대한초음파의학회지 2008;27: 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 연세대학교의과대학신촌세브란스병원영상의학과교실, 병리학교실 * 김지연 홍순원 * 김은경 김민정 곽진영 문희정 김기황 = 초록 = 갑상선의결절질환을평가하는데있어초음파유도하세침흡
- 천희 궉
- 5 years ago
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1 대한초음파의학회지 2008;27: 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 연세대학교의과대학신촌세브란스병원영상의학과교실, 병리학교실 * 김지연 홍순원 * 김은경 김민정 곽진영 문희정 김기황 = 초록 = 갑상선의결절질환을평가하는데있어초음파유도하세침흡인세포생검법은 1 차적진단기법으로인식되고있다. 세침흡인세포생검법은적합한검체를채취하였을경우진단의정확도가약 95% 정도로높은검사이나약 10-20% 에서부적합검체의채취로인해정확한진단이어려운경우가발생한다. 뿐만아니라약 10-30% 에서는세포병리학검사상불확실한결과를얻을수있으며림프종등의아형등의추가적인정보를제공하기어려운한계점이있다. 일반적으로초음파유도하중심부바늘생검은세포의조직구조적형태를볼수있는큰검체를얻을수있어정확한조직병리학적진단을가능케한다. 따라서 1) 세침흡인세포생검법상에서부적합검체가채취된경우, 2) 세침흡인세포생검법의결과가불확실하거나불충분한정보를주는경우, 3) 정확한병변의조준이어려운미만성갑상선질환인경우, 4) 영상소견과세침흡인세포생검법의결과가불일치하는경우등에서는중심부바늘생검을시행하는것이정확한진단에보다도움을줄수있다. 따라서이화보에서는갑상선결절질환에서중심부바늘생검이유용한경우들에관한조명을하고자한다. 색인단어 : Head and neck neoplasm, diagnosis; Thyroid; Thyroid, biopsy; Thyroid, neoplasm; Ultrasound (US), guidance 서론갑상선의결절은매우흔하게발견되는질환으로일반성인에서만져지는결절은약 4-7% 의유병율을갖는다 [1-3]. 특히최근고해상도초음파기기가발달하면서갑상선우연종 (incidentaloma) 의발견율이더욱증가하여최근에는갑상선결절의유병율이약 13-27% 로보고되고있다 [3]. 그러나이들중대부분은비종양성결절 (nonneoplastic nodule) 이며약 5-30% 만이악성으로수술적치료를필요로한다 [4]. 따라서갑상선결절이발견된환자에서세포병리학적인검사는수술적치료가필요한갑상선암의발견율을향상시키고 양성병변에대한불필요한수술을피하기위해필수적인과정이되었다 [4]. 이러한갑상선결절의평가및진단에이용되는기법에는초음파유도하세침흡인세포생검법 (ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration) 이대표적인방법이다. 세침흡인세포생검법은 게이지 (gauge) 의바늘을이용하는최소침습적이고안전한검사로별다른전처치나준비가필요하지않아외래에서도시행할수있는장점이있다. 또한적절한검체를얻었을경우진단의정확도 (accuracy) 가약 95% 에이르는방법으로현재갑상선결절의평가에대한 1차적진단기법 (diagnostic technique of choice) 로가장널리받아들여지고있으며, 대부분의갑상선병변의진단과치료방 논문접수 : 2008 년 10 월 16 일, 수정제의 : 2008 년 10 월 24 일, 수정논문접수 : 2008 년 10 월 29 일, 논문게재결정 : 2008 년 10 월 31 일통신저자 : 김민정, ( ) 서울시서대문구신촌동 134, 연세대학교의과대학세브란스병원영상의학과, 방사선의과학연구소 Tel. (02) Fax. (02) mines@yuhs.ac
2 대한초음파의학회지제 27 권제 4 호 2008 향결정은세침흡인세포검사만으로도충분하다 [3, 4]. 세침흡인세포생검법의결과는대개양성 (benign), 미결정 (indeterminate), 악성 (malignant), 비진단적 (nondiagnostic/inadequate) 의 4가지범주로구분되는데이중미결정병변과비진단적인병변의경우에는치료방침의결정을위하여추가적인검사가필요하고그외에도조준 (targeting) 이어려운병변이나영상소견과세침흡인세포생검법결과가불일치하는경우등에서도추가적인검사가필요시된다. 이와같은경우, 보완적으로시행할수있는진단기법에초음파유도하중심부바늘생검 (ultrasonography-guided coreneedle biopsy) 이사용될수있다. 본화보에서는갑상선중심부바늘생검의개념및시술방법, 그리고세침흡인세포생검법에추가적으로중심부바늘생검이유용한경우에대해조명하고자한다. 1. 초음파유도하중심부바늘생검 (1) 개념중심부바늘생검은세침흡인세포생검법시사용하는 게이지의바늘보다큰 16-21게이지의바늘 (Fig. 1, 2) 을사용하여조직을얻는다 [4, 5]. 입한다. 필요에따라피부에절개를시행할수있다. 이때중심부바늘생검바늘의주행경로는주변의주요구조를손상시키지않는범위안에서검사자가정한다. ㅇ. 한손으로탐촉자를잡고초음파유도하에다른한손으로바늘의끝이대상이되는결절의끝부분 (edge) 에위치하도록한다. ㅈ. 용수철활성화절단캐뉼라 (spring activated cutting cannula) 를발사시켜약 mm 정도길이의조직을얻는다. ㅊ. 한결절에대하여대개 1-3번의검사를반복한다. ㅋ. 채취한검체를포르말린액에고정한다. ㅌ. 바늘을뽑은후바로알코올솜으로눌러준후거즈를대고 15분정도압박하여지혈시키며관찰한다. (3) 합병증이전에초음파유도를하지않은상태에서시행한중심부바늘생검의경우되돌이후두신경의손상, 출혈, 바늘이지나가는길 (biopsy track) 을따른암세포의파종 (implantation) 등의합병증이보고되었으나, 최근초음파유도를통한중심부바늘생검의경우에는약간의혈종이나객혈등입원치료를필요치 (2) 중심부바늘생검의검사방법및순서 (Fig. 3.) ㄱ. 환자를앙와위로눕힌다. ㄴ. 어깨밑을베개또는수건등으로받쳐목이신전될수있도록한다. ㄷ. 검사도중침을삼키거나말을하지않도록주의시킨다. ㄹ. 검사시행부위의피부를베타딘및알코올로소독하고무균적드래핑을한다. ㅁ. 7 MHz 이상의고해상도직선형탐촉자의표면에젤리를바르고감염방지용소독비닐로감싼다. ㅂ. 젤을바르고탐촉자를움직여목표가되는결절을찾아모니터의중간에결절이위치하도록한다. ㅅ. 피부에국소마취를시행한다 게이지의바늘을사용하여피부를뚫고그곳을통하여생검용바늘을삽 Fig. 2. Comparison of core biopsy needle (: 16 gauge, : 18 gauge) and aspiration needle (C: 23 gauge). Fig. 1. The examples of biopsy needles used for core needle biopsy : STERICUT Semi-automatic biopsy system, in which the stylet containing a biopsy specimen slot is advanced manually and the cutting cannular is then fired. / : CECUT utomatic iopsy System, in which the spring-activated stylet and the cutting cannula are fired in succession
3 김지연외 : 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 않는경한합병증만이간간히보고되고있다 [4, 6]. 숙련도가높은검사자가시행하거나시행전자세한초음파검사와도플러검사를통하여주변조직과혈류정도를세밀하게조사하여가장안전하고짧은경로로접근하면이러한합병증의발생위험을더욱낮출수있다 [7, 8]. 또한검체홈 (specimen slot) 이있는탐침 (stylet) 을직접손으로밀어넣는단발성용수철활성화바늘 (single-action spring-activated needle) 을이용하는것이탐침과절단캐뉼라 (cutting cannula) 가모두용수철에의해발사되는양발성용수철활성화바늘 (doubleaction spring-activated needle) 을이용하는것보다주변조직의손상을입힐가능성을줄일수있는방법중한가지이다 [7]. 그밖에도검사후환자를약 30-60분간충분히안정시키면서관찰하는것도위험한출혈합병증의발생을낮출수있다 [8]. 됨을알수있다. 각검사의검체적합성 (adequacy rate) 의경우세침흡인세포생검법이약 70.3%, 그리고중심부바늘생검이 82.2% 로중심부바늘생검에서세침흡인세포생검법에비하여높게보고되고있다 [4, 5, 11]. 바꾸어말하면, 중심부바늘생검도약 17.8% 의검체부적합성을보일수있으므로, 갑상선병변의진단에있어두가지검사중어느한쪽이월등하 2. 세침흡인세포생검법과중심부바늘생검 기존의보고들에따르면적절한검체가채취되었을경우에세침흡인세포생검법과중심부바늘생검의민감도 (sensitivity) 는각각약 83% 와 84% 로보고되었으며특이도 (specificity) 의경우각각약 92% 와 95% 로나타났다 [3, 7-16]. 각검사의정확도는세침흡인세포생검법과중심부바늘생검에서각각약 95% 와 96% 으로비슷하게보고되고있으며, 일단세침흡인검사에서적절한검체가채취된경우는중심부바늘생검과견줄만한정확도를가진다할수있다 [7]. 이전연구에서도적절한검체가채취된경우두검사의정확도는거의차이를보이지않았다 [7]. 그러나, 이는검체가적합한경우에한한것이므로실제로는검체적합성이상당히중요한역할을하게 Fig. 3. The procedures of core needle biopsy.. Position the tip of the needle at the edge of the lesion using freehand technique under ultrasonogram guidance.. Manually advance or fire the stylet with a biopsy specimen s- lot and then fire spring-activated blade(=spring-loaded cutting cannula) to acquire approximately mm size tissue. C. Fix the acquired tissue specimen in Formalin. Fig. 4. The transverse scan of thyroid ultrasonography of a 50-year-old woman.. There was no definitely visible nodular lesion, but the bilateral lobes of the thyroid gland were heterogeneous and diffusely decreased in parenchymal echogenicity. The fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed at the right lobe of the thyroid gland, but cytologic result revealed cell paucity, meaning inadequate sampling.. Core needle biopsy was performed at the right lobe of the thyroid gland, and pathologic result revealed Hashimoto s thyroiditis in the fibrosing stage
