Yoon s BEFL Note The Science Fair (YEE 6) Book 1 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 1 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표안부와길을묻고답하는표현과주요문법사항을익힌다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
The Science Fair (YEE 6) Book 1 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 달, 월 month 과학 science 등록하다 sign up 1A 다른초등학교찾다함께 different elementary school look for together 복도 hall 수업 class 돌다 turn 먼 far 큰 large 공원 park 팔 arm 1B 날카로운 마당 웃기는 sharp yard funny 대단한 great 긴 long 늦은 late 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 마침내 finally 완전히 completely 비어있는 empty 2A 자리양해를구하다언짢아하다 seat excuse mind 만나다 meet 기쁜 pleased 저쪽에 over 차지하다 take 짧은 short 옥수수 corn 폭풍 storm 북쪽 north 2B 주문하다 포크 order fork 빨리 quickly 큰소리로 loudly 정말 really 매우 very 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 재미있는 interesting 과목 subject 수의사 vet 기술자 engineer 3A 작가역사 ( 자리 ) 등을맡아두다줄지어 writer history save in line 또한 also 대신에 instead 첫번째의 first 새 bird 젓다 stir 셔츠 shirt 3B 치마 흙먼지 skirt dirt 탄생 birth 미래 future 가장 most 방학 vacation 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 모두 everyone 4A 주소전화번호주소록반복하다이메일 address phone number address book repeat e-mail 아파트 apartment 생일 birthday 끝이난 over 끝내다 finish 세번째의 third 이미, 벌써 already 끝나다 finish ~ 한후에 after 4B 준비가된 서로 ready each other 잘, 제대로 well 개인의 personal 부사 adverb 형용사 adjective 6
Book 1 Unit 1 This Camp Is So Large 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 month 달, 월 11 등록하다 sign up 2 science 과학 12 초등학교 elementary school 3 sign up 등록하다 13 수업 class 4 different 다른 14 돌다 turn 5 elementary school 초등학교 15 달, 월 month 6 look for 찾다 16 다른 different 7 together 함께 17 과학 science 8 hall 복도 18 함께 together 9 class 수업 19 복도 hall 10 turn 돌다 20 찾다 look for 20 개중 개정답 7
Key Points 안부를물어볼때 A: How have you been? B: I m fine, thanks. 안부를물었을때, 좋아. 라고대답할때는 Great. / Good. / Not bad. 등을사용해요. 이밖에, 좋지않아. 라고할땐 Not good., 그저그래. 라고할때는 So so. 라고할수있어요. Let s Practice 빈칸에 New Word 를적절히넣어대화를완성해보세요. Expression 1 A: How have you been? B: I m fine, thanks. New Word 1. A: How have you been? B: Not bad, thanks. not bad 2. A: How have you been? B: So so, thanks. so so 3. A: How have you been? B: I m good, thanks. how have / thanks 4. A: How have you been? B: I m fine, thanks. how have you been / fine 8
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 널한달동안이나못봤네. (haven t, seen, month) I haven t seen you in a month. 2. 근데과학캠프는초등학교랑매우다른것같아. (science, different, elementary) But science camp is very different from elementary school. 3. 이캠프는아주커. (camp, large) This camp is so large. 4. 206 호에가려면어떻게해야하나요? (how, you, get) How do you get to Room 206? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Katie: Class is about to 1 begin. I need to 2 find my classroom. Paula: Me, too. I m 3 looking for Room 206. Katie: 4 Really? We are in the 5 same class! Paula: That s 6 great news! Maybe we can 7 sit 8 together. 선생님확인 9
1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 far 먼 11 큰 large 2 large 큰 12 늦은 late 3 park 공원 13 마당 yard 4 arm 팔 14 날카로운 sharp 5 sharp 날카로운 15 대단한 great 6 yard 마당 16 긴 long 7 funny 웃기는 17 웃기는 funny 8 great 대단한 18 먼 far 9 long 긴 19 공원 park 10 late 늦은 20 팔 arm 20 개중 개정답 10
Key Points 사물의성질이나상태를나타내는말 ( 형용사 ) : 시원한바람, 예쁜동생 등과같이사물이나사람의성질이나상태를설명해주는말을 형용사 라고한다. Jake is a good boy. 착한소년 이라는의미로 good은 boy의상태를설명해주고있어요. It s a big doll. 이것은큰인형이다. (doll의성질을설명하고있어요.) She is cute. (she의상태를설명하고있어요.) Let s Practice 다음문장의빈칸에알맞은형용사를아래상자에서찾아써보세요. 1. Science camp is very different from elementary school. 2. Go down the long hall. 3. That s great news! 4. This camp is so large! 5. We re going to be late. 6. We are in the same class. long large great different late same 11
