Ex-BIM 설계 표준모델 구축 연구 최종 보고서
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1 Ex-BIM
2 (,,,, ) : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : () : ()
3 : : : : : : :
6 < > (2009~2013 ) (2009~2013 ) Ex-BIM BIM LH BIM K-water BIM BIM BIM Push & Pull BIM BIM () BIM BIM BIM (2012) iii -
7 3.5 AIA LOD LOD Process and Data Management Guidance Documents Guidance Documents iv -
8 < > Ex-BIM BIM Ex-BIM IDM BIM /: BIM (LH) K-water BIM D () BIM BIM , Point cloud D BIM time-lapse PC 49 - v -
9 2.19 tagging BIM "Push & Pull" BIM B/ BIM BIM BIM CObie PAS BIM E-Submission 3D Model e-submission Template and Guidelines BrIM Data Pool LOD BIM E-PLAN REVIEW AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) Inspire Data Specification on Transport Networks BIM, GPS Crossrail Crossrail BIM C C926 3D 84 - vi -
10 2.45 C927 3D ER403 3D ER405 3D D D Segmental Tunnel 3D Changi Airport 3D D D T205 3D ER391 3D ER382 3D (2010) EIR EX-BIM EX-BIM BIM D CORENET E-Submission System MVD ( Street Bump) BIM vii -
11 BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM ( ) BIM Essential Guide Allplan Engineering PSC McGraw-Hill Market Report LOD (CALS) BIM LH BIM LOD BS Code FHWA Bridge Information Modeling BIM 4D D viii -
12 3.26 4D D BS Code 1192 ( ) Tender Doc P BIM Common Data Environment(CDE) ix -
13 서 론 1.1 배경및목적 1.2 과업의범위및내용 1.3 과업수행기간및절차 - 1 -
14 1 제 1 장 1.1 배경및목적,,, BIM (Building Information Modeling),. MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in 21 st Century Act) 7 Safety, Infrastructure Condition, Congestion Reduction, System Reliability, Freight Movement and Economic Vitality, Environmental Sustainability, Reduced Project Delivery Delays. (DOT) Highway for LIFE (Longer-lasting highway infrastructures using Innovations to accomplish the Fast Construction of Efficient and safe highways and bridges), ABC (Accelerated Bridge Construction).. NBIS (National Bridge Inspection Standard) NBI (National Bridge Inventory) a state of good repair Fracture critical bridge.,,
15 제 1 장 1.1 "The Movement for Innovation" 30%, 60%, 10% (Rethinking Construction),,,. 10%, 20%. NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology, ),,,, - 3 -
16 제 1 장, 40% 30%,,,, 50% 14% / 2, 2D,
17 제 1 장,,,,,,,,,,. (Know-how) (Packaging). BIM,,,. - (Coordination) - (Ownership) - (Information Delivery Manual) - - (project execution plan) - BIM - BIM (Level of detail) - ( ),, : BIM BIM BIM Project 2 3 BIM - 5 -
18 제 1 장. Bridge Information Model (FHWA, Integrated Bridge Project Delivery and Life Cycle Management). ' ',, 4 ' '. 2010, 90%, ( 社 )., (, ). 3,, 5 4 (60) 10 6 (118) 4 4, 7, (FHWA) (DOT) 70 80%, 20 30% %
19 제 1 장 (Assets Management) ICT,,,,. - 5( 09~ 13 ) 8,601, 8,009.,,,,. 1.2 (2009~2013 ) ( ) (/%) 8,601 8,009(100) 4,802 6,002(74.9), (4.3) 1, (10.0) (1.1) (9.0) (0.7) - 7 -
20 제 1 장 -,,. 1.3 (2009~2013 ), / ,,. -, (2D)., BIM. - (2D) (2D)., BIM. -. BIM. Ex-BIM(Expressway Building Information Modeling) 3D - 8 -
21 제 1 장., 3 BIM Ex-BIM. 5 Ex-BIM 3D,, Ex-BIM Ex-BIM. BIM As-Is To-Be.,,,
22 제 1 장 1.2 Ex-BIM
23 제 1 장 1.2 과업의범위및내용 -- Ex-BIM, 3D, -- (LOD),, Ex-BIM 설계 시공 유지관리단계별 Ex-BIM 도입로드맵구축,, (BIM) BIM Ex-BIM --. BIM - BIM - BIM - (,, ) BIM - BIM - (,,,, ) BIM
24 제 1 장 BIM - BIM - BIM - (,, ) BIM - BIM (,,, ) - BIM Strategy Report BS / -- Ex-BIM - - NIST, McGraw-Hill BIM ROI(Return on Investment) BIM (, ) -- Ex-BIM - Ex-BIM -,,,, - Ex-BIM - ( ) -- Ex-BIM - Ex-BIM -- BIM
25 제 1 장 -,, - -- (RFP) - BIM D 모델링적용공종연구 BIM 3D - 3D - BIM (/ / Tendor Document) - BIM --- 3D - - 3D (K-water, LH,, ) - BIM (,,,, ) - BIM - As-Is To-Be -,, (3 )
26 제 1 장 3D - 3D - - 3D - 3D - BIM 3D ( ) - BIM - 3D / - BIM ( ) - BIM Ex-BIM 3D - ROI 3D
27 제 1 장 (a) (b) 1.3 BIM 설계 시공 유지관리단계별정보수준 (LOD) 연구 BIM -- - BIM LOD - BIM
28 제 1 장 - LOD - LOD - - LOD -- (LOD) - -- LOD - LOD Ex-BIM -- - Ex-BIM -- IDM(Information Delivery Manual) 형상정보 (Geometry Information) Visual Information Location Information Geographic Information 구조해석, CG, 홍보영상, 간섭체크, 환경분석, 시공성검토등 속성정보 (Property Information) Meta Information Quantity Information Schedule Information 프로젝트관리, 공정관리, 물량산출및견적, 4D 시뮬레이션등 Other Information 1.4 Ex-BIM IDM
29 제 1 장 시공단계공정관리를위한객체분할기준연구 BIM - BIM - - Activity - - BIM - -, - Ex-BIM - Ex-BIM LOD Ex-BIM 설계 시공 유지관리표준가이드라인작성 BIM - BIM - BIM
30 제 1 장 -, LH, K-water - BIM Ex-BIM,, -, LOD, - 지형모델구조형상모델구조해석모델상세모델공정모델 통합모델 1.5 Ex-BIM Ex-BIM - Ex-BIM
31 제 1 장 - Ex-BIM -- BIM (8x4 ) - Ex-BIM 5 BIM - BIM (,,,, ) BIM 교량 Ex-BIM 시범설계 3 Ex - BIM IFC 2x3 IFC - BIM 1.4 Ex-BIM L=105m ~ 14 ( ) EX( ) (3@35) 3D - BIM - BIM - BIM
32 제 1 장,,, 3D - BIM - - BIM 2D - BIM BIM 과업수행기간및절차
33 제 1 장 1.5 I. / II. / III. 4 () - As-Is To-Be 3 LOD Ex-BIM 4. BIM., ROI Ex-BIM
34 제 1 장
35 제 1 장 구 분 1.6 추진일정 ( 월 ) / BIM Ex-BIM / 3D Ex-BIM Ex-BIM
36 E X - B I M 로드맵구축 2.1 BIM 현황조사 2.2 기술및정책조사 2.3 도로공사과업분석및의견청취 2.4 BIM 관리자교육
37 2 EX-BIM 2.1 BIM 현황조사 EX-BIM 추진배경,,, 2.1 <MAP-21 > 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in 21st Century Act $ ~2014,,, DOT,, < >,,, () * Guidance Document for Highway Infrastructure Asset valuation( ) * Management of Highway Structure() * Framework for Highway Asset Mgt.( ) < Infrastructure > (National Research Centre) BIM(Building Information Modeling) SOC * IDDS ( ) * * 3 (, 2013)
38 MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in 21 st Century Act) 7 Safety, Infrastructure Condition, Congestion Reduction, System Reliability, Freight Movement and Economic Vitality, Environmental Sustainability, Reduced Project Delivery Delays. (DOT) Highway for LIFE (Longer-lasting highway infrastructures using Innovations to accomplish the Fast Construction of Efficient and safe highways and bridges), ABC (Accelerated Bridge Construction).. NBIS (National Bridge Inspection Standard) NBI (National Bridge Inventory) a state of good repair Fracture critical bridge.,,. "The Movement for Innovation" 30%, 60%, 10% (Rethinking Construction),,,
39 10%, 20%. NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology, ),,,,, 40% 30%,,,, 50% 14%. (FHWA) (DOT) 70 80%, 20 30% % (Assets Management). 3,, 5 4 (60) 10 6 (118) 4 4, 7, ,,
40 . 1.1 / 2, 2D, ' ',, 4 ' '
41 2010, 90%, ( 社 )., (, ).,,. 1 6 EHS. ICT,,,,. - 5( 09~ 13 ) 8,601, 8,009.,,,,
42 . 1.2 (2009~2013 ) ( ) (/%) 8,601 8,009(100) 4,802 6,002(74.9), (4.3) 1, (10.0) (1.1) (9.0) (0.7) -,,. 1.3 (2009~2013 ), / ,,. -, (2D)., BIM
43 BIM. BIM BIM. BIM EX-BIM. Rebuild Digital Expressway for Life
44 2.1.2 국내 외 BIM 관련추진현황조사 BIM BIM BIM BIM 2016 BIM, BIM BIM 2.1 BIM /:
45 2.1 BIM ( 10 12) ( 13 15) ( 16 ) BIM 4D(Cost) BIM Total Service 500 Total Service 500 BIM BIM BIM 3D BIM BIM 3D Total Service BIM BIM BIM LH BIM - BIM. ( ) 2.2 BIM (LH)
46 2.2 LH ( ) ( ) ( ) BIM / BIM BIM TF / Pool BIM BIM Database Library Library BIM IPD BIM IPD / BIM BIM / / - BIM BIM - BIM BIM - BIM - LH LH BIM - BIM BIM, - LH BIM - BIM,, - - LH BIM -,,,,, -,
47 - (LH) 4 2 BIM, BIM Revit Structure 2010 Bridge Extension for Revit Structure Revit Architecture 2010 Navisworks Manage 2010 MS-Project 2007 BIM Autodesk Microsoft
48 -,, P, PSC m (327m) (57.5m) 3D
49 K-water BIM BIM 비전 전시적건설기술지원체계구축을통한 K-Water 국제적마케팅강화및해외사업성장동력마련 목표 K-Water 설계 시공성과관리체계개선방안제시전사적 BIM 다차원설계기법도입방안제시 도입단계 (13~15 년 ) 확정단계 (16~18 년 ) 정착단계 (19~20 년 ) 전략 댐사업부분선 ( 先 ) 적용 수도 녹색사업확대적용 전사적건설기술지원체계구축 건설기술세계화 기존건설중인댐 D/B 및 Feedback 시스템구축 사업별건설기술 D/B 구축및 Feedback 확장 연계 전사적건설기술통합화를통한글로벌경쟁력강화 선진기술도입 BIM 라이브러리및프로그램개발 BIM 라이브러리추가개발및프로그램확장 선진기술도입을통한예산절감실현 조직지침교육정비 Pilot Project 수행조직, 발주지침, 교육제도정비 전사 BIM 팀구성, 지침개정및실무교육제도정비 물산업전문가구성체계확립 2.6 K-water BIM (BIM )
50 K-Water BIM - K-Water BIM 3D- visualization,,,, 4D BIM ( ). [ 5-2] BIM BIM BIM - BIM 2.4 K-water BIM ( DEM) 3D BIM - BIM BIM K-water BIM
51 - 3D 2D ( ) 3D Tool Microstation, Revit 3 2D., 3D (Parametric Model). (2D) 3D (Revit Structure 2010) 2.7 3D () - K-water BIM, 3D
