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TS 3 .indd


. 2016. 11

: (,, ) : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

- 7 -

Ⅰ. 1 1. 1 1.1 1 1.2 4 1.3 4 2. 6 2.1 6 2.2 7 2.3 7 3. 8 3.1 8 3.2 19 Ⅱ. 25 1. 25 1.1 25 1.2 25 1.3 27 2. 29 2.1 29 2.2 31 2.3 31 2.4 32 2.5 (, ) 3 2.6 34 2.7 34 2.8 34 2.9 35 2.10 36 2.11 38

Ⅲ. : 43 Ⅳ. : 87 Ⅴ. : 19 Ⅵ. 157 1. 157 1.1 157 1.2 158 2. 161 Ⅶ. DB 167 1. 167 1.1 167 1.2 168 1.3 169 1.4 169 1.5 172 2. DB 174 2.1 174 2.2 DB 174 176 - ( )

- 4 -

I 1. 사업배경및목적 2. 사업범위 3. 과제수행내용및체계

Ⅰ Ⅰ. 1. 1.1. James Hutton,, (The past is the key to the present and window to the future)", (geo-heritage or geological heritage) ( Ⅰ-1, 2) (1872 ),,,, ( Ⅰ-3) 1991 Digne (International Declaration of the Rights of the Memory of Earth) (UNESCO, 1991), - 1 -

,,,,,, (Dixon, 1996)( Ⅰ-2) ' ' (geological site geosite) (Liu and Cai, 2000) (geoeducation) (geotourism), (Geopark),,, (Dowling and Newsome, 2006), 2004 32 100, Ⅰ-1. Ⅰ. - 2 -

Ⅰ Ⅰ-2. Ⅱ. Ⅰ-3. (Brocx, 2003). - 3 -

1.2., 2012,,,,,,, 7,, (2013 1 ) 2014 ( ) 1.3. 7, 7 (,,,,,, ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), 150 ( ), 160 ( ), DB( ), ( ), ( ) - 4 -

Ⅰ DB,,, (DB),, 2014 2015 (, 2016;, 2016) - 5 -

2. 2.1., 2016 (,,,,,,,,,,,,, ), (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ), (,,,, ) 3, 41. 1:25,000 164 ( Ⅰ-4) Ⅰ-4.. - 6 -

Ⅰ 2.2.,, 7 : 2016 4 22 ~ 2016 11 21 2.3. :,, :, :, ( ) DB : - 7 -

3. 3.1. (1 /2 ) ( ) ( ), - - -... - - - - - - -DB ( ) Ⅰ-5...,, 4 1 : - :,, (KISS), (NDSL),,,,,,,, - 8 -

Ⅰ - : Nature, Science, GSA, Science direct. 2 : -,,,. 3 : - 4 :, -,,,,,,. DB,,,,,,, ( ), ( ), ( 3, 3, 4 ) - 9 -

. 1:50,000 1:25,000 1:5,000 (CAD ) (DEM) 1:250,000 1:50,000 1:50,000,,. (, ) 15 GPS grid. DB GPS (, ) ( ), DB DB., - - ( Ⅰ-6) - 10 -

Ⅰ,,, 4,. Ⅰ-6. (1:1 ) - 11 -

또한, 연구지역은 선캄브리아시대 이후 지질시대별로 다양한 지각 변형구조가 발달한 지역으로 알려져 있음. 따라서 연구의 효율성을 위하여 연구지역을 3 개 영역으로 구분한 후, 문헌조사에서 선정된 지질유산을 지체구조와 지질, 지 각 변형구조, 지형 특성에 맞추어 현장조사를 수행(그림Ⅰ-7) 그림Ⅰ-7. 과업구간의 권역분할과 각 권역의 행정구역. - 12 -

Ⅰ (1, 2 ) 3,,, 1:5, (1 2m ), 1,, 1,,, (2 ),,,, GPS / / (,,, ) ( ),,,,,,,,,,,, - 13 -

(,,,,,, ), ( - - ). ( Ⅰ-1, 2), (, ) ( Ⅰ-3),,, - 14 -

Ⅰ Ⅰ-1.. ( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. - 15 -

1 2 3 4 5 ( ) (, 2008) (, 2013) (, 2013) ( ) 150 (, 2004) 160 (, 2013) (, 2011, 2012, 2013) (, 2008, 2009, 2010) (, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007) - 16 -

Ⅰ Ⅰ-2.. ( ) 5 4 3 2 1 /100 1 2 4 ( ) 3 5 6 7-17 -

Ⅰ-3.. : ( ) ( ) I II III Ⅳ V 45 40 35 30 30-18 -

Ⅰ. (,, ) 50 4.,, DB Ⅰ-8,,,. GPS. GIS-DB,,, GIS DB 3.2. 1, 8, 2 11,,,,, - 19 -

( Ⅰ-4; Ⅰ-9),,. Ⅰ-8. GIS DB. Ⅰ-4. - 20 -

Ⅰ Ⅰ-9.. - 21 -

- 22 -

II 1. 전라권지형개요 2. 전라권지질개요

Ⅱ Ⅱ. 1. 1.1.,,, 1.2.,,, ( Ⅱ-1) 2005, 1 ( ), - - - - 2 ( ), 3 3 - - -, - - - -, - 25 -

