Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture 學科敎育目的 學科專攻分野 比較文學比較文化理論전공 學科內規 875
2014~2015 綜合試驗 [ 比較文學比較文化協同開設科目및敎授要目 ] 基礎共通科目 COL 501 比較文學槪說 (Introduction to Comparative Literature) [3] 비교문학의諸理論 文學史 各國文學의영향 수용 변형 발전등의비교문학일반에대하여개관한다 COL 502 比較文學의理論과方法 (Theory and Method of Comparative Literature) [3] 비교문학의기본개념을중심으로연구대상과영역을살펴봄으로써비교문학적접근방법의이론에대하여歷史的인考察을하고방법론적으로제기되는문제점들을검토분석한다 COL 503 比較文學特別講讀 I (Readings in Comparative Literature I) [3] 의 의 의 등文學評論 文學史 思想史에있어서주요한저서를선정하여체계적인분석을함으로써일반문학에대한이해의폭을넓히고나아가비교문학연구의토대로서의분석틀을마련한다 COL 504 比較文學特別講讀 II (Readings in Comparative Literature II) [3] 比較文學特別講讀 과같음 COL 505 近代韓國比較文學史硏究 (Study of Korean Modern Comparative Literature History) [3] 비교문학사적인관점에서한국근대문학을체계적으로연구한다 876
COL 506 外國文學受容史 (History of Introduction of Foreign Literature) [3] 비교문학사적인관점에서외국에서수용된문학을체계적으로연구한다 COL 507 比較文體論 (Topics in Comparative Stylistics) [3] 한국문학의문체형성에서외국문학이끼친영향을연구한다 COL 508 世界文學 I (World Literature I) [3] 동양문학사의주요한작품을읽고 해당시대의사회적배경및문학적전통을살펴본다 COL 509 世界文學 Ⅱ(World Literature Ⅱ) [3] 서양문학사의주요한작품을읽고 해당시대의사회적배경및문학적전통을살펴본다 COL 510 比較文化硏究의方法 1 (Methods of Comparative Cultural Studies I) [3] 문화에대한사회학적접근방법과관점들을학습하고 주요한이론적 현실적쟁점들을중심으로각국의문화적조건들에대한이해를심화해비교문화연구를위한사유의틀을마련한다 COL 511 比較文化硏究의方法 2 (Methods of Comparative Cultural Studies II) [3] 문화를여타문학적 경제적 정치적 사회적실천들과연계시켜사고하는이중의과제를통해비교문화에대한주제설정및쟁점개발능력을함양한다 COL 512 比較文化硏究特講 1 (Topics in Comparative Cultural Studies I) [3] 한국 동양의문화적전통과구조 관행의기원과교류의패턴등을비교문화학적관점에서분석하고비교하는데초점을맞춘다 COL 513 比較文化硏究特講 2 (Topics in Comparative Cultural Studies II) [3] 한국과서양의공간적차이점이빚어내는문화적시스템의공통점과차이점을관찰함으로써문화 사회 역사에대한총체적인이해와함께비교연구한다 專攻科目 COL 601 世界文學세미나 (Seminar in World Literature) [3] 세계문학사에서주요한古典作品을각국민문학별로선정하여토론함으로써문학전반에대한안목을확대심화한다 COL 602 文藝思潮 I (Studies in Literary Movements I) [3] 세계문학사에서뚜렷한자취를남긴古典主義 浪漫主義 寫實主義 象徵主義등대표적인문학운동의배경및발달과정이상이한국민문학에서나타나는양상을비교고찰한다 COL 603 文藝思潮 II (Studies in Literary Movements II) [3] 文藝思潮 Ⅰ과같음 COL 604 文學과社會 (Literature and Society) [3] 시대적사회상이문학에나타나는양식과관련하여문학의개념과기능의변천과정을살펴봄으로써예술로서의문학이社會에대해서갖는관계를고찰한다 COL 605 文學과思想 (Literature and Ideas) [3] 문학작품에내재하는철학적가정을고찰하면서思想이문학에접목되는다양한양식을살펴본다 COL 606 文學과他藝術 (Literature and Other Arts) [3] 문학과타예술 음악 회화 조각 건축등 의연계성을역사적 체계적으로비교연구함으로써 문학이라는예술형태의특수성을분석고찰한다 877
2014~2015 COL 607 第 3 世界文學 (The Third World Literature) [3] 서구문학일변도에서탈피하여제 세계문학의現況과問題點을살펴보고한국문학과제 세계문학의관계 나아가서는세계문학과의관계를조망한다 COL 608 現代文學의知的背景 (Philosophical Backgrounds of Modern Literature) [3] 문학이외의여러분야에서現代精神文明의형성에지대한영향을미친 등의주요이론들을살펴봄으로써 세기문학의문학적토대를전반적으로고찰한다 COL 609 文學과映畵 (Literature and Film) [3] 문학과영화간의관계의역사적발전 이관계가제기하는주요이론적 미적문제의탐구 문학적담론과영화담론간의차이 문학의영화적서술기법등을비롯한영화와현대소설간의관계등을연구한다 COL 610 文學과精神分析 (Literature and Psychoanalysis) [3] 문학에대한정신분석학적인접근방법이어떻게진행되어왔는가를다루면서특히프로이드와문학 라캉과문학이론간의관계등을연구한다 COL 611 文學과隣接學問 (Literature and Other Studies) [3] 정치학 사회학 역사학 철학 심리학 언어학등타학문과문학의관련성을탐색함으로써예술로서의문학에대한이해의폭을넓힌다 COL 612 文學과이데올로기 (Literature and Ideology) [3] 정치와소설이라는주제 신역사주의 마르크스와알튀세에이르기까지이데올로기의이론및이데올로기와문학간의관계등을연구한다 COL 613 文學과페미니즘 (Literature and Feminism) [3] 페미니즘과의상호관련속에서문학에대한새로운이해와시각및해석의방식을연구한다 COL 614 女性作家들 (Women Writers) [3] 고대로부터현재에이르기까지의서구문학의전통에서 그리고우리문학의전통에서여성작가들의존재양상및그의미그리고주요작품등에대해연구한다 COL 615 모더니즘과포스트모더니즘 (Modernism and Postmodernism) [3] 모더니즘의중심적쟁점들및근대라는시대가제기하는중심적문제를반영하는대표적이론과작품을연구한다 COL 616 포스트모더니즘과제3 세계 (Postmodernism and the Third World) [3] 포스트모더니즘의개념들과제 세계문화및정치간의상호관계를탐구하며 여기에는성 민족 제국주의 그리고이들의문화적정치학과의관계와같은주제들이포함되며 최근의아시아 라틴아메리카의문제들을살펴본다 COL 617 文學理論硏究 I (Studies in Literary Theory I) [3] 고대로부터중세해체기에이르기까지주요한문학이론의성과를이해하고검토함으로써문학의여러문제에대한인식을심화하고문학연구의이론적인기초를마련한다 COL 618 文學理論硏究 II (Studies in Literary Theory II) [3] 근대로부터현재에이르기까지주요한문학이론의성과를이해하고검토함으로써문학의여러문제에대한인식을심화하고문학연구의이론적인기초를마련한다 COL 619 20세기문학이론특강 (Topics in Contemporary Literary Theories) [3] 비평이론의발전에지대한역할을한프라이 벤야민 푸코 바르트 데리다등의이론을연구한다 878
