한수지 50(3), , 2017 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 50(3), ,2017 사육수온에따른비단잉어홍백 (Cyprinus capio) 치어의성장및체색변화 김이오 오승용 1 이상민 2 * 충청북도내
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1 한수지 50(3), , 207 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 50(3), ,207 사육수온에따른비단잉어홍백 (Cyprinus capio) 치어의성장및체색변화 김이오 오승용 이상민 2 * 충청북도내수면연구소, 한국해양과학기술원생태기반연구센터, 2 강릉원주대학교해양생물공학과 Growth and Skin Color of Red- and White-colored Fancy Carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi Reared at Different Water Temperatures Yi-Oh Kim, Sung-Yong Oh and Sang-Min Lee 2 * Department of Inland Fisheries Research Institute Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungju 27329, Korea Marine Ecosystem and Biological Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Asan 5627, Korea 2 Department of Marine Biotechnology, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung 25457, Korea This study was conducted to investigate the growth and skin color of red- and white-colored fancy carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi juvenile reared at different water temperatures (2, 24, 27, and 30 C) for eight weeks. Two experimental diets were prepared to contain 0% Arthrospira platensis or 0% Arthrospira pacifica powder. After the feeding trial, survival was 00% in all group. Weight gain of fish reared at 24, 27, and 30 C was higher than 2 C group. Feed efficiency was not affected by water temperature and dietary Arthrospira sp. Daily feed intake tended to increase with water temperature. The a* value of skin coloration was affected by Arthrospira sp., but not by water temperature. Fish fed the diet containing A. pacifica powder reared at 27 C had the highest a* value among the groups. Total carotenoids were highest in fish fed the diet containing A. pacifica powder reared at 2 C. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that C water temperature was the optimal range for growth, and dietary inclusion of A. pacifica improved the skin redness of red- and white-colored fancy carp reared at 27 C. Key words: Fancy carp Cyprinus caripo var. koi, Water temperature, Growth, Skin coloration, Arthrospira species 서론 % (Gouveia and Rema, 2005).,.,, (Paripatananont et al., 999).,,,, carotenoid,,, (Torrissen et al., 989; Storebakken and No, 992)., (Brett and Groves, 979; Jobling, 997; Johnston, 2006), (Yamamoto et al. 2007; Bogevik et al. 200)., (Bogevik et al., 200), (Bendiksen et al., 2002), (Mccormick et al., 996). (Sun and Chen, 2009; Bermudes et al., 200).,., Arthrospira Arthrospira, Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 50(3) , June 207 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 8 May 207; Revised 30 May 207; Accepted 5 June 207 *Corresponding author: Tel: Fax: address: smlee@gwnu.ac.kr Copyright 207 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 257 pissn:0374-8, eissn:
2 258 김이오ㆍ오승용ㆍ이상민. Arthrospira (Kim and Lee, 205) (Kim and Lee, 202; Kim and Lee, 204), Arthrospira. (Gouveia and Rema, 2005),., Arthrospira. 재료및방법 실험사료및성분분석 Table Arthrospira platensis (Hainan Xiongxin Bioengineering Company, China) Arthrospira pacifica (Cyanotech Company, USA) 0% 2 (SPC, ). ( 45%, Total carotenoids mg/00 g). Arthrospira pellet AOAC (995). (N 6.25) Auto Kjeldahl System (Buchi B-324/435/42, Switzerland), ether, 05 dry oven 실험어관리및색도분석 ((fancy carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi). 2 (2.8 g/fish) , 2, 24, L/min. tricaine methanesulfonate (MS222, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) 00 ppm. (Minolta Chroma Meter CR-400, Japan) Skrede (987) Gouveia et al. (2003) L* (lightness), a* (redness) Table. Ingredient and proximate composition of experimental diet Ingredients (%) b* (yellowness). 3. Total carotenoids 분석 total carotenoids Kim and Lee (202).,, (:, v/v) 3. petroleum ether carotenoids petroleum ether Na 2 SO 4, 40, petroleum ether 00 ml UVspectrometer total carotenoids. 