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1 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng., 36(6), 434~441, 2014 Original Paper ISSN A Study on Characteristics of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations at Demolition Sites and Surrounding Areas of Asbestos Containing Buildings in Seoul 이진효 *, ** 이수현 * 김정연 * 김지희 * 정숙녀 * 김진아 * 김익수 * 어수미 * 정권 * 이진숙 *** 구자용 **, Jinhyo Lee*, ** Suhyun Lee* Jeongyeun Kim* Jihui Kim* Sooknye Chung* Jina Kim* Iksoo Kim* Soomi Eo* Kweon Jung* Jinsook Lee*** Jayong Koo**, * 서울특별시보건환경연구원 ** 서울시립대학교환경공학과 *** 인천광역시보건환경연구원 *Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment **Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul ***Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environmental Research (2014 년 3 월 19 일접수, 2014 년 6 월 23 일수정, 2014 년 6 월 27 일채택 ) Abstract : This study is purposed to measure airborne asbestos concentrations at demolition sites and surrounding areas of asbestos containing buildings in Seoul and examine whether the measurement results correspond with allowable exhaust standard for asbestos of the Asbestos Safety Control Act. The airborne asbestos concentrations for 37 sites were below the detection limit (7 fiber/mm 2 ) in 101 (35%) out of 288 samples. The whole average airborne asbestos concentration in 37 sites was 0.003± f/cc (max f/cc) and almost the whole airborne asbestos concentrations were satisfied with allowable exhaust standard for asbestos, 0.01 f/cc, of the Asbestos Safety Control Act. So possibility of asbestos exposure is not yet a major concern at current levels for sites demolished of asbestos containing buildings in Seoul. Looking at each sampling point, the average airborne asbestos concentrations in boundary line of site, entrance of sanitation, around the workplace (in), around the workplace (out), negative pressure units, storage area for waste, outlet for waste and residential area of residents were respectively ± f/cc, 0.004± f/cc, 0.004± f/cc, 0.004± f/cc, 0.004± f/cc, 0.005±0.004 f/cc, 0.005±0.003 f/cc and 0.003± f/cc. As a result, all sampling points of study were satisfied with allowable exhaust standard for asbestos, 0.01 f/cc, of the Asbestos Safety Control Act. Key Words : Asbestos, Demolition Sites of Asbestos Containing Buildings, PCM, TEM 요약 : 본연구에서는석면해체 제거작업에따른작업자및주변환경에미치는영향등을파악하기위해서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장을대상으로공기중석면농도를조사하고, 측정결과가 석면안전관리법 에서명시된사업장주변의석면배출허용기준에적합한지를살펴보았다. 서울시내총 37 개소석면해체 제거사업장에서총 288 개의공기중시료를분석하였으며, 전체 288 개시료중 101 개시료에서 (35%) 검출한계 (7 fiber/mm 2 ) 이하로나타났다. 이때전체공기중석면농도평균값은 0.003± f/cc 로 ( 최대 f/cc) 대부분의공기중석면농도는 석면안전관리법 에서명시된사업장주변의석면배출허용기준 0.01 f/cc 이하로나타나서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의석면노출가능성은우려할수준이아닌것으로판단된다. 채취지점별로살펴보면, 부지경계선 (148 개 ), 위생설비입구 (25 개 ), 작업장주변 ( 실내 )(7 개 ), 작업장주변 ( 실외 )(11 개 ) 에대한공기중석면농도결과, 각각 53 개 (36%), 5 개 (20%), 1 개 (14%), 4 개 (36%) 시료에서검출한계이하로나타났으며평균농도는각각 ± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc 로 ( 최대 f/cc) 나타났다. 