- 경호 연
- 8 years ago
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1 보카바이블 / 리딩바이블 저자 이재훈 선생님 왕글리쉬닷컴 무료자료배포 공무원, 경찰 합격대비 이재훈 기출어휘정리 1000 출처 : 왕글리쉬닷컴 - 보카바이블 2012 뉴에디션 표제어 스터디 자료 다운받기(클릭) - 보카바이블(구) 2 nd 표제어 스터디 자료 다운받기(클릭) - 보카바이블 저자직강 이재훈 보카바이블 동영상 강의(클릭) 이재훈 공무원영어시험 기출 1000단어 1. abate 줄다(dwindle, curtail, wane, diminish, abridge, abbreviate) 2. abdicate 포기하다(cede, resign, forgo, yield) 3. abhor 싫어하다(detest, loathe, abominate) 4. abolish 취소하다(eradicate, obliterate, abrogate) 5. absolve 용서하다(acquit, exculpate, pardon) 6. abstain 삼가다(desist, eschew, hold back) 7. abstract 추상적인(theoretic, hypothetical) 8. accede 동의하다(accord, acquiesce) 9. accessible 접근하기 쉬운(available, handy) 10. acclaim 갈채(환호,칭찬)하다(hail, laud) 11. accommodate ~의 편의를 도모하다(adjust, furnish) 12. acidulous 조금 신맛의(acid) 13. acknowledge 인정하다(allow, assent, accept) 14. acrimonious 매서운(stinging, caustic, bitter) 15. acuity 명민,예민(keenness, perceptivity, acuteness) 16. addiction 몰두(enthrallment, obsession) 17. adhere 고수하다( glue, attach, cohere, cling) 18. admonish 경고하다(advise, counsel, censure) 19. adroit 능숙한(dexterous, adept, deft, expert, facile) 20. adulterate ~질을 나쁘게 하다(contaminate) 21. adversary 적(antagonist, foe, competitor, rival) 22. advocate 옹호하다(espouse, further) 23. aesthetic 미학의(appreciative of beauty) 24. affable 상냥한(congenial, amiable) 25. affiliation 가입(union, relationship, alliance) 26. affirmation 단언(consent, endorsement) 27. affluence 풍부(well being, prosperity, opulence) 28. aggrandize 크게 하다(exaggerate, enlarge, expand) 29. aggregate 총계의(assembled, collected, clustered) 30. agrarian 토지의(agricultural, agronomical) 31. alienate 멀리하다(estrange, set against) 32. allege 단언하다(affirm, avow, contend, declare) 33. alleviate 경감하다(placate, abate, appease) 34. allocate 할당하다(allot, appoint) 35. allude 언급하다(remark, designate, suggest) 36. allure 꾀다(tempt, bait, seduce, captivate) 37. altercation 언쟁(contention, argument) 38. altruistic 이타적인(unselfishy, generous) 39. amalgamate 합병하다(merge, fuse, blend) 40. amass 모으다(hoard, accumulate, compile, garner) 41. ambiguous 애매한(equivocal, vague) 42. ameliorate 개선하다(amend, advance) 43. amend 개정하다(enhance, rectify, mend) 44. amicable 우호적인(amiable, favorable, benevolent) 45. amiss 잘못한(faulty, awry, askew, improper) 46. amity 친목(friendship, cordiality, fraternity) 47. amnesia 기억상실(forgetfulness) 48. amnesty 용서(exemption, immunity, indemnity) 49. amorphous 무정형의(vague, obscure) 50. amphibian 양서류의, 수륙 양용의 51. amplify 확대하다(enlarge, expand, exaggerate) 52. amputate 절단하다(sever, excise, dissever) 53. anachronism 시대착오(misdating, has been) 54. analogous 유사한(equivalent) 55. anarchy 무정부상태(chaos, confusion) 56. animadversion 비평(aspersion, reprobation) 57. animated 생기 있는(energetic, motivated, vigorous) 58. animosity 증오(antagonism, malice, enmity) 59. annihilate 전멸시키다(eradicate, decimate) 60. annul 무효로 하다(nullify, repeal, revoke, negate) 61. anomalous 변칙의(eccentric, peculiar, atypical) 62. anonymity 익명(alias, pseudonym, pen name) 63. antagonistic 반대하는(counter, adverse, negative) 64. antecede ~에 선행하다(antedate) 65. antediluvian 태고적의(obsolete, archaic, antique) 66. anthropologist 인류학자(sociologist(of man)) 67. antipathy 반감(repulsion, loathing, enmity) 68. antiquated 낡아빠진(outmoded, archaic) 69. apathy 냉담(indifference) 70. appease 달래다(mollify, relieve, alleviate, mitigate) 71. append 걸다(affix, subjoin, take on, add) 72. apposite 적당한(apt, applicable, pertinent, relevant) 73. appraise 평가하다(eval!uate, assess, judge, inspect) 74. appreciate 감사하다, 가치를 인정하다(esteem) 75. apprehend 체포하다, 염려(이해)하다(capture) 76. apprise ~에게 통고하다(acquaint, advertise) 77. aptitude 적절함(faculty, gift, genius, facility) - 1 -
2 78. arbitrary 임의의, 변덕의(capricious, whimsical) 79. arcane 비밀의(occult, covert, furtive, esoteric) 80. archaeology 고고학(study of artifacts and relics) 81. archaic 고풍의(ancient, obsolescent, out of date) 82. ardor 열정(vehemence, enthusiasm, fervor, zeal) 83. arid 건조한(barren, dry) 84. aromatic 향기로운(redolent, odoriferous) 85. array 배열하다(deploy, align, range) 86. arrogance 거만(contempt, vanity, insolence) 87. artifice 책략(chicanery, intrigue, tactic, craftiness) 88. ascribe ~에 돌리다(impute, attribute) 89. asperity 신랄한(acerbity, acrimony, bitterness) 90. aspiration 열망(object, endeavor, intention) 91. assail 공격하다(inculpate, assault, incriminate) 92. assiduous 근면한(persevering, sedulous) 93. assimilate 동화하다(take in, metabolize, intergrate) 94. assuage 진정시키다(ease, lessen pain, moderate) 95. astronomical 천문학적으로 큰(colossal, titanic, mammoth) 96. astute 기민(똑똑)한(shrewed, sagacious, judicious) 97. atheistic 무신론자의(denying God, impious) 98. atone for보상하다(make amends for, pay for) 99. attenuate 얇게 하다(diminish, dilute) 10.0 attest ~을 증명하다(guarantee, assert, affirm) 10.1 attrition 마멸(abrasion, erosion, friction, scraping) 10.2 atypical 무정형한(aberrant, peculiar, eccentric) 10.3 audacious 대담한(daring, bold) 10.4 augment 늘리다(heighten, intensify, make larger) 10.5 auspicious 길조의(fortunate, favorable) 10.6 austere 엄격한(rigid, abstemious, rigorous, strict) 10.7 authoritarian 권위주의의(dogmatic, dictatorial) 10.8 autocrat 독재자(despot, tyrant) 10.9 auxiliary 보조의(ancillary, subordinate) 11.0 avarice 탐욕(voracity, avidity, covetousness) 11.1 aver 확언하다(avouch, affirm, allege, peddle) 11.2 aversion 혐오(reluctance, antipathy, disinclination) 11.3 avert 돌리다(forestall, prevent, turn away) 11.4 avocation 부업(by job, sideline, diversion) 11.5 baffle 좌절시키다(disappoint, confuse, befuddle) 11.6 banal 평범한(insipid, pedestrian, trite) 11.7 barefaced 뻔뻔스러운(impudent, insolent, pert) 11.8 beguile ~을 현혹시키다(lull, enchant, trick, dupe) 11.9 belated 뒤늦은(tardy, overdue, deferred) 12.0 belittle 얕보다(undervalue, disdain, decry) 12.1 belligerent 싸움의(bellicose, warlike, hostile, antagonistic) 