GE Healthcare Life Sciences 재교육프로그램 실험장비활용을위한재교육이필요하신고객님을위해서본사의 Applications Specialists 가여러분의실험실로방문해서재교육서비스를제공해드립니다. 재교육은기본교육과, 교육과정에서고객님의시료를적용하는고급교육으로나누어제공합니다. 교육참여인원은가급적 3 명이내로제한해야의미있는 Hands-on 교육이됨을알려드립니다. 장비의보증기간이만료되었고, 서비스계약이체결되어있지않은고객님께는소정의교육비가부과됩니다. 제품 code 번호 : 80-5000-01 신청가능프로그램 ÄKTA Start & ÄKTA Prime plus ÄKTA Purifier & ÄKTA Pure ÄKTA avant ImageQuant LAS4000 & IQTL Amersham Imager 600 & IQTL Typhoon FLA & Typhoon Columns 2D Electrophoresis 2D Analysis software IMP Biacore X100 & 3000 Biacore T200 IN Cell Analyzer Delta Vision Elite ReadyToProcess WAVE 25 Xcellerex XDR
1. ÄKTA Start & ÄKTA Prime plus ÄKTA Start, Prime plus 는단백질정제를위한자동화된 liquid chromatography 장비로실험실용단순정제에주로적용합니다. ÄKTA Start ÄKTA Prime plus System communication, Pressure, ph, delay volume, Lamp life time check System communication, Pressure, FR902, ph, delay volume, Lamp life time check System - configuration, flow path Purification preparation - pump purging method - system washing method Manual run training - system control & operation - column connection Method creation training by method template for customer's application Standard Hands on experiment(iex) Software & evaluation System - configuration, flow path Purification preparation - pump purging method - system washing method Manual run training - system control & operation - column connection Method creation training by method template for customer's application Standard Hands on experiment(iex) Prime view & evaluation 소요시간 5 hrs 5 hrs 교육비 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
2. ÄKTA Purifier & ÄKTA Pure ÄKTA Purifier, Pure 는단백질정제를위한자동화된 Liquid Chromatography 장비로실험실용단순정제로부터공정개발까지적용이가능합니다. ÄKTA Purifier System communication, Pressure, FR902, ph, on-line filter, delay volume, back-washing 20% EtOH check ÄKTA Pure System communication, Pressure, FR902, ph, on-line filter, delay volume, back-washing 20% EtOH check System - configuration, flow path, system pump purging method, pump washing method Purification preparation - pump purging method, pump washing method Unicorn software introduction Method creation by wizard System operation by system control software Standard Hands on experiment(iex) Evaluation software System - configuration, flow path, system pump purging method, pump washing method Purification preparation - pump purging method, pump washing method Unicorn software introduction Method creation by wizard System operation by system control software Standard Hands on experiment(iex) Evaluation software 소요시간 5 hrs 5 hrs 교육비 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
3. ÄKTA avant ÄKTA avant 는단백질정제의공정개발에주목적이있는자동화된 Liquid Chromatography 장비입니다. 기본 고급 System connection and Unicorn 7.02 check System connection and Unicorn 7.02 check System - composition, flow path, pump purge, column connection, Buffer Pro., Scouting methods Unicorn - methods, data evaluation Operation & evaluation - method creation, running, chromatogram Evaluation Standard Hands on experiment (IEX) Purification preparation - sample, column, method creation Advanced Unicorn - Scouting, Methods Queue, Advanced data evaluation Purification with user sample - loading, washing, elution Chromatogram evaluation DoE basic theory DoE practice - method design using DoE DoE hands-on experiment (IEX) 소요시간 5 hrs 2 days 교육비 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 100 만원 ( 부가세및재료비별도 )
4. ImageQuant LAS4000 & IQTL LAS4000 은 Chemiluminescence 와 Fluorescence image 를찍기위해사용하는장비로실험방법에맞는최적의이미지를얻을수있는장비입니다. 고급 CCD calibration, Flat frame calibration check, filter position check System overview - camera head, intelligent dark box, CCD 장비운영교육 Image Reader software Image taking & analysis 실험결과분석 Software 교육 Analysis software (IQTL) 소요시간 3 hrs 교육비 20 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