4 대한초음파의학회지제 27 권제 4 호 2008 다기보다는상호보완적인역할을수행할수있다. 실제로두가지검사를동시에이용하였을경우민감도가약 97.3% 그리고검체적합성이약 88.9% 로어느한가지검사만을시행한경우보다의미있게증가한다는것이보고되었다 [5, 17]. 두가지검사는모두출혈, 감염, 되돌이후두신경의손상, 암세포의파종등유사한합병증을동반할수있는데최근연구들에따르면대부분입원치료를요하는중요합병증의발생률은세침흡인세포생검법에서약 0.13%, 그리고중심부바늘생검에서약 0.16% 로매우낮은빈도로보고되고있다 [4, 7]. 현재세침흡인세포생검법에비하여비용과시간이많이들고더침습적인점등을고려하였을때중심부핵생검을갑상선결절질환을가진환자에서초기진단검사로이용하는것에대해서는여전히회의적인의견이많다 [4, 13, 18, 19]. 따라서보다간단한방법인세침흡인검사로일차적인검사를시행하고, 좀더명확한갑상선병변의평가를위해서는어떠한경우에중심부바늘생검을이용할것인지에관해서는이러한사례들의이해와적절한적용이필수적이다. 3. 세침흡인세포생검법에추가적으로시행하는중심부바늘생검이유용한경우 (1) 세침흡인세포생검법상의부적합검체채취 (inadequate sampling) 현재까지세침흡인세포생검법은일반적으로약 10-20% 에이르는검체부적합율이보고되고있다 [5]. 특히 1회의세침흡인세포생검법을시행하는경우검체부적합율은약 28% 까지도보고되어있으며부적합검체가검출된환자에서세침흡인세포생검법시최대 4회까지흡인을재시행한다고하더라도 약 6% 이상의부적합검체가채취될수있다 [6]. 검체부적합율의원인으로는여러가지가알려져있다. 기존에시행되던세침흡인세포검사는강제적인음압을가하여세포를흡인함으로써검체를채취하는방법을사용하였다. 이방법은더많은세포를얻으려는데그목적이있으나세포나조직에손상을입혀조직학적형태의변화를유발하거나혈액에의한오염의빈도를증가시켜세포병리학적인진단이어려운경우들이발생할수있다. 또한시술자의숙련도역시검체부적합율의원인이될수있는데미숙련된시술자의경우약 70% 까지도부적합검체가채취될수있으며, 숙련된시술자라할지라도약 17% 까지검체부적합율이보고된다 [6, 20]. 그러나무엇보다도검체부적합율은병변자체의특성과밀접한연관을보이고특히경화 (sclerosis) 또는섬유화 (fibrosis) 가심한병변이거나석회화 (calcification) 를가지는병변, 혹은넓은부위가낭종성변성 (cystic degeneration) 을한병변등에서는세침흡인세포생검법을통해적절한검체를채취하는것이어렵다 [5, 11]. 이렇게세포흡인이어려운병변에서반복적으로검체부적합이보고되면다시세침흡인세포생검법을시행하는것보다는중심부바늘생검과같은다른진단기법을이용하여조직을얻는것이보다효과적일수있다 [5] (Fig. 4, 5). 실제로세침흡인세포생검법에서반복적으로검체부적합율을보이는병변에서중심부바늘생검을시행하면약 48.8% 에서조직학적인진단이가능할수있다 [6]. (2) 세침흡인세포생검법결과가미결정형 (indeterminate) 이거나불충분한정보를주는경우세침흡인세포생검법의결과가불확실한경우는여포성병변 Fig. 5. The transverse scan of thyroid ultrasonography of an 82-year-old man.. mass with heterogeneous echogenicity involving the entire right lobe of the thyroid gland was noted. Partial cystic change was demonstrated within the mass. few atypical cell, which concur with inadequate sampling, was reported on cytology of fine needle aspiration biopsy.. Core needle biopsy was performed on the same mass, and pathologic result of core needle biopsy was revealed as anaplastic carcinoma
5 김지연외 : 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 (follicular lesion) 이나악성이의심스러운병변 (suspicious for malignancy) 등을포함하는결과로모든세침흡인세포생검법결과의약 15-30% 를포함하며이중악성이약 10-20% 가량으로보고되고있어보다정확한진단이필요하다 [21-24]. 그외에도림프종의경우세침흡인세포생검법에서림프종자체의진단이용이하지않고특히림프종의아형 (subtype) 의진단은거의불가능하다 [19]. 이에반해중심부바늘생검은충분한조직을얻어여러슬라이드를만들수있어조직에대한특수염색을시행할수있으므로아형을진단이가능하다. 림프종의아형을아는것은환자의치료방침결정이나치료약제의선택, 예후예측등에영향을주게되므로이에대한추가적인정보를얻기위하여중심부바늘생검이유용하게사용될수있으며, 진단적인목적의수술을피할수있다는장점이있다 [19] (Fig. 6). 세침흡인세포생검법으로얻은검체의경우세포의형태로진단을내려야하므로주로핵의특성에기초하고있고따라서가끔내분비세포에서의악성의가능성을예측하기힘들수도있으며세포병리학자의경험이필수적이다. 그러나중심부바늘생검을시행하는경우에는 게이지의바늘을이용하여보다큰검체를얻을수있으므로세포의형태뿐만이아니라병변의조직구조적형태 (tissue architecture) 가유지된조직학적인표본을얻을수있다. 특히일반적인병리학자의경우세포학적인형태단독만으로진단을내리는것보다조직학적표본을통한진단에더욱익숙하므로진단의정확도가증가 할수있다 [4]. 또한세포학적인형태만으로는감별진단이어려운휘슬세포선종 (Hurthle cell adenoma) 과여포암 (follicular carcinoma), 유두암 (papillary carcinoma) 의여포변종 (follicular varient), 수질암 (medullary carcinoma) 등의진단에도유용하게쓰일수있다 [15] (Fig 7). 또한, 원발성갑상선암과전이성갑상선암의감별이나전이성갑상선암의원발암의종류또한면역조직화학염색을통해감별이가능하다 [4, 18, 19] (Fig. 8). (3) 정확한목표설정및조준이어려운경우 : 미만성갑상선질환그레이브스병 (Grave s disease), 다결절성갑상선종대 (multinodular goiter) 및몇몇염증성질환은미만성으로갑상선을침범하게되는데이들중다결절성갑상선종대의경우약 1-10% 에서갑상선암이발견되고하시모토갑상선염의경우드물게림프종이병발할수있으므로초음파검사시에는동반된암이있는지를밝히는것이중요하다. 그렇지만미만성갑상선질환을가진환자의갑상선은많은경우에초음파상에서비균질한에코를보이고특히다결절성갑상선종대나하시모토갑상선염인경우에국소적인병변의발견은어려운일이다. 또한국소적으로의심스러운부분을발견했다고하더라도경계가모호하거나그부위가넓은경우에는세침흡인검사를시행함에있어조준 (targeting) 이쉽지않은경우가있다. 이러한경우에세침흡인세포생검법을시행하면부적합검체가 Fig. 6. The ultrasonography of a 57-year-old man.. The transverse scan of the thyroid gland shows heterogeneous parenchymal echogenicity. n ill-defined area with marked hypoechogenicity (arrowheads) is visualized in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. The cytologic result of fine needle aspiration biopsy from the hypoechoic area was confirmed as lymphoma.. In order to determine the subtype of the lymphoma, the immunohistochemical s- tain (L26/CD79a,TTF,chromogranin,cytokeratin) was additionally performed with the tissue, which was obtained by core needle biopsy (arrow: core biopsy needle). The subtype of the lymphoma was determined as diffuse large cell lymphoma
