THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2014 Feb.; 25(2, 223 234. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print ISSN 2288-226X (Online 20 GHz Analysis of Channel Characteristics at Around 20 GHz for Satellite On-The-Move Terminal 권건섭 허종완 황기민 임철민 유흥균 Kun-Sup Kwon Jong-Wan Heo Ki-Min Hwang Chul-Min Lim Heung-Gyoon Ryu* 요약 OTM(On-The-Move:. 5 20 GHz,. Markov, ACD(Average Connection Duration, AFD(Average Fade Duration, LCR(Level Crossing Rate,. Abstract This paper describes the analysis results of channel characteristics in the operating area of satellite OTM(On-The-Move terminal. The communication channel between the Koreasat-5 and OTM terminal on a test car is measured and recorded from Daejeon to Daecheon, using the downlink frequency of around 20 GHz. And the measurement data are divided into two classes ; highway environment and national road environment, and then are statistically analyzed. The statistical evaluation of satellite channel is conducted by using probability density function and Markov model and then presents average connection duration(acd, average fade duration(afd, and level crossing rate(lcr of highway environment and national road environment. Finally the statistics data of the two environments are compared with each other. Key words: Satellite Communication Channel, On-The-Move, Average Connection Duration, Average Fade Duration, Level Cross- ing Rate. 서론 OTM,.,., L, S, X, Ku, K, Ka. (Agency for Defense Development * (Department of Electronic Engineering, Chungbuk National University Manuscript received October 8, 2013 ; Revised November 25, 2013 ; Accepted December 1, 2013. (ID No. 20131008-090 Corresponding Author: Kun-Sup Kwon (e-mail: c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved. 223
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2014. OTM., (shadowing (blockage,.,,. Ka OTM [1]. OTM (urban, (open or rural, (highway [1] [7].,,,. OTM,. OTM (blockage. [1] [7]., Markov. Gilbert Markov [8],.. 20 GHz.. 채널측정방법및조건 2-1 시험개요 그림 1. Fig. 1. The pictures of a test car with OTM terminal. 표 1. OTM [13] Table 1. The main specifications of OTM terminal [13]. : 30 31 GHz : 20.2 21.7 GHz : 1.2 : 1.8 0 110 km/h 0.15 rms Ka OTM, 20 GHz. Ka OTM,, RF,. OTM 1 1. OTM 5. SNR 500 Hz, (SNR 40 db. 2.. 224
20 GHz 그림 2. OTM Fig. 2. Block diagram of receiving path in OTM terminal. 그림 4. Fig. 4. Receiving antenna pattern of OTM terminal.,,. 3 2. 2, 2., 그림 3. Fig. 3. Routing path for measurement. 표 2. Table 2. Description of routing path. IC IC 42.8 km IC 56.7 km :,, 2, 100 Hz. 2-2 채널에영향을주는요소 OTM,,. OTM 0.15 rms. 4. 4 5, ±0.8 deg Fitting. ( 0.15 rms 99.7 % 1.3 db. 1.3 db (threshold. LOS (Line of Sight 1.3 db...., 225
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2014. 그림 5. ( Fig. 5. Signal power variation vs distance(highway env.. 그림 6. ( Fig. 6. Signal power variation vs distance(national road env.. [6].. 1.. 2.. 3.. 5 6, 1 m. (shadowing. 5. 1 2 db,. 6,.,,, 4 5 db.. 통계적분석및결과 [1] [6]. 3, (probability density models, (discrete models, 2 (second order statistics: Average Fade Duration, Average Connection Duration, Level Crossing Rate. 그림 7. ( Fig. 7. Data description for terminology(national road env.. 226