52 2.5 BIM 18( ) 20( ) 22( ) 23( ) 2 () 3D - 3D : Microstation V8i - : 3Ds MAX - 3D : Microstation V8i - : Premavera P3 3D -, - 3D : Microstation V8i - : 3Ds MAX - 3D : Microstation V8i - : Premavera P3 - : Virtools D - 3D : Revit Structure : 3Ds MAX, Quest 3D - 3D : Revit Structure : V-CPM - - PC - - 3D - 3D : Microstation V8i - : 3Ds MAX - 3D : Microstation V8i - : IPMS 3D - - 3D : Revit Architecture : 3Ds MAX, Quest 3D - 3D : Revit Architecture : V-CPM - : Virtools PC
53 , 230.9km BIM. - ~ , ~,
54 2.9 -,,
55 2.10 -, BIM - Roy Hill PJT Pilbera Package
56 Package 1 Mine, Package2 340km, Package3 Mine, Package 4. Package 3D, 4D BIM km ,,, 3D Modeling,, 4D BIM, BIM BIM BIM. - () M(Michigan) Project 2012 M-Project
57 TEN-Project. 3D, BIM. BIM Data 2D. - BIM, BIM 3D Reconstruction. - BIM. BIM /. (a) BIM (b) 2.13 BIM - LiDAR/LADAR (Light/Laser Detection and Ranging) Time-of-flight(TOF) :, 1000m 3~6mm BIM
58 i. Ÿ Ÿ 3 point cloud. ii. : point cloud Ÿ Ÿ control point iii. BIM : BIM point cloud (, ) Ÿ, Ÿ 3D Ÿ point cloud BIM, -, point cloud, 3D
59 2.14, Photogrammetry ( /) LADAR/LiDAR 3D point cloud.,. Ÿ, 3D, 3D - LADAR/LiDAR 3D, 3D data Ÿ Ÿ, LADAR/LiDAR Ÿ LADAR/LiDAR 3D, data ==> Ÿ Photogrammetry LADAR/LiDAR point ==> point edge( ) photogrammetry
60 (a) LADAR point cloud (b) point cloud 2.16 Point cloud - 3D point cloud photogrammetry data - photogrammetry 3D point cloud BIM / D BIM time-lapse
61 - (Augmented Reality: AR) BIM (BIM ) AR BIM, BIM : BIM Ÿ marker marker Ÿ PC GPS(Global Positioning System) gyroscope BIM 2.18 PC
62 -,,,,, BIM (visualization) n RFID(Radio Frequency Identification), GPS, UWB(Ultra Wide-Band), GPS Ÿ Ÿ, GPS 10m, kinematic GPS, Ÿ RFID Ÿ RFID,,,, ID, (, ) Ÿ RFID Ÿ,
63 2.19 tagging Ÿ Ÿ (sensor) (tag),,. n, Ÿ Ÿ 3 3D Ÿ Ÿ object detection Ÿ,
64 기술및정책조사 BIM - 5 (2013~2017) 전략 1 : 건설기술경쟁력기반구축 기술인력분야 글로벌환경에맞는인력관리, 시장친화 미래형교육 건설정보분야 정보표준화및통신기술 (ICT) 융복합연구촉진
65 R&D ㆍ신기술분야 Green Smart 건설기술개발, 기술실용화 전략 2 : 건설단계별 소프트 역량강화 계획ㆍ설계단계기술력중심발주ㆍ심의, Global ㆍ User 지향기준정비
66 시공관리단계현장밀착형품질ㆍ안전관리, 녹색체질강화 시설물관리단계선제적ㆍ국민체감형시설물유지ㆍ안전관리 전략 3 : 글로벌시장을겨냥한역량결집 해외진출지원全방위적건설 ENG 해외진출지원체계구축
67 -,,, SOC, BIM. - BIG DATA,
68 BIM BIM - Crossrail project BS % 280 (URS Scott Wilson, 2010). (,,,,, ). - IT. 100%. BIM 20%. - BIM Push & Pull. (Industry Push) (Client Pull), 2.21 Push,,. Pull BIM BIM. Push & Pull BIM BIM, (supply chain) BIM. BIM
69 2.21 BIM "Push & Pull" B/555 Roadmap Building Information Modelling Working Party Strategy Paper (2011) 2.23 BSI B/555 BIM. B/555 BIM BIM. BIM 2.22 Level 0 3 BIM.,. - Roadmap BIM Level 0 3 4, Level 0 2D CAD, Level 1 3D, Level 2 BIM, Level 3 BIM.,, BIM. l Level 0 : 2D CAD l Level 1 : BS 1192:2007 2D 3D
70 l Level 2 : BIM 3D 4D 5D ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) l Level 3 : IFC/IFC ibim BIM Tool 1. BIM Level 1 Level 2 2D 3D BIM BIM
71 2.23 B/ BIM
72 2.6 BIM Push & Pull - BIM, BIM. BIM BIM.. IFC/IFD
73 BIM -. COBie(Construction Operation Building Information Exchange),.,, Level 2, COBie IFC(Industry Foundation Classes) IFC.,,,
74 2.26 BIM 2.27 CObie - BS BS1192 PAS : Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling
75 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and defi nitions 4 Overview of documents referenced from this specification 5 Information delivery. Assessment and need 6 Information delivery. Procurement 7 Information delivery. Post contract-award 8 Information delivery. Mobilization 9 Information delivery. Production 10 Information delivery. Asset information model (AIM) maintenance Annex A (informative) Terms, defi nitions and abbreviations for BIM documentation 2.28 PAS
77 2.30 BIM BIM - BCA(Building & Construction Authority) 2015 BIM 5 years plan for BIM adoption 5. 1 Public sector taking the lead( ) A. BIM E-Submission system 2 Promoting success stories( ) A. Skilled Builder Competition B. BIM Competition C. Build Smart Conference D. BuildTech Asis Exhibition E. Build Smart Site Tour
78 3 Removing impediments( ) A. BIM E-Submission template B. Architectural design object library C. M&E component library 4 Building BIM capability and capacity(bim ) A. BCA Academy 5 Incentiving BIM adopters(bim ) A. BIM Fund BIM E-submission System ( - BIM IFC CORENET(Construction and Real Estate Network). CORENET. IFC BIM 700 CORENET. CORENET BIM E-submission ,340 (740 ) E-Submission ,000m 2 Architectural submission ,000m 2 Architectural & Engineering submission ,000m 2 Architectural & Engineering submission
79 BIM E-submission Template - BIM e-submission light-weighted file format single DWF PDF, Native File, BIM. Architectural BIM e-submission, Structural BIM e-submission, MEP BIM e-submission Guideline BIM (Revit, Archicad, Bentley, Tekla) Template Allplan Template E-Submission 3D Model
80 -, BCA BIM E-Submission Template File fomat, Model Scale, File Naming, View Naming, BIM Modeling Work flow. 1 Architectural BIM e-submission Architectural Guidelines Revit Architectural Template v2014 / Revit Template Training v2014 Archicad Architectural Template v17 / Archicad Template Training v17 Bentley AECOsim v8i Architectural Template* / Bentley AECOsim v8i Template Training 2 Structural BIM e-submission Structural Guidelines 2.1 Template for Revit v2015 / Annex1a: Recommended Process for Revit, Annex1b: Template Training Guide for Revit Template for Bentley AECOsim v8i* / Annex 2a: Recommended Process for AECOsim Building Designer v8i*, Annex 2b: Template Training Guide for AECOsim Building Designer v8i Template for Tekla Structures v18* / Annex 3a: Recommended Process for Tekla Structures 18*, Annex 3b: Template Training Guide for Tekla Structures 18 3 MEP BIM e-submission MEP Guidelines Revit MEP Template v2013 / Revit MEP Template Training Guidelines Bentley AECOsim V8i MEP Template* / Bentley AECOsim V8i MEP Template Training Guidelines
81 BIM e - Submission Packages File Format and Size Project Model Scale Site Layout Project North Orientation Project Elevation Datum Standardized File Naming Standardized View Naming Last Saved Views Addition and Alteration Projects Project Resubmission Project Drawings Basic Composition BIM Modeling Workflow Structural BIM e - Submission Checklist 2.32 e-submission Template and Guidelines BIM Fund ( CPCF(Construction Productivity and Capability Fund, ) 5 7 BIM Fund BIM. 1 Firm Level Scheme Project Collaboration Scheme. 2 Firm Level Scheme BIM BIM, 2. 3 Project Collaboration Scheme BIM BIM,, 50%
82 BIM Fund 3 6 Project Collaboration Scheme BIM Fund. 1 Project Collaboration Scheme BIM Fund. 2 BIM E-submission. 3 1 BCA Academy BIM. 4 BIM 10%. 1~3 10%, 4~6 20%. 5 BCA 1. BCA BIM Academy - BCA 6 BIM BIM Management BIM BIM BIM BIM project BIM. 1 BIM Planning Course (Building Developers and Facility Managers) 2 BIM Modelling (Architecture Track) 3 BIM Modelling (MEP Track) 4 BIM Modelling (Structure Track) 5 Specialist Diploma in Building Information Modeling
83 6 BIM Management 7 BIM for Senior Management ( ) (IFC ) IFC. IFC IFC (IFC ). (IFC BIM ) - (Senate Properties) 2001 IFC BIM IFC. (,,, ) - (Statsbygg) BIM , , , 2010 BIM IFC GIS,. BIM BIM - National BIM BIM, O&M
84 - BIM,,,,,,. GSA(General Services Administration) BIM IFC. - BIM 2008 BIM BIM BIM. - BIM CSI2 XML BIM. DOT
85 2.7 BIM BIM BIM, LA, BIM National BIM Conference BIM Conference BIM, BIM BIM BIM - BIM BIM. BIM. 2.8 BIM () GSA NIST DOD NIES DOE CSI General Service Administration ( ) GSA BIM BIM National Institute for Standards and Technology,, Department of Defence ( ) CERT(Civil Engineering Research Laboratory) BIM National Institute of Building Science BIM BIM (NBIMS) NIBS Building Smart NBIMS NCS Department of Energy () Building Technology Program Construction Specification Institute BIM Uniformat
86 - FHWA BrIM ( ). - critical path Link XML API. - LOD. - BMS (Bridge Management system) BrIM XML
87 2.34 BrIM Data Pool 2.35 LOD
89 2.38 AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM)
