ㅌ ` Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 11 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 11 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표소유격과소유형용사의쓰임을익히고, 다양한형식의글을쓰는연습을한다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yujin s Writing Camp Book 11 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 졸업 graduation 신발가게 shoe store 옷가게 clothing store 1A 장난감가게 서점 toy store bookstore 사전 dictionary ~ 후에 after 보다 look 쇼핑몰 mall 사다 buy 선물 gift 1B 찾다, 발견하다 완벽한 find perfect 마침내 finally 재킷 jacket 머리카락 hair 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 샌드위치 sandwich 주스 juice 2A 없어진, 빠진 chip( 감자칩 ) 의복수형 쿠키 missing chips cookie grape( 포도 ) 의복수형 grapes 당근 carrot 운이좋은, 행운의 lucky 점심 lunch 배고픈 hungry 항상 always 2B 배낭, 책가방 아마 backpack probably 나누다 share 맛있는 delicious 아침 ( 식사 ) breakfast 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 할머니 grandma 할아버지 grandpa 3A DVD 플레이어 ( 영화속의 ) 액션 코미디 DVD player action comedy 만화 ~ 하는것을정말좋아하다 영화 cartoon love to movie ~ 에게, ~ 께 dear 전체의, 모든 whole 보다 watch 3B 늘, 내내 때때로, 가끔 all the time sometimes 함께, 같이 together 스케이트보드 skateboard 숙제 homework 5
Book 11 Unit 1 Buying a Gift 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 graduation 졸업 9 장난감가게 toy store 2 shoe store 신발가게 10 서점 bookstore 3 clothing store 옷가게 11 ~ 후에 after 4 toy store 장난감가게 12 신발가게 shoe store 5 bookstore 서점 13 졸업 graduation 6 dictionary 사전 14 보다 look 7 after ~ 후에 15 옷가게 clothing store 8 look 보다 16 사전 dictionary 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points <look, sound, feel 의쓰임 > look, sound, feel 뒤에는주어를설명해주는명사나형용사가올수있습니다. 명사가올때 : 처럼 ~ 하다 의뜻으로 동사 + like + 명사 로씁니다. It looks like Jimmy s dictionary. 그것은지미의사전처럼보인다. I feel like a new person. 나는새로운사람인것처럼느낀다. 형용사가올때 : 하게 ~ 하다 의뜻으로 동사 + 형용사 로씁니다. It looks good. 그것은좋아보인다. That sounds great. 그것은멋지게들린다. Let s Practice 괄호안에서알맞은것을골라빈칸에써넣으세요. ( 동사는주어에맞게바꿔쓰세요.) 1. He looks like his grandfather. (look / look like) 2. The flower looks good. (look / look like) 3. I feel sleepy after lunch. (feel / feel like) 4. This music sounds like an old pop song. (sound / sound like) 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 제일먼저, 나는신발가게에가요. (first / shoe store /, / I / to / the / go /.) First, I go to the shoe store. 2. 나는완벽한선물을찾을수없어요. (find / perfect / gift / I / cannot / the /.) I cannot find the perfect gift. 3. 그것은지미의사전처럼생겼어요. (Jimmy s / looks / like / it / dictionary /.) It looks like Jimmy s dictionary. 4. 우리오빠는그의사전을좋아해요. (dictionary / likes / my brother / his /.) My brother likes his dictionary. 5. 그녀는그사전을사요. (buys / she / dictionary / the /.) She buys the dictionary. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am buying a gift for my brother s graduation. 2. I go to the clothing store. 3. I see a dictionary. 4. This is the perfect gift. 선생님확인 5. She finds it at the bookstore. 8
1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 mall 쇼핑몰 9 완벽한 perfect 2 buy 사다 10 선물 gift 3 gift 선물 11 쇼핑몰 mall 4 find 찾다, 발견하다 12 마침내 finally 5 perfect 완벽한 13 사다 buy 6 finally 마침내 14 찾다, 발견하다 find 7 jacket 재킷 15 머리카락 hair 8 hair 머리카락 16 재킷 jacket 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points < 명사의소유격 > - 사람이나동물의소유를나타낼때 : 명사뒤에아포스트로피 ( ) s를씁니다. 사람이름 : It looks like Jimmy s dictionary. 사람을나타내는명사 : I am buying a gift for my brother s graduation. 동물 : The dog s name is Spot. Let s Practice 누가무엇을가지고있는지나타낸표입니다. 표를보고빈칸에알맞은말을써넣어문장을완성해보세요. bike umbrella house Jimmy my brother the cat 1. Jimmy s bike is new. 2. It looks like my brother s umbrella. 3. It is the cat s house. 10
