이 흘러도 절대 잊지 못할거야. 여태껏 500일의 시간동안 함께 해와줘서 감사해. 앞으로도 지금 이상으로 이쁜 사랑하자! 평생 공주마마로 모실게ㅎㅎ 그럼 자기 만날 주말만 기다리며 편지 줄일게. 사랑해 2013.5.13 도성이가 종합 인디언헤드 2013년 5월 28일 인디언헤드가 만난 사람들 "하나님을 절실히 바랬던 시절은?" 미 2사단 사단본부중대 사단군종부 군종 행정병 병장 이용재 미 2사단 사단본부중대 사단군종부 군종 행정병 상병 윤덕진 미 2사단 사단본부중대 사단군종부 군종 행정병 일병 이범수 미 2사단 사단본부중대 사단군종부 군종 행정병 이병 강보배 여러 순간 하나님을 바라긴 하지만 군생활 중 가장 절실히 찾았던 시절은 제가 지면을 통해서도 밝히기 부끄러운 큰 실수를 했을 때였습니다. 지금 돌아보면 군생활 중에 제 스스로가 생각했던 것보 다 잘나지 않았다는 것을 알게 되는 귀중한 계기가 된 것도 같습니다. 하지만 당시에는 다행히 주변으 로의 여파는 크지 않았음에도 스스로에 대한 실망 과 좌절 때문에 며칠 간 자신감 없이 멍하게 지냈 던 기억이 있습니다. 앞으로 남은 군생활은 물론 군생활 이후의 삶을 살아갈 자신마저 없어졌던 그 시기에, 내가 어떤 모습일지라도 계속 사랑한다고 하는 하나님을 많이 찾게 되었습니다. 다행히 다시 힘을 얻어 남은 군생활을 큰 실수 없이 잘 마칠 수 있었습니다. 저는 이 질문을 받고 일곱 줄을 써내라고 했지 만 한 마디 대답밖에 드릴 수 없습니다. 저는 늘 항 상 언제든지 하나님을 필요로 하기 때문입니다. PRO DEO ET PATRIA! 저희 사무실 모토이기도 한 "For God and Country"라는 뜻의 이 라틴어 경구 를 저는 매 순간 일분 일초 가슴에 품고 살고 있습 니다. 저는 육군훈련소에서 수류탄을 던졌을 때 가장 하나님을 찾았던 것 같습니다. 수류탄 투척 전 시 청각 교육을 통해 수류탄의 위력을 실감하였고 겁 이 났었습니다. 특히 모의투척 당시 능숙하게 던지 지 못함을 느꼈습니다. 그래서 호 안에, 호 밖에 수 류탄 사례를 가정하며 빠르게 엎드리는 법을 쉴 새 없이 연습했던 기억이 납니다. 실전 당일에는 겨울 비가 많이 내렸었습니다. 그래서 몸이 더 무거웠던 상태였고 긴장도 많이 했습니다만 기도와 말씀을 떠올리며 용기를 냈고 잘 마쳤던 기억이 납니다. 원래 사람은 죽을 때가 되면 하나님을 찾는다 지 않습니까. 그렇게 생각하자면 제가 하나님을 가장 필요로 했던 때는 무스라고 하는 사슴과 야 생동물에게 발굽으로 머리를 호되게 얻어맞았던 때가 아닌가 합니다. 아시는 분은 아시겠지만 이 무스라는 녀석이 사슴과 동물중에서 제일 큰 녀석 입니다. 약 8년 전 일이긴 하지만 진짜 죽을 뻔 했 었습니다. 하나님께서 살려 주신 덕분에 왼쪽 귀 위에 보기 좋은 상처를 얻었고, 그 이후로 잘 먹고 잘 커서 지금은 사단 군종부에 있습니다. 참 감사 한 일입니다. 인- 자기소개를 부탁드립니다. 한- 단결! 사단본부중대 팀 1 선임병장 병장 한철환입니다. 선임병장이 되기 전 에는 공보처에 근무하면서 인디언헤드 제작에 참여했습니다. 매번 인터뷰하는 입장이다가 인터뷰 당하는 입장이 되니 감회가 새롭습니다. 이 달 의 사 진 인- 부대소개를 부탁합니다. 한- 사단본부중대는 미 2사단 지 휘부를 총괄하는 중대입니다. A,B,H 그리고 밴드 중대까지 총 4개의 중대를 총괄하는 거대 중 대이며, 중대원은 130명입니다. 