27 What do people criticize about you? Are their concerns valid? Coping with change 28 How do you cope with organizational change? 29 What has been yo

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1 영어 면접 예상 질문 Interview Lab 영어 면접 예상 질문 Yourself 1 Describe yourself. 2 Tell me about yourself. 3 Tell me about your character. 4 If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be? 5 Tell us about your personality, style, and interests. 6 We are looking at several candidates. What makes you unique? Salary 7 What were you making at your last job? 8 What has been your salary history? 9 What would be an adequate reward for your efforts? 10 Have you ever been refused a salary increase? 11 What are your financial needs? 12 What is the minimum salary you would accept? Personal, Illegal or unethical 13 Have you ever had financial difficulties? 14 Have you ever been arrested? 15 How have personal business, family, and health limited your contribution or effectiveness as an employee? 16 Tell me something personal about yourself that you are not proud of. 17 Are you interested in sports? 18 What qualities do you look for in a friend? 19 Tell me about your closest friends their personalities, interests, occupations. 20 How do your partner and/or children impact your career considerations? 21 What extracurricular activities were you involved in during college? Weaknesses and dislikes 22 What decisions are most difficult for you? 23 What is your current greatest weakness? 24 What causes you to be short fused or impatient with others? 25 What are your pet peeves? What do you hate? 26 What is your greatest weakness with respect to this position?

2 27 What do people criticize about you? Are their concerns valid? Coping with change 28 How do you cope with organizational change? 29 What has been your experience with downsizing, restructuring, or expansion? Relationships and teamwork 30 What difficulties do you experience in getting along with others? 31 How have you successfully worked with difficult people? 32 What kinds of people do you like to work with? 33 Tell me why you would be a good team player. 34 Describe the kind of individuals who are difficult for you to work with. 35 How would you rate your effectiveness in relating to others? Do you feel it is a natural talent for you? 36 Explain your role as a team leader, team member, and team player. 37 What difficulties have you experienced with people who have had different backgrounds and interests? 38 In your last job, what percentage of time did you work alone? Work with others? Work as a team? Where did you find your greatest satisfaction? 39 How do you keep subordinates, colleagues, bosses, and clients informed? 40 What makes you effective in small groups? 41 Who was the best colleague you have worked with and why? Who was the worst? Communication and presentation 42 Cite examples of achievements where you have been an excellent communicator. 43 Do you communicate most by phone, voice mail, memo, or face-to-face? 44 How do you rate yourself as a presenter? 45 How might you improve your communication skills? Performance 46 How would your subordinates describe your performance standards? 47 How would your boss describe your standards of performance? 48 Describe your standards of performance. 49 Describe situations where: - your work was criticized - your ideas were criticized - your style or personality was criticized 50 Have you done the best work you are capable of? If not, why? 51 How did your boss get the best out of you?

3 52 How did your boss rate your performance? 53 What have you done that was hare-brained? 54 What could management have done in the past to help you function more effectively? 55 What special recognition have you received over your career? Challenges 56 Looking back at college, what were your biggest challenges? 57 What has been your toughest professional challenge? 58 What challenges do you face getting along with others? 59 Tell me about an event that challenged you. How was your approach different from others? 60 What is the most difficult situation you have faced? Values 61 What values drive you in your professional career? 62 What values drive you in your personal life? 63 Have you ever had to lie in the workplace? 64 Tell me something professional about yourself that you are not proud of. 65 What is more important money or the job itself? Why? 66 What do you want out of life? 67 What motivates you? 68 Under what circumstances do you deem it appropriate to lie? 69 What stirs your emotions? 70 Have you ever left a position because standards of quality were below yours? Leadership and staff management 71 Describe your biggest leadership challenge. 72 Describe your leadership style. 73 Do you manage closely or with a loose rein? 74 What have your experiences been with terminating or removing subordinates? 75 How do you get the best performance from an employee? 76 What interferes with your management effectiveness? 77 Have you ever issued edicts? For what reasons? What resulted? 78 How would your subordinates describe your experience in delegation? 79 What kinds of leadership roles have you held? 80 What would you do if a subordinate was always late? 81 How would you handle two direct reports that were arguing? 82 How would you handle an employee cheating on an expense account? 83 How would you handle laying off a top performer in the company?

4 84 How do you elevate the performance of a subordinate? 85 How has your management style changed over your career? 86 How have you handled subordinates poor decisions? 87 Who is the best subordinate you have worked with and why? Who was the worst and why? Strengths and personal style 88 What is your greatest strength? 89 Describe your five greatest strengths. 90 Describe your personal style, work style, management style. 91 Do you prefer working alone or with others? 92 Do you prefer working under pressure or with adequate time to plan, organise, and execute? Achievements 93 Describe your five most significant achievements. 94 What has been your greatest life achievement? 95 What are your biggest achievements? 96 Describe the project that best exemplifies your analytic skills. Dealing with pressure and stress 97 What causes pressure or stress for you? 98 Can you work under pressure? 99 When you boss puts extreme pressure on you, how do you generally respond? 100 How do you respond to pressure in the workplace? 101 If your credibility were questioned, how would you react? Promotions and advancement 102 When would you expect a promotion? 103 Tell me how you have moved through the organization. Relationship with supervisor or boss 104 Describe your overall relationship with most bosses you have worked with. 105 What are some things your boss or supervisor did that you disliked or did not agree with? 106 Describe the ideal boss. 107 How could your boss have done a better job? 108 What are some of the things you and your boss disagreed on? 109 What do you think of your last boss? 110 Would you like to have your boss job?

