Yoon s BEFL Note Train Train English Book 6 Dictation 은 스마트베플리 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 6 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 1. 의문사의쓰임을이해한다. 2. 부사의쓰임을이해한다. 3. will / be going to 로미래시제를나타낼수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Train Train English Book 6 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 제일좋아하는 favorite 경호원 guard 유명한 famous 1A 기자 ~ 의중앙에 reporter in the middle of 홀 hall 왕 king 왕관 crown 출발 departure 회의 meeting 표 ticket 1B 주머니 택시승강장 pocket taxi stand 안내소 information center 입구 entrance 플랫폼 platform 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 날씨 weather 시원한 cool 화창한 sunny 2A 요즘잘지내는, 좋은여행 these days fine trip 환상적인 fantastic 꾸러미 pack 일찍 early 들어가다 enter 교실 classroom 2B 조용하게 주의깊게 quietly carefully 아름답게 beautifully 시 poem 부드럽게 softly 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 크리스마스 산타클로스 입다 Christmas Santa Claus wear 3A 청바지 혼자 jeans alone 지루한 bored 저녁식사 dinner 외출하다 go out 자유로운 free 소풍 picnic 함께하다, 참여하다 join 3B 이집트 일기 Egypt diary 쇼핑가다 go shopping 과학전시회 science fair 자동차 전시회 motor show 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 쇼핑몰 환불하다 shopping mall return 곧 soon 4A 빨래 낚시하러가다 laundry go fishing 구름이낀 cloudy 산책시키다 walk 우산 umbrella 장식하다 decorate 무대 stage 드럼 drum 4B 초대장 콘서트 invitation card concert 바이올린 violin 놀이공원 amusement park 마술 magic 6
Book 6 Unit 1 물어보는말의문사 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 favorite 제일좋아하는 1 왕관 crown 2 guard 경호원 2 제일좋아하는 favorite 3 famous 유명한 3 경호원 guard 4 reporter 기자 4 유명한 famous 5 in the middle of ~ 의중앙에 5 기자 reporter 6 hall 홀 6 ~ 의중앙에 in the middle of 7 king 왕 7 홀 hall 8 crown 왕관 8 왕 king 16 개중 개정답 7
Key Points 의문사 who, what : 누구 인지물어볼때는 who, 무엇 인지물어볼때는 what - who 의문문 : 사람의이름이나관계를물을때사용 - 형태 : Who + be동사 + 주어 ~? (~ 은누구인가요?) ex) Who is he? - He is Mike. Who is that man? - He is my father. - what 의문문 : 사물의이름이나사람의직업을물을때사용 - 형태 : What + be동사 + 주어 ~? (~ 은무엇인가요?) ex) What is this? - This is my bag. What is his job? - He s a pianist. Let s Practice 알맞은의문사를사용하여사람의이름과직업을묻는대화를완성해보세요. 1. Rara florist 2. Dave hair designer 3. Josh reporter 4. Sujin programmer Expression A: Who is she? B: She is Rara. 1. A: What s Rara s job? B: She is a florist. 2. A: Who is he? B: He is my friend, Dave. A: What is his job? B: He is a hair designer. 3. A: Who is he? B: He is my brother, Josh. A: What is his job? B: He is a reporter. 4. A: Who is she? B: She is my sister, Sujin. A: What is her job? B: She is a programmer. 8
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 그녀는누구인가요? (who) Who is she? 2. 피카소는내가제일좋아하는화가예요. (Picasso, favorite) Picasso is my favorite painter. 3. 문앞에있는사람은누구예요? (in front of) Who is in front of the door? 4. 홀의중앙에는무엇이있나요? (in the middle of, hall) What is in the middle of the hall? 5. 네가제일좋아하는색은무엇이니? (favorite color) What is your favorite color? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Who is your favorite painter? 2. A guard is in front of the door. 3. What is your job? 4. There is a king s crown there. 5. My favorite color is red. 선생님확인 9
1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 departure 출발 1 플랫폼 platform 2 meeting 회의 2 출발 departure 3 ticket 표 3 회의 meeting 4 pocket 주머니 4 표 ticket 5 taxi stand 택시승강장 5 주머니 pocket 6 information center 안내소 6 택시승강장 taxi stand 7 entrance 입구 7 안내소 information center 8 platform 플랫폼 8 입구 entrance 16 개중 개정답 10