특히 저희 팀 1은 Special Staff 소대 로, 공보처, 군종부, 사단 밴드, 미 2사 단 박물관 등 특이한 부서들이 모여 있 습니다. 많은 좋아요 & 공유하기 부탁드립니다. 인디언헤드 한글판 스태프 미 2사단장 인- 가장 기억에 남는 일은? 한- 작년 WFW때 전사 태권도 대회에 나갔던 것이 가장 기억에 남습니다. 갓 일병으로 진급 해서 패기가 넘치던 시절, 선임들의 권유에 의 해 나갔습니다. 사회에서도 격투기를 했었고 룰도 태권도 룰이 아닌 입식 격투기 룰이었기에 자신이 있었습니다. 여차여차 해서 체급에서 2 등을 했지만, 대회가 끝나고 손목, 발목, 어깨 등의 통증에 시달렸습니다. 흑인, 백인들과 주먹을 섞었 던 좋은 추억이었지만, 다시 하라고 하면 절대 안 할 것입니다. 소장 에드워드 C. 카돈 한국군지원단 지역대장 중령 김종욱 공보참모 중령 조세프 스크로카 공보행정관 상사 리바 크라이쳐 공보관 김현석 편집장 일병 이지환 기자 일병 김동수 일병 이동현 사진 전문가 김성남 박진우 삽화가 SE NI OR SA TU KA 상병 서성우 글꼴 배포처 지난 5월 10일, 부사관 입성식 행사에 카투사들도 참여를 했다. 이 날 카투사 병장들이 참여를 했다. <사진 _ 병장 윤선용/ 미 2사단 공보처> 아리따체 : AMOREPACIFIC 함초롱체 : 한글과컴퓨터 인디언헤드 한글판은 미 2사단 카투사들을 위해 공보처에서 발행하는 미 국방성 공인신문입니다. 신문 내용은 미 육군의 의견과 다를 수 있습니다. 인디언헤드지는 일성 인쇄소에서 월간지로 발행됩니다. 취재 요청은 732-9518으로 전화 바랍니다. 6 병장 한철환 미 2사단 사단본부중대 팀1 선임병장 한- 역시 고기마루입니다. 고기마루는 15,000원짜리 고기 부페인데 신기하게도 소등심, 부채살 등 소고기가 많이 있 습니다. 가끔씩 소고기를 바싹 익혀 먹어야 한다고 생각하는 특이한 후임들을 볼때면 아까운 고기 다 버린다는 생각이 들면서 한숨이 납니다. 인- 하루동안 대대 주임원사가 될 수 있다면 무엇을 할것인가? 한- 대대 주임원사가 된다면, 평소에 룸인스펙 션을 하던 미군 NCO 들의 방을 인스펙션하고 싶습니다. 그리고 돈도 적게 받으면서 열심히 일하는 카투사들을 위해 데이오프와 PX, 커미 서리 이용권을 주고 싶습니다. 인- 만약 전역한 뒤 재입대 해야한다면? 한- 지금 전역일이 하루만 미뤄진다고 해도 성질이 나는데 전역한 뒤 재입대 해야한다고 하면 얼마나 힘들지 상상이 되지 않습니다. 재 입대하게 된다면 빠른 전역의 방법을 잘 알아보 겟습니다. 인- 전역 후 계획은? 한- 일단 그동안 쉬었던 공부를 하루에 한시간 씩이라도 하면서 굳어버린 뇌를 풀 생각입니다. 그리고 복학하기 전 2달간 여기저기 놀러도 다 니고 그동안 배우고 싶었던 크럼프도 배우면 서 방학을 즐기고 싶습니다. 인- 전역 후 꼭 한번 보고싶은 부대원은? 한- 공보처 사람들을 가장 많이 보고 싶을것 같 습니다. 사무실에서 오랜 시간을 보내면서 미운 정, 고운정이 다 들었고 밖에 나가서 선후임 관 계가 아닌 형, 동생, 친구 관계로 술도 먹고 같이 놀러도 가고 싶습니다. 인- 입대한 뒤 지금까지 가장 허무했던 하루는? 한- 저는 사격을 다른 사람들에 비해 굉장히 많이 간 편입니다. 제가 총을 많이 쏘고 싶어서 간 것이 아 니라 갈 때마다 계급 서열로 인해 쏠 기회가 없었기 때문입니다. 