불교학과 ( 佛教系 ) Department of Buddhism 학위과정 : 석사과정, 박사과정, 석 박사통합과정전공명 : 원불교학 (Won Buddhism), 불교학 (Buddhism), 기학 (Vital Energy), 요가학 (Yoga) Ⅰ. 학과교육목표 1. 원

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1 불교학과 ( 佛教系 ) Department of Buddhism 학위과정 : 석사과정, 박사과정, 석 박사통합과정전공명 : 원불교학 (Won Buddhism), 불교학 (Buddhism), 기학 (Vital Energy), 요가학 (Yoga) Ⅰ. 학과교육목표 1. 원불교학 불교학 기학 요가학등의종교 철학을심도있게연구한다. 2. 동양의제종교사상의융섭적지식함양을도모한다. 3. 현대사회에전개될불교문화의새로운방향을창조한다. Ⅱ. 학과대학원위원 김낙필, 정순일, 류성태, 김순금, 김도공 Ⅲ. 전임교원 직급 성명 학위명 전공분야 교수 박상권 철학박사 원불교학 교수 김낙필 철학박사 동양철학 교수 정순일 철학박사 불교학 교수 류성태 철학박사 동양철학 교수 김순금 철학박사 인도철학 교수 한내창 사회학박사 사회학 교수 이성전 철학박사 동양철학 교수 박광수 철학박사 종교학 부교수 박맹수 문학박사 역사학 부교수 김도공 철학박사 불교학 조교수 고시용 철학박사 원불교학 조교수 이승현 문학박사 종교학 조교수 원영상 문학박사 불교문화 Ⅳ. 편성교과목 1. 선수과목석사선수과목 학수번호과목명영문명학점 일원상론 Il-Won-Sang Theory 교화학 Study on Spiritualization 종교사회학 Sociology of Religion 한국불교사 History of Korean Buddhism 유교사상의이해 Introduction to Confucianism Study 도교사상의이해 Introduction to History of Taoism 종교철학 Philosophy of Religion 선사상및실습 Zen and Practice 불교학개론 Introduction to Buddhist Studies 3 68

2 박사선수과목 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 원불교학연구 Studies in Won Buddhist Thought 불교학연구 Studies in Buddhist Thought 동양철학연구 Studies in Oriental Philosophical Thoughts 초기불교연구 Studies in early Buddhism 도가사상사연구 Studies in History of Taoist Thought 인도철학사 History of Indian Philosophy 3 2. 학과공통과목 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 원불교학연구 Studies in Won Buddhist Thought 불교학연구 Studies in Buddhist Thought 비교종교학연구 Studies in Comparative Religion 동양예술사상연구 Studies in Thoughts of Oriental Art 역경연구 Studies in I-Ching 동양철학연구 Studies in Oriental Philosophical Thoughts 노장사상연구 Studies in Thought of Lao Tzu and Chang Tzu 전통문화콘텐츠론 Theories of Traditional Culture Contents 신화와상징연구 Studies in Myths and Symbols 3 3. 전공과목원불교학 학수번호과목명영문명학점 원불교해석학연구 Studies in Hermeneutics of Won Buddhist Scripture 교사연구 History of Won Buddhism 불교교리사상사 History of Buddhist Thought 예전연구 Ritual Text of Won Buddhism 교화학연구 Introduction to Sermon 정전연구 Studies in the Canon 원불교학방법론 Methodology of Won Buddhist Thought 신앙론연구 Belief of Won Buddhism 수행론연구 Practice of Won Buddhism 교화방법론연구 Methodology of Won Buddhist Sermon 교단행정학연구 Administration of Won Buddhist Order 대종경연구 Studies in Scripture of Great Master 일원상론연구 Studies in Il-Won-Sang Theory 종교사회학연구 Studies in Sociology of Religion 원불교교리형성사 The history of Won-Buddhism's doctrin 3 불교학과 69

3 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 사회조사방법론 Research Methodology 한국신종교연구 Studies in Korean New Religions 교화상담 Edification Counseling 정산사상연구 Studies in Jeongsan Thought 교무론 Theory of Won-Buddhist Minister 원불교와불교관계론 Studies in Relation between Won-Buddhism and Buddhism 원불교영성론 Studies in Won-Buddhist Spiritualism 3 불교학 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 화엄학연구 Studies in Hua-Yen Thought 초기불교연구 Studies in early Buddhism 여래장사상연구 Studies in Tathāgata-garbha Thought 대승경전연구 Studies in Mahāyāna Sūtra 위진남북조불교연구 Studies in Buddhism of North and South Dynasties of China 정토학연구 Studies in Sukhāvatī Thought 선종사상사연구 Studies in History of Cha'n School Thought 한국불교사연구 Studies in History of Korean Buddhism 산스끄리뜨불전연구 Studies in Sanskrit Canon 아비다르마연구 Studies in Abidharma Buddhism 계율사상연구 Studies in Śīla-vinaya Thought 중관사상연구 Studies in Mādhyamika Thought 유식사상연구 Studies in Vijñāptimātra Thought 밀교학연구 Studies in Tantric Buddhism 천태학연구 Studies in Tien-Tai Buddhism 선어록연구 Studies in Analects of Cha'n School 불교문화론연구 Studies in Buddhist Culture 한국불교사상연구 Studies in Thought of Korean Buddhism 일본불교사연구 Studies in History of Japanese Buddhism 남방불교연구 Studies in Theravāda Buddhism 현대불교연구 Studies on Modern Buddhism 불교문화답사 1 Buddhist Culture Field Study 불교문화답사 2 Buddhist Culture Field Study 불교신행론 Studies on Buddhist Theories of Practice and Faith 3 70

4 기학 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 기공의학연구 Studies in Medical QiGong 내단사상연구 Studies in Thought of Internal Alchemy 생활기공연구 Studies of QiGong in Ordinary Life 기과학연구 Studies in Qi-science 유교수행론연구 Studies in Confucian Practice 기학연구 Studies in Qi-Philosophy 내단사상사연구 Studies in History of Internal alchemy 내단수행론연구 Studies in Practice of Internal Alchemy 현대기공연구 Studies in Modern QiGong 기공원전연구 Studies in Original texts of QiGong 동양생리학연구 Studies in Oriental physiology 도인법연구 Studies in Dao-yin 기학과풍수 Qi-Philosophy and Feng-Shu 비교기공연구 Studies in Comparative QiGong 기학과동양미학 Qi-scirnse and Oriental Aesthetics 한국도교사상연구 Studies in Korean Taoist Thought 도가사상사연구 Studies in History of Taoist Thought 심신론연구 Studies in Theories of mind and body 성리학연구 Studies in Neo-confucianism 3 요가학 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 인도철학사 History of Indian Philosophy 아유르베다연구 Studies in Ayurveda 바가바드기타연구 Studies in Bhagavad Gītā 요가심리학 Yoga Psychology 명상의이론과실제 Theory and Practice on Meditation 요가개론 Introduction to Yoga 요가우파니샤드 Yoga Upaniṣads 현대요가연구 Studies in Modern Yoga 베다연구 Studies in Veda 아사나의이론과실제 Theory and Practice on Āsana 산쓰끄리트문법 Sanskrit Grammar 인도신화와요가 Indian Mythology and Yoga 동양종교와서양사상 Eastern Religion and Western Thought 요가생리학 Yoga Physiology 응용요가 -요가테라피 Applied Yoga-Yoga Therapy 3 불교학과 71

5 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 요가주석문헌연구 Studies in the Commentary of Yoga-sūtra 요가수트라연구 Studies in Yoga Sūtra 딴뜨리즘과요가 Tantrism and Yoga 우빠니샤드연구 Studies in Upaniṣads 베단따연구 Studies in Vedanta 하타요가해부학 Anatomy of Hathayoga 바이슈나비즘연구 Studies in Vaisnavism 샤이비즘연구 Studies in Saivism 상캬철학연구 Studies in Samkhya Philosophy 하타요가원전연구 Studies in Hathayoga Texts 불교명상연구 Studies in Buddhist Meditation 3 4. 교과목해설원불교학연구 Studies in Won Buddhist Thought 원불교의교의사상을중심으로원불교사상을체계적으로연구한다. 특히원불교의교의사상은어떻게성립되었으며그구조적특징은무엇인가그리고전통종교사상과는어떻게대비되는가를밝힌다. 그위에최고종지인일원상에서부터신앙문 수행문등으로체계화된원불교의교의사상을총체적으로해명한다. Won-Buddhist thought is systematically researched with being centered on its tenet and doctrine. Especially, it studies on establishment process of Won-Buddhist tenet and doctrine, its characteristics, and contrast to traditional religious thought. It holistically explicates on Il-Won-Sang, the highest essence of the order, and systematized tenet and doctrine of the gateways of the faith and the practice and so on. 불교학연구 Studies in Buddhist Thought 불교사상의본질에대한개괄적인연구를대상으로한다. 주로석존정각의내용과불교교단의성립, 그리고제도이념으로서의불교사상의체계와구조를분석한다. 그위에원시불교의경전과인물그리고다른종교와의관계속에서전개된사상의추이를해명한다. This is to general research on the essence of Buddhist thought. It mainly analyzes on the content of the perfect enlightenment of Śakamuni Buddha, the establishment of Buddhist order, and the system and structure of Buddhist thought as an organization doctrine. Also, it elucidates canons and personalities of the early Buddhism, and transition of thought developed in the relation with other religions. 비교종교학연구 Studies in Comparative Religion 비교종교학의연구방법에대한체계적인연구를목적으로한다. 비교종교학의목적과의의, 방법론등에대한기본적인시각을확립하고, 비교종교학의전개과정에대해밝힌다. 그리고불교와기독교등세계종교를중심으로구체적인사례를들어비교종교의실체에접근해나간다. This to systematically study on research methodology of comparative religion. It establishes on basic angle for object, significance, and methodology of comparative religion, and illuminates on development process of it. And focused on world religions, Buddhism and Christianity, it approaches to reality of comparative religion with their specific examples. 동양예술사상연구 Studies in Thoughts of Oriental Art 본과목은동양의전통적미의식과예술이론의흐름을살펴봄으로써동양예술과문화를심도있게이해하는것을목적으로한다. 특히중국과한국의전통문화에끼친시론, 문학론, 서화론등의제분야에서예술형식론, 예술창작론, 예술비평론의성립과변천과정에주목하여탐구한다. This is to intensively comprehend oriental art and culture by surveying on traditional aesthetic consciousness and art theories of orient. Especially, it investigate on process of establishment and transition of art formalism, creation and critics, in various fields of theories of poetry, literature, caligraphy, and painting, in relation with Chinese and Korean traditional cultures. 역경연구 Studies in I-Ching 본과목은동아시아의철학과문화에큰영향을끼친주역을심도있게탐구하는과목이다. 구체적으로는역경과역전의성립 72

6 과정을살피고여러판본의교감, 및원문강독을통해다양한해석이대두되기이전의원초적의미를탐구한다. This subject is intensively investigating on I-Ching which greatly influenced to philosophy and culture of East Asia. Specifically, it surveys on the establishment process of I-Ching and related treatises, and examines on original meaning before appearance of various interpretations, through cross referencing of variety versions and reading of original text. 동양철학연구 Studies in Oriental Philosophical Thoughts 본과목은동아시아의전통문화의기반이되는철학적사유의성립과변천, 및그현대적의미를탐구하는과목이다. 구체적으로는유불도를중심으로하여자연관, 인간관, 수양론, 정치사회사상, 및문화의식의중요한흐름을공부한다. This is to investigate on establishment, transition and contemporary significance of philosophical thought being based of traditional culture of East Asia. Specifically, centered on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, it studies on view of nature and human being, theory of practice, political social thought, and important flow of cultural consciousness. 노장사상연구 Studies in Thought of Lao Tzu and Chang Tzu 중국도가철학의주류를이루는노자와장자의사상을체계적으로연구한다. 도덕경과남화경의전적의구조를분석하고, 역사적인전개와사상적특징을해명한다. This is to systematically research on the thoughts of LaoZi and ZhuangZi whom are main stream of Chinese Taoist philosophy. It analyzes text structures of DaoDeJing and NanHuaJing, and elucidates on historical development and characteristic of thoughts. 전통문화콘텐츠론 Theories of Traditional Culture Contents 전통문화사상을콘텐츠의시각으로재해석해나가는방법론을모색한다. 문화콘텐츠의방법을도입하여전통의각종문화와사상을새로운패러다임으로재구성해나간다. This is to search for a methodology of reinterpretation of traditional cultural thought from the view point of contents. Introducing methodology of cultural contents, it studies for reconstruct various traditional culture and thought into new paradigm. 신화와상징연구 Studies in Myths and Symbols 예술의중요한표현방법의하나인신화와상징을공부함으로써예술의원초적근원과그상징적표현방식을탐구하자는것이목적이다. This is to research on original source and it symbolic expression methods by studying on myths and symbols, important expression methods of art. 원불교학원불교해석학연구 Studies in Hermeneutics of Won Buddhist Scripture 원불교교리해석방법론을탐색한다. 고도의상징성을포함한교리사상을체계적으로규명하기위하여해석학방법론을도입하고, 기존의해석과연구업적을해부한다. This subject explores the hermeneutics of Wonbuddhist teachings. In order to systematically examine the highly abstract doctrines and thoughts of Wonbuddhism, this introduces the hermeneutics methodology and analyzes the established interpretation and achievement. 교사연구 History of Won Buddhism 원불교사에대한체계적인연구이다. 교단사를이해하는사관의정립과함께교단제도와교리전개에대해구체적으로탐색한다. 교화나인물과같은다양한분야에서의접근이시도된다. This subject systematically analyzes the Wonbuddhist history. This suggests some ideas about historical perspectives and also studies development of Wonbuddhist organizational foundation and doctrins. This approaches it from such areas as edification and historical figures. 불교교리사상사 History of Buddhist Thought 불교교리의발달사에대한체계적인연구이다. 석존정각의내용과초기교단의교리, 대승시대의교리, 그리고각종각파로분립된교판사상에대한기본시각을제공한다. This subject studies systematically the history of Buddhist doctrinal development. This provides basic knowledge about Sakyamuni Buddha's enlightenment contents, doctrines of the early Buddhist foundation, doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism era, and thoughts of buddhist sects and denominations. 예전연구 Ritual Text of Won Buddhism 현대인에게맞는예의범절을바르게연구하는것을대상으로한다. 특히개인의관혼상제를중심으로한원불교의예의작법에대해모색한다. 이상원불교예전은인간의예의범절을기준으로하는통례, 가례, 교례로되어있고예문등이있어인간으로반드시실천해야할예도를학문화한내용이다. This subject deals with manners and decorums which are proper for modern society. Especially, this explores 불교학과 73

