INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMMEMORATING THE 10 TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH KOREAN STUDIES, AND 62 ND ANNIVERSARY OF KYUNGNAM UNIVERSITY The Institute for Far Eastern Studies 서울프라자호텔그랜드볼룸 ( 지하 1 층 ) 연락처 SEOUL PLAZA HOTEL 호텔별관 북한대학원대학교ㆍ경남대학교극동문제연구소 서울특별시종로구삼청동 28-7 TEL 02-3700-0700 FAX 02-3700-0707 HOMEPAGE ㆍ 한반도평화와동북아안보환경 Peace on the Korean Peninsula and the Security Environment in Northeast Asia 2008. 5. 1. 서울프라자호텔그랜드볼룸 ( 지하 1 층 ) May 1, 2008 Seoul Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom (B1F) 주최 북한대학원대학교 University of North Korean Studies 우드로윌슨센터 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 경남대학교극동문제연구소 The Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University
초대의 Invitation 글 냉전의종식에도불구하고, 동북아, 특히한반도는적대적구조를청산하지못하고있습니다. 분단과전쟁, 또오랫동안지속되고있는북핵문제는 한반도와동북아에불안정을일으키는요인이되어왔습니다. 북핵문제의해결 은한반도와동북아전체의정치ㆍ안보환경변화에심대한영향을미칠것으 로보입니다. 한국에새로운정부가출범한이때에한미관계의방향과미래를진단 하는것은매우시의적절하고의미있는일이될것입니다. 더불어남북관계의 미래및남북관계가지역의안정과미국, 중국, 일본, 러시아와그밖의국가들 에미치는영향을논의하는것도매우중요한일입니다. 이번학술회의에서는 이러한이슈들과함께한반도평화체제건설과동북아다자안보협력에관한 각국의시각을공유할것입니다. 이러한인식하에서북한대학원대학교ㆍ경남대학교극동문제연구소그리 고미국우드로윌슨센터가공동으로 한반도평화와동북아안보환경 이라 는주제로국제학술회의를개최하고자합니다. 국내외학자들과전문가들이 참석하는본국제학술회의는한반도평화와동북아안보환경에대해심도 있는논의를할수있는매우뜻깊은자리가될것입니다. 다망하시지만부디 본회의에참석하시어여러분들의고견을들려주시기를부탁드립니다. Invitation 초대의글 Despite the demise of the Cold War, Northeast Asia particularly the Korean Peninsula has been unable to break free of a confrontational structure. The division of and war on the Korean Peninsula, the unceasing hostilities, and the North Korean nuclear issue have been sources of instability on the Korean Peninsula and the region. However, developments toward the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue are expected to effect significant change on the political and security environments on the peninsula and throughout Northeast Asia. With the new South Korean government inaugurated in February and the United States presidential election campaign in mid-stride, it will be timely and valuable to take a look at the future direction of ROK-U. S. relations. It would also be useful to discuss the future of inter-korean relations and their impact on regional stability as well as the perspectives of the United States, China, Japan, Russia, Australia, the European Union and other countries. Another objective of this conference is to share the points of view of the ROK, U.S., China, Japan and Russia on the establishment of a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula and multilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia. It is hoped that the outcome of the conference will prove to be useful to the policy-making and academic communities of all the countries concerned. With this in mind, we sincerely welcome your participation at the conference and look forward to hearing your valuable insights on this most significant development. 2008 년 4 월 경남대학교ㆍ북한대학원대학교총장박재규 우드로윌슨센터소장리해밀턴 April 2008 President, Kyungnam University ㆍ University of North Korean Studies Park Jae Kyu Director, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Lee H. Hamilton