COL 620 映畵硏究 (Film Studies) [3] 영화역사의주요시기와그시대의지적 사회적풍토와의관계를살펴보고영화이론의주요저서들에대해 연구한다 영화작품들을상세히분석하며영상매체를통한문화행위의구체적방법과가능성을연구한다 COL 621 文學과哲學 (Literature and Philosophy) [3] 플라톤주의 맑스주의 실존주의 현상학등과같은주요철학적주제와주요철학가들의사상들 또 동양의주요철학적사상들이문학작품에어떻게투영되고있는가를연구한다 COL 622 文學과宗敎 (Literature and Religion) [3] 문학작품에나타난종교적상상력을고찰하여문학과종교의상호관계를연구하며 문학적인시각으 로성서등종교적인텍스트들에접근하여그텍스트들의문학성을검토한다 COL 623 文化理論과文化硏究 1 (Culture : Theories and Studies I) [3] 현대사회에서문화의의미와변화 문화의사회적 정치적기능및그것과문화의상징적 미학적차 원과의관계 의미작용의메커니즘등을비판적으로조명하는이론들을연구한다 COL 624 文化理論과文化硏究 2 (Culture : Theories and Studies II) [3] 현대사회에서문화의의미와변화 문화의사회적 정치적기능및그것과문화의상징적 미학적차 원과의관계 의미작용의메커니즘등을정밀분석한다 COL 625 文學과大衆文化 1 (Literature and Mass Media I) [3] 엄청난파급력을지니고현대문화를지배하고있는대중문화와문학과의접점을찾는다 대중문화를 이론적으로분석하며후기자본주의단계에서문화와문학이맺는새로운관계방식을조명한다 COL 626 文學과大衆文化 2 (Literature and Mass Media) [3] 엄청난파급력을지니고현대문화를지배하고있는대중문화와문학과의접점을찾는다 대중문화를 이론적으로분석하며후기자본주의단계에서문화와문학이맺는새로운관계방식을조명한다 COL 627 동아시아文化交流 (History of Cultural Influence in East Asia) [3] 동아시아문화의주요구성원인한국 중국 일본 베트남 몽골을하나의전체로놓고 동아시아문 화사에있어주도적인국가간의문화교류는어떻게이루어져왔고 근대에이르러동아시아문화교 류의큰흐름은어떻게형성되어왔는지심도있게고찰한다 COL 628 多文化主義硏究세미나 (Seminar in Multiculturalism) [3] COL 629 COL 630 여러유형의이질적인문화의주변문화를세계주의 다원주의입장에서수용하는다문화주의를중심 으로문학과문화를비교연구하도록한다 나아가다문화주의연구를통해군소작가로배제되었던 저자들의다양한정전을고찰함으로서정전의범위를넓혀나갈수있도록심도있게연구한다 東洋과西洋의文學및文化比較硏究 1 (The East and West: Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture I) [3] 동양과서양의문학과문화의기원 전개 접점을고대 중세에이르는시대구분에입각하여비교 고찰함으로써세계문학의보편성과특수성을함께연구하도록한다 이러한비교를통해동양과 서양의문학및문화이론에서의중요한특징을연구한다 東洋과西洋의文學및文化比較硏究 2 (The East and West: Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture II) [3] 동양과서양의문학및문화의기원 전개 접점을근현대에이르는시대구분에입각하여비교 고찰 함으로써세계문학의보편성과특수성을함께연구하도록한다 또 다양한이론들을점검하고 이 이론들이문학과문화안에서어떤방식으로존재하는가의문제를연구한다 879
2014~2015 COL 701 文學의影響關係硏究 I (Studies in Literary Interaction I) [3] 상이한國民文學사이의문학적영향과수용의관계를전반적으로검토하고나아가국문학에나타나는외국문학적요소의수용과정을체계적으로분석한다 COL 702 文學의影響關係硏究 II (Studies in Literary Interaction II) [3] 文學의影響關係硏究 과같음 COL 703 東西比較詩論 (Comparative Study on Poetry) [3] 동양과서양의시문학을전반적으로비교검토함으로써美意識의차이점을이해하고나아가서한국현대시의위치를조명한다 COL 704 飜譯의諸問題 (Problems in Translation) [3] 문학작품의번역에있어서나타나는제반문제를살펴보고번역이론과실제를연습하면서言語라는매체의특수성을고찰한다 COL 705 장르硏究 (Study of Genres) [3] 문학장르의발생및변천과정을시대적 지역적상황에관련지어상호연계성및차이점을살펴본다 COL 706 口傳文學硏究 (Study of Oral Literature) [3] 구전문학일반에관한이론의토대위에서民謠 說話등을심층적으로분석하며 기록문학과의관련성도살펴본다 COL 707 比較詩學 (Comparative Poetics) [3] 문학적전통내에서의문학과비평을模倣論 效用論 表現論등의문학비평적체계와그체계의이론적토대와관련하여연구한다 COL 708 이야기의理論 (Study of Narrative Forms) [3] 지역과시대에따라상이한이야기의여러형태에대하여발생론적인측면에서비교고찰을한다 COL 709 小說의理論 (Theory of Novel) [3] 세기부터현대에이르기까지 등의소설에관한이론을주요한작품과의관련성을검토하면서연구한다 COL 710 現代文學理論 I (Topics in Contemporary Literary Theory I) [3] 심리분석학 현상학 구조주의 해석학 수용미학등에서유래하는문학의여러접근방법중에서주제를선정하여그기본가정의이론적분석을통해현대문학이론의歷史的 知的背景을연구한다 COL 711 現代文學理論 II (Topics in Contemporary Literary Theory II) [3] 現代文學理論 I과같음 COL 712 (Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese Classical Literature) [3] 韓國古典文學과中國古典文學의原文을통하여장르 운동 사상 문학전통등의형식과이론을비교한다 COL 713 韓日古典文學比較硏究 (Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Classical Literature) [3] 鄕歌와萬葉集 古今集 한국설화와竹取物語 伊勢物語 艶情小說과源氏物語 軍談小說과平家物語 時調와和歌 俳句 가면극과能등을비교한다 COL 714 韓日現代文學比較硏究 (Comparative study of Korean and Japanese Modern Literature) [3] 新體詩抄와新詩 浮雲 二葉亭四迷 과新小說 私小說과 인칭소설등을비교하고 森鷗外 夏目漱石 芥川龍之介등이한국소설에미친영향을연구한다 880
COL 715 東洋近代文學의形成 (Modern East Asian Literature) [3] 韓 中 日의近代文學이형성되고변형된과정을연구한다 COL 716 現代西歐演劇 (Contemporary Western Drama) [3] 등현대연극에있어중요한극작가 들의대표작을선정하여강독함으로써서구연극의전통을개관한다 COL 717 公演藝術論 (Theory of Performing Arts) [3] 제공연예술의개별적특성과공통적토대에대한여러이론을개괄적으로고찰함으로써문학과제 공연예술의상호연관성에대한이해를심화한다 COL 718 (Topics in Translation between Korean and Japanese Language) [3] 번역학의이론적근거를살피고韓日飜譯의실제를다룬다 COL 719 日本文學批評史 (History of Japanese Literary Criticism) [3] COL 720 일본비평문학의주요업적을검토함으로써개별비평가의특성과일본비평문학의전개과정을고찰한다 日本古典文學思想및背景硏究 (Classical Japanese Literary Thoughts and Their Backgrounds) [3] 시대및문화의변화에따른일본문학의양상을작품내외의사상및배경을중심으로고찰한다 COL 721 日本傳統劇硏究 (Studies in Traditional Japanese Drama) [3] 能 歌舞伎 文樂등의이론을연구한다 COL 722 日本古典文學批評硏究 (Studies in Classical Japanese Criticism) [3] 일본고전문학비평의문학사적 미학적의의를탐구한다 COL 723 西班牙現代詩講評 (Readings of Modern Spanish Poetry) [3] 에서부터 세대 세대시인들을중점적으로분석한다 COL 724 中南美現代詩講評 (Readings of Modern Latin American Poetry) [3] 와 를집중적으로분석한다 COL 726 西洋文學과東洋文學 (Asian and Western Literature) [3] 동양문학과서양문학을영향론에의거하여역사적관점에서비교한다 COL 727 韓獨文學比較硏究 (Comparative Study of Korean and German Literature) [3] 한국문학과독일문학의본문을비교하여수용주체인한국문학의관점에서독일문학을수용한배경 과굴절과정등제양상을연구한다 COL 728 韓英文學比較硏究 (Comparative Study of Korean and English Literature) [3] 한국문학과영미문학의본문을비교하여수용주체인한국문학의관점에서영미문학을수용한배경 과굴절과정등제양상을연구한다 COL 730 한러文學比較硏究 (Comparative Study of Korean and Russian Literature) [3] 한국문학과러시아문학의본문을비교하여수용주체인한국문학의관점에서러시아문학을수용한 배경과굴절양상등제양상을연구한다 COL 731 韓佛文學比較硏究 (Comparative Study of Korean and French Literature) [3] 한국문학과불문학의본문을비교하여수용주체인한국문학의관점에서불문학을수용한배경과굴 절양상등제양상을연구한다 881