1,500m (1,614m) (1,503m), (1,915m) (1,507m), 1,000m (1,126m) (1,059m), (1,151m), (1,237m), (1,279m) (1,187m) Ⅱ-1. (, 2010). - 26 -

Ⅱ 1.3., ( Ⅱ-1),,,,,,,,,,, -,,,,,,,,,, 6, ( Ⅱ-1),,,,,,,,,,, - (,,,,,, ),,,,,, - 27 -

,,,,,,, - 28 -

Ⅱ 2. 2.1.,,,, ( Ⅱ-2),,, 4, ( Ⅱ-3) Ⅱ-2.. - 29 -

Ⅱ-3. (KIGAM, 2001). ~,,,,,,.,,, (pull-apart),,,,,, 3, - 30 -

Ⅱ.,,, 3 2.2.,,, 19 20 (, 1995) 2.3.,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,120±10 Ma (Turek and Kim, 1996),,,,,,,. (paleozome) - 31 -

(neozome),,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,, 5~10 cm.,. (, 2001). U-Pb 1935±4 Ma (Turek and Kim, 1995) 2.4.,,,,, - 32 -

Ⅱ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,., -, -, -,,,,,,,.,,,, 2.5. (, ),,,,,., (, 1984;, 1984) - 33 -

2.6.,,,,,, 2.7..,,.,.,, 2.8. -, - -, -, - - 34 -

Ⅱ -. -,. - ( ),,,. -,.,,, -,.,,,, 2.9.,.,.,,,,,,, -,,,,, -. Rb-Sr 228±5 Ma (, 1986), U-Pb 212±2 Ma(, 1993), Ar-Ar 172±1 Ma, - 35 -

2.10.,,,,,,,, 225±5 Ma,. K-Ar 156±8 Ma, K-Ar 199±10Ma (, 1988), U-Pb 187±3 Ma(Kim and Turek, 1996). 0.5~1cm,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, - 36 -

Ⅱ 530 Km 2 - -, -,.,. Rb-Sr 211±3 Ma (, 1986), - K-Ar 203± 10 Ma (, 1988) - -,.,,,,,,,,,,, -, 1~3 cm.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, Ar-Ar 167±1 Ma., -,, (, 1992).,,,,,, - 37 -

2.11. -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, obloque-slip setting (Chun and Lee,1991) - 38 -

- 39 - Ⅱ

- 40 -


Ⅲ : Ⅲ. : (,,,,,,, ) (,,,, ), 2 13 ( Ⅲ-1, Ⅲ-1), 141, 56,, ( Ⅲ-1, 2) Ⅲ-1.,. 1 0 * 14 5 16 2 13 6 * 23 10 * 6 1 8 3 6 2 10 8 15 7 2 1 7 2 20 9 * 141 56-43 -

그림 Ⅲ-1. 전라권 중부권역의 영역과 목록작성, 상세조사 및 가치평가가 수행된 지 질유산 목록의 위치. - 44 -

Ⅲ : 표 Ⅲ-2. 전라권동부권역의지질유산목록작성현황. No. 1 2 JJ_01 NW_01 367-6 NW_02 741 NW_03 129 NW_04 100 NW_05 NW_06 40 518 NW_07 905 NW_08 128 NW_09 120 NW_10 107-9 NW_11 120 NW_12 47 NW_13 8-11 ( ) NW_14 467 WJ_01 30 WJ_02 66-5 ( ) WJ_03 12-1 3 WJ_04 15-1 WJ_05 49-1 C B WJ_06 56-122 WJ_07 934 WJ_08 93-5 - 45 -

A WJ_09 116-2 3 4 5 WJ_10 1-1 WJ_11 14 WJ_12 WJ_13 WJ_14 WJ_15 437-2 WJ_16 163-1 JA_01 14-3 JA_02 18 JA_03 1 ( ) JA_04 13-3 JA_05 626-4 JA_06 185 ( ) JA_07 1595 JA_08 1 JA_09 634-6 JA_10 8 ( ) JA_11 1763 JA_12 117 JA_13 66-1 MJ_01 85 MJ_02 206-1 MJ_03 166 ( ) MJ_04 109-46 -

Ⅲ : 5 MJ_05 2399 ( ) MJ_06 63-4 MJ_07 78 MJ_08 ( ) ( ) ( ) MJ_09 1217-3 MJ_10 7-2 MJ_11 101 MJ_12 121 MJ_13 184 MJ_14 6 MJ_15 119-1 MJ_16 181 MJ_17 2 MJ_18 95 MJ_19 47 MJ_20 ( ) ( ) MJ_21 105 MJ_22 13-2 MJ_23 125-1 JS_01 6 JS_02 54-1 ( ) JS_03 JS_04 113-14 JS_05 JS_06 102-47 -

( ) IS_01 1 IS_02 43-3 7 8 9 IS_03 1083-215 ( ) IS_04 936 IS_05 78-5 IS_06 17-14 IS_07 238 IS_08 19 SC_01 211 SC_02 263-1 SC_03 814 SC_04 814 SC_05 993 SC_06 287 ( ) GY_01 333 ( ) (ultra-mylonite) GY_02 GY_03 2815 GY_04 308 GY_05 204-5 GY_06 61-12 GY_07 1376-2 GY_08 846 GY_09 1337 10 GY_10 GR_01 608-4 - 48 -