90 BIM National bridge information modeling guidelines - Finnish road administration Oulu. - 3 Tekla Structures Solidworks AutoCAD Revit Microstation. - 5D Bridge consortium. -, GPS machine control Inspire Data Specification on Transport Networks
91 2.40 BIM, GPS - D2.8.I.7 INSPIRE Data Specification on Transport Networks. Guidelines Road transport, Rail transport, Water transport, Air transport, Cableways
92 BIM : Crossrail - Crossrail 60m. 150( 26) Crossrail BIM BIM(,, BIM,, ). Crossrail BIM 2017 BIM. Level 2 BIM. - Crossrail BS % 280. BIM tool Bentley Microstation, D, 4D. (,,,,,.). -,,, BIM,., 3D,
93 ,. (a) Life-cycle BIM (b) BIM BIM 2.41 Crossrail
94 (a) Microstation 3D (b) BIM (c) IDE 2.42 Crossrail BIM
95 BIM BIM 1 C1686 LTA(Land Transport Authority). A. 2 Stations B. rail Via duct Length = 1.8km C. 2 single track maximum 40m span D. External work - Drain, Road, extra 2.43 C C926(Downtown3) LTA(Land Transport Authority). A. Station B. Cut & Cover Tunnel C. Bored Tunnel D. Shaft E. Cross Passage
96 2.44 C926 3D 3 C927(Cross Passage) LTA(Land Transport Authority). A. Tampines West and Bedok Reservoir Station B. Associated Tunnel 2.45 C927 3D
97 4 ER403 LTA(Land Transport Authority). A. Widening Bridge B. 1 Depressed road C. 1 Under path road D. 2 Facility building E. Widening Road 2.46 ER403 3D 5 ER405 LTA(Land Transport Authority). A. 2 pedestrian overhead bridge B. Widening Road C. four to six lanes 2.47 ER405 3D 6 Impvt to Bt Timah First Diversion Canal Contract
98 PUB(Public Utilities Board). A. Waterway Drain B. Sewer Pipe C. Pedestrian Bridge D 7 Construction of Punggol East(Part 4) and Vehicular Bridge Across Punggol Waterway PUB(Public Utilities Board). A. Punggol Bridge =95.3m(FCM Bridge) B. Drain C. Retaining wall D
99 8 NIPE CONTRACT C7 PUB(Public Utilities Board). A. 2.7km Length B. 4m Diameter Segmental Tunnel C. 2200mm Diameter Pipeline 2.50 Segmental Tunnel 3D 9 D&B for Retention Pond at Changi Airport CAG(Changi Airport Group). A. Excavation & reclamation B. Counterfort Retention Wall(842m) C. Application of CIP + Slurry Wall D. BOX Culvert (2type) E. U-Drain (2type) 2.51 Changi Airport 3D
100 10 Earth Retaining Structures at Mount Faber Ⅱ Service Reservoir PUB(Public Utilities Board). A. Retaining structure B. Bored Pile C. Earth Anchor D. Drain Pipe E. latticed-block for slop protecting D 11 T201 LTA(Land Transport Authority). A. Bus depot and train depot B. Main workshop, Stabling area C. Rail administration D. Permanent Way Workshop E. locomotive and Wagon Stabling Canopy F. Bus Parking Deck, Bus Maintenance / Administration Etc. G. Roof Steel truss frame
101 2.53 3D BIM 1 T205 LTA Woodland South MRT station. BIM. Bored Pile. Bored Pile () T205 3D BIM 1 ER391 LTA OKP Holding Limited, CPG Corporation Pte. Ltd. BIM. BIM
102 ER391 3D 2 ER382 project LTA Sweehong BIM BIM ER382 3D
103 2.3 도로공사과업분석및의견청취 BIM Ex-BIM // 2. /,, /,.,, BIM 2013 Infra BIM BIM. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ (User) D/B (Feedback)
104 (2010)
105 2.10 ㆍ IT, ㆍ,, ㆍㆍ ㆍㆍ ㆍ,, ㆍ ㆍ 2.11 BIM 2D/3D-,, DB, DB, DB,,, BIM -- ㆍ,,
106 BIM, 2.12 (Technical) - - / - BIM -,, 4D, 5D - - (IFC) COBie - pdf (LOD) - (, LOD,, LOD ) - (, )
107 - - PAS1192:2, BS1192:2007, COBie -,,, - - BIM -, - (1~4 ) -,,, - (Management) (Commercial) BIM - - ( LOD ) / / - (PCI) / - IT (,, free viewer, ) (Compliance plan) - BIM - QA, - (AIM) -,,,
108 - - BIM - BIM - BIM - BIM - - Specimen Production and Delivery Table for BIM Protocol user Guide Model Originator Drop 1 Drop 2a Drop 2b Drop 3 Drop 4 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 6 Level of Detail Model Originator Level of Detail Model Originator Level of Detail Model Originator Level of Detail Model Originator Level of Detail LOD definitions (fr 1 Brief Overall form and content 2 Concept Space planning Designer 1 Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 3 Developed Site and context Designer 1 Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 4 Production Surveys Contractor 3 5 Installation External form and appearance Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 6 As construc Building and site sections Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 7 In use Internal layouts Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Design strategies Fire Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Stage definitions (f Physical security Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Disabled access Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 0 Strategy Maintenance access Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 1 Brief BREEAM Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 2 Concept Performance 3 Definition Building Designer 1 Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 4 Design Structural Designer 1 Str Eng 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 5 Build & Com MEP systems Designer 1 MEP Eng 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 6 Handover & Regulation compliance analysis Contractor 3 Contractor 6 7 Operation a Thermal Simulation Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Sustainability Analysis Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Acoustic analysis Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Model Originators 4D Programming Analysis 5D Cost Analysis Services Commissioning Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Elements, materials components Building Designer 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Specifications MEP Eng 2 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 MEP systems Contractor 2 Contractor 3 Contractor 6 Construction proposals Phasing Contractor 3 Site access Contractor 3 Site set-up Contractor 3 Health and safety Design Contractor 3 Construction Contractor 3 Operation Contractor 3 Contractor EIR
109 BIM - BIM - EIR,, - (project execution plan) ( ) - ( ) ,,,,,, ICT.,,,, EX-BIM, (ROI),. BIM
110 BIM / BIM, BIM / ( ) Hi-, BIM / / UAV,,
111 / BIM (AR) GIS,, o As-Is To-Be 1. ㆍ,, ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ IT, ㆍ,, ㆍㆍ ㆍㆍ
112 2.? ( : ) 3. KPI //? ( KPI ) 4. BIM? (,,, )
113 6. BIM ( ). 7. BIM ( ). 8. ( ) BIM. (,,,,,, / )
114 9.,, SOC,, ,,,. -,. -,, /, /. -,. BIM
115 / - -,, - -,, - VR/AR (, ) -,, -,, EX-BIM - Hi- - - BIM EX-BIM,, /,
116 - EX-BIM -, HBMS, ITS 3 -,,, EX-BIM ( 3/12, 19) - WBS Hi-5 WBS (2015~2016 ) - WBS BIM WBS (DB + + pdf + BIM WBS ) - 3 (dwg, 3D pdf, BIM ) WBS BIM WBS. - Hi-5 WBS BIM WBS Hi-5. Level 1 : Hi- Hi- dwg DB BIM dwg/pdf/ ( ) 3 DB Hi
117 Level 2 : BIM 3 ( )( ).xlsx" CBS 8, WBS 7 15 pdf- : pdf- 3 : pdf- ( 15, Civil3D ) - BIM H-CAD(CD ) BIM WBS 3D pdf - pdf 3D BIM ( ) - 3D pdf MVD - - Hi, - - 3D
118 2.4 BIM 관리자교육 BIM BIM BIM BIM Navisworks BIM BIM, BIM BIM, BIM BIM I, II BIM BIM,,, BIM (Navisworks)
120 2.5 EX-BIM 로드맵 EX-BIM EX-BIM ICT ICT 2.14 /,,,,, PMC Best Practice ICT,,
121 Ex-BIM 설계 표준모델 구축 연구 ICT 및 제조업 분야의 혁신 기술에 대한 대응 및 능동적인 활용 전략이 요 구됨 - 기존의 산업 영역간의 경계가 모호해지고 정보의 생성 및 활용주체가 다수 로 바뀌면서 모바일 생태계 및 이에 근거한 빅데이터 등 정보기반 기술이 산업전반의 경쟁력을 좌우하게 됨 - 레이저 스캐닝을 통한 역설계, 3차원 프린팅을 통한 디지털 제조기술, 무인 항공기를 통한 안전관리 등이 이미 실현되고 있고 웨어러블 디바이스의 상 용화는 건설분야의 기존 업무 형태를 혁신적으로 변화하게 하는 전략을 요 구하게 됨 - 첨단 기술 기반의 다국적 기반의 미래 시장 분석에서 첨단 인프라가 포함되 는 것은 기존의 인프라에 ICT 기술을 탑재하여 운영 및 유지관리를 포함한 시장 분석에 근거함 - 빅데이터나 사물인터넷 등의 새롭게 대두되는 기술에서 교통 인프라가 담당 할 수 있는 기술적 영역이 많고 이를 통한 새로운 비즈니스 창출의 가능성 이 매우 높아 능동적인 대응 전략이 필요함 - 무인 운전의 상용화는 새로운 교통 체계를 필요로 하고 선제적으로 이러한 기술개발과 함께 가는 미래 고속도로 설계가 필수적으로 요구되고 이를 통 해 세계 시장 진출의 경쟁력을 확보할 수 있음 * 출처 : 한국정보화진흥원(2012)
122 EX-BIM (BIM) (Rebuild Digital Expressway for Life) F One-Source Multi-Use ( ) F One Click for In & Out ( ) F One Master Model for Digital Expressway ( ) *Life: Longer lasting, innovative, fast, efficient and safer
124 Fiatech EX-BIM. BIM 4 - : BIM ( ) / - : BIM - : BIM Best Practice 2.62 EX-BIM