2014~2015 COL 801 比較文學세미나 I (Seminar in Comparative Literature I) [3] 차용 모방 영향 대비 양식화 출전등비교문학의주요문제들을실제작품을통하여살펴봄으로 써상이한國民文學의분석틀을마련한다 COL 802 比較文學세미나 II (Seminar in Comparative Literature II) [3] 比較文學세미나 I 과같음 COL 803 比較文學演習 I (Exercises in Comparative Literature I) [3] 상이한국민문학의두작가이상을선택하여그영향관계를구체적으로규명하는창의적이고심도있 는論文作成연습을한다 COL 804 比較文學演習 II (Exercises in Comparative Literature II) [3] 比較文學演習 I 과같음 COL 805 比較文學特殊課題 I (Topics in Comparative Literature I) [3] 비교문학의연구에있어다른개설과목에포용되기어려운특별한방법론적체계와문제점을분석고 찰한다 COL 806 比較文學特殊課題 II (Topics in Comparative Literature II) [3] COL 807 比較文學特殊課題 Ⅰ 과같음 韓國傳統劇과東洋古典劇의比較硏究 (Comparative Studies of Traditional Korean and Asian Drama) [3] 한국전통극과동양전통극의원리와방법을비교연구한다 COL 808 比較文化主題硏究 1 (Topics in Comparative Literature and Culture I) [3] 다양한문학작품과문화속에서사랑 전쟁 악 죽음 정치 과학등다양한주제가어떻게표현되고 부각되는지공통성과특수성을중심으로비교연구한다 COL 809 比較文學比較文化主題硏究 2 (Topics in Comparative Literature and Culture II) [3] COL 810 COL 811 다양한문학작품과문화속에서사랑 전쟁 악 죽음 정치 과학등다양한주제가어떻게표현되고 부각되는지공통성과특수성을중심으로비교연구한다 동아시아文學및文化比較硏究 1 (Comparative Studies on Literature and Culture of East Asia I) [3] 고대와중세를중심으로동아시아각국의문학과문화를비교연구한다 동아시아국가간의문학과 문화의영향관계를고찰하며공통점과차이점을확인하고나아가각국이가진차별성과특수성을살 피도록한다 동아시아文學및文化比較硏究 2 (Comparative Studies on Literature and Culture of East Asia II) [3] 근현대를중심으로동아시아각국의문학과문화를비교연구한다 동아시아근대문학의형성에영 향을미친 세기이후동아시아문학의새로운경향을고찰하며 동시에동아시아문학의새로운패 러다임을모색한다 COL 812 美學比較硏究 (Comparative Aesthetics) [3] 동 서양그리고고전 현대미학의각영역을연구하며미학과문학이론과의관계를비교연구한다 882
Anam campus - Collaboration Program Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture Academic Goals As literary studies in the University are limited to their own specialized areas, a study program to comprehend interrelated neighboring literatures is needed. The course of the Department of Comparative Literature and Culture aims to comprehend and collaborate Korean literature and foreign literatures, or to investigate the essence of literature through exchange and cooperation among foreign literatures. This course, furthermore, aims to establish Korean Literature in the world. Compared to the vigorous overseas studies between literature and other disciplinary areas as well as the general literary studies, the comparative study in Korea is importantly stayed behind. However, it is now fortunate to open a course of Comparative Literature and Culture for the profound development of literature. Comparative literature not only investigates difference, sameness, or influences of a simplified comparison between literary works, but it also covers comprehensive comparative study of literature with movies, painting, music, dance, etc. Fields of Study Theory of Comparative Literature and Comparative Culture Degree Requirements 1. Students entering graduate course must take at least 12 units in comparative literature courses out of 24 units required for the degree and it is required for the doctorate to take 18 units in comparative literature out of 36 required units. 2. Candidates in master's degree (M.A.) and doctoral degree (Ph.D.) must take more than 6 units of core course from comparative literature courses. 3. Required to major more than 2 disciplines for the Department of Comparative Literature, students who have finished their majors, in undergraduate (B.A.) or graduate (M.A.) course, in the past, must take prerequisite courses from the undergraduate course which newly comes to the subject for the comparative literature. Students who have already finished the relevant courses of B.A. and M.A. degrees from other universities can be exempted from the courses with an approval of their academic advisor and the department head. For prerequisite courses, 2 subjects (6 units) are to be 1006
Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture chosen according to the respective major in History of Literature and Introduction of Literature from Comparative Literature courses. (For example, applicants with a degree in Korean Literature should take classes in History of Japanese Classical Literature and Introduction of Japanese Literature in case they compare with Japanese classical literature, and applicants with a degree in Japanese Literature should take classes in History of Korean Modern Literature and Introduction of Korean Literature in case they compare with Korean modern literature. With reference to these cases, other applicants could also apply to the department.) 