Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture Korean J Environ Agric. 08;7():-7. Korean Online ISSN: -47 Published online 08 March 0. https://doi.org/0.58/kjea.08.7..04 Print ISSN: 5-57 Research Article Open Access 염류집적비닐하우스토양의교환성양이온측정 정종배 *, 이용세, 정병룡 Measurement of Exchangeable Cations in Salt Accumulated Green s Jong-Bae Chung*, Yong-Se Lee and Byeong-Ryong Jeong (Division of Life and Environmental Science, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 845, Korea) Received: January 08 / Revised: 0 February 08 / Accepted: March 08 Copyright c 08 The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ORCID Jong-Bae Chung http://orcid.org/0000-000-584-7 Yong-Se Lee http://orcid.org/0000-000-77-575 Byeong-Ryong Jeong http://orcid.org/0000-000-0607-46 Abstract BACKGROUND: Although M NH 4 OAc (ph 7.0) is predominantly used as the extractant of exchangeable cations in agricultural soils, this method is unsuitable for extracting the cations in saline and calcareous soils. This study was performed to select a proper method to determine exchangeable cations in vinyl green soils. METHODS AND RESULTS: Exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) in saline vinyl green soils were determined after extraction with M NH 4 OAc (ph 7.0 and 8.5) and M alcoholic NH 4 Cl (ph 8.5). Sum of exchangeable cations of the soils extracted with M NH 4 OAc at ph 7.0 was.9-.5 times greater than soil cation exchange capaity determined at ph 7.0, even though soluble salts were pre-removed. A similar result was found when the cations were extracted with M NH 4 OAc at ph 8.5. Those results are mostly due to the overestimation of exchangeable Ca and Mg, linked to a partial dissolution of sparingly soluble salts in NH 4 OAc solution. When extracted with M alcoholic NH 4 Cl at ph 8.5, extractable Ca and Mg decreased significantly due to the lower solubility of Ca and Mg carbonates in the extractant. And the sum of exchangeable cations was very close to the *Corresponding author: Jong-Bae Chung Phone: +8-5-850-6755; Fax: +8-5-850-6759; E-mail: jbchung@daegu.ac.kr corresponding exchange capacity of soils. CONCLUSION: Alcoholic NH 4 Cl (ph 8.5) is proposed as a reliable extractant in determination of exchangeable cations in saline vinyl green soils. And soluble salts should be removed prior to the extraction of exchangeable cations. Key words: Alcoholic NH 4 Cl, Cation exchange capacity, Exchangeable cation, Saline soil, green 서론 (CEC),, ph,. Ca +, Mg +, K +, Na +, H + Al +. ph CEC. CEC ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc ph (Sumner and Miller, 996). CEC ph 7.0 CEC.
Chung et al. ph CEC, CEC potential CEC. CEC, CEC(effective CEC). CEC. CEC Ca + Mg +. ph M NH 4OAc CaCO, MgCO, CaSO 4 Ca + Mg + CEC (Bascomb, 964; Begheyn, 987; Misopolinos and Kalovoulos, 984; Polemio and Rhoades, 977; Ravina and Gurovich, 977; Tucker, 985). (Misopolinos and Kalovoulos, 984; Polemio and Rhoades, 977; Wang et al., 005). CaCO (Wada and Furumura, 994). ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc (Amrhein and Suarez, 990; Normadin et al., 998; Thomas, 98). ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc CEC, ( )., (Menzies and Bell, 988)., CaCO. ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc, Ca Mg (Chung, 005; Kim et al., 06a, 06b; Lee and Kim, 006; Yang et al., 006).., CEC. CEC Ca Mg. Ca Mg alcoholic NH 4Cl, alcoholic choline chloride, ph 8.5 NH 4OAc (Normadin et al., 998; So et al., 006; Tucker, 985)., M NH 4OAc (ph 8.5) M alcoholic NH 4Cl (ph 8.5) CEC. 