Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography Vol. 32, No. 1, 29-38, 2014 ISSN 1598-4850(Print) ISSN 2288-260X(Online) Orignal article 무인항공기의국토모니터링분야적용을위한연구 A Study on the Application of UAV for Korean Land Monitoring 김덕인 1) 송영선 2) 김기홍 3) 김창우 4) Kim, Deok-In Song, Yeong-Sun Kim, Gihong Kim, Chang-Woo Abstract UAV(Unmanned Aerial vehicle) could be effectively applied in a field of land monitoring for analyzing disaster area and mapping, because it can quickly acquire image data at low costs. For this reason, we reviewed the legal system related to mapping, and proposed suggestions for improving in legal system, due to introducing the UAV to Korean land-monitoring through this paper. Also, we evaluated spatial and time accuracy of the digital map, which are generated from UAV images that were taken for occasional map updates and disaster detections. As a result, the mean error is about 10m if only GPS/INS data used, while using GCP(Ground Control Points) it is about 10cm. Therefore, we conclude that the UAV could be effective method in korea land-monitoring field Keywords : UAV, Land-Monitoring, Occasional Map Update, Legal System 초록,... GPS/INS 10m, 10cm,. :,,, 1. 서론 (UAV: unmanned Aerial Vehicle). 150, 180, 20.,,,,,,,. 1) Member, Geostory Corporation (E-mail: 2) Member, Dept. of Aerial Geoinformatics, Inha Technical College (E-mail: 3) Corresponding Author, Member, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University (E-mail: 4) Member, National Geographic Information Institute (E-mail: Received 2014. 01. 11, Revised 2014. 02. 05, Accepted 2014. 02. 27 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 29
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 32, No. 1, 29-38, 2014., GPS/ IMU.. Rickard et al.(2008). Yamaha RMAX IMU GPS GPS SLAM. Lin(2008), 4. Nagai(2009) GPS, IMU,, 3. Fuji Heavy RPH2, GPS, IMU directgeoreferencing, 3. Bendea et al.(2010). Pelican,.,. Aeronautics Aerostar.., ( Aero-light. (http:// www.airforcetechno- Kang (2010)., CAMShift. Hong(2010) RGB HSI,...... 2. 국내무인항공기의현황및관련규정검토 2.1 무인항공기의도입현황및국토모니터링활용사례 MD4-200/MD-1000( ). 2009,,,. Trimble Gate-Wing X100( ),. ( ) AOS-1(8 ). 3.. Jang(2010) gimbal mount RPV. Cho et al.(2007) 30
A Study on the Application of UAV for Korean Land Monitoring. Yoon(2007).. Jang et al.(2011).. Jung et al.(2010) 3. 3, 1/1,000. Cheon et al.(2009) gimbal mount,. Lee et al.(2012). Bae et al.(2010)..,.,..,,... 21,.. 21 2,. Fig. 1. 1. 3, 7,. 7.. 2.2 국토모니터링적용을위한법제도의검토,.,,, Kim et al. (2011). Fig. 1. Spatial information acquisition and mapping of disaster map in the Natural Disaster Response Law 31
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 32, No. 1, 29-38, 2014. 35 1.0,... ( ), ( ) DB ( ) 50 ( ), 3. 정확도검증을위한자료처리및분석 3.1 사용무인항공기및데이터취득. SmartOne, Canon S95. Aerial Mapper, PhotoModeler S/W. Fig. 2, Table 1. Table 2 chess-board PhotoModeler S/W camera calibration, (fx, fy), (cx, cy) Table 2. Category Model Country UAV Type Table 1. Specifications of UAV Specifications SmartOne Sweden fixed-wing Flight altitude 100 ~ 1,200m Flight speed Size and weight Flight velocity Flight time Take off/landing within 50km size 1.2m, weight 1.2kg within 10cm per second 40 min auto/manual Table 2. Specifications of S95 digital camera Focal length(mm) Pixel size(mm) fx fy size 6.2245e+000 6.2249e+000 2.0331e-003 GSD(mm) gsd 5.0000e+001 S95 camera Principal point(mm) cx cy 4.1572e-002-3.3731e-002 k1-5.7822e-002 k2 1.6362e-002 Lens distortion (mm) k3 p1 1.3447e-002 1.4977e-003 chess-board p2 2.0931e-003 Fig. 2. SmartOne UAV skew -1.6186e-002 32