4. For prerequisite courses, doctoral students who had a degree in Specialized Graduate Schools and who finished courses in a similar major and in other majors, must choose 2 subjects (6 units) in History of Literature and Introduction of Literature out of their own major subjects in undergraduate school after consultation with their academic advisers and department head. Prerequisite courses are to be chosen with reference to Clause 3 above. Comprehensive Examinations 1. Applicants for the master's degree must take the examinations in 3 subjects 1 subject in Comparative Literature Theory out of core courses and 2 subjects out of their own major courses. And doctorates must take the examinations in 2 subjects 1 subject in Comparative Literature Theory out of core courses and the other out of their own major courses according to their choice. Major courses are taken in 4 detailed subjects. 2. For the major course examinations, applicants for the master's degree must take one of the major courses out of their undergraduate school major subjects and doctorates out of their graduate school major subjects. Another one of the major subjects is designated as their recent subjects of comparative study in course. But applicants who majored in different departments could selectively take the examinations in a major subject and a recent subject of comparative study. (For example, an English major in undergraduate school could take History of Japanese Literature and History of Korean Literature as his/her major subject and recent subject of comparative study in case he/she compares Japanese Literature with Korean Literature in graduate school.) 3. The other two major subjects are designated in subjects of History of Literature according to applicants' respective majors. (In case of the comparative study on Korean Classical Literature and Japanese Classical Literature, the other two major subjects will be History of Korean Classical Literature and History of Japanese Classical Literature, in case of the comparative study on Korean Modern Literature and English Modern Literature, the other two will History of Korean Modern Literature and History of English Modern Literature.) 1007
Anam campus - Collaboration Program Courses and Syllabuses Core Courses COL 501 Introduction to Comparative Literature [3] Reviews the general comparative literature includes theories, history of literature, influence/acceptance/development of each country's literature, etc. COL 502 Theory and Method of Comparative Literature [3] Studies historically about the theory of comparative literature approach and analyses its issuing problems in methodology, reviewing issues and areas of comparative studies focused on the basic concepts of comparative literature. COL 503 Readings in Comparative Literature I [3] Comprehends a large range of general literature and then makes framework as a foundation of comparative literature studies, systematically analysing on the selected works like Lovejoy's The Great Chain of Being, Auerbach's Mimesis, N. Frye'+s Anatomy of Criticism which are valued in literary criticism, history of literature, and history of thought. COL 504 Readings in Comparative Literature II [3] The same contents as Readings in Comparative Literature I. COL 505 Study of Korean Modern Comparative Literature History [3] Systematically studies korean modern literature from the perspective of comparative literature history. COL 506 History of Introduction of Foreign Literature [3] Systematically studies of literary works overseas from the perspective of comparative literature history. COL 507 Topics in Comparative Stylistics [3] Studies influences of foreign literature in the formation of korean literary styles. COL 508 World Literature I [3] Reads prominent works in the history of Asian literature and reviews social background and literary tradition of relevant period. COL 509 World Literature II [3] Reads prominent works in the history of European literature and reviews social background and literary tradition of relevant period. COL 510 Methods of Comparative Cultural Studies I [3] This course considers study of methodology of comparative culture. It also focuses on issues and practices that reflect its cultural evolution in the past half century. COL 511 Methods of Comparative Cultural Studies II [3] This course considers study of methodology of comparative culture. It also focuses on issues and practices that reflect its cultural evolution in the past half century. COL 512 Topics in Comparative Cultural Studies I [3] This course aims at sociological theory and its use for interpreting literary texts, film, and media forms in our present global culture. 1008
Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture COL 513 Topics in Comparative Cultural Studies II [3] This course aims at sociological theory and its use for interpreting literary texts, film, and media forms in our present global culture. Major Courses COL 601 Seminar in World Literature [3] Expands and deepens views about the whole realm of literature, discussing prominent classical works in the history of world literature selected from their respective national literature. COL 602 Studies in Literary Movements I [3] Through comparative methods studies how the background and the developmental process of leading literary movements, which left their footprints in the history of world literature, like Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Symbolism, and etc., appeared in different national literatures. COL 603 Studies in Literary Movements II [3] The same contents as Studies in Literary Movements I. COL 604 Literature and Society [3] Studies the relation of literature as art to the society, reviewing the process of concept and function of literature in relation to the literary styles expressed by each periodical phase of society. COL 605 Literature and Ideas [3] Reviews multiple styles grafted onto the literature by ideas, studying philosophical premises immanent in literature. COL 606 Literature and Other Arts [3] Studies the particularity of literature as artistic forms by analysis, comparing historically and systematically the connection of literature and other forms of art music, painting, sculpture, architecture, and etc. COL 607 The Third World Literature [3] Reviews the present condition and its problems of the Third World's literature escaping from the unilateral studies of European literature, and prospects the relation of Korean literature to the Third World literature, and furthermore to the world literature. COL 608 Philosophical Backgrounds of Modern Literature [3] Studies the literary foundation of 20th century's literature overall, reviewing prominent theories of Darwin, Marx, and Freud who had an important influence on literature and other areas in the formation of contemporary mental civilization. COL 609 Literature and Film [3] Studies the relation between modern novels and film, as well as other issues like historical relationship between literature and film, its investigation on the issuing problems in theories and aesthetics, the difference of discourses in literature and film, cinematic descriptive techniques of literature, and etc. 1009
Anam campus - Collaboration Program COL 610 Literature and Psychoanalysis [3] Studies the relation between Freud and literature, between Lacan and theories of literature, comprehending how the psychological approach on literature has progressed. COL 611 Literature and Other Studies [3] Expands the range of understanding of literature as art, viewing over the relationship of literature with other sciences politics, sociology, history, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and etc. COL 612 Literature and Ideology [3] Studies theories of ideology and its relation with literature, covering themes of politics and novel, neo-historicism, Marx, and Althusser, and etc. COL 613 Literature and Feminism [3] Studies new understanding, perspective, and ways of interpretation in relation to Feminism. COL 614 Women Writers [3] Studies existential aspects of women writers, their meaning, and prominent literary works in the tradition of European literature from ancient world to the present and in the tradition of Korean literature. COL 615 Modernism and Postmodernism [3] Studies prominent theories and literary works reflecting primary issues of Modernism and issuing problems of Modernity. COL 616 Postmodernism and the Third World [3] Studies concepts of Postmodernism and the interrelation between culture and