186792 : I, 70, 30 1) ( ),,?, 2) 1), (, 2006), 1 2),, ( 6, 2004)
68 18, : 69,,,, I I, ( ) ( 6:24), ( 10:23, 25) 3) ( 6: 20 21a),, 3) ( 6: 24 25a) 4) (Thomas E Schmidt),, 5) 6), 7) (Clement of Alexandria, 150? 215) (Who Is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved) 8) 4),,, ( 10:21b/ 18:22b) 5 ) Thomas E Schmidt, Hostility to Wealth in the Synoptic Gospels ( S h e f f i e l d, England: JSOT Press, 1987), 165 6) 4 10:21b 18:22b 19:21 72 7) Redmond Mullin, The Wealth of Christians (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1983), 50
70 18, : 71, 9) 19 (Origen, 185 254) [ ] ( 19:21; 10:21),,,,,, 10),,,, (possessions) (possessiveness) (need) 11) 12) (Hermas) (The Shepherd, 120 140) 8 ) Boniface Ramsey, OP, Beginning To Read the Fathers (New York, Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1985), 182, 194 9) Mullin, The Wealth of Christians, 52 10) Quis Dives Salvetur Mullin, Ibid, 52 11) Quis Dives Salvetur Mullin, Ibid, 55 1 2 ) Justo L Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth: A History of Early Christian Ideas on the Origin, Significance, and Use of Money (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1990), 227, 13) 14) (), ( 6:24) (Ambrose),, 15)? 16) (John Chrysos tom, 344/354 407) 13) J A McGuckin, The Vine and the Elm Tree: The Patristic Interpretation of Jesus Teachings on Wealth, The Church and Wealth, W J Sheils and Diana Wood, eds, (Basil Blackwell, 1987), 9 14) McGuckin, Ibid, 10 15), (Exp Evang Sec Luc 813) Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Fathers, 185 16) Exp Evang Sec Luc 85 Ramsey, Ibid, 185
72 18, : 73,???? 17) 18), 19) 20) 1 7 ) Homilies on the First Epistle of St Paul to Timothy, Hom X I I Mullin, T h e Wealth of Christians, 55 18) Sermon 124 in ep I ad Tim Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Fathers, 189 190 19) Sermon 124 in ep I ad Tim Ramsey, Ibid 20) On the Fall of Eutropius 23 McGuckin, The Vine and the Elm Tree, 13 (loan for use) 21) (trust) 22) (Eustathius) 23) (Irenaeus) 24) (Jerome), 25), (Ep 120 1) 26) (Eucherius) 27) 28) 29) 21) On 1 Timothy Mullin, The Wealth of Christian, 55 22) Mullin, Ibid, 55 23) Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Fathers, 185 24) Ramsey Ibid, 185 25) Ep 1201 McGuckin, The Vine and the Elm Tree, 14 26) McGuckin, Ibid, 14 27) De contemptu mndi et saec Philos, Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Fathers, 191 28) Mullin, The Wealth of Christians, 52 29) Mullin, Ibid, 53
74 18, : 75,,, 30) I I I,,,,? 1 30) De Divitiis Mullin Ibid, 54 31),,,,, 32) (avarice) 33) 34) 31) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 226 32) Enn In Ps, 72 26 McGuckin, The Vine and the Elm Tree, 13 33) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 214 34) De civ D 128, NPNF, 1st ser Gonzalez, Ibid, 215
76 18, : 77, [ ] (The Way of Life of the Catholic Church I, 23, 42) 35) 2 (use) (enjoy), 36) (uti) (frui) 37) 38), 39) (City of God) (perversion) 40) (vice) (virtue) 41)?, 42), 35) Peter C Phan, Social Thought: Messages of the Fathers of the Church (Wilming ton, Delaware: Michael Glazier, Inc, 1984), 203f 36) Christian Instruction, I, 3, 3 Phan, Ibid, 216 37) Christian Instruction, I, 3, 4, Phan, Ibid, 216 217,,,,,,, (Christian Instruction, I, 3, 4 Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 216 ) 3 (necessary) (superfluous) 38) Gonzalez, Ibid, 215 3 9 ) J Philip Wogaman, Christian Ethics: A Historical Introduction ( L o u i s v i l l e, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993), 59 40) City of God, X I, 25 Wogaman, Ibid, 59 (perversion), 41) Phan, Social Thought, 196 42) Phan, Ibid, 196
78 18, : 79 43), 44) 45) (Peter C Phan), 46) 47), 48) 49) (liberality) (restitution), 50) 4 43) Phan, Ibid, 197 44) Commentary on Psalm 147, 12 Phan, Ibid, 196 45) Commentary on Psalm 147, 12 Phan, Ibid, 196 46) Phan, Ibid, 197 47) Commentary on Psalm 147, 12 Phan, Ibid, 196 48) Sermon 206 2 Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 216 49) Sermon 206 2 Phan, Social Thought, 226 50) In Psalm, 95, 15 Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 217 6:20,?, 52) 53) 5,, 54),, (Justo L Gonzalez),, 55) 51) Expositions on the Psalms 39:7 - Phan, Social Thought, 223 52) Phan, Ibid, 224 53) Expositions on the Psalms 39:7 Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 217 54) Sermon 60 8 Gonzalez, Ibid, 217 51)
80 18, : 81 56) 57)?????? 58),, 59) 6 60)?, 55) Gonzalez, Ibid, 217 56) Gonzalez, Ibid, 218 57) Gonzalez, Ibid, 218 58) Sermon 239 5 Phan, Social Thought, 229 230 59) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 218 60) Gonzalez, Ibid, 218 61) ( ),, 62) (Philip Wogaman), (scandal) 63),??, [ ] 61) Sermon 39, 4, 6 Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Fathers, 184 62) In Psalm, 124, 2, PL Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 218 63) Wogaman, Christian Ethics, 60
82 18, : 83 64),, 65),, 66), 67) 68) 64) Enarr in Ps 66 3 Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Fathers, 192 65) Sermon 3111313 1413 Ramsey, Ibid, 192 66) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 218 67) Ramsey, Beginning To Read the Father, 184 68) Sermon 239, 4 Phan, Social Thought, 218, 69) 7 (commandments) (counsels of per fection) 19:16 22,,,,? 70) 69) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 218 70) Letters 157, 25 Phan, Social Thought, 210 211
