*G2R 2009AR_(내지)

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1 *G2R 2013AR_cover_*G2R 2009AR_ 표지 오전 9:35 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t A N N U A L R E P O R T 기영업보고서 LG Mapo Bldg, 155 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, , Korea tel /2700

2 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1. 주주여러분께드리는말씀 04 - 영업개황보고 2. 영업보고서 1. 회사의개황 영업의경과및성과 모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등 최근 3년간영업실적및재무상태 회사가대처할과제 이사와감사의현황 대주주현황 회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황 주요채권자등 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 감사보고서 1. 감사위원회의감사보고서 감사위원회의내부회계관리제도평가보고서 외부감사인의감사보고서 외부감사인의연결감사보고서 결산보고서 1. 재무상태표 ( 대차대조표 ) 손익계산서 포괄손익계산서 자본변동표 이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 현금흐름표 재무제표에대한주석 ( 별지참조 ) 8. 연결재무상태표 ( 연결대차대조표 ) 연결손익계산서 연결포괄손익계산서 연결자본변동표 연결현금흐름표 연결재무제표에대한주석 ( 별지참조 ) Business Report (English) 37

3 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 4 주주여러분께드리는말씀 ( 영업개황보고 ) 존경하는주주여러분! 항상지투알과지투알계열회사에굳건한믿음과아낌없는성원을보내주시는주주여러분께모든임직원을대표하여깊은감사를드립니다. 2013년국내광고시장은국내외경기불확실성에따른실물경기위축등으로전년대비 2.2% 로소폭증가한 9조 6천억원수준으로추정되고있습니다. TV의경우 KOBACO 와미디어크리에이트간의본격적인판매경쟁돌입과출범 3년째를맞은종합편성채널의마케팅가치증대에도불구, 소비심리악화와경제저성장기조등의여파로전년대비역신장을기록했으며, 인쇄광고시장또한부동산 건설및금융광고등이반전의계기를만들지못하고장기적인하향추세를이어갔습니다. 반면온라인은처음으로 2조원을넘어 No.1 미디어로서의지위를강화했습니다. 모바일광고는스마트폰및통신네트워크속도의진화, 메신저 SNS 와같은플랫폼과의융합에힘입어전년대비약두배신장한 4천억원대의시장으로성장했습니다. 지난해지투알은광고시장의성장둔화속에서도전년대비 8% 증가한 1조 872억원의취급고를이루며, 2년연속취급고 1조원을달성했습니다. 이는한국관광공사, 서울우유, 라이나생명, Jeep/Chrysler/ FIAT, 진에어, 일룸, 농수산식품유통공사, PRADA 등을신규수주하며보다다양한광고주에게신뢰를얻었을뿐아니라, 국내최초의스마트 DMB 모바일광고집행, 신개념매장디자인및설계, 디지털에특화된크리에이티브조직운영, 신제품출시부터광고집행까지전과정을관리하는 NPI(New Product Introduction) 프로젝트등, 신규영역개척을위한다양한시도가결실을거뒀기에가능했습니다. 글로벌비즈니스부문에서도해외네트워크실적이 2012년손익분기점수준에서지난해영업이익 50억을상회하는수준으로증가하였고, 해외주요도시에랜드마크성 LG 옥외광고를설치하는등내실있는성장을이어가고있습니다. 디지털을중심으로한 LG전자 It s All Possible 글로벌캠페인은소비자의실시간참여를이끌어내며 G2 브랜드를세계무대에성공적으로런칭했으며, 대한항공 어디에도없던인도양 국내캠페인의경우, 인도양여행기 책자를출간하는등, 온 / 오프라인을넘나드는통합마케팅으로호평을받았습니다.

4 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 5 프로모션부문또한 2013년충주세계조정선수권대회를성공적으로대행했을뿐아니라, 올해 9월개최되는인천아시안게임을아시아인모두의축제로만들기위해개폐회식준비에박차를가하고있습니다. 광고상수상도이어져소비자가뽑은좋은광고상을필두로, 런던국제광고제, 부산국제광고제에서연이어수상하며높은평가를받았습니다. 대한민국광고대상에서는 LG전자트롬스타일러인쇄광고로대상을수상하여인쇄광고부문 3년연속대상수상이라는금자탑을세웠으며, 우리나라대표로스파익스아시아에참가한당사젊은광고인 2명은 영미디어컴피티션 부문최고상을수상하는영예를안았습니다. 존경하는주주여러분! 올해국내광고시장은동계올림픽, 브라질월드컵, 인천아시안게임등의스포츠이벤트효과를감안할때, 전년보다는조금나아질것으로예상하고있습니다만, 날로치열해지고있는광고주수주경쟁과일감몰아주기논란지속등경영환경은여전히불확실한상황입니다. 이에당사는 LG 브랜드의글로벌시장선도를이끄는전방위적마케팅파트너로서의역할을강화할것이며, 외부고객사에대한철저한이해를바탕으로새로운사업참여기회를발굴하여, 탄탄한고객사포트폴리오를만듦으로써경영환경변화에철저히대비하고자합니다. 지투알만의 3 SCREEN(TV, 컴퓨터, 모바일 ) 통합광고효과분석모델은과학적인매체플래닝을가능하게해, 고객사의만족도를높이는데보탬이될것입니다. 나아가이와같은노력을발판으로향후 5년내에취급고 2조원달성이라는더큰목표를이뤄나갈수있도록하겠습니다. 올해는지투알이 LG애드 라는사명으로종합광고회사로서의닻을올린지 30주년이되는해입니다. 1984년창립된이후업계를대표하는광고회사로성장하기까지수많은성공캠페인으로고객사의브랜드를키워왔습니다. 이제새로운 30년을다시시작하며, 지속가능한성장을이루기위한굳은결의와각오로고객사의사업성과창출에기여하고, 협력업체와의공정거래를통한정도경영준수, 지역사회와연계한사회공헌프로그램전개등으로모두에게사랑받는기업이되도록노력하겠습니다. 당사에늘관심을갖고지켜봐주시는주주여러분께진심으로감사드리며, 여러분의가정에건강과행복이충만하시기를진심으로기원합니다. 감사합니다 년 3 월 14 일 주식회사지투알대표이사김종립

5 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 6 영업보고서 회사의개황영업의경과및성과모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등최근 3년간영업실적및재무상태회사가대처할과제이사와감사의현황대주주현황회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황주요채권자등결산기후에생긴중요한사실그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항

6 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 0 7 Ⅰ. 회사의개황 1. 회사의목적 ( 정관상의사업목적 ) 지주회사업 광고업 인쇄및출판업 기타제품제조업 토목건설업 건물설비설치공사업 전기및통신공사업 건축마무리공사업 도소매및상품중개업 부동산임대, 공급및관련서비스업 시장조사및경영상담업 전문디자인업 기타사업지원서비스업 영화산업 기타오락, 문화및운동관련산업 위각호에부대되는사업 2. 영업소현황 영업소의명칭 중요사업내용및제품 소재지 본사 지주회사업 서울시마포구마포대로 종업원현황 [2013 년 12월 31일현재 ] 구분 임원 재경 인사 법무 기타 계 인원수

7 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 주식에관한사항 1) 발행한주식의종류와수 [2013 년 12월 31일현재 ] 구분 주식수 금액 구성비 기명식보통주 16,567,409 주 17,571,493,000 원 100% 2) 자본금변동상황년월일 주식의종류 주식수 ( 주 ) 증자액 ( 천원 ) 증자후자본금 ( 천원 ) 증자내용 보통주 300,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 무상증자 보통주 1,600,000-8,000,000 액면분할 보통주 686,000 3,430,000 11,430,000 유상증자 보통주 68, ,900 11,772,900 주식배당 보통주 11,772,900-11,772,900 액면분할 보통주 5,798,593 5,798,593 17,571,493 유상증자 보통주 1,004,084-17,571,493 이익소각 3) 주식사무 결산일 12월 31일 정기주주총회개최 2월또는 3월중 주주명부폐쇄기간 1월 1일부터 1월 31일까지 공고신문 한국경제신문 주권의종류 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 10,000 주권 (8종 ) 대리인의명칭 한국예탁결제원 주식업무대행기관 사무취급장소 서울영등포구여의나루로 4길 23 주식에대한특전 없음 5. 사채에관한사항 해당사항없음

8 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 0 9 Ⅱ. 영업의경과및성과 1. 연결매출액 ( 영업수익 ) [ 단위 : 백만원 ] 구분 30기 (2013 년 ) 29기 (2012 년 ) 28기 (2011 년 ) 제작매출액 272, , ,789 수입광고대행료 65,352 58,917 65,856 기타매출액 11,007 7,652 6,434 계 349, , ,079

9 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 0 Ⅲ. 모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등 1. 모회사현황 [2013 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 상호소재지자본금주요업종소유주식수지분율 ( 주 ) 엘지서울시영등포구여의대로 ,359 백만원지주회사 5,798,593 주 35.0% 2. 자회사현황 [2013 년 12월 31일현재 ] 상호 소재지 자본금 주요업종 소유주식수 ( 주 ) 지분율 에이치에스애드 서울시마포구마포대로 155 5,306 백만원 광고 5,306, % 엘베스트 서울시서초구반포대로 백만원 광고 32, % GIIR America 180 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ USA 90만달러 광고 % 17 th Floor, West Twins Tower, Yuan Zhi Meng No:12, Jian Guo Men Wai Road, 50만달러 광고 - 70% Chao Yang District, Beijing, China 305 Third Floor, Copia Corporate GIIR India Suites, District Centre, Jasola, 79,018,682 루피 광고 7,901, % New Delhi , India GIIR UK LG House, Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK 100만달러 광고 642, % GIIR Rus LLC 8 Floor, 4, 4 th Lesnoy per., Moscow, , Russia 87만달러 광고 - 100% LG Electronics do Brazil GIIR Do Brazil Av.Dr.Chucri Zaidan, and ar CEP Vila 87만달러 광고 - 100% Cordeiro, Sao Paolo/SP, Brazil Richmond Bldg., 20 th floor, GIIR Thailand Sukhumvit26, Klongton, Klongtoey, 26백만바트 광고 260, % Bangkok 10110, Thailand GIIR Germany Berliner Strasse 93, LG Building Ratingen, Germany 70만유로 광고 - 100% GIIR Ukraine 6 th Floor. 4(Lit.Z) basseynaya Str., Kiev, 01004, Ukraine 87만달러 광고 - 100%

