Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s New Excellent Readers A 의 BEFL NOTE 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL NOTE 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기

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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'


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3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Good Friends의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s

Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Go Go Reading의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon


7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Aesop s Fables의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon

중학영어듣기 2학년

Being friends with the face in the mirror

Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Star Reading의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s

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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


step 1-1

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위 3) 위 4) 어법에 5) 밑줄 학년고사종류과목과목코드번호성명 학기중간고사대비영어 511 도곡중 콘텐츠산업진흥법시행령 제33조에의한표시 1) 제작연월일 : ) 제작자 : 교육지대 3) 이콘텐츠는 콘텐츠산업진흥법 에따라최초 제작일부

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

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Unit 6 Let s Talk Doing Things 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 6, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : I m sorry I m late. That s OK. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes,


71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370



Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s New Excellent Readers A 의 BEFL NOTE 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL NOTE 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s New Excellent Readers A Book 2 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1

Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 문제해결에관한네가지이야기를읽고, 인칭대명사의소유격, 축약형, 전치사, because, because of 에대해학습합니다. 날짜 Book Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2

Yoon s New Excellent Readers Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 영리한 clever 절 temple 1A 한국시끄러운소리, 소란스러움돌려주다화난 Korea noise return upset 사라진 missing 단서 clue 스님 monk 초조한 nervous 아마도 maybe 길 road 대답하다 answer 집어들다 pick up 1B 주막, 여인숙 가리키다 inn point 소리치다 shout 점심식사 lunch 사람들, 군중 crowd 꺼내다 pull out 3

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 컴퓨터 computer 신나는 excited 인터넷 Internet 통제하다 control 2A 시도하다 정각에 try on time 활동 activity 함께 together 다른사람들 others 아침식사 breakfast 배고픈 hungry 밤 night 걸어놓다 hang 편지 letter 2B 가족 놓치다 family miss 세계 world 유용한 useful 늦은 late 아침 morning 4

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 영리한 smart 지저분한 messy 놀라운 amazed 신경쓰다 care 3A 매일 더미 each day pile 항의하다 protest 마침내 finally 침실 bedroom 도와주는사람 helper 이상한 strange ~ 아래에 underneath 유령 ghost 옷 clothes 3B 싫어하다 영원히 hate forever 무섭게하다 scare 던지다 throw 책꽂이 bookshelf 치우다 clean 5

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 왕 많은 먼지 king a great deal of ~ dust 상자 box 4A 재채기하다 불가능한 sneeze impossible 문제, 일 matter 공주 princess 여왕 queen 트림하다 burp 코 nose 양파 onion 후추 pepper 들이마시다 sniff 4B 옛날에, 한번 once 두번 twice 세번냄새맡다자르다축복하다 three times smell cut bless 6

1A Book 2 Oseong and Haneum Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 clever 영리한 11 시끄러운소리, 소란스러움 noise 2 temple 절 12 돌려주다 return 3 Korea 한국 13 사라진 missing 4 noise 시끄러운소리, 소란스러움 14 스님 monk 5 return 돌려주다 15 초조한 nervous 6 upset 화난 16 영리한 clever 7 missing 사라진 17 한국 Korea 8 clue 단서 18 화난 upset 9 monk 스님 19 단서 clue 10 nervous 초조한 20 절 temple 20 개중 개정답 7

Key Points 소유를나타내는말 나의책, 너의가방, 케이트의책 처럼 ~ 의 라는뜻을가진것을소유격이라고합니다. 소유격을표로정리하면다음과같습니다. 구분 1 인칭 2 인칭 3 인칭 주격 I we you he she it they 소유격 my our your his her its their 소유격은 ~ 의 를붙여우리말로해석합니다. Elizabeth told their children. ( 엘리자베스는그들의자녀들에게말했다.) Let s Practice A. 각문장들을 < 보기 > 와같이고쳐쓰세요. < 보기 > We have a temple. This is our temple. 1. You have a bag. This is your bag. 2. He has a statue. This is his statue. 3. They have an inn. This is their inn. B. 다음빈칸에가장알맞은것을고르세요. 1. Elizabeth and her family lived in Missouri. had a good time there. a We b Us c They d Them 2. King Leo was looking through old boxes. Some dust went nose. a our b his c her d its 3. They picked up the bag, and they returned to the temple. a him b her c it d them 4. Maggie and I did homework. Dad helped. a me b you c us d them 8

Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 먼옛날, 한국에두명의영리한소년들이살고있었습니다. (ago, clever, lived) A long time ago, two clever boys lived in Korea. 2. 소년들은밖에서몹시떠드는소리를들었습니다. (lots, noise, outside) The boys heard lots of noise outside. 3. 무슨일이지요? (going, on) What is going on? 4. 그리고는그들은매우급히떠났어요. (left, quickly) Then they left very quickly. 5. 그들은주막에서보따리를내려놓고음식을좀먹었습니다. (put, bags, ate, inn) They put down their bags and ate some food at an inn. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Oseong and Haneum 1lived in a temple. One day, the 2golden 3Buddha statue was missing. Oseong and Haneum walked down the 4 road to find it. They saw a man and a 5woman and went with them. They 6 arrived at Yeoju. After lunch, Oseong 7picked up the couple s bag. That is our bag! the couple shouted. No, this is my bag! Oseong said. The man asked Oseong, What is 8 inside the bag? Oseong answered, A golden statue. The couple 9quickly left. Oseong and Haneum 10returned it to the temple. 선생님확인 9

1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 maybe 아마도 11 집어들다 pick up 2 road 길 12 소리치다 shout 3 answer 대답하다 13 꺼내다 pull out 4 pick up 집어들다 14 아마도 maybe 5 inn 주막, 여인숙 15 사람들, 군중 crowd 6 point 가리키다 16 주막, 여인숙 inn 7 shout 소리치다 17 길 road 8 lunch 점심식사 18 대답하다 answer 9 crowd 사람들, 군중 19 가리키다 point 10 pull out 꺼내다 20 점심식사 lunch 20 개중 개정답 10

