교양과목 - 1 -
031.001 글쓰기의기초 3-3-0 College Writing: Process & Structure 학생들의글쓰기능력을증진시킴으로써대학에서의학습에도움을주고사회에나아가지성인으로서활동하는데에바탕이되도록한다. 구체적인학습내용은다음과같다. 첫째, 한국어및한국어문장에대한지식을익히고글쓰기실습을함으로써자신의생각을분명하게글로표현할수있도록한다. 둘째, 타인의글읽기를통하여인문학적소양을높이고이를바탕으로자신의견해를논리적으로표현할수있도록한다. 셋째, 발표및토론학습을통해다른사람의생각을정확히이해하고자기의의견을효과적으로표현할수있도록한다. This course has three goals. First of all, it will help students accurately express themselves in written Korean. Second, it will help them gain a good foundation in the humanities through readings, while training them to express their views logically. Finally, the course will teach students to accurately understand others opinions and effectively express their opinions through presentations and discussions. 031.002 인문학글쓰기 3-3-0 Writing in Humanities 스스로의생각을정리해글을쓰는경험, 또한자기글을공개적으로비평받는경험을제공하는수업이다. 이를통해한주제에대해사고하는능력을키우고또한자신의글이독자들에게어떻게받아들여지는지체험함으로써글을통한의사소통능력을키우고자한다. 자기소개서, 감상에세이, 특정주제에대한에세이, 설득이나제안을위한에세이, 소논문요약본, 소논문등다양한종류의글을쓰게되며모든글은강사와조교, 동료수강생들의피드백을받는다. This course aims to strengthen students communication ability through writing. Students write essays and papers, which include self-introduction, their own opinion on social issues, book review or cinema review, summary and critical assessment of academic articles, etc. In classroom each students get readers (other students ) feedback and discuss problems of their writing. 031.003 사회과학글쓰기 3-3-0 Writing in Social Sciences 인간개개인과인간들의집단이나조직혹은그들에의해전개되는사회현상과가치를연구하는계열학문이사회과학이다. 따라서사회과학글쓰기는사회과학에대한명확한이해를바탕으로사회의현상이나가치를연구하기위해분석적으로독서하고정확하게검증하며논리적주장을전개하는학술적글쓰기를익히는것을목표로한다. Social science is the faculty which researches on individuals and social groups, organizations or social phenomena and virtues formed from them. Therefore the writing in social science aims at the learning of scientific writing, i.e. analytic reading, precise verification and logical assertion, in order to research on social phenomena and virtues on the basis of clear understanding the social science. 031.004 과학과기술글쓰기 3-3-0 Writing in Science & Technology 이강좌는과학기술과관련한주제들에관해한편의소논문 을쓰는전과정을요구한다. 이를위해수강생들은관련주제를탐색하고이에대한자신의주장과가설을세우고충분한자료와근거에입각하여논증하는연습을해야한다. 오늘날사회는창의적인문제해결능력과합리적의사소통능력을요구하고있다. 이강좌는이에부응하기위한일환으로창의성과비판적사고, 정확한표현능력등을글쓰기를통해향상시키는데그목적을두고있다. This course offers the experience of whole process for writing an essay. All members of this class should search the topics concerned with natural science & technology and set up the own hypothesis and assertion. For this, students try to argue own position based on the appropriate materials & inference. Today society demands the creative problem-solving & rational communicating ability. Satisfying this demand, this course aims to improve the ability of creativity, critical thinking & adequate expression through writing. 031.031 말하기와토론 3-3-0 Speech and Debate 이교과목은 공적말하기 와 토론 을학습한다. 말하기란자신의인격, 신념, 정서를말에담아, 남의생각과의견을이끌어내고, 이과정에서자신의생각과말을수정할수있는쌍방향의소통과정이다. 합리적의사소통은자신의말에책임을지는윤리의식과상대방의말을경청하는적극적과정속에서이루어진다. 말을잘한다는것은단순히유창한말하기기술을의미하는것이아니라는것이다. 이교과목에서는말하기의이론과실습을함께공부한다. 특히다양한유형의말하기실습을통해합리적이고책임있는의사소통을위한실질적능력을배양하도록한다. 실습은자신의말하기습관과태도에대한성찰을기초로공적인상황에서의자기소개, 이해와공감을끌어내는발표, 설득을위한말하기, 그리고토론의네가지유형으로이루어진다. 두번의토론실습으로토론의원리와목표에대한이해를심층화하고실질적실력을배양하도록한다. 각발표실습은 1) 원고준비와청중분석, 2) 사전연습, 3) 교실실습, 4) 평가와성찰의네단계로구성된다. 실습은조별혹은개인별활동으로이루어진다. 말하기이론수업은말하기주제나소재의선택, 내용구성, 논리전개학습을위해수사학, 커뮤니케이션학, 스토리텔링, 대화분석등의이론을포함한다. 그러나이러한이론수업은강의를통해이루어지기보다는, 발표실습준비, 실습후평가과정에서구체적으로제시된다. This is an optional Korean language course for mainly the first year students. However, it is not restricted for seniors to take this course. Students will learn and practice communication skills for the academic and public settings with particular focus on production skills of discussion, presentation, and debate. Students are required to do a variety of individual and group activities. Also, students are required to prepare speech writings and to deliver an personal introductory speech, an informative speech, a persuasive speech, and do two times of group debates. In doing these activities, students will also increase phonological awareness, and learn the importance of critical thinking skills for their communication confidence and proficiency. 031.032 창의적사고와표현 3-3-0 Critical Thinking and Expression 오늘날대학교육에서가장절실하게요구되는것들중하나는창의성교육이다. 본교과목은특정주제를중심으로다양한의사소통능력을연습하고이를통해궁극적으로창의적사고를배양하는데그목적이있다. 따라서해당주제와관련된다양한텍스트 - 3 -
를읽고토론하며, 글쓰기를포함한다양한표현을연습하되그궁극적목적은해당교재에내용에대한엄밀한학술적이해에있기보다는그내용을바탕으로창의적사고를배양하는데있다. Critical thinking is one of the most highly claimed ability for university students, but has been largely ignored. Critical Thinking and Expression aims to develop the critical thinking ability, providing various opportunities of communication on a given subject. Students are asked to read actively relevant texts, to discuss their interpretations of texts and to express their opinion via writing and other communicative means. Independent and liberal attitude is more emphasized rather than academically correct understanding. 031.033 논리와비판적사고 3-3-0 Logic and Critical Thinking 철학적사고, 비판적사고의핵심적특성은논리적이라는것이다. 오늘날그중요성이더욱높아지고있는정보의조직적정리능력및합리적사고능력의개발에있어서논리적사고의훈련은긴요하다. 본과목은그에대한초보적훈련을제공하는것을목적으로한다. 그다루는내용은일상언어의기반위에서이루어진전통적아리스토텔레스논리학에서부터전통논리학의새로운해석과기호화를통해이루어진현대기호논리학즉명제논리와술어논리등기호이치논리학전반에이른다. 이과정에서논리학의구문론적접근과의미론적접근의비교설명도덧붙여진다. Being logical is what characterizes philosophical and reflective thinking. Thus, this course aims to train students in logical thinking, based on the basic understanding of how arguments are constructed. In the course, students will study formal principles in constructing proper arguments and examine various practical arguments concerning ethics, jurisprudence, philosophy and social sciences. 032.001 초급한국어 2-3-0 Elementary Korean 이과목은한국어에대한지식이전혀없는학부생을대상으로하여한국에대한이해를돕고한국에서의최소한의일상생활을가능하게하는데그목적이있다. 능동적인의사소통능력을기르기위한준비단계로서기본어휘, 문법, 발음, 문장구조등에익숙하게하고확장된어휘와문법을다양한기능및상황을통해활용함으로써기본적인의사소통능력을기르게한다. 한글자모읽기와한국어문장읽기에서부터시작하는본강의는이후다양한한국의문화적사실을기반으로해서기본어휘익히기와기본문형익히기로범위를확장하면서한국어뿐만아니라한국문화에대한지식을습득할수있게한다. 이강의를이수한학생은 < 중급한국어> 와 < 고급한국어> 강좌를연속적으로수강함으로써다양한한국문화에대한심도있는지식을얻음과동시에, 고급수준의한국어를읽고쓸수있는능력을기를수있다. This course is designed for undergraduate foreign students without any prior knowledges on Korean language. The goal of this course is (1) to provide students with better understanding of Korean culture, and (2) to promote useful skills for expressing and communicating in Korean language. This course begins with learning Korean alphabet, first level vocabulary, and then leads students into grammar, pronunciation, and sentence structure. Mid-level training for promoting active communication skills will be also given; extended vocabulary, extended grammar with reading and speaking in various situations. 