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working paper no 3

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 (Enterprise Portal)Yahoo Web Portal (document), (application component) (gateway),, (unified interface) (Web Infrastructure) B2C, B2B, B2E Merrill Lynch 2002 36% 140, ERP,, Groupware, ERP, CRM, SCM Write-Once, Reuse-Many,,, (reengineering) copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 I Enterprise Portal 21,, e- business - (groupware),, KM(Knowledge Management), ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), SCM(Supply Chain Management), CRM(Customer Relationship Management)-,, One-stop (Enterprise Portal),, (unified interface) (Web Infrastructure) B2C, B2B, B2E Enterprise Information Portal(EIP), Enterprise Portal(EP) Corporation Portal(CP) 21 1 199612Consumer PortalYahoo MyYahoo 19985 Netscape MyNetscape 199811Merrill Lynch Enterprise Information Portal (gateway) Enterprise Information Portal,,,, (Data Warehouse) (Data Mart) copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 1

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Colin White (Web Interface) (Decision Processing) (Collaborative Processing), (workflow) White Yahoo Web Portal, 2 Enterprise Portal B2B, B2C, B2E, B2G Delphi Group 4 [ 1] Enterprise Portal * : DelphiGroup copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 2

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Publishing Portal (online search) (customization) (broadcasting) Commercial Portal (User Interface) (channel) Personal Portal Commercial Portal Corporate Portal Excite Commercial Portal Bloomberg II Enterprise Portal, (1) Yahoo Consumer Portal MyYahoo 50%, copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 3

e-bizgroup working paper no 3,, (2) HR,,, (3) Groupware, ERP, CRM, SCM IT - - (4) ERP, SCM ASP Portal Desktop (5) 72%,,, Gartner Group (6) copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 4

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 (7) Thin Client YahooExcite Consumer Portal HR,,,, International Data Corporation(IDC) 1 : Enterprise Information Portal 2 : Enterprise Collaboration Portal 3 : Enterprise Expertise Portal 4 : Enterprise Knowledge Portal III Enterprise Portal Sun MicrosystemScott McNealy 2,,, Merrill Lynch 2~5 ERP Merrill Lynch1998 44 2002 copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 5

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 36% 140 [ 2] Enterprise Portal * : Merrill Lynch Capital Markets Gartner Group (Fortune) 50060%2003 Booz-Allen & Hamilton 50061%2001, (extranet) Delphi Group 80055%, 1999 16% 2001 80% IV Enterprise Portal 1 (1) (Centralized Starting Point),, ERP, SCM ASP Consumer Web Portal,, copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 6

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 [1] Enterprise Portal * : Epicentric (2) (Open and Independent Platform) (framework) API(Application Programming Interface) (3) Consumer Portal,, (4), (,, ) copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 7

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 (5) (Scalable Solution) 2,, (User Interface) (1) Aggregation,,, HR,, ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, Legacy, (2) Customization,, (3) Personalization Consumer Portal (4) Intranet,, (syndication) B2E Portal copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 8

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 (5) Extranet B2B, B2C, B2G Portal V Enterprise Portal 1 Consumer Portal (flatform) (1) (,, ERP) (2) (Legacy Application, ERP,, ) (3) copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 9

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 (scalability) (4) (HTML, Java, Script, XML, Wap ) (5) (6) (reliable) (7) (8) XMLSupply Chain 2 copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 10

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Write-Once, Reuse-Many,, (categorization), ERPLegacy ERP OLAP OLAP EIS, DSS XML [ 3] Enterprise Portal * : Merrill Lynch copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 11

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 (Decision Processing) (Collaborative Processing),, [ 4] Enterprise Portal Business Information Directory Metadata Crawler Import Interface Publishing Facility ViadorE-Portal Suite E-Portal Suite copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 12

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 [ 5] ViadorE-Portal Suite * : Viador E-Portal Suite Viador Information Center,, JAVA Viador Sage,, Viador Sentinel,, Viaodr GatewayOracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2, SQL Server Viador Administrator Viador SDK VI Enterprise Portal 1 Epicentric, Plumtree, Viador, Brio 100 Oracle, copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 13

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Sybase, IBM DB (Collaborative Processing) Lotus DominoNotes, Microsoft Exchange, Office 2000 Lotus NotesMicrosoft Exchange (Dependent Collaborative Processing) Knowledge Works (Collaboration Processing) (Independent Collaboration Processing) Business Information Directory 2Bridge Software2Share, Plumtree SoftwarePlumtree ServerIBMKnowledgeX for Workgroups Plumtree Microsoft Active Servers Ages(ASPs) LDAP (Decision Processing) Viador E-portal Suite (Collaboration Processing) (Collaboration Processing) (Decision Processing) XML BrioHumming Bird Web Server Netscape SunNetscape iplanetportal Server Solaris (Votal) (Back-end) XML copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 14

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Bluestone XML Software AG XML OracleXML Oracle8i excelon XML XML Java, XMK, Dom Vignette, Interwoven, Allaire Workflow, XML Oracle, IBM, Sybase Sybase B2B,, WAP Sybase EP SAPBaan ERP YahooTibco, Inktomi Corporate Yahoo Yahoo International Data Corporation(IDC)Knowledge Technologies Corporate Portal, e-mail, workflow, desktop Corporate Portal copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 15

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 2 (Ford) British Telecom IT Delphi Group300 (132%) (120%),, (117%) (102%) (91%) (91%) (71%) (66%) (58%) (46%) (41%) DuPont & Co Sequoia Software XML Portal Server 6,600 Office Depot 90% Siement 7,000 50 Hewitt AssociatesIBM Enterprise Information Portal 800 75% General Electric Appliances6,000 copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 16

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Staples Inc 46,000 1 10,000 Charles SchwabViador 300 AutodeskEpicentric CAD,, 1 CAD Portal Sprint PCSViadorE-portal Suite 10,000 1997 2 VI Enterprise Portal,, (reengineering) Legacy, copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 17

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 Business Process Reengineering 21 copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 18

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 [ ] Cisco 1 Workforce Optimization Workforce Optimization,, CiscoCEC(Cisco Employee Connection) 5, [ 6] CEC copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 19

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 2 CEC 6 : : : IT : IT : : copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 20

e-bizgroup working paper no 3 copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup 21 3 CECCisco Benefits Description Examples of Savings 3,, 250 Tool 3% 25%

Find your dream in a new digital paradigm! Realize your dream with e-bizgroup competence to market e-transformation consulting e-renovation consulting corporate value time to market e-valuation e-learning enterprise portal media casting e-commu nity webidentity (edentity) 831-3 4(135-936) T 02-501-2612 F 02-501-8360 W wwwe-bizgroupcom Copyright 2000 by e-bizgroup All rights reserved