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인문대학 College of Humanities 101. 국어국문학과 Department of Korean Language and Literature < 인문대학주관 > 100.501 300. 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 인문학세미나 (Seminar in Humanities) 1-1-0 101. 국어국문학과 (Department of Korean Language and Literature) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 101.511 한국문학서지연구 (Studies in Korean Literature Bibliography) 3-3-0 101.512 한국고전자료강독 (Readings in Classical Korean Literature) 3-3-0 101.561A 한국현대시연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Poetry) 3-3-0 101.562A 한국현대소설연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Novel) 3-3-0 101.569 한국문학연구방법 (Methods of Research in Korean Literature) 3-3-0 101.603A 한국어문체론 (Korean Stylistics) 3-3-0 101.605A 한국사회언어학 (Korean Sociolinguistics) 3-3-0 101.606A 한국어학연구방법 (Methods of Research in Korean Linguistics) 3-3-0 101.612A 한국텍스트언어학 (Korean Textlinguistics) 3-3-0 101.681 비교문학연습 (Seminar in Comparative Literature) 3-3-0 101.768 외국문학수용사연구 (Studies in Foreign Influence to Korean Literature) 3-3-0 101.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 국어학전공 (Korean Language Major) 101.501A 한국어형태론 (Korean Morphology) 3-3-0 101.502A 한국어통사론 (Korean Syntax) 3-3-0 101.503A 한국어어휘론 (Korean Lexicology) 3-3-0 101.504A 한국어의미론특강 (Topics in Korean Semantics) 3-3-0 101.505A 한국어계통론 (Comparative Studies of Korean) 3-3-0 101.506A 한국어음운론특강 (Topics in Korean Phonology) 3-3-0 101.507A 한국어사특강 (Topics in the History of Korean Language) 3-3-0 101.508A 한국어학사특강 (Topics in the History of Korean Linguistics) 3-3-0 101.509A 한국어학연습 1 (Seminar in Korean Linguistics 1) 3-3-0 101.510A 한국어학연습 2 (Seminar in Korean Linguistics 2) 3-3-0 101.601A 한국어음성학 (Korean Phonetics) 3-3-0 101.602 훈민정음특강 (Topics in Hunminjeongeum) 3-3-0 101.604A 한국어방언학특강 (Topics in Korean Dialectology) 3-3-0 101.607 한국한자음연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Phonology) 3-3-0 101.608A 한국어학서지특강 (Topics in Korean Bibliography) 3-3-0 101.609A 한국어화용론 (Korean Pragmatics) 3-3-0 101.610A 한국어사전학 (Korean Lexicography) 3-3-0 101.703A 중세한국어연구 (Studies in Middle Korean) 3-3-0 101.705A 근대한국어연구 (Studies in Modern Korean) 3-3-0 101.707A 현대한국어연구 (Studies in Current Korean) 3-3-0 101.709A 한국어음운론연습 (Seminar in Korean Phonology) 3-3-0 101.710A 한국어형태론연습 (Seminar in Korean Morphology) 3-3-0 101.711A 한국어통사론연습 (Seminar in Korean Syntax) 3-3-0 101.712A 한국어의미론연습 (Seminar in Korean Semantics) 3-3-0 101.713A 한국어어휘론연습 (Seminar in Korean Lexicology) 3-3-0 101.714A 한국어학사연습 (Seminar in the History of Korean Linguistics) 3-3-0 101.715A 한국어음운사특강 (Topics in the Historical Phonology of Korean) 3-3-0 101.716A 한국어문법사특강 (Topics in the Historical Grammar of Korean) 3-3-0 101.718 한국문자론연습 (Seminar in Korean Writing Systems) 3-3-0 101.720A 고대한국어연구 (Studies in Old Korean) 3-3-0 101.795 세계속의한국어학 (Korean Linguistics in the World) 3-3-0 국문학전공 (Korean Literature Major) 101.563A 한국현대작가론특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Authors) 3-3-0 101.565A 한국현대시인론특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Poets) 3-3-0 101.567 한국한문학연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Prose) 3-3-0 101.568A 한국현대비평론특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 101.653A 구비시가연구 (Studies in Oral Poetry) 3-3-0 101.663 한국한시연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Poetry) 3-3-0 101.664 한국한문연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Prose) 3-3-0 101.668A 한국고전소설연구 (Studies in Korean Classical Poetry) 3-3-0 101.672 한국고전시가연습 (Seminar in Classical Korean Poetry) 3-3-0 101.673 시조가사연구 (Studies in Sijo and Kasa) 3-3-0 101.674A 한국고전시가연구 (Studies in the Korean Classical Poetry) 3-3-0 101.675 향가여요연구 (Studies in Hyangga and Koryokayo) 3-3-0 101.677A 한국구비문학연구 (Studies in Korean Oral Literature) 3-3-0 101.678A 한국현대시론연습 (Seminar in Korean Modern Poetry) 3-3-0 101.679A 한국현대소설론연습 (Seminar in Korean Modern Novel) 3-3-0 101.680A 한국현대희곡론연습 (Seminar in Modern Korea Drama) 3-3-0 101.682A 한국현대비평론연습 (Seminar in Korean Modern Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 101.721 고전장편소설연구 (Studies in Classical Novels) 3-3-0 101.753A 설화문학연구 (Studies in the Literature of Tales) 3-3-0 101.765A 한국현대시사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Modern Poetry) 3-3-0 101.766A 한국현대소설사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Modern Novel) 3-3-0 101.770A 한국현대비평사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Modern Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 101.774A 한국고전문학과세계문학 (Korean Classical Literature & World) 3-3-0-149 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 102. 중어중문학과 Department of Chinese Language and Literature 101.775 한국고전산문연습 (Seminar in Korean Classical Prose) 3-3-0 101.779A 한국문학사연구 (Studies in Korean Literary History) 3-3-0 101.783A 고전단편소설연구 (Studies in Classical Short Stories) 3-3-0 101.784A 한국현대시론연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Poetry) 3-3-0 101.785A 한국현대시인연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Poets) 3-3-0 101.786A 한국현대소설론연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Novel) 3-3-0 101.787A 한국현대작가연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Authors) 3-3-0 101.788A 한국현대문학사연구 (Studies in History of Korean Modern Literature) 3-3-0 101.790A 동아시아고전산문연습 (Seminar in East Asian Classical Prose) 3-3-0 101.791 한국고전작가론연습 (Seminar in Korean Classical Author Theory) 3-3-0 101.792 한국고전작품론연습 (Seminar in Classical Korean Literary Works) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음. 102. 중어중문학과 (Department of Chinese Language and Literature) 102.615 중국시가연구 (Studies in Chinese Poetry) 3-3-0 102.617 중국희곡연구 (Studies in Chinese Drama) 3-3-0 102.618 중국산문연구 (Studies in Chinese Prose) 3-3-0 102.619A 중국고전문학이론연습 (Seminar in Theories of Literature in Pre-Modern China) 3-3-0 102.623 경서연구 (Studies in Confucian Classics) 3-3-0 102.643 중국문학사연습 (Seminar in History of Chinese Literature) 3-3-0 102.646 중국현대문학연습 (Seminar in Modern Chinese Literature) 3-3-0 102.647 중국어학연습 (Seminar in Chinese Linguistics) 3-3-0 102.648A 중국사곡연구 (Studies in Chinese Ci Poetry & Sanqu Literature) 3-3-0 102.653A 중국현대문학이론연습 (Studies in Chinese Ci Poetry & Sanqu Literature) 3-3-0 102.655A 중국어어법연습 (Seminar in Chinese Grammar) 3-3-0 102.656 중국어음운론연구 (Studies in Chinese Phonological Theories) 3-3-0 102.657 중국문자학연구 (Studies in Chinese Characters) 3-3-0 102.660 제자백가연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Hundred Schools) 3-3-0 102.661 중국어의미론연구 (Studies in Chinese Semantics) 3-3-0 102.664 중국고문법연구 (Studies in Classical Chinese Grammar) 3-3-0 102.665A 중국문헌학연습 (Seminar in Chinese Philology) 3-3-0-150 - 102.667 중국소설연습 (Seminar in Chinese Traditional Novel) 3-3-0 102.670 중국고전문학연습 (Seminar in Classical Chinese Literature) 3-3-0 102.671 중국강창연구 (Studies in the Oral Performance Arts of China) 3-3-0 102.672 중국소설연구 (Studies in Chinese Traditional Novel) 3-3-0 102.673 중국사부연구 (Studies in Chuci & Hanfu Literature) 3-3-0 102.674 선진문헌연구 (Studies ontexts of Pre-Qin Period) 3-3-0 102.675 양한위진남북조문학연구 (Studies on Literatures of Han-Six Dynasties Period) 3-3-0 102.676 당송문학연구 (Studies on Literaturesof Tang Song Dynasties Period) 3-3-0 102.677 원명청문학연구 (Studies on Literatures of Yuan Ming Qing Dynasty) 3-3-0 102.678 중국근대문학연구 (Studies onliteratures in Modern China) 3-3-0 102.679 중국현대문학연구 (Studies on Literatures in Contemporary China) 3-3-0 102.680 현대중국어어법연구 (Studies in Modern Chinese Grammar) 3-3-0 102.681 한중문학교류연구 (Studies in Intercommunication of Literature between China & Korea) 3-3-0 102.682 중국문학연구방법론연습 (Seminar in Research Methodology of Chinese Literature) 3-3-0 102.683 중국어학연구방법론연습 (Seminar in Research Methodology of Chinese Linguistics) 3-3-0 102.684 중국어교육방법론연습 (Seminar in Educational Methodology of Chinese Language) 3-3-0 102.685 중국문헌전제연습 (Topics on Chinese Texts) 3-3-0 102.686 중국고대의문화, 지식, 텍스트 (Culture, Knowledge and Textsin Ancient China) 3-3-0 102.687 중국문화의원형과변용 (Archetype of Chinese Culture and its Transformation) 3-3-0 102.688 중국문학의사회적기제 (Social Mechanism of Chinese Literary Tradition) 3-3-0 102.689 중국어와중국인의사유형식 (Chinese Language and the Way of Thinking) 3-3-0 102.690 중국어의역사적변천 (Historical Change of Chinese Language) 3-3-0 102.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 103. 영어영문학과 (Department of English Language and Literature) 103.502 영미문학연구론 (Bibliography and Research Methodology) 3-3-0 103.601 고대중세영어 (Old and Middle English) 3-3-0 103.603 영어사 (History of English Language) 3-3-0 103.605 영어음운론 (English Phonology) 3-3-0 103.606 영어통사론 (English Syntax) 3-3-0 103.608 영어의미론 (English Semantics) 3-3-0 103.614 영어형태론 (English Morphology) 3-3-0

인문대학 College of Humanities 104. 불어불문학과 Department of French Language and Literature 103.615 르네상스영시 (English Renaissance Poetry) 3-3-0 103.617A 19세기영국시 (19th-Century English Poetry) 3-3-0 103.618 현대영미시 (Modern English and American Poetry) 3-3-0 103.621A 현대영국소설 (Modern English Novel) 3-3-0 103.622 현대미국소설 (Modern American Novel) 3-3-0 103.625A 현대영미희곡 (Modern English and American Drama) 3-3-0 103.626A 셰익스피어 (Shakespeare) 3-3-0 103.627B 문학비평이론 1(Literary Theory 1) 3-3-0 103.630A 미국시 (American Poetry) 3-3-0 103.631A 중세영문학 (Medieval English Literature) 3-3-0 103.635 대학영어교육 (College English Education) 3-3-0 103.648 영어학연습 (Seminar in English Linguistics) 3-3-0 103.653 근대영어 (Modern English) 3-3-0 103.657A 18세기영국소설 (18th-Century English Novel) 3-3-0 103.658A 19세기영국소설 (19th-Century English Novel) 3-3-0 103.659A 19세기미국소설 (19th-Century American Novel) 3-3-0 103.661 영문법연습 (Seminar in English Grammar) 3-3-0 103.672 영어사연구 (Studies in History of the English Language) 3-3-0 103.676 르네상스영문학 (English Renaissance Literature) 3-3-0 103.677 18세기영국문학 (18th-Century English Literature) 3-3-0 103.678 19세기영국문학 (19th-Century English Literature) 3-3-0 103.679 20세기영국문학 (20th-Century English Literature) 3-3-0 103.680 19세기미국문학 (American Literature up to 1900) 3-3-0 103.681 20세기미국문학 (20th-Century American Literature) 3-3-0 103.682 최근영미소설 (Contemporary English and American Novel) 3-3-0 103.685 영미문학특강 4(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 4) 3-3-0 103.686 문학비평이론 2(Literary Theory 2) 3-3-0 103.673 영미문학특강 1(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 1) 3-3-0 103.674 영미문학특강 2(Topics and Issues in English and 103.675 American Literature 2) 3-3-0 영미문학특강 3(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 3) 3-3-0 103.701 영어영문학연구방법 1 (Research Methods in English Studies 1) 3-3-0 103.702 영어영문학연구방법 2 (Research Methods in English Studies 2) 3-3-0 103.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of English Language and Literature) 전공지도교수추천에의해학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함. 104. 불어불문학과 (Department of French Language and Literature) 104.602 불어사연구 (Studies in the History of French) 3-3-0 104.607 불어통사론 (French Syntax) 3-3-0 104.608 불어의미론 (French Semantics) 3-3-0 104.610 현대불어학특강 (Topics in Modern French Linguistics) 3-3-0 104.611 불어학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in French Linguistics) 3-3-0 104.622 19세기불문학비평연구 (Studies in the 19th Century French Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 104.627 현대불문학비평연구 (Studies in Modern French Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 104.641 프랑스르네상스문학연구 (Studies in French Literature of Renaissance) 3-3-0 104.642 프랑스바로크문학연구 (Studies in Baroque French Literature) 3-3-0 104.643 프랑스실존주의연구 (Studies in French Existentialism) 3-3-0 104.644 현대문화와불문학 (Comtemporary Culture and French Literature) 3-3-0 104.645 프랑스낭만주의연구 (Studies in French Romanticism) 3-3-0 104.646 프랑스상징주의연구 (Studies in French Symbolism) 3-3-0 104.647 프랑스사실주의연구 (Studies in French Realism) 3-3-0 104.650 현대프랑스소설연구 (Studies in Modern French Novel) 3-3-0 104.651 현대프랑스희곡연구 (Studies in Modern French Drama) 3-3-0 104.652 17세기프랑스작가연구 (Studies in 17th Century French Authors) 3-3-0 104.653 프랑스고전주의연구 (Studies in French Classicism) 3-3-0 104.654 18세기프랑스작가연구 (Studies in 18th Century French Authors) 3-3-0 104.655 프랑스초현실주의연구 (Studies in French Surrealism) 3-3-0 104.656 현대프랑스시연구 (Studies in Modern French Poetry) 3-3-0 104.702 구조주의언어학특강 (Topics in Structuralist Linguistics) 3-3-0 104.703 불어학사특강 (Topics in the History of French Linguistics) 3-3-0 104.705 중세불문학연구 (Studies in Medieval French Literature) 3-3-0 104.711 불어화용론특강 (Topics in French Pragmatics) 3-3-0 104.713 담화분석연구 (Studies on Discourse Analysis) 3-3-0 104.716 불어어휘론 (French Lexicology) 3-3-0 104.717A 현대불어문법이론 (Contemporary Theories of French Grammar) 3-3-0 104.719 불어권문학연구 (Studies in Francophonic Literature) 3-3-0 104.723 불어번역학연구 (Studies in French Translation Theory) 3-3-0 104.725 프랑스계몽사상연구 (Studies in French Enlightenment) 3-3-0 104.