VC 630/5AX 5 VC 630/5AX VC 630/5AX VC 630/5AX with APC ver. KO 160502 SU
기본구조 절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 VC 630/5AX VC 630/5AX 5,. VC 630 /5AX
Contents 02 04 기본구조 09 절삭성능 10 표준 / 옵션현황 14 다이어그램 18 본체 / NC 사양 26 3D 시뮬레이션을통해설계된고강성기계구조와고강성, 경량화를실현한이송구조는고정밀가공성능을발휘합니다. 고속회전시진동과소음을최소화하며, 스핀들최고속도에도달하는시간을단축하여고품위가공및높은생산성실현이가능합니다. 두산고유의열변위보정장치와고강성기계구조를바탕으로, 장시간가공에도높은가공정밀도를제공합니다. 02 / 03
기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 3D 시뮬레이션을통해정강성, 동강성을확보한고강성기계구조는고정밀가공이가능하게합니다. 유한요소해석방식 (FEM) 으로설계된기계구조는정강성및동강성이보다향상된고강성기계구조를실현하였습니다. Y-axis Z-axis X-axis A-axis C-axis FEM해석을수행하여설계된 VC630/5AX는고강성구조를가지며, 이전모델보다정강성을 30% 향상시켰습니다. Previous design VC 630/5AX 30 % 0 20 40 60 80 100% 보다안정된구조를채택하여주파수응답과진동감쇠능력이개선되었으며이전모델보다고유진동수를 35% 향상시켰습니다. Previous design VC 630/5AX 0 20 40 60 80 100% 35 % VC 630 /5AX
- 열변위최소화를위한최적설계의이송구조는고강성, 경량화를실현하였으며, 강력중절삭아래에서도안정된정밀도유지가가능합니다. X, Y, Z 축직선이송계에는강성및정밀도증대를위해롤러타입리니어가이드웨이와고강성커플링을적용하였습니다. 또한볼스크류의열변위최소화를위해너트쿨링장치를적용하였습니다. 롤러타입리니어가이드웨이와커플링의적용으로이송계강성및정밀도증대 롤러타입리니어가이드웨이 볼스크류너트쿨링 선택 3 열베어링 VC 630/5AX X Y Z 리지드커플링 고정밀오일쿨러 ( 인버터타입 ) 이송거리 (mm) 급이송속도 (m/min) 650 765 520 40 40 36 선택 오랜시간작동에도높은정도를유지하기위하여, 리니어스케일을전축에채택하였습니다. 총 5 개의보정기능적용으로각부위의온도를노이즈없이감지하고, 변위량을실시간으로반영하여최적의효과를볼수있습니다. VC630/5AX Displacement (µm) 45 30 15 0-15 -30 Z 축방향변위 10 µm -45 0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600 4320 5040 5760 Time (sec / 10) 기능적용전 기능적용후 04 / 05
/ 기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 넓은절삭영역은다양한가공물의손쉬운셋업과가공을실현하게합니다. ø730 x 500 mm 500 kg 500 ø730 500kg ø630 넓은절삭영역은다양한가공물의손쉬운셋업과가공을실행시킴으로서편리성을제공합니다. Y stroke 765 450 315 365 155 160 Table width 590 Table width ø 630 A C VC 630/5AX 이송거리 (deg) 급이송속도 (r/min) +30 ~ -120 360 20 30 50 Max. Workpeice 500 선택자동팔레트교환장치는기계가공중에도공작물셋업을가능하게하여장비생산성을향상시킵니다. ø730 450 500 500 VC 630 /5AX (D X H) APC 500 x 500 mm ø 730 x 450 mm 500 kg 30초
빠른공구교환속도는고생산성실현을가능하게하며, 다양한공구매거진선택이가능합니다. : 40 1 (60, 81, 101, 121개 ) 선택 선택 60 / 81 / 101 / 121 개의다양한공구매거진선택시방으로장착이가능하며다수의공구장착으로사용자의편의성을향상시켰습니다. 60 개 81 개 101 개 121 개 06 / 07