또한음압기 (13 개 ), 폐기물보관지점 (27 개 ), 폐기물반출구 (9 개 ), 거주자주거지역 (48 개 ) 에대한공기중석면농도결과, 각각 3 개 (23%), 8 개 (30%), 2 개 (22%), 25 개 (52%) 시료에서검출한계이하로나타났으며평균농도는각각 0.004± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.005±0.004 f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.005±0.003 f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.003± f/cc 로 ( 최대 f/cc) 나타났다. 주제어 : 석면, 석면해체 제거사업장, 위상차현미경, 투과전자현미경 1. 서론 석면은불에잘타지않고부식과마찰에강하며, 방음 단열효과가뛰어난물성을가지고있어서전기절연재, 방직재, 건축자재등다양한제품으로전세계에서광범위하게사용되어왔다. 1) 국내에서도석면은 1960년대경제개발과 함께산업사회에서광범위하고대량으로사용되기시작하였으며, 2) 건설관련사업이활발하게이루어졌던 70년대부터는학교, 공공건물, 다중이용시설등의건축물에도석면이널리사용되었다. 3) 특히 1976년부터 1995년까지의석면수입량이연간평균 6만 4천톤에이르는등석면사용량은산업발달과함께꾸준히증가하였으며, 수입된석면의약 82% 이상은 Corresponding author jykoo@uos.ac.kr Tel: Fax:

2 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 435 건축자재로사용되었다. 4,5) 하지만국제암연구소 ( International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC) 에서 1급발암물질로 (Group 1) 규정하고있는석면이공기중으로방출되었을경우, 석면입자는호흡기를통해체내로들어와오랜잠복기를거쳐폐암 (Lung Cancer), 석면폐증 (Asbestosis) 및중피종 (Mesothelioma) 등의악성질병을발생시키는것으로보고되고있다. 6,7) 이러한이유때문에국내에서도 2006년에석면을취급금지물질로지정하였으며, 2009년부터는모든석면및석면함유제품의사용을금지하였다. 그러나아직까지그이전에지어진학교, 공공건물, 다중이용시설등석면함유자재를사용한건축물이상당수남아있어향후건축물의수명도래와함께해체 제거작업이점차증가할것으로예상되며동시에해체 제거되는과정에서공기중의비산문제가발생할수있을것으로판단된다. 8) 따라서석면함유건축물철거시, 석면은작업자뿐만아니라작업현장주변에도비산되는등 2차적인피해를발생시킬수있기때문에신속하고정확한공기중석면농도측정이무엇보다중요하다. 또한석면의긴잠복기를고려할때, 직업성, 환경성노출에의한건강문제는지속적으로증가할것으로예상되며, 이러한상황에서석면에관한연구는계속적으로이루어져야할부분이다. 9) 이와관련국내에서도석면함유건축물철거시, 작업자와사업장인근주민들의건강을보호하기위한 석면안전관리법 10) 제도를 2012년에도입하였다. 석면안전관리법 은석면을안전하게관리함으로써석면으로인한국민의건강피해를예방하고국민이건강하고쾌적한환경에서생활할수있도록하는것을목적으로한다. 특히 석면안전관리법 에서는건축물석면해체 제거작업의안전성을향상시키기위해석면해체 제거사업장의주변환경등을관리하도록따로명시되어있기때문에이를통해궁극적으로석면으로인한국민건강피해예방및 불안감을해소시킬수있을것이다. 본연구에서는 석면안전관리법 에따라서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의공기중석면농도를조사하고, 측정결과가법적기준치에상응하는지를살펴보는등석면해체 제거작업에따른작업자및주변환경에미치는영향과지속적인석면모니터링자료를확보함으로써향후서울시석면관리를위한기초자료를제공하고자하였다. 2. 연구방법 2.1. 조사기간및대상 본연구는 2012년 5월 ~2013년 12월까지 석면안전관리법제 28조제4항 에따라영제40조에따른사업장을대상으로 (1 석면건축자재가사용된면적의합이 5천제곱미터이상인건축물또는설비를해체 제거하는사업, 2 주택재개발사업및주택재건축사업, 3 재정비촉진사업 ) 17개자치구, 37개사업장에서총 288개의공기중시료를채취하여서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의공기중석면농도실태를조사하였다. 이와관련측정지점및세부내역은 Fig. 1, Table 1과같다 시료채취및분석방법본연구에서시료채취는환경부고시제 호 석면해체 제거작업사업장주변석면비산관리를위한조사방법 11) 에따라이루어졌으며 (Table 2, 3), PCM 분석용시료는직경 25 mm, pore size 0.80 µm의 MCE (Mixed cellulose ester) 필터 (Filter) 가장착되어있는 cassette (Z008BA, Zefon, USA) 와공기중시료채취펌프 (SARA-4000S, KEMIK) 를이용하여포집하였다. 분석방법은실내공기질공정시험기준 (Indoor air quality management guideline) 의 실내공기중 Fig. 1. Each demolition construction site in the study. 대한환경공학회지제 36 권제 6 호 2014 년 6 월

3 436 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 이진효 이수현 김정연 김지희 정숙녀 김진아 김익수 어수미 정권 이진숙 구자용 Table 1. The details of each sampling points in the study No Borough Demolition construction site Sampling point(number of point) Ssangyong sweet.home Boundary line of site(4) Yongsan station front 2 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) 1 Yongsan-gu Yongsan station front 3 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) Kukje building around 1 district Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1), Storage area for