공지사항 General Information >> 등록 참가자들은 5 월 1 일오전 9 시부터회의장인서울프라자호텔그랜드볼룸 ( 지하 1 층 ) 앞안내데스크에서등록하실수있습니다. >> Registration Registration will begin at 09:00 on May 1st at the information desk in front of the Grand Ballroom (B1F) of the Seoul Plaza Hotel. >> 회의운영및회의장이용에관한내용 1. 회의기간중참가자의편의제공과회의운영을위해안내데스크를운영하여도움을드립니다. 2. 회의의원만한진행을위하여발표및토론시간을준수하여주시기바랍니다. 발표 : 15 분 라운드테이블발표 : 10 분 토론 : 8 분 >> Additional Information 1. During the conference, you can obtain help from the task force at the information desk. 2. For productive and effective sessions, the allocated time for presentations and discussions will be as follows: Paper presentation: 15 minutes Roundtable presentation: 10 minutes Discussion: 8 minutes >> 만찬참석 만찬은초청을받으신회의참석자에한해서만참석하실수있습니다. >> Dinner Reception Dinner will be provided to participants and invited guests. >> 회의참석 회의에참석을원하시는분은연락하여주시면감사하겠습니다. Tel. 02) 3700-0700 >> R.S.V.P. Tel. 02) 3700-0700 >> 본학술회의는동시통역으로진행됩니다. >> Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
프로그램 Program 09:00-09:30 등록 09:00-09:30 Registration 09:30-10:10 개회식개회사박재규 ( 경남대학교ㆍ북한대학원대학교총장 ) 사무엘웰스 ( 우드로윌슨센터부소장 ) 기조연설알렉산더버쉬바우 ( 주한미대사 ) 10:10-10:30 휴식 09:30-10:10 OPENING CEREMONY Opening Address Park Jae Kyu (President, Kyungnam University ㆍ University of North Korean Studies) Samuel F. Wells (Associate Director, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) Keynote Speech H.E. Alexander Vershbow (U.S. Ambassador to the ROK) 10:10-10:30 PHOTO SESSION & COFFEE BREAK 10:30-12:20 제1회의한미관계의미래 10:30-12:20 SESSION 1 FUTURE OF ROK-U.S. RELATIONS 사회사무엘웰스 ( 우드로윌슨센터 ) 발표한미관계의미래 : 한국의시각전재성 ( 서울대학교 ) 한미관계의미래 : 미국의시각스콧스나이더 ( 아시아재단 ) 동북아안보환경의변화와한국의선택최종건 ( 북한대학원대학교 ) Chair Samuel F. Wells (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) Paper Topic/Presenters Future of ROK-U.S. Relations: South Korea s Approach Chun Jae-Sung (Seoul National University) Future of ROK-U.S. Relations: U.S. Approach Scott Snyder (The Asia Foundation) ROK in the Changing Security Environment of Northeast Asia Choi Jong Kun (University of North Korean Studies) 토론 조엘위트 ( 콜럼비아대학교 ) 이옥연 ( 서울대학교 ) 다니엘핑스턴 ( 국제위기감시기구 ) Discussants Joel Wit (Columbia University) Yi Okyeon (Seoul National University) Daniel Pinkston (International Crisis Group)
프로그램 Program 12:20-13:30 오찬 오찬연설유명환 ( 외교통상부장관 ) 12:20-13:30 LUNCHEON Luncheon Speech H.E. Yu Myung Hwan (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade) 13:30-15:30 제2회의남북관계와미국 13:30-15:30 SESSION 2 INTER-KOREAN RELATIONS AND THE UNITED STATES 사회이수훈 ( 경남대학교 ) 발표남북관계의전망이정식 ( 경희대학교 ) 북한의경제개혁과남북경협전망조동호 ( 이화여자대학교 ) 북미관계전망조엘위트 ( 콜럼비아대학교 ) 한국을위한협력 : 평화프로세스와비핵화리온시걸 ( 미국사회과학원 ) 토론키미야타다시 ( 토쿄대학교 ) 제임스퍼슨 ( 우드로윌슨센터 ) 임원혁 ( 한국개발연구원 ) 윤미량 ( 통일부 ) Chair Lee Su Hoon (Kyungnam University) Paper Topic/Presenter The Prospects for Inter-Korean Relations Lee Chong-sik (Kyunghee University) The Prospects for North Korea s Economic Reform and Inter- Korean Cooperation Jo Dongho (Ewha Womans University) The Prospects for U.S.-DPRK Relations Joel Wit (Columbia University) Hand in Hand for Korea: A Peace Process and Denuclearization Leon Sigal (Social Science Research Council) Discussants Kimiya Tadashi (Tokyo University) James Person (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) Lim Wonhyuk (Korea Development Institute) Youn Miryang (Ministry of Unification) 15:30-15:50 휴식 15:30-15:50 COFFEE BREAK
