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1 SOLiD IR Presentation Investor Relations ㅣ 2014 년 5 월
2 Disclaimer 본자료는투자자들의이해를돕기위해미래에대한 예측정보 를포함하고있습니다. 이는과거가아닌미래의사건과관련된것으로향후회사의예상경영현황및재무실적을의미하고, 표현상으로는 예상, 전망, 계획, 기대 등과같은단어를포함합니다. 이러한 예측정보 는그성격상회사가통제할수없는위험이나불확실성, 가정등을포함하며, 이러한불확실성에는다음과같은사항들이포함됩니다. 환율, 이자율등의변동을포함한국내외금융시장의동향 사업의처분, 매수등을포함한회사의전략적의사결정 회사가영위하는유 / 무선통신장비시장에서의급격한환경변화 기타회사의경영현황및재무실적에영향을줄수있는국내외환경변화 이러한불확실성으로인해회사의실제미래실적은 예측정보 에명시적혹은묵시적으로 포함된내용과중대한차이가발생할수있음을양지하시기바랍니다. 2
3 Ⅰ. SOLiD Overview 1. 회사현황 2. 사업영역 years of SOLiD 4. 현재 Status 5. 향후 Vision Ⅱ. Business Overview Ⅲ. Appendix 3
4 회사현황 R&D 중심유 / 무선통신장비회사 (KOSDAQ) 국내 125K, 해외 95K 등 220K개이상장비납품및설치운영중 KT와 SKT 동시에의미있는매출을기록하는업계선도기업 미주및일본중심으로해외시장에서빠르게성장중 해외글로벌업체및다양한채널확대를통한신규시장확대 WDM 기반의유선전송장비시장으로사업영역을확대 회사명 쏠리드 (050890) 대표자정준, 이승희 ( 각자대표 ) 설립일임직원수본사공장 1998년 11월 5일 199명 (2014년 3월현재기준 ) 경기도성남시분당구삼평동쏠리드스페이스경기도안양시동안구호계동동보빌딩 4
5 사업영역 SOLiD 이동통신사업분야유선통신사업분야기타사업분야 이동통신망 coverage solutions : Fiber DAS & stand-alone Repeater 이동통신망 fronthaul solutions : Ring-MUX 전송망장비 : CWDM/DWDM, ROADM 가입자망장비 : WDM-PON, Hybrid E-PON(reach extender) 국방사업 - TICN( 전술정보통신체계 ) 냉방기사업 기타사업 Digital Pen & 닷패턴제품 광전송 / 가입자망장비 이동통신특수단말기 전력증폭기 (Power Amp) [Pen Generations] [SOLiD Systems] [Mpedia] [KRF] 자회사 5
6 15 years of SOLiD 1. 성장과침체 SKT/KT 이동통신장비중심으로성장 ( 국내 No.1 중계기회사 ) Innovations & Challenges in early days 최초디지털중계기상용화 ( 99), Adaptive Pre-distortion Amplifier( 00), ICS Algorithm( 01) 1x EV-DO 기지국 ( 01), Amicus(Mobile WiMAX baseband chipset) 3G 시장의중계기선도업체위상확보 S-DMB WCDMA WCDMA WiBro 주력제품시장침체 시장환경의변화 가입자수정체 Amicus 주파수비용 & 마케팅비용증가 네트워크방식의변화 (small cell) S-DMB CDMA 1x EV-DO Neotis KOSDAQ mvp Capital 6
7 15 years of SOLiD 2. 새로운변화의준비 변화의동인 : 성장의한계와사업의침체 변화의방향 : 기본에의충실, global 사업의확대, 수평적 / 수직적사업영역확대 Reshape the business Portfolio 새로운성장 momentum 확보 Accelerate growth in global market Strengthening SOLiD foundation Reinvigorate innovation 신규사업국방사업유선사업해외사업기존사업 7
8 현재의 status Well positioned in industries that are growing Industry-first WDM-PON solution with SFP type tunable laser (Unique, innovative & lowest solution) Market growth driven by data traffic explosion FTTx/ ROADM $7Billion market by 2019 with CAGR 21% DAS/ Repeater SOLiD No. 1 coverage solution provider in Korea Currently ranked as #4 in US DAS market, heading towards #3 ranking by 2015 Gaining strong traction from carriers Mobile Backhaul/ Fronthaul Market creator & #1 provider in Korea >$300M Market Big opportunity in small cell environment Dominant market share in both Secured as sole system vendor for TICN Defense Business Power Amp KT and SKT major projects in 2012 Best-in-class (higher system efficiency, lower cost & compact size) 8
9 앞으로의 vision 해외매출 $50M ( 지역 / 고객 /product 확대 ), 10% OP margin $150M Global vendor 와의 partnering 유선사업해외진출 / WDM-PON 사업기반확보 2013 해외매출비중 40% 이상확대 180M WDM-PON 사업화추진 DAS 시장경쟁력강화및 Worldwide M/S 확대 2014 x 전세계를아우르는 Global Vendor Worldwide No.3 DAS vendor No.1 WDM-PON Player 신규사업본격화 ( 국방 ) 9
10 Ⅰ. SOLiD Overview Ⅱ. Business Overview 1. FY 2014 Guidance 2. Market Update 3. 해외사업현황 4. 국내사업현황 Ⅲ. Appendix 10
11 FY2014 Guidance 2014 년매출목표 1,800 억, 해외수출은지속적으로증가추이예상 해외수출비중은전체매출의약 40% 수준예상 특히, 미주 DAS 매출지속적성장예상 & 미주 / 일본중심의유선시장진입예상 미주 / 일본외에중남미 ( 멕시코, 브라질 ) 및유럽 & 중동지역등새로운시장진입예상 목표영업이익율 12% 이상예상 Product Mix ( 미주향 DAS 중심 ) 변화에따른수익성개선예상 전년대비영업외비용 ( 이자비용 ) 은차입금규모감소등으로인한개선예상 100% Sales by business portfolio in ,619 1,800 80% % % 20% % FY 2013 FY % 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Target Operating Model in % 20% 4% 3% 23% 23% 54% 55% Y2013 Y2014(F) Wireless Korea Wireless Global Wired Korea Wired Global Others 매출이익영업이익영업외손익경상이익 11
12 Market Update Mobile data traffic explosion FMC(Fixed Mobile Convergence) FMS(Fixed Mobile Substitution) Mobile data traffic is increasing sharply, driven by smart phone, tablet PC etc Smartphone data traffic is growing at CAGR 95% and reaching 5.0EB/month by 2016 Network expansion addresses severe capacity & coverage issues FMC/FMS market expected to grow explosively Mobile data big-bang accelerates new business opportunities Cost efficiencies with performance forced Carriers to go LTE Requirements for Capex and Opex savings opened Smart network market like Cloud Worldwide Smartphone Data Traffic Forecast (Exabytes/month) CAGR 95% Capacity Enhancement Solutions Small Cell Data off loading 4G New Business Opportunities LTE Smart Network, etc '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 Source : Cisco(2012) 12
13 Market Update (Cont d) LTE 180 operators in 70 countries are investing in LTE (GSA, Jan.2011) Expecting that over 200 LTE networks in more than 70 countries by 2015 (GSMA, Jan 2014) At 2Q. 12, 26.5 million LTE subscriptions worldwide, 90% from USA, Korea and Japan Stronger market growth for home coverage and DAS solutions in LTE Network Technological migration to 4G-LTE is faster than earlier migration from 2G to 3G Seamless connectivity in building is critical for data centric 4G networks Worldwide LTE Equipment Market Forecast ($ Billions) CAGR 44.4% ( ) Source : INFONETICS RESEARCH(2012) Worldwide LTE Subscribers Forecast (milions) Africa Middle East CAGR 133% Latin America North America Europe Asia Source : Gartner. DIGIECO에서재인용 (2013) 13