10 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 모 자회사에대한이사겸직상황 [2013 년 12월 31일현재 ] 성명 모 자회사 직위 역할 ( 주 ) 지투알 사장 대표이사 김종립 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 사장 대표이사 ( 주 ) 엘베스트 사장 대표이사 Yuan Zhi Meng 이사 기타비상무이사 김생규 ( 주 ) 지투알 상무 사내이사 Yuan Zhi Meng 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 지투알 이사 기타비상무이사 황현식 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 엘베스트 이사 기타비상무이사 Ⅳ. 최근 3 년간영업실적및재무상태 1. 영업실적 1) 요약손익계산서 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 (` ` ) (` ` ) (` ` ) 영업수익 10,057 14,245 16,225 영업비용 11,605 11,975 12,557 영업이익 ( 손실 ) (1,547) 2,270 3,668 기타수익 / 금융수익 1,542 2,522 2,607 기타비용 / 금융비용 ,625 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) (9) 4,770 1,650 법인세비용 (553) 382 (775) 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 543 4,388 2,426

11 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 2 2) 요약연결손익계산서 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 (` ` ) (` ` ) (` ` ) 매출액 349, , ,079 매출원가 234, , ,086 매출총이익 ( 손실 ) 114, ,418 96,993 판매관리비 97,976 90,311 83,436 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 16,134 15,108 13,557 기타수익 / 금융수익 6,377 8,654 7,493 기타비용 / 금융비용 6,019 6,357 10,096 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) 16,493 17,405 10,954 법인세비용 4,122 5,317 4,189 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 12,425 12,285 7,540 지배주주 11,961 12,272 7, 71 1 비지배주주 (170) 2. 재무상태 1) 요약재무상태표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 ( ) ( ) ( ) 자산 1. 유동자산 50,463 54,466 55, 비유동자산 48,482 47,964 46,893 자산총계 98, , ,897 부채 1. 유동부채 1,594 2,035 2, 비유동부채 부채총계 2,338 2,771 3,425 자본

12 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 3 요약재무상태표 - 계속 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 1. 자본금 17,571 17,571 17, 자본잉여금 54,582 54,582 54, 이익잉여금 30,023 32,813 31, 기타포괄손익누계액 (117) 기타자본항목 (5,453) (5,453) (5,453) 자본총계 96,607 99,659 98,472 부채와자본총계 98, , ,897 2) 요약연결재무상태표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 ( ) ( ) ( ) 자산 1. 유동자산 385, , , 비유동자산 23,117 24,220 23,977 자산총계 408, , ,690 부채 1. 유동부채 282, , , 비유동부채 4,163 4,700 5,354 부채총계 286, , ,393 자본 1. 지배기업소유주지분 120, , ,561 자본금 17,571 17,571 17,571 연결자본잉여금 54,582 54,582 54,582 연결이익잉여금 58,511 50,074 41,928 연결기타포괄손익누계액 (546) (105) (68) 연결기타자본항목 (9,210) (9,210) (5,453) 2. 비지배지분 (3,264) 자본총계 121, , ,297 부채및자본총계 408, , ,690

13 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 자본변동 1) 요약자본변동표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 (` ` ) (` ` ) (` ` ) 기초자본 99,659 98,472 96,959 자본의변동 (3,052) 1,187 1,513 기말자본 96,607 99,659 98,472 2) 요약연결자본변동표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 (` ` ) (` ` ) (` ` ) 기초자본 113, ,297 99,915 자본의변동 8,455 7,902 5,382 기말자본 121, , , 현금흐름 1) 요약현금흐름표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 (` ` ) (` ` ) (` ` ) 영업활동으로인한현금흐름 (70) 2,975 5, 당기순이익 543 4,388 2,426 투자활동으로인한현금흐름 3,024 (68) (4,911) 재무활동으로인한현금흐름 (3,242) (3,242) (2,431) 현금의증가 (288) (335) (1,808) 기초현금 ,570 기말현금

14 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 5 2) 요약연결현금흐름표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 30 기 제 29 기 제 28 기 항 목 (` ` ) (` ` ) (` ` ) 영업활동으로인한현금흐름 6,981 (15,559) 33, 당기순이익 12,426 12,285 7,540 투자활동으로인한현금흐름 6,762 (8,593) (3,901) 재무활동으로인한현금흐름 (2,680) (2,022) (1,340) 현금의증가 11,063 (26,173) 28,425 기초현금 19,846 46,958 18,502 기말현금 30,578 19,846 46,958 Ⅴ. 회사가대처할과제 본보고사항은 주주여러분께드리는말씀 에포함, 기재되어있습니다.

15 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 6 Ⅵ. 이사와감사의현황 [2013 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 성명 직위 담당업무또는주된업무 회사와의거래관계 김종립 사장 대표이사 없음 김생규 상무 사내이사 없음 황현식 이사 기타비상무이사 없음 로빈스승훈 이사 기타비상무이사 없음 조인수 사외이사 사외이사 없음 이경태 사외이사 사외이사 없음 Ⅶ. 대주주현황 [2013 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 주주성명 소유주식수 소유비율 회사와의거래관계 ( 주 ) 엘지 5,798, % 없음 Cavendish Square Holding B.V. 4,956, % 없음 국민연금 924, % 없음 신영자산운용 734, % 없음 황순태 662, % 없음

16 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 7 Ⅷ. 회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황 [2013 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] [ 단위 : 주 ] 타회사명칭 투자및출자회사다른회사에출자한당사에출자한타회사의 ( 당사또는자회사 ) 소유주식수소유비율소유주식수소유비율 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 ( 주 ) 지투알 5,306, % - - ( 주 ) 엘베스트 ( 주 ) 지투알 32, % - - GIIR America ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR India ( 주 ) 지투알 7,901, % - - GIIR UK ( 주 ) 지투알 642, % - - GIIR Rus LLC ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR Do Brazil ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - Yuan Zhi Meng ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR Thailand ( 주 ) 지투알 260, % - - GIIR Germany ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR Ukraine ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - 우리투자증권 ( 주 ) ( 주 ) 지투알 148, % - - Ⅸ. 주요채권자등 해당사항없음 Ⅹ. 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 해당사항없음 ⅩⅠ. 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 해당사항없음

17 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 18 감사보고서 감사위원회의감사보고서감사위원회의내부회계관리제도평가보고서외부감사인의감사보고서외부감사인의연결감사보고서

18 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 9 감사위원회의감사보고서 본감사위원회는제 30 기사업연도 (2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지 ) 의회계및업무에관한감사를실시하고 그결과를다음과같이보고합니다. 1. 감사방법의개요회계감사를위하여회계에관한장부와관계서류를열람하고재무제표및동부속명세서를검토하였으며필요하다고인정되는경우대조, 실사, 입회, 조회, 기타적절한감사절차를적용하였습니다. 업무감사를위하여이사회및기타중요한회의에출석하고필요하다고인정되는경우이사로부터영업에관한보고를받았으며, 중요한업무에관한서류를열람하고그내용을검토하는등적절한방법을사용하였습니다. 2. 재무제표에관한사항 재무제표는법령및정관에따라회사의재무상태, 경영성과, 이익잉여금의변동, 자본의변동및현금흐름의내용을 적정하게표시하고있습니다. 3. 영업보고서에관한사항 영업보고서는법령및정관에따라회사의상황을정확하게표시하고있습니다 년 2 월 18 일 주식회사지투알감사위원장이경태 위원조인수 위원로빈스승훈

19 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 감사위원회의내부회계관리제도평가보고서 주식회사지투알주주및이사회귀중 본감사위원회는 2013 년 12 월 31 일현재동일자로종료하는회계연도에대한당사의내부회계관리제도의설계및 운영실태를평가하였습니다. 내부회계관리제도의설계및운영에대한책임은내부회계관리자를포함한회사의경영진에있습니다. 본감사위원회는내부회계관리자가본감사위원회에게제출한내부회계관리제도운영실태평가보고서를참고로, 회사의내부회계관리제도가신뢰할수있는재무제표의작성및공시를위하여재무제표의왜곡을초래할수있는오류나부정행위를예방하고적발할수있도록효과적으로설계및운영되고있는지의여부에대하여평가하였습니다. 본감사위원회는내부회계관리제도의설계및운영실태를평가함에있어내부회계관리제도모범규준을평가기준으로사용하였습니다. 본감사위원회의내부회계관리제도운영실태평가결과, 2013 년 12 월 31 일현재당사의내부회계관리제도는내부회계 관리제도모범규준에근거하여볼때, 중요성의관점에서효과적으로설계되어운영되고있다고판단됩니다 년 2 월 18 일 주식회사지투알감사위원장이경태 위원조인수 위원로빈스승훈

20 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 1 외부감사인의감사보고서 본감사인은첨부된주식회사지투알의 2013 년 12월 31일과 2012 년 12월 31일현재의재무상태표와 2013 년 12월 31일과 2012 년 12월 31일로종료되는양회계연도의손익계산서, 포괄손익계산서, 자본변동표및현금흐름표를감사하였습니다. 이재무제표를작성할책임은회사경영자에게있으며본감사인의책임은동재무제표에대하여감사를실시하고이를근거로이재무제표에대하여의견을표명하는데있습니다. 본감사인은한국의회계감사기준에따라감사를실시하였습니다. 이기준은본감사인이재무제표가중요하게왜곡표시되지아니하였다는것을합리적으로확신하도록감사를계획하고실시할것을요구하고있습니다. 감사는재무제표상의금액과공시내용을뒷받침하는감사증거에대하여시사의방법을적용하여검증하는것을포함하고있습니다. 또한감사는재무제표의전반적인표시내용에대한평가뿐만아니라재무제표작성을위해경영자가적용한회계원칙과유의적회계추정에대한평가를포함하고있습니다. 본감사인이실시한감사가감사의견표명을위한합리적인근거를제공하고있다고본감사인은믿습니다.

