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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. You could put the hands in the heart. ~, but I d like to put the name above the heart. It looks better to me. volunteer arrange suggestion 1. W: What are you doing, Dan M: I m designing a T shirt logo for my club. W: You mean your volunteer club, right M: Yes. It s not easy. Two hands holding each other, the heart, and the club name Save a Life. I don t know how I should arrange these things. W: Hmm. You could put the hands in the heart. M: What do you think about putting the hands below the heart W: That could work, but I think my suggestion looks better. M: Okay. I ll follow your advice. How about the club name W: I think you could put it below the heart. M: That s a good suggestion, but I d like to put the name above the heart. It looks better to me. W: Okay. That seems to be good. I m sure it ll be a nice logo. M: I hope so. Now, I ll design the logo, following our decisions. Thank you for your suggestions. Dan Save a Life 2. W: John, you don t look good. What s the matter M: Kevin, Kate, and I, as a team, are preparing for our presentation in the Earth Science class. W: Right. I remember you told me about it. M: Yeah. We re going to have a meeting about the presentation in just a few days. W: And then M: I haven t finished my part. I don t have enough time. W: When are you going to meet them M: This Friday. Today is Wednesday. So, I only have two more days. I need one more day. W: John, there is one thing you re mistaken about. M: What is it W: Today is Tuesday, not Wednesday. You have three days before the meeting. M: Really [pause] Oh, you re right, Mom. What a relief! John, KevinKate John 3 148

I don t have enough time. You have three days before the meeting. Oh, you re right, Mom. What a relief! W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, presentation mistaken What a relief! 3. M: Last time, we talked about the importance of regular exercise. Today, we ll talk about plant-based food consumption. First, it can bring about surprising health benefits when it is combined with moderate exercise. That is because a plant-based diet lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Eating plant-based foods can also be our best action against the destructive meat industry, which kills enormous numbers of animals and needs more and more land for grazing every year. By following a plant-based diet, we can save money, effort, and land. Consequently, we can help to save Mother Nature. regular plant-based consumption benefit combine moderate lower destructive enormous graze 4. W: The midterm exams are finally over! M: Yeah. I feel so relieved. What are you going to do this Saturday W: Originally, I planned to watch a movie with Bob. But now, I don t have any plans. M: Why Is something wrong between you and Bob W: No. He s going to visit his parents in the country. He said he would help them harvest crops. M: Oh, he is so considerate. W: Yeah. Well, how about you M: I m going to visit a nursing home this Saturday. I ll clean the rooms and do the laundry. W: Wow! You re great. When did you start volunteering M: Earlier this year. If you re free, how about joining me W: Really Okay. I ve always wanted to do volunteer work, but I didn t know how to start it. I ll join you. M: That s a good decision. It ll be difficult, but rewarding. Bob Bob If you re free, how about joining me Really Okay. I ve always wanted to do volunteer work, but I didn t know 149

how to start it. I ll join you. relieved harvest considerate rewarding originally crop nursing home 5. W: What can I do for you, sir M: I d like to print photos from this USB. W: May I have it, please M: Yes. Here it is. How much are they W: The rates vary according to the photo size. Standard is 50 cents, small is 25 cents, and large is one dollar. M: I ll choose the standard size for my photos. W: There are two folders in the USB. M: Please print the twenty photos in the Family folder. W: Okay. I ll print twenty photos in standard size. M: Great. I ve got a 10% discount coupon from your website. Can I use it W: Sure. It takes time to print the photos. Please have a seat. M: Thank you, but I d like to pay for them first. Here is my credit card. W: Okay. [pause] Sign here, please. USB 50 25 1 USB 20 20 10% 50 20 10 10% 9 print discount coupon rate 6. W: Nearly one billion people have no access to clean, safe water. The dirty water they drink makes them sick. It robs children of hope. But it doesn t have to be that way. We know that when a well is installed for a village, everything changes. Health returns and children grow up to be good members of their community. Lives change. Today, we see that change and want to share it with you every time a new well is installed. Please make a donation to us. We ll send you a tracking link instantly to track your donation. So you can follow the specific project you re helping to build. You can really help stop their needless suffering. 10 ~ when a well is installed for a village, everything changes. Lives change. Today, we see that change ~. Please make a donation to us. access install donation instantly rob ~ of community tracking link track 150

suffering W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, 7. M: We ve finally arrived at our destination. W: Yeah. This room has a nice ocean view. Let s rest for a while, and then visit the native village. M: I think I should unpack first. Please bring me that suitcase. [pause] What is this rope for W: It is a clothesline to dry washed clothes. We re going to stay at this hotel for ten days. M: How about using the hotel laundry service W: There ll be an extra charge for that. We should cut down on our expenses. M: I see. You re always well-prepared. W: Please tie this line between those two objects. I ll move these suitcases. M: No problem. [pause] But I m hungry. W: There are sandwiches in that lunch box. M: That s good. I ll do it right after eating them. Please tie this line between those two objects. destination native village unpack laundry service cut down on object 8. M: What is that W: It is a security camera. I heard the apartment management office had it installed. M: I didn t hear anything about it. W: The issue was decided at the last residents meeting. They also put a camera up in the parking lot. M: Is Big Brother watching us W: What do you mean by that M: Everywhere I feel like I m being monitored by cameras. W: But, honey, I think they are there for our safety. M: I know, but that is too much of a good thing. W: Have you forgotten that a burglar stole everything in our neighbor s house M: I remember. Anyway, I feel uneasy because of this camera. W: Oh, no. We didn t press the button for our floor. We should have gotten off on the tenth floor. M: Right. We have to go down again. Big Brother 10 We didn t press the button for our floor. We have to go down again. security camera apartment management office install issue residents meeting put up parking lot monitor burglar uneasy 151

9. M: Okay. You re sitting in the car. What should you do W: I should start the engine. M: You ve forgotten what I taught you yesterday. W: No, wait! I need to fasten my seat belt first. M: There are things you need to do even before you fasten your seat belt. First of all, are you sitting comfortably W: Not really. The seat is a bit too far from the steering wheel. I can adjust the position and the height, using these two levers here. M: Good. [pause] Now you seem to be comfortable. What should you check now W: I should check the rear-view mirror and the side mirrors. M: That s right. [pause] Now fasten your seat belt. And then start the engine, checking behind you. W: I m a little nervous. M: Don t worry. As you know, I have my own brake. Looking after your safety is the most important thing to our driving school. W: Thank you. Looking after your safety is the most important thing to our driving school. fasten comfortably steering wheel adjust height lever rear-view mirror nervous look after driving school 10. W: You look upset. What s going on M: I had an argument with my coworker about something at the office this morning. W: Take it easy. That happens sometimes. M: You re right. I thought we were getting along, but we had another argument. W: Don t worry about that. Greet him with a big smile at the office on Monday morning. M: Thank you for the advice. W: For a change of air, how about going hiking this Saturday M: But I don t like hiking. I think it s really boring and difficult. W: Hey, hiking is one of the best aerobic exercises. We can also talk to each other while hiking. M: Hmm... okay. I ll try it. But I don t have any hiking equipment. W: I know a store downtown. If you go to the store with me, you can get good-quality products at reasonable prices. M: Karen, you re one in a million. Thank you. 152

Karen 300 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, ~ I don t have any hiking equipment. If you go to the store with me, you can get good-quality products at reasonable prices. argument coworker get along a change of air aerobic exercise equipment reasonable one in a million 11. M: Can I help you W: Yes. I d like to purchase an electronic dictionary for my son. M: Please have a seat. We have a great collection of electronic dictionaries. Look at this catalog. W: I can t spend more than 300 dollars. M: Then that eliminates this one. How about language support W: He ll need it for studying only Spanish. So Chinese and Japanese are not needed. M: Okay. I think it should feature a built-in speaker to practice Spanish pronunciation, right W: That s right. M: How about this one This model combines an electronic dictionary with an MP3 player. W: He already has an MP3 player, so I don t want his dictionary to have that function. M: I see. Then this is the best dictionary for you. W: I ll take it. I like its design and color, too. Please wrap it up for me. M: Sure. Please wait a minute. MP3 MP3 300 I can t spend more than 300 dollars. He ll need it for studying only Spanish. M: I think it should feature a built-in speaker to practice Spanish pronunciation, right / W: That s right. MP3 He already has an MP3 player, so I don t want his dictionary to have that function. electronic dictionary catalog eliminate support feature built-in combine function 12. Sagrada Família W: Hello. I m Wendy Tailor. I m the host of Wendy s Grand Tour. Today, I m going to guide you to the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, Spain. Please come this way. The Sagrada Família was designed by Antoni Gaudí, a Spanish architect. Its construction began in 1882. Gaudí believed that buildings should resemble nature. So, as you can see, he designed the church without straight lines. Twenty-two different kinds of stone were used to build it. Many people say the building resembles a sand castle. For me, it looks like a building melting in the sun. Unfortunately, Gaudí died before the building was completed. Based on the drawings he left behind, its construction has continued. 153