기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 모터일체형빌트인모터를장착하여고속회전시의진동과소음을최소화하였습니다. 고속에서발열억제가효과적인정밀베어링을최적의 4 열로조합하여, 진동발생요인을제거한스핀들을정밀하게밸런싱하여고품위가공을수행합니다. 스핀들의강성을유지하면서도회전관성을최소화함으로써스핀들최고속도에도달하는시간을대폭단축하여높은생산성을실현합니다. 12000 r/min (20000r/min 선택 ) (30/ : 12000 r/min ) 화낙 22 / 18.5 kw 하이덴하인 23.5 / 18 kw 지멘스 30 / 24 kw 공구의강성과진동을줄이고, 고속회전시 Z 축변위를방지할뿐만아니라, 공구수명을증대시킬수있는시스템입니다. Big Plus () HSK-A63 선택 2 면접촉면 2 면접촉면 VC 630 /5AX
복잡한형상의고속가공에서부터강력절삭까지다양한가공이가능합니다. SM45C AL6061 절삭량 739.2 cm3 /min 2688 cm3 /min 절삭속도 3300 mm/min 7000 mm/min 절삭깊이 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 절삭폭 64 mm 64 mm / (SM45C, AL6061 ) Ø80mm (3.15 in.) Face Mill (6Z) SM45C AL6061 M42 x P4.5 M3 x P0.5 675 mm/min 1800 mm/min * 위가공결과는당사시험기준에따른예시로조건에따라변동이있을수있습니다. Tire Mold Mold Package 400 x 400 x 150 mm Wood plastic 332 Tuning Cycle (Heidenhain Itnc530) Finish ø0.8mm Ball EM 24000 r/min 400 mm/min Hinge Fitting 270 x 138 x 90 mm AL7075 Mold Package DSQ 1 Finish ø12 mm Ball EM 12000 r/min 1000 mm/min Impeller D290 x 153 mm AL7075 Mold Package DSQ 3 Finish ø8 mm Ball EM 12000 r/min 2500 mm/min 견고하게설계된기계구조와두산제어시스템에의해높은진원도와정밀도를실현합니다. X-Y +Y +Y Set Diameter of DBB 200 mm Feedrate 1000 mm/min +X +X 08 / 09
기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 VC 630 /5AX / 사용자의작업환경에맞는다양한옵션을선택하여적용할수있습니다. 표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 NO. VC 630/5AX 1 강전반라이트 2 강전반라인필터 3 강전반에어컨 4 X축 5 리니어스케일 Y축 6 Z축 7 샤워쿨런트 8 NONE 9 1.5 KW_2.0 MPA 스핀들관통절삭유장치 10 4.0 KW_2.0 MPA 11 5.5 KW_7.0 MPA_DUAL BAG FILTER 12 22/18.5 kw ( 화낙 : 12000, 20000 r/min ) 13 23.5/18 kw ( 하이덴하인 : 12000 r/min) 스핀들모터출력 14 28/24 kw ( 하이덴하인 : 20000 r/min) 15 30/24 kw ( 지멘스 : 12000 r/min) 16 12000 r/min 스핀들속도 17 20000 r/min 18 에어건 19 에어블로우 20 오일스키머 벨트타입 21 40개 22 60개 23 자동공구교환장치 80개 24 101개 25 121개 26 자동공구교환장치 TS27R : 레니쇼 27 절삭유탱크 28 칩컨베이어 힌지 / 스크래퍼 / 드럼필터타입 29 카운터기능 WORK / TOOL 30 쿨런트건 31 테스트바 32 트랜스포머 33 DSQ1 (AICC II_200블럭 ) 34 DSQ2 (DSQ1 & 데어터서버 1GB) DSQ ( 고속 / 고정도윤곽제어 ) 35 DSQ3 (DSQ2 & 600블럭 ) 36 DSQ4 (DSQ3 & 1000블럭 ) 37 공구매니지먼트시스템 38 Easy Operation Package (E.O.P) 알람 / M-code / G-code / ATC 복구가이던스 39 테이블이동 / 워크좌표계셋업가이던스 40 1 MPG_PORTABLE TYPE MPG 41 1 MPG_PORTABLE_W/ENABLE TYPE 42 두산화낙 i 43 화낙 31i-5 NC System 44 하이덴하인 itnc 530 44 지멘스 840 Dsl 45 10.4 inch (Color)_ 두산화낙 i 46 15.0 inch (Color)_ 화낙 NC 화면크기 47 15.0 inch (Color)_ 하이덴하인 48 15.0 inch (Color)_ 지멘스 상세옵션은두산과협의가필요합니다.