Ⅲ : GR_02 976-6 GR_03 12-3 GR_04 1017-21 10 11 12 GR_05 629 GR_06 17 GR_07 837-1 GR_08 839 GR_09 37-5 GR_10 909 GR_11 595-9 GR_12 595-9 GR_13 1365 GR_14 26 GR_15 522 GS_01 80 ( ) ( ) GS_02 352 DY_01 6 DY_02 143-1 DY_03 143-2 DY_04 857-3 DY_05 659-6 DY_06 143-2 13 DY_07 10-5 HS_01 129-9 HS_02 96-49 -

( ) HS_03 88-1 HS_04 HS_05 HS_06 100-2 HS_07 96 ( ) HS_08 77-1 HS_09 150-1 13 HS_10 17 ( ) HS_11 13 HS_12 7 HS_13 896 HS_14 64 HS_15 532 HS_16 77-1 HS_17 78-1 HS_18 29-3 HS_19 521-3 HS_20 8-3 - 50 -

Ⅲ : 1..,,.,,,,.,,.,,,,,,. : Ⅲ 2.. 5~10 cm,.,,., -,,.,,, - 51 -

,,,.,,,. : Ⅲ 3.. 30m,.,.,.,,,,,,,,... : Ⅱ 4.,.,., - 52 -

Ⅲ :.,,.,,,,. : Ⅳ 5. ( ) ( ),.,,,,,..,,, ( ).,,,,,,,.,,,. : Ⅲ - 53 -

6..,., (878 m) 6 km.,..,,,,,,.,,, 3.,. : Ⅲ 7. 60 m 2 8., ( 25 ),,. (, ), (,,, ). (1675 ) 16 km,., - 54 -

Ⅲ :. : Ⅳ 8. ( 馬耳山 ) (686.0m) (679.9m).,,,..,. (tafoni). 1979, 2003 12.,, 386 380,. : Ⅰ 9. ( ) ( ). (pull-apart basin)... - 55 -

,,.,,.,,,, -. : Ⅱ 10. 1976 35. 1885 30. 120 80.,.,,,,,. 2 13.5 m... : Ⅲ 11. ( ).,,, - 56 -

Ⅲ :,. (slickenside). (clast-supported fabric), (matrix-supported fabric).,,,... : Ⅳ 12.. 8,.,,,,,. 1.,.,., -,,,,. : Ⅱ - 57 -

13.. (pull-apart basin)., (Gilbert-type)., top-set, foreset, bottom-set,,,..,, -. : Ⅲ 14..,.,,.,,,,,,.,. - 58 -

Ⅲ :.,, ( 322 ).,,,. : Ⅲ 15...., cm., (matrix-supported fabric)..,. : Ⅳ 16.,, ( 249 ) 3., 5-10cm. 18 7,. - 59 -

.,.,.,,,,,. : Ⅱ 17. ( ) 3 ( 11 ),. - - (pull-apart)..,,,,.,,,,.,,.,., - 60 -

Ⅲ : (,, ), ( 291 ). : Ⅱ 18. ( ) ( ).,,..,,. -,.,, (,, ) (, )., 1. : Ⅳ 19. ( ) ( ), 19., -,,,,,. - 61 -

,.,,,.,,, -.,, (,, ). : Ⅲ 20. ( ) ( ), 21.,,,,,,..,.,, (,, ), 1.,,, -. - 62 -

Ⅲ :, (,, ). : Ⅲ 21. ( ) ( ), ( 21 ).,. -,.,,,. 1.,,,, -.,, (,, ). : Ⅳ 22. ( ) ( 12 ), - 63 -

., ( ).,. - - (pull-apart),.,,,,.,., (,, ), ( 291 ). : Ⅱ 23.. ( ),.,..,,. : Ⅳ - 64 -

24. Ⅲ :. (pull-apart basin)., 1.,.,,. : Ⅲ 25. ( ) ( ). (pull-apart basin).,.,,.,,,,,.,, 1., - 65 -

,,. : Ⅲ 26.,. (pull-apart basin).,,,,.,,,.,,,., ( ). : Ⅱ 27..., - - 66 -

Ⅲ :.,..,,,,,,., ( ), 1.,. : Ⅲ 28.., -.,,,,,,., ( ) (,,,, ), 1.,. 90m, 180cm,.,,,,. - 67 -

,,,. : Ⅱ 29. (ultra-mylonite) (ultra-mylonite)..,,,.,,,. : Ⅳ 30..,.. 5~10 cm.,..,,,, - 68 -

Ⅲ :. : Ⅲ 31..,.,,,.,.,. : Ⅳ 32..,.,,.,. 1/3,. : Ⅳ - 69 -

33... 5~10 cm.,.., dike-bridge,,, MME,.,., 4,,,.,,. : Ⅲ 34.. 1,200m, 100m...,,,,. - 70 -

Ⅲ :,.,,,.. : Ⅳ 35. 4.. 5~10 cm.,..,,,.,.,,,,. : Ⅲ 36..,,,.,,., 4-71 -

.,,,,,.,,,,. : Ⅰ 37... 5 cm.,..,.,,,,.,,,. : Ⅴ 38. 15m. - 72 -

Ⅲ :,,.,,,,.,,,,.,. 1.,,,. : Ⅲ 39..,., MME, mafic clot,,,.,,. MME.,,.,,,,,,,,,, - 73 -