032.002 중급한국어 1 3-3-0 Intermediate Korean 1 본과목은외국인학생을대상으로하는과목으로서, 다음과같은초 중급의한국어능력을기르는것을목표로한다. -대학의강의와발표의청취능력. - 대학강의노트작성능력, -주관식답안작성능력. - 초 중급의일상생활회화능력. - 초 중급의문서작성능력. 이를위해실제대학강의에높은빈도로등장하는여러가지구어표현들을익히며, 대학강의노트를작성하는데유용한표현들에대해서도공부하고, 짧은주관식답안을작성하는요령도익혀서실습한다. 또한여러가지시청각자료를통하여일상생활에서사용되는유용한표현들을경험함으로써일상생활회화능력을향상시키고, 일상생활및대학생활에서접하게되는문서들을직접작성해봄으로써실용적인문서작성능력을익히도록한다. This course aims to help foreign students acquire the following low-mid level skills for Korean. -ability to comprehend university-level lectures and class presentations. -ability to make a note for lectures. -ability to make an answer for essay questions. -ability to conduct low-mid level everyday conversation. Students learn a variety of colloquial expressions commonly used in university-level lectures, useful expressions for lecture notes, and skills for making an answer for essay questions. By using audiovisual materials, students can improve their ability to conduct everyday conversation in Korean. 032.003 중급한국어 2 3-3-0 Intermediate Korean 2 본과목은외국인학생을대상으로하는과목으로서, 다음과같은중 고급의한국어능력을기르는것을목표로한다. - 질문, 답변, 토론등학생의강의참여능력. - 대중매체청취능력. -중고급의일상생활회화능력 -중고급의문서작성능력대학강의에적극적으로참여할수있는기본적인능력을향상시키기위하여질문하고, 대답하고, 토론하는데유용한표현들을익히고, 나아가실제로이러한표현들을사용하는연습을한다. 또한라디오, TV, 영화등의대중매체로부터정보를신속하게얻는능력을향상시키기위하여이들매체들에서빈번하게사용되는표현들을익히고, 나아가이들매체를실제로청취하는연습을한다. 그리고일상생활회화능력과문서작성능력을보다향상시켜중고급수준의능력을갖추도록한다. This course aims to help foreign students acquire the following mid-high level skills for Korean. -ability to participate in questioning, answering and discussing -ability to comprehend mass media -ability to conduct mid-high level everyday conversation -ability to prepare mid-high level document Students learn a variety of useful expressions commonly used in questioning, answering, and discussing in a class, and practice how to use those expressions. They also study lots of useful expressions frequently used in mass media such as radio, TV and movies, and practice how to comprehend those mass media. Furthermore, students will have mid-high level proficiency for everyday conversation and documentation. 032.004 고급한국어 3-3-0 Advanced Korean 본과목은외국인학생을대상으로하는과목으로서다음과같은고급한국어능력을기르는것을목표로한다. 신문기사및 - 4 -
잡지의독해능력한국의사회, 문화, 역사관련문헌텍스트독해능력구두발표능력한국어실용문해독력이를위해신문을비롯한여러가지한국어텍스트를분석하고요약하며자신의견해를발표하는연습을한다. 나아가교수와학생, 학생상호간의토론을실시한다. 10분구두발표를위한발표문준비와실제구두발표를실습하며, 여러가지계획서, 자기소개서, 레포트등대학생활과관련된실용문들의이해와작성도연습한다. The aim of this course is to help foreign students acquire the following advanced-level Korean skills: - ability to comprehend newspaper and magazine articles - ability to comprehend texts on the society, culture, and history of Korea - ability to give oral presentations - ability to comprehend a variety of practical texts in Korean. Students will practice analyzing, summarizing, and orally presenting their responses to a variety of Korean texts including newspaper articles. In addition, they will hold discussions both among themselves and with the instructor. Students will also prepare 10-minute oral presentations and practice writing diverse texts related to college life such as study/research plans, self-introductions, and academic papers 032.005 초급한문 1 3-3-0 Elementary Classical Chinese 1 본교과목은한자와한문에대해거의모르는초보자를위한강좌로한문에대한기초적인이해와지식의배양에중점을둔다. 여기서는한문의품사와기본구조등문법에대한기초적인이해를기반으로짧고기본적인구문이나시가등을정밀하게분석하고감상한다. 이를통해기초적인한문독해력을배양하며, 아울러과제등의방식으로일상생활에쓰이는한자어실력도증진시키고자한다. This course is designed to provide students who have no prior knowledge of Chinese characters and Classical Chinese with the basic understanding of Classical Chinese. After learning the basic grammar and sentence structure of Classical Chinese, students will analyze short sentences and learn to appreciate classical poetry. Through such exercises, students will improve reading skills in Classical Chinese, as well as learn idiomatic phrases for daily usage. 032.006 초급한문 2 3-3-0 Elementary Classical Chinese 2 본교과목은초급한문1에이어진기초한문강좌로기존의한문1과한문2 사이의수준차를완화하고효율적인학습을도모하기위해개설된강좌이다. 초급한문1에서학습한지식을바탕으로한문의주요한문형과허사등에대한이해를추가하여한문문법에대한이해를심화하고이를기반으로단문독해연습을집중적으로한다. 중국은물론우리나라의다양한문장과시가를분석하고감상함으로써기초적인한문독해력을배양하고아울러선인들의사상과동양문화에대한이해를증진시키는계기를제공하고자한다. 본강좌를통해초급수준의한문실력을충실히배양하게되면중급이상의한문강좌를수강하는데무리가없을것이다. This course is designed for students who have already taken Elementary Classical Chinese 1 or its equivalent. This course is newly offered to bridge the gap between the elementary and the intermediate level. Based on the skills gained in Elementary Classical Chinese 1, students will learn major sentence patterns and grammar particles to further their understanding of Classical Chinese grammar. Students will practice with short passages from classical poems and prose of China and Korea. Students will thereby improve their reading skills in Classical Chinese and deepen understanding of East Asian thought. Students who have successfully completed this course may proceed to take Intermediate Classical Chinese. 032.007 중급한문 3-3-0 Intermediate Classical Chinese 본교과목은초급한문1과초급한문2에이은중급수준의한문강좌이다. 초급한문과정에서다져진기초실력을바탕으로한문에대한이해를심화하고보다발전된한문독해실력을배양하는과정이다. 여기에서는보다완결된형태의문학, 철학, 역사등다방면의고전산문문장과시가작품들을익힐수있다. 이를통해한문문법지식을체화하고구문에익숙해지도록함과동시에선현들의사상과인생관등을비판적으로검토해봄으로써인문학적인소양을늘리는기회를가질수있을것이다. 본교과목까지수강하면고급한문강좌나한문관련전공과목을수강하는데에도무리가없는수준의한문실력을배양할수있을것이다. This course is designed for students who have taken elementary Classical Chinese 1 and 2 or its equivalent. Based on the skills gained in the elementary level courses, students will further their understanding of Classical Chinese and foster advanced reading skills. Students are expected to read and analyze full-length classical poems and prose selected from a variety of disciplines such as literature, philosophy, and history. Students will have an opportunity to put their reading skills into practice and engage in a critical reading of the classics. Students who have successfully completed this course may proceed to take advanced / major courses in Classical Chinese. 032.008 한문명작읽기 3-3-0 Readings in Classical Chinese Masterpiece 본교과목은초급한문과중급한문에이은고급수준의한문명작에대한강좌이다. 초중급한문과정에서다져진실력을바탕으로고품격의다양한한문문장을정밀하게읽어보는과정이다. 초급한문과중급한문에서는주로모범적이고정격에가까우며비교적평이한문장을다룬다. 그러다보니유명하고중요한한문문장임에도초급자가이해하기쉽지않다고판단되면배제되는경우가많았다. 본강좌에서는이러한한문문장을경사자집( 經史子集 ) 의다방면에걸쳐두루선별하여읽어보고자한다. 본교과목까지수강하게되면정격적인한문문장뿐만아니라다소파격적이고난해한문장에대한이해와적응력을높임으로써한문을깊이배우거나한문과관련된분야를전공하려는학문후속세대에게자신감을심어줄수있을것이다. This course is designed for students who have already taken Intermediate Chinese or its equivalent. Students will do a close and in-depth reading of masterpieces in Korean and Chinese classics. The readings will cover works of Confucian classics, history, philosophy and literature ( 經史子集 ). While students have only looked at model sentences until the intermediate level, in this course, students will frequently deal with complex and abnormal sentence structure as a way to learn how to construe and analyze unconventional sentences. The course is recommended for, but not restricted to, students who plan to major in related fields. Students are expected to show a great enthusiasm for learning Classical Chinese and East Asian thought. - 5 -