다양한주변장치제공으로편의성을극대화하였습니다 1 3 4 5 2 6 1. 선택 2. 360L 힌지타입스크래퍼타입드럼필터타입 쉬운칩처리를위한박스형필터채택 3. 선택 4. 5. 본체상단에탑커버는가공테이블에크레인의중량가공물설치및탈거가가능하게하여, 작업편의성을향상시킵니다. 6. 10 / 11
31i-5 기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 작업자가기계가동시장비조작을가장쉽게할수있도록조작반구성을최적화하였습니다. 15인치대형스크린적용과사용자에최적화된맞춤형조작기능을적용해사용이쉽고편리하며효율성이높습니다. 15 10.4 inch 15 inch 쉽고편리한 UI, 조작에최적화된버튼크기, 시인성이향상된램프, 오래사용할수있는버튼수명, 배치설계오조작방지를위한파티션적용 탈부착식버튼적용, 옵션대응용스페어입출력신호포트설계 고객주문형기능스위치부착, 보조판넬설계대응기능 Easy Operation Package 공구 / 소재 / 프로그램등셋업과기계주요부분의이상상태에대한해결방안을제시함으로써기계대기시간을최소화하여사용효율을최대한높일수있으며, 작업자의조작을위한편의성을제공합니다. Adaptive Feed Control (AFC) Feedrate 을조정하여일정한부하상태에서가공이이루어지도록하는기능 Tool Management 공구정보를관리할수있는기능 [ 공구정보 : 공구번호 / 공구상태 ( 일반, 대경, 마모 / 파손, 처음사용하는공구, 수동 ) / 공구이름 ] Tool Load Monitor 자동공구부하검출기능 - M700 ~ M704 에따라같은공구에다른부하설정이가능 Pattern Cycle & Engraving 많이사용하는가공프로그램을자동으로생성하는기능 - Pattern Cycle : 미리정의된형상에대한가공프로그램생성 - Engraving : 글자로표현된형상을가공할수있는프로그램생성선택 Work Offset Setting Work Offset 설정을한화면에서할수있는기능 Alarm Guidance 자주발생하는알람에대한상세내용과조치방법을볼수있는기능 VC 630 /5AX Sensor Status Monitor 장비의센서상태를열람할수있는기능 ATC Recovery ATC 동작중알람이발생했을경우, 조치하는방법과 ATC 의단계별수동조작이가능한기능
itnc 530 15" LCD 및 21GB 의충분한저장메모리 15" LCD 15 inch HEIDENHAINiTNC530 화면크기 15 Std - 저장메모리 21GB Std. - 충돌방지기능 옵션 - Kinematic OPT. 옵션 측정장치는별도필요 선독블록 1024 블록 - 3D line graphics Std. - 840 Dsl 5 15 인치 LCD 및 SINUMERIK Mdynamics 5 축가공기능표준제공 15" LCD 15 inch Mdynamics 5 Advanced Surface 사용자 CF카드메모리지원 ( 최소 1GB 프로그램메모리 ) 자동측정사이클기능 3차원시뮬레이션기능 실가공시뮬레이션기능 ShopMill 대화형프로그래밍기능 12 / 13
기본구조 절삭성능 - 31i-5 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 최대스핀들속도 - 12000 r/min - 20000 r/min 선택 Torque : N. m 204 S3 25% S3 25% 147 119 스핀들모터파워 (30분/ 연속 ) - 22/18.5 kw - 12000 & 20000 r/min 공통 S2 15min S1 Cont. S2 15min 22 18.5 15 Output : kw Torque : N. m S3 25% 118 98 S3 25% S2 15min 80 S1 Cont. S2 15min 22 18.5 15 Output : kw 60 50 15 0 S1 Cont. 8651200 2800 3500 12000 42 22 8.8 0 S1 Cont. 1500 5000 8000 20000 1800 4000 Spindle speed : r/min Spindle speed : r/min itnc 530 선택 최대스핀들속도 - 12000 r/min - 20000 r/min 선택 스핀들모터파워 (30 분 / 연속 ) - 23.5/18 kw (12000 r/min) - 28/24 kw (20000 r/min) Torque : N. m 100 25 S6-40% 89.9 S6-40% 23.5 20 68.8 S1 S1 18 15 50 10 Output : kw Torque : N. m 89.9 S6-40% 68.8 67 57.5 S1 S6-40% S1 28 24 23.5 18 Output : kw 5 11.5 0 2500 7000 8000 12000 0 20002500 20000 Spindle speed : r/min Spindle speed : r/min 840 Dsl 선택 최대스핀들속도 : 12000 r/min 스핀들모터파워 (30 분 / 연속 ) : 30/24 kw 155 121 S6 S1 (Cont.) S6 S1 (Cont.) 30 24 Torque : N. m Output : kw VC 630 /5AX 0 Spindle speed : r/min 1890 12000
R450 VC 630/5AX ( 표준타입 ) 단위 : mm 평면도 3537 3200 정면도 1130 395 607 838 550 150 1050 R550 1280 910 1012 14 / 15
기본구조 절삭성능 VC 630/5AX (APC 타입 ) 평면도 단위 : mm 표준 / 옵션현황 본체 / NC 사양 3200 (MACHINE) 231 4231 3295 1820 (W/APC) 3537 (MACHINE) 1056 5357 6413 800 (EXTENTION TOOLS) 정면도 VC 630 /5AX
/ 표준타입 단위 : mm Ø 18 +0.027 0 Ø 630 30 12 30 +0.021 0 Ø 30 95 100 100 100 100 95 590 APC 타입 단위 : mm CLAMP(A) (Optional) PT 1/4" 50 500 250 250 100 85 100 100 100 50 150 80 210 200 150 155 155 80 240 AIR BLAST (Optional) PT 1/4" 118 0.5 24-M16 2.0 Ø 20 20 30 20 6 Ø 30 +0.021 0 CLAMP(B) (Optional) PT 1/4" 50 100 250 100 100 100 250 50 500 25 16 / 17
