박 민 철 1. 공격성 aggression 4

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KISEP Special Issues 10 1 1999 J Korean Psychoanalytic Society Vol. 10, No. 1, page 3~15, 1 9 9 9 공격성의정신분석적개념 * 박민철 ** Psychoanalytic Concept of Aggression* Min-Cheol Park, M.D.** 서 3 론 공격성의정의

박 민 철 1. 공격성 aggression 4

2. 죽음의본능 death instinct 공격성의정신분석적개념 3. 본능적욕동 instinctual drive 5

박 민 철 공격성이론의역사 6

공격성의정신분석적개념 7

박 민 철 공격성의이론 8

공격성의정신분석적개념 9

박 민 철 1. 공격성의근원, 목적, 대상 1) 공격성의근원 2) 공격성의목적 10

공격성의정신분석적개념 3) 공격성의대상 2. 정신적갈등에서리비도와공격성의역할 11

박 민 철 공격성의임상적연구 1. 치료상황에서공격성연구 12

공격성의정신분석적개념 2. 소아관찰및소아놀이에서공격성연구 3. 걸음마기아동의사회적행동에서공격성연구 결 론 References 이재광 (1996): 공격성에관한정신분석적개념. 정신분석. 7:52-61 Brenner C(1971):The psychoanalytic concept of aggression. Int. J. Psychoanal., 52: 137-44 13

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공격성의정신분석적개념 ABSTRACT Psychoanalytic Concept of Aggression Min-Cheol Park, M.D. The author described the definion, history, theory and clinical investigation of psychoanalytic concept of aggression. The concept of drive rather than instinct have used in psychoanalytic drive theory, and the instinctual aggressive drive as an energyladen entity is enormously useful concept in clinical practice. Neither libido nor aggression are ever observable singly except in the most pathological instances, they are always fused. Sexual mastery cannot be achieved without appropriate admixture of aggression aggression cannot be integrated into normal life without an admixture of libido equally death cannot be attained except via the vicissitude of life. 15