It is supposed to be completed in 2026. Wendy Tailor Wendy Grand Tour Sagrada Família Sagrada Família Antoni Gaudí 1882 Gaudí Gaudí 2026 Gaudí Sagrada Família Gaudí believed that buildings should resemble nature. So, as you can see, he designed the church without straight lines. design construction drawing architect complete 13. M: Mom, this toy robot won t move. I think it s out of order. W: I guess it s time to change its batteries. Hand me the robot. M: I m really sorry. I spilt water on my shirt. W: That s all right. Please be more careful from now on. M: Look at this. New buds are appearing on the tree. W: They are! If you water it every day, it ll repay you with beautiful flowers. M: Mom, let me help you fold the laundry. W: You re so kind. Instead, please take these clothes and put them in your closet. M: I m wondering if I can get a refund on this shirt. W: It s possible. Do you have the receipt out of order bud repay closet receipt spill appear fold get a refund 14. M: I read your story about your trip to India in the school newspaper. It was really interesting. W: Thank you for saying that. Actually, I couldn t have finished the story without my friends, Tom and Lauren. M: I don t know what you mean. You mean they wrote the story instead of you W: That s not what I mean. When I was writing it, I was really worried about my first draft. M: I know. The first draft is always full of mistakes. W: So, I asked them to go through my story. M: They both want to be writers, too, don t they W: Right. I asked them to look at it two days before the deadline, and they stayed up all night reviewing it. M: Wow! That s great. I think you should repay them for their efforts. W: Tom Lauren 154

I think you should repay them for their efforts. Kevin Kevin W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, instead of first draft go through review repay split 15. W: Please have a seat, Mr. Thomson. M: Thank you, Ms. Taylor. W: You wanted to talk about Kevin s math grade M: Yes. He has worked hard, but his grade hasn t improved. W: I have something to show you. Wait a minute. [typing sound] Mr. Thomson, look at this monitor. Here is the material that shows the change in Kevin s math grade. M: You mean that line graph W: Yes. As you can see, there is no sudden rise. But it clearly shows steady improvement. M: Let s see... It really does. I didn t realize that change. W: You don t need to be anxious about Kevin. He has worked hard in math. M: I think I have been demanding too much of him. W: I fully understand. But I think, now, it s time to encourage him. M: Thomson Taylor Kevin Kevin Thomson Kevin Kevin Kevin It really does. I didn t realize that change. improve material sudden steady realize anxious encourage 16. W: Scott, what s wrong with your finger M: I dropped a drinking glass and cut my finger on a piece of glass this morning. But it isn t serious. W: It s a relief that it s not serious. Well, what are you doing here M: I m waiting for the bus to go to the airport. I m going to meet my father there. W: How about driving your car to the airport M: It s in the repair shop. I had a minor collision on the way to work this morning. W: That s too bad. You must have been late for work. M: Yeah. I was cautioned against being late by my boss. W: You seem pretty unenergetic right now, too. M: In fact, there were many things I had to handle at work today. W: 155

Scott Edward Jessica Jessica Edward Jessica Edward Jessica Jessica Edward Jessica Edward Jessica Edward Jessica takes his words seriously and wants to apologize to him. Jessica relief collision caution handle repair shop must have p.p. unenergetic accounting department employee overtime payment overtime work realize contain document destruction remind take ~ seriously 17. W: Edward, who is the head of the accounting department, is talking with Jessica about the employees overtime payments. Jessica, who works in the department, hands him the list of the employees who should be paid for overtime work. Seeing the list, Edward realizes that she reused the paper that contains the employees phone numbers. Jessica didn t follow the company s document destruction policy! A little surprised, Edward cautions her and reminds her that it is the company s policy to protect workers personal information. Jessica takes his words seriously and wants to apologize to him. In this situation, what would Jessica most likely say to Edward Jessica: 18. 3 14 you 156

[5 ] ~, I don t see much use to our writing letters back and forth ~ to writing our writing 20. Cyrus Cyrus Croesus Cyrus W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, experimental use speak of opposite viewpoint argument in short state 19. Mike Perry Adam Mike 2 Mike Adam Mike Adam Mike 10 10 Adam Mike Perry Adam [6 ] ~, so he prepared study guide questions and had students work in groups to study the material. had work [12 ] When Mike stopped to check on his progress 10 minutes later, his page was blank; ~ stop+to stop+ -ing score make a mental note unit emphasize independent cooperative promptly blank embarrassed evasive Cyrus Sardis Cyrus (A) The Greekswho had ~ against Croesus demanded (B) of which which the coastal cities (C) nor nor+ + could their leaders [7 ] Sparta, the most powerful military power on the Greek mainland, sent a delegation to Sardis to warn Cyrus to keep away from the Greeks of Asia Minor. the most powerful military power on the Greek mainland Sparta [16 ] ~ but, like members of a dysfunctional family, could not set aside their differences long enough to cooperate; ~ like enough to ally favored status political independence Lydian appeal delegation surrender accommodation disciplined set aside bribe betray 157

21. mutually beneficial transactions making being made spent the time and money fail + to that competitively operates [1 ] Search costs can cause markets to malfunction in large and small ways. cause+a+to A search cost malfunction in large and small ways hunt transaction locate fit inappropriate match mutually ensure 22. [4 ] Referred to as sleep hygiene, these changes in lifestyle can be relatively simple to follow and can help avoid problems such as insomnia for some people. A B refer to A as B Referred Being [9 ] ~, replacing the restrictions [(which[that]) we place on our activities {that interfere with sleep}]. we which[that] the restrictions that our activities professional portion recommendation take over interfere with awakening significant sleep hygiene sound sleep restriction stimulant 158

23. W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [3 ] ~, I asked my dinner partner on the right if he could remove the safety clasp on the back of my necklace, so I could take it off. if asked take it off [8 ] I felt my neck swell from the heat and constriction. felt swell [15 ] I felt as if the necklace was choking me harder and harder. as if +and+ focus celebrity swell constriction delicate complicated dilemma announce disaster jam choke set A at ease A go through the roof 24. [3 ] But the problem, I believe, comes when we are unwilling to either acknowledge or examine the mistakes we make, thus leading to the tendency to repeat them sometimes over and over. either A or B acknowledge examine thus leading ~ and thus it leads ~ [12 ] But I can assure you that it s a very freeing feeling to admit your mistakes and decide to make a change. to admittodecide and it to admit your mistakes and decide to make a change not that big of a deal acknowledge unwilling tendency over and over get involved in argument be engaged in assure be destined to do 25. 159

imitation [1 ] It is said that imitation plays a central role in helping us select, prepare, and even eat our foods. helping selectprepareeat [12 ] Any experienced parent will tell you that the best way to get a broccoli-hating child to sample this food is to have another child sitting nearby who enthusiastically is eating broccoli. that the best way is have+a+ A ex. She had us laughing all through the meal. row exist edible inspire sample faraway clue toddler peer enthusiastically Madagascar Madagascar 8,000 Madagascar 80% 50% Madagascar 25 [8 ] In the United States, 25% of all prescriptions [(which[that] are) dispensed from pharmacies] contain substances [(which[that] are) derived from plants]. all prescriptions substances which[that] are + be [14 ] Madagascar alone harbors some 8,000 species of flowering plants. alone biodiversity biophilia fertility prescription dispense pharmacy substance derive Hodgkin s disease harbor native species vital ethical practical consideration anxiety 27. 26. Edward O. Wilson 25% Cohen 276 12 160

276 Thomas Edison saw the best in everything. he looked at those failures in a positive light Thomas Edison W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [1 ] Even whether or not we come down with a cold is strongly influenced by the quality and extent of our social network. whether [6 ] The researchers measured the extent of participation in 12 different types of social relationships (e.g., spouse, parent, friend, and colleague), as well as other factors, such as smoking and poor sleep quality, [that are likely to increase susceptibility to colds]. that other factors other factors that such as smoking and poor sleep quality come down with extent colleague nasal drop subject spouse susceptibility take ~ into consideration interpersonal insufficient irregular 28. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison 99 1 Thomas Edison [8 ] It took him ten thousand tries to find the right materials ~ It takes+a+b +to A B [15 ] Many of life s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. how realize credit A to B A B declare perspiration inspiration literally astound eventually summarize statement outlook 29. 161

[5 ] For instance, the pressures of deciding on a career that entry into college brings are likely to encourage selfexploration and commitment in the occupational domain, ~ the pressures are [9 ] Similarly, an adolescent who attends a college with an ethnically and philosophically diverse student body may well make more progress in terms of ethnic identity than an adolescent who attends a college with a relatively homogeneous student population. may well+ identity all-or-none domain commitment ethnically in terms of status tension satisfaction 30. TV adolescent fashion self-exploration occupational diverse homogeneous ethnic assignment particular Daniel R. Anderson TV TV 4 TV 15 TV 15 TV TV 15 TV Anderson 6 TV TV TV [8 ] In fact, both the 3- and 5-year-olds found it more difficult to resist the temptation outside the TV program [when they had been looking at the TV for less than 15 seconds] as compared to [when they had been looking for more than 15 seconds]. found it to resist the temptation outside the TV program when TV ascompared to[with] [16 ] Anderson also found similar reductions in distractibility as looks were sustained for infants [ranging in age from 6 months to 2 years]. ranging infants range from A to B A B animation rear-projection screen beep signal slide interval randomly engaged temptation distracting reductio distractibility sustain infant commercial secondary build up systematic sensitive emotion 31. 162

