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1 Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 47(3): (2017) pissn eissn Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy A checklist of endemic plants on the Korean Peninsula Gyu Young Chung, Kae Sun Chang 1, Jae-Min Chung 2, Hyeok Jae Choi 3, Weon-Ki Paik 4 and Jin-Oh Hyun 5 Department of Medicinal Plant Resources, Andong National University, Andong 36729, Korea 1 Forest Biodiversity Division and Herbarium, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Korea 2 Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Korea 3 Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Korea 4 Division of Life Science and Chemistry, Daejin University, Pocheon 11159, Korea 5 Northeastern Asia Biodiversity Institute, Seoul 05677, Korea (Received 5 September 2017; Revised 13 September 2017; Accepted 22 September 2017) 한반도특산식물목록 정규영 장계선 1 정재민 2 최혁재 3 백원기 4 현진오 5 안동대학교생약자원학과, 1 국립수목원산림생물조사과, 2 국립수목원산림자원보존과, 3 창원대학교생물학화학융합학부, 4 대진대학교생명화학부, 5 동북아생물다양성연구소 ABSTRACT: In order to organize a new checklist for endemic vascular plants of the Korean Peninsula, 358 taxa of the Korea Forest Service and 375 taxa of the National Institute of Biological Resources were reviewed. In addition, the names of previously published endemic plants above the rank of variety were checked up to From the two lists, a total of 444 taxa were identified. Among them, 289 taxa were common on the two lists, but 69 and 86 taxa were listed only by the Korea Forest Service and by the National Institute of Biological Resources, respectively. Taxonomic documents including journal papers and dissertations were examined with regard to the 444 taxa. In some cases, opinions of Korean experts in this field were also reflected. From the results, 312 taxa in total were recognized as plants endemic to the Korean Peninsula, while 132 taxa could not be included on the endemic list. On the other hand, 48 taxa, none of which existed on the two lists, were newly listed. In conclusion, the new checklist of vascular plants endemic to Korea was confirmed, with a total of 360 taxa consisting of 64 families, 172 genera, 297 species, 4 subspecies, 51 varieties and 8 hybrids. The new common name Halla-seol-aeng-cho is given to Primula farinosa L. subsp. modesta (Bisset & S. Moore) Pax var. hannasanensis (T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz. Sillaphyton Pimenov (Deok-u-gireum-na-mul-sok) is newly identified as a genus endemic to Korea. However, Pentactina Nakai could not be included on the list of Korean vascular endemic genera. Keywords: Endemic, vascular plants, Korean Peninsula, checklist 적요 : 한반도의특산관속식물목록을새롭게정리하기위하여 Korea Forest Service의 358분류군과 National Institute of Biological Resources의 375분류군의목록을재검토하였다. 추가로 2016년까지변종이상의새로운특산분류군으로발표된학명들을포함하여목록을정리하였다. 두목록을비교한결과, 공통분류군은 289분류군, Korea Forest Service 단독취급분류군은 69분류군, National Institute of Biological Resources 단독취급분류군은 86분류군으로이들은총 444분류군으로취합되었다. 이들 444분류군들에대 Author for correspondence: the Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 264

2 Korean endemic plants 265 하여국내학위논문을포함한학술자료및필요에따라국내전문가들의의견을검토한결과, 한반도특산으로인정되는 312 분류군그리고제외되는 132 분류군으로정리되었다. 추가로두목록들에는언급되지않았으나 2016 년까지발표된자료들을통하여새로이 48 분류군이특산으로인정되어최종적으로 64 과 172 속 297 종 4 아종 51 변종 8 잡종의총 360 분류군을한반도특산으로정리하였다. Primula farinosa L. subsp. modesta (Bisset & S. Moore) Pax var. hannasanensis (T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz. 는한라설앵초로국명을신칭하였다. 덕우기름나물속 (Sillaphyton Pimenov) 이새롭게한반도특산속으로추가되었으며, 그동안한반도특산속으로취급되어온금강인가목속 (Pentactina Nakai) 은특산속에서제외되었다. 주요어 : 특산, 관속식물, 한반도, 목록 특산식물 ( 또는고유식물 ; endemic plants) 이란어느한정된지역에서만생육하는식물을말하며 (Anderson, 1994; Williams et al., 2002; Siljak-Yakovlev and Peruzzi 2012), 이때한정된지역이란일반적으로국가단위로적용하고있는실정이다. 