7 Wonbuddhist decorums-making with respect to individual's doing-up-the-hair, marriage, funeral, and ancestor memorial. Wonbuddhist codes of decorums includes the general, the familial, and of Wonbuddhist orders. 교화학연구 Introduction to Sermon 교화학의실천적연구와그방법을체계적으로연구한다. This subject deals with the practices of edification and methodology. 정전연구 Studies in the Canon 원불교의기본경전인정전을구조적으로접근 해명한다. 소태산의대각세계와그내용의교리화과정, 그리고현행정전의체계를연구한다. This subject approachs and analyzes the Wonbuddhist basic Scripture, Jeongjeon(cannon). It deals with Sotaesan's enlightenment contents, its process of Wonbuddhist doctrinization, and the current structure of the Jeongjeon(cannon) 원불교학방법론 Methodology of Won Buddhist Thought 원불교학의연구방법론을모색한다. 인문 사회의각종분야를섭렵하여원불교학의연구방법론을개발하고, 그간에연구된결과를검토하여방법론적으로교학이론을정립해나간다. This subject explores methodology of Wonbuddhist studies. Reading extensively a variety of humanities and social sciences, it purports to develop the methodology of Wonbuddist studies and to establish a theory of Wonbuddhist studies based on the existing research findings. 신앙론연구 Belief of Won Buddhism 원불교의신앙체계를구체적으로연구한다. 일원즉사은, 사은즉삼라만상으로전개된세계를신앙의대상으로삼아나가는원리체계를해명해나간다. This subject studies Wonbuddhist system of belief in detail. It attempts to explicate the principle of Wonbuddhism that the contents of Ilwon is the fourfold graces, and the contents of the fourfold graces is all things in the world. 수행론연구 Practice of Won Buddhism 원불교의수행체계를구체적으로연구한다. 삼학 ( 정신수양 사리연구 작업취사 ) 으로대표되는원불교수행의원리를밝히고, 일원상의수행을정전의수행편과대종경의수행품과관련지어해명한다. Practice of Won Buddhism provides a detailed research on the Practice of Won-Buddhism. The lecture is designed to understand Threefold Training both in the Jeongjeon and the Taejongkyong: 1 Chŏngshin suyang (Cultivation of Spirit), 2 Sari yŏn'gu (Inquiry into Facts and Principles), 3 Chagŏp-chwisa (Mindful Choice in Creation) as the Essential Way of Moral Cultivation. 교화방법론연구 Methodology of Won Buddhist Sermon 실천교학에바탕하여일선교화의방법론을연구한다. 다양한교화사례를분석하고, 지역사회와관련된교화현장상황을이끌어갈실천원리를제공한다. Methodology of Won Buddhist Sermon provides a research method about the edification based on the practical study of Won-Buddhism by analyzing various cases of edification as well as by providing practical principles. 교단행정학연구 Administration of Won Buddhist Order 원불교의교단행정에관하여구체적으로연구한다. 교단의제도 조직 법규를비롯하여인사 재정등교단전반의운영체계를해명하고, 각종과제에대한대안을제시해나간다. Administration of Won Buddhist Order provides some detailed information of the administration system of Won-Buddhism by researching on the system, organization, and Laws and Regulations. 대종경연구 Studies in Scripture of Great Master 소태산의언행록인대종경을체계적으로연구한다. 결집과정과구조적특징을해명하고, 수록법문의해석내지정전의교리체계와대비고찰해나간다. Studies in the Scripture of Great Master provides a systematic research on the teachings of Master Sot'aesan, analyzing the structure and the historical compilation procedure of the Scriptures, interpreting the doctrinal system of the Jeongjeon. 일원상론연구 Studies in Il-Won-Sang Theory 원불교의최고종지인일원상진리를체계적으로해석한다. 일원상의상징론에서부터일원즉사은, 사은즉삼라만상으로전개되는교리체계를구체적으로해명하고, 신앙문과수행문으로구별하여현실세계위에서구현해나가는이론적체계를연구한다. Studies in Il-Won-Sang Theory provides a systematic interpretation of The Truth of Irwonsang (the Circle), the symbol of the ultimate reality, which is enshrined as the object of religious faith (The Fourfold Grace) and as the standard of moral discipline (Threefold Training). 종교사회학연구 Studies in Sociology of Religion 종교학연구분야의체계와함께특수종교학의주요분야를차지하는종교사회학을체계적으로연구한다. 종교가사회와함께 74

8 전개되어나가는역사적인의미를해명한다. Studies in Sociology of Religion provides a systematic study on the historical relationship between human societies and religions. 원불교교리형성사 The history of Won-Buddhism's doctrin 원불교교리는소태산원각성존의깨달음을기점으로하여 원불교교전 의성립으로일원상의진리를비롯한사은사요와삼학팔조등핵심교리가확립된다. 특히원불교사상은당시의시대적상황과불교를근간으로한유교 도교등의영향속에서이루어져왔음을주목하지않을수없다. 이러한원불교교리를성립사적으로고찰하여, 원불교교리의정체성을보다면밀히이해하며, 교학사상에대한심도깊은연구를수업의목적으로한다. The history of Won-Buddhism's doctrine provides lectures on the main doctrines of Won-Buddhism, the Truth of Irwon as the object of faith(the Fourfold Grace) and practice(threefold Training). One of main purposes of this class is to do a research on the identity of the Won-Buddhist thought and how it has been developed under some influence of Buddhism as well as Confucianism and Taoism in the historical perspectives. 사회조사방법론 Research Methodology 사회조사방법론은사회현상에대한경험적방법론이다. 질적방법론과양적방법론을포함하며조작적정의, 지표구성, 측정, 분석등의개략적인내용을포함한다. Research methodology is a tool subject which deals with social phenomena empirically and includes qualitative and quantitative approach. It introduces operational definition, indexes, measurement, and analysis. 한국신종교연구 Studies in Korean New Religions 신종교의창립명분이민중의희망을불러일으킨점을고려하며, 제반신종교들의현황을파악한다. 후천개벽을슬로건으로한천도교, 증산교, 원불교등을집중조망한다. Considering founding justification of new religions caused hope of people, present condition of general new religion is to be comprehended. CheonDo-gyo, Jeungsan-gyo and Won-Buddhism are focused to be illuminated for put slogan of great opening at later heaven. 교화상담 Edification Counseling 원불교교화자로서상담역할이중요한점을인지, 내담자의심리와교화의상담기법을통해교도들의고충을이해하고마음치유를위한중심으로강의한다. This is to make student to perceive importance of counseling role in Won-Buddhist edification, to understand problems of the laity through psychology of interviewee and edification counseling technique, and to heal their mind. 정산사상연구 Studies in Jeongsan Thought 원불교改名을통해어려운시국속에서교단을이끌었던정산종사의생애와사상을중심으로강의한다. 정산종사법어 와 한울안한이치에 등에나타난정산종사의포부와경륜을탐구한다. Life and thought of Master Jeongsan who led the order in difficult period with changing name "Won-Buddhism", is focused to study. His aspiration, experience and knowledge is researched through the Scripture of Master Jeongsan, HanUlAn HanYiChiEh and other texts. 교무론 Theory of Won-Buddhist Minister 종교를직업으로한성직자로서, 소태산대종사의분신으로서원불교교역자의품위와역할을밝힌다. 나아가교리정신에나타난교무론, 교화현장에서의교무론을정립한다. The quality and role of Won-Buddhist minister are illuminated for a cleric and as a alter self of the Founding Master Sotaesan. Also, it establishes the theory for manifested in doctrinal spirit and edification field. 원불교와불교관계론 Studies in Relation between Won-Buddhism and Buddhism 소태산대종사는대각후불교를연원으로삼았음을고려, 원불교와불교의상생관계속에서상호정체성을밝히면서미래지향적방향을전개한다. This is to study for illuminating mutual identities in reciprocal relation between Won-Buddhism and Buddhism, and developing future orienting direction, under the consideration that the Founding Master Sotaesan had established Buddhism as the origin after his enlightenment. 원불교영성론 Studies in Won-Buddhist Spiritualism 21 세기에접어들어영성이중시되는상황에서, 원불교의영성개념이무엇이며, 영성함양의방법들을조망한다. This is to prospect on the concept of spirit in Won-Buddhism, and methodology of spirit cultivation, in 21st century, spirit emphasized environment. 불교학화엄학연구 Studies in Hua-Yen Thought 불교학과 75