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0-151 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 105. 독어독문학과 Department of German Language and Literature (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of French Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음. 105. 독어독문학과 (Department of German Language and Literature) 105.601 독문법이론 (Theories of German Grammar) 3-3-0 105.603 독어화용론 (German Pragmatics) 3-3-0 105.607 독어음운론연구 (Studies in German Phonology) 3-3-0 105.608 독어통사론연구 (Studies in German Syntax) 3-3-0 105.610 독어문체론연구 (Studies in German Stylistics) 3-3-0 105.618 괴테연습 (Seminar in Goethe) 3-3-0 105.620 19세기독문학특강 (Topics in the 19th Century German Literature) 3-3-0 105.630 현대독문학비평 (Modern German Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 105.638 독문학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in German Literature) 3-3-0 105.642 독어형태론연구 (Studies in German Morphology) 3-3-0 105.646 중고독어연습 (Seminar in Middle High German) 3-3-0 105.648 독어발달사 (History of German Language) 3-3-0 105.649 독일아방가르드문학 (Avangardism in German Literature) 3-3-0 105.650 20세기독일시연구 (Studies in the 20th Century German Poetry) 3-3-0 105.651 독일리얼리즘과모더니즘문학 (Realism and Modernism in German Literature) 3-3-0 105.654 현대독문학연습 (Seminar in Modern German Literature) 3-3-0 105.655 독일작가연습 (Seminar in Major German Writers) 3-3-0 105.656 독어학연구방법연습 (Seminar in Methods of Research in German Linguistics) 3-3-0 105.657 독어학연습 (Seminar in German Linguistics) 3-3-0 105.660 독일문예학연습 (Seminar in German Literaturwissenschaft) 3-3-0 105.661 독일고전주의문학연구 (Studies in German Classicism) 3-3-0 105.662 독일낭만주의문학연구 (Studies in German Romanticism) 3-3-0 105.664 독일자연주의문학연구 (Studies in German Naturalism) 3-3-0 105.665 독일표현주의문학연구 (Studies in German Expressionism) 3-3-0 105.667 독일연극및이론연구 (Studies in German Theatre and Its Theories) 3-3-0 105.668 독일소설및이론연구 (Studies in German Novel and Its Theories) 3-3-0 105.669 현대독일소설연구 (Studies in Modern German Novel) 3-3-0 105.670 독일희곡연구 (Studies in German Drama) 3-3-0 105.671 독일문학과번역 (German Literature and Translation) 3-3-0 105.672 독일시및이론 (German Poetry and Its Theories) 3-3-0-152 - 105.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of German Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음. 106. 노어노문학과 (Department of Russian Language and Literature) 106.611 고대교회슬라브어 (Old Church Slavic) 3-3-0 106.634 러시아모더니즘문학 (Russian Modernism) 3-3-0 106.645 현대러시아문법연구 1(Studies in Modern Russian Grammar 1) 3-3-0 106.646 현대러시아문법연구 2(Studies in Modern Russian Grammar 2) 3-3-0 106.647 러시아어형태통사론 (Russian Morphosyntax) 3-3-0 106.648 러시아어음운론 (Russian Phonology) 3-3-0 106.649 러시아어역사언어학 (Russian Historical Linguistics) 3-3-0 106.650 러시아어통사론특강 (Topics in Russian Syntax) 3-3-0 106.653 러시아어형태론특강 (Topics in Russian Morphology) 3-3-0 106.654 러시아문학방법론 (Bibliography and Method of Russian Literature) 3-3-0 106.661 러시아어학연습 (Seminar in Russian Linguistics) 3-3-0 106.662 러시아어문체론연습 (Seminar in Russian Stylistics) 3-3-0 106.663 현대러시아어학이론연습 (Seminar in Modern Russian Theoretical Linguistics) 3-3-0 106.670 19세기러시아문학연습 (Seminar in 19th Century Russian Literature) 3-3-0 106.671 20세기러시아문학연습 (Seminar in 20th Century Russian Literature) 3-3-0 106.672 러시아소설연습 (Seminar in Russian Novel) 3-3-0 106.673 러시아시연습 (Seminar in Russian Poetry) 3-3-0 106.674 러시아희곡연습 (Seminar in Russian Drama) 3-3-0 106.708 러시아고전주의문학연구 (Studies in Russian Classicism) 3-3-0 106.709 러시아낭만주의문학연구 (Studies in Russian Romanticism) 3-3-0 106.710 러시아사실주의문학연구 (Studies in Russian Realism) 3-3-0 106.714 소비에트문학연구 (Studies in Soviet Literature) 3-3-0 106.731 러시아문학작가연습 (Seminar in Russian Major Authors) 3-3-0 106.732 러시아문학작품연습 (Seminar in Russian Major Works) 3-3-0 106.733 러시아문학비평론연습 (Seminar in Russian Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 106.734 러시아문학특강 (Topics in Russian Literature) 3-3-0 106.735 제2슬라브문학연습 (Seminar in the Second Slavic Literature) 3-3-0 106.736 러시아문학작품론연구 (Studies in Russian Major Works) 3-3-0 106.737 러시아문학작가론연구 (Studies in Russian Major Authors) 3-3-0

인문대학 College of Humanities 107. 서어서문학과 Department of Hispanic Language and Literature 106.738 러시아문학비평론연구 (Studies in Russian Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 106.739 러시아문학사조론연습 (Seminar in Russian Literary Trends) 3-3-0 106.740 러시아문학쟝르론연구 (Studies in Russian Literary Genres) 3-3-0 106.741 러시아어의미론 (Russian Semantics) 3-3-0 106.742 러시아어학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Russian Linguistics) 3-3-0 106.743 러시아문법이론 (Theories in Russian Grammar) 3-3-0 106.744 러시아어사특강 (Topics in History of Russian Language) 3-3-0 106.745 고대러시아문학 (Old Russian Literature) 3-3-0 106.746 18세기러시아문학연구 (Studies in the 18th Century Russian Literature) 3-3-0 106.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Russian Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 학과내규에의한과목이수지침을따라야함. 107. 서어서문학과 (Department of Hispanic Language and Literature) 107.507 스페인어통사론 (Spanish Syntax) 3-3-0 107.508 스페인어형태론 (Spanish Morphology) 3-3-0 107.509 스페인어의미론 (Spanish Semantics) 3-3-0 107.515 스페인바로크문학연구 (Studies in the Spanish Baroque Literature) 3-3-0 107.523 중남미현대소설 (Modern Hispanic American Novel) 3-3-0 107.528 스페인어학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Spanish Linguistics) 3-3-0 107.530 스페인어화용론 (Spanish Pragmatics) 3-3-0 107.534 현대스페인소설연구 (Studies in Modern Spanish Novel) 3-3-0 107.537 스페인문학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Spanish Literature) 3-3-0 107.540 중남미모더니즘문학연구 (Studies in the Hispanic-American Modernism) 3-3-0 107.541 현대중남미산문 (Modern Hispanic-American Prose) 3-3-0 107.543 중남미문학연습 (Seminar in Hispanic-American Literature) 3-3-0 107.544 중남미문학특강 (Topics in Hispanic-American Literature) 3-3-0 107.549 현대스페인어학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Spanish Linguistics) 3-3-0 107.550 스페인문학비평연습 (Seminar in Spanish Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 107.551 스페인문학비평방법론 (Methods of Research in Spanish Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 107.552 중남미문학비평방법론 (Methods of Research in Hispanic-America Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 107.554 스페인어학술작문연습 (Seminar in Academic Writing in Spanish) 3-3-0 107.555 중남미작가론 (Seminar in Hispanic American Authors) 3-3-0 107.562 스페인어대조언어학 (Spanish Contrastive Linguistics) 3-3-0 107.563 스페인어접촉현상연구 (Studies in Spanish Language Contact) 3-3-0 107.564 스페인어학이론과교수법 (Spanish Linguistic Theory and Method of Teaching) 3-3-0 107.565 문화현상으로서의스페인어 (Spanish as Cultural Phenomena) 3-3-0 107.556 스페인어번역특강 (Topics in Spanish Translation) 3-3-0 107.571 라티노문학연구 (Studies in Latino Literature) 3-3-0 107.572 라티노문화연구 (Studies in Latino Culture) 3-3-0 107.573 마술적사실주의와환상문학 (Magical Realism and Fantastic Literature) 3-3-0 107.574 라틴아메리카붐소설연구 (Studies in Latin American 107.575 Boom Novels) 3-3-0 라틴아메리카여성주의문학 (Latin American Feminist Literature) 3-3-0 107.581 스페인사실주의문학연구 (Studies in Spanish Realism) 3-3-0 107.582 스페인황금세기연극론 (Spanish Golden Age Theatre) 3-3-0 107.583 스페인내전과전후문학 (Spanish Post-War Literature) 3-3-0 107.584 20 세기초스페인문학 (Early 20th Century Spanish Literature) 3-3-0 107.585 세르반테스와스페인르네상스문학 (Cervantes and Spanish Renaissance Literature) 3-3-0 107.586 현대스페인문화연구 (Studies on Contemporary Spanish Culture) 3-3-0 107.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Hispanic Language and Literature) 학과내규에따름. 학과내규에따름. 108. 언어학과 (Department of Linguistics) 108.518 음성학연구 1(Studies in Phonetics 1) 3-3-0 108.519 음운론연구 1(Studies in Phonology 1) 3-3-0 108.520 통사론연구 1(Studies in Syntax 1) 3-3-0 108.521 의미론연구 1(Studies in Semantics 1) 3-3-0 108.522 역사비교언어학연구 1(Studies in Historical Comparative Linguistics 1) 3-3-0 108.523A 실험음성학연구 (Studies in Experimental Phonetics) 3-3-0 108.525A 알타이어학연구 (Studies in Altaic Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.526A 인구어학연구 (Studies in Indo-European Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.527A 문헌학연습 (Seminar in Philology) 3-3-0 108.528 사회언어학연구 (Studies in Social Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.530 언어이론연습 (Seminar in Linguistic Theory) 3-3-0 108.532A 음성학연습 (Seminar in Phonetics) 3-3-0 108.534 통사의미론연습 1 (Seminar in Syntax & Semantics 1) 3-3-0-153 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 109. 국사학과 Department of Korean History 108.535A 컴퓨터언어학연구 1 (Computational Linguistics 1) 3-3-0 108.536A 컴퓨터언어학연구 2 (Computational Linguistics 2) 3-3-0 108.537 언어학의수리적기초 (Mathematical Background for Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.538 특수언어연습 1 (Seminar in Individual Languages 1) 3-3-0 108.539 특수언어연습 2 (Seminar in Individual Languages 2) 3-3-0 108.611 화용론연구 (Studies in Pragmatics) 3-3-0 108.612 방언학연구 (Studies in Dialectology) 3-3-0 108.613 언어학사연구 (Studies in History of Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.619 심리언어학연구 (Studies in Psycholinguistics) 3-3-0 108.620 음운론연습 (Seminar in Phonology) 3-3-0 108.625A 음성언어처리연구 1(Studies in Spoken Language Processing 1) 3-3-0 108.626 음성언어처리연구 2(Studies in Spoken Language Processing 2) 3-3-0 108.703 형태론연구 (Studies in Morphology) 3-3-0 108.716 음성학연구 2(Studies in Phonetics 2) 3-3-0 108.717 음운론연구 2(Studies in Phonology 2) 3-3-0 108.718 통사론연구 2(Studies in Syntax 2) 3-3-0 108.719 108.720 의미론연구 2(Studies in Semantics 2) 3-3-0 역사비교언어학연구 2(Studies in Historical Comparative Linguistics 2) 3-3-0 108.725A 역사비교언어학연습 (Seminar in Historical Comparative Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.727 언어유형론연구 (Studies in Linguistic Typology) 3-3-0 108.730 통사의미론연습 2 (Seminar in Syntax & Semantics 2) 3-3-0 108.732 컴퓨터언어학연습 (Seminar in Computational Linguistics) 3-3-0 108.733 음성언어처리연습 (Seminar in Spoken Language Processing) 3-3-0 108.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Linguistics) 학과내규에따름. 1 학과내규에따름. 2 타학과개설과목중은석사과정 6 학점, 박사과정 9 학점이내로제한함. 109. 국사학과 (Department of Korean History) 109.601 한국고대사연구 (Studies in Ancient History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.602 한국중세사연구 (Studies in Medieval History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.604 한국근대사연구 (Studies in Modern History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.605 한국현대사연구 (Studies in Contemporary History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.610 한국금석문연구 (Studies in Korean Epigraphy) 3-3-0 109.613 한국사회사연구 (Studies in Korean Social History) 3-3-0 109.614 한국신분제도사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Social Stratification) 3-3-0 109.618 한국대외관계사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Foreign Relations) 3-3-0 109.625 한국민족기원론 (Origin of Korean People) 3-3-0 109.626 한국고대국가의형성 (Formation of Ancient State in Korea) 3-3-0 109.627 한국고대문화론 (Ancient Culture of Korea) 3-3-0 109.649 한국고대사특강 (Topics in Ancient History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.650 한국중세사특강 (Topics in Medieval History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.653 한국불교사특강 (Topics in History of Korean Buddhism) 3-3-0 109.654 한국유교사특강 (Topics in History of Korean Confucianism) 3-3-0 109.655 조선전기정치사연구 (Studies in Political History of Early Choson) 3-3-0 109.656 조선후기정치사연구 (Studies in Political History of Late Choson) 3-3-0 109.657 조선후기사상사연구 (Studies in Intellectual History of Late Choson) 3-3-0 109.658 한국근대사상사연구 (Studies in Intellectual History of Modern Korea) 3-3-0 109.659 한국중세사학사연구 (Studies in Traditional Korean Historiography) 3-3-0 109.660 한국근대사학사연구 (Studies in Modern Korean Historiography) 3-3-0 109.661 조선후기사회변동연구 (Studies in Social Change of Late Choson) 3-3-0 109.662 한국독립운동사연구 (Studies in History of National Independence Movements) 3-3-0 109.663 한국사회운동사 (History of Social Movement in Korea) 3-3-0 109.664 한국예술사연구 (Studies in History of Korean Arts) 3-3-0 109.666 고려시대사연습 (Seminar in Koryo Period) 3-3-0 109.671 고려정치사연구 (Studies in Political History in Koryo Dynasty) 3-3-0 109.672 한국사와동북아시아 (Korean History and North-Eastern Asia) 3-3-0 109.673 한국친족제도사연구 (Studies in Kinship in Korean History) 3-3-0 109.677 규장각자료연습 (Seminar in Kyujanggak Collection) 3-3-0 109.678 한국과학사연습 (Seminar in History of Korean Science) 3-3-0 109.680 한국경제사연구 (Studies in Korean Economic History) 3-3-0 109.681 한국근세사연구 (Studies in Early-modern History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.682 한국근세사특강 (Topics in Early-modern History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.683 한국근대사특강 (Topics in Modern History of Korea) 3-3-0 109.684 한국현대사특강 (Topics in Contemporary Korean History) 3-3-0 109.685 한국고문서연구 (Studies in Korean Palaeography) 3-3-0 109.686 한국사시대구분론 (The Periodization of Korean History) 3-3-0 109.688 한국사자료조사연구 (Studies in Research of Korean Historical Materials) 3-3-0 109.