독해전략 17-1 인하대 > Different cultures had, and still have, different ways of deciding who names the baby In some cultures, there is one special pe

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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


서론 34 2

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: * A Research Trend





2 환경법과 정책 제16권( ) Ⅰ. 들어가며 Ⅱ. 가습기살균제 사건의 경과 Ⅲ. 가습기살균제 사건과 제조물 책임 Ⅳ. 가습기살균제 사건과 인과관계 입증 완화 Ⅴ. 나가며 Ⅰ. 들어가며 피해유발행위(혹은 인자)가 직접적인 손해를 즉각적으로 유발하는 경우



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Microsoft PowerPoint - ch03ysk2012.ppt [호환 모드]




02. 특2 원혜욱 지니 3.hwp


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Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M




Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: * A Study on the Pe

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[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon


독해전략 17-1 인하대 2001-1 Different cultures had, and still have, different ways of deciding who names the baby In some cultures, there is one special person who chooses the name - sometimes the mother, sometimes the father, sometimes an uncle, and so on Sometimes the parents decide together In other cultures, the baby has a say in the matter In some parts of Africa, someone reads a list of names while the mother holds the baby As soon as the baby sneezes, the person stops reading and the child gets the last name that was read 1 Which of the following is closet in meaning to the underlined part the baby has a say in the matter? a) The baby does not affect its opinion about the matter b) The baby does not decide the name c) The baby talks about the matter d) The baby somehow has an influence on choosing its name 2 According to the above passage, a baby in some African countries gets its name when a) it sneezes b) it starts to walk c) its parents decide the name together d) its mother chooses a name

독해전략 17-1 인하대 2001-1 > Different cultures had, and still have, different ways of deciding who names the baby In some cultures, there is one special person who chooses the name - sometimes the mother, sometimes the father, sometimes 어떤문화에서는아기이름을짓는특정한한사람이있다 때로는아빠, 엄마 둘다 an uncle, and so on Sometimes the parents decide together In other cultures, the baby has a say in the matter In some parts of Africa, ( ) 다른문화에서는아기가이문제 (matter: 이름짓기 ) 에있어서발언권을가진다 someone reads a list of names while the mother holds the baby As soon as the baby sneezes, the person stops reading and the child gets the last name that was read 독해전략 1: 첫문장에목숨걸어라 첫문장이요지를가진문장이다 최대한정확하게읽어라 다른문화들은아이들의이름을짓는다른방법을가지고있다 독해전략 17: 를발견하면, 지문위에서 some 을찾아서 some others 대조글로읽는다 > 문화마다아기이름짓는방법이다르다 ----------------------------- -------In some cultures ----------------------------- --------In other cultures ----------------------------- --- 1 Which of the following is closet in meaning to the underlined part the baby has a say in the matter? a) The baby does not affect its opinion about the matter b) The baby does not decide the name c) The baby talks about the matter d) The baby somehow has an influence on choosing its name 2 According to the above passage, a baby in some African countries gets its name when a) it sneezes b) it starts to walk c) its parents decide the name together d) its mother chooses a name ( 구문분석) S+V while (~ 하는동안) S+V (In some parts of Africa), someone reads a list of names while the mother holds the baby ( 아프리카의어떤지역에서는), 엄마가아기를안고있는동안누군가가이름이적힌명부를읽는다 ( 어휘) decide say sneeze

( 해석) 서로다른문화에따라누가아기의이름을지을것인가를정하는각기다른방법을가지고 있었으며, 지금도여전히그러하다 어떤문화에서는이름을고르는특별한한사람이있다 때로는 엄마, 때로는아빠, 때로는삼촌등등이다 어떤문화에서는아기에게참견을할수있는권리가 주어져있다 아프리카의어떤지역에서는엄마가아기를안고있는동안누군가가이름이적힌 명부를읽는다 아기가재채기를하면그사람은읽는것을멈추고아기는마지막으로들은그 이름을얻게된다