재료및방법 토양시료및이화학성분석 0 cm, mm. ph :5 / ph meter (Mettler Toledo Delta 40, Halstead, England). (electrical conductivity, EC) 0 g 00 ml 50 ml 00 rpm Whatman No. 4 (Corning Check Mate 90, Corning, New York, USA). Walkley-Black (Nelson and Sommers, 98). CEC ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc 95% ethanol, M KCl NH + 4 Kjeldahl (Chapman, 965). M HCl 4 HCl 0.5 M NaOH, CaCO (Elfaki et al., 06). 토양의교환성양이온측정 ph 7.0 8.5 M
Measurement of Exchangeable Cations in Green Table. Physicochemical properties of soil samples used for the experiment ph (:5 H O) EC a) (:5 H O) Carbonate Organic matter CEC b) ds/m CaCO % g/kg cmol c/kg Open field 6. 0.4 0..6 4.±0.9 6.0 0.4 0. 5.5 4.±.0 6. 0.0 0.4 8. 5.8±0.7 7.9.0..6 6.0±0.4 8.. 5.8 4.7 6.±0.7 8..8 5.5 4.7 5.6±0.8 a) EC, electrical conductivity. b) CEC, cation-exchange capacity. Data are mean±standard deviation. NH 4OAc ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl (Normandin et al., 998; Thomas, 98; Tucker, 985). M NH 4OAc 99.5% glacial acetic acid 57 ml 800 ml 68 ml NH 4OH NH 4OH ph 7.0 8.5 L. Alcoholic M NH 4Cl 54 g NH 4Cl 0 ml 665 ml 95% ethanol NH 4OH ph 8.5 L.. So (006). g 50 ml centrifuge tube 60% ethanol 0 ml 50 rpm 0, 000 rpm. 0% glycerol 0 ml. 0 ml 50 rpm 60, 000 rpm 00 ml. 5 ml 4, 00 ml. g 50 ml centrifuge tube. Ca, Mg, K, Na NH 4OAc (ICP-AES, 70-ES Series, Varian Inc., Palo Alto, California, USA), alcoholic NH 4Cl (contraa-00, Analytik Jena, Jena, Germany). ( H + Al + ) M KCl 0. N NaOH (Thomas, 98). 결과및고찰 Table. ph 6, ph 8.0. ph. EC, :5 EC (EC e) 4 ds/m (Jung et al., 00; United States Salinity Laboratory Staff, 954)., CaCO, CaMg(CO ).. 5.8 7. g/kg,., Ca Mg.
4 Chung et al. Table. Exchangeable cations in open field and vinyl green soils extracted with M aqueous NH 4OAc solution adjusted to ph 7.0 Open field Pre-removal of soluble salts Exchangeable cations Ca Mg K Na Sum a) -------------- cmol c/kg -------------- No 8.90.4 0.49 0.4.±0.8 Yes 8.40.9 0.46 0. 0.6±0.5 No 9.90.0 0.66 0.0.9±. Yes 8.60.67 0.56 0.8.±0.7 No 9.50.54 0.76 0.4.±. Yes 9.00.9 0.70 0.8.4±.0 No 5. 6.57 0.76 0.96.5±. Yes. 6.4 0.69 0.57 9.7±.5 No 8..7.75.7 4.±4. Yes 7. 0..5 0.54 9.5±.7 No 5..6.66.4 4.5±.9 Yes 4.9 0.8. 0.46 8.5±.4 a) Data are mean±standard deviation. ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc Table. ph 6 EC Ca, Mg, K, Na ph 7.0 CEC.,, CEC 5-5%.-.4 cmol c/kg. H + Al +,, 0., 0., 0.5 cmol c/kg, CEC %. CEC. alcohol CEC, ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc CEC (Gillman, 98; Laurier and Jan, 98).,. ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc Ca, Mg, K, Na CEC.9-.7. 4 CEC 4- cmol c/kg, CEC Ca Mg. 60% ethanol 0% glycerol Ca Mg. ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc., CEC 5 cmol c/kg ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc Ca Mg - 5- cmol c/kg K 4-8 cmol c/kg (Chung, 005; Yang et al., 006; Kim et al., 06a, 06b). ph 7.0 :5 H O EC 5 ds/m. CEC Ca Mg,. (EC e) 4 ds/m (Lee et al., 0), EC e 4 ds/m (So et al., 006). EC e ds/m (Polemio and Rhoades, 977), EC e ds/m.. ph 8.5 M NH 4OAc
