VM series VM series VM 750 (L) VM 960 (L) VM 1260 ver. KO 160712 SU
/ / NC VM series VM series. VM 7 12..
Contents 02 04 08 09 / 11 14 20 / NC 22 7~12 VM 750 (L) / VM 960 (L) / VM 1260 2 () Gear Type 6000 rpm / 8000 rpm Bulit in Type 12000 rpm / 02 / 03
/ / NC 안정된 C 형구조의컬럼구조및베드설계를통해고속절삭이송을실현하였으며고정밀가공에우수한성능을발휘합니다.,, Box.,.. Z Y,.. Rib.. VM series
/ 넓은박스가이드웨와대용량공구교환장치를장착하였습니다.,.,. VM 750 (L) 20 / 20 / 20 m/min VM 960 (L) VM 1260 16 / 16 / 16 m/min 12 / 12 / 12 m/min. CAM type Loop Type 40. (T-T-T) 2.5 VM 750 (L) / VM 960 (L) 30 40 VM 1260 40 04 / 05
/ / NC 기본타입과롱타입 2 가지테이블시방과함께다양한가공솔루션을제공합니다. X,. X x Y VM 750 (L) 1600 x 800 (1900 x 800) mm VM 960 (L) 2400 x 950 (2600 x 950) mm VM 1260 2800 x 1260 mm VM 750 (L) 3000 (3500) kg VM 960 (L) 4000 (4500) kg VM 1260 8000 kg VM series
안정적인열변위방지구조로고속회전시스핀들 Taper 변형량을최소화하고다양한스핀들속도와품질로신뢰성확보하였습니다. : 2. : Rigid Tap. :. 6000r/min 8000 r/min (30 / ) VM750 (L), VM 960 (L) 18.5 / 15 kw VM 1260 22 / 18.5 kw 2 2 (BIG PLUS) BIG-PLUS PAT. CONTACT CONVENTIONAL SPACE 12000 r/min (30 / ) 30 / 25 kw, Ø100 (Oil Mist). (12000 r/min) Torque 419 N.m. 06 / 07
VM 1260 [12000 r/min] / / NC 다양한가공환경에서높은성능을제공합니다 Face mill Carbon steel (SM45C) ø125mm Face mill (8Z) (cm 3 /min) (r/min) (mm/min) 660 500 1660 End mill Carbon steel (SM45C) ø63mm Endmill (4Z) (cm 3 /min) (r/min) (mm/min) 635 500 320 100mm 63mm 5mm 31.5mm Face mill Gray casting (GC25) ø125mm Face mill (8Z) (cm 3 /min) (r/min) (mm/min) 1260 500 2520 100mm 5mm End mill Gray casting (GC25) ø63mm Endmill (4Z) (cm 3 /min) (r/min) (mm/min) 1012 500 320 63mm 31.5mm Drill Carbon steel (SM45C) ø73mm Drill (2Z) (r/min) (mm/min) 73mm 500 140 Tap Carbon steel (SM45C) ø73mm Drill (2Z) (r/min) M42 x P4.5 400. 90 P R W Profile leveled Filter ISO 11562 (M1) Lc / Ls = 300 Lc = 0.800 mm 180 0 2.5 0.0 270 Pick-up TK 300 Lt = 4.80 mm Vt = 0.50 mm/s 8.2 µm Ra 0.22 µm -2.5 VM series VM 750 (L) / 960 (L) / 1260 6000 r/min AI6061 ø10mm (Endmill : 3Z) 900 mm/min.
