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1 2001 Application of Financial Engineering Method on Real Estate: Value Assessment and Risk Management on MBS and REITs
2 2001 / / 2-22 / / ( ) ( ) / ,.
3 , , 2001., (ABS), (MBS), (REITs)..,.,.
4 ,.,.,,
5 ,..,,.,,,,.,,,,.,
6 (ABS), (MBS) (REITs).., MBS.,,,.. 3 MBS REITs, MBS (KoMoCo) MBS MBS,,, (MBB). MBB, MBS (MPTS) (MPTB). MBB MBB
7 MBB. MBB, MBB. MBB. n (accrued interest) MBB (3.1). MB B non = n t = 1 MB B n on I ( 1 + y ) t + P ( 1 + y ) n = I 1-1 ( 1 + y ) n y : MBB, I : P :, y : ( ) + P ( 1 + y ) n (3.1) MBB MBB MBB. MBB MBB(callable MBB). MBB MBB, (call option). MBB (3.2). MB B cop = MB B n on - C p C p = MB B n on - MB B cop (3.2) MB B cop : MBB, C p : (3.1) MBB ( C p ) (3.2) MBB. Cox, Ross & Rubinstein(1979) Black(1976), MBB.
8 KoMoCo MBS , MBS, 5 MBS 1% MBS 4.33%., MBS, MBS 1 Black, 2 5 MBS MBS , %., KoMoCo MBS MBS 1, 2 5 MBS MBS , %. KoMoCo MBS %, % %. KoMoCo, KoMoCo MBS. Capozza & Lee(1995, 1996) REITs,. (REITs) (CR-REITs), REITs CR-REITs, (r), (g), 1 ( T R 1 ), (x), REITs ( V R ) CR-REITs ( V CR ) (3.29), (3.30).
9 V R = ( x ) TR 1 r - g V CR = ( x ) TR 1 r - g (3.29) (3.30),., 8% 18%, 12%.,,, ,.,,,,
10 ,.,,. VaR(Value at Risk). VaR,,,, ,.
11 ) 8 2) 15 3) ) 24 2) 25
12 3 1. MBS 29 1) 29 2) MBS 30 3) MBB 32 4) MBB 33 5) REITs 48 1) Capozza & Lee 48 2) REITs ) 59 2) ) 64 2) VaR SUMMARY 87
13 < 3-1> KoMoCo MBS < 3-2> KoMoCo MBS < 3-3> KoMoCo MBS < 3-4> KoMoCo MBS n 44 < 3-5> KoMoCo MBS ( : 1 ) 46 < 3-6> KoMoCo MBS (Black : 1 ) 46 < 3-7> KoMoCo MBS (Black : MBS 1 ) 47 < 3-8> REITs 55 < 3-9> 1 8% 56 < 4-1> VaR 75
14 < 2-1> 9 < 2-2> 13 < 2-3> 19 < 2-4> 3 21 < 3-1> MBB MBB 34 < 3-2> 3 MBB 36 < 3-3> KoMoCo MBS < 3-4> 2 KoMoCo MBS 44 < 3-5> 2 KoMoCo MBS 45
15 1 C H A P T E R (ABS; Asset Backed Securities) 49 3,832, , % ABS 1 1
16 ., (mortgage loan) ( KoMoCo ) ,440 ( ) (MBS; Mortgage Backed Securities), 3% , MBS ,,,,.,,,.., KoMoCo KoMoCo MBS., ABS. 2
17 .,,,.,,.,.,,.,,,.,,..,,,,,.. 1 3
18 2.. ABS, MBS,., ABS MBS MBS.,,,. MBS MBS, 1), Cox, Ross & Rubinstein(1979) Black(1976)., Capozza & Lee(1995, 1996) (REITs). (financial engineering),,,,,.. 1) (term structure of interest rate). 4
19 ,. 1 5
20 2 C H A P T E R. ABS, MBS (REITs).., MBS.,,,.. 2 7
21 1. 1) (1). (required yield). (noncallable bond, option-free bond) n (accrued interest) (2.1). B n on = n t = 1 B n on I ( 1 + r) t + P ( 1 + r) n = I 1-1 ( 1 + r) n r :, I : P :, r : ( ) + P ( 1 + r) n (2.1) (2.2). B n on = n t = 1 I ( 1 + r) v ( 1 + r) t P ( 1 + r) v ( 1 + r) n - 1 (2.2) v : ( ), (pure discount bond) (2.3), (2.4). : B n on = : B n on = I r P ( 1 + r) n (2.3) (2.4) 8
22 (2) (2.1), (convex), < 2-1>.,,,,,. < 2-1> B * n on y* (3) (current yield) (yield to maturity)..,., ( 0 ) ( ) 2 9
23 .. (y) (IRR; internal rate of return) (2.5). B n on = n t = 1 I ( 1 + y) t + P ( 1 + y) n = I 1-1 ( 1 + y) n y + P ( 1 + y) n (2.5) (2.5),., (2.6). B n on = P ( 1 + y ) n y = [ P B n on ] 1/ n - 1 (2.6) (4) ( ) (price volatility). (risk hedging), (price value of a basis point, dollar value of a basis point 2) ), (yield value of a price change), (duration).. ( ) (duration), 3) 2) 1 basis point 0.01% 3). n 10
24 . Macaulay ( D m ac ) 4) (modified duration ; D m od ), (2.7), (2.8). D m ac = [ n t = 1 ti ( 1 + y ) t + np ( 1 + y ) ] 1 (2.7) n B n on B non = I ( 1 + y) + I ( 1 + y) I ( 1 + y) n +. d B non 1 I = - dy 1 + y [ ( 1 + y) + 2I ( 1 + y) = - d B non dy 1 B non 1 I 1 + y [ ( 1 + y) + 2I ( 1 + y) B non Macaulay ( D mac = [ I ( 1 + y) + 2I ( 1 + y) ni ( 1 + y) n + ni ( 1 + y) n + P ( 1 + y) n ni ( 1 + y) n + D m ac ). np ( 1 + y) ] n np ( 1 + y) ] 1 n B non np ( 1 + y) ] 1 n B non = [ n t = 1 ti ( 1 + y) t + (modified duration ; np ( 1 + y) ] 1 n B non D m od ). D mod = -, - B non = I d B non dy 1-1 B non = 1 ( 1 + y) n y 1 B non. D mod = - d B non dy 1 B non = D mac 1 + y + P [ 1 ( 1 + y) ] n 1 I y [ ( 1 + y) ] n + n (P - I/ y) ( 1 + y) n + 1 B non 4) F. Macaulay Some Theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movement of Interest Rates, Bond Yields, and Stock Prices in the U.S. Since New York : National Bureau of Economic Research. 2 11
25 D m od = - d B n on dy 1 B n on = D m ac 1 + y = I y [ ( 1 + y ) ] n + n ( P - I/ y ) ( 1 + y ) n + 1 (2.8) B n on (percentage price change). B n on B n on - D m od y (2.9) < 2-1> y ( : 10 basis point), y ( : 200 basis point). 5) ( ) - (convexity) (curvature).. < 2-2> - y * y *,. -. (Taylor series expansion) 6) 5) (convex). 6) f ( x ) x = x 0, f (x ) x 0. 12
26 (2.10), 2. B n on = d B n on dy y d 2 B n on d y 2 ( y ) 2 + (2.10) 7), B n on. < 2-2> } B * non } y * ( ) y 1 y2 y * y 3 y4 B non = d B non B non dy 1 B non y d 2 B non 1 d y 2 ( y) 2 + (2.11) B non f (x) - f ( x 0 ) = f ' ( x 0 )(x - x 0 ) + f ' ' ( x 0 ) 2! (x - x 0 ) f ( n + 1) ( x 0 ) ( n + 1)! (x - x 0 ) n + 1 7) (dollar duration ; DD)., DD = - d B non dy = D m od B non 2 13
27 , 2 8), -. (dollar convexity ; DC) (convexity ; C). D C = d 2 B n on d y 2, C = d 2 B n on d y 2 1 B n on (interest rate volatility). < 2-2> ( y 1 y 4 ), ( y 2 y 3 ).. = - D m od y = 1 2 C ( y ) 2 = - D m od y C ( y ) 2 8) 2. B non = d 2 n t = 1 B non d y 2 =, B non = I d 2 B non d y 2 = I ( 1 + y) t n t = 1 P 2, ( 1 + y) n t( t + 1)I ( 1 + y) t ( 1 + y) n y n( n + 2)P ( 1 + y) n P [ 1 2 ( 1 + y) ]. n 2I y [ ( 1 + y) ] n - 2nI y 2 ( 1 + y) n n ( n + 1)(P - I/ y) ( 1 + y) n
28 2) (1) (minimum interest rate) (base interest rate, benchmark interest rate), (on-the-run) ( ). (risk premium, spread). (intermarket or intramarket sector spread), (quality or credit spread), (maturity spread),,,. (2) ( ) (term structure of interest rate), (yield curve). (normal or positive yield curve). ( 1996),, ABS MBS. ( ) (spot rate) 2 15
29 .. (theoretical spot rate). n r n, n ( z n ) (bootstrapping). ( CI n ) : ( P) ( r n P ) CI n = ( 1 + r n )P ( CO 0 ) : ( B n on ) CO 0 = B non - r n [ z ( 1 + z 2 ) ( 1 + z n - 1 ) n - 1 ] P 1 n : z n = ( CI n n - CO 0 ) 1 (2.12) ( ) (forward rate).. n n-1 n, f n (2.13). ( 1 + z n ) n = ( 1 + z n - 1 ) n - 1 ( 1 + f n ) f n = ( 1 + z n ) n ( 1 + z n - 1 ) n (2.13). 16
30 ( ) (expectation theory), (liquidity preference theory), (market segmentation theory).., ( ) ( ).,. 9) (uncertainty)..,..,, ( ),., 9) Eugene F. Fama "Forward Rates as Predictors of Future Spot Rates". Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 3, No
31 ,. 3) (1) (option). (contingent claim), (underlying security). (exercise price, strike price), (European option), (American option). (call option), (put option). (2.14), (2.15). C p = M ax [ 0, ( B T - X ) ] (2.14) P p = M ax [ 0, ( X - B T ) ] (2.15) C p B T :, P p : :, X :. (period of call protection) (callable bond).,. (reinvestment risk), 18
32 (price compression).. (2) - < 2-3> aa, ab. - (positive convexity). - ( y * ) convexity). (negative < 2-3> a ' B * b CP a y* (long position) (call option) (short position) 2 19
33 . < 2-3> ( C p ) aa ab. B cop = B n on - C p C p = B n on - B cop (2.16) B cop :, C p :,. B pop = B n on + P p (2.17) B p op :, P p : (3) Black & Scholes(1973),. Cox, Ross & Rubinstein(1979) (Option Pricing Model) 10) (binomial interest-rate tree model) Black(1976). ( ) < 2-4>. ( ), 1 1 r 1H, 1 r 1L. 10) Cox, Ross & Rubinstein (underlying price), (striking price), (range of movement). 20
34 ( y) (random process).., N H N H H N H L , , 1 +. < 2-4> 3 r3 H H H r2 H H N H H H r1 H N H H r3 H H L r0 N H r2 H L N H H L N r1 L N H L r3h L L N L r2 L L N H L L N L L r3l L L N L L L 1 2 3,. 2 21
35 1, 1/ 2.,,. 3 MBS. ( ) Black Black & Scholes(1973), (futures contract) 11)., Black & Scholes Black(1976). Black. (2.18) (geometric Brownian motion) 12). df = F d t + F dz (2.18) F :, : F, : F (volatility) t :, dz : Wiener, (lognormal distribution) 13), (nonstochastic) 14) 11). 12) dz Brownian motion Wiener process., dz dt dz = dt. N ( 0, 1)., 0, 1., dt dz.,, Markov process. 13),.,, 22
36 Black (2.19), (2.20). C p = e - r T [ F N ( d 1 ) - X N ( d 2 ) ] (2.19) P p = e - r T [ X N ( - d 2 ) - F N ( - d 1 ) ] (2.20), d 1 = ln ( F / X ) + T 2 T / 2 d 2 = ln ( F / X ) - T 2 T / 2 T : ( ) X : = d 1 - T r : T N ( d i ) : 15) (2.19), (2.20)., F (2.21). F = ( B - I p v ) e r T (2.21) B : I pv : 16). 14) (stochastic process), (nonstochastic). 15) N ( d i ) 0, 1,, d i. 16). 2 23
37 2. 1).,,,. (2.22). S 0 = t = 1 D t ( 1 + r) t (2.22) S 0 D t r : 0 : t : D, (2.23). S 0 = t = 1 D ( 1 + r) t = D r (2.23) (g), (2.24). 17) S 0 = D 1 r - g (, r>g 18) ) (2.24) 17) S 0 = D 1 ( 1 + r) + D 1 ( 1 + g) ( 1 + r) D 1 ( 1 + g) ( 1 + r) - 1 = D 1 r - g 24
38 S 0 : 1 g : (2.24),,,,. 2) (2.24), g.,, g. (NOI : net operating income), NOI b, k, (2.25). N OI t = N OI t b N OI t - 1 k = N OI t - 1 ( 1 + b k) (2.25) N OI t : t, N OI t - 1 : t-1 (k), (ROE : return on equity). (2.25) (2.26). N OI t = N OI t - 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) (2.26) 18) r g (2.24). 2 25
39 (2.26) b ROE, g, N OI t N OI t - 1 (2.27). N OI t = N OI t - 1 ( 1 + g ) (2.27) (EPS : earning per share) NOI (2.26) (2.27) (2.28). E P S t = E P S t - 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) = E P S t - 1 ( 1 + g ) (2.28) E P S t : t, E P S t - 1 : t-1 EPS, (2.23) (2.29). S 0 = D r = E P S r (2.29) (PVGO : present value of growth opportunity). S 0 = E P S r + P VGO (2.30) PVGO : PVGO (2.31) (NPV : net present value). P VGO = t = 1 N P V t ( 1 + r) t (2.31), (b) (ROE) 26
40 , t ( b E P S t ) t (2.32). 19) N P V t = - b E P S t + b E P S t R OE ( 1 + r) = - b E P S t + b E P S t R OE r + b E P S t R OE ( 1 + r) 2 + (2.32) (2.28) (2.32), (2.33). 20) N P V t = N P V t - 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) (2.33) (2.33) ( N P V t ) N P V 1 (2.34). N P V t = N P V 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) t - 1 (2.34) (2.34) (2.31) PVGO (2.35). 21) P VGO = t = 1 N P V t ( 1 + r) t = N P V 1 r - b R OE (2.35) (2.35) (2.30), (2.36). S 0 = E P S r + P VGO = E P S r + N P V 1 r - b R OE (2.36) 19) (2.32) NP V t >0 R OE > r., NP V t >0 b E PS t R OE r > b E PS t R OE > r. R OE < r, N P V t <0. 20) N P V t = - b E P S t - 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) + b E PS t - 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) R OE r = [ - b E PS t b E PS t - 1 R OE r ] ( 1 + b R OE ) = NP V t - 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) 21) P V GO = t = 1 t - 1 N P V t NP V 1 ( 1 + b R OE ) ( 1 + r) t = t= 1 ( 1 + r) t = NP V 1 r - b R OE 2 27
41 ,,,. 22) 22) (2.24), (2.36) S 0 = S 0 = = E PS 1 r E PS 1 r E P S ( = E PS 1 ) r + ( E P S 1 b)( (R OE - r)/ r). r - b R OE D 1 r - g = E PS 1 ( 1 - b) r - b R OE + P V GO= E PS 1 r +, NP V 1 r - b R OE + ( E P S 1 b)( (R OE - r)/ r) E PS 1 ( 1 - b). r - b R OE r - b R OE 28
42 3 C H A T E R 1. MBS 1) MBS.., 23) (value additivity rule) Vasicek(1977). Cox, Ingersoll & Ross(1980), (Brownian motion). (1996), (2001), 23)
43 .. MBS (1999), Fabozzi(1996) (binomial interest-rate tree model) MBS. 2) MBS (MBS). MBS,. (equity-type), (bond-type), (hybrid-type). MBS MBS. MBS (MPTS ; Mortgage Pass-Through Securities). MBS MBS. MBS (MBB ; Mortgage Backed-Bond). MBS., MBS, MBS. MBS 30
44 (MPTB ; Mortgage Pay-Through Bond). MPTB (Multi-class Securities) (CMO ; Collateralized Mortgage Obligation). MBS MBB. MBB, MBS MPTS MPTB. MBB MBB. (mortgage loan) (prepayment). MBB MBB MBB (call option). MBB, MBB MBB MBB. Cox, Ross & Rubinstein(1979) (option pricing model) Black(1976), MBB. KoMoCo MBS MBS. KoMoCo MBS,,,. 3 31
45 3) MBB (1) MBB MBB. MBB MBB. n MBB 2 (2.1) (3.1). MBB non = n t = 1 MB B n on I ( 1 + y) t + P ( 1 + y) n = I 1-1 ( 1 + y) n y : MBB, I : P :, y : ( ) + P ( 1 + y ) n (3.1) (3.1) MBB (y) (n). MBB, MBB., 2 < 2-1> (convex). MBB.,. (2) MBB MBB (price volatility) MBB MBB, (risk hedging). 32
46 2, MBB.. MBB,.. MBB -. MBB -. 2 < 2-2> MBB -., y * y * MBB. MBB - MBB. 2.,.,., MBB, MBB. 4) MBB (1) MBB MBB MBB MBB. MBB (period of call 3 33
47 protection) MBB MBB(callable MBB). MBB MBB MBB,., MBB (reinvestment risk)., MBB (price compression). MBB MBB. MBB MBB -, MBB - 2 < 2-1> (positive convexity)., MBB - < 3-1> MBB MBB MBB a ' MBB MBB * b CP MBB a y* ( y * ) 34
48 (negative convexity). < 3-1> aa MBB -, ab MBB -. (2) MBB MBB MBB, (call option). < 3-1> ( C p ) aa - ab, 2 (2.16) MBB (3.2). MB B cop = MB B n on - C p C p = MB B n on - MB B cop (3.2) MB B cop : MBB, C p : (3) MBB ( ) 2 (binomial interest-rate tree model) MBB. MBB MBB. 24) MBB MBB,. (interest-rate volatility) MBB. < 3-2> 24) Andrew J. Kalotay, George O. William, and Frank J. Fabozzi "A Model for the Valuation of Bonds and Embedded Options". Finacial Analysts Journal. pp
49 (node : ) ( 1 ), 1 1 r 1H, 1 r 1L. < 3-2> 3 MBB r3 H H H N H H H r2 H H r1 H N H H r3 H H L r0 N H r2 H L N H H L N r1 L N H L r3 H L L N L r2 L L N H L L N L L r3 L L L N L L L ( y) (random process), 1, 2 (3.3). r 1H = r 1L ( e 2 y ), r 2HH = r 2L L ( e 4 y) (3.3) y : 1 25) MBB MBB 25) e 2 y y, 1. r e 2 y - r 2 r + 2 y r - r 2 = y r 36
50 MBB., N H MBB N HH N H L MBB. 1 MBB 1 (coupon payment). 1, 1 MBB 1. 1 MBB + 1 MBB +., N H N H H MBB + N H L MBB +., MBB. 1. 1, 1/ 2 N MBB (3.4). MB B ( n ) = 1 2 [ V H + I r * V L + I 1 + r * ] (3.4) MB B ( n ) : N MBB V H : 1 MBB I V L : 1 MBB :, r * : N MBB, MBB (K), n MBB, MB B ( n ) cop. 3 37
51 MB B ( n ) cop = M in [ MB B ( n ), K ] (3.5) ( ) Black Black(1976), 2 (2.19) MBB. (2.19) F (2.21) MBB (3.6). F = ( MB B n on - I pv ) e r T (3.6) I pv : 26) MBB (volatility). MBB. MBB MBB (3.7). MB B n on MB B n on - D m od y = - D m od y y y (3.7) (3.7) MBB MBB y., (3.7) (3.8). = D m od y y (3.8) 26) I pv. 38
52 5) (1) KoMoCo MBS KoMoCo ,440 ( ) MBS. KoMoCo KoMoCo MBS MBB. < 3-1> KoMoCo MBS MBS ( ) 2, Tranche % 3 AAA : / KoMoCo MBS MBS Tranche, MBS, MBB., Tranche KoMoCo. 27), 5 MBS 27) KoMoCo( MBS
53 . 7 Tranche MBS. MBS MBS (mortgage loan) (prepayment risk) (interest rate risk). KoMoCo MBS , MBS. (2) KoMoCo MBS MBS < 3-2>, < 3-3> (normal or positive yield curve).. < 3-2> KoMoCo MBS ( : %) (6.59) : ( ) KoMoCo MBS ( ) 40
54 < 3-3> KoMoCo MBS MBS 4 MBS. MBS.,, KoMoCo MBS , MBS < 3-3>., 5 MBS 1% MBS ( D m od ) 4.23% (C) 0.10%. 28) 1% MBS 4.33%. MBS. 28) (C) MBS C/ 2 ( y) 2 1% C MBS 0.10%. 3 41
55 < 3-3> KoMoCo MBS ( D m od ) (C) MBB ( + ) (3) MBS ( ) KoMoCo MBS MBS., KoMoCo MBS MBB., MBS 100.,,., 4, 1., MBS 1.,,,., ( y) ) ( ) 2 MBS, 1 : t r t, 2 MBS 1 29) KoMoCo MBS. MBS %, 0.15, %,
56 ( r 1 ) (0.07) r 1 e 2 y(0.085). 2 : r 1, r 1 e 2 y 1 MBS MBS. 2 MBS. 2 MBS 100, MBS ( V H ) MBS ( V L ) [ V H + I 1 + r * + V L + I 1 + r * ] N MBS. r * %, MBS : 2 MBS (99.86 ) MBS (100 ) r 1. r 1 1, r
57 < 3-4> 2 KoMoCo MBS N V = 100 C = 0 r 0 = 6.57% N H N L V = C = 6.57 r1,h = 8.37% V = C = 6.57 r1,l = 6.85% N H N H N L L V = 100 C = 6.57 r2,h H =? V = 100 C = 6.57 r2,h L =? V = 100 C = 6.57 r2, L L =? 3 MBS. 3 MBS 1 r 1 2 r 2. r 1 r 2 (0.0664). r 2, r 2 e 2 y, r 2 e 4 y 3 MBS. 4, 5 MBS, 3, 4 < 3-4>. < 3-4> KoMoCo MBS n ( : %) MBS MBS 44
58 MBS. KoMoCo 2 MBS < 3-5> (3.5), MBS = Min[ MBS, ] MBS < 3-5> 2 KoMoCo MBS N V = C = 0 r0 = 6.57% N H N L V = C = 6.57 r1,h = 8.37% V = 100 ( ) C = 6.57 N H N H N L L V = 100 C = 6.57 r2,h H =? V = 100 C = 6.57 r2,h L =? V = 100 C = 6.57 r2,l L =? MBS MBS, (3.2). KoMoCo 2 MBS, MBS 100 MBS KoMoCo MBS MBS < 3-5>, 2 5 MBS MBS MBS. 3 45
59 MBS MBS. (3.1) 3 MBS, MBS 7.41% MBS 7.31%., 3 MBS 0.1%. 2 5 MBS %.. < 3-5> KoMoCo MBS ( : 1 ) ( : / MBS 100 ) MBS MBS ( ) Black Black(1976) KoMoCo MBS , < 3-6>.,. < 3-6> KoMoCo MBS (Black : 1 ) ( : / MBS 100 ) MBS
60 KoMoCo MBS MBS 1, 2 5 MBS < 3-7> MBS , %. KoMoCo MBS %, %,, %. MBS,,. MBS,. KoMoCo 30%, KoMoCo MBS (LTV; Loan-to-Value) 30%, 1 2%, AAA %. MBS MBS. < 3-7> KoMoCo MBS (Black : MBS 1 ) ( : / MBS 100 ) MBS
61 2. REITs 1) Capozza & Lee REITs Capozza and Lee(1995, 1996). Capozza and Lee. REITs (3.9). P V = N OI 1 r - g (3.9) PV : NOI1 : 1 r : g : (3.9) (r - g) (capitalization rate), R, (3.10). P V = N OI 1 R (3.10) R : (capitalization rate) Capozza and Lee REITs (property asset valuation) 30) (value additivity 30) REITs. 48
62 principle) (capital structure irrelevance). 31) REITs n REITs (3.11). RV = TV + OV = E + D (3.11) RV : REITs TV : REITs = n i = 1 P V i OV : PVi : REITs i E : REITs D : REITs, REITs REITs. n REITs TV (3.10) (3.12). T V = n i = 1 P V i = n i = 1( N OI i 1 R i ) (3.12) NOI1i : i 1 Ri : i Capozza and Lee, (3.10) N OI i 1 = ( P V i R i ), (3.13). 31) REITs, Modigliani & Miller(1958). 3 49
63 n i = 1 N OI i 1 = n i = 1 (R i P V i ) = T V w (3.13) w : (3.13) (3.14), REITs i 1. T V = n i = 1 N OI i 1 w i (3.15). (3.14) wg t i = n i = 1 PR i SF i ( PR i SF i ) (3.15) wgti = i ( n i = 1 wg t i = 1) PRi = 1 SFi = i i (wgti) (Ri). (3.16). w = n i = 1 ( wg t i R i ) (3.16), (3.14) REITs. (3.11) REITs (net asset value) (3.17), Capozza and Lee (Main Street Valuation Model). 50
64 = + - (3.17) Capozza and Lee, REITs. Capozza and Lee REITs ( ), REITs., REITs(equity REITs) 7% (discount). REITs REITs (capital structure), (diversification strategy), (management contracts).. REITs REITs, REITs REITs, REITs REITs, REITs REITs, (premium). 2) REITs. REITs, REITs, CR-REITs 3 51
65 . REITs CR-REITs Capozza and Lee (Main Street Valuation Model)., REITs., REITs 2 (3.18) REITs. V R = V R D 1 r - g : REITs (3.18) (3.18) REITs ( V R ) 1 ( ) ( D 1 ), (r), (g).,,, (capital gain)., REITs CR-REITs 32), D 1.., REITs CR-REITs 1, D 1 (, 1 ). 32) REITs CR-REITs,. REITs CR-REITs,. 52
66 D = N OI - R E - TX (3.19) RE : 1 TX : 1 ( ) 1 (RE) 10% (90% ), 10% 33) NOI 9%( 10/ 110). 1 TX REITs NOI 30.8%, CR-REITs 30.8%. REITs CR-REITs (D) NOI (3.20), (3.21). D R = N OI (3.20) D R : REITs 1 D CR = N OI (3.21) D CR : CR-REITs 1 NOI 1 1. N OI = NR - T C (3.22) NR : 1 TC : 1 1 (NR) 1 (TR) 1, 1,, (,,,,,, ) 34) (,, 33) ),, 3 53
67 ,, 1 ), (,,, ). NR = TR - V C (3.23) TR : 1, VC : 1 T C = R T C + OT C (3.24) RTC : 1 OTC : 1 (3.23), (3.24) (3.22), (3.20), (3.21), REITs CR-REITs 1. D R = ( TR - V C - R T C - OT C) (3.25) D CR = 0.882( TR - V C - R T C - O T C) (3.26) (3.25), (3.26). < 3-8> (RTC) (TR) 13.71%, (OTC) TR 14.61%. (VC),,. TR RTC TR OTC (3.25), (3.26), TR VC x, (3.27), (3.28) % 1. 54
68 < 3-8> REITs (bp) %, 30 (B) (30), (30), (30), (35), (12), (5) ( %), ( ( 32-35%) 35% ) (C) (100), agency (100), (10), (5), (48), (1) 1 : 1 (D) / 100 5% ( ), 18%. 0.1% ( 72bp) (100), (5), (10), (E) 116 (1) (F) 2 CR-REIT. 5 1 ( 3, 1) (G) 407 G = B + (C 35%) + (D / 5) + E + F :, D R = ( TR - V C - R T C - OT C) = ( x ) TR (3.27) x : 1 D CR = 0.882( TR - V C - R T C - O T C) = ( x ) (3.28) TR < 3-9>, 8% 1 REITs CR-REITs 1 %. 3 55
69 < 3-9> 1 8% ( : %) REITs CR- REITs , 3%( 2%, 1% ), 8% 1 REITs 19.28%, CR-REITs 13.21%. REITs CR-REITs, REITs CR-REITs.,, 1, REITs CR-REITs (3.18), (3.27), (3.28) (3.29), (3.30). V R = ( x ) TR 1 r - g V CR = ( x ) TR 1 r - g (3.29) (3.30) V CR : CR-REITs 1 ( T R 1 ), (r), (g), (x), REITs,,. 56
70 V R TR 1 = ( x ) ( r - g) - 1 V R r V R g V R x = - { ( x) TR 1 } ( r - g) - 2 = { ( x) TR 1 } ( r - g ) - 2 = ( TR 1 ) ( r - g) - 1 REITs CR-REITs,,, REITs CR-REITs (2.40) (3.27), (3.28) (3.31), (3.32). V R = ( x ) TR 1 r - b R OE V CR = ( x ) TR 1 r - b R OE (3.31) (3.32) (3.31) (3.32) (x) 71% CR-REITs REITs, CR-REITs. REITs CR-REITs 0 x 71.9%, 71.6%. 3 57
71 4 C H A P T E R 1. 1) (volatility).,.., (business risk), (strategic risk), (financial risk). 35), (business risk) (competitive advantage),.,,.. 35) Jorion, P Value at Risk : The New Benchmark for Controlling Market Risk. IRWIN. 4 59
72 , (strategic risk). (hedge)., (financial risk) (financial market).,,., (financial risk). MBS,,, Block(1998)., VaR(Value at Risk). 2) (1) MBS, (, ),,.. (liquidity risk)., 60
73 . 1,. (credit risk) (default risk) (delayed payment risk)...,,, (LTV; Loan-to-Value), (PTI; Payment-to-Income).. LTV 20 30%, 70%.. KoMoCo MBS 1% (mortgage loan) MBS MBS. 36) 36) MBS,,. MBS 4 61
74 , MBS (MBB) MBS (MPTB), MBS (MPTS) MPTS. MPTS MPTS. (interest risk).,.. MBS 3 MBS MBS MBS. KoMoCo 5 MBS 1% MBS 4.33%. (prepayment risk), MBS, (MPTS; Mortgage Pass-Through Securities). MBS MBS, (MBB; Mortgage Backed-Bond). MBS MBS, MBS (MPTB; Mortgage Pay-Through Bond). 62
75 . (prevailing mortgage rate) (contract rate),,,,,.,. MBB, MPTS MPTB.. KoMoCo MBS 1 2% 1%.,. 3, MBS, MBS. (title risk), (hazard risk), (pipeline risk),. 4 63
76 (2)..,. 37) REITs 56%, REITs 37%. 2. 1) (trade-off) 38). 37) Block, R. L Investing in REITs. Bloomberg Press. 38).. 64
77 (hedge),.,,,. (hedge)..,, 1 1,. 1,.. 2 MBS -,..,,,,.,. MBS. MBS MBB, MPTS MPTB 4 65
78 . MBB MBB, MBB,,. MBB. MPTS, MPTS,,,. MPTS., 1. MPTB, MPTS,,., MBB MBB, MPTS MPTB. MBS., MBS (reference rate ; ) MBB(Floating-rate MBB) MBB(Inverse floating-rate MBB) MBB. 66
79 100, 7.5% MBB + 1% ( = 15%) MBB 14% - ( = 0%) MBB 50 MBB. 39) MBB MBB. SWAP 40), MBS. (systematic risk) 41) (unsystematic rick)..,, (hedge ratio),. 39) MBB MBB 0.5 ( +1%) (14%- ) = 7.5% 7.5% MBB. 40) SWAP. SWAP SWAP. 41),. 4 67
80 2) VaR.. VaR(Value at Risk). (1) VaR VaR,., 1 VaR 95 % 10, %. VaR,.. VaR VaR. (2) VaR VaR. (Delta Analysis Method), 68
81 (Historical Simulation), (Stress Testing), (Monte Carlo Simulation). VaR (parametric method), VaR (nonparametric method).. ( ) (Delta Analysis Method) VaR..,. (risk factor) (delta)., (linear approximation).,.. VaR
82 1,. (duration), (beta) 42)., -. VaR n.. V p = V p p i n p i i = 1 : : i (4.1) ( t) (4.2). V p = n i = 1 p i (4.2) V p : (4.3), (4.4). E [ V p ] = n i = 1 E [ p i ] (4.3) 2 V p = E [ ( n i = 1 p i - n i = 1 E [ p i ]) 2 ] (4.4) E [ ] : (operator), 2 V p : V p (t) V p ( t) E [ V p ( t) ], 42). 70
83 VaR (4.5), (4.6). E [ V p ] = E [ V p ( t) ] - V p ( 0) (4.5) VaR = E [ V p ( t) ] - V p ( t) (4.6) VaR,,,. 43) VaR,., (+) (-)., VaR. VaR.,, -VaR, VaR. (F) k, (4.7). V p V p = k j = 1( V p / V p F j / F j ) F j F j (4.7),. 43) VaR. :. 4 71
84 p i p i = k j = 1( p i / p i F j / F j (4.2), (4.8) (4.9). V p = n i = 1[ k F j / F j j = 1( p i / p i ) F j F j (4.8) )( F j F j )] p i (4.9),, (nonlinear payoff). ( ). ( ) (Historical-Simulation Method) VaR., VaR. 95% 1 VaR ,, VaR., 72
85 .,. ( ) (Stress Testing) (Scenario Analysis).,.,,., 1% VaR.. VaR.. VaR.. VaR... VaR. 4 73
86 ( ) (Structured Monte Carlo)..., (stochastic process). ( )....,.. VaR... VaR. VaR.,,, < 4-1>. 74
87 < 4-1> VaR (avoid model risk) (communicability).,. VaR, VaR..,
88 ...,, VaR.. (3) VaR VaR,.,. VaR,., VaR,. VaR, VaR. VaR (stable).,. VaR.,. VaR. 76
89 VaR.,,. VaR.. VaR. VaR..,,. MBS ABS,,,, REITs.,.,,,. 4 77
90 5 C H A P T E R,. 1998,, ,..,. 5 79
91 , (ABS) (MBS),. MBS,,,, REITs., (KoMoCo),,. MBS MBS 2 5 MBS , 7.41% 6.59% 0.82% (spread) 3 MBS, %, 0.10%,, MBS. 1 MBS , 80
92 . 8% 18%, 12%., ( ).,...,,, ( ).,
93 .,,,,,.,. VaR. VaR....,. 82
94 : VaR. :.. : : (REITs)? Black, F The Pricing of Commodity Contracts. Journal of Financial Economics. Black, F., Derman, E. & Toy, W One-Factor Model of Interest Rate and its Application to Treasury Bond Options. Financial Analysts Journal. Black, F., & Karasinski, P Bond and Option Pricing when Short Rates are Lognormal. Financial Analysts Journal. Black, F., Scholes, M The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities. Journal of Political Economy. Block, R. L Investing in REITs. Bloomberg Press. 83
