Christine’s Fun Fun Korean Conversation

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슬라이드 1


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Going Home - Korean

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


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step 1-1

I&IRC5 TG_08권

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seemile Korean APP. 씨마일한국어 앱 Android App Download iphone APP Download seemile Chinese APP. 씨마일중국어 앱 Android APP Download iphone APP Download Fun Fun Conversation 1 Note Lesson 1- Basic Conversation 1. Hello? 1) 안녕하세요? (Annyong-haseyo) Formal greeting to elders, business partners, or people we first meet

2) 안녕? (Annyong) Casual greeting to someone we are close to, especially friends 2. Good bye 1) To someone taking off: guests and visitors Formal way: 안녕히가세요. (Annyonghi-gaseyo) Casual way: 잘가. (Jal-ga) 2) To someone staying: hosts Formal way: 안녕히계세요. (Annyonghi-geseyo) Casual way: 잘있어. (Jal-it-ssoe) 3. Thank you : 감사합니다. (Kamsahamnida), 고맙습니다. (Komapsumnida), 고마워. (Komawo) 4. I m sorry : 죄송합니다. (Joesong-hamnida), 미안합니다. (Mianhamnida), 미안해. (Mianhae)

Lesson 2- Introducing oneself 1. I am NAME 저는 NAME 입니다. ((Jeonun, Name, imnida) Ex) I m Christine: 저는 Christine 입니다. (Jeonun, Christine, imnida) 2. I m from COUNTRY 저는 COUNTRY 에서왔어요. (Jeonun,COUNTRY,eseo,watsseoyo) Ex) I m from America: 저는미국에서왔어요. (Jeonun,Mikuk,eseo,watsseoyo) 3) I m American 저는미국인입니다. (Jeonun, Mikukin, imnida) 4. Nice to meet you. 만나서반갑습니다. (Mannaseo bangap-sumnida) 5. Conversation 안녕하세요? 저는입니다. 저는미국에서왔어요. 만나서반갑습니다.

Lesson 3- Location 1. Where is the PLACE? 1) Where s the ~: 어디있어요? (eodi-itsseoyo) Ex) where s the restroom? : 화장실어디있어요? (Hwajangsil, eodi, itsseoyo) where s the restaurant?: 식당어디있어요? (Sik-dang, eodi, itsseoyo) 2. It is over there 1) It is over there: 저기예요. (Jeogi-yeyo) 2) It is right here: 여기예요. (Yeogi-yeyo) 3. Right and Left 1) It is on the right: 오른쪽에있어요. (O-leun-jjok-e-itsseoyo) 2) It is on the left: 왼쪽에있어요. (Oen-jjok-e-itsseoyo) 4. Next to and In front of 1) It s next to the exit: The exit 옆에있어요.(the exit, yeppe, e-sseoyo) 2) It s in front of the exit: The exit 앞에있어요.(the exit, appe, e-sseoyo) Today s Words - 화장실 (Hwajangsil): Restroom - 식당 (Sik-dang): Restaurant - 오른쪽 (O-leun-jjok): Right - 왼쪽 (Oen-jjok): Left

Lesson 4- At the Supermarket 1. Do you have SOMETHING? 1) Do you have~: ~ 있어요? (Itsseoyo) Ex) Do you have tissue? : 화장지있어요? (Hwasangji, itsseoyo) Do you have water? : 물있어요? 2. Please give me SOMETHING 1) Please give me~: ~ 주세요 (Jooseyo) Ex) Please give me tissue: 화장지주세요. Please give me coke: 콜라주세요. 3. How much is this? 1) How much is this? : 이거얼마예요? (E-geo, eolmayeyo) 4. How much is that? 2) How much is that? : 저거얼마예요? (Jeogeo, eolmayeyo) Today s Words - 화장지 (Hwajangsi): Tissue - 물 (Mool): Water - 콜라 (Cola): Coke - 담배 (Dambae): Cigarette - 이거 (E-geo): This - 저거 (Jeogoe): That

Lesson 5- At the Restaurant 1. What should we eat? 1) What should we eat? : 뭐먹을까요? (Mue, meokeul-ggayo) 2. Please give me SOMETHING. 1) Please give me~ : ~ 주세요 (Jooseyo) Ex) Please give me Bulgogi: 불고기주세요.( Bulgogi, jooseyo) Please give me Bulgogi and 1 Bibimbap: 불고기하고비빔밥주세요. * Excuse me: 저기요. (Jeogiyo) When you call somebody; waiters, waitresses, or strangers 3. Bon appetite. 1) Bon appetite: 잘먹겠습니다 (Jal, meokketsumnida) 4. It is really delicious 1) Really: 정말 (Jungmal) 2) It is really delicious: 정말맛있어요. (Jungmal, Masit-sseoyo) Today s Words - 피자 (Pija): Pizza - 햄버거 (hambeogeo): Hamburge - 불고기 (Bulgogi): Korean barbeque - 비빔밥 (Bibimbap): Rice with vegetables 1 and: 하고 (Hago), words and words

Lesson 6- Shopping 1. May I try this one? 1) May I try this one? : 이거입어봐도되요? (Egeo, Ebeobwado, dweyo) * Where is the fitting room? : 탈의실어디있어요? (Taleuisil, eodi, itsseoyo) 2. Do you have anything bigger? 1) Anything bigger: 더큰거 (Deokeun-geo) 2) Do you have anything bigger? : 더큰거있어요? (Deokeun-geo, itsseoyo) * Anything smaller: 더작은거 (Deojakeun-gao) 3. I like this one. 1) I like this one: 이게마음에들어요. (E-ge,maoum-e-deul-eo-yo) 4. I will have this one: 이거로할께요. (Egeoro, halgeyo) Today s Words - 탈의실 (Taleuisil): A fitting room