독해전략 16-1 Physiologists used to believe that any type of physical activity was harmful to the man over forty We doctors are to blame as much as anyone for warning patients over 40 to take it easy and give up golf and other forms of exercise Twenty years ago one famous writer even suggested that any man over forty should never stand when he could sit, never sit when he could lie down in order to conserve his strength and energy Physiologists and MD's including the nation's leading heart specialists, now tell us that activity, even strenuous activity, is not only permissible, but required for good health at any age You are never too to exercise 1 People over forty a have heart problems if they exercise b are permitted to be active if they are careful c should not engage in strenuous activity d should be active if they want to be healthy 2 The main idea of this paragraph is that a people should listen to their doctors' advice b strenuous exercise has been proven to be harmful to people over 40 c physiologists have not always been correct in their advice about exercise d people over 40 should be careful about participating in exercise programs 3 A famous writer suggested that man over forty should a stand instead of sitting b save their energy wherever possible c take up golf d lie down every day 4 To be healthy, people should a take it easy b conserve their strength c exercise d avoid strenuous exercise

5 Which would be the best suitable word for the blank a young b tall c healthy d old

독해전략 16-1 Physiologists used to believe that any type of physical activity was harmful to the man over forty We doctors are to blame as much as 생리학자들은어떤육체적인활동은 40 살이넘은사람에게는해롭다 (harmful) 하다고믿었다 anyone for warning patients over 40 to take it easy and give up golf and other forms of exercise Twenty years ago one famous writer even suggested that any man over forty should never stand when he could sit, never sit when he could lie down in order to conserve his strength and energy 20 년전에어떤유명한심리학자는 40 이넘은사람은힘과에너지를 보존하기 (conserve) 위해서앉을수있을때결코서있지말고, 누울수있을때결코앉지말라고말했다 Physiologists and MD's including the nation's leading heart specialists, now tell us that activity, even strenuous activity, is not only permissible, but required for good health at any age 과거에는 (used to, twenty years ago) 40 이넘으면해로운 운동이있었다 그리고힘과에너지를아끼라는제안도있었다 그러나지금 (now) 은심지어격렬한운동일지라도무조건운동해라 You are never too to exercise 독해전략 16: 과거 현재대조글의신호어인 를발견하면과거표현이있는지확인해라 처음에글을읽었을때 used to believe의과거표현이눈에안들어왔을것이다 그러나과거 현재대조구성의신호어인 now를읽었을때는지문위로바로올라가서과거표현( ) 을찾으려는훈련이자동화되어야한다 지문분석 > used to (40 이넘은사람에게심한운동은위험) -------------------------- -------------------------- - Twenty years ago------------- ( 최대한힘을절약해라) -------------------------- -------------------------- --- ---Now 건운동해라 ) ( 아무리심한운동일지라도무조 난이도가있는지문이지만과거 (, ) ( ) 현재 대조글만찾아낸다면전체글의이 해뿐아니라문제풀이가수월해진다 저자의 주장은 쪽에있다 즉, " 아무리심한운 동일지라도무조건운동해라" 로모든문제가 풀린다 1 People over forty a have heart problems if they exercise b are permitted to be active if they are careful c should not engage in strenuous activity d should be active if they want to be healthy 2 The main idea of this paragraph is that a people should listen to their doctors' advice b strenuous exercise has been proven to be harmful to people over 40 c physiologists have not always been correct in their advice about exercise

