Guide to International Trade Management ( 제1주 ) 유하상
2-10 인코텀즈 2010 개정배경 1. 개념 : INCOTERMS(International Commerce Terms) : 무역거래조건의해석에관한 국제규칙 (2011.1.1부터적용 ) 약칭 2. 무역거래에서가장널리사용되는거래조건을정리하여정형화 3. 제정 : 1936년국제상업회의소 (ICC, International Chamber of Commerce) 제정,7 차개정판 4. 목적 : 가장널리사용되는거래조건의해석에관한국제규칙의제공 5. 예외 : 소유권의이전, 무형재 ( 전자무체물, 용역, 기술, 컴퓨터소프트웨어의거래는다 루지않음 6. 개정배경 1) D그룹조건의이용률저조 2) Ship s rail의기준에대한지속적비판 3) 화물터미널에서의화물취급비용부담자에대한논란 4) 전자무역의활성화 5) 9.11 사태이후화물이동과관련된보안문제심화
1. 무역계약의체결 마. 정형거래조건 3 INCOTERMS 2000 의구성요소 (1) E 그룹 EXW Departure( 출발지 ) Ex Works( named place) 공장인도 ( 지정장소 ) 선적지인도 (Shipment contracts) 인코텀즈 (Incoterms 2000) 양륙지인도 (Destination contracts) F 그룹 FCA FAS FOB C 그룹 CFR CIF CPT CIP D 그룹 Main Carriage Unpaid( 주운임미지급 ) Free Carrier( named place) 운송인인도 ( 지정장소 ) Free Alongside Ship ( named port of shipment) Free On Board ( named port of shipment) Main Carriage Paid( 주운임지급 ) 선측인도 ( 지정선적항 ) 본선인도 ( 지정선적항 ) Cost and Freight 운임포함 ( 지정목적항 ) ( named port of destination) Cost, Insurance and Freight 운임보험료포함 ( 지정목적항 ) ( named port of destination) Carriage Paid To 운송비지급 ( 지정목적지 ) ( named place of destination) Carriage and Insurance Paid To 운송비보험료지급 ( 지정목적지 ) ( named place of destination) Arrival( 도착지 )
1. 무역계약의체결 마. 정형거래조건 4 INCOTERMS 2000 의구성요소 (2) 양륙지인도 (Destination contracts) D 그룹 DAF DES DEQ DDU DDP Arrival( 도착지 ) Delivered At Frontier 국경인도 ( 지정장소 ) ( named place) Delivered Ex Ship 착선인도 ( 지정목적항 ) ( named port of destination) Delivered Ex Quay 부두인도 ( 지정목적항 ) ( named port of destination) Delivered Duty Unpaid 관세미지급 ( 지정목적지 ) ( named place of destination) Delivered Duty Paid 관세지급 ( 지정목적지 ) ( named place of destination)
2. Introduction 2010 규칙의주요특징 5 2. Classification of the 11 Incoterms 2010 rules 11 개의인코텀즈규칙의분류
2. 정형거래조건의내용 1. 정형거래조건의의의및발전과정 6 매도인과매수인의의무 (2010) 매도인의의무 매수인의의무 A4 A1. 매도인의일반적의무 A2. 허가, 승인안전확인및기타절차 A3. 운송및보험계약 A4 인도 A5 위험의이전 A6 비용의배분 A7 매수인에대한통지 A8 인도서류 A9 점검, 포장, 화인 A10 정보에의한협조와관련비용 B1 매수인의일반적의무 B2 허가, 승인, 안전확인및기타절차 B3 운송및보험계약 B4 인도의수령 B5 위험의이전 B6 비용의배분 B7 매도인에대한통지 B8 인도의증거 B9 물품의검사 B10 정보에의한협조와관련비용
7 인코텀즈 2010의특징 (1) v 13개조건에서 11개조건으로축소변경 ü DAF+DEQ+DES+DDU를 DAP, DAT로통합 v 복합운송과해상운송의 2유형으로구분 (4개의유형 2개의유형 ) v 사용안내문 ( 사용지침, guidance note) 부기 ü 각조건별안내문을두어각조건에관한기본적인원칙과내용, 적용상의유의점을사용자에게상세히안내, 잘못사용되는오류방지 v 인도지점의명확화 ü 종전에 FOB, FAS, CFR, CIR에서 Ship s Rail 즉. 선측난간을인도지점으로하였던것을개정하여대신에 when they are on board the vessel 즉선박에적재된때를인도된것으로규정 v 전자통신과종이통신동일효력부여 ( 전자거래활성화예상 ) v 종전 (EDI 메시지에의해대체될수있는서류만명시 ) 개정( 당사자간에합의되었거나관행적인범위내에전자형태의통신을종이에의한통신과동일한효과를같도록규정 )
8 인코텀즈 2010 의특징및내용 (2) v 2009 년협회적하약관 (Institute Cargo Clauses) 부응 ü 최소부보조건을종전의 최소커버한도 에서 Clause C 로구체화 v v 연속매매시 주선 의무신설 ü 연속매매 ( 운송중화물의매매 ) 시선적자가아닌중간물품조달자의인도의무는선적이아닌주선 (procure) 함으로써인도의무를수행할수있도록함동일한서비스에대한이중지급방지 ü CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, DAT, DAP, DDP 조건 : 매도인이운송계약을체결하고운송비용을부담하지만, 그비용을매매가격에산입되어있으므로, 실제로는매수인이부담하는것임, 운송비용은간혹항구나컨테이너터미널내에서물품을취급하고운반하는데드는비용 ( 예 THC) 을포함하고있음 ü 그럼에도운송인과터미널운용자가이비용을물품을수령하는매수인에게청구하는경우가있어이중지급하는사례가많은 ü 2010에서는이러한비용을당사자간에할당함으로써이중지금을사전예방토록함