032.009 역사와철학한문원전읽기 3-3-0 Selected Classical Chinese Readings in History and Philosophy by Chinese and Korean Writers 역사및철학과관련된중국의고전적저술들을강독하는과목이다. 학문의길, 인간과자연, 사회경제, 가족과공동체, 문학과예술, 역사의식등다양한주제들을다룬글들이선독내용에포괄되며, 한문독해등인문학연구자로서의기본적인자질을배양하는데강의의목적이있다. 032.010 초급중국어 1 3-3-1 Elementary Chinese 1 고등학교과정에서중국어를배우지않은학생을위한초급단계의중국어강의이다. 중국어발음법을정확하게습득한후구문을토대로한초급문법을학습하여회화및독해와작문의기초를확립하는과정이다. 따라서본교과목은이전과정에서중국어를학습한경험이있는학생의수강은권하지않는다. This course is the first step of Elementary Chinese course. Students enrolling in this course will be able to practice Chinese pronunciation and to learn the basic of elementary level grammar, reading and writing. This course is for students who have never taken Chinese class. 032.011 초급중국어 2 3-3-1 Elementary Chinese 2 고등학교과정에서 2개학기이상중국어를배웠거나중국어에대한초보적인지식이있는학생을위한초급두번째단계의강의이다. 중국어발음법을숙지하고문법과작문에기초지식을갖춘학생이라면누구나들을수있다. 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기와문법등중국어전반에걸쳐초급단계의학습을완성하는과정이다. 이과목을수강하면기초회화와독해능력을갖출수있고, 향후중급의중국어를학습할수있다. This course is the second step of Elementary Chinese course. This course is for students who have taken Elementary mentary Chinese course in high school. Students enrolling in this course will be able to learn the basic of elementary level speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar synthetically. 032.012 중급중국어 1 3-3-0 Intermediate Chinese 1 본교과목은초급중국어 2 또는고등학교에서중국어를 4개학기이상수강한학생을대상으로말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의전영역에걸쳐중급수준의중국어를학습할수있도록개설하였다. 초급중국어 2 를이어일상의구어듣기와말하기, 중국의고등학교수준의문장읽기와쓰기를익힌다. 본과목을수강한학생은중국어를모국어로쓰는사람들과일상생활에서의원활한의사소통이가능함은물론기본적인문헌해독에도어려움이없게될것이다. 나아가중국어로학문연구및사회생활을수행할수있는고급문헌해독의기초를닦는과정이므로중국관련학문및직업에종사하려는학생은반드시수강해야한다. This course especially focuses on developing students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. This is a follow up course to Elementary Chinese 2. Students enrolling in this course will be able to enhance their language capabilities required for communication with native speakers and interpretation of elementary level texts written in Chinese. 032.013 중급중국어 2 3-3-0 Intermediate Chinese 2 본교과목은중급중국어1을수강한학생을대상으로중급중국어1 을이어말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기전영역에걸쳐중급수준의중국어를학습할수있도록개설하였다. 수강생은본교과목을수강한후중국어를모국어로쓰는사람들과일상생활에서의원활한의사소통이가능함은물론중급수준이상의문헌해독에도어려움이없게될것이며, 또한중어중문학과전공과정에개설된현대중국어강독교과목을수강할수있다. 나아가중국어로학문연구및사회생활을수행할수있는고급문헌해독의기초를닦는과정이므로중국관련학문및직업에종사하려는학생은반드시수강해야한다. This course especially focuses on developing students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. This is a follow up course to Intermediate Chinese 1. Students enrolling in this course will be able to enhance their language capabilities required for communication with native speakers and interpretation of intermediate level texts written in chinese. This course is also intimately related to <Readings in Chinese>, a major subject of Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature. 032.014 중국어회화 1 3-3-0 Chinese Conversation 1 본교과목은중급중국어1 이상의수준을갖추고있는학생을대상으로회화에중점을두고중급이상의중국어말하기듣기훈련을시킨다. 초급중국어및중급중국어1에서익힌중국어를기반으로본격적인말하기와듣기훈련을통해수강생은중국어를모국어로쓰는사람들과중급이상의원활한의사소통이가능하게된다. 중국현지에서일상생활을정상적으로영위할수있는수준의회화구사력을갖출수있다. 이과목에이어중국어회화2 교과목까지수강한다면고급의회화소통은물론중어중문학과전공과정에개설된고급의중국어문학교과목을수강하는데에도큰어려움을느끼지않을것이다. This course especially focuses on developing students ability of speaking intermediate level Chinese. This course is for students who have taken Intermediate Chinese I and above. Students enrolling in this course will be able to enhance their language capabilities required for intermediate level communication with native speakers. This course is also intimately related to <Advanced Chinese>, a major subject of Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature. 032.015 중국어회화 2 3-3-0 Chinese Conversation 2 본교과목은중국어회화1 이상의수준을갖춘학생을대상으로유창하고우아한소통에중점을두고고급중국어말하기듣기를훈련시킨다. 따라서본교과목을성실하게수강한학생은중국어를모국어로쓰는사람들, 특히사회지도층과고급중국어로원활하고우아하게의사를소통할수있게된다. 또한이과목은중어중문학과전공과정에개설된고급의중국어문학과목을수강하는데에도기초가된다. This course especially focuses on developing students ability of speaking advanced-level Chinese. This course is for students who have taken Chinese Conversation I and above. Students enrolling in this course will be able to enhance their language capabilities required for advanced-level communication with native speakers. This course is also in- - 6 -
timately related to <Advanced Chinese>, a major subject of Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature. 032.016 미디어중국어 3-3-0 Media Chinese 본과목은중급정도의중국어능력을갖춘학생들이다양한매체를통해입체적으로중국관련정보와지식을습득이해할수있게만든다. 각종미디어를통해제공되는다양한중국어자료를보고듣고분석함으로써중국어수준을높임은물론중국어권국가의사회와문화에대한이해를넓히고분석능력을배양시킨다. 중국의현실에관심이많고장차중국을활동영역으로삼고자하는학생들에게필수적인과목이다. This course is for students of intermediate level Chinese. By watching, listening and analysing various media materials, the class will further improve the students Chinese and help students can further understand the present state of affairs in the Sinophone world. 032.017 대학영어 1 2-3-1 College English 1 본강좌의목적은말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의영역을모두다룸으로써학생들의영어의사소통능력은물론통합적인사고능력을향상시키는데있다. This is a required course in basic English language skills for all undergraduate students. Placement exam is required. Advanced students can choose to concentrate on reading, speaking, or writing skills. 032.018 대학영어 2: 글쓰기 2-3-0 College English 2: Writing 대학영어 2: 글쓰기 는이미 대학영어 1 을수강한학생들의학술영작문실력을키우는데목적이있다. 이강좌는학생들이자료를정리하여논쟁적이며분석적인에세이를쓸수있도록돕는다. 영어로씌어진자기글을직접수정하고흔한 EFL 글쓰기오류를피하도록지도한다. 문단위주의글쓰기연습을한후학기말에는 4 5개문단분량의에세이를써서발표하고수정하는과정을거쳐서완성, 제출하도록한다. This course aims at helping students improve their ability to write cohesive and grammatically correct paragraphs and essays in English. Successful completion of College English 1 is a prerequisite for this course. The course will train students to organize information and to write argumentative and analytic paragraphs effectively. Students will learn to self-edit and to avoid common EFL writing mistakes. At the end of the term, students will complete a 4 5 paragraph essay, de- liver it orally in front of the class, then edit and revise it for final submission. 032.019 대학영어 2: 말하기 2-3-0 College English 2: Speaking 대학영어 2: 말하기 는 대학영어 1 을수강한학생들의영어말하기능력및영어발표능력을지속적으로향상시키는데그목적이있다. 