Write It 잘못된부분을찾아밑줄을긋고바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. 1. We are going to Lucy house. We are going to Lucy s house. 2. My mother jacket is red. My mother s jacket is red. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는그신발을사요. (buy / shoes / I / the /.) I buy the shoes. 2. 나는옷가게로가요. (clothing store / I / go / the / to /.) I go to the clothing store. 3. 나는사전을봐요. (see / dictionary / I / a /.) I see a dictionary. 4. 그녀는그것을서점에서찾아요. (finds / bookstore / she / it / the / at /.) She finds it at the bookstore. 5. 나는나의오빠의졸업선물을사고있어요. (my brother s / graduation / gift / I / am / buying / a / for /.) I am buying a gift for my brother s graduation. 선생님확인 11
Book 11 Unit 2 My Lunch Bag Is Missing! 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 sandwich 샌드위치 9 쿠키 cookie 2 juice 주스 10 없어진, 빠진 missing 3 missing 없어진, 빠진 11 당근 carrot 4 chips chip( 감자칩 ) 의복수형 12 샌드위치 sandwich 5 cookie 쿠키 13 주스 juice 6 grapes grape( 포도 ) 의복수형 14 운이좋은, 행운의 lucky 7 carrot 당근 15 chip( 감자칩 ) 의복수형 8 lucky 운이좋은, 행운의 16 grape( 포도 ) 의복수형 chips grapes 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points < 빈도를나타내는부사 > always: 항상 usually: 대개 often: 자주 sometimes: 때때로 never: 결코 ~ 않다 I always have a sandwich, carrots, and juice for lunch. I usually get up at seven o clock in the morning. I often go to the movies. I sometimes walk to school. I am never nervous. 빈도를나타내는부사는보통 be 동사뒤, 일반동사앞에씁니다. Let s Practice 오른쪽단어를알맞은위치의빈칸에써넣어대화를완성해보세요. 1 A: Do you play soccer? B: Yes, I often play soccer. often 2 A: How often does your mother take you to school? B: She always takes me to school. always 3 A: Is Tom nervous at concerts? B: Yes, he is sometimes nervous. sometimes 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는운이좋아요. (lucky / am / I /.) I am lucky. 2. 나는좋은친구들이있어요. (have / I / good / friends /.) I have good friends. 3. 그는그의감자칩을나눠줘요. (shares / chips / he / his /.) He shares his chips. 4. 그녀는그녀의쿠키를나눠줘요. (cookies / she / shares /. / her) She shares her cookies. 5. 나는점심으로항상샌드위치, 당근, 그리고주스를먹어요. (have / always / I / a sandwich / carrots /, /, / and / for lunch / juice /.) I always have a sandwich, carrots, and juice for lunch. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I look in my backpack. 2. My lunch bag is missing. 3. Anna shares her sandwich. 4. I have a delicious lunch. 5. It s probably at home. 선생님확인 14
2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 lunch 점심 9 배낭, 책가방 backpack 2 hungry 배고픈 10 아침 ( 식사 ) breakfast 3 always 항상 11 나누다 share 4 backpack 배낭, 책가방 12 점심 lunch 5 probably 아마 13 아마 probably 6 share 나누다 14 배고픈 hungry 7 delicious 맛있는 15 항상 always 8 breakfast 아침 ( 식사 ) 16 맛있는 delicious 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points < 소유를나타내는소유격 I> 소유를나타낼때는 ~ 의 라는뜻을가진소유격을씁니다. 주격 소유격 1인칭 I my I look in my backpack. 2인칭 you your This is your lunch bag. he his Bob shares his chips. 3인칭 she her Kim shares her cookies. it its The bird flies to its nest. Let s Practice 괄호속뜻에알맞은소유격을빈칸에써넣어문장을완성해보세요. 1. This is my dog. Its name is Ralph. ( 그것의 ) 2. He is my brother. His hobby is art. ( 그의 ) 3. Anna shares her sandwich. ( 그녀의 ) 4. My lunch bag is missing! ( 나의 ) 5. What is your name? ( 너의 ) 16
Write It 밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. 1. I backpack is green. My backpack is green. 2. She s jacket is yellow. Her jacket is yellow. 3. It is him backpack. It is his backpack. 4. Tom is she best friend. Tom is her best friend. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는내책가방안을들여다봐요. (look / in / backpack / I / my /.) I look in my backpack. 2. 내점심도시락이없어요. (lunch bag / missing / my / is /.) My lunch bag is missing. 3. 내점심도시락은아마집에있나봐요. (probably / home / lunch bag / is / at / my /.) My lunch bag is probably at home. 4. 그녀는매우신나요. (very / excited / she / is /.) She is very excited. 5. 나는맛있는아침을먹어요. (have / I / a / delicious / breakfast /.) 선생님확인 I have a delicious breakfast. 17