6 대한초음파의학회지제 27 권제 4 호 2008 채취되거나위음성의결과를얻을수있으므로중심부바늘생검을통하여보다큰크기의검체를얻으면진단의정확도를올릴수있다. (4) 영상소견과세침흡인세포생검법의결과가불일치 (discordant) 한경우대부분의갑상선결절질환이있는환자에서세침흡인세포생검법이나중심부중심부바늘생검등을시행하기전초음파검사를시행한다. 갑상선의결절질환의초음파검사에서악성을강력히의심할수있는소견으로는결절내의미세및거대석회화, 결절내부의현저한저에코, 앞뒤가긴모양 (taller than wide), 경계가분명하면서침상인경우 (well-defined spciulated) 등이대표적이다 [14, 18]. 또한그외에도주변림프절종대나달걀껍질모양의석회화를포함한주변부석회화가있는때석회질의바깥쪽으로불규칙한모양의종괴가있는경우에도악성을의심할수있는소견으로보고되고있다 [16, 18]. 만일결절이등에코이거나난원, 구형혹은불규칙한모양인경우, 경계가분명하고부드러운경우혹은불분명한경우, 둘레석회화를보이는경우등에서는악성결절이보고되는경우도있으므로역시주의를요하는소견들이다. 초음파검사상위와같은소견들을바탕으로악성이강력히의심되었던병변이었음에도불구하고세침흡인세포생검법상양성의결과를얻는다면이는위음성의가능성을고려해야하는결과이다. 실제로세침흡인세포생검법에관한연구들에따르면약 % 정도의위음성율이보고되고있으므로임상및영상소견과세침흡인세포생검법의결과가불일치한다 고판단되는경우에는재검사를통한확인이필요하다 [3] (Fig. 9). 일반적으로위음성의원인으로는여러가지가있으나검체채취시의오류 (sampling error) 또는병리학적판독의오류 (interpretive mistake) 등이대표적인데중심부바늘생검을통하여큰조직학적검체를얻는것이보다정확한진단에도움을줄수있다 [3]. 4. 중심부바늘생검의한계점비록위와같은경우들에서중심부바늘생검이세침흡인세포생검법에비하여유용하게사용될수있으나중심부바늘생검에도한계점들이존재하는데, 예를들어, 중심부바늘생검은세침흡인세포생검법에비해굵은바늘을사용하고더침습적이며바늘이움직일수있는범위가제한되어있고시야범위가상대적으로좋지않을수있다. 또한, 바늘이병변을관통하여조직을얻게되므로병변의위치가주변장기에손상을줄수있는위치라면신중한계획과숙련된영상의학과의사의전문지식과풍부한경험이필수적이다 [17]. 또한병변의크기나매우작은경우에는조준이어렵고부적절한검체가채취될가능성이높다. 그밖에도대상이되는병변의위치가갑상선의상하부, 내외측, 후방부피막부위에위치하여혈관및주요기관과인접한경우등에서는접근이어려울수있다 [5]. 뿐만아니라결절에매우심한석회화가동반되어있을경우에는세침흡인세포검사와마찬가지로중심부바늘생검시에도제한을받을수있다 [18]. 이러한검사과정상의문제뿐아니라세침흡인세포생검법과 Fig. 7. The transverse scan of thyroid ultrasonography of a 64-year-old man.. bout 2.5-cm-size nodule with microcalcification and indistinct margin is noted in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. This nodule also shows taller than wide appearance. The cytologic result by fine needle aspiration biopsy of the nodule was suspicious for oncocytic medullary carcinoma, however, confirmative diagnosis was difficult.. Core needle biopsy was performed on the same nodule and the pathologic result was comfirmed as Hurthle cell neoplasm. Immunohistochemical stain, using the markers for oncocytic medullary carcinoma, was performed, but the results were all negative. The patient underwent thyroidectomy and the surgical specimen was diagnosed as Hurthle cell neoplasm
7 김지연외 : 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 C D E F Fig. 8. The transverse scan of thyroid ultrasonography of a 49-year-old woman with breast cancer cm-sized hypoechoic mass(arrowheads), with indistinct margin and invasion of the outer normal thyroid gland tissue, is noted in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. This mass shows taller than wide appearance. Fine needle aspiration of this mass was performed.. The cytology of this mass shows hypercelluarity with papillary structured epithelial cell clusters and nonfollicular cytologic characters, suggesting metastatic carcinoma (Papanicoloaou 200). C. To confirm whether the thyroid mass was metastasis from breast or from other sites, core needle biopsy was performed. D. The core needle biopsied thyroid tissue shows unusual tumor emboli in the blood or lymphatic vessels in the background of thyroiditis, suggesting metastatic carcinoma (H & E 200). E & F. With CE (E, arrows) and C-erb2 (F, arrowheads) immunoreactivity, this case was diagnosed as breast ductal carcinoma (Immunohistochemical s- tain 200)
8 대한초음파의학회지제 27 권제 4 호 2008 공통적인몇몇한계점들도존재한다. 예를들어, 두가지검사모두가초음파유도하에시행하지않는다면시술자가병변자체를정확히조준하는것이어려운것은물론이고병변을정확히조준하였다하더라도해당병변에서가장의심스러운부분또는고형부분이채취되었는지확신하기어렵다. 따라서두가지검사모두보다정확한결과를 위해서는초음파유도가필수적이다. 두번째로, 초음파유도하에실시한다고해도약 0-8% 정도의위음성율이중심부바늘생검에서보고되고있는데이것은 1-19% 에이르는세침흡인세포생검법의위음성율보다는낮으나환자의예후에중요한영향을미칠수있으므로중심부바늘생검상양성의결과를얻었다고할지라도반드시추적검사를 C E D Fig. 9. The ultrasonography of a 78-year-old man with a history of renal cell cancer.. On the transverse scan of thyroid ultrasonography, not only was the volume of the left lobe of the thyroid gland larger than that of the right lobe, but also, the left lobe demonstrated irregular hypoechogenicity. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the left lobe was performed.. The cytology of this case shows hypocelluarity with rare epithelial clusters with bland looking cytological characters, diagnosed as negative for malignancy (Papanicoloaou 200). C. However, the axial PET scan of the left lobe revealed markedly increased FDG uptake(arrow). D & E. Therefore, core needle biopsy (D) was performed for confirmation. The core needle biopsied thyroid tissue (E) shows a well defined nonfollicular mass, showing bland looking renal cell carcinoma, diagnosed as metastatic renal cell carcinoma (H & E 200)
9 김지연외 : 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 C D E F Fig. 10. The transverse scan of thyroid ultrasonography of a 54-year-old woman who had undergone right thyroidectomy for a benign lesion and has recent chief complaint of thyroid enlargement with associated hardness.. The left lobe of the thyroid gland shows diffuse enlargement in size and marked parenchymal hypoechogenicity. ased on ultrasonographic findings, lymphoma was suspected rather than simple thyroiditis, and fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed.. The cytology shows hypocelluarity with lymphocytes with rare follicular cells, suggesting lymphocytic thyroiditis (Papanicolaou 100). C & D. ecause the possibility of lymphoma still existed based on ultrasonography findings, core needle biopsy (C) was performed for confirmation. The core needle biopsied thyroid tissue (D) shows dense collagenous fibrosis with inflammation, suggesting Riedel s thyroiditis (H & E 100). E. The surgical specimen of thyroid shows lymphoid inflammation with dense collagenous fibrosing lobulations (H & E 12.5). F. Higher magnification of thyroid shows lymphoid germinal center and Hurthle cells, diagnosing Hashimoto s thyroiditis, fibrosing variant (H & E 100) which was identical with the result of fine needle aspiration biopsy