d people over 40 should be careful about participating in exercise programs 3 A famous writer suggested that man over forty should a stand instead of sitting b save their energy wherever possible c take up golf d lie down every day 문제풀이전략 13: 세부사항문 제공략하기 I 문제에서중요단어를잡은후에그단어를지문에서빠른속도로찾는다 단어를발견하면마침표에서마침표까지읽고답을쓴다 Aleart!) 4 To be healthy, people should a take it easy b conserve their strength c exercise d avoid strenuous exercise 5 Which would be the best suitable word for the blank a young b tall c healthy d old ( 구문분석 1) S+ be + to V: ~ 해야만한다 (be to 용법: 예정, 의무, 가능, 운명중하나) S+ be to blame for Ving: Ving 때문에비난하다( 비난받다로해석) warn 목적어 tov: 목적어가 tov 하라고경고하다 We doctors are to blame as much as anyone for warning patients over 40 to take it easy and give up golf and 목적어 to 동사1 and 동사 2 other forms of exercise ( 구문분석 2) not only A but (also) B: A뿐만아니라 B Physiologists and MD's (including the nation's leading heart specialists,) now tell us that activity, (even strenuous activity), is not only permissible, but required for good health (at any age) ( 어휘) physiologist conserve MD strenuous permissible (permit: ( 해석) 생리학자들은그어떤유형의신체활동도 40 세이상의사람에게는해롭다고과거에는믿었었다 40세이상의환자들에게마음편히가지고 골프와다른여러형태의운동을그만두라고경고하는것에대해서는그어느누구못지않게우리의사들이마땅히책임을져야한다 20년 전에한유명한작가는 40세이상의사람은힘과에너지를아끼기위해앉을수있을때는결코서있지말고누울수있을때는절대로앉아 있지말아야한다고제안하기까지했다 국가의선도적인심장전문의들을포함한생리학자와의학박사들은이제활동은심지어격렬한 활동까지도모든연령에서허용할수있을뿐만아니라양호한건강을위해필요하다고우리에게말한다 당신은아무리나이가많아도운동을 할수있다

독해전략 16-2 If you had a toothache in the 1700s, your only choice was to have the tooth pulled Nothing was available to relieve your toothache or the pain when your tooth was pulled In Colonial America, a wigmaker might have pulled your tooth with some fierce-looking instrument After your tooth was gone, you would remain toothless There was no way to replace lost teeth then Today, you and your dentist have choices Cavities can be filled or caps or crowns put on teeth Nerves in a painful tooth can be removed without pulling the tooth Now dentists avoid pulling teeth unless necessary If you must have a tooth pulled, it can be replaced with a bridge, dentures, or implants You can have pain relief during any of these processes 1 The passage explicitly concludes that if toothache and tooth pulling were painful and scary in the 18th century, today these procedures are a very frightening b easy and quite pain free c absolutely necessary d done without pulling the tooth 2 This passage deals with a the then and now in medicine b how teeth were pulled in the past c choices available in medicine d options dentists have had in previous years

독해전략 16-2 >If you had a toothache in the 1700s, your only choice was to have the 만약에당신이 1700 년대에치통을가지고있었다면유일한선택은이를뽑는것이다 tooth pulled Nothing was available to relieve your toothache or the pain when your tooth was pulled In Colonial America, a wigmaker might have pulled your tooth with some fierce-looking instrument After your tooth was gone, you would remain toothless There was no way to replace lost teeth then >Today, you and your dentist have choices Cavities can be filled or 오늘날에당신과치과의사는선택을가진다 toothache (-) (+) caps or crowns put on teeth Nerves in a painful tooth can be removed without pulling the tooth Now dentists avoid pulling teeth unless necessary If you must have a tooth pulled, it can be replaced with a bridge, dentures, or implants You can have pain relief during any of these processes 독해전략 1: 첫문장에목숨걸어라 Key word: toothache in the 1700s 독해전략 2: 을체크해라 더이상과거이야기가아닌 의이야기를하려고단락을바꾸었다 독해전략 16: 현재 (Today) 의단어를발견하면지문위로올라가면과거표현이있는지확인하고과거 현재대조글로읽어라 지문속코드 > In the 1700s ------------ ------------ > Today ------------ ------------ 1 The passage explicitly concludes that if toothache and tooth pulling were painful and scary in the 18th century, today these procedures are a very frightening b easy and quite pain free c absolutely necessary d done without pulling the tooth 문제풀이전략 9: 문제만 잘 읽어도 답이 나온다 2 This passage deals with a the then and now in medicine b how teeth were pulled in the past c choices available in medicine d options dentists have had in previous years