최근국제적으로생물다양성협약 (Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD) 과유전자원에대한접근과이용에따른이익의공정하고공평한공유에관한나고야의정서의발효에따라각국이생물주권을강화하고있는현실에서, 한반도특산식물이우리나라의생물주권에서최우선적으로고려되어야할대상임은분명하다 (Paik, 1999; Oh et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2009). 한반도의특산관속식물은 Nakai (1952) 가 1,118분류군을처음으로정리한이후, 현재까지품종을제외하면 Lee (1984) 가 387분류군, Paik (1999) 이 465분류군, Kim (2004) 이 340분류군, Oh et al. (2005) 이 326 분류군, Korea Forest Service (KFS) (2012) 가 358분류군, National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) (2013) 가 375분류군, 그리고 Park et al. (2013a) 이 59분류군으로정리하는등새로이한반도특산으로발표되는분류군들의수를감안하더라도아직까지학명및분류학적실체에대한이견으로인해많은혼란이야기되고있음은분명하다 (Kim et al., 2009). 최근들어국내에서특산으로간주되던분류군중일부가러시아, 중국, 일본등주변국의관련연구에서새롭게분포사실이밝혀지거나근연분류군의이명으로처리되는경우가빈번하다. 그러나이에대한국내학자들중심의재검토는잘이루어지지않고있어한반도특산식물들의실체에대한혼란이가중되고있다. 그러므로특산식물에대한최근의연구경향을반영한새로운목록의제시는무엇보다도중요하고또한시급한분류학계의현안으로대두되고있으며, 이는특산식물에대한국가적주권주장에일조할것이다. 재료및방법 본재검토는한반도특산관속식물과관련하여비교적최근에국가적차원에서제시된 KFS (2012) 의 358 분류군과 NIBR (2013) 의 375 분류군의목록을중심으로수행되었다. 아울러 2016 년까지한반도특산으로새로이발표된 모든학명들을대상으로관련학술지, 학위논문및도감등의자료들을검토하였다. 한반도특산식물의선정기준은다음과같다. 첫째, 분포지관점으로 (1) 한국특산식물은지구상에서한반도에만분포하는식물로정의하고, (2) 한국특산식물로알려진분류군에대하여중국, 러시아또는일본등의국외에분포하는사실이학술지등을통하여발표된객관적인자료가있는경우해당분류군에대한국내전문가를통한검토과정을거쳐특산에서제외하였다. 둘째, 분류군의실체관점으로국내외학자가한반도산표본을인용하여공식적으로변종이상의다른분류군의이명으로분류학적처리를한경우특산식물에서제외하였으며, 단표본등의근거자료없이식물지등에서단순히이명으로언급된경우국내전문가가동의하지않으면특산으로처리하였다. 셋째, 분류계급관점으로현재품종으로취급되는분류군은특산식물에서제외하였으며, 교잡종은포함하였다. 넷째, 명명규약관점에서비합법명 (invalid name) 및서명 (illegitimate name) 은실체에관계없이특산식물에서제외하였다. 이상의기준들을통하여한반도특산식물목록을양치식물, 나자식물, 피자식물의쌍자엽식물과단자엽식물순으로구성하고, 과명과학명의알파벳순으로정리하였다 (Appendix 1). 아울러기존에 KFS (2012) 또는 NIBR (2013) 에는언급되었으나본재검토를통해특산에서제외되는분류군들은그사유와함께 Appendix 2 에제시하였다. 결 과 주검토대상인 KFS (2012) 와 NIBR (2013) 의목록을비교한결과, 두목록에서공통적으로한반도특산으로인정하는분류군은 289 분류군, KFS (2012) 에서만인정하는분류군은 69 분류군, 그리고 NIBR (2013) 에서만인정하는분류군은 86 분류군으로확인되었고, 이들은종합하면총 444 분류군으로정리되었다 (Table 1). 이들총 444 분류군들에대한관련학술자료및국내전문가들의검토의견을기초로할때, 최종적으로한반도특산으로인정되는분류군은총 312 분류군으로서여기에는 KFS (2012) 와 NIBR (2013) 에공통으로제시된 249 분류군, KFS (2012) 에서만취급된 31 분류군, NIBR (2013) 에서만취급된 32 분류군이

3 266 Gyu Young Chung et al. Table 1. Summary and comparison between the present and previous studies of KFS (2012) and NIBR (2013). No. of taxa Previous study Present study KFS (2012) NIBR (2013) KFS (2012) NIBR (2013) Newly added Total Shared Exclusive Subtotal Total 해당된다 (Table 1). 그외에양기관의목록에는언급되지않았으나, 2016 년까지한반도특산으로기재되거나언급된분류군들중에서 48 분류군이특산으로인정되어본재검토에서한반도특산관속식물은총 64 과 172 속 297 종 4 아종 51 변종 8 잡종의 360 분류군으로정리되었다 (Table 1). KFS (2012) 와 NIBR (2013) 에서특산으로취급되었으나본연구결과특산에서제외된분류군은총 132 분류군으로, 두목록공통 40 분류군, KFS (2012) 단독취급 38 분류군, NIBR (2013) 단독취급 54 분류군이다. 이들을주요제외사유별로구분하면 (1) 이명처리되었거나개체변이로추정되어이명가능성이있는 95 분류군, (2) 주변국분포사실확인 25 분류군, (3) 품종으로취급되는 3 분류군, (4) 학명표기오류및비합법명또는서명 8 분류군, 그리고 (5) 학명출처불확실 1 분류군이다 (Appendix 2). 고 찰 본연구결과한반도특산으로제시된 360 분류군중몇가지특이사항은다음과같다. 장수만리화의경우 KFS (2012) 에서는 1942 년발표된 Forsythia velutina Nakai 를학명으로정리하고있으나, NIBR (2013) 은 Lee (1966) 가 Rangium nakaii Uyeki 를 Forsythia Vahl 로조합한 F. nakaii (Uyeki) T. B. Lee 를정명으로제시하고있다. 이와관련하여 De Juana Clavero (2016) 는 Rangium Juss. 가 Forsythia 의이명으로처리되었기때문에 1940 년발표된 R. nakaii 가종계급에서선취권이인정되어 F. nakaii 를장수만리화의정명으로사용해야한다고하였으며, 이는조류, 균류와식물에대한국제명명규약 (International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants, ICN) 의 11 조 4 항에따른것이다. 따라서본목록에서는장수만리화의정명을 F. nakaii 로하였다. 제주도및내륙에자생하는것으로알려졌던설앵초의경우두목록에서모두 Primula modesta Bisset & S. Moore var. hannasanensis T. Yamaz. 를정명으로특산으로처리하고있다. 그러나 Yamazaki (2003) 는제주도외에경상남도내륙에서설앵초로동정되는집단을 P. farinosa L. subsp. modesta (Bisset & S. Moore) Pax var. koreana T. Yamaz. 로신변종처리하였다. 따라서 P. farinosa subsp. modesta var. koreana 를설앵초의학명으로제시하고, 제주도에분포하는 P. farinosa L. subsp. modesta (Bisset & S. Moore) Pax var. hannasanensis (T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz. 는한라설앵초로새로운국명을부여하였다. 