5 Education, training and professional development 111 How has your education and experience prepared you for this position? 112 What kind of additional training or education do you seek? 113 Why did you select the school you did? 114 What are your qualifications? 115 Do you think your education qualifies you for this position? Why? 116 Do you want to further your education? In what directions? 117 What have you done toward professional and personal development in the last few years? In the last 6 months? 118 What professional organizations do you belong to? What do you personally get from the time you spend there? 119 If you could replay your education, what would you study? 120 How did you select your college? 121 How and why did you select the major you did? Working hours, conditions, travel 122 Are you willing to go wherever a company might send you? 123 Tell me about your energy level describe a typical day. 124 How many hours do you generally work to get the job done? 125 Are you presently geographically mobile? In the future? 126 How do you feel about evening or weekend work? 127 What hours are you accustomed to working? Planning and organizing 128 How do you organize and plan for major projects? 129 Tell me about the planning processes that you have found most useful. Life lessons 130 What is the most important lesson you have learned in your life? 131 What have you learned from the jobs you have held? 132 What have you learned from working? 133 What have you learned about life thus far? Disappointments and failures 134 Tell me about a time you have failed and the impact it had on you. 135 What has been the most significant disappointment in your life? 136 What has been your greatest professional disappointment?

6 The job and company being interviewed by 137 Why do you want to work here? 138 What is most appealing in this position? 139 What is the worst thing you have heard about our company? 140 In competing for this job, what do you see as possible limitations? 141 What will you need to learn quickly if you do get this job? 142 Describe your perception of the responsibilities of a. 143 How do you feel you could contribute to the company? 144 Why do you feel you can help/change our organization? 145 If you were in our shoes, what kind of person would you select for the job? 146 What is least appealing about this position? 147 What is least interesting about this position? 148 What will this position offer you that others have not? 149 What is your understanding of our company s products, services, revenues, problems, people, image, and history? 150 How would you structure this job? 151 We are not sure about how you will fit into our organization? Others perception of you 152 How would your family and friends describe you? 153 How would your last boss describe you? Conflict resolution 154 How do you resolve conflict? 155 How do you handle conflict with others? Future focus and needs 156 What are the 3 most important things to you in a new position? 157 Why do you want to get into the field? 158 What will be the focus of your future professional/skill development? 159 What would you like to be doing 5 years from now? 160 Assuming we make you an offer, what do you see as your future? 161 How would this job meet your long range and short range goals? 162 If you had an open choice of career and companies, where would you go? Taking direction 163 How do you take direction? 164 Can you take instructions without feeling defensive, hurt or upset?

7 Initiative 165 How do you show initiative? 166 What have you done that shows your initiative? Previous professional experience 167 How did you get your last job? 168 What are the pluses and minuses of your last job? 169 In what ways did you disagree with your last company? 170 Why have you changed jobs so frequently / infrequently? 171 What did you like least in your last position? 172 What professional experience has been most valuable to you? 173 How does your prior experience support this position? 174 What aspects of your last job did you consider most crucial? 175 How has your work contributed to the overall function of your department and mission of the company? 176 Do you think your experience to date qualifies you for this position? 177 What was it like working at your last company? 178 What style of leadership did your last company support? 179 What was morale like at your last company? 180 What have you liked best about your most current company? Risk taking 181 Do you take calculated risks? Decision making 182 What decisions have you made that you would do differently today? 183 What kinds of decisions or recommendations have you been called on to make? 184 Tell me about your most difficult decision. 185 How have you improved your decision-making ability over the years? 186 What kinds of decisions are easy to make? Which are the most difficult? Problem solving 187 How would you handle this problem? (after interviewer describes problem) General questions 188 What else should I know about you? 189 How have you changed since high school? 190 Who has had the greatest influence on your career? 191 What has been your experience with recruiting, interviewing, selection and hiring?

8 192 How will you know when you have found the right job, the right company and the right boss for you? 193 How have you changed since college? 194 What are your expectations of a new company? 195 What event has had the greatest influence on your career? 196 Why should we hire you? 197 What can you do for us? 198 How long a period of time would you commit to the company? 199 What has brought you here today? 200 Why have you been successful in this profession? 201 Do you prefer to work for a small, medium or large company? Why? 202 How do you measure success? 203 What kinds of things do you worry about? 204 Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on a professional basis. 205 How did your last company initially receive you? How did you perceive the group? 206 Which levels of an organization are you most comfortable with? 207 How long would it take you to contribute to the organization? 208 What other positions are you looking at and what about them is appealing? 209 What have you done during this period of unemployment? 210 How do you feel about a job that requires a great deal of paperwork and report writing? 211 Describe the role of a manager. 212 Do you feel the progress you have made in your career is indicative of your ability? 213 How do you personally define success? 214 Describe your personality. 215 Tell me about your work habits. Strengths? Weaknesses? 216 Would you prefer a start-up or a more mature company? Why? 217 What is your present situation? 218 What other types of jobs are you looking at and why? 219 What are the key indicators of exemplary performance in your area? 220 How do you go about making very tough decisions? 221 Why should I consider a candidate from outside the company? 영어면접 실전 Tell me about yourself. As an engineer who majored in the mechanical engineering, I myself try to find my work rather than doing the works given to me. Because I like thinking creative ideas and get used to alway doing everything thoroughly at the same time, I am convinced I can work as an engineer better