Key Points 일반동사의과거형 규칙변화 1 일반동사의과거형에는규칙변화불규칙변화가있습니다. 규칙변화의기본은동사뒤에 -ed 를붙이는것입니다. 1. 대부분의경우 -ed를붙입니다. ask asked remember remembered 2. -e로끝나는경우 -d를붙입니다. live lived arrive arrived Let s Practice 다음각문장을 < 보기 > 와같이과거시제의문장으로바꾸어보세요. < 보기 > Two clever boys live in Korea. Two clever boys lived in Korea. 1. Oseong and Haneum ask the monk. Oseong and Haneum asked the monk. 2. They walk down the road. They walked down the road. 3. Soon, they arrive at Yeoju. Soon, they arrived at Yeoju. 4. The man and the woman pick up the bag. The man and the woman picked up the bag. 5. The couples shout. The couples shouted. 6. People remember it. People remembered it. 7. I open the bag. I opened the bag. 8. The monks look nervous. The monks looked nervous. 9. We return the statue to the temple. We returned the statue to the temple. 10. Many people thank Oseong and Haneum. Many people thanked Oseong and Haneum. 11

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. Where did Oseong and Haneum live? 1 in an inn 2 in a temple 3 in Yeoju 2. Who took the golden Buddha statue? 1 a monk 2 a crowd 3 a man and a woman 3. Why did everyone thank Oseong and Haneum? < 예시 > Because they returned the golden Buddha statue to the temple. Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 점심을먹고나서, 오성 (Oseong) 은그부부의보따리를집어들었습니다. (lunch, picked) After lunch, Oseong picked up the couple s bag. 2. 그게너의보따리라면, 넌알아야만해. (if, should) If it is your bag, you should know. 3. 그는금불상을꺼냈습니다. (pulled, golden) He pulled out the golden Buddha statue. 4. 그부부는초조해보였습니다. (looked, nervous) The couple looked nervous. 5. 그들은불상을절에돌려주었습니다. (returned, temple) They returned the Buddha statue to the temple. 선생님확인 12

2A Book 2 Computer Problems Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 computer 컴퓨터 11 활동 activity 2 excited 신나는 12 통제하다 control 3 Internet 인터넷 13 아침식사 breakfast 4 control 통제하다 14 다른사람들 others 5 try 시도하다 15 함께 together 6 on time 정각에 16 시도하다 try 7 activity 활동 17 인터넷 Internet 8 together 함께 18 신나는 excited 9 others 다른사람들 19 정각에 on time 10 breakfast 아침식사 20 컴퓨터 computer 20 개중 개정답 13

Key Points 축약형주어와 be동사는한단어로축약을할수있습니다. 축약을할때는, 생략되는글자의자리에쉼표처럼생긴 를써줍니다. 생략되는철자는 be동사의첫번째철자입니다. ( apostrophe) 구분 1인칭 2인칭 3인칭 단수 I am I m you are you re he is he's she is she s it is it s 복수 we are we re you are you re they are they re 부정문의경우는, be 동사와부정어 not 을, 조동사 do 와부정어 not 을축약할수있습니다. are not aren t is not isn t do not don t does not doesn t Let s Practice < 보기 > 와같이문장에서축약가능한부분에밑줄을긋고, 각각의축약형을써보세요. 두 가지의축약형이가능한경우에는, 두가지모두쓰세요. < 보기 > He is not excited. 1 He s 2 isn t 1. I am busy on the computer. I m 2. It is fun and helpful. It s 3. We do not have family time. don t 4. Megan does not leave for school. doesn t 5. They are not hungry any more. They re / aren t 14

Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 롤리 (Lolly) 부인은인터넷을사용하고싶었습니다. (wanted, use, Internet) Mrs. Lolly wanted to use the Internet. 2. 나는컴퓨터를하느라바쁩니다. (busy, on) I am busy on the computer. 3. 롤리 (Lolly) 부인은평소에모두를위해아침식사를준비했습니다. (usually, made) Mrs. Lolly usually made breakfast for everyone. 4. 다른사람들은매우슬프고배가고팠습니다. (others, sad, hungry) The others were very sad and hungry. 5. 그는수업중에잠이들었습니다. (asleep, class) He fell asleep in class. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Mr. Lolly 1bought a computer. That afternoon, he 2typed letters. No family time, he said. The next morning, Mrs. Lolly used the computer. No 3breakfast today, she said. After school, Edgar played games 4all night. He fell 5asleep in class. The next morning, Megan used the computer. She 6missed the bus, and she was late 7 for school. That 8evening, the Lollys had a family meeting. Let s make 9rules for the computer! We 10control the computer 15 선생님확인

2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hungry 배고픈 11 편지 letter 2 night 밤 12 밤 night 3 hang 걸어놓다 13 유용한 useful 4 letter 편지 14 가족 family 5 family 가족 15 놓치다 miss 6 miss 놓치다 16 세계 world 7 world 세계 17 걸어놓다 hang 8 useful 유용한 18 늦은 late 9 late 늦은 19 아침 morning 10 morning 아침 20 배고픈 hungry 20 개중 개정답 16

Key Points 일반동사의과거형 규칙변화 2 일반동사과거형의규칙변화는동사원형에 -ed 를붙입니다. 그런데동사의모양에따라아래와같이조금더변화를주어야하는경우가있습니다. 1. 자음 +y 로끝나는경우, y를 i로바꾸고 -ed를붙입니다. cry cried 2. 1음절이면서 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나는경우, 끝자음하나를더쓰고 -ed를붙입니다. plan planned 3. 2음절이지만 2음절에강세가있는경우, 끝자음하나를더쓰고 -ed를붙입니다. prefer preferred Let s Practice 각문장의빈칸에알맞은동사를 < 보기 > 에서골라과거형으로바꾸어써넣으세요. < 보기 > want play study control cook enjoy look stop move 1. They played games until 1:00 am. 2. I cooked breakfast yesterday. 3. We wanted a husband for our daughter. 4. The couple looked up at the sky. 5. The Lollys enjoyed family time. 6. Barry and Maggie studied hard at the library. 7. You controlled the computer. 8. The wagon train stopped at noon. 9. The wind moved the cloud. 17