통계처리 SPSS (SPSS, Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA) program One-way Two-way ANOVA-test, Duncan`s multiple range test (Duncan, 955). 결과및고찰 SPC Diets Commercial diet Arthrospira platensis powder Arthrospira pacifica powder 3-0 Chemical analysis (dry matter basis) Crude protein (%) Crude lipid (%) Ash (%) Total carotenoids(mg/00g) Commercial bind meal for carp produced in Purinafeed incorporation (Seongnam, Korea). 2 Obtained from Hainan Xiongxin Bioengineering Company, China. 3 Obtained from Cyanotech Company, Kailua-Kona, Hawai, USA. 8, Table %. (P<0.05), Arthrospira (P>0.05). Arthrospira (P>0.05). 24, (P<0.05). Arthrospira
3 사육수온에따른비단잉어홍백의성장및체색변화 259 Table 2. Growth performance of red- and white- colored fancy carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi fed diets containing two Arthrospira species reared at different water temperatures for 8 weeks Water temperature ( ) Diets Initial body wt (g/fish) Final body wt (g/fish) Weight gain (%) 2 2 SPC 2.8±0.0 ns 8.6±0.24 a 20.5± 7.97 a 2.8± ±0.7 a 227.4± 7.24 a 24 SPC 2.8±0.0.0±0.46 b 298.7±6.69 b 2.8±0.0.3±0.32 b 30.4±.7 b 27 SPC 2.8± ±0.40 b 333.8±3.85 b 2.8±0.0.9±0.42 b 330.9±4.7 b 30 SPC 2.8± ±0.5 b 346.3±9.29 b 2.8±0.0.9±0.34 b 335.±2.77 b Temperature P<0.0 P<0.0 Arthrospira P<0.80 P<0.7 Interaction P<0.69 P<0.72 Values (mean±se of three replications) in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05). 2 Weight gain (%)=(final body weight-initial body weight) 00/initial body weight. ns Not significant (P>0.05). Table 3. Feed efficiency (FE), daily feed intake (DFI) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of red- and white- colored fancy carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi fed diets containing two Arthrospira species reared at different water temperatures for 8 weeks Water temperature ( ) Diets FE (%) 2 DFI 3 (%) PER 4 (%) 2 SPC 73.7±.99 ns 2.5±0. a 2.3±0.08 b 69.8± ±0.05 b 2.±0.05 ab 24 SPC 75.6± ±0.07 bc 2.±0.07 ab 75.5± ±0.05 bc 2.±0.02 ab 27 SPC 75.4± ±0. bc 2.±0.08 a 74.0± ±0.08 cd 2.±0.06 a 30 SPC 75.6± ±0.05 cd 2.±0.04 a 7.3±0.9 3.±0.07 d 2.0±0.03 a Temperature P<0.4 P<0.0 P<0.02 Arthrospira P<0.39 P<0.04 P<0.6 Interaction P<0.76 P<0.56 P<0.5 Values (mean±se of three replications) in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05). 2 Fish wet weight gain 00/feed intake (dry matter). 3 Feed intake 00/[(initial fish wt.+final fish wt.+dead fish wt.) days reared/2]. 4 Wet weight gain/ protein intake. ns Not significant (P>0.05)... Arthrospira, Arthrospira., Arthrospira pacifica., Arthrospira, Arthrospira.,,, (Ishioka, 980; Davis and Parker, 990; Iwata et al., 994)., (Seikai et al., 986; Fonds, 979). 2
4 260 김이오ㆍ오승용ㆍ이상민 Table 4. Skin value of red- and white- colored fancy carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi fed diets containing two Arthrospira species reared at different water temperatures for 8 weeks Water temperature ( ) Diets L* value a* value b* value 2 SPC 66.8±0.3 ab 8.9±0.08 a 23.7±0.20 cd 65.4±0.7 a 9.3±0.9 a 26.9±.8 e 24 SPC 68.8±0.20 c 9.3±0.20 a 22.2±0.36 bc 68.2±0.83 bc 9.±0.53 a 24.0±0.7 cd 27 SPC 67.2±.0 abc 8.9±0.3 a 20.8±0.08 b 65.9±0.80 a 0.2±0.9 b 25.7±0.9 de 30 SPC 68.3±0.50 bc 8.9±0.2 a 8.3±0.55 a 67.±0.5 abc 9.8±0.35 ab 23.±.05 c Temperature P<0.0 P<0.43 P<0.0 Arthrospira P<0.02 P<0.0 P<0.0 Interaction P<0.93 P<0.05 P<0.0 Values (mean±se of three replications) in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05).,.. (5-25 ),, (Suzuki et al., 977) (Goolish and Adelman, 984). 2, , 24-30,.. Arthrospira (Kim and Lee, 202; Kim and Lee, 205). Arthrospira carotenoids, zeaxanthin 4-ketozeaxanthin idoxanthin astaxanthin (Matsuno et al., 979). Arthrospira, (Nandeesha et al., 998)., (Gouveia and Rema, 2005). 