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78 32,, (filioque) 2), 2) F LeRon Shutls and Andrea Hollingsworth, The Holy Spirit (Michigan: Grand Rapid; Cambridge, UK: William B Eerdmans Publishin



,,,,,, ),,, (Euripides) 2),, (Seneca, LA) 3), 1) )



2 2004년 4월 1일 말씀 1008호 1면에서 이어짐 두려움은 흠이 있는 우리를 하나님께서 받아 주시 지 않는다고 믿게 합니 두려움은 삶의 요청들을 채워주질 못합니 두려 움은 우리의 기대들을 충족시켜 주지 못합니 우리는 그분이 쓰러지도록 그냥 버려둔 것처럼 생 각합




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11:3-13? 989 11:3-13 ( ) 1) 11:3-13. 2) (11:3, 6) (11:4), (11:10)., * 2012. 1) G. K. Beale Barbara W. Snyder (temple framework). Snyder 11 12. G. K. Beale, The Book of Revelation, NIGTC (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999), 141-144; Barbara W. Snyder, Combat and Myth in the Apocalypse: The Liturgy of the Day of the Lord and the Dedication of the Heavenly Temple, unpublished Ph. D. dissertation (Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1991);,,, vol. 10(2005): 95-96. 2). Robert Mounce, The Book of Revelation (revised: Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1998), 211; Gerhand A. Krodel, Revlation, Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1989), 221; Craig S. Keener, Revelation, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000), 287; John T. Hinds, Revelation (Nashville, TN: Gospel Adovocate Company, 1976), 152.

990 11 4? (R. H. Charles). 3) (R. Leivestad) 11,. 4).???,.,.,,.... 5) 3) R. H. Charles, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, Vol. 1 (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1920), 281. 4) R. Leivestad, Christ the Conqueror: The Idea of Conflict and Victory in the New Testament (London: S P C K), 1954), 228. 5) (Robert Thomas, Daniel K. K. Wong)., 11:3-13, 28 1 (2010): 46.

11:3-13? 991. 6) 7), 8), 9),,,, A.D. 68 6) Daniel Wong. Daniel K. K. Wong, The Two Witnesses in Revelation 11, BS 154(1997): 346-347. 7) Donald, G. Barnhouse, Revelation (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971), 202; David Hocking, The Coming World Leader (Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1988), 182-183; Robert L. Thomas, Revelation 8-22: An Exegetical Commentary (Chicago: Moody, 1995), 88-89; H. Lindsey, There a New World Coming (New York: Bantam, 1975), 149-150; John Ben-Daniel (Eschatoogical Interpretation)....,.,,., 11:3-13. (fusion) ( 1 90:31). AD 4. John Ben-Daneil, Two Witnesses of Apocalypse 11, 6. 8) Clyde C. Cox, Apocalyptic Commentary (Cleveland, TN: Pathway, 1959), 127; J. A. Seiss, The Apocalypse: A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966), 242-268; G. H. Lang, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, (London: Oliphansts, 1945), 185; David H. Stern, Jewish New Testament Commentary (Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1992), 820. 9) J. Munck, Petrus und Paulus in der Offenbarung Johannes, Telogogiske Skrifter 1 (Copenhagen: Rosenskilde og Bagger, 1950, 15-19; John M. Court, Myth and History in the Book of Revelation (London: S P C K, 1979), 98-104. John Ben-Daniel. (11:7-13), The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse 11, 5.

992 11 4 (Ananus) (Joshua). 10) (Daniel Wong) (future tribulation period). Wong., (11:3). ma,rtuj. 11) toi/j., 11:3 1,260.., (11:3-12)., ( 35:30; 17:6; 19:15,. 18:16; 8:17; 10:28), 4:2-14.,,. 12),.,., ( 2:12),. 13) 10) D. Aune, Revelation 6-16 (Nashville:Thomas Nelson, 1998), 601-602. 11) 18:16; 24:48; 1:8; 5:19; 10:28; 1:5. 12) Daniel K. K. Wong, Two Witnesses, 349. 13) Daniel K. K. Wong, Two Witnesses, 347-353.