/ 사용자의작업환경에맞는다양한옵션을선택하여적용할수있습니다. X NO. VM750 (L) VM960 (L) VM1260 1 18.5/15 kw, 587.4 N m X 2 6000 r/min 22/18.5 kw, 698.8 N m 3 26/22 kw, 825.9 N m 4 18.5/15 kw, 587.4 N m X 5 8000 r/min 22/18.5 kw, 698.8 N m 6 26/22 kw, 825.9 N m 7 12000 r/min 30/25 kw, 238.1 N m 8 30 X 9 40 10 BIG PLUS BT50 11 BIG PLUS CAT50 12 BIG PLUS DIN50 13 0.15 MPa (0.4 kw) FLOOD 14 0.1 MPa (1.1 kw) 15 None 16 2 MPa (1.5kW) TSC 17 2 MPa (4 kw) 18 7 MPa (5.5 kw) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 X / Y / Z 28 DSQ 1 (200) 29 DSQ 2 (DSQ 1, DATA SERVER 1G) 30 DSQ 3 (DSQ 2, 600) 31 DSQ 4 (DSQ 3, 1000) 32 TS27R_RENISHAW 33 OTS_RENISHAW & 34 35 OMP60_RENISHAW 36 LED 37 38 EZ Guide i 39. 08 / 09
Interface for Additional Axis Rotary Table : VM 750 (L) : ø320 mm VM 960 (L) : ø500 mm VM 1260 : ø500 mm ( ). 4 / / NC P/T A/B P/T A/B 1pair (2-PT 3/8"port) 3pair (6-PT 3/8"port) 2pair (4-PT 3/8"port) : DOOSAN DOOSAN 24L / min, 4.9 MPa L / min, MPa Spiral type Coil Conveyor Lift Chip Conveyor (VM 1260). Coolant Gun VM series Coolant Gun.
/ DSQ : Doosan Super Quality 고품질금형가공실현을위해고속 / 고정도윤곽제어, 공구모니터링, 최적피드제어솔루션을제공합니다. DSQ1 (AICC2 _ 200 Block + ) DSQ2 (DSQ1 + Data server [1GB]) DSQ3 (DSQ2 + High speed processing _ 600 Block) DSQ DSQ VASE DAFC : Doosan Adaptive Feedrate Control. Processed in Real Time! (DTMM*) DTMM : Doosan Tool load Monitoring for Machining Centers DTMM = NC [ ] DSTC : Doosan Smart Thermal Control, Smoothing shaft.. Smothing 5. 10 / 11
Easy Operation Package Operation / Maintenance / / NC 공구 / 소재 / 프로그램등 Set up 과기계주요부분의이상상태에대한해결방안을제시함으로써기계대기시간을최소화하여사용효율을최대한높일수있으며, 사용자의조작을위한편의성을제공합니다. Tool Data Registry Table POT TOOL 2D Sensor Status Monitor Solenoid V/ V Engraving Pattern Cycle Factor Pattern Cycle ATC Recovery Help Tool Load Monitor ATC User VM series Renishaw Gui (Tool measure) (Work measure ) / / Calculator /
VM 750 (L), VM 960 (L) VM 750(L), VM 960 (L) : 6000 r/min : 18.5/15 kw (30min./ Cont.) : 8000 r/min : 18.5/15 kw (30min./ Cont.) 587.6 476.6 (30min.) (Cont.) 18.5 15 587.6 476.6 (30min.) (Cont.) 18.5 15 Output : kw Output : kw Spindle speed : r/min VM 750(L), VM 960 (L), VM 1260 Spindle speed : r/min Output : kw Output : kw Spindle speed : r/min Spindle speed : r/min VM 750(L), VM 960 (L), VM 1260 Torque : N m Output : kw Torque : N m Output : kw Torque : N m Torque : N m Torque : N m Torque : N m 0 300.5 1500 1202 6000 : 6000 r/min : 22/18.5 kw (30min./Cont.) 0 300.5 1602 1202 8000 VM 750(L), VM 960 (L), VM 1260 : 8000 r/min : 22/18.5 kw (30min./Cont.) 698.8 587.6 (30min.) (Cont.) 22 18.5 698.8 587.6 (30min.) (Cont.) 22 18.5 1500 6000 0 300.5 1202 10 300.5 1602 1202 8000 VM 750(L), VM 960 (L), VM 1260 : 6000 r/min : 26/22 kw (30min./Cont.) : 8000 r/min : 26/22 kw (30min./Cont.) 825.9 698.8 (30min.) (Cont.) 26 22 825.9 698.8 (30min.) (Cont.) 26 22 1500 6000 0 300.5 1202 Spindle speed : r/min 1602 8000 0 300.5 1202 Spindle speed : r/min VM 750 (L), VM 960 (L), VM 1260 : 12000 r/min : 30/25 kw (30min./ Cont.) Torque : N m 420 349.9 238.1 S3 25% (30min.) (Cont.) 30 25 Output : kw 0 600 2500 12000 500 2000 10000 Spindle speed : r/min 12 / 13