9 화엄경 을기반으로하여중국적사유가조화하여인류사유의정화인화엄사상이전개되었다, 중중무진의법계연기이론을비롯하여십지사상과선재의편력에이르기까지동아시아불교의절정에대한사유가대상이다. Hua-Yen thought, the core essence of human thought has developed with the basis of Avataṃsak Sūtra and harmonization of Chinese thought. It studies the theory of repetitive undefiled dependant origination of dharma-realm, daśa-bhūmi thought, and various travels of Seonjae, which are peak thought of East-Asian Buddhism. 초기불교연구 Studies in Early Buddhism 불교의근본사상이전개된시기를불타재세당시에서불멸후 150 년경으로보고, 이기간에나타난사상경향을초기불교로정의하여불교의기초사상을중심으로연구한다. 4 부아함경과니카야경을기본자료로삼아이들을비교하며고찰한다. Early Buddhism is generally being considered from the time of Śākamuni Buddha to around 150 years later of his mahāparinirvāṇa. The thought tendency at this period defined as early Buddhism will be researched for basic thought of Buddhism. Four Āgamas and five Nikāyas are basic resources to be studied comparatively. 여래장사상연구 Studies in Tathāgata-garbha Thought 대승불교사상의원점인일체중생실유불성의이념을연구한다. 여래장계경전을비롯하여대승기신론등의전적을해명한다. This is to study the tenet of "All satient beings duly possess Buddha nature", the origin point of Mahāyāna Buddhist thought. Sūtras on tathāgata-garbha thought and the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith will be investigated. 대승경전연구 Studies in Mahāyāna Sūtra 대승의출발은기원전후로추정되는데초기경전인 반야경 을비롯하여수많은대승경전이대를이어출현하였다. 이들대승경전은불타의정신에기반하여출현당시의시대정신을함의하고있다. 이들내용을검토하는것을대상으로삼는다. Mahāyāna thought is considered commencing around 1st century BC. and AD. Beginning with the Prajñā-pāramitā-sūtra, various Mahāyāna sūtras had established one by one. Those Mahāyāna sūtras are based on the spirit of Buddha and containing the spirit of the time when they had developed. Study on contents of them are the object. 위진남북조불교연구 Studies in Buddhism of North and South Dynasties of China 중국불교는후한명제 (223) 때에전해졌다고전해지는데, 이후불교문화는위진 남북조에이르러그꽃이만개하였다. 교학의연구도이시기에충분한기반을이루었으며, 이후수당에이르러성숙된종파가출현하도록하는바탕이되었다. 이시기의문화와교학사상이대상이다. Buddhism had transmitted to China at 223 AD. the time of Emperor Ming of later Han dynasty. Later, Buddhist culture was flourished at the period of Wei, Jin, and North and South dynasties. Researches on the Buddhist tenets had been done sufficiently at this age, which became the basis of appearance of matured Buddhist sects at Sui and Tang dynasties. the culture and doctrinal thought at this period will be studied. 정토학연구 Studies in Sukhāvatī Thought 정토삼부경에바탕하여이행도의대표적교설로써전개된정토사상을연구의대상으로한다. 특히이사상이지닌뛰어난민중성으로인하여동아시아에가장널리퍼지게된원동력을찾아보고, 정토경전의정신과정토신앙의현상을탐구한다. It will study on Sukhāvatī or Pure Land thought which was developed as representative tenet thought of the easy practice way based on three Sukhāvatī sūtras. Especially, it will research on original dynamic which made most pervasive in East Asia for its outstanding popularity, and investigate on the spirit of Sukhāvatī sūtras and the phenomenon of Sukhāvatī faith. 선종사상사연구 Studies in History of Cha'n School Thought 불교이전의선, 소승의선, 대승의선을거쳐중국적사유와조화하면서성립한중국의선종은독특한세계를이루고, 오늘날전세계적으로가장큰영향을미친불교사조가운데하나가되었다. 이들선종의성립과전개의모티브를탐구하는것이목적이된다. Meditation before Buddhism, dhyānas of Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna had succeeded to Chinese Cha'n in harmonization with their thought. Cha'n school established unique world of thought, and became one of the most worldly influencive Buddhist thoughts. This is to study on the motives of establishment and development of Chinese Cha'n school. 한국불교사연구 Studies in History of Korean Buddhism 선조한국에불교가수입된이래삼국고려를거치면서불교교학과문화가그꽃을피웠고, 억불의조를거치면서민중성을몸에익히게된불교의흐름을탐구하는것이대상이된다. 교학자들뿐만이아니라선종의뛰어난조사들의사자상승을더듬는것은불교에대한본질을천착하는동시에한국인의정체성을탐구하는데에도유효하다. Since Buddhism had transferred to Korea at three dynasties era, its tenet, thought and culture had flourished through those periods and Goryeo dynasty, and myriads of sages had emerged in Korean Buddhism. Along with those factors, Korean Buddhism embodied the spirit of people. Those flows of Korean Buddhism will be studied. Researching not only eminent scholars, but also lineage of brilliant sages of Seon school will be simultaneously efficient for illuminating the 76