20 GHz [2]. 2., 6 9,700 m 7.. 3-1 수신신호세기에대한확률밀도모델 (single model (mixture model.,., [9] [11]. OTM LOS, [3]. 20 GHz LOS. LOS, (Ricean non-central chi-square., (1, S, K (direct-to-multipath signal power ratio; rice factor, 1 0 (modified zero-order Bessel function of the first kind. (1 LOS 1,., LOS - - (lognormal [10]., (Rayleigh central chi- square., (2.. (3., ln exp log (3,, (blockage [10],[11]. OTM LOS [3]., (4.,. 8 9, curve fitting. 3., 16 [1],[2]. 3,,. 227
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2014. 그림 8. ( Fig. 8. Probability density of receiving signal power(national road env.. 그림 10. complementary CDF Fig. 10. Complementary CDFs for received signal power in two test environment(national road and highway.. 10 ( 5 db 1.1 %, 1.3 db. 1.3 db LOS., 10 OTM. 95 % 2.8 db. 그림 9. ( Fig. 9. Probability density of receiving signal power(highway env.. 표 3. Table 3. Probability density model parameters. 22.5 24.3 db 7.21 5.46 db 7.20 5.11 db 0.063 0.043-10 CC- DF(Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function 3-2 이산모델 - Markov 모델, curve fitting,. 3-3 2 (second order statistics. OTM Markov [1] [6], Gilbert [8], Gilbert, Markov 228
20 GHz (5, (6 Complementary CDF. P r P r (10 그림 11. Two-state Markov Fig. 11. Two-state Markov model.. Markov (state (threshold Good, Bad, 11 p gb, p bg. Good Good p gg, Bad p gb,.. Good D g, Bad D b [6]. P r P r (5 (6 Good ACD(Average Connection Duration Bad AFD(Average Fade Duration. (5 (6 P r P r (11 (Random Variable.,,. 12 15 5 6 (threshold Connection duration Fade duration CCDF. fitting ( : 6.5 db, : 4.5 db. Connection duration Fade duration ACD ( : 458.6 m, : 150.1 m, AFD( : 21.3 m, : 10.1 m, (7, (8,., (10, (11 12 15 (7 (8 [6]. (9 그림 12. Connection duration CCDF( Fig. 12. CCDF of connection duration(national road env.. 229
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2014. 그림 13. Fade duration CCDF( Fig. 13. CCDF of fade duration(national road env.. 그림 16. (Lutz [2] Fig. 16. Satellite channel simulator(lutz model [2]... 16 Lutz [2]. Markov e(t. (12 그림 14. Connection duration CCDF( Fig. 14. CCDF of connection duration(highway env.., (White Gaussian noise. 3-3 2 차통계량 (Second Order Statistics 그림 15. Fade duration CCDF( Fig. 15. CCDF of fade duration(highway env.. 3-1,. OTM 2 Fade duration, Connection duration, LCR(Level Crossing Rate, 3-2,.,,,, 230
20 GHz 그림 17. connection duration CCDF (, threshold= 3, 5, 10 db Fig. 17. CCDFs of connection duration vs threshold(national road env., threshold= 3, 5, 10 db. 그림 19. fade duration CCDF(, threshold= 3, 5, 10 Fig. 19. CCDFs of fade duration vs threshold(national road env., threshold= 3, 5, 10 db. 그림 18. connection duration CCDF (, threshold= 3, 5, 10 db Fig. 18. CCDFs of connection duration vs threshold(highway env., threshold= 3, 5, 10 db.. 17 20 3 db, 5 db, 10 db Connection duration Fade duration CCDF. Connection duration, Fade duration., Connection duration, Fade duration 그림 20. fade duration CCDF(, threshold= 3, 5, 10 db Fig. 20. CCDFs of fade duration vs threshold(highway env., threshold= 3, 5, 10 db.., connection duration, fade duration. 17 20 ACD, AFD. 12 15 ACD, AFD. ACD AFD 231
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2014. 그림 21. ACD Fig. 21. Comparison of ACDs as a function of threshold. (LOS. 21 22, 3 4 db ACD, AFD, (shadow edge: 7.,. 5 10 5 db., 3 db (blockage:, ACD AFD. LCR, 7. LCR AFD, [12]. Pr 그림 22. AFD Fig. 22. Comparison of AFDs as a function of threshold.,, [6]. 21 22. ACD AFD ( (blockage 21 22 ACD AFD. ACD, AFD ACD. 그림 23. LCR Fig. 23. Comparison of LCRs as a function of threshold. 232
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