12.2 benefactor 자선을 베푸는 사람(sponsor, doner) 12.3 beneficent 선행을 하는(philanthropic, indulgent) 124. benevolent 자비심 많은(forgiving, indulgent) 125. benign 자비로운(kind hearted, auspicious) 126. beset 포위하다(beleaguer, besiege, hound, assail) 127. bizarre 기괴한(grotesque, queer, eccentric) 128. bland 온화한(moderate, suave, tranquil) 129. blasphemous 불경한(sacrilegious, irreverent) 130. bleak 황폐한(gloomy, hopeless, chill, icy) 131. blithe 즐거운(mirthful, cheerful) 132. blunder 큰 실수(impropriety bungle) 133. bode 예감하다(foretell, prophesy, herald) 134. bogus 위조의(pseudo, spurious, forged) 135. bombastic 과장된(boastful, inflated, wordy) 136. bountiful 자비로운(generous, showing bounty) 137. brazen 뻔뻔스러운(impudent, audacious) 138. brevity 간결성(transience, ephemerality) 139. brittle 깨지기 쉬운(fragile, frangible) 140. brook ~을 견디다(bear, put up with, stand) 141. bucolic 목가적인(provincial, arcadian) 142. burgeon 새싹이 나다(blossom, shoot up) 143. buxom 토실토실하고 예쁜(plump, bosomy) 144. cache 은닉장소(hide out, covert, hoard, stock) 145. cacophony 불협화음(dissonance, discordance) 146. calamity 재앙(catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm) 147. callous 굳어진(apathetic, heartless) 148. callow 미숙한(raw, young, untried, inexperienced) 149. capacious 많이 들어가는(voluminous, roomy) 150. capitulate 항복하다(cry quits, say uncle) 151. capricious 변덕스러운(erratic, whimsical) 152. captious 책망하는(quibbling, picayune, carping,calumny) 153. carcinogenic (병리)발암성의(cancer forming) 154. carnal 세속의(libidinous, lascivious, sensual) 155. carnivorous 육식성의(predatory, fresh eating) 156. cascade 작은 폭포(waterfall, cataract, falls) 157. catastrophe 큰 재해(havoc, disaster, devastation) 158. catholic 전반적인(comprehensive) 159. censorious 지나치게 비판적인(hypercritical, carping) 160. censure 비난, 불신임의 표명(condemn, denounce) 161. champion 옹호하다(espouse, advocate, uphold) 162. chaotic 대혼란의(confused, muddled, disarranged) 163. chaste 정숙한(virginal, decent, elegant) 164. chasten 인간을 바로잡기 위하여 징벌하다(discipline) 165. check ~을 급히 멈추다(stop, stem, curb, halt) 166. chide 꾸짖다(admonish, upbraid, slam) 167. circuitous 우회하는(indirect, tortuous, winding) 168. circumlocution 넌지시 말함(verbiage, digression) 169. circumscribe 제한하다(restrain, constrict, bound) - 2 -
3 170. circumspect 조심성 있는(judicious, considerate) 171. circumvent 속이다(dodge, evade) 172. clairvoyant 투시력 있는(intuitive, prophetic) 173. clamor 큰 외침소리(yell, bellow, din, blast) 174. clandestine 비밀의(covert, surreptitious, furtive) 175. claustrophobia 밀실공포증(fear of being locked in) 176. cleave ~을 쪼개다(bisect, halve, cleave, sever, rip) 177. coalesce 하나로 합치다(integrate, merge) 178. coercion 강제(compulsion, constraint, pressure) 179. coeval 같은 시대의(contemporary, concurrent) 180. cogent 남을 승복시키는(trenchant, convincing) 181. cogitate 심사숙고하다(deliberate, mull over, muse) 182. cognitive 인식의(perceptive, intelligent) 183. coincident 꼭 일치하는(synchronous, concurrent) 184. collaborate 협력하다(team up) 185. collusion 공모(conspiracy) 186. colossal 거대한(vast, titanic, gigantic) 187. comatose 멍한(drugged, slumberous, stuporous) 188. comely 아름다운(sightly/ 반.homely) 189. commodious 넓고 편리한(unconfining) 190. compact 계약(bargain, covenant, pact) 191. compact 빽빽한(dense, concentrated) 192. compatible 조화하는(congenial) 193. compelling 강제적인(overwhelming, cogent) 194. compensatory 보상의(offsetting, indemnifying) 195. complement 보충하다(round out) 196. compliance 응낙(acquiescence, resignation) 197. compliant 순종하는(obedient, pliant) 198. compound 혼합의(blend, mingle, alloy, incorporate) 199. comprehensive 범위가 넓은(overall, extensive) 200. compress 압축하다(cram, pack, condense) 201. comprise ~을 포함하다(compose, constitute) 202. compromise ~을 타협하여 해결하다 203. concede 인정하다(acknowledge, vouchsafe) 204. conception 개념, 임신 205. concession 양보(admission, acquiescence) 206. conciliatory 달래는(placatory, mollifying) 207. concise 간결한(condensed, terse, succinct) 208. conclusive 확정적인(definite, absolute) 209. concoct ~을 뒤섞어서 만들다(mix, cook up, brew) 210. condign 적절한(due, proper, correct) 211. condiments 조미료(relish, herb, seasoning) 212. condone 눈감아주다(ignore, permit, pardon) 213. conducive 도움이 되는(instrumental) 214. congruence 일치(accord, harmony, unanimity) 215. conjecture 추측(guesswork, assumption) 216. connivance 묵인(acquiescence, consent) 217. connubial 결혼의(marital, conjugal, nuptial) 218. consecrate 바치다(hallow, bless, sacred) 219. consequential 거드름을 피우는(ostentatious) 220. consign 위탁하다(hand over, transfer, entrust) 221. console 위로하다(condole, soothe, clam, cheer) 222. consonance 조화(correspondence, coherence) 223. constraint 속박(restraint, coercion) 224. contagion 감염(outbreak, communication) 225. contaminate 오염시키다(adulterate, corrupt) 226. contempt 경멸(derision, ridicule, humiliation) 227. contend 경쟁하다(자)(vie),주장하다(타) 228. contiguous 인접하는(adjoining) 229. contraband 밀수(smuggled goods, bootlegging) 230. contravene ~에 반대하다(gainsay, disown) 231. contrite 뉘우치는(apologetic, chastened, repentant) 232. controvert 부인하다(disaffirm, refute, confute) 233. convene 집합하다(muster, convoke, summon) 234. conventional 전통적인(traditional, customary) 235. converge ~에 집중하다(focus, concentrate) 236. conversant 정통한(versed, erudite, tutored) 237. converse 반대(reverse, inverse, antithesis) 238. convert 개종자(renegade, turncoat, apostate) 239. conviction 신념(creed, dogma, certitude) 240. copious 많은(bountiful, ample, profuse) 241. cordial 진심의(genial, affectionate, sincere) 242. corpulent 뚱뚱한(stout, obese, plump, buxom, fat) 243. correlation 상호관계(reciprocation) 244. corroborate ~을 확증하다(verify, uphold, sustain) 245. corrosive 부식성의(erodent, corrodible) 246. cosmetic 겉치레의(shallow, superficious, showy) 247. countermand 철회하다(repeal, thwart, annul) 248. counterpart 상대물(correlative, parallel, mate) 249. covert 덮여 숨긴(clandestine, furtive, esoteric) 250. covetous 턱없이 탐내는(greedy, rapacious) 251. cozen ~을 속이다(hoax, dupe, fleece, defraud) 252. craven 겁 많은(pusillanimous, dastardly, timid) 253. credence 믿음(credibility, reliance, faith) 254. credulity 너무 쉽게 믿는 성질(trustfulness) 255. crestfallen 풀이 죽은(disappointed, downhearted) 256. crevice 갈라진 틈(cleft, gap, gulf, breach, rift) 257. cryptic 비밀의(obscure, mystical, occult, esoteric) 258. cull 골라내다(separate, extract, single out, sift) 259. culmination 최고점(pinnacle, peak, height, zenith) 260. culpable 비난받아 마땅한(blameworthy) 261. cumbersome 다투기 어려운(ponderous, clumsy) - 3 -