Key Points 의문사 when, where : 언제 인지시간을물어볼때는 when, 어디 인지장소를물어볼때는 where - when 의문문 : 시간이나날짜등을물을때 - 형태 : When + be동사 + 주어 ~? (~ 은언제인가요, ~ 은언제있나요?) ex) When is the party? - It is on Sunday. - where 의문문 : 장소나위치를물을때 - 형태 : Where + be동사 + 주어 ~? (~ 이어디인가요?, ~ 은어디에있나요?) ex) Where is my cell phone? - It is on your desk. Let s Practice 다음의문사두루마리에서알맞은것을골라대화를완성해보세요. Interrogatives what who when where Practice 1. A: When is your concert? B: It s on October 7. 2. A: Where is my key? B: It s in the drawer. 3. A: Where is the platform for Incheon? B: It s over there. 4. A: Who are they? B: They are my brothers. 5. A: Where is your house? B: It s next to City Hall. 6. A: When is our meeting? B: It s at three o clock. 11
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 나는두시에떠나요. (leave, o clock) I leave at two o clock. 2. 내기차표가어디에있지? (ticket) Where is my train ticket? 3. 택시정류장이어디에있나요? (the taxi stand) Where is the taxi stand? 4. 그것은입구근처에있어요. (the entrance) It is near the entrance. 5. 저쪽에있는계단을내려가세요. (stairs, over there) Go down the stairs over there. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. When is your departure for Chicago? 2. When is the next train for Boston? 3. Where is the information center? 4. It is across the street. 5. When is Ann s birthday party? 선생님확인 12
2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 weather 날씨 1 꾸러미 pack 2 cool 시원한 2 날씨 weather 3 sunny 화창한 3 시원한 cool 4 these days 요즘 4 화창한 sunny 5 fine 잘지내는, 좋은 5 요즘 these days 6 trip 여행 6 잘지내는, 좋은 fine 7 fantastic 환상적인 7 여행 trip 8 pack 꾸러미 8 환상적인 fantastic 16 개중 개정답 13
Key Points 의문사 how : 어떻게, 얼마나 하고상태를물을때 - how 의문문 : 상태를물을때 - 형태 : How + be동사 + 주어 ~? (~ 이어떠한가요?) ex) How is your father? - He is great. - how + 형용사 의문문 : 키, 숫자, 나이등을물을때 - 형태 : How + 형용사 (many, tall, old) + be동사 + 주어 ~? ( 얼마나 ~ 한가요?) ex) How old are you? - I m thirteen years old. Let s Practice 다음표를보고각각의키또는나이를묻는대화를완성해보세요. Height Age Sally 120 cm 10 Patty 140 cm 12 Snoopy 40 cm 4 Charlie 130 cm 11 Lucy 135 cm 11 ( 아래정답은예시입니다. 표현은더다양할수있습니다.) Expression A: How old is Sally? B: She is ten years old. 1. A: How tall is Sally? B: She is 120 centimeters tall. 2. A: How old is Patty? B: She is twelve years old. 3. A: How tall is Snoopy? B: It is 40 centimeters tall. 4. A: How old is Charlie? B: He is eleven years old. 5. A: How tall is Lucy? B: She is 135 centimeters tall. 14
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 시원하고화창해요. (cool, sunny) It is cool and sunny. 2. 그것은흥미진진했어. (exciting) It was exciting. 3. 요즘은어떻게지내나요? (these days) How are you these days? 4. 그것은환상적이었어요. (fantastic) It was fantastic. 5. 이치마는얼마니? (much, skirt) How much is this skirt? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. How is the weather today? 2. How was the movie yesterday? 3. How was your trip to France? 4. How many colors are there in this pack? 5. How many girls are there on the bench? 선생님확인 15
Book 6 Unit 2 동사나형용사를꾸며주는말부사 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 early 일찍 1 들어가다 enter 2 enter 들어가다 2 교실 classroom 3 classroom 교실 3 조용하게 quietly 4 quietly 조용하게 4 주의깊게 carefully 5 carefully 주의깊게 5 아름답게 beautifully 6 beautifully 아름답게 6 시 poem 7 poem 시 7 부드럽게 softly 8 softly 부드럽게 8 일찍 early 16 개중 개정답 16
Key Points 부사 : 동사나형용사를자세히설명하는말 - 부사의위치 : 보통동사의뒤, 형용사의앞 ex) Sue sings well. He is very funny. - 형용사 +ly 로된부사 ex) quietly, carefully, beautifully, softly, slowly, kindly y로끝나는형용사는 y를 i로바꾸고 ly : happily, easily - 형용사와같은형태의부사 : early, fast, hard Let s Practice 다음부사두루마리에서알맞은말을골라문장을완성해보세요. Adverbs early well very quietly quickly softly kindly carefully beautifully fast hard late happily slowly much absolutely certainly suddenly proudly completely ( 아래정답은예시입니다.) Expression I get up early. 1. She plays the piano very well. 2. Please speak quietly in the library. 3. Jane helps other people kindly 4. Debbie walked fast with her friends. 5. We finished our homework quickly. 17
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 그녀의남동생은매우졸려보여요. (sleepy) Her brother looks very sleepy. 2. 니나는교실에조용히들어가요. (Nina, quietly) Nina enters the classroom quietly. 3. 니나는그녀의선생님말씀을주의깊게들어요. (carefully) Nina listens to her teacher carefully. 4. 니나는첼로를아름답게연주해요. (cello) Nina plays the cello beautifully. 5. 니나는집으로빨리뛰어가요. (fast) Nina runs home fast. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Her teacher reads an English poem softly. 2. Nina works hard on her homework. 3. The woman closes the door quietly. 4. Brian carries the glass bottle carefully. 5. Mr. Brown helps the students kindly. 선생님확인 18
Book 6 Unit 3 미래에일어날일 will 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 Christmas 크리스마스 1 산타클로스 Santa Claus 2 Santa Claus 산타클로스 2 입다 wear 3 wear 입다 3 청바지 jeans 4 jeans 청바지 4 혼자 alone 5 alone 혼자 5 지루한 bored 6 bored 지루한 6 저녁식사 dinner 7 dinner 저녁식사 7 외출하다 go out 8 go out 외출하다 8 크리스마스 Christmas 16 개중 개정답 19
Key Points will : 미래의일을나타낼때사용 - 의미 : ~ 할것이다, ~ 일것이다 - 형태 : will + 동사원형 ex) He will go to school tomorrow. I ll, you ll, he ll, she ll 등으로줄여쓸수있음 - 부정문 : will not[won t] + 동사원형 (~ 하지않을것이다 ) ex) I ll not take a walk. I won t take a walk. Let s Practice 미래를나타내는표현 will / won t 와다음표현을활용하여문장을써보세요. Expressions go to school wear my uniform brush her teeth clean his room water the plant go for a walk go on a picnic go on a trip to France bake bread go shopping buy a present for Nara clean the shoes ( 아래정답은예시입니다. 표현은더다양할수있습니다.) Expression Minsu won t go to school tomorrow. 1. I will go to school tomorrow morning. 2. She will bake bread next week. 3. He will go on a trip to France next month. 4. You won t go shopping tomorrow. 5. Minho will clean his room tonight. 6. My grandfather will water the plant 20
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 샐리는청바지와티셔츠를입지않을거예요. (Sally, wear, jeans) Sally will not wear jeans and a T-shirt. 2. 브라이언은혼자있지않을거예요. (Brian, alone) Brian will not be alone. 3. 그들의부모님들은일하러가지않을거예요. (go to work) Their parents will not go to work. 4. 그들은슬프거나지루하지않을거예요. (bored) They won t be sad or bored. 5. 그들은내일저녁을먹으러나가지않을거예요. (go out for dinner) They won t go out for dinner tomorrow. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. It will be Christmas tomorrow. 2. Sally and Brian will go to sleep early. 3. Santa Claus will come tonight. 4. The children will get some gifts tomorrow. 5. They will have a party tomorrow. 선생님확인 21