10 essence of Buddhism and clarifying identity of Korean. 산스끄리뜨불전연구 Studies in Sanskrit Canon 산스끄리뜨어로정비된원전을대상으로강독을실시한다. 산스끄리뜨어의해독능력을제고시켜불교연구제 1 차자료에대한접근을용이하게한다. This is a reading on an original resource among Sanskrit canons. It will improve ability of reading Sanskrit text and make easy to approach on the primary resource for Buddhist studies. 아비다르마연구 Studies in Abidharma Buddhism 불멸후석존의가르침에대한분석적이고사변적인논의를총체적으로아비다르마라고한다. 논모를설정하고해석 주석 광설을행한다음이를총체적으로정비하여가는과정이연구대상이된다. After mahāparinirvāṇa of Buddha, analytical and philosophical researches on his teaching is ovally called abhidharma. It will study the process of establishment of mātṛka, conducting analyzation, treatise, and explanation, and arranging generally. 계율사상연구 Studies in Śīla-vinaya Thought 상가에들어가수행하려는비구개인의결의를계 ( 戒, sīla, śīla) 라하고, 상가단체의규칙을율 ( 律, vinaya) 이라하며, 이를합하여계율이라한다. 이들계율정신이탐구대상이된다. Determination of a monk to join Saṅgha and practice is called śīla, and the regulation of Saṅgha is vinaya. The both combined and designated as Śīla-vinaya. Their spirits are object of study. 중관사상연구 Studies in Mādhyamika Thought 이불교의중흥조로불리는나가르주나에의하여제시된중관사상은이후대승불교의사상적근간되었다. 중론 을비롯한그의저작들을통하여중관사상의본질을탐구한다. Mādhyamika thought which is presented by Nāgārjuna considered as the sage of Buddhist renaissance became the fundamental core of Mahāyāna Buddhist thought. It will investigate on the essence of Mādhyamika thought with his works, including Mādhyamikakārika. 유식사상연구 Studies in Vijñāptimātra Thought 유식론사들은 해심밀경 이나 대승아비달마집론 의사상을이어받아유가의실천을통해유식의체험을심화하고다시알라야식의교리와종합하여하나의체계로정리하였다. 아상가와바수반두를거치면서유식설은대성하며, 이들유식설은후일중관사상과교류하면서고도의철학체계를형성한다. Yogācāravādin had succeeded the thoughts in Saṃdhi-nirmocana-sūtra, Mahāyāna-abhidharma-saṃnipāta-śastra and so on, deepened experience of vijñāptimātra with practice of yoga, and arranged as an independent system by synthesizing with the tenet of Ālaya vijñāna. Vijñāptimātra thought had settled by Āsaṅga and Vasubhandu, and constructed highly sophisticated philosophical system by inter-relation with Mādhyamika thought. 밀교학연구 Studies in Tantric Buddhism 밀교는딴뜨라불교라고도하는데밀교의의궤를채용하는불교라고광범위하게정의할수도있다. 초기밀교는초기와대승을거치면서불교안에형성된밀교적요소이고, 중기밀교는 대일경 성립이후의순밀을말한다. 후기밀교는 8 세기인도에서성립한딴뜨리즘의전개와함께출발한밀교를가리킨다. 이처럼광범위하고, 다양한밀교적습속과문화에대한탐구가그대상이된다. Tantric Buddhism, also called as esoteric Buddhism, can be defined as Buddhism adopting tantric manual of ritual, in wide sense. Early tantric Buddhism was tantric factors established through early and Mahāyāna Buddhism; the middle period tantric Buddhism was pure esoteric Buddhism after establishment of Mahāvairocana-sūtra. Later tantric Buddhism designates esoteric Buddhism developed with influence of Indian Tantrism which was established at 8th century. These wide and diverse conventions and culture of tantric Buddhism will be intensively studied. 천태학연구 Studies in Tien-Tai Buddhism 교와관을겸수하는이론으로시작되는천태의교리와실천론이연구의대상이다. 법화경 의교의에바탕하여일념삼천의이론과지관사상등을탐구하고천태의궁극인성구사상의본질을천착하는것을목적으로한다. This is to study the tenet and practice theory of Tien-tai which begins with the thought of abreast practice of tenet study and insight practice. It studies the theory of three heavenly world in one think and the samātha and vipaśyana thoughts based on the tenet of the Lotus Sūtra. 선어록연구 Studies in Analects of Cha'n School 팔만대장경으로상징되는수많은경전을부정하고불립문자 교외별전 직지인심 견성성불의 16 자종지로요약되는개혁적불교는아이러니컬하게도팔만대장경에필적하는선어록을우리에게남기고있다. 이들어록은불교의중국적변용뿐만이아니라당시의불교와생활문화전반에걸친다양한정보를우리에게제공해준다. Cha'n school was a reformative Buddhism, denying all sūtras signified as Eighty-thousand Tripitaka, summarized in four 불교학과 77

11 essences of "no words to depend on", "transmission apart from sūtra", "directly pointing human mind", and "seeing own nature and accomplishment of Buddhahood." However, it ironically remains Cha'n analects almost equal amounts to Eighty-thousand Tripitaka. Those analects provide us not only on Chinese transformation of Buddhism, but also on various informations including Buddhism at the time and general life culture. 불교문화론연구 Studies in Buddhist Culture 불교는다양하며매우많은문화를형성하여왔고, 오늘날에도그영향력은상존한다. 건축 조각 미술 음악 의례등다양한분야에대한불교문화를탐구함으로써불교의본질에더접근할수있을뿐만아니라, 불교의새로운교화의가능성도가늠할수있을것이다. Buddhism has established various and many cultures, and its influence still remains at present day. Investigation on various Buddhist cultures, architecture, engraving, arts, music, ritual and so on, can approach to essential nature of Buddhism and can make us to prospect a possibility of new way of edification of Buddhism. 한국불교사상연구 Studies in Thought of Korean Buddhism 한국불교는중국불교를수용하여나름대로의문화를형성하였을뿐만아니라일본에도불교를전하는가교역할을수행하였다. 또한원효의화쟁사상을비롯한독특한불교사상을형성하였고이후에도실천성높은사상을형성하였다. Korean Buddhism accepted Chinese Buddhism, built own peculiar culture and transmitted Buddhism to Japan. Also, Korean Buddhism had established unique Buddhist thought, beginning with the harmonizing argument thought of Wonhyo, and later other highly practical thoughts. 일본불교사연구 Studies in History of Japanese Buddhism 일본불교는한국과중국으로부터불교를수용하였으나, 그문화와교학적전통을나름대로구축하여오랜세월을유지하여왔다. 또한현대에있어서도세계에불교적영향력을크게행사하고있다. 일본불교의흐름을깊이천착하는것은중요한작업이된다. Japan accepted Buddhism from Korea and China, however, they established own culture and doctrinal tradition and maintained for long periods. They also have great Buddhist influence to the world at present. Research on the flow of Japanese Buddhism is very important work. 남방불교연구 Studies in Theravāda Buddhism 아쇼카왕에의하여스리랑카에불교전도사들이파견된이래, 주로인도양연안의남쪽지역에남방불교전통이형성되었다. 이들은부파시절의교학을비교적충실하게유지발전시켜왔고, 오늘날에도세계불교계의흐름가운데중요한역할을수행하고있다. 이들의교학을탐구하는작업은불교의고유형태를아는데에매우중요한일이다. Since Buddhist propagandas had been sent to Sri Lanka by King Ashoka, Theravāda Buddhism had established its tradition around southern area of Indian Ocean. They substantially maintained and developed the tenet study of abhidhamma period; also plays important role in the flow of world Buddhism at present. Studying on their tenet thought is very important to comprehend the original form of Buddhism. 현대불교연구 Studies on Modern Buddhism 현대사회불교의다양한변화모습을파악하고새로운변화의움직임들속에담겨있는사상사적의미와사회적의미등에대한연구를진행한다. It is to comprehend various changing figures of Buddhism in modern Society, and to research on meaning of the history of idea and sociial significance. 불교문화답사 1 Buddhist Culture Field Study 1 한국의불교문화의현장을직접답사하여한국문화속에담겨있는불교사상의의미와문화적의미를탐구하는것은매우의미있는일이다. Directly visiting the field of Korean Buddhist culture and surveying on the Buddhist and cultural meanings in Korean tradition are very meaningful. 불교문화답사 2 Buddhist Culture Field Study 2 불교문화의발생및전개현장을직접답사하여확인하는것은불교사상의의미와문화적의미를연구하는데있어서매우의미있는일이다. Direct field study of sites of origin and development of Buddhist culture is significant for research on the Buddhist and cultural meanings. 불교신행론 Studies on Buddhist Theories of Practice and Faith 불교에서실제행해지고있는신앙과수행의직접적인방법과원리등에대하여탐구하고그변화양상을살펴보는것은매우의미있는연구대상이다. This is to study direct methods and principles of actually conducted faith and practice in Buddhism and to comprehend it modes of transformation. 78