4 262. cumulative 점증적인(accumulative, aggregate) 263. cynical 냉소적인(sardonic, sneering, scornful) 264. daunt ~을 위압하다(awe, faze, depress,cow) 265. dawdle 빈둥빈둥 보내다(linger, procrastinate) 266. deadlock 막다른 상태(halt, impasse, standoff, cul de sac) 267. dearth 결핍(shortage, paucity, rareness) 268. debacle 와해(crash, devastation, collapse) 269. debilitate 약하게 하다(enervate, undermine) 270. decadence 쇠퇴(deterioration, degeneration) 271. decelerate 감속하다(slow, brake) 272. decipher 암호문 따위를 해독하다(decode) 273. declivity 하향경사(descent, downhill, fall) 274. decomposition 분해(decay, disintegration, rot) 275. decrepitude 노쇠(infirmity, debility, feebleness) 276. decry 헐뜯다(censure, condemn, depreciate) 277. deface 표면을 더럽히다(defile,disfeature, damage) 278. default 불이행(delinquency, nonobservance) 279. deference 복종(homage, submission, obeisance) 280. definitive 결정적인(concluding, terminal) 281. deflect ~을 비끼게 하다(curve, avert, divert, veer) 282. defunct 죽은(deceased, extinct) 283. degenerate 퇴화하다(decline, retrograde) 284. degraded 지위가 강등된(demoted) 285. delete 삭제하다(black out, efface) 286. deleterious 해로운(injurious, damaging, nocuous) 287. deliberate 심사숙고하다(ruminate, meditate) 288. deluge 대홍수(inundation, torrent) 289. delusion 현혹(deception, phantasm) 290. demented 실성한(lunatic, crazy, deranged) 291. demise 서거(dying, decease, collapse) 292. demolition 파괴(dismantlement, ruin) 293. denizen 주민(dweller, resident, wanderer) 294. denounce 비난하다(vilify, inform against) 295. deplete ~을 감소시키다(consume, exhaust) 296. deplore ~한탄하고 슬퍼하다(grieve for, lament) 297. deploy 전개하다(allocate, diverge, spread) 298. depose ~을 면직하다(oust, unseat, discrown) 299. depredation 약탈(sacking, pillage, freebooting) 300. depreciate 가치를 감하다(cheapen, deprecate) 301. deride ~을 비웃다(disdain, flout, mock) 302. dermatologist 피부병전문의 303. derogatory (말이)경멸적인(defamatory, slanderous) 304. desecrate ~의 신성을 모독하다(unhallow, defile) 305. despicable 경멸할 만한(detestabe, vile, mean) 306. despoil 약탈하다(rob, depredate, ravage, pillage) 307. despondent 낙담한(downcast, downhearted) 308. despotism 독재(absolutism, oppression, fascism) 309. destitute 극빈한(indigent, penniless, needy) 310. determinate 확정된(definite, limited, fixed) 311. detraction 비난(harm, calummy, libel) 312. deviate 벗어나다(stray, turn aside, swerve, veer) 313. devoid ~이 빠진(wanting, barren, destitute) 314. devout 독실한(observant, worshipful, zealous) 315. dexterous 손재주가 있는(nimble, agile, ingenious) 316. dichotomy 양분(bisection, duality, halving) 317. diffidence 수줍음(timidity, meekness, reserve) 318. diffusion 살포(dispersal, scattering, verbosity) 319. digression 본론을 벗어남(divergence, deviation) 320. dilapidated 낡아빠진(shabby, broken down) 321. dilate ~을 크게 넓히다(extend, swell, explicate) 322. dilatory 꾸물거리는(dawdling, indolent, slow) 323. dilemma 진퇴양난(plight, bind, quandary) 324. dilute ~을 묽게 하다(water down, thin out) 325. disclose ~을 폭로하다(divulge, leak, broadcast) 326. discordant 일치하지 않는(disagreeing) 327. discrepancy 불일치(inconsistency, variance) 328. discrimination 구별(discretion, discernment) 329. disdain 경멸하다(snub, reject, deride, scorn) 330. dishearten 낙심시키다(deject, demoralize) 331. disinclination 마음이 내키지 않음(reluctance) 332. disinter 파내다(exhume, unearth, excavate) 333. disinterested 공평한(neutral, dispassionate) 334. disjointed 해체된(dislocated, separated) 335. dismiss 해산(제거)시키다(refuse, reject, release) 336. disparate 이종의(distinct, divergent) 337. dispassionate 냉정한(fair, unprejudiced) 338. dispel ~을 쫓아버리다(diffuse, repel, rout) 339. disperse ~을 흩어지게 하다(dissipate, disband) 340. dispirited 기력을 잃은(dejected, disheartened) 341. disputatious 논쟁적인(contentious, quarrelsome) 342. dissection 절개(breakup, analysis, criticism) 343. disseminate 살포하다(disperse, plant, diffuse) 344. dissident 의견을 달리하는(heretical, nonconformist) 345. dissimulate 숨기다(dissemble, feign, conceal) 346. dissipate 흩어지게 하다(scatter, dispel, disperse) 347. dissolution 분해(disconnection, detachment) 348. dissonace 부조화음(cacophony, inharmoniousness) 349. dissuade 그만두게 하다(deter, bar, ban) 350. distant 소원한(far off, remote, detached, cool) 351. distend ~을 넓히다(be elastic, billow, swell) 352. distortion 일그러진 상태(blemish, contortion) 353. diverge 벗어나다(deviate, swerve) - 4 -
5 354. diverse 가지가지의(disparate, various, varied) 355. divine 점치다(foresee, anticipate, apprehend) 356. divulge 누설하다(indicate, make public, give out) 357. docile 가르치기 쉬운(manageable, tractable) 358. dogmatic 독단적인(doctrinal, obstinate) 359. dolorous 슬픔에 가득한(unpleasant, doleful) 360. domicile 주소(abode, habitation, dwelling) 361. dormant 잠자는(somnolent, soporific, inert) 362. dotage 망령(senility, old age, feeblemindedness) 363. downcast 의기소침한(blue, depressed, sunk) 364. dubious 의심스러운(deceptive, dishonest) 365. duplicity 겉과 속이 다름(deceit, duality) 366. dynamic 역동적인(energetic, vital, enterprising) 367. dyspeptic 소화불량의(bad tempered, irritable) 368. earthy 저속한(vulgur, worldly, primitive, mundane) 369. ebb 줄다(decay, decline, abate, subside) 370. eccentric 기이한(peculiar, bizarre, queer, odd) 371. edify 교화하다(enlighten, indoctrinate, inculcate) 372. efface 지우다(obliterate, expunge, erase, blot out) 373. effectual 효과적인(operative, practical, influential) 374. effusion 