14 해외사업현황 Global Business Presence London Branch EMEA regional Management Since 2008 Beijing Office Regional Sales & Partnership Management Since 2006 SOLiD USA: Subsidiary (Sunnyvale, CA) NA Regional Sales & Channel Management Strategic Partnership Management Since CAGR 172% SOLiD Japan : Tokyo (June, 2013) Regional Sales & Partnership Management Since 2008 SOLiD Direct Operation SOLiD Local Distributor '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 (e) [ 년도별수출액추이 ( 억원 )] ASIA America EMEA 14
15 이동통신중계기의이해 중계기는저비용으로유연하고효율적인망구축을가능케함으로써끊김없는 (Seamless) 무선통신환경을구축하는데중요한역할을담당하면서기능및용도를확장해왔음 In-Building Out Door Complex Area 중계기사업의 Value Proposition 중계기 고객 ( 통신서비스사업자 ) 일반가입자 경제적인 coverage 확장 음영지역해소 기지국효율증대 비용절감 (Capex, Opex) 고객서비스향상 망효율성향상 15 저렴하고고품질의 통신서비스 이용을통한삶의질향상
16 해외사업현황 전략지역의선정 차별화된전략제품확보 Market Trial ( 사업자 /S.P.) 고객 / 전략제품확대 ICS Active DAS Home Repeater Stand-alone ICS 유선인프라포설이어려운도심지역특정 coverage 확보및가정 / 소형사무실용전략제품 일본및유럽시장전략제품. 저가화, 중계기이외의부가기능탑재두가지축으로 Product Roadmap 설정 Multi-mode/Multi-band 구조 대형건물, Public Safety 서비스북미지역전략제품 경량화, 고효율화, 저가화에초점을맞춘 Product Roadmap 설정 16
17 해외사업현황 미주 DAS Market Understanding Passive DAS DAS (Distributed Antenna System) RF 상으로 BDA 와연동한후 BDA 를통하여 증폭된신호가 DAS 의 Hub Unit 에인입되는 방식을사용 동축케이블을사용하여, 단순한 splitter 를 통해분기된 antenna 에직접신호연결 건물내 Coverage 와 Capacity 확대에적합 Multi-Carrier 서비스를통해외부네트워크와연계가가능하도록지원초기 DAS 시장주도. But, High labor cost, Single mode, limited flexibility, non DMS 유럽, 동남아 / 서남아등중심으로제한적성장 BDA(Bi-directional RF Amplifier) 매우특수하게고안된 RF 중계기로 FCC Regulation에의거하여서비스하고자하는대역의신호만을필터링하여하여기지국으로부터전송된미약한신호를증폭하여 DAS의 Hub Unit에전송 17
18 해외사업현황 미주 DAS Market Understanding Active DAS Scalability, Capacity Expansion, End-to-end management, cost effectiveness, Ability to overlay with existing infrastructure System Configuration Case 1. In-Buildings BIU Case 2. Stadiums BTS ODU Antennas ROU Case 3. Subways 18
19 해외사업현황 미주 DAS Market Understanding DAS Business Models in US Market Carrier(Operator) Market : Single Carrier DAS - 통신사업자 ( 예 : Sprint, Verizon, AT&T 등 ) 대상으로장비공급 - Carrier 대상으로해당통신사업자가제공하는서비스영역에적합한장비개발 / 공급 Non-Carrier Market : Multi-Carrier DAS (i.e : Airports/Train Stations, Casinos, Sports Venues/Stadiums, University or Corporate Campuses etc. ) - Enterprise / Neutral Host 시장에소요되는장비공급 - Direct Sales 방식이아닌현지유통채널 (VAR : Value Added Retailer) 통하여장비공급 - 자체구축된망을이용하되, Carrier RF Source 연계하여서비스제공 (ex : TW(Transit Wireless) 가 NYC Subway Network 구축하고, NYC에 Long-term Lease 계약형태 ) 19
20 해외사업현황 미주 DAS Market Understanding Active DAS gaining strong traction for the next several years Active DAS market is expected to grow steadily, with CAGR 21% and reaching $7b by 2019 Planning huge investment for LTE coverage by major Carriers such as Verizon, Sprint Responsible for 20% of the overall DAS market As market grows, vendors are being reshuffled Big company such as Corning, Tyco entered into DAS market through M&A Innovative company