특산에서제외된 132분류군중긴괭이싸리 [Lespedeza pilosa (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc var. pedunculata T. B. Lee] 와진보라붓꽃 (Iris sanguinea Donn ex Hornem. var. violacea Makino) 은해당분류군국내전문가만의의견을참고하여근연종의개체변이로판단되어제외하였다. 주변국분포사실확인된 25분류군의경우, 중국에서확인된것이 20 건으로가장많았고일본이 10건, 러시아 5건, 몽골과북아메리카가각각 1건이었다. NIBR (2013) 에서한라세모부추의학명으로제시한 Allium taquetii H. Lév. var. deltoides (S. Yu, S. Lee & W. Lee) H. J. Choi & B. U. Oh는 Oh (2007b) 의학명표기오류가반영된것으로확인되었다. 금강고사리 [Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell. var. subopposita H. Ito] 는현재까지학명의출처를확인할수없기에제외하였다. 새롭게한반도특산속으로추가된것은덕우기름나물속 (Sillaphyton Pimenov) 이다. 최근에 Pimenov et al. (2016) 은 S. podagraria (H. Boissieu) Pimenov ( Peucedanum podagraria H. Boissieu) 을기준으로본속을신설하며한반도특산으로제시하였다. 반면한반도특산속으로취급되어온금강인가목속 (Pentactina Nakai) 은 Yakubov (2014) 에의해러시아극동지역에분포하는 Spiraea schlothauerae Ignatov & Worosch이 P. schlothauerae (Ignatov & Worosch.) V. Yakubov로소속을변경함으로특산속에서제외하여야할것으로판단된다. 결과적으로한반도특산속은미선나무속 (Abeliophyllum Nakai), 매미꽃속 (Coreanomecon Nakai), 금강초롱꽃속 (Hanabusaya Nakai), 제주고사리삼속 (Mankyua B.-Y. Sun, M. H. Kim & C. H. Kim) 및모데미풀속 (Megaleranthis Ohwi) 을포함하여총 6속으로정리되었다. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Korea Forest Service in 2015 as a policy research project to the Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists. We thank the following researchers for their cooperation with taxonomic opinions: Cho, Won Bum (Pedicularis), Choi, Byoung-Hee (Fabaceae), Choi, Kyung

4 Korean endemic plants 267 (Pseudostellaria), Chung, Kyong-Sook (Carex), Heo, Kyeong- In (Potentilla), Jang, Chang-Gee (Polygonatum), Jang, Hyun- Do (Scrophularia), Jeong, Keum Seon (Galium) Im, Hyoung- Tak (Saussurea), Kang, Shin-Ho (Chrysosplenium), Kim, Joo- Whan (Euonymus), Kim, Sangtae (Elsholtzia, Scutellaria), Kim, Yoon-Young (Brassicaceae), Kim, Young-Dong (Chrysosplenium, Berberis), Ko, Sung Chul (Arisaema, Clematis), Lee, Chang Shook (Pteridophytes), Lee, Heung Su (Fraxinus), Lee, Jung Hyun (Quercus), Oh, Byoung-Un (Asarum, Corydalis, Impatiens), Park, Ki-Ryong (Euphorbia, Orostachys, Sedum), Park, SeonJoo (Thalictrum, Geranium), Park, SeongJun (Thalictrum), Park, Wan-Geun (Salix), Sim, Jeong-Ki (Iris), Yanng, Ji Young (Rubus), Lee, Ro-Young (Rubus), Yang, Jong-Cheol (Gymnosperms), Yoo, Ki-Oug (Adenophora, Viola), Yoon, Chang-Young (Angelica). Literature Cited Akiyama, S A revision of the genus Lespedeza section Macrolespedeza (Leguminosae). Bulletin, University Museum, University of Tokyo 33: Afanasiev, K. S. and V. P. Botschantzev Achillea L. In Flora of the USSR, Vol. 26. Schischkin, B. K. and E. G. Bobrov (eds.), The Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. Pp Anderson, S Area and endemism. The Quarterly Review of Biology 69: Boo, D. and S. J. Park Molecular phylogenetic study of Korean Tilia L. Korean Journal of Plant Resources 29: (in Korean) Chang, C.-S. and H. Y. Gil Sorbus ulleungensis, a new endemic species on Ulleung Island, Korea. Harvard Papers in Botany 19: Chang, C. S., H. Kim and K. S. Chang Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fauna & Flora of Korea. Vol. 43. Woody Plants. Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Paju, 509 pp. (in Korean) Chen, J. Y A taxonomic revision of Syringa L. (Oleaceae). Cathaya; Annals of the Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany and Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences 17 18: Chen, J. Y., Z. S. Zhang and D. Y. Hong A taxonomic revision of the Syringa pubescens complex (Oleaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 96: Choi, B. H. and S. G. Kwon Taxonomy of Korean endemic species of Vicia hirticalycina based on morphological and genetic variations. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 31: (in Korean) Choi, H.-J. and B.-U. Oh Taxonomy of the Allium sect. Sacculiferum in Korea: with a special reference to the morphology. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 33: (in Korean) Choi, H. J. and B. U. Oh A partial revision of Allium (Amaryllidaceae) in Korea and northeastern China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 167: Choi, I.-S., S.-Y. Kim and B.-H. Choi A taxonomic revision of Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) in Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 45: Chung, M. Y., J. M. Chung, J. López-Pujol, S. J. Park and M. G. Chung Genetic diversity in three species of Forsythia (Oleaceae) endemic to Korea: implications for population history, taxonomy, and conservation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 47: Chung, Y. H. and J. H. Kim A taxonomic study of Sedum section Telephium in Korea. Korean Journal of Botany 33: (in Korean) Clayton, W. D., K. T. Harman and H. Williamson World Grass Species - Synonymy database. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. De Juana, J. I Taxonomía actualizada del género Ligustrum L. Bouteloua 6: (in Spanish) De Juana Clavero, J. I Proposal to conserve the name Forsythia nakaii (Uyeki) T. Lee against Forsythia velutina Nakai (Oleaceae). Bouteloua 24: Fang, C., S. Zhao and A. K. Skvortsov Salix Linnaeus. In Flora of China, Vol. 4. Wu, Z. Y. and P. H. Raven (eds.), Science Press, Beijing and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, MO. Pp Fang, R. and P. F. Stevens Vaccinium Linnaeus. In Flora of China, Vol. 14. Apiaceae through Ericaceae. Wu, Z. Y., P. H. Raven and D. Y. Hong (eds.), Science Press, Beijing and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, MO. Pp Fuse, S., N. S. Lee and M. N. Tamura Biosystematic studies on the genus Heloniopsis (Melanthiaceae) II. Two species from Korea based on morphological and molecular evidence. Taxon 53: Govaerts, R World Checklist of Seed Plant 1. MIM, Deume, 483 pp. Govaerts, R World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Database in ACCESS: The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Govaerts, R World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Database in ACCESS: The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Govaerts, R World checklist of selected plant families published update. Facilitated by the Trustees of the Royal Botanic

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10 Korean endemic plants 273 Appendix 1. Checklist of Korean endemic vascular plants. The information is listed as follow; scientific and vernacular names, distribution and reference. The asterisk () indicates additional taxa from KFS (2012) and NIBR (2013). Acronyms for each province are: HB, Hamgyeongbuk-do; HN, Hamgyeongnam-do; PB, Pyeonganbuk-do; PN, Pyeongannam-do; HW, Hwanghae-do; GW, Gangwon-do; GG, Gyeonggi-do; CB, Chungcheongbuk-do; CN, Chungcheongnam-do; GB, Gyeongsangbuk-do; GN, Gyeongsangnam-do; JB, Jeollabuk-do; JN, Jeollanam-do; JJ, Jeju-do. PTERIDOPHYTA 양치식물문 Adiantaceae 공작고사리과 1 Adiantum coreanum Tagawa 고려공작고사리, HB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Aspleniaceae 꼬리고사리과 2 Asplenium montanus C. S. Lee & K. Lee 산꼬리고사리, GG, Lee et al. (2015) 3 Asplenium uiryeonse C. S. Lee & K. Lee 거미사철고사리, GG, Lee et al. (2015) Athyriaceae 개고사리과 4 Athyrium acutipinnulum Kodama ex Nakai 섬고사리, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012) Isoetaceae 물부추과 5 Isoetes coreana Y. H. Chung & H. K. Choi 참물부추, central to southern provinces, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 6 Isoetes hallasanensis H. K. Choi, C. Kim & J. Jung 한라물부추, JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 7 Isoetes jejuensis H. K. Choi, C. Kim & J. Jung 제주물부추, JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Lycopodiaceae석송과 8 Huperzia jejuensis B.