(A) For example (B) Dom Pedro 2 Dom Pedro 2 Dom Pedro 2 1889 67 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, Conversely [12 ] These families may provide their children with music lessons and ask them to perform in front of guests, who respond enthusiastically. provide A with B A B provide ask [17 ] ~, which negatively influence skill development, opportunities [to function in a public or leadership role], and feelings of self-esteem. skill developmentopportunitiesfeelings of selfesteem influence to function ~ role opportunities to critically occupational similarity neutralize jointly work on regardless of diminish reinforcement raise self-esteem enthusiastically emphasize punishment function public in contrast likewise consequently 32. 1800 Dom Joã o 6 1821 Dom Joã o 6 Dom Pedro 1 Dom Pedro 1 1882 9 7 1821 worsened stabilized [6 ] ~, Dom Joã o returned to Portugal and left his son, Dom Pedro I, to rule Brazil. leave A toa [19 ] It took them 67 years after their country was declared independent to fully remove the Portuguese monarchy from power. It takes+a++to A to fully remove fully remove to remove fully evolutionary break emperor cool down worsen latter separate declare independence in charge of free thereafter general take the initiative monarchy republic transition 163

33. 34. 1870 (A) encourage replace replace (B) construction destruction construction (C) enhance reduce enhanced [1 ] Chemical industries grew, especially after 1870, as synthetic substances, notably derivatives from coal, began to replace the earlier reliance on natural substances from vegetables. grew reliance on [12 ] Soda, made from the coal by-product of ammonia, was used in manufacturing both soap and glass. made from the coal by-product of ammonia soda synthetic substance notably reliance dye coal tar fertilizer explosive revolution agricultural productivity achievement by-product ammonia insecticide perfume make one s way to luxury goods touch 15 2 4 6 [2 ] While it may be tempting to buy a lot of shares at a low price, ~ it to buy ~ price [12 ] And it s the big institutional investors that move a stock s price. it is ~ that the big institutional investors share tempting financial performance lag behind deficient institutional thinly accommodate institution fortune fundamental unpredictability presence diverse investment 164

35. 36. 1990 2035 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [5 ] Once (it is) extended into an opening, the root matures and expands, exerting side forces that enlarge the hole. Once it is once [7 ] By removing moisture from the soil, plant roots stabilize organic-mineral bonds and encourage soil shrinkage and cracking, which, in turn, increases a stable process ~. which modify crack resistance particle exert stabilize organic-mineral bond shrinkage stable glue microorganism soil aggregate decompose consist of decay composition obstacle nutrient 2000 2035 2000 1990 2035 25 2015 18 2035 16 2035 30 25 less than 25 about 30 [6 ] After 2000, the trend of energy use in China presents the opposite of that in the United States. that the trend of energy use [11 ] ~, with their combined energy use accounting for less than 25 percent of total world energy consumption in 2035. with with with share consumption projection combined account for 37. Angel Falls Jimmie Angel 1937 Auyantepui Angel Falls Kerepakupai-Merú 979 807 Angel Falls Auyantepui 2009 Hugo Chá vez Kerepakupai- 165 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

Merú Angel the falls formerly known as Angel remain Venezuela s top tourist destination and are an unforgettable site Angel Falls [2 ] ~ only the Pemó n knew about the existence of Angel Falls, which they termed Kerepakupai-Merú ( waterfall of the highest place in Pemó n). which Angel Falls [14 ] Despite this, the falls [(which[that] were) formerly known as Angel] remain Venezuela s top tourist destination and are an unforgettable site. the falls which[that] were formerly known as Angel the falls be known as crash-land term continuous leap from funnel moody skyscraper canyon indigenous restore formerly destination 38. Renee Amoore Renee Amoore Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr 8 Amoore Amoore Harlem New York s Harlem Hospital Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic Amoore 1979 Antioch 1982 Amoore Growth Horizons CEO Amoore Antioch [8 ] Amoore graduated from the Harlem School of Nursing and served as head emergency room nurse at New York s Harlem Hospital. graduated served [13 ] She went on to earn her master s degree in business administration from the same school in 1982. go on+to go on+ -ing ex. In spite of the interruption he went on speaking. come a long way instill emergency room coordinator bachelor human services master business administration reputation innovative disorder CEO Chief Executive Officer substance abuse 39. [1 ] This typically forces one to go back through the first draft of a manuscript to rewrite more economically. force+a+to A [8 ] If you have written a copious text, the exercise of cutting back may be more difficult, but is less likely to 166

lead to a paper [whose flow is compromised by the absence of something important]. whose a paper important something whatever no matter what our beliefs are maintain explicit transmit committed steadfast persist irrationally willing flexible 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, journal restrict go through draft manuscript generous relevant logic copious be compromised by absence recommend edit severely impose restrictions on concisely readable 40. [2 ] The heuristics that we use to form our beliefs is maintained by certain explicit beliefs about how thinking should be conducted ~ how thinking should be conducted ++ about [15 ] Whatever our beliefs (are), most of us desire to be good thinkers, ~ 41. Jacques Cousteau Marcel Marceau [1 ] I have always been fascinated by the natural world and the way [it communicates], ~ it communicates the way [11 ] It was wonderful magic that looked and felt both fun and powerful, and so I put aside my initial desire for the life of a marine biologist, exchanged my hero Jacques Cousteau for Marcel Marceau, and spent hours practicing how to create these illusions myself for others. looked felt fun 167 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

powerful and so putexchangedspent spend+ + -ing be fascinated by nonverbal communication persuasion fascination illusionary mime entertain impression helium engage afford put aside marine illusion inconvenience sympathize 42. [8 ] ~, when you show a slide [containing a serious misspelling], ~ containing a serious misspelling a slide seminar piece put on theatergoer slide misspelling at one s peril rotten dismiss be unwilling to do asset characteristic inborn 43. (B) Jhai Hin Heup American Lao (C) (A) (B) Jhai Hin Heup (C) (A) (B) (C) (A) 168

[6 ] They also wanted to learn about the market abroad to make better decisions on what crops to grow and to increase their bargaining power when it was time to sell them. to make to increase thousands of years ago. Such remains document domestication of animals cultivation of plants successful [15 ] Assyrian art depicts artificial pollination of the date palm, thought to have originated in Babylonia. thought to have originated in Babylonia artificial pollination of the date palm 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [18 ] When (they were) asked what they wanted next, villagers said they wanted access to the Internet! When they were what they wanted next asked available rural bargaining relative foundation take on district found export install weave access 44. 8000 1000 5000 400 such remains various types of archaeological evidence e.g., primitive art, preserved bones and skulls, and dried seeds [1 ] Such remains document the successful domestication of animals and cultivation of plants remain pl. document domestication cultivation heredity archaeological e.g. primitive preserve skull endeavor artificial variant population breed breeding maize wheat date palm Assyrian depict likely 45. [2 ] He pays close attention to his display console, carefully watching the airspeed indicator, ~ 169 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

carefully watching the airspeed indicator [8 ] Let s say that you are staring intently at a computer screen, waiting to see if a black cross will appear. say see if will experienced runway display console indicator skeptical phenomenon after all stare intently flash for a split second square intensely fall on magnify give a stimulus to give a response 46~48. (A) Parramatta (C) (B) (D) 46. (A) (C) (B) (D) 47. (a)(c)(d)(e) (b) 48. ~, he went out on Sunday morning to run some errands. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his apartment had been robbed. A little beige briefcase that had contained all his documents was gone. (C) [5 ] Then he sat there, lost and lonely in a strange city, visualizing the nightmare of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. lost ~ city visualizing ~ he sat there (D) [7 ] At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile [in which my husband had given his new contact number to a friend]. [ ] a half-written letter temporary accommodation run (on) errands bundle recycling bin footpath devastated certificate formality visualize intact rubbish heap sort out restore 49~50. 170

Sistine Chapel 3 6 used to+ ex. He was used to making coffee and waiting for the newspaper. W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, 49. Sistine Chapel 50. Sistine Chapel [11 ] For example, one of the most challenging forms of art to restore and maintain is frescoes, which are painted in the wet plaster of a wall or ceiling. one is which and they [15 ] ~; similarly, air pollution, smoke from candles, and other contaminants directly attack the paint as well as add dust and dirt [that cover the original artwork]. B A A as well as B attack add that dust and dirt [20 ] ~, computers were used to survey the ceiling, finding cracks and precisely mapping the surface and the frescoes. be used+to be conserve restoration irreplaceable analyze conservator restorer undertake informed preservation extensive computing maintain fresco plaster deterioration contaminant chapel crack precisely map transfer model humidity generate strategic masterpiece treasure conservation responsibility 171

