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논문을기획할때 EndNote, EverNote등을이용한메모와문장표시 기존논문과차이점부각 : 평소저널많이읽기 하루한줄이라도 결과를기다리지말고미리작성 단기간내집중해서

논문투고를준비하려면 통상투고에서심사, 출간까지많은시간소요 투고하고자하는학술지의투고규정을숙지 자기가익숙한패턴만들기 교수님과피드백이중요 베끼면패가망신

중복출판의문제점 저작권 (copyright) 위반 동일결과의이중집계 자기표절 편집, 전문가심사자원낭비 타저자의출판기회제한 http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/overlapping-publications.html Roig M. Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing. [Accessed: Aug 10, 2011] Available from: http://www.cse.msu.edu/~alexliu/plagiarism.pdf

BMJ recommended review style Importance of the work to general readers - does this work matter to clini cians, patients, teachers or policy makers? Is a general journal the right pl ace for it? Originality does this work add enough to what is already in the publishe d literature? If so what does it add? Validity of the research Presentation of the study Ethical issues

논문의종류 원저 (original article) 종설 (review article) 증례 (case report) 단신 (communication, letter to the editor) 기타

증례를준비할때 희소성이나교육적인내용 기존보고가 5예이상이면포기, KoreaMed, PubMed 색인할것 증례는만드는것 증례는학회지에불리함 Focal point, Image of the month 교수님은증례에대해거의무관심 비용

원고의구성 표지 초록 서론 방법 결과 고찰, 결론 그림, 그래프, 표 참고문헌

표지 (Title Page) 연락처, 책임저자, 연구비표시 Running title 전체를알리는선언문형태 단어수제한

초록 초록은원고와독립적 초록만으로전체를이해할수있도록 연구목표, 수치오류를확인 150-250 단어, 생략형은한번은풀어쓰기 Introduction-method-results-conclusions

Tips for writing an abstract 1. It takes lots of revision to write a good abstract! Expect to spend some time preparing your abstract before submitting it. 2. Find the main point of your paper or research and phrase it in a way that can be understood by an educated non-expert. 3. You may repeat sentences from your paper in your abstract. In some cases, your paper sintroductory paragraphs may be suitable for the abstract, but they will have to be condensed and rewritten to fit the purposes of the abstract. 4. Remember to use keywords important to your field of research or to use words that indicate your field (biochemical engineering, for example, or the history of Byzantine art). 5. Your abstract should not be so detailed that it requires quotations, citations, or footnotes. Remember, it s a summary! 6. If you are finding it difficult to summarize your paper or research concisely, write several paragraphs initially then cut and condense it to one paragraph. 7. If you are finding it difficult to meet the word limit, seek the help of an outsider reader (a friend or writing tutor) to help you cut excess words.

서론 연구타당성을제공 연구목표를설명 적절한문헌을간략하게제시 Rules of Third

방법 짧고간결하게처음에는개관을기술 서론다음또는마지막, 4-6 쪽 간결하고치밀한기술, 잘알려진것은인용기술, 변형이있으면추가기술 Study design-study population-data collectionlaboratory methods-statistical analysis

결과 가능하면부제사용 줄거리를만들것 관찰을논리적으로기록 해석은고찰에서 표, 그림에결과를반복하지않음 단순, 명료하게기술, data not shown

고찰 제기한가설이결과를통해옳은지분석하는부분 발견된사실에대한충분한토론 교과서나열을피함 Rule of third

그림, 그래프, 표 방법이나결과중중요한것을표시 그림설명은본문을읽지않고도이해가되도록 고해상도 적절한화살표를표시 적절한수의표, 표와본문이중복되지않도록

참고문헌 전체원고의질을반영 정확한인용 정확한표기 불필요한인용피할것

Acknowledgements Acknowledging support Group and collaborative author list Author s conflict of Interest and financial disclosure Access to data statement Funding/support and role of sponsor Affiliation Corresponding author Source: AMA Manual of Style

연구, 조사등에서사용하는도구 (tool) 의사용과허가에대한의편협출판윤리위원회의견해 설문도구를사용하기위해서는당연히저자의허락을얻어야할것이나, 무상으로공개된경우나일반적인연구목적이라면 ' 공정한이용 ' 의범주내에서사용이가능할것입니다. 다만, 그설문도구의전체내용이공표되어있는것이며, 현재재산권행사가이루어지지않고있는것이기본전제가될것입니다. 아울러 ' 공정한이용 ' 여부에대한판단은전적으로법원의결정임도염두에두어야합니다. 의학학술지출판윤리위원회 2015. KAMJE 소식지