다들 아시겠지만, 풀 배틀 래틀을 입고 레인지에서 추위에 떨면서 10시간을 보낸 뒤 총도 쏘지 못한 채 돌아올 때의 허무함과 짜증은 말로 할 수 없습니다. 그런데 그것이 5~6번 연속으로 반복된다면, 나중에는 사리가 생길듯한 기분이 듭니다. 인- 부대원들에게 하고싶은 말은? 한- 말도 잘 안통하는 미군부대에서 월급도 미군에 비해 훨씬 적게 받고 한국군, 미군 양측 지휘라인에 치 이면서도 열심히 일하느라 고생이 많습니다. 부대 생활을 아웃 스탠딩하게 할 필요는 없지만, 최소한 동료들에게 폐는 끼치지 않고 자기가 해야 될 일은 하는 사람들이 되었으면 좋겠습니다. 인- 부대 근처에서 가장 맛있는 음식점은? SECOND TO NONE! <기사 및 사진 _ 일병 이지환 / 미 2사단 공보처>

5 인디언헤드 2013 년 5 월 28 일 종합 한미교류 4 인디언헤드 2013년 5월 28일 2013년 5월의간추린뉴스 매달영문판에는들어가지만한글판에는들어가지않는기사들을보면서아깝다는생각을했습니다. 그래서만들었습니다! 간추린뉴스! 한글판에는넣지않았지만, 영문판에실린기사들을사진으로정리하는지면입니다. 깔끔한우리동네의정부청소시간 4 월 4 일캠프스탠리 (Camp Stanley) 에서제 23 화학대대병사들이부대기공개식중열중쉬어자세를취하고있다. < 사진 _ 후안히메네즈 (SGT Juan F. Jimenez) 병장 / 제 1 기갑전투여단공보처 > 지난 4 월제 2 전투항공여단 A 중대병사들이전투순찰자격시험도중에모의화생방공격에대응하는모습이다. < 사진 _ 일병김용건 /602 항공지원대대 > 4 월 2 일우수사격상을수여받은펠리샤바워스 (PVT Felica J. Bowers) 이병이사단장에드워드카돈 (MG Edward Cardon) 소장에게경례를하는모습이다. < 사진 _ 일병권용준 / 제 1 기갑전투여단공보처 > 지난 4 월 20 일캠프호비 (Camp Hovey) 에서전투격투기대회가열렸다. < 사진 _ 카를로스데이비스 (SSG Carlos R. Davis) 하사 / 제 210 화력여단공보처 > 유치원선생다이앤존스 (Diane Jones) 가학생들과앉아서식사를하는모습이다. < 사진 _ 앤지데지너 (SGT Ange Desinor) 병장 / 미 2 사단공보처 > 보통군인들은업무시간이끝난후음식점, 쇼핑, 쉴곳을찾을때부대밖으로나간다. 하지만사자대대에속한병사들은지역사회에도움을주기위해부대밖으로나섰다지난 4 월 17 일제 1 기갑전투여단 23 화학대대병사들은캠프스탠리 (Camp Stanley) 근처에거주하는가족들과인근지역점주에게감사의표시를위해의정부길가로나왔다. 병사들을도와주려는듯, 날씨는비내리고흐리던평상시와는달리맑고화창했다. 거리를단장하기위해사자대대병사들이장갑과빗자루, 갈퀴, 쓰레기봉지로무장하는동안태양은뭉게뭉게피어오른구름사이로따스한햇빛을내리쬐었다. 시설관리부서의책임부사관인메인 (Maine) 주출신의테리프레스턴 (MSG Terry Preston) 상사는 밖에나가기좋은날이다 고말하고 우리는거리를청소하기위해나왔다. 그렇게함으로써주민들에게우리가캠프스탠리와주변지역을더욱살기좋은곳으로만들기위해노력한다는것을보여줄것이다. 우리군인들이비록외지인이지만그들을돕기위해열과성을다하고있다는것을증명하는것이다 고덧붙였다. 프레스턴상사는이봄맞이청소에는부대내에서의일반적인갈퀴질이나잔디깎이, 잡초뽑기와는다른무엇인가를하고자하는대대지휘관들의의지가담겨있다고말했다. 