such as SOLiD & Axell join the major league and grow with remarkable achievement DAS Vendor Competitive Assessment IBW market is led by major 5 vendors : CommScope, TE Connectivity, Corning, Axell, and SOLiD 5 Vendors listed above dominated the IBW market and account for more than half of the market Several changes such as exits, divestitures and acquisitions in vendor ecosystem since last research in 2012 US(N.America) Market is the main battlefield Source : ABI Research DAS Vendor Competitive Assessment (2014) for major 5 vendors 20
21 해외사업현황 미주 Business Highlight in US Achieved $40M in revenue 2013 & Anticipating $60M in revenue 2014 Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) Over 100 sites & 60+ VARs utilizing SOLiD equipment. and growing Positioned as the 4 th largest vendor in the US DAS market, after only 4 years of operation Targeting a 10%+ market share and number 3 ranking by 2015 New product launch: WDM wire-line access equipment Sales trends and near term target in the North America Market (Total Exports, USD in millions) CAGR 190% ( 09~ 12) '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14(F) '15(T) Market Penetration Multi Carrier DAS Single Carrier DAS Wire-line Products 21
22 해외사업현황 - 미주 Signature Project 2013 Empire UN HQ State in New Building York Alliance equipment will exceed $1,000,000 Largest DAS project in North America Contract awarded in June 2012 Multi-year project valued over $20M (Y2012 ~ Y2015) Daytona International Speedway Largest Motor Racing Speedway 22
23 해외사업현황 - 미주 DAS Reference Sites in US 3M HQ Great American Ball Park (Cincinnati, OH) Oregon Health & Science Univ Pacific Life HQ Matthew Knight Arena (Oregon Univ) National Ball Park (Washington) JELD-WEN Field The Sprint Center Jack Trice Center (IOWA State University Stadium) Quicken Loans Arena Target 23
24 해외사업현황 - 미주 DAS Reference Sites in US GAP HQ (San Francisco, CA) Green Valley Resort (Las Vegas, NV) EMC 2 ( Mesa, AZ) Iowa state Univ. (Jefferson, IA) NINTENDO (Redmond, WA) Duke Univ. (Durham, NC) Nike HQ (Beaverton, OR) Disney Hawaiian Resorts (Honolulu, HI) AMAZON HQ (Seattle, WA) Mesa Arts Center(Mesa, AZ) 24
25 해외사업현황 - 미주 DAS Reference Sites in US Sacramento Int l Airport (Sacramento, CA) McCarran Airport (Las Vegas, NV) Paul Brown Stadium (Cincinnati, OH) Daytona Speedway (Daytona Beach, FL) Phoenix Speedway (Phoenix, AZ) Tucson Int l airport (Tucson, AZ) Memorial-DKR Stadium (Austin, TX) Neyland Stadium (Knoxville, TN) Rose Garden (Portland, OR) 25