politics in the Third World; this includes the themes of gender, nation, imperialism, and their relation with cultural politics. And reviews issuing problems of Asia and Latin America. COL 617 Studies in Literary Theory I [3] Deepens the understanding of literary problems and establishes theoretical basis of literature studies, comprehending the prominent results of literary theories from the ancient world to the deconstruction of the Middle Age. COL 618 Studies in Literary Theory II [3] Deepens the understanding of literary problems and establishes theoretical basis of literature studies, comprehending the prominent results of literary theories from the modern ages to the present. COL 619 Topics in Contemporary Literary Theories [3] Studies theories of Frye, Benjamin, Foucault, Barthe, and Derrida who had an important influence on the development of contemporary criticism. COL 620 Film Studies [3] This course sets in place some undergirding for graduate students who want to anchor their film interest to the professional discourse of film field. COL 621 Literature and Philosophy [3] This course is to understand the complexities of contemporary literary philosophy. It will include such canonic figure as Plato, Aristotle, Longinus, Augustine, Sidney, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Saussure, Benjamin, Foucault, Baudrillard, Derrida, Said, Irigaray, and Butler. 1010
Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture COL 622 Literature and Religion [3] This course aims at identifying the different dimensions of the major transformations of the very idea of religion in the East and the West. We will focus on the meeting of religious traditions from East and West, and will seek to identify the role of Christianity in this complex development. COL 623 Culture : Theories and Studies I [3] This course provides the theoretical approaches that are now widespread in cultural studies. It includes the reception of key theoretical approaches involving literary history, formalism, phenomenology and globalism. COL 624 Culture : Theories and Studies II [3] This course provides the theoretical approaches that are now widespread in cultural studies. It includes the reception of key theoretical approaches involving literary history, formalism, phenomenology and globalism. COL 625 Literature and Mass Media I [3] This course will focus on the ways that civic discourse and cultural discourse enmesh across a range of sites, including media texts and realms of production, distribution, and reception. COL 626 Literature and Mass Media II [3] This course will focus on the ways that civic discourse and cultural discourse enmesh across a range of sites, including media texts and realms of production, distribution, and reception. COL 627 History of Cultural Influence in East Asia [3] History of cultural influence in Eastern Asia will be critically examined. Emphasis is on major history in Korea, China, and Vietnam. COL 628 Seminar in Multiculturalism [3] As an important issue in the world of war and law, this course will consider the usefulness of the Humanities and how we use literature in seemingly rational-choice legal situations which write our world. COL 629 The East and West: Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture I [3] This course tracks the different theoretical approaches of culture in the East and West. It also addresses perspective in culture of the East and West suggested by anthropology, socioloy, and communication. COL 630 The East and West: Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture II [3] This course tracks the different theoretical approaches of culture in the East and West. It also addresses perspective in culture of the East and West suggested by anthropology, socioloy, and communication. COL 701 Studies in Literary Interaction I [3] Reviews the relation between literary influence and acceptance among different national literatures and systematically analyses the overall accepting process of foreign literary elements appearing in Korean literature. COL 702 Studies in Literary Interaction II [3] The same contents as Studies in Literary Interaction I. 1011