95 Cappzza, D. R. & Sohan Lee Portfolio Characteristics and Net Asset Values in REITs. Canadian Journal of Economics. Cappzza, D. R. & Sohan Lee Property Type, Size, and REIT Value. Journal of Real Estate Research. Cox, J. C., Ingersoll, J. & Ross, S. A An Analysis of Variable Rate Loan Contracts. Journal of Finance. Cox, J. C., Ross, S. A. & Rubinstein, M Option Pricing: A Simplified Approach. Journal of Financial Economics. Fabozzi, F. J Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies. Prentice Hall. Fama, E. F Forward Rates as Predictors of Future Spot Rates". Journal of Financial Economics. Heath, D., Jarrow, R. & Morton, A Bond Pricing and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A New Methology for Contingent Claims Valuation. Econometrica, Vol. 60. Ho, T. S. Y. & Lee, S. B Term Structure Movements and Pricing Interest Rate Contingent Claims. Journal of Finance. Vol. 41. Hull, J. & White, A Pricing Interest Rate Derivative Securities. Review of Financial Studies. Vol. 3. Jorion, P Value at Risk : The New Benchmark for Controlling Market Risk. IRWIN. Kalotay, A. J., William, G. O. & Fabozzi, F. J A Model for the Valuation of Bonds and Embedded Options. Finacial Analysts Journal. Kuhn, R. L Mortgage and Asset Securitization. Dow-Jones Irwin. Macaulay, F Some Theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movement of Interest Rates, Bond Yields, and Stock Prices in the U.S. Since New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Merton, R. C Continuous-Time Finance. Blackwell Publishers Inc. 84
96 Modigliani, F. & Miller, M. H The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment. American Economic Review. Miller, M. H. & Modigliani, F Dividend Policy, Growth and the Valuation o Shares. Journal of Business. Vasicek, O. A An Equilibrium Characterization of the Term Structure. Journal of Financial Economics. 85
97 SUMMARY Application of Financial Engineering Method on Real Estate: Value Assess ment and Ris k Management of MBS and REITs Geun- Yong K im J u- hy un Y oon Korean economy encountered seriou s liquidity problems, so-called foreign exchange and financial crisis, in Real estate securitization w as so urgently needed to aid restructuring of entrepreneurs and banks that government has implemented several measures to promote real estate finance in Korea. Asset securitization including mortgage securitization w as introduced to Korea in 1998 with the enactment of the Asset Securitization Law that was followed by the Act on Housing Mortgage Securitization Companies. And real estate investment companies were allow ed with the enactment of the Real Estate Investment Companies Law in July 2001 In spite that the new financing methods like securitization and investment finance were institutionally introduced in real estate sector, 87
98 it is early to expect these new methods work efficiently. Since real estate sector in Korea has been working based on the speculative incentives rather than the cash-flow incentives and the supporting system of the new financing methods is in the premature stage. One of the issues in supporting system is that pricing model of financial products concerning real estate properties is very rare to be used. In order to promote securitization and investment in the real estate sector, analytical tools like financial engineering should be applied to evaluate and design financial commodities concerning real estate like ABS, MBS, REITs. This study is the trial to adopt financial engineering method to evaluate MBS and REITs. Thus, the purpose of this study is to set up the pricing model of MBB(mortgage-backed-bond) and REITs, and to identify the financial risks embedded in real estate financial products in order to suggest the risk management method. This study consists of five chapters. The second chapter, next to an introduction, reviews theoretical background of pricing models on general bonds and stocks in advance to the application of the model to real estate financial products. For the case of bond pricing model, option-free bond and option-embedded bond are separately reviewed in consideration of applicability to the MBB with call option that allows prepayment. And for the case of stock pricing model, dividend evaluation model and growth opportunity model are reviewed. In chapter three, pricing models reveiwed in the second chapter are applied to MBS and REITs. This chapter suggests pricing models of MBBwithout option and then MBB with call option by using the principle of pricing bonds. The basic frameworks of the pricing model employed are Option Pricing Models su ggested by Cox, Ross & Rubinstein(1979) and Black(1976). These theoretical models will be used to analyze each value of MBS and call option given to the issuer by exemplifying the MBS that have been issued by KoMoCo, lately. And then, the pricing 88
99 model of REITs is suggested based on Capozza & Lee(1995, 1996), dividend evaluation model, and growth opportunity model that are review ed in the second chapter. The fourth chapter classifies the risk types of real estate financial products and suggests the risks management methods. Securitization is one way to hedge risks prevailed in real estate, however, it is not sufficient since real estate financial products includes intrinsic risks of financial products as w ell as additional risk transferred from real estate. Recently measuring the risks by VaR(Value at Risk) is attempted as a comprehensive management method of each risk. Unfortunately, this study does not attempt to measure VaR due to the lack of concerning data, instead, suggest measurement method like delta analysis, historical simulation method, stress testing method, and structural Monte-Carlo analysis etc. The last chapter summarizes the core contents of each chapter. It insists the necessity of data accumulation for concrete results of the model analysis and the need of infrastructure that is channeling the analytical results to the individual investors. In the case of housing mortgage loans, the loan borrowers have the right to redeem the loan earlier than the date due. By this reason, the financial institutions usually issue MBB with embedded call option that enables them to buy back MBB earlier than its maturity so as to coincide the cash flows of housing mortgage loans to those of MBB. 89