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0-154 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 111. 동양사학과 Department of Asian History (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean History) 학과내규에인정하는과목 해당사항없음. 111. 동양사학과 (Department of Asian History) 111.603 진한시대사연구 (Studies in Qin-Han Dynasties) 3-3-0 111.604 중국남북조시대사연구 (Studies in History of Nan-Bei-Chao Period in China) 3-3-0 111.607 명대사연구 (Studies in Ming China) 3-3-0 111.608 청대사연구 (Studies in Qing China) 3-3-0 111.612 동양사회경제사연구 (Studies in Socio-Economic History of Asia) 3-3-0 111.613 중국문화사연구 (Studies in Cultural History of China) 3-3-0 111.614 중국사학사연구 (Studies in Chinese Historiography) 3-3-0 111.616 중국정치제도사연구 (Studies in Political Institutions of China) 3-3-0 111.618 중국신사층연구 (Studies in Chinese Gentry) 3-3-0 111.619 중국토지제도사연구 (Studies in the Evolution of Land-Ownership in China) 3-3-0 111.621 동아시아국제관계사연구 (Studies in History of East Asian International Relation) 3-3-0 111.622 동서교류사연구 (Studies in East-West Relations in Pre-Modern Era) 3-3-0 111.624 정복왕조사연구 (Studies in Conquest Dynasties) 3-3-0 111.626 월남사연구 (Studies in Vietnamese History) 3-3-0 111.630 명치유신사연구 (Studies in Meiji Restoration) 3-3-0 111.632 일본사상사연구 (Studies in Intellectual History of Japan) 3-3-0 111.633 일본봉건사회사연구 (Studies in Japanese Feudal Society) 3-3-0 111.640 원대사연구 (Studies in Yuan China) 3-3-0 111.647 중국선진사연구 (Studies in History of Pre-Qin China) 3-3-0 111.650 동아시아고대사연습 (Seminar in Ancient History of East Asia) 3-3-0 111.651 동아시아중세사연습 (Seminar in Medieval History of East Asia) 3-3-0 111.652 동아시아근세사연습 (Seminar in Early Modern History of East Asia) 3-3-0 111.653 동아시아현대사연습 (Seminar in Contemporary History of East Asia) 3-3-0 111.656 중앙아시아사연습 (Seminar in Central Asian History) 3-3-0 111.657 동남아시아사연습 (Seminar in South-East Asian History) 3-3-0 111.658 이슬람문명사연습 (Seminar in Islamic Civilization) 3-3-0 111.659 일본현대사연습 (Seminar in Contemporary History of Japan) 3-3-0 111.660 일본사회사연습 (Seminar in Japanese Social History) 3-3-0 111.661 중동사회사연구 (Studies in Social History of the Middle East) 3-3-0 111.662 오스만제국사연구 (Studies in Ottoman History) 3-3-0-155 - 111.671 복사와금문연구 (Studies on the Oracle Bone and Bronze Inscription) 3-3-0 111.672 중화민국사연구 (Studies in Republican China) 3-3-0 111.673 중국공산주의운동사연구 (Studies in History of Chinese Communist Movement) 3-3-0 111.674 수당시대사연구 (Studies in State and Society in Sui and Tang Period) 3-3-0 111.675 근대중국의개혁과혁명의연구 (Studies in Reform and Revolution in Modern Chinese History) 3-3-0 111.676 동양사상사연습 (Seminar in Intellectual History of Asia) 3-3-0 111.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Asian History) 학과내규에인정하는과목 비본과출신대학원진학자는학부전공과목중동양사학연구지도 (111.404) 를수강하고, 동양사세미나 (111.332) 혹은동양사특강 (111.327) 중한과목을이수하여야한다. 112. 서양사학과 (Department of Western History) 112.632 영국사연습 (Seminar in British History) 3-3-0 112.633 미국사연습 (Seminar in American History) 3-3-0 112.634 독일사연습 (Seminar in German History) 3-3-0 112.635 프랑스사연습 (Seminar in French History) 3-3-0 112.636A 러시아사연습 (Seminar in Russian History) 3-3-0 112.645 동유럽사연습 (Seminar in History of Eastern Europe) 3-3-0 112.648 여성사연구 (Studies in Women's History) 3-3-0 112.654 서양중세사연구 (Studies in Medieval European History) 3-3-0 112.657 서양근대사연습 (Seminar in Modern European History) 3-3-0 112.658 서양근대사연구 (Studies in Modern European History) 3-3-0 112.659 영국사연구 (Studies in English History) 3-3-0 112.660 미국사연구 (Studies in American History) 3-3-0 112.664 서양현대사연습 (Seminar in Contemporary European History) 3-3-0 112.665 서양현대사연구 (Studies in Contemporary European History) 3-3-0 112.671 서양중세사연습 (Seminar in Medieval European History) 3-3-0 112.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Western History) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음. 113. 철학과 (Department of Philosophy) 113A. 동양철학전공 (Oriental Philosophy Major) 113.512 동양철학방법론연구 (Studies in Oriental Philosophical Methodology) 3-3-0

인문대학 College of Humanities 114. 종교학과 Department of Religious Studies 113.513 동양철학방법론연습 (Seminar in Oriental Philosophical Methodology) 3-3-0 113.520 한국성리학연구 (Studies in Korean Neo-Confucian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.521 한국불교철학연구 (Studies in Korean Buddhist Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.522 한국근대철학연구 (Studies in Modern Korean Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.523 한국근대철학연습 (Seminar in Modern Korean Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.530 중국불교철학연구 (Studies in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.532 중국선진고전연습 (Seminar in Classics of Pre-Qin China) 3-3-0 113.533 성리학연구 (Studies in Neo-Confucian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.534 유가철학연습 (Seminar in Confucian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.535 중국선진고전연구 (Studies in Classics of Pre-Qin China) 3-3-0 113.536 도가철학연습 (Seminar in Taoist Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.538 성리학연습 (Seminar in Neo-Confucian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.539 유가철학연구 (Studies in Confucian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.540 인도철학연구 (Studies in Indian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.541 인도철학연습 (Seminar in Indian Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.605 중국근대철학연습 (Seminar in Modern Chinese Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.608 한국성리학연습 (Seminar in Korean Neo-Confucianism) 3-3-0 113.613 중국불교철학연습 (Seminar in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.617 한국불교철학연습 (Seminar in Korean Buddhist Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 113B. 서양철학전공 (Western Philosophy Major) 113.508 서양중세철학연습 (Seminar in Medieval Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.509 철학사연습 (Seminar in History of Philosophy) 1-1-0 113.514 역사철학연습 (Seminar in Historical of Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.542 비교철학연습 (Seminar in Comparatie Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.554 서양현대철학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.555 인식론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Knowledge) 3-3-0 113.556 존재론연습 (Seminar in Ontology) 3-3-0 113.557 형이상학연습 (Seminar in Metaphysics) 3-3-0 113.559 윤리학연습 (Seminar in Ethical Theory) 3-3-0 113.560 사회철학연습 (Seminar in Social Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.562 논리철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Logic) 3-3-0 113.563 언어철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Language) 3-3-0 113.572 문화철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Culture) 3-3-0 113.573 문화철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Culture) 3-3-0 113.574A 철학적방법론연습 (Seminar in Philosophical Methodology) 2-2-0 113.575 서양고대철학연습 (Seminar in Ancient Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.576 서양근세철학연습 (Seminar in Modern Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.577 심리철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Mind) 3-3-0 113.578 심리철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Mind) 3-3-0 113.751 서양고대철학연구 (Studies in Ancient Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.753 서양근세철학연구 (Studies in Modern Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.754 서양현대철학연구 (Studies in Contemporary Western Philosophy) 3-3-0 113.755 인식론연구 (Studies in Theory of Knowledge) 3-3-0 113.757 형이상학연구 (Studies in Metaphysics) 3-3-0 113.759 윤리학연구 (Studies in Ethical Theory) 3-3-0 113.764 언어철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Language) 3-3-0 113.766 과학철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Science) 3-3-0 113.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Philosophy) 학과내규로인정하는과목 타교, 타과에서본과석사과정에서진학한학생들은철학과학생지도위원회가개별심사하여부과하는학부의전공필수과목을선수과목으로이수하여야하며, 선수과목 B 0 이상의성적에대하여이수로인정함. 114. 종교학과 (Department of Religious Studies) 114.601 유대교연구 (Studies in Jewish Tradition) 3-3-0 114.651A 종교학연습 1 (Proseminar in the Science of Religion 1) 3-3-0 114.657 민족종교연구 (Studies in Ethnic Religions) 3-3-0 114.658 샤머니즘연구 (Studies in Shamanism) 3-3-0 114.722 종교학연습 2 (Proseminar in the Science of Religion 2) 3-3-0 114.665 종교와사회연구 (Studies in Religion and Society) 3-3-0 114.671 종교철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Religion) 3-3-0 114.681 교학연구 (Studies in Buddhist Doctrines) 3-3-0 114.685 동양종교문헌연구 (Studies in Eastern Religious Texts) 3-3-0 114.687 한국종교연구 (Studies in Korean Religions) 3-3-0 114.689 한국불교연구 (Studies Buddhism in Korea) 3-3-0 114.690 한국기독교연구 (Studies in Christianity in Korea) 3-3-0 114.692 기독교사상사연구 (Studies in the History of Christian Thought) 3-3-0 114.693 도교사연구 (Studies in the History of Taoism) 3-3-0 114.695 신화와세계관연구 (Studies in Myth and Worldview) 3-3-0 114.696 인도종교연구 (Studies in Indian Religion) 3-3-0 114.699 유교경전연구 (Studies in Confucian Classics) 3-3-0-156 -

인문대학 Courses for Humanities 115. 미학과 Department of Aesthetics 114.701A 기독교경전연구 (Studies in Christian Canons) 3-3-0 114.702 한국유교연구 (Studies in Confucianism in Korea) 3-3-0 114.703 비교종교학연습 (Seminar in the Comparative Study of Religions) 3-3-0 114.706 종교학고전연구 (Studies in the Classics of Religious Studies) 3-3-0 114.707 서양종교문헌연구 (Studies in Western Religious Texts) 3-3-0 114.708 불교사연습 (Seminar in Buddhist History) 3-3-0 114.709 불교문헌연습 (Seminar in Buddhist Classics) 3-3-0 114.711 종교의례연구 (Studies in Religious Rituals) 3-3-0 114.712 현대종교변동연구 (Studies in Transformation of Religion in Modern Society) 3-3-0 114.713 현대종교이론연구 (Studies in Contemporary Theories of Religious Studies) 3-3-0 114.714 종교와문화연습 (Seminar in Religion and Culture) 3-3-0 114.715A 이슬람교연구 (Studies in Islam) 3-3-0 114.716 한국종교학사연구 (Studies in History of Religious Studies in Korea) 3-3-0 114.717A 종교현상학연습 (Seminar in Phenomenology of Religion) 3-3-0 114.718 종교사연구 (Studies in the History of Religion) 3-3-0 114.719 종교실태조사 (Field Researches of Religion) 3-3-0 114.720 종교사상연구 (Studies in Religious Thoughts) 3-3-0 114.721 한국종교문헌연구 (Studies in Korean Religious Texts) 3-3-0 114.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Religious Studies) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음. 115. 미학과 (Department of Aesthetics) 115.501 미학사연습 1 (Seminar in History of Aesthetics 1) 3-3-0 115.504 현대미학연습 1 (Seminar in Contemporary Aesthetics 1) 3-3-0 115.507 미술사론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Art History) 3-3-0 115.509 음악사론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Music History) 3-3-0 115.511 고대미학사상연구 (Studies in Ancient Aesthetic Thoughts) 3-3-0 115.601 미학사연습 2 (Seminar in History of Aesthetics 2) 3-3-0 115.603 현대미학연습 2 (Seminar in Contemporary Aesthetics 2) 3-3-0 115.612 미술양식론연구 (Studies in Theory of Style in Art) 3-3-0 115.613 미술비평사연구 (Studies in History of Art Criticism) 3-3-0 115.615 음악사상사연구 (Studies in History of Music Ideas) 3-3-0 115.617 음악비평사연구 (Studies in History of Music Criticism) 3-3-0 115.623 예술철학연습 1 (Seminar in Philosophy of Art 1) 3-3-0 115.624 예술철학연습 2 (Seminar in Philosophy of Art 2) 3-3-0 115.626 예술학연습 (Seminar in Science of Arts) 3-3-0 115.634 중국미학사연구 1(Studies in History of Chinese Aesthetics 1) 3-3-0 115.635 중국미학사연구 2(Studies in History of Chinese Aesthetics 2) 3-3-0 115.636 중국미학사상연습 (Seminar in Chinese Aesthetic Thoughts) 3-3-0 115.637 중국예술론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Chinese Arts) 3-3-0 115.638 현대미학연구 1 (Studies in Modern Aesthetics 1) 3-3-0 115.639 현대미학연구 2 (Studies in Modern Aesthetics 2) 3-3-0 115.640 예술철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Art) 3-3-0 115.641 예술학연구 (Studies in Science of Arts) 3-3-0 115.713 미술심리학연습 (Seminar in Psychology of Art) 3-3-0 115.714 미술사회학연습 (Seminar in Sociology of Art) 3-3-0 115.715 한국예술론연구 1 (Studies in Theory of Korean Arts) 3-3-0 115.716 조형예술론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Plastic Arts) 3-3-0 115.718 미술비평론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Art Criticism) 3-3-0 115.719 음악미학연구 (Studies in Aesthetics of Music) 3-3-0 115.720 음악비평론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Music Criticism) 3-3-0 115.722 근대독일미학사상연구 (Studies in Modern German Aesthetic Thoughts) 3-3-0 115.723 근대프랑스미학사상연구 (Studies in Modern French Aesthetic Thoughts) 3-3-0 115.724 비평철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Criticism) 3-3-0 115.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Aesthetics) 학과내규로인정하는과목 이수허용학점수의제한은없으며, 의모든과목이수는학과내규에의거하여지도교수의수강지도를받아야함. 116. 고고미술사학과 (Department of Archaeology and Art History) 116A. 고고학전공 (Major in Archaeology) 116.501A 고고학이론과방법론 (Theories and Methods in Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.507 근동고고학 116.541 (Archaeology of Southwest Asia) 3-3-0 고고학연구법특강 (Topics in Archaeological Methodology) 3-3-0 116.542A 역사고고학연습 (Seminar in Historical Archaeology) 3-3-0-157 -