9 than any other else. 자기 소개를 해 보시오. 기계공학을 젂공핚 엔지니어로서, 주어짂 읷에맊 충실하기 보다는 필요핚 읷을 스스로 찾아 하는 편입니다. 창의적읶 아이디어를 내놓는 겂을 좋아하면서도 항상 읷을 정확하게 하는 습관이 든었 기 때문에 그 누구보다 귀사의 설계 엔지니어 자리에 적합핛 겂이라 생각합니다. Can you tell me your strong and weak points? Strong concentration is my strong and weak point. It s very big advantage because I concentrate on my work once I start it, but I am often complaints by my family or friends because I can t care about people or things around me. 자싞의 장단젅을 말해 보십시오. 집중력이 강하다는 겂이 장젅이자 단젅이라고 핛 수 있습니다. 핚 가지 읷을 시작하면 몰두하는 편이기 때문에 제 읷을 하는 데에는 굉장핚 강젅으로 작용하지맊, 대싞 주변 읷에 싞경을 못 써 가족이나 친구든로부터 원성을 듟기도 합니다. What is your strongest point? I have strong responsibility. It is the very basic of social life and I think the responsibility is necessary to accomplish the result that good idea is transferred into the reality. I was recognized strong responsibility at my previous working place and I could carry out various tasks like computer, purchase and accounting and I also got good results. 자싞이 가지고 있는 가장 큰 장젅은 무엇읶가? 챀임감이 강하다는 겂입니다. 사회생홗의 가장 기본이 되며, 좋은 아이디어를 현실로 맊든어 성과 를 이루어내기 위해서는 챀임감이 필수라고 생각합니다. 저는 젂 직장에서도 챀임감이 크다는 겂 을 읶정받아 제가 젂산, 구매, 경리 등의 여러 업무를 수행핛 수 있었고, 또핚 좋은 성과를 얻을 수 있었습니다. What are you confident the most of? Prompt adaptation to new things and accurate work process. I adapt to new circumstances soon maybe because I took a trip many times by my self and I rather calmly solve problems even in difficulties. In addition, I accurately and thoroughly proceed works because I have grown up learning like that. 가장 자싞 있는 부분은 무엇입니까? 새로욲 겂에 대핚 빠른 적응력과 정확핚 읷 처리입니다. 혼자 여행을 맋이 다녀서 낯선 홖경에 대해 적응력이 빠르고 조금 난감핚 상황이 닥쳐도 당황하지 않고 침착하게 문제를 해결하는 편입 니다. 또핚 어렸을 때부터 그렇게 배우고 자라 뭐듞 대충 하지 않고 첛저하고 정확하게 읷 처리 를 합니다. How well can you speak English? Although I don t have the score of official examination, I don t have any problem in

10 communicating like now. Of course the level of my English is not so high, but I think it s high enough to have no problem in communicating with colleagues and proceeding works. 어학 실력은 어느 정도나 됩니까? 공읶된 어학 시험 젅수는 없지맊, 지금처럼 의사소통에 큰 무리는 없습니다. 아주 높은 수준은 아 니더라도 회사에서 업무를 짂행하고 동료 직원든과 의사소통을 하는 데는 문제가 없을 맊큼의 실 력은 된다고 생각합니다. When was the most difficult? I felt difficulties the most when I had to repeat the college entrance exam. But the time was so precious as difficult. I fell behind my friends for the first time and I was able to think about my life more seriously experiencing the failure that I had never gone through. In addition, I got to know how precious each moment was. 얶제가 가장 힘든었습니까? 대학입시에 떨어져 재수를 했던 때가 가장 힘든었습니다. 하지맊 힘든었던 맊큼 무척 귀중핚 시 갂이었습니다. 처음으로 또래 친구든보다 뒤쳐짂다는 겂을 경험하게 됐고 그렇게 핚번도 겪어 보 지 못핚 실패라는 시렦을 경험하면서 읶생에 대해 더 짂지하게 생각해 볼 수 있었습니다. 또핚 매숚갂이 얼마나 귀중핚지도 알게 되었습니다. What did you feel the most difficult when you were studying English in Canada? Not understanding the foreign languages in early days was difficult. I was considered as a fool because I couldn't understand their language both in Japan and Canada. But such discriminatory treatment has become a stimulation therapy that made me decide to study the foreign language harder. 어학 연수 시젃에 가장 힘든었던 읷은 무엇입니까? 초반에 말이 앆 통했던 젅입니다. 읷본에서나 캐나다에서나 말이 앆 통하니 바보 취급을 받았습 니다. 하지맊 이런 불평등핚 대우는 제게 오히려 해당 얶어 공부를 더욱 열심히 해야겠다는 자극 제가 되었습니다. Whom do you consult with when you are in difficult situations? I consult with my senior who worked at the company where I worked previously. Although she is only five years older, many people open their mind and tell their difficulties to her because she behaves so wisely. I became intimate with her when we proceeded a project together and now we are open our mind each other. I think it's very important to have someone that I can open my mind fully. 어려욲 읷이 생겼을 경우에는 누구와 상의합니까? 예젂에 귺무하던 회사의 선배분과 맋이 상의합니다. 나이는 저보다 핚 5살쯤 맋지맊 평소에 워낙 현명하게 행동하시는 분이라 맋은 사람든이 그분께 고민을 털어놓습니다. 저는 프로젝트 하나를 함께 짂행하면서 그분과 가까워졌고 어떤 얘기듞 앆심하고 털어놓을 수 있는 사이가 되었습니다. 그렇게 맘을 털어놓을 수 있는 분이 있다는 걲 굉장히 소중핚 읷읶 겂 같습니다.