125 -,,, - - PMC,, 2.63 BIM 5,
126 - - ( - BIM - 3,,, - (MVD) - EX-BIM, ) - - GIS Preconstruction (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) - ( ) - ( ) () (, ) (,,, ) - ( ) - (, ) - ( ) - (, ) - ( ) - (, ) (, ) - BIM - BIM - -,
127 2D BIM D 1. 3D 2. / 2-1. GIS Scan Point Data / HBMS BIM 3. 3 /// 4-1. BIM LCC / 6. LCC EX-Asset Management System 5. HPMS (, 7-1. ) (preconstruction)
128 2D BIM 1., 1 IT IT (Drone+GPS+Scanner, Google Glass, Paper ( BIM Mobil ) 3,,,, ) IT 3 IT / (Process Google Glass (, ) ) :
129 2D BIM 2. TBM, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification ). RFID BIM TBM ( ) BIM 3 ( )
130 2D BIM 3. (Milestone Schedule),,, (,, ) BIM, 5D (BIM++) BIM 5D (BIM++) PROCESS 4. 3 DATABASE 2D 3 2D BIM
131 2D BIM 5., RMR 3, ( ) Face mapping sheet 3D 3 NATM HI-5 BIM BIM DB BIM
132 2D BIM 7. AR,, IT (Drone + GPS + Scanner Google Glass, Mobil ) 3D BIM LOD BIM (mobile, HMD, HUD) (Augmented Reality,AR)
133 2D BIM 8. BIM, throw view Ex-BIM (Hi-5) 9. BIM ( ) + 3D Scanner, CCTV, BIM,
134 (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) 1. 3D GIS Scan Point Data 3,4,5,6,7. Hi- 3,4,5,6,7. 3 Digital Expressway 3,5,6,7. // // I* 3,4,5,6,7. Digital Expressway (HBMS/HPMS ) EX-AIM 4-2 BIM LCC BIM (preconstruction) ICT (IoT, /,
135 (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) // DB Hi R* // DB,
136 2D BIM WBS Hi-5 WBS Hi-5 WBS BIM // DB // DB, / IoT* BIM LCC BIM Viewer GIS Scan Point Data BIM vs. Scan Data HI- DWG- DB HI- DWG/PDF/BIM - DB HI- DB IoT(Internet of Things) :,
138 (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ),, DB HI- DB WBS BIM BIM WBS/CBS BIM LCC 3D 2D LOD WBS/CBS BIM LOD / Viewer I* ( ) // () - BIM GIS Scan Point Data BIM vs. Scan Data
139 (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) // DB HI- DWG/PDF/BIM- WBS Hi-5 DB 3D WBS/CBS DB (/// BIM ) BIM / IoT* BIM R* WBS/CBS / DB DB - / // DB, IoT(Internet of Things) :, I : investment R : return
140 EX-BIM
141 (BIM) EX-BIM (PMC) (open shared information) (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) / / BIM EX-BIM EX-BIM / (,,, ) Paperless (E-AMS) EX-BIM 3 (H-CAD e-plan/e-submission/e-review EX-AIM System/EX-Global ) (MVD) AR / ( / / ) BIM,
142 Hi- / EX-BIM EX-BIM (PMC Ex- BIM ( ) ) (BEP,PEP) BIM ( ) ICT
143 EX-BIM ROI (return on investment) (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) BIM / EX- / EX- / I BIM (BIM ) VR/AR BIM / (, paperless PMC R, ) 3 / / I R ( ) // AR Design for Safety (DFS) (PCI) // PM/CM
144 (~2016 ) (2017~2019 ) (2020 ) EX-AIM EX-AIM WBS /// I (, / / 3D LCC, IoT, ) ( + ) R man-hour O&M I (EIR, IDM) (, IoT, ) R,,,,
145 2.6 EX-BIM 추진전략 EX-BIM 3 EX-,,, precostruction :,, best practice 24 (Hi- EX- ) Paper-free (IT ) EX- (,, ) : 3 BIM 5D
146 ( km) WBS,,, LCC// EX-AIM BIM Viewer Hi- DB BIM ICT (, IoT, PMC EX-Global,, / best practice 3 Virtual Expressway Safety Management System(VES) HPMS EX-BIM 3 (,, ), HDM
147 one-click
148 One Source Multi-Use BIM,, D
149 EX- - E-submissoin 24 - BIM - - paper-free IT -,,,. - free viewer Corenet E-Submission System
150 EX- - BIM BIM ( ),,,, -, -,, /, best practice ( )
151 - (best value) EX-BIM Review - -, 3,,
152 2 - BIM MVD (Model View Definition) - - PMC -, /
153 2.66 MVD -,
154 ICT (preconstruction)
155 - 3 BIM
156 - BIM - HPMS LCC
157 , - LCC - 3 ( BIM )
158 - 3 (2013~2017) - - -,,
159 3 ( ) - - storytelling - - Digital Expressway
160 - 3 PMC EX-AIM (Expressway Asset Information Management) ,
162 2.68 ( Street Bump) EX-Global - 3 EX-GLOBAL ( )
163 EX-BIM - BIM - BIM /,
164 - BIM One-click BIM
165 - One-click In & Out
166 - EX-BIM One Source Multi-Use
167 *., -,,
169 2.7 기대효과 (One source-multi-use & One click) EX-BIM 3 /// 3 Digital Expressway 3,,
170 2.8 추진과제 RFP No. 1 BIM 3 3 BIM 2 3 Ÿ 3 2. <1 > 3 - (2) <2 > PBS(Product Breakdown System) 3 -,, ~2017 (2)
171 3 : 3 : < > 3 3 3차원전자도면활용절차 ( 설계, 시공, 유지관리 ) <1 > 3 <2 > 3 3 (,, ) ,,. BIM
172 No. 1 BIM BIM,. Ÿ 2,,. <1 > ( ) - 3 <2 > (1 ) - (MVD : Model View Definition) - 3, MVD ~2017 (2) 3 :
173 3 : < > 3 <1 > 3 <2 > 3 (, ) ( ) 3 3,. 3,. 3 BIM
175 - VE LCC VE(/) LCC VE/LCC export er LCC BIM add-on BIM VE/LCC BIM Interp reter BIM VE Interpreter VE VE,, BIM ~ 12 BIM V E/LCC 2016 ~2017 (2) - VE/LCC LCC BIM VE 1 - VE(/) LCC - LCC LCC - VE LCC 2 - VE/LCC exporter - LCC BIM add-on 3 - BIM VE/LCC BIM Interpreter - BIM VE Interpreter VE VE BIM, VE, LCC BIM VE VE LCC BIM D/B
176 No BIM, HPMS 2D -,,,, DB - DB DB BIM 3 -, DB 3 - DB DB -, BIM - - DB BIM - -, DB DB - DB 2 - BIM
177 - DB - DB 2016 ~2017 (2) - - DB - BIM - BIM, 1 - DB 2 - BIM - BIM DB DB DB
178 ㅜㅐ Ex-BIM 설계표준모델구축연구 No ~70 < > ICT, ICT. < > RFID/USN,, CCTV, X-band, GPS, ICT. ICT,, ( ). <1 >
179 : 3 <2 > DB QR API 50 Feed Back,,,, 2016 ~2017 (2) 1 : - ( 3 ) - 2 : - DB - 50 < > (, DB) <1 > <2 >, O&M
180 No 1 BIM BIM Ÿ 3 BIM / Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ (BIM) / BIM <> Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ,, BIM LH BIM <> Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ : BIM,, (Cross Rail Project) : BIM (E-Cornet System) : BIM Roadmap, BIM <1 > Ÿ Ÿ BIM Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Test-Bed <2 > Ÿ BIM Ÿ Ÿ (Augmented Realtiy) Pilot test
181 그림 301 드론을이용한공정관리시스템 ( 예시 ) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ 그림 302 AR기기를통한검측지원시스템 ( 예시 ) 3 BIM TEST-BED Ÿ 2 ( ) Ÿ Ÿ () Ÿ BIM / <1 >
182 Ÿ Ÿ TEST-BED BIM <2 > Ÿ BIM / Ÿ Ÿ ( ) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
183 No 1 BIM BIM (wearable device) BIM w BIM ( ) n 2 w w n BIM, BIM w wearable smart device BIM n,. n (wearable smart device) BIM (viewpoint) n w w n BIM BIM,. w (marker) : BIM ==> ==> ( ) w :, BIM ==> calibration ==>,
184 <1 > n w w BIM n / w w image processing w <2 > n n w BIM w Image processing w BIM / <3 > n w DB w DB n BIM n n n ( ) (1 ) 100% ( ) 2016 ~2018 (3) < > n BIM <1 >
185 <2 > <3 > n w, n Hi ( PC, ) n, w /, BIM
186 No ~70 < >,,, BIM, ICT < >, BIM, 3 <1 > 3 <2 > Feed Back, ~2017 (2)
187 ,, < > <1 >,,, <2 >, 20% O&M
188 n Ex-BIM 설계표준모델구축연구 No 1 SOC GIS,, PMC < > BIM on GIS 3 < >, BIM,, 3 GIS,, <1 > GIS 3 3 <2 > best practice 3 3 ( )
189 2017 ~2018 (2) 3 < > <1 > 3 <2 > 3, PMC
190 제 3 장 E X - B I M 가이드라인개발 3.1 관련 BIM 가이드라인조사 3.2 3D 모델링적용공종 3.3 설계 - 시공 - 유지관리단계별정보수준 (LOD) 3.4 시공단계공정관리를위한객체분할 3.5 EX-BIM 가이드라인
191 제 3 장 3 EX-BIM 3.1 관련 BIM 가이드라인조사 BIM / - 3 BIM 2 3 BIM 3.1 BIM GSA, National Coast Guard, USACE BIM Strategy Report / BS 1192 Building & Construction Authority Singapore Construction Industry Council National 12 th Five Year Plan ( ) National Agency for Enterprise & Construction Senate Properties IFC BIM, Level-2 BS BIM 3D-4D-BIM 2013 BIM 2014 BIM Framework CORNET Statsbygg , , , 2010 BIM
192 제 3 장 BIM ( ) - BIM,, BIM BIM. BIM (,,,, ). BIM BIM., BIM.,,,, BIM NIBS 2007 NBIMS(National BIM Guidelines) GSA, PBS-OCA 2008 BIM Guide Series NIST 2007 General Building Information Handover Guide AGC 2006 The Contractors Guide to BIM Penn State Univ BIM Project Execution Planning Guide BCA 2013 Singapore BIM Guide v.2 China Institute of Building standard Design and Research Development and Construction Division 2014 Chinese BIM Standard 2009 BIM Standards Manual CRC 2007 National BIM Guidelines IAI 2006 User Handbook Data Exchange BIM/IFC BIPS D Working Method Senate Properties 2007 BIM Requirements Statsbygg 2008 BIM Manual
193 제 3 장 BIM 1. - BIM LH. BIM BIM BIM
194 제 3 장 3. - BIM BIM BIM BIM. - BIM BIM. BIM ( ) BIM () BIM () BIM () BIM () : BIM BIM IFC. 1 : 2 IfcStoreyView : 3 DDS-CAD Viewer 4 SolibriModelViewer
195 제 3 장 5 PDF Viewer : BIM BIM. 3.1 BIM
196 제 3 장 BIM - 1. U.S. General Services Administration BIM Guide Series - 8 BIM. Series 01. 3D-4D-BIM Overview Series 02. Program Validation Series 03. 3D Laser Scanning Series 04. 4D Phasing Series 05. Energy Performance and Operations Series 06. Circulation and Security Validation Series 07. Building Elements Series 08. Facility Management - BIM