. : Ⅱ 40..,. MME,,.,,,. MME,,,,., 2.,,,,,,,,,,. : Ⅱ 41..,, - 74 -

Ⅲ :.,,,,,,,.,.,. : Ⅲ 42...,..,.,,,,. : Ⅴ 43...,. - 75 -

, - -.,.,,,,,,,. : Ⅳ 44. ( 二水頭 ). 2013 (braided river) (meander), (point bar). (longitudinal bar)..,. : Ⅳ 45. ( ) ( ). - 76 -

Ⅲ :,. -,..,,,,,,,.,,, 2, 1..,,. : Ⅱ 46. 750m 5~6m 5~6, 1~1.5m.,. 2.,.,. : Ⅱ - 77 -

47.. 200m, 2,000m.,, 8. 1,. ( 70, 7, 60, 271 ),,,,,.,,. : Ⅱ 48.., 77Ma.. 1 ( 465 ).,.,,,,.,, - 78 -

Ⅲ :. ( 3,600 ). 1,300, 1,000, (,,,,, ) 13. : Ⅱ 49. ( ) ( ).,.,., ( ). 1 ( 465 ).,,, ( 600 ),,.,. ( 3,600 ). 1,300, 1,000, (,,,,, ) 13. : Ⅰ - 79 -

50. ~, 800~900m 2.5km,.,.. (cryoplanation)... : Ⅲ 51. 700~1,100m, 42,000km2. 1,000~1,100m 150m. 700~950m 150m.... 20 ~35, 0.5~1m, 4~5m. : Ⅳ 52..,. 57 ( ) ( 52 m) - 80 -

Ⅲ :, (, ) 1,500.,,. 2007 487, 2014 6.. : Ⅱ 53. 7 km 1, 8 1.,,,..,,. 4 km.. 1979 60. : Ⅲ 54. ( ),. - 81 -

m,,. (lapilli) ( 2~64mm) cm.. 97 21.,. 312, ( 796 ) ( 797 ), ( 798 ). 8 2. : Ⅰ 55.,. 600,.,., 100, 200.,,, 5.,..,,, 1-82 -

2. : Ⅱ Ⅲ : 56.,... 72m, (35m), (15m), (32m) 3. 45 7m 90...,,,.. : Ⅳ - 83 -

Ⅳ :

- 86 -

Ⅳ : Ⅳ. : (,,,,, ) (,,,,,,, ), 3 14 ( Ⅳ-3, Ⅳ-2), 75, 44,, ( Ⅳ-1, 2) Ⅳ-3.,. 5 3 3 2 1 1 14 12 * 13 9 * 5 1 1 0 * 3 0 * 1 1 1 1 3 2 7 1 4 1 5 3 9 7 * 75 44-87 -

Ⅳ-2.,. - 88 -

Ⅳ : 표 Ⅳ-2. 전라권동부권역의지질유산목록작성현황. No. GS-01 1047-17 1 GS-02 916-7 GS-03 633 GS-04 1 GS-05 185 2 IS-01 21 IS-02 452-5 3 IS-03 51 GJ-01 119-1 BY-01 65-3 BY-02 BY-03 BY-04 BY-05 3 BY-06 BY-07 BY-08 9-1 BY-09 72-2 BY-10 601 BY-11 95-10 BY-12 1493-89 -

BY-13 17 BY-14 90-3 Chenier GC-01 GC-02 GC-03 GC-04 47-4 CC 789 63-18 GC-05 385-45 4 GC-06 16 GC-07 GC-08 GC-09 17 148-4 GC-10 6-1 GC-11 10 GC-12 18-1 GC-13 159-1 JY-01 757-1 JY-02 231 5 JY-03 221 JY-04, JY-05 231 6 YG-01 54-1 JS-01 1-1 7 JS-02 157 JS-03 66 8 HP-01 2-8 - 90 -

Ⅳ : 9 10 NJ-01 MY-01 MY-02 16 1-1 MY-03 YA-01 YA-01 75 YA-01 407-1 11 YA-01 1220 YA-01 231-3 YA-01 484-65 ( ) YA-01 105-1 YA-01 1022 SA-01 ( ) 12 SA-02 371-1 SA-03 95 SA-04 MP-01 13 14 MP-02 3 MP-03 42-2 MP-04 2286 ( ) MP-05 12 ( ) GJ-01 2-91 -

GJ-02 1-1 GJ-03 57-1 GJ-04 354-1 GJ-05 354-5 GJ-06 132-1 GJ-07 227 IS_07 321-1 IS_08 3-1 - 92 -

Ⅳ : 1. 150m ~.,. -... ~,. cm m,. : V 2. Chenier Chenier (Foreshore environment)., ( ) Chenier,,, (, 1993). Chnier 860m, 1.4km., 30-60m, 0.6~1.6m., 1,800 B.P.. Chenier,,. : II - 93 -

3.,.,.,.,..,,. : V 4. 450, 2600. 1994 2000,., 6. 12 2 1,. 4. : III 5.. - 94 -

Ⅳ :,. 4 m.,, 5.,. 114 km2, 65%.,. : III 6.,.. m ~ m. ~, ~..,.. : III - 95 -

7. ( ) (86.5 ~ 84.9 Ma).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, 100, 54... : II 8.,,,..,, (K- ),,..,, - 96 -