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. What does Mr. Lolly do with a computer? 1 Writing stories 2 Having family time 3 Typing the letters for work 2. What is not in the list of rules for a computer? 1 No computer during the family time 2 No computer during meals 3 No computer after school 3. Why was Megan late for school? < 예시 > Because she played in the chatroom until 8:00 a.m. Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그녀는세계여러곳의사람들에게타이프를쳐서얘기를했습니다. (around, world) She typed to people from around the world. 2. 너는언제학교에갈거니? (leaving, school) When are you leaving for school? 3. 컴퓨터는재미있고유용하다. (fun, useful) The computer is fun and useful. 4. 컴퓨터에대한규칙목록을만들어요! (list, rules, computer) Let s make a list of rules for the computer. 5. 롤리 (Lolly) 가족은컴퓨터옆에그들의목록을걸어놓았습니다. (hung, by) The Lollys hung their list by the computer. 18 선생님확인

3A Book 2 Mike s Messy Room Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 smart 영리한 11 항의하다 protest 2 messy 지저분한 12 매일 each day 3 amazed 놀라운 13 마침내 finally 4 care 신경쓰다 14 침실 bedroom 5 each day 매일 15 영리한 smart 6 pile 더미 16 놀라운 amazed 7 protest 항의하다 17 도와주는사람 helper 8 finally 마침내 18 신경쓰다 care 9 bedroom 침실 19 더미 pile 10 helper 도와주는사람 20 지저분한 messy 20 개중 개정답 19

Key Points 전치사 (preposition) 장소전치사란명사나대명사앞에서, 장소, 시간, 방법등을나타내주는말입니다. 하나의전치사에여러뜻이있으므로, 사용법을잘익히는것이중요합니다. 장소를나타내는전치사 : on, in, into 전치사 on in into 의미 ~ 위에 ( 표면에접촉해서 ) ~( 안 ) 에 ( 공간의내부 ) ~ 안으로 ( 방향성포함 ) 예문 The fly is on the dish. ( 파리가접시위에있다.) The fly is in the soup. ( 파리가수프에빠져있다.) The fly is flying into the soup. ( 파리가수프안으로날아들어가고있다.) Let s Practice 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을골라 O 표하세요. 1. The Lollys hung their list (on, into) the wall. 2. He dropped his books (on, in) the floor. 3. There is a golden statue (in, into) my bag. 4. He left his dirty dishes (on, into) the desk. 5. He put his books (on, in) his bookshelf. 6. Two clever boys lived (on, in) a temple. 7. Mike threw all his dirty clothes (on, into) a basket. 8. Mom took the dishes (on, into) the kitchen. 9. They can dig (on, in) the ground. 20

Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 단하나의문제가있었습니다. (only, problem) There was only one problem. 2. 그는그의더러운옷들을침대위에놓아두었습니다. (put, dirty, bed) He put his dirty clothes on the bed. 3. 마이크 (Mike) 는신경쓰지않았습니다. (did, care) Mike did not care. 4. 매일, 마이크 (Mike) 의방은점점더지저분해졌습니다. (each, became, messier) Each day, Mike s room became messier. 5. 그들은계획을세웠습니다. (made, plan) They made a plan. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Mike s bedroom was 1always very messy. His mother said, Mike, you 2need to clean your room. He 3protested, I like my room. His mom and his sister made a plan. Mike went to bed. A ghost 4rose up from the pile. It said, I want to live here 5forever. I want to 6scare you. Mike 7jumped out of bed. He cleaned 8up his room. Mom, I saw a ghost. I want to 9keep my room clean forever. The plan 10worked! 21 선생님확인

3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 strange 이상한 11 옷 clothes 2 underneath ~ 아래에 12 무섭게하다 scare 3 ghost 유령 13 던지다 throw 4 clothes 옷 14 치우다 clean 5 hate 싫어하다 15 유령 ghost 6 forever 영원히 16 이상한 strange 7 scare 무섭게하다 17 책꽂이 bookshelf 8 throw 던지다 18 싫어하다 hate 9 bookshelf 책꽂이 19 ~ 아래에 underneath 10 clean 치우다 20 영원히 forever 20 개중 개정답 22

Key Points 일반동사의과거형 규칙변화 3 주어가 <He/She/It> 과같이단수일지라도과거시제에서는일반동사뒤에 -s/-es를붙이지않고, 복수주어일때와마찬가지로과거형만드는규칙을따릅니다. 구분 예문 3인칭단수현재형 Mike jumps out of bed now. 3인칭복수현재형 They jump out of bed now. 3인칭단수과거형 Mike jumped out of bed yesterday. 3인칭복수과거형 They jumped out of bed yesterday. Let s Practice 괄호안의동사를알맞게변형하여각문장의빈칸에써넣으세요. 1. Mom talked to Sarah last night. (talk) 2. Dad works at the library now. (work) 3. Mom and Sarah smile now. (smile) 4. Mike protested yesterday. (protest) 5. A ghost wanted to live in Mike s room last night. (want) Extend Your Learning! 시제가현재인지과거인지구분하는가장손쉬운방법은문장안에현재나과거를나타내는문구가있는지살펴보세요. last time( 지난번에 ), yesterday( 어제 ), last night( 어젯밤 ) 등의문구가있다면과거시제를써야합니다. now( 지금 ), today( 오늘 ), tonight( 오늘밤 ) 등의단어가있다면, 현재시제일가능성이높습니다. 그러나 now를제외한단어들은과거시제와도함께쓰일수있습니다. 이럴때는전체적인문장을보고시제를파악하고결정해야합니다. 23