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 도서관에가려면어떻게해야해요? (how, get, library) How do you get to the library? 2. 쭉가면나온단다. (straight, ahead) It s straight ahead. 3. 우리학교운동장은커. (playground, large) The playground of our school is large. 4. 널만나서기뻐! (great, see) It s so great to see you! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Katie s Note Today is the 1 first day of 2 science camp. It is very 3 different from 4 elementary school. The camp is so 5 large. I saw my friend, Paula. We are in the same 6 class. Maybe we can sit 7 together! 선생님확인 12
Book 1 Unit 2 Please Take a Seat 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 finally 마침내 11 양해를구하다 excuse 2 completely 완전하게 12 차지하다 take 3 empty 비어있는 13 자리 seat 4 seat 자리 14 마침내 finally 5 excuse 양해를구하다 15 기쁜 pleased 6 mind 언짢아하다 16 저쪽에 over 7 meet 만나다 17 만나다 meet 8 pleased 기쁜 18 완전하게 completely 9 over 저쪽에 19 비어있는 empty 10 take 차지하다 20 언짢아하다 mind 13 20 개중 개정답
Key Points 1. 상대방의허락을구할때 A: Do you mind if we sit here? B: Not at all. Please take a seat. Do you mind if ~? 라고물어서상대방의 허락을구할수있어요. 긍정의대답으로는 Not at all. 이라고하면돼요. 2. 타인을소개할때 A: I d like you to meet my friend, Paula. B: Hi, Paula. Pleased to meet you. 타인을소개할때 I d like you to meet ~. 또는 Please meet ~. 을사용할수있어요. ㅅ타인을소개받았을때할수있는인사로는 Nice to meet you. 라고하거나 It s a pleasure to meet you. 라고할수있어요. Let s Practice 빈칸에 New Word 를적절히넣어대화를완성해보세요. Expression 1 A: Do you mind if we sit here? B: Not at all. Please take a seat. 1. A: Do you mind if I borrow your umbrella? B: Not at all. 2. A: May I ask you a question? B: Sure. What is it? 3. A: Do you mind if I open the window? B: Not at all. New Word borrow your umbrella may I do you mind 괄호안의단어들을빈칸에바르게배열하여대화를완성해보세요. Expression 2 A: I d like you to meet my friend, Paula. B: Hi, Paula. Pleased to meet you. 1. A: I d like you to meet my friend, John. (to, you, like, I d) B: Hi John. Pleased to meet you. 2. A: Please meet my teacher, Jim. (teacher, Jim, my, meet) B: Hi, Suji. Pleased to meet you. (you, to, meet, Pleased) 14
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리여기앉아도될까? (mind, if, sit) Do you mind if we sit here? 2. 우리는초등학교에같이다녀. (elementary, together) We go to elementary school together. 3. 그냥스탠이라고불러도돼. (call, Stan) You can call me Stan. 4. 우리는서로잘알지는못해. (each, other, well) We don t know each other very well. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Katie: We finally 1 made it! Paula: But the classroom is 2 completely full. There are no 3 empty seats. Katie: Wait! I see two more seats 4 over there. Paula: Okay. 5 Let s take them. 선생님확인 15
2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 short 짧은 11 주문하다 order 2 corn 옥수수 12 포크 fork 3 storm 폭풍 13 빨리 quickly 4 north 북쪽 14 큰소리로 loudly 5 order 주문하다 15 정말 really 6 fork 포크 16 매우 very 7 quickly 빨리 17 북쪽 north 8 loudly 큰소리로 18 폭풍 storm 9 really 정말 19 옥수수 corn 10 very 매우 20 짧은 short 20 개중 개정답 16
Key Points 구체적이고정확한정보를제공하기위해사용되는말 ( 부사 ) : 빨리달리다, 매우큰 에서 빨리, 매우 와같이상태나상황을보다정확하고구체적으로설명하기위해서사용하는말을 부사 라고한다. Jimmy swims well. 동사뒤에사용되어그의미를강조해요. Reading is very interesting. 형용사앞에사용되어그의미를더구체적으로설명해요. * 여러가지부사 quickly( 빨리 ) really( 정말로 ) loudly( 시끄럽게 ) very( 매우 ) finally( 마침내 ) easily( 쉽게 ) Let s Practice 다음문장에서틀린부분을찾아바르게고쳐보세요. 1. Please take your seats quick. quick quickly 2. This camp is real large. real really 3. Our teacher talks loud. loud loudly 4. Katie and Paula final found their classroom. final finally 17