제 501 화학중대의위험물질관리 병인노스캐롤라이나 (North Carolina) 주출신의퀜틴윌킨슨 (SGT Quentin Wilkinson) 병장은 우리도여기사는사람이다 고말하고 밖에있는모든이들이우리에게매우친절하다. 그들은언제나우리병사들을챙긴다. 그러니그들을돕지않을이유가어디있겠는가? 내년에도이곳은우리의집이기때문에깨끗함을유지하고싶어하는것은당연하다 고덧붙였다. 캠프스탠리후문인근에는대략 50 여개의업소가위치해있고수백명의사람들이거주하고있다. 그중몇몇한국인들은소매를걷어붙이고청소에박차를가했다. 그들은또한병사들이그들의지역사회에자부심을느낀다는사실에기쁨을감추지못했다. 식당을운영하고있는이성미씨는 매일밤단골병사들을많이본다 고말하고 병사들이우리가게에올때참즐겁다. 그들에게음식을대접하고함께웃고떠드는것이좋다. 그런데그들이시간을쪼개서우리를돕기위해움직이는것을보니정말로기분이좋다 고덧붙였다. 이번청소는병사들에게이웃들과친분을향상시키고나아가의정부지역사회와의결속을강화시킬수있는기회었다. 제 501 화학중대의물자수송감독관인독일하이덴하임안데어브렌츠 (Heidenheim an der Bernz) 출신의클레이턴람 (SSG Clayton Lam) 하사는 이런것이바로우리병사들이해야하 지난 4 월 17 일제 23 화학대대병사들이캠프스탠리 (Camp Stanley) 주위를청소하였다. 는일이다. 많은경우사람들은부정적인면만을바라본다 고말하고 우리는우리가살고있는지역사회에신경을쓰고좋은일을하기위해여기나온다. 지역사회는우리를많이도와주기때문에은혜를갚는것이다 고덧붙였다. 사자대대는자부심을가지고지역사회를청소했다. 하루가끝나갈때쯤그들은여러대의트럭에실릴분량의쓰레기를모았다. 한국인점주들과거주민들은보답으로한국식바베큐를병사들에게대접했다. < 기사및사진 _ 카일리처드슨 (Kyle J. Richardson) 하사 / 제 1 기갑전투여단공보처번역 _ 일병이동현 / 미 2 사단공보처 > 지난 4 월 17 일 23 화학대대병사들이캠프스탠리 (Camp Stanley) 주위를청소하였다. 이후그들은바베큐파티를즐겼다. 한미문화교류 대한민국육군본부 210 화력여단방문 CINCO DE MAYO 많은사람들이씽코데마요 (Cinco De Mayo) 를멕시코가독립한날로오해하는경향이있다. 멕시코는 1810 년 9 월 16 일에독립했다. 씽코데마요는스페인어로 5 월 5 일을뜻한다. 1862 년 5 월 5 일, 프랑스군이멕시코를식민지화하기위해해안가에서출발하여멕시코시티 (Mexico City) 로향하던도중푸에블라 (Puebla) 라는도시에서멕시코군과의전투가벌어졌다. 당시빈약했던 4,000 여명의멕시코군이 8,000 여명의무장된프랑스군으로부터승리를거두었다. 이날이바로 1862 년 5 월 5 일이었고씽코데마요라는이름이붙여졌다. 이전투에서멕시코의승전을회상하기위해멕시코사람들과라틴사람들이미국에서처음으로이날을기념하기시작했다. 미국로스엔젤레스 (Los Angeles), 시카고 (Chicago) 와휴스턴 (Houston) 에거주했던멕시코계미국인들이상당히많았기때문에미국에서도이날을기념하기시작했고점차이날이유명해져서멕시코문화와유산을기념하는날로발전했다. 그이후미국에서 1960 년대부터공식적인축제가되었으 나공휴일은아니기에이날평소대로사람들은출근을하고아이들은학교에간다. 미국에서매년 5 월 5 일은한국의어린이날과는다르게멕시코문화를즐기고체험할수있는날이다. 이날가족이나친구들과파티를마음껏즐길수있고여러볼거리들뿐아니라먹거리들이제공된다. 이축제기간동안대부분사람들은과카몰리 (Guacamole) 라는멕시코음식을즐겨먹는다. 