본강의를통해학생들은청중앞에서효과적으로영어로연설이나발표를하는데필요한언어적, 비언어적인기술과여러주제에관한다양한토론에참여할수있는기술과방법들을배우게된다. This course aims at helping students improve their oral communication/presentation skills in academic settings. This class trains students to give speeches, to make presentations before an audience, and to communicate effectively in a variety of oral settings such as informal and formal discussions and debates. 032.020 고급영어: 산문 2-3-0 Advanced English: Prose 인문학, 예술, 사회과학, 자연과학등다양한학문분야의대표 적인산문들을텍스트로삼아읽기, 말하기, 쓰기훈련을병행하면 서영어능력의향상과비판적사고력의함양을꾀한다. 한학기 내내한가지주제에집중할수도있고, 일련의서로다른 ( 하지 만연관된) 주제들을섭렵할수도있다. This course helps students to develop both language skills and critical thinking ability by offering them an opportunity to read, discuss, and write about a selection of representative nonfictional essays from diverse academic disciplines, including humanities, arts, social sciences, and natural science. The class may either be organized around a single overarching theme or cover a series of different yet preferably interrelated themes. 032.021 고급영어: 학술작문 2-3-0 Advanced English: Academic Writing 영어로학술적인글을쓰는능력을기르는것을주된목표로삼는다. 한문단짜리글을쓰는것에서시작해점차정해진주제나텍스트에대해여러문단으로이루어진논쟁적/ 분석적인글혹은완성된기말논문을쓰는단계로나아간다. 영어로글을쓰기위해알아두어야할일반적인규칙과관습을익히고좋은문체를구성하는요소가무엇이지또한배운다. 각각의글쓰기과제는읽기과제와짝을이루어부과되며, 읽기과제는영산문의표본이될만한것들중에서선별된다. The main goal of this course is to teach students how to write decent academic prose in English. Students may begin by constructing a self-contained paragraph and gradually proceed to write multi-paragraph argumentative/analytical essays or complete term papers on pre-assigned topics or texts. They will also have opportunities to be acquainted with general rules and conventions of writing in English and learn the elements of good prose style. Each writing assignment will be coupled with appropriate reading assignment, which in itself should be a fine example of English prose. 032.022 고급영어: 영화 2-3-0 Advanced English: Exploring Film 이과목은영화를주요텍스트로삼아학생들의미디어분석능력및영어구사능력과텍스트분석력을향상시키는것을목표로한다. 영화분석에필요한기본용어와시각들을익히고이를활용하여다양한영화들에대해다양한관점에서분석, 토론하고글을쓰게함으로써학생들로하여금영화를비판적으로이해할수있도록한다. This course aims to improve students language competence and textual analysis skills as well as their media literacy by exploring film. Students will enhance their critical understanding of the medium by learning basic cinematic and literary terms and perspectives for film analysis; analyzing - 7 -
and discussing a variety of English-language films from diverse perspectives; and writing critical essays on them. 032.023 고급영어: 연극 2-3-0 Advanced English: Drama Workshop 이과목은영어로쓰인근현대희곡들을주요텍스트로삼아공연을시도함으로써영어구사능력과비판적사고능력을높이는것을목표로한다. 작품의배경과내적구성요소분석, 장면리허설등을통해텍스트를심도있게이해하고, 이를워크숍공연으로구현해본다. This course aims to improve students language competence and critical thinking ability by performing English-language dramas. Students will develop their understanding of the texts by studying their historical and social contexts, analyzing characters, investigating symbols and themes, and rehearsing scenes from each play. Students will also engage in performance by acting live in a classroom setting, thus experiencing more active involvement in the text. 032.024 고급영어: 문화와사회 2-3-0 Advanced English: Culture and Society 비교적접근하기쉬운장르나형식의문화또는사회텍스트를 활용해현대사회의중요한쟁점에대해영어로사고하고말하고 글쓰는기회를갖는다. 가능한텍스트의범주에는대중문학, 아동 및청소년문학, 만화, 영화와 TV 드라마, 음악, 미술작품, 신문 기사와칼럼, 인터넷게시물등이포함된다. 한학기내내한가 지주제에집중할수도있고, 일련의서로다른 ( 하지만연관된) 주제들을섭렵할수도있다. This course offers students an opportunity to think, speak, and write in English about diverse issues of modern and contemporary society, using readily accessible genres and forms of cultural and social texts, including popular literature, literature for children and adolescents, graphic novels, movies and TV dramas, music, art works, journalistic writings, internet postings, etc. The class may either be organized around a single overarching theme or cover a series of different yet preferably interrelated themes. 032.025 고급영어: 발표 2-3-0 Advanced English: Presentation 영어학술발표능력향상을목표로구두발표준비와효과적인언어전달방법을익히고질의응답을통한학술적의견교환훈련을병행한다. 다양한학문적, 사회적주제들에대해자신의견해를조리있고설득력있게제시하는방법을배우며, 청중을향해일관성있고명쾌한구두발표를할수있는능력을기른다. Advanced English: Presentation aims to systematically enhance students presentation skills. The course will provide students with extensive practice speaking to groups and will develop students awareness of and proficiency in delivery, content organization, appropriate presentation language and effective listening skills. Additionally, students will practice making and presenting analyses, handling question-and-answer periods, and managing time during presentations. Students will be taught all skills in a cumulative manner, and will be evaluated on the progressive integration of these skills into their presentations. 032.026 고급영어: 문학 2-3-0 Advanced English: Literature 영어로쓰였거나번역된문학작품을텍스트로삼아읽기, 말하기, 쓰기훈련을병행하면서영어능력의향상과비판적사고력함양을꾀한다. 주로단편소설과중편소설을다루지만적절한길이의장편소설이나시도다룰수있다. 문학텍스트를분석하는법을배우기보다문학을도구로삼아다양한사회문화적쟁점에대한지적인토론의장을마련하는것을목표로한다. This course helps students to develop both language skills and critical thinking ability by offering them an opportunity to read, discuss, and write about representative works of literature written in or translated into English. While expected to consist mainly of short stories and novellas, reading material may also include novels of moderate length and poems. The aim of the course is not to learn how to interpret literary texts, but to create an intellectual forum on a variety of social and cultural issues, using literature as a medium. 100.001 기초영어 1-2-1 English Foundations 기초영어 는교양이아닌일반선택으로이수함기초영어는영어읽기, 말하기, 쓰기, 듣기등에관한능력을기르는, 대학생수준에서의초보적이고기초적인강좌입니다. 이강좌는특히학생들의말하는능력에중심을두고, 영어에대한두려움을없애고자신감을기르는것에중점을둡니다. S/U 평가를하며, 기초영어를이수한학생은대학영어를수강해야만합니다. College English Foundations is designed to prepare students with sub-500 or sub-550(for freshmen in 2006 only) TEPS scores for the College English courses by building their communicative abilities and core English skills. While listening, reading and vocabulary will be featured in the course, the primary focus will be on building students oral fluency. 032.027 초급프랑스어 1 3-3-1 Elementary French 1 본교과목은프랑스어를처음배우는초심자를위한강좌이다. 프랑스어에대한사전지식이전혀없는수강생을대상으로하는강좌인만큼프랑스어알파벳, 철자에대한설명에서시작하여정확한발음의원칙을숙지하도록하고, 기본어휘및기초적인문법을습득하도록한다. 각과의본문은주로일상적인상황에서실제사용될수있는평이한문장들로구성함으로써기초적인회화를습득함과동시에기본적인독해력을함양하도록한다. 더불어본문에서학습한기본어휘, 문법, 표현들을응용한간단한작문을연습함으로써초급수준에서말하기, 읽기, 쓰기의능력을단계적으로고루함양하는것을목적으로하는강좌이다. 아울러프랑스의사회와문화, 혹은프랑스인들의정신성을엿볼수있는방식으로본문텍스트를구성함으로써프랑스어를공부하면서자연스럽게프랑스의생활과문화에접근할수있도록한다. This course is designed for beginners and no previous knowledge of French is assumed. Each class lays out clearly stated objectives. This course aims at the acquisition of basic vocabulary and structures required to develop oral and written communication skills. Students will start by learning French alphabet, accurate pronunciation, and basic grammar through short French sentences. Course materials will also include exercises of simple composition. Furthermore, students are to acquire a general idea of French culture and society. - 8 -