VM 750 / 750L (Half Cover, ) : mm / / NC 900 1500 3545 885 260 1255 1129 510 730 2265 4760 4250 273 750 1426 *1542 1024 *1208 1024 *1208 1426 *1542 1640 *1940 1620 1640 *1940 4900 *5500 VM series * : VM 750L
VM 750 / 750L (Full Cover) : mm 1285 700 AIR INLET 98 465 750 200 1715 *2115 850 *1050 850 *1050 900 1350 3095 3545 973 322 450 275 100 4959 509 4450 250 2465 1331 1988 *2348 1331 58 4650 *5010 4766 *5126 58 * : VM 750L 14 / 15
VM 960 / 960L (Half Cover, ) : mm / / NC 1345 1345 1855 *1545 *1545 900 1500 885 3545 260 551 2525 5061 1255 4510 1039 730 750 273 1855 2150 2100 *2500 6400 *6800 2150 VM series * : VM 960L
VM 960 / 960L (Full Cover) : mm 1005 1895 1034 900 1350 3545 1085 210 609 2725 5314 4705 975 273 620 750 2111 839 *1039 839 2111 *1039 1744 2528 *2928 1744 6016 *6416 * : VM 960L 16 / 17
VM 1260 (Full Cover) : mm / / NC 852 640 704 6938 2524 3735 3930 1190 3450 6080 (MAX. LENGTH) 2824 (MAX. DOOR OPEN SIZE) 6800 F.L CHIP WAGON (OPTION) 500 Liter VM series
Tool Shank / Table Tool Shank BT50 : mm MAS403P BT 50 MAS403P50T-I(45) MAS403P50T-II(60) 23.2 ø100 ø85 ø80 15 ø69.85 7/24 TAPER M24 x P3.0 ø25 25.7 ø38 M24 x P3.0 ø17 45 30 ø23 ø38 M24 x P3.0 60 30 Table (Half / Full ) VM 750 / 750L VM 960 / 960L : mm 1500 *1800 750 *900 750 *900 CUTTING RANGE 2000 *2400 CUTTING RANGE 1000 *1200 1000 *1200 880 180 100 x 6 100 1600 *1900 25 750 25 18 H8 12 22 1025 125 x 6 100 175 2400 *2600 960 22 H8 16 24 DETAIL T-SLOT DETAIL T-SLOT VM 1260 160 x 6 150 1350 16 ø17 ø23 15 60 38 101.8 3 ø25 ø25 35.4 35.4 40 45 40 45 40 22 H8 240 37 100 2800 100 T-SLOT SECTION 3000 18 / 19
VM series Unit VM750 VM 750L VM 960 VM 960L VM 1260 X mm 1500 1800 2000 2400 2500 Y mm 750 960 1260 / / NC Z mm 800 900 mm 200-1000 200-1100 mm 865 1005 1320 (X / Y / Z) m/min 20 / 20 / 20 16 / 16 / 16 12 / 12 / 12 mm/min 10000 8000 6000 mm 1600 x 800 1900 x 800 2400 x 950 2600 x 950 2800 x 1260 kg 3000 3500 4000 4500 8000 r/min 6000 {8000, 12000}* ISO#50 7/24 Taper N m 587.6 {698.8, 793.8}*, {420}* 698.8 {793.8}*, {420}* BIG PLUS MAS403 BT50 ea 30 {40}* 40 mm ø125 ( ) mm ø230 mm 350 kg 15 () Memory Random s 2.5 ( ) s 6 8 (30) kw 18.5 / 15 {22 / 18.5, 30 / 25}* 22 / 18.5 {18.5 /15, 30 / 25}* (X / Y / Z) kw 7 / 7 / 7 9 / 9 / 7 kva 60 {70}* 65 {73}* Mpa 0.54 L 480 520 800 L 12 (H) mm 3545 3930 (L x W) mm 4927 x 4900 {5126 x 4766}* 4927 x 5500 {5126 x 5126}* 5138 x 6400 {5392 x 6016}* 5138 x 6800 {5392 x 6416}* 5645 x 6938 kg 14000 14800 20000 21000 31000 VM series * { } :
X FANUC 31i Item Spec. FANUC 31i & M & OTHERS FUNCTIONS (Operation, setting & Display, etc) Additional controlled axes () 5 axes in total Least command increment () 0.001 mm / 0.0001" Least input increment () 0.001 mm / 0.0001" Interpolation type pitch error compensation 2nd reference point return (2) G30 3rd / 4th reference return (3,4) Inverse time feed Cylinderical interpolation G07.1 Helical interpolation B (B) Only Fanuc 30i - Smooth interpolation NURBS interpolation Involute interpolation Helical involute interpolation Bell-type acceleration/deceleration before look ahead interpolation Smooth backlash compensation Automatic corner override () G62 Manual handle feed rate ( ) x1, x10, x100 (per pulse) Handle interruption Manual handle retrace Manual handle feed 2/3 unit Nano smoothing AI contour control