Anam campus - Collaboration Program COL 703 Comparative Study on Poetry [3] Understands the difference of aesthetic perception and prospects the position of contemporary Korean poetry, reviewing the whole range of Asian and European poetry. COL 704 Problems in Translation [3] Reviews the overall problems in translating literary works, exercises the theory of translation and its practice, and prospects the peculiarity of language as media. COL 705 Study of Genres [3] Studies the interrelation and difference of the origin of literary genres and their changes in relation to the periodical and regional situation. COL 706 Study of Oral Literature [3] Analyses profoundly folk songs and tales according to the theoretical foundation about oral literature in general and studies their relationship to the written literature. COL 707 Comparative Poetics [3] Studies literature and criticism within the literary tradition in relation to the system of literary criticism, like mimesis, utilitarianism, expressionism, and etc., and its theoretical foundation. COL 708 Study of Narrative Forms [3] Genetically studies several forms of differentiated narration by region and time. COL 709 Theory of Novel [3] Studies theories on novel of Flaubert, James, Mann, and Lukacs from the 17th century to the present, reviewing theoretical relation of prominent literary works. COL 710 Topics in Contemporary Literary Theory I [3] Studies historical and intellectual backgrounds of contemporary literature theory, choosing themes out of diverse approaches of literature originated in Psychological Analysis, Phenomenology, Structuralism, Marxism, Hermeneutics, Reception-aesthetics (German : Rezeptionsästhetik) and presenting their theoretical analysis of primary assumptions. COL 711 Topics in Contemporary Literary Theory II [3] The same contents as Topics in Contemporary Literary Theory I. COL 712 Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese Classical Literature [3] Compares the forms and theories of genres/movements/thoughts/literary tradition, reading original texts of Korean classical literature and Chinese classical literature. COL 713 Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Classical Literature [3] Compares Hyangga and Manyoshu/ Kokinshu, Korean folk tales and the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Japan : Taketori Monogatari)/ Tales of Ise (Japan : Ise Monogatari), the romantic novel and the Tale of Genji (Japan : Genji Monogatari), the military novel and the Tale of the Heike (Japan : Heike Monogatari), Sijo and Waka/ Haiku, between the mask dance-drama and Noh. COL 714 Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Modern Literature [3] Compares Shintaishisho and Sinsi, the Drifting Cloud (Japan: Ukigumo) and the new novel, Shishosetsu and the first-person point of view novel, and studies the influences of Mori Ogai, Natsume Soseki, Akutagawa, and others on the Korean novel. 1012
Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture COL 715 Modern East Asian Literature [3] Studies the formation and transformation of contemporary literature in Korea, Chinese, and Japan. COL 716 Contemporary Western Drama [3] Reviewing the tradition of Western drama, reading selected works of prominent play writers to the contemporary play like Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw, Pirandello, O'Neill, Brecht, Beckett. COL 717 Theory of Performing Arts [3] Deepens the understanding of interrelationship of performing arts in general and literature, summarizing diverse theories about the individual characteristics and common foundation of performing arts. COL 718 Topics in Translation between Korean and Japanese Language [3] Examines theoretical grounds of Translation Studies and its practices between Korean and Japanese language. COL 719 History of Japanese Literary Criticism [3] Studies the characteristic of individual critic and the developmental process of Japanese literary criticism, examining prominent contributions of Japanese literary criticism. COL 720 Classical Japanese Literary Thoughts and Their Backgrounds [3] Studies the phases of Japanese literature by the change of time and culture, focusing on thoughts and backgrounds from within and outside of literary works. COL 721 Studies in Traditional Japanese Drama [3] Studies theories of Noh, Kabuki, Bunraku, and etc. COL 722 Studies