waste(2) Mapo street 1 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) Yonggang 3 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) 2 Mapo-gu Hyeonseok 2 district(a) Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1) Hyeonseok 2 district(b) Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1) Ahyeon 1-3 district Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2) 3 Yeongdeungpo-gu Singil 11 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) Hawangsimni 1-5 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2), Storage area for waste(1) Geumho 13 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) 4 Seongdong-gu Oksu 13 district Entrance of sanitation(1) Bomun 3 district(a) Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2), Around the workplace(in)(2), Around the workplace(out)(1), Entrance of sanitation(2), Negative pressure units(1) 5 Seongbuk-gu Bomun 3 district(b) Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2) Donam-Jeongneung district Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2) 6 Seodaemun-gu Bugahyeon 1-1 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) Bugahyeon 1-3 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) 7 Jungrang-gu Myeonmok 2 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2) 8 Jung-gu Dongguk university Boundary line of site(4), Around the workplace(in)(1), Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1) Malli 2 district Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2) 9 Dobong-gu Duksung women's university Boundary line of site(4), Around the workplace(in)(1) 10 Yangcheon-gu Sinjeong 4 district Entrance of sanitation(1) 11 Gangbuk-gu Mia 4 district Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1) 12 Geumcheon-gu Nangok middle school Boundary line of site(4), Around the workplace(in)(1), Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1), Negative pressure units(1) Doksan air force site Boundary line of site(4), Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2), Negative pressure units(1) Sinbanpo 1-cah APT(a) Boundary line of site(4), Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2), Negative pressure units(1) Boundary line of site(4), Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2), Negative Sinbanpo 1-cah APT(b) pressure units(1) 13 Seocho-gu Sinbanpo 1-cah APT(c) Boundary line of site(4), Storage area for waste(3) Jamwon daelim APT(a) Boundary line of site(4), Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2), Negative pressure units(1) Jamwon daelim APT(b) Boundary line of site(4), Entrance of sanitation(1), Negative pressure units(1) Gagyeongdong arcade Boundary line of site(4), Around the workplace(in)(1), Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1), Negative pressure units(1) 14 Jongno-gu Tonimun 1 district Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2), Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1), Storage area for waste(2), Negative pressure units(1) Seoul national university Boundary line of site(4), Around the workplace(in)(1), Entrance