21 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 2 외부감사인의감사보고서 본감사인의의견으로는상기재무제표는주식회사지투알의 2013 년 12 월 31 일과 2012 년 12 월 31 일현재의재무상태와 2013 년 12 월 31 일과 2012 년 12 월 31 일로종료되는양회계연도의재무성과및현금흐름의내용을한국채택국제회계 기준에따라중요성의관점에서적정하게표시하고있습니다. 감사의견에영향을미치지않는사항으로서재무제표에대한주석 33 에서설명하고있는바와같이회사는당기중특수 관계자와의거래가발생하였으며, 당기말현재관련채권, 채무가존재하고있습니다 년 2 월 25 일 삼정회계법인대표이사 김교태 이감사보고서는감사보고서일 (2014 년 2 월 25 일 ) 현재로유효한것입니다. 따라서감사보고서일이후이보고서를열람하는시점까지의기간사이에첨부된회사의연결재무제표에중대한영향을미칠수있는사건이나상황이발생할수도있으며이로인하여이감사보고서가수정될수도있습니다.

22 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 3 외부감사위원회의연결감사보고서 본감사인은첨부된주식회사지투알과그종속기업의 2013 년 12월 31일과 2012 년 12월 31일현재의연결재무상태표와 2013 년 12월 31일과 2012 년 12월 31일로종료되는양회계연도의연결손익계산서, 연결포괄손익계산서, 연결자본변동표및연결현금흐름표를감사하였습니다. 이연결재무제표를작성할책임은회사경영자에게있으며본감사인의책임은동연결재무제표에대하여감사를실시하고이를근거로이연결재무제표에대하여의견을표명하는데있습니다. 본감사인은한국의회계감사기준에따라감사를실시하였습니다. 이기준은본감사인이연결재무제표가중요하게왜곡표시되지아니하였다는것을합리적으로확신하도록감사를계획하고실시할것을요구하고있습니다. 감사는연결재무제표상의금액과공시내용을뒷받침하는감사증거에대하여시사의방법을적용하여검증하는것을포함하고있습니다. 또한감사는연결재무제표의전반적인표시내용에대한평가뿐만아니라연결재무제표작성을위해경영자가적용한회계원칙과유의적회계추정에대한평가를포함하고있습니다. 본감사인이실시한감사가감사의견표명을위한합리적인근거를제공하고있다고본감사인은믿습니다. 본감사인의의견으로는상기연결재무제표는주식회사지투알과그종속기업의 2013 년 12 월 31 일과 2012 년 12 월 31 일 현재의재무상태와 2013 년 12 월 31 일과 2012 년 12 월 31 일로종료되는양회계연도의재무성과및현금흐름의내용을 한국채택국제회계기준에따라중요성의관점에서적정하게표시하고있습니다.

23 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 4 외부감사인의감사보고서 감사의견에영향을미치지않는사항으로서재무제표에대한주석 38 에서설명하고있는바와같이회사는당기중특수 관계자와의거래가발생하였으며, 당기말현재관련채권, 채무가존재하고있습니다 년 2 월 25 일 삼정회계법인대표이사 김교태 이감사보고서는감사보고서일 (2014 년 2 월 25 일 ) 현재로유효한것입니다. 따라서감사보고서일이후이보고서를열람하는시점까지의기간사이에첨부된회사의연결재무제표에중대한영향을미칠수있는사건이나상황이발생할수도있으며이로인하여이감사보고서가수정될수도있습니다.

24 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 25 결산보고서 재무상태표 ( 대차대조표 ) 손익계산서포괄손익계산서자본변동표이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 현금흐름표재무제표에대한주석 ( 별지참조 ) 연결재무상태표 ( 연결대차대조표 ) 연결손익계산서연결포괄손익계산서연결자본변동표연결현금흐름표연결재무제표에대한주석 ( 별지참조 )

25 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 26 재무상태표 ( 대차대조표 ) 제 30 기 2013 년 12 월 31 일현재 / 제 29 기 2012 년 12 월 31 일현재 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 자산 Ⅰ 유동자산 50,463,092,426 54,465,724,113 현금및현금성자산 138,836, ,226,548 금융기관예치금 45,000,000,000 49,000,000,000 매출채권및기타채권 4,759,929,566 4,562,775,537 선급법인세 292,633, ,736,337 기타유동자산 271,692, ,985,691 Ⅱ 비유동자산 48,482,330,283 47,964,203,179 장기금융기관예치금 2,500,000 2,500,000 매도가능금융자산 1,423,386,160 1,758,824,400 장기매출채권및기타채권 192,786, ,286,000 종속기업투자 42,396,063,233 42,294,125,033 유형자산 1,166,408, ,713,132 무형자산 1,902,991,141 2,069,735,802 이연법인세자산 1,309,564, ,702,631 기타비유동자산 88,630, ,316,181 자산총계 98,945,422, ,429,927,292 부채 Ⅰ 유동부채 1,593,581,218 2,034,800,323 미지급금및기타채무 1,485,126,767 1,878,883,931 기타유동부채 108,454, ,916,392 Ⅱ 비유동부채 744,798, ,601,197 장기미지급금및기타채무 88,630, ,316,181 확정급여부채 471,386, ,520,179 기타비유동부채 184,781, ,764,837 부채총계 2,338,379,536 2,771,401,520 자본 Ⅰ 자본금 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ 자본잉여금 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Ⅲ 이익잉여금 30,023,479,223 32,813,319,995 Ⅳ 기타포괄손익누계액 (116,928,427) 144,713,400 Ⅴ 기타자본 (5,453,336,648) (5,453,336,648) 자본총계 96,607,043,173 99,658,525,772 부채및자본총계 98,945,422, ,429,927,292

26 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 27 손익계산서 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 2012 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅰ 영업수익 10,057,373,974 14,244,842,360 Ⅱ 영업비용 11,604,565,116 11,975,047,846 Ⅲ 영업이익 (1,547,191,142) 2,269,794,514 Ⅳ 금융수익 1,532,696,655 1,955,905,117 Ⅴ 금융비용 373,175 5,658,641 Ⅵ 기타영업외수익 9,482, ,495,601 Ⅶ 기타영업외비용 3,968,264 16,763,755 Ⅷ 법인세비용차감전순이익 (9,353,423) 4,769,772,836 Ⅸ 법인세비용 ( 수익 ) (552,573,993) 382,152,040 Ⅹ 당기순이익 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 XI 주당이익기본주당순이익 34원 271원 희석주당순이익 34원 271원 포괄손익계산서 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 2012 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅰ 당기순이익 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 Ⅱ 기타포괄이익 ( 손실 ) (353,174,369) 40,755,770 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되지않는포괄손익 보험수리적손익 (91,532,542) (103,957,630) 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되는포괄손익매도가능금융자산평가이익 ( 손실 ) (261,641,827) 144,713,400 Ⅲ 총포괄이익 190,046,201 4,428,376,566

27 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 28 자본변동표 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 2012 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 자본금 자본잉여금 이익잉여금 기타포괄손익 기타자본항목 자본총계 ( 전기초 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 31,771,185,629 - (5,453,336,648) 98,471,678,006 총포괄손익 당기순이익 - - 4,387,620, ,387,620,796 매도가능금융자산평가손익 ,713, ,713,400 보험수리적손익 - - (103,957,630) - - (103,957,630) 자본에직접반영된주주와의거래배당금지급 - - (3,241,528,800) - - (3,241,528,800) ( 전기말 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 32,813,319, ,713,400 (5,453,336,648) 99,658,525, ( 당기초 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 32,813,319, ,713,400 (5,453,336,648) 99,658,525,772 총포괄손익 당기순이익 ,220, ,220,570 매도가능금융자산평가손익 (261,641,827) - (261,641,827) 보험수리적손익 - - (91,532,542) - - (91,532,542) 자본에직접반영된주주와의거래배당금지급 - - (3,241,528,800) - - (3,241,528,800) ( 당기말 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 30,023,479,223 (116,928,427) (5,453,336,648) 96,607,043,173 이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일 ~12 월 31 일까지처분예정일 2014 년 3 월 14 일제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일 ~12 월 31 일까지처분확정일 2013 년 3 월 15 일 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅰ 미처분이익잉여금 6,599,716,878 9,713,710,530 전기이월미처분이익잉여금 6,148,028,850 5,430,047,364 당기순이익 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 보험수리적손익 (91,532,542) (103,957,630) Ⅱ 이익잉여금처분액 3,565,681,680 3,565,681,680 배당금 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 이익준비금 324,152, ,152,880 Ⅲ 차기이월미처분이익잉여금 3,034,035,198 6,148,028,850

28 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 29 현금흐름표 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 2012 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅰ 영업활동현금흐름 (70,319,707) 2,974,970, 영업에서창출된현금 (2,007,844,649) (2,595,967,650) (1) 당기순이익 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 (2) 조정 (745,979,996) (4,064,286,780) 법인세비용 (552,573,993) 382,152,040 퇴직급여 408,211, ,576,061 감가상각비 444,047, ,527,800 외화환산손실 2,703,315 1,061,061 유형자산처분손실 - 123,000 무형자산상각비 711,494, ,191,199 대손충당금환입 (227,243,980) - 기타의대손충당금환입 - (4,000,000) 투자자산감액손실 - 4,000,000 종속기업주식처분이익 (180,598,768) 복구충당부채전입액 ( 환입액 ) 422,549 1,585,217 외화환산이익 (468,205) 이자수익 (1,517,854,255) (1,921,299,392) 배당금수익 (14,842,400) (4,034,137,520) 유형자산처분이익 (344,003) (4,999,273) (3) 자산및부채의증감 (1,805,085,223) (2,919,301,666) 미수금의감소 ( 증가 ) (772,120,542) (1,584,682,722) 선급금의감소 ( 증가 ) - (129,723,658) 기타유동자산의감소 ( 증가 ) 14,711,149 10,151,111 미지급금의증가 ( 감소 ) (672,508,186) (68,180,582) 미지급비용의증가 ( 감소 ) 133,394,745 (165,300,122) 기타유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) (47,461,941) 17,781,013 퇴직금의지급 (103,525,764) (760,042,318) 관계사전입 ( 전출 ) 액 (56,323,804) (20,974,131) 퇴직연금운용자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (351,844,960) (156,935,756) 기타비유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 50,594,080 (61,394,501) 2. 이자의수취 2,090,254,270 1,520,147, 배당금의수취 14,842,400 4,034,137, 법인세의환급 ( 지급 ) (167,571,728) 16,653,664