Interest Interest [IRS] [IRS] Long Long / / Short Short Position Position Interest Interest Sensitivity Sensitivity Par Par / / Zero Zero / / IF IF Interest Interest BPV BPV / / Duration Duration KTB KTB
(IRS) ... Swap Rate.... KTB. . SWAP - Swap. (Currency Swap). (Interest Swap). * ( ).. . SWAP - IRS (Coupon Swap) A LIBOR B (Basis Swap) A PRIME RATE LIBOR B . SWAP - (Swap Rate) AA ( U$ Libor) Telerate
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 11, Number 2, September 2012 : pp. 1~26 실물옵션을이용한해상풍력실증단지 사업의경제성평가 1
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 11, Number 2, September 2012 : pp. 1~26 실물옵션을이용한해상풍력실증단지 사업의경제성평가 1 2 3 4 5 6 ln ln 7 8 9 [ 그림 1] 해상풍력단지건설로드맵 10 11 12 13 < 표 1> 회귀분석결과 14 < 표 2> 미래현금흐름추정결과
제 출 문 국방부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 국방부 군인연금과에서 당연구원에 의뢰한 군인연금기금 체 계적 관리방안 연구용역의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2009. 4 (주)한국채권연구원 대표이사 오 규 철
군인연금기금 체계적 관리방안 연구 2009. 04 (최종보고서) 제 출 문 국방부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 국방부 군인연금과에서 당연구원에 의뢰한 군인연금기금 체 계적 관리방안 연구용역의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2009. 4 (주)한국채권연구원 대표이사 오 규 철 목 차 제1장 서론 1 1. 연구의 목적 1 2. 연구의 방법 및 내용 2 제2장 현황분석 (AS-IS
Class 4 Stock Valuation Yr Hi Yr Lo Stock Sym 123 1/8 93 1/8 IBM IBM Div Yld % PE Vol 1 4.84 4.2 16 14591 Day Hi Day Lo Close Net Chg 115 113 114 3/4 +1 3/8 slide 1 slide 3 Hi = 123 1/8: 52 Lo = 93 1/8:
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Real Estate Finance in Korea: Market Analysis and Institutional Promotio 2001, 2001 29 Real Estate Finance in Korea: Market Analysis and Institutional Promotions , 2001 29 / / 2-22 / 2001 12 28 / 2001
< > 1 1 2 1 21 1 22 2 221 2 222 3 223 4 3 5 31 5 311 (netting)5 312 (matching) 5 313 (leading) (lagging)6 314 6 32 6 321 7 322 8 323 13 324 19 325 20 326 20 327 20 33 21 331 (ALM)21 332 VaR(Value at Risk)
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36 Ⅴ. 금리 시나리오 모델 1. 기초개념 가. 금리 기간구조 시장에서 거래되는 무이표 채권의 수익률을 계산해 보면 만기별로 채권은 다른 수익률을 가지는데 이렇게 지급불능 위험 및 세금 등 채권의 수익률에 영향을 미치는 여러 가지 요인중에서 모든 것은 다 똑같고 잔존만기만 다른 경우 만기까지의 기간과 채권의 수익률과의 관계를 나타낸 것이 채권수익률 의 금리
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150 151 alternative investment 1) 2) 152 NPE platform invention capital 3) 153 sale and license back 4) 154 5) 6) 7) 155 social welfare 8) 156 GDP 9) 10) 157 Patent Box Griffith EUROSTAT 11) OTC M&A 12)
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Valuation (DCF Multiple ) VIII Case Study 3 1 NOA, IBD ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) 3 (DCF 3 ) 4 WACC (DCF 4 ) 5 EBITDA (Multiple 3 ) 6 Multiple (Multiple 4 ) 7 ( 5
Valuation (DCF Multiple ) Valuation (DCF Multiple ) I Valuation 1 Valuation 2 valuation II VBM Valuation 1 VBM 2 M&A III 1 2 IV 1 NOA, IBD ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) 3 (DCF 3 ) 4 WACC (DCF 4 ) 5 EBITDA (Multiple 3
부동산학연구 제16집 제1호, 2010. 3, pp. 117~130 Journal of the Korea Real Estate Analysts Association Vol.16, No.1, 2010. 3, pp. 117~130 비선형 Mankiw-Weil 주택수요 모형 - 수도권 지역을 대상으로 - Non-Linear Mankiw-Weil Model on Housing
www.dgbfg.co.kr _Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 24 38 54 71 95 104 133 2 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 3 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 5 2010. 12 2010. 12 2011.
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
에너지경제연구제 16 권제 1 호 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 16, Number 1, March 2017 : pp. 35~55 학술 전력시장가격에대한역사적요인분해 * 35
에너지경제연구제 16 권제 1 호 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 16, Number 1, March 2017 : pp. 35~55 학술 전력시장가격에대한역사적요인분해 * 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 < 표 1> 표본자료의기초통계량 42 [ 그림 1] 표본시계열자료의추이 43 < 표 2> 수준및로그차분변수에대한단위근검정결과
슬라이드 1
CJ 2007 CONTENTS 2006 CJ IR Presentation Overview 4 Non-performing Asset Company Profile Vision & Mission 4 4 - & 4-4 - & 4 - - - - ROE / EPS - - DreamWorks Animation Net Asset Value (NAV) Disclaimer IR
-, - 2001 5 LG i < >,, Probit, (10 T-Bond - 3 T-Bill ) 197311~19753 19801~19807 4 60%, 19817~198211 8 64% 196912~197011 19907~19913 50%, (5-1 ) ii 19922~19931 19968~19986 9 57%, 67% 19881~19897 9 41% 20007~12,
모기지의 조기상환 모형에 근거한 MBS 가격결정에 관한 연구 -OAS 방법을 중심으로- 2008. 07. 초 빙 위 원 박 연 우 연 구 위 원 김 필 규 선 임 연 구 원 이 현 진 한국주택금융공사 정 재 선 한국증권연구원 Korea Securities Research Institute 序 言 MBS시장은 전세계적으로 채권시장에서 중요한 하나의 섹터로 자리
200% 2000 9 , LG < >, IMF,, 30 IMF 30,,, 30 1997 307, 63 1999 244, 149 489% 164% 30 IMF 2000 1999 i ,, (+), (-) IMF 30 5~30 1~4 (-), (+) IMF 30, 200%, 30 ii < > < > I 30 1 1 1 2 2 3 7 4 8 5 9 II 30 11
공휴일 전력 수요에 관한 산업별 분석
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 15, Number 1, March 2016 : pp. 99 ~ 137 공휴일전력수요에관한산업별분석 1) 99 100 ~ 101 102 103 max m ax 104 [ 그림 1] 제조업및서비스업대표업종전력사용량추이 105 106 [ 그림 2] 2014 년일별전자및전자기기업종 AMR
Yonsei Business Review Vol. 47, No. 1 (Fall 2010), 151-179 David vs. Goliath: M&A of HaiTai Confectionery and Foods Co. by Crown Confectionery Co. Hyun-Han Shin** 2004 10 Korea Confectionary Holdings NV
에너지경제연구 제13권 제2호
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 13, Number 2, September 2014 : pp. 71~101 국제에너지시장의편의수익연구 * 71 72 73 74 < 표 1> 에너지시장의편의수익을분석한선행연구 75 76 77 78 ln 79 80 81 82 83 84 [ 그림 1] 북미석유시장의선 현물가격및재고 85
21 5 LG < > / 5 5 Chen, Roll, Ross,, (-) (+) (-), (-) (+) / (-), (+) J, /, (-) IMF, /,,, 5bp 5bp 1 1 3 ( )/ ( ) ( :p) 1 3 6 / 1-23 45 55 1% 2 33 42 1p 296 234 175 1%p -13 147 171 1%p 1 81 7 1% 48 57 54
........1012 ........114
KIS Korea Investors Service Credit Monitor 06 Special Report 43 Rating Summary 58 KOREA INVESTORS SERVICE,INC. 04 KIS Credit Monitor 2015.1 05 Special Report KOREA INVESTORS SERVICE,INC. 06 KIS Credit