/ 기본구조 절삭성능 BT40 단위 : mm 표준 / 옵션현황 / NC Ø 63 Ø 53 10 16.6 TAPER GAGE LINE Ø 44.45 60 16.6 TAPER L GAGE LINE 65.4 10 2 7/24 TAPER M16 P2.0 7/24 TAPER M16 P2.0 Ø 63 Ø 53 Ø 17 10 60 L 16.6 TAPER GAGE LINE 2 Ø 44.45 65.4 22.6 10.9 60 7/24 TAPER M16 P2.0 Ø 17 22.6 16.1 7/24 TAPER TAP T 72.4 Ø 63.5 Ø 56.1 Ø 23 Ø 7HOLE Ø 7.1 (GAGE PIN) 10.9 60 44.5 Ø 14 Ø 19 23 2 16 68.3 4 3.3 25 29 GAGE PIN 15.9 3.2 (DIN shape) 35 60 Ø 7 Ø 17 7/24 TAPER TAP T M16 P2.0 15 30 Ø 17H7 68.4 Ø 72.3 TAPER GAGE LINE 7/24 TAPER M16 P2.0 Ø 44.45 65.4 22.6 6 P2.0 Ø 14 15 23 4 2 29 hape) 16.1 Ø 17 30 Ø 19 Ø 63 Ø 53 CAT40 Ø 23 DIN40 72.4 Ø 63.5 Ø 56.1 Ø 7HOLE Ø 72.3 Ø 63.55 60 L Ø 7.1 (GAGE PIN) Ø 17 25 2 22.6 Ø 50 Ø 23.1 Ø 44.45 10.9 60 22.6 16 68.3 3.3 GAGE PIN M16 P2.0 Ø 14 (DIN shape) 22.9 24.9 THREAD T 65.4 15 23 4 2 29 44.5 16.1 30 15.9 3.2 68.4 35 60 Ø 7 Ø 14 Ø 17 7/24 TAPER TAP T Ø 19 16 Ø 7.1 Ø 19.1 Ø 23 Ø 17H7 Ø 17 Ø 7HOLE Ø 44.45 20.1 2 4.1 27.9 25.9 M16 P2.0 (DIN shape) 7/24 TAPER TAPER GAGE LINE 11.1 72.4 Ø 63.5 Ø 56.1 22.6 Ø 7.1 (GAGE PIN) Ø 17 22.6 M16 P2.0 Ø 14 Ø 72.3 Ø 63.55 THREAD T Ø 23.1 18.5 16 68.3 3.3 GAGE PIN 15 Ø 50 16.1 27.9 18.5 18.5 15.9 3.2 35 60 Ø 7 11.1 M16 P2.0 25 22.8 18.5 (DIN shape) 25 22.8 Ø 23 30 44.5 Ø 7 HOLE Ø 19 23 2 4 25 29 22.9 24.9 (DIN shape) Ø 14 20.1 25.9 16 M16 P2.0 7/24 TAPER TAPER GAGE LINE Ø 7.1 2 4.1 16.1 Ø 17 68.4 Ø 19.1 Ø 14 15 16.1 20 2 28 26 4 Ø 17H7 30 THREAD T Ø 17 Ø 23.1 Ø 44.45 Ø 19 Ø 23 Ø 7 HOLE Ø 72.3 Ø 63.55 Ø 50 M16 P2.0 22.9 24.9 27.9 Ø 17 Ø 14 Ø 23 18.5 20.1 25.9 (DIN shape) Ø 7 HOLE Ø 14 M16 P2.0 15 11.1 20 2 28 26 4 16 Ø 7.1 2 4.1 30 18.5 단위 : mm M16 P2.0 7/24 TAPER TAPER GAGE LINE Ø 19.1 25 22.8 Ø 17 단위 : mm 20 28 26 4 2 Ø 19 Ø 14 15 16.1 30 Ø 19 Ø 17 Ø 44.45 VC 630 /5AX
VC 630/5AX 항목단위 VC 630/5AX VC 630/5AX with APC X 축 mm 650 Y 축 mm 765 Z 축 mm 520 이송량 A 축 deg. 150 (+30~ -120) C축 deg. 360 스핀들단에서테이블상면까지의거리 mm 210 ~ 730 160 ~ 680 스핀들중심에서컬럼안내면까지의거리 mm 220 급속이송속도 (X / Y / Z) m/min 40 / 40 / 36 이송속도 급속회전속도 (A / C) r/min 20 / 30 절삭이송속도 (X / Y / Z) mm/min 18000 절삭회전속도 (A / C) deg/min 7200 테이블직경 mm ø 630 500 x 500 테이블 허용하중 kg 500 최대가공경 X 높이 mm ø 730 x 500 ø 730 x 450 최소분할각도 - 0.001 최대스핀들속도 r/min 12000 {20000} 스핀들 스핀들테이퍼 - ISO#40 7 / 24 Taper 스핀들토크 N.m 204 (25% ED) {118 (25% ED)} 공구형식 - MAS403 BT40 공구보유수 ea 40 {60 / 81 / 101 / 121} 최대공구경 mm ø 80 최대공구경 ( 인접포트빈경우 ) mm ø 125 자동공구교환장치 최대공구길이 mm 300 최대공구중량 kg 8 공구선택방식 - 고정번지방식 공구교환시간 ( 공구에서공구 ) s 1.0 공구교환시간 ( 칩에서칩 ) s 8.5 팔레트개수 ea - 2 팔레트교환장치 팔레트형식 - - 회전방식 팔레트교환시간 s - 30 모터스핀들모터 (30 분 / 연속 ) kw 화낙 31i-5 : 22/18.5 { 하이덴하인 itnc 530 : 23.5/18(12000 r/min), 28/24(20000 r/min)} { 지멘스 840 Dsl : 30/24} 전력탱크용량기계크기 NC System 소요전원 kva 53.3 압축공기압력 MPa 0.54 절삭유탱크용량 L 360 윤활유탱크용량 L 1.32 소요면적 ( 길이 X 폭 X 높이 ) mm 3537(4587 : 칩컨베이어포함시 ) X 3200 X 3295 5357 (6413 : 칩컨베이어포함시 ) X 4231 X 3295 장비중량 kg 12500 16000 화낙 31i-5 { 두산화낙 i / 하이덴하인 itnc 530 / 지멘스 840 Dsl } * { } : 옵션 18 / 19
표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램 / NC VC 630 /5AX FANUC NO. 1 Controlled axes ( 제어축수 ) 3 (X, Y, Z) DOOSAN- FANUC i X, Y, Z, B, (5) 2 Additional controlled axes ( 제어축확장 ) 5 axes in total 3 제어축 Least command increment ( 최소설정단위 ) 0.001 mm / 0.0001" 4 Least input increment ( 최소입력지령 ) 0.001 mm / 0.0001" 5 Interpolation type pitch error compensation 6 FANUC 31i-5 X, Y, Z, B, (5) 2nd reference point return ( 제 2 원점복귀 ) G30 7 3rd / 4th reference return ( 제 3,4 원점복귀 ) 8 Inverse time feed 9 Cylinderical interpolation G07.1 10 Helical interpolation B ( 헬리컬보간 B) Only Fanuc 30i - 11 Smooth interpolation - 12 NURBS interpolation - 13 Involute interpolation - 14 Helical involute interpolation - 15 Bell-type acceleration/deceleration before look ahead interpolation 16 Smooth backlash compensation 17 Automatic corner override ( 자동코너오버라이드 ) G62 18 Manual handle feed Max. 3unit 1 unit 1 unit 19 Manual handle feed rate ( 수동핸들이송 ) x1, x10, x100 (per pulse) 20 Handle interruption 21 보간및피드기능 Manual handle retrace 22 Manual handle feed 2/3 unit - 23 Nano smoothing AI contour control II is required. 