( 어휘) toothache available relieve pain wigmaker fierce-looking instrument replace Cavity cap crown Nerve remove unless = if not bridge dentures implants ( 해석) 당신이 1700 년대에치통을가지고있었다면, 당신의유일한선택은이를뽑는것이다 어떤것도이치통과이를뽑을때의고통을경감시켜줄수있는것은없었다 미국식민지 시대에, 가발만드는사람들은무시무시해보이는도구를가지고이를뽑을수있었다 당신의 이가빼지고나면, 당신은이가없는채로살아가야한다 잃어버린당신의이를대체할어떤 것도그때는없었다 그러나, 오늘날당신과당신의치과의사는선택을가진다 충치는치료될수있고, 캡이나 크라운을씌울수도있다 고통스러운이속의신경은이를뽑지않고도제거될수있다 지금 치과의사들은반드시필요한경우가아니라면이뽑기를피한다 만약, 반드시이를뽑아야만 한다면, 브릿지나, 의치, 이심기에의해서대체될수있다 이런과정동안에도진통제가사용될 수있다

독해전략 18-1 서울여대 2000-2 A human eye is like a camera Both have a lens that focuses rays of light In the eye, these rays fall on the retina, which can be compared to the film in a camera The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the muscles in the iris, the colored area that surrounds the pupil Some cameras have ways to control the amount of light admitted Their apertures, or openings, look a little like an expanding and contracting iris Of course, living eyes are much different from cameras One difference is that eyes contain a watery fluid, called the aqueous humor, while cameras are dry inside Another is that the surface of the eye is constantly being cleaned by tears Camera lenses,, can collect dirt and dust that must by wiped away 1 What is the author's main purpose in the passage? a To illustrate b To compare c To persuade d To criticize 2 Both the iris of the eye and the apertures of some cameras a clean the surface and wipe away dirt and dust b collect rays of light that fall on them c expand and contract to control to amount of light d contain a watery fluid or humor 3 Which of the following is the most appropriate for the blank? a therefore b in addition c in contrast d nevertheless

독해전략 18-1 서울여대 2000-2 A human eye is like a camera Both have a lens that focuses rays of 인간의눈은카메라와같다 사람의눈과카메라를비교할것이다 ( 독해전략 1) light In the eye, these rays fall on the retina, which can be compared to the film in a camera The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the muscles in the iris, the colored area that surrounds the pupil Some cameras have ways to control the amount of light admitted Their apertures, or openings, look a little like an expanding and contracting iris Of course, living eyes are much different from cameras One difference is that eyes contain a watery fluid, called the aqueous humor, while cameras are 물론, 살아있는눈은카메라와는많이다르다 한가지차이는눈은수양액이라불리는물같은유동체가있는반면 (while) 카메라는내부에물기가없다는것이다 dry inside Another is that the surface of the eye is constantly being cleaned by tears Camera lenses,, can collect dirt and dust that must by wiped away 또다른차이는눈의표면은계속눈물로씻겨진다는것이다 그반면카메라렌즈는때나먼지가쌓일수있으므로꼭닦아내야한다 독해전략 8: Another 를체크해라 스토리가 ' 사람의눈 = 카메라' 의비교에서대조로바뀐것을알지못했을지라도 를발견했다면 를발견했을것이고자연히 로바뀐것을명백히이해할수있다 지문속코드들 > 카메라 = 눈 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ / 카메라 = 눈 One difference s+v, while s+v Another(difference) s+v s,, v 1 What is the author's main purpose in the passage? a To illustrate b To compare c To persuade d To criticize 2 Both the iris of the eye and the apertures of some cameras a clean the surface and wipe away dirt and dust b collect rays of light that fall on them c expand and contract to control to amount of light d contain a watery fluid or humor 3 Which of the following is the most appropriate for the blank? a therefore b in addition

c in contrast d nevertheless One difference is that S+V, while( 반면에) S+V Another (difference) is S+V S,, V ( 어휘) ray retina be compared to iris pupil aperture watery-fluid ( 해석) 사람의눈은카메라와같다 양자모두광선을집중시키는렌즈가있다 눈에서는이들광선이 망막의위에떨어지게되는데이것은카메라의필름에비유될수있다 눈으로들어가는빛의 양은홍채속에있는근육에의해조절되는데홍채는동공을둘러싸고있는색깔있는부분이 다 어떤카메라는통과되는빛의양을조절하는방법을가지고있다 그러한카메라에있는 렌즈의구경혹은확장하고수축하는홍채와약간비슷하다 물론살아있는눈은카메라와는 많이다르다 눈에는수양액이라불리는물같은유동체가있는반면카메라는내부에물기가 없다는것이한가지차이점이다 또다른차이점은눈의표면은계속눈물로씻겨진다는것이 다 그반면카메라렌즈는때나먼지가쌓일수있으므로꼭닦아내야한다