29 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 3 0 현금흐름표 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅱ 투자활동현금흐름 3,023,595,177 (68,379,834) 1. 투자활동으로인한현금유입액 76,229,093, ,890,453,524 금융기관예치금의감소 76,000,000, ,020,006,251 종속기업주식의처분 - 714,000,000 장기보증금의감소 1,500,000 1,246,000 무형자산의처분 - 150,000,000 매각예정자산의처분 227,243,980 - 유형자산의처분 350,003 5,201, 투자활동으로인한현금유출액 (73,205,498,806) (113,958,833,358) 종속기업주식의취득 - 1,823,188,687 금융기관예치금의증가 72,000,000, ,020,006,251 장기보증금의증가 - 1,500,000 유형자산의취득 707,749, ,138,420 무형자산의취득 497,749, ,000,000 Ⅲ 재무활동현금흐름 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) 1. 재무활동으로인한현금유입액 재무활동으로인한현금유출액 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) 배당금의지급 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Ⅳ 현금의증가 ( 감소 )(Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) (288,253,330) (334,937,867) Ⅴ 기초의현금 427,226, ,696,210 Ⅵ 외화표시현금의환율변동효과 (136,817) 468,205 Ⅶ기말의현금 138,836, ,226,548

30 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 31 연결재무상태표 ( 연결대차대조표 ) 제 30 기 2013 년 12 월 31 일현재제 29 기 2012 년 12 월 31 일현재 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 자산 Ⅰ 유동자산 385,408,493, ,692,433,673 현금및현금성자산 40,224,245,692 19,845,568,759 금융기관예치금 49,095,000,000 57,000,000,000 당기손익인식금융자산 20,221,667 14,305,492 만기보유금융자산 292,990,000 68,140,000 매출채권및기타채권 278,404,333, ,772,469,376 선급법인세 717,016, ,044,600 기타유동자산 16,654,686,231 7,075,058,869 매각예정자산 - 328,846,577 Ⅱ 비유동자산 23,116,671,840 24,220,156,297 장기금융기관예치금 18,500,000 18,500,000 매도가능금융자산 1,777,336,841 2,359,261,530 만기보유금융자산 671,790, ,290,000 장기매출채권및기타채권 3,272,142,485 3,664,623,204 유형자산 3,476,966,545 3,787,720,051 무형자산 11,530,954,423 11,723,493,414 이연법인세자산 2,368,981,546 1,874,268,098 자산총계 408,525,165, ,912,589,970 부채 Ⅰ 유동부채 282,708,027, ,014,488,967 당기손익인식금융부채 35,468,832 3,126,140 매입채무및기타채무 229,823,782, ,297,121,522 단기차입금 12,672,607,727 2,733,881,106 미지급법인세 3,268,690,044 1,794,379,451 기타유동부채 36,907,478,466 22,032,217,258 매각예정부채 - 153,763,490 Ⅱ 비유동부채 4,163,086,383 4,699,513,890 장기매입채무및기타채무 77,841,125 58,752,901 장기차입금 - - 기타비유동부채 1,224,628, ,753,592 확정급여채무 2,860,616,512 3,674,007,397 부채총계 286,871,114, ,714,002,857 자본 Ⅰ 지배기업소유주지분 120,909,373, ,912,284,530 자본금 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 연결자본잉여금 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 연결이익잉여금 58,511,007,984 50,073,523,048 연결기타포괄손익누계액 (545,675,256) (105,279,697) 연결기타자본항목 (9,209,787,846) (9,209,787,846) II 비지배지분 744,677, ,302,583 자본총계 121,654,051, ,198,587,113 부채및자본총계 408,525,165, ,912,589,970

31 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 32 연결손익계산서 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅰ 매출액 349,083,884, ,845,836,169 Ⅱ 매출원가 234,973,693, ,427,374,586 Ⅲ 매출총이익 114,110,190, ,418,461,583 Ⅳ 판매비와관리비 97,976,253,222 90,310,546,681 Ⅴ 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 16,133,937,515 15,107,914,902 Ⅵ 금융수익 2,781,806,636 3,024,969,799 Ⅶ 금융비용 1,319,810,889 1,108,965,908 Ⅷ 기타영업외수익 3,595,581,027 5,629,089,805 Ⅸ 기타영업외비용 4,698,899,622 5,248,207,977 Ⅹ 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) 16,492,614,667 17,404,800,621 Ⅺ 법인세비용 ( 수익 ) 4,122,428,634 5,316,884,648 XII 계속사업당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 12,370,186,033 12,087,915,973 XIII 중단영업손익 ( 법인세효과차감후 ) 55,421, ,040,592 XIV당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 12,425,607,461 12,284,956,565 XV 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 의귀속지배기업의소유주 11,960,613,935 12,271,856,220 비지배지분 464,993,526 13,100,345 XVI주당이익 ( 손실 ) 기본주당순이익계속사업이익 중단영업이익 3 12 희석주당순이익계속사업이익 중단영업이익 3 12

32 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 33 연결포괄손익계산서 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목제 30 기제 29 기 Ⅰ 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 12,425,607,461 12,284,956,565 Ⅱ 기타포괄이익 ( 손실 ) (728,614,727) (942,578,381) 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되는포괄손익 매도가능금융자산의공정가치변동 (261,641,827) 144,713,400 해외사업환산손익 (185,372,701) (202,266,629) 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되지않는포괄손익보험수리적손익 (281,600,199) (885,025,152) Ⅲ 총포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 11,696,992,734 11,342,378,184 Ⅳ 총포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 의귀속지배기업의소유주 11,238,618,177 11,349,465,469 비지배지분 458,374,557 (7,087,285)

33 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 34 연결자본변동표 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 2012 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목자본금연결자본잉여금연결이익잉여금연결기타포괄연결기타비지배지분총계손익누계액자본항목 ,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 41,928,220,780 (67,914,098) (5,453,336,648) (3,263,698,784) 105,297,100,275 ( 제29 기기초 ) 배당금지급 - - (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) ,271,856, ,100,345 12,284,956,565 매도가능금융자산평가손익 ,713, ,713,400 보험수리적손익 - - (885,025,152) (885,025,152) 해외사업환산손익 (182,078,999) - (20,187,630) (202,266,629) 비지배지분의기타자본항목대체 (3,752,451,198) 3,752,451,198 - 비지배주주와의자본거래손실 (4,000,000) - (4,000,000) 종속기업취득및처분에따른변동 (195,362,546) (195,362,546) ( 제29 기말 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 50,073,523,048 (105,279,697) (9,209,787,846) 286,302, ,198,587, ( 제30 기초 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 50,073,523,048 (105,279,697) (9,209,787,846) 286,302, ,198,587,113 배당금지급 - - (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) ,960,613, ,993,526 12,425,607,461 매도가능금융자산평가손익 (261,641,827) - - (261,641,827) 보험수리적손익 - - (281,600,199) (281,600,199) 해외사업환산손익 (178,753,732) - (6,618,969) (185,372,701) ( 제30 기말 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 58,511,007,984 (545,675,256) (9,209,787,846) 744,677, ,654,051,047

34 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 35 연결현금흐름표 제 30 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지제 29 기 2012 년 1 월 1 일부터 2012 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 Ⅰ 영업활동현금흐름 6,981,062,740 (15,558,919,854) 1. 영업에서창출된현금 8,184,218,105 (12,000,127,961) (1) 당기순이익 12,425,607,461 12,284,956,565 (2) 조정 8,816,387,811 9,464,248,190 법인세비용 4,122,428,634 5,316,884,648 퇴직급여 3,544,646,461 3,954,040,365 감가상각비 1,625,419,605 1,427,328,813 무형자산상각비 822,349, ,646,669 대손상각비 ( 환입 ) (5,000,000) (69,559,493) 기타의대손상각비 ( 환입 ) - 78,386,343 유형자산처분이익 (884,081) (23,032,628) 무형자산처분이익 550,000 (35,672,727) 유형자산처분손실 87,048, ,201,839 종속기업주식처분이익 (8,485,090) (510,663,472) 복구충당부채환입액 (18,261,551) - 복구충당부채전입액 46,139,280 35,857,923 외화환산이익 (1,208,202,581) (2,290,016,415) 외화환산손실 1,307,909,457 2,589,599,629 파생상품평가손실 35,468,832 3,126,140 파생상품처분손실 262,403, ,302,077 파생상품처분이익 (487,727,575) (235,684,712) 투자자산감액손실 - 340,165,774 매도가능금융자산손상차손 246,486,449 - 파생상품평가이익 (20,221,667) (14,305,492) 만기보유금융자산처분손실 - 1,059,347 이자비용 401,711, ,697,576 배당금수익 (14,842,400) (34,137,520) 이자수익 (1,922,549,652) (2,473,976,494) (3) 자산및부채의증감 (13,057,777,167) (33,749,332,716) 매출채권의감소 ( 증가 ) (25,673,225,754) (27,801,007,265) 미수금의감소 ( 증가 ) 129,575,095 (868,898,815) 미수수익의감소 ( 증가 ) 272,711,274 (273,675,442) 기타유동자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (7,750,737,857) (1,540,973,935) 매입채무의증가 ( 감소 ) 8,847,218,486 (426,655,206) 미지급금의증가 ( 감소 ) 1,562,396, ,680,484 미지급비용의증가 ( 감소 ) 730,590,401 (578,727,138) 기타유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 13,303,512,383 2,248,885,682 기타비유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 239,245, ,970 퇴직금의지급 (1,829,615,323) (3,481,028,528) 관계사전입 ( 전출 ) 액 (452,984,475) (59,091,738) 퇴직연금운용자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (2,436,463,533) (1,652,178,785)