24 AI APC 20 BLOCK X X 25 AICC I 30 BLOCK X X 26 AICC I 40 BLOCK X X 27 AICC II 200 BLOCK 28 AICC II 400 BLOCK - 29 High-speed processing 600 BLOCK - 30 Look-ahead blocks expansion 1000 BLOCK - 31 DSQ I 32 DSQ II 33 DSQ III AICC II (200block) + Machining condition selection function AICC II (200block) + Machining condition selection function + Data server (1GB) AICC II with high speed processing (600block) + Machining condition selection function + Data server(1gb) - - - 34 M- code function (M코드기능) 35 스핀들 & M 코드기능 Retraction for rigid tapping 36 Rigid tapping ( 리지드탭핑 ) G84, G74 37 Number of tool offsets ( 공구옵셋수 ) 64 ea - 64 ea 38 Number of tool offsets ( 공구옵셋수 ) 99 ea - 39 Number of tool offsets ( 공구옵셋수 ) 200 ea - 40 Number of tool offsets ( 공구옵셋수 ) 400 ea 400 ea 41 Number of tool offsets ( 공구옵셋수 ) 499 / 999 / 2000 ea - 공구기능 42 Tool nose radius compensation G40, G41, G42 43 Tool length compensation ( 공구길이보정 ) G43, G44, G49 44 Tool life management ( 공구수명관리 ) 45 Addition of tool pairs for tool life management 46 Tool offset( 공구옵셋 ) G45 - G48
FANUC NO. 47 표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 DOOSAN- FANUC i Custom macro ( 커스텀매크로 ) 48 Macro executor 49 Extended part program editing 50 Part program storage 256KB (640m) - 640m 51 Part program storage 512KB (1,280m) 1280m 52 Part program storage 1MB (2,560m) - 53 Part program storage 2MB (5,120m) 54 Part program storage 4MB (1,0240m) - 55 Part program storage 8MB (2,0480m) - 56 Inch/metric conversion ( 인치 / 미터변환 ) G20 / G21 57 프로그래밍 & 편집기능 Number of Registered programs ( 등록프로그램수 ) 400 ea 400 ea - 58 Number of Registered programs ( 등록프로그램수 ) 500 ea - 500 ea 59 Number of Registered programs ( 등록프로그램수 ) 1000 ea - 60 Number of Registered programs ( 등록프로그램수 ) 4000 ea - 61 Optional block skip ( 선택적블럭스킵 ) 9 BLOCK 62 Optional stop ( 선택적정지 ) M01 63 Program file name 32 characters - 64 Program number ( 프로그램입력번호 ) O4-digits - 65 Playback function ( 플레이백 ) 66 Addition of workpiece coordinate system G54.1 P1-48 (48 pairs) 48 pairs 48 pairs 67 Addition of workpiece coordinate system G54.1 P1-300 (300 pairs) - 68 Embeded Ethernet (Ethernet 기능 ) 69 Graphic display ( 그래픽표시 ) Tool path drawing 70 Loadmeter display ( 부하율표시 ) 71 Memory card interface ( 메모리카드인터페이스 ) 72 USB memory interface (USB 인터페이스 ) Only Data Read & Write 73 Operation history display ( 가공이력표시 ) 74 DNC operation with memory card 75 Optional angle chamfering / corner R 76 Run hour and part number display 77 High speed skip function 78 Polar coordinate command G15 / G16 79 Polar coordinate interpolation ( 극좌표보간 ) G12.1 / G13.1-80 Programmable mirror image G50.1 / G51.1 81 82 83 84 OTHERS FUNCTIONS (Operation, setting & Display, etc) Scaling Single direction positioning Pattern data input Jerk control G50, G51 G60 AI contour control II is required. 85 Fast Data server with1gb PCMCIA card 86 Fast Ethernet 87 3-dimensional coordinate conversion 88 3-dimensional tool compensation - 89 Figure copying G72.1, G72.2-90 Machining time stamp function - 91 EZ Guide I with 10.4" Color TFT 92 Dynamic graphic display (with 10.4" Color TFT LCD) Doosan infracore Conversational Programming Solution - When the EZ Guide i is used, the Dynamic graphic display cannot application - Machining profile drawing. - When the EZ Guide i is used, the Dynamic graphic display cannot application FANUC 31i-5 20 / 21