9-10 인코텀즈 2010의특징및내용 (3) v 보안에관련된규정도입 v 최근물품의이동에있어보안에대한관심이높아지면서물품이고유의성질이외의이유로생명이나재산에위협을가하지않는다는취지의증명을요구됨 v 이에따라인코텀즈 2010에서도 A2/B2, A10/B10에서물증보관의계속성 (chain-of custody) 정보와같은보완에관련된확인을득함에있어매매당사자산의상호협력할의무를부여 v 물증보관의계속성 : 예컨대마약사건에서압수한마약을증거로하여제출하는측이그물품을증거제출까지보관해둘책임을말함 / 보관사슬또는일년의관리체계정보라고도하며, 그러한서류를 chain-of-custody( 증거서류 ) 라고함 ü 국내거래및국제거래겸용공식허용 ü (2000은국제물품거래에서만사용 ) v EU 등일부지역에서는통관절차가의미가없게됨에따라국내매매에도적용할수있도록공식적으로인정
10-1 서문 The global economy has given businesses broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries, in larger quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and complexity of global sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes when sale contracts are not adequately drafted. broader access : 광범위한접근 As so : ~ 한것과같이 ( 마찬가지로,like) ~ 되다. So 뒤의 do 는도치된것임 (=increase) 대한상공회의소동영상강의 63 분, 85 분
11-2 서문 The Incoterms rules, the ICC rules on the use of domestic and international trade terms, facilitate the conduct of global trade. Reference to an Incoterms 2010 rule in a sale contract clearly defines the parties' respective obligations and reduces the risk of legal complications. Reference to :~ 의인용, 언급 facilitate : 쉽게하다 complications. : 혼란
서문 12-3 Since the creation of the Incoterms rules by ICC in 1936, this globally accepted contractual standard has been regularly updated to keep pace with the development of international trade. The Incoterms 2010 rules take account of the continued spread of customs-free zones, the increased use of electronic communications in business transactions, heightened concern about security in the movement of goods and changes in transport practices. Incoterms 2010 updates and consolidates the 'delivered' rules, reducing the total number of rules from 13 to 11, and offers a simpler and clearer presentation of all the rules. Incoterms 2010 is also the first version of the Incoterms rules to make all references to buyers and sellers gender-neutral. keep pace with : 발맞추어오다 take account of : 주의를집중하다 Consolidate : 통합하다 gender-neutral : 성적구별이없는, 중립의 make all references : 모두에게언급하다
13-4 서문 The broad expertise of ICC's Commission on Commercial Law and Practice, whose membership is drawn from all parts of the world and all trade sectors, ensures that the Incoterms 2010 rules respond to business needs everywhere. Broad : 널판지, 회의용탁자, 위원회 Expertise : 전문가 is drawn : 길어올린, 뽑힌 respond to: 부응하다
14-5 서문 ICC would like to express its gratitude to the members of the Commission, chaired by Fabio Bortolotti (Italy), to the Drafting Group, which comprised Charles Debattista (Co-Chair, UK), Christoph Martin Radtke CCo-Chair, France), Jens Bredow (Germany), Johnny Herre (Sweden), David Lowe (UK), Lauri Railas (Finland), Frank Reynolds (US), and Miroslav Subert (Czech Republic), and to Asko Raty (Finland) for assistance with the images depicting the 11 rules. Gratitude : 감사하다