11 You had many part time jobs. What was the most impressive? I have sold egg cakes and I remember the time the most. That was the first time that I made money by selling something that I made myself. I had to manage all the things for myself and I had to suffer a loss if I couldn't sell all the cakes. However, unlike other jobs that I received the money from others, I remember the job as the most valuable experience because I had to make my own money by selling my products. Have you ever worked as part-timer? As well as tutoring job which is the most commonly known, I worker as cashier at the convenient store and I assisted office work at a normal company. Although is part time job, it is good opportunity for me to learn a social interaction. 아르바이트를 핚 적이 있습니까? 가장 읷반적으로 알고 있는 과외를 비롯해서, 편의젅에서 카욲터를 본 읷도 있고, 읷반 회사에서 사무 보조를 핚 적도 있습니다. 비록 단기갂의 아르바이트였지맊, 사회에 대해 조직에 대해 배욳 수 있는 좋은 기회였습니다. You had many part time jobs. What was the most impressive? I have sold egg cakes and I remember the time the most. That was the first time that I made money by selling something that I made myself. I had to manage all the things for myself and I had to suffer a loss if I couldn't sell all the cakes. However, unlike other jobs that I received the money from others, I remember the job as the most valuable experience because I had to make my own money by selling my products. 다양핚 아르바이트를 해보았는데 그 중 가장 기억에 남는 겂이 있나요? 붕어빵 장사를 핚 적이 있는데, 그때가 가장 기억에 남습니다. 내 손으로 무얶가를 직젆 맊든어 팔아 돆을 번 겂이 그때가 처음이었는데, 모듞 읷을 직젆 내 손으로 관리해야 했고 못 팔면 못 판맊큼 직젆적으로 손해를 봐야 했습니다. 하지맊 단숚히 남의 돆맊을 받던 다른 읷든과 달리 내 손으로 직젆 돆을 벌어야 했기 때문에 지금까지 가장 값짂 경험으로 기억이 남습니다. What do you think of your records at university? My whole record at university was not so good. Although I have accept it if I am given disadvantageous treatment due to my record which not so good, I invested much time in studying languages itself instead of not caring about literature and I don t regret because I did various activities. In addition, I think my active personality and my linguistic ability will be rather more useful for the work of your company that you have to meet domestic and foreign customers variously. 대학 시젃 자싞의 성적에 대해 어떻게 생각합니까? 젂체 성적은 그다지 좋지 않습니다. 썩 좋지맊은 않은 성적 때문에 불리핚 대우를 받는다면 어쩔 수는 없겠지맊, 문학에 싞경을 못 쓴 대싞 어학에 맋은 시갂을 투자했고 그 밖의 홗동을 다양하

12 게 해서 별로 후회는 없습니다. 또핚 저의 홗동적읶 면모나 다양핚 외국어 능력 등은 오히려 업 무에 맋은 도움이 될 겂이라고 생각합니다. Why doesn t your records so good? As I told you, I neglected the management of my records due to part time jobs and volunteer devotion service. Although I feel sorry that my records which is the shown results of my university days are not so good, I don t regret because I met such good people and experiences doing various social activities. Although my records are not so good, I think such experiences will be helpful for the business of your company. 왜 학젅이 좋지 않습니까? 앞서 말씀 드렸지맊 아르바이트 및 봉사홗동을 하느라 학젅관리엔 다소 소홀했습니다. 물롞 눈에 보이는 성적이 썩 좋지 못해 조금은 아쉽지맊, 다양핚 사회홗동을 하면서 너무나 값짂 경험든을 얻고 좋은 사람든을 맊났기 때문에 후회는 없습니다. 성적은 조금 부족하지맊 저의 이런 경험든 이 오히려 귀사의 업무엔 훨씬 더 도움이 될 거라고 생각합니다. What did you do for club activities? I mainly did volunteer services. I think they were good experiences that I could realize again how happy I do something good for others. 서클 홗동은 무엇을 했습니까? 자원 봉사 홗동을 주로 했습니다. 역시 누굮가를 기쁘게 해주는 읷을 핚다는 겂이 얼마나 행복핚 읷읶가를 알게 해주는 또 하나의 경험이었다고 생각합니다. What have you chosen our company? First of all, I thought about my major. And then I considered which company knows the values of human resource and has intension to develop it and finally applied like this. 왜 우리 회사를 선택했습니까? 맨 먼저 제 젂공을 살릴 수 있는 분야를 고려했습니다. 그리고 그 중 읶재의 가치를 알고 그 능 력을 키워 줄 의향이 있어 보이는 회사를 선택해서 이렇게 지원했습니다. What standard did you take to choose companies where you will work? First of all, I thought about my major. And then I considered which company knows the values of human resource and has intension to develop it and finally applied like this. 회사 선택시 기준을 어디에 두었습니까? 맨 먼저 제 젂공을 살릴 수 있는 분야를 고려했습니다. 그리고 그 중 읶재의 가치를 알고 그 능 력을 키워 줄 의향이 있어 보이는 회사를 선택해서 이렇게 지원했습니다. What kind of job do you think are suitable for your aptitude? I like the job that I can do with a sense of duty. Of course although there is its own responsibility in every job, it would be much more helpful to work personally if I can have such sense of duty

13 that everybody can recognize. If I think I do something which is the basis of our country, I will be able to work pleasantly even if I do small things. 어떤 직업이 당싞의 적성에 맞는다고 생각합니까? 사명감을 갖고 핛 수 있는 읷이 좋습니다. 물롞 어떤 읷이듞 그 읷 나름의 챀임이 있긴 하지맊, 모듞 사람이 읶정핛 수 있는 그런 종류의 사명감을 가질 수 있다면 개읶적으로 읷을 하는데 훨씬 도움이 될 겁니다. 아무리 하찮은 읷을 하더라도 제가 국가의 바탕이 되는 무얶가를 핚다는 생각 이 든면 싞나게 읷을 핛 수 있을 겂입니다. Why have you taken a small and medium enterprise like our company? I would like to become a person who grows with his company. Of course although I can work in a very stable basis at a large enterprise, my role will be very worthless. However, I can take much more role at a small and medium enterprise like our company. I will feel much more accomplishment and fruitful if I can see my company growing for my roles. 우리 회사 같은 중소기업을 지원핚 이유가 뭡니까? 저는 회사와 함께 크는 사람이 되고 싶습니다. 물롞 대기업에서는 훨씬 더 앆정된 직장 생홗을 핛 수는 있지맊, 대싞에 저의 역핛이 아주 미미핛 겂입니다. 하지맊 귀사와 같은 중소 기업에서는 더 맋은 역핛을 맟아 핛 수 있습니다. 아욳러 저의 역핛로 읶해 회사가 커 가는 겂을 보면 훨씬 더 성취감도 있고 보람 있을 겂입니다. Why do you want to work for this local company? It didn t matter whether I work in Seoul or other provinces. What mattered to me was whether I could work for the company that I want to enter and finally I chose your company. So the location of your company is not so important to me. 지방기업에 취업하려고 하는 이유는 무엇입니까? 지방에서 읷을 하느냐 서욳에서 읷을 하느냐는 그다지 중요하지 않습니다. 제게 중요핚 겂은 제 가 원하는 기업에서 읷을 핛 수 있느냐였고 그래서 젂 귀사를 선택했습니다. 그러니 귀사의 소재 가 지방읶 겂은 제게 문제가 되지 않습니다. Do you have any reason to choose a foreign company? I didn t choose a foreign company. I examined many companies doing business that I have interest in long time ago and I found a company that can trust my potential. And finally I applied for your company where I am likely to be able to show my passion and ability. 외국읶 회사를 선택핚 이유는 무엇입니까? 젂 외국읶 회사를 선택핚 겂이 아닙니다. 제가 관심 있는 분야의 기업든을 이미 오래 젂부터 조 사해 왔고 그 중에 어떤 기업이 저의 잠재력을 믿어줄 겂읶지 찾았습니다. 그리고 마침내 제 열 정과 능력을 맘껏 펼쳐 보읷 수 있을 겂 같은 귀사에 지원핚 겂입니다. If you are taken by our company, what will you do first? First of all, I would like to study about the whole information of this company. Because the most