11:3-13? 993..,.,... 14) (Ekkehardt Müller) 9-11, mart-. marturi,a ( 1:2, 9; 6:9; 11:7; 12:11, 17; 19:10; 20:4; 22:16). 15) 12:11.. 12:17 19:10. / (1:2; 6:9; 20:4). 11:7 /. (Müller) marturi,a 14) W. A. Spurgeon, The Conquering Christ (Muncie, IN: Scott, 1936), 134-135; Stephen A. Hunter, Studies in the Book of Revelation (Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Printing, 1921), 157; Kenneth Strand, The Two Witnesses of Rev 11:3-12, AUSS(1981): 134; Ekkehardt Müller, The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, JATS(2002): 30; P. Prigent, Commentary on the Apocalypse of St. John. trans. by W. Pradels. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001), 349-350. 15).

994 11 4. marturi,a, 19:10 22:9 (22:9). (marture,w),., mart-. 16). (G. K. Beale)...., 11:4., 11:7 7:21.., 11:9-13.,.,, (11:2; 12:6, 14; 13:6)., (6:9; 12:11, 17; 19:10; 20:4).,. 17) 16) Ekkehardt Müller, The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, JATS 13/2(2002); 33-34.

11:3-13? 995. (G. E. Ladd)... 18) (Ladd) (G. R. Osborne) (Beale) 6. (Osborne),. 19) 11.., 11., 11:3-13. 11 4 17) Beale, Revelation, 574-575. 18) G. E. Ladd, A Commentary on the Revelation of John (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972), 154. 19) Grant R. Osborne, Revelation (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002), 418.

996 11 4 20). 4:1-14, 4:2-3 4:11-14. 11:4 4:1-14. ( 4:2-3). 4. 1 2. 2.. 21). (. 1:16), ( ) ( ) (. 3:8). 22) (Strand). 4 3, 4. 23) 4:14 20) mart-,. 21),, 6 ( :, 2009), 194; John Ben-Daniel, The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse 11, 16; Ralph L. Smith, Micha-Malachi, WBC 32 (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1984), 204. 22),, 194.

11:3-13? 997.. 24) 4:12... 25). 26) 1:6, 5:10 20:6. 27). 1 2 (1:12, 20; 2:1). 23) Kenneth A. Strand, The Two Olive Trees of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11, AUSS 20(1987): 257. 24) Osborne, Revelation, 420-21;,, ( :, 2006), 483. 25) G. K. Beale 4:2-3 11-14 (. MIdr. Rab. Num 18:16-17); Midr. Rab. Lam 1:16-51; Pesikta Rabbati 8.4). (CD 9.10-11; Midr. Rab. Num 14.13; ARN 30b; Testament of Simeon 7:1-2 Test. Levi 2:10-11). Beale, Revelation, 578;,, 194. 26) J. M. Court, Myth and History in the Book of Revelation, 92. 27) (1:6). (5:10). (20:6). 1QS 9, 11 4:2-3. Roloff, Revelation, 132.

998 11 4, 4. 11:4. 11. 1.. 1, 2, 11.. 28). ( ).,. (Strand),,. 29), ( 2-3). 11:1-2.. 30),. ( 21:22).,. 28) Beale, Revelation, 577; R. H. Mounce, The Book of Revelation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977), 224;,, 483. 29) Strand, Two Olive Trees, 260. 30) Beale, Revelation, 587.

11:3-13? 999... (ma,rtusin). mart-.. (ma,rtusin), (marture,w). 11 7 (ma,rtusin) (11:7). (1:2, 9), (1:5; 3:14), (2:13). 2-3. 1:5.. 31). 32) 17:6. 12:17 31), ( :, 2012), 62. 32) Brian K. Blount, Revelation (Louisville, KY: Kohn Knox Press, 2009), 57-58;,, 143;,, 14 ( :, 87.