3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 free 자유로운 1 소풍 picnic 2 picnic 소풍 2 함께하다, 참여하다 join 3 join 함께하다, 참여하다 3 이집트 Egypt 4 Egypt 이집트 4 일기 diary 5 diary 일기 5 쇼핑가다 go shopping 6 go shopping 쇼핑가다 6 과학전시회 science fair 7 science fair 과학전시회 7 자동차전시회 motor show 8 motor show 자동차전시회 8 자유로운 free 16 개중 개정답 22
Key Points will의의문문 : ~ 할것인가요?, ~ 할예정인가요? - 의문사가없는의문문 : Will + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 대답 : ( 긍정 ) Yes, 주어 will. ( 부정 ) No, 주어 won t. ex) Will you help me? - Yes, I will. / No, I won t. - 의문사가있는의문문 : 의문사 + will + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 대답 : yes나 no 없이 주어 + will + 동사원형 ~. ex) What will he do tomorrow? - He will do his homework. Let s Practice 다음표현에서알맞은것을골라의문문에대한응답을완성해보세요. Expressions who where when Jenny at his house at 7 p.m. Greg at the library on Sunday Tim in front of the theater next Tuesday ( 아래정답은예시입니다. 표현은좀더다양할수있습니다.) Expression A: Who will go to the concert? B: Jenny will go to the concert. 1. A: Where will you meet Teddy tomorrow? B: I will meet Teddy at his house. 2. A: Who will visit his grandmother? B: Greg will visit his grandmother. 3. A: When will you do your work? B: I will do my homework on Sunday. 4. A: Who will be the owner of the car? B: Tim will be the owner. 5. A: When will Cathy go to Paris? B: She will go to Paris next Tuesday. 23
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 피터의아버지는 8 월에어디로가실것인가요? (Peter s, August) Where will Peter s father go in August? 2. 피터의누나는 9 월에아픈사람들을도울건가요? (help, sick, September) Will Peter s sister help the sick people in September? 3. 피터는언제과학박람회에참가할것인가요? (science fair) When will Peter join the science fair? 4. 그는일기를쓸거예요. (write a diary) He will write a diary. 5. 누가이번여름에수영수업을받을것인가요? (take a swimming class) Who will take a swimming class this summer? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Will you be free this weekend, Tom? 2. Will you go on a picnic in the park? 3. Will it rain this weekend? 4. Jane will join us. 5. When will you be at her house? 선생님확인 24
Book 6 Unit 4 가까운미래를나타내는말 be going to 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 shopping mall 쇼핑몰 1 우산 umbrella 2 return 환불하다 2 쇼핑몰 shopping mall 3 soon 곧 3 환불하다 return 4 laundry 빨래 4 곧 soon 5 go fishing 낚시하러가다 5 빨래 laundry 6 cloudy 구름이낀 6 낚시하러가다 go fishing 7 walk 산책시키다 7 구름이낀 cloudy 8 umbrella 우산 8 산책시키다 walk 16 개중 개정답 25
Key Points be going to : 가까운미래에일어날일을말할때 - 의미 : ~ 할예정이다 - 형태 : 주어 + be동사 + going to + 동사원형 ~ ex) He is going to play baseball. - 부정문 : 주어 + be동사 + not going to + 동사원형 ~ (~ 하지않을것이다 ) ex) I am not going to buy a new storybook. Let s Practice 다음문장을 be going to 표현을이용하여미래시제로써보세요. Expression She is going to cook food. 1. They go to the shopping mall. They are going to go to the shopping mall. 2. It is cloudy tomorrow. It is going to be cloudy tomorrow. 3. She returns her new bag. She is going to return her new bag. 4. Tommy doesn t eat any more bread. Tommy is not going to eat any more bread. 5. We don t play basketball. We aren t going to play basketball. 6. Dan doesn t wash his car. Dan is not going to wash his car. 7. You don t do the laundry. You aren t going to do the laundry. 8. I don t read English books. I am not going to read English books. 9. We join the science club. We are going to join the science club. 26