1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. M: May I help you W: Yes. I d like to buy a neck pillow. M: How about these ones When you need it, you just blow it up. When not in use, you can deflate it and fold it like paper. W: That s practical, but I ll be using it at home so I don t need that type of neck pillow. M: Then, would you look at these neck pillows W: I like them. Oh, they have a strap connecting both sides. M: Yes, the strap prevents the pillow from moving this way or that. W: Sounds great. I ll have one with the strap. M: Okay. There are two animal designs to choose from, a rabbit and a cat. W: Both of them are cute, but I really like the one with a cat. M: I see. It costs 25 dollars. W: Okay, here s my credit card. 25 neck pillow deflate strap cute blow practical prevent 2. M: Mom, I decided not to take part in the summer camp. W: Why You ve been looking forward to it, haven t you M: That s true, but I don t feel like going any more. W: What made you change your mind M: Actually, I checked my midterm math grade at school today. W: It wasn t good M: It was not as good as I expected. W: Come on, Jim. Everybody makes mistakes. M: As you know, I tried hard to get a good grade. It feels like I have no talent for math. W: That happens to everyone. I felt the same way when I was your age. M: I know you re saying that to encourage me, but I still don t understand why my effort didn t pay off. Jim 172

look forward to -ing check midterm math grade talent effort pay off W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, 3. M: Do you plan to fill your garden with plants and need some advice Let me help you form a garden that will give you long-lasting joy. When you choose plants, you should consider their growing speed and life span. Some plants grow faster than others. Choosing fastgrowing plants is ideal when you want to see your garden full of plants quickly. However, you have to keep in mind that most fast-growing plants are shortlived. Then what do you think you should do You have to mix them with slower-growing but longer-living plants. Longer-living plants will give you long-lasting joy even after the short-lived ones are gone. long-lasting life span ideal keep in mind mix be gone 4. W: Hi, Ronald. M: Hi, Mrs. Smith. W: When is your baby due M: Next Friday. W: I hope your wife has a safe delivery. M: Thank you for your concern. W: By the way, did you find a babysitter to take care of Julie while your wife is in the hospital M: Not yet. Can you help me out We need a babysitter for about five days from next Friday. W: Actually, my sister moved into the neighborhood last month. She loves children and has a lot of babysitting experience. M: That sounds great. Would you ask her to do the job W: Yes, but I ll have to check if she is available for the days you need her. M: Okay. I d appreciate it if you let me know what she says as soon as possible. Ronald Smith Julie 5 Julie due neighborhood available appreciate 5. 173

M: Can I help you, ma am W: Yes. I want to order some towels to give away as souvenirs for my company s anniversary. M: How many do you have in mind W: We re thinking of 250 to 300 towels, about three or four dollars each. M: Okay. Here are your options. W: I think this three-dollar towel is best. M: Okay. How many do you want to order exactly W: Um, do you have a discount policy M: Sure, ma am. We can give you a 5% discount if you order less than 300 towels. But if you order 300 towels or more, you ll be given a 10% discount. W: That s great. Then, I ll order 300 towels. M: Okay. Did you bring a copy of the logo to print on the towel We print it for free. W: Thank you. Here it is. 34 250 300 3 300 5% 300 10% 300 3 300 300 10% 900 10% 810 souvenir anniversary policy logo 6. M: Nowadays more and more people in the city are using bicycles. Some people even ride a bike to work. But an environment for safe biking has not been established in our city yet. What is worse, recently our city council has announced that they have a plan to remove the overpass in front of Horn Park. I think the overpass is the main entrance through which bikers can get into and out of the park without facing cars. We are going to hold a meeting to deal with this matter. The meeting will be held at the park theater at 6:00 P.M. on Monday. We really hope the meeting will help solve the matter. Thank you for listening. Horn 6 environment what is worse announce entrance theater establish council overpass deal with 7. M: Ms. Thomson, you look upset. What s wrong W: I have a problem with my son, Tom. M: Tom He s a nice boy. That s what you ve always said to me. W: Not any more. He doesn t like to talk with my husband and me. M: I had the same problem with my son. W: So how did you solve the problem M: I tried to travel with him as often as possible. You know what The change of surroundings made him talk with me. W: So did he talk much 174

M: Not much at first, but our conversations got longer and longer. W: Sounds great. Could you let me know the places you and your son have visited M: I d love to. Let me write them down for you. W: Thanks. Thomson Tom 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, Tom upset recommend counselor 8. W: We haven t been here in a long time! M: Yeah. We ve been spending so much time studying at the library. W: Oh, look at the people up in the air! It looks like they are flying. M: Wow, I want to try that. W: I ve never seen that ride here before. M: I heard that it was built here a few weeks ago. I bet you feel like a pilot on that ride. W: Even the thought of riding it makes me feel dizzy. M: Why It s very popular with teenagers like us. We need to hurry. Look, there s a long line already. W: I m scared. I d rather ride the sky train. M: Come on. That s too boring. It has no ups and downs. W: I think the sky train is good enough for me. M: Well, okay. Would you wait here After I come back, we ll take the sky train together. W: All right. ride dizzy boring ups and downs 9. M: I apologize that I didn t come for the opening day. W: I understand. I heard that you were in Paris to cover another art exhibition on that day. M: Yes. I appreciate your understanding. Now shall we talk about your exhibition W: Okay. As you know, the subject of this exhibition is the same as the last one, Family. M: I see, but you ve used pastel. It s your new drawing 175 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

material. W: I used it to emphasize the warmth between family members. M: I think it works. W: Do you think so M: Yes. My magazine readers will feel the same. W: That s because you will write an accurate review of my paintings. M: Thank you for saying so. W: Everybody trusts your articles. M: You re very flattering. apologize cover exhibition subject pastel material emphasize accurate review article flattering 10. M: How are your badminton lessons going W: I m getting better and better every day. Thank you for introducing me to such a good instructor. M: I m so happy to hear that. It looks like you re sweating a lot. W: Yes, it gets in my eyes while I m taking lessons. M: You should wear a headband. It ll help you see better. W: That s a good idea. By the way, what s wrong with your racket M: The string broke. W: Are you going to Bill s Sports Shop now to get it changed M: No, I made an appointment for tomorrow. Why are you asking W: Actually I was going to ask you to correct my posture. M: That s no problem. I can help you now. W: Thank you so much. Bill I was going to ask you to correct my posture. instructor string correct sweat appointment posture 11. M: Honey, did you decide on a book club W: Not yet. But I ve got a list of book clubs here. M: Can I see it Where did you get it W: I found it on the Internet. Would you help me choose one M: Sure. You want to make new friends, as well as read books, right So you d better choose a larger group, one with six members. W: That s what I think. 176

W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, M: Okay. Then how often do you want to meet with the club W: As you know, I love reading so I d like to meet at least twice a month. M: There are three that meet that condition, but we already dropped Superwomen. W: Yes. Oh, the members of Book Lovers take turns hosting the meetings at their homes. Then, I d also have to invite the members to my place. M: Yes, you may have to. W: Well, I d better choose one that meets at a cafe because hosting at my home is too stressful. M: Then this one is just right for you. W: Yes, I ll join it. Superwomen Book Lovers at least meet condition take turns -ing host 12. W: Torino Flea Market has grown into one of our city s top tourist attractions. Many newspapers say that our flea market is worth visiting and spending a day. We have hundreds of sellers who carry furniture, clothing, jewelry, and crafts, and you can buy quality items cheaply. We also have a food court where you can taste food cooked on the spot. If you are interested in selling things, please register as a seller on our website. We ll let you know through the website if your registration is accepted or not, Friday at noon. We are open on Saturdays in the Delta area and on Sundays in Wilbur Bay, from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. How about spending this weekend at Torino Flea Market Torino Flea Market Delta Wilbur Bay 9 6 Torino Flea Market We ll let you know through the website if your registration is accepted or not, Friday at noon. 9 flea market tourist attraction carry craft quality on the spot register accept 13. W: Would you bring the vest over here M: You mean the one with stripes on it W: Try on this vest in the fitting room over there. M: Well, I d like to try on the one with stripes. W: Come here. Let s see if this fits you. M: Are you knitting this vest for me I didn t know that. 177

W: Let me teach you how to fold clothes. M: Thank you, Mom. I ll do it myself next time. W: Would you tell me what you re looking for M: I m looking for a book about knitting. vest fitting room knit stripe fit fold 14. M: Oh, there aren t any vacant seats. W: I m fine. I d like to thank you for taking me to the mountain. M: My pleasure. Climbing is not only good for your health, but also good for a change. W: I guess so. Well, we d better take off our backpacks and put them up on the shelf. M: Take yours off and I ll put it on the shelf. W: You also need to take yours off. M: I m okay. W: That s not it. The train is getting crowded. Our backpacks might hurt other passengers. M: Oh! You re so considerate. W: Actually, last month, a passenger s backpack hurt my arm. M: Really How did it happen W: vacant take off shelf passenger zip up scratch change backpack crowded considerate all of a sudden 15. 10 W: Honey, did you sleep well last night M: No. I couldn t. Several mosquitoes were buzzing around all through the night. W: I can t believe that we have mosquitoes even in October. M: Me, neither. I think we have to take out the mosquito spray again. W: Yes. But I think there s something else we need to do. M: What is it W: We need to change our window screens first. M: Why We bought and installed them last summer. W: I know, but the kids made tiny holes in all of them. M: Did they W: Yes, I think the mosquitoes are coming in through the holes in the screens. 178