Ⅳ :. : III 9. - 8.5 km.,, 3,.. 50 cm. 600 m,.,,. : III 10. ( 550m), (gnamma) (tor).,,. 176cm, 8cm..,.. : III - 97 -

11. (1,187m) (,, ).,, ~., 3~4m... 87Ma~85Ma 3. 3 8,500,. : I 12..,. - -,,,.,. : V 13. 400 m, 100m - 98 -

Ⅳ : 1,050m. 465, 30m, 1~2m 200 300~400m.,,. 8,500,.,. : II 14.... 36Cl 5 ~6. Solifluction. Solifluction. 900~1,000m,,.. : III 15. - 99 -

350~700m. 600m, 250m.. 600m, 250m. 130,000m2 (Block Slope). 25 ~35,,., 30%, 51%, 10% 9%. : III 16. 608m,., (gnamma) 20cm, 10cm.,., 2~5mm,.,.. : III 17. - 100 -

Ⅳ :. 25, 548.,., 2,.,,.,,,,,.. : II 18..,,., Estherites.,.. : III 19. ( ) (ripple). (burrow), (convolute). - 101 -

,.... : Ⅳ 20., 3, 11 27 (330 ).,. 1925. 2. (Little Ice Age) (pollen). : V 21.... (LGM) 6,..,.. - 102 -

Ⅳ : ( 三白地方 ),., 5. : III 22.,.,.,.,,,.,..,,.,. : III 23..,, 78 Ma., - 103 -

.,,,,.,. 2009 500. : II 24. ( ). 2.3m, 60cm, 3 19, 385~430mm,. Macroelongatoolithus,,. 535,.,. : Ⅲ 25. 78 Ma.,. 15%.,. - 104 -

Ⅳ :,.,,,. : Ⅳ 26..,,.,.,.,. : Ⅲ 27. 2007. 2001 12 28, 2008 1 14 8.,,.. ( ). 17km, 1.8km 344km2. 2011,,,. : Ⅲ - 105 -

28. 30,,.., (spherulite) (autobrecciated clast).,.,. 1001. : Ⅲ 29...,.,.,.,.. : Ⅳ - 106 -

Ⅳ : 30. -., 2004 13...,. : Ⅰ 31.,..,., ~,,,.,,,,., 123.,. 2004 13. : Ⅰ - 107 -

32..,,, ~,,,.,.... : Ⅰ 33.,..,.,,. ~,. ~. (gas escape structure)., 3. : Ⅱ - 108 -

Ⅳ : 34.,.,. (, ).,.,..,. : Ⅴ 35.,.,.. ~ ~,,,.,,..,.,. : Ⅲ - 109 -

36.,..,. ~.,,,,,,..,. : Ⅴ 37.,..,. ~.,,,,,,..,. : V - 110 -

Ⅳ : 38.,, 2km. 22.5m. 2, 3,. 8 1. ( ), 400 m.,.,. : Ⅱ 39. 78 Ma.,. 15%.,.,.,,,. : Ⅲ - 111 -

40. 1972 3, 1973 1988., 9 3~5km. 20km, 100km.,, (Talus),.,,,. 99 144. : Ⅱ 41. 680m, 177..,. 30m, 15m 20m, 5m..,,.. : Ⅱ - 112 -

Ⅳ : 42.,.,, k-, 0.6~2mm.,..,. : Ⅱ 43.,. 150m. ( 瀛州邑誌 ) 9 ( 石斗 ) ( 石升 ) ( 山名 ) 1883. : Ⅲ 44.. 500m,,,,.,,.,, - 113 -

, 3.8 mm 5 mm,,. : Ⅲ - 114 -

- 115 - Ⅳ :

- 116 -

V :

Ⅴ : Ⅴ. :,,,,,,,,, 9 ( Ⅴ-1, Ⅴ-1)., 103 66, 52,, ( Ⅴ-1, 2) Ⅴ-1.,. 3 1 17 11 9 4 * 8 5 9 8 4 2 10 2 5 2 11 9 * 27 8 103 52-119 -

Ⅴ-1.,. - 120 -

Ⅴ : 표 Ⅴ-2. 남부권역의지질유산목록작성현황. No. GJ_01 1 GJ_02 GJ_03 GH_01 GH_02 GH_03 GH_04 GH_05 GH_06 GH_07-1 GH_08 23-2 2-2 GH_09 GH_10 GH_11 GH_12 ( ) GH_13 72 GH_14, GH_15 GH_16 GH_17 3 BS_01 545-1 - 121 -

BS_02 BS_03 BS_04 BS_05 BS_06 BS_07 (, ) BS_08 ( ) BS_09, SC_01,,, SC_02 4 SC_03 SC_04 SC_05 SC_06 SC_07 ( ) SC_08 YS_01 YS_02 YS_03 5 YS_04 YS_05 YS_06 YS_07-122 -

Ⅴ : 2 YS_08 YS_09 2 WD_01 6 -,, -,, WD_02 797-20 WD_03 934-3 - WD_04 JH_01 JH_02 JH_03 JH_04 7 JH_05 JH_06 JH_07 JH_08 JH_09 JH_10 JD_01 ( ) JD_02 JD_03-8 ( ) JD_04 - JD_05 JD_06 JD_07 - - 123 -