-Y. Sun & J. Lim 긴다람쥐꼬리, JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013); Lim and Sun (2015) Ophioglossaceae 고사리삼과 9 Mankyua chejuense B.-Y. Sun, M. H. Kim & C. H. Kim 제주고사리삼, JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) GYMNOSPERMAE 나자식물문 Pinaceae 소나무과 10 Abies koreana E. H. Wilson 구상나무, JB; GN; JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 11 Picea pungsanensis Uyeki 풍산가문비나무, HB; HN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) ANGIOSPERMAE 피자식물문 DICOTYLEDONEAE 쌍자엽식물강 Apiaceae 산형과 12 Angelica reflexa B. Y. Lee 강활, GW, Lee et al. (2013a) 13 Bupleurum latissimum Nakai 섬시호, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 14 Dystaenia takesimana (Nakai) Kitag. 섬바디, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 15 Peucedanum coreanum Nakai 두메기름나물, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 16 Pimpinella brachycarpa (Kom.) Nakai var. uchiyamana (Y. Yabe ex Nakai) W. Lee & G. Jang 그늘참나물, PB; PN; HW; GW; GG, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 17 Pimpinella hallaisanensis (W. Lee & G. Jang) G. Jang, W. Paik & W. Lee 한라참나물, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 18 Sillaphyton podagraria (H. Boissieu) Pimenov 덕우기름나물, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 19 Sium ternifolium B. Y. Lee & S. C. Ko 세잎개발나물, GW (Chiaksan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Aquifoliaceae 감탕나무과 20 Ilex wandoensis C. F. Miller & M. Kim 완도호랑가시나무, JN (Wando), Miller and Kim (2002) Araliaceae 두릅나무과 21 Eleutherococcus divaricatus (Siebold & Zucc.) S.Y. Hu var. chiisanensis (Nakai) C. H. Kim & B.-Y. Sun 지리산오갈피나무, HB; HN; GW; GB; JB; JN; JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Aristolochiaceae 쥐방울덩굴과 22 Asarum maculatum Nakai 개족도리풀, JN; GN; JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 23 Asarum patens (Yamaki) Yamaki ex Y. Lee 금오족도리풀, CN; GB, KFS (2012) 24 Asarum versicolor (Yamaki) Y. Lee 무늬족도리풀, GW; GG; CB, Oh (2008)

11 274 Gyu Young Chung et al. Asteraceae 국화과 25 Achillea alpina L. subsp. rhodoptarmica (Nakai) Kitam. 붉은톱풀, HB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 26 Artemisia hallaisanensis Nakai 섬쑥, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 27 Aster chusanensis Y. S. Lim, J. O. Hyun, Y. D. Kim & H. Shin 추산쑥부쟁이, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012) 28 Aster hayatae H. Lév. & Vaniot 눈갯쑥부쟁이, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 29 Aster koraiensis Nakai 벌개미취, all provinces (mainly planted), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 30 Aster magnus Y. Lee & C. Kim 왕갯쑥부쟁이, JJ, Lee (1998) 31 Aster pseudoglehnii Y. S. Lim, J. O. Hyun & H. Shin 섬쑥부쟁이, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012) 32 Aster uchiyamai Nakai 단양쑥부쟁이, GG (Yeoju); CB (Danyang), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 33 Chrysanthemum coreanum (H. Lév. & Vaniot) Nakai 한라구절초, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 34 Chrysanthemum sinchangense Uyeki 신창구절초, PN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 35 Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich. subsp. lucidum (Nakai) Y. Lee 울릉국화, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 36 Cirsium rhinoceros (H. Lév & Vaniot) Nakai 바늘엉겅퀴, GG; GN; JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 37 Cirsium setidens (Dunn) Nakai 고려엉겅퀴, all provinces except JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 38 Cirsium setidens (Dunn) Nakai var. niveoaraneum Kitam. 