Book 11 Unit 3 Thank You! 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 grandma 할머니 9 ( 영화속의 ) 액션 2 grandpa 할아버지 10 DVD 플레이어 action DVD player 3 DVD player DVD 플레이어 11 만화 cartoon 4 action ( 영화속의 ) 액션 12 할아버지 grandpa 5 comedy 코미디 13 할머니 grandma 6 cartoon 만화 14 영화 movie 7 love to ~ 하는것을정말 좋아하다 15 코미디 comedy 8 movie 영화 16 ~ 하는것을정말좋아하다 love to 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points < 정도나방법을나타내는부사 > 정도방법 The whole family is very happy. very( 매우 ) much( 많이 ) quite( 꽤 ) well( 잘 ) hard( 열심히 ) fast( 빨리 ) I study English very hard. We can run fast. 부사는보통동사뒤, 형용사나다른부사앞에위치합니다. Let s Practice 괄호안의단어를알맞은순서로배열해문장을완성해보세요. 1. These rocks (very / are / interesting). These rocks are very interesting. 2. Tom and Lucy (ride / really / can / fast). Tom and Lucy can ride really fast. 3. Thank you (much / very). Thank you very much. 4. They (very / move / slowly). They move very slowly. 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리는영화보는것을참좋아해요. (love / movies / we / to / watch /.) We love to watch movies. 2. 우리오빠와나는늘영화를봐요. (all the time / watch / my brother and I / movies /.) My brother and I watch movies all the time. 3. 가끔그분들은함께영화를보세요. (sometimes / together / they / movies / watch /.) Sometimes they watch movies together. 4. 그분들이제일좋아하는영화는코미디영화예요. (favorite / their / movies / are / comedy / movies /.) Their favorite movies are comedy movies. 5. 그분들은그녀의가족에게새 DVD 플레이어를마련해주셨어요. (got / new / DVD player / they / her family / a /.) They got her family a new DVD player. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Thank you for the new DVD player. 2. The whole family is very happy. 3. Our favorite movies are comedy movies. 4. My sister likes to watch cartoons. 선생님확인 5. She is thanking her grandma and grandpa. 20
3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 dear ~ 에게, ~ 께 9 늘, 내내 all the time 2 whole 전체의, 모든 10 함께, 같이 together 3 watch 보다 11 ~ 에게, ~ 께 dear 4 all the time 늘, 내내 12 전체의, 모든 whole 5 sometimes 때때로, 가끔 13 숙제 homework 6 together 함께, 같이 14 보다 watch 7 skateboard 스케이트보드 15 때때로, 가끔 8 homework 숙제 16 스케이트보드 sometimes skateboard 16 개중 개 21
Key Points < 소유를나타내는소유격 II> 주격 소유격 1 인칭 we our Our favorite movies are action movies. 2 인칭 you your What are your favorite movies? 3 인칭 they their Their favorite movies are comedy movies. Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은소유격을써넣어문장을완성해보세요. 1. My brothers don t do their homework. 2. We have a car. Our car is old. 3. You and Tom have a computer. Your computer is good. 4. We are twins. Our names are Sue and Kate. 5. John and Sally have a house. Their house is big. 22
Write It 밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. 1. They s dog is big. Their dog is big. 2. Thank you both for you gift. Thank you both for your gift. 3. We are going to us grandparents house. We are going to our grandparents house. Sentence Fun 주어진단어를이용해우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 모든가족이아주기뻐해요. (happy / very / whole / the / family / is /.) The whole family is very happy. 2. 우리가제일좋아하는영화는액션영화예요. (action / movies / our / favorite / are / movies /.) Our favorite movies are action movies. 3. 제여동생은만화보는것을좋아해요. (watch / cartoons / my sister / likes / to /.) My sister likes to watch cartoons. 4. 새스케이트보드고맙습니다. (skateboard / thank / you / the / for /. / new) Thank you for the new skateboard. 5. 우리는쇼핑하러가는것을아주좋아해요. (go shopping / love / we / to /.) We love to go shopping. 선생님확인 23
4-Skill BEFLY - Speaking 유형 문제해결하기 ( 세부내용말하기 ) I am buying a gift for my brother's graduation. First, I go to the shoe 문제 store. Then, I go to the clothing store. After that, I go to the toy store. I cannot find the perfect gift. Finally, I go to the bookstore. I buy a dictionary. 출처 B11. p. 8 힌트 She buys ~ 답안 She buys a dictionary. 24
4-Skill BEFLY - Writing 유형 편지쓰기 출처 B11. p. 28 힌트 답안 thank you for ~ Our favorite movies~ action movies comedy movies (1) Thank you for the new DVD player! The whole family is happy. We love to watch movies. (2) Our favorite movies are action movies and comedy movies. Do you watch movies together? 25