032.028 초급프랑스어 2 3-3-1 Elementary French 2 본교과목은기초적인프랑스어지식을지니고있는학생들을대상으로한강좌이다. < 초급프랑스어 1> 을수강한학생이나, 고등학교및기타과정에서프랑스어의기초지식을습득한학생들을대상으로하는강좌이다. 본강좌는 < 초급프랑스어 1> 의연속선상에서초급수준의프랑스어문법을완성하고, 이를활용한독해및작문능력을함양하는동시에실제말하기에활용할수있는다양한표현들을습득하도록한다. < 초급프랑스어 1> 의본문이일상적인상황에대화를위주로구성된데반해 < 초급프랑스어 2> 의본문은프랑스어로쓰인각분야전공문헌의독해를위한기초적인토대를함양할수있도록산문텍스트를일정부분활용하도록한다. 이로써실생활에활용할수있는생활프랑스어능력과더불어전공문헌의해독에필요한프랑스어의토대를마련하는것이본강좌의목표이다. This course, designed for near-beginners or students who have already followed Beginning French 1 or who have learned French in high school or in other educational programs, aims at the acquisitions of more extensive vocabulary and structures, building on previously acquired oral and written communication skills. While Beginning French 1 focuses on learning everyday conversation, Beginning French 2 sets out to focus on reading prose in order to enable students to read academic texts. Students are to improve their reading skills through literary works, logical writings and other texts written in French and to understand elementary French grammar. Also, acquiring various French expressions and cultivating reading and writing skills will be covered in this course. 032.029 중급프랑스어 1 3-3-0 Intermediate French 1 본교과목은초급수준의프랑스어지식을갖춘학생들을대상으로하는강좌이다. < 초급프랑스어 1, 2> 강좌를이수한학생, 고등학교및기타과정에서프랑스어중급과정을이수한학생들을대상으로하는강좌이다. 본강좌에서는초급강좌에서습득한기초프랑스어지식을바탕으로문장구조중심의문법지식, 문장내에서단어들의상호결합관계나쓰임새를중심으로한문법학습등을통해보다심화된차원의문법지식을습득하도록한다. 이같은문법지식을기본구문형태로제시하고이를활용한다양한용례를제시하여프랑스어로의사소통을해야할상황에서즉각적으로활용할수있게유도함으로써문법, 작문, 말하기능력을동시에함양하도록한다. 또한본강좌에서습득한중급수준의문법을토대로프랑스문학텍스트를비롯한다양한분야의텍스트에대한독해를병행함으로써프랑스어능력을증진시키도록한다. This course is designed for those who have already taken Elementary French 1 and 2 or are assumed to have prerequisite knowledge of French or who have learned French in high school or in other educational programs. The course has a core that focuses on mastering sentence structure-oriented grammar, syntax-oriented grammar based on their foundation knowledge of French along with fostering various usage of French. This intermediate course also revises and consolidates the knowledge of French students already have and teaches more advanced language by reading various texts, including literary works. 032.030 중급프랑스어 2 3-3-0 Intermediate French 2 본교과목은 < 초급프랑스어 1, 2> 교과목과 < 중급프랑스어 1> 강좌를이수한학생및프랑스어에대한체계적지식을습득한학생들을대상으로하는강좌이다. 본강좌는 < 중급프랑스어 1> 강좌에서습득한중급수준의문법지식을바탕으로이를심화하여프랑스문학작품과논설문등을독해하기위한고급표현과심화문법그리고프랑스어의다양하고풍부한표현법등을익힘으로써중급수준의문법을완성한다. 이를통해전문적인분야의프랑스어텍스트의이해를도모하고학습자의견해를프랑스어로논리적이고명료하며정확하게표현하는능력을기르도록한다. 이를위해본강좌에서는다양한장르의프랑스문학텍스트를비롯하여, 전문적인논설문, 프랑스학관련자료등프랑스어원전에서엄선한텍스트를교육자료로활용함으로써프랑스어에대한높은수준의지식을함양하도록한다. This course is designed for those who have already taken Elementary French 1, 2 and Intermediate French 1 or who have systematic understanding of French. This course is aimed at the acquisition of advanced French grammar, various expressions and usage. This course will extend students language skills, enhance their knowledge of grammar and develop the skills needed to study at a higher level. Through this course, students will be able to foster their skill of reading academic and professional texts and to express their own opinion properly and accurately. Students are to master their reading skills through literary works of various genres, logical writings and other texts written in French. By reading original texts carefully chosen, the course helps to enable students to improve their commands of grammar and vocabulary. 032.031 프랑스어글쓰기 3-3-0 French Composition 프랑스어에관한기본지식을습득한학생들을대상으로하여, 쉬운어휘와구문을사용하여구성한프랑스어문장으로의사표현을할수있는프랑스어글쓰기능력을기르도록하는것을목표로한다. 이를위하여프랑스어문장의구조와어휘의통사적역할등에대해체계적으로교육하고동시에실제프랑스어문장을구성하게하고이를고쳐주는방식을병행할것이다. This course is for students with basic French writing skills. It will cultivate skills for writing simple sentences. A thorough study of the sentence structure and the syntactic roles of words will be undertaken along with writing exercises and corrections. 032.032 프랑스어말하기 3-3-0 French Conversation 본교과목은보다실용적인강좌의필요성이강조되는사회환경과변화하는학생들의요구에부합하기위해문법, 독해가아닌회화위주로진행되는수업이다. 불어불문학과전용어학실습실에서진행되는이교과목은비디오테이프, 카세트테이프, CD ROM 타이틀등다양한매체를통한프랑스어말하기능력의습득은물론언어를통한프랑스사회문화의이해도아울러목표로삼고있다. Considering the changing social climate for more pragmatic studies, this course focuses its goals not on grammar or reading, but on conversation. Taking place in the language lab of the French department, the class will not only place emphasis - 9 -
on conversational French but also the understanding of its culture and society through the language. Audio cassettes, video tapes as well as other various multimedia tools will be used. 032.033 시사프랑스어 3-3-0 Current French <Le Monde>, <Le Point> 의사설, 한국관계기사등을주요텍스트로하여세계에대한시사적인관심과현재에대한비판적안목을기르는데주안점을둔다. 강의는주요기사를문법적설명을곁들여강독하면서, 토론의방식으로진행한다. Using editorials and Korea-related articles from <Le Monde>, <Le Point> as well as other materials as main texts, this course will increase students interest in the current world issues and critical views. The class will emphasize reading together with grammatical explanations and discussions on related issues. 032.034 초급독일어 1 3-3-1 Elementary German 1 독일어는유럽에서가장많은사람들이사용하는언어이며, 문학, 철학, 법학, 사회과학, 자연과학등다양한학문분야의중요한기본텍스트들을습득하는데에필수적인언어이다. 또한쉽게접하기힘든유럽권의사회와문화를이해하는데에반드시필요한언어이기도하다. < 초급독일어 1> 은독일어를처음배우는학생들을대상으로독일어의의사소통능력을쉽고재미있게익힐수있는강좌이다. 기존의어학수업처럼모든문법사항을훑어나가는것이아니라, 기초단계에서가장중요한문법과표현들을집중적으로다루게되며, 수강생들은이를통하여다음단계인 < 초급독일어 2>, 더나아가중급독일어강좌를소화할수있는탄탄한기초를다지게된다. 또한 < 초급독일어 1> 은다양한자료들을통해독일어권의생활과문화에친숙해질수있는기회를제공함으로써, 수강생들로하여금사회 문화적이해를바탕으로독일어를익힐수있도록한다. This course is designed for beginners to learn and practice their pronunciation, understanding of basic grammar and reading skill. The students will work on reading simple sentences and practicing simple compositions. 032.035 초급독일어 2 3-3-1 Elementary German 2 본교과목은기초적인독일어지식을가지고있는학생들을대상으로하는독일어강좌로서, < 초급독일어 1> 을수강하였거나고등학교과정에서주당 3시간의독일어강좌를 2학기이상이수한학생들이참여할수있다. 