( ) JD_08 - ( ) JD_09 - JD_10 - JD_11 JD_12 - JD_13 JD_14, JD_15 JD_16 ( ) HN_01 HN_02 HN_03 HN_04 HN_05 HN_06 9 HN_07, HN_08 HN_09 HN_10 HN_11 HN_12 HN_13 HN_14-124 -

Ⅴ : HN_15 HN_16 HN_17 HN_18 HN_19 HN_20 HN_21 HN_22 4 ( ) HN_23 ( ) HN_24 HN_25 HN_26 HN_27 408-4 - 125 -

1. ( 望湖 ) 8,,,.,,,.., ( 牛 ) ' ( 駕牛島 )', ( 1,154 m).. : Ⅳ 2.,. (,, 1988)., 80 Ma.,.,,,,. - 126 -

Ⅴ : : Ⅴ 3.,. (,, 1988).,. Fan,.,,. 10~50 cm 25~30 cm,.,,, Fan, 4,. : Ⅳ 4. 10 1 2011,.. K-. 83~84 Ma. 8-127 -

,.,. : Ⅲ 5..,. 800 m, 50 m,.,,.,,,. : Ⅴ 6. (, Cauldron)., (ash flow)., (fiamme).. ( ) - 128 -

Ⅴ :.,,,,. : Ⅳ 7. 2014. 1943 11 23 3 47 1958. 1980, 1985. ( ), 1998 1999.. : Ⅴ 8. 200 m,,.,.,,,,.. : Ⅲ - 129 -

9. ( ),.,..,.,.. : Ⅱ 10. ( ) ( ),.,.,. : Ⅱ 11., - 130 -

Ⅴ :.,,,. 2,.,. : Ⅲ 12. ( ) ( : m, : 30 m, : 50 m ),., 5 m, 50 m.,,. : Ⅱ 13. 600 m, 30 m..,., 1597-131 -

. ( ). : Ⅴ 14.,.,,. 7 ( ),. (,, ), 4 -,.,. -,. : Ⅴ 15.,..,,,, - 132 -

Ⅴ :,. ( ) 6 ( 1.5m, 9 15 cm, 1.5mm 2.5mm ),. Koreanosaurus boseongensis, Asprosaurus bibongriensis gen. et sp. nov,. : Ⅰ 16. 2012 3, 2016 ' 10 ' 60 m 1.2 km 50~60.,1991.,. (tidal creek),,,. ( ).. : Ⅴ 17. (690m). - 133 -

100m, 50m.,. 1990, 68.,.,,..,..,.. : Ⅴ 18.,,,,,.. 2.0 m. σ δ.,.. : Ⅲ - 134 -

19. Ⅴ :.,.,.,,,. 4., 4., ( ). : Ⅳ 20 (, 1989)., (, 2000), (, 2013)., (, 2001). 2~7 cm... - 135 -

: Ⅳ 21.,,.,,,,, 25 220. 2003, 2006, 2006, 2008 41. : Ⅰ 22... ( ).. : Ⅳ 23. 2 2 1926. 640m, 4.5-136 -

Ⅴ : m, 4.5 m.. 1 5.,. 2 ( ), ( ),. 2 2004 12 31 116. ( (. : Ⅴ 24.,,..,. : Ⅲ 25. 30 m. 2-3 m,.,,,.,. - 137 -

.,. : Ⅴ 26...,,,....,. : Ⅲ 27. 2,640 m2,., 2003 12 26. 2004, 2006 1 20., - 138 -

Ⅴ :,,. : Ⅳ 28.,.. 194,,. (, ).,,,.,,.. : Ⅳ 29.,. ( mm~ cm) ( ~ ),. ( ),.,,. - 139 -

, (MME) (imclusion),. ( ). : Ⅳ 30.,..,. (rill mark),.. : Ⅴ 31.,. -, beach berm... 4., 3. : Ⅱ - 140 -

Ⅴ : 32.. mm cm.,.,. : Ⅳ 33.. 723 m( ), 5 1998. ( : ) ( 天子 ). 3 (1149 ),,, ( 72 ),.,.,,, (, gnamma). : Ⅱ - 141 -

34. ( ) (headland) -. 1.5 km, 100 m., ( )., (sand flat)., (, ) (backwash) (rill mark),.,. : Ⅲ 35. 8 m, 50 m.,,,.. M, (flake). 2 m m. (seismite).,,,,, - 142 -

Ⅴ :,.,,,,,. : Ⅲ 36. (, ) 5m, 70 cm 70. 1m,,. Taxodioxylon. : Ⅲ 37. ( ) ( ) 3 ( 40 m, 50 m) ( : 4 m, 5 m, 4 m) ( : 25 cm).., (dropstone), ( )., - 143 -

..,,. : Ⅱ 38. 2, 40 m, 100 m.,. 3 m, 5 m...,,,,,. ( / : N40 о E/23 о SE), (drag fold). (half graben).,,,,. : Ⅱ 39. 1.,. - 144 -

Ⅴ :,,,.,,,. (,,, convolute ).,,,,. : Ⅱ 40. 10 m, 25 m.., ( : 40 ) 50,.,,.,,,,,.,,,,,. : Ⅳ - 145 -