인문대학 116. 고고미술사학과 College of Humanities Department of Archaeology and Art History 116.545A 극동고고학 (Archaeology of Northeast Asia) 3-3-0 116.549 석기론 (Lithic Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.557 선사고고학연습 (Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.558 고고학특강 (Topics in Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.559 고고학연구입문 (Fundamentals in Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.560 중국고고학 (Archaeology of China) 3-3-0 116.561 일본고고학 (Archaeology of Japan) 3-3-0 116.562 유럽고고학 (Archaeology of Europe) 3-3-0 116.563 아메리카고고학 (Archaeology of Americas) 3-3-0 116.564 토기론 (Pottery Analysis in Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.565 고분론 (Archaeology of Burials) 3-3-0 116.566 동물고고학 (Faunal Analysis in Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.567 식물고고학 (Palaeoethnobotany) 3-3-0 116.568 지질고고학 (Geoarchaeology) 3-3-0 116.569 계량고고학 (Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) 3-3-0 116.570 형질인류학 (Physical Anthropology for Archaeologists) 3-3-0 116.571 선사기술 (Prehistoric Technology) 3-3-0 116.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 116B. 미술사학전공 (Major in Art History) 116.604 한국조각사연구 (Studies in Korean Sculpture) 3-3-0 116.610 한국미술사연구 (Studies in Korean Art) 3-3-0 116.629 한국회화사연구 (Studies in Korean Painting) 3-3-0 116.631 한국공예사연습 (Seminar in Korean Craft) 3-3-0 116.632 한국근현대미술연구 (Studies in Modern and Contemporary Korean Art) 3-3-0 116.633 중국미술사연구 (Studies in Chinese Art) 3-3-0 116.634 일본미술사특강 (Topics in Japanese Art) 3-3-0 116.635 인도미술사특강 (Topics in Indian Art) 3-3-0 116.637 중앙아시아미술특강 (Topics in Central Asian Art) 3-3-0 116.638 동남아시아미술특강 (Topics in Southeast Asian Art) 3-3-0 116.640 동양도자사연습 (Seminar in East Asian Ceramics) 3-3-0 116.642 동양미술사연구 (Studies in Asian Art) 3-3-0 116.643 서양미술사연구 (Studies in Western Art) 3-3-0 116.645A 불교미술연구 (Studies in Buddhist Art) 3-3-0 116.646A 미술사연구법특강 (Topics in Methodology of Art History) 3-3-0 116.652 서양고대미술연습 (Seminar in Ancient Art of the West) 3-3-0 116.657 바로크미술연습 (Seminar in Baroque Art) 3-3-0 116.658 18세기서양미술연습 (Seminar in 18th-Century European Art) 3-3-0 116.659 19세기서양미술연구 (Studies in 19th-Century European Art) 3-3-0 116.660 20세기서양미술연구 (Studies in 20th-Century Art of the West) 3-3-0 116.661 미국현대미술연습 (Seminar in Contemporary American Art) 3-3-0 116.665A 시각예술과현대문화이론연구 (Studies in Visual Arts and Cultural Theories) 3-3-0 116.666 르네상스미술연습 (Seminar in Renaissance Art) 3-3-0 116.667 서양중세미술연습 (Seminar in Medieval Art of the West) 3-3-0 116.668 한국도자사연습 (Seminar in Korean Ceramics) 3-3-0 116.669 사진사연습 (Seminar in Photography) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Archaeology and Art History) 학과내규로인정하는과목 의이수허용학점수의제한은없으나, 모든과목이수는학과내규로정한과목이수지침에따라야함. - 158 -

사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 201. 정치학과 Department of Political Sciences < 사회과학대학주관 > 201. 정치학과 (Department of Political Sciences) 201.507A 선거연구 (Studies in Elections) 3-3-0 201.509A 정치사회이론 (Theories of Political Sociology) 3-3-0 201.512 북한정치연구 (Studies in North Korean Politics) 3-3-0 201.513 계량정치분석 (Quantitative Political Analysis) 3-3-0 201.514 비교정치연구 (Studies in Comparative Politics) 3-3-0 201.515 의회정치연습 (Seminar in Parliamentary Politics) 3-3-0 201.516 정치와행정 (Politics and Administration) 3-3-0 201.517 비교정치경제 (Comparative Political Economy) 3-3-0 201.518 동아시아정치경제 (Political Economy of East Asia) 3-3-0 201.601 정치학방법론 (Scope and Methods of Political Science) 3-3-0 201.604A 중세서양정치사상 (Medieval Western Political Thoughts) 3-3-0 201.606A 동아시아정치사상연구 (East Asian Political Thought) 3-3-0 201.607 한국정치연구 (Studies in Korean Politics) 3-3-0 201.608 한국정당론 (Korean Political Parties) 3-3-0 201.609 정치발전연구 (Studies in Political Development) 3-3-0 201.610 한국정치사상연구 (Korean Political Thoughts) 3-3-0 201.612 정치와외교 (Politics and Diplomacy) 3-3-0 201.618 공공정책분석 (Public Policy Analysis) 3-3-0 201.619A 근대-탈근대국제관계 (Modern & Postmodern International Relations) 3-3-0 201.621 현대정치학특강 (Topics in Contemporary Political Science) 3-3-0 201.622 현대정치학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Political Science) 3-3-0 201.623 한국정치학특강 (Topics in Korean Politics) 3-3-0 201.625 미국정치연구 (Studies in American Politics) 3-3-0 201.626 서구정치연구 (Studies in West European Politics) 3-3-0 201.627 일본정치연구 (Studies in Japanese Politics) 3-3-0 201.628 중국정치연구 (Studies in Chinese Politics) 3-3-0 201.630 공공선택이론연습 (Seminar in Public Choice Theories) 3-3-0 201.631 고대서양정치사상 (Ancient Western Political Thought) 3-3-0 201.632 근대변혁이론 (Modern Radical Theory) 3-3-0 201.633 특수지역정치연구 (Seminar in Area Studies : Government and Politics) 3-3-0 201.634 국가론연구 (Studies in State Theories) 3-3-0 201.636 러시아정치연구 (Studies in Russian Politics) 3-3-0 201.637 성과정치연구 (Studies in Gender and Politics) 3-3-0 201.638 근대서양정치사상 (Modern Western Political Thought) 3-3-0 201.702A 탈근대정치사상연구 (Postmodern Political Thoughts) 3-3-0 201.704 탈근대변혁이론 (Postmodern Radical Theory) 3-3-0 201.705A 근대 - 탈근대비교민주주의 (Comparative Democratic Studies in Modern & - 159 - Postmodern Contest) 3-3-0 201.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Political Science) 인문대, 사회대, 법대, 사범대, 행정대학원, 국제대학원소속각학과의에서제공하는과목중학과장이인정하는경우전공과목으로인정받을수있다. 단이과목들의분야배정을위해서는수강신청시학과대학원위원회의사전승인을반드시얻어야한다. 석사과정대학원생은정치사상, 이론및방법론, 비교정치, 한국정치, 국제정치다섯분야중네분야이상을선택하여각분야마다한과목이상을이수해야한다. 박사과정대학원생은위다섯분야를모두선택하여각분야마다두과목이상을이수해야한다 ( 석사과정이수과목포함 ). 전공필수과목, 타학교 타학과졸업생들의과목이수등에관한구체적인사항은학과내규를따른다. 202. 외교학과 (Department of International Relations) 202.501 국제정치학방법론 (Research Methods in International Politics) 3-3-0 202.503 국제관계사 (History of International Relations) 3-3-0 202.508A 국제정치경제연구 (Studies in International Political Economy) 3-3-0 202.509 한국외교사연구 (Studies in Korean Diplomatic History) 3-3-0 202.510A 비교국제사회연구 (Studies in Comparative International Society) 3-3-0 202.512A 동북아국제관계론 (Studies in Northeast Asian International Relations) 3-3-0 202.513 연방주의비교연구 (Studies in Comparative Federalism) 3-3-0 202.601 국제정치론 (Topics in International Politics) 3-3-0 202.602 국제정치이론연습 (Seminar in the Theory of International Politics) 3-3-0 202.608 국제기구연구 202.618 (Studies in International Organizations) 3-3-0 한국외교정책연구 (Studies in Korean Foreign Policy) 3-3-0 202.623A 전쟁과평화연구 (Studies in War and Peace) 3-3-0 202.633A 국제문화연구 (Culture and Ideology in International Relations) 3-3-0 202.637A 유럽지역연구 (Europe in World Politics) 3-3-0 202.638 남북한관계연구 (Studies in North-South Korean Relations) 3-3-0 202.639A 국제정치사상연구 (Studies in International Political Thoughts) 3-3-0 202.640 한국민족주의연구 (Studies in Korean Nationalism) 3-3-0 202.641 군사전략특강 (Topics in Military Strategy) 3-3-0 202.642 동북아국제관계사의이해 (Understanding History of Northeast Asian International Relations) 3-3-0 202.654 탈근대세계정치연구 (Studies in Postmodern World Politics) 3-3-0 202.704 외교정책연습 (Seminar in Foreign Policy) 3-3-0 202.709B 정보세계정치연구 (Studies in the global Politics of Information) 3-3-0 202.714 미국지역연구 (America in World Politics) 3-3-0 202.715 중국지역연구 (China in World Politics) 3-3-0

사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 212. 경제학부 Department of Economics 202.716 일본지역연구 (Japan in World Politics) 3-3-0 202.719B 지역학과국제정치이론 (Area Studies and Theory of International Politics) 3-3-0 202.720 안보정책연구 (Studies in National Security Policy) 3-3-0 202.729 국제관계사와국제정치 (History of International Relations and International Politics) 3-3-0 202.731 중국외교정책연구 (Studies in Chinese Foreign Policy) 3-3-0 202.733 러시아 유라시아지역연구 (Russia and Eurasia in World Politics) 3-3-0 202.734 환경 에너지의국제정치 (Energy and Environment in World Politics) 3-3-0 202.735 국제사회법연구 (Studies in Law of International Societies) 3-3-0 202.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of International Relations) 인문사회계 ( 법대, 국제대학원포함 ) 각학과 / 대학원에서개설되는과목중학과장이인정하는과목. 해당사항없음. 212. 경제학부 (Department of Economics) 212.501 미시경제학연구 (Studies in Microeconomics) 3-3-0 212.502 거시경제학연구 (Studies in Macroeconomics) 3-3-0 212.503 경제통계학연구 (Studies in Statistics for Economists) 3-3-0 212.604 화폐금융론연구 (Studies in the Theory of Money and Finance) 3-3-0 212.610 산업경제학연구 (Studies in Industrial Economics) 3-3-0 212.612 노동경제학연구 (Studies in Labour Economics) 3-3-0 212.621 서양경제사연구 (Studies in Western Economic History) 3-3-0 212.623 한국경제사연구 (Studies in Korean Economic History) 3-3-0 212.630 공공경제학연구 (Studies in Public Economics) 3-3-0 212.638 동아세아경제연구 (Studies on the East Asian Economies) 3-3-0 212.651 마르크스경제학연구 (Studies in Marxian Economics) 3-3-0 212.652 국제무역론연구 (Studies in International Trade) 3-3-0 212.654 국제금융론연구 (Studies in International Monetary Economics) 3-3-0 212.656 경제성장론연구 (Studies in Economic Growth) 3-3-0 212.657 산업조직론연구 (Studies in Industrial Organization) 3-3-0 212.661 응용거시경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Macroeconomics) 3-3-0 212.664 고급계량경제학연구 (Advanced Studies in Econometrics) 3-3-0 212.669 고급산업조직론연구 (Advanced Studies in Industrial Organization) 3-3-0 212.670 고급한국경제사연구 (Advanced Studies in Korean Economic History) 3-3-0 212.672 기술및발전경제학연구 (Studies in Technology and Development Economics) 3-3-0 212.674B 기업구조와성장론연구 (Studies in Corporate Organization and Growth) 3-3-0 212.675 국제경제론연구 (Studies in International Economics) 3-3-0 212.677 한국경제의계량분석세미나 (Seminars in Econometric Analysis of Korean Economy) 3-3-0 212.678 경제학방법론연구 (Studies in Methodology of Economics) 3-3-0 212.679A 기업및산업연구세미나 (Seminar in Firms and Industry Studies) 3-3-0 212.680 비교경제사연구 (Studies in Comparative Economic History) 3-3-0 212.681 조직과기술경제학연구 (Studies in Economic of Organization and Technology) 3-3-0 212.682 노동경제학연구 II (Studies in Labour Economics II) 3-3-0 212.683 공공정책연구 (Analysis of Public Policies) 3-3-0 212.701 고급미시경제학연구 (Advanced Microeconomics) 3-3-0 212.702 고급거시경제학연구 (Advanced Macroeconomics) 3-3-0 212.703 계량경제학연구 (Studies in Econometrics) 3-3-0 212.704 미시경제학특수연구 (Topics in Microeconomics) 3-3-0 212.705 거시경제학특수연구 Z (Topics in Macroeconomics) 3-3-0 212.707 계량경제학특수연구 (Topics in Econometrics) 3-3-0 212.709 화폐금융론특수연구 (Topics in Money and Finance) 3-3-0 212.714 산업경제학특수연구 (Topics in Industrial Economics) 3-3-0 212.733 국제금융론특수연구 (Topics in International Monetary Economics) 3-3-0 212.734 공공경제학특수연구 (Topics in Public Economics) 3-3-0 212.735 경제성장론특수연구 (Topics in Economic Growth) 3-3-0 212.736 응용계량경제학특수연구 (Topics in Applied Econometrics) 3-3-0 212.741 산업조직론특수연구 (Topics in Industrial Organization) 3-3-0 212.745 기업조직및경제체제특수연구 (Topics in Corporate Organization and Economic Systems) 3-3-0 212.746 주식채권파생금융상품실증연구 (Studies in Stock, Bonds and Financial Derivatives) 3-3-0 212.747 국제경제사연구 (Studies in History of International Economy) 3-3-0 212.748 인구와경제연구 (Studies in Population and Economy) 3-3-0 212.749 산업과기업의역사연구 (Studies in History of Industry and Firms) 3-3-0 212.750 화폐와금융의역사연구 (Studies in History of Money and Banking) 3-3-0 212.752 노동과복지의역사연구 (Studies in Twentieth Century Economic History) 3-3-0 212.753 지식과기술경제학세미나 (Seminars on Economics of Knowledge and Technology) 3-3-0 212.754 금융경제학연구 (Studies in Financial Economics) 3-3-0 212.755 금융경제학특수연구 (Topics in Financial Economics) 3-3-0 212.756 응용금융경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Financial Economics) 3-3-0 212.757A 금융연구세미나 (Seminar in Financial Studies) 3-3-0-160 -