197 제 3 장 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Building Information Modeling - BIM ( ) Introduction BIM Status, Requirements, and Goals Conclusion Glossary of Terms Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix
198 제 3 장 3. VA BIM Guide, Department of Veterans Affairs - BIM,. VA s Building Information Lifecycle Vision Implementation BIM Management Plan (BMP) BIM Roles and Responsibilities Model Sharing Collaboration Procedures BIM Uses 3-D Models, Formats, and Model Structures Technology Platform and Software Modeling Requirements Files, Security, Waivers Drawing Requirements for Paper Printing Glossary Credits 4. FIATECH, General Buildings Information Handover Guide
199 제 3 장 Why an Information Handover Guide? General Buildings industry Background Key concepts and Terms Case studies of Information Handover Planning, Executing and managing Information Handovers Conclusions and Recommendations for future efforts Appendix - BuildingSMART Germany, User Handbook Data Exchange BIM/IFC Einfürung Begriffsdefinitionen und Motivation zu BIM Voraussetzungen fü BIM-Projekte und die Einfürung von BIM Fachspezifisches und integriertes Arbeiten mit BIM Richtlinien und weitere Regularien fü BIM in Deutschland Glossar Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Verzeichnis der Tabellen Anhang
200 제 3 장 - AEC (UK) BIM Standard Background The Committee Disclaimer Scope Definitions Principles and Structure of BIM Resources Naming Drawing production Modelling Standards Data Exchange Content Libraries - Senate Properties, BIM Requirements 2007 Osa 1 Yleinen osuus Osa 2 Lähtötilanteen mallinnus Osa 3 Arkkitehtisuunnittelu Osa 4 Talotekninen suunnittelu Osa 5 Rakennesuunnittelu Osa 6 Laadunvarmistus Osa 7 Määrälaskenta Osa 8 Havainnollistaminen Osa 9 Mallien käyttö talotekniikan analyyseissä Osa 10 Energia-analyysit Osa 11 Tietomallipohjaisen projektin johtaminen Osa 12 Tietomallien hyödyntäminen rakennuksen käytön ja ylläpidon aikana Osa 13 Tietomallien hyödyntäminen rakentamisessa Osa 14 Tietomallien hyödyntäminen rakennusvalvonnassa
201 제 3 장 - BIM Standard Manual for Development and Construction Division Introduction Referencing & Naming Convention Project Folders Structure Hierarchy of Models
202 제 3 장 - 1. Singapore BIM Guide BIM BIM BIM Guide, BIM Essential Guide, BIM BIM e-submission Guide BIM Guide BIM, BIM Essential Guide (,, MEP) / BIM, BIM. BIM e-submission BIM BIM 3.2 BIM
203 제 3 장 1.1 BIM Guide BIM Guide BIM BIM 3.3 BIM 3.4 BIM. BIM. BIM Guide , BIM BIM,, 1 BIM. BIM - - -,, MEP BIM
204 제 3 장 2 BIM. BIM (,,,MEP) BIM BIM. 3.5 BIM 3 BIM BIM, BIM,, BIM BIM,,, BIM,,, BIM BIM,
205 제 3 장 3.6 BIM 4 BIM,,, MEP, 3.7 BIM
206 제 3 장, DTM / / /, 3.8 BIM 5 BIM.,, MEP,,,,
207 제 3 장 3.9 BIM,,,,,.,, ( )
208 제 3 장. BIM BIM BIM BIM, BIM, BIM,, 1.2 BIM Essential Guide BIM Essential Guide BCA CCIT(Centre for Construction IT), 6 (, &, MEP, ) BIM, BIM 3.11 BIM Essential Guide. (Architectural Consultants) BIM BIM
209 제 3 장 TIN, BIM TIN
210 제 3 장. &. & BIM. & BIM (Sch~~, /// / /MEP
212 제 3 장.,, BIM. BIM BIM BIM BIM 5 BIM 6 BIM, LOD 7 BIM,, 8 BIM BIM,
213 제 3 장 2 BIM, BIM BIM, BIM. (,,,, )
214 제 3 장 5 (,,,MEP) BIM BIM. 6,
215 제 3 장. BIM. BIM. BIM 1 - BIM. 2 BIM - BIM,,, SW&HW
216 제 3 장 3 - BIM,,. 4 - BIM. 5 - BIM, BIM
217 제 3 장 6 BIM - BIM,. 7 KPI -,,. BIM,, BIM, BIM
218 제 3 장 2. e-submission Template and Guidelines. BIM e-submission Guide BIM,,, MEP 3 BIM. BIM CORENET BIM BIM BIM e-submission Guide BIM. DWF/PDF BIM e - Submission Packages File Format and Size Project Model Scale Site Layout Project North Orientation Project Elevation Datum Standardized File Naming Standardised View Naming Last Saved Views Addition and Alteration Projects Project Resubmission Project Drawings Basic Composition BIM Modeling Workflow Structural BIM e - Submission Checklist. BIM BIM.,,,,, / 1 - DWF PDF,. 2 - BIM 1:
219 제 3 장 -,,, 4 - ID,,,,,. -,,
220 제 3 장 5 - Zoom All.. 3D BIM 1 BIM., ///. 6 / - ( ), ( ), ( )
221 제 3 장 8 BIM - BIM Revit(2011), Revit AECOsim(v8i) Tekla Structure(18.0)
222 제 3 장 3.2 3D 모델링적용공종 국내 외 BIM 모델링사례조사 BIM, ER391 project, LTA OKP Holding Limited, CPG Corporation Pte. Ltd. BIM. BIM., T205 project, LTA Woodland South MRT station. BIM. Bored Pile. Bored Pile ()
223 제 3 장. 3D ( ) 1. 3D 2D 3D 3D 3D - 2D - 2D 2. 3D 3D 2D,,
224 제 3 장 3D - - -,, 3. 3D 3D
225 제 3 장 3D -, - 3D ( ) 1. 3D 2D 3D 3D 3D - 2D - 2D
226 제 3 장 2. 3D 3D 2D,, 3D Design Review Report 3D 2D,
227 제 3 장 Ex-BIM 설계 표준모델 구축 연구 Design Review Report 작성 설계도면의 오류사항을 발주처에 질의 및 수정 요청 수행 시공 전 설계오류 수정 완료 - 2D - 시뮬레이션 검토 Launching Shaft 내에서 굴착장비와 반력대 조립 시 내부 작업공간 확보 가능 여부 검토 수행 3D 시뮬레이션 검토 4. 3D 굴착장비) 장비부품을 Launching Shaft 내로 반입시 가시설과의 간섭검토 - 이동된 TBM 장비조립 및 굴진을 위한 반력대 설치 공간 확보 가능여부 검토 - TBM(
228 제 3 장 - BIM (Nemetschek) Allplan Engineering - Allplan Engineering BIM, 3D Shop - Shop Bar (CAM), (roll mat welding system) 80% 90%, 20% 40% 3.12 Allplan Engineering
229 제 3 장 정부및타기관 3D 모델링공종관련선행연구자료조사,, PSC
230 제 3 장 3.14 LID 3D ( ) - LID BIM 1. BIM 2D 3D, 3D,,
231 제 3 장 - 3D - 3D 3D 2. LID LID
232 제 3 장 3. LID BIM LID - 3D 3D 4.,, Type
233 제 3 장 - BIM 5.,,,,
234 제 3 장 -, - 3D - 2D 도로분야에대한검토 도로분야 BIM 적용성검토 -,., IFC.,
235 제 3 장,, (Level 1), (Level 2), (Level 3). 횡단면평면선형종단선형 구조요소들의형상분류 LEVEL 1 형상요소 - 기초형상 - 폭, 높이, 깊이데이터 LEVEL 2 형상종류 - 각각의형상에따른종류정보 Reference 설계지침 - 세부적인설계지침 D Sullivan 1) 1266 BIM 59%, 36%, 29% 77%. BIM ROI. McGraw Hill BIM Market Report. 1) Integrated BIM and Design Review for Safer, Better Buildings, Architectural Record, Oct
236 제 3 장 3.16 McGraw-Hill Market Report 3D ( ) - BIM., (Man-hour ),, 2. - (2012) BIM
237 제 3 장 3.3 (2012) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (1), V, (2) L (1-6) 3D (3) U (1-5) 3D (1-10) 3D ( ) -1 (),-2 (), -3 ( ) ( ) 3D (1) (2),, 1, ( 1:1.5) 2, ( 1:1.5) (3) 1, 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D
238 제 3 장 , 3D (1) -1 3D (2) -1 (K=900, D=1.000) 3D (3) -2,3 3D (4) -2 (K=900, D'=600) 3D (5) -3 (K=900, D=1.000) 3D (6) 4-1 3D (7) 4-2 3D (8) 4-3 3D (9) 3D (10) 3D (11) 3D (12) 4-4 3D (13) 3D (14) 3D (15) 3D (16) 5 3D D (1) 3D (2) (3) (4) (5) (-1) (-2) (-3) (-4) 3D 3D 3D 3D
239 제 3 장 (1) 1,-1 (1) 3D (2) 1,-1 (2) 3D (3) 1,-2 (1) 3D (4) 1,-2 (2) 3D (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15),-1 (1),-1 (2),-2 (1),-2 (2) +, -1 (1) +, -1 (2) +, -2 (1) +, -2 (2),1-1 (1),1-2 (2),-2 (3) (16) (4) 3D (1) 3D (2) 3D D (1) (2) (3) (4) H=1.0m (1) H=1.0m (2) H=2.0m (1) 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D
240 제 3 장 (5) H=2.0m (2) 3D D (1) 3D (2) 3D (1) H=1.0 () 3D (2) H=1.0 () 3D (3) H=1.270 () 3D (4) H=1.270 () 3D (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1), BOX GIRDER (2) (1) (2) (3) 4, (4) (5) 8 4 (11)
241 제 3 장 절, 성경계보강슬래브 (9) 절, 성경계보강슬래브 (10) 철근배근도 (TYPE-2, 양방향 8 차로 )(1) 철근배근도 (TYPE-2, 양방향 8 차로 )(2) 연결로길어깨 (1) 콘크리트포장 연결로길어깨 (2) 아스팔트포장 콘크리트포장접속부보강 예각부및노즈부보강콘크리트포장및아스팔트포장접속부 영업소포장 (1) 본선양방향 6 차로 3D 영업소포장 (2) 본선양방향 8 차로 영업소포장 (3) 영업소포장 (4) 127 포장공 교량접속슬래브 (1) 나들목 ( 중분대 HI-pass 미설치시 ) 나들목 ( 중분대 HI-pass 설치시 ) 영업소포장 (5) 철근배근도 (1) 영업소포장 (6) 철근배근도 (2) 버스정류장정차대포장 교량접속슬래브 (2) 교량접속슬래브 (3) 교량접속슬래브 (4) 교량접속슬래브 (5) 교량접속슬래브 (6) 교량접속슬래브 (7) 교량접속슬래브 (8) 교량접속슬래브 (9) 교량접속슬래브 (10) 교량접속슬래브 (11) 철근배근도 일반사항적용시주의사항 TYPE 별받침상세도 TYPE-1 4차로일반도 (45 θ<90 ) TYPE-1 4차로배근도 (1) TYPE-1 4차로배근도 (2) TYPE-1 4차로교량완충슬라브배근도 TYPE-1 6차로일반도 (45 θ<90 ) TYPE-1 6차로배근도 (1) TYPE-1 6차로배근도 (2) TYPE-1 6차로배근도 (3) TYPE-1 6차로배근도 (4) TYPE-1 6 차로교량완충슬라브배근도 (1)
242 제 3 장 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) TYPE-1 6 (2) TYPE-1 6 (3) TYPE-1 6 (4) TYPE-1 8 (45 θ<90 ) TYPE-1 8 (1) TYPE-1 8 (2) TYPE-1 8 (3) TYPE-1 8 (4) TYPE-1 8 (1) TYPE-1 8 (2) TYPE-1 8 (3) TYPE-1 8 (4) TYPE-2 4 (L=6.0m)(1) TYPE-2 4 (L=6.0m)(2) TYPE-2 4 (L=7.0m)(1) TYPE-2 4 (L=7.0m)(2) TYPE-2 4 (L=8.0m)(1) TYPE-2 4 (L=8.0m)(2) TYPE-2 4 (L=9.0m)(1) TYPE-2 4 (L=9.0m)(2) TYPE-2 4 (L=10.0m)(1) TYPE-2 4 (L=10.0m)(2) TYPE-2 6 (L=6.0m)(1)