10 대한초음파의학회지제 27 권제 4 호 2008 실시하여야한다 [8]. 특히영상소견상악성이의심되는경우에는단기추적검사가반드시필요하다. 또한, 기존에세침흡인세포생검법의한계점으로지적되어왔던병변중중심부바늘생검으로극복되지못하는경우들이있다. 여포암과여포선종의감별의경우는중심부바늘생검으로감별이가능하다는연구들도있으나이에대해서는아직논란이있으며, 여전히수술만이정확한진단을가능하게하여중심부바늘생검의한계점으로도지적되고있다 [25, 26]. 뿐만아니라다결절성갑상선종 (multinodular goiter) 와여포선종 (follicular adenoma) 에서는여포선종과선종성증식 (adenomatous hyperplasia) 이혼동되는경우도약 22% 에서보고되어여포선종의진단에있어서는세심한주의가필요하다 [17]. 또한저자들이경험한하시모토갑상선염중일부는핵생검에서리델갑상선염 (Riedel s thyroiditis) 으로진단된사례도있었다 (Fig. 10). 결 초음파유도하세침흡인세포생검법은갑상선의결절성질환을가진환자의평가에있어비교적저렴하고안전하며정확한 1차적진단기법이다. 초음파유도하중심부바늘생검은세침흡인세포생검법을대체하는방법이라기보다는세침흡인세포생검법에서불확실한결과를얻었거나반복적으로비진단적인결과를얻은경우, 미만성갑상선질환으로조준이어려운경우, 영상소견과세포검사결과가불일치하는경우등에서보완적인방법으로사용할수있는유용한검사법이다. 그러므로영상의학과의사는위에서언급한초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의장점및한계점을충분히숙지하고초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의적응증이되는증례들에서세침흡인세포생검법의보완적인역할을할수있는초음파유도하중심부바늘생검을적절히활용하는것이필요하다. 론 References 1. Vander J, Gaston E, Dawber TR. The significance of nontoxic thyroid nodules. Final report of a 15-year study of the incidence of thyroid malignancy. nn Intern Med 1968;69: Rojeski MT, Gharib H. Nodular thyroid disease. Evaluation and management. N Engl J Med 1985;313: Gharib H, Goellner JR. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid: an appraisal. nn Intern Med 1993;118: Screaton NJ, erman LH, Grant JW. US-guided core-needle biopsy of the thyroid gland. Radiology 2003;226: Renshaw, Pinnar N. Comparison of thyroid fine-needle aspiration and core needle biopsy. m J Clin Pathol 2007;128: Carpi, Nicolini, Marchetti C, Iervasi G, ntonelli, Carpi F. Percutaneous large-needle aspiration biopsy histology of palpable thyroid nodules: technical and diagnostic performance. Histopathology 2007;51: Harvey JN, Parker D, De P, Shrimali RK, Otter M. Sonographically guided core biopsy in the assessment of thyroid n- odules. J Clin Ultrasound 2005;33: Taki S, Kakuda K, Kakuma K, et al. Thyroid nodules: evaluation with US-guided core biopsy with an automated biopsy gun. Radiology 1997;202: Hamming JF, Goslings M, van Steenis GJ, van Ravenswaay Claasen H, Hermans J, van de Velde CJ. The value of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in patients with nodular thyroid disease divided into groups of suspicion of malignant neoplasms on clinical grounds. rch Intern Med 1990;150: Pepper GM, Zwickler D, Rosen Y. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid nodule. Results of a start-up project in a general teaching hospital setting. rch Intern Med 1989;149: Mahar S, Husain, Islam N. Fine needle aspiration cytology of thyroid nodule: diagnostic accuracy and pitfalls. J yub Med Coll bbottabad 2006;18: Harsoulis P, Leontsini M, Economou, Gerasimidis T, Smbarounis C. Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer: comparative study of 213 operated patients. r J Surg 1986;73: Karstrup S, alslev E, Juul N, Eskildsen PC, aumbach L. USguided fine needle aspiration versus coarse needle biopsy of thyroid nodules. Eur J Ultrasound 2001;13: Khoo TK, aker CH, Hallanger-Johnson J, et al. Comparison of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy with core-needle biopsy in the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Endocr Pract 2008;14: Mehrotra P, Hubbard JG, Johnson SJ, Richardson DL, liss R, Lennard TW. Ultrasound scan-guided core sampling for diagnosis versus freehand FNC of the thyroid gland. Surgeon 2005;3: Moon WJ, Jung SL, Lee JH, et al. enign and malignant thyroid n- odules: US differentiation--multicenter retrospective study. Radiology 2008;247: oey J, Hsu C, Collins RJ, Wong J. prospective controlled study of fine-needle aspiration and Tru-cut needle biopsy of dominant thyroid nodules. World J Surg 1984;8: Kim EK, Kwak JY. State of the rt Thyroid Sonography. 1st ed, Seoul: GON Medical ook Service, 2006; Kwak JY, Kim EK, Ko KH, et al. Primary thyroid lymphoma: role of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy. J Ultrasound Med 2007;26: urch H, urman KD, Reed HL, uckner L, Raber T, Ownbey JL. Fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules. Determinants of insufficiency rate and malignancy yield at thyroidectomy. cta Cytol 1996;40: Miller JM, Hamburger JI, Kini S. Diagnosis of thyroid nodules. Use of fine-needle aspiration and needle biopsy. JM 1979;241: Ramacciotti CE, Pretorius HT, Chu EW, arsky SH, rennan MF, Robbins J. Diagnostic accuracy and use of aspiration biopsy in the