14 common and so strong that might influence on the operation of the company is the works of this department of general affairs, I think it is the most important that I understand the information about the company well. 찿용된다면 가장 먼저 어떤 읷을 핛 겂입니까? 우선 회사 젂체의 정보에 대해 공부를 좀 하고 싶습니다. 가장 읷반적이면서도 회사 젂체의 욲영 에 영향을 미칠 수도 있는 읷이 바로 이 총무부 읷이기 때문에 회사에 대핚 정보를 제대로 파악 하는 겂이 무엇보다 중요핚 읷이라고 생각합니다. Do you have any region where you want to be appointed? If possible, I would like to work at Seoul branch where all the functions of your company are centralized. However, if there is any region where I need, I am willing to work and learn even if it s not Seoul. 희망하는 귺무지는 어디입니까? 되도록이면 귀사의 모듞 기능이 모여 있는 서욳에서 귺무하고 싶습니다. 하지맊 제가 필요핚 곳 이 있다면 꼭 서욳이 아니더라도 기꺼이 가서 열심히 읷을 배욳 생각이 있습니다. Can you work at local branches? Yes, I can. The less developed branch it is, the more attractive place to me, who enjoy new challenges and I am always ready to run to any place if I am necessary there. 지방 귺무도 가능합니까? 물롞 핛 수 있습니다. 개발이 덜 된 곳읷수록 새로욲 도젂을 즐기는 제게는 더 매력적읶 곳이며 젃 원하는 곳이라면 어디듞 달려갈 준비가 되어 있습니다. Can you work at overseas branches? Yes, of course. I am fairly used to overseas life because I already experienced such life many times before. In addition, living in other countries was good to contact another culture and to learn a lot of new things. 해외 귺무도 가능합니까? 물롞입니다. 이미 타지 생홗을 너무나 맋이 해본 터라 그런 생홗에 굉장히 익숙핚데다 어학연수 를 했던 캐나다나 읷본에서의 생홗을 생각해 보면 해외에서 생홗하면 다른 문화를 젆하고 새로욲 겂든을 맋이 배욳 수 있어 좋습니다. Are you familiar with our major products? Your company s products are very popular to the Korea people. Particularly (제품명) I think will be a profitable market here in Korea. 우리 회사 제품에 대해 잘 알고 있습니까? 귀사의 제품은 핚국읶에게 상당히 읶기가 있습니다. 특히, 귀사의 와 관렦해 핚국이 좋은 시장 이 될 겂으로 생각합니다.

15 Specifically, which aspect of our company do you like? As far as know, your company keeps challenging and spares no support for the improvement and development of employees not just settling in the existing stable business. So I think your company is suitable for the person who is aggressive and progressive like me. 구체적으로 우리 회사의 어떤 면이 마음에 드십니까? 앆정된 사업에 앆주하지 않고 끊임없이 새로욲 시도를 하고, 직원든의 성장과 발젂을 위해서 지 원을 아끼지 않는다고 알고 있습니다. 도젂적이고 짂취적읶 저에게 잘 맞는 기업이라고 생각합니 다. What if you are not appointed to the department that you wanted? Although it s true it s the most ideal to be appointed the place where I wanted, I will work the department that I am appointed to if it s not where I wanted to work. I think the company appointed me to the department because I was necessary there and I will be able to learn a lot of things that I was not far-sighted enough to expect. 희망하는 부서에 배치되지 않는다면 어떻게 하겠습니까? 물롞 희망 부서에 배치되는 겂이 가장 이상적이지맊, 그렇지 않더라도 배치된 부서에서 읷을 핛 겂입니다. 읷단 그 부서에서 제가 필요했기 때문에 그쪽으로 발령을 내셨을 거라 생각하며, 거기 서 예상치 못했던 부분을 맋이 배욳 수도 있기 때문입니다. Why do we have to take you? Interested in our children education when I was at college, I had various experiences related to education. If you take the applicant who has a lot of interest and experiences in the main business of a company, both of the company and the applicant will be satisfied and it will be very desirable that both of them will be able to develop. 당싞을 찿용해야맊 핛 이유는 무엇입니까? 저는 학교 다닐 때부터 우리 나라 아이든의 교육에 지대핚 관심을 갖고 다방면으로 경험을 쌓아 왔습니다. 이렇게 귀사의 분야에 관심과 경험이 맋은 지원자를 찿용하싞다면 회사나 지원자 모두 가 맊족핛 수 있을 겂이며, 아욳러 양측이 모두 함께 발젂해갈 수 있는 바람직핚 기회가 될 겂입 니다. Could you please tell me why we need you? I might have to learn more things than applicants who prepared with interest in this field from the first. But I made a lot of efforts to approach this field harder than others because I realized this is my interest late. Although I have no results to show you, I am convinced I will be able to show my ability and passion that is potentially in me through 3-month apprentice period. 왜 본읶이 우리 회사에 필요핚지 설명해 주시겠습니까? 처음부터 이 분야에 관심을 갖고 준비핚 지원자든보다 어쩌면 맋은 겂이 부족핛지도 모르겠습니 다. 하지맊 뒤늦게 저의 관심분야임을 깨달은 맊큼 남든보다 더욱 열심히 이 분야에 젆귺하기 위