M: 10 TV W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, mosquito buzz around window screen install immediately apply 16. M: Honey, I saw something interesting on the TV program, Health Time last night. W: What was it about M: The program introduced walking as one of the best ways to lose weight. W: Maybe it s true. M: The program said we need to walk right after each meal. W: That s not hard. Shall we start walking from tomorrow M: Okay. You and I have to lose some weight. W: Right. But what if one of us doesn t want to walk M: Hmm... How about giving a penalty to the person W: Great. Whatever it is, I m okay because I m not going to receive a penalty. M: You sound confident. The penalty is that the person who skips walking does the laundry. What do you say W: introduce penalty confident skip do the laundry get used to 17. W: Alan has a daughter named Christine. She is sixteen years old and is a high school student. Whenever she has free time, Christine enjoys reading books about history and discussing what she has read with her friends. Alan thinks that reading and discussing will help his daughter develop logical thinking. So sometimes he buys her some history books to encourage her reading. However, he learns that Christine focuses only on reading and neglects exercising. He is worried that she might become unhealthy. Alan really wants Christine to spend as much time working out as reading. In this situation, 179

what would Alan most likely say to Christine Alan: Alan Christine Christine Alan Christine Alan Christine Alan Christine Alan [to write this letter]. to write this letter the opportunity [8 ] It would not only prevent more accidents by reducing traffic speed, but also contribute significantly to the safety of pedestrians in the neighborhood. not only ~ but also opportunity concerning significantly 19. intersection attach pedestrian 3 Alan Christine Christine 6 discuss focus on work out debate logical neglect refer to priority 18. 2009 Maple Road 11th Street 40 6 [3 ] I asked my mother who the baby was, ~ who the baby was asked [9 ] My mother and I made it a rule to take a walk with her in a stroller in the afternoon ~ it to ~ afternoon adopt nutrition make it a rule to ~ stroller 20. [1 ] Thank you for providing me with the opportunity 180

(A) transmits monitors 5,000 aggressive attack aggressively to win an effort to to ensure that W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, (B) installs the spyware onto your computer an attachment that (C) downloading is [10 ] To combat this threat, you must be very cautious when downloading anything. be when downloading you are [11 ] Don t download anything from a source [you re not familiar with]. [ ] you re a source install monitor transmit gain access to unwittingly infected attachment cautious guarantee unintentionally pass on 21. insist should should [3 ] He also pledged to aggressively attack drug abuse and increase discipline in schools to make his country the envy of other countries in the world. and attack increase [11 ] In addition, lamenting the lack of a strong police force in the capital city, he promised [to recruit 5,000 more police officers per year]. to recruit ~ year promised pledge discipline release habitual lament recruit tackle 22. 50 6 181

[1 ] A number of harmful environmental effects result from [extracting minerals from the ground] and [converting them to a variety of products]. and extracting ~ ground converting ~ products from [9 ] Many newlyweds would be surprised to know [that mining enough gold to make their wedding rings would produce about 6 tons of mining waste]. [ ] that to know extract clench scarcity boost pile 23. convert fist extensive newlywed (pl.) Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve [5 ] What you are passing over is [that connecting with these groups can provide incredible insight]. What ~ over [ ] that [13 ] Likewise, speaking with applicants [who have turned down a job offer from your company] may tell you a great deal about how you can attract and retain talent more effectively. [ ] who applicants executive pass over insight as opposed to substantial breakthrough change turn down retain talent [1 ] Steve arrived early with his best suit on. with+ + [10 ] Suddenly, they started to ask questions [he was not ready for]. he was not ready for questions statement impression utter visibly 24. 25. 182

adequately manned, enough firefighters, the actions of many trained people opposite side of their body ~ [ ] who Those [12 ] ~ they tend to place the cup to the side of their body showing [an open or accepting attitude]. showing open accepting attitude 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [1 ] Common sense tells us that, once a destructive fire has begun, the effectiveness of the fire department in reducing life and property losses depends, to a large extent, on [how soon firefighters arrive at the scene] and [what they do after they have arrived]. how ~ scene what ~ arrived on [13 ] Efforts [to inspect buildings for fire safety] and [to educate the public about fire hazards] also involve the actions of many trained people. and to inspect ~ safety to educate ~ hazards Efforts common sense effectiveness to a large extent suppression man inspect hazard 26. [8 ] Those [who are hesitant, unsure or negative about what they are hearing] are likely to place their cup to the negotiation strategy unconscious indicator hesitant opposite gauge 27. [5 ] Ask your child to help you find a particular flavor by reading the food labels. help+ + to [12 ] If you buy an item [that isn t on the list], ask him to add it to the list. [ ] that an item it an item that isn t on the list grocery store flavor particular whole-grain in charge of 183 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

literacy 28. 65 90 [1 ] A physician [who performs surgery on a patient] gains full control over the patient s body and sometimes over the patient s life. [ ] who A physician [6 ] The physician asked the patient to make regular visits for tests but did not tell him about the research. but did the physician [2 ] However, when older adults do get an acute disease, they tend to get sicker and recovery takes longer than younger adults. do get [5 ] Thus, although they get fewer acute infections, older people may actually spend more days feeling sick than younger people. spend+ +-ing acute recovery condition roughly 29. chronic infection respiratory pneumonia surgery patent sue ownership hold misappropriate innovation 30. 20 Le Corbusier 184

it to find ~ races W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [6 ] But this mechanistic view finds the more dynamic factors such as temperature, natural ventilation, passive cooling and a multitude of environmental interactions very difficult to model and, therefore, to understand. find+ + [11 ] Actually, the driving force [that acts upon buildings to create comfort and shelter] is the climate and the weather, ~ [ ] that the driving force analogy coin ventilation dynamic passive cooling a multitude of interaction model driving force predict 31. 100 200 1,500 5,000 10,000 100 10,000 (A) For instance (B) On the other hand [1 ] Athletes who participate in track competitions usually have a favorite event in which they excel. in which where [5 ] Why is it difficult to find a runner who competes equally well in both 100-m and 10,000-m races competition fiber sustain contraction contract fatigue burst intense as a result nevertheless 32. securing endangering [1 ] We should view stress not as an environmental stimulus or as a response but as the interaction of a thinking person and an event. not A but BA B [13 ] This definition states [that stress is a transactional process between a person and the environment], [that the person s appraisal of the situation is key], and [that unless the situation is considered to be threatening or challenging, stress does not result]. and that stimulus interaction interpret define exceed secure well-being transactional 185

appraisal 33. result (A) isolate violate isolate (B) intensify reduce reduce (C) extinct flourishing extinct [3 ] They contend that countries [that are highly open to the global economy] will have much more economic success than those that isolate themselves. [ ] that countries [14 ] Industries that cannot adjust properly will most likely become extinct, which makes the global marketplace more efficient. which advocate logical inevitable evitable contemporary capitalism contend work wonders pro-globalizer barrier thereby productivity adjust most likely 34. [3 ] Like an electric fan, with its blades turning, [what is propelling the movement] is the motor in the middle. [ ] what what [11 ] It is actually the core that is powering that pitch. It is ~ that limb propel pitcher in action 35. blade athletics snap 186

[6 ] In just the same way, when you pay attention to his first gurgling sounds, your smile, your voice, and your caressing reward him. and your smile, your voice, your emission residential civil aviation fishery slightly take up account for respectively 37. Vibration White Finger VWF 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, caressing [11 ] When you respond to something [they do] by giving attention, a smile, or a kind word, ~ they do something hug caress reward hold true infant sensory perception auditory reinforce 36. 30 5 1 15 4 2 4 1 2 6one fourth one third [4 ] The CO2 emissions from Industry were the second highest, [taking up one fifth of the total CO2 emissions]. taking taking The CO2 emissions from Industry [6 ] The CO2 emissions from Navigation accounted for 15 percent of the total CO2 emissions, closely followed by those from Fishery. those the CO2 emissions 8The finger turns white with increasing frequency. [3 ] VWF causes the fingers to become numb and begin turning white. cause+ +to [13 ] This disease only happens in extreme cases [when people are working with vibrating machinery in very cold conditions]. [ ] when extreme cases vibration chain saw symptom tingling temporarily frequency affect irreversible forestry industry 38. Harriet Martineau Harriet Martineau 1802 Positive Philosophy 1830 Society in America 187 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

Harriet Martineau [9 ] She insisted that an analysis of a society include an understanding of women s lives. insist should should include should [10 ] She also argued that sociologists should do more than just observe and should act in ways to benefit a society. and should sociologists sociologist conduct systematic 39. translation first-hand previously [2 ] Would it make any difference to your recovery if during surgery someone said to you, How quickly you recover from your operation depends on you, and gave suggestions of things you should do to speed recovery if and said gave [6 ] An experiment found that anesthetized patients [who received this kind of positive information] recovered more quickly and had fewer complications than patients [who got no suggestions during their operations]. [ ] who anesthetized patients patients and recovered had surgery anesthetize broad 40. recovery complication constructive [1 ] Once, vitamins were thought of only as nutrients [needed in small amounts to prevent diseases with exoticsounding names like beriberi and pellagra]. needed ~ pellagra nutrients [12 ] The new findings suggest [that many people don t get enough of essential vitamins], and [that we can substantially improve our long-term health by taking in sufficient amounts, mostly from food but maybe from supplements as well]. suggest and 188

nutrient exotic-sounding nutritional guideline deficiency substantially long-term take in sufficient supplement 41. W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [6 ] ~ nor do you know how long you have been out. nor know do [7 ] You may find yourself sitting in your driveway and asking How did I get here awake at the wheel mixture hypnosis puzzle fairly monotonous drowsiness 42. Daniel Anderson [1 ] Many people think that television acts as an addictive drug on children attracting them, stunting their ability to think, and displacing such wholesome activities as book reading and family discussions. attractingstuntingdisplacing and [5 ] Another conventional belief about television is [that it impairs a child s ability to think and to interpret the world]. [ ] that and to think to interpret the world a child s ability displace wholesome conventional impair interpret discredit assumption implicatio inference passage make way for 43. Randy Garner (C) (A) Cynthia Johnston Cindy Johanson 189