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 곧비가올거예요. (soon) It is going to rain soon. 2. 우리는우산을가져갈거예요. (take, umbrella) We are going to take an umbrella. 3. 나는개를산책시키지않을거예요. (walk the dog) I am not going to walk the dog. 4. 나는밖에나가지않을거예요. (go out) I am not going to go out. 5. 내일은구름이끼지않겠습니다. (cloudy) It is not going to be cloudy tomorrow. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. They are going to go to a shopping mall this afternoon. 2. I am going to buy a new shirt. 3. Jim is going to return his bag. 4. I am not going to do the laundry. 5. I am not going to go fishing. 선생님확인 27
4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 decorate 장식하다 1 마술 magic 2 stage 무대 2 장식하다 decorate 3 drum 드럼 3 무대 stage 4 invitation card 초대장 4 드럼 drum 5 concert 콘서트 5 초대장 invitation card 6 violin 바이올린 6 콘서트 concert 7 amusement park 놀이공원 7 바이올린 violin 8 magic 마술 8 놀이공원 amusement park 16 개중 개정답 28
Key Points be going to 의문문 : ~ 할것인가요? - 의문사가없는의문문 : be동사 + 주어 + going to + 동사원형 ~? 대답 : ( 긍정 ) Yes, 주어 + be동사. ( 부정 ) No, 주어 + be동사 not. ex) Are you going to walk to school? - Yes, I am. / No, I am not. - 의문사가있는의문문 : 의문사 + be동사 + 주어 + going to + 동사원형 ~? 대답 : 주어 + be동사 + going to + 동사원형 ~. ex) What are you going to do? - I m going to cook the meal. Let s Practice 다음친구들의일정표를보고질문과대답을완성해보세요. Candy Chacha Momo Dodo Duri draw a picture do a magic trick feed her pet plant the tree pick apples Expression A: Is Candy going to draw a picture? B: Yes, she is. 1. A: What is Candy going to do? B: She is going to draw a picture. 2. A: Is Chacha going to do a magic trick? B: Yes, she is. 3. A: What is Momo going to do? B: She is going to feed her pet. 4. A: What is Dodo going to do? B: He is going to plant the tree. 5. A: Is Duri going to pick apples? B: Yes, he is. 29
Sentence Master 주어진단어를사용하여문장을써보세요. 1. 너는피아노를칠거니? (piano) Are you going to play the piano? 2. 테드는노래를부를거니? (Ted, sing a song) Is Ted going to sing a song? 3. 그들은바이올린을연주할건가요? (violin) Are they going to play the violin? 4. 너는무엇을할거니? (do) What are you going to do? 5. 누가널도와줄거니? (help) Who is going to help you? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Is Betty going to decorate the stage? 2. I am going to write invitation cards. 3 Jim is going to help me. 4. We are going to have a concert on Friday. 5. We are going to have lunch in the cafeteria. 선생님확인 30
4-Skill BEFLY-Speaking 유형문제해결하기 M1: Hello, may I speak to Eddy? M2: Yes, this is Eddy. M1: Hi, Eddy. This is John. Are you free this weekend? M2: Yes, I am. 문제 M1: Tony and I are going to play tennis on Sunday. Can you join us? M2: Sure. It sounds fun. What time should we meet? M1: How about 3 o'clock at the park? M2: Okay. See you then. Question: What does John invite Eddy to do? 출처 B6, p. 44 John 은 Eddy 에게무엇을할것을청했나요? 힌트 invite A to B: A 에게 B 할것을청하다 play tennis 답안 John invites Eddy to play tennis on Sunday. 31
4-Skill BEFLY-Writing 유형그림의세부묘사완성하기출처 B6, pp. 24~25 (1) be late for (2) listen to, carefully 힌트 (3) run fast, umbrella (4) do one's homework (1) late for school (2) to her teacher carefully 답안 (3) home fast because she doesn't have an umbrella (4) does her homework 32