II is required. AICC II 200 BLOCK AICC II 400 BLOCK High-speed processing 600 BLOCK X Look-ahead blocks expansion 1000 BLOCK DSQ I AICC II (200block) + Machining condition selection function DSQ II AICC II (200block) + Machining condition selection function + Data server (1GB) DSQ III AICC II with high speed processing (600block) + Machining condition selection function + Data server (1GB) M- code function (M) Retraction for rigid tapping Rigid tapping () G84, G74 Number of tool offsets () 64 ea Number of tool offsets () 99 / 200 / 400 / 499 / 999 / 2000 ea Tool nose radius compensation G40, G41, G42 Tool length compensation () G43, G44, G49 Tool life management () Addition of tool pairs for tool life management Tool offset() G45 - G48 Custom macro () Macro executor Part program storage 256KB(640m) Part program storage 512KB(1,280m) / 1MB(2,560m) / 2MB(5,120m) / 4MB(1,0240m), 8MB(2,0480m) Inch/metric conversion (/) G20 / G21 Number of Registered programs () 500 ea Number of Registered programs () 1000 / 4000 ea Optional block skip () 9 BLOCK Playback function ( ) Addition of workpiece coordinate system G54.1 P1-48 (48 pairs) 48 pairs Addition of workpiece coordinate system G54.1 P1-300 (300 pairs) Embeded Ethernet (Ethernet ) USB memory interface (USB ) Only Data Read & Write High speed skip function Polar coordinate command G15 / G16 Polar coordinate interpolation () G12.1 / G13.1 Programmable mirror image G50.1 / G51.1 Scaling G50, G51 Single direction positioning G60 Pattern data input Jerk control AI contour control II is required. Fast Data server with1gb PCMCIA card Fast Ethernet 3-dimensional coordinate conversion 3-dimensional tool compensation Figure copying G72.1, G72.2 Machining time stamp function Doosan infracore Conversational Programming Solution EZ Guide I with 10.4" Color TFT -.When the EZ Guide i is used, the Dynamic graphic display cannot application Machining profile drawing. Dynamic graphic display (with 10.4" Color TFT LCD) -.When the EZ Guide i is used, the Dynamic graphic display cannot application 3-dimensional tool compensation OPT Figure copying G72.1, G72.2 OPT Machining time stamp function OPT Doosan infracore Conversational Programming Solution EZ Guide I with 10.4" Color TFT -.When the EZ Guide i is used, the Dynamic graphic display cannot OPT application Machining profile drawing. Dynamic graphic display (with 10.4" Color TFT LCD) -.When the EZ Guide i is used, the Dynamic graphic display cannot OPT application 20 / 21
Responding to Customers Anytime, Anywhere / / NC VM series 5 3 122 18 :,,
,.,,. Customer Support Service. (Shanghai) (Yantai) / / / 2 / 7,,,,,, 6,,,,, 31 19, 12 / Application Engineering 22 / 23
VM series UNIT VM 750 VM 750L VM 960 VM 960L VM 1260 X mm 1500 1800 2000 2400 2500 Y mm 750 960 1260 Z mm 800 900 (X x Y) mm 1600 x 800 1900 x 800 2400 x 950 2600 x 950 2800 x 1260 kg 3000 3500 4000 4500 8000 r/min 6000 {8000, 12000}* ea 30 30 {40}* 40 *{ } http://www.doosanmachinetools.com www.facebook.com/doosanmachinetools 1600-4522 055-600-4900 / voc@doosan.com 02)838-3106~8 055) 280-4488 032)516-5824/5/7 031)238-6803~4 042)632-8020~4 051)319-1700 055)276-0321~3 053)551-1601~2.,. () MBK, ().