41. ( ) 5 64 m. 3~5 m, 50 m.. 80 4,.,.. : Ⅲ 42. 30 m, 50 m.,.,,..,. (,, ).,,,,. - 146 -

Ⅴ : : Ⅱ 43. 2.8km.,.,.. 1.5m,.. 2,500.. 30~40m, 1 2., S.... : Ⅱ 44. 2.8km.,.,.. 1.5m,.. 2,500-147 -

.. 30~40m, 1 2., S... : Ⅴ 45.,,.,,,,. S,. 4,,,,.. : Ⅱ 46.. - 148 -

Ⅴ :, 1.5 m. σ,.,. 750 m... : Ⅲ 47...,,.,.,. ( ). : Ⅴ 48., - 149 -

.,,., (Skolithos, Diplocraterion, Planolites ),,. : Ⅲ 49. ( 1 cm ) 10 m,., cm.. : Ⅳ 50.,,,.,,.,,. K-Ar 80 Ma, [ 200-150 -

Ⅴ :.. : Ⅳ 51. 1 km, 20 m, 10 m ( ) ( ),.,,,. : Ⅰ 52.,. -.,,,,,..,. 50 cm,. - 151 -

. : Ⅲ - 152 -

- 153 - Ⅴ :

- 154 -


Ⅵ Ⅵ. 1. 1.1. 2014 2015 (, 2016;, 2016) 95 5 100., 2 Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ - 157 -

1.2. 152 Ⅵ-1 Ⅵ-1 152 125 27, Ⅰ 11 (7.2%), Ⅱ 37 (24.3%), Ⅲ 52 (34.2%), Ⅳ 31 (20.4%), Ⅴ 21 (13.8%) Ⅰ,,,, ( ), 4,,, 4,,, 3 11 Ⅱ Ⅲ, Ⅵ-1.. Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ 4 16 19 15 2 % 7.14 28.57 33.93 26.79 3.57 4 10 20 3 7 % 9.09 22.73 45.45 6.82 15.91 3 11 13 13 12 % 5.77 21.15 25.00 25.00 23.08 11 37 52 31 21 % 7.24 24.34 34.21 20.39 13.81-158 -

Ⅵ Ⅵ-1.. - 159 -

그림 Ⅵ-2. 전라권 전체 지질유산 등급분포도. - 160 -

Ⅵ 2. 2.1.,,, ( - ),, 20, Ⅰ,, Ⅱ,,,,,,,,,, -,,, 2.2. - 161 -

, -, 12, 9 21,,, - 2.3., ( ) 19, Ⅰ, Ⅱ 15, Ⅰ, ( ) Ⅱ Ⅲ I 3, II 11, III 13 27, - 162 -

Ⅵ,,, - - - - 4,,,,, KTX, - 163 -

- 164 -


Ⅶ DB Ⅶ. DB 1. 1.1. Ⅶ-1,,,, DB, -,, GIS-DB, ( ) GIS-DB,,, Ⅶ-1.. - 167 -

1.2. ( GPS ),, ( Ⅶ-2) DB, GIS-DB (hwp) GPS, (Excel), 2014 2015 Ⅶ-2.. - 168 -

Ⅶ DB 1.3. 2014 2015, (, ) (, ) Ⅶ-3,,,,, GIS-DB:, : TTAS.KO-10.0177/R1 (2007.12.26) TTAS.KO-10.0139/R1 (2007.12.26), 1.4. (point) :,,,,,, (line) :,,, (polygon) :,,,, : SHP( ) GeoTiff( ) : (Korea 2000 Korea Central Belt 2010(TM127)) - 169 -

, Ⅶ-4 GIS-Tool point (1 ), ( 그림 Ⅶ-5) Ⅶ-3. ( ). Ⅳ-1.. Name Korea 2000 Korea Central Belt 2010(TM127) Spheroid GRS 1980 Datum name Korea Geodetic Datum 2002 Central Meridian 127.0 Latitude of origin 38 False Easting 200,000 False Northing 600,000 Scale Factor 1.0000-170 -

제Ⅶ장 지질유산 등급분포 지도화 및 DB구축 그림 Ⅶ-4. 전라권 지질유산 조사위치 GIS-DB 1차 입력 결과. 그림 Ⅶ-5. 지질유산 좌표 오류 확인 및 수정 예시. 의 속성정보는 전년도 수도권 사업에서의 항목을 골격으로 하여 기본 정보(지질유산명, 경도, 위도, 도엽번호 등), 조사지정보(조사자, 조사일자, 조사 번호 등), 조사표정보(규모, 유형분류, 특징, 사진설명 등), 가치평가표정보(평가 점수, 가치구분 등), 관리목록정보, 기타사항을 입력하며 조사표 텍스트 내의 GIS DB - 171 -

(, ) DB 그림 Ⅶ-6 1.5. 1:50,000, GIS-DB 1mm (, ) 50 m,, (,, ) DB V4 : (,, : :,, - 172 -

Ⅶ DB Ⅶ-6. DB. - 173 -

2. 지질유산 DB구축 결과 2.1. 2.2 구축 결과 지질유산 등급분포도 GIS-DB와 영상자료 및 지질도 등 다양한 국가 주제도들 을 중첩할 수 있도록 그림 Ⅶ-7, 8과 같이 작성 활용도 향상을 위한 기존 조사자료와의 통합DB 구축 지질유산 보전 및 활용, 지질공원 조성 및 지질관광의 기초자료 등 활용도 향 상을 위하여 상세조사된 결과 외에도 목록작성 현황에 인벤토리화 및 데이터 베이스로 추가 구축함 그림 Ⅶ-7. 위성영상에 중첩하여 작성된 전라권 지질유산 등급분포도. - 174 -

