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Structural vs Functional Dichotomy Symptomatic vs Asymptomatic Circulatory (Hyperemic vs Ischemic) Motility (Hyper mobility vs Hypo-mobility) Asymmetry (Static vs dynamic) (Wt. Bearing + vs -) ROM (Translatory vs. Angular) (Quality vs Quantity) Tissue Texture (Contractile vs. Non-Contractile) - endfeel Concentric vs Eccentric Contraction (cf. Contracture) Normal vs. Abnormal (cf. WNL) Assessment ( 보는과정 ) Inspection- see vs. look( 눈으로 ) History taking( 귀로 ) Palpation( 손으로 ) Movement test (P. A. R.)( 움직임으로 ) Differential Dx.( 비교해서 ) Special Tests ( 자세히 ) Tome -tomy Zone 영역구분 Derma 피부 Connective Tissue 결체조직 Myo 근육 Ot Osteo 뼈 Sclero 경부조직 Manu 손 Pedo 발 Auricle - 귀 2



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하퇴정강이 종아리구획 후종골 점액낭염 발목관절의굴곡, 신전, 외반상해 후경골근건의지시부 족저근막과족궁 Head injury a. contusion ( emergency care ) b. lacerations c. fractures d. hematomas 11

Facial injuries a. jaw : laceration, dislocation, TMJ b. nose : fracture, epistasis, narsal septum c. eye : contusion, laceration, foreign body d. ear : contusion, foreign body, hematoma auris, swimmer's ear neck a. spinal cord transection - paraplegia / quadriplegia ( emergency care ) b. laceration, contusions, fractures, subluxation / dislocation c. whiplash injury, torticollis e. mouth : tooth fracture, loss, tongue & cheek Shoulder & Upper arm a. sterno - clavicular joint : sprain, disc injury b. acromio - clavicular joint : contusion, sprain c. clavicle : fracture d.rotator cuff : strain / rupture, inpingement syndrome e. glenohumeral joint fracture : humeral head / neck, labum subluxation / dislocation : anterior, posterior, inferior, recurrent tendinitis : long head of biceps, supraspinatus bursitis : subdeltoid, subacromia f. sports shoulder : little league shoulder, pitcher's shoulder, trapshooter's shoulder, tennis shoulder, shouler - hand syndrome, blocker's extosis elbow & forearm a. fracture, dislocation, hyperextension bli b. ligament tij injury : valgus / varus, annular c. olecranon bursitis d. tennis elbow, golfer's elbow little league elbow e. volkmann' s ischemia wrist & hand a. fractures : colle's, bennett, boxer's/street fighter's, mallet finger, scaphoid, lunate b. tendinitis, tenosynovitis, tenovaginitis, De Quarvain's, trigger /snapping finger c. sprains : skier's thumb, gamekeeper's thumb, lunate dislocation d. meniscal injuries, contusion, nail bed hematoma e. nerve palsy : ulnar, radial, median f. contractures : Dupuytren's g. ganglion, Herbenden's nodes h. circulatory complication : Raynaud's disease i. deformity : finger clubbing, claw finger, swan neck, Boutonniere j. Sudeck's atrophy ( sympathetic nerve dystrophy ) k. carpal tunnel syndrome Thoracic & Lumbar spines a. Fractures : spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, SP & TP, vertebral body b. contusions, subluxation, dislocation, sprain c. spinal stenosis, spondylolysis d. disc injuries i & degenerative disc diseases e. nerve root impingement f. facet syndromes g. scoliosis, kyposis, lordosis h. vertebral osteochondritis i. soft tissue injuries : dura stretch 12

Thorax Abdomen a. fractures : rib, sternal b. separation/dislocation : costochondral, sternocostal c. hemothorax, pneumothorax, hemopneumo thorax d. traumatic asphyxia, frail chest e. heart contusion a. internal organ contusion : kidney, spleen, stomach, pancreas b. internal organ rupture : bladder, urethra, spleen c. solar plexus contusion d. abdominal muscle contusion Pelvis a. fracture : ilium b. contusion : hip pp pointer, scrotum c. hernia : inguinal, femoral d. varicocele e. over use syndrome : symphysis pubis separation, inguinal region hip thigh, groin a. fracture, dislocation, contusion, sprain b. strain : quadriceps, hamstring, adductor, abductor hip pointer(iliac spine), satorius traction(a.s.i.s.), rectus femoris pull(p.s.i.s.), sis) c. hamstring pull (ischial tuberosity) d. synovitis, bursitis, tendinitis e. snapping hip f. congenital anteversion / retroversion of the hip g. traumatic great trochanter Knee a. fracture : femoral condyle,bumper's fracture b. sprain : MCL, LCL, ACL, coronary ligament c. meniscus injury : tear, congenital anormalities (discoid meniscus) d. synovitis, bursitis(infra, supra, prepatella, pes anserinus), tendinitis (patella, popliteal) e. patella subluxation / dislocation acute & chronic f. chondromalacia patellae - acute & chronic (Patello-Femoral Mal-alignment syndrome) g. Osgood - Schlatter's disease, Backer's cyst h. jumper's knee, iliotibial band friction syndrome, lower leg a. fracture : traumatic, stress b. shin splints, overuse syndromes c. compartment syndromes d. muscle cramps f. contusion, laceration 13

Ankle & Foot a. fracture : lat./med. malleolus, bimalleolar, tarus, calcaneus, phalanges, metatarsal b. sprain (inversion / eversion) strains c. tendinitis (achilles, tibialis anterior), bursitis (retro-calcaneal), fasciitis d. contusion, bruises( heel l) ), laceration e. extosis : pump bumps f. nerve palsy : tibial, superficial / deep peroneal g. deformity : hammer toe, mallet toe, claw toe, pes cavus, planus, Morton's foot h. Morton's neuroma / metatarsalgia, march fracture i. nail bed hematoma, ingrown toe nail j. circulatory complications : Raynaud's disease 여러가지감염, 질환, 병변 (1) viral infections (2) bacterial infections (3) fungus infections (4) parasitic infections (5) mechanical, physical & thermal reactions (6) allergic skin conditions (7) problems of the resperatory system (8) problems of digestive system (9) problems of uro-genital system (10) wounds (11) infectious diseases Soft Tissue Injury Emergency Care ICE + S2 의원칙 Ice ( 냉적용 ), Compression( 압박 ), Elevation ( 거상 ) S2 = Stabilization ( 추가적상해로부터상해부위보호 ) = Stretch ( 가능하다면환부에가벼운스트레칭시행 ) Physical + Therapy + Education Physical Therapy vs. Physical Education Physical Therapy Physical Education 물리치료적용 수동적방법 ; 냉온의적용, 전기자극, 광선요법등 능동적방법 ; 각종운동요법, 안정화, 근에너지기법등 14







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