of sanitation(1), Outlet for waste(1), Negative pressure units(1) 15 Gangnam-gu Gaenari 6-cah APT Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2), Entrance of sanitation(1), Negative pressure units(1) 16 Gangdong-gu Godeok siyeong APT Boundary line of site(4), Residential area of residents(2), Entrance of sanitation(1), Storage area for waste(2) Negative pressure units(1) 17 Dongdaemun-gu Korea occupational safety & Boundary line of site(4), Entrance of sanitation(1) Outlet for waste(1), Negative pressure health agency units(1) Total 17 Boroughs, 37 Demolition construction site, 288 samples Journal of KSEE Vol.36, No.6 June, 2014

4 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 437 Fig. 2. Sampling location in the demolition construction sites. Table 2. Sampling conditions for the demolition construction sites Classification Sampling point Number of point Sampling location Note Boundary line of site 4 or more Boundary line of site : height 1.2~1.5 m While at work Entrance of sanitation Around the workplace All (more than one) Entrance of sanitation : height 1.2~1.5 m, distance up to 1 m Interior more than one Around the workplace : height 1.2~1.5 m Exception when there is no user Outdoor Negative pressure units Storage area for waste Outlet for waste Residential area of residents more than one All (more than one) All (2 or more) All (more than one) 2 or more Outdoor of relevant building : height 1.2~1.5 m Outlet of negative pressure units : distance up to 0.3~1 m Around the storage area for waste : height 1.2~1.5 m, distance up to 1 m Outlet for waste : height 1.2~1.5 m, distance ut to 1 m Nearest residential from demolition construction site : height 1.2~1.5 m, distance of 2~3 m Distance up to 5m from relevant building Exception when negative pressure units is installed Considering direction of wind Exception for individual demolition construction site Considering direction of wind Exception for individual demolition construction site Table 3. Sampling conditions for analysis of the airborne asbestos concentrations No Sampling point Pore size (µm) Sampling time (hr) Air volume (L) Flow (L/min) Note 1 Boundary line of site , ,400 L (considering sampling conditions) 2 Entrance of sanitation , L or more 3 Around the workplace (in & out) , ,200 L (considering sampling conditions) 4 Negative pressure units , L or more 5 Storage area for waste , L or more 6 Outlet for waste , L or more 7 Residential area of residents , ,200 L (considering sampling conditions) 석면및섬유상먼지농도측정방법 (ES ) 12) 에따라위상차현미경법 (Phase Contrast Microscopy, PCM) 과투과전자현미경법 (Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM) 으로공기중석면농도를측정하였으며, 이때건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의석면배출허용기준은 석면안전관리법 에따라 0.01 f/cc 이하이다. 여기서 TEM은입자의형태, 원소조성, 결정구조를확인하여모든섬유상입자를구분 할수있는가장정확한방법으로, PCM으로관찰할수없는지름 0.25 µm 이하의가는석면섬유도관찰할수있기때문에일반대기중석면농도에대한정확한실태조사를위해서특히비석면섬유상물질이많이함유된공공건축물, 학교, 작업장등의공기중석면농도를파악하기위해서는 TEM 을이용한분석이필요하다. 13) 따라서본연구에서는 PCM 분석결과가석면배출허용기준 대한환경공학회지제 36 권제 6 호 2014 년 6 월