Text Recycling (Self-plagiarism) 허용한도여부가가장중요 Method 표현중복 ; 저자의투명성, 철저한인용을통한중복인경우 Introduction 의중복 ; 연구배경 (), 가설 (), 고찰, 결론 편집인이고려할점 Sections of the text, generally excluding methods, are identical or near identical to a previous publication by the same author(s); The original publication is not referenced in the subsequent publication; but There is still sufficient new material in the article to justify its publication http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/overlapping-publications.html

Inappropriate Image Duplication a total of 20,621 papers in 40 scientific journals from 1995-2014 Overall, 3.8% of published papers contained problematic figures, with at least half exhibiting features suggestive of deliberate manipulation Additional papers written by authors of papers with problematic images had an increased likelihood of containing problematic images as well Category Simple duplication Duplication with repositioning Duplication with alteration http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/05/17/049452

저자됨의문제점 승진, 보직및보상 연구비수혜 연구의일관성에대한신뢰 자료관리중복

ICMJE 2013 개정저자됨 1) 연구의구상이나설계에실질적인기여, 또는자료의획득, 분석, 해석 2) 연구결과에대한논문작성또는중요한학술적부분에대한비평적수정 3) 출판되기전최종본에대한승인 4) 연구의정확성또는진실성에관련된문제를적절히조사하고해결하는것을보증하고연구의모든부분에책임을진다는점에동의

2008 년 ICMJE 의저자됨 저자는아래 3가지조건을모두만족시킨다. 학술적개념과계획 (design) 혹은자료의수집 (acquisition) 이나분석 (analysis) 혹은해석 (interpretation) 을하는데있어상당한공헌함 논문을작성하거나중요한내용을수정함 출간될원고를최종적으로승인

ICMJE 저자됨 ; 개정요점 2008 2013 Substantial contributions to the conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis, and interpretation of data for the work Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content Final approval of the version to be published Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND Final approval of the version to be published; AND Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved

Changes of ICMJE criteria for authorship In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.

학술지논문출판시환자의개인정보보호에관한권고안 최근 ICMJE와많은학술지에서환자의개인정보를보호하려는시도가강화되면서일부학술지에서는이미관련내용을투고규정에포함또는개정하고있다. 출판윤리의저변확대를위해의학학술지편집인협의회출판윤리위원회에서는각회원학술지편집인께출판물에불필요한환자의개인정보가드러나지않도록개인정보보호와관련된투고규정의개정을포함한윤리적, 제도적장치를보완해줄것을요청한다. 환자는사생활을보호받을권리가있으며, 개인정보는반드시필요한경우가아니면공개해서는안된다. 출판물에환자의이름, 이름의머리글자, 병록번호, 사진, 가계등식별가능한정보는어느형태로든출판할수없다. 불필요한환자의세부개인정보는가능한생략한다. 단, 과학정보로서환자의개인정보노출이필수불가결한경우에는출판전환자또는환자의법정대리인에게이를설명하고서면으로동의서를취득해야한다. 또한이때환자의개인정보가출판물뿐만아니라인터넷등을통해공개될가능성이있음을고지해야한다. 학술지편집인은대상자동의서취득을포함한환자의개인정보보호관련규정을반드시학술지투고규정에포함시키고, 게재논문에도정보에입각한환자 ( 또는법정대리인 ) 의자발적서면동의취득을표시해야한다. 학술지편집인은개별적관련규정에따라취득한서면동의서를보관하거나혹은보관과정에서환자의개인정보식별이우려되는경우저자가서면동의서를보관하도록하고, 대신동의서를규정에따라취득하여보관하고있음을증명하는내용을논문에표시하도록한다. 한편, 환자의익명성을유지하기위한보호과정에서편집인은원자료의과학적의미를왜곡시키지않도록주의해야한다. 즉, 학술지는사례발표를포함한사람을대상으로하는연구를보고할때는대상자 ( 환자 ) 동의서와관련한규정을투고규정에반드시포함시켜야하며, 대상자동의서를취득한경우에는게재하는논문에이를적시하여야한다. : 의학학술지편집인협의회출판윤리위원회 20171130

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