35 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 3 6 연결현금흐름표 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 30기 제 29기 2. 이자의수취 2,453,817,760 2,036,425, 이자의지급 (472,772,176) (329,075,350) 4. 법인세의지급 (3,199,043,349) (5,300,279,523) 5. 배당금의수취 14,842,400 34,137,520 Ⅱ 투자활동현금흐름 6,762,444,245 (8,592,585,256) 1. 투자활동으로인한현금유입액 85,365,286, ,140,665,980 금융기관예치금의감소 84,000,000, ,020,006,251 당기손익인식금융자산의감소 502,033, ,691,092 당기손익인식금융부채의증가 - - 장기대여금의감소 731,900 - 장기보증금의감소 439,087, ,068,709 유형자산의처분 1,539,119 34,101,548 무형자산의처분 25,000, ,272,727 만기보유금융자산의처분 68,140,000 1,525,653 매각예정자산의감소 328,755, 투자활동으로인한현금유출액 (78,602,842,420) (125,733,251,236) 금융기관예치금의증가 76,095,000, ,020,006,251 당기손익인식금융부채의감소 265,529, ,521,518 장기보증금의증가 63,721, ,527,580 장기대여금의증가 - 50,000,000 만기보유금융자산의취득 172,490,000 1,300,000 유형자산의취득 1,391,053,888 1,999,255,595 무형자산의취득 615,047,709 1,593,739,707 복구비용의발생 - 88,000,000 종속기업의현금흐름변동 - 866,323,482 매각예정자산의증가 - 192,577,103 Ⅲ 재무활동현금흐름 (2,680,424,879) (2,021,895,959) 1. 재무활동으로인한현금유입액 1,614,190,743 3,235,280,823 단기차입금의증가 1,614,190,743 3,235,280, 재무활동으로인한현금유출액 (4,294,615,622) (5,257,176,782) 단기차입금의상환 1,053,086,822 2,015,647,982 배당금의지급 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Ⅳ 현금의증가 ( 감소 )(Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) 11,063,082,106 (26,173,401,069) Ⅴ 기초의현금 19,845,568,759 46,957,532,053 Ⅵ 외화표시현금의환율변동효과 (330,605,173) (938,562,225) Ⅶ기말의현금 30,578,045,692 19,845,568,759

36 *G2R 2013AR_cover_*G2R 2009AR_ 표지 오전 9:35 페이지 G II R Annual Report

37 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1. To Our Shareholders Business Report 1. General condition of the Company Progress and results of operation Parent company, subsidiary, and interlocking directorate of 44 the Company etc. 4. Operation results and financial condition for recent 3 years Assignment of the Company Present state of director and auditor Present state of major shareholder Investment state of the Company and subsidiary company or subsidiary 51 company of the Company 9. Main creditor etc Important matters occurred after the accounting period Other matters acknowledged important related to operation Audit Report 1. Audit report by Audit Committee of GIIR Inc Evaluation report of the Internal Accounting Management System Financial Statements 1. Balance Sheet Statement of Income Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of changes in Equity Statement of Appropriations of Retained Earnings(proposal) Cash Flows Balance Sheet(Consolidated) Statement of Income(Consolidated) Statement of Comprehensive Income(Consolidated) Statement of changes in Equity(Consolidated) Cash Flows(Consolidated) 67

38 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 38 To Our Shareholders (Business report) Dear Shareholders! On behalf of our entire staffs, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your continued interest and support to GIIR and GIIR s affiliated companies. The domestic advertising market in 2013 is estimated to be increased by just 2.2% due to the contraction of real market according to uncertainty of domestic and oversea economy, so the total advertisement spends are expected around 9.6 trillion won. In terms of TV market, despite the active sales competition between KOBACO and Mediacreate, as well as the marketing value increase of general service broadcasters which having third year already, the market has been decreased due to the decline of consumer sentiment and low growth of economy. Printed advertisement market also has been maintained a long-term downward trend as real estate, construction and financing advertisement could not turn around. On the other hand, on-line advertisement market exceeded 2 trillion won in the first time and fortified its No.1 status. Mobile advertisement market had grown about twice bigger than last year and recorded 400 billion won, with help from evolution of smart phone and telecommunication network speed, and fusion of platforms such as messenger and SNS. Despite the stagnant growth of advertisement market, GIIR achieved 1 trillion 87.2 billion won of billings which is about 8% growth to last year and accomplished more than 1 trillion won for 2 consecutive years. We won such achievement because we earned trust from diverse advertisers as obtaining new contracts such as KTO, Seoul Milk, Lina Life Insurance, Jeep/Chrysler/FIAT, Jin Air, iloom, Korean Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp., and Prada. Also, such fruition was earned by various trials for developing new fields such as smart DMB mobile advertisement as the first time in Korea; planning and designing of new concept shops; operation of creative organization specialized in digital; NPI (New Product Introduction) project to manage entire process from the release of new product to advertising. In global business division, the outcome of oversea network was improved to 5 billion profit from the breakeven in 2012 and placed landmark-style LG outdoor advertisements in major cities in the world. Digital based global campaign for LG Electronics It s All Possible elicited real time participation from consumers and successfully launched G2 brand into global market. Domestic campaign for Korean Air, The place never be, toward the Indian Ocean was well received as a result of combined marketing to traverse on-line and off-line, including the publishing of the Indian Ocean travel booklet. Promotion division also had a good year World Rowing Championships in

39 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 39 Chungju-city was successfully managed and we currently endeavor to prepare the opening and closing ceremonies for 2014 Incheon Asian Games in order to make this feast for all Asians. Starting from the winning of the Good Ad-Customer s Choice Award, our creativities were highly recognized and we won major advertising awards such as London International Awards and AD Stars In Korea Advertising Awards, we won the grand prize with Tromm Styler of LG Electronics in printed advertisement division, for three consecutive years in the sector. 2 admen of our company represented Korea in Spikes Asia and won the first prize in Young Media Competition division. Honorable shareholders! Considering the effects from big sports events including winter Olympics, Brazil World Cup and Incheon Asian Games in this year, domestic advertisement market is forecasted to be better. But the business environments still are not predictable because of the keen competition of advertisement market along with continuous controversies of biased casting of all the works. Thus, we will intensify the role as an omni-directional marketing partner to lead global market for LG brands. Also, we will be completely prepared for any changes of business environments as building a reliable portfolio through pursuing new opportunities of business participation based on the exhaustive understanding of external advertisers. GIIR s exclusive 3 SCREEN (TV, Computer and Mobile) combined advertisement effect analysis model enables scientific media planning and it will contribute to fulfill the customer satisfaction of advertisers. Furthermore, making a stepping-stone of all those efforts, we will try our best to attain even bigger goal 2 trillion won of billings in 5 years. This year is 30th anniversary of foundation as a full-services agent named LG Ad. On the way to become a representative agency in the industry, we have promoted so many brands of our clients through numerous successful campaigns since the establishment in Now we begin a brand new 30 years. We will put all our efforts to be the best enterprise through strong determination and will for sustainable growth then we will contribute for business profit of advertisers; keep precision management over fair trade with subcontractors; and deploy social contribution programs relating local communities. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our shareholders constant concerns. We wish good health and happiness within all of your families. Thank you. March 14 th, 2014 Representative Director of GIIR Inc., Jong Ripp Kim

40 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 40 B u s i n e s s R e p o r t General Condition of the Company Progress and Results of Operation Parent Company, Subsidiary, and Interlocking directorate of the Company etc. Operation Results and Financial Condition for Recent 3 Years Assignment of the Company Present State of Director and Auditor Present State of Major Shareholder Investment State of the Company and Subsidiary Company or Subsidiary Company of the Company Main Creditor etc. Important Matters Occurred After the Accounting Period Other Matters Acknowledged Related to Operation

41 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 1 I. General condition of the Company 1. Objectives of the Company (Business object from the Articles) To engage in holding company business To engage in agency business for domestic and overseas advertisement for promotion of sales To engage in printing and publishing work To manufacture other products To engage in construction work To engage in construction work involving building equipment To engage in construction work involving electricity and telecommunication To engage in construction finishing work To engage in trade, agency business for goods To engage in real estate business To conduct research and consulting services To engage in designing work To engage in any other supporting business To engage in movie industry To engage in entertainment, culture and sports related business Any and all businesses which are incidental to any of the forgoing objects 2. State of business office Name of business office Main Business & Products Location Main office Holding company LG Mapo Bldg., 155 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul 3. State of employees [As of December 31, 2013] Classification Executive Finance HR Legal Others Total Number

42 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Matters about stocks 1) Class and number of issued stock [As of December 31, 2013] Class Number Amount Ratio common shares in non-bearer form 16,567,409 shares KRW 17,571,493, % 2) Fluctuation state of the paid-in capital Date Class Number Additional amount Capital after increase Increasing (share) (KRW 1,000) (KRW 1,000) contents Common stock 300,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 Capital increase without consideration Common stock 1,600,000-8,000,000 Stock split Common stock 686,000 3,430,000 11,430,000 Capital increase with consideration Common stock 68, ,900 11,772,900 Stock allotment Common stock 11,772,900-11,772,900 Stock split Common stock 5,798,593 5,798,593 17,571,493 Capital increase with consideration Common stock 1,004,084-17,571,493 Cancellation 3) Stock affairs Closing date December 31 Convening of the General Shareholders Meeting Suspension period of the register of shareholders Public Notice newspaper Denominations of share certificates February or March January 1 ~ January 31 The Korea Economic Daily 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, stockholders right (8 kinds) Transfer Agent Privilege for stock Name Address Korea Securities Depository 23 Yeouinaru-4gil, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul None 5. Matters about bonds Not relevant

43 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 3 II. Progress and results of operation 1. Sales(Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Classification 30th (2013) 29th (2012) 28th (2011) Production 272, , ,789 Media planning and Buying commission 65,352 58,917 65,856 Other 11,007 7,652 6,434 Total 349, , ,079