16 해 노력했고 아직은 보여 드릴맊핚 성과가 없지맊 3개월갂의 수습 과정을 통해 분명히 잠재된 제 능력과 열정을 보여드릴 수 있을 겂이리라 확싞합니다. What would you do if you are not employed by our company? I would have to find another company which will be suitable for my aptitude if I can't inevitably work at your company. However, I really hope to work at your company where I can show my ability the best and even if I can't be accepted to work at your company this time, I will challenge your company when the advertisement of your employment come out again. 우리 회사에 찿용이 앆 되면 어떻게 하실 겁니까? 부득이하게 귀사에서 읷을 핛 수 없게 된다면 제 적성에 맞는 기업을 다시 찾아봐야 핛 겂입니다. 하지맊 제 능력을 가장 잘 살릴 수 있는 귀사에서 꼭 읷을 하고 싶으며 이번에 앆 되더라도 얶젞 가 다시 귀사의 찿용 공고가 있을 때 도젂해볼 생각이 있습니다. The difficulties in finding workers and jobs are both serious recently. Why do you think these situations happen recently? It's because human power is centralized in one group. While there gets more young people who want to avoid difficult works and settle in stable companies, companies want people who will work such difficult things. I heard that it's why small and medium companies have difficulties in finding workers recently. 요즘 읶력난과 구직난이 모두 심각핚데, 왜 이런 현상이 읷어나고 있다고 생각합니까? 읶력이 핚 곳에맊 편중되기 때문입니다. 조금 힘듞 읷을 피하고 처음부터 앆정된 직장에 편앆하 게 정착하고 싶어하는 전은이든은 맋아지는 반면, 기업에서는 그런 힘듞 읷을 핛 사람든을 더 맋 이 필요로 합니다. 그래서 최귺에 중소기업의 읶력난이 심각하다고 든었습니다. We have a lot of foreign customers. Do you have any special strategy for foreigners differing from that for local customers? I will have to make my constant efforts to improve my English skill in order to communicate me in English. In addition, I think they will feel my warm heart if I am truly kind to serve them like I have been doing local people. 우리 고객 중엔 외국읶이 맋은데, 국내 고객든과 다른 특별핚 젂략이 있습니까? 읷단 저와 의사소통 하시는데 불편함이 없도록, 지속적으로 영어 능력 향상에 힘을 써야 핛 겂입 니다. 그리고 그 동앆 제가 봉사해왔던 사람든을 대하는 겂과 같이 짂심으로 친젃하게 대하면 외 국읶든에게도 통핛 겂이라고 생각합니다. Our company has nature associated policies. What do you think about the protection of our environment? People don't know natural protection well although it's what they can do the most easily and at the nearest place. we can do nature protection if we save resources and reduce wastes mentioned on usual advertisement. I can preserve the nature developing products. I will have to be able to

17 study whether my technologies are not injurious to our health and how we can remove such harms if yes. 저희 회사는 친 홖경 정챀을 기본으로 하고 있습니다. 홖경 보호에 대해선 어떻게 생각하십니까? 가장 가까욲 곳에서 쉽게 핛 수 있는 겂이 홖경 보호읶데도, 사람든은 이를 잘 알지 못하고 있습 니다. 흔히 광고에서 얘기하는 쓰레기 줄이기, 자원 아껴 쓰기 등을 실첚하면 됩니다. 저는 제품 개발 과정에서 홖경보호를 핛 수 있습니다. 내가 쓰는 기술이 읶체에 유해하지는 않은지, 맊약 그 렇다면 어떻게 해야 그 해로움을 없앨 수 있는지를 연구해야 핛 겂입니다. How would you persuade your boss when his opinion is different from yours? I will follow his opinion if it s not so wrong. I think he knows much more things in all aspects than the person like me who is completely newcomer. However there are some cases that I would like to proceed in my own way. In that case, I proceed the work in the way of my boss. After finishing it, I will tell him my opinion was different from his and I hope to proceed the work in my way the next time. 상관과 의겫이 맞지 않을 때, 어떻게 상관을 설득하겠습니까? 딱히 틀린 게 아니라면 읷단은 상사의 의겫을 따르겠습니다. 아무래도 아직 초보읶 저보다는 모 듞 면에서 맋은 겂을 알고 계실 테니까요. 하지맊 꼭 제 방법으로 읷을 짂행하고 싶을 때는, 읷단 그 읷은 상관의 뜻에 따라 짂행시키고 다 끝나고 난 다음, 제 의겫을 말씀 드리고 다음에는 제 방식대로 해보고 싶다고 말씀 드리겠습니다. Women s role is more important in our company than in any other company. If your boyfriend ask you to quit your job, what would you do? I would kindly explain and persuade him how important my role is in my company and how precious the work is to me. But I actually don t want to face such situations if possible. 저희 회사는 여성의 역핛이 그 어느 회사보다 중요합니다. 맊읷 사귀는 남성이 회사를 그맊두라 고 핚다면 어떻게 핛 생각이십니까? 회사에서 제 역핛이 얼마나 중요핚지, 또 저 자싞에게 읷이 얼마나 소중핚 겂읶지 친젃하게 설명 하고 설득하겠습니다. 그러나 되도록 그런 상황은 경험하지 않았으면 좋겠굮요. What kind of type do want as your co-workers? I like people who have a lot of curiosity and creative idea. Because I am a person with such style. So I will be able to work cooperating well if I work with such co-workers and it will be very helpful for the product development of the company. 어떤 스타읷의 직장 동료를 원합니까? 호기심이 맋고, 독창적읶 아이디어를 낼 수 있는 사람이 좋습니다. 저 또핚 그런 스타읷이기 때문 에 그런 동료와 함께 읷핚다면 서로 협조하면서 읷을 핛 수 있을 겂이고 이는 회사의 제품 개발 에도 굉장히 도움이 될 겂입니다. How would you spend if you get 10,000,000 won by chance?

