Risk Management Overview 잘못된 Risk 관리로입은최근의손실액과회사 Billions
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1 Reuters Risk Management Presented By Changhan Lee
2 Risk Management Overview 잘못된 Risk 관리로입은최근의손실액과회사 Billions Sumitomo Copper Futures Long-Term Capital Management Orange County Portfolio Leverage Showa Shell Sekiyu FX Forwards Barings Futures Options Metallgesellschaft Futures Trading Daiwa Bank Trading Fraud UBS LTCM-related losses Kidder Peabody Trading Fraud Bank of America Hedge Fund loss (D.E. Shaw) Merrill Lynch Mortgage Derivatives Salomon Bros. Derivatives Operational Errors Air Product Leveraged & Currency Swaps Proctor & Gamble Leveraged DM & US Spread Options Cargill Mortgage Derivatives
3 DIFFERENT KINDS OF RISKS Risk 의성격에따른구분 Credit Risk: Will the counterparty be able to pay back the bank? Liquidity Risk: Will the bank be able to pay the counterparty? Market Risk: Will price movements cause loss? Operational Risk: Will non financial factors cause loss?
4 Country Risk DIFFERENT KINDS OF RISKS Credit Risk Counterparty Risk Settlement Risk Marginal Risk
5 DIFFERENT KINDS OF RISKS Liquidity Risk Liquidity Risk 의두가지의미 Cash Flow Mismatch 보유상품의유동성부족
6 DIFFERENT KINDS OF RISKS Market Risk 시장가격변동에따른 Risk 측정방법 Value At Risk Greek 지수 시뮬레이션
7 DIFFERENT KINDS OF RISKS Operational Risk 아래와같은운영상의잘못으로발생하는금융상의 Risk 시스템의오작동 (Inadequate systems) 작업자의실수 (Human error) 관리상의실패 (Management failure) Fraud
8 Reuters 위험관리상품 Board of Directors VaR Reports Risk Committee Performance Middle Office Management Traders Consolidation Risk management Hedging tools Decision support Position keeping Deal capture Kondor+ Limits Control
9 Kondor+ Main Features All Instruments & markets Realtime positions - risk and results Aggregate reporting - risk and results Internal deals Pricing, hedging, simulations Credit limits Open database structure Open Interfaces Front Office Trading and Risk Management
10 K+ Main Trading Functions Default values Precalculated values Search User specific lists Real/simulated/pending deals Pricing FRA, Cash Flows, C/IRS, Swaptions Asset Swaps Options, OTC Options, Warrants FX Bonds, Convertible Bonds Equities, MBS/ABS Deal Import Deal Capture K+ Dbase Blotter Realtime Position Reporting P&L, Risk Deal Export Transaction log Realtime positions By segment: - Fixed Income - Equities - FX... P&L, risks by... - Portfolio - Counterparty - Instrument -... any criteria
11 의사결정지원및 Risk 관리 각종상품에대한 Pricing 포지션관리및 Reporting Limit 관리 Simulation 그에따른포지션변화관찰
12 의사결정지원및 Risk 관리 ( 계속 ) 합성포지션의관리 RealTime Display 및 Strategy 분석
13 Introduction to KVAR+(1) A middle-office 위험관리시스템 : VAR Reporting 시나리오에따르는 Market value 시뮬레이션 위험모니터링 Term structure modeling
14 Introduction to KVAR+(2) Extremely flexible Risk Management software A system capable of Global Aggregation A risk benchmarking system A sensitivity analysis and stress testing tool A risk strategy evaluator A reporting tool
15 KVAR+ Inputs: Introduction to KVAR+(3) Position files (Real, What-if and Benchmark) Rates (Historical, Live Feed and Scenarios) RiskMetrics Covariance files Pricing Functions (internal and user-defined) User specifications (Profit Center Hierarchy, Risk Aggregations, Risk Methodology, Limits) KVAR+ Outputs: Value-at-Risk calculations by: * Risk Aggregation Parameter (Business Center, Profit Center, etc.) * Risk type (Interest Rate, Currency, Volatility, etc.) Position reports Limit reports Time Series reports Rate Set Statistics
16 Global Hedger
17 GLOBAL HEDGER 금리변동에대한보유자산의 Risk 를측정 금리변동에대한보유자산의 Risk 의 Hedge
18 GLOBAL HEDGER 3 steps: Cash Flow warehousing Time bucket analysis Hedging computation
19 GLOBAL HEDGER Cash Flow Warehousing - 각상품을일련의 Cash flow 의조합으로전환 - 상품과수량의조합인포트폴리오를일련의 Cash Flow 로전환 - 이러한 Cash Flow 의조합이보유포지션을대신
20 GLOBAL HEDGER Cash Flow Warehousing 만기일시상환대출금의 Cash Flow Warehousing 예 : Value date N(1 + r x Nbd/Basis) - N Maturity date 선도금리 (FRA: Forward Rate Agreement) 예 N Value date Maturity date - N x (1 + r x Nbd/Basis) where r is the FRA contract rate.
21 GLOBAL HEDGER Cash Flow Warehousing 모든포지션에대한 Cash Flow Mapping 이끝난후에전체포트폴리오에대한 CashFlow Warehousing 이완성 : CF2 CF3 CF4 CF6 CFn CF1 CF5 이 Cash Flow 로포트폴리오에대한현재가치와금리구조변화에대한 sensitivity 를 Zero Coupon Curve 에근거하여구할수있음.