Ⅶ DB Ⅶ-8. (1:250,000). - 175 -

< >,,,,,,, 2014, :., 50, 21-41.,,,, 2013. :. 23(3), 235-246.,,,,,,,,,, 2016, :., 52, 665-689.,,,,, 2015,., 27, 73-91.,,,, 2016,., 26, 383-392.,,,,, 2013. (1:50,000)., 81., 2011, ( ). 216p., 2012, ( ). 187p., 2013, ( ). 235p., 2014, ( ). 227p., 2015, ( ). 210p., 2009, 2009 -,.,,, 1995,., 4, 186-200.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2011,., 255p. - 176 -

, 2012,,, 95p.,,,, 2016, ( ) SHRIMP U-Pb., 18, 31-47.,,, 2008,., 199-217.,,,, 2011,., 47, 205-211.,, 1983,., 16, 51-61,,,, 2015,., 54 p.,,,,, 1990,., 23, 287-306,,,,,,,, (1:50,000),,, 18p., 1988, -., 21, 69-83.,,, 2002., 11(3,4), 214-233.,,, 1998, A,., 31, 399-413.,,,,, 2011,., 47, 19-30.,,,,,, 2014, 1:50,000, 81 p.,, 2012. K-Ar., 33(7), 618-626.,, 1973, (1:50,000),., 25p.,,,, 2004, ( )., 13, 1-15. - 177 -

,,,,, 1997, - Sr Nd., 18, 433-442.,,, (I) - -., 18, 480-492.,,, 1968, (1:50,000),., 16p.,, 2000, L-,., 79-80.,,, 2009. -. 30(7), 869-882.,,,,,,,, 2007,,, 20(1), 47-60., 2010,, ( ), 4, 27-41., 2011, 27.,, 2006,., 27, 659-669.,,, 2010,., 43, 491-503,, 2008, -., 29, 221-245.,, 1969, (1:50,000),., 34p., 2014,., 280p.,,,, 2008.. 24, 23-36.,, 2014,., 50, 723-734.,,,, 2007.,, 1997,,, 8, 171-196.,,, 2007,., 28(7), 747-761. - 178 -

,,,,, 2015. K-Ar. 36(1), 27-35.,,, 1989, (1:50,000),,, 22p., 2010,., 43, 4-27.,, 2014, :., 23, 145-152., 2009,.,, 107 p.,,,, 2013,., 1, 1-13., 2011, ( ),., 2016,., 195 p.,,,,, 1964, (1:50,000),., 22p., 2007,., 219p., 2009,., 21, 157-179., 2010,., 19, 109-121., 2011,., 23, 101-116., 2014,., 23, 49-59.,, 1999,., 32, 519-535.,,, 2014,., 50, 91-105.,,,,,,,,,, 2016,., 25, 89-102.,,, 2013,., 22, 117-135.,,,,,, 2016, - 179 -

. 52(5), 709-738.,,,,, 2000, -., 9, 121-141.,,, 1993, 1:50,000, 19 p.,,, 2000,., 21, 174-187.,, 1988,., 335-348., 2014, :., 50, 165-191., 2013, 2013 100,, 137 p.,, 2013,., 22, 251-261.,,, 2014,..,, 1984, (1:50,000),,, 40p.,,, 1989, 1:50,000.,,,,, 1996, 1:250,000., 59p.,,,,,,, 1997, (1:250,000),., 82p.,,,,, 1981, ( )., 17, 169-188., 1984,., 9, 53-59.,,, 1997. (II)-,,. 6(1), 31-60.,,,, 2016,,?, 52, 539-559., 2003,.. - 180 -

, 2008,.., 2014,..,,, 2004,., 13, 238-243.,,, 2005, Sm-Nd., 14, 127-140.,,,, 1996, :., 17, 407-416., 2008.. 44(3), 353-357.,, 2007.. 43(3), 265-279.,,,, 2012, K-Ar., 33, 329-336.,,,, 2001,., 22, 528-547.,,, 2007,, 304-305p,, 1967,.,,, 1989, (1:50,000). 28 p.,,, 2010,,, 20(1), 89-100.,,, 2009, :., 30, 409-426.,, 2010,., 13, 198-205.,,,,,, 1993, Chnier,, 28(3), 212-228., 2012,, 2014,, - 181 -

.,,,,,,,,, 2015,., 78p.,,,, 2007, 2., 174p.,,,,,,, 1994, (II),, 1-101.,,, 2014,., 23, 325-336.,, 2012,., 21, 173-192.,,,,, 2012,,, 33(7), 658-671.,,, 2015,., 36, 341-350., 1929. 1:50,000,, 1929. 1:50,000., 1929. 1:50,000., 2014,., 50p.,,,,, 2014,., 23, 153-162.,,,,,,,,,, 2016,., 52, 639-664.,,, 2013, SHRIMP U-Pb., 22, 197-208., 1998, :, -,., 6, 210-225.,,,, 2009,..,,,, 2008,., 195p. - 182 -

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