26 해외사업현황 - 미주 DAS Reference Sites in US Extensive presence in healthcare facilities : Major USA healthcare providers and hospital corporations such as KAISER PERMANENTE have selected SOLiD as a preferred qualified vendor for their facilities nationwide Rush Memorial Hospital (Rushville, IN) John Muir Medical Center (Walnut Creek, CA) Parkview Medical Center (Pueblo, CO) North Share Hospital (Manhasset, NY) Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas, TX) Phoenix Children s Hospital (Phoenix, AZ) Rady Children s Hospital (San Diego, CA) 26
27 해외사업현황 - 일본 ICS Applications Base Station No Fiber Required/Easier Installation ICS Repeater Base Station Wireless ICS Repeater g a b Optic Fiber Base Station Cell X Remote Area can t be covered if fiber is not available g a b Repeater Cell Covered by ICS repeater fed wirelessly by Base Station RF Repeater High Gain High Power Wider Coverage ICS Repeater Wireless RF Repeater Wireless ICS Repeater g a g a b b Repeater Cell Repeater Cell 27
28 해외사업현황 - 일본 Business Highlight in Japan Recorded $13M revenue in 2013 Anticipating $12M in revenue 2014 Home Repeater & ICS(Interference Cancellation System) Steady growth & expansion of product line-up in Japan Market Preparing New product launch : Active DAS & WDM wire-line access equipment ICS LTE 176 ( 단위 : 억원 ) HR 3G HR 2G EOL(End of Life) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014(F) 28 28
29 국내사업현황 - 유선 Business Highlight 2014년유선전송장비매출약 360억예상 Multi-Carrier 통한신규장비 & Capacity 증설장비수요지속예상 SKT 주파수추가확보 (1.8G) 따른 Ring-MUX 및고도화장비지속수요예상 KT Mobile Backhaul용신규장비수요예상 Carrier 이외 B2B 신규시장발굴및확대추진 500 ( 단위 : 억원 ) (F) 29 29
30 국내사업현황 - 유선 P2P vs WDM(Ring-MUX) Gangnam Subway Station(Dense Urban Area in Seoul) Example P2P 26% Optic Fiber Saving Effect WDM 1.6Km 1.6Km Ring1 Ring2 Ring1 1.8Km 1.8Km Ring2 30
31 국내사업현황 - 무선 Business Highlight 2014 년무선통신중계기매출약 630 억예상 LTE 망고도화에따른 Coverage 확대위한장비투자지속예상 SKT 통합형중계기 (MiBOS) 통화품질개선을위한장비지속수요예상 KT LTE 망품질고도화를위한장비수요지속예상 LTE 주파수추가경매결과에따른신규장비지속투자예상 31 31
32 Ⅰ. SOLiD Overview Ⅱ. Business Overview Ⅲ. Appendix 1. SOLiD Product Line-up 2. 주주구성 3. 자회사현황 4. BW 현황 5. 요약재무제표 32
33 1. SOLiD Product Line-up Network Equipment Introduction Core Network Global Vendor Core Router Core Router ALU, Hwawei, Cisco Switching Network IP-PBX Server Server Access GW Edge Router Server Soft switch Core Router Mobile Network IMS Satellite Server GW (Gateway) Server Edge Router Multi Service Switch Access Network PSTN/VoIP Phone DSLAM / CMTS xdsl/cable Modem/FTTx High speed internet Smart Phone Mobile phone Repeater Set top Box Broadcasting Broadcasting Head-ends Wireless LAN Line Concentrator Switch Router Enterprise Network Local Vendor source : nipa(national IT Industry Promotion Agency) 33
34 1. SOLiD Product Line-up Mobile Network Access Ring (BBU Cloud) RRH CRM6400 RT Ring MUX(SCAN) BTS (Radio Remote Head) CRM6400 COT RRH ICS High power Optic Repeater (Multi mode/multi band) High Power ICS (Outdoor) Repeater DAS Low Power ICS (Home Repeater) 34