Lesson 7- Making an appointment 1. Do you have time? 1) Do you have time? : 시간있어요? (Sigan, Itsseoyo) Ex) Do you have time tomorrow? : 내일시간있어요? (Neil, sigan, Itsseoyo) 2. What time should we meet? 1) What time: 몇시 (Myeot, Si) 2) What time should we meet? : 몇시에만날까요? (Myeot, Si, e, mannal-ggayo) 3. Time (O clock) One 한시 (Han-si) Seven 일곱시 (Ilgop-si) Two 두시 (Doo-si) Eight 여덟시 (Yeodeol-si) Three 세시 (Se-si) Nine 아홉시 (Ahop-si) Four 네시 (Ne-si) Ten 열시 (Yeol-si) Five 다섯시 (Dasseot-si) Eleven 열한시 (Yeolhan-si) Six 여섯시 (Yeoseot-si) Twelve 열두시 (Yeoldoo-si) 4. See you then. 1) See you then: 그때봐요. (Keutte,bwayo) Today s Words - 오늘 (O-neul): Today - 내일 (Neil): Tomorrow

Lesson 8- Taking a Taxi 1. Where should I catch a taxi? 1) Where should I catch a taxi? : 택시어디서타요? (Taekssi, Eodiseo, Tayo) 2. Destination, please 1) Please : ~ 로가주세요. (Lo, Ga, Jooseyo) Ex) Seoul hotel, please: 서울호텔로가주세요. (Seoul hotel, lo ga jooseyo) 3. Please hurry up. 1) Please hurry up: 서둘러주세요. (Seodulleo, jooseyo) 2) Taxi driver: 택시기사님 (Taxi gisa nim) 4. How much is it? 1) 요금얼마예요? (Yogeum, elmayeyo) Today s Words - 경복궁 (Kyeongbokgung): A traditional palace for kings and queens lived in Joseon era. - 동대문 (Dongdaemun): A famous shopping center. All Korean fashion trends are gathered. - 요금 (Yogeum): fees

Lesson 9- Taking a Subway 1. Where is the subway station? 1) Where is the subway station? : 지하철역어디예요? (Jihacheol-Yeok, eodiyeyo) * 어디있어요 (Lesson 3) and 어디예요 are the same. So, we can also ask, 지하철역어디있어요? in Korean. 2. What subway line do I have to take? 1) What subway line: 몇호선 (Myeot, Hoseon) 2) Do I have to take: 타야해요? (Tayahaeyo) 3) What subway line do I have to take? : 몇호선타야해요? * Subway lines in Korea Line 1 일호선 (ilhoseon) Line 6 육호선 (Yukhoseon) Line 2 이호선 (Ehoseon) Line 7 칠호선 (chilhoseon) Line 3 삼호선 (Samhoseon) Line 8 팔호선 (Palhoseon) Line 4 사호선 (Sahoseon) Line 9 구호선 (Goohoseon) Line 5 오호선 (Ohoseon) 3. You have to transfer. 1) You have to transfer: 갈아타야해요 (Gal-a-ta-ya-haeyo) 4. What exit should I go out?

1) What exit: 몇번출구 (Meot,beon,chulgoo) 2) What exit should I go out? : 몇번출구로나가야해요? (Meot,beon,chulgoo,lo,nagayaheyo) [The subway map in Korea] - The map is a little dim so it may probably not be recognized clearly. But, it could be helpful for you to be familiar with the map if you re planning to visit Korea sooner or later. - It s written in Korean. There re also English maps in the information desk in the subway.

Lesson 10- Four seasons 1. Spring 1) Spring: 봄 (Bom) 2) The weather is warm: 날씨가따듯해요. (Nalssiga, ddadeut, haeyo) 3) Cherry blossom festival: 벚꽃축제 (Beotkkot-chukje) held in every April - Shall we go to: ~ 에갈까요? (Galggayo) - Shall we go to Cherry blossom festival? : 벚꽃축제에갈까요? (Beotkkot-chukje,e,galggayo) 2. Summer 1) Summer: 여름 ((Yeoleum) 2) The weather is humid: 날씨가습해요. (Nalssiga,seupheyo) 3) The weather is hot: 날씨가더워요. (Nalssiga,deowoyo) 4) Swimming pool: 수영장 (Sooyoungjang) Beach: 바닷가 (Badatga) The rainy season: 장마철 (Jangmachul):begins between July and August 3. Fall 1) Fall: 가을 (Gaeul) 2) The weather is cool: 날씨가시원해요. (Nalssiga, siwonheyo)

3) The blue sky: 파란하늘 (Paran haneul) Fallen leafs festival: 낙엽축제 (Nakyeop-chukje) Ex) The sky is beautiful: 하늘이아름다워요. 4. Winter 1) Winter: 겨울 (Gyeoul) 2) The weather is cold: 날씨가추워요 (Nalssiga, chuwoyo) 3) Snow: 눈 (Noon) White snow: 하얀눈 (Hayan noon) Ski resort: 스키장 (Seukijang) [Pictures] * Cherry blossom festival * The beach, Busan 해운대.