12 기학기공의학연구 Studies in Medical QiGong 기공학의중요한영역인의료기공의분야를체계적으로연구한다. 황제내경, 동의보감을중심으로한동양의학의이론과기공학의상호관계를살피고기공치료의연구업적을종합, 검토한다. This is to systematically study medical QiGong, an important area of QiGong studies. It will research on inter-relation between QiGong and theories of oriental medicine centered on Huangdi Neijing and Dongeui Bogam; then, put together and verify the research achievement of QiGong treatment. 내단사상연구 Studies in Thought of Internal Alchemy 기공양생의핵심영역인내단, 외단사상의성립과정과이론적틀, 실천방법론을연구한다. 구체적으로는내단고유의심신관, 성명쌍수의수행이론, 및수행의단계와방법을체계적으로연구한다. It studies establishment process and theoretic frame of Neidan and Waidan thought, the core field of QiGong Yangsheng. Especially, it systematically researches for Neidan's unique mind and body theory, principle and life abreast practice theory, methodology and stages of practice. 생활기공연구 Studies of QiGong in Ordinary Life 현대인의일상생활에기공수련이활용되는영역을연구한다. 오금희, 태극권을중심으로한도인법을비롯하여기공체조와기공무예및단전호흡, 명상등생활속의건강양생법등을종합적으로검토한다. It studies for applicable field of QiGong Practice in daily life of contemporary people. Daoyin methodologies centered on Wuqinxi and Taichi, QiGong exercise, QiGong marshal arts, inner elixir field breathing, meditation and other health YangSheng methodologies are widely and intensively investigated. 기과학연구 Studies in Qi-science 기에대한과학적탐구의흐름을연구함으로써기공학의과학적기반을점검한다. 구체적으로는기의과학적정의, 기의측정, 기산업의가능성을모색하고, 신과학운동과기과학의학문적연관관계를검토한다. It is to clarify scientific basis of QiGong by study on the flow of scientific research on Qi. Specifically, it searches for scientific definition and possibility of measurement and industrialization of Qi, and investigates for academic relation between neo-science movement and Qi-science. 유교수행론연구 Studies in Confucian Practice 맹자의호연지기와대학의수행법으로부터송명이학의정좌법에이르는유교수행의흐름을연구한다. 이를도덕적의리실천을통한기질변화를모색하는유교특유의도덕적수행이론과생명추구의정신을연구한다. It studies the flow of Confucian practice from the grand spirit of Mencius and Daxue's practice methodology to right sitting method of neo-confucianism at Song and Ming dynasty. Unique Confucian ethical practice theory searching transformation of nature by moral practice of righteousness, and life centered spirit are subject to be studied. 기학연구 Studies in Qi-Philosophy 기학의성립과역사적발전과정을탐구하고기공양생을중심으로한제반기공이론이철학, 과학, 의학, 예술, 체육등각영역과만나는학문적접점을분석하여현대사회에서의학문적과제를검토하고바람직한방향을모색한다. It studies establishment and historical development process, analyzes academic contact point of which general Qi-philosophy theories centered on QiGong YangSheng meet various fields of philosophy, science, medical science, art, physical exercise and so on. Also, its academic issues in contemporary society will be investigated and desirable direction be searched. 내단사상사연구 Studies in History of Internal alchemy 방선도로부터한말에이르는초기내단사상의성립으로부터당의중현학, 당말송초의여동빈, 진단등을통해내단사상의중흥과정을살펴본다. 전진교와남파의내단사상이지닌특징을검토하고명말청초의삼교융합적경향을살펴봄으로써내단사상의변모과정을개관한다. This is to research the establishment of early Neidan thought from FangXianDao to later Han dynasty, and the revival of Neidan thought through ZhongXuan studies of Tang dynasty, Lu Dong-bin and Chen Tuan of end of Tang and early Song dynasties. Also, it generally comprehends changing feature of Neidan thought by examining character of Neidan thoughts of QuanZhen school and Nan school, and studying three religions combining trend at end of Ming and early Ching dynasties. 내단수행론연구 Studies in Practice of Internal Alchemy 기공양생의핵심영역인내단사상의이론적틀과실천방법론을연구한다. 구체적으로는내단고유의심신관, 성명쌍수의수행이론, 및수행의단계와방법을체계적으로연구한다. It studies establishment process and theoretic frame of Neidan and Waidan thought, the core field of QiGong Yangsheng. 불교학과 79

13 Especially, it systematically researches for Neidan's unique mind and body theory, principle and life abreast practice theory, methodology and stages of practice. 현대기공연구 Studies in Modern QiGong 현대사회에대두된새로운신영성운동을비롯한다양한기공의유파를살펴보고그이론적바탕과실천적특징을살펴본다. 이를통해현대사회에서의바람직한기공문화의방향을탐색한다. Various trends of QiGong, including newly appeared New-age movement in contemporary, and their theoretic basis and practical feature will be studied. Then, we will search of desirable QiGong culture in present society. 기공원전연구 Studies in Original texts of QiGong 기학관련원전을강독함으로써원전해독의능력을높이고깊이있는학문적접근의기초를배양한다. Reading of original resources of QiGong will improve capability of interpreting primary resources and basis of academic approach. 동양생리학연구 Studies in Oriental physiology 한의학적인체관이나생리학, 질병관및경락학의성립과정과이론적바탕을검토하고기공수련과의관련성에관해탐구한다. It is to examine on the establishment and theoretic basis of Oriental medicine's view on human body, physiology, view on disease and JingLuo principle, and investigate on their relation with QiGong practice. 도인법연구 Studies in Dao-yin 도인법의형성과역사적흐름및이론적틀을살펴보고오금희, 태극권, 팔단금등다양한도인법의특징을검토한다. This is to study establishment, historical flow and theoretic frame of DaoYin, and examine for characters of various DaoYin practices, including Wuqinxi, Taichi, and BaDuanJin 기학과풍수 Qi-Philosophy and Feng-Shu 기학의다양한전개방향에서풍수사상이지니는위치를살펴보고기공학과풍수학의상호관련성을검토한다. This is to study on status of Feng-Shui in various developing directions, and examine inter-relation of QiGong and Pen-Shui. 비교기공연구 Studies in Comparative QiGong 유불도의수련이론과방법의큰틀을상호비교함으로써기공에대한종합적인이해를모색한다. 나아가내단사상과요가수행론을비교, 검토한다. Comparison of practice theories and methodological frames among Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in each other will help general understanding on QiGong. Also, it studies and comparatively examines on Neidan thought and Yoga practice theory. 기학과동양미학 Qi-scirnse and Oriental Aesthetics 본과목은동아시아미학에끼친기학의영향을탐구하는것을목적으로한다. 기의개념이정착되기시작한전국시대부터유가및도가의문예사상에끼친영향을살펴보고위진시대로부터당송대에이르는書論, 畵論, 文論, 詩論등인문의각영역에기의철학이어떻게작용하는가를살펴본다. This is to research on the influence of Qi-Science to oriental aesthetics. Also, we studies fot its influence to literary trends fo Confucianism and Taoism from the Warring States Periods settling Qi concept, and its philosophical application on humanities area of caligraphy, painting, literature, and poetry theories between Wei-Jin and Tang-Song periods. 한국도교사상연구 Studies in Korean Taoist Thought 본과목은한국고대로부터현대에이르는선도적심신수련의흐름을탐구하는것을목적으로한다. 고유사상의선도적성격, 중국내단사상전래이후의변천과정과조선단학파의흐름, 및선도적사유의근대적변모에관해공부하고그현대적의미를고찰한다. This is to study flow of mind-body practice in Korean traditional Seondo, originated at ancient age. Also, we studies for Seondo character of traditional thought, transformation progress after transmission of Chinese Neidan thought, flow of Dan school of Choseon, modern change of Seondo way of thinking, and their contemporary significance. 도가사상사연구 Studies in History of Taoist Thought 초기도가로부터황로학 현학 중현학 근대이후의도가등도가사상의역사적흐름과변모과정을연구한다. 나아가도가사상이기학의전개과정및도교수련의형성에끼친영향을공부한다. From early Taoism, HuangLao, Xuan, ZhongXuan studies, to Taoist schools after modern era, historical flow and transition of Taoist thought are subject of study. Also, it studies for influence of Taoist thought to development of Qi-science and establishment of Taoist practice. 심신론연구 Studies in Theories of mind and body 동 서양이심신론의흐름에비추어동아시아적심신론의성격과흐름을탐구한다. 구체적으로는유 불 도삼교간의심신론에대한상호교섭과이에관련된수행론의제문제를연구한다. 80