5 438 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 이진효 이수현 김정연 김지희 정숙녀 김진아 김익수 어수미 정권 이진숙 구자용 Fig. 3. Field sampling view for analysis of the airborne asbestos concentrations. 을초과하는경우, 별도의시료채취없이이미분석된 MCE 필터에남아있는시료를대상으로 TEM 분석을추가로실시하였으며, 이를통해 PCM 분석결과에서나온공기중섬유상물질이실제석면입자인지를파악함으로써석면해체 제거작업사업장에서의공기중석면농도에대한정확한실태조사를수행하였다. 또한석면노출에대한최악의경우를대비하기위해 PCM 분석결과 ( 검출한계 7 fiber/mm 2 ) 인공기중섬유상물질의농도를공기중석면농도로간주하였다. 전체평균농도는 0.003± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 대부분의공기중석면농도는 석면안전관리법 에서명시된사업장주변의석면배출허용기준 0.01 f/cc 이하로나타났다. 이중폐기물보관지점에서채취된 4개의시료에서는작업특성등의영향으로각각 f/cc, f/cc, f/cc, f/cc로나타나석면배출허용기준을초과하였다. 하지만 TEM 을이용한추가분석결과, 실제석면은모두불검출로나타나서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의석면노출가능성은우려할수준이아닌것으로판단된다. 3. 결과및고찰 3.1. 사업장에서의공기중석면농도특성 서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장총 37개소에서의공기중석면농도를조사한결과는 Fig. 4, Table 4와같다. PCM 분석결과, 석면해체 제거작업과정에서미세먼지, 석면분진등다종의입자상물질이부유하기때문에석면농도가높을것으로예상했지만이와달리 Table 4에서와같이, 3.2. 채취지점별공기중석면농도특성서울시내총 37개소석면해체 제거사업장에서부지경계선 148개, 위생설비입구 25개, 작업장주변 ( 실내 ) 7개, 작업장주변 ( 실외 ) 11개, 음압기 13개, 폐기물보관지점 27개, 폐기물반출구 9개, 거주자주거지역 48개등총 288개의공기 Table 4. Summary of the airborne asbestos concentrations with PCM* analysis Year No. sample Max Min Mean±SD Note ND ± Asbestos safety ND 0.003± control Act 0.01 f/cc Total ND 0.003± * The concentration is determined by counting only fibers with length>5 µm and length : width 3: 1 Fig. 5. Composition of samples in the demolition construction sites. Fig. 4. Annual airborne asbestos concentrations for the demolition construction sites. Journal of KSEE Vol.36, No.6 June, 2014

6 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 439 Table 5. Airborne asbestos concentrations by sampling points No Sampling point Max Min 1 Boundary line of site ND Mean± SD ± 2 Entrance of sanitation ± 3 Around the workplace (in) ± 0.004± 4 Around the workplace (out) ND 5 Negative pressure units ± 0.005± 6 Storage area for waste ND Outlet for waste ± Residential area of residents ND Total ND 0.003± 0.003± Note Asbestos safety control act 0.01 f/cc 중시료를분석하였으며, 분석결과는 Table 5와같다. 또한전체 288개분석시료중 101개시료에서 (35%) 위상차현미경방법의검출한계 (7 fiber/mm 2 ) 이하로나타났다 (Fig. 6). Table 5에서보듯이, PCM 분석결과에서폐기물보관지점일부시료를제외하고는서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장모든지점에서석면배출허용기준을만족시키는것으로나타났다. 전반적으로부지경계선, 거주자주거지역의경우, 다른채취지점보다석면해체 제거사업장으로부터거리가멀기때문에공기중석면농도결과가상대적으로낮게나타났으며, 반면에석면해체 제거사업장으로부터거리가가깝고, 석면을취급하고보관하는폐기물반출구, 폐기물보관지점에서는상대적으로공기중석면농도결과가높게나타났다 부지경계선, 위생설비입구, 작업장주변실내및실외부지경계선 148개시료에대한공기중석면농도결과, 53 개시료에서 (36%) 검출한계이하로나타났으며, 평균농도는 ± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 모든시료에서석면배출허용기준 0.01 f/cc 이하로나타났다. 또한위생설비입구 25개시료에대한공기중석면농도결과, 5개시료에서 Fig. 6. Ratios of below the detection limit of samples in the demolition construction sites. Fig. 7. Airborne asbestos concentrations for boundary line of site, entrance of sanitation and around the workplace (in & out). 대한환경공학회지제 36 권제 6 호 2014 년 6 월