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. What did Mike do after he saw a ghost? 1 He dropped his books on the floor. 2 He took his dishes into the kitchen. 3 He put his dirty clothes on the bed. 2. Who was the ghost? 1 Mike 2 Sarah 3 Mike s mother 3. What was in the huge piles in Mike s room? < 예시 > Books, dishes, clothes, and food were in huge piles. Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그때더미에서유령이일어섰습니다. (rose, from) Then a ghost rose up from the pile. 2. 나는매일밤너를놀라게해줄거다. (want, scare, every) I want to scare you every night. 3. 마이크 (Mike) 는침대에서뛰어내렸습니다. (out, bed) Mike jumps out of bed. 4. 그는그의더러운모든옷들을바구니에던져넣었습니다. (threw, clothes, basket) He threw all his dirty clothes into a basket. 5. 나는내방을영원히깨끗하게치울거에요. (keep, clean, forever) I want to keep my room clean forever. 선생님확인 24

4A Book 2 The King Who Could Not Sneeze Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 king 왕 11 문제, 일 matter 2 a great deal of ~ 많은 12 상자 box 3 dust 먼지 13 재채기하다 sneeze 4 box 상자 14 많은 a great deal of ~ 5 sneeze 재채기하다 15 트림하다 burp 6 impossible 불가능한 16 왕 king 7 matter 문제, 일 17 먼지 dust 8 princess 공주 18 여왕 queen 9 queen 여왕 19 공주 princess 10 burp 트림하다 20 불가능한 impossible 20 개중 개정답 25

Key Points ~ 때문에 : because / because of ~ ~ 때문에 라는영어표현에는 because 와 because of ~ 가있습니다. 둘의차이는 because 뒤에는 주어 + 동사 로이루어진문장이나오고, because of ~ 는단어또는단어 + 단어가결합된구가나온다는점입니다. 각각의용법은다음과같습니다. 구분 because because of 용법접속사 : 다음에 주어 + 동사 가온다. 전치사구 : 다음에 ' 명사 / 명사구 가온다. 예문 I was late because it rained a lot. ( 비가많이와서나는지각했다.) I was late because of a lot of rain. ( 많은비때문에나는지각했다.) Let s Practice A. 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을골라 O 표하세요. 1. The Lollys were hungry (because, because of) Mrs. Lolly didn t made breakfast. 2. Mike s room was messy (because, because of) dirty books, dirty clothes, and dirty dishes. 3. Everyone likes my grandpa (because, because of) his big help. 4. Dad got the job (because, because of) he knew the library rules. B. < 보기 > 와같이 because 를사용하여두문장을하나로만드세요. < 보기 > The king burped. He drank the soda. 1. The king cried. He cut the onion. 2. The king sneezed. He sniffed the pepper. 3. They were sad. Somebody took the statue. 4. Megan was late. She missed the bus. 5. Edgar fell asleep. He played games until 1:00 last night. The king burped because he drank soda. The king cried because he cut the onion. The king sneezed because he sniffed the pepper. They were sad because somebody took the statue. Megan was late because she missed the bus. Edgar fell asleep because he played games until 1:00 last night. 26

Sentence Master 주어진표현을사용하여우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 옛날에매우행복한왕이살았습니다. (once, lived, happy) Once there lived a very happy king. 2. 그상자들안에는먼지가많이있었습니다. (great, dust, box) There was a great deal of dust in the box. 3. 그먼지의일부가레오 (Leo) 왕의코로들어갔습니다. (went, nose) Some of the dust went into King Leo s nose. 4. 그것은불가능했습니다. (impossible) It was impossible. 5. 그들은다른생각들을해냈습니다. (thought, ideas) They thought of different ideas. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. King Leo was looking 1through old boxes. Some dust went into his nose. He 2tried to sneeze, but he couldn t. Everyone wanted to help him. The 3princess gave the king some soda. But he 4burped. The 5queen gave him an onion. But he 6cried. The cook gave the king some 7pepper. The king sniffed it once, 8twice, and three times. He sneezed very 9loudly. People sneeze 10because of pepper, everyone said. 선생님확인 27

4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 nose 코 11 후추 pepper 2 onion 양파 12 세번 three times 3 pepper 후추 13 축복하다 bless 4 sniff 들이마시다 14 코 nose 5 once 옛날에, 한번 15 두번 twice 6 twice 두번 16 양파 onion 7 three times 세번 17 자르다 cut 8 smell 냄새맡다 18 들이마시다 sniff 9 cut 자르다 19 옛날에, 한번 once 10 bless 축복하다 20 냄새맡다 smell 20 개중 개정답 28

Key Points 일반동사의과거형 규칙변화 4 일반동사의과거형을만드는 -ed/-d 의발음은다음과같습니다. 구분 /t/ /d/ /id/ 발음규칙 -ed 앞이무성음일때 -ed 앞이유성음일때 -ed 앞이 -d/-t 일때 예시 helped / liked rained / studied hated / ended Let s Practice 다음밑줄친동사의과거형의발음을 /t/, /d/, /id/ 로표시하고, 다음문장을읽어보세요. 1. Once there lived a very happy king. /d/ 2. The king looked thorough old boxes. /t/ 3. The king tried to sneeze. /d/ 4. Everyone wanted to help the king. /id/ 5. He sniffed it once. /t/ 6. The wagon train stopped at noon. /t/ 7. They argued about it. /d/ Extend Your Learning! 서양에서는재채기를할때, 재채기한사람은 Excuse me. 라고말합니다. 그리고주변에있는사람은재채기한사람에게 God bless you. 또는 God 을생략하고 Bless you. 라고말합니다. 이러한표현들은오래전부터내려온사회적관습이므로, 잘알아두면좋습니다. 29

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. Who gave the king what? Please match the person to the proper thing. 1 the princess 2 the queen 3 the cook an onion pepper soda 2. Where was a great deal of dust? 1 in happy boxes 2 in old boxes 3 in different boxes 3. What do people do when they cut an onion? < 예시 > They cry. Sentence Master 주어진표현을사용하여우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그는트림을했습니다. (burped) He burped. 2. 그는그것을한번, 두번, 그리고세번코로들이마셨습니다. (sniffed, twice) He sniffed it once, twice, and (then) three times. 3. 사람들은후추때문에재채기를합니다. (sneeze, pepper) People sneeze because of pepper. 4. 미안합니다 / 실례합니다. (excuse) Excuse me. 5. 신의가호가있기를! (bless) God bless you! 선생님확인 30