방출(pour, stream, spate) 375. egregious 지독한(excessive, outright, intolerable) 376. egress 출구(exodus, emergence) 377. eloquence 달변(oratory, fluency) 378. elucidate 해명하다(expound, spell out, illustrate) 379. elusive 파악하기 어려운(elusory, evasive,intangible) 380. emaciated 초췌한(cadaverous, skeletal, peaked) 381. emancipate 해방시키다(liberate, release, manumit) 382. embark 종사(착수)하다(start, commence, undertake) 383. embellish 장식하다(garnish, ornament) 384. embroil 혼란시키다(upset, tangle) 385. eminent 고결한(authoritative, exalted, prominet) 386. emissary 특사(delegate, ambassador, envoy) 387. empirical 경험적인(experimental, practical) 388. enamored 매혹된(charmed, fascinated, enchanted) 389. encompass 포위하다(circle, besiege, enclose) 390. encumber 귀찮게 하다(hinder, load, weight) 391. endemic 고유한(native, local, indigenous) 392. endorse 승인하다(set the seal on, uphold) 393. enduring 인내심이 강한(durable, permanent, stable) 394. energize 활기를 불어넣다(vivify, electrify, actify) 395. enervate 무기력하게 하다(attenuate, debilitate) 396. engender 일으키다(generate, create, provoke) 397. engross ~에 모조리 쏟게 하다(engage, immerse) 398. enhance 늘리다(intensify, heighten, magnify) 399. enigmatic 수수께끼 같은(ambiguous, bewildering) 400. ennui 지루함(languor, tedium, lassitude) 401. entity 실체(existence, substance) 402. entreat ~에게 간청하다(beseech, implore, appeal) 403. ephemeral 단명한, 일시적인(transient, temporary) 404. epicure 미식가(gourmet, gourmand, gastronomer) 405. epilogue 끝맺음(finale, conclusion) 406. epoch 시대(period, term) 407. equable 변화가 없는(calm, serene, unexcitable) 408. equivocal 분명하지 않은(obscure, imprecise) 409. erratic 별난(inconsistent, changeable, shifting) 410. erudite 학식이 있는(well educated, literate) 411. eschew 을 피하다(forgo, shun, evade, elude) 412. espouse 채택(지지)하다(back, embrace, take up) 413. estranged 남의 사이를 이간하는(dissociated) 414. eulogy 찬사(tribute, glorification) 415. euphemism 넌지시 둘러 말하는 표현, 완곡어귀 416. euthanasia 안락사(natural death) 417. evince 분명히 나타나다(manifest, reveal) 418. exasperate 노하게 하다(annoy, nettle, irritate) 419. exculpate 죄를 벗겨주다(acquit, justify) 420. exhort 권유하다(admonish, import!une) 421. exhume 을 발굴하다(disinter, turn up) 422. expedient 형편이 좋은(opportune, seasonable) 423. explicate 을 설명하다(explain, construe) 424. exploit 위업(achievement, accomplishment, feat) 425. expunge 을 지우다(strike out, delete, obliterate) 426. extirpate 뿌리째 뽑다(annihilate, destroy, excise) 427. extricate 해방시키다(clear away, loose, rescue) 428. facetious 농담의(witty, humorous, funny) 429. facile 쉬운, 재주있는(skillful, adroit, handy, fluent) 430. facilitate 을 용이하게 하다(aid, assist, help) 431. fallacious 그릇된(illogical, erroneous) 432. fastidious 꽤 까다로운(dainty, finicky, particular) 433. fathom 헤아리다(penetrate, figure out, cogitate) 434. feasible 실행할 수 있는 435. fecundity 비옥(prolificacy, productivity) 436. filch 훔치다(thieve, purloin, pinch, pilfer) 437. fiedgling 풋내기(untried, beginning, minor) 438. fleece 속여 빼앗다(pillage, loot, mug, mulct) 439. flourish 번영하다(thrive, turn out well) 440. foible 약점(defect, flaw, loophole) 441. forestall 에 앞서서 막다(thwart, block) 442. forgo 을 그만두다(relinquish, surrender, yield) 443. formidable 무서운(dreadful, fearful, terrible) 444. fortuitous 우연적인(casual, unpredictable) 445. frailty 약함(foible) - 5 -
6 446. frantic 광란의(furious, excited, mad, frenzied) 447. frivolity 경박함(levlty, triviality, wantonness) 448. furtive 은밀한(covert, under-the-table) 449. gainsay 부인하다(contradict, rebut) 450. galvanize 활기를 띄게 하다(electrify, energize) 451. garner 비축하다(deposit, lay up, stock up) 452. garnish 장식하다(embellish, omament, adom, deck) 453. garrulity 수다(loquacity, verboseness, wordiness) 454. garrulous 말 많은(pratting, talkative, chatty) 455. germane 적절한(related, relevant, applicable) 456. germinate 발아하다(burgeon, bloom, blossom) 457. gist 본질(substance, sum, content, core) 458. glut 을 실컷 먹이다(stuff, gorge, satiate, sate) 459. glutinous 접착성의(adhesive, gluey, viscld) 460. glutton 대식가(gorger, stuffer, voracious eater) 461. gourmet 식도락가(connoisseur, gastronomist) 462. gullible 쉽게 속는(unsuspiclous, credulous) 463. hackneyed 평범한(routione, stale, banal) 464. hamper 훼방놓다(burden, cncumber, restrain) 465. harass 희롱(위협, 공격)하다(beset, besiege, intimidate) 466. hazardous 위험한(risk, insecure) 467. heedless 부주의한(inattentive, imprudent) 468. herbivorous 초식의(vegetarian carnivorous) 469. heterogeneous 이종의(divergent, motley) 470. hibernate 동면하다(be latent) 471. hoard 저장하다(save up) 472. homogeneous 동종의, 같은 종류의 473. hortatory 권장(훈계)하는(exhorting, persuasive) 474. humdrum 평범(지루)한(repetitious, tedious, prosaic) 475. hypocritical 위선적인(assumed) 476. hypothetical 가설(정)의(supposed, assumed) 477. ignoble 천한(disreputable, despicable, vulgar) 478. imbue 에게 불어넣다(indoctrinate, infuse, instill) 479. immolate 으로 희생시키다(victimize, sacrifice) 480. immutable 불변의(unaltered, permanent, rigid) 481. impeach 을 탄핵(비난)하다(arraign, oensure, inculpate) 482. impeccable 결점이 없는(untainted, innocent) 483. impecunious 돈이없는(unmoneyed) 484. impede 을 방해하다(block, interfere) 485. implicit 은연중의, 맹목적인 486. improvise 즉흥으로 임시 변통하다(extemporize) 487. imprudent 사려심 없는(incautious, rash, indiscreet) 488. impugn 비난하다(censure, contradict, attack, berate) 489. inalienable 양도할 수 없는(inseparable, impartible) 490. incarcerate 감금하다(confine) 491. incense 화나게 하다, 향을 피우다(exasperate) 492. incompatible 상반된(disagreeing, inconsistent) 493. incongruity 부적당(illogiclness, inconsistency) 494. inculcate 알아듣도록 가르치다(indoctrinate, instill) 495. indigence가난(mendicancy, destitution, privation) 496. indigenous국산의(aboriginal, homebred) 497. indulgent 관대한(considerate, intemperate) 498. inept 맞지 않는(unintelligent, unskillful, awkward) 499. inevitable 피할 수 없는(unpreventable) 500. infantile 어린애 같은(juvenile, sopomoric, babyish) 501. infinitesimal 지극히 작은(microscopic, thin) 502. infirmity 