11 김지연외 : 갑상선결절진단에서의초음파유도하중심부바늘생검의유용성 management of thyroid nodules. rch Intern Med 1984;144: Nunez C, Mendelsohn G. Fine-needle aspiration and needle biopsy of the thyroid gland. Pathol nnu 1989;24 Pt 1: Myeon Jun Yang MD, Jong Hwa Lee, M.D., Shang Hun Shin, M.D., Seong Hoon Choi MD, e Kyung Jeong, M.D., yeong Seong Kang, M.D., Woon-Jung Kwon MD, Yoong Ki Jeong, M.D. US Guided Fine-needle Non-suction Technique: Useful and Comfortable Method for Thyroid Nodule. J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med 2006: Jordan CD. Equanimity: synchronous fine-needle aspiration cytology and core biopsy of thyroid nodules. m J Clin Pathol 2007;128: Carpi, Nicolini, Righi C, Romani R, Di Coscio G. Large needle aspiration biopsy results of palpable thyroid nodules diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration as a microfollicular nodule with atypical cells or suspected cancer. iomed Pharmacother 2004;58: J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med 2008;27: = bstract = The Utility of US-Guided Core-Needle iopsy in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules Ji Youn Kim, M.D., Soon Won Hong, M.D.*, Eun-Kyung Kim, M.D., Min Jung Kim, M.D., Jin Young Kwak, M.D., Hee Jung Moon, M.D., Ki Whang Kim, M.D. Department of Radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea *Department of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Ultrasonography (US)-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FN) is widely considered to be the diagnostic technique of choice in the assessment of nodular disease of the thyroid gland. lthough the accuracy of FN analysis approaches 95% where there is an adequate sample, non-diagnostic sampling occurs in 10-20% of cases. dditionally, equivocal pathological results are obtained in 10-30% of cases, and there are limitations in detecting subtypes of certain diseases, such as lymphoma. Generally, US-guided core needle biopsy (CN) allows for the procurement of a large, grossly visible specimen and a more precise pathological diagnosis. Therefore, US-guided CN is indicated in the following situations: 1) when an inadequate specimen is obtained by FN, 2) when FN yields indeterminate or inadequate information, 3) when targeting of the lesion is difficult because it is diffuse, and 4) when there is a discrepancy between the imaging findings and the FN results. In this article, we describe the situations in which US-guided CN is useful for diagnosing thyroid lesions. ddress for reprints : Min Jung Kim, M.D., Department of Radiology & Research Institute of Radiological Science, Severance Hospital, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, 250 Seongsanno, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul , Korea. Tel Fax mines@yuhs.ac
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건양의대 학술지 Vol. 8, No. 1 April 2008 pp. 15-19 초음파 검사에서 비특이적 소견을 갖는 갑상선 결절에 대한 조직검사의 필요성 유현미 박용성* 황철목 김금원 건양대학교 의과대학 영상의학과학교실 및 명곡의과학연구소 Necessity of Ultrasonography Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration or Core
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대한내분비외과학회지 : 제10권제4호 Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2010 원저 외과의사에의해시행된갑상선결절의악성종양을시사하는초음파소견의분석 광명성애병원외과, 1 서울성애병원외과 고건ㆍ고진철 1 ㆍ최상용ㆍ박신희ㆍ이광찬 1 ㆍ김진승 1 Sonographic Analysis of Malignant Thyroid Nodules by Surgeon
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대한내분비외과학회지 : 제8권제2호 Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2008 종설 갑상선결절의초음파 연세대학교의과대학영상의학교실 김은경 Sonographic Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules Eun-Kyung Kim, M.D. With the improvements in the technology, ultrasonography of the
533 Fig. 1. Dead zone. Nine echoes are positioned 2-10 mm below the scan surface with 1 mm distance. All nine echoes are clearly visualized. 534 Fig. 2. Vertical and horizontal measurement. 10 cm distance
388 The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 6. No COMMENT 1. (dysplastic nodule) (adenomatous hyperplasia, AH), (macroregenerative nodule, MR
6 3 2000 ; 387-392 (3) Dysplastic Nodule Young Nyun Park, M.D., Chanil Park, M.D. Department of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine BRIEF HISTORY 56. AST/ALT 72/73 IU/L, total bilirubin 0.7
우연히발견된갑상선결절의 진단과치료 분당서울대학교병원 내분비대사내과 박영주 갑상선결절및암진료권고안 ( 대한내분비학회 / 대한갑상선학회 ) 권고수준 갑상선결절및암진료권고안의권고수준 정의 1 강력히권고함 : 권고한행위를하였을때중요한건강상의이득또는손실이있다는충분하고도객관적인근거가있는경우 2 권고함 : 권고한행위를하였을때중요한건강상의이득또는손실이있다는근거가있지만, 근거가확실하지않아일상적으로행하라고권고하기어렵거나근거가간접적인경우
Biliary Cystadenoma and Cystadenocarcinoma of the Liver Jae Hoon Lee, M.D., Dong Ho Choi, M.D. 1, Kyeong Geun Lee, M.D., Hwon Kyum Park M.D. and Kwang Soo Lee, M.D. Department of Surgery, College of Medicine,
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Vol. 11, No. 4, December, 2004 Objective: Ultrasonography (USG) of joints has a unique position for the diagnosis of joint diseases. Bone surface, cartilage, periarticular soft tissue and their pathologic
소책자발간에대해서 안녕하십니까? 경희의료원내분비대사내과에서는의료전달체계를확립하고자노력하고있습니다. 이러한일환의하나로써갑상선결절클리닉을개설하여의뢰선생님들과환자들에게최대한의편의를제공하고자갑상선세침검사 One stop service 를시행하고있습니다. 이번에좀더정확한정보를제공해드리기위해서상세한내용이담긴소책자를만들었습니다. 이러한 One-stop service 를시행하는데는많은분들의도움이없이는불가능했을것입니다.