5. Amersham Imager 600 & IQTL LAS 의후속모델인 AI600 은 Chemiluminescence 와 Fluorescence image 를찍기위해사용하는장비로실험방법에맞는최적의이미지를얻을수있는장비입니다. 고급 Standard sample test System overview camera head, intelligent dark box, CCD 장비운영교육 Image Reader software Image taking & analysis 실험결과분석 Software 교육 Analysis software (IQTL) 소요시간 3 hrs 교육비 20 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
6. Typhoon FLA & Typhoon Typhoon FLA 는다목적 ( 형광, 가시광선, 동위원소 ) Laser Scanner 로신속하고민감한정량분석이가능합니다. 기본 고급 laser unites, IP & fluorescence mode check laser unites, IP & fluorescence mode check System overview - scanner, optic path, light source, dynamic range, Phosphor stage, Fluor stage, Multi stage ImageReader software Analysis software (IQTL) System overview - scanner, optic path, light source, dynamic range, Phosphor stage, Fluor stage, Multi stage ImageReader software Analysis software (IQTL) Image taking & analysis using user sample 소요시간 4 hrs 5 hrs 교육비 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
7. Columns Protein Purification 용 Lab Column 과 Media 의선택과사용방법을진행합니다. Column Operation Lab Columns (Pre-packed columns, XK, Tricorn) basic theory Chromatography techniques overview Column & Media Selection Column Maintenance 소요시간 3 hrs 교육비 20 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
8. 2D electrophoresis 2D EP 는 Gel-based Proteomics analysis 의방법으로 1st & 2nd dimension Electrophoresis 를수행하여, Protein 을분리분석하는기술입니다. 기본 (Theory operation) 고급 (Hands-on operation) IPGphor 3 & Vertical system Check IPGphor 3 & Vertical system Check 2D system Overview Reswelling IPGphor 3 & Manifold Sample preparation Theory Gel Casting & Equilibration Vertical Running Staining theory & Operation Reswelling IPGphor 3 & Manifold Protocol Review Gel Casting & Equilibration Vertical Running Silver staining Sample running 소요시간 6 hrs 14 hrs 교육비 30 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 50 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
9. 2D Analysis software : IMP7 IMP7 은자동화된 2D 분석 software 로누구나간단하게 2D gel 의 Spot 의증감을비교및분석할수있습니다. 과정 Simple Operation check Image Master 2D platinum 7.0 Overview Workspace Setting & Spot detection Land mark & Spot match Dual-gel Analysis Multi-gel Analysis QnA & Wrap-up 소요시간 4 hrs 교육비 30 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
10. Biacore X100 & 3000 Biacore X100, 3000 은 Real-time, label-free biomolecular interaction analysis 를위한장비로 Binding affinity, Kinetic study data 를얻을수있습니다. 기본 고급 Priming System Check Priming System Check ph Scouting Surface immobilization with Amine Coupling kit Regeneration Scouting Multi-Cycle Kinetics Evaluation QnA & Wrap-up Kinetics 기본이론 ph Scouting Surface immobilization with Amine Coupling kit (CM chips) Regeneration Scouting Multi-Cycle Kinetics Evaluation QnA & Wrap-up 소요시간 6 hrs 8 hrs 교육비 50 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 70 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
11. Biacore T200 Biacore T200 은 Drug Discovery 를포함한기초연구로부터 Development, manufacturing, QC 등광범위하게이용되는장비입니다. 기본 고급 Priming System Check Priming System Check ph Scouting Surface immobilization with Amine Coupling kit Regeneration Scouting Multi-Cycle Kinetics Evaluation QnA & Wrap-up ph Scouting Surface preparation (SA chip) and Surface immobilization with Amine Coupling kit (CM chips) Regeneration Scouting Multi-Cycle Kinetics Evaluation Method Builder QnA & Wrap-up 소요시간 6 hrs 8 hrs 교육비 70 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 100 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) * 기본교육은 Getting Start Kit 으로, 고급은 User Sample 로진행하며, Operation 방법을익히는데목적이있습니다.