허약(debility, ailment) 503. inflated 우쭐해진(boastful, bombastic, distended) 504. influx 유입(inflow, inpouring, inrush, influxion) 505. infraction 위반(lawbreaking, overstepping) 506. ingenious 재능이 있는(inventive, canny, adroit) 507. ingenuous 솔직한(candid, naive,frank, gullible) 508. inherent 선천적인(instinctive, intrinsic, involuntary) 509. inhibit 금하다(confine, hinder, ban, bar, forbid) 510. initiate 처음 시작하다(install, introduce) 511. injurious 유해한(detrimental, hurtful, damaging) 512. innate 타고난(inherent, hereditary) 513. innocuous 결백한(unhurtful, innoxious) 514. innovation 혁신(novelty, coinage, originality) 515. inopportune 시기를 놓친(unseasonable) 516. inordinate 과도한(intemperate, fanatical) 517. insensate 감각이 없는(numb, insensible) 518. insolent 거만한(audacious, defiant, impenitent) 519. insolvent 파산한(penniless, impecunious, ruined) 520. insomnia 불면증(vigilance, sleeplessness) 521. instigate 부추기다(incite, prompt, abet, induce) 522. insubordinate 고분고분하지 않은(rebellious) 523. insubstantial 비현실적인(immaterial, bodiless) 524. insurrection 반란(revolt, insurgence, riot, outbreak) 525. integrate 통합하다(unify, mix, merge) 526. inter 매장하다(bury, inhume, inearth, inurn) 527. interminable 끝없는(ceaseless, boundless) 528. intermittent 간헐적인(irregular) 529. intervene 사이에 들다(intrude, interfere) 530. intimate 친밀한, 암시하다(allude, insinuate) 531. intimidation 협박(bluster, coercion, menace) 532. introvert 내성적인 사람(private and withdrawn man) 533. intuition 직관(clairvoyance, hunch, ring) 534. inundate 범람시키다(drench, deluge) 535. invalidate 무효로 하다(annihilate, quash) 536. inverse 반대의(contrary, reverse, converse) 537. invoke 기원하다(beseech, entreat, implore, appeal) - 6 -
7 538. invulnerable 불사신의(invincible, indomitable 539. iota 적은 양(modicum, mite, faint degree,pittance) 540. irascible 성미 급한(irate, choleric, perverse, cranky) 541. ironic 비꼬는(sarcastic, mocking, sardonic) 542. irrevocable 결정적인(conclusive, irreversible) 543. jeopardy 위험(peril, hazard, endangerment) 544. jocose 우스꽝스러운(witty, humorous, jocular) 545. jubilation 환호(festivity, delight, exultation) 546. judicious 현명한(sagacious, sage, prudent) 547. juxtapose 병렬(stand in line, adjoin, abut) 548. laborious 노력이 요구되는(labored, strenuous) 549. laconic 간명한(concise, compact, short) 550. laggard 느린(dilatory, deliberate) 551. lament 슬퍼하다(deplore, bemoan) 552. languish 기운이 빠지다(deteriorate, sicken) 553. larceny 절도죄(lift, pinch, purloining, thievery) 554. lascivious 유혹적인(lecherous, amorous, desirous) 555. latent 숨어 있는(concealed, secret, underlying) 556. lateral 옆의(sided, sidewards, sidelong, sideways) 557. laudatory 찬미의(commendatory, regardful) 558. lavish 아낌없는(prodigal, generous, profuse) 559. legacy 유산(bequest, inheritance, leftover) 560. lethal 치명적인(deadly, baneful, fatal) 561. levity 경솔(fickleness, inattention, whimsy) 562. liability 책임, 부채(obligation, burden, obstacle) 563. lineage 혈통(derivation, heredity, stock) 564. liquidate 청산하다(discharge, pay, dispose) 565. loiter 빈둥거리다(idle about, hover around, loll) 566. longevity 장수(span of life, macrobiosis, durability) 567. loquacious 말 많은(prolix, verbose, garrulous) 568. lucid 명쾌한(clear, intelligible) 569. lucrative 득이되는,유리한(profitable, remunerative) 570. ludicrous 익살맞은(comic, funny, absurd,preposterous) 571. luscious 감미로운(delicious, pleasant, tasty) 572. lustrous 번쩍이는(illustrious, luminous, gloss) 573. luxuriant 번성한(rampant, productive, florid) 574. magnanimity 도량(benevolence, goodwill, virtue) 575. magniloquent 허풍떠는(flowery, sonorous) 576. magnitude 크기(amplitude, quantity, enormity) 577. maim 망쳐놓다(cripple, amputate, mangle, rend) 578. maladroit 서투른(unhandy, inept, awkward) 579. malediction 저주(malison, imprecation, curse) 580. mammoth 거대한(huge, immense, giant) 581. manacle 구속하다(fetter, shackle, put in chains) 582. mandatory 의무적인(required, commanding) 583. maniacal 광기의(rabid, frenzied) 584. manifest 명백한(obvious, visible, apparent, evident) 585. manifold 다각적인(mulitifarious) 586. manipulate 손으로 조작하다(manage, ply) 587. manumit 해방시키다(liberate, unshackle, loose) 588. maritime 해안에 인접한(oceanic, marine) 589. marred 손상된(offender, wounded) 590. materialism 유물론(love of possessions) 591. maternal 어미의(doting, shielding paternal) 592. maxim 금언(axiom, dictum, motto, aphorism) 593. meager 부족한(paltry, slender, insubstantial) 594. meddlesome 침해하는(officious, meddling) 595. mediate 중재하다(reconcile, intervene, step in) 596. mediation 심사숙고(engrossment, contemplation) 597. medley 혼합(miscellany, sundries, variety) 598. meek 온순한(modest, mild, patient) 599. memorialize 기념하다(celebrate, imprint, monument) 600. mendacious 거짓의(untruthful, dishonest, forsworn) 601. mendicant 거지(moocher, bummer) 602. mercantile 상업의(commercial, trading, industrial) 603. mercurial 변덕스러운(capricious, inconstant) 604. merger 합병(amalgamation, coalition, mergence) 605. mesmerize 매혹하다(fascinate, enthrall, charm) 606. meticulous 세심한(scrupulous, precise, detailed) 607. migratory 배회하는(migrant, migrative) 608. minuscule 매우 작은(meager, scanty, petit, petty) 609. misanthrope 인류를 싫어하는 사람(manhater) 610. misapprehension 오해(miscomprehension) 611. miserly 인색한(parsimonious, selfish, ungenerous) 612. misgivings 의혹(anxiety, apprehension, foreboding) 613. mishap 사고(casualty, adversity, misadventure) 614. misogamy 결혼을 싫어하기(hatred of marriage) 615. mitigate 누그러뜨리다(extenuate, moderate) 616. mobile 움직일 수 있는(moving, stirring) 617. modish 유행하는(stylish, faddish, voguish, chic) 618. molecule 미립분자(atom, particle, corpuscule) 619. mollify 위로하다(pacify, soften, relieve) 620. molten 녹은(fused, meltable, fusible) 621. momentous 중요한(eventful, influential, crucial) 622. monarchy 군주국(dictatorship, despotism, tyranny) 623. monetary 금전의(pecuniary, nummary, financial) 624. monolithic 하나로 통제된(stiff, inflexible) 625. monotheism 일신교(theism) 626. monotony 단조로움(tedium, humdrum, dullness) 627. moratorium 지불정지(detention) 628. moribund 죽어 가는(dying, fading, unhealthy, sickly) 629. mortician 장의사(funeral director, undertaker) - 7 -