7 440 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 이진효 이수현 김정연 김지희 정숙녀 김진아 김익수 어수미 정권 이진숙 구자용 (20%) 검출한계이하로나타났으며, 평균농도는 0.004± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 위생설비입구시료모두석면배출 허용기준이하로나타났다. 마찬가지로작업장주변 ( 실내 ) 7 개, 작업장주변 ( 실외 ) 11개시료에대한공기중석면농도 결과, 각각 1 개 (14%), 4 개 (36%) 시료에서검출한계이하로 나타났으며, 평균농도는각각 0.004± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 위생설비입구에 서의공기중석면농도결과와유사하게나타나는등모든 채취지점에서석면배출허용기준을만족시키는것으로조사 되었다. Fig. 7 을살펴보면, 위생설비입구, 작업장주변에서의공기 중석면농도결과가부지경계선보다상대적으로높게나타났 는데, 이는위생설비입구, 작업장주변과같은측정지점은석 면해체 제거가이루어지고있는작업현장과거리가상대적 으로짧아석면해체 제거작업과정에서석면입자가상대적 으로많이비산되었기때문에나타난결과로생각된다 음압기, 폐기물보관지점, 폐기물반출구및거주자주거지역음압기 13개시료에대한공기중석면농도결과, 3개시 료에서 (23%) 검출한계이하로나타났으며, 평균농도는 0.004± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 모든시료에서석면배출허용기 준 0.01 f/cc 이하로나타났다. 또한폐기물반출구 9 개시료에 대한공기중석면농도결과, 2 개시료에서 (22%) 검출한계이 하로나타났으며, 평균농도는 0.005±0.003 f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 폐기물반출구시료모두석면배출허용기준이하로나 타났다. 마찬가지로거주자주거지역 48 개시료에대한공기 중석면농도결과, 25 개시료에서 (52%) 검출한계이하로나 타났으며, 평균농도는 0.003± f/cc 로 ( 최대 f/cc) 나 타나는등음압기, 폐기물반출구, 거주자주거지역모든채취 지점에서석면배출허용기준을만족시키는것으로나타났다. 폐기물보관지점의경우, 27개시료에대한공기중석면농 도결과, 8 개시료에서 (30%) 검출한계이하로나타났으며, 평 균농도는 0.005±0.004 f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 나타났다. 하지만폐기물보관지점에서채취된 4개의시료에서 0.011~ f/cc로나타나는등석면배출허용기준을초과한경우도발생하였기때문에초과한시료들에대해서는 TEM을이용한추가분석을실시하였으며그결과, 실제석면은모두불검출로나타났다. 따라서본연구에서조사된모든모니터링대상석면해체 제거사업장은환경부 석면안전관리법 에서명시된석면배출허용기준을만족시키는것으로나타나앞서언급했듯이, 서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의석면노출가능성은우려할수준이아닌것으로판단된다. 하지만 TEM을이용한추가분석결과에서실제석면입자는아니었더라도, 일부폐기물보관지점에서의 PCM 분석결과, 석면배출허용기준을초과한경우도발생하였듯이, 폐기물보관지점, 폐기물반출구와같은지점에서는작업특성상작업자가직접석면함유자재, 석면폐기물을운반하고적재하는등의석면작업이활발히이루어지고그러한과정에서석면이비산될수있기때문에다른지점보다작업자가석면에노출될위험이높을것으로판단된다. 따라서석면을직접취급하는작업자의경우, 호흡용보호구, 장갑, 신발등개인보호구착용및관리도소홀히해서는안될것이다. 동시에채취지점주변에도공기중으로석면이노출될가능성이높을것으로예상되기때문에, 이러한지점들에대해서는보다철저한석면모니터링및비산방지조치가필요할것으로생각된다. 4. 결론 본연구에서는서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장을대상으로공기중석면농도를조사하고, 석면해체 제거작업에따른작업자및주변환경에미치는영향등을파악하기위해측정결과가 석면안전관리법 에서명시된사 Fig. 8. Airborne asbestos concentrations for negative pressure units, storage area waste, outlet for waste and residential area of residents. Journal of KSEE Vol.36, No.6 June, 2014

8 J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 441 업장주변의석면배출허용기준에적합한지를살펴보았으며다음과같은결론을도출하였다. 1) 서울시내 37개소석면해체 제거사업장에서총 288 개의공기중시료를분석하였으며, 전체 288개시료중 101 개시료에서 (35%) 검출한계 (7 fiber/mm 2 ) 이하로나타났다. PCM 분석결과, 전체공기중석면농도평균값은 0.003± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 대부분의공기중석면농도는 석면안전관리법 에서명시된사업장주변의석면배출허용기준 0.01 f/cc 이하로나타나서울시내건축물석면해체 제거사업장에서의석면노출가능성은우려할수준이아닌것으로판단된다. 2) 부지경계선 (148개), 위생설비입구 (25개), 작업장주변 ( 실내 )(7개), 작업장주변 ( 실외 )(11개) 에서의공기중석면농도결과, 각각 53개 (36%), 5개 (20%), 1개 (14%), 4개 (36%) 시료에서검출한계이하로나타났으며평균농도는각각 ± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.004± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 모든채취지점에서석면배출허용기준 0.01 f/cc을만족시키는것으로조사되었다. 3) 음압기 (13개), 폐기물보관지점 (27개), 폐기물반출구 (9개), 거주자주거지역 (48개) 에대한공기중석면농도결과, 각각 3개 (23%), 8개 (30%), 2개 (22%), 25개 (52%) 시료에서검출한계이하로나타났으며평균농도는각각 0.004± f/cc ( 최대 f/cc), 0.005±0.004 f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.005± f/cc( 최대 f/cc), 0.003± f/cc로 ( 최대 f/cc) 나타났다. 4) PCM 분석결과, 폐기물보관지점에서채취된 4개의시료에서석면배출허용기준을초과하였지만 TEM을이용한추가분석실시결과, 모두불검출로나타나본연구에서조사된모든모니터링대상석면해체 제거사업장모두석면배출허용기준을만족시키는것으로조사되었다. 