14 Considering mind-body theories of East and West, it researches on character and flow of East Asian mind-body theory. Specifically, among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, their inter-relation on mind-body theory and various matters of practice methodologies related with it. 성리학연구 Studies in Neo-Confucianism 성리학의이기론을중심으로한각종논쟁과그의미를통해사상적의미를추구하고, 이기론의변천과정과그과정사이의상호관계를밀도있게검토하여원불교교리와사상을정확히이해하는것을연구의대상으로한다. Focused on Li(principle) and Qi(energy) theory in Neo-Confucianism, it searches for philosophical meaning by investigation of various arguments and their contents. Also, transition and relation between each process are intensively investigated for comprehending inter-relation with Taoist thought. 요가학인도철학사 History of Indian Philosophy 요가가인도에서기원한이론체계이자실천체계인이상, 인도철학사를아는것은요가에대한앎을확장시킨다. 이에인도철학이전개되는역사와그주요특징을이해함으로써요가의사상적배경을이해한다. As far as Yoga is a theoretic and practical system originated from India, to know the history of Indian philosophy extends the knowledge about Yoga. By knowing the history and main characteristics of Indian philosophy the ideological background of Yoga will be made out. 아유르베다연구 Studies in Ayurveda 아유르베다는고대인도의료철학의정수를담고있는문헌이다. 요가의치료적인측면과결합되어온이문헌을통해요가에서나타나는심리적이고육체적인치유의기원과구조를이해한다. Ayurveda is a text carrying the essence of medical philosophy in the ancient India. Through this text that contains the therapy aspect of Yoga, it is possible to understand the origin and structure of mental & physical therapy in Yoga. 바가바드기타연구 Studies in Bhagavad Gītā 바가바드기따는고전요가이전의요가를집대성한문헌이자고대인도수행법의정수를담고있다. 이문헌을통해서는지혜의요가, 행위의요가, 신애의요가, 인도의일반적인수행론을엿볼수있을것이다. Bhagavadgita, a compilation of the pre-classical Yoga, shows the essence of methods of practice in the ancient India. The general methods of practice in India such as the Yoga of wisdom, the Yoga of action, the Yoga of devotion would be sketched in this class by means of this very famous text. 요가심리학 Yoga Psychology 요가는마음을다스리는방법을체계적이고구체적으로보여주는학문이기도하다. 요가심리학에서는서양심리학과요가심리학의비교, 요가심리학의주요문제점과특징, 심리분석의방법을연구한다. Yoga is a science that presents the methods of mind-control systematically and concretely. In the class of Yoga Psychology there are thorough investigations on such things as a comparison between Western Psychology and Yoga Psychology, main problems and features of Yoga Psychology, the method of Psychological analysis, etc. 명상의이론과실제 Theory and Practice on Meditation 요가에서신체적수행과더불어반드시행해야하는정신적이고영적인수행으로서명상에대해그이론적배경을살펴보는동시에직접적으로체험해볼수있는기회를제공한다. Meditation is necessary as a mental or spiritual practice in Yoga together with the physical one. There are opportunities in this class to overview the ideological background of meditation as well as to experience meditation itself personally. 요가개론 Introduction to Yoga 요가의기원에서부터현대적인형태에까지그역사적발전과정을살펴보고또요가와관련된주요이론과수행법, 전문용어를두루익힘으로써요가에대한기본적이해를확립할수있을것이다. The purpose of this class is to build up the basic understanding on Yoga. For this two things are necessarily to be studied; the process of historical development of Yoga from the origin to the modern modification, the principal theories and practices or the technical terms with reference to Yoga. 요가우파니샤드 Yoga Upaniṣads 후대요가는고전요가, 하타요가, 베단따철학, 샤이비즘등다양한요소를포괄하는통합적요가의형태이다. 이에 20 여개의요가우파니샤드에나타난후대요가의이론과실천을들여다본다. Yoga in the later times in India has the form of integral Yoga inclusive of the Classical Yoga, Hathayoga, Vedanta philosophy, Saivism, etc. With regard to this situation the study goes through twenties Yoga Upainisads in which the later Yoga theory and practice are well-established. 현대요가연구 Studies in Modern Yoga 불교학과 81