84 18, : 85 71) 72), 73), 71) 5:12,,,, ( ), King James Version ( Where fore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinner ), ( ) (passed upon) (in this way), 72) 10:21,,,,, / 18:22,, / 19:21, [ ], [ ],,, 73) Christian Instruction I, 4 Pahn, Social Thought, 216 217 74) 75), 30 (Rule) 76) 8 (Hilarius),,, 77) (godly) 74) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 219 75) Gonzalez, Ibid, 219 7 6 ) Tarsicius J Van Bavel, The Rule of Saint Augustine: Masculine and Feminine Versions (Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1984), 3, 4, 7, and 42 77) Letter 15736, Phan, Social Thought, 214
86 18, : 87,,,,, (godli ness) (ungodliness) 78), 79) (Thagaste) 80), 81) 82) 83), 84) 9 78) Letters 239,26, Phan, Ibid, 209 211 79) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 159 161 80 ) Peter Brown, Augustine of Hippo: A Biography (Berkeley: Univ of California Press, 1969), 351 81) Gonzalez, Faith &Wealth, 159 161 82) Gonzalez, Ibid, 159 83) Jane E Merdinger, Rome and the African Church in the Time of Augustine (New Heaven: Yale Univ Press, 1997), 110 84) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 160
88 18, : 89,? [ ]? 85), 86), 87), 88) 85) Evan Iohan 725 26, 1st ser Gonzalez, Ibid, 220 86) Gonzalez, Ibid, 220 87) Gonzalez, Ibid, 221 88) Ep, 185, 15, Gonzalez, Ibid, 221 I V 89) 90) 91), 92) 93),,, 94) 89) McGuckin, The Vine and the Elm Tree, 14 90) Mullin, The Wealth of Christians, 67 91) Wogaman, Christian Ethics, 60 92) Gonzalez, Faith & Wealth, 230 93) Gonzalez, Ibid, 231 94) Gonzalez, Ibid, 231
90 18, : 91 Bavel, Tarsicius J Van, The Rule of Saint Augustine: Masculine and Feminine Versions (Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1984) Brown, Peter, Augustine of Hippo: A Biography (Berkeley: Univ of California Press, 1969) Gonzalez, Justo L, Faith & Wealth: A History of Early Christian Ideas on the Origin, Significance, and Use of Money (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1990) McGuckin, J A, The Vine and the Elm Tree: The Patristic Interpretation of Jesus Teachings on Wealth, The Church and Wealth, W J Sheils and Diana Wood, eds Basil Blackwell, 1987 Merdinger, Jane E, Rome and the African Church in the Time of Augustine (New Heaven: Yale Univ Press, 1997) Mullin, Redmond, The Wealth of Christians (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1983) Phan, Peter C, Social Thought: Messages of the Fathers of the Church (Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, Inc, 1984) Ramsey, OP, Boniface, Beginning To Read the Fathers (New York, Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1985) Schmidt, Thomas E, Hostility to Wealth in the Synoptic Gospels (Sheffield, England: JSOT Press, 1987) Wogaman, J Philip, Christian Ethics: A Historical Introduction (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993),, Poverty, Wealth, Augustinus On Wealth and Poverty: A Critical Reflection on the Unfortunate Legacy of St Augustine of Hippo Chang, Yoon Jae Professor Ewha Womans University Seoul, Korea Wealth has been an uneasy subject in the church from its earliest days, even to the extent that one could deduce that the unease was part of the essential fabric of the classical Christian tradition In terms of wealth and poverty, however, Jesus set a radical new standard: You cannot serve God and wealth (Matthew 6:24b) He questioned unambiguously the possibility of rich men s salvation; instead, he exalted the poor as the locus of God s kingdom In a word, Jesus showed a naked hostility toward wealth, taught radical renunciation of possession, and required the redistribution of wealth as the very act of faith Yet, a substantial number of writers from the patristic tradi tion onward remained ambivalent about accepting these teachings of Jesus As for many church Fathers, it was difficult to accept either that wealth could be damned or that poverty could be admirable Therefore, through analogical and other forms of interpretation, through the adaptation of Stoic principles, they softened or explained away the hardest teachings of Jesus The author of this essay delineates how the classical patristic doctrine against Jesus teachings was sketched out in Clement and Hermas, followed by a long chain of
92 18 preachers such as Ambrose, Chrysostom, and eventually completed by Augustine As Augustine confirmed that wealth and poverty are part of the natural order established by God, argues the author, the church has been unable to respond in any radical or consistent way to the growing disparities between the poor and wealthy Rather, the church has helped to continue the legacy of condoning economic inequality Due to this unfortunate legacy of Augustine, argues the author, matters such as the origin, nature, and use of wealth are not considered theological issues even today The church at large avoids them by conveniently placing them at the margin And by defining them as issues of social ethics, and therefore as the subject matter of a different discipline, theologians have tended to define them as nontheological issues The author proposes Christian churches to restore Jesus hardest teaching on wealth and poverty as one of central agenda for theological discussion today