22 GLOBAL HEDGER 3 steps: Cash Flow warehousing Time bucket analysis Hedging computation
23 GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis - Time Bucket Analysis : 금리에대한포트폴리오의 Sensitivity 산출과정 (Gap Analysis 라고도함 ) - 모든표준기간 (1 개월, 2 개월,, 1 년, 2 년, 등 ) 의 Par Yield 가 1 Basis Point 변동했다고가정 - 모든표준기간의금리변동에따른포지션의 Sensitivity 를각각구함
24 Zero Coupon rate GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis Shifted Curve Initial Curve z z 1BP 1BP 1BP CF1 CF2 CF3 CF4 Maturity NPV (Shifted Curve) - NPV (Initial Curve)= Global Portfolio s Sensitivity
25 GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis 예 ) 1 년과 2 년사이 (370 일 ) 에발생한 Cash Flow 에대한 Sensitivity Step1 : 변하기전의 Zero Yield Curve 로포지션의현재가치구함 NPV1 = æ ç è C F 1 + z / ö ø INITIAL ZERO COUPON CURVE z 6 m 181 d 1 Year 365 d Cash-Flow Date 370 d 2 Years 732 days
26 Step 2 : z z GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis - 1 Year Par Rate 만변화시킨후 Zero Coupon Curve 를다시구함 - 이새로운 Zero Coupon Curve 에서 1 년과 2 년사이를해당일자에 Interpolation 해서 370 일에해당하는 Zero Coupon Rate (Z ) 구함 - Z 으로새로운 NPV2 도출 CF Zero Coupon rate æ ö ç1+ z' ç è ø 370/ 365 New interpolated zero coupon rate 6 m 181 d 1 Year 365 d Cash-Flow Date 370 d 2 Years 732 days
27 GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis z New interpolated z zero coupon rate 6 m 181 d 1 Year 365 d Cash-Flow Date 370 d 2 Years 732 days Step 3: - Step 2 에서구한것과같은방법으로 2년 Par Rate 를변동시킨뒤새로운 NPV3 산출 C F æ ç è 1+ z " / ö ø
28 GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis Step 4 : Step1,2,3 에서구한 NPV1, NPV2, NPV3 으로해당 Cash Flow 의 Sensitivity 산출 - Time Bucket 1 year 에해당하는 Sensitivity : (NPV2 - NPV1) - Time Bucket 2 year 에해당하는 Sensitivity : (NPV3 - NPV1)
29 GLOBAL HEDGER Time Bucket Analysis 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y CF1 CF2 CF3 CF4 Cash Flow 의연속으로이루어진포트폴리오는각각의 Cash Flow 에대해앞의 Step1 - Step4 를각각구하여각각의 Time Bucket 에해당하는 Sensitivity 를구함 ==> 각각의 Time Bucket 에대한 Sensitivity(Delta Vector) 산출
30 GLOBAL HEDGER 3 steps: Cash Flow warehousing Time bucket analysis Hedging computation
31 GLOBAL HEDGER Hedging computation 1st Step: Underlying Yield curve 도출 단기자금시장금리 + 금리 Futures + Swap Rate Par Yield Curve ---> Zero Coupon Curve ----> Discount Factor ( 단기자금시장, Swap Rate 경우 ) Par Yield Curve ---> Zero Coupon Curve ----> Discount Factor ( 금리 Futures 의경우 )
32 Par Rates GLOBAL HEDGER Hedging computation Money Market Rates IMM Futures Par Swap Rates First Maturity Date of Futures Contract 2 Years Maturity 2nd Step: Sensitivity computation to each bucket (Time Bucket Analysis 참조 )
33 GLOBAL HEDGER Hedging computation 3rd step: Computation of the hedging factors hedge 제안은아래의상품으로표시됨 Deposit (IAM : Interest At Maturity) 금리선물 Swap Purpose: Yield Curve 의변동에대해 DP=0 을만족시키는아래의연속된상품들의조합을찾아냄 - deposit rates a1, a2,...an1 ( Principal Amount) - deposit futures b1, b2,..., bn2 ( 계약수 ) - on-the-run swaps g1, g2..., gn3 (Notional Amount)
34 GLOBAL HEDGER Hedging computation Yield curve 는 Deposit, Futures, Swap 의조합으로구성된함수 : Y(D1,D2,...Dn1,F1,F2,...,Fn2,SW1,SW2,...SWn3) Price( 이경우 NPV) 는 Yield Curve 의함수이므로 I(Y) 로표시하면각각의 time bucket 에대하여다음이성립하여야함 a1.dd1+ DD1. d I(Y) /dd1 = 0 a2.dd2+ DD2. d I(Y) /dd2 = 0... an1.ddn1+ DDn1. d I(Y) /ddn1 = 0 b1.df1+ DF1. d I(Y) /df1 = 0... bn2.dfn2+ DFn2. d I(Y) /dfn2 = 0 g1.dsw1+ DSW1. d I(Y) /dsw1 = 0... gn3.dswn3+ DSWn3. d I(Y) /dswn3 = 0
35 GLOBAL HEDGER Hedging computation 각각의 time bucket에대하여다음의 Hedge 수량이도출 for i=1,...,n1 di Y a i = - ( ) d for i=1 to n2 D i di Y b i = - ( ) df i Instrument s Sensitivity to a move of the deposit rate Di Value of the move of the deposit rate Di for i=1 to n3 g i di Y = - ( ) dsw i
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