8 630. motility 운동성(mobility, locomotion) 631. multifarious 여러 형태의(manifold, diverse) 632. multiplicity 다양성(multiformity, numerousness) 633. mundane 세속적인(prosaic, terrestrial, profane) 634. munificent 대단히 후한(unselfish, bountiful) 635. muse 숙고하다(deliberate, mediate, mull) 636. mutable 변덕스러운(inconstant, irresolute) 637. myriad 무수함(plenty, immense number) 638. naivete 천진함(ingenuousness, simplicity) 639. nebulous 흐린(murky, dark, dim, indistinct) 640. negation 부정(disproof, nonexistence) 641. negligence 무관심(indifference, unconcern) 642. neophyte 초심자(novice,tyro, apprentice colt) 643. nexus 결합(link, bond, linkage, junction, tie) 644. niggardly 인색한(miserly, meager) 645. nocturnal 야행성인(nightlong) 낮의diurnal 646. nomadic 방황하는(roving, vagrant, vagabond) 647. nominal 명목상의(titular, official) 648. notoriety 악명(disgrace, dishonor, shame) 649. novelty 새로움(uniqueness, innovation) 650. nurture 교육하다(cherish, foster, nourish) 651. nutrient 영향분이 있는(nutritious, nutritive) 652. obese 비대한(corpulent, plump, stout) 653. objective 객관적인(equitable, impartial) 654. obligatory 의무적인(compulsory, mandatory) 655. obliterate 기억을 지우다(black out, expunge) 656. oblivion 망각(insensibility, forgetfulness) 657. obscure 애매모호한(faint, dim, shadowy) 658. obsolete 낡은(out of fashion, passe) 659. obstinate 완고한(obdurate, unyielding, inflexible) 660. odoriferous 향기 그윽한(sweet-scented) 661. offhand 즉석의(extemporaneous) 662. officious 참견하기 좋아하는(impertinent) 663. ominous 불길한(inauspicious) 664. omnipotent 전능한(godlike, sovereign) 665. omnipresent 어디든지 있는(preval!ent) 666. omniscient 다 아는(all-wise, supereminent) 667. omnivorous 잡식성의 668. onerous 번거로운(distressing, oppressive) 669. optimist 낙천주의자(utopian, incurable romantic) 670. orthodox 정통적인(conventional, customary) 671. ostentatious 화려한(ornate, grandiloquent) 672. ostracize 추방하다(expel, shut out,oust) 673. outspoken 솔직 담백한(frank, candid, plain) 674. overt 분명한(obvious, naked) 675. painstaking 근면한(strenuous, scrupulous) 676. panacea 만병통치약(catholicon, elixir) 677. paradigm 전형적인 예(criterion, paragon) 678. paradox 역설(contrariety) 679. paragon 모범(archetype, exemplar, ideal) 680. paramount 최고의(preeminent, sovereign) 681. paraphrase 바꿔 쓰다(reword, rephrase) 682. parochial 편협한(parish, sectional, narrow-minded) 683. parody 익살(lampoon, burlesque) 684. partiality 편애(prejudice, slant, bias) 685. parvenu 벼락부자(upstart) 686. patent 분명한(manifest, evident) 687. patronize ~을 후원하다(support) 688. pecuniary 금전적인(monetary, nummary) 689. pedagogue 교육자(instructor, educator) 690. penury 극도의 빈곤(pauperism, destitution) 691. perceptive 지각 있는(sensitive, keen) 692. perennial 여러해 계속되는(constant, enduring) 693. perforate 관통하다(puncture, penetrate) 694. perfunctory 피상적인(cosmetic, offhand) 695. permeable 투과할 수 있는(pervious) 696. perpetrate 범하다(scandalize, offend) 697. perpetual 끊임없는(enduring, lasting) 698. perspicacious 통찰력 있는(perceptive) 699. pertinent 적절한(germane, appropriate,relevant) 700. pessimism 비관(gloom, despair) 701. petty 하찮은(slight, paltry, picayune) 702. pillage 강탈하다(despoil, seize, raid) 703. pious 신앙심 많은(reverent, worshipful, dedicated) 704. pithy 간결한, 힘찬(terse, succinct, expressive) 705. pivotal 중요한(fundamental, focal, decisive) 706. placate 위로하다(mollify, calm, appease) 707. placid 평온한(quiescent, still, composed) 708. plagiarize 표절하다(duplicate, copy, imitate) 709. plaintive 구슬픈(doleful, melancholy, moaning) 710. plausible 그럴듯한(probable, valid, credible) 711. plenitude 충만(sufficiency, repletion, plethora) 712. pliant 유순한(plastic, adaptable, supple, dutile) 713. pluck 용기(fortitude, mettle) 714. posterity 후손(progeny, offspring) 715. potential 잠재적인(probable, lurking, underlying) 716. practicable 실제적인(feasible, workable) 717. pragmatic 실제적인(expedient, down-to-earth) 718. precarious 위험한(unreliable) 719. precedent 앞서는(previous, prior) 720. precipice 절벽,추락하다 721. precise 정확한( accurate, meticulous) - 8 -
9 722. preclude 방해하다(hamper, hinder, forestall) 723. precocious 숙성한(mature, quick) 724. precursor 선구자(vanguard, harbinger) 725. predatory 약탈하는(rapacious) 726. pretentious 허세부리는(boastful, grandiloquent) 727. prevail 설득하다(reign, win over, persuade) 728. preval!ent 널리 퍼진(rampant) 729. prevaricate 거짓말을 하다(perjure, deceive) 730. probe 탐색하다(investigate, scrutinize) 731. procrastinate 꾸물거리다(stall, defer, prolong) 732. procurement 획득(achievement, attainment) 733. prodigal 낭비하는(extravagant, profuse, lavish) 734. prodigious 거대한(vast, extraordinary) 735. profane 더럽히다(debase, abuse, defile) 736. profound 조예가 깊은(sage, sagacious) 737. profusion 통이 큼(profligacy, prodigality) 738. progenitor 조상(forefather, antecedents) 739. prognosticate 예언하다(foresee, foretell, soothsay) 740. prolific 다산의(fertile, fecund, teeming barren) 741. prolix 장황한(talkative, verbose, long-winded) 742. prone ~하기 쉬운(liable) 743. propellants 추진제(propeller, airscrew) 744. propensity 경향(aptitude, tendency, bent) 745. prophetic 예언의(predictive, presageful) 746. proponent 제안자(proposer, supporter) 747. propriety 타당성(aptness, seemliness) 748. propulsive 추진력 있는(propellant, pushing ahead) 749. prototype 원형(model, original) 750. protract 질질 끌다(lengthen, postpone) 751. provident 선견지명 있는(cautious, prudent) 752. provincial지방의(territorial, regional, rustic) 753. provoke ~을 화나게 하다(enrage, anger) 754. proximity 근접(closeness, propinquity,vicinity) 755. prudent 분별 있는(sage, sapient, sensible) 756. pseudonym 필명(alias, anonym) 757. pugnacious 싸움하기 좋아하는(quarrelsome, warlike) 758. punitive 처벌의(retaliatory, chastising) 759. purloin 훔치다(thieve, pilfer, filch, make off with) 760. purport 의도(purpose, import!, denotation) 761. pusillanimous 겁 많은(timid, mean-spirited) 762. putative 추정의(assumed, presumptive) 763. pyromaniac 방화광(incendiary, arsonist) 764. quaint 별나게 재미있는(curious, unique, antiquated) 765. quell 진압하다(subdue, suppress) 766. quiescent 조용한(motionless, abeyant) 767. quintessence 본질, 정수(distillation, elixir) 768. rampant 만연하는(uncontrollable, immoderate) 769. ratify 비준하다(settle firmly, certify, confirm!) 