사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 205. 사회학과 Department of Sociology 212.758 수리금융경제학연구 (Studies in Mathematical Financial Economics) 3-3-0 212.759 수리금융경제학특수연구 (Topics in Mathematical Financial Economics) 3-3-0 212.761 계산경제학연구 (Studies in Computational Economics) 3-3-0 212.762 이행기경제와경제체제론연구 (Studies in Transition Economies and Economic Systems) 3-3-0 212.763 응용계량경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Econometrics) 3-3-0 212.764 실증적산업조직론특수연구 (Topics in Empirical Industrial Organization) 3-3-0 212.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Economics) 학부장이승인하는과목을전공선택으로인정함. 학부의내규에따름. 205. 사회학과 (Department of Sociology) 205.505 계량분석 (Seminar on Quantitative Analysis) 3-3-0 205.542 종교사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Religion) 3-3-0 205.606B 세계화와사회발전연구 (Studies in Globalization and Social Development) 3-3-0 205.614A 가족과생애연구 (Seminar on Family and Life Course) 3-3-0 205.617 한국사회사연구 (Studies in the Social History of Korea) 3-3-0 205.619 사회변동연구 (Studies in Social Change) 3-3-0 205.639 정보사회학연구 (Seminar on Information Society) 3-3-0 205.641 사회사상사연구 (Seminar on the History of Social Thoughts) 3-3-0 205.642A 전통과현대연구 (Seminar on Tradition and Modernity) 3-3-0 205.645 도시사회연구 (Seminar in Urban Societies) 3-3-0 205.647 인구연구 (Seminar in Demography) 3-3-0 205.648 성과사회연구 (Seminar on Gender and Society) 3-3-0 205.649 환경사회학연구 (Seminar on Environment and Society) 3-3-0 205.650A 군과사회 (Seminar on Military and Society) 3-3-0 205.653 기업사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Business) 3-3-0 205.657 한국사회고전연구 (Studies in Sociological Classics of Korea) 3-3-0 205.659 몸의사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Body) 3-3-0 205.663 사회조직연구 (Studies in Social Organization) 3-3-0 205.664 사회정책과복지연구 (Studies in Social and Welfare Policies) 3-3-0 205.666 사회학특수연구 (Special Research in Sociology) 3-3-0 205.667 직업사회학연구 (Seminar in Sociololgy of Work and Occupations) 3-3-0 205.668 다문화와사회통합 (Social Integration and Multiculturalism) 3-3-0 205.714 사회학이론연구 (Topics in Sociological Theories) 3-3-0 205.719A 사회발전과사회의질연구 (Studies on Social Development and Social Quality) 3-3-0 205.730 사회학연습 (Seminar in Sociology) 3-3-0 205.733 공동체와아이덴티티 (Seminar on Community and Identity) 3-3-0 205.738B 노동, 기업, 시장연구 (Studies in Labour, Firms and Market) 3-3-0 205.741 시민사회와사회운동 (Seminar on Civil Society and Social Movement) 3-3-0 205.742 경제사회학연구 (Seminar on Economic Sociology) 3-3-0 205.745 세계지역사회연구 (Seminar in Area Studies) 3-3-0 205.752 문화사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Culture) 3-3-0 205.753 동아시아지역사회조사실습 (Research Practice in Sociology of East Asian Societies) 3-2-2 205.759 사회계층연구 (Studies in Social Stratification) 3-3-0 205.761 과학기술사회학연구 (Seminar on Sociology of Science and Technology) 3-3-0 205.762 지식사회연구 (Seminar on Knowledge Society) 3-3-0 205.764 사회학방법론연습 (Research Practicum in Sociological Methodology) 3-3-0 205.765 사회학이론세미나 (Seminar on Sociological Theories) 3-3-0 205.766 사회연결망분석세미나 (Seminar on Social Network Analysis) 3-3-0 205.767A 민주주의의정치경제연구 (Seminar on Political Economy of Democracy) 3-3-0 205.768 인권사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Human Rights) 3-3-0 205.775 노년과생활세계연구 (Domination of Inequality and Consciousness in Later Life) 3-3-0 205.776 빈곤과불평등 (Poverty and Inequality) 3-3-0 205.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Sociology) 인문사회계각학과에서개설되는과목중학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함. 206. 인류학과 (Department of Anthropology) 206.513B 민속학연구 (Studies in Folklore) 3-3-0 206.514A 박물관과인류학 (Museum and Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.601B 가족과친족연구 (Studies in Family and Kinship) 3-3-0 206.602 언어인류학 (Linguistic Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.603 생태인류학 (Ecological Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.604 심리인류학 (Psychological Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.605 종교인류학 (Anthropology of Religion) 3-3-0 206.606 경제인류학 (Economic Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.623 인지인류학 (Cognitive Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.624 사회언어학 (Sociolinguistics) 3-3-0 206.628 한국문화연구 (Studies of Korean Culture) 3-3-0 206.630A 인류학과식민주의 (Anthropology and Colonialism) 3-3-0 206.633 정치인류학 (Political Anthropology) 3-3-0-161 -

사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 207. 심리학과 Department of Psychology 206.635A 역사인류학 (Historical Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.636 도시인류학 (Urban Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.639B 생물인류학연구 (Studies in Biological Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.640A 중국의사회와문화연구 (Studies in Chinese Society and Culture) 3-3-0 206.641 일본문화연구 (Anthropology of Japan) 3-3-0 206.642 동남아문화연구 (Anthropology of Southeast Asia) 3-3-0 206.646 유럽문화연구 (Anthropology of Europe) 3-3-0 206.650 의료인류학 (Medical Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.701A 인류학연습 (Seminar in Anthropology) 3-3-0 206.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 206.804 인류학이론사 (History of Anthropological Theory) 3-3-0 206.806 음식과인류학 (Anthropology of Food) 3-3-0 206.807 세계화와지역문화 (Globalization and Local Cultures) 3-3-0 206.809 성의인류학 (Anthropology of Gender) 3-3-0 206.810 사회분화론 (Social Differentiation) 3-3-0 206.811B 스포츠와여가의인류학 (Anthropology of Sport and Leisure) 3-3-0 206.813B 축제와의례의인류학 (Anthropology of Ritual and Festival) 3-3-0 206.814A 러시아문화연구 (Anthropology of Russia) 3-3-0 206.816 미국의사회와문화연구 (Studies in American Society and Culture) 3-3-0 206.817 교육의인류학 (Anthropology of Education) 3-3-0 206.818 인간진화심리연구 (Studies in Evolution and Human Behavior) 3-3-0 206.819 전쟁과인류학 (Anthropology and War) 3-3-0 206.820 초국가적이주와디아스포라 (Transnational Migration and Diaspora) 3-3-0 206.821A 공동체민속과문화연구 (Anthropology of Community Folklore and Culture) 3-3-0 206.822 비교문화연구 (Seminar in Cross-Cultural Studies) 3-3-0 206.823 한국의언어문화 (Linguaculture of Korea) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Anthropology) 학과장이인정하는전과목 1 석 박사과정은각졸업이수학점중 1/2 이상을본과개설과목으로이수해야함.( 논문연구학점은포함되지않음 ) 2 인류학이론사 를필수과목으로함. 207. 심리학과 (Department of Psychology) 207.501 고급심리통계 (Advanced Psychological Statistics) 3-3-0 207.507 고급사회심리학 (Advanced Social Psychology) 3-3-0 207.509 고급성격심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Personality) 3-3-0 207.511B 정신병리학 (Psychopathology) 3-3-0 207.512 고급지각심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Perception) 3-3-0 207.513 지각심리방법론 (Research Methods in Psychology of Perception) 3-3-0 207.514 고급언어심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Language) 3-3-0 207.516 고급발달심리학 (Advanced Developmental Psychology) 3-3-0 207.519A 심리평가 (Psychological Assessment) 3-3-0 207.520B 정신병리학세미나 (Seminar in Psychopathology) 3-3-0 207.522A 심리치료와고급상담이론 (Theories of Psychotherapy and Advanced Counseling) 3-3-0 207.529 고급생물심리학 (Advanced Biopsychology) 3-3-0 207.532 고급조직심리학 (Advanced Organizational Psychology) 3-3-0 207.533A 안구의운동 (Eye Movements) 3-3-0 207.535 다변량분석법 (Multivariate Analysis) 3-3-0 207.537 고급산업심리학 (Advanced Industrial Psychology) 3-3-0 207.539 태도와사회인지 (Attitude and Social Cognition) 3-3-0 207.544A 고급임상신경심리학 (Advanced Clinical Neuropsychology) 3-3-0 207.545 고급시과학 (Advanced Vision Science) 3-3-0 207.546 고급인지심리학 (Advanced Cognitive Psychology) 3-3-0 207.547 실험심리세미나 (Seminar in Experimental Psychology) 3-3-0 207.548 실험심리방법론세미나 (Seminar in Methodology on Experimental Psychology) 3-3-0 207.549 인지신경과학 (Cognitive Neuroscience) 3-3-0 207.550 뇌영상연구방법론 (Methods in Human Brain Imaging) 3-3-0 207.551 계량심리학세미나 (Seminar in Quantitative Psychology) 3-3-0 207.552 정신병리학 : 신경과학적접근 (Psychopathology : A Neuroscience Approach) 3-3-0 207.553 인지노화와치매 (Cognitive Aging and Dementias) 3-3-0 207.711A 성격연구세미나 (Seminar in Personality Studies) 3-3-0 207.718A 고급응용발달심리학 (Advanced Applied Developmental Psychology) 3-3-0 207.721B 인지치료 (Cognitive Therapy) 3-3-0 207.722C 임상및상담현장실습 (Practicum in Clinical & Counseling Psychology) 3-3-0 207.723 집단상담및치료 (Group Psychotherapy) 3-3-0 207.725 치료적면접및실습 (Therapeutic Interviews) 3-3-0 207.736 산업및조직심리학의주요문제 (Critical Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology) 3-3-0 207.737 고급조직개발론 (Advanced Organization Development) 3-3-0 207.739 고급정서심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Emotion) 3-3-0 207.741 발달심리학세미나 (Seminar in Developmental Psychology) 3-3-0 207.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Psychology) 철학과, 언어학과, 경영학과, 정치학과, 사회학과, 인류학과, 산업공학과, 전기컴퓨터공학부, 통계학과, 생명과학부, 의학과의과목중학과장이인정하는과목 각전공별이수과목및학점은대학원이수지침에따른다. - 162 -

사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 208. 지리학과 Department of Geography 208. 지리학과 (Department of Geography) 208.504 한국지리연구 (Studies in Geography of Korea) 3-3-0 208.505 지역정책론 (Studies in Regional Policy) 3-3-0 208.507 계량지리학연습 (Quantitative Geography) 3-2-2 208.514 지리학방법론 (Philosophical and Methodological Issues in Geography) 3-3-0 208.515 지리학사세미나 (Seminar in the History of Geography) 3-3-0 208.516 지역연구방법론 (Methodological Issues in Regional Studies) 3-3-0 208.521 도시정보시스템 (Urban Information Systems) 3-3-0 208.522 원격탐사세미나 (Seminar in Remote Sensing) 3-3-0 208.523 지도학세미나 (Seminar in Cartography) 3-3-0 208.524A 지리정보과학세미나 (Seminars in Geographic Information Science) 3-3-0 208.525A 부동산정보시스템 (Geoinformatics for Real Estate) 3-3-0 208.526 환경정보시스템 (Environmental Information Systems) 3-3-0 208.530 자연지리학세미나 (Seminar in Physical Geography) 3-3-0 208.531 지형학세미나 (Seminar in Geomorphology) 3-3-0 208.532 하천유역관리 (Watershed Management) 3-3-0 208.533 환경지리학 (Environmental Geography) 3-3-0 208.540 경제지리학세미나 (Seminar in Economic Geography) 3-3-0 208.541 교통지리학세미나 (Seminar in Transport Geography) 3-3-0 208.542 기업지리학 (Corporate Geography) 3-3-0 208.543B 토지주택론연구 (Studies in Land Use and Housing) 3-3-0 208.544 도시경제지리학 (Urban Economic Geography) 3-3-0 208.545 도시사회지리학 (Urban Social Geography) 3-3-0 208.546 도시지리학세미나 (Seminar in Urban Geography) 3-3-0 208.548 문화지리학세미나 (Seminar in Cultural Geography) 3-3-0 208.549 사회지리학세미나 (Seminar in Social Geography) 3-3-0 208.550 세계도시론 (Studies in Global Cities) 3-3-0 208.551 역사지리학세미나 (Seminar in Historical Geography) 3-3-0 208.553 인구지리학세미나 (Seminar in Population Geography) 3-3-0 208.554 정보통신지리학 (Geography of Information and Telecommunication) 3-3-0 208.555 정치지리학세미나 (Seminar in Political Geography) 3-3-0 208.572A 동북아시아연구 (Topics in Northeast Asia) 3-3-0 208.581 지역혁신체계 (Regional Innovation Systems) 3-3-0 208.582 장소마케팅세미나 (Seminar in Place Marketing) 3-3-0 208.583 도시교통연구 (Studies in Urban Transportation) 3-3-0 208.584 지표시스템분석론 (Analytical Methods for Earth Surface Systems) 3-3-0 208.614 제4기환경론 (Studies in Quaternary Environment) 3-3-0 208.627 관광정책과계획 (Tourism Policy and Planning) 3-3-0 208.717 입지론연구 (Studies in Location Theory) 3-3-0 208.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Geography) 지도교수및학과장이인정하는서울대학교전과목 학과내규에의함. 209. 사회복지학과 (Department of Social Welfare) 209.517A 사회복지실천모델과기술 (Social Work Practice Models and Skills) 3-3-0 209.518 사회복지서비스전달론 (Social Welfare Service Delivery System) 3-3-0 209.538A 사회복지통계 1(Social Welfare Statistics 1) 3-3-0 209.539 복지국가론 (Studies on the Welfare State) 3-3-0 209.546A 한국사회복지현실과쟁점 (Realities and Issues of Korean Social Welfare) 3-3-0 209.547A 고급사회복지실습 1(Advanced Field Work in Social Welfare 1) 3-2-2 209.549 사회복지서비스론 (Social Welfare Service) 3-3-0 209.550 사회복지통계 2(Social Welfare Statistics 2) 3-3-0 209.560 비교사회정책론 (Comparative Social Policy) 3-3-0 209.561A 사회복지경제학 (Economics of Social Welfare) 3-3-0 209.562A 사회복지정책론 (Theories of Social Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 209.613B 사회복지실천이론 (Social Psychology and Social Welfare) 3-3-0 209.620 여성복지서비스론 (Social Services for Women) 3-3-0 209.621 장애인복지서비스론 (Social Services for the Disabled) 3-3-0 209.703A 사회복지정책특강 (Topics in Social Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 209.707 보건및의료복지론 (Public Health and Medical Welfare) 3-3-0 209.714C 사회보장제도비교론 (Comparative Study of Social Security) 3-3-0 209.720 고급사회조사자료분석론 (Advanced Social Research Data Analysis) 3-3-0 209.730 사회복지, 경제성장그리고소득불평등 (Social Welfare, Economic Growth, and Income Inequality) 3-3-0 209.731 복지정치론 (Politics of the Welfare State) 3-3-0 209.733 임상사회복지연구방법론 (Methodology in Clinical Social Work) 3-3-0 209.734 사회복지프로그램평가와분석 (Evaluation and Analysis of Social Service Programs) 3-3-0 209.735 고급사회복지서비스특강 (Advanced Topics in Social Welfare Service) 3-3-0 209.736 임상사회복지분야론 (Studies in Social Work Fields) 3-3-0 209.739 고급임상사회복지특강 (Advanced Topics in Clinical Social Work) 3-3-0 209.741 사회복지정책세미나 (Seminar in Social Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 209.742 사회복지실천분석론 (Analysis of Social Work Practice) 3-3-0 209.744 사회서비스와아동, 가족복지세미나 (Seminar on Social Services for Children and Families) 3-3-0-163 -