프로그램 Program 15:50-18:00 제3회의한반도평화를넘어서 15:50-18:00 SESSION 3 PEACE ON THE KOREAN PENINSULA AND BEYOND 사회선준영 ( 북한대학원대학교 ) 발표한반도평화체제건설조성렬 ( 국가안보전략연구소 ) 미국과동북아다자안보협력그레그브레진스키 ( 조지워싱턴대학교 ) Chair Sun Joun-Yung (University of North Korean Studies) Paper Topic/Presenter Establishment of a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula Cho Seong Ryoul (Institute for National Security Strategy) The U.S. and Multilateral Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia Gregg Brazinsky (George Washington University) 라운드테이블 : 동북아다자안보협력중국의시각딩위안홍 ( 중국개혁개방포럼 ) 러시아의시각알렉산더제빈 ( 러시아극동연구소 ) 일본의시각미야모토사토루 ( 일본국제문제연구소 ) 호주의시각맥윌리암스 ( 호주사회과학연구소 ) 유럽다자안보협력의교훈브라이언맥도널드 ( 주한유럽대표부대사 ) 종합토론사무엘웰스 ( 우드로윌슨센터 ) 이서항 ( 외교안보연구원 ) Roundtable : Multilateral Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia Chinese Perspective Ding Yuanhong (China Reform Forum) Russian Perspective Alexander Zhebin (Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russia) Japanese Perspective Miyamoto Satoru (Japan Institute of International Affairs) Australian Perspective Mack Williams (Australian Institute of International Affairs) European Perspective Brian McDonald (European Commission Ambassador to the ROK) Discussants Samuel F. Wells (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) Lee Seo-hang (Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security) 18:30-20:00 만찬 ( 참가자 ) 18:30-20:00 DINNER (Participants Only) 10 11
참가자 ( 가나다순 ) List of Participants (Alphabetical Order) >> 국내박재규 ( 경남대학교ㆍ북한대학원대학교총장 ) 선준영 ( 북한대학원대학교 ) 유명환 ( 외교통상부장관 ) 윤미량 ( 통일부 ) 이서항 ( 외교안보연구원 ) 이수훈 ( 경남대학교 ) 이옥연 ( 서울대학교 ) 이정식 ( 경희대학교 ) 임원혁 ( 한국개발연구원 ) 전재성 ( 서울대학교 ) 조동호 ( 이화여자대학교 ) 조성렬 ( 국가안보전략연구소 ) 최종건 ( 북한대학원대학교 ) >> Korean Participants Cho Seong Ryoul (Institute for National Security Strategy) Choi Jong Kun (University of North Korean Studies) Chun Jae-Sung (Seoul National University) Jo Dongho (Ewha Womans University) Lee Chong-sik (Kyunghee University) Lee Seo-hang (Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security) Lee Su Hoon (Kyungnam University) Lim Wonhyuk (Korea Development Institute) Park Jae Kyu (President, Kyungnam Universityㆍ University of North Korean Studies) Sun Joun-Yung (University of North Korean Studies) Yi Okyeon (Seoul National University) Youn Miryang (Ministry of Unification) Yu Myung Hwan (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade) >> 국외 딩위안홍 ( 중국개혁개방포럼 ) 맥도널드, 브라이언 ( 주한유럽대표부대사 ) 미야모토사토루 ( 일본국제문제연구소 ) 버쉬바우, 알렉산더 ( 주한미대사 ) 브레진스키, 그레그 ( 조지워싱턴대학교 ) 스나이더, 스콧 ( 아시아재단 ) 시걸, 리온 ( 미국사회과학원 ) 웰스, 사무엘 ( 우드로윌슨센터부소장 ) 위트, 조엘 ( 콜럼비아대학교 ) 윌리암스, 맥 ( 호주국제문제연구소 ) 제빈, 알렉산더 ( 러시아극동연구소 ) 키미야타다시 ( 토쿄대학교 ) 퍼슨, 제임스 ( 우드로윌슨센터 ) 핑스턴, 다니엘 ( 국제위기감시기구 ) >> Foreign Participants Brazinsky, Gregg (George Washington University) Ding Yuanhong (China Reform Forum) Kimiya Tadashi (Tokyo University) Mcdonald, Brian (European Commission Ambassador to the ROK) Miyamoto Satoru (Japan Institute of International Affairs) Person, James (Woodrow Wilson Center) Pinkston, Daniel (International Crisis Group) Sigal, Leon (Social Science Research Council) Snyder, Scott (The Asia Foundation) Vershbow, Alexander (U.S. Ambassador to the ROK) Wells, Samuel F. (Associate Director, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) Williams, Mack (Australian Institute of International Affairs) Wit, Joel (Columbia University) Zhebin, Alexander (Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russia) 12 13