BEFLY Speaking 유형 발표하기 출처 2 권 p. 24 힌트 Don't play ~ late at night go to bed 답안 Don't play computer games late at night. Go to bed early. 31

BEFLY Writing 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 2 권 p. 39 힌트 messy need to clean 답안 Your room is very messy. You need to clean your room. 32

Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s New Excellent Readers A Book 2 Dictation은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1

Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 문제해결에관한네가지이야기를읽고, 인칭대명사의소유격, 축약형, 전치사, because, because of 에대해학습합니다. 날짜 Book Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2

Yoon s New Excellent Readers Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 영리한 clever 절 temple 1A 한국시끄러운소리, 소란스러움돌려주다화난 Korea noise return upset 사라진 missing 단서 clue 스님 monk 초조한 nervous 아마도 maybe 길 road 대답하다 answer 집어들다 pick up 1B 주막, 여인숙 가리키다 inn point 소리치다 shout 점심식사 lunch 사람들, 군중 crowd 꺼내다 pull out 3

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 컴퓨터 computer 신나는 excited 인터넷 Internet 통제하다 control 2A 시도하다 정각에 try on time 활동 activity 함께 together 다른사람들 others 아침식사 breakfast 배고픈 hungry 밤 night 걸어놓다 hang 편지 letter 2B 가족 놓치다 family miss 세계 world 유용한 useful 늦은 late 아침 morning 4

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 영리한 smart 지저분한 messy 놀라운 amazed 신경쓰다 care 3A 매일 더미 each day pile 항의하다 protest 마침내 finally 침실 bedroom 도와주는사람 helper 이상한 strange ~ 아래에 underneath 유령 ghost 옷 clothes 3B 싫어하다 영원히 hate forever 무섭게하다 scare 던지다 throw 책꽂이 bookshelf 치우다 clean 5

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 왕 많은 먼지 king a great deal of ~ dust 상자 box 4A 재채기하다 불가능한 sneeze impossible 문제, 일 matter 공주 princess 여왕 queen 트림하다 burp 코 nose 양파 onion 후추 pepper 들이마시다 sniff 4B 옛날에, 한번 once 두번 twice 세번냄새맡다자르다축복하다 three times smell cut bless 6

1A Book 2 Oseong and Haneum Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 clever 영리한 11 시끄러운소리, 소란스러움 noise 2 temple 절 12 돌려주다 return 3 Korea 한국 13 사라진 missing 4 noise 시끄러운소리, 소란스러움 14 스님 monk 5 return 돌려주다 15 초조한 nervous 6 upset 화난 16 영리한 clever 7 missing 사라진 17 한국 Korea 8 clue 단서 18 화난 upset 9 monk 스님 19 단서 clue 10 nervous 초조한 20 절 temple 20 개중 개정답 7

Key Points 소유를나타내는말 나의책, 너의가방, 케이트의책 처럼 ~ 의 라는뜻을가진것을소유격이라고합니다. 소유격을표로정리하면다음과같습니다. 구분 1 인칭 2 인칭 3 인칭 주격 I we you he she it they 소유격 my our your his her its their 소유격은우리말로 ~ 의 를붙여해석합니다. They put down their bags. ( 그들은그들의가방을내려놓았습니다.) Let s Practice 우리말해석과일치하게괄호안에서빈칸에들어갈알맞은말을고르세요. 보기 If it is (my / your) bag, you should know! ( 그게너의가방이면넌알아야해!) 1. Hey! That is (our / his) bag! the couple shouted. ( 이봐요, 그건우리가방이라구요! 그부부는소리쳤습니다.) 2. No, this is (your / my) bag! Oseong shouted. ( 아니에요, 이건제가방이에요! 오성은소리쳤습니다.) 3. There is a golden Buddha statue in (my / their) bag, Oseong said. ( 내가방엔금불상이들어있어. 오성이말했습니다.) 4. He is right. That is (her / your) bag, they said. ( 그의말이맞아요. 그건당신의가방이에요. 그들이말했습니다.) 8

Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 먼옛날, 한국에두명의영리한소년들이살고있었습니다. (ago, clever, lived) A long time ago, two clever boys lived in Korea. 2. 소년들은밖에서몹시떠드는소리를들었습니다. (lots, noise, outside) The boys heard lots of noise outside. 3. 무슨일이지요? (going, on) What is going on? 4. 그리고는그들은매우급히떠났어요. (left, quickly) Then they left very quickly. 5. 그들은주막에서보따리를내려놓고음식을좀먹었습니다. (put, bags, ate, inn) They put down their bags and ate some food at an inn. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Oseong and Haneum 1lived in a temple. One day, the 2golden 3Buddha statue was missing. Oseong and Haneum walked down the 4 road to find it. They saw a man and a 5woman and went with them. They 6 arrived at Yeoju. After lunch, Oseong 7picked up the couple s bag. That is our bag! the couple shouted. No, this is my bag! Oseong said. The man asked Oseong, What is 8 inside the bag? Oseong answered, A golden statue. The couple 9quickly left. Oseong and Haneum 10returned it to the temple. 9 선생님확인

1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 maybe 아마도 11 집어들다 pick up 2 road 길 12 소리치다 shout 3 answer 대답하다 13 꺼내다 pull out 4 pick up 집어들다 14 아마도 maybe 5 inn 주막, 여인숙 15 사람들, 군중 crowd 6 point 가리키다 16 주막, 여인숙 inn 7 shout 소리치다 17 길 road 8 lunch 점심식사 18 대답하다 answer 9 crowd 사람들, 군중 19 가리키다 point 10 pull out 꺼내다 20 점심식사 lunch 20 개중 개정답 10