243 제 3 장 (35) TYPE-2 6 (L=6.0m)(2) (36) TYPE-2 6 (L=7.0m)(1) (37) TYPE-2 6 (L=7.0m)(2) (38) TYPE-2 6 (L=8.0m)(1) (39) TYPE-2 6 (L=8.0m)(2) TYPE (40) (L=9.0m)(1) (41) TYPE-2 6 (L=9.0m)(2) (42) TYPE-2 6 (L=10.0m)(1) (43) TYPE-2 6 (L=10.0m)(2) (1) (2) (1),, (2) (3), 3D (4), 3D (1) (2) 3D (1) ( 2,4) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
244 제 3 장 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) ( 2) ( 4) (12) (13) (1) (2) (3) (4) ( ) (-SB1) - 1 3D (-SB1) - 2 3D (-SB3) - 1 3D (-SB3) - 2 3D (5) (1) 3D (6) (2) 3D (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) (10) (1) 3D (11) (2) 3D (1) -1 (1) 3D (2) -1 (2) (3) -2 (1) 3D (4) -2 (2) 3D 3D 3D
245 제 3 장 (1) (2). (1). (2). (3). (4) (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) -1 (2) -2 (1) -2 (2) 3D 3D 3D 3D (1) 3D (2) 3D (3) 3D (4) 3D 3D, BUS STOP, (1) - 1 3D (2) - 2 3D (3) 3D (4) / - 1 3D (5) / - 2 3D (6) 3D (1) (2) - 3D
246 제 3 장 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6),,,,,, L -(1) (7) :0.7kN/ m2 (1) 3D (8) :0.7kN/ m2 (2) 3D (9) :0.9kN/ m2 (1) 3D (10) :0.9kN/ m2 (2) 3D (11) :1.2kN/ m2 (1) 3D (12) :1.2kN/ m2 (2) 3D (13) :1.5kN/ m2 (1) 3D (14) :1.5kN/ m2 (2) 3D (15) L -(2) (16) :0.7kN/ m2 (1) 3D (17) :0.7kN/ m2 (2) 3D (18) :0.9kN/ m2 (1) 3D (19) :0.9kN/ m2 (2) 3D (20) :1.2kN/ m2 (1) 3D (21) :1.2kN/ m2 (2) 3D (22) :1.5kN/ m2 (1) 3D (23) :1.5kN/ m2 (2) 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D
247 제 3 장 (24) (25) (35) ( :0.7,0.9kN/ m2 ) ( :1.2,1.5kN/ m2 ) (26) 3D (27) (28) (29) 3D 3D ( ) 3D ( ) 3D ( ) 3D (30) 3D (31) (32) (33) H H H (34) 3D (36) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) 3D 3D 3D (-1) (1) 3D (-1) (2) (4) (-2) 3D D (1) (2) (3) -1 (+ ) -2 (+ + ) D D
248 제 3 장 (4 ) ( ) 3D H=1.0M 3D (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) 3D (2) / - 2D 2D CAD 3D, (View),,,
249 제 3 장 -. 3D D 2D D : 2D 3D,. 2 3D : 2D. 3 2D PDF : 2D 3D PDF. 4 PDF 3D : PDF 3D. 5 PDF : 3D View BIM
250 제 3 장
251 제 3 장 3.4 단계별정보수준 (LOD) 국내 외 BIM 설계 - 시공 - 유지관리단계정보수준 LOD Level of Detail, Level of Development. Level of Information. AIA BIMForum. 3.5 AIA LOD AIA BIM Protocol LOD 100 LOD 200 LOD 300 LOD 400 LOD 500 Description,, (As built) Model Content Design & Coordination,, 3D 3D (,, ) / (,,, ) 4D Scheduling Activity Cost Estimating
252 제 3 장 3.6 LOD LOD 100 LOD 200 LOD 300 LOD 350 LOD 400 LOD 500,,,,,,,,, - 4D,,,. LOD 100~200, LOD 300~ BIM,,. BIM BIMFORUM Level of Development Specification LOD Level of Detail Level of Development
253 제 3 장 3.18 LOD LOD. BIM (BIM Uses). Tendor Document LOD
254 제 3 장 (CALS), (3D), (4D), (5D) BIM
255 제 3 장 (CALS) - BIM BIM, BIM BIM. ()
257 제 3 장 S LOD New York City BIM Guidelines LOD BIM
258 제 3 장
259 제 3 장
260 제 3 장 (BS Code 1192) BS Code 1192 Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information BS Code 1192 British Standard : BS :2014 Collaborative production of information - Part 4: Fulfilling employers information exchange requirements using COBie Code of practice - BS , COBie ( ) BIM
261 제 3 장 Contents 1. Scope 2. Normative references 3. Terms and definitions 4. Business process 5. Purposes 6. Management and quality criteria 7. Execution Annex A. (informative) Example COBie entries Bibliography 3 LOD(Level of Detail) LOI(Level of Information). LOD LOI BIM FHWA Bridge Information Modeling
262 제 3 장 3.23 LOD,,
263 제 3 장 3.5 시공단계공정관리를위한객체분할기준연구 국내 외 BIM 설계시공정관리를위한객체분할자료조사 4D - 1, man-day man-day. 4, man-day. BIM,. 3D 4D., 4D BIM 4D - 4D 4D
264 제 3 장. 4D. 4D D ( ) 36.14Km 4D. P6 4D 3D
265 제 3 장 D 6 (Day), D (BS Code 1192) - BS Code 1192 Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information, Doha Metro Tender Doc. 4D
266 제 3 장 BS Code 1192 ( ) Tender Doc. 4D - Primavera Project Planner, Microsoft Project Nex-Pert, Neo-Plan
267 제 3 장 Primaver Project Primaver Korea - Planner - User Microsoft Project Microsoft - MS Office - Nex-Pert ( ) - (80%) Excel - Neo-Plan ( ) Soft - Excel - - 3D P6 3D P
268 제 3 장 해외관련동향조사 Roadmap (1) 1 : (2011~2012) - Level 0~1, 2D CAD. 2D BS 8541:2,. 3D, BS (2) 2 : Process and Data Management (2012 ~ 2015) PAS 1192:2, PAS1192: BS 1192:2007.,. PAS 1192:3 Capital Delivery Operational Delivery,. RIBA 'BIM Task Group' CIC'., Open Data Exchange
269 제 3 장 3.8 BIM BS : 2012 l Level 0~3. BS : 2011 BS : 2012 BS : 2012 BS : 2014 Assemblies BS : 2014 Product Declarations l l l l l l l l l l BIM 2D dwg, dxf, ifc. Level 0, 1,. LOD 3D. Level 1,2.,,,. Level 2,3,.,,,. sub-model,.,,., IFC, IFD, XML, COBie
270 제 3 장 3.9 Process and Data Management BIM Revision of BS 7000:4:1996 PAS BS l l l l. (the Asset Information Model, AIM),. the COBie-UK-2012 template formats BIM. BS l Assemblies BS l Product declarations BS l BS l MEP (3) 3 : Guidance Documents - BSI,. Level Guide
271 제 3 장 3.10 Guidance Documents BIM Level 1 "Guide 1" l A Standard Framework and Guide to BS1192. Level 2 "Guide 2" Level 3 "Guide 3" l l l l,,., ACE, ICE, RIBA., data. Level 3, ( ). - CAD BIM BIM 'AEC(UK) BIM Protocol'. BIM, B/555 BS1192:2007, PAS BS BIM 8 Strategic, Management,
272 제 3 장 Production.,, MEP 9, Shared' BIM BIM
273 제 3 장 3.31 Common Data Environment(CDE) 2 BIM - BIM. 1. BIM BIM /. BIM
274 제 3 장 1) -,,,,,,,,, 2) ()-,,,,,,,, 3) ()-,, 4) BHS 5) -, 6) -, 7) -, 8) -,,, Pad 1.2 1) -,,,,, 2) -, 3) -, 2. BIM (LOD) BIM. 1 -, BIM ( : ) - BIM ( :
275 제 3 장 ). - BIM BIM (Generic Object). - BIM. (.) BIM (),,,, -. - (mm) ,,. -.,. - BIM, BIM. - N/S: 20,000,000, E/W: 50,000,000, Elev: ,,, - Workset, Layer,. 3.2 (), BIM
276 제 3 장 Structural Foundation Structural Foundation S t r u c t u r a l Column S t r u c t u r a l Wall : ~ SL : SL~ SL 4 : SL~ ) - 3D Revit Data - : ~ 4 : SL~ : SL~ ) S t r u c t u r a l Framing or S t r u c t u r a l Beam System - : - - SL 4 S t r u c t u r a l - : SL - ( Floor ) 4 Stair - : 4 Ramp or S t r u c t u r a l - : 4 Floor S t r u c t u r e Truss or S t r u c t u r a l - : SL 4 Framing S t r u c t u r e Brace
277 제 3 장 () - - : Wall FL SL 3 : ) - - Wall or Curtain Wall or Curtain Wall System : FL SL : ) -Curtain Wall Curtain Wall 4 System Curtain Wall Panel - - : Floor FL 3 - Ceiling -, 3 Railing -Open - 2 Door - -, 3 Generic Model - : 2 Generic Model -, 2 Door -,
278 제 3 장 () - Curtain Wall or Curtain Wall System - -,, Curtain Wall Panel 3 4. Wall Roof -Curtian Wall System Curtain Wall mm -,, mm -,,
279 제 3 장 ( ) () - 600mm mm -,, () - 50mm -,,
280 제 3 장 Toposurface -,, 2,, Subregion -,, - 1 Pad Pad () (,, ) (, ) 3.3.1, T1~T2 (T1, A/S ) : 3 : TBM T2 : T2,, Wing - : - : BOX, BOX, - :,, -,,, TBM, - : BOX, -:,, - :, U-type, BOX -:,,,, U,,
281 제 3 장 , 1 4. Autodesk Revit 4.1 Revit Shading RGB Transpa Surface Pattern Cut Pattern rency Pattern RGB Pattern RGB Concrete Concret e Concrete Steel none Steel Plain Concrete, Tile and Sheet, Paint, Stone, Wood, Metal, Cement, Glass, P.V.C, Tex Shading Surface Cut Pattern Pattern Color Transparency Pattern Color Pattern Color
282 제 3 장 BIM (1) - BIM BS1192 Master Document Index CDE.. - Design Coordination Manager. 3. Design Coordination Manager 2. - Contractor ECM,. - 2 PDF ECM
283 제 3 장 - CDE. Originator s responsible engineer / Architect and Originators Project Manager. - Contractor Work package CAD/BIM. ECM CAD BIM. ECM,,. CDE. - (data drop), 1,, 2,., - 2 CAD plot,, 2 PDF. 3, DTM, 3 3D PDF
284 제 3 장 - IFC Seed/Base/Template File Settings: Global origin, Working Units, base units of measurement, drawing accuracy, file resolution, read out accuracy text settings. (2) - BIM BIM BIM. a) Service Providers Requirements b) BIM Format c) BIM Execution Plan d) BIM Model Content e) Level of Details f) BIM Parameters g) Quality Controls h) Project Reviews i) Milestone and Deliverable j) Submittal Requirements k) Folders Structure and File Naming Convention BIM O&M - - BIM BIM - 3 BIM
