,,,,,, GELS,, 68,,,, (sujeto clasista unitario), 68,, 80,,,,,,

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김치학 총서 03 뒷표지 문구 내용 세계김치연구소 김치학 총서_03 김치에 대한 인지, 정서 그리고 변화 초판 1쇄 발행 2015년 12월 20일 글쓴이 박채린, 조숙정, 강진옥, 함한희, 김일권, 서리나, 루치아 슈람프, 김소희 펴낸이 세계김치연구소 펴낸곳 세계김치연

7 1 ( 12 ) 1998.,. 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). 4) ( )..,. 5) ( ).,, ( ) ( ). 6)., 2, ( )., ( ) ( ).


13) ( )* 1992 2000 (Grupo de Estudios Latinoamericanos del Subalterno: GELS),,,, (Manifiesto inaugural) (1992) * Seong-Hun Lee(Seoul National University), Outcomes and Limitations of Latin American Subaltern Studies

,,,,,, GELS,, 68,,,, (sujeto clasista unitario), 68,, 80,,,,,,

,,,,,,,, (Ileana Rodriguez) Gerge Mason Univ (José Rabasa), (Javier Sanjinés), (Roberto Carr), (John Beverley),,,,,

, (Gareth Williams), (John Kraniauskas), (Josefina Saldaña), (Abdul Mustafa), - (Sara Castro-Klaren), (Fernando Coronil) GELS 1960,,, 70,, UC San Diego < >, < > (Institute of Ideologies and Literature), 60,,

GELS, GELS,,,,,,,,

( Tiempo de convergencias), (estudios latinoamericanos),,,,,,,,,,, ( Peasant and Nation )

/,, /, /,,,,,,,,,,, 19,

GELS,,,, /,,,,

GELS, 1,, 1, / /,?,,, 1 GELS, (traveling theory),

, GELS,,,, This essay briefly examined the outcomes and limitations of Latin American Subaltern Studies(Grupo de Estudios Latinoamericanos del Subalterno; GELS) that had explored new research areas and methodologies in Latin American study from 1992 to 2000 The members of this group were independent intellectuals who worked mainly in universities in US They were quite heterogeneous in their intellectual tendencies and research methodologies even though they are referred as a research group They criticized that generalization or wholization tendencies of western theories take the marginal society as an object of analysis and also colonialize the intellectual areas of this society They tried to accomplish the critical overthrow to its gigantic arguments of western theories Their critical perspectives on this gigantic arguments or

paradigm, which have been used in many communications in humanities and social sciences, can be seen in their criticisms on the concepts of nation and social class, which used frequently in the analysis of reality, and their search for an alternative called as subaltern Ileana summarized the criticisms on GELS as two things First of all, it failed to notice the its unique context of Latin American colonial history and racial problems by directly applying South Asian realities surrounding India to Latin America Also, as you can see from its label of 'traveling theory', this theory was developed mainly in the universities in US so there exist concerns for pan-americanism or influence of North America Secondly, the most important and essential thing lies in the positioning of intellectuals who were engaged in the reemergence of subaltern As you can see from the works of Mallon, the eager desire of the reemergence of subaltern resulted in putting their own voice in the front In conclusion, it is widely acknowledged that Latin American study has searched for new research areas and methodologies by introducing outputs of GELS, even though today GELS itself is not taking an active part in Latin American study due to its own limitations and criticisms about reemergence of subaltern, the role of intellectuals working in subaltern, and the establishment of relationships between nation and subaltern Key Words: Subaltern Studies, Subaltenity, Grupo de Estudios Latinoamericanos del Subalterno, Ileana Rodríguez, John Beverley, Florencia Mallon /,,,,, : 2003 11 10 : 2003 11 14

, :,, 2003 Beverley, John(2000) The Dilema of Subaltern Studies at Duke, Nepantla, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp 33-44 Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios Subalternos(1992), Manifiesto inaugural, in Santiago Castro-Gómez y Eduardo Mendieta, Eduardo(eds)(1998), Teorías sin disciplina: Latinoamericanismo, poscolonialidad y globalización en debate, Mexico: Porrúa(Este Manifiesto fue publicado primero por Boundary 2, Vol20,No 3) Kraniauskas, John(2000), Hybridity in Transnational Frame: Latin- Americanist and Postcolonial Perspectives on Cultural Studies, Nepantla, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp 111-133 Mallon, Forencia E(1995), Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press Mato, Daniel(2000), Not Studying the Subaltern, but Studying with Subalten Social Groups, or, at Least, Studying the Hegemonic Articulations of Power, Nepantla, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp 478-498 Moraña, Mabel, El boom del subalterno, in Santiago Castro-Gómez y Eduardo Mendieta(eds)(1998), Teorías sin disciplina: Latinoamericanismo, poscolonialidad y globalización en debate, Mexico: Porrúa Rodríguez, Ileana(2000), Cross-Genealogies in Latin American and South Asian Subalten Studies, Nepantla, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp 45-57 (2001), Reading Subalterns Across Texts, Disciplines, and Theories: From Representation to Recognition, in

Ileana Rodríguez(ed), The Latin American Subaltern Studies Reader, Durham: Duke UP, pp 1-34 (ed)(2001), Convergencia de tiempos: Estudios subaltenos/contextos latinoamericanos estado, cultura, subaltenidad, Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi