The Study on the Dealership Agreement 1). (restraints of trade) (horizontal restraints of trade) (vertical restraints of trade). (agreements),, ( ). 1)
. 2) (resale price maintenance) (vertical price restraints) (vertical nonprice restraints)..,. 1960,,,,.. 2~3.,. 2000
,. (.) 3),, (.) 4),,. 5),,
..,..., ž,,.,,.. 87,, ( ) 10,
a/s,, 3. 6). 7),.. 8), ( ),,..,..,.
,, SSM, 8.5%.,,. 9) 2 1, ( ) (. ),.., (franchisee) (franchisor).,.
. 반면, 대리점은 1 가맹사업과같은통일적인지시 통제나판매전략이있으나필수적인것은아니라는점, 2 일반적으로서비스판매는대상으로삼고있지않은점, 3 대리점은자기의독자적인상호를사용할수있다는점, 4 대리점의제조자나공급자는공장생산체계를갖춰대량생산과대량판매를본질로하고있다는점에서가맹점과구별된다. ( 87 ).. ( ). ( ). ( ). ().,,,,,.. --,,. ž., ž.
( 93 ).,,,... 10)....,., ( 101 )., 3.....,. 11)
,., ( ). (distributorship agreement) (agency agreement). 12) agency agent.,. 13). agent,,. (distributor) (distributorship agreement) (distribution agreement). A/S
. 14). distributor. [ 1]. 표 국제대리점과판매점의차이 구분 본사와의계약물품매매계약및서비스계약주로물품매매계약 명의및위험부담본인 매도인 사업자자신 활동등의기준 본인의지시또는수권 자기의계산과판단및위험부담 활동등에대한보상.. 87 ( 2 10 ).,.,,,
., 87. 15) ( ) ( )..,. ( ) 16) 17) 18),,,, ( ), 3 2 1 3..
, 2013.5.15., 2013.5.23., 2013.6.5., 2013.6.12.. ( ) (. ). 6 1 2 1., ( ) (. ).. 4,. - -, 19).
.,., 20).,.... 3 87..
.,.,,,, (),.. 21), 3.,,,.,,. ž
,,,.,.,,,. 22)23)..,,. (, )
-..,,..., (5 ). 24) 6 3 7 8,,,,,,, 8 23 50 7 5 8 5. 25),,,. 26)
전속거래여부 본사영업표지사용여부 구분 표 대리점유형구분 업체수 해당 미해당 계약상 4 20 실거래상 10 14 계약상 2 22 실거래상 8 16 대리점이상품을매입 ( 외상포함 ) 하는지여부 21 3 소비자에게판매하는지여부 5 19,. 27) 44.1%, 61.5%. 4,,,,,
,,,, ( ),,,,,.,,,., -. 28),, ž,,,,,,,,.
. ž, ž. ž.,, 76.9%.,. 300~400., ž,,.,,.
..,,,.,. 1 61.4%,..,. 123. 30)
5 18 1,884,. 31) 8 (,,,,,,, ),,,... 표 남양유업대리점현황 35 44 163 752 34 95 416 345,,,,, 1,884 2007 2013 5 1,849
,.,., 32) 33), 34)..,.,.
50%. 35),,. 36)...
1)..,,,.,. 2). 37),.,
. 38).,,,, 2013. 7. 16.. 39),,,. 40) 이러한의무고발요청제는실무기관에 ' 고발권 ' 이아닌 ' 고발요청권 ' 을주고실무기관에서고발을요청하면공정거래위원회가검찰에고발하도록하는시스템이다... 41)
1) (restitution order) (FTC) (expert body). (disgorgement) (restitution). (FTC)... 2) (punitive damage) 35 2 3.. 42),
.. 43). 44) 2 86., 3.,,,.,,.
,,,,,,,.,,,. 23..,,,,,,,...,,,.
: (Vertical restraints of trade), (Unfair trade practices), (Dealership agreement), (Forced purchase), (Restitution order) (2013. 12. 1), (2013. 12. 17), (2013. 12. 18)
., 2013. 6. 11.,, ( ), 2013. 7. 8.,.,,, 2013. 9. 26.,.,,, 2013.,, 51 4,, 2010 12.,,, 2013., () ( ),, 2007.,,, 2011.,, 25 1,, 2011., (ICC Model Distributorship Contract (Pub.518) ), 26,, 2005.,,, 2003.,, 667,, 2013.,, 134-2,, 2013. 2.., :,, 2009., ( ) :,,, 2011,,, 2013.,, 30 1, 2011.
,, 4, 2009.9.25.,, 16 2, 2013.,, 36 2,, 2012. ( ),,, 2004,,, 22 2,, 2012.,,, 2003.,, 18,, 2008. ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Antitrust Law Developments(7th ed.), Volume, ABA Book Publishing, 2012., Antitrust Handbook for Franchise and Distribution Practitioners, America Bar Association, 2008., The Franchise and Dealership Termination Handbook, ABA Publishing, 2004. Baker, Vertical Restraints with Horizontal Consequences: Competitive Effects of Most-Favored-Customer Clauses, 64 Antitrust L. J. 517, 1996. Gavil, Andrew I., William E. Kovacic, Jonathan B. Baker, Antitrust Law in perspective: cases, concepts, and problems in competition policy, American casebook series, St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2002.
The Study on the Dealership Agreement Kang, Sun-Hee Cho, Sung-Kuk Up to now, Korean Commercial Code doesn't have special provision on a dealership agreement. Generally, Unfair trade practices in dealership agreement are restrained by Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act of Korea (herein after Korean Anti-Monopoly Act )Article 23. Lately, with so-called 'Namyang Dairy Products Co., Ltd. affair' as a momentum, the issue related with unfair practices such as 'Pushing-Out' in distributorship agreement looks set to spread to the society at large. Political community also seeks to counteract those problems with legislative measures. It is to enact a special act for regulating distributorship agreement or to revise the Korean Anti-Monopoly Act. Unfair trade practices through the Fair Trade Commission Survey revealed the following: Forced Purchase, Forced Sales Target, Imputed Cost of Sales Promotion Salesperson's Wages, Demand Money and Valuables, Offering Disadvantages, Unfair Reject of Returns, Unfair Intervention in Management and Unfair Termination of Contract, etc. Typically, these unfair trade practices in the market are due to an imbalance of power. First and foremost, it is necessary to find nature and to set up concept of dealership agreement. The purpose of discussion is to set up fundamental concept of dealership agreement and to provide an institutional strategy for resolving unfair trade practices. Dealership agreement is continual trade relationship between a provider and a dealer who wants to sell goods in his own name through purchase and consignment trade for some period of time. That is, purchase trade is to buy
from provider and resell goods in the dealer's name and for the dealer's profit. Consignment trade is to buy goods in the dealer's name and to sell them to large scale retailer for the provider's profit. There are Institutional strategy for resolving unfair trade practices: Restitution Order, Punitive Damage, making the best use of Claim System for Accusation Duty or Small & Medium Business Administration etc.