285 제 3 장 BIM - -,, BIM,, - BIM - - BIM - BIM Version 2. - BIM Manager BIM Coordinator. - BIM. BIM - BIM. - BEP. - BEP BIM. - BIM COBie. BIM - BIM. BEP BIM IFC Coordination View (2x3 )
286 제 3 장 fication/participants - BIM,,,. - CAG BIM COBie. - CAG.. BEP BEP - BEP,,, BIM. BEP BIM,,. - BEP BIM,, BIM CAG. - BEP BIM. (,,,, ) - BEP 30 BEP BIM. BEP. BEP - BEP,,, BIM. BEP BIM. - CAG BEP. BIM, BIM, BIM, BIM. BEP,,,,,, BIM. - BEP BIM,,, BIM CAG. - BEP BIM
287 제 3 장. (,,,, ) BEP 30 BEP BIM. BEP. BIM - BIM LOD 1:50. - BIM LOD 1:50. ACMV / MEP / Fire protection / / - BIM LOD 1:1200. BIM - BIM LOD.. Level of details - LOD. ( BIM Version 2) - CAG. BIM,,, BIM,,
288 제 3 장,. BIM BIM BEP. (Project Review) - CAG BIM,, BIM.. : BIM : BIM
289 제 3 장 soft interference. IFC : IFC IFC Program for Design (PFD) : PFD PFD,.. : Gross Floor Area (GFA). : BIM. : BIM. line of sight :, BIM. - pre-construction BIM,,,,. BIM CAG. : : BIM, hard interference/soft interference IFC : IFC IFC : BIM. : BIM. : BIM. : BIM. : BEP BIM,,. /
290 제 3 장 (3) BIM, - BIM. 1.1 CAD, GIS, BIM,. work package SMPs EDMS PDF ECM. CAD, GIS, BIM,,. 1.2 BIM SMP BIM. CDE The Engineer s BIM Manager - BIM - BIM - - BIM The Engineer s BIM Coordinator - BIM - BIM - BIM ( ) -, BIM BS
291 제 3 장 - 3 CDE,, - CDE. - - Engineering Content Management System (ECM) BS1192 CDE - the Engineer ECM - I. Detailed design stage 1; ii. Detailed design stage 2; iii. As-built drawings -,, PDF Master Document Index (MDI) - ECM - BIM SMP, CAD and GIS AEC Uniclass (Level/Layer/Filename) - COBie Design Coordination Manager - BIM Manager BIM I., BIM, (LOD) ii. BIM iii. - -,, - BIM I. ii.,,, BIM Manager
292 제 3 장 - Manager (Design Coordination Manager) BIM I., BIM, (LOD) ii. BIM iii. - BIM,. - CAD, GIS, BIM BS1192 BIM - BIM, CAD QA,, - IT - SMPs SMPs (Information Manager) -, Lead Designer Task Team manager Interface Manager CAD Manager - IT SMP - BS1192 SMPs BIM Manager Common Data Environment (CDE) - CDE - Engineering Content management (ECM),,,,
293 제 3 장 - ECM. 2. BIM CDE seed files. SMP : (Zoning) -. - BIM CDE.. 3D pdf
294 제 3 장 (common master model). 2.6 BIM LOD - BIM LOD BIM Equivalent Scale (component fabrication) 1:100 1:200 / 1:100 1:100 1:200 1:100 / 1:100 / 1:200 1:100 / 1:200 1:100 (Alignments) 1: low, medium, high resolution..,
295 제 3 장. BIM,,,, / // D & 5D - BIM 3,,, BIM CDE 3 2. Combined Services Drawings (CSDs) :, - (, ) CDE MDI. - plot composition files
296 제 3 장 - pdf. -,,. - ECM Master Document Index (MDI, ) - MDI. ( ). ID / / / / / / / / - MDI ( ).. - MDI. / / / / - CAD MDI (Grid Conventions) -. - BIM 1:1. - /seed file (0,0) ,.,,. -,,,, zone,, sequence number, revision.. WIP : S0 : S1 : A
297 제 3 장 a) Typical CAD File Number: M-002-ABC-ARC-DRG-XXX-XX b) Typical Drawing number: M-002-ABC-ARC-DRG-XXX-XX-2345.S1.P2 c) Typical CAD Model Number: W-017-ABC-CIV-MD2-XXX-XX Uniclass Layer/Level/Attribute BS1192. Role Classification Presentation Description Example AG322 M Doors Layer Name A-G332-M_Doors - D H M P T
298 제 3 장 3.6 EX-BIM 가이드라인 - EX-BIM. - BIM., BIM. - BIM. -, BIM. - BIM IFC., IFC BIM. - BIM,,
299 제 3 장. InfraBIM BIM 1.3 BIM 1.4 BIM 1.5 BIM BIM 4.1 BIM 4.2 (LOD) 4.3 BIM 5. BIM 5.1 BIM 5.2 BIM 5.3 BIM 5.4 BIM 6. BIM 6.1 M 7. BIM 7.1 BIM 7.2 BIM 6.2 BIM 6.3 BI BIM 8. BIM 9. I. BIM
300 제 3 장 부 록 참고자료목록 EX-BIM 가이드라인 ( 별권 ) 시범설계보고서 ( 별권 ) 전자표준도 ( 별권 )
(BSC: Balanced ScoreCard) ( ) (Value Chain) (Firm Infrastructure) (Support Activities) (Human Resource Management) (Technology Development) (Primary Activities) (Procurement) (Inbound (Outbound (Marketing
I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
[ B-4] - 322 - I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, 1997 3 ( 96, 98, 99) - : 1942-1999 : 354 (19993 ~ 20002 20, 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : 22-11 2) CM 9 (CM), CM 2000 9, 2 CM, - : 210 - : (, 2000 9), - 323 - - : -
, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
레이아웃 1
Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual 하우인 2013 vol.15 하우엔지니어링과 자매사 우인엔지니어링은 경남, 부산지역 종합엔지니어링 업계의 선두주자로서 건설기술의 미래지평을 열어가고 있습니다. 행복한 삶의 공간 창출, 안전하고 튼튼한 도시기반시설의 건설을 위해 우수한 인력과 기술력을 바탕으로
Disclaimer IPO Presentation,. Presentation...,,,,, E.,,., Presentation,., Representative...
DEXTER STUDIOS INVESTOR RELATIONS 2015 Disclaimer IPO Presentation,. Presentation...,,,,, E.,,., Presentation,., Representative... Contents Prologue 01 VFX 02 China 03 Investment Highlights 04 Growth Engine
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) and Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) Criteria
SCIF Definition 2 UNCLASSIFIED: SCIF and SAPF September 2019 Sensitive Compartmented Information 3 UNCLASSIFIED: SCIF and SAPF September 2019 SCIF Definition 4 UNCLASSIFIED: SCIF and SAPF September 2019
Logistics Strategic Planning pnjlee@cjcci.or.kr Difference between 3PL and SCM Factors Third-Party Logistics Supply Chain Management Goal Demand Management End User Satisfaction Just-in-case Lower
ISO/IEC 17025 1999-12-15 1 2 3 4 41 42 43 44, 45 / 46 47 48 49 / 410 411 412 413 414 5 51 52 53 54 / 55 56 57 58 / 59 / 510 A( ) ISO/IEC 17025 ISO 9001:1994 ISO 9002:1994 B( ) 1 11 /, / 12 / 1, 2, 3/ (
BIM/VDC An Answer for Future Construction : Open BIM Experience In Korea 7 August 2009 Inhan Kim KyungHee University http://buildingsmart.or.kr BuildingSMART Korea IAI Korea established : 1998 Renamed
ETL ETL Data,., Data Warehouse DataData Warehouse ETL tool/system: ETL, ETL Process Data Warehouse Platform Database, Access Method Data Source Data Operational Data Near Real-Time Data Modeling Refresh/Replication
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제 출 문 국토교통부 장관(국토교통과학기술진흥원장) 귀하 귀 진흥원과 계약체결한 환경부하 저감형 LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) 기반 설계 및 시공기술 개발 기획 과제를 완료하고 보고 서로 제출합니다. 2014. 04. 25 중앙대학교 산학협력단장 김원용 참여 연구원 주관 연구책임자 - 중앙대학교 김경주 교수 공동 연구책임자 - 권석현 대표이사
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SAS Korea / Professional Service Division 2 3 Corporate Performance Management Definition ý... is a system that provides organizations with a method of measuring and aligning the organization strategy
White Paper on Knowledge Service Industry Message Message Contents Contents Contents Contents Chapter 1 Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Chapter
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, hsh@bhknuackr, trademark21@koreacom 1370, +82-53-950-5440 - 476 - :,, VOC,, CBML - Abstract -,, VOC VOC VOC - 477 - - 478 - Cost- Center [2] VOC VOC, ( ) VOC - 479 - IT [7] Knowledge / Information Management
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www.kicte.or.kr Korea Institute of Construction Technology Education 더 큰 꿈을 건설기술인 여러분과 함께 실현해 가고자 합니다! Gr eetings 건설기술교육원 원장 김돈수입니다. 건설기술인 여러분과 2012년을 함께하여 진심으로 반갑습니다. 건설기술교육원은 1978년 건설업체 및 국가의 출연으로 태동한
이제는 쓸모없는 질문들 1. 스마트폰 열기가 과연 계속될까? 2. 언제 스마트폰이 일반 휴대폰을 앞지를까? (2010년 10%, 2012년 33% 예상) 3. 삼성의 스마트폰 OS 바다는 과연 성공할 수 있을까? 지금부터 기업들이 관심 가져야 할 질문들 1. 스마트폰은
Enterprise Mobility 경영혁신 스마트폰, 웹2.0 그리고 소셜라이프의 전략적 활용에 대하여 Enterpise2.0 Blog : www.kslee.info 1 이경상 모바일생산성추진단 단장/경영공학박사 이제는 쓸모없는 질문들 1. 스마트폰 열기가 과연 계속될까? 2. 언제 스마트폰이 일반 휴대폰을 앞지를까? (2010년 10%, 2012년 33%
Agenda I. What is SRM? II. Why SRM? Trend, III. Function / To-be - IV. V. Critical Success Factor 2
(Procurement Engineering) - Engineering Introduction & Case study 2006. June 8 th Yoon-chang So / IBM GBS Agenda I. What is SRM? II. Why SRM? Trend, III. Function / To-be - IV. V. Critical Success Factor
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Monolithic Architecture Reusable Services New Service Service Consumer Wrapped Service Composite
, OPEN DATA ? 2 - - - (DIKW Pyramid) 3 4 (Public Information) Public Sector Information, (raw data) Public Sector Contents OECD. 2005. Digital Broadband Content: Public Sector Information and Content.