Key Points 일반동사의과거형 규칙변화 1 일반동사의과거형에는규칙변화불규칙변화가있습니다. 규칙변화의기본은동사뒤에 -ed 를붙이는것입니다. 1. 대부분의경우 -ed를붙입니다. ask asked remember remembered 2. -e로끝나는경우 -d를붙입니다. live lived arrive arrived Let s Practice 다음각문장을 < 보기 > 와같이과거시제의문장으로바꾸어보세요. < 보기 > Two clever boys live in Korea. Two clever boys lived in Korea. 1. Oseong and Haneum ask the monk. Oseong and Haneum asked the monk. 2. They walk down the road. They walked down the road. 3. Soon, they arrive at Yeoju. Soon, they arrived at Yeoju. 4. After lunch, Oseong and Haneum pick up the couple s bag. After lunch, Oseong and Haneum picked up the couple s bag. 5. Oseong and Haneum return the statue to the temple. Oseong and Haneum returned the statue to the temple. 11

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. Where did Oseong and Haneum live? 1 in an inn 2 in a temple 3 in Yeoju 2. Who took the golden Buddha statue? 1 a monk 2 a crowd 3 a man and a woman 3. Why did everyone thank Oseong and Haneum? < 예시 > Because they returned the golden Buddha statue to the temple. Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 점심을먹고나서, 오성 (Oseong) 은그부부의보따리를집어들었습니다. (lunch, picked) After lunch, Oseong picked up the couple s bag. 2. 그게너의보따리라면, 넌알아야만해. (if, should) If it is your bag, you should know. 3. 그는금불상을꺼냈습니다. (pulled, golden) He pulled out the golden Buddha statue. 4. 그부부는초조해보였습니다. (looked, nervous) The couple looked nervous. 5. 그들은불상을절에돌려주었습니다. (returned, temple) They returned the Buddha statue to the temple. 선생님확인 12

2A Book 2 Computer Problems Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 computer 컴퓨터 11 활동 activity 2 excited 신나는 12 통제하다 control 3 Internet 인터넷 13 아침식사 breakfast 4 control 통제하다 14 다른사람들 others 5 try 시도하다 15 함께 together 6 on time 정각에 16 시도하다 try 7 activity 활동 17 인터넷 Internet 8 together 함께 18 신나는 excited 9 others 다른사람들 19 정각에 on time 10 breakfast 아침식사 20 컴퓨터 computer 20 개중 개정답 13

Key Points want to + 동사원형 ~ 하고싶다 라고말할때 want to 뒤에동사원형을써서표현합니다. 주어가 he, she, 사람이름등 3인칭단수일때는 want에 s를붙여서 wants to + 동사원형 이렇게쓰고, ~ 하고싶었다 라고과거형으로말할땐 want에 ed를붙여서 wanted to + 동사원형 으로표현합니다. Ex) Mr. Lolly wanted to type letters for work. 롤리씨는업무에필요한편지들을타이핑하기를원했습니다. Mrs. Lolly wanted to use the Internet. 롤리부인은인터넷을사용하고싶었습니다. Let s Practice want to 표현과 New Word 를사용해서우리말해석에맞게문장을완성해보세요. Expression Mr. Lolly wanted to type letters for work. New Words 보기 Mrs. Lolly wanted to use the Internet. 롤리부인은인터넷을사용하고싶었습니다. use 1. Edgar wanted to play games. 에드거는게임을하고싶었습니다. play 2. Megan wanted to try a chatroom. 메건은채팅을해보고싶었습니다. try 3. They wanted to go fishing. 그들은낚시를하러가고싶었습니다. go 4. I wanted to have lunch. 나는점심을먹고싶었습니다. have 14

Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 롤리 (Lolly) 부인은인터넷을사용하고싶었습니다. (wanted, use, Internet) Mrs. Lolly wanted to use the Internet. 2. 나는컴퓨터를하느라바쁩니다. (busy, on) I am busy on the computer. 3. 롤리 (Lolly) 부인은평소에모두를위해아침식사를준비했습니다. (usually, made) Mrs. Lolly usually made breakfast for everyone. 4. 다른사람들은매우슬프고배가고팠습니다. (others, sad, hungry) The others were very sad and hungry. 5. 그는수업중에잠이들었습니다. (asleep, class) He fell asleep in class. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Mr. Lolly 1bought a computer. That afternoon, he 2typed letters. No family time, he said. The next morning, Mrs. Lolly used the computer. No 3breakfast today, she said. After school, Edgar played games 4all night. He fell 5asleep in class. The next morning, Megan used the computer. She 6missed the bus, and she was late 7 for school. That 8evening, the Lollys had a family meeting. Let s make 9rules for the computer! We 10control the computer 15 선생님확인

2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hungry 배고픈 11 편지 letter 2 night 밤 12 밤 night 3 hang 걸어놓다 13 유용한 useful 4 letter 편지 14 가족 family 5 family 가족 15 놓치다 miss 6 miss 놓치다 16 세계 world 7 world 세계 17 걸어놓다 hang 8 useful 유용한 18 늦은 late 9 late 늦은 19 아침 morning 10 morning 아침 20 배고픈 hungry 20 개중 개정답 16

Key Points 축약형주어와 be동사는한단어로축약을할수있습니다. 축약을할때는, 생략되는글자의자리에쉼표처럼생긴 를써줍니다. 생략되는철자는 be동사의첫번째철자입니다. ( apostrophe) 구분 1인칭 2인칭 3인칭 단수 I am I m you are you re he is he's she is she s it is it s 복수 we are we re you are you re they are they re 부정문의경우는, be 동사와부정어 not 을, 조동사 do 와부정어 not 을축약할수있습니다. are not aren t is not isn t do not don t does not doesn t Let s Practice < 보기 > 와같이문장에서밑줄친부분의축약형을써보세요. < 보기 > He is not excited. 1 He s 2 isn t 1. I am busy on the computer. I m 2. It is fun and helpful. It s 3. We do not have family time. don t 4. Megan does not leave for school. doesn t 5. The computer does not control us! doesn t 17