(B) Randy Garner Randy Garner (C) (A) (B) [3 ] ~ they collected litter, smashed beer cans in their bare hands, and growled, Don t mess with Texas! collectedsmashedgrowled and [13 ] who were not deeply impressed by the fact [that bureaucratic elites wanted them to change their behavior]. that the fact [4 ] For example, in the similar-name condition, a person [whose name was Cynthia Johnston] got the survey from someone [named Cindy Johanson]. [ ] whose a person named Cindy Johanson someone [18 ] Accompanying the survey was a request to complete and return it [made by a person whose name was either similar or dissimilar to the name of the survey recipient]. made ~ recipient a request target unresponsive litter smash growl mess with stunningly official frustrate well-funded civic impress bureaucratic tough-talking resort to be credited with phenomenon 45. associate involved fill out comply with request accompany dissimilar recipient 44. 18 24 Dallas Cowboys 1986 1990 72 (A) involvement (B) affection [7 ] Take a look around, and you will see that science is everywhere. and ~ [9 ] Parents can choose to engage in scientific activities 190

with their children to build scientific comprehension, encourage scientific exploration, and pursue knowledge. buildencouragepursue and to care for involve engage in pursue foster lifelong disinterest illusion 48. W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, 46~48. (A) (C) (D) (B) 46. (A) (C) (D) (C) (B) 47. (a)(b)(d)(e) (c) (A) [7 ] After a while, he saw a gardener emerge from the park office carrying two baskets. (B) [1 ] The old man silently strode into the center of the garden, put his arms around the leafy plum tree, and began to shake it. and strodeputbegan (C) [7 ] Having collected every leaf and twig on the ground, the gardener spent another three hours carefully placing each leaf and twig in the right place in the garden. Having+p.p. exquisite conceal emerge stride twig horrify to one s liking flawless observe slip 49~50. Smith 100 Smith 100 90 Smith 10 Jones Smith 90 Jones Baker Baker 90 Smith 100 Smith 100 Baker 90 Baker Smith Baker 191

90% 10% 49. 50. [3 ] ~ so it decides to lend out a proportion of Mr. Smith s shells, let s say 90 of them, [keeping ten in their coffers in case Mr. Smith wants to make a small withdrawal]. keeping keeping it(= the bank) [9 ] Mr. Jones takes the shells and spends them on bread, [bought from Mrs. Baker]. bought from Mrs. Baker bread [20 ] If Mr. Smith and Mrs. Baker wanted their shells back at the same time, the bank would have a problem. if deposit proportion in case (that) withdrawal collapse ridiculous currency 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 1. M: Betty, what are you doing W: I m choosing a poster for our children s book fair among these five drafts. Would you help me choose one M: Sure. I really like the stack of books. Good idea. W: Thanks. I prefer having the stack on the right. What do you think M: Same here. Oh, some posters have a rabbit on top of the book stack, but this one has a pig. W: Yes. Which one do you prefer, the rabbit or the pig M: Well, many children like to play the computer game, Reader Rabbit, so I like the rabbit better than the pig. W: That makes sense. Now we have to decide where to put the title, CHILDREN S BOOK FAIR, the library name, and the period of the fair. M: Hmm... I like this poster with them in the upper corner. W: Looks good, but I d rather choose this one with them in the middle. It looks more balanced to me. M: Hmm... I trust your sense of style. W: Great! I ve chosen the poster for the book fair. Thanks for your help. Betty Reader Rabbit 192

CHILDREN S BOOK FAIR Susan 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, fair draft stack balanced 2. W: Toby, yesterday I saw your daughter Susan working at Miracle Hotel. M: Actually, she has been working there since last month. W: Really Good for her. M: Yes. She works at the reception desk. W: I wanted to say hello to Susan, but I didn t because she looked so busy. M: She said this time of the year is the busiest. W: You know what She really looked like a career woman when dealing with the customers. M: She works really hard. W: She didn t look shy at all, either. She had such a bright smile on her face. M: It seems that she s settled in her job. I think I have a great daughter. W: Yeah, I think so, too. I envy you. Toby Susan Miracle Susan miracle reception desk You know what deal with settle 3. W: Sometimes you invite some guests to dinner at your place. Unfortunately, one or two guests might be late. In that case, I suggest you begin the dinner without them. If you don t start dinner until they arrive, the other guests already present may be uncomfortable. When the guests arrive late in the middle of dinner, you don t have to serve the food that you had for the first course. Instead, serve them at the point to which dinner has progressed. For example, if they arrive during the salad course, they are served salad. If they appear during dessert, they are served dessert. If you re considerate enough, they ll take a big helping. 193 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

present progress helping serve considerate 4. M: What are you doing, Jenny W: I m knitting a small hat for infants in Africa. I heard that many of them are dying because their body temperature drops too low. M: I didn t know that. Where did you get this kit W: I bought it from an online shop. Actually, you have to buy it to join this program. M: How did you find out about the program W: While surfing the Internet, I happened to enter the site promoting the program. M: I d like to join the program, but I think I have no talent for knitting. W: Don t worry. With this brochure anyone can quickly learn how to knit. M: Well, I still don t think I d be good at it. Instead, I ll do something different for the African babies. W: Like what M: I ll talk to my classmates and encourage them to join this program. W: That s a good idea. I m sure you ll be able to do it better than anyone else. knit temperature surf brochure infant kit promote 5. [Phone rings.] W: World Travel Agency, Sarah Jones. What can I help you with M: This is Roger Kim. W: Roger Kim. [typing sound] Yes, you reserved one of our one-day tour packages. M: Yes, but I m afraid I have to cancel it. W: Okay, sir. You reserved it for two persons and already paid the full 200 dollars, right M: Yes, I did. W: According to our regulations, we can t refund 100% of the price. M: How much can I get back W: You re canceling it three days before the trip so you can get only 70% of the full price. M: It s still more than half. That s fine. W: Then, I ll transfer the money into your bank account. Jenny World Sarah Jones Roger Kim Roger Kim 2 200 100% 3 70% 2 200 3 70% 194

140 reserve cancel regulation refund transfer bank account W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, 6. M: Congratulations on being admitted to the university you have dreamed of! We hope you study hard and extend your knowledge. But everything has a price. Paying for textbooks for your courses is a major cost at university. To help ease the burden, we offer a textbook rental service. Renting textbooks can save you more than 40% of your textbook expenses on average. If you rent used books, you can save more than 60%. After a semester, you can ship the textbooks back to us. We firmly believe we are the best in this field and provide the lowest price. Thank you. 40% 60% admit extend price textbook ease burden average semester ship 7. W: Dad, what are you doing M: I was about to vacuum the floor. W: If you have a minute, could you help me with my essay M: Sure. I d be happy to. W: Thanks. I d like you to check if the flow of my essay is logical. M: Okay. Let me see. W: While you re at it, I ll vacuum the floor. M: No, you don t have to. Instead, would you go help your mom W: Did she call me M: No. But as you know, she s just got a new job. It looks like she s having a hard time working with the word processor. W: Okay. I know what you mean. M: Mom will be happy if you help her. vacuum logical have a hard time -ing 8. W: Honey, she looks gorgeous, doesn t she M: I think she is too thin. W: Still, she s really popular with young ladies. M: Really W: Yes. And look at her walking on the stage. I can feel her charisma. 195

M: I can t feel it, but I admit her pose is unique. W: Exactly. The clothes she s wearing will be in fashion next season. M: Do you really think so W: Absolutely. When I buy clothes, I consider her latest style. M: That s why they say you re stylish. W: Thank you for saying so, honey. [pause] Oh, it s almost the end. All the models are coming out to the front of the stage. M: Who s the man with flowers in the middle W: He s the designer who planned this show. He looks much younger in person than on TV. when I started to learn sign language. M: That experience led you to this volunteer work W: Yes. Well, you told Mr. Thomson that he needs an operation, right He is worried about it. M: Please tell him to feel at ease. It s a safe operation. W: Okay. He will feel relieved. M: Could you teach me some sign language expressions for a few symptoms I want to talk with my patients. W: That s no problem. M: We have one more patient left, and then it s lunch time. How about teaching me while we have lunch together W: Okay. TV gorgeous charisma unique in fashion latest in person Thomson deaf sign language operation feel at ease relieved symptom patient 9. M: Thank you for helping me. W: You re welcome. M: I m wondering how you got started in this work. W: I happened to make a deaf friend in high school. That s 10. W: How s your preparation going for the upcoming presentation M: So far so good, but I have a problem with the beam projector. W: Why Isn t it working properly again 196