12. IN Cell Analyzer IN Cell Analyzer 는 Cell-based high contents screening 을위한이미징장비로, 다양한 Cellular event 를정량화할수있습니다. 기기운영 분석 software Excitation / Emission filters Polychronics selection Objective selection Diagnostic for Plate bottom thickness & Autofocusing Investigator software overview & basic principle 운영교육 System overview - configuration Hardware auto - focusing & auto-contrast Protocol creation for High-quality imaging whole view of image stack Adjustment & tips for customer's sample plate Microslide (option) Basic Software training - Nuclear translocation - Granularity Multi-target analysis software with advanced tips Analysis optimization with customer sample imaging Developer (option) Software 교육 Basic analysis with MTA software Nuclear translocation Granularity Advanced MTA tools Developer (option) 소요시간 4 hrs (6 hrs w/developer) 4 hrs (6 hrs w/microslide) 교육비 40 (60) 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 40 (60) 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
13. Delta Vision Elite DV Elite 는 Cell-based fluorescence 을위한이미징장비로, live cell imaging 과 microslide 샘플이미징을정량화할수있습니다. 기본 4 chamber, 8 chamber and microslide check Objective selection Heating 과 5% CO2 check Hardware & Software 점검 System overview Configuration 설명 Hardware 운영방법교육 Adjustment & tips for customer's sample Microslide imaging training (if required) Protocol creation for High-quality imaging Deconvolution & Projection image creation 교육 Volume viewer function 교육 TIFF file 로전환하는방법교육 소요시간 4 hrs 교육비 40 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
14. RTPWAVE25 RTPWAVE25 는 lab scale 또는생산수준의다양한세포배양을구연할수있는 Single Use bioreactor 입니다. 기본 고급 W25 rocker, CBCU, Pump, tray, Lid UNICORN 7.0 Software W25 rocker, CBCU, Pump, tray, Lid UNICORN 7.0 Software Overview system component: W25 rocker, CBCU, pump, tray, lid Introduction of UNICORN software System operation by dry running - cell bag installation, water wetting, probe calibration Evaluation Troubleshooting Overview system component: W25 rocker, CBCU, pump, tray, lid Introduction of UNICORN software Method creation by Wizard System operation using customer cell line - cell bag installation, media wetting, probe calibration, cell inoculation Evaluation of cell culture result Troubleshooting 소요시간 3 hrs 15 hrs 교육비 30 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 50 만원 ( 부가세별도 )
15. XDR10 XDR10 은 scalability 와 robustness 을할수있게디자인된 Xcellerex 의가장작은사이즈의 Single Use Bioreactor 로써, Process development 에적합한배양기로 Large scale Biopharmaceutical manufacturing 에필요한 flexibility 와 Performance 을제공합니다. 기본 고급 Vessel, Instrument tower, X-station (Wonderware software) Vessel, Instrument tower, X-station (Wonderware software) Overview system component: vessel, instrument tower, X-station Introduction of Wonderware software - DO Lookup table theory - ph Lookup table theory System operation by dry running - Preparation of probe - cell bag installation - probe installation - water wetting - set up the run Evaluation Troubleshooting Overview system component: vessel, instrument tower, X-station Introduction of Wonderware software - DO Lookup table theory - ph Lookup table theory System operation by dry running - Preparation of probe (calibration & sterilization) - cell bag installation - probe installation - Media wetting - Cell inoculation - set up the run Evaluation of process run Troubleshooting 소요시간 3 hrs 15 hrs 교육비 30 만원 ( 부가세별도 ) 50 만원 ( 부가세별도 )