ELS 시세조종쟁송의 주요 쟁점과 법리 2015. 5. 8. 변호사 김 주 영 발표에 앞서 먼저 말씀드려야 할 사항 ELS 시세조종쟁송은 아직 대부분의 사건에 관하여 최종 판결이 내려지지 않은 사안 임 발표자는 ELS 시세조종쟁송에서 원고(투자자)측을 대리하고 있는 법무법인 소속임 본 발표자는 ELS 시세조종쟁송에 있어서 어떠한 쟁점들이 다루어지고 있고 그것이
분석결과 Special Edition 녹색건물의 가치산정 및 탄소배출 평가 이슈 서 민간분야의 적극적인 참여 방안의 마련이 필요하다. 또한 우리나라는 녹색건축의 경제성에 대한 검증에 대 한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 반면, 미국, 영국, 호주 등은 민간 주도로 녹색건축물
기획특집Ⅱ 1 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 * 유 영 준 부연구위원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 신 성 은 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 박 아 름 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 윤 종 돈 부장 한국감정원 녹색건축센터
유자차 신제품에 대한 소비자 지불의사액 추정 강혜정 최지현 이기웅 유자차 신제품에 대한 소비자 지불의사액 추정 An Analysis on Estimation of Willingness to Pay for the New Products of Citrus Tea Assessed by Korean Consumers 강혜정* 최지현** 이기웅*** 1) Kang,
MKIF_확정투자설명서_ PDF
(Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund) 1 : (Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund) : 110 11(:100-755) : 02-3705-4921 2 : / 3 : (Macquarie Shinhan Infrastructure Asset Management Co, Ltd) ( 110 11Tel: 3705-4921)
132 133 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 134 135 6) 7) 8) 136 9) 10) 11) 12) 137 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 138 19) 20) 21) 139 22) 23) 140 24) 141 25) 142 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 143 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 144
글로벌위기의 전개과정과 거시금융 정책대응 남 주 하 * (접수일 2009.04.19 / 수정일 2009.05.10 / 게재확정일 2009.06.10) Ⅰ. 미국 금융위기의 배경 Ⅱ. 세계경제 및 국내경제에 미치는 영향 Ⅲ. 미국 및 주요국의 정책대응 Ⅳ. 국내 정책대응 방안 핵심 주제어 : 서브프라임 금융위기, 경기저점, 거시경제안정 JEL 분류 :E0
232 233 1) 2) Agenda 3) 4) 234 Invention Capital Agenda 5) 6) 235 7) 8) 9) 236 10) 11) 237 12) 13) 14) 15) knowledge 16) 17) 238 239 18) 240 19) 241 20) 242 243 244 21) 245 22) 246 23) 247 24) 248 25)
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Report 기업분석 LG생명과학 (068870.KS) 2006년 9월 6일 Buy (유지) 목표주가 54,000원 (상향) Analyst 권해순 02)768-7977, haesoon.kwon@wooriwm.com 황호성 02)768-7597, hosung.hwang@wooriwm.com 이지현 02)768-7617, salome.lee@wooriwm.com
34, 40 34, Blume, Easley and O Hara(1994)..,. (random walk),. Easley and O Hara(1987). Karpoff(1987) (1987) (+). (private information) (public informa
, 40 34 (2006 12) * 1) *** *** 1 2. : (i) (+) 30 (), 30 (). (ii) (+). (iii),. (iv) 25% 25% 2~3. (v) 5 30,. I.. (technical analysis). Gallant, Rossi and Tauchen(1992) *.. ** *** 34, 40 34, Blume, Easley
±¹¹® »ï¼º Ç¥Áö ¹Û
Annual report 2005 Full story 2005 -,.!. Table of contents Future story 02 Financial highlights 03 Vision & mission 04 CEO s message & 2005 awards 06 Human story 08 Company introduction 10 Business &
I II II III III I VBA Understanding Excel VBA - 'VB & VBA In a Nutshell' by Paul Lomax, October,1998 To enter code: Tools/Macro/visual basic editor At editor: Insert/Module Type code, then compile by:
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LIG Research Center Company Analysis 211/5/24 Analyst 김영진/주혜미ㆍ2)6923-7318/7345ㆍyjkim/hmjoo@ligstock.com 금호석유화학 (1178KS Buy 유지 TP 272,원 상향) 합성고무 및 BPA 증설을 통한 성장 및 수익 전략 -, 수익예상 상향에 따라 272,원으로 상향 조정하며, 투자의견
00-09 2000. 12 ,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,..... . 1 1 7 2 9 1. 9 2. 13 3. 14 3 16 1. 16 2. 21 3. 39 4 43 1. 43 2. 52 3. 56 4. 66 5. 74 5 78 1. 78 2. 80 3. 86 6 88 90 Ex e cu t iv e Su m m a r y 92 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2>
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24. 2. 4/ 기업분석 신한지주 Analyst 구경회 2) 3772-7476 bird9@koreastock.co.kr 신한지주 (5555) 기업가치의 Upgrade 가능성을 보자 Buy(maintain) 매수(유지) 조흥은행을 개선시켜 기업가치를 Upgrade : 목표 주가 24,원 은행주 중에서 유일하게 매수(Buy) 의견을 제시하는 이유는 향후 기업가치가
20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??.,
, 41 (2007 12 ) * 1) *** ***,. IMF..,,,.,,,,.. I.. 1999 (,.),,. 2010 *. ** *** 19 20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??., 21.....,. II. 1967 G. G. Muller International Accounting. 1960. 1970... 1966,,,.
3 4 5 6 7 8 13 14 16 22 24 35 36 38 46 57 58 61 63 74 77 78 79 86 94 9 101 102 104 109 115 119 120 121 127 135 141 142 148 153 158 165 166 170 179 10 191 192 195 205 215 219 220 226 229 234 239 240 244
레이아웃 1
i g d e d mod, t d e d e d mod, t e,0 e, n s,0 e,n e,0 Division of Workers' Compensation (2009). Iowa workers' compensation manual. Gamber, E. N. & Sorensen, R. L. (1994). Are net discount rates stationary?:
, ( ) 1) *.. I. (batch). (production planning). (downstream stage) (stockout).... (endangered). (utilization). *
, 40 12 (2006 6) 1) *.. I. (batch). (production planning). (downstream stage) (stockout).... (endangered). (utilization). * 40, 40 12 (EPQ; economic production quantity). (setup cost) (setup time) Bradley
Total Return Swap
Fixed Income Securities Derivatives Products KTBF / IRS / CRS / FX Swap Rate December 2005 Major Agenda I. I. Fixed Income Rate Trends II. Risk Exposure III. IRS / CRS / FX Swap IV. KTB Futures & Strategy
(minimp@hanmailnet) "(20011116), (200229) 1,,, 2~3 4~5, Front office-middle office-back office,, 1 , 6~7 LKFS, Unisys, e*value, Fist Global, MKIRisk,, 2 Pricing 100 150 3 40, Pricing, Risk 2002 1 AsiaRisk
Buy one get one with discount promotional strategy
Buy one get one with discount Promotional Strategy Kyong-Kuk Kim, Chi-Ghun Lee and Sunggyun Park ISysE Department, FEG 002079 Contents Introduction Literature Review Model Solution Further research 2 ISysE
미리보는 216 년 미국 대선 (1) 극과 극 조연주 (2-768-7598) 급진적 보수, 급진적 진보 공약이 대중의 지지률 얻어 극과 극으로 치닫는 216 년 미국 대선 216년에는 미국 대선 이벤트에 주목해야 된다. 이는 미국 대선이 흔들리는 세계 경제를 바로 잡아
미리보는 216 년 미국 대선 (1) - 극과 극 Korea Strategy 215. 1. 22 216년에는 미국 대선 이벤트에 주목해야 된다! 이번 미국 대선의 특징은 비정치권 출신의 후보자들이 극과 극 공약을 제시하면서 미국 정치의 판도를 바꾸려고 하고 있다. 이에 따라 누가 대통령이 될 것인가에 따 라 미국 경제 향방이 극명하게 갈릴 것으로 판단된다.