44 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 4 III. Parent company, subsidiary, and interlocking directorate of the Company etc. 1. State of parent company [As of December 31, 2013] Name Location capital Main business Number of share Ratio LG Corp. 128 Yeoui-daero, M KRW Holding Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul 879,359 Company 5,798, % 2. State of subsidiary company [As of December 31, 2013] Subsidiary Relation with the Company Name Location Paid-in capital Main business Number of stock Ratio HS Ad Inc. LBEST LTD. GIIR America 155 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul 235 Banpo-daero, Kangnam-gu, Seoul 180 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ USA KRW 5,306m KRW 164m USD 0.9 m Advertising Advertising Advertising 5,306,750 Shares 32,801 Shares 900 Shares 100% 100% 100% 17 th Floor, West Twins Tower, Yuan Zhi Meng No:12, Jian Guo Men Wai Road, USD 0.5 m Advertising - 70% Chao Yang District, Beijing, China GIIR India GIIR UK GIIR Rus LLC GIIR Do Brazil 305 Third Floor, Copia Corporate Suites, District Centre, Jasola, New Delhi , India LG House, Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK 8 Floor, 4, 4 th Lesnoy per., Moscow, , Russia LG Electronics do Brazil Av.Dr.Chucri Zaidan, and ar CEP Vila Cordeiro, Sao Paolo/SP, Brazil INR 7,901,868 Advertising 79,018,682 Shares USD 1.0 m Advertising Richmond Bldg., 20 th floor, GIIR Thailand Sukhumvit 26, Klongton, Klongtoey, Baht 26 m Advertising Bangkok 10110, Thailand GIIR Germany GIIR Ukraine Berliner Strasse 93, LG Building Ratingen,Germany 6 th Floor. 4(Lit.Z) basseynaya Str., Kiev, 01004, Ukraine 642,691 Shares 100% 100% USD 0.87 m Advertising - 100% USD 0.87 m Advertising - 100% 260, % Shares 0.7 m Advertising - 100% USD 0.87 m Advertising - 100%

45 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Concurrent position state of parent and subsidiary company [As of December 31, 2013] Name Company Position Duty GIIR Inc. President CEO Jong Ripp Kim HS Ad Inc. President CEO LBEST LTD. President CEO Yuan Zhi Meng Director Non-Standing Director Saeng Gyu Kim GIIR Inc. CFO Director Yuan Zhi Meng Director Non-Standing Director GIIR Inc. Director Non-Standing Director Hyeon Sik Hwang HS Ad Inc. Director Non-standing Director LBEST LTD. Director Non-standing Director IV. Operation results and financial condition for recent 3 years 1. Operation Results 1) Statement of Income [unit : KRW million] Classification 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' ' ' ' Operating Revenue 10,057 14,245 16,225 Operating Expenses 11,605 11,975 12,557 Operating Profit (1,547) 2,270 3,668 Other & Financial Income 1,542 2,522 2,607 Other & Financial Expenses ,625 Profit(Loss) Before Tax (9) 4,770 1,650 Income Taxes Expenses (553) 382 (775) Net Income 543 4,388 2,426

46 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 6 2) Statement of Income(Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Classification 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' ' ' ' Sales 349, , ,079 Cost of sales 234, , ,086 Gross profit 114, ,418 96,993 Selling general administrative expenses 97,976 90,311 83,436 Operating Profit(Loss) 16,134 15,108 13,557 Other & Financial Income 6,377 8,654 7,493 Others & Financial Expenses 6,019 6,357 10,096 Profit(Loss) Before Tax 16,493 17,405 10,954 Income Taxes Expense 4,122 5,317 4,189 Net Profit(Losses) 12,425 12,285 7,540 Controlling interest 11,961 12,272 7,711 Non-controlling interest (170) 2. Financial condition 1) Balance Sheet(Statement of Financial Position) [unit : KRW million] Assets Classification 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' Current assets 50,463 54,466 55, Non-current assets 48,482 47,964 46,893 Total assets 98, , ,897 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 1,594 2,035 2, Non-current liabilities Total liabilities 2,338 2,771 3,425 Equity 1. Issued capital 17,571 17,571 17, Capital surplus 54,582 54,582 54,582

47 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 7 Balance Sheet - Continued [unit : KRW million] 3. Retained earnings 30,023 32,813 31, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (117) Elements of other stockholder's equity (5,453) (5,453) (5,453) Total equity 96,607 99,659 98,472 Total equity and liabilities 98, , ,897 2) Statement of Financial Position (Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Assets Classification 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' Current assets 385, , , Non-current assets 23,117 24,220 23,977 Total assets 408, , ,690 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 282, , , Non-current liabilities 4,163 4,700 5,354 Total liabilities 286, , ,393 Equity 1. Equity attributable to owners of parent 120, , ,561 Issued capital 17,571 17,571 17,571 Capital surplus 54,582 54,582 54,582 Retained earnings 58,511 50,074 41,928 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Elements of other stockholder's equity (546) (105) (68) (9,210) (9,210) (5,453) 2. Non-controlling interests (3,264) Total equity 121, , ,297 Total equity and liabilities 408, , ,690

48 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Changes in Equity 1) Statement of Changes in Equity [unit : KRW million] Classification 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' ' ' ' Equity at beginning of period 99,659 98,472 96,959 Changes in Equity (3,052) 1,187 1,513 Equity at end of period 96,607 99,659 98,472 2) Statement of Changes in Equity(Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Classification 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' ' ' ' Equity at beginning of period 113, ,297 99,915 Changes in Equity 8,455 7,902 5,382 Equity at end of period 121, , , Cash Flows 1) Cash Flows [unit : KRW million] Classification Cash Flows from Operating Activities 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' ' ' ' (70) 2,975 5, Net Profit 543 4,388 2,426 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities 3,024 (68) (4,911) (3,242) (3,242) (2,431) Net increase(decrease) in cash (288) (335) (1,808) Cash at beginning of period ,570 Cash at end of period

49 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 9 2) Cash Flows(Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Classification Cash Flows from Operating Activities 30th 29th 28th ' ' ' ' ' ' ,981 (15,559) 33, Net Profit 12,426 12,285 7,540 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities 6,762 (8,593) (3,901) (2,680) (2,022) (1,340) Net increase(decrease) in cash 11,063 (26,173) 28,425 Cash at beginning of period 19,846 46,958 18,502 Cash at end of period 30,578 19,846 46,958 V. Assignment of the Company The reporting matters were included in and stated in To Our Shareholders.

50 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 0 VI. Present state of director and auditor [As of December 31, 2013] Name Position Duty Transaction with the Company Jong Ripp Kim President CEO None Saeng Gyu Kim CFO Director None Hyeon Sik Hwang Director Non-standing Director None Robbins Sung Hun Director Non-standing Director None In Soo Cho Director Outside Director None Kyung Tae Lee Director Outside Director None VII. Present state of major shareholder [As of December 31, 2013] Name Number of shares Ratio Transaction with the Company LG Corp. 5,798, % None Cavendish Square Holding B.V. 4,956, % None National Pension Service 924, % None Shinyoung IM 734, % None Soon-Tae Hwang 662, % None

51 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 1 VIII. Investment state of the Company and subsidiary company or subsidiary company of the Company [As of December 31, 2013], [unit : share] Investment company Investment to Other company Name (The Company or other company invest to the company subsidiary company) Number Ratio Number Ratio HS Ad Inc. GIIR Inc. 5,306, % - - LBEST LTD. GIIR Inc. 32, % - - GIIR America GIIR Inc % - - GIIR India GIIR Inc. 7,901, % - - GIIR UK GIIR Inc. 642, % - - GIIR Rus LLC GIIR Inc % - - GIIR Do Brazil GIIR Inc % - - Yuan Zhi Meng GIIR Inc % - - GIIR Thailand GIIR Inc. 260, % - - GIIR Germany GIIR Inc % - - GIIR Ukraine GIIR Inc % - - Woori I&S GIIR Inc. 148, % - - IX. Main creditor etc. Not relevant X. Important matters occurred after the accounting period Not relevant XI. Other matters acknowledged related to operation Nothing to report

52 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 52 A u d i t R e p o r t Audit report by Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Evaluation report of the Internal Accounting Management System

53 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 3 Audit Report Audit Committee report the following audit result on accounting and business of the 30th fiscal year from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 as an Audit Committee member of GIIR Inc. 1. Outline of the Audit Method Audit Committee inspected the accounting book and the relevant documents and investigated the financial statements and attached specification for examination. Audit Committee examined by applying the contrast, actual inspection, session, inquiry and other proper audit procedures in case of need in executing the audit. Audit Committee received the report on the business from directors if necessary to attend the Board of Directors and other major meetings for the business inspection, inspected the important related business documents by using the proper method like inspection of the contents. 2. Matters on Indication of Financial statement The assets, profit and loss, change of retained earnings, change of equities and cash flows of the Company are stated adequately according to law and the Articles in the financial statement. 3. Matters on Business Report The general condition of the Company is indicated accurately in the business report under law and the Articles. 4. Matters on Business Report The general condition of the Company is indicated accurately in the business report under law and the Articles. February 18 th, 2014 Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Chairman of the Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Kyung Tae Lee In Soo Cho Robbins Sung Hun

54 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 4 Evaluation report of the Internal Accounting Management System To : Board of Directors of GIIR Inc. The Internal Accounting Controller and accounting division have been appointed and organized according to the Regulations on the Internal Accounting Managem ent of the Company and their corresponding functions are being performed efficiently. The division in charge of accounting management handles accounting information in a bona fide manner in accordance with Korean GAAP and the Regulations on the Internal Accounting Management of the Company in order to prevent any errors in the book-keeping process. In addition, the Internal Accounting Controller checks the reliability of the accounting information through internal audits and audits by external auditors on a regular basis or as the occasion arises. The Statutory Auditor s Opinion is that GIIR s Internal Accounting Management System in 2013 is being operated in an efficient manner. February 18 th, 2014 Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Chairman of the Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Kyung Tae Lee In Soo Cho Robbins Sung Hun

55 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 55 F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s Balance Sheet Statement of Income Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of Appropriations of Retained Earnings(Proposal) Cash Flows Balance Sheet(Consolidated) Statement of Income(Consolidated) Statement of Comprehensive Income(Consolidated) Statement of Changes in Equity(Consolidated) Cash Flows(Consolidated)