사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 211. 언론정보학과 Department of Communication 209.745 빈곤정책분석 (Analysis of Anti-poverty Policy) 3-3-0 209.752 고급사회복지정책특강 (Advanced Topics in Social Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 209.753 노인복지세미나 (Seminar on Social Welfare Policies in Response to Population Aging) 3-3-0 209.754 정신보건사회사업세미나 (Seminar on Psychiatric Social Work) 3-3-0 209.755 국제사회복지학 (International Social Welfare) 3-3-0 209.756 국제사회개발론 (Social Development of the World) 3-3-0 209.757 스칸디나비아반도복지모델 : 이상적인가? 시대에뒤쳐졌는가?(The Scandinavian Model of Welfare : Ideal Or Outmoded?) 3-3-0 209.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Social Welfare) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 211. 언론정보학과 (Department of Communication) 211.504A 방송연구 (Studies in Broadcasting) 3-3-0 211.505 커뮤니케이션이론연구 (Theories of Communication) 3-3-0 211.603 커뮤니케이션연구방법론 (Research Methods of Communication) 3-3-0 211.615 비판커뮤니케이션이론연구 (Critical Theories of Communication) 3-3-0 211.630 커뮤니케이션이론특강 (Topics in Communication Theories) 3-3-0 211.632 설득커뮤니케이션이론 (Theories of Persuasive Communication) 3-3-0 211.639B 미디어산업연구 (Media Industry Analysis) 3-3-0 211.641 국제커뮤니케이션연구 (International Communication) 3-3-0 211.643 언론법제론 (Studies in Media Ethics and Law) 3-3-0 211.645 언론문제연습 (Seminar in Media Studies) 3-3-0 211.646 미디어문화연구 (Studies in Mass Communication Culture) 3-3-0 211.647 고급커뮤니케이션통계방법 (Statistical Methods of Communication Research) 3-3-0 211.648A 기호학담론분석방법론 (Semiotics and Discourse Analysis) 3-3-0 211.649 한국언론사연구 (Studies in Korean Communication History) 3-3-0 211.651 정치커뮤니케이션연구 (Studies in Political Communication) 3-3-0 211.653 정보사회연구 (The Research of Information Society) 3-3-0 211.654 광고연구 (Studies in Advertising) 3-3-0 211.655 저널리즘연구 (Studies in Journalism) 3-3-0 211.657 커뮤니케이션정책론 (Communication Policy) 3-3-0 211.658 정성연구방법론 (Qualitative Research Methods) 3-3-0 211.659 컴퓨터매개커뮤니케이션연구 (Studies in Computer- Mediated Communication) 3-3-0 211.660 매체이론연구 (Seminar in Media Theories) 3-3-0 211.701 대중문화연구 (Studies in Mass Culture) 3-3-0 211.706 영상커뮤니케이션연구 (Studies in Visual Communication) 3-3-0 211.708 뉴미디어연구 (Studies in New Communication Technologies) 3-3-0 211.711 비교커뮤니케이션론 (Studies in Comparative Communication) 3-3-0 211.712 동양언론사연구 (Studies in Oriental Communication History) 3-3-0 211.714 커뮤니케이션연구방법론연습 (Seminar in Communication Research Methods) 3-3-0 211.715 동아시아미디어론 (Studies in East Asian Media) 3-3-0 211.717 디지털문화 (Digital Culture) 3-3-0 211.720 레토릭과민주주의 (Rhetoric and Democracy) 3-3-0 211.721 미디어와민주주의연구 (Studies in the Media and Democracy) 3-3-0 211.722 미디어와수용자연구 (Studies in the Media and Audience) 3-3-0 211.723 멀티미디어와문화 (Seminar on Multi-Media and Culture) 3-3-0 211.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Communication) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. - 164 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 300. 공통과목 Extradepartmental Courses < 자연과학대학주관 > 300. 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 300.501 자연과학기초론 (Foundation of Natural Science) 3-3-0 300.502 자연과학기초론연습 (Seminar in Foundation of Natural Science) 3-3-0 300.504 생명과학통론 (Survey of Life Science) 3-3-0 300.505 고급수용액화학 (Advanced Aquatic Chemistry) 3-3-0 300.507 해수분석및실험특강 (Topics on Seawater Analysis and Lab.) 3-1-4 300.509 고급유기물분광분석 (Advanced Spectroscopic Analysis of Organic Compounds) 3-3-0 300.510 지구환경과학특강 1(Topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences 1) 3-3-0 300.511 지구환경과학특강 2(Topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2) 3-3-0 300.512 지구환경문제연구 1(Research in Earth and Environmental Problems 1) 3-3-0 3341. 수리과학부 (Department of Mathematical Sciences) 3341.501 대수학 1(Algebra 1) 3-3-0 3341.502 대수학 2(Algebra 2) 3-3-0 3341.503 실해석학 (Real Analysis) 3-3-0 3341.504 복소해석학 (Complex Analysis) 3-3-0 3341.505 미분다양체론 (Differentiable Manifolds) 3-3-0 3341.601 가환대수 (Commutative Algebra) 3-3-0 3341.603 함수해석학 1(Functional Analysis 1) 3-3-0 3341.604 함수해석학 2(Functional Analysis 2) 3-3-0 3341.605 미분기하학 1(Differential Geometry 1) 3-3-0 3341.606 미분기하학 2(Differential Geometry 2) 3-3-0 3341.607 대수적위상수학 1(Algebraic Topology 1) 3-3-0 3341.608 대수적위상수학 2(Algebraic Topology 2) 3-3-0 3341.611 대수적정수론 (Algebraic Number Theory) 3-3-0 3341.612 리대수 (Lie Algebra) 3-3-0 3341.613 대수기하학 (Algebraic Geometry) 3-3-0 3341.621 작용소대수 (Operator Algebra) 3-3-0 3341.622 다변수복소해석학 (Analytic Function of Several Variables) 3-3-0 3341.625 조화해석학 (Harmonic Analysis) 3-3-0 3341.626 수치해석학 (Numerical Analysis) 3-3-0 3341.631 리군론 (Lie Groups) 3-3-0 3341.633 복소다양체론 (Theory of Complex Manifolds) 3-3-0 3341.635 편미분방정식론 1(Theory of Partial Differential Equations 1) 3-3-0 3341.636 편미분방정식론 2(Theory of Partial Differential Equations 2) 3-3-0 3341.651 호몰로지방법론 (Methods of Homological Algebra) 3-3-0 3341.641 미분위상수학 (Differential Topology) 3-3-0 3341.642 기하위상수학 (Geometric Topology) 3-3-0 3341.714 대수기하학특강 (Topics in Algebraic Geometry) 3-3-0 3341.715 대수학특강 (Topics in Algebra) 3-3-0 3341.721A해석학특강 (Topics in Analysis) 3-3-0 3341.724 수치해석특강 (Topics in Numerical Analysis) 3-3-0 3341.725 고급수치선형대수학 (Advanced Numerical Linear Algebra) 3-3-0 3341.726 편미분방정식론특강 (Topics in Partial Differential Equations) 3-3-0 3341.731A기하학특강 (Topics in Geometry) 3-3-0 3341.741A위상수학특강 (Topics in Topology) 3-3-0 3341.751 응용수학특강 (Topics in Applied Mathematics) 3-3-0 3341.752 계산수론 (Computational Number Theory) 3-3-0 3341.753 수리확률론특강 (Topics in Mathematical Methods of Probability) 3-3-0 3341.754 고급수리물리학 (Topics on Advanced Mathematical Physics) 3-3-0 3341.755 계산신경과학 (Computational Neuroscience) 3-3-0 3341.761 수학집중특강 1 (Intensive Course in Mathematics 1) 1-1-0 3341.762 수학집중특강 2 (Intensive Course in Mathematics 2) 1-1-0 3341.781 미적분학연습조교세미나 (Calculus TA Seminar) 1-0-2 3341.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Mathematical Sciences) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여학부장이인정하는과목 학칙제 53 조및서울대학교교과과정의과목이수지침에준함. 326. 통계학과 (Department of Statistics) 326.513 확률론 1(Probability Theory 1) 3-3-0 326.516 확률론 2(Probability Theory 2) 3-3-0 326.517A 통계상담및실습 (Statistical Consulting and Practices) 3-2-2 326.519A 통계이론 1(Theory of Statistics 1) 3-3-0 326.520A 응용통계 (Applied Statistics) 3-3-0 326.521 고급통계적방법론 (Advanced Statistical Methods) 3-3-0 326.522 통계이론 2(Theory of Statistics 2) 3-3-0 326.621A 통계이론세미나 (Seminar in Recent Development of Statistical Theories) 3-3-0 326.625 점근적추론 (Asymptotic Statistical Inference) 3-3-0 326.626A 비모수함수추정론 (Nonparametric Function Estimation) 3-3-0 326.631A 응용통계세미나 (Seminar in Recent Development of Applied Statistics) 3-3-0 326.635 고급베이지안통계학 (Advanced Bayesian Statistics) 3-3-0 326.636 고급생존분석 (Advanced Survival Analysis) 3-3-0 326.637 고급데이터마이닝방법론 (Advanced Methods in Data Mining) 3-3-0 326.638 고급생물통계학 (Advanced Biostatistics) 3-3-0 326.639 고급선형모형 (Advanced Linear Models) 3-3-0 326.723A 고급회귀분석 (Advanced Regression Analysis) 3-3-0 326.724A 고급비모수통계학 (Advanced Nonparametric Statistics) 3-3-0 326.725A 고급시계열분석 (Advanced Time Series Analysis) 3-3-0 326.726A 고급실험계획법 (Advanced Experimental Design) 3-3-0 326.729A 고급확률론 (Advanced Probability Theory) 3-3-0-165 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 3343. 화학부 Department of Chemistry 326.732A 회귀분석특강 (Topics in Regression Analysis) 3-3-0 326.734A 시계열분석특강 (Topics in Time Series Analysis) 3-3-0 326.735A 실험계획법특강 (Topics in Experimental Design) 3-3-0 326.738A 확률론특강 (Topics in Probability Theory) 3-3-0 326.739A 통계학세미나 (Seminar in Statistics) 3-3-0 326.743A 일반화선형모형 (Generalized Linear Models) 3-3-0 326.744A 일반화선형모형특강 (Topics in Generalized Linear Models) 3-3-0 326.745A 고급확률과정론 (Advanced Stochastic Process) 3-3-0 326.746A 확률과정론특강 (Topics in Stochastic Processes) 3-3-0 327.747 범주형자료분석 (Categorical Data Analysis) 3-3-0 326.748A 반복측정자료분석 (Analysis of Repeated Measurements) 3-3-0 326.750A 비모수함수추정론특강 (Topics in Nonparametric Function Estimation) 3-3-0 326.751 베이지안통계특강 (Topics in Bayesian Statistics) 3-3-0 326.752 통계계산 (Statistical Computing) 3-3-0 326.753 준모수추론특강 (Topics in Semiparametric Inference) 3-3-0 326.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Statistics) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여학과장이인정하는과목 과목이수는학과내규로정한과목이수지침을따라야함. 1 석사과정의최저이수학점은대학원논문연구 (326.803) 이외 27 학점임. 2 석사과정에서는확률론 1(326.513), 통계이론 1(326.519A), 응용통계 (326.520A) 는필수이고확률론 2(326.516), 통계이론 2(326.522), 통계상담및실습 (326.517A), 고급통계적방법론 (326.521), 고급데이터마이닝방법론 (326.637), 고급회귀분석 (326.723A), 고급시계열분석 (326.725A), 고급실험계획법 (326.726A), 일반화선형모형 (326.743A), 범주형자료분석 (326.747) 중에서 3 과목이상을이수하여야한다. 3 박사과정에서는확률론 1(326.513), 확률론 2(326.516), 통계이론 1(326.519A), 통계이론 2(326.522), 응용통계 (326.520A), 고급통계적방법론 (326.521) 은필수이고통계상담및실습 (326.517A), 고급데이터마이닝방법론 (326.637), 고급회귀분석 (326.723A), 고급시계열분석 (326.725A), 고급실험계획법 (326.726A), 일반화선형모형 (326.743A), 범주형자료분석 (326.747) 중에서 3 과목이상을이수하여야한다. 4 석 박사통합과정진학자는확률론 1(326.513), 확률론 2(326.516), 통계이론 1(326.519A), 응용통계 (326.520A), 고급통계적방법론 (326.521), 통계이론 2(326.522) 를이수하여야함. [ 경과규정 ] 이규정은 2007 학년도입학생부터적용하며, 2006 학년도이전입학생의경우에는구규정과신규정중에서하나를선택할수있다. 3343. 화학부 (Department of Chemistry) 3343.502A 고급통계역학 (Advanced Statistical Mechanics) 3-3-0 3343.503A 고급분자분광학 (Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy) 3-3-0 3343.510 화학세미나 (Chemistry Seminar) 1-0-2 (8개학기반복이수가능 ) 3343.511 고급무기화학 (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.518 고급양자화학 (Advanced Quantum Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.521A단백체분석 (Proteome Analysis) 3-3-0 3343.531 화학결정학 (Chemical Crystallography) 3-3-0 3343.541 물리유기화학 (Physical Organic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.542 유기합성화학 (Synthetic Organic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.551 고급생화학 (Advanced Biochemistry) 3-3-0 3343.553 표면화학 (Surface Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.554 식물생화학 (Plant Biochemistry) 3-3-0 3343.601 화학반응속도론 (Chemical Kinetics) 3-3-0 3343.602A화학물리특강 (Topics in Chemical Physics) 3-3-0 3343.606 생물리화학 (Biophysical Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.621 전기화학 (Electrochemistry) 3-3-0 3343.622A화학기기장치법 (Chemical Instrumentation) 4-2-4 3343.641 천연물화학 (Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.646 생물유기화학 (Bioorganic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.651 핵산화학 (Nucleic Acid Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.661 고분자화학 (Macromolecular Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.701 화학특수연구 1 (Special Research in Chemistry 1) 3-0-6 3343.702 화학특수연구 2 (Special Research in Chemistry 2) 3-0-6 3343.703 화학특수연구 3 (Special Research in Chemistry 3) 3-0-6 3343.704 화학특수연구 4 (Special Research in Chemistry 4) 3-0-6 3343.705 화학특수연구 5 (Special Research in Chemistry 5) 3-0-6 3343.706 화학특수연구 6 (Special Research in Chemistry 6) 3-0-6 3343.711 고급화학연구 1 (Research in Advanced Chemistry 1) 3-0-6 3343.712 고급화학연구 2 (Research in Advanced Chemistry 2) 3-0-6 3343.713 고급화학연구 3 (Research in Advanced Chemistry 3) 3-0-6 3343.714 고급화학연구 4 (Research in Advanced Chemistry 4) 3-0-6 3343.716 계산화학 (Computational Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.719 유기금속화학 (Organometallic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.720 초분자화학 (Supramolecular Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.721 의약화학 (Medicinal Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.722 유기구조결정 (Organic Structure Determination) 3-3-0 3343.724 고급화학 (Advanced Chemistry) 3-3-0 3343.725 나노바이오화학 (NanoBioChemistry 3-3-0 3343.726 화학생물학 (Chemical Biology) 3-3-0 3343.727 유기재료합성 (Synthesis of Organic Materials) 3-3-0 3343.