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171 1) 2)3) 4)5) 6) 7)

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200 The Journal of Intellectual Property Vol.10 No.1 March 2015 A Patent Recommendation Method For Technology Opportunity Exploration Using Firms Own Patents: the Case of 3D Printing Youngjin Park, Namuk Ko & Janghyeok Yoon Abstract Under the competitive technological environment where the life cycles for products and technologies shorten, discovering and preoccupying potential technology opportunities help firms secure the competitiveness and develop sustainably. Prior studies using patent citations have focused on identifying and forecasting technological trends, whereas they have hardly addressed how to identify technology opportunities using firms own patents. Therefore, this study proposes a collaborative filtering-based approach to recommend patents that act as input of follow-up technology opportunities that a target firm can develop. The approach is illustrated using patents of 3D printing technology and their citation information. We expect that the proposed approach contributes to identifying the technology opportunities favorable to a target firm s existing technological capability as well as less competitive in the firm s technology field. Further, it will be incorporated into the processes to explore and participate in new technology markets. Keywords technology opportunity, patent citation, collaborative filtering, firm s own patent, 3D printing