과카몰리는아보카도 (Avocado) 를으깬것에양파, 토마토, 고추등을섞어만든멕시코요리이다. 과카몰리이외에도타코 (Taco) 및엔칠라다 (Enchilada) 를즐겨먹는다. 이날곳곳에풍선, 띠, 꽃으로장식을한다. 멕시코국기의색깔을따내어빨간색, 하얀색, 초록색으로대부분을장식한다. 또한길거리마다사람들이멕시코전통의상을입고전통춤을추는모습, 마리아치 (Mariachi) 와같은음악공연과민요를부르는모습을접할수있다. 특히푸에블라와멕시코시티에서는사람들이멕시코군군복과프랑스군군복을입고당시상황을재현하는모습과행진하는모습을구경할수있다. 비록미국이나멕시코에서의 5 월 5 일은한국처럼어린이날도아니고멕시코독립일도아니지만멕시코의승리을회상하고그승전을기념하는날이다. 이날남녀노소상관없이이축제를즐길수있다. < 기사 _ 일병김동수 / 미 2 사단공보처 > 지난 4 월 19 일한국육군본부주요지휘관들이캠프케이시 (Camp Casey) 에있는제 210 화력여단을방문했다. 제 210 화력여단작전장교제임스데이호프 (MAJ James Dayhoff) 소령은 상호간에정보를교환하는것은나중에작전을짜고서로지원하는것에있어서도움이된다 고말했다. 이만남을통해미군측과한국육군측의지휘관들은서로간의보완점을찾고방어준비태세를증강시킬수있었다. 미군측은한국육군지휘관들에게영상장비를통해작전및전술을설명했다. 제 6-37 야전포병대대대대장제이가드너 (COL Jay Gardner) 대령은 서로간의통합이용이하게하기위해서동맹국의역량을이해하는것은중요하다 고말하고 방공에있어선서로간에정보를교환하는것이매우중요하다. 우리는이를통해연합전투력을증강시킬수있다 고덧붙였다. 이날지휘자들은제 6-52 방공포병대대소속이며제 6-37 야전포병대대소속인 E 중대와제 1-38 야전포병대대 333 표적획득포대의응사장비들을관찰했다. 미군측병사들은미군미사일방어지휘, 통제, 통신, 컴퓨터및정보시스템의중요성을설명하고파이어파인더 (Firefinder) 전파탐지기, 센티넬 (Sentinel), 어벤져 (Avenger) 와같은대응사격제도에대해서도설명했다. 파이어파인더전파탐지기는표적획득을하는동시에적의포병대와로켓무기위치를찾는데쓰인다. 센티넬은자동적으로적의전투기, 헬리콥터, 순항미사일, 무인항공기를감지및추적하여보고한다. 어벤져는단거리방공시설을유지하는데쓰인다. 제 210 화력여단본부및본부중대소속이며연락사무소에근무하는박원진병장은 이번방문을통해한미양국이한반도를지키기위해얼마나노력하는지 지난 4 월 19 일한국육군본부주요지휘관들이 210 화력여단을방문해한미연합전투력증강에기여했다. 보여줬다 고말하고 우리는앞으로도소통을통해연합전투력을증강시켜즉각대응할수있도록항상전 투준비태세를유지할것이다 고덧붙였다. < 기사및사진 _ 상병김한별 / 210 화력여단공보처번역 _ 일병이지환 / 미 2 사단공보처 >

3 사단소식 인디언헤드 2013년 5월 28일 우수야전의무병 휘장 우수야전의무휘장은 다양 한 전투 상황에 의학역량을 보여줄 수 있는 병사들에게 주어진다. <사진 _ 박진우/ 미 2사단 공보처> 미 육군의 가장 영예로운 휘장 중 하나와 함께, 한반도 전역의 의무병들은 파주의 워리어 베이스 (Warrior Base)에 소수의 병사들 사이에서 자신들 의 위치를 지킬 수 있는가를 시험하러 온다. 한반도에 퍼져 있던 323명의 병사들이 우수 야전의무병 휘장 (EFMB, Expert Field Medical Badge)를 따기 위해 4월 21부터 5월 15일까지 진 행된 비무장지대에서의 우수야전의무병 휘장 대 회에 참여했다. 