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. What does Mr. Lolly do with a computer? 1 Writing stories 2 Having family time 3 Typing the letters for work 2. What is not in the list of rules for a computer? 1 No computer during the family time 2 No computer during meals 3 No computer after school 3. Why was Megan late for school? < 예시 > Because she played in the chatroom until 8:00 a.m. Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그녀는세계여러곳의사람들에게타이프를쳐서얘기를했습니다. (around, world) She typed to people from around the world. 2. 너는언제학교에갈거니? (leaving, school) When are you leaving for school? 3. 컴퓨터는재미있고유용하다. (fun, useful) The computer is fun and useful. 4. 컴퓨터에대한규칙목록을만들어요! (list, rules, computer) Let s make a list of rules for the computer. 5. 롤리 (Lolly) 가족은컴퓨터옆에그들의목록을걸어놓았습니다. (hung, by) The Lollys hung their list by the computer. 18 선생님확인

3A Book 2 Mike s Messy Room Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 smart 영리한 11 항의하다 protest 2 messy 지저분한 12 매일 each day 3 amazed 놀라운 13 마침내 finally 4 care 신경쓰다 14 침실 bedroom 5 each day 매일 15 영리한 smart 6 pile 더미 16 놀라운 amazed 7 protest 항의하다 17 도와주는사람 helper 8 finally 마침내 18 신경쓰다 care 9 bedroom 침실 19 더미 pile 10 helper 도와주는사람 20 지저분한 messy 20 개중 개정답 19

Key Points 장소를표현하는전치사 전치사란명사나대명사앞에서, 장소, 시간, 방법등을나타내주는말입니다. 하나의전치사에여러가지뜻이있는경우도있으므로뜻을잘기억해두세요. 장소를나타내는전치사 : on, in, into 전치사 on in into 의미 ~ 위에 ( 표면에접촉해서 ) ~( 안 ) 에 ( 공간의내부 ) ~ 안으로 ( 방향성포함 ) 예문 The fly is on the dish. ( 파리가접시위에있다.) The fly is in the soup. ( 파리가수프에빠져있다.) The fly is flying into the soup. ( 파리가수프안으로날아들어가고있다.) Let s Practice 우리말해석과일치하게괄호안에서알맞은것을골라 O 표하세요. 보기 He dropped his books (on, in) the floor. 그는책들을바닥에늘어놓았습니다. 1. He put his dirty clothes (on, in) the bed. 그는더러운옷들을침대위에놓아두었습니다. 2. He left his dirty dishes (on, into) the desk. 그는지저분한접시들을책상위에놓아두었습니다. 3. He put his books (on, in) his bookshelf. 그는그의책을책꽂이안에꽂았습니다. 4. Books, dishes, clothes, and food were (on, in) huge piles. 책들, 접시들, 옷들그리고음식들이산더미처럼쌓였습니다. 5. He threw all his dirty clothes (on, into) a basket. 그는그의더러워진옷들을바구니에던져넣었습니다. 6. He took his dishes (on, into) the kitchen. 그는접시들을부엌으로가져갔습니다. 20

Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 단하나의문제가있었습니다. (only, problem) There was only one problem. 2. 그는그의더러운옷들을침대위에놓아두었습니다. (put, dirty, bed) He put his dirty clothes on the bed. 3. 마이크 (Mike) 는신경쓰지않았습니다. (did, care) Mike did not care. 4. 매일, 마이크 (Mike) 의방은점점더지저분해졌습니다. (each, became, messier) Each day, Mike s room became messier. 5. 그들은계획을세웠습니다. (made, plan) They made a plan. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. Mike s bedroom was 1always very messy. His mother said, Mike, you 2need to clean your room. He 3protested, I like my room. His mom and his sister made a plan. Mike went to bed. A ghost 4rose up from the pile. It said, I want to live here 5forever. I want to 6scare you. Mike 7jumped out of bed. He cleaned 8up his room. Mom, I saw a ghost. I want to 9keep my room clean forever. The plan 10worked! 21 선생님확인

3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 strange 이상한 11 옷 clothes 2 underneath ~ 아래에 12 무섭게하다 scare 3 ghost 유령 13 던지다 throw 4 clothes 옷 14 치우다 clean 5 hate 싫어하다 15 유령 ghost 6 forever 영원히 16 이상한 strange 7 scare 무섭게하다 17 책꽂이 bookshelf 8 throw 던지다 18 싫어하다 hate 9 bookshelf 책꽂이 19 ~ 아래에 underneath 10 clean 치우다 20 영원히 forever 20 개중 개정답 22

Key Points 일반동사의과거형 규칙변화 2 주어가 he, she, it, 사람이름등 3인칭단수일지라도과거시제에서는복수주어와똑같이과거형만드는규칙을따릅니다. 즉주어가 3인칭단수인경우에도, 과거형은동사원형에 ed/-d를붙이면됩니다. 구분 예문 3인칭단수현재형 Mike jumps out of bed now. 3인칭복수현재형 They jump out of bed now. 3인칭단수과거형 Mike jumped out of bed yesterday. 3인칭복수과거형 They jumped out of bed yesterday. Let s Practice 괄호안의동사를과거형으로알맞게변형하여각문장의빈칸에써넣으세요. 보기 He liked his room. (like) 1. Mike protested, I like my room! (protest) 2. The pile moved. (move) 3. Mom smiled. (smile) 4. Mike wanted to tell his sister, too. (want) 5. The plan worked. (work) 23

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. What did Mike do after he saw a ghost? 1 He dropped his books on the floor. 2 He took his dishes into the kitchen. 3 He put his dirty clothes on the bed. 2. Who was the ghost? 1 Mike 2 Sarah 3 Mike s mother 3. What was in the huge piles in Mike s room? < 예시 > Books, dishes, clothes, and food were in huge piles. Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여다음우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그때더미에서유령이일어섰습니다. (rose, from) Then a ghost rose up from the pile. 2. 나는매일밤너를놀라게해줄거다. (want, scare, every) I want to scare you every night. 3. 마이크 (Mike) 는침대에서뛰어내렸습니다. (out, bed) Mike jumps out of bed. 4. 그는그의더러운모든옷들을바구니에던져넣었습니다. (threw, clothes, basket) He threw all his dirty clothes into a basket. 5. 나는내방을영원히깨끗하게치울거에요. (keep, clean, forever) I want to keep my room clean forever. 선생님확인 24