W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, M: Again You mean it caused a problem before W: Yes. About two months ago, it flickered a lot, so we called customer service. M: Do you think we have to call customer service again W: I don t think so. I think it s time we bought a new one. It s too old. M: Then, we d better hurry since my presentation is just two weeks away. W: Let me ask the supply department for a new projector right away. M: Thank you for helping me. W: Don t mention it. Would you let me know its model number M: Okay, wait a second. 2 2 2 presentation properly flicker supply department 11. M: May I help you, ma am W: Yes. I want to sign up for a flower design course. M: First, would you take a look at this table Is this your first time taking a flower design course W: Actually, I took a course for two months last year. M: Then I guess it would be better for you to start at the intermediate level. W: Okay. I ll take your advice. M: For the intermediate level, we have one morning course and two afternoon courses. W: I d better take an afternoon course because I m always busy in the mornings. M: Okay, ma am. Now, you have two options. Which days do you prefer W: Well, I d like to take a Tuesday and Thursday course. M: You mean Christine s class I m sorry it s already full. W: Then, I have no choice but to take the other. M: The class is on Monday and Wednesday. Is it okay with you W: That s fine. 2 Christine sign up for flower design intermediate have no choice but to do 12. M: We are holding a public hearing for a school gym reorganization plan next Monday. We hope you attend and make your voices heard. At the early part of the hearing, the principal will give a briefing about the plan. If you want to share your opinion, you should give 197

us a call and register by this Saturday. We decided to limit the speaking time of each person to 3 minutes. During or after each individual speech, no questions will be allowed, but after all the speakers are finished the principal will receive some questions and answer them. If you want more specific information about the hearing, you can visit our school website. Thank you for listening. 3 During or after each individual speech, no questions will be allowed public hearing reorganization principal register gym voice briefing specific 13. W: Please stand there and read the letters I point to. M: Okay. Is it okay to do it with my glasses on W: Look here. We have a variety of reading glasses. M: Good. Would you show me a pair of glasses with a round frame W: Honey, here are your reading glasses. M: Thanks. Would you hand me the newspaper, too W: You really should be using reading glasses. M: I guess so. It s getting harder to focus on the newspaper. W: What does the juice taste like I just made it. M: It tastes good. What are the ingredients point to reading glasses focus on a variety of frame ingredient 14. W: What re you reading, Jack M: I m reading a novel. I m almost done. W: Let me see. [pause] Oh, I also read it. It s about a doctor who lived his whole life for poor people on a remote island. M: You re right. W: The novel is worth reading for people who want to be a doctor like you. M: Yes. The novel has a special meaning for me. W: The doctor s touching story makes us reflect on our life, right M: Yeah, but I think that kind of life is possible only in a novel, not in reality. W: But he showed us that it s possible through his real life. M: His real life You mean that the novel is based on a true story W: Jack 198

PC W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, be done remote touching reflect on be based on reality fictional definitely actual exaggerate 15. W: Congratulations, Ron. M: Thank you. W: You deserve first prize in the speech contest. I m proud of you. M: Do you really think so, mom W: Sure. I ve seen you practicing as hard as you could. M: I owe this prize to you, mom. You encouraged me whenever I got down. W: I m so happy to hear you saying so. M: Mom, I want to buy a present for you with my prize money. W: You don t have to do that. You ve been wanting to buy a tablet PC. M: I can put off buying one for a while. W: Are you serious M: Ron 1 PC congratulation practice owe ~ to get down prize money put off for a while keep one s promise 16. W: Honey, what are these tickets M: They re classical music concert tickets for Sophie and us. W: Don t you know Sophie doesn t like classical music M: I know she only likes pop music. W: If you know that, why did you get them M: I want Sophie to realize the beauty of classical music. W: I feel the same way, but it ll be hard to take her to the concert. M: I will try to persuade her. W: Do you have any good ideas M: As you know, she likes going on trips as well. W: Yes. She likes traveling as much as pop music. M: So I ll suggest an overnight trip in return for going to the concert. W: Sophie Sophie 199

Sophie 1 2 Sophie Sophie Sophie Laura Jane Laura Jane Laura Jane Laura Jane Jane Laura Jane Laura suburbs respond bundle recipe classical persuade suggest in return for realize feel the same way overnight trip 1 2 17. W: Jane and Laura have lived next door for years. They are very close and love to do many activities together. One of them is to go shopping together. One day, they go shopping to a big shopping mall in the suburbs, which opened recently. While shopping, Jane tells Laura that she is going to buy some spaghetti noodles and Laura responds that she also needs to do the same. They find that spaghetti noodles are only sold in bundles of six. Jane and Laura think that just three packs will be enough for each of their families. Jane wants to buy one bundle and split it with Laura. In this situation, what would Jane most likely say to Laura Jane: Jane Laura Jane Laura 18. Las Vegas Take the first step to becoming assertive. ~ to enroll in our popular workshop, ~ [3 ] We are not born assertive; ~ assertive [7 ] In one day you can learn how to verbally defend yourself from any difficult person [(whom) you 200

may encounter], ~ how to verbally defend +to learn [ ] whom any difficult person 20. 30 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, pass nasty insult outright assertive take advantage of mistake agreeability verbally encounter bureau enclosed registration toll-free enroll in 19. Mary Mary Big Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary [3 ] Mary s mother, [whom she referred to as Big Mary for many years], was born to a Polish family. [ ] whom Mary s mother was born Mary s mother [5 ] She grew up to be an expert cook ~ to be to sew(-sewed-sewed or sewn) sibling refer to give birth to specialty eventually recipe pass on enthusiastic expertise soak (A) ~ surface currents in the open ocean are driven by ~, commonly known as the Trade Winds ~ surface currents are driven a complex global wind system known (B) ~, while some of the air travels on to the poles. some ~ poles which while (C) ~ near-surface circling currents, called gyres that, due to the Coriolis effect, travel clockwise ~ that near-surface circling currents to to travel travel [5 ] The rotation ~ causes warm air from near the equator to rise and travel ~ cause+ +to rise travel [7 ] ~ in a clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. clockwise direction counter-clockwise in a counter-clockwise direction coastal current Westerlies rotation couple equator pole counter-clockwise latitude descend drag 201

category neutralize poison 22. 21. 16 17 Julius 2 Giovanni Vigo Vigo As physicians began to ~, the situation necessitated changes ~ which the situation causing and they caused those wounds gunshot wounds classify to to neutralize the use of boiling oil [6 ] ~ it tore into and destroyed a wider area of flesh and human tissue, ~ tore into destroyed a wider area of flesh and human tissue [15 ] Vigo was one of the first surgeons to write about how to handle gunpowder wounds, ~ how to handle +to about firearm wound tear(-tore-torn) tissue physician handle in ordinary warfare inflict flesh infection necessitate surgeon classify [14 ] ~, you can end up in a situation [where work controls you rather than the other way around]. where a situation the other way around manager flexible adapt to rank executive mount flexibility face dose 1 end up in 23. Kevin Kevin Kevin 202

Kevin He leapt and flung himself headlong across the room. he gave a sharp shriek. He curled against the sofa s back. Kevin customers changing needs might be] will ensure ~ Taking the time ~ might be will ensure [ ] what to understand [10 ] It is important that you keep talking to your customers as they are a great source of information for you. It thatthat you keep talking to your customers as 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g W26Xf@@e@ O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [10 ] (It was) An old warning of the muscles and the vulnerable flesh. It was [12 ] He was not aware that he gave a sharp shriek. be aware of of be aware that lie(-lay-lain) hum draw(-drew-drawn) enchantment coil sway vulnerable leap(-leapt-leapt or -leaped-leaped) fling(-flung-flung) headlong shriek curl tear(-tore-torn) 24. [6 ] Taking the time to understand [what your existing potential ongoing representative influence 25. 19 18 Charles Darwin 19 [3 ] It was not always simple because individuals vary, ~ not always It to to classify species [12 ] Charles Darwin found the resulting confusion amusing. find amusing suppose species classify individual vary naturalist category evolve 203 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf @5hf (Yhf

gradually confusion prominent define 26. [7 ] A great majority of the writers have themselves experienced ~ majority of writers [11 ] Many autobiographies were also subjected to censorship and confiscation, ~ be subjected to to struggle independence revolution confrontation colonizer theme literary distinct genre majority arrest imprisonment torture contemporary intellectual constant authority autobiography censorship recurrent haunting passionate [1 ] Among the obligations [that teachers assume] is the legal and ethical obligation {to protect students rights to privacy}. [ ] the obligations the legal and ethical obligation is { } to the legal and ethical obligation [7 ] The only legally appropriate method of ~ is to use a unique identifying number ~ to use to obligation legal post digit appropriate institution establish privacy fairly copyright law assume ethical bulletin board identify unique random access counsel objectively 28. 27. 204

8 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [6 ] ~ a hollow piece of wood will differentially reflect light ~, and will vibrate with ~ will reflect will vibrate a hollow piece of wood [12 ] This information directly specifies properties of the object itself to an organism [equipped with an appropriate perceptual system]. [ ] an organism specifies specify properties of the object itself mass reflectance density texture stimulus sensory domain illuminate scrape hollow reflect wavelength composition vibrate frequency cavity specify propert equip appropriate perceptual distribution emit consequence interaction surrounding interference observer 29. [6 ] You would merely be collecting additional evidence [(which is) consistent with your hypothesis]. [ ] additional evidence +be [14 ] ~ when you formulate a hypothesis it has to be one [which is capable of disproof]. [ ] which one one a hypothesis suppose formulate hypothesis (pl. hypotheses) point additional evidence consistent genuinely botanical stand botany disproof consequently 30. 4 19 205