기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램 / NC VC 630 /5AX HEIDENHAIN No. itnc 530 1 Controlled axes 5 axes X, Y, Z, C, A 2 ( 제어축수 ) Max. 18 axes in total 3 4 5 Least command increment ( 최소설정단위 ) Least input increment ( 최소입력지령 ) Maximum commandable value 6 Axes Axis feedback control 0.0001 mm (0.0001 inch), 0.0001 0.0001 mm (0.0001 inch), 0.0001 ±99999.999mm (±3937 inch) Double-speed control loops for high-frequency spindles and torque/linear motors 7 MDI / DISPLAY unit 15.1 inch TFT color flat panel 8 ( 표시화면 ) 19 inch TFT color flat panel 9 Program memory for NC programs SSDR 10 Block processing time 0.5 ms 11 Cycle time for path interpolation CC 61xx 12 Encoders Absolute encoders EnDat 2.2 13 Commissioning Ethernet interface Data interfaces 14 and diagnostics USB interface (USB 2.0) 15 Look-ahead Intelligent path control by calculating the path speed ahead of time (max. 1024 blocks.) 16 Machine functions HSC filters 17 Switching the traverse ranges 18 According to ISO Program input 19 With 20 22 Position entry Display and entry in mm or inches Display of the handwheel path during 23 machining with handwheel superimpositioning 31 Constant contouring speed User functions 32 Parallel operation Nominal positions for lines and arcs in Cartesian coordinates 21 Incremental or absolute dimensions 24 Paraxial positioning blocks 25 26 Tool compensation In the working plane and tool length Radius-compensated contour lookahead for up to 99 blocks (M120) 27 Three-dimensional tool radius compensation 28 Central storage of tool data Tool table 29 Multiple tool tables with any number of tools 30 Cutting-data table 33 34 35 Tilting the working plane with Cycle 19 Tilting the working plane with the PLANE function Manual traverse in tool-axis direction 36 Function TCPM Calculation of spindle speed and feed rate based on stored tables relative to the path of the tool center or to the tool's cutting edge Creation of a program while another program is being run after interruption of program run Retaining the position of tool tip when positioning tilting axes 37 Rotary table Programming of cylindrical contours as if in two axes 38 machining Feed rate in distance per minute 39 FK free contour programming for workpieces not dimensioned for NC programming 40 Subprograms and program section repeats Program jumps 41 Calling any program as a subprogram 42 Program verification graphics Plan view, view in three planes, 3-D view 표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 43 Programming graphics 3-D line graphics 44 Program-run graphics (plan view, view in three planes,3-d view) 21GB 3 ms
표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 HEIDENHAIN No. itnc 530 45 Datum tables Saving of workpiece-specific datums 46 Preset table Saving of reference points 47 Freely definable table after interruption of program run 48 49 Returning to the contour With mid-program startup After program interruption (with the GOTO key) 50 Autostart 51 Actual position capture 52 Enhanced file management 53 Context-sensitive help for error messages 54 TNCguide Browser-based, context-sensitive helpsystem 55 Calculator 