15 현대요가란인도에서기원한요가가서구문화와접촉하면서현대적으로변형된형태이다. 현대요가의다양한기법과장단점을검토해보면서요가의미래에대한전망을모색해본다. Modern Yoga is a modified form of the ancient Yoga in consequence of the contact between Western culture and Indian culture. This class aims at the researches on the various technique of modern Yoga, its strengths and weaknesses, the vision of Yoga in future. 베다연구 Studies in Veda 베다는인도문화의보고이다. 따라서인도학, 인도철학, 요가학을공부하기위해서는베다에나타나는신과인간의관계, 인간행위와도덕, 제식과수행등에관해기본적인이해를갖추어야한다. In India Veda is a treasure house of Its culture. To study Veda paves the way to the basic knowledges for Indology, Indian philosophy, study of Yoga, since Veda teaches many things such as the relation between gods and human beings, human activities and morality, the rituals and practice, etc. 아사나의이론과실제 Theory and Practice on Āsana 하타요가의근간이라고할수있는다양한아사나들을이론적으로검토한다. 또한그러한아사나들을실습함으로써그본래적의미와신체적변화를직접체험한다. There is no need to emphasize the importance of Asana in Yoga. First of all, the class is made by the theoretical investigation on Asana. But the main thing in this class is to practice Asana for the purpose of experiencing not only the essential meaning of Asana but the changes of the body. 산쓰끄리트문법 Sanskrit Grammar 요가의고대문헌을이해하기위해서는산스끄리뜨라는언어를익혀야만한다. 산스끄리뜨의알파벳과기초문법을배우고, 알기쉬운문장들에대해기초강독을연습한다. To understand the ancient texts of Yoga makes a demand for the study of Sanskrit language. As Sanskrit is not an easy language to learn, here, there are only basic things to be learnt such as the alphabet, the declension of noun etc., the conjugation of verb. 인도신화와요가 Indian Mythology and Yoga 인도대중의삶에녹아있는인도신화의여러양상을분석적으로또통찰적으로살펴봄으로써요가사상과요가수행이가지는문화적의의와가치를이해할수있을것이다. Yoga can be accepted to be a spiritual discipline as well as a peculiar culture. In this way it is a commendable way to understand Yoga as a culture by looking into the various aspects of Indian Mythology, being a representation of ordinary lives of the general public. After all Indian Mythology can arouse the cultural significance and value of Yogic theory and practice. 동양종교와서양사상 Eastern Religion and Western Thought 동서양의다양한종교적, 철학적개념들을비교하고고찰함으로써단순한동양학으로서의요가가아니라그것이현대적의미로널리재해석될수있는가능성을탐구한다. So far as Yoga is a discipline of Eastern religion, It can be compared with Western Thought. In the light of scientific concepts of the West the religious and philosophical concepts of Yoga can be redefined and reinterpreted in the modern sense. 요가생리학 Yoga Physiology 짜끄라, 이다, 삥갈라, 수슘나, 나디등요가의생리학적요소들을학습하고그요소들과정신적자유의상관관계를검토한다. 생리학에대한동서양의공통점과차이점도비교검토한다. In this class the factors of Yoga Physiology such as cakra, ida, pingala, sushumna nadi etc. are studied mostly in terms of Hathayoga. Besides, the interrelation between these factors and spiritual freedom is also investigated in terms of integral Yoga. The similarity and dissimilarity of the East and the West concerning with Physiology are also studied here. 응용요가 - 요가테라피 Applied Yoga-Yoga Therapy 전통적인인도의요가가여러실생활에어떠한방식으로적용되어왔으며그응용범위는어디까지이어지는지검토하면서, 특히나요가테라피를집중적으로살펴볼것이다. These days Yoga is getting modified into an applied science. So this class relates field of the applied form of Yoga in the ancient India. Bedside, this class look for a possibility in respect to the domain of application in Yoga. The main area of this study is Yoga Therapy. 요가주석문헌연구 Studies in the Commentary of Yoga-sūtra 요가수뜨라에대한주석방식과그다양한주석의내용을심도있게연구한다. 요가의여러주석문헌을통해요가의주요개념과요가체계의시대적변천을살펴볼수있을것이다. This class focuses on deeply the method and discussion of commentary on Yogasutra. Through this study of the various 82

16 commentaries of Yogasutra it is possible to look around the development trend of the times about the main concepts and systems of Yoga. 요가수트라연구 Studies in Yoga Sūtra 요가수뜨라는요가를연구하는데가장기초적인원자료이다. 이경전에대한연구를통해요가의근본목적과실천수행및그결과에대해명확한이해를얻고자한다. Yogasutra is a basic source material in the study of Yoga. The aim of studying this text is to obtain a clear understanding on the main purpose of Yoga, the essential methods of Yogic practice, the result of Yogic practice. 딴뜨리즘과요가 Tantrism and Yoga 후대인도를석권한딴뜨리즘은그자체가일종의통합적힌두문화이다. 딴뜨리즘문화는요가의이론과실천에지대한영향을미쳤으므로이를통해요가수행의통합적인관점을배울수있다. Tantrism is in Itself a sort of integral Hindu culture overwhelmed the later Indian history. As Tantric culture made a great influence on the theory and practice of Yoga, it may be as much as possible to learn the integral points of view in Yoga through that culture. 우빠니샤드연구 Studies in Upaniṣads 해탈을목적으로하는인도사상의시발점인우빠니샤드원전을통해인도사상의기본구조를이해한다. 동시에고전요가이전의요가사상을살펴봄으로써요가형이상학과수행론의기원에대해이해의폭을넓힌다. In this class the basic structure of Indian thoughts is to be apprehended in the studies of Upanisads, a starting point of Liberation-oriented Indian thoughts. At the same time, the origin of metaphysics and theory of practice in Yoga is also to be grasped in viewing the thoughts of pre-classical Yoga. 베단따연구 Studies in Vedanta 해탈을추구하는인도사상가운데가장정통적이라고알려진베단따철학을탐구하는것은이와유사한상캬철학과요가철학을이해하는데여러시사점을줄것이다. Vedanta is the most orthodox system in Indian philosophy. To study this School is indispensible not only to overview Indian thoughts in general but also to understand Samkhya School and Yoga School in particular. 하타요가해부학 Anatomy of Hathayoga 하타요가의움직임을서양의학의해부학과비교하면서하타요가의고유한특징들을여러경전들과이론들에근거하여탐구한다. 또한하타요가자세의해부학적움직임을실습을통해연구한다. Anatomy is a necessary part of studying Hathayoga. In this class the study places the focus on the comparison of Hathayoga Movement with Western Anatomy as well as on the original characteristics of Hathayoga based on the texts. The study also lies in the actual practice of Hathayoga postures in terms of Its Anatomy. 바이슈나비즘연구 Studies in Vaisnavism 까르마요가와박띠요가를해탈의수단으로간주하는비슈누계열의종교사상을연구한다. 바이슈나비즘이수행의방식에서베단따, 요가, 샤이비즘사상과어떻게유사하고또차별화되는지알아본다. In India Vaisnavism develops a lot of Yogic methods for Liberation. Especially this religious system puts stress on Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga as a means of Liberation. Thus it is very interesting work to examine the similarity and dissimilarity between Vaisnavism and Vedanta, Yoga, Saivism with regard to the methods of practice. 샤이비즘연구 Studies in Saivism 고전요가이후에요가의이론과실천에큰영향을미친쉬바교의종교사상을연구한다. 특히하타요가의형이상학적관점과딴뜨라요가의체계를이해하는데샤이비즘은필수적이다. There are two religious systems in India; one is Vaisnavism the other Saivism. However, as far as Yoga is concerned, the influence of Saivism on Yoga in theory and in practice is extremely large. To understand the metaphysics of Hathayoga and the system of Tantrayoga in terms of Saivism is able to widen our views on Yoga. 상캬철학연구 Studies in Samkhya Philosophy 상캬철학은요가철학의자매학파로서고전요가에형이상학을제공할뿐더러요가의주요용어를이해하는기틀을제공한다. 더욱이상캬철학은인도사상의흐름을이해하는데도매우중요하다. Samkhya as a sister School of Yoga presents not only the metaphysical background to Yoga but the pivotal point to understand Yoga concepts. Beside, Samkhya as a philosophical system is very much important to overview the current of Indian thoughts. 하타요가원전연구 Studies in Hathayoga Texts 오늘날요가의주류를형성하고있는하타요가를그원전을통해연구한다. 하타요가의세계관, 우주관, 인간관등을바탕으로하여그수행법을세밀하게검토한다. Recently the main current of Yoga is Hathayoga sine dubio. Here, the study is related to the reading of texts such as 불교학과 83

17 Hathayoga-pradipika etc. Through these texts the examination undertakes a view of the world, an outlook on the universe, an outlook on human being, the methods of practice in Hathayoga. 불교명상연구 Studies in Buddhist Meditation 불교명상은비록요가명상과그이론적배경과구체적수행법을달리할지라도요가를더심도있게이해하는데많은도움을줄것이다. 불교명상의이론을연구하고방법을실습한다. Although Buddhist meditation called Vipassana differs from Yogic meditation in its theoretical background and its concrete method of practice, it is quite helpful to understand Yogic meditation profoundly. This class deals with the theory and practice of Buddhist meditation. 84


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