8, (lightness) L*, (redness) a* (yellowness) b* Table 4. L* Arthrospira, Arthrospira. a*, Arthrospira, Arthrospira. b* Arthrospira, Arthrospira. Arthrospira A. maxima, A. platensis, A. pacifica Arthrospira, (Peimin et al., 999, Kim and Lee, 202; Kim and Lee, 204). 27 a*, 30. Gouveia et al. (2003) Arthrospira maxima, Kim et al.(2008) A. platensis, Kim and Lee(202) Kim and Lee(204) A. pacifica. Arthrospira maxima (Gouveia et al., 2003) A. platensis (Kim et al., 2008) a*, A. pacifica (Kim and Lee, 202; Kim and Lee, 204) a *., a* (Gouveia L and Rema P, 2005). 8, total carotenoid Table 5. Total carotenoid Arthrospira, Arthrospira. 2 total carotenoid,
5 사육수온에따른비단잉어홍백의성장및체색변화 26 Table 5. Skin total carotenoids of red- and white- colored fancy carp Cyprinus carpio var. koi fed diets containing two Arthrospira species reared at different water temperatures for 8 weeks Water temperature ( ) total carotenoid. carotenoids carotenoids,,,,,,,, (Guillaume et al., 200). Arthrospira 2 carotenoids (24, 27, 30 ),. 2 (24, 27, 30 ), total carotenoid (Kim et al., 2008),., 24-30, 27 Arthrospira pacifica. References Diets Total carotenoids (mg/00g DM) 2 SPC 2.9±0.5 bc 3.±0.29 c 24 SPC 2.±0.08 a 2.5±0.06 ab 27 SPC 2.±0.2 a 2.5±0.6 ab 30 SPC 2.0±0.9 a Temperature Arthrospira 2.4±0.0 ab P<0.0 P<0.0 Interaction P<0.89 Values (mean±se of three replications) in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05). AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) Official Methods of Analysis, 6th edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington,Virginia, U.S.A. Bendiksen EA, Jobling M and Arnesen AM Feed intake of Atlantic salmon parr Salmo salar L. in relation to temperature and feed composition. Aquacult Res 33, Bermudes M, Glencross B, Austen K and Hawkins W The effects of temperature and size on the growth, energy budget and waste outputs of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture 306, Bogevik AS, Henderson RJ, Mundheim H, Waagbo R, Tocher DR and Olsen RE The influence of temperature on the apparent lipid digestibility in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed Calanus finmarchicus oil at two dietary levels. Aquaculture 309, Brett JR and Groves TDD Physiological energetics. Fish Physiol 8, Davis KB and Parker NC Physiological stress in striped bass: effect of acclimation temperature. Aquaculture 9, Duncan DB Multiple-range and multiple F tests. Biometrics, Fonds M Laboratory observations on the influence of temperature and salinity on development of the eggs and growth of the larvae of Solea solea. Mar Ecol Prog Seri, Goolish EM and Adelman IR Effects of ration size and temperature on the growth of juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture 36, org/0.06/ (84) Gouveia L and Rema P Effect of microalgal biomass concentration and temperature on ornamental goldfish (Carassius auratus) skin pigmentation. Aquacult Nutr, Gouveia L, Rema P, Pereira O and Empis J Colouring ornamental fish (Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus) with microalgal biomass. Aquacult Nutr 9, org/0.046/j x. Guillaume J, Kaushik S, Bergot P and Metailler R. 200.Nutrition and feeding of fish and crustaceans. Springer Verlag, London, UK, Ishioka H Stress reactions in the marine fish-i. Stress reactions induced by temperature chang. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish 46, Iwata N, Kikuchi K, Honda H, Kiyono M and Kurokurg M Effects of temperature on the growth of Japanese flounder. Fish Sci 60, Jobling M Temperature and Growth: Modulation of Growth Rate Via Temperature Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Johnston IA Environment and plasticity of myogenesis in teleost fish. J Exp Biol 209, org/0.242/jeb Kim YO, Jo JY and Oh SY Effects of dietary Spirulina, Chlorella, and Astaxanthin on the body color of Red- and
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