56 Entry of text and special characters 57 Comment blocks in NC program 58 User functions "Save As" function 59 Structure blocks in NC program 60 FU (feed per revolution) 61 FZ (tooth feed per revolution) Entry of feed rates 62 FT (time in seconds for path) 63 FMAXT (only for rapid traverse pot: time in seconds for path) 64 Dynamic collision monitoring (DCM) 65 Fixture monitoring 66 Processing DXF data 67 Global program settings (GS) 68 Adaptive feed control (AFC) 69 KinematicsOpt Automatic measurement and optimization of machine kinematics 70 KinematicsComp Three-dimensional compensation 71 3D-ToolComp Dynamic 3-D tool radius compensation 72 Working plane Cycle 19 73 Cylinder surface Cycle 27 Fixed cycles 74 Cylinder surface slot milling Cycle 28 75 Cylinder surface ridge milling Cycle 29 76 Calibrate TS 77 Calibrate TS length 78 79 Cycles for automatic workpiece inspection Measure axis shift Save kinematics 80 Measure kinematics 81 Preset compensation 82 Software option 1 83 Programming of cylindrical contours as if in two axes - Rotary table machining 84 Feed rate in mm/min 85 - Coordinate transformation Tilting the working plane, PLANE function 86 - Interpolation Circular in 3 axes with tilted working plane 87 Software option 2 Options 88 3-D tool compensation through surface normal vectors 89 Tool center point management (TCPM) - 3-D machining 90 Keeping the tool normal to the contour 91 Tool radius compensation normal to the tool direction 92 Line in 5 axes (subject to export permit) - Interpolation 93 Spline: execution of splines (3rd degree polynomial) 22 / 23
표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 기본구조절삭성능 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램 / NC VC 630 /5AX SIEMENS NO. S840Dsl 1 3 axes X 2 Controlled axes ( 제어축수 ) 4 axes X 3 5 axes X, Y, Z, C, A 4 5 제어축 Simultaneously controlled axes ( 동시제어축수 ) Positioning(G00)/Linear interpolation(g01) : 3 axes Circular interpolation(g02, G03) : 2 axes Positioning(G00)/Linear interpolation(g01) : 4 axes Circular interpolation(g02, G03) : 2 axes 6 Least command increment ( 최소설정단위 ) 0.001mm (0.0001 inch) 7 Least input increment ( 최소입력지령 ) 0.001mm (0.0001 inch) X 8 Maximum commandable value ±99999.999mm (±3937 inch) 9 Reference point return ( 원점복귀 ) 10 보간및피드기능 Inverse time feedrate G93 11 Spline interpolation (A, B and C splines) 12 Retraction for rigid tapping 스핀들기능 13 Rigid tapping ( 리지드탭핑 ) 14 Tool radius compensations in plane 15 With approach and retract strategies 16 With transition circle / ellipse on outer edges 17 Number of tools/cutting edges in tool list 256 / 512 X 공구기능 18 Tool length compensation ( 공구길이보정 ) 19 Tool offset selection via T and D numbers 20 Replacement tools for tool management 21 Monitoring of tool life and workpiece count 22 Main program call from main program and subroutine 23 Subroutine levels and interrupt routines, max. 16/2 24 Number of subroutine passes <= 9999 25 Number of levels for skip blocks 1 26 Number of levels for skip blocks 8 27 Polar coordinates 28 Auxiliary function output 29 30 Via M word, max. programmable value range: INT 231-1 Via H word, max. range: REAL ± 3.4028 ex 38/ INT -231... 231-1 31 High-level CNC language with 32 User variables, configurable 33 Read/write system variables 프로그래밍 & 34 편집기능 Indirect programming 35 Program jumps and branches 36 Arithmetic and trigonometric functions 37 Compare operations and logic combinations 38 Macro techniques 39 Control structures IF-ELSE-ENDIF 40 Control structures WHILE, FOR, REPEAT, LOOP 41 STRING functions 42 Program functions 43 Dynamic preprocessing memory FIFO 44 Look ahead number of blocks 150 45 Frame concept 46 Inclined-surface machining with swivel cycle 47 Online ISO dialect interpreter X X