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Chemistry) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여학부장이인정하는과목 학부내규에따름. - 166 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 3344. 생명과학부 Department of Biological Sciences 3344. 생명과학부 (Department of Biological Sciences) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 3344.603 발생생물학특론 (Advanced Developmental Biology) 3-3-0 3344.610 생태학특론 (Advanced Ecology) 3-3-0 3344.617 분자세포생물학 1 (Molecular and Cellular Biology 1) 3-3-0 3344.618 분자세포생물학 2 (Molecular and Cellular Biology 2) 3-3-0 3344.632 식물과학특론 (Advanced plant science) 3-3-0 3344.633 미생물학특론 (Advanced microbiology) 3-3-0 3344.634 개체생물학특론 (Organismal biology) 3-3-0 3344.770 진화생물학특론 (Advanced Evolutionary Biology) 3-3-0 3344.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 분자세포생물학전공 (Molecular and Cellular Biology, MCB) 3344.503 유전학특론 (Advanced Genetics) 3-3-0 3344.509 대사질환연구론 (Metabolic disorders) 3-3-0 3344.510 크로마틴생물학 (Chromatin biology) 3-3-0 3344.511 분자의과학특론 (Molecular medicine) 3-3-0 3344.513 고급분자세포생물학특수연구 (Special studies in molecular and cellular biology) 3-3-0 3344.514 생화학특강 (Biochemistry lectures) 2-2-0 3344.516 생물물리학특강 (Biophysics lectures) 2-2-0 3344.518 세포생물학특강 (Cell biology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.520 유전학특강 (Genetics lectures) 2-2-0 3344.522 분자생물학특강 (Molecular biology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.524 세포사멸과인간질병특론 (Cell death and human diseases) 3-3-0 3344.525 단백질대사론 (Protein metabolism) 3-3-0 3344.526 미생물단백질체학 (Microbial proteomics) 1-1-0 3344.527 분자세포생물학콜로키움 1(Colloqium in molecular and cellular biology 1) 2-2-0 3344.528 분자세포생물학콜로키움 2(Colloqium in molecular and cellular biology 2) 2-2-0 3344.540 진핵미생물학 (Eukaryotic microbiology) 3-3-0 3344.541 세포주기특론 (Advanced cell cycle) 3-3-0 3344.542 RNA 생물학특론 (Advanced RNA biology) 3-3-0 3344.601 분자생물물리학 (Molecular Biophysics) 3-3-0 3344.613 생화학특론 (Advanced Biochemistry) 3-3-0 3344.616 암생물학 (Cancer Biology) 3-3-0 3344.701 세포생물물리학 (Cell Biophysics) 3-3-0 3344.703 세포생물학특론 (Advanced Cell Biology) 3-3-0 3344.704 분자유전학특론 (Advanced Molecular Genetics) 3-3-0 3344.707 생체고분자론 (Interaction of Biological Macromolecules) 3-3-0 3344.720 효소학특론 (Advanced Enzymology) 3-3-0 3344.723 막생물학 (Biology of Membranes) 3-3-0 3344.745 세포신호전달론 (Cell Signaling) 3-3-0 3344.755 식물유전자발현조절론 (Regulation of Plant Gene Expression) 3-3-0 3344.771 3344.772 분자세포생물학세미나 1(Seminar in molecular and cellular biology 1) 1-0-2 분자세포생물학세미나 2(Seminar in molecular and cellular biology 2) 1-0-2 개체생물학전공 (Integrative Organismic Biology, IOB) 3344.420 분자줄기세포발생학 (Molecular developmental stem cell biology) 3-3-0 3344.543 식물생화학 (Plant biochemistry) 3-3-0 3344.544 면역유전학 (Immunogentics) 3-3-0 3344.545 식물호르몬생리학 (Physiology of Plant Hormones) 3-3-0 3344.546 신경생물학특강 (Neurobiology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.548 미생물학특강 (Microbiology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.550 생물공학특강 (Biotechnology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.552 식물생리학특강 (Plant physiology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.570 발생생물학특강 (Developmental biology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.604 생물공학특론 (Advanced Biotechnology) 3-3-0 3344.606 분자미생물학 (Molecular Microbiology) 3-3-0 3344.608 신경생물학특론 (Advanced Neurobiology) 3-3-0 3344.612 바이러스학특론 (Advanced Virology) 3-3-0 3344.614 식물발생유전학 (Plant Developmental Genetics) 3-3-0 3344.615 병원미생물학 (Clinical microbiology) 3-3-0 3344.619 고급개체생물학특수연구 (Special studies in organismal biology) 3-3-0 3344.635 개체생물학세미나 1 (Seminar in organismal biology 1) 1-0-2 3344.636 개체생물학세미나 2 (Seminar in organismal biology 2) 1-0-2 3344.637 개체생물학콜로키움 1 (Colloquium in organismal biology 1) 2-2-0 3344.638 개체생물학콜로키움 2 (Colloquium in organismal biology 2) 2-2-0 3344.702 발효미생물학특론 (Advanced Fermentation Microbiology) 3-3-0 3344.705 면역학특론 (Advanced Immunology) 3-3-0 3344.706 미생물생리학특론 (Advanced Microbial Physiology) 3-3-0 3344.708 시냅스기능론 (Synapse Function) 3-3-0 3344.709 식물생리학특론 (Advanced Plant Physiology) 3-3-0 3344.746 신경내분비학 (Neuroendocrinology) 3-3-0 3344.747 발생유전학 (Developmental Genetics) 3-3-0 3344.752 숙주-미생물상호작용론 (Host-Microbe Interaction) 3-3-0 3344.753A광생물학 (Photobiology) 3-3-0 3344.754 식물스트레스생리학 (Plant Stress Physiology) 3-3-0 계통생물학및생태학전공 (Systematics and Ecology, SE) 3344.554 전산분자계통학 (Computational Molecular Phylogeny) 3-3-0 3344.555 동물행동생태방법론 (Methods for animal behavior and ecology) 3-3-0 3344.556 감각생태및동물신호특론 (Sensory Ecology and Signals in Animal) 3-3-0 3344.557 환경미생물학특론 (Advanced Environmental Microbiology) 3-3-0 3344.558 무척추동물보전생물학 (Invertebrate Conservation Biology) 3-3-0 3344.559 무척추동물분자생태학 (Invertebrate Molecular Ecology) 3-3-0 3344.560 무척추동물학 (Invertebrates) 3-3-0 3344.561 식물명명법 (Botanical Nomenclature) 3-3-0 3344.562 식물분류연구방법론 (Methods for Plant Systematics) 3-3-0 3344.563 복원생태학 (Restoration Ecology) 3-3-0 3344.564 생태학연구방법론 (Methods for Ecological Research) 3-3-0 3344.567 고급계통생물학및생태학특수연구 (Special studies in systematics & ecology) 3-3-0 3344.572 계통생물학특강 (Systematics lectures) 2-2-0 3344.574 생태학특강 (Ecology lectures) 2-2-0 3344.611 생물정보학 (Bioinformatics) 3-3-0-167 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 3345. 지구환경과학부 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 3344.710 계통생물학특론 (Advanced Systematic Biology) 3-3-0 3344.711A 집단유전학 (Population Genetics) 3-3-0 3344.715 식물분류학특론 (Advanced Plant Taxonomy) 3-3-0 3344.718 환경생물학특론 (Advanced Environmental Biology) 3-3-0 3344.719 분자진화학특론 (Advanced Molecular Evolution) 3-3-0 3344.724 미생물생태학특론 (Advanced Microbial Ecology) 3-3-0 3344.730 원핵미생물다양성 (Prokaryotic Diversity) 3-3-0 3344.748 균학 (Mycology) 3-3-0 3344.749 행동생물학특론 (Advanced Behavioral Biology) 3-3-0 3344.766 계통생물학및생태학세미나 1 (Seminar in systematics & ecology 1) 1-0-2 3344.767 계통생물학및생태학세미나 2 (Seminar in systematics & ecology 2) 1-0-2 3344.768 계통생물학및생태학콜로키움 1 (Colloquium in systematics & ecology 1) 2-2-0 3344.769 계통생물학및생태학콜로키움 2 (Colloquium in systematics & ecology 2) 2-2-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Biological Sciences) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여학부장이인정하는과목 1 분자세포생물학 (Molecular and Cellular Biology, MCB), 개체생물학 (Integrative Organismic Biology, IOB), 계통생물학및생태학 (Systematics and Ecology, SE) 3 개전공의대학원논문연구 (3344.803) 를제외한공통핵심과목중석사과정은 2 개과목이상, 박사과정은 3 개과목이상을수강하여야함. 다만, 박사과정학생은석사과정에서이수한공통핵심과목의이수를인정함. 2 기타세부이수규정은내규로정한다. [ 경과규정 ] 이규정은 2010 학년도입학자부터적용하며, 2009 학년도이전입학자는종전의규정또는현행규정중선택하여이수할수있다. 3345. 지구환경과학부 (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) 3345.551 종관기상학 (Synoptic Meteorology) 3-3-0 3345.552 대규모대기역학 (Large Scale Dynamics of Atmosphere) 3-3-0 3345.553 미기상학 (Micrometeorology) 3-3-0 3345.554 수치모델링및예측 1(Numerical Modeling and Weather Prediction 1) 3-3-0 3345.558 대기난류 (Atmospheric Turbulence) 3-3-0 3345.559 대기대순환 (Atmospheric General Circulation) 3-3-0 3345.561 열대기상학 (Tropical Meteorology) 3-3-0 3345.564 구름물리학 (Cloud Physics) 3-3-0 3345.565 대기과학특강 1 (Topics in Atmospheric Sciences 1) 3-3-0 3345.566 기상통계학 (Statistical Methods in Meteorology) 3-3-0 3345.570 지리정보기상학 (GIS Meterology) 3-3-0 3345.601A 환경광물학및실험 (Environmental Mineralogy and Lag.) 3-2-2 3345.602 변성암석학특론및실험 (Advanced Metamorphic Petrology and Lab.) 3-2-2 3345.603 안정동위원소지구화학및실험 (Stable Isotope Geochemistry and Lab.) 3-2-2 3345.605 퇴적지질학 (Sedimentary Geology) 3-3-0 3345.606 층서고생물학 (Stratigraphy and Paleontology) 3-3-0 3345.609 수리지질학 (Hydrogeology) 3-3-0 3345.610A전산환경지질역학 (Computational and Environmental Geomechanics) 3-3-0 3345.612 지구시스템관측자료처리와영상화 (Processing, Fusion and Imaging Techniques in Earth System Observation Science) 3-3-0 3345.614 지구내부물리학 (Physics of the Earth's Interior) 3-3-0 3345.615 지진학 (Earthquake Seismology) 3-3-0 3345.620 지체구조물리학특강 (Advanced Study in Tectonophysics) 3-3-0 3345.652 해류학 (Ocean Currents) 3-3-0 3345.653 조석이론과분석 (Tide Theory and Analysis) 3-3-0 3345.655 퇴적학 (Sedimentology) 3-3-0 3345.656 해저퇴적물지구화학 (Geochemistry of Marine Sediments) 3-3-0 3345.657 해양오염론 (Marine Pollution) 3-3-0 3345.658 저서생태학 (Benthos Ecology) 3-3-0 3345.659 해양미생물생태학 (Marine Microbial Ecology) 3-3-0 3345.660A추적자화학 (Tracer Chemistry) 3-3-0 3345.661 해양천연물화학특론 (Advanced Marine Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 3345.721 대기-해양역학 (Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics) 3-3-0 3345.723 대기오염및분산 (Air Pollution and Dispersion) 3-3-0 3345.724 수치모델링및예측 2(Numerical Modeling and Weather Prediction 2) 3-3-0 3345.725 중규모기상학 (Mesoscale Meteorology) 3-3-0 3345.726 대기파동 (Atmospheric Waves) 3-3-0 3345.729A중층대기역학 (Middle Atmosphere Dynamics) 3-3-0 3345.733 대기과학특강 2 (Topics in Atmospheric Sciences 2) 3-3-0 3345.734 대기화학 (Atmospheric Chemistry) 3-3-0 3345.735 대기복사학 (Atmospheric Radiation) 3-3-0 3345.736 해양지구동역학 (Marine Geodynamics) 3-3-0 3345.737 해양지구모델과데이터 (Ocean Earth Models and Data) 3-3-0 3345.741 광물학특론및실험 (Advanced Mineralogy and Lab.) 3-2-2 3345.742 암석학특강 (Advanced Topics in Petrology) 3-2-2 3345.744 구조지질학특강 (Topics in Structural Geology) 3-3-0 3345.745 퇴적학특수연구 (Advanced Study in Sedimentary Geology) 3-3-0 3345.746 고생물학세미나 (Seminar in Paleobiology) 3-0-6 3345.747 자원지질학특수연구 (Advanced Study in Resource Geology) 3-2-2 3345.748 지체구조론 (Geotectonics) 3-3-0 3345.749 현대지질학 (Recent Advances in Geology) 3-2-2 3345.750 환경지질학특강 (Topics in Environmental Geology) 3-3-0 3345.751A응용지질학특강 (Topics in Applied Geology) 3-3-0 3345.752 지구시스템환경관측학특강 (Workshop in Earth System Observation Science) 3-3-0 3345.753 이론지진학 (Theoretical Seismology) 3-3-0-168 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 3348. 물리 천문학부 Department of Physics and Astronomy 3345.754 탐사지구물리특강 (Topics in Exploration Geophysics) 3-3-0 3345.755 지구화학특강 (Topics in Aqueous Geochemistry) 3-2-2 3345.761 천해해양물리학 (Physical Oceanography of the Coastal Processes) 3-3-0 3345.762 해양순환특강 (Topics in Theory of Ocean Circulation) 3-3-0 3345.763 해양파동특강 (Topics in Ocean Waves) 3-3-0 3345.766 분지해석 (Basin Analysis) 3-3-0 3345.767 해양지구화학특강 (Topics in Marine Geochemistry) 3-3-0 3345.769 해양생태학특강 (Topics in Marine Ecology) 3-3-0 3345.770 퇴적물평가특강 (Topics in Sediment Assessment) 3-3-0 3345.771 지구환경과해양미생물특강 (Topics in Earth Environments and Marine Microbes) 3-3-0 3345.772 생물해양학특강 (Topics in Biological Oceanography) 3-3-0 3345.773 환경화학특론및실험 (Advanced Environmental Chemistry and Lab.) 3-1-4 3345.774 해양생물유기화학특강 (Topics in Marine Bioorganic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3345.775 화학해양학특강 (Topics in Chemical Oceanography) 3-3-0 3345.776 해양학세미나 (Seminar in Oceanography) 3-3-0 3345.777 지구환경과학세미나 (Seminar in Earth and Environmental Sciences) 3-3-0 (2개학기반복이수가능 )(S/U평가) 3345.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여학과 ( 부 ) 장이인정하는과목 학칙제 53 조및서울대학교교과과정의과목이수지침에준함. [ 경과규정 ] 1 2000 학년도이전에대학원천문학과, 대기과학과, 지질과학과, 해양학과에입학한학생은대학원지구환경과학부의교과과정을이수하여야한다. 2 2000 학년도이후에대학원과학교육과지구과학전공에서대학원지구환경과학부로소속이변경된학생은대학원지구환경과학부에따라교과과정을이수하여야한다. 3348. 