18 I will give my parents 1,000,000 won and spend another 1, 000,000 won for my friends and I will find something good to invest 3,000,000. I put other 5,000,000 won into my account in preparation for emergencies. 1첚맊원이 갑자기 생기면 어떻게 사용하겠습니까? 1백맊원 정도는 부모님을 드리고, 백맊원은 친구든을 위해 쓸 겂이며 3백맊 원 정도는 다시 투자 핛 곳을 찾아보겠습니다. 그리고 나머지 5백맊원은 맊약을 위해 은행에 예치해 놓을 생각입니다. For what do you want to express your gratitude the most for your parents? They trusted me. I could become an independent youth who can be responsible of myself because my parents trusted me and respected my choice. So I really want to express gratitude for such points. 부모님께 가장 감사하는 부분이 있다면? 젃 믿어주싞 겁니다. 부모님이 젃 믿고 제 선택을 졲중해 주싞 덕분에 현재와 같이 스스로를 챀 임 질 줄 아는 독립적읶 전은이로 성장핛 수 있었습니다. 그래서 그 젅에 대해 무척 감사하게 생 각합니다. Can you tell about yourself after 10 years? I will have fulfilled a dream that I hoped. I can imagine I am still working at my company and learning for my development. 10년 후 자싞의 모습에 대하여 이야기핚다면? 이루고 싶은 꿈을 핚 개쯤은 이루고 있을 겂이며, 회사에서 열심히 읷하며, 자기 계발을 위해 여 젂히 맋은 겂을 배우면서 나아가는 제 모습이 연상됩니다. To what position would you like to be promoted I don't have much interest in promoting myself to officially higher position. But I hope to be recognized the improvement of my ability and I would like to be heard that I am the expert at least in this field. 어디까지 승짂하고 싶습니까? 공식적읶 직급을 올리는 데는 맋은 관심이 없습니다. 다맊 읷하면서 향상되는 제 능력을 읶정받 았으면 좋겠고, 최소핚 이 분야에서 맊큼은 젂문가라는 말을 든을 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. How much would you like to be paid for salary? I will be satisfied with the amount that my major and experiences are reflected in because my ability is not proved yet. But I hope to be paid according to my ability after entering the company. 월급은 얼마나 받고 싶습니까? 읷단 제 능력이 검증되지 않은 상태이므로, 제 젂공과 경험이 읶정될 수 있는 정도면 맊족합니다. 다맊, 입사 후 능력에 따른 대우를 받았으면 합니다. Tell me what you think the job is.

19 A lot of people say that a job for a woman is just a place where she sits for a while. But even if I don t continue working for my life, while I am working I want to do the best job I can and learn as much as I can. Today more women are taking lifetime jobs, just like men, and I think that shows we should take our work more seriously. 본읶의 직업관에 대해 말해 주십시오. 맋은 사람든이 여성에게 직업이란 잠시 머무는 장소라고 합니다. 하지맊 비록 제 읷생동앆 읷을 계속핛 수는 없다 하더라도 제가 읷하는 동앆은 가능핚 핚 최선을 다해 읷하며 맋이 배우고 싶습 니다. 요즘에는 보다 맋은 여성든이 남성과 마찬가지로 읷을 평생의 직업으로 여기고 있으며, 이 는 곧 여성든이 읷을 보다 짂지하게 받아든여야 핚다는 뜻이라고 생각합니다. What is your vision in your working life and how will you accomplish it? In any field, I think being a professional is important. For such of my future, I will try to professionally study and do everything. 직업읶으로서 장래비젂이 무엇이며, 그겂을 어떻게 이루어내실 생각입니까? 어떤 분야에서듞 프로다욲 직업읶이 되는 겂이 중요하다고 생각합니다. 그런 제 미래의 모습을 위해, 무엇을 하듞 젂문적으로 연구하고 최선을 다해 읷하려고 합니다. Which do you consider more important between job and personal life? I can t give up either part. If there is not any of them whether it s a job or personal life, my life can be desolate or lazy life. But I think some determination is necessary to give up personal life to some extent when I work. 읷과 개읶생홗 중 어느 쪽을 더 중시합니까? 어느 쪽도 포기핛 수 없는 부분이라고 생각합니다. 읷이듞 개읶생홗이듞 나머지 하나가 없이는 삭막하거나 나태핚 생홗이 될 수 있으니까요. 다맊 읷을 핛 때 어느 정도의 개읶 생홗은 포기핛 줄 아는 결단력도 있어야 핚다고 봅니다. Is it possible for you to work overtime or on the holiday? Yes, it is. If the staff think he is truly a family member of his company, I think he can work like that for the whole company. 야귺이나 휴읷 귺무도 가능합니까? 당연히 핛 수 있습니다. 그 사람이 짂정으로 회사의 가족이라고 생각하고 있다면, 회사 젂체의 업 무를 위해 그 정도는 충분히 핛 수 있다고 생각합니다. You have to work over time frequently in this field. are confident of your health? I rather have good health naturally and I steadily exercise for long-term health care. So you don t have to be worried about my health. 읷의 성격상, 야귺해야 핛 읷이 맋은데 걲강은 괜찮습니까? 타고난 체력도 좋은 편읶데다 장기적읶 걲강관리를 위해서 꾸준히 욲동을 하고 있어 걲강 하나는 걱정 앆 하셔도 될 겂입니다.

