KISEP Original Articles 10 1 1999 J Korean Psychoanalytic Society Vol. 10, No. 1, page 121~140,1 9 9 9 뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 * 李炳郁 A Psychoanalytical Study on the Life and Works of Munch Byung-Wook Lee, M.D., Ph.D.* 서론 121
뭉크의생애 122
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 작품세계 123
1. 자화상 124
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 125
2. 여인들 126
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 3. 절규 127
4. 병든소녀 128
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 5. 자연과인간 1. 가족배경 개인역동과정신병리 129
2. 상실 130
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 3. 우울과공포 131
4. 금욕생활 132
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 5. 승화와창조성 133
6. 뭉크, 반고호, 이중섭 뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 7. 광기의표현 135
뭉크의삶과작품세계에대한분석적고찰 8. 심리회화 137
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ABSTRACT A Psychoanalytical Study on the Life and Works of Munch Byung-Wook Lee, M.D., Ph.D. Edvard Munch is a famous Norwegian artist of Western painting. He had an influence on German expressionist movement. This movement developed early in the 20th century, and seeks to present the inner life of humanity rather than its outward appearance. Munch emphasized the subjectivity in his work, and externalized human emotions to the extreme. But he was suffered from alcoholism, depression, phobia, paranoid condition, and treated by a Danish psychiatrist. He was unhappy, gloomy and alone throughout his life. His consistent psychopathology was revealed into his great works, and originated in his early childhood psychic trauma induced by loss of his sick mother and elder sister. Munch mourning reaction continued all his life, but he sought to rescue himself by sublimatory his own creative work. Munch s painting was the result from his mental pain. He expressed directly his own fear, anxiety, depression including humility and paranoid ideation toward women and sexuality. Even though he was a tragic single man, Munch is now much spoken of an exceptional successful artist in Western painting. 140