317 318 319 320 1 3 5 5 5 5 2 321 : 1.,,,,, 06 2. X-ray beam penetration (density) (contrast) 03 3. patch coating, precipitation, flaking 03 4. centering 03 5. Esophagus, cardia, fundus, body, angle, antrum,
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Treatment of Breast Fibroadenoma with Interstitial Laser Photocoagulation Doo Min Sohn, Hyo Won Lee, Tae Yun Kim, Dan Song, Sung Yong Kim, Chul Wan Lim and Min Hyuk Lee Department of Surgery, College of
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대한내분비외과학회지 : 제10권제4호 Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2010 원저 Bethesda Classification 에의거한갑상선세침흡인검사결과분석및 Atypical Cells of Undetermined Significance 의임상적의의에대한고찰 연세대학교원주의과대학외과학교실, 1 병리학교실 장정택ㆍ김광민ㆍ박준범ㆍ배금석ㆍ조미연 1
Expression of bcl-2 and Apoptosis and Its Relationship to Clinicopathological Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer - A Study with Long Term Follow-up correlated with the survival rate.(journal of Korean
199 최선형 외: 유방 엽상종양의 초음파 영상의 특징 (64.29%, 18/28) 및 경계성(25%, 4/16)에 비하여 매우 낮았 으며(2), 이러한 소견은 초음파 영상에서 낭성공간이 양성 (14%)보다 악성(44%)에서 더 자주 보인다는 이전 Liberman 등의 보고와 일치된다(1). 종괴 내 조직학적 낭성공간은 초음 파 영상에서 수평선형구열(horizontal
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine CT 32 111 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.111 Lumbar Spine CT 32 Received : 10. 05. 23 Revised : 10. 06. 04 Accepted : 10. 06. 11 Key Words: Disc herniation, CT scan, Clinical analysis The Clinical
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
흔히접하는내분비질환의접근 서울대학교의과대학내과학교실분당서울대학교병원내분비내과 최성희 내 용 갑상선질환 / 갑상선결절 고칼슘혈증 : 부갑상선종양 Cushing syndrome 166 분당서울대학교병원 제 8 회분당서울대학교병원내과연수강좌 2012 감기로내원한 38 세여자 2일전목감기로내과방문, 시진상갑상선결절발견됨과거력 : 두경부에방사선조사병력없음. 가족력 :
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
고위험군유두상갑상선암환자에대한방사성옥소최대허용선량측정법및치료법의검증 Verification of Measurement Methods and Therapeutic Efficacy of Maximum Permissible Dose of I-131 in High Risk Patients with Differentiated Papillary Thyroid Cancer
386 HANYANG MEDICAL REVIEWS Vol. 29 No. 4, 2009 우리나라 미숙아의 통계와 의료비용 Statistics and Medical Cost of Preterm in Korea 윤혜선 을지대학교 노원을지병원 소아청소년과학교실 Hye Sun Yoon, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Pediatrics, Nowon
대한내분비외과학회지 : 제9권제3호 Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2009 원저 PET-CT 에서우연히발견된국소적갑상선결절의특징및중요성 경상대학교의학전문대학원외과학교실, 1 내분비내과학교실 김주연ㆍ문형곤ㆍ정은정ㆍ정태식 1 ㆍ정순일 1 ㆍ정상호ㆍ정치영ㆍ주영태ㆍ이영준ㆍ홍순찬ㆍ최상경하우송ㆍ박순태 The Characteristics and Significances
975_983 특집-한규철, 정원호
Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : han@gilhospital.com Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
Investment Proposal
SonoEye TM 소개 유방초음파영상검색시스템 2005. 2. 캐드임팩트 www.cadimpact.com 내용 1. 유방암동향및진단 2. 제품소개 2 선진국시장에서상업화된 CAD 시스템들 R2 Mammography ( 유방암 ) 1,500 systems until 2004. 10. (about 200,000$) icad Mammography R2 & icad
: reast, diseases reast, US reast radiography - 131 - 대한초음파의학회지 제24권 제3호 2005 유방의 일차성 림프종(primary breast lymphoma)은 유방의 악성 종양의 0.12 %-0.53%를 차지하는 비교적 드문 종양이 다 [4, 5]. 이 진단을 위해서는 적절한 조직학적 검체가 있어 야 하고, 유방
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
김신태, 이선녕, 이석정, 정필문, 박홍준, 신명상, 김종환, 이부길, 김상하, 리원연, 신계철, 용석중 Shin-Tae Kim, M.D., Shun Nyung Lee, M.D., Seok Jeong Lee, M.D., Pil Moon Jung, M.D., Hong Jun Park, M.D., Myung Sang Shin, M.D., Chong Whan Kim,
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갑상선결핵 - 증례보고및문헌고찰 Tuberculosis of the Thyroid Gland - Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literatures Se Yeom Park, M.D., Jong Geun Lee, M.D., Bong Ok Yoo, M.D., Oh Kyoung Kwon, M.D. and Myoung Jin Joo,
Chromosomal Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Sang Jin Park 1, Mahn Joon Ha, Ph.D. 1, Hugh Chul Kim, M.D. 2 and Hyon Ju Kim, M.D. 1 1 Laboratory
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 2007 ; 13 : 571-575 DOI: 10.3350/kjhep.2007.13.4.571 이번 호의 간 병리(32) 혼합 간세포-담관세포암종 순천향대학교병원 병리과 진윤미 진소영 Combined Hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma Yoon-Mi Jeen, M.D. and
충북의대학술지 Chungbuk Med. J. Vol. 27. No. 1. 1~ Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 환자의마취 : 증례보고 신일동 1, 이진희 1, 박상희 1,2 * 책임저자 : 박상희, 충북청주시서원구충대로 1 번지, 충북대학교
충북의대학술지 Chungbuk Med. J. Vol. 27. No. 1. 1~5 2017 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 환자의마취 : 증례보고 신일동 1, 이진희 1, 박상희 1,2 * 책임저자 : 박상희, 충북청주시서원구충대로 1 번지, 충북대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실, 의학연구소 (28644), happycat19@hanmail.net
REVIEW ARTICLE ISSN 1598-1703 (Print) ISSN 2287-6782 (Online) Korean J Endocr Surg 2015;15:1-5 http://dx.doi.org/10.16956/kaes.2015.15.1.1 The Korean Journal of Endocrine Surgery 갑상선결절의미세침흡입세포검사에대한권고안들의고찰
갑상선자극호르몬이갑상선암세포의 VEGF, 신생혈관형성, 성장, 침윤및전이에미치는영향 Effects of TSH on the Production of VEGF, Angiogenesis, Growth, Invasion and Metastasis in Thyroid Cancer Cells Euy Young Soh, M.D., Hee Boong Park, M.D.,
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만성세균성전립선염모델흰쥐에서 의항염효과 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Lycopene on Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Rat Model Cho Hwan Yang, Dong Wan Sohn, Yong-Hyun Cho From the Department of Urology, The Catholic University
Purpose: Delayed massive hemorrhages from pseudoaneurysm rupture of the peripancreatic large arteries, after pancreaticoduodenectomy, are fatal. We reviewed the clinical course and outcome of bleeding
원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현
원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현 원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현 원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 지도김석원교수 이논문을석사학위논문으로제출함
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Difference of Fistula Maturation Degree and Physical Property by the Types of Tube Material: An Experimental Study Sang Koo Kang, M.D. 1, Hee Chul Yu, M.D. 1,4, Woo Sung Moon, M.D. 2,4, Ju Hyoung Lee,
531 김민지 외: 미숙아에 발생한 의인성 식도천공과 기종격증 및 종격동염 A B C D E F Fig. 1. Chest radiographs and CT scans of a premature infant. Chest radiograph at 6 days after birth (A) shows left paravertebral radiolucency at the
갑상선초음파급여화관련안내 갑상선영상의학회보험위원회 10월 1일부터초음파검사 (= 진단초음파 ) 와초음파유도조직검사 (= 유도초음파 ) 의급여가확대시행됩니다. 대한갑상선영상의학회에서는회원님들이진료에적용하실수있는안내를아래와같이작성하여회람합니다. 향후초음파급여관련추가개정소식
갑상선초음파급여화관련안내 갑상선영상의학회보험위원회 10월 1일부터초음파검사 (= 진단초음파 ) 와초음파유도조직검사 (= 유도초음파 ) 의급여가확대시행됩니다. 대한갑상선영상의학회에서는회원님들이진료에적용하실수있는안내를아래와같이작성하여회람합니다. 향후초음파급여관련추가개정소식이나, 회원들께도움이될만한정보가생기면다시공지할예정입니다. 궁금하신점은갑상선영상의학회홈페이지
Received : 2011. 11. 16 Reviewed : 2011. 11. 25 Accpeted : 2011. 12. 5 A Case Report of Prescribing Yanghyeolgeopung-tang(yangxuequfeng-tang) to Two Patients with Cervical Disc Herniation and Headache
Korean J Fam Pract. 2013;3:71-76 성인건강검진에서초음파로발견되는갑상선결절의유병률 Original Article 송윤지, 양호열, 엄치용, 황예원 * 부평세림병원가정의학과 The Prevalence of Thyroid Nodules Detected by Thyroid Ultrasonography during Health Checks-ups
361 A B Fig. 1. A 43-year-old man with simple pulmonary eosinophilia. The laboratory findings show peripheral blood eosinophilia (1546/ L) and a positive stool test for clonorchiasis sinensis. Low-dose
Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
607 Table 1. Diagnostic Accuracy in the Detection of Urinary Stone Between CT Urography (CTU) and Intravenous Urography (IVU) (n=34) CTU Urinary stone (+) Urinary stone ( ) (n=27) (n=7) IVU Urinary stone
2015.03.04 부울경소화기내시경지회 Intramucosal gastric cancer: The rate of lymph node metastasis in signet ring cell carcinoma was as low as that in welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma 인제대부산백병원 소화기내과 지삼룡 Signet ring
Clinical Correlation of HER-2/neu Overexpression in Patients with Breast Cancer Sung Yong Kim, Tae Yoon Kim, Jae Jun Kim, Chang Ho Kim, Ok Pyung Song, Min Hyuk Lee, Eui Han Kim 1, and Moo Sik Cho Departments
The Korean Journal of Pathology 2011; 45: DOI: /KoreanJPathol 초음파유도갑상샘세침흡인세포검사에서 CellprepPlus 액상세포검사 : 고식적도말검사와 CellprepP
The Korean Journal of Pathology 2011; 45: 182-187 DOI: 10.4132/KoreanJPathol.2011.45.2.182 초음파유도갑상샘세침흡인세포검사에서 CellprepPlus 액상세포검사 : 고식적도말검사와 CellprepPlus 액상세포검사와의비교 구지혜 이승영 1 이호창 박진우 2 궁성수 3 오태근 3 전현정
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor of the Pancreas: A Case Report Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is rare, soft tissue, spindle cell sarcoma of an ectomesenchymal origin. MPNSTs frequently
2 1896 2 26 ( ) 2 7-20 2) 1897 1898 ( )3) 6 1902 8 1904 10 10 (19 05-1914 ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) 1917 2) 3) 4) 285
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대한내시경복강경외과학회지 한상문 허훈 1 박해린 김원우, 1 Endoscopic Thyroid Surgery Using 2 mm Instruments: Supraclaviclar pproach Sang Moon Han, M.D., Hoon Hur, M.D. 1, Hai Lin Park, M.D., Won Woo Kim, M.D. Department
189 A B Fig. 1. True gynecomastia in 47-year-old man A. Ultrasonography shows a triangular shaped hypoechoic glandular tissues at left subareolar area (arrow). B. During US-guided mammotome excision, linear
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 1 19 Jun 2004 ISSN 1225 505X 1) * * 1 ( ) 2) 3) 4) * 1) ( ) 3 2) 7 1 3) 2 1 13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 5) ( ) ( ) 2 1 ( ) 2 3 2 4) ( ) 6 7 5) - 2003 23 144-166 2 2 1) 6)
l l l l l l l l l Lee, Geon Kook None This project was designed to establish the Tumor Bank of National Cancer Center in 2000. From the first tumor sample in 2000, the total of tumor and tumor-related
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직장암환자의전직장간막절제술의 예측인자분석 : 불완전절제와절제시간에영향을미치는인자에관한연구 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Degree of Difficulty in Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: Investigation of the Factors Affecting Incomplete
451 Table 1. Comparison of Medial Audit Data of Additional Whole Breast US with Previously Published Data of Screening Mammography in Korea and the Ideal Goal ACR in America Audit Data This study Shin
자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 A B Fig. 1. High-contrast spatial resolution in phantom test. A. Slice 1 with three sets of hole arr
Original Article pissn 1738-2637 J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(2):129-134 The Survey of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality according to in Korea 1 자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 1 Hyun-Hae
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med 2013;32: pissn / eissn Original Article 초음파 BI-RADS 를이용한유방복합낭종의평가 손
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med 2013;32:279-283 pissn 1015-7085 / eissn 2288-5056 Original Article http://www.ultrasound.or.kr 손윤미 1, 2 김은경 1 김민정 1 문희정 1 1 연세대학교의과대학영상의학과 2 차의과학대학교부속구미차병원영상의학과 Complex Cysts
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Journal of Breast Cancer ISSN 1738-6756 J Breast Cancer 2008; March 11 (1): 30-5 ORIGINAL ARTICLE 유방의유두상종양진단에있어서초음파유도 14 게이지중심부바늘생검의유용성 정나영 1 ㆍ이재희 1,2 ㆍ이아원 3 ㆍ송병주 4 ㆍ정상설 4 가톨릭대학교의과대학 1 방사선과학교실, 2 휴먼영상의학센터,
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2 139 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.139 2 Received : 10. 04. 08 Revised : 10. 04. 26 Two Case Report on Wrist Ganglion Treated with Scolopendrid Pharmacopuncture Accepted : 10. 05. 04 Key Words: Wrist Ganglion,
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대한내분비외과학회지 : 제10권제4호 Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2010 원저 악성종양의추적관찰중 PET-CT 에서발견된갑상선의우연종 인하대학교의학전문대학원외과학교실, 1 영상의학교실, 2 핵의학교실, 3 이비인후과학교실 김중석ㆍ최소영ㆍ노효근ㆍ김세중ㆍ김윤정 1 ㆍ현인영 2 ㆍ김영모 3 ㆍ조영업 Incidental Findings of Thyroid
25 3 (2004 9 ) J Korean Oriental Med 2004;25(3):20-31 1), 2), 3) 1) 2) 3) Grope for a Summary Program about Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK)etc. Discussed in WIPO Hwan-Soo
ECG & EP CASES Young-Keun On, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea A case of
大韓放射線뽑學會훌훌第 21 卷第 4 號 pp Journal of Korean Radiological Society. Vo1.21. No 갑상선결절의고해상능초음파검사소견 중앙대학교의과대학방사선과학교실 최순섭 이관세 김건상 박수성
大韓放射線뽑學會훌훌第 21 卷第 4 號 pp. 558-563. 1985 Journal of Korean Radiological Society. Vo1.21. No.4. 1985 갑상선결절의고해상능초음파검사소견 중앙대학교의과대학방사선과학교실 최순섭 이관세 김건상 박수성 - Abstract - High.Resolution Ultrasonographic Findings
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
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대한내과학회지 : 제 81 권제 5 호 2011 18 F-FDG PET 상관찰되는미만성갑상선섭취의임상적의의 전남대학교의과대학내과학교실 김희경 윤지희 김수정 강호철 Clinical Meaning of Diffuse 18 F-FDG PET Thyroid Uptake Hee Kyung Kim, Jee Hee Yoon, Soo Jeong Kim, and Ho-Cheol
지원연구분야 ( 코드 ) LC0202 과제번호 창의과제프로그램공개가능여부과제성격 ( 기초, 응용, 개발 ) 응용실용화대상여부실용화공개 ( 공개, 비공개 ) ( 국문 ) 연구과제명 과제책임자 세부과제 ( 영문 ) 구분 소속위암연구과직위책임연구원
지원연구분야 ( 코드 ) LC0202 과제번호 1110550 창의과제프로그램공개가능여부과제성격 ( 기초, 응용, 개발 ) 응용실용화대상여부실용화공개 ( 공개, 비공개 ) ( 국문 ) 연구과제명 과제책임자 세부과제 ( 영문 ) 구분 1 2 3 소속위암연구과직위책임연구원 성명류근원전공외과 세부과제명 세부과제책임자 성명 소속 ( 직위 ) 전공 총연구기간 2011
405_416 의학강좌-강호철
Continuing Education Column Diagnostic pproaches to Patients with Thyroid Nodules Ho-Cheol Kang, MD Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School E - mail : drkang@chonnam.ac.kr
1-1 1-2 1 1 ( ) ( ) (,, ) (,,, ), 1 ( ), ( ) ( ) 30, 30 1, +1%, 1 2 1 15 ( ) 1,, 1 3, ( ), 1 ( 210 ) 3 2, 4 9(1 ) 5 5 1 2 3, 4 5 ( ) 6 1 1 14, 21( ) 1 15 6, 21 ( ) 1 7 ( 7 )1 ( 1 ) 8 1 6 6 1, 2 ( ) 9 1
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과오종과유사한폐상피모양혈관내피종 -1 예보고 - Pulmonary Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma Mimicking Hamartoma -A case report- Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, originating from the vascular endothelium, is a very rare and
255 Table 1. Summary of CT Features and FDG-PET Findings of Progressive Massive Fibrosis in 11 Patients with Pneumoconiosis Case No. Patient Data Age (year) Sex CT Findings PET Findings Location Size (cm)
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ISSN 2005-7881 조성준 Technical consideration in TCD Journal of Neurosonology 3(Suppl. 2):31-35, 2011 Thyroid and other structures 순천향대학교부천병원 백상현 갑상선을포함한경부는인접한두개 (skull) 나흉부와는달리초음파전달에장애물이없기때문에임상적으로초음파가널리사용되는부위이다.