최근학교운동장, 학원건물, 공원이나하천의조경석등석면과관련된사건들이언론매체를통해보도되면서일상생활중석면노출로인한건강피해에대한우려가높아지고있다. 이는 1급발암물질인석면이소량이라할지라도우리인체에노출이되면오랜잠복기를거쳐석면질환을유발시키며, 더욱이아직까지석면질환에대한뚜렷한치료법이없기때문에석면의노출을금지해야한다. 따라서아직까지석면함유자재를사용한건축물이상당수남아있고, 향후건축물의수명도래와함께석면함유건축물철거, 재개발 재건축공사등과같이건축물석면해체 제거사업장이증가할것으로예상되기때문에 석면안전관리법 에따라공기중으로비산되는석면농도를신속하고정확하게평가하고, 건축물석면해체 제거작업의안전성을향상시켜석면의노출을금지해야할것이다. 이를통해궁극적으로석면으로인한국민건강피해예방및불안감을해소시킬수있을것이다. Reference 1. Kim, H. W., Asbestos Content in Friable Sprayed-on Surface Material and Airborne Fiber Concentrations in Commercial Buildings, Korean Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 5(2), 137~ 146(1995). 2. Oh, S. M., Shin, Y. C., Park, D. Y., Park, D. U. and Chung, K. C., A Study on Worker Exposure Level and Variation to Asbestos in Some Asbestos Industries, Korean Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 3(1), 100~109(1993). 3. Kim, G. Y., Kim, S. Y., Hwang, J. H. and Lee, E. Y., Airborne Fiber Concentrations in Asbestos Removal Work by Building Materials Types, In Proceeding of the 46th Meeting of KOSAE, KOSAE, Seoul, p. 542(2008). 4. Choi, J. K., Pack, D. M. and Paik, N. W., The production, the use, the number of workers and exposure level of asbestos in korea, Korean Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 8(2), 242~253(1998). 5. Kim, Y. C., Hong, W. H. and Son, B. H., Analysis of generation pattern and generation amount of asbestos containing material, when demolition of buildings in the housing redevelopment district, ACI. J., 29(7), 317~324(2013). 6. Artvinii, M. and Bais, Y. I., Malignant mesotheliomas in a small village in the Anatolian region of Turkey, An Epidemiol. Study JNCI, 63, 17~22(1979). 7. Christopher, B. M., Val, V. and Brooke, T. M., Diseases caused by asbestos: mechanisms of injury and disease development, Int. Immunopharmacol., 2, 191~200(2002). 8. Jeon, R. E., Yu, Y. S., Jung, I. S. and Lee, C. S., Analysis of Importance on the Inspection Task in Asbestos Dismantlement & Removal Work, Arch. Inst. Kor. J., 32(2), 629~ 630(2012). 9. Kang, D. M., Health Effects of Environmental Asbestos Exposure, J. Environ. Health. Sci., 35(2), 71~77(2009). 10. Ministry of Environment, Asbestos Safety Control Act, (2012). 11. Ministry of Environment, Notification No of the Ministry of Environment, (2012). 12. Ministry of Environment, Indoor Air Quality Management Guideline, (2010). 13. Lee, J. H., Lee, S. H., Kim, J. H., Oh, S. R., Shin, J. H., Eom, S. W., Chae, Y. Z., Lee, J. S. and Koo, J. Y., A Study on Characteristics of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Using PCM and TEM in Life Environment Surroundings of Seoul, J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng., 35(9), 613~623(2013). 대한환경공학회지제 36 권제 6 호 2014 년 6 월


<303828B1E2BCFAC0DAB7E1292E687770> J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 38(9), 528~533, 2016 Technical Information http://dx.doi.org/10.4491/ksee.2016.38.9.528 ISSN 1225-5025, e-issn 2383-7810 QGIS를활용한서울시소유석면건축물분포지도제작에관한연구 A Study on the Distribution

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