독해전략 19-1 인하대 2001-1 In a river valley not far from Houston, Texas, a team of American scientists has found geological evidence that a vast tidal wave swept the whole Caribbean region 65 million years ago, just as the Cretaceous period the age of the dinosaurs was ending Writing in the latest issue of the journal Science, the geologist claim that a tidal wave on this scale could only have been caused by the impact of an asteroid, probably five to ten kilometers in diameter plunging through the Earth s atmosphere and into the sea That spectacular picture fits well with the view of the catastrophists, geologists who think that the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs, along with a diverse range of other living things, was caused by a series of asteroid impacts Each impact would have thrown up a world embracing dust cloud, blotting out the Sun and lowering temperatures to the point where many plants and animals could not survive Evidence for that view already comes in clays from the end of the Cretaceous period They are enriched in iridium, an element which is very rare in the Earth s crust but much more abundant in asteroids 1 The best title of the whole passage is a Dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period b What happened to the Asteroids in the past c The cause of the dinosaurs disappearance d The evidence for the Cretaceous period e The collision of the Earth and the asteroids 2 According to the passage, at the end of the Cretaceous period a Only dinosaurs lived on this plant b The temperature was much higher than before c Physiological changes occurred to dinosaurs d The sea level was substantially lowered e A series of asteroid impacts occurred

독해전략 19-1 인하대 2001-1 > In a river valley not far from Houston, Texas, a team of American scientists has found geological evidence that a vast tidal wave swept the whole Caribbean region 65 million years ago, just as the Cretaceous period the age of the dinosaurs was ending Writing in the latest issue of the journal Science, the geologist claim that a tidal wave on this scale could only have been caused by the impact of an asteroid, probably five to ten kilometers in diameter plunging through the Earth s atmosphere and 지질학자들이주장하기를이정도크기의해일 ( 캐리비안지역 ) 은오직지구의대기를뚫고바다에떨어진집경 5~10 킬로미터의행성의영향력에의해서만가능하다고한다 into the sea That spectacular picture fits well with the view of the catastrophists, geologists who think that the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs, (along with a diverse range of other living things), was caused by a series of asteroid impacts ( 다양한다른생물체둘과함께 ) 공룡의갑작스러운 사라람짐은연속적인행성의충동에의해서만가능하다고지질학자들은생각한다 >Each impact would have thrown up a world embracing dust cloud, blotting out the Sun and lowering temperatures to the point where many plants and animals could not survive Evidence for that view already comes in clays from the end of the Cretaceous period They are enriched in iridium, an element which is very rare in the Earth s crust but much more abundant in asteroids 독해전략 1: 첫문장에목숨걸어라 난이도가매우높은글이다 첫줄을보면 " 엄청난해일이 Caribbean 지역을쓸어버렸다' 는지질학적인증거를과학자들이발견했다는글이다 독해전략 19: 원인 결과의신호어를체크해라 아무리어려운글이라도독해포인트인 " " 를찾아낸다면전체글의요지를쉽게찾을수있다 결과( 이정도의해일) is caused by 원인( 행성의영향) 독해전략 19: 원인 결과의신호어를체크해라 결과( 공룡의사라짐) 원인( 연속적인행성의영향 즉, 전체글은행성의영향에대한글이다 지문분석 원인행성의영향력 (Asteroid impacts) 결과 1 이정도크기의해일 A tidal wave on this scale 결과 2 공룡의사라짐 Disappearance of the dinosaurs 전체글의독해포인트인 ( 독해전략 19) 를찾을수있어야한다 엄청난해일이일었거나공룡이사라졌거나하는것은부가적인사실에불과함 전체글은행성의영향력에대한것을다루고있다 1 The best title of the whole passage is a Dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period b What happened to the Asteroids in the past c The cause of the dinosaurs disappearance d The evidence for the Cretaceous period e The collision of the Earth and the asteroids