Measurement of Exchangeable Cations in Green 5 Table. Exchangeable cations in vinyl green soils extracted with M aqueous NH 4OAc solution adjusted to ph 8.5 Pre-removal of soluble salts Exchangeable cations Ca Mg K Na Sum a) -------------- cmol c/kg -------------- No 5.5 7.7 0.98.5 4.9±. Yes.8 5.40 0.6 0.7 9.5±.7 No 8.6 0..08.59.±0.8 Yes 4.9 7.67.7 0.88 4.8±. No 9.6..5.7 4.6±. Yes 6.5 8..98 0.64 7.±. a) Data are mean±standard deviation. Table 4. Exchangeable cations in vinyl green soils extracted with M alcoholic NH 4Cl solution adjusted to ph 8.5 Pre-removal of soluble salts Exchangeable cations Ca Mg K Na Sum a) -------------- cmol c/kg -------------- No 7.4 7.7±0.9 Yes 6.89 5.±. No 7.5 0.4±.0 Yes 6.65 6.5±0.6 No 7.5±.7 Yes 6.8 6.±. a) Data are mean±standard deviation. Table. Ca, Mg, K, Na CEC. CEC.-.8. ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc (Table ),. M NH 4OAc ph 8.5 Ca Mg. Normadin (998) ph 4.5 0.0 M NH 4OAc (CaCO ).5% Ca, ph 8.5 Ca ph 8.5-0.0 Ca K, Mg, Na CaCO. ph 8.5 M NH 4OAc, ph 8.5 M NH 4OAc CaCO. ph 8.5 M NH 4OAc CaCO 5 mmol/l (Wada and Furumura, 994)., M NH 4OAc ph 8.5 CaCO. Ca Mg, water/alcohol ph. ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl CaCO 7.8 0.5 mmol/l alcohol (Tucker, 985; Wada and Furumura, 994), ph 8. 80% methanol MgCO 0.0 mmol/l (Misopolinos and Kalovoulos, 984). Ca Mg ph 8.-8.5 50-80% ethanol methanol (Begheyn, 987; Misopolinos and Kalovoulos, 984; Polemio and Rhoades, 977; Tucker, 985; Wang et al., 005). M NH 4OAc
6 Chung et al. M alcoholic NH 4Cl Tucker (985), Table 4. ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl Ca Mg ph 7.0 8.5 M NH 4OAc (Table, ). 60% ethanol 0% glycerol.4-5.5 cmol c/kg. ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc CEC,. ph 7.0 H Al, ph 7.0 CEC ph 8.5. ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl ph 7.0 CEC. CEC ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl., alcohol, (Gupta et al., 985; Polemio and Rhoades, 977). 요약 ph 7.0 M NH 4OAc Ca Mg., M NH 4OAc (ph 7.0) ph 7.0 CEC CEC.9-.5. ph 8.5 M alcoholic NH 4Cl ph 7.0 CEC. ph 8.5 alcoholic NH 4Cl Ca Mg. NH 4OAc alcoholic NH 4Cl. Note The authors declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgement This research was supported by the Daegu University Research Fund in 06. References Amrhein, C., & Suarez, D. L. (990). Procedure for determining sodium-calcium selectivity in calcareous and gypsiferous soils. Science Society of America Journal, 54(4), 999-007. Bascomb, C. L. (964). Rapid method for the determination of cation exchange capacity of calcareous and noncalcareous soils. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 5(), 8-8. Begheyn, L. Th. (987). A rapid method to determine cation exchange capacity and exchangeable bases in calcareous, gypsiferous, saline and sodic soils. Communications in Science and Plant Analysis, 8(9), 9-9. Chapman, H. D. (965). Cation exchange capacity. Methods of soil analysis. Part. Chemical and microbiological properties. (eds. Black, C. A. et al.), pp. 89-90. Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Chung, J. B. (005). Effects of phosphogypsum on the growth of oriental melon and soil properties. Korean Journal of Science and Fertilizer, 8(6), 4-9. Elfaki, J. T., Gafer, M. O., Sulieman, M. M., & Ali, M. E. (06). Assessment of calcimetric and titrimetric methods for calcium carbonate estimation of five soil types in central Sudan. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 4(), 0-7. Gillman, G. P. (98). Effects of ph and ionic strength on the cation exchange capacity of soils with variable charge. Australian Journal of Research, 9(), 9-96. Gupta, R. K., Singh, C. P., & Abrol, I. P. (985). Determining
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