표준적용 선택시방 X 해당없음 SIEMENS NO. S840Dsl 48 Program / workpiece management 49 Parts programs on NCU, max. number 1000 50 Workpieces on NCU, max. number 250 51 On additional plug-in CF card 52 On USB storage medium (e.g. disk drive, USB stick) 53 On network drive 54 Basic frames, max. number 16 55 Settable offsets, max. number 100 56 Program editor 57 프로그래밍 & Programming support for cycles program(program Guide) 58 편집기능 CNC editor with editing functions: Marking, copying, deleting 59 Programming graphics / free contour input (contour calculator) 60 Technology cycles for drilling / milling 61 Pocket milling free contour and islands stock removal cycle 62 Residual material detection 63 Access protection for cycles 64 Programming support can be extended, e.g. customer cycles 65 2D simulation 66 3D simulation, finished part 67 Simultaneous recording 68 JOG 69 Handwheel selection 70 Switchover: inch/metric 71 Automatic 72 Execution from USB or CF card interface on operator panel front 73 Execution from network drive 74 DRF offset 75 Block search with/without calculation 76 Preset 77 Set actual value 78 10.4" color display X 79 15.0" color display 80 Plain text display of user variables 81 OTHERS Operating software languages 82 83 FUNCTIONS Ch_S,Ch_T, En, Fr, Gr, It, Kr, Pt, Sp (Operation, Additional languages, use of language extensions setting 84 & Display, etc) Working area limitation 85 Limit switch monitoring 86 Software and hardware limit switches 87 Remote Control System (RCS) remote diagnostics 88 RCS Host remote diagnostics function 89 RCS Commander (viewer function) 90 Integrated service planner for the monitoring of service intervals 91 Automatic measuring cycles 92 Easy Extend X 93 TRANSMIT / cylinder surface transformation 94 Contour handwheel 95 96 Integrate screens in SINUMERIK Operate with SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens Cross-mode actions (ASUPs and synchronized actions in all operating modes) 24 / 25
기본구조절삭성능 Responding to Customers Anytime, Anywhere 표준 / 옵션현황다이어그램본체 / NC 사양 5 3 122 18 곳곳곳곳 테크니컬센터 : 판매지원, 서비스지원, 부품공급지원 VC 630 /5AX
두산공작기계는판매전후, 고객의니즈에유연하고신속하게대응하여문제를해결하는체계적이고전문적인서비스를제공하고있습니다. 부품공급에서제품교육, 고장수리, 기술지원까지고객이있는전세계어느곳에서나서비스네트워크를통해신속하게만날수있습니다. Customer Support Service 제품상담부터판매후까지 제품의사이클에맞는 다양하고전문적인서비스를통해 고객의비즈니스성공을 지원합니다. (Shanghai) (Yantai) 부품공급 무상부품공급유상부품공급부품수리 필드서비스 순회서비스및설치시운전유 / 무상고장수리정기점검 / 예방정비 기술지원 가공기술지원기술문의 / 회신기술자료지원 2 곳 7 곳 창원본사 / 경인인천, 수원, 대전, 창원, 부산, 대구, 타겟세일즈 6 곳 서울, 안산, 천안, 광주, 진주, 울산 31 사 부품대리점 19 사, 교육 12 사 교육 프로그래밍 / 장비운전교육장비유지관리교육 Application Engineering 26 / 27
VC 630/5AX VC 630/5AX VC 630/5AX with APC r/min 12000 kw FANUC : 22/18.5 Taper ISO#40 7/24 Taper (X / Y / Z) mm 650 / 765 / 520 ea 40 mm Ø630 500 x 500 테이블틸팅 / 회전각도 (A / C) deg A축 : 150, C축 : 360 NC - FANUC 31i-5 1600-4522 055-600-4900 / 02)838-3106~8 055) 280-4488 032)516-5824/5/7 031)238-6803~4 042)632-8020~4 051)319-1700 055)276-0321~3 053)551-1601~2 본카탈로그의제원은성능개선을위해예고없이변경될수있습니다. 자세한제품정보를원하시면, 두산공작기계홈페이지또는가까운두산공작기계지사로연락해주시면상세하게상담받으실수있습니다. 두산공작기계 ( 주 ) 는국내독립투자회사인 MBK 파트너스의계열사이며, 상표는상표권자인 ( 주 ) 두산의라이선스하에사용하고있습니다.