770. rationalization 합리화(logic, reasonableness) 771. ravage 강탈하다(crush, devastate, pillage) 772. recant 바꾸다, 취소하다(recall, rescind, retract) 773. recapitulate 요약하다(repeat, shorten, sum up) 774. receptive 감수성이 예민한(openminded, accessible) 775. recession 후퇴(regression, surrender) 776. recipient 수령인(consignee, accepter) 777. reciprocal 상호의(coordinate) 778. recluse 은둔자(solitudinarian, solitary) 779. reconcile 화해시키다(propitiate, conciliate) 780. recondite 난해한(esoteric) 781. rectify 교정하다(mend, amend, redress, rebuild) 782. recuperate 회복하다(improve, convalesce) 783. redolent 향기로운(balmy, aromatic, perfumed) 784. redundant 남아도는(prolix, verbose, tautological) 785. refrain 삼가다(desist, restrain, hold off) 786. regeneration 갱생(conversion, revival, redemption) 787. regicide 국왕시해(tyrannicide, high treason) 788. rehabilitate 복원시키다(reclaim, restore) 789. reimburse 배상하다(redress, refund, indemnify) 790. reiterate 되풀이하다(iterate, rephrase, recapitulate) 791. rejuvenate 다시 젊게 하다(renew, freshen, refresh) 792. relegate 좌천시키다(discharge, surrender, exile) 793. relent 누그러지다(soften, slacken, yield, relax) 794. relevancy 적당(fitness, suitability, appropriateness) 795. relinquish 그만두다(renounce, forswear, forgo) 796. remediable 치료할 수 있는(mendable) 797. remiss 태만한(lazy, slack, derelict, undutiful) 798. remunerative 보수가 있는(gainful, advantageous) 799. rendezvous 집합장소(assemblage) 800. renounce 포기하다(forsake, forgo, forswear) 801. renovate 새롭게 하다(rekindle, fix, revamp) 802. reparable 수선할 수 있는(curable, remediable) 803. repeal 취소하다(withdraw, nullify, invalidate, revoke) 804. repellent 쫓아버리는(nasty, kindless, invidious) 805. replete 충분한(glutted, satiated) 806. repository 저장소(depot, storage place) 807. repress 억누르다(check, suppress, bridle) 808. reprimand 꾸짖다(chide, condemn, reprehend) 809. reproach 비난(rebuke, condemnation, odium) 810. resigned 체념하는(reserved, submissive) 811. resolve 결심(resolution, decision) 812. respiration 호흡(respiratory action) 813. resumption 재개(reassumption, recovery) - 9 -
10 814. resurgent 소생하는(renascent, renewed) 815. resuscitate 소생시키다(renew, rekindle, reactivate) 816. retaliate 보복하다(avenge, requite, recompense) 817. reticent 말이 적은(taciturn, tacit) 818. retroactive 반동하는(regressive, retrospective) 819. retrograde 후퇴하다(retrocede, retroactive) 820. retrospective 회고하는(backward, retroactive) 821. reverent 숭배하는(courteous, admiring) 822. rife 유행하는(prevailing, overflowing) 823. rigor 엄함(strictness, austerity, harshness) 824. robust 건장한(sturdy, brawny, stalwart) 825. roseate 장미빛의(blushy, auroral) 826. rudimentary 기본적인(initial, basal) 827. ruminate 곰곰이 생각하다(mull over, brood) 828. rummage 샅샅이 뒤지다(examine, delve into) 829. ruthless 무정한(implacable, merciless, grim) 830. sagacious 현명한(judicious, discerning) 831. salvage 구조하다(ransom, redeem, retrieve) 832. sanction ~을 인가하다(permit, endorse, authorize) 833. sarcasm 비꼼(irony, derision, contempt) 834. sardonic 냉소하는(caustic, sneering, mocking) 835. satiate 만족시키다(overstuff, glut, cloy) 836. satirical 풍자적인(derisive, sneering, sardonic) 837. savory 맛좋은(fragrant, wholesome, reputable) 838. scapegoat 남의 죄를 대신하는 사람(victim) 839. scrupulous 양심적인(exact, careful, honorable) 840. scrutinize ~을 면밀히 조사하다(scan, inquire into) 841. seasoned 경험(맛)있는(trained, spiced, flavored) 842. secession 탈퇴(defection, apostasy, desertion) 843. seclusion 격리(retirement, exile, quarantine) 844. secrete 숨기다(conceal, keep under wraps) 845. secular 세속의(mundane, worldly, profane) 846. sedate 침착한(calm, quiet, serene, serious) 847. sedentary 앉아 있는(seated, inactive, inert) 848. sedition 소란(treason, disobedience) 849. semblance 유사(front, aspect, mien) 850. sensual 관능적인(earthly, lush, sensuous, lewd) 851. serenity 고요함(composure, moderation) 852. servile 노예의(obsequious, sordid, adject) 853. shun 피하다(evade, eschew, avoid) 854. simulate ~인 체하다(assume, counterfeit) 855. sinecure 한직(easy post, easy office) 856. singular 단일의(remarkable, marvelous) 857. sinister 악의 있는(wicked, ominous, portentous) 858. slacken 느슨해지다(slack, relax, release) 859. slander 중상(scandal, distortion, calumny) 860. slovenly 꾀죄죄한(unkempt, messy, sloppy) 861. sojourn 머무름(stopover, halt, visit, pause) 862. solemnity 엄숙(dignity, earnestness) 863. solicit 간청하다(beseech, petition, entreat) 864. soliloquy 독백(monolog) 865. somber 음산한, 컴컴한(grim, grave, melancholy) 866. somnambulist 몽유병자(nightwalker, noctambulist) 867. somnolent 졸린(somniferous, drowsy) 868. sonorous 울려 퍼지는(rotund) 869. sophomoric 미숙한(juvenile, childish) 870. soporific 잠오게 하는(sedative, sleepy) 871. specious 그럴듯한(plausible, seeming) 872. sporadic 산발적인(occasional, sparse, spotty) 873. squander낭비하다(fritter) 874. sagnant 흐르지 않는(stationary, inert) 875. stalwart 튼튼한(muscular, robust, sturdy) 876. static 정지하고 있는(stagnant, inert) 877. steadfast 확고한(steady, fixed, resolute) 878. stealth 은밀한 수법(clandestineness) 879. stem 저지하다(restrain, resist, halt, hinder) 880. stem from 일어나다(originate, rise, dawn) 881. stereotyped 판에 박힌(dull, indisinctive, routine) 882. stigma 치욕(blemish, shame, stain) 883. stringent 엄격한(veracious, strict, harsh) 884. subjective 주관적인(intrinsic, mental) 885. submissive 복종하는(obedient, compliant, pliant) 886. subside 가라앉다(sag, wane, lessen, abate) 887. subsidiary 보조의(supplementary, auxiliary) 888. subsidy 보조금(sponsoring, support, subvention) 889. substantive 실질적인(requisite, solid, definite) 890. subterfuge 핑계(cheat, dupery, trickery) 891. subtlety 예민(acuteness, shrewdness, accuracy) 892. succinct 간결한(neat, concise, terse, pithy) 893. succulent 즙이 많은(sappy) 894. succumb ~에 굴복하다(surrender, submit) 895. suffuse 퍼지다(imbue, steep, invest) 896. summation 합계(aggregate, total, recapitulation) 897. superficial 외양적인(external, outward) 898. superfluous 과잉의(redundant, excess, surplus) 899. superimpose 첨가하다(attach, append) 900. supersede 대신하다(supplant, displace) 901. supplicate 간청하다(beseech, solicit) 902. supposition 가정(presumption, guess) 903. surmise 추측하다(presume, suspect, assume) 904. surmount 극복하다(get over, defect, conquer) 905. surpass ~을 능가하다(outdo, excel, go beyond)