흰잎고려엉겅퀴, HN; PN; GW; GG; CB; CN; GB; GN; JB; JN, NIBR (2013) 39 Cirsium zenii Nakai 점봉산엉겅퀴, GW (Jeombongsan), NIBR (2013) 40 Crepidiastrum hallaisanense (H. Lév.) J. H. Pak 한라고들빼기, JJ (Hallasan), Pak et al. (2001) 41 Crepidiastrum koidzumianum (Kitam.) J. H. Pak & Kawano 지리고들빼기, GN (Jirisan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 42 Hololeion maximowiczii Kitam. var. fauriei (H. Lév. & Vaniot) J.H. Pak 좀께묵, GG; GB; GN; JB; JN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 43 Ixeris chinodebilis Kitam. 함흥씀바귀, HN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 44 Leontopodium coreanum Nakai 솜다리, GW; GG; CB; GB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 45 Leontopodium coreanum Nakai var. hallaisanense (Hand.-Mazz.) D. H. Lee & B. H. Choi 한라솜다리, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 46 Leontopodium leiolepis Nakai 산솜다리, HB; HN; PB; GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 47 Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz. var. spiciformis Nakai 한대리곰취, HN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 48 Ligularia taquetii (H. Lév. & Vaniot) Nakai 갯취, GN (Geojedo); JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 49 Parasenecio pseudotamingasa (Nakai) B. U. Oh 어리병풍, CB; GN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 50 Saussurea calcicola Nakai 사창분취, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 51 Saussurea chabyoungsanica H.T. Im 자병취, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 52 Saussurea conandrifolia Nakai 담배취, HB; PB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 53 Saussurea diamantiaca Nakai 금강분취, HN; PN; GW(Geumgansan; Seoraksan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 54 Saussurea eriophylla Nakai 솜분취, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 55 Saussurea grandicapitula W. Kee et H. T. Im 태백취, GW (Taekbaeksan), KFS (2012) 56 Saussurea koidzumiana Kitam. 경성서덜취, HB; GW (Goseong), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 57 Saussurea komaroviana Lipsch. 비단분취, HB; HN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 58 Saussurea macrolepis (Nakai) Kitam. 각시서덜취, GG; GB; GN; JN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 59 Saussurea myokoensis Kitam. 묘향분취, PB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 60 Saussurea polylepis Nakai 홍도서덜취, JN (Hongdo; Maegado), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 61 Saussurea rectinervis Nakai 백설취, HB; HN; PB; PN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 62 Saussurea rorinsanensis Nakai 털분취, PB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 63 Saussurea seoulensis Nakai 분취, GW; GG, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 64 Saussurea uchiyamana Nakai 그늘취, GG, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 65 Saussurea umbrosa Kom. var. herbicola Nakai 긴산취, HN, NIBR (2013) 66 Taraxacum hallaisanense Nakai 좀민들레, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Balsaminaceae 봉선화과 67 Impatiens atrosanguinea (Nakai) B. U. Oh & Y. P. Hong 가야물봉선, GN (Gayasan), NIBR (2013) 68 Impatiens furcillata Hemsl. 처진물봉선, GN; JN, Ji et al. (2010)

12 Korean endemic plants 275 Berberidaceae 매자나무과 69 Berberis amurensis Rupr. var. quelpaertensis (Nakai) Nakai 섬매발톱나무, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 70 Berberis koreana Palib. 