본강좌는간단한독일어텍스트의독해를위해필요한초급수준의문법과독해능력의배양그리고독일어를사용한기초적인의사소통능력의함양을제 1차적인목적으로한다. This course is aimed at students who have already followed foundation course, Basic German 1, and those who acquire a basic knowledge of German. Students are to improve their reading skills by reading literary works, logical writings and other texts written in German and to understand elementary German grammar. Also, acquiring various German expressions and cultivating reading and writing skills will be driven in this course. 032.036 중급독일어 1 3-3-0 Intermediate German 1 본교과목은초급수준의독일어지식을가지고있는학생들을대상으로하는독일어강좌로서, < 초급독일어 1, 2> 를수강하였거나, 고등학교과정에서주당 3시간의독일어강좌를 4학기이상이수한학생들이참여할수있다. 본강좌는일상적인독일어텍스트의독해를위해필요한중급수준의문법과독해능력의배양그리고독일어를사용한일상적인의사소통능력의함양을제 1차적인목적으로한다. This course is designed for those who have already taken Elementary German 1 and 2 or have acquired understanding of basic German. In this course, students are asked to study grammar and to improve their speaking, listening and reading skills based on their foundation knowledge of German. This course also covers general aspects of German culture and society. 032.037 중급독일어 2 3-3-0 Intermediate German 2 본교과목은초급수준의독일어지식을가지고있는학생들을대상으로하는독일어강좌로서, < 초급독일어 1, 2> 를수강하였거나, 고등학교과정에서주당 6시간의독일어강좌를 4학기이상이수한학생들이참여할수있다. 본강좌는일상적인독일어텍스트의독해를위해필요한중급수준의심화문법과독해능력의배양그리고독일어를사용한일상적인의사소통능력의함양을제 1 차적인목적으로한다. This course is aimed at students who have already followed foundation course, Elementary German 1, and those who acquire a basic knowledge of German. Students are to improve their reading skills by reading literary works, logical writings and other texts written in German and to understand elementary German grammar. The objective of this course will also include acquiring various German expressions and cultivating reading and writing skills. 032.038 독일어글쓰기 3-3-0 German Composition 이강좌는 < 독일어입문 1 2> 를수강했거나그에상응하는정도의독일어실력을갖춘학생들에게좀더심화되고실용적인독일어활용능력을길러주는것을목표로하며, 아울러학생들에게독일어권의문화에적응할수있는능력을습득할수있게하는데중점을둔다. This lecture is offered for students who have completed Introduction to German I or II demonstrate equivalent competence The course will help students acquire the practical German speaking skill needed to interact with those from German speaking countries. L0441.000300 독문강독 3-3-0 Readings in German Texts 이교과목은 < 초급독일어 1, 2> 를수강했거나그에상응하는독일어능력을갖춘학생들을위하여개설되는과목으로, 인문사회계분야의독일어권전문서적을읽을수있는능력을함양하는데중점을두며, 이를위해독일어권문학ㆍ역사ㆍ철학ㆍ사회과학등의분야에서널리알려진주요원전을발췌하여강독한다. This course is recommended for students who have completed Elementary German 1, 2 or demonstrate equivalent - 10 -
competence. The student will acquire the ability to read books in German while examining German literature, history, philosophy and social science. 032.040 시사독일어 3-3-0 Contemporary German 시사자료를사용하여현장성을높일수있고내용에대한관심과언어에대한관심을결합시키면서실용적인언어교육을펼칠수있다는강좌고유의특성을살린과목이다. 인문, 사회과학을비롯한타학문전공자들의독일어텍스트이해능력을향상시키고독일어권의정치, 경제, 사회, 문화등에폭넓은지식을제공하는것을일차적인목표로삼는다. 더나아가독일에관한다양한정보를상호교환하는장의역할을함으로써, 장기적으로는학제간연구의기반조성에기여한다. Various language materials in contemporary German are treated in order to improve the ability to read German texts in the fields of politics, economics, society and culture. The course will focus on offering the basis for interchanging information in interdisciplinary fields. 032.041 초급러시아어 1 3-3-1 Elementary Russian 1 러시아어를처음접하는학부생을위한러시아어기본문법및회화강좌로서러시아어를실생활및사회, 문화적맥락안에서적절하게구사할수있도록하는데에주안점을두며문법과회화의조화로운습득을궁극적인목표로한다. 본강좌는기본적으로언어강좌이지만러시아의지리, 역사, 문화, 문학, 사회, 경제전반에관한종합적정보가자연스럽게언어와함께소개될예정이다. 학기말에는학생들이배운내용과창의적인협동과정을통해그룹단위의짧은연극 (Skit) 을보여주어야한다. Designed for students who have never learned Russian before, the course aims to teach students elementary Russian grammar and vocabulary. By taking this course students can carry on basic conversation adequately in everyday social and cultural contexts. This course is basically language course, but other related knowledge, such as Russian geography, history, culture, society and geopolitical information, is well integrated with course materials. At the end of the semester, students are required to act out short skits in groups based on all course materials and creative collaboration. 032.042 초급러시아어 2 3-3-1 Elementary Russian 2 < 초급러시아어1> 을수강한학부생이나고등학교때러시아어를접하기는했지만초보적수준만이수한학부생들을위한강좌로러시아어의격체계, 불규칙동사활용을완벽하게활용할수있도록하고러시아어문법의어려운부분인동사의상이나무인칭구문이나피동구문, 재귀동사구문등에대해서도배우며나아가다양한종류의초보적텍스트를독해할수있도록하고일상적주제에대한회화나작문도가능하게하는것을목표로한다. This course is for students who have taken Beginning Russian1 or those who have been taught elementary Russian grammar. The course enables students to master Russian case system and irregular verbal conjugation. The most difficult Russian grammar, such as verbal aspect, impersonal sentence, passive sentence, constructions using reflexive verbs will be included in this course. In this course, students are expected to read basic Russian prose and dialogues, as well as compose short texts and carry on everyday conversations. 032.043 중급러시아어 1 3-3-0 Intermediate Russian 1 입문단계의초급러시아어 1, 2의연장선상에서중급러시아어1 강좌는학생들이실생활의간단한실용러시아어에필요한초급문법이나어휘의토대위에난해한어휘나구문, 표현등을익혀고급문체의텍스트를이해하고다양한주제에관해교양있는대화체러시아어를구사하며메모, 편지, 일기등을쓸수있도록가르칠것이다. 이강좌는나아가모든발화, 문학장르의기본러시아어텍스트를강독할수있는기술을가르칠것이고학생들이러시아문화, 역사, 문학등에관한호기심과애정을가질수있도록도울것이다. As a continuation of Elementary Russian 1 and 2, the course is designed to teach advanced and complicated grammar and vocabulary and enable students to understand written style texts, constructions and expressions. In addition the goal of this course is to enable students to carry on cultured conversation in Russian on a variety of topics and write notes, letters, or keep a journal in Russian. Also the course offers skills to read basic Russian texts in all speech or literary genres. The course helps students to develop a curiosity about and love for Russian culture, history, and literature. 032.044 중급러시아어 2 3-3-0 Intermediate Russian 2 본강좌는중급러시아어 1의연장선상에서학생들이실생활의간단한실용러시아어에필요한초급문법이나어휘의토대위에난해한어휘나구문, 표현등을익혀고급문체의텍스트를이해하고다양한주제에관해교양있는대화체러시아어를구사하며메모, 편지, 일기등을쓸수있도록가르칠것이다. 이강좌는나아가모든발화, 문학장르의기본러시아어텍스트를강독할수있는기술을가르칠것이고학생들이러시아문화, 역사, 문학등에관한호기심과애정을가질수있도록도울것이다. As a continuation of Intermediate Russian 1, the course is designed to teach advanced and complicated grammar and vocabulary and enable students to understand written style texts, constructions and expressions. In addition the goal of this course is to enable students to carry on cultured conversation in Russian on a variety of topics and write notes, letters, or keep a journal in Russian. Also the course offers skills to read basic Russian texts in all speech or literary genres. The course helps students to develop a curiosity about and love for Russian culture, history, and literature. 032.045 러시아어말하기 3-3-0 Russian Conversation 본교과목은러시아어로어떤주제에관해논리적이고적절하며교양있게말하고쓰는능력을향상시키는목적으로개설되며산문, 시, 영화, 뉴스및잡지등다양한텍스트의독해, 작문과토론을포함한다. 이강좌에서는일상적인상황맥락에맞는발화에티켓과구어체, 문어체에관해연습시킬것이며고전, 현대문학작품텍스트뿐아니라현대러시아문화와사회를다루는신문, 잡지, 뉴스등을접하게함으로써어휘를강화시킬것이다. The course aims to help students to develop speaking and writing proficiency. The course focuses on teaching students how to speak and write logically, appropriately in a refined manner on given topics. Texts for reading, composition, and - 11 -