1000 11 4, 12 17. (1:2) (6:9; 20:4). 6:9... 33) (1:2), (22:16), (22:18, 20).? (1:2). : (22:16). 1,260.. 6 ( 6:12). 11. (11:5-6) (11:13). (11:15-19).? (David Aune) : (1), (2) 33) R. Bauckham, Theology of the Book of Revelation, 119.

11:3-13? 1001, (3), (4). 34) (Aune),... 35) ( 13:4). ( 1:8), ( 1:6). 11:21 10:13... 36) 11:5-6,.... 11:5 ( 1:1-14) 11:6a ( 17:1) 11:6b ( 7:14-21) 11:6c ( 9:13-14) 34) D. Aune, Revelation 6-16, 611.

1002 11 4..,. 37).. 38),. 39)..,..,. (11:6)... 35) R. Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy, 278; B. K. Blount, Revelation, 209.. 36) Beale, Revelation, 576;,, 195. 37) Beale, Revelation, 583. 38), ( :, 2000), 172. 39) Blount, Revelation, 210-211.

11:3-13? 1003.., (11:5),. (1:14; 2:18; 3:18; 8:5-8; 9:17-18; 14:10, 18:16:8; 18:8; 19:12, 20: 20:9-10, 14-15; 21:8). 40) 20:9. 11.. 20:11-14. 41) 11 1:16.,. 5:14. 42) (1:16; 2:12, 16; 9:17-19; 12:15-16; 16:13; 19:15, 21). 43) 2:16 40) Andrew E. Steinmann, The Tripartite Structure of the Sixth Seal, the Sithth Trumpet, and the Sixth Bowl of John s Apocalypse (Rev 6:12-7:17; 9:13-11:14; 16:12-16, JETS 35/1(1992): 73. 41) Bauckham, Theology of the Book of Revelation, 421. 42) Osborne, Revelation, 422. 43) Bauckham, Theology of the Book of Revelation, 85

1004 11 4, 19:15... 44) 11. 45) 11:7-13,.... 46),,,,,.. 44) Blount, Revelation, 210. 45),,, 19 1 (2012 ): 268; Bauckham, Theology of the Book of Revelation, 123. 46).,, 8 3 (2009 9 ): 486; Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy, 171.

11:3-13? 1005 (11:8).,.,. 47). (11:2; 21:2, 10, 14-14, 18-19, 21, 23; 22:14, 19) (20:9) 11:8.. ( 22:8),. (16:19; 17:18; 18:10, 16, 18, 19, 21) ( ). (R. Bauckham). 48).,..., 47) John Ben-Daniel, Two Witnesses of Apocalypse 11, 21; Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy, 169, 171. Ben-Daniel Bauckham. Bauckham. 8,.. 48) Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy, 172.

1006 11 4. 49). (11:13a). "(11:13b).?,. 50) 10 1.. (Beale) 13. Beale. (Beale). 4:34. (. 4:30; 11:8). ( 4:30). ( 4:37),. ( 7:19; 6:5; 1:24-32).. Beale 11:11b, 13 1:9-10, 16 49) Osborne, Revelation, 427; Blount, Revelation, 214;,, 174;,, 198. 50),, 176.

11:3-13? 1007. 51) ( 1:5, 16). (Beale) 11:13 (e;mfoboi),,,,,., ( 24:5, 37; 10:4; 24:25). 52) / fo,boj, e;mfoboi. fo,boj e;mfoboi,, fo,boj (11;11, 13; 18:10, 15). 53) 7, 7, 7. 54) 11:13. 14:7 51) ( 1:9-10). ( 1:16). 52). Osborne E. Schnabel John and the Future of the Nations, Paper presented at the fifty first annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, 8-9. Osborne, Revelation, 434. 53) Beale, Revelation, 603-607;,, 201-202. 54). 7, 7, 7., 6,, 5 1 (2006 12 ): 169; M. E. Boring, Revelation: Interpretation - A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching (Louisville: John Knox Press, 1970), 122.