매자나무, GW; GG; CB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 71 Berberis koreana Palib. var. angustifolia Nakai 가는잎매자나무, GW (Geombulsan), NIBR (2013) 72 Berberis koreana Palib. var. ellipsoidea Nakai 연밥매자나무, GW (Geombulsan; Jangjigansan), KFS (2012) Betulaceae 자작나무과 73 Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold et Zucc.) Blume var. longispica Uyeki 긴서어나무, JB; JN; GN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Brassicaceae 십자화과 74 Arabis columnaris Nakai 참장대나물, JN (Jirisan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 75 Arabis erecta Y. Y. Kim & C. G. Jang 선갯장대, GB, Kim et al. (2016b) 76 Arabis takesimana Nakai 섬장대, GB (Ulleungdo), NIBR (2013) 77 Cardamine amariformis Nakai 꽃황새냉이, GW; CB; GB; GN, Kim (2015c) 78 Rorippa apetala Y. Y. Kim & B. U. Oh 섬강개갓냉이, GW (Wonju), KFS (2012) Campanulaceae 초롱꽃과 79 Adenophora erecta S. Lee, J. Lee & S. Kim 선모시대, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 80 Adenophora kayasanensis Kitam. 가야산잔대, GB; GN (Gayasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 81 Adenophora koreana Kitam. 꽃잔대, HN; PB; GW (Geumgansan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 82 Adenophora racemosa J. K. Lee & S. T. Lee 외대잔대, GW; GB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 83 Adenophora remotidens Hemsl. 인천잔대, GG (Incheon), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 84 Adenophora remotiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) Miq. var. hirticalyx S. Lee, Y. Chung, & J. Lee 그늘모시대, JB (Jirisan), Lee et al. (1990) 85 Adenophora taquetii H. Lév. 섬잔대, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 86 Adenophora verticillata Fisch. var. abbreviata H. Lév. 좀층층잔대, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 87 Campanula takesimana Nakai 섬초롱꽃, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 88 Codonopsis minima Nakai 애기더덕, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 89 Hanabusaya asiatica (Nakai) Nakai 금강초롱꽃, HN; PN; GW; GG, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 90 Hanabusaya latisepala Nakai 검산초롱꽃, PB; HN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Caprifoliaceae 인동과 91 Lonicera insularis Nakai 섬괴불나무, GB (Ulleungdo), NIBR (2013) 92 Lonicera maximowiczii (Rupr.) Regel var. latifolia (Ohwi) H. Hara 흰등괴불나무, JN (Jirisan); JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012) 93 Lonicera subsessilis Rehder 청괴불나무, all provinces except CN and JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 94 Sambucus racemosa L. subsp. pendula (Nakai) H. I. Lim & Chin. S. Chang 말오줌나무, GB (Ulleungdo), Lim et al. (2009); KFS (2012) 95 Weigela subsessilis (Nakai) L. H. Bailey 병꽃나무, all provinces, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 96 Zabelia densipila M. P. Hong, Y. C. Kim & B. Y. Lee 긴털댕강나무, GW (Yeongwol), Hong et al. (2012) 97 Zabelia tyaihyonii (Nakai) Hisauti & H. Hara 줄댕강나무, PN; CB (Danyang), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Caryophyllaceae 석죽과 98 Pseudostellaria coreana (Nakai) Ohwi 참개별꽃, GG; GN; JJ, KFS (2012) 99 Pseudostellaria longipedicellata S. Lee, K. Heo & S. C. Kim 태백개별꽃, GW; GG; GB, Lee et al. (2012b) 100 Pseudostellaria monantha Ohwi 산개별꽃, GN (Jirisan); JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 101 Pseudostellaria okamotoi Ohwi 지리산개별꽃, GN (Jirisan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 102 Pseudostellaria setulosa Ohwi 숲개별꽃, HN; GW; GB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 103 Silene fasciculata Nakai 한라장구채, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 104 Silene myongcheonensis S. P. Hong & H. K. Moon 명천장구채, HB (Chilbosan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 105 Silene takeshimensis Uyeki & Sakata 울릉장구채, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Chenopodiaceae 명아주과 106 Axyris koreana Nakai 털나도댑싸리, HB; HN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Clusiaceae 물레나물과