35 1. SOLiD Product Line-up Wireline Business Acquired SOLiD Systems in 2009 WDM technology based FTTx solution provider Well qualified and field proven engineering team Business Focus: Ring-Mux, WDM-PON, ROADM, G/E PON extender, Hybrid PON Synergy in FMC environment Mobile Fronthaul CRM6400 DWDM(ROADM) CoreBridge TM 3200 WDM-PON Infinity Access CWDM LAMCES TM -8 Core Network Hybrid-PON Reach Extender Metro Network Access Network Provides optical networking solutions from FTTx to the Core 35
36 2. 주주구성 주주구성 경영진기관 / 외인일반기업자사주기타 49.3% 32.3% 정준, Ph.D. 총괄대표이사서울대전자공학학사, Stanford대전자공학박사일본 Hitachi 중앙연구소연구원 KT 연구개발본부선임연구원세계경제포럼 (WEF) New Asian Leader(2002년 ) 10.7% 이승희, Ph.D. 사업대표이사 5.7% 2.0% [ 기준 ) 고려대전자공학학사 Northwestern대전자공학박사삼성종합기술원연구팀장삼성그룹미래전략팀 Consultant 36
37 3. 자회사현황 SOLiD Systems 투자시점 : 2009년 & 2012년 투자금액 : 31억원 지분율 : 100% 주요사업 : 유선통신장비 (WDM-PON, ROADM, Hybrid-PON, C/D-WDM, Ring-MUX) KRF 투자시점 : 2012년 투자금액 : 14억원 지분율 : 76.5% 주요사업 : Power Amplifier 개발및제조 SOLiD Mpedia 투자시점 : 2008년 투자금액 : 5억원 지분율 : 52% 주요사업 : 이동통신단말 H/W, S/W 개발및제조사업 Pen Generations 투자시점 : 2011년 투자금액 : 3억 지분율 : 12% 주요사업 : Digital Pen 개발, 닷패턴제품, Pen 활용한부대사업 ( 교육등 ) 37 37
38 4. 신주인수권부사채 (BW) 현황 구분최초발행시 2014 년 5 월현재비고 발행일 2010 년 9 월 29 일좌동 상환일 2014 년 9 월 29 일좌동 Bond 150 억은 12 년 10 월 2 일조기상환청구권행사로인하여전액상환완료함. 관련된이자도소급하여포함지급완료함. 발행액 150 억원좌동 행사가격 4,498 원 3,149 원 전환가능주식수 2,381,708 주 2,381,708 주 1. 외부보유분 75억 (2,381,708주) 총 8회걸쳐전량행사완료 - 1회차더블유저축은행 30억 (952,683주) - 2회차 ~ 4회차개인 15억 (476,340주) - 5회차 ~ 8회차신한금융 / 우리투자 30억 (952,683주) (2012년 5월 ~ 2014년 1월 ) 2. SOLiD 내부 75억 (2,381,708주) 보유중 행사기간 2011 년 9 월 29 일 ~ 2014 년 8 월 29 일 좌동 38 38
39 5. 요약재무제표 요약재무상태표 요약손익계산서 단위 : 백만원 단위 : 백만원 [ 유동자산 ] 69,010 98, ,141 ㆍ당좌자산 50,633 75,972 80,746 ㆍ재고자산 18,377 22,159 26,395 [ 비유동자산 ] 79,008 83,420 86,412 ㆍ투자자산 55,612 44,725 43,849 ㆍ유형자산 18,386 17,980 17,826 ㆍ무형자산 4,994 6,404 9,181 ㆍ기타비유동자산 16 14,311 15,556 자산총계 148, , ,553 [ 유동부채 ] 67,690 86, ,250 [ 비유동부채 ] 31,570 36,805 15,110 부채총계 99, , ,360 [ 자본금 ] 8,341 8,832 9,467 [ 자본잉여금 ] 20,194 23,780 27,290 [ 자본조정 ] (6,374) (6,234) (6,221) [ 기타포괄손익누계액 ] (149) (3) 0 [ 이익잉여금 ] 26,746 32,097 45,657 자본총계 48,758 58,472 76,193 매출액 62, , ,938 매출원가 48, , ,875 매출총이익 13,920 39,788 47,063 판매관리비 21,969 26,870 20,237 영업이익 (8,049) 12,918 20,237 기타영업이익 6,072 1,298 1,761 기타영업비용 1,201 2,913 3,185 금융수익 ,240 금융비용 3,039 6,889 3,930 종속 관계기업투자이익 2, 종속 관계기업투자손실 법인세비용차감전순이익 (3,482) 5,418 16,821 법인세비용 (1,168) 68 2,051 당기순이익 (2,314) 5,350 14,770 기타포괄손익 (34) 총포괄이익 (2,348) 5,496 14,773 39
40 IR 담당자 전화번호 김병진상무 031) 이제현팀장 031) 이호수선임 031)
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