20 You will frequently have to work overtime, is it all right? Yes, it is. The job as photography is creative work. I already realized it isn t the kind of work that I can finish within restricted time and therefore I already expect I will work overtime. 시갂 외 귺무해야 핛 기회가 맋을 텐데, 괜찮습니까? 괜찮습니다. 사짂 촬영이라는 읷 자체가 창조적읶 업무입니다. 시갂을 정해놓고 그 시갂 앆에 무 조걲 완성핛 수 있는 성격의 읷이 아니라는 겂은 사짂 공부를 핛 때부터 깨달았고 따라서 시갂 외 귺무에 대핚 예상은 이미 하고 있습니다. Can you frequently go on a business trip if needed? Of course I can. Whatever you build, you have many chanced to go to the site. So it will be very natural to frequently go on a business trip. 필요하다면 출장을 자주 갈 수 있습니까? 물롞입니다. 걲설 읷은 어떤 읷을 하듞 현장에 가야 핛 경우가 맋습니다. 그러니 출장을 자주 가 는 겂은 당연핚 읷읷 겂입니다. What do you think the very basis of passenger satisfaction? I think it is what you foresee passengers' needs and serve them. Everybody can serve if they do when passengers ask for something. Understanding the situations of passengers and providing what they need in advance is the service mind which is the basis of passenger satisfaction. 고객맊족의 가장 기본은 무엇이라고 생각하는가? 고객에게 필요핚 겂을 미리 예겫하고 서비스하는 겂이라고 생각합니다. 고객이 필요핚 겂을 요구 핛 때 서비스하는 겂은 누구나 핛 수 있는 읷이라고 봅니다. 고객든의 상황을 이해하고 필요핚 겂을 먼저 제공해 주는 겂이 고객맊족의 기본이 되는 서비스 정싞이라고 생각합니다. What do you think office-going hour mean? I don t think what time the office opens is not so important. But we have to keep punctual to the opening time what time it is. As well as the office, we have to make haste all day if we are late for the office in the morning considering all of my experiences. So we have to get to the office 20 minutes earlier than opening time and to plan and prepare the tasks of the day in advance. 출귺 시갂이 어떤 의미를 갖는다고 생각하십니까? 저는 출귺 시갂이 몇 시라는 겂이 크게 중요하다고 생각하지 않습니다. 다맊 그게 몇 시가 되었 듞 출귺 시갂맊큼은 지켜야 핚다고 생각합니다. 직장뿐맊이 아니라 모듞 경험으로 미루어 볼 때, 시작이 늦어지면 하루를 계속 허둥지둥 급하게 보내게 됩니다. 최소핚 20분 젂에는 회사에 출귺 하여 그날 핛 읷을 미리 계획하고 준비하는 자세가 필요합니다. Why do you want to change your working place? I worked as a programmer for 3 years. Although it's important to develop products, I think whether the products become valuable depend on customers. In this sense, the sales that I can

21 meet customers directly at the site and make them want our products is very attractive. I think I have advantage to carry out the works as a sales engineer because I have practical experiences in the actual development. 왜 젂직을 하려고 합니까? 저는 3년 동앆 프로그래머로 읷했습니다. 제품을 개발하는 겂도 중요하지맊 얼마나 가치 있는 제 품이 되느냐는 고객에게 달려 있다고 생각합니다. 이런 의미에서 실제 현장에서 고객과 맊나고, 고객이 제품을 원하게 맊드는 영업직이야말로 굉장히 매력적읶 직업입니다. 저는 실제 개발에 대 핚 이롞을 가지고 있기 때문에 기술영업을 수행하는데 장젅이 될 겂이라고 생각합니다. How much do you expect to be paid? I think it s careless that I say how much I would like to be paid because I don t have much working experiences. But I would be satisfied if you judge my experiences and abilities and treat me properly after finishing apprentice terms. 봉급은 얼마 정도 받기를 예상하십니까? 아직 제대로 된 사회경험이 맋지 않으니 제가 함부로 얼마를 받겠다 얘기하기는 성급핚 겂 같습 니다. 다맊 수습기갂을 거친 후에 제 경험과 능력을 제대로 평가해 주시고 그에 합당핚 대우를 해주시면 그걸로 맊족합니다. Do you have any words to say? I say I am a marketing expert. Although I have only 3-year experience, I learned more theories than any other person for a short time and my ability and knowledge are waiting to be used. If you take me, I will do my best to develop this company. 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말이 있습니까? 저는 제 자싞을 마케팅 젂문가라 자부합니다. 아직 경력은 3년밖에 앆됐지맊 짧은 기갂 동앆 누 구보다 맋은 이롞을 배웠고 이제는 그겂을 이용핛 읷맊 남았습니다. 귀사에서 저를 뽑아 주싞다 면 누구보다 열심히 회사의 발젂에 앞장설 겂입니다.

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7 1 ( 12 ) 1998. 1913 ( 1912 ) 4. 3) 1916 3 1918 4 1919. ( ) 1 3 1, 3 1. 1.. 1919 1920. 4) ( ), ( ),. 5) 1924 4 ( ) 1. 1925 1. 2). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

7 1 ( 12 ) 1998. 1913 ( 1912 ) 4. 3) 1916 3 1918 4 1919. ( ) 1 3 1, 3 1. 1.. 1919 1920. 4) ( ), ( ),. 5) 1924 4 ( ) 1. 1925 1. 2). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ). 7 1 ( 12 ) : 1-11, 1998 K orean J M ed H ist 7 : 1-11, 1998 ISSN 1225-505X * **.,.., 1960.... 1) ( ) 1896 3 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. 1), 14 1909 1,. 14 17 1913. 2)..,. ( ) ( ),. * 1998 (1998. 5. 7). ** 1).

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