56 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 56 BALANCE SHEET 30th FY As of December 31, th FY As of December 31, 2012 GIIR Inc. [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) ASSETS I CURRENT ASSETS 50,463,092,426 54,465,724,113 Cash and cash equivalents 138,836, ,226,548 Deposit in Financial Institutions 45,000,000,000 49,000,000,000 Other Account Receivables 4,759,929,566 4,562,775,537 Prepaid corporate income tax 292,633, ,736,337 Other Current Assets 271,692, ,985,691 Ⅱ NON-CURRENT ASSETS 48,482,330,283 47,964,203,179 Long term Deposit in Financial Institutions 2,500,000 2,500,000 Available-for-sale securities 1,423,386,160 1,758,824,400 Long-term Account Receivables 192,786, ,286,000 Subsidiaries' equity 42,396,063,233 42,294,125,033 Property, Plant, and Equipment 1,166,408, ,713,132 Intangibles 1,902,991,141 2,069,735,802 Deferred income taxes 1,309,564, ,702,631 Other Non-Current Assets 88,630, ,316,181 TOTAL ASSETS 98,945,422, ,429,927,292 LIABILITIES I CURRENTS LIABILITIES 1,593,581,218 2,034,800,323 Other Account Payables 1,485,126,767 1,878,883,931 Other current liabilities 108,454, ,916,392 Ⅱ NON CURRENTS LIABILITIES 744,798, ,601,197 Long-term trade payables and others 88,630, ,316,181 Provisions for Retirement and Severance Benefits 471,386, ,520,179 Other non current liabilities 184,781, ,764,837 TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,338,379,536 2,771,401,520 SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY I CAPITAL STOCK 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ CAPITAL SURPLUS 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Ⅲ RETAINED EARNINGS 30,023,479,223 32,813,319,995 Ⅳ ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (116,928,427) 144,713,400 V ELEMENTS OF OTHER STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY (5,453,336,648) (5,453,336,648) TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 96,607,043,173 99,658,525,772 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 98,945,422, ,429,927,292

57 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 57 STATEMENT OF INCOME 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) I OPERATING REVENUE 10,057,373,974 14,244,842,360 Ⅱ OPERATING EXPENSES 11,604,565,116 11,975,047,846 Ⅲ OPERATING PROFIT (1,547,191,142) 2,269,794,514 Ⅳ FINANCIAL INCOME 1,532,696,655 1,955,905,117 Ⅴ FINANCIAL EXPENSES 373,175 5,658,641 Ⅵ OTHER NON OPERATING REVENUES 9,482, ,495,601 Ⅶ OTHER NON OPERATING EXPENSES 3,968,264 16,763,755 Ⅷ INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE (9,353,423) 4,769,772,836 Ⅸ INCOME TAX EXPENSE (552,573,993) 382,152,040 X NET INCOME 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 XI EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per share STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) [in Korean Won] I NET INCOME 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 II OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (353,174,369) 40,755,770 Comprehensive Income not reclassified as net income Actuarial gains and losses (91,532,542) (103,957,630) Comprehensive Income reclassified as net income Gain and losses on valuation of available for sale financial assets (261,641,827) 144,713,400 III TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 190,046,201 4,428,376,566

58 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 58 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT Accumulated other Elements of other Total Capital Capital Retained Comprehensive stockholder's Ownership Stock Surplus Earnings Income equity Interest (Equity at the beginning of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 31,771,185,629 - (5,453,336,648) 98,471,678,006 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Net income - - 4,387,620, ,387,620,796 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities ,713, ,713,400 Actuarial gains and losses - - (103,957,630) - - (103,957,630) TRANSACTIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS DIRECTLY REFLECTED IN THE CAPITAL Dividend Paid - - (3,241,528,800) - - (3,241,528,800) (Equity at the end of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 32,813,319, ,713,400 (5,453,336,648) 99,658,525, (Equity at the beginning of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 32,813,319, ,713,400 (5,453,336,648) 99,658,525,772 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Net income ,220, ,220,570 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities (261,641,827) - (261,641,827) Actuarial gains and losses - - (91,532,542) - - (91,532,542) TRANSACTIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS DIRECTLY REFLECTED IN THE CAPITAL Dividend Paid - - (3,241,528,800) - - (3,241,528,800) (Equity at the end of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 30,023,479,223 (116,928,427) (5,453,336,648) 96,607,043,173

59 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 59 STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS(PROPOSAL) 30th FY From to (Expected Date of Appropriation : ) 29th FY From to (Date of Appropriation : ) GIIR Inc. [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) I RETAINED EARNING BEFORE APPROPRIATION 6,599,716,878 9,713,710,530 Unappropriated earnings carried over from previous year 6,148,028,850 5,430,047,364 Net Income 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 Actuarial gains and losses (91,532,542) (103,957,630) II APPROPRIATIONS OF RETAINED EARNINGS 3,565,681,680 3,565,681,680 Dividends 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Earned surplus reserve 324,152, ,152,880 III UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS TO BE CARRIED 3,034,035,198 6,148,028,850 FORWARD TO SUBSEQUENT YEAR

60 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 60 CASH FLOWS 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) I CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (70,319,707) 2,974,970, CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (2,007,844,649) (2,595,967,650) (1) Net Profit 543,220,570 4,387,620,796 (2) Adjustments (745,979,996) (4,064,286,780) Income tax expense (552,573,993) 382,152,040 Provision for severance indemnities 408,211, ,576,061 Depreciation 444,047, ,527,800 Losses on Foreign currency translation 2,703,315 1,061,061 Losses on disposal of property and equipment - 123,000 Amortization 711,494, ,191,199 Recovery of Bad debts expenses (227,243,980) - Recovery of other Bad debts expenses - (4,000,000) Impairment loss for investment assets - 4,000,000 Gain on disposal of subsidiaries equity (180,598,768) (Recovery of) Provisions for Restoration 422,549 1,585,217 Gain on Foreign currency translation - (468,205) Interest income (1,517,854,255) (1,921,299,392) Dividend income (14,842,400) (4,034,137,520) Gain on disposal of property and equipment (344,003) (4,999,273) (3) Decrease(increase) of Assets and Liabilities (1,805,085,223) (2,919,301,666) Decrease (increase) in other receivables (772,120,542) (1,584,682,722) Decrease (increase) in Advanve payments - (129,723,658) Decrease (increase) in other current assets 14,711,149 10,151,111 Decrease (increase) in payables (672,508,186) (68,180,582) Decrease (increase) in accrued expenses 133,394,745 (165,300,122) Decrease (increase) in other current liabilites (47,461,941) 17,781,013 Payment of severance benefit (103,525,764) (760,042,318) Move in(out) from(to) affiliate companies (56,323,804) (20,974,131) Decrease(Increase) of pension operation assets (351,844,960) (156,935,756) Decrease (increase) in other non current liabilites 50,594,080 (61,394,501) 2. INTEREST RECEIVED 2,090,254,270 1,520,147, DIVIDENDS RECEIVED 14,842,400 4,034,137, INCOME TAXES PAID (REFUND) (167,571,728) 16,653,664

61 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 6 1 GIIR Inc. (Cash Flows-Continued) [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) Ⅱ CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 3,023,595,177 (68,379,834) 1. CASH INFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 76,229,093, ,890,453,524 Decrease of financial institution deposits 76,000,000, ,020,006,251 Disposal of investments in subsidiaries - 714,000,000 Decrease of long-term loans 1,500,000 1,246,000 Decrease of long-term guarantee deposits - 150,000,000 Proceeds from sales of intangible assets 227,243,980 - Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 350,003 5,201, CASH OUTFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (73,205,498,806) (113,958,833,358) Purchase of investments in subsidiaries - 1,823,188,687 Increase of financial institution deposits 72,000,000, ,020,006,251 Increase of long-term guarantee deposits - 1,500,000 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 707,749, ,138,420 Purchase of intangible assets 497,749, ,000,000 Ⅲ CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) 1. CASH INFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES CASH OUTFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) Dividends paid 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 IV NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS(Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) (288,253,330) (334,937,867) Ⅴ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD 427,226, ,696,210 Ⅵ EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH (136,817) 468,205 ⅦCASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 138,836, ,226,548

62 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 62 BALANCE SHEET(CONSOLIDATED) 30th FY As of December 31, th FY As of December 31, 2012 GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) ASSETS I CURRENT ASSETS 385,408,493, ,692,433,673 Cash and cash equivalents 40,224,245,692 19,845,568,759 Deposit in Financial Institutions 49,095,000,000 57,000,000,000 Fair value financial asset 20,221,667 14,305,492 Financial asset held to maturity 292,990,000 68,140,000 Trade and Other Receivables 278,404,333, ,772,469,376 Prepaid corporate income tax 717,016, ,044,600 Other Current Assets 16,654,686,231 7,075,058,869 Held-for-sale assets - 328,846,577 II NON-CURRENT ASSETS 23,116,671,840 24,220,156,297 Long term Deposit in Financial Institutions 18,500,000 18,500,000 Available-for-sale securities 1,777,336,841 2,359,261,530 Financial asset held to maturity 671,790, ,290,000 Long Term Trade Receivables and Others 3,272,142,485 3,664,623,204 Property, Plant, and Equipment 3,476,966,545 3,787,720,051 Intangibles 11,530,954,423 11,723,493,414 Deferred income taxes 2,368,981,546 1,874,268,098 TOTAL ASSETS 408,525,165, ,912,589,970 LIABILITIES I CURRENTS LIABILITIES 282,708,027, ,014,488,967 Fair value financial liabilities 35,468,832 3,126,140 Trade and Other Payables 229,823,782, ,297,121,522 Short term borrowings 12,672,607,727 2,733,881,106 Income tax payable 3,268,690,044 1,794,379,451 Other non current liabilities 36,907,478,466 22,032,217,258 Held-for-sale Liabilities - 153,763,490 Ⅱ NON CURRENTS LIABILITIES 4,163,086,383 4,699,513,890 Long-term trade payables and others 77,841,125 58,752,901 Long term borrowings - - Other non current liabilities 1,224,628, ,753,592 Provisions for Retirement and Severance Benefits 2,860,616,512 3,674,007,397 TOTAL LIABILITIES 286,871,114, ,714,002,857