discussion include prose, poetry and film. The course includes practice in the speech etiquette of common social situations and spoken and written registers. Vocabulary is reinforced through reading of classic and contemporary literary texts as well as Russian periodicals and news media dealing with current Russian culture and society. 032.046 러시아어로읽는문화와예술 3-3-0 Readings in Russian Art and Culture 초급, 중급단계의러시아어를이수한학생들을위하여, 정선된러시아산문( 수필, 단중편소설, 논설문등) 을집중적으로강독함으로써러시아어구문파악능력을고양시키는것을목표로하며동시에이를통해러시아문학에대한기초적인이해의기회를제공하고자한다. This course improves the students ability to understand Russian sentence structure while offering opportunities to study its literature. 032.047 시사러시아어 3-3-0 Exploring Russian Media 미디어에등장하는러시아를숙지하고이해하기위한과목이다. 영화나비디오를통해듣기훈련을강화하고신문이나잡지강독을통해시사러시아어에대한정보를넓힌다. This course aims at enhancing students knowledge of the Russian language through various media including film, video, newspapers and journals. Listening and response exercises will concentrate on new expressions found in these media. 032.048 초급스페인어 1 3-3-1 Elementary Spanish 1 이교과목은기초적인수준의스페인어습득과스페인어권지역에대한간단한이해를목적으로한다. 거의모든학생이스페인어를처음접할것을가정하여알파벳부터시작하고점차간단한어휘와기본적인문법을익힌다. 수업내용은회화와독해의기초능력을키울수있도록구성되며, 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기등모든언어능력을문화적맥락을통해균형적으로향상시키도록한다. 수강생들은작문연습을수행하여글쓰기능력을기를수있게되며, 독해전략을익히고어휘를풍부하게하기위해짧은문화및문학텍스트를제공받게된다. 강의자는스페인어문법구조를소개하고설명하도록한다. Elementary Spanish 1 is the first part in the series of an introduction to Spanish. The purpose of this course is to help students acquire a basic level of Spanish language ability while broadening their overall understanding of the Spanish language, culture and society. The course will begin with the Spanish alphabet, basic vocabulary, and grammar review. It will also develop a basic level of reading and writing skills in Spanish. Students will acquire the necessary skills to communicate in Spanish through class text, interactive activities and extensive laboratory practice. 032.049 초급스페인어 2 3-3-1 Elementary Spanish 2 이교과목은 < 초급스페인어 1> 을배운학생들이나이전에스 페인어를접해본학생들을위해개설된과목으로, 스페인어텍스 트독해를위해필요한문법과독해능력의배양, 스페인어의사 소통능력의함양을첫째목적으로한다. 수업내용은회화와독해의기초능력을키울수있도록구성되며, 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기등모든언어능력을문화적맥락을통해균형적으로향상시키도록한다. 수강생들은작문연습을수행하여글쓰기능력을기를수있게되며, 독해전략을익히고어휘를풍부하게하기위해짧은문화및문학텍스트를제공받게된다. 강의자는스페인어문법구조를소개하고설명하도록한다. Elementary Spanish 2 is the second part in the series of an introduction to Spanish. This course is for students who have attended <Elementary Spanish 1> or its equivalent. The primary goal of this course is to improve students knowledge of grammatical structure and communication in Spanish. The course aims to help students acquire the necessary skills to communicate proficiently in Spanish and develop reading and writing skills at a commensurate level in a cultural context. Students will also be introduced to the many Hispanic cultures that comprise the Spanish-speaking countries. 032.050 중급스페인어 1 3-3-0 Intermediate Spanish 1 이교과목은 < 초급스페인어2> 를수강한학생혹은그에상응하는스페인어능력을갖춘학생들을대상으로한다. 듣기, 말하기, 쓰기, 읽기등의전반적인언어능력을중급수준으로향상함을목표로한다. 학생들은영화및문학텍스트를접하게되며, 글을보고토론하는활동을통해통사및어휘능력을높일수있게된다. 이후작문연습과학술에세이교정연습을통해글쓰기능력을계발하며, 이과정에서담당교수의첨삭을받는다. 수업은스페인어로진행되며발표및여러가지활동을스페인어로진행되며, 담당교수는학생들이사용하는문법을교정하고이에대한문법지식을설명한다. This intermediate course is for students who have attended <Basic Spanish 2> or its equivalent. The objective of this course will also include acquiring various spanish expressions and cultivating reading and writing skills. The course develops accurate and idiomatic oral and written expression in a cultural context. Students achieve a higher level of syntactical and lexical competence through reading and discussing essays and literary texts and viewing films. Students review grammar structures on their own with instructor s clarification and support. Classes are conducted in Spanish. 032.051 중급스페인어 2 3-3-0 Intermediate Spanish 2 이교과목은 < 중급스페인어1> 를수강한학생혹은그에상응하는스페인어능력을갖춘학생들을대상으로하며주로독해능력향상을목표로한다. 학생들은스페인어권문화에대한다양한텍스트를접하게되며, 집중적인독해연습을통해중급수준의독해능력을획득하게된다. 이교과목은또한스페인어권문화및문학관련과목에대비하는기회를제공하며, 고급과정의교양과목을준비할수있도록돕는다. This course is for students who have attended <Inter- mediate Spanish 1> or its equivalent. The main purpose of this course is to improve those students reading skills. Students will read a variety of Spanish articles on Hispanic culture. Through intensive reading practices students will have the intermediate level of Spanish reading com- prehension. The ultimate goal of the course is to prepare students to attend classes that explore Hispanic culture and literature. - 12 -
032.052 스페인어글쓰기 3-3-0 Spanish Composition 이교과목은 < 중급스페인어 1> 를수강한학생또는그에상응하는스페인어능력을갖춘학생들을대상으로한다. 고급과정인이교과목은폭넓은스페인어학습이나전공진입을준비하는학생을위해개설된다. 학생들은문체를학습하고, 영화및텍스트를보고토론하며, 이를통해향상된수준의독해전략을익히게된다. 이후작문연습과학술에세이교정연습을통해글쓰기능력을계발하게되며, 이과정에서담당교수의첨삭을받는다. 수업은스페인어로진행되며발표및여러가지활동을스페인어로진행되며, 담당교수는학생들이사용하는문법을교정하고이에대한문법지식을설명한다. This course is for students who have attended <Intermediate Spanish 1> or its equivalent. This advanced course is designed to prepare students for study abroad, entry into the Spanish major. Students study stylistics, analyze and discuss texts, view films, and acquire advanced reading strategies. Continued emphasis is on writing and editing academic essays with instructor feedback. Spanish is actively used in oral presentations and communicative, creative, and criticalthinking activities. Students review grammar structures on their own, although the instructor may clarify as needed. Classes are conducted in Spanish. 032.053 스페인어말하기 3-3-0 Spanish Conversation 이교과목은 < 중급스페인어 1> 를수강한학생또는그에상응하는스페인어능력을갖춘학생들을대상으로한다. 고급과정인이교과목은폭넓은스페인어학습이나전공진입을준비하는학생을위해개설된다. 학생들은문체를학습하고, 영화및텍스트를보고토론하며, 이를통해향상된수준의독해전략을익히게된다. 수업은스페인어로진행되며발표및여러가지활동역시스페인어로진행된다. This course is for students who have attended <Intermediate Spanish 1> or its equivalent. This advanced course is designed to prepare students for study abroad, entry into the Spanish major. Students study stylistics, analyze and discuss texts, view films, and acquire advanced reading strategies. Spanish is actively used in oral presentations and communicative, creative, and critical-thinking activities. 032.054 시사스페인어 3-3-0 Current Spanish 이과목은 < 스페인어입문 2> 과목을수강하였거나그에상응하는어학능력을갖춘학생을대상으로스페인어사용국가들의사회와문화를심도있게이해하는것을목표로한다. 