11 장리더십다양성 다문화사회와다양성관리필요성, 포용력리더
11 장의학습내용
사례 : 여성리더와다양성 India-born Indra Nooyi recently got a promotion. Already one of the most powerful women in business, in 2006 Nooyi became the first female CEO of PepsiCo. It s a clear reflection of the emphasis the company puts on providing equal opportunities for everyone. But Nooyi cautions that the full potential of diversity is not realized without an inclusive culture. Nooyi and her predecessor Steve Reinemund know that the goal of inclusion is tough and elusive. Consider the reminder Reinemund got in an e-mail after addressing a group of African-American employees from the patio steps at Pepsi headquarters. He thought his closing remarks had been well received. The writer of the e-mail, however, said it reminded her of a plantation owner 미국 lecturing 기업들의 his 당면 slaves 이슈 : from 다양한 on high. 배경의인력을어떻게효과적으로관리하여성과를극대화시킬것인가? 다양성문화창출의어려움이존재함
조직다양성의가치 다양성 조직에가치부여하고경쟁우위에공헌 Allstate 보험회사사례 : 다양한인력은다양한생각을만들어내며, 다양한사고방식은높은성과를창출함
창의와혁신의원동력 인력다양성관리
1. 확대되는인력의다양성 이러한외형적다양성증가는곧내면적다양성증가로이어짐
1. 확대되는인력의다양성 75% 패쇄적조직문화 조직적응에어려움
2. 인력의다양성관리중요성 < 태양의서커스 > 창조혁신핵심역량 기업의이미지제고, 고객시장, 접근에도도움
2. 인력의다양성관리중요성 조직몰입의응집성훼손및법적리스크발생
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 제도 1. 인사제도공정성강화 2. 소수계층인력전략적육성 문화 3. 소통활성화 4. 팀중심창의혁신조직문화구축 전략 5. 다양성을비즈니스에활용 6. 전사적다양성관리체계구축
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 제도적측면 1. 인사제도공정성강화
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 제도적측면 2. 소수계층인력의전략적육성 성장 VISION 제시 경력경로 (Career Path) 명료화 리더쉽교육강화소수계층자질함양
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 문화적측면 3. 소통의활성화 - 다양한인력의차이를이해수용하는자세 - 다양성관련프로그램제공
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 문화적측면 4. 팀중심창의혁신조직문화구축 - 팀에자율과책임부여 - 과업관련다양성제고 : 직무순환, 기능간협업
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 전략적측면 5. 다양한비즈니스에활용 ex) < 글로벌통신회사 BT> 고객접근 디자인개발 시장개척
3. 다양성관리를위한실천과제 전략적측면 6. 전사적다양성관리체계구축 전담조직을구성다양성관리를위한인프라구축 조직의다양성수준점검, 지속적인개선위한지표마련
다양성경영 Challenges Minorities Face Valuing diversity and enabling all individuals to develop their talents is difficult to achieve. Ethnocentrism( 자민족중심주의 ): the belief that one's own culture and subculture are inherently superior to other groups and cultures. Many leaders relate to people in the organization as if everyone shares similar Values, beliefs, motivations, attitudes about work and life.
Minority( 소수인 ) 당면과제 편견과상동적태도, 차별 Prejudice: an adverse feeling or opinion formed without regard for the facts Sociologist William Bielby says that people have innate biases: Unconscious bias theory( 무의식편견이론 ): white males will slight women and minorities because people unknowingly revert to stereotypes when making decisions. Stereotype: a rigid, exaggerated, irrational, and typically negative belief or image associated with a particular group of people Discrimination : Treating people differently based on
Minority( 소수인 ) 당면과제 차별의기대 : 유리천장 : An invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top leadership positions 불참추세 : 유리천정경험이전에승진을스스로포기하는경우 안따까운손실 발생 여성의사회적가치인정하지않는조직문화탓 기회의격차 : 이미 개천에서용나는시대 는지났다. 차별적인교육이진행되고있어, 인재가선별될수밖에없음
여성리더십남성리더십과어떤차이가있을까? 여성리더를변혁적리더십관점에서호의적으로평가
Research showed differences between male and female leaders - Male leaders : are competitive, are individualistic., refer to work in vertical hierarchies., rely on formal authority in dealing with subordinates. - Women leaders : consensus building. inclusiveness. participation. caring. 여성특징의리더십 Interactive leadership: a leadership style in which people develop personal relationships with followers, share power and information, empower employees, and strive to enhance others feelings of self-worth Women's interactive leadership seems appropriate for the future of diversity and learning organizations.
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글로벌다양성 : 사회문화환경과사회가치시스템
Cultural intelligence includes three components: (1)Cognitive component: a person s observational and learning skills and the ability to pick up on clues to understanding. (2) Emotional component: self-confidence and self-motivation. the belief in the ability to understand and assimilate into a different culture. (3) Physical component: a person s ability to shift speech patterns, expressions, and body language to be in tune with people from a 문화지능역량강화 문화지능 : 이질적상황이나잘알지못하는환경맥락에얼마나유연하게적응하고가치를판단할수있는가의지능정도 Cultural intelligence: a person s ability to use reasoning and observation skills to interpret unfamiliar gestures and situations and devise appropriate behavioral responses.
포용적리더의특징 조직내다양한공동체인정과이를후원하는장기비전의제시 다양성에대한광범위한지식과문화이슈인식 적극적자기변화의개방 다양성인력에대한 empowerment와멘토링