A Study on the Application of UAV for Korean Land Monitoring 9,. Table 3, UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator), Korea 2000 Datum.. Table 3. Control points for aerial triangulation X(m) Y(m) Z(m) GCP1 327469.35 4127200.69 79.16 GCP2 327448.08 4127136.58 74.38 GCP3 327479.66 4127137.74 74.44 GCP4 327500.94 4127196.42 77.89 GCP5 327532.56 4127305.83 78.06 GCP6 327625.56 4127275.50 78.03 GCP7 327555.67 4127189.23 77.88 GCP8 327601.20 4127167.59 78.18 GCP9 327560.76 4127080.43 74.74, Fig. 4 1km 2,,,, Table. 4. 250m 7 43, 5cm. Fig. 3. Table 4. Study area and description Description Study area Suwon-Si, Yeongtong-Gu Acquisition date 2012.11.07 Acquisition area 0.1km 2 Flight altitude 250m GSD 5cm Number of photo 43 Number of strip 7 Fig. 3 Study area and data acquisition status 3.2. 자료처리및정확도평가. GPS/INS,. Table 5. Steps Plan Import GCP Photographing Preprocessing Postprocessing Table 5. UAV data process Description 1. Fieldwork and check the take-off and landing place 2. Decision of the GSD and the shooting overlap 3. Setting of the shooting line 1. Take-off 2. Photographing with Auto-Pilot 3. Landing 4. Checking photo storage and photo log data 1. Copy of the photo and log data 2. Export of EOP parameter using Aerial Mapper S/W 3. Checking photo number and EOP Parameter 1. Sorting photo using PhotoModeler S/W and making point cloud 2. Importing GCP 3. Measurement GCP on photo 1. Making DSM using PhotoModeler S/W 2. Making ortho-photo using PhotoModeler S/W 3. Exporting ortho-photo and DSM 33
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 32, No. 1, 29-38, 2014 PhotoModeler S/W,. Fig. 4, 5. 5cm, 10cm. Fig. 4. Ortho-photo Fig. 5. DEM GPS/INS, 9 Fig. 6. Assessment of accuracy. Fig. 6,. GPS/INS. Table 6. 10m, 10cm. Table 7. Table 7. UAV. 10m.., 54 1/2,500 ~ 3,000. 35 1.0mm 1/1,000 (Table 7). Table 6. Accuracy of check-points in ortho-photo X(m) Y(m) No-GCP GCP DX(m) DY(m) DX(m) DY(m) GCP1 327469.35 4127200.69 13.28-2.42-0.09-0.05 GCP2 327448.08 4127136.58 14.38 8.64-0.10 0.11 GCP3 327479.66 4127137.74 9.52 6.73-0.05-0.11 GCP4 327500.94 4127196.42 9.06-3.42-0.19-0.01 GCP5 327532.56 4127305.83 10.08-21.05-0.14 0.08 GCP6 327625.56 4127275.50-8.20-22.14 0.07 0.03 GCP7 327555.67 4127189.23-2.00-5.92-0.04 0.06 GCP8 327601.20 4127167.59-9.74-5.11-0.02 0.06 GCP9 327560.76 4127080.43 8.40 4.90-0.1-0.04 Mean 9.41 8.93 0.09 0.06 Standard Deviation 9.97 11.33 0.10 0.07 34
A Study on the Application of UAV for Korean Land Monitoring Table 7. Accuracy of aerial triangulation results and ortho-photo GPS/INS Initial value Ground Control Points X(m) Y(m) X(m) Y(m) Remarks AT Orthophoto Mean 10.52 9.98 0.04 0.04 <Article 54, internal rules of aerial photographic surveying law> Standard Deviation 11.34 11.40 0.06 0.04 Standard satisfaction for making 1/25,000~1/3,000 scale digital map based on GCPs Mean 9.41 8.93 0.09 0.06 <Article 35, image map work regulation> Standard Standard satisfaction for making 1/1,000 scale 9.97 11.33 0.10 0.07 Deviation image map based on GCPs Camera calibration Photograph acquisition Image processing Product Table 8. The required time to construct database of 1km 2 area Details - Acquisition of camera calibration sheet image - Calculation of camera calibration data (1) Preparation Input of photograph acquisition area using Google map Input of flight altitude and overlapping area Installation of wireless controller for UAV UAV assembly and checkup (2) Aerial photograph acquisition(1km 2 : about 30~40 minute) Acquisition area according to flight altitude and GSD(ground sample distance) - 100m altitude (GSD : 3.4cm) : 0.4 km 2-150m altitude (GSD : 4.9cm) : 0.5 km 2 Acquisition area according to wind speed(flight altitude 150m) - Wind speed 1 3m/s : 0.5 km 2, - Wind speed 4 7m/s : 0.4 km 2 - Wind speed 7 10m/s : 0.3 km 2 (3) Ground control system installation Plain area : 0.5 hour Residential and hill area : 1 hour Mountainous area : 2 hour (1) Image pre-processing using Aerial Mapper S/W Raw images download Image pre-processing Exterior orientation parameters determination Checking image matching results (2) Ortho-photo generation using PhotoModeler S/W Rapidly automatic ortho-photo generation (1) Raw aerial photographs (2) Camera calibration data (3) Ortho-photos(mosaic image) Day/Man 0.3day/man 0.5day/man 0.2day/man,, Table8. Table 8. 35
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 32, No. 1, 29-38, 2014 Table 9. Table 9. PC Performance Specification CPU Intel Core(TM) i7-3770 3.4G Memory 4 GB VGA NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 HDD INTEL SSDSC2CT120A3 10cm.. 4. 결론 Table 8 1 Table 9, 1. PC. 3.3 결과분석.. 7,. 1 1 (Table 8).,., 10.,., GPS/INS 10m, 10cm...,. 1..,,.. 5. 고찰,. 36
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