1008 11 4. 15:4. 16:9. 55),. (Aune) (a verbal indication of conversion). 56) 11:13, 9:20-21. 57) 9:20-11:13 A-B-A'. A (9:20-21), B (10:1-11:12), A' (11:13). A A'.. 58). 7, 7, 7 (. 9:20-21; 16:9, 11), 11. 55) Beale Bauckham. Bauckham,, Climax of Prophecy, 278; Osborne, Revelation, 434. 56) Aune, Revelation 6-16, 628. 57) Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy, 279. 58),, 501-502.

11:3-13? 1009. 59) 11:1-13. (8:2-6) (8:7-9:21)., 10:1-11:14... 11:14. (10:11) (11:1-2), (11:3-13).,. 60).,, (11:7-11). (11:14), (11:15-19). 10 11. 10. 11. (Roloff) (scarlet thread). 61) (Strand) 59) Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy, 279;,, 502. 60) Richard Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy:, 267.

1010 11 4. 11... (3-13 ). 62) 11:1-14 10, 9.., 11:5 9:17 9:17. 9:17.. 63), (9:20-21).. 10-11:13..,.,. (9:20-21),. 64), 11:1-14,,,,. 11 11 10.,, 61) Jürgen Roloff, The Revelation of John. trans. by John E. Alsup, A Continental Commentary (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993), 122. 62) Kenneth A. Strand, The Spotlight-On-Last-Events Sections in the Book of Revealation, 208-209. 63) Ekkehardt Müller, The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, 31. 64),, 37-38; Bauckham, Theologly of the Book of Revelation, 86.

11:3-13? 1011. 65) 10. 11.? 10 11. 66) 11:3-13 12-13., 11-12. 11, 12. 67),,, 1-11 12-22. 68), (holy war)., 11:1-13( ) 13:1-18( ). -, - 11. 69)., (1:2, 9)., 65) Richard C. Lenski, The Interpretation of St. John s Revelation (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1963), 326. 66) Krodel, Revelation, 217-218. 67) Barbara W. Synder.,, 97 68) Beale, Revelation, 141-144;,, 95-96;,, ( :, 1999), 109. 69) 10:1-11:13 8:1-11:19 12:1-13:18.,,, 305 (2010): 49-50.

1012 11 4 (6:9). 70), 12 (12:17). 14 (14:12). 20 (20:4) (20:4).?. 11:3-13?.,. 11:3-13,,,.. (1:5),.,, 70)...., 6, 175.

11:3-13? 1013.. 11:3-13,, 1.... : 2012 12 03 : 12 04 12.14

1014 11 4 Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11:3-13? Sim Sang-Gil (Korea Christian University) The account of the two witnesses in Rev 11:3-13 is one of the most problematic passages in the Apocalypse, and the identity and mission of these two prophets are issues that remain unresolved. In this article the main contemporary interpretations are presented and evaluated in three groups: literal, symbolical and eclectic. Serious objections are raised to each of these approaches. On the one hand, to understand the identity of two witnesses in Rev 11:3-13, this article has observed the characteristics of the two witnesses: two olive trees, two lampstands, and comparision of Moses and Elijah. On the other hand this study has considered the unity and coherence of the enlargement as a whole in determining the connections between chapter 11 and adjacent chapters. The result of the investigations is that the symbolic interpretation is proper rather than the other two approaches. That menas the two witness refer to neither paradigmatic Christians such as Moses or Elijah nor law and Gospel. The two witnesses stand for the whole church as witnessing to the world. :,,,, Two witnesses, two olive trees, two lampstands, witnessing church, symbolic interpretation