상당히 많은 병사들이 참여했기 때 문에 병사들은 두 개의 기수로 나뉘어 한 기수당 열 흘동안 대회에서 경쟁하였다. 각 기수의 병사들은 3일간 치러지는 시험을 보기 위해 충분한 연습시간 을 보장받았다. 뉴햄프셔 (New Hampshire) 주 출신의 토드 후데코퍼(SFC Todd Huidekoper) 중사는 이 휘 장은 군인들이 가장 탐내는 휘장이다 고 말하고 그리고 가장 따내기 힘든 휘장 중 하나이기도 하 다 고 덧붙였다. 휘장을 따내기 위해서 병사들은 14개의 전술 전투 사상자 간호 시험 중 11개, 10개의 병자, 부 상자 후송 시험 중 8개, 13개의 병 기본지식 시험 중 10개, 5개의 통신 시험 중 4개를 통과해야만 한 다. 뿐만 아니라 필기시험을 보고, 지상항법 시험 에서 4개 중 3개의 지점을 찾아내야 하고 12마일 행군을 완수해야 한다. 이 모든 것들에는 시간제한 이 있다. 미 제 2보병사단 제 210 화력여단 본부 및 본 부 포대의 선임의무병인 후데코퍼 중사는 이 휘장 을 따내려는 병사들을 위해 혹독한 훈련을 준비했 다. 후데코퍼 중사는 우리는 이곳에 오기 전 지난 3개월간 길고 힘든 수련을 해왔다 고 말하고 이 대회에서 나의 병사들을 더 많이 남지 못한 것은 실 망스러운 일이다 제 210 화력여단은 첫 번째 기수에서 14명의 병사들을 참가시켰지만 단 2명만이 훈련을 이겨내 고 우수야전의무병 휘장을 따낼 수 있었다. 제 168 다기능의무대대의 지원작전 장교이자 이번 훈련을 맡고 있는 뉴욕 (New York) 주 출신 의 존폴 켈리(MAJ Johnpaul Kelly) 소령은 병사 10명 중 2명만이 성공적으로 훈련을 마친다고 말 했다. 그는 대회에 참가하러 워리어 베이스에 온 323 인의 의무병 중 단 81명만이 훈련 끝에 남았다고 덧붙였다. 제 210 화력여단 제 1-38 야전포병대대 본부 및 본부 포대에 소속된 텍사스 (Texas) 주 출신의 레이건 홀리(PVT Reagan Holley) 이병은 이렇 게 오래 대회에 남아있다는 사실에 기분이 좋다 고 말하고 이는 우리가 이곳에 오기 전 부대에서 시 행했던 훈련이 효과가 있다는 것을 증명하는 것이 다 고 덧붙였다. 우수야전의무병 휘장 훈련을 성공리에 마치는 것은 병사들에게 대단히 큰 의미이다. 후데코퍼 중사는 이는 내가 어떤 의료상황에 도 준비되어 있다는 것을 뜻한다 고 말하고 왜냐 하면 이것은 기본적인 의료 시험 이외에도 전사 기 술과 같이 많고 다양한 것들을 포괄하기 때문이다. 이는 내가 어느 면에서 봐도 완전하고 당당한 병사 라는 것을 의미한다 고 덧붙였다. 미 육군 의무국 센터 및 학교에 따르면 우수야 전의무병 휘장은 1965년 6월에 이례적인 역량과 특출한 임무수행능력을 보인 야전의무병들을 치하 하기 위해 만들어졌다고 한다. <기사 _ 카를로스 데이비스(SSG Carlos R. Davis) 하사/ 210 화력여단 공보처 번역 _ 일병 이동현/ 미 2사단 공보처> 우수야전의무휘장은 다양 한 전투 상황에 의학역량 을 보여줄 수 있는 병사들 에게 주어진다. <사진 _ 박진우/ 미 2사단 공보처> 우수야전의무휘장은 다양 한 전투 상황에 의학역량 을 보여줄 수 있는 병사들 에게 주어진다. <사진 _ 박진우/ 미 2사단 공보처> 기획 인디언헤드 2013년 5월 28일 2