THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 Sep.; 27(9), 775 782. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) GPS Design of Dual-Band GPS Antenna Using a Single-Layer Coupled-Feed Structure 허준 변강일 추호성 계영철 Jun Hur Gangil Byun* Hosung Choo Youngchul Kay 요약 GPS.,.., 3 db, 2 db CRPA. Abstract In this paper, we propose a dual-band GPS antenna using a single-layer coupled-feed structure for improvement of isolation and design complexity. The proposed antenna consists of a central feed patch and outer dual loops, and the loops are electromagnetically fed by the feed patch to induce currents. This feeding network can improve the isolation between antenna elements arranged in small arrays because the magnetic field strength near the antenna is minimized by confining the fields around the dual loops. The isolation characteristics of the proposed antenna are compared with those of the conventional multi-layer patch antenna, and the average field strength and the isolation are improved by 3 db and 2 db, respectively, which verifies that the antenna is suitable for small CRPA arrays. Key words: GPS Array, CRPA Array, Coupled Feed, Isolation. 서론 CRPA(Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna) null [1] [3]. CRPA This research was supported by Civil Military Technology Cooperation(CMTC) and the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(no. 2015R1A6A1A03031833).. (School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Hongik University) * (Research Institute of Science and Technology, Hongik University) Manuscript received January 8, 2016 ; Revised March 4, 2016 ; Accepted August 31, 2016. (ID No. 20160108-07S) Corresponding Author: Youngchul Kay (e-mail: c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved. 775
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 9, Sep. 2016.,. [4] [6].,, [7],[8], CRPA. GPS CRPA, [9], [10],[11]. PCB,. GPS.,.,,.,.,,,.,, CRPA.. 안테나형상 1 GPS 그림 1. Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed antenna.., (w g ) 40 mm, (h) 10.9 mm (Taconic, ε r =10, tanδ=0.0035). (w 1 ) GPS L1 λ g /4, (f x, f y ). w 2 w 3, GPS L1 L2. t 1, t 2, (g 1 ), (g 2 ). FEKO EM simulator [12], 1.. 안테나측정및분석 2,. 3., 776
GPS 표 1. Table 1. Design parameters of the proposed antenna. Parameters Optimized value(mm) w 1 16 w 2 3.9 w 3 0.9 w g 40 g 1 1.2 g 2 1.0 t 1 8.5 t 2 10.2 h 10.9 f x 0 f y 7 그림 3. Fig. 3. Reflection coefficients of the proposed antenna. 그림 2. Fig. 2. Photographs of the fabricated antenna.. 1.575 GHz 13 db, 1.227 GHz 9.1 db,., 0.2 db.. 4,, + (semi) (full). 1.575 GHz 5 dbic, 1.227 GHz 3 dbic 그림 4. Fig. 4. Bore-sight gain of the proposed antenna., 4.1 dbic(1.575 GHz), 2 dbic(1.227 GHz)., (cross polarization level) 1.575 GHz 10.5 db, 1.25 GHz 14.8 db. 5, +. 1.7 db(1.575 GHz), 1.9 db(1.227 GHz) 777
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 9, Sep. 2016. 그림 5. Fig. 5. Axial ratio of the proposed antenna. (a) GPS L1 (a) GPS L1 band, 3.8 db (1.575 GHz), 5 db(1.25 GHz). 6(a) 6(b) 1.575 GHz 1.227 GHz z-y. y z 0.5 mm 121. 6(a) L1, L1, L1 x=±8.5 mm 194.7 A/m. 6(b) L2, L2 x=±9.5 mm 179.8 A/m. 7 z-y FEKO EM simulator. (GPS L2) (GPS L1) [4], 40 40 7.8 mm 2. GPS L1/L2, 27.9 mm, 33.2 mm.,., x=±20 mm 1.575 GHz 2 db, (b) GPS L2 (b) GPS L2 band 그림 6. z-y Fig. 6. H-field distributions in z-y plane according to frequency. 1.227 GHz 4.8 db., (D). 8, D 0 mm 15 mm 1 mm (GPS L1/L2). 778
GPS (a) GPS L1 (a) GPS L1 band 그림 8. Fig. 8. Variations of the coupling according to distance. (b) GPS L2 (b) GPS L2 band 그림 7. Fig. 7. Variations of H-field strengths in proximity of the antenna. 15 mm, 10 mm 2 db. 9 3, 2D 10. Ant.1. 그림 9. 3 Fig. 9. Bore-sight gain of the 3-element array.,. 120 mm 120, 36 mm 60 mm(0.9 λ)., 0.5 dbic, 0.7 dbic, 4.5 db, 3.7 db, 1 dbic.. 결론 779
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 9, Sep. 2016. (a) zx-plane(1.575 GHz) (b) zy-plane(1.575 GHz) (c) zx-plane(1.227 GHz) (d) zy-plane(1.227 GHz) 그림 10. 3 2D Fig. 10. 2D patterns of the 3-element array. GPS.,.,. (GPS L1/ L2) 4.1 dbic, 2 dbic, 3 db, 2 db. References [1] G. Byun, H. Choo, and S. Kim, "Improvement of pattern null depth and width using a curved array with two subarrays for CRPA systems", IEEE Trans. Antennas Pro- 780
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