63 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 6 3 GIIR Inc. (Balance Sheet-Continued) [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY I CONTROLLING INTEREST 120,909,373, ,912,284,530 Capital Stock 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Capital Surplus 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Retained Earnings 58,511,007,984 50,073,523,048 Accumulated other Comprehensive Income (545,675,256) (105,279,697) Elements of other stockholder's equity (9,209,787,846) (9,209,787,846) II NON CONTROLLING INTEREST 744,677, ,302,583 TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 121,654,051, ,198,587,113 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 408,525,165, ,912,589,970

64 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 64 STATEMENT OF INCOME(CONSOLIDATED) 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) I SALES 349,083,884, ,845,836,169 Ⅱ COST OF SALES 234,973,693, ,427,374,586 Ⅲ GROSS PROFIT 114,110,190, ,418,461,583 Ⅳ SELLING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 97,976,253,222 90,310,546,681 V OPERATING PROFIT(LOSS) 16,133,937,515 15,107,914,902 VI FINANCIAL INCOME 2,781,806,636 3,024,969,799 Ⅶ FINANCIAL EXPENSES 1,319,810,889 1,108,965,908 ⅧOTHER NON-OPERATING GAINS 3,595,581,027 5,629,089,805 Ⅸ OTHER NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 4,698,899,622 5,248,207,977 Ⅹ INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE 16,492,614,667 17,404,800,621 XI INCOME TAX EXPENSE(GAIN) 4,122,428,634 5,316,884,648 ⅩⅡ INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 12,370,186,033 12,087,915,973 ⅩⅢ INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS(AFTER TAX) 55,421, ,040,592 ⅩⅣNET INCOME 12,425,607,461 12,284,956,565 ⅩV INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO Controlling interest 11,960,613,935 12,271,856,220 Non Controlling interest 464,993,526 13,100,345 ⅩⅥ EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings per share Gain from continuing operations Income from discontinued operations 3 12 Diluted earnings per share Gain from continuing operations Income from discontinued operations 3 12

65 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 65 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME(CONSOLIDATED) 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) [in Korean Won] I NET INCOME(LOSS) 12,425,607,461 12,284,956,565 Ⅱ OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) (728,614,727) (942,578,381) Comprehensive Income not reclassified as net income Value Change of Available for Sale Financial Assets (261,641,827) 144,713,400 Gain on Foreign currency translation adjustments (185,372,701) (202,266,629) Comprehensive Income reclassified as net income Actuarial gains and losses (281,600,199) (885,025,152) Ⅲ TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) 11,696,992,734 11,342,378,184 Ⅳ COMPREHENSIVE INCOME(LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO Controlling interest 11,238,618,177 11,349,465,469 Non controlling interest 458,374,557 (7,087,285)

66 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 66 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY(CONSOLIDATED) 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries ACCOUNT Capital Capital Retained Stock Surplus Earnings Accumulated other Elements of other Comprehensive stockholder's Income equity Non controlling interest [in Korean Won] (Equity at the beginning of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 41,928,220,780 (67,914,098) (5,453,336,648) (3,263,698,784) 105,297,100,275 Dividend Paid - - (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) Net Income(Loss) ,271,856, ,100,345 12,284,956,565 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities ,713, ,713,400 Actuarial gains and losses - - (885,025,152) (885,025,152) Gain/Loss on Foreign currency translation (182,078,999) - (20,187,630) (202,266,629) Replace of other capital items of non-controlling (3,752,451,198) 3,752,451,198 - interests Loss on capital transactions with non-controlling shareholders (4,000,000) - (4,000,000) Change by gain and disposal of subsidiary (195,362,546) (195,362,546) (Equity at the end of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 50,073,523,048 (105,279,697) (9,209,787,846) 286,302, ,198,587, (Equity at the beginning of the period) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 50,073,523,048 (105,279,697) (9,209,787,846) 286,302, ,198,587,113 Dividend Paid - - (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) Net Income(Loss) ,960,613, ,993,526 12,425,607,461 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities (261,641,827) - - (261,641,827) Actuarial gains and losses - - (281,600,199) (281,600,199) Gain/Loss on Foreign (178,753,732) - (6,618,969) (185,372,701) currency translation (Equity at the 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 58,511,007,984 (545,675,256) (9,209,787,846) 744,677, ,654,051,047 the end of the period) Total

67 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 67 CASH FLOWS(CONSOLIDATED) 30th FY From to th FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) I CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 6,981,062,740 (15,558,919,854) 1. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 8,184,218,105 (12,000,127,961) (1) Net Profit 12,425,607,461 12,284,956,565 (2) Adjustments 8,816,387,811 9,464,248,190 Income tax expense 4,122,428,634 5,316,884,648 Provision for severance indemnities 3,544,646,461 3,954,040,365 Depreciation 1,625,419,605 1,427,328,813 Amortization 822,349, ,646,669 Recovery of Bad debts expenses (5,000,000) (69,559,493) Recovery of other Bad debts expenses - 78,386,343 Gains on disposal of tangible asset (884,081) (23,032,628) Gains on disposal of intangible asset 550,000 (35,672,727) Loss on disposal of tangible asset 87,048, ,201,839 Gains on disposal of subsidiaries equity (8,485,090) (510,663,472) Provisions for Restoration (18,261,551) - Provisions for Transfer 46,139,280 35,857,923 Gain on Foreign currency translation (1,208,202,581) (2,290,016,415) Loss on Foreign currency translation 1,307,909,457 2,589,599,629 Loss on valuation of derivative instruments 35,468,832 3,126,140 Loss on trading of derivative instruments 262,403, ,302,077 Gain on trading of derivative instruments (487,727,575) (235,684,712) Loss on reduction of investment asset - 340,165,774 Impairment Loss of available-for-sale financial assets 246,486,449 - Gain on valuation of derivative instruments (20,221,667) (14,305,492) Loss on disposition of held-to-maturity financial assets - 1,059,347 Interest expenses 401,711, ,697,576 Dividend income (14,842,400) (34,137,520) Interest income (1,922,549,652) (2,473,976,494) (3) Decrease(increase) of Assets and Liabilities (13,057,777,167) (33,749,332,716) Decrease (increase) in trade accounts receivable (25,673,225,754) (27,801,007,265) Decrease (increase) in other receivables 129,575,095 (868,898,815) Decrease (increase) in accrued revenue 272,711,274 (273,675,442) Decrease (increase) in other current assets (7,750,737,857) (1,540,973,935)

68 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 6 8 GIIR Inc. (Cash Flows-Continued) [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) Decrease (increase) in trade accounts 8,847,218,486 (426,655,206) Decrease (increase) in other payables 1,562,396, ,680,484 Decrease (increase) in accrued expenses 730,590,401 (578,727,138) Decrease (increase) in other current liabilites 13,303,512,383 2,248,885,682 Decrease (increase) in other non current liabilites 239,245, ,970 Payment of severance benefit (1,829,615,323) (3,481,028,528) Move in(out) from(to) affiliate companies (452,984,475) (59,091,738) Decrease(Increase) of pension operation (2,436,463,533) (1,652,178,785) 2. INTEREST RECEIVED 2,453,817,760 2,036,425, INTEREST PAID (472,772,176) (329,075,350) 4. DIVIDENDS RECEIVED (3,199,043,349) (5,300,279,523) 5. INCOME TAXES PAID 14,842,400 34,137,520 Ⅱ CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 6,762,444,245 (8,592,585,256) 1. CASH INFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 85,365,286, ,140,665,980 Decrease of financial institution deposits 84,000,000, ,020,006,251 Decrease from sales of fair value financial asset 502,033, ,691,092 Increase from sales of fair value financial Liabilities - - Decrease of long-term loan 731,900 - Decrease of long-term guarantee deposits 439,087, ,068,709 Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 1,539,119 34,101,548 Proceeds from sales of intangible assets 25,000, ,272,727 Proceeds of held-to-maturity financial assets 68,140,000 1,525,653 Decrease of held-for-sale assets 328,755, CASH OUTFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (78,602,842,420) (125,733,251,236) Increase of financial institution deposits 76,095,000, ,020,006,251 Decrease from sales of fair value financial Liabilities 265,529, ,521,518 Increase of long-term guarantee deposits 63,721, ,527,580 Increase of long-term loans - 50,000,000 Purchase of financial assets held to maturity 172,490,000 1,300,000 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 1,391,053,888 1,999,255,595 Purchase of intangible assets 615,047,709 1,593,739,707 Cost of Recovery - 88,000,000

69 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 6 9 GIIR Inc. (Cash Flows-Continued) [in Korean Won] ACCOUNT 30th(2013) 29th(2012) Changes in the cash flow of the subsidiary - 866,323,482 Increase of held for sate assets - 192,577,103 Ⅲ CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (2,680,424,879) (2,021,895,959) 1. CASH INFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 1,614,190,743 3,235,280,823 Increase fo short term borrowings 1,614,190,743 3,235,280, CASH OUTFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (4,294,615,622) (5,257,176,782) Repayments of short term borrowings 1,053,086,822 2,015,647,982 Dividends paid 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Ⅳ NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS(I+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) 11,063,082,106 (26,173,401,069) Ⅴ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 19,845,568,759 46,957,532,053 Ⅵ EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH (330,605,173) (938,562,225) Ⅶ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD 30,578,045,692 19,845,568,759

70 *G2R 2013AR_( 내지 )_*G2R 2009AR_( 내지 ) 오후 2:05 페이지 70

포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) Ⅵ. 중단영업이익 (Net income from discontinued operations ) Ⅶ. 당기순이익 (Net Income) , ,298 ( 대손준비금반영후

포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) Ⅵ. 중단영업이익 (Net income from discontinued operations ) Ⅶ. 당기순이익 (Net Income) , ,298 ( 대손준비금반영후 포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) 주식회사우리은행 Ⅰ. 영업이익 (Operating income) 1. 순이자이익 (Net interest income) (1) 이자수익 (Interest income) (2) 이자비용 (Interest expense) 2. 순수수료이익 (Net fees and commissions

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