11 906. surreptitious 비밀의(furtive, covert, clandestine) 907. surveillance 감시(scrutiny, lookout, vigilance) 908. susceptible 감수성이 강한(sensitive, responsive) 909. sustain 밑에서 받치다(hold, back, bear, abet) 910. symbiosis 공생(mutualism, commercialism) 911. synthesis 종합(union, combination, incorporation) 912. synthetic 인조의(manmade, manufactured) 913. tainted 더러워진(blemished, diseased, soiled) 914. tangential 접하는(divergent) 915. tantalize 집적거리다(bait, hagger, harass) 916. tantamount 동등한 가치가 있는(alike, selfsame) 917. tautological 동의어의(redundant, pleonastic) 918. tenacious 고집스러운(clinging, obstinate) 919. tentative 임시적인(trial, unsettled, speculative) 920. tenuous 얇은(slender, attenuated, flimsy) 921. tepid 미지근한(lukewarm) 922. terminate 끝내다(conclude, complete) 923. terrestrial 지구상의(mundane, secular, tellurian) 924. terse 간결한(compact, succinct, brief, neat) 925. therapeutic 치료상의(corrective, medicinal, healing) 926. thermal 열의(tropical, warm, toasty) 927. thrifty 절약하는(frugal, sparing, tightfisted) 928. thrive 번영하다(get on, wax, bloom, fatten) 929. throng 군중(crush, mob, rout, horde, mass) 930. thwart 방해하다(balk, checkmate, dash, hinder) 931. timorous 겁 많은(timid, spineless, cowardly) 932. tirade 장광설(rant, harangue, condemnation) 933. titanic 거대한(colossal, enormous, cyclopean) 934. tortuous 비틀린(serpentine, snaky, sinuous) 935. touchstone 시금석(gauge, standard, barometer) 936. toxic 독이 있는(harmful, mephitic, venomous) 937. tractable 유순한(biddable, manageable, pliable) 938. traduce 비방하다(libel, betray, asperse, slander) 939. tranquillity 고요(quiescence, composure) 940. transcend 초월하다(outstrip, outdo, overstep) 941. transcribe 베끼다(translate, transliterate, clone) 942. transgression 위반(misdeed, overstepping) 943. transient 일시적인(evanescent, impermanent) 944. transmute 바꾸다(mutate, denature, alter) 945. transparent 투명한(translucent, plain, flimsy) 946. traumatic 폭력에 피해 입은(wounded, shocking) 947. traverse 가로지르다(pass through, cross) 948. tremor 전율(quaver, shudder, quake, shiver) 949. trite 흔해빠진(stale, common, ordinary, banal) 950. truism 자명한 이치(troth,axiom, cliche, platitude) 951. turmoil 혼란(chaos, tumult) 952. tycoon 실업계의 거두(magnate, maverick, mogul) 953. tyranny 폭정(despotism, cruel authority) 954. ubiquitous 도처에 모습을 나타내는(universal) 955. ulterior 표면에 나타나지 않음(cryptic, obscure) 956. ultimatum 최후 통첩(final note) 957. unanimity 만장일치(accord, concensus, unison) 958. undermine ~의 기초를 위태롭게 하다(enfeeble) 959. unearthly 섬뜩한(awesome, uncanny, mysterious) 960. unfledged 미숙한(green, childish, puerile, callow) 961. unilateral 일방적인(flanked, lopsided) 962. unimpeachable 비난할 수 없는(impeccable) 963. unique 단 하나뿐인(distinctive, unequaled) 964. universal 전체의(whole, general, involving) 965. unsightly 볼품없는(unseemly,ungainly, distasteful) 966. unwonted 익숙하지 않은(rare, atypical) 967. upbraid 꾸짖다(berate, rebuke, reprove, reprimand) 968. urbane 우아한(affable, polite, sophisticated rustic) 969. vacuous 텅빈(bare, superficial) 970. valedictory 고별의(parting, departing, leaving) 971. valid 정당한(just, substantial, cogent) 972. valor 용기(gallantry, mettle, intrepidity) 973. vehement 격렬한(acrimonious, violent, intense) 974. velocity 빠르기(swiftness, celerity, throttle) 975. venerable 존경할 만한(majestic, dignified) 976. venturesome 모험을 좋아하는(adventurous, daring) 977. venue 행위의 현장(spot, scene of a crime) 978. veracious 진실을 이야기하는(actual, authenticated) 979. verbalize ~을 말로 나타내다(express, represent) 980. verbose 말수가 많은(grandiloquent) 981. vicarious 대리를 하는(substitute, alternate) 982. vilify 훼손하다(blaspheme, defame, stigmatize) 983. vindictive 앙심을 품은(malign, spiteful, implacable) 984. virtual 사실상의(essential, substantial, practical) 985. virtue 미덕(righteousness, probity, integrity) 986. viscid 끈끈한(ropy, gummy, viscous) 987. vivacious 활기 있는(exuberant, brisk, energetic) 988. vivisection 생체해부(necroscopy, autopsy) 989. vociferous 시끄러운(blatant, boisterous, shrill) 990. vogue 유행(trend, mode, fashion) 991. volition 의욕(will, discretion) 992. voluble 달변의(talkative, loquacious) 993. voracious 식욕이 왕성한(devouring, ravenously) 994. waive 보류하다(resign, remit, demit, abandon) 995. weather 폭풍을 이겨내다(tolerate, bear, suffer) 996. windfall 뜻밖의 횡재(serendipity,unexpected gain, trove) 997. winsome 매력 있는(lovable, attractive, charming)
12 998. wrath 분노(rage, indignation, vexation) 999. yield 산출(production, output, harvest) zenith 천장(pinnacle, acme, apogee, apex) - 보카바이블 2012 뉴에디션 표제어 스터디 자료 다운받기(클릭) - 보카바이블(구) 2 nd 표제어 스터디 자료 다운받기(클릭) - 보카바이블 저자직강 이재훈 보카바이블 동영상 강의(클릭) 보카바이블 어휘입문필수 기초어원 무료특강 총20강 모두 다운받으세요!(클릭) 보카바이블 저자 이재훈 선생님의 보카바이블 동영상 1강 풀공개(아래 플레이) - 보카바이블 이재훈 저자직강 동영상 강의신청 페이지(왕글리쉬닷컴) -
9 급공무원시험합격비법자료시리즈오권영의 Oh! voca 1. 약화시키다 약화되다 debilitate 약화시키다 devitalize 약화시키다 incapacitate 무능력하게하다 wither 시들다, 약해지다 enervate 약화시키다 unnerve 무기력하게하다 en
1. 약화시키다 약화되다 debilitate 약화시키다 devitalize 약화시키다 incapacitate 무능력하게하다 wither 시들다, 약해지다 enervate 약화시키다 unnerve 무기력하게하다 enfeeble 약화시키다 attenuate 가늘게 약하게하다 extenuate 줄여주다, 경감하다 languish 나른해지다, 약해지다 wane (
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