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 네가나의아버지를만나봤으면좋겠어. (I d, like, father) I d like you to meet my father. 2. 교실이완전히꽉찼네. (classroom, completely) The classroom is completely full. 3. 빈자리들이없어. (are, empty, seats) There are no empty seats. 4. 저기두자리가보여. (more, empty, over) I see two more empty seats over there. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Science camp is 1 great! Katie and I are in the same class. The camp is 2 large, but we 3 finally made it to our classroom. But the classroom was completely 4 full. Then Katie saw two 5 empty seats. The seats were 6 next to two boys, Minho and Stan. The boys are very nice. 선생님확인 18
Book 1 Unit 3 What s Your Favorite School Subject? 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 interesting 흥미있는 11 대신에 instead 2 instead 대신에 12 흥미있는 interesting 3 history 역사 13 ( 자리 ) 등을 맡아두다 save 4 subject 과목 14 또한 also 5 in line 줄지어 15 과목 subject 6 also 또한 16 수의사 vet 7 save ( 자리 ) 등을맡아두다 17 작가 writer 8 writer 작가 18 줄지어 in line 9 vet 수의사 19 역사 history 10 engineer 기술자, 수리공 20 기술자, 수리공 engineer 20 개중 개정답 19
Key Points 1. 상대방의의견을물을때 A: What do you think of our teacher? B: I think he s great. What do you think of ~? 를써서 상대방의의견을물을수있어요. 대답은 I think ~. 로할수있어요. 2. 좋아하는과목묻고답할때 A: What s your favorite school subject? B: Science is my favorite subject. 좋아하는과목을물을때, What s your favorite school subject? 또는 What school subject do you like most? 등으로묻고, 답할때는 ~ is my favorite subject. 또는 I like ~ most. 로답해요. Let s Practice 사다리타기를한후, 그결과를바탕으로아래의빈칸을채워대화를완성해보세요. Jiyun Kyle Suji English History Science Expression 1 2 3 A: What s Jiyun s favorite school subject? B: Science is her favorite subject. A: What s Kyle s favorite school subject? B: English is his favorite subject. A: What s Suji s favorite school subject? B: History is her favorite subject. 20
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 우리선생님어때? (think, teacher) What do you think of our teacher? 2. 첫수업은재미있었어? (find, class, interesting) Did you find the first class interesting? 3. 학교에서다른과목들은뭐들어? (other, study, in) What other subjects do you study in school? 4. 여기사람정말많다! (there, many, here) There are so many people here! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Stan: What s your favorite school subject? Paula: 1 Science is my favorite subject. I also love animals. I want to be a 2 vet. What about you, Minho? Minho: 3 Math is my favorite subject. But I m also 4 good at science. I want to be an 5 engineer. Katie: I like science, but English is my favorite subject. I want to be a 6 writer. 선생님확인 21
3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 first 첫번째의 11 방학 vacation 2 bird 새 12 가장 most 3 stir 젓다 13 새 bird 4 shirt 셔츠 14 첫번째의 first 5 skirt 치마 15 치마 skirt 6 dirt 흙먼지 16 셔츠 shirt 7 birth 탄생 17 젓다 stir 8 future 미래 18 흙먼지 dirt 9 most 가장 19 탄생 birth 10 vacation 방학 20 미래 future 20 개중 개정답 22
Key Points 전치사 : 문장에서명사, 대명사, 그리고구 (phrase) 들을다른단어들과연결해주는역할을한다. nouns( 명사연결 ) I am also good at math. pronouns( 대명사연결 ) Let s talk to them. phrases( 구연결 ) What do you think of our science teacher? Let s Practice 문장의빈칸에들어갈전치사를아래상자에서찾아써보세요. 1. Let s get in line. 2. We can get lunch after you. 3. We re going to science camp. 4. Today is the first day of the summer vacation. 5. Who s the girl behind the teacher? 6. What are they talking about? after to in behind about of 23
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 넌가장좋아하는과목이뭐니? (your, favorite, school) What s your favorite school subject? 2. 난역사를제일좋아해. (like, most) I like history most. 3. 첫수업어때? (what, think, our) What do you think of our first class? 4. 그녀는수의사가되길원해요. (wants, be, a) She wants to be a vet. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. A: I have an 1 idea. Minho and Paula, you can get 2 lunch now. Stan and I can 3 save your 4 seats. Then we can get lunch 5 after you. B: Sounds good. Let s 6 get in line, Paula. 선생님확인 24