13 276 Gyu Young Chung et al. 107 Hypericum chejuense S.-J. Park & K.-J. Kim 제주고추나물, JJ, KFS (2012) 108 Hypericum jeongjocksanense S.-J. Park & K.-J. Kim 정족산고추나물, GN (Jeongjoksan), KFS (2012) Crassulaceae 돌나물과 109 Hylotelephium viridescens (Nakai) H. Ohba 섬꿩의비름, JN; JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 110 Orostachys margaritifolia Y. Lee 진주바위솔, GN (Jinju), Lee and Lee (2000) 111 Orostachys saxatilis (Nakai) Nakai 모란바위솔, PN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 112 Sedum latiovalifolium Y. Lee 태백기린초, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 113 Seum takesimense Nakai 섬기린초, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 114 Sedum taquetii Praeger 한라꿩의비름, JJ (Hallasan), Chung and Kim (1990) Euphorbiaceae 대극과 115 Euphorbia fauriei H. Lév. & Vaniot 두메대극, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 116 Glochidion chodoense C. S. Lee & H. T. Im 조도만두나무, JN (Jodo; Jindo), KFS (2012) Fabaceae 콩과 117 Astragalus mongholicus Bunge var. nakaianus (Y. Lee) I.S. Choi & B.H. Choi 제주황기, JJ (Hallasan), NIBR (2013); Choi et al. (2015) 118 Astragalus setsureianus Nakai 설령황기, HB; HN, Choi et al. (2015) 119 Indigofera grandiflora B. H. Choi & S. Cho 큰꽃땅비싸리, GB (Gayasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 120 Indigofera koreana Ohwi 좀땅비싸리, CN; JB; JN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 121 Lespedeza maritima Nakai 해변싸리, GW; CN; GB; GN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 122 Lespedeza maximowiczii C. K. Schneid. var. tricolor (Nakai) Nakai 삼색싸리, JN (Wando; Jindo); GN, NIBR (2013) 123 Maackia fauriei (H. Lév.) Takeda 솔비나무, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 124 Sophora koreensis Nakai 개느삼, HN; GW (Inje; Yanggu; Chuncheon), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 125 Vicia chosenensis Ohwi 노랑갈퀴, all provinces except JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 126 Vicia hirticalycina Nakai 나래완두, GB; GN; JB; JN, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 127 Vicia unijuga A. Br. var. kausanensis H. Lév. 애기나비나물, JJ, Seok and Choi (1997) Fagaceae 참나무과 128 Fagus multinervis Nakai 너도밤나무, GB (Ulleungdo), Oh (2015) Fumariaceae 현호색과 129 Corydalis alata B. U. Oh & W.R. Lee 날개현호색, GW; GB, KFS (2012) 130 Corydalis albipetala B. U. Oh 흰현호색, GW, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 131 Corydalis cornupetala Y. H. Kim & J.H. Jeong 쇠뿔현호색, GB, KFS (2012) 132 Corydalis filistipes Nakai 섬현호색, GB (Ulleungdo), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 133 Corydalis grandicalyx B. U. Oh & Y.S. Kim 갈퀴현호색, GW; GG; GB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 134 Corydalis hallaisanensis H. Lév. 탐라현호색, JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 135 Corydalis hirtipes B. U. Oh & J. G. Kim 털현호색, GW, NIBR (2013) 136 Corydalis humilis B. U. Oh & Y. S. Kim 난장이현호색, GG; CB (Sobaeksan); GB (Tohamsan), NIBR (2013) 137 Corydalis maculata B. U. Oh & Y. S. Kim 점현호색, GW; GG; GB, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 138 Corydalis misandra B. U. Oh 각시현호색, GW; GG, KFS (2012) 139 Corydalis namdoensis B. U. Oh & J. G. Kim 남도현호색, GB; JB, Oh et al. (2004) 140 Corydalis ohii Lidén 선현호색, GW; GG; CB; JB; JJ, Yang (2016) Gentianaceae 용담과 141 Gentiana chosenica Okuyama 흰그늘용담, JJ (Hallasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 142 Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb. var. microphylla Nakai 좀구슬붕이, JJ (Hallasan), Paik et al. (2001) 143 Gentiana takahashii T. Mori 백두산구슬붕이, HB (Baekdusan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 144 Gentiana wootchuliana W. Paik 고산구슬붕이, GN (Gayasan), KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) Geraniaceae 쥐손이풀과 145 Geranium knuthii Nakai 큰세잎쥐손이, HN; PB; HW; GG, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013) 146 Geranium koreanum Kom. var. hirsutum Nakai 털둥근이질풀, GW; GG; GB; GN; JJ, KFS (2012); NIBR (2013)

R hwp

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