스페인과중남미의주요일간지나사회 문화와관련된텍스트를함께독해하는과정에서이해를돕기위해필요하다고판단되는관련문법사항에대한심도있는설명을병행한다. This course is designed for students who have previously completed <Introduction to Spanish 2>. The purpose of this course is two-fold: to help students understand the society and culture of the Spanish-speaking countries and to improve students competence in Spanish grammar. Students will read Spanish articles in the daily newspapers and texts related to the society and culture of Spain as well as today s Hispanic America. 032.055 포르투갈어입문 1 3-3-1 Introduction to Portuguese 1 기초수준의포르투갈어습득과포르투갈어권세계에대한이해를목표로하는과목이다. 포르투갈어를처음접하는학생들을대상으로하며알파벳부터시작하여기초문법, 간단한회화및독해를위한기초능력을기르도록한다. 또한포르투갈과브라질의사회와문화에대한소개를곁들여포르투갈어에대한이해의폭을넓힌다. The purpose of this course is to help students acquire a basic level of Portuguese language ability while broadening their overall understanding of the culture and society of the Portuguese-speaking World. The course will begin with the Portuguese alphabet, and continue with basic skills in conversation and reading. 032.056 포르투갈어입문 2 3-3-1 Introduction to Portuguese 2 < 포르투갈어입문 1> 을수강했거나포르투갈어에대한초보적인지식이있는학생들을위해개설된교과목으로, 중급수준의포르투갈어문법과독해능력, 의사소통능력의함양을목표로한다. 또한포르투갈어권의문화와사회에대한포괄적인이해를위해포르투갈및브라질에대한다양한자료를제공한다. This course is for students who have attended <Introduction to Portuguese 1> or its equivalency. The goal of this course is to improve students understanding and communication in Portuguese. This class will also survey Portugal and Brazil for a general study of the culture and society of Portuguesespeaking World. 032.057 이태리어 1 3-3-1 Italian 1 이태리어는인구어에속하는언어로서, 문화, 예술분야와도관련이깊은언어이다. 이태리어학습을통해서언어로서의지식뿐만아니라서양문화를이해하는데필요한지적교양을쌓는다. Italian is an Indo-European language that is rooted in the culture and history of the region. This course improves one s understanding of the Italian language and its culture. 032.058 이태리어 2 3-3-0 Italian 2 이과목은 < 이태리어 1 (032.057)> 의과목내용을기초로이론의확대적용및발전을좀더깊이있게모색한다. A continuation of the course <Introduction to Italian I>, this class will further and expand the knowledge of the Italian language and culture in more detail. 032.059 스와힐리어 1 3-3-1 Swahili 1 스와힐리어를처음접하는학생들을위해스와힐리어의문자와발음및구문구조를이해할수있는기초적인문법을배우고기본적인회화수업을병행한다. 이를통하여스와힐리어의기초가되는듣기, 읽기, 말하기가가능하도록한다. This is an introductory course for students with little or no background in Swahili language. Student will learn Swahili letters, pronunciation and the grammar essential for understanding the language, as well as elementary Swahili - 13 -
speaking skills. The objective of this course is to enable students to listen, read, and speak basic-level Swahili language. 032.060 스와힐리어 2 3-3-0 Swahili 2 초급스와힐리어를이수한학생들혹은그에상응하는기초실력을갖춘학생들을대상으로하는수업이다. 이단계에서는기초적인독해와작문능력향상에초점을맞추며, 듣기와말하기실습수업을강화하여학생들로하여금읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기의종합적인언어능력을배양하도록한다. This course is designed for students who have successfully taken the introductory classes in Swahili language or have an equivalent proficiency in Swahili language. This course focuses on raising the students ability to read and write Swahili, as well as to listen and speak Swahilli, so that the students can develop a well-balanced foundation in all four skills in Swahili language. The goal of this course is for the students to acquire a higher proficiency in Swahili. 032.061 몽골어 1 3-3-1 Mongolian 1 본강좌는몽골어를처음배우는학생들을대상으로한다. 구체적으로는표준몽골어의알파벳쓰기와발음을정확하게익히고몽골어의문법지식뿐만아니라몽골어의말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의기초능력을키우는것이목표이다. 일상생활관련기본단어와표현을배움으로써몽골인과의기본적인의사소통을가능하게만든다. This course is designed for those who do not have any previous knowledge of Mongolian. This course is made for the beginners and it focuses on not only grammar but also basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. More concretely it will proceed with a focus on writing Mongolian alphabets, pronunciation, essential words and expressions used in daily life. L0441.000100 핀란드어 1 3-3-1 Finnish 1 본강좌는핀란드어초급과정으로핀란드어의발음, 기초어휘, 기초문법은물론다양한문장유형과동사구문들을학습하는것을목표로한다. 또한실제생활에필요한기초적인수준의회화학습을병행한다. This course is an introductory Finnish language class. The goal of this class is for students to learn Finnish pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and essential grammar of modern Finnish. They will learn and practice grammar rules such as noun/adjective inflections, and the various patterns of verbal constructions and sentence types. In addition, this course provides drill sessions for acquiring simple conversation skills. L0441.000200 히브리어 1 3-3-1 Hebrew 1 본교과목은히브리어의읽기, 쓰기, 독해의기초를훈련하며, 이와함께중동지역의세계문화사적위치에대한기초적시각을제공한다. 따라서단문중심의히브리어텍스트독해를목표로하며, 이와함께히브리어의어휘, 텍스트에반영된유대인의역사와문화를이해함으로써유대민족의언어와문화의관계를탐구한다. 특히현대의히브리어가고전히브리어로부터어떤영향을받았는지를탐구한다. This course introduces (i) basics of reading and writing of Hebrew, and (ii) the cultural historical position of the Middle East in the world history. The students get training in text comprehension with simple sentences, and they are introduced to the historical/cultural significance reflected in the vocabulary and texts. The course offers basic knowledge on the relationship between the Hebrew language and the culture. In particular, the course discusses the influence from the classic Hebrew language onto the modern Hebrew with respect to both cultural and historical aspects. 032.063 산스크리트어 1 3-3-0 Sanskrit 1 < 산스크리트어 1> 은일반적인개괄과기초적인문법을다루는기초과정이다. <Sanskrit 1> is a fundamental course, dealing with the instruction and basic Sanskrit grammar. 032.064 산스크리트어 2 3-3-0 Sanskrit 2 < 산스크리트어 2> 는산스크리트어 1을수강한학생을대상으로직접원전을읽을수있는능력을배양하기위한과정이다. <Sanskrit 2> aims to enable the students who have completed <Sanskrit 1> to read and translate the original texts. 032.065 고급일본어 1 3-3-0 Advanced Japanese 1 일본과일본인을이해하는데에도움이되는관련주제를다룬지문을읽고, 그를통해인문학적소양을습득함과동시에고급일본어표현에대한이해를높인다. 특히학술서에많이등장하는구문과어휘를중점적으로학습함으로써학술일본어 (Academic Japanese) 에대한이해를높여종합적인일본어능력을갖출수있게된다. 또한인문학적소양을바탕으로일본과일본인에대한이해를심화시키도록한다. The goal of this class is to develop the ability to use advanced Japanese constructions and expressions through reading articles helpful in understanding Japan and the Japanese people. Students will extensively learn sentences and vocabulary used in academic material, and thus develop the ability to read scholarly Japanese writing accurately and at sufficient speed. Furthermore, students will deepen their understanding of Japan and the Japanese people as a part of their liberal arts education. 032.066 고급일본어 2 3-3-0 Advanced Japanese 2 고급일본어 1 과연계된과정으로서, 일본과일본인을이해하는데에도움이되는관련주제를다룬지문을읽고, 지문을읽고, 그를통해인문학적소양을습득함과동시에고급일본어표현에대한이해를높인다. 특히학술서에많이등장하는구문과어휘를중점적으로학습함으로써학술일본어(Academic Japanese) 에대한이해를높여종합적인일본어능력을갖출수있게된다. 또한인문학적소양을바탕으로일본과일본인에대한이해를심화시키도록한다. - 14 -