2 According to the passage, at the end of the Cretaceous period a Only dinosaurs lived on this plant b The temperature was much higher than before c Physiological changes occurred to dinosaurs d The sea level was substantially lowered e A series of asteroid impacts occurred ( 구문공식 1 : 콤마처리하기 ) (In a river valley not far from Houston, Texas,) a team of American scientists has found geological evidence that a vast tidal swept the whole Caribbean region 65 million years ago, just as the Cretaceous period (the age of the dinosaurs) was ending ( 첫번째콤마 ): 지역을표기할때적은지역다음에큰지역이나오면, 를찍는다 ( 두번째콤마 ) : 주어 + 동사 because 주어 + 동사 처럼부사절이나, 부사구가주어+ 동사를따라올때는당연히 because 다음이부사절이므로, ( 콤마) 를찍어서구분할필요가없다 그러나부사절이나부사구가주어+ 동사앞에오게되면길어진부사절때문에본주어를찾기가어렵다 그래서부사절, 부사구가끝나는지점에, ( 콤마) 를찍어준다 부사절이나부사구를만나면 ( ) 로묶어버리고주어+ 동사를찾는다 ( 구문공식 2: 동격의 that) as 주어 + 동사 : 할때, 하기때문에, 함에따라서, 처럼 ( 동격의 that) a team of American scientists has found geological evidence that S+V 과학자들은동격에주어+ 동사라는지질학적인증거를발견했다 동격의절안의문장 that : a vast tidal swept the whole Caribbean region 65 million years ago, just 주어 as the Cretaceous period (the age of the dinosaurs) was ending As 부사절주어 as 부사절동사광대한해일이캐리비안지역을 65 만년전에쓸어버렸다, 그것은백악기가끝나던때였다 동사 ( 구문공식 3: and 를대신하는 ~ ing) S+V1 and V2 = S+V1, Ving Each impact/would have thrown up a world embracing dust cloud, blotting out the Sun and lowering 주어동사1, 동사 2 and 동사 3 temperatures to the point (where many plants and animals/ could not survive) 부사절 where 부사절주어 where 부사절동사각각의영향력은세상을둘러싸는먼지구름을쏟아내고, 태양을가려버리고온도를많은식물과동물들이살수없는정도까지떨어트렸다 ( 구문공식 4: 동사 + 부사 ( 전치사 ) 해석 ) Blot out : 포인트는 blot에있는것이아니라 out 에있다 동사 + out ( 동사해서없애버리다) Vote out: 투표해서내쫒다 Blow out: 바람불어서끄다 Rub out: 문질러서없애다 Blot out: 잉크같이검게얼룩져서없애버리다 어휘 ) valley geological swept asteroid diameter impact embracing blot out clay cretaceous period iridium crust abundant diameter tide 해석 ) 텍사스주의휴스턴에서멀지않은강유역에서일단의미국과학자들은 6천 5 백만년전, 즉공룡의활동기인백악기가끝나가던시기에거대 한해일이카리브해전역을휩쓸었다는지질학적인증거를발견했다 지질학자들은 [ 과학] 지최근호에서이런규모의해일은오로지직경이 5내지 10 킬로미터에달하는소행성이지구의대기권을뚫고바다로떨어질때의충격으로만일어날수있었을것이라고밝히고있다 그런장관은 대격변 을주장하는사람들, 즉다양한범주의다른생물들과함께공룡이지구상에서갑자기사라진것은소행성들과잇달아충돌한결과라고생각하는지 질학자들의견해와매우부합하는것이다 그각각의충돌로지구를뒤덮은먼지구름이일어나태양을가리고, 그래서많은식물과동물이생존할수없을정도로기온을떨어뜨렸을것이다 이러한견해를뒷받침해주는증거는이미백악기말엽의점토에서발견되고있다 그점토에는이리듐이풍부한데이원소는지각에는아주희귀하지만소행성에는훨씬더풍부하게들어있는원소이다

