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Geographical Study on the Boundary Dispute of Ieodo Sea between Korea and China Sung Dae Song* Abstract With regard to Ieodo, South Korea and China argue that Ieodo belongs to their territory respectively, considering its history. However, both parties haven t suggested concrete evidence to support their argument. Even if they suggest corroborative facts, they are distorted or exaggerated like myth. Therefore, it is important by what side primitive title and effective control are exercised in settling the problem of Ieodo. The issue was to suggest coherence logic by finding concrete geographical facts in the East China Seat the time of applying a method of boundary decision followed by the marine act, namely principle of median line and principle of equidistance. China has argued that China should occupy most of continental shelf in the East China Sea on the basis of silt, a deposit of the continent. However, the base of the East China Sea is a part of Eurasian Plate. In addition, a geographical contribution to formation of the continent shelf by the Korean Peninsula is equal to the Chinese Continent. Ieodo is Island of mythos in China, but is Island of legend suggested by concrete facts in South Korea. Therefore, its cultural titile and primitive title are belonged to South Korea, before its historical title. : Ieodotopia, primitive right, sovereign right, inner-continental shelf, principle of median line (Professor, Department of Geography, Jeju National University), songsd@jejunu.ac,kr 414

EEZ Song 2007a 2007b 2009 thalweg (primitive title) Socotra Rock island (undersea features) (low-elevation) sunken rock 1 3 6m 415

16m 21m 500m Ieodotopia 32 07 125 10 3 Rock Sheshandao 287km 276km 149km 4 6m 40 40 m 2 3 4 B.P. 160 4 Figure 1. Situation of Ieodo. 416

pyroclastic flow (Jeong and Sim, 2001, 537 57 180 50m 45 4m 4 6m 4 1 4km 1 8km Figure 2 600m 1 2km 63 Figure 2. Solid Scenery and Cross-sectional Diagram. (Source: Sim and Min, 2007) 417

80 45 (Ieodotopia) (fiction) (fact) (faction) 50m 0 388km 2 5 2 0km 2 700m 1901 Socotra rock 1951 9 23 1951 7 19 1952 1 18 14 Peace Line, Syngman Rhee line EEZ EEZ EEZ EEZ Figure 3. Ieodo Ocean Research Station. 418

2000 2002 2005 5 2006 9 14 2003 2006 12 14 (EEZ) 2006 32 2006 8 300 2006 12 3 24 30 EEZ 2007 2007 3 419

3 200 EEZ 149km EEZ 1880 1890 1963 2007 12 24 (www.coi.gov.cn) 200 1901 Socotra Rock 6 25 420

(http: //news.hobbyworld.co.kr) 2008 8 25 8 13 200 2007 12 24 2006 8 14 15 200 Joins, 2008.08.17 04:25 13 2 2006 (Joins, 2008. 08.17, 04:25) 1996 www.freezone.co.kr, 2006.09.20, 10:59 3 5 1 6 2009 3 2003 1 (http: //blog.joins.com) 421

(sovereign right) 121 2006 Chinese EEZ assigned from the China-Korea co-management Zone [since 2005] Korea-China Tentative Co-management Zone (until the EEZs are fixed) Korean EEZ assigned from the Korea-China co-management Zone [since 2005] North-west boundary of the Korea-Japan co-management Zone beyond the EEZs (B-C) Figure 4. Map of the Korean-Japanese Fisheries Agreement in 2001. (Source: SBS broadcasting materials) 422

EEZ Figure 4 A B A, B, C B.C. 475 B.C. 221 423

Cho 2008 4 (http://www.bc8937.pe.ne. kr) 19 115 km 2 200 EEZ 200 200 4 1 120m EEZ 3 2 424

2004 6 3 2 3 1 1901 Socotra rock (Socotra rock) 425

(Eliade) (real) (Shangri-La) 5) 4 (folktale) 400 innercontinental shelf) 6) Kim 2008 236436km 81 155 426

7 132km 49 5km 200 200 200 (http://www.kfpro gress.org) EEZ EEZ 8 (International Court of Justice, 1968) 3 2 000km 3 2 413km 53 15 3 53 821km 659km 1 0 8 0 2 0 2 (IHO) 1 39 1 18 Kim 2008 1 1 224 1969 (ICJ) 427

(Brown, 1983) 1958 6 1 2 1969 ICJ (International Court of Justice, 1969) Maine (Friedman, 1970) 1) 5 3 2070 1600 1046 1 2) 3) 4) 5) (Shamballah (Shangri-La) (Hilton, James) 1933 (Lost Horizon) 428

1998 6 1 1997 9 14 (Shangri-La) 6) 200 outercontinental shelf) 7) 1948 8 18 1948 9 1949 1 7 12 1951 4 27 8) 2 9 751km 6 Brown, E. D., 1983, The Delimitation of the continental shelf: Recent trends, The Korean Society of International Law, 54(2), 143-150. Bureau of Maritime Policy, 2005, Construction of Ieodo Ocean Research Station (, 2005, ). Friedman, W., 1970, The north sea continental shelf cases: A critique, The American Journal of International Law, 64(2), 229-240. International Court of Justice, 1968, Common Rejoinder(30 Aug. 1968) by Denmark and Netherlands to ICJ para54, 58, and 75, International Court of Justice. International Court of Justice, 1969, North Sea Continental Shelf (Federal Republic of Germany/Denmark), International Court of Justice. Jeong, D. G. and Sim, J. S., 2001, Formation and evolution of Ieodo (Socotra Rocks), Journal of Geological Society of Korea, 37(7), 537-538 (in Korean). Jeong, J. S.(translation), 1993, Shan Hai Jing, Mineumsa, Seoul (, 1993,, ). Kim, Y. G., 2008, Solution Methods of Ieodo Issue in Maritime Law, Northeast Asian History Foundation 2008 Mun, I. J., 2008, Research and forecast survey of typhoon arrived at Korean Peninsula with Ieodo Research Station, 2008 Reseach Seminar of Ieodo (in Korean). Sim, J. S. and Min, I. G., 2007, Construction of Ieodo Ocean Research Station and analyses of observation data, 2007 Ieodo Seminar, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (in Korean). Song, S. D., 2007a, Ieodotopia, meeting of myth and science, What is Ieodo to us, Haenyeo Museum, 59-86 (in Korean). Song, S. D., 2007b, Geographical review of project on Ieodo, 2007 Ieodo Seminar, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, 16-33 (in Korean). Song, S. D., 2009, Ieodotopia in Jejuian seamanship, Cultural and Historical Geography, 21(1), 170-190 (in Korean). 690-756 66 songsd@ jejunu.ac.kr, 064-754-3231, 064-725-4053) Correspondence: Sungdae Song, Department of Geography Education, College of Education, Jeju National University, Jeju, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, 690-756, Korea (e-mail: songsd@jejunu.ac.kr, phone: +82-64-754-3231 429