in Classical Japanese Criticism [3] Investigates the significance of the history of literature and aesthetics of Japanese classical criticism. COL 723 Readings of Modern Spanish Poetry [3] Includes poets importantly from Modernismo to Generation 98, Generation 27. COL 724 Readings of Modern Latin American Poetry [3] Analyses Modernismo and vanguadismo in focus. COL 726 Asian and Western Literature [3] Compares Asian literature and Western literature from the perspective of history by the Influence Theory. COL 727 Comparative Study of Korean and German Literature [3] Studies backgrounds and refractions of German literature from the perspective of Korean literature as a receiving subject, comparing texts of Korean literature with those of German literature. COL 728 Comparative Study of Korean and English Literature [3] Studies backgrounds and refractions of English literature from the perspective of Korean literature as a receiving subject, comparing texts of Korean literature with those of English literature. 1013
Anam campus - Collaboration Program COL 730 Comparative Study of Korean and Russian Literature [3] Studies backgrounds and refractions of Russian literature from the perspective of Korean literature as a receiving subject, comparing texts of Korean literature with those of Russian literature. COL 731 Comparative Study of Korean and French Literature [3] Studies backgrounds and refractions of French literature from the perspective of Korean literature as a receiving subject, comparing texts of Korean literature with those of French literature. COL 801 Seminar in Comparative Literature I [3] Makes analytical frameworks for different national literatures, reviewing primary problems of comparative literature, like adoption, imitation, influence, comparison, convention, source, and etc. through literary works. COL 802 Seminar in Comparative Literature II [3] The same contents as Seminar in Comparative Literature I. COL 803 Exercises in Comparative Literature I [3] Chooses more than two writers of different national literatures, and exercises writing creative and profound thesis which examines the relation of influence of those literatures. COL 804 Exercises in Comparative Literature I [3] The same contents as Exercises in Comparative Literature I. COL 805 Topics in Comparative Literature I [3] Analyses the particular methodological system and its problems which has difficulty in being comprehended in the other subjects of comparative studies. COL 805 Topics in Comparative Literature II [3] The same contents as Topics in Comparative Literature I. COL 807 Comparative Studies of Traditional Korean and Asian Drama [3] Comparatively studies the principal and method of traditional Korean and Asian drama COL 808 Topics in Comparative Literature and Culture I [3] It course deals with comparative study of selected topics and texts, with explicit emphasis on the theoretical and interpretive approaches that define comparative literature as a discipline and distinguish it from other literary disciplines. COL 809 Topics in Comparative Literature and Culture II [3] It course deals with comparative study of selected topics and texts, with explicit emphasis on the theoretical and interpretive approaches that define comparative literature as a discipline and distinguish it from other literary disciplines. COL 810 Comparative Studies on Literature and Culture of East Asia I [3] This course introduces graudate students to comparative studies on literature and culture of East Asia by examining the Eastern Asia foundations of the discipline and introducing interdisciplinary method in literary study and sociology. COL 811 Comparative Studies on Literature and Culture of East Asia II [3] This course considers advanced comparative studies on literature and culture of East Asia in the 19th century. It also looks for the new paradigm of literature in Eastern Asia. 1014
Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture COL 812 Comparative Aesthetics [3] A Study of central figures in this course will be Eastern and Western aesthetics. The topics will include the nature of aesthetic experience, the function of the arts, artistic creativity, relations between art and reality, and relations between art and morality. 1015