[7 ] Both sides, however, also made use of railroads and telegraphs advances that had not existed just a generation earlier. made use of had not existed [12 ] Thus, despite the great technological advances [(which were) made in the first half of the nineteenth century], ~ despite made [ ] the great technological advances +be clash Unionist Confederate rely upon mount cavalry component Union navy ironclad equipment keep pace with simultaneously pursuit suppress insecurity 31. (A) (A) (A) In addition (B) (B) (B) Nevertheless [1 ] An important aspect of the print media is that all of the information [(which) they provide] is relatively unchanging. [ ] all of the information that is [7 ] ~, the information itself cannot be quickly changed. itself aspect media relatively audience distribution boundary combination tendency out of date interact similarly otherwise that is 32. FTTH suspended accelerated 206

[3 ] Less visible to the human eye, these fiber-optic, mobile and satellite networks have propelled Korea ~ fiber-optic, mobile, satellite networks Less visible to the human eye Being This which [8 ] But it s not just the consumption of water while people are on vacation that can pose a problem. it is ~ that not just ~ on vacation W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, weave peninsula fiber-optic mobile satellite propel broadband superior inferior mountainous terrain dense urbanization concentration dweller expansion evolve 33. 939 (A) altitude latitude altitude (B) consumption preservation consumption (C) substantial superficial substantial [3 ] This puts many toxins in the air at a higher altitude, [which can be more damaging to the air than ground-level emissions]. contributor greenhouse gas emission toxin pose litter 34. [12 ] Just saying [that there is a problem with no course of action] is like bringing them ~ [ ] that saying is like bringing [16 ] ~ if this is not possible then be prepared to give regular updates until the issue is resolved. if 207

be prepared periodically in place handle extremely mess ideally resolution initial update resolve 35. 36. 45% 41% SNS SNS SNS SNS 5% SNS 15% [3 ] Among all Internet users [who have posted this kind of material], 45% (of them) say they usually ~ all Internet users [ ] who 45% of them) [13 ] Interestingly, SNS users are more likely ~ Interestingly It is interesting that SNS users are more likely ~ post query employ typically anonymously associate when it comes to [1 ] You might find [that words don t work ~], but that same person can be reached ~ that [ ] find that [5 ] These signals of attention reach the intended person not through the ears but through the eyes. A B not A but B through the ears through the eyes encouragement attention mode observant nod auditory lower arm flexible 37. crested porcupine crested porcupine crested porcupine crested porcupine crested porcupine crested porcupine 208

The crested porcupine ~ has a fondness, too, for cultivated crops such as potatoes and carrots. [3 ] The legs are short and sturdy, and each foot has five toes, all equipped with powerful claws. equipped all all of the five toes 39. 100 100 W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [7 ] Usually the quills lie flat against the body, ~ lie flat crested porcupine domed sturdy claw habitat excessively barren tuber bark cultivated 38. William Foster Foster Photoplay Company 1910 Chicago 35 Foster Chicago Pekin Theatre 1910 1911 18 The Birth Mark(1910) The Butler(1910) The Railroad Porter(1911) [3 ] [Lacking any camera equipment], he borrowed ~ [ ] Because he lacked ~ [14 ] Nevertheless, he remained convinced that ~ remained convinced he photoplay equipment portable photography shop financing backer distribution set-up dissolve convinced groundbreaking Tikopia Raymond Firth Tikopia 2 [4 ] ~ field workers treated the cultures [that they studied] {as if they were so isolated that their cultural boundaries were impenetrable}. [ ] the cultures { } as if [18 ] ~, individuals are active participants [involved in reworking their cultures and their traditions ~] [ ] involved active participants boundary fixed anthropology phas field worker isolated impenetrable relative contact blend bilingual 2 intermarry ritual constantly consequence globalization fluid in terms of 40. 209

Pew Research Center 2007 85 [4 ] Some of the motivation to regulate online auctions, Internet pharmacies, and social networks is that the public was unaware of the potential dangers [associated with the use of these applications]. Some of the motivation is that [ ] associated the potential dangers flood potential motivation auction associated awareness ignore regarding naive victim regulate pharmacy application contact delete 41. [2 ] ~ the fact [that we can do the breast stroke] does not tell us anything ~ [ ] that the fact does not tell [13 ] ~ we may have found some indication [that language is a genetically programmed activity {which is largely separate from general intelligence}]. [ ] that some indication { } which a genetically programmed activity breast stroke restrict indulge in verify capability genetically marine 42. innate merely neurotic superior indication separate 15 1 13% 1 210

[14 ] Little did she know that she was about to take a three-week ocean voyage. Little W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, [8 ] ~ those measures [that help halt the spread of disease], including ~ important prevention practices, are all costly. [ ] those measures including are [14 ] Those Americans most vulnerable to the risk of infectious diseases are the homeless, ~ the+ the homeless homeless people rate due to estimate approximately continually tremendous infectious measure halt appropriate sanitary maintenance costly exempt vulnerable comprise policy crisis 43. Delilah Delilah Delilah (C) 3 Delilah (A) Delilah Delilah Delilah (B) Delilah Delilah (C) (A) (B) bustle claw sneak warehouse desolate alleviate dockworker identification tag on one s own voyage hop load 44. [5 ] Not all tools are appropriate for everyone, because [some tools may have no utility for some people] and {buying them would have no positive benefit}. Not all [ ] { } buying them { } [10 ] Eyeglasses represent a good example because people get them to see well. to see well to inappropriate appropriate evaluate basis 211

application utility benefit obtain improve represent enhance vision significant barrier 45. indispensable inaccessible inefficiency Garrett Hardin Garrett Hardin Garrett Hardin (A) available free (B) overuse [3 ] ~ an area of pasture [on which all the cattleowners are permitted to graze ~ ] on which [ ] an area of pasture [15 ] So it is inevitable [that more and more animals will be brought onto the pasture {until overgrazing totally destroys the pasture}]. it that [ ] overgrazing { } 46~48. (A) 3,200 (C) (D) (B) greed pasture graze charge maximize herd contribute to deterioration fraction consequently be bound to do exceed inevitable 46. (A) (C) (D) (B) 212

47. (c) 48. W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ W26Xf@@e@ &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e &@@1fJ@5e3@@)e @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he @@f7@yen@@he 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f 3@Le@@@@eJ@@f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f N@1J@@@@LW&@5f 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf 3@7@@@@17@(Yf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf N@J@(MI'@@@Hf @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @W&@HN@@@5g @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg @@@@f@@@hg 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g 3@@5f3@@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g V40YfV4@g O2@@@@6Xf W2@@@@@@@1f 7@@(Me@@Le @@(Yf @@Yf@@@e @@@@@@@@@@@e @@Xhe @@)KeW2@@e 3@@@6KO&@@5e V4@@@@@@@(Ye I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@W2@@@6Xf @@@@@@@@@)Xe @@@@(Me@@)Xe @@3@@1e @@XfN@@@e @@1f@@@e @@@LfJ@@@e @@@)Xe7@@5e @@@@)Ke@@(Ye @@@@@@@@@(Ye 3@(4@@@0Yf V+Yhe O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xe 7@@(' @@HV'@5e @@@LeV'Ye 3@@)Kg V4@@@@ I'@)Xe W-XfN@V1e 7@)XeJ@@@e 3@@)KO&@@5e V'@@@@@@@0Ye V4@@@@0Mf W26Xh 7@@1h @@@@h @0Mhe @@@he @@@he @@@he J@W5he 7@@Hhe @@@hf @@@hf @@5hf @@Hhf @5hf (Yhf O2@@6Xf W2@@@@@)Xf O2@@@@6Xf W&@@0MI'@)Xe @@@0MI4@)Xf 7@@eN @@g@1f @@5f3@5e J@5g@@Le @@HfV+Ye 7@Hg @@hf @@g@@@e @@LfW-Xe 3@Lg@@5e @@)Xf7@1e N@1g@@He 3@@)Ke@@5e @@g@5f V4@@@@@@@(Ye @@@6KO2@(Yf I4@@@@0Yf I4@@@@0Yf @6Xhe @@1he @@@he @@@he @@@he @@@e@ @@@f@@,e @@@eo&@(ye @@@@@@@@0Yf @@X@@Xh @V@@@)Kg @@@@@@@6Xf @@@I4@@)Kf @@@ei'@@6xe @@@en@@@,e 3@5f@@0Ye V+Yhe @@@@@@@0Y @@@@@(Me @@@@(Yf @@@(Yf @@@Hg @@@g @@@g @@@g 3@5g V+Yg @@6XW2@6X N@@)&@@@, (A) [5 ] I realized [(that) I was limping] and felt humiliated ~ realized felt I [ ] realized that (C) [6 ] ~I ran in pain and decided not to compete in track next year. ran decided I not toto compete decided not to compete district track meet injury pop dart ahead of limp humiliate fall behind regain thanks to struggle overcome lap quit beat enthusiastic bump into mistake A for B A B 49~50. 49. 50. [10 ] ~ the less you say, and the more work your students do because of the way you have set things up, the better. the the the less you say the more work ~ things up [24 ] ~ you will see the students actively working and the teacher circulating, watching, commenting, guiding, pointing out and above all, listening. and the teacher circulatingwatchingcommentingguidingpointing outlistening asset running commentary backdrop strain vocal chords organize observe passive circulate gauge minimal 213

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Educational Broadcasting System w w w. e b s i. c o. k r

Educational Broadcasting System w w w. e b s i. c o. k r