ABO Rh A study on the importance of ABO and Rh blood groups information in Public Health 2000 2 1 ABO Rh A study on the importance of ABO and Rh blood groups information in Public Health 2000 2 2 ABO Rh
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cdna Microarray Experiment: Design Issues in Early Stage and the Need of Normalization Byung Soo Kim, Ph.D. 1, Sunho Lee, Ph.D. 2, Sun Young Rha, M.D., Ph.D. 3,4 and Hyun Cheol Chung, M.D., Ph.D. 3,4 1
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대한내과학회지 : 제 77 권제 5 호 2009 증례 09-021 아급성갑상선염이동반된갑상선자율기능성결절 1 예 가톨릭대학교의과대학 1 내과학교실, 2 병리학교실 강미자 1 ㆍ권혁상 1 ㆍ최윤희 1 ㆍ윤건호 1 ㆍ차봉연 1 ㆍ손호영 1 ㆍ정찬권 2 case of an autonomously functioning thyroid nodule combined with
Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
MYONGJI ST. MARY S HOSPITAL EXCELLENT STROKE TREATMENT CENTER The president of Myongji St. Mary s Hospital M.D. HUH, CHOON WOONG Graduated from Seoul Catholic Medical College. Achived M.D. in Neurosurgeon.
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
대한안과학회지 제 49 권 제 5 호 2008 J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 49(5):727-731, 2008 DOI : 10.3341/jkos.2008.49.5.727 다초점 소프트콘택트렌즈의 노안의 시력보정에 대한 유용성 평가 김현경 1 김효명 2 정성근 1 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성모병원 안과학교실 1, 고려대학교 의과대학 안암병원 안과학교실
대한마취과학회지 2008; 55: 190~6 Korean J Anesthesiol Vol. 55, No. 2, August, 2008 임상연구 대한민국의 마취통증의학 임상실습 현황 연세대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 및 마취통증의학연구소 장동진ㆍ안소운ㆍ안지원ㆍ김종훈 The current status of anesthesiology clerkship in Korea
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Surgical Extent and Types in Pancreatic Cancer Song Cheol Kim, M.D. Department of Surgery, Ulsan University College of Medicine & Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Pancreatic cancer continues to pose a
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The Korean Journal of Pathology 2007; 41: 갑상선에서독립적으로발생한유두암종및수질암종 - 3 예보고 - 유창영 정찬권 권혁상 1 김성헌 2 김민식 3 김승남 4 이교영 가톨릭대학교의과대학병원병리학교실 1 내과학교실, 2 진단방
The Korean Journal of Pathology 2007; 41: 207-12 갑상선에서독립적으로발생한유두암종및수질암종 - 3 예보고 - 유창영 정찬권 권혁상 1 김성헌 2 김민식 3 김승남 4 이교영 가톨릭대학교의과대학병원병리학교실 1 내과학교실, 2 진단방사선과학교실 3 이비인후과학교실, 4 외과학교실 접수 : 2006년 12월 11일게재승인 :
The Study on the Grid Size Regarding Spatial Interpolation for Local Climate Maps* Cha Yong Ku** Young Ho Shin*** Jae-Won Lee**** Hee-Soo Kim*****.,...,,,, Abstract : Recent global warming and abnormal
http://kfaexpo.kr/ The 40th Korea Franchise Business Expo 2017 JUNE - Vol.23 2017 JUNE - Vol.23 2017 in Busan COVER STORY SPEACIAL REPORT GUIDE POST PEOPLE & STORY ASSOCIATION NEWS Ҷ
Continuing Education Column Imaging Findings of Missed reast Cancer: Retrospective nalysis oo -Kyung Han, MD Department of Radiolgy, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine E - mail : bkhan@skku.edu
2009;21(1): (1777) 49 (1800 ),.,,.,, ( ) ( ) 1782., ( ). ( ) 1,... 2,3,4,5.,,, ( ), ( ),. 6,,, ( ), ( ),....,.. (, ) (, )
Abstract Kim Dal-Rae, Kim Sun-Hyung* Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee Univ. *Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyung-Hee
목 차 회사현황 1. 회사개요 2. 회사연혁 3. 회사업무영역/업무현황 4. 등록면허보유현황 5. 상훈현황 6. 기술자보유현황 7. 시스템보유현황 주요기술자별 약력 1. 대표이사 2. 임원짂 조직 및 용도별 수행실적 1. 조직 2. 용도별 수행실적
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The recent (2001-2010) changes on temperature and precipitation related to normals (1971-2000) in Korea* Kyoungmi Lee** Hee-Jeong Baek*** ChunHo Cho**** Won-Tae Kwon*****. 61 (1971~2000) 10 (2001~2010).
小兒藥證直訣 의 五臟辨證에 대한 小考 - 病證과 處方을 중심으로 1 2 慶熙大學校大學校 韓醫學科大學 原典學敎室 ㆍ 韓醫學古典硏究所 白裕相1,2*1)2) A study on The Diagnosis and Treatment Using The Theory of Five Organs in Soayakjeungjikgyeol(小兒藥證直訣) 1 Dept. of Oriental
Very low-risk Low-risk Intermediate-risk High-risk Appendiceal mucinous tumours Mucinous adenoma Mucinou
I. Workshop 결과에대한설문조사결과 A. 종양의행태 (behavior) 코드부여에이견이있는소화기계암에대한설문조사결과 Organ or Subject Stomach Colon Diagnosis 응답자수 ( 총 240 명 ) Low grade adenoma/dysplasia 230 10 0 1 2 3 6 무응답 High grade adenoma/dysplasia
395 Fig. 1. Flow diagram showing selection of options for adequate screen recording on the CamStudio 396 Fig. 2 Flow diagram showing the menu buttons on the CamStudio and the process of recording after
qc course lecture #1
조직병리학특강 병리학 조직학 조직검사학 진단세포학 조직병리학문항 병리학 6 문항 이론 조직학조직검사학 6 문항 14 문항 35 문항 진단세포학 9 문항 병리학 2 문항 실기 조직학조직검사학 2 문항 8 문항 17 문항 진단세포학 5 문항 조직검사학 (Routine processing) Section 1-1 Introduction Human body There