Microsoft PowerPoint - 3.공영DBM_최동욱_본부장-중소기업의_실용주의_CRM
中 규모 기업의 실용주의CRM 전략 (CRM for SMB) 공영DBM 솔루션컨설팅 사업부 본부장 최동욱 2007. 10. 25 Agenda I. 중소기업의 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 1. 국내외 CRM 동향 2. 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 3. CRM 도입의 기대효과 II. CRM정의 및 우리회사 적합성 1. 중소기업에 유용한 CRM의 정의 2. LTV(Life
BSC Discussion 1
Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
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Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-332P25 September, 2010 Insight 3.11 Base Workstation 그림 1. Insight Base 메인메뉴 Insight Base Insight Insight Base, Insight Base Insight Base Insight Windows
Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
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Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
석사학위논문 품질관리규제 정책불응의 영향요인에 관한 연구 - 전문기관검사제도를 중심으로 - Factors of Non-compliance with Quality Control Regulations : A Case of the Inspection System Conducted by External Specialized Organizations 박 현 자 한양대학교
327 Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology ISSN 1598-3986(Print) VOL.24, NO.2, Apr. 2014 ISSN 2288-2715(Online) http://dx.doi.org/10.13089/jkiisc.2014.24.2.327 개인정보 DB 암호화
[Track 3] 첨단시공 및 엔지니어링 기술 이상헌 삼성물산ㄜ 건설부문 장비기술연구소 수석 신도형 인하대학교 토목공학과 교수 권순욱 성균관대학교 건축공학과 교수 한승우 인하대학교 건축학부 건설경영 교수 [초청논문] Track 3 : 첨단시공 및 엔지니어링 기술 1) 논문제목 : Applying HDS Technology in revamping refinery
[그림 5] ArchiCAD BIM Modeler의 예 - 신규 라이브러리를 작성하고자 할 경우에는 3D EXPERIENCE 플랫폼에서 하나의 인터페 GDL(Geometric Description Language; 기하 이스를 통해 영업, 마케팅, 엔지니어링을 지원하 도형 정의 언어)이라 불리는 언어를 이용하 는 시스템을 추구하고 있다. 또한 미국 공병대 여
2006 517 ICS KS X ISO 2006 Transport Protocol Experts Group(TPEG) TPEG specifications CTT(Congestion and TravelTime Information) TPEG()., TPEG Part TPEG. TPEG TPEG TDC(Transparent Data Channel). (Digital
Art & Technology Graduate Program M.A.S (Master of Arts & Science) in Art & Technology Why Art Tech Graduate Program? / + + X Why Sogang? - Art/Design + Technology 4 Art & Technology Who is this for? (
제 출 문 환경부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 습마트기기 활용 환경지킴이 및 교육 통합 서비스 개 발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 주관연구기관 : 주관연구기관장 : 2015년 10월 주식회사 덕키즈 김 형 준 (주관)연구책임자 : 문종욱 (주관)참여연구원 : 김형준, 문병
보안과제[ ], 일반과제[ ] 최종보고서 그린 생산소비형태 촉진 기술 Technologies for the facilitation of the green production & a type of consumption 스마트기기 활용 환경지킴이 및 교육통합 서비스 개발 Development for Web/App for environmental protection
CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
IT & Future Strategy 보고서 는 21세기 한국사회의 주요 패러다임 변화를 분석하고 이를 토대로 미래 초연결 사회의 주요 이슈를 전망, IT를 통한 해결 방안을 모색하기 위해 한국정보화진흥원 (NIA) 에서 기획, 발간하는 보고서입니 다. NIA 의 승인
모두를 위한 미래, 행복하고 안전한 초연결 사회 IT & Future Strategy 초연결 사회를 견인할 데이터화 전략 (Datafication) 제1 호(2015. 3. 20.) 목 차 Ⅰ. 초연결 사회 도래와 부상 / 1 Ⅱ. 데이터 분류 및 주요 내용 / 9 Ⅲ. 데이터 인프라 구축 방안 / 19 Ⅳ. 데이터 활용 방안 및 이슈 / 26 IT & Future
11-1140100-000102-01 9 93320 788988 807705 ISBN 978-89-88807-70-5 93320 2013 11 25 2013 11 28,,, FKI ISBN 978-89-88807-70-5 87 www.acrc.go.kr 24 www.fki.or.kr PREFACE CONTENTS 011 017 033 043 051 061
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IT Driving Your Business Innovation-Accelerating ILM Driving Your Business Innovation-Accelerating ILM I. I (Social Responsibility Chain) () (),,.. 3 I 4 I.. - -,. - -.. - - 5 I Enron: ranked 6th in 02
스마트 사회 구현을 위한 공간정보서비스 활용 전략 Vol. 29 2010. 12 01 FOCUS 02 스마트 사회 구현을 위한 공간정보서비스 활용 전략 29 EXPERT INSIGHT 30 미래 공간정보서비스의 발전을 위한 제언 FOCUS 스마트 사회 구현을 위한 공간정보서비스 활용 전략 작성:손 맥 연구원 박수만 연구원 이윤희 선임연구원(이상 한국정보화진흥원)
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2014. 12 () . 2014. 12 () : ( ) I. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3. 2 4. 2 II. 3 1. 3 2. 3 3. 5 III. 7 1. 7 1) 7 2) 12 IV. 17 1. 17 1) 17 2) 18 3) 19 4) 21 5) 22 2. 23 3. AHP 24 4. AHP 28 1) 28 2) 1 : 29 3) 2 : 30 4) 32
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A study on the characteristic of land use in subcenter of Seoul. - Cases of Yeongdeungpo and Kangnam Ok Kyung Yuh* Yong-Bae Lee**,. 2010,,..,.,,,,.,,.,,.,,,, Abstract : This study analyzed the land use
분석결과 Special Edition 녹색건물의 가치산정 및 탄소배출 평가 이슈 서 민간분야의 적극적인 참여 방안의 마련이 필요하다. 또한 우리나라는 녹색건축의 경제성에 대한 검증에 대 한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 반면, 미국, 영국, 호주 등은 민간 주도로 녹색건축물
기획특집Ⅱ 1 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 * 유 영 준 부연구위원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 신 성 은 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 박 아 름 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 윤 종 돈 부장 한국감정원 녹색건축센터
Web Windows NT/2000 Server DP&NM Lab 1 Contents 2 Windows NT Service Provider Management Application Web UI 3 . PC,, Client/Server Network 4 (1),,, PC Mainframe PC Backbone Server TCP/IP DCS PLC Network
Cho, Mun Jin (E-mail: mjcho@ex.co.kr) ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The performance of tack coat, commonly used for layer interface bonding, is affected by application rate and curing time. In this study, bonding
아트앤플레이군 (2년제) Art & Play Faculty 95 교육목표 95 군 공통(네트워크) 교과과정표 96 드로잉과 페인팅 Drawing & Painting Major Track 97 매체예술 Media Art Major Track 98 비디오 & 사운드 Video & Sound Major Track 99 사진예술 PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Major
통일시대를 향한 한반도 개발협력 핵심 프로젝트 선정 및 실천과제 Major development projects for the integrated Korean peninsula - 총괄보고서 - 이상준, 김천규, 이백진, 이건민, 배은지, 김흠 임강택, 장형수, 김경술, 나희승, 김의준 연구진 연구책임 이상준 선임연구위원 김천규 연구위원 이백진 연구위원 이건민
02 1 1 22 36 38 46 5 1 54 61 65 77 81 2 _ 3 4 _ 5 6 _7 8 _ 9 1 0 _ 11 1 2 _ 13 1 4 _ 15 1 6 _ 17 1 8 _ 19 2 0 _ 21 2 2 www.kats.go.kr www.kats.go.kr _ 23 Scope of TC/223 Societal security International
3 Local Government Officials Development Institute 4 2006 Local Government Officials Development Institute 5 6 2006 Local Government Officials Development Institute 7 8 2006 Local Government Officials
ㅇ 반면, 미국의 경우에는 MAS 제도와 운영방식이 서비스 구매에 최적화되어 있어 MAS를 활용한 서비스 조달이 활성화 ㅇ 국내의 서비스 조달 활성화를 위해 미국 서비스 MAS 제도와 운영사례를 분석하고 국내 적용방안을 모색할 필요 2. 미국 서비스 MAS 제도 및 사
< 훈련결과보고서 요약서 > 성 명 전태원 직 급 서기관 훈 련 국 미국 훈련기간 2014.8.5. ~ 2016.2.4. 훈련기관 The Global Center for Supply Chain Management 보고서매수 122 매 훈련과제 공공부문 서비스 조달 활성화 방안 연구 보고서제목 공공부문 서비스 조달 활성화 방안 연구 1. 연구 배경 ㅇ 내수 활성화와
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: 2009 00 00 : IMS - 1.0 : IPR. IMS,.,. IMS IMS IMS 1). Copyright IMS Global Learning Consortium 2007. All Rights Reserved., IMS Korea ( ). IMS,. IMS,., IMS IMS., IMS.,., 3. Copyright 2007 by IMS Global
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[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System