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 10, Number 1, March 2011 : pp. 1~24 국내화력발전산업에대한연료와자본의대체성분석 1 2 3 ~ 4 5 F F P F P F ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln 6 ln ln ln ln ln 7 ln
2017.09 Vol.255 C O N T E N T S 02 06 26 58 63 78 99 104 116 120 122 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.9 3 4 2017.9 6 2017.9 7 8 2017.9 13 0 13 1,007 3 1,004 (100.0) (0.0) (100.0)
AJOU UNIVERSITY 2015 별쇄본 2015. 8 제9권 제2호 독점규제법상 합의의 도그마 논의의 향방 - 합의의 입증과 관련된 최근 대법원 판결에 대한 분석을 중심으로 - 조혜신 독점규제법상 합의의 도그마 논의의 향방* - 합의의 입증과 관련된 최근 대법원 판결에 대한 분석을 중심으로 - 1) 조혜신 (한동대학교 법학부 교수) 국문초록 독점규제법상
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
일반논문 고령화 시대에 대비한 공무원정년제도의 유연화에 대한 임금피크제(pay-peak system)의 영향분석 * 1) 현재 공무원 정년은 6급 이하 57세, 5급 이상 60세로 구분되어 있으나, 직급에 따른 상이한 정 년적용에 대한 인권침해소지를 지적하고 이를 60세로 동일화하고자 하는 움직임이 있는 상황 이다. 한편, 고령사회 1) 로 급격히 진입하고
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- : - (1 : ) 60 V-60 (2 : Real Option ),,, (3 : ), : (Expected Return) (Ris k),,,,,, (A, B, C, D), (1, 2, 3, 4) ( ), -, (DCF),
연 구 보 고 서 2 0 1 2-0 5 의료사고 피해구제 및 의료분쟁 조정 등에 관한 법률 공포에 따른 의료배상공제조합 추진 관련 연구 2012. 4. 이 보고서는 대한의사협회 의료정책연구소에서 주관하는 연구사업에 의해 수행된 것이며, 이 보고서에 수록된 내용은 연구자 개인적인 의견이며 대한의사협회의 공식견해가 아님을 밝혀둡니다. 제 출 문 대한의사협회 정책연구소
Contents 02 the way we create 10 Letter from the CEO 14 Management Team 16 Our Businesses 18 Corporate Sustainability 20 Management s Discussion & Ana
삼성증권 FY 2008 Annual Report Contents 02 the way we create 10 Letter from the CEO 14 Management Team 16 Our Businesses 18 Corporate Sustainability 20 Management s Discussion & Analysis 39 Financial Section
, Analyst, , Table of contents Executive summary 3 Investment thesis Deal tracker 44 Compan
, Analyst, 3774 7165, jaechul.park@miraeasset.com Table of contents Executive summary 3 Investment thesis 5 5 16 19 23 27 31 41 Deal tracker 44 Company recommendation 46 Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY US) 47
권 두 논 단 탄소시장의 발전과 금융의 역할 송 홍 선 자본시장연구원 / 연구위원 탄소시장의 태동 : 기업 사회적 책임(CSR)의 시장화 밀튼 프리드만은 1970년 뉴욕타임즈지에 기업의 최고의 사회적 책임은 이윤 창출 이며, 이윤 창출에 방해가 되는 사회적 책임을 강요하는 것은 자본주의를 부정(subversion)하는 것 이라는 논란 많았던 칼럼을 실은 적이
4분과: 전월세시장 II(상허연구관 415호) 토 론 : 박미선 박사(국토연구원),이재순 박사(한국부동산연구원), 이상영 교수(명지대학교), 진미윤 박사(LH토지주택연구원) 발 표 ㆍ공가 실태 및 활용에 대한 연구 / 박은숙 남원석 ㆍ준공공임대주택의 투자여건과 정책과제 / 장경석 ㆍ전세의 역사와 의미 / 김진유 ㆍ한국 가계금융 공급채널로서 전세제도 실증분석
Microsoft Word - 130523 Hanwha Daily_New.doc
Eagle eye-6488호 Today s Issue 이슈 미국 양적완화 축소 가능성 중국 HSBC PMI 제조업 지수 발표 외국인 수급 개선 여부 기상도 NOT GOOD NOT BAD GOOD 리테일정보팀ㅣ 2013. 5. 23 Market Data 주요 지표 종가 주요 지표 종가 KOSPI 1,993.83 (+0.64%) DOW 15,307.17 (-0.52%)
, Fixed Income Analyst, , (pt, 212 초 =1) 17 US HY BofA merrill lynch bond index Europe HY Asian dollar HY Asia
Comment Fixed Income Strategy 2 January 216 1 1 () (1) (1) (2) ROE: US HY Non-Energy Energy 2 26 27 28 29 21 211 212 214 21 안정성수익성현금흐름 US HY Sector Net Interest ROE FCF debt/ebitda coverage ratio Energy
192 法 學 硏 究 第 17 輯 第 2 號 < 국문초록 > 선하증권의 한계점을 극복하기 위해 실무에서 널리 화물선취보증장(L/G:Letter of Guarantee)제도가 이용되고는 있다. 그러나 수입상으로서는 추가적인 비용이 발생하고, 직접 은행을 방문해서 화물선취
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 17 輯 第 2 號 2014년 06월 30일, 191~218쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.17, No.2, June, 2014 해상운송물 인도 방법의 문제점과 대안 * ** -권리포기 선하증권의 폐지와 대안을 중심으로- 권 기 훈
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ Abstract Terrestrial Broadcasters Strategies in the Age of Digital Broadcasting Wha-Jin Lee The purpose of this research is firstly to investigate the
이 책을 펴내며 한국은행은 1957년 우리나라 國 民 所 得 統 計 의 공식편제기관으로 지정되 면서 UN이 1953년에 발표한 國 民 計 定 體 系 와 그 附 表 (A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables)의 작성기준에 따라 1953년 이 후의 국민소득통계를 작성해 왔습니다. 그리고 1986년부터 UN이 1968년
중견국외교연구회 주제: 중견국외교와 한국 일시: 2015년 2월 28일 15:30 18:00 장소: 삼성경제연구원 발표: 하영선 교수 참석자: 하영선, 손열, 전재성, 김상배, 마상윤, 배영자, 이신화, 이승주, 우승지, 이용욱, 장혜영, 송태은, 이민정, 최은실, 박지은 손 열: 오늘은 하 선생님 모시고 말씀을 듣는 기회를 가지고자 한다. 지난 1년 동안
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume 1996. : 1. 8 2. 1 1998. 12. : : ( ) : . 1998. 12 : : : : : : : : : : - 1 - .. 1.... 2.. 3.... 1..,,.,,
2016. 5 금융소비자 자기 보호를 위한 현명한 금융투자 가이드 차 례 Ⅰ 금융투자상품 개념잡기 1. 금융투자상품 거래, 무엇이 궁금하세요? / 3 1) 금융투자상품 이란 무엇인가요? / 3 2) 어떤 금융투자회사를 선택해야 할까요? / 9 3) 투자, 자기책임의 원칙 을 꼭 유념하세요 / 13 2. 파생상품 등의 거래는 어떻게 해야 할까요? / 17 1)
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp DOI: * A Study on Teache
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.149-171 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.4.201712.149 * A Study on Teachers and Parents Perceptions on the Introduction of Innovational
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제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
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182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연
越 境 하는 화폐, 분열되는 제국 - 滿 洲 國 幣 의 조선 유입 실태를 중심으로 181 越 境 하는 화폐, 분열되는 제국 - 滿 洲 國 幣 의 조선 유입 실태를 중심으로 - 조명근 고려대학교 BK21+ 한국사학 미래인재 양성사업단 연구교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 근대 국민국가는 대내적으로는 특정하게 구획된 영토에 대한 배타적 지배와 대외적 자주성을 본질로 하는데, 그
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 9, Number 2, September 2010 : pp. 1~18 가격비대칭성검정모형민감도분석 1
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 9, Number 2, September 2010 : pp. 1~18 가격비대칭성검정모형민감도분석 1 2 3 < 표 1> ECM 을이용한선행연구 4 5 6 7 and 8 < 표 2> 오차수정모형 (ECM1~ECM4) 9 10 < 표 3> 민감도분석에쓰인더미변수 11 12 < 표
에너지경제연구 제13권 제1호
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 13, Number 1, March 2014 : pp. 83~119 거시계량모형을이용한유가변동및 유류세변화의파급효과분석 * 83 84 85 86 [ 그림 1] 모형의해결정과정 87 [ 그림 2] 거시계량모형의흐름도 (flow chart) 88 89 < 표 1> 유류세현황 (2013
2002 [ ] 1...... 1 2.. 2 3.. 3 4. /.. 4 5...... 5 6.. 6 7.. 7 8.. 8 9.... 9 10..... 10 11. 10 12. 11 .,, CI,. Moody s, S&P, Fitch, The Banker 3., 247,620 2138,405, 179,653 1684,656, 197,006 1267,306. 22,657,
146 선진상사법률연구 통권 제63호 (2013.7.) 지닌다는 점을 주지하여, 사모펀드 산업이 발전하기 위한 법제적 개선 방안을 제시하고, 사모펀드의 기능에 관한 주요 이슈를 논의한다. 주제어:자본시장법, 사모펀드, 창조경제, 부동산 위기 < 目 次 > Ⅰ. 서 론
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바이오 부문 실적 개선 지연, 소재식품 역기저 효과가 부담 1분기 실적 컨센서스 하회 전망 CJ제일제당의 1분기 연결 매출액과 영업이익은 각각 3조4,636억원(+11.0%, y-y) 과 2,127억원(-5.6%, y-y)으로 컨센서스를 소폭 하회할 전망이다. CJ대한
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