4A Book 2 The King Who Could Not Sneeze Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 king 왕 11 문제, 일 matter 2 a great deal of ~ 많은 12 상자 box 3 dust 먼지 13 재채기하다 sneeze 4 box 상자 14 많은 a great deal of ~ 5 sneeze 재채기하다 15 트림하다 burp 6 impossible 불가능한 16 왕 king 7 matter 문제, 일 17 먼지 dust 8 princess 공주 18 여왕 queen 9 queen 여왕 19 공주 princess 10 burp 트림하다 20 불가능한 impossible 20 개중 개정답 25

Key Points ~ 때문에 : because / because of ~ ~ 때문에 라는영어표현에는 because 와 because of ~ 가있습니다. 둘의차이는 because 뒤에는 주어 + 동사 로이루어진문장이나오고, because of 뒤에는단어또는 단어 + 단어 가결합된구가나온다는점입니다. 각각의용법은다음과같습니다. 구분 because because of 용법접속사 : 다음에 주어 + 동사 가온다. 전치사구 : 다음에 ' 명사 / 명사구 가온다. 예문 I was late because it rained a lot. ( 비가많이와서나는지각했다.) I was late because of a lot of rain. ( 많은비때문에나는지각했다.) Let s Practice because of 와 New Word 를사용해서우리말해석에맞게문장을완성해보세요. Expression People do not sneeze because of soda. New Words 보기 People do not sneeze because of soda. 사람들은소다때문에재채기를하지는않아요. soda 1. People do not sneeze because of onions. 사람들은양파때문에재채기를하지는않아요. onions 2. People sneeze because of pepper. 사람들은후추때문에재채기를해요. pepper 3. People cry because of onions. 사람들은양파때문에눈물을흘려요. onions 4. People burp because of soda. 사람들은소다때문에트림을해요. soda 26

Sentence Master 주어진표현을사용하여우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 옛날에매우행복한왕이살았습니다. (once, lived, happy) Once there lived a very happy king. 2. 그상자들안에는먼지가많이있었습니다. (great, dust, box) There was a great deal of dust in the box. 3. 그먼지의일부가레오 (Leo) 왕의코로들어갔습니다. (went, nose) Some of the dust went into King Leo s nose. 4. 그것은불가능했습니다. (impossible) It was impossible. 5. 그들은다른생각들을해냈습니다. (thought, ideas) They thought of different ideas. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. King Leo was looking 1through old boxes. Some dust went into his nose. He 2tried to sneeze, but he couldn t. Everyone wanted to help him. The 3princess gave the king some soda. But he 4burped. The 5queen gave him an onion. But he 6cried. The cook gave the king some 7pepper. The king sniffed it once, 8twice, and three times. He sneezed very 9loudly. People sneeze 10because of pepper, everyone said. 선생님확인 27

4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 nose 코 11 후추 pepper 2 onion 양파 12 세번 three times 3 pepper 후추 13 축복하다 bless 4 sniff 들이마시다 14 코 nose 5 once 옛날에, 한번 15 두번 twice 6 twice 두번 16 양파 onion 7 three times 세번 17 자르다 cut 8 smell 냄새맡다 18 들이마시다 sniff 9 cut 자르다 19 옛날에, 한번 once 10 bless 축복하다 20 냄새맡다 smell 20 개중 개정답 28

Key Points 주어가 3인칭단수일때동사형태 주어가 he, she, it, 사람이름과같이 3인칭단수일때동사는다음과같이변합니다. 1. 현재형 : 동사에 s/ es를붙여요. live lives look looks help helps 그런데동사모양이 y로끝나면 y를 i로고치고 es를붙여요. try tries study studies 동사모양이불규칙하게바뀌는경우도있어요. have has 2. 과거형 : 동사에 ed/ d를붙여요. live lived look looked help helped 동사모양이 자음 +y 로끝나면 y를 i로고치고 ed를붙여요. try tried study studied 동사모양이불규칙하게바뀌는경우도있어요. say said have had give gave think thought drink drank Let s Practice 다음각문장을 < 보기 > 와같이괄호안의동사를과거시제로바꾸어써보세요. < 보기 > Last night, the king looked through old boxes. (look) 1. Last night he sniffed the pepper. (sniff) 2. The king sneezed very loudly yesterday. (sneeze) 3. The king drank the soda. (drink) 4. The king tried to sneeze, but it was impossible. (try) 5. Once there lived a very happy king. (live) 29

Comprehension Check Up 다음질문을잘보고답해보세요. 1. Who gave the king what? Please match the person to the proper thing. 1 the princess 2 the queen 3 the cook an onion pepper soda 2. Where was a great deal of dust? 1 in happy boxes 2 in old boxes 3 in different boxes 3. What do people do when they cut an onion? < 예시 > They cry. Sentence Master 주어진표현을사용하여우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그는트림을했습니다. (burped) He burped. 2. 그는그것을한번, 두번, 그리고세번코로들이마셨습니다. (sniffed, twice) He sniffed it once, twice, and (then) three times. 3. 사람들은후추때문에재채기를합니다. (sneeze, pepper) People sneeze because of pepper. 4. 미안합니다 / 실례합니다. (excuse) Excuse me. 5. 신의가호가있기를! (bless) God bless you! 선생님확인 30

BEFLY Speaking 유형 발표하기 출처 2 권 p. 24 힌트 Don't play ~ late at night go to bed 답안 Don't play computer games late at night. Go to bed early. 31

BEFLY Writing 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 2 권 p. 39 힌트 messy need to clean 답안 Your room is very messy. You need to clean your room. 32