Book 1 Unit 4 What s Your Address? 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 everyone 모두 11 이메일 email 2 address 주소 12 끝내다 finish 3 4 phone number address book 전화번호 13 모두 everyone 주소록 14 전화번호 phone number 5 repeat 반복하다 15 반복하다 repeat 6 e-mail 이메일 16 아파트 apartment 7 apartment 아파트 17 끝이난 over 8 birthday 생일 18 생일 birthday 9 over 끝이난 19 주소록 address book 10 finish 끝내다 20 주소 address 20 개중 개정답 25
Key Points 주소를묻고답할때 A: What s your address? B: My address is 1344 Clark Street, Apartment 205. 주소를물을때, What s your address? 또는 Please tell me your address. 등을사용하고, 대답할때에는 My address is~. 또는 It s ~. 라고할수있어요. Let s Practice 사다리타기를한후, 그결과를바탕으로대화를완성해보세요. Minho Katie Stan 1622 Main St., Apartment 121 868 Green St., Apartment 409 2570 Oak St., Apartment 1216 Expression 1 2 3 A: What s Minho s address? B: His address is 2570 Oak St., Apartment 1216. A: Please tell me Katie s address. B: It s 1622 Main St., Apartment 121. A: What s Stan s address? B: His address is 868 Green St., Apartment 409. 26
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 다시한번말해줄래? (can, that) Can you repeat that? 2. 6 월 29 일이내생일이야. (June, birthday) June 29 is my birthday. 3. 수업종이다! (bell) There s the bell! 4. 점심시간이벌써끝났어. (over, already) Lunch is over already. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Minho: Can everyone tell me your 1 address and 2 phone number? Paula: Of course. That s a really good 3 idea. Katie: Hold on! I need to 4 get my address book. Okay, now I m 5 ready. 선생님확인 27
4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 adjective 형용사 11 세번째의 third 2 adverb 부사 12 이미, 벌써 already 3 third 세번째의 13 부사 adverb 4 already 이미, 벌써 14 형용사 adjective 5 each other 서로 15 끝나다 finish 6 well 잘, 제대로 16 개인의 personal 7 personal 개인의 17 ~ 한후에 after 8 finish 끝나다 18 잘, 제대로 well 9 after ~ 한후에 19 서로 each other 10 ready 준비가된 20 준비가된 ready 20 개중 개정답 28
Key Points Review: 형용사, 부사, 전치사 형용사 (Adjectives) 부사 (Adverbs) 전치사 (Prepositions) 사람, 장소, 그리고사물을묘사 동사, 형용사, 그리고부사들에대한정보전달 명사, 대명사, 구들을다른단어들과연결 Let s Practice 다음문장에서틀린부분을찾아바르게고쳐보세요. 1. That was so shortly. shortly short 2. The classroom is complete full. complete completely 3. That s a real good idea. real really 4. What other subjects do you study on school? on in 29
Sentence Master 괄호속단어를포함하여주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 주소좀말해줘. (tell, your) Please tell me your address. 2. 그거정말좋은생각이다. (really, idea) That s a really good idea. 3. 민호와스탠은서로잘알지못한다. (Minho, do, each, well) Minho and Stan do not know each other very well. 4. 제이메일주소는 sarahjones@email.com 이에요. (e-mail, is) My e-mail address is sarahjones@email.com. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Personal Notes Name: Stan Parker 1 Address : 1344 Clark Street, Apartment 205 Phone Number: 555-2 6984 3 E-mail Address : stanparker@email.com Birthday: 4 June 29 선생님확인 30
NEAT Speaking 유형문제해결하기 ( 세부내용말하기 ) 문제 M: Wow, There are so many people here! F: Minho, I have an idea. You and Paula can get lunch now. Stan and I can save your seats. Then we can get lunch after you. M: Sounds good. Let's get in line, Paula! 출처 1 권 p.33 Question: What are Minho and Paula going to do? 힌트 답안 They are going to ~ in line get lunch They are going to get in line. / They are going to get lunch. 31
NEAT Writing 유형 일상생활에관한글쓰기 출처 1 권 p.13 힌트 My address is ~ 답안 My address is #216-1101, Dongyang Apt., Taepyeong 2-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon 301-150, Republic of Korea. / My address is Second floor, Dongseon 2-dong, 102-16, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. 32