독해전략 19-2 세종대 1999-1 Criminals were once considered sinners who chose to offend against the laws of God and man They were severely punished for their crimes Modern criminologists regard society itself as in large part responsible for the crimes committed against it Poverty, poor living conditions, and inadequate education are all causes of crime Crime is fundamentally the result of society's failure to provide a decent life for all the people It is especially common in times when values are changing, as after a war, or in countries where people with different backgrounds and values are thrown together, as in the United States Crimes, generally speaking, are fewer in countries where there are a settled way of life and a traditional respect for law 1 This passage deals with a criminals b society c the reasons for crime d crime in the United States 2 The main idea of this passage is that a crime is common when values are changing b crime is the result of poverty c traditional respect for law prevents crime d society is largely responsible for crime 3 According to the passage, which is not a cause of crime? a Slums b Wickedness c Ethnic mixing d Unsettled way of life 4 Crime is most common a in periods of instability

b in wartime c in suburbs d where there is a secure way of life 5 To prevent crime, the author implies that society should a provide stiffer penalties for criminals b provide a decent way of life for everyone c segregate the poor d treat criminals as sinners

독해전략 19-2 세종대 1999-1 > Criminals were once considered sinners who chose to offend against the laws of God and man They were severely punished for their 범죄자들 (criminals) 은신과인간을거스르기로작정한죄인 (sinners) 으로여겨졌었다 crimes (But)Modern criminologists regard society itself as in large part responsible for the crimes committed against it Poverty, poor living ( 그러나 ), 현대범죄학자들은사회자체를그것에대해서저질러진범죄에대한책임이있는것으로여긴다 conditions, and inadequate education are all causes of crime Crime is fundamentally the result of society's failure to provide a decent life for 범죄는근본적으로사회가모든사람들을위한제대로된 (decent) 삶을제공하지못한결과이다 all the people It is especially common in times when values are changing, as after a war, or in countries where people with different backgrounds and values are thrown together, as in the United States Crimes, generally speaking, are fewer in countries where there are a settled way of life and a traditional respect for law 독해전략 16: 현대 ( ) 단어를발견하면지문위로가서과거표현을찾고과거 현재대조글로읽는다 독해전략 19: 원인결과의신호어를체크해라 ( 결과 원인) 지문속코드들 > ( 과거 ) 범죄자의원인은범죄자 ( 현재 ) 범죄는사회의책임 B is the result of A ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- 1 This passage deals with a criminals b society c the reasons for crime d crime in the United States 2 The main idea of this passage is that a crime is common when values are changing b crime is the result of poverty c traditional respect for law prevents crime d society is largely responsible for crime 3 According to the passage, which is not a cause of crime? a Slums b Wickedness c Ethnic mixing d Unsettled way of life

4 Crime is most common a in periods of instability b in wartime c in suburbs d where there is a secure way of life 5 To prevent crime, the author implies that society should a provide stiffer penalties for criminals b provide a decent way of life for everyone c segregate the poor d treat criminals as sinners ( 구문분석) fail to V: V하기를실패하다가아니고 V하지못하다로해석 failure to V: V 하지못함 Crime is fundamentally the result of society's failure to provide a decent life for all the people 범죄는근본적으로모든사람들을위한괜찮은삶을제공하지못한것의결과이다 ( 어휘) criminal sinner criminologist be responsible for poverty fundamentally respect decent ( 해석) 범죄자들이란신과인간의법들을거스르기로작정한죄인들로여겨졌었다 그들은자신의 범죄에대해가혹하게처벌받았다 현대범죄학자들은사회범죄에대한책임은대부분사회 자체에있다고본다 가난, 가난한생활환경, 그리고불충분한교육이범죄의모든원인이다 범죄는근본적으로사회가모든사람들에게적절한삶을제공해주지못한결과이다 범죄는 전쟁뒤에처럼가치관이변할때나미국의경우처럼배경과가치관이다른사람들이함께사는 나라에서특히흔하다 일반적으로말해범죄는확립된생활방식과전통적인법존중정신이 있는나라에서는보다적다