KISEP Original Article 생물정신의학 Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2004 만성정신분열병환자들의인지기능과정서인식능력의관련성 * 황혜리 ** 황태연 ** 이우경 ** 한은선 ** The Relationship between Neurocognitive Functioning and Emotional Recognition in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients * Hye-Li Hwang, M.A., ** Tae-Yeon Hwang, M.D., PhD., ** Woo-Kyung Lee, M.A., ** Eun-Sun Han, M.D. ** ABSTRACT O bjective- - Methods- - - - Results Conclusion - Yongin Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Yongin Mental Hospital, Yongin, Korea 교신저자 - 155 -
- KEY WORDS 서론 - 156 -
1. 피험자 연구대상및방법 2. 측정도구 1) 신경인지기능 - - - - - - - 157 -
- 2) 정서인식과제 (Emotional Recognition Task: ERT) 3. 연구설계및통계분석 1. 인구통계학적자료 연구결과 2. 정서인식, 정서변별, 맥락인식, 정서능력과신경인지기능간의상관관계 - 158 -
3. 정서인식, 정서변별, 맥락인식, 정서능력에대한신경인지기능과관련된변인들의설명. Table1. Demographic data and baseline characteristics of all patients Characteristics Subjectsn48 Male/Female 14/34 Age Duration of education Age at first onset of illness Age at first admission Number of admission Duration of present admission Duration of illness 42.1506.95 09.8103.34 25.4806.12 27.0206.98 06.0405.25 34.4728.55 16.6707.55 1) 정서인식을종속변인으로한위계적회귀분석결과 2) 정서변별을종속변인으로한위계적회귀분석결과 Table 2. The relationship between neurocognitive functioning and emotional measure Emotional recognition Emotional discrimination Contextual recognition Emotional capacity Digit Span.1320.1430.2023.2226 Block Design.2446.0820.4776**.4351** K-HVLTimmediate recall sum.0341.2380.1742.1986 K-HVLTrecall.0757.2838.1729.1767 K-HVLTrecogniton.0180.1960.1878.1809 Word fluencysemantic.0630.1408.3315*.2923* Word fluencyphonetic.1102.0006.3440*.2095 Working memory.2155.4059**.3627*.4334** Spannumber 3.0908.2157.3018*.3002* Spannumber 12.1068.0355.3617*.2982* Cpthit rate.1131.1995.1570.1309 p.05, p.01-159 -
3) 맥락인식을종속변인으로한위계적회귀분석결과 Table 3. Hierarchical regression analysis predicting emotional recognition Predictor B SE B R 2 R 2 F change 1 Early visual processing.02.02.467 SPAN SPAN 2 Sustained attention.05.03 1.353 CPT.980.84.190 3 Working memory.13.07 3.457 Letter number sequencing test.110.06.290 4 Immediate memory.13.00.000 Digit span.001.11.003 5 Verbal memory.13.01.123 K-HVLTimmediate recall.020.06.050 K-HVLTrecall.080.15.140 K-HVLTrecognition.070.15.090 6 Executive function.21.07 1.063 Block design.140.10.300 Semantic.020.04.100 Phonetic.060.04.370 Table 4. Hierarchical regression analysis predicting emotional discrimination Predictor B SE B R 2 R 2 F change 1 Early visual processing.10.10 2.507 SPAN* SPAN 2 Sustained attention.12.01 0.684 CPT.60.73.13 3 Working memory.26.14 7.488* Letter number sequencing test.13.05.39** 4 Immediate memory.26.01 0.429* Digit span.06.09.13 5 Verbal memory.31.05 0.815 K-HVLTimmediate recall.003.05.01 K-HVLTrecall.07.12.13 K-HVLTrecognition.09.12.14 6 Executive function.32.01 0.140 Block design.01.08.02 Semantic.001.03.08 Phonetic.01.03.07 p.05, p.01-160 -
Table 5. Hierarchical regression analysis predicting contextual recognition Predictor B SE B R 2 R 2 F change 1 Early visual processing.16.160 3.984* SPAN 3.02 0.07.07* SPAN 12.16 0.11.34* 2 Sustained attention.16.001 0.027* CPT.30 1.85.03* 3 Working memory.27.110 6.095* Letter number sequencing test.30 0.12.35* 4 Immediate memory.27.010 0.282* Digit span.13 0.24.10* 5 Verbal memory.29.020 0.335* K-HVLTimmediate recall.06 0.13.09* K-HVLTrecall.08 0.31.06* K-HVLTrecognition.23 0.31.13* 6 Executive function.38.090 1.535* Block design.34 0.21.32* Semantic.02 0.08.04* Phonetic.08 0.09.22* p.05 Table 6. Hierarchical regression analysis predicting contextual recognition Predictor B SE B R 2 R 2 F change 1 Early visual processing.16.160 3.984* SPAN 3.02 0.07.07* SPAN 12.16 0.11.34* 2 Sustained attention.16.001 0.027* CPT.30 1.85.03* 3 Working memory.27.110 6.095* Letter number sequencing test.30 0.12.35* 4 Immediate memory.27.010 0.282* Digit span.13 0.24.10* 5 Verbal memory.29.020 0.335* K-HVLTimmediate recall.06 0.13.09* K-HVLTrecall.08 0.31.06* K-HVLTrecognition.23 0.31.13* 6 Executive function.38.090 1.535* Block design.34 0.21.32* Semantic.02 0.08.04* Phonetic.08 0.09.22* p.05, p.01 4) 정서능력을종속변인으로한위계적회귀분석결과 - 161 -
Table 7. Comparison of emotional recognition test between upper 25% and lower 25% in working memory Upper 25%n13 Lower 25%n19 Meansd Meansd t p Emotion recognition 04.461.66 03.581.35 01.655.108 Emotion discrimination 04.081.19 02.891.29 2.632*.013 Contextual recognition 10.853.72 08.372.69 2.191*.036 Emotion capacity 19.385.74 14.843.53 2.777**.009 p.05, p.01 4. 작업기억점수를기준으로상위 25%, 하위 25% 나누어두집단간차이비교 논 의 - 162 -
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