CDM 국제협상신이슈및국가입장수립논의 고재윤처장지구환경처
Scope CDM 범위확대 / 완화관련 LULUCF 기타유형포함여부 (land use, land use change and forestry activities) 산림전용및악화방지 (REDD), 산림경영 CCS 포함여부 (carbon dioxide capture and storage) COP14 까지결론도출계획. 협상난항으로일정준수가능성낮음 Nuclear 발전포함여부 일본을중심으로강력주장 Sectoral CDM 정립및확대여부
Scope CDM 범위확대 / 완화관련 No lose target 하에서의 Sectoral CDM 포함여부 No lose target: 개도국참여를이끌어내기위한제안으로절대적감축목표미달성시패널티가없음 No lose sectoral mechanism: 초과달성분에대한 Credits 인정및거래허용 Crediting on the basis of NAMA (nationally appropriate mitigation actions) 포함여부 Korea proposal ( 정래권기후변화대사 )
Effectiveness and efficiency EB 제도향상관련 CDM Scope 변경 / 확대 / 관리를위한감독기관및제도마련논의 EB 효율성제고논의 CDM M&P 개정방안 EB 의사결정시참여방안 EB 의사결정투명성향상방안 CDM project 의 review 요청절차및방법개정방안 EB 의사결정에대한이의제기절차필요성및방안 EB members 에대한면책, 특권확대필요성및방안
Effectiveness and efficiency EB 제도향상관련 사무국규정개선 EB 지원기능의타전문기관으로의이양여부 사무국의기술적의사결정 (technical decision-making) 대행절차마련 사무국의의사결정중립성 (neutrality) 모니터링및관리방안 EB 지원기능향상수단 DOE 개선 DOEs 대체기관 (alternative institutional arrangements to replace DOEs) 설정여부및방안 EB 의 DOEs 심사에대한명확한지침서제공보장 ( 예 : VVM) DOEs 역량부족 (poor-quality performance of DOEs) 에대한불이익제공필요성및방안 신규 DOEs 진입장벽저감 DOEs 의지역적균형분포방안
Effectiveness and efficiency Host 국가 DNA 권한확대관련 Project 추가성 (additionality) 개정을통한환경적건전성 (environmental integrity) 확립방안관련 특정사업유형에대한추가성평가 (additionality test) 삭제필요성및방안 (e.g. wind power, geothermal, photovoltaic, solar thermal) 현 CDM 사업의문제점및추가성완화필요성
Effectiveness and efficiency Project 추가성 (additionality) 개정을통한환경적건전성 (environmental integrity) 확립방안관련 Multiple-project baselines 인정및표준화방안 거시적 (Macro level) 관점의추가성 (additionality) 평가추가여부 추가성평가툴 (additionality test) 중재무적추가성 (investment/financal additionality) 삭제여부 사회환경적영향평가 (testing environmental and social impacts) 강화방안마련및적용여부 Baseline 의객관적이고강화된설정및평가방법적용여부
Effectiveness and efficiency Project 추가성 (additionality) 개정을통한환경적건전성 (environmental integrity) 확립방안관련 50% 추가성입증실패 총 66 건 40% 베이스라인및모니터링방법론오적용 10% 기타 -방법론오류부분에서는 CDM 산업이심층화되면서최근 reject 건수는줄고있는추세 ( 올해만 5건 ) -추가성입증실패 : 33건중투자분석중벤치마크분석오류, 장애분석중기술장애및 prevailing practice and others -올해 reject 된사업14건중추가성지적받은건수 9건 -추가성중가장큰원인은투자분석및장애분석입증실패 -주목할점은올해에만 CDM 초기고려입증실패로총 4건 reject -올해 review 요청건수 38건중33건이추가성입증실패 ( 이중 19건이초기고려이유 )
Accessibility CDM 에대한국가별차등 (Differentiate the treatment of Parties) 제도마련여부 대상국가선정을위한지표 (Indicator) 마련방안 대상국가의 CDM projects 평가방안 국가별시행 CDM projects 유형별차등 (Differentiate the treatment of types of projects by Party) 제도마련여부 소규모 CDM 사업의제도 (modalities and procedures) 간소화강화여부 Contribution to sustainable development, capacity to generate co benefits and the transfer of technology CDM 의지속가능성 (sustainable development) 강화여부 지속가능성이높은특정 CDM 사업유형에대한국가별 CERs demand 할당
Contribution to sustainable development, capacity to generate co benefits and the transfer of technology 기존 GWPs(of global warming potentials) 대안설정여부 특정기술로부터의 CDM Projects에대한CERs 총량산정시 GWP가아닌 Multiplication factors 적용필요성및설정방안 GWPs 의대안으로 GTPs (global temperature-change potentials) 활용방안 CDM 기술이전향상방안여부 (North.South, South.South, within a country) 사업평가항목내기술이전여부평가강화방안
Contribution to sustainable development, capacity to generate co benefits and the transfer of technology Increase the demand for afforestation and reforestation projects: Define alternative accounting rules for afforestation and reforestation projects. Increase the co-benefits of CDM projects (e.g. energy efficiency): Include co-benefits (e.g. monetary, other) as a project assessment criterion.
Contribution to sustainable development, capacity to generate co benefits and the transfer of technology Programmatic CDM 확대방안 기존제약조건 ( 단일기술 / 기준배출량산정방법론활용 ) 완화필요성및완화범위 Increase the co-benefits of CDM projects (e.g. energy efficiency) 환경적시너지효과가높은 CDM projects 의추진장애요인제거방안
교토메커니즘공통문제 (Cross cutting issues) KP 간이전관련 (Review of carry-over restrictions) Credits 별 KP 간이전제한량차등화의일관성고려제도개정필요성및방안 tcers, lcers 상환제한변경필요성및방안 이후 KP 로부터의배출권 (AAUs) 차용 (borrowing) 인정필요성및인정범위 교토의정서하 Credits 종류단순화필요성및방안 SOP(share of proceeds) 확대필요성및방안 교토의정서 9 조에따라 SBI 에서는배출권거래제 (ET), 공동이행제도 (JI) 로부터 2% 의거래수수료를 SOP 로징수하여적응기금 (adaptation fund) 에활용하는방안논의중 1 차이행기간 (2008-2012) 중사후정산절차 (true-up process) 마련및적용필요성
Thank you for your attention Kyoung Sik Sik, Choi +82 32 32 560 2189 Environmental Management Corporation