물리 천문학부 (Department of Physics and Astronomy) 물리학전공 (Physics Major) 3348.501 대학원연구입문 (Introduction to Departmental Research Activities) 3-3-0 3342.502 통계역학 (Statistical Mechanics) 3-3-0 3342.505 양자역학 1(Quantum Mechanics 1) 3-3-0 3342.506 양자역학 2(Quantum Mechanics 2) 3-3-0 3342.507 고급실험 (Advanced Physics Laboratory) 3-0-6 3342.508 물리학특강 (Selected Topics in Physics) 3-3-0 3342.509 수리물리학 (Mathematical Physics) 3-3-0 3342.514 고전역학 (Classical Mechanics) 3-3-0 3342.515 전기역학 1(Electrodynamics 1) 3-3-0 3342.516 전기역학 2(Electrodynamics 2) 3-3-0 3342.605A응집물질물리학 1 (Condensed Matter Physics 1) 3-3-0 3342.606A응집물질물리학 2 (Condensed Matter Physics 2) 3-3-0 3342.613 기본핵및입자물리학 (Basic Nuclear and Particle Physics) 3-3-0 3342.615 레이저물리학 (Laser Physics) 3-3-0 3342.616 고급양자및다체계이론 (Advanced Quantum and Many Body Theory) 3-3-0 3342.618 응용전산물리 (Applied Computational Physics) 3-2-2 3342.626A원자물리학 (Atomic Physics) 3-3-0 3342.631 입자물리학 (Particle Physics) 3-3-0 3342.632 일반상대론 (General Relativity) 3-3-0 3342.633 핵물리학 (Nuclear Physics) 3-3-0 3342.635 상전이와임계현상 (Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena) 3-3-0 3342.637 양자장론 1(Quantum Field Theory 1) 3-3-0 3342.638 양자장론 2(Quantum Field Theory 2) 3-3-0 3342.641 핵입자특강 1(Advanced Topics in Nuclei and 3342.642 Particles 1) 3-3-0 핵입자특강 2(Advanced Topics in Nuclei and Particles 2) 3-3-0 3342.652A응집물질물리특강 1(Advanced Topics in Condensed Matter Physics 1) 3-3-0 3342.653A응집물질물리특강 2(Advanced Topics in Condensed Matter Physics 2) 3-3-0 3342.654A응용물리특강 1(Advanced Topics in Applied Physics 1) 3-3-0 3342.655A응용물리특강 2(Advanced Topics in Applied Physics 2) 3-3-0 3342.665 고급장및입자이론 (Advanced Theory on Fields and Particles) 3-3-0 3342.667 복잡계물리 (Physics of Complex Systems) 3-3-0 3342.668 끈이론 (String Theory) 3-3-0 3342.669 생물계물리 (Biological Physics) 3-3-0 3342.670 고급응집물질물리학 (Advanced Condensed Matter Physics) 3-3-0 3342.701 물리학특수연구 1 (Special Research in Physics 1) 3-3-0 3342.702 물리학특수연구 2 (Special Research in Physics 2) 3-3-0 3342.703 물리학특수연구 3 (Special Research in Physics 3) 3-3-0 3342.704 물리학특수연구 4 (Special Research in Physics 4) 3-3-0 3342.705 물리학특수연구 5 (Special Research in Physics 5) 3-3-0 3342.706A물리학특수연구 6 (Special Research in Physics 6) 3-3-0 3342.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Physics Major in Dept. of Physics and Astronomy) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중학부장이인정하는과목 1 전공내규에의함 2 2009 학년도이전입학생은고전역학, 전기역학 1, 양자역학 1 중두과목이상과전기역학 2, 양자역학 2, 통계역학중한과목이상을필수과목으로이수해야함. - 169 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 338. 생물물리및화학생물학과 Department of Biophysics and Chemical Biology 천문학전공 (Astronomy Major) 3345.501 천문관측법 (Techniques in Astronomical Observation) 3-2-2 3345.502 전파천문학 (Radio Astronomy) 3-3-0 3345.503 천체물리학 (Astrophysics) 3-3-0 3345.504 천체분광학및실험 (Astronomical Spectroscopy and Lab.) 3-2-2 3345.505 태양물리학 (Solar Physics) 3-3-0 3345.506 항성대기 (Stellar Atmosphere) 3-3-0 3345.507 성간물질 (Interstellar Matter) 3-3-0 3345.508 천문기기및실험 (Astronomical Instrumentation and Lab.) 3-2-2 3345.509 성간기체역학 (Interstellar Gas Dynamics) 3-3-0 3345.511 외부은하와우주론 (Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology) 3-3-0 3345.513 항성내부구조와진화 (Stellar Structure and Evolution) 3-3-0 3345.514 천문자기유체역학 (Astronomical Magnetohydrodynamics) 3-3-0 3345.516 항성역학및중력 (Stellar Dynamics and Gravitation) 3-3-0 3345.701 관측천문학특강 (Topics in Observational Astronomy) 3-2-2 3345.702 천체분광학특강 (Topics in Astronomical Spectroscopy) 3-3-0 3345.703 외부은하천문학특강 (Topics in Extragalactic Astronomy) 3-3-0 3345.704 천체물리세미나 (Seminar in Astrophysics) 3-3-0 3345.705 이론천문연구 (Research in Theoretical Astronomy) 3-3-0 3345.707 현대천문학특강 (Topics in Current Astronomy) 3-3-0 3345.708 전파천문학특강 (Topics in Radio Astronomy) 3-3-0 3345.710 우주론특강 (Topics in Cosmology) 3-3-0 3345.711 태양물리학특강 (Topics in Solar Physics) 3-3-0 3345.712 성간물리학특강 (Topics in Physics of Interstellar Medium) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Physics) 본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중학부장이인정하는과목 학칙제 53 조및서울대학교대학원교과과정의과목이수지침에준함. [ 경과규정 ] 1 2006 학년도이전에대학원천문학과또는대학원지구환경과학부에입학한학생은대학원물리 천문학부의교과과정을이수하여야한다. 2 2006 학년도이후에대학원지구환경과학부에서대학원물리 천문학부로소속이변경된학생은대학원물리 천문학부과목의이수규정에따라교과과정을이수하여야한다. 338. 생물물리및화학생물학과 (Department of Biophysics and Chemical Biology) 338.501 물리생물학 (Physical Biology) 3-3-0 338.601 생분자분광학및모델링 (Spectroscopy and modeling of biomolecules) 3-3-0 338.502 생체고분자구조및기능 (Macromolecular structure and function) 3-3-0 338.602 생체분자핵자기공명 (Biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) 3-3-0 338.603 유전자발현및대사특론 (Gene regulation and metabolism) 3-3-0 338.604 나노광자학 (Nanophotonics) 3-3-0 338.503 바이오검지 (Biosensors) 3-3-0 338.504 생물학을위한연성물리 (Soft matter physics for biology) 3-3-0 338.701 생물물리학특강 (Special topics in biophysics) 2-2-0 338.702 화학생물학특강 (Special topics in chemical biology) 2-2-0 338.703 BPCB 특수연구 (Special research of biophysics and chemical biology) 3-3-0 338.505 BPCB 세미나 1(BPCB seminar 1) 2-0-4 338.605 BPCB 세미나 2(BPCB seminar 2) 2-0-4 338.506 BPCB 세미나 3(BPCB seminar 3) 2-0-4 338.606 BPCB 세미나 4(BPCB seminar 4) 2-0-4 338.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Biological Sciences) 아래예시된과목을포함하여본교대학원에서제공하는모든과목중학과장이인정하는과목 3342.502 통계역학 (Statistical Mechanics) 3-3-0 3342.626A원자물리학 (Atomic Physics) 3-3-0 3342.667 복잡계물리 (Physics of Complex Systems) 3343.551 고급생화학 (Advanced Biochemistry) 3-3-0 3343.601 화학반응속도론 (Chemical Kinetics) 3-3-0 3343.646 생물유기화학 (Broorganic Chemistry) 3-3-0 3344.603 발생생물학특론 (Advanced Developmental Biology) 3-3-0 3344.617 분자세포생물학 1 (Molecular and Cellular Biology 1) 3-3-0 3344.618 분자세포생물학 2 (Molecular and Cellular Biology 2) 3-3-0 3393.504 단백질체학 (Proteomics) 3-3-0 1 본학과가제공하는과목중세미나및특수연구과목중석사는 2 과목, 박사는 4 과목 ; 강의과목중석사는 2 과목, 박사는 3 과목이상을필히수강하여야한다. 2 자연과학대학및대학원을포함하여본교학부및대학원에서제공하는물리학, 화학및생명과학관련과목중에서석사는 12 학점까지, 박사는 18 학점까지인정한다. 단, 박사과정에대해서는석사과정에서이수한핵심과목을인정함. 3 기타세부이수는내규로정한다. - 170 -

자연과학대학 College of Natural Sciences 339. 뇌인지과학과 Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences 339. 뇌인지과학과 (Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 339.501* 뇌인지과학의원리 (Principles of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 3-3-0 339.502* 뇌인지과학의방법 (Methods in Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 3-3-0 339.611 분자및세포신경생물학 (Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology) 3-3-0 339.612 시냅스의구조와기능 (Structure and Function of Synapses) 3-3-0 339.613 분자수준에서바라본마음과행동의토대 (Molecular Basis of Mind and Behavior) 3-3-0 339.621 임상신경과학및인지신경정신과학 (Clinical neuroscience and cognitive neuropsychiatry) 3-3-0 339.622 뇌에서의일화기억의메커니즘 (Neural mechanism of episodic memory) 3-3-0 339.623 계산론적신경과학과신경정보학 (Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics) 3-2-2 339.624 시각신경과학의실험방법 (Experimental Methods in Visual Neuroscience) 3-2-2 339.631 뇌질환의신경생물학 (Neurobiology of Brain Disorders) 3-3-0 339.632 신경영상처리 (Neuroimage Processing) 3-2-2 339.633 신경영상분석의계산기법 (Computational Methods in Neuroimage Analysis) 3-2-2 339.634 신경영상분석의통계적기법 (Statistical Methods in Neuroimage Analysis) 3-3-0 339.711 흥분성시냅스와시냅스가소성 (Excitatory synapse and Synaptic Plasticity) 3-3-0 339.712 소뇌의신경가소성 (Nerual plasticity in cerebellum) 3-3-0 339.713 유비쿼터스신경가소성과정보저장 (Ubiquitous neural plasticity and information storage) 3-3-0 339.721 시각과시각인지의고전들 (Classics in Vision and Visual Cognition) 3-3-0 339.722 뇌의위치파악신호 (Place signals in the brain) 3-3-0 339.723 시각의신경과학세미나 (Seminars in Visual Neuroscience) 3-3-0 339.731 분자신경영상의원리와응용 (Molecular Neuroimaging Principles and Applications) 3-3-0 339.732 단층신경영상기법의원리 (Principles of Tomographic Neuroimages) 3-3-0 339.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Reasearch) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 자연과학대학및대학원을포함하여본교학부및대학원에서제공되는뇌인지과학관련과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여학과장이인정하는과목 1 석 박사과정모두 6 학점을반드시지정된핵심과목인뇌인지과학의원리 (Principles of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 와뇌인지과학의방법 (Methods in Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 으로이수하여야한다. 이에더하여석사과정은세부전공과목에서 6 학점이상을이수하여야하고, 박사과정은세부전공과목들에서 6 학점이상과세부부전공과목들에서 3 학점이상을반드시이수하여야한다. 박사과정학생은석사과정에서이수한모든과목의이수를그대로인정함. 2 기타세부이수규정은내규로정한다. [ 경과규정 ] 이규정은 2009 학년도입학자부터적용한다. - 171 -

간호대학 College of Nursing 811. 간호학과 Department of Nursing < 간호대학주관 > 811. 간호학과 (Department of Nursing) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 811.513 간호교육방법론및실습 (Teaching Method & Practice) 3-2-2 811.518 간호이론총론 (Theoretical Foundation of Nursing) 3-3-0 811.519 간호연구방법총론 (Nursing Research Methodology) 3-3-0 811.521 중급간호통계학 (Intermediate Statistics in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.621 스트레스증상관리세미나 (Seminar in Stress Response Management) 3-2-2 811.658 질적자료분석론 (Qualitative Data Analysis) 3-3-0 811.683 전문간호사의역할및정책 (Policy and Roles of Nurse Practitioners) 3-3-0 811.705 학위논문연습 1(Dissertation Seminar 1) 2-1-2 811.706 학위논문연습 2(Dissertation Seminar 2) 1-0-2 811.707 간호이론분석 (Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Theory) 3-3-0 811.708 간호이론개발 (Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.710 질적간호연구방법론 (Qualitative Nursing Research Methodology) 3-3-0 811.712 고급간호통계학 (Advanced Statistics in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.713 간호연구설계 (Advanced Design for Nursing Research) 3-3-0 811.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 811.699 상급의사소통및실습 (Advanced Therapeutic Communication and Practicum) 3-2-2 모아 정신간호학전공 (Maternal-Child and Psychiatric Nursing Major) 811.507A 상급정신간호학세미나 (Seminar in Advanced Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing) 3-3-0 811.517 영아기중증환아간호 (Critical Infant Care) 3-2-2 811.619 여성의건강과간호 (Women's Health & Nursing) 3-3-0 811.626 아동간호중재론 (Theories of Pediatric Nursing Intervention) 3-2-2 811.632 인간발달이론과간호적용 (Developmental Theory and Implication for Health Care) 3-3-0 811.633 고급아동간호학세미나 (Seminar in Advanced Pediatric Nursing) 3-3-0 811.634 아동간호의개념및측정 (Concepts and Measurement in Child Health Nursing) 3-3-0 811.635 아동발달과건강증진전략 (Child Development and Health Promotion Strategies) 3-3-0 811.636 아동양육에관한횡문화적접근 (Transcultural Approach to Child Rearing Practice) 3-3-0 811.637 아동간호이론과연구 1(Theory and Research in Child Health Nursing 1) 3-3-0 811.638 아동간호이론과연구 2(Theory and Research in Child Health Nursing 2) 3-3-0 811.639 아동간호연구역할개발 (Role Development in Child Health Nursing Research) 3-2-2 811.640 가임기여성의간호와실습 (Young Adult Women's Primary Care and Practice) 3-2-2 811.645 심리사회적간호중재세미나 (Seminar in Psychosocial Nursing Intervention) 3-3-0 811.651 모성간호연구 (Maternity Nursing Research) 3-3-0 811.656 임산부의생리적적응 (Physiological Adaptation of Pregnant Women) 3-3-0-172 - 811.657 고위험임산부간호 (Care of High-Risk Pregnant Women) 3-3-0 811.665 부모 - 자녀건강특강 (Topics in Parent-Child Health) 3-3-0 811.666 여성의성건강세미나 (Seminar in Women's Sexual Health) 3-3-0 811.679 개인집단정신간호및실습 (Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Intervention for Individual and Group) 4-2-4 811.680 정신건강사정및진단실습 (Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Assessment and Diagnosis) 2-0-4 811.690 발달단계별정신간호및실습 (Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and Practice Based on the Developmental Stages) 4-2-4 811.691 가족정신간호및실습 (Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and Practice for Family) 4-2-4 811.692 고급지역사회정신간호및실습 (Advanced Community Mental Health Nursing and Practice) 4-2-4 811.697 모성간호이론분석 (Theory in Maternity Nursing : Concepts, Theories and Research) 3-3-0 811.700 중독정신간호 (Psychiatric Nursing for Addicted Clients) 3-3-0 성인간호학전공 (Adult Nursing Major) 811.505 고급성인간호학세미나 (Seminar in Advanced Adult Nursing) 3-2-2 811.524A 상급신체사정및실습 (Advanced Physical Examination and Practice) 3-2-2 811.603A 노인건강증진 (Health Promotion for Older Adults) 2-2-0 811.609 생리학특론 (Advanced Physiology) 3-3-0 811.616 노인건강문제관리 (Management of Elderly Health Problems) 3-3-0 811.618 운동간호특론 (Advanced Exercise Nursing) 3-3-0 811.629 고급재활간호학특론 (Advanced Rehabilitation Nursing) 3-2-2 811.630A 종양학개론 (Introduction to Oncology) 3-2-2 811.641 고급병태생리학 (Advanced Pathophysiology) 3-3-0 811.652 종양환자증상관리 (Symptom Management in Cancer) 3-3-0 811.661A 종양간호세미나 (Seminars in Advanced Nursing Oncology) 2-2-0 811.662 행동생리 (Physiology of Human Behavior) 3-3-0 811.663 간호약리학특론 (Advanced Pharmacology in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.667A 노인복지와간호 (Social Welfare and Nursing in Aging) 3-3-0 811.668 고급중환자간호및실습 (Advanced Critical Care Nursing and Practice) 4-2-4 811.669 병원재가노인간호실습 (Gerontological Nursing Practicum in Hospital and Community) 2-0-4 811.677 종양치료의원리와실제 1(Oncology Therapeutics and Nursing 1) 3-3-0 811.678 종양치료의원리와실제 2 (Oncology Therapeutics and Nursing 2) 2-2-0 811.684 종양외과실습 (Surgical Oncology Practicum) 3-0-6 811.685 특수종양환자간호실습 (Practicum for Oncology Nursing) 3-0-6 811.686 장기요양시설노인간호실습 (Gerontological Nursing Practicum in Long-term Care Facilities) 2-0-4 811.687 고급중환자간호관리및실습 (Advanced Nursing Management in Critical Care : Theory and Practice) 4-2-4 811.688 종양내과실습 (Medical Oncology Practicum) 2-0-4

간호대학 College of Nursing 811. 간호학과 Department of Nursing 811.689 재가종양환자간호실습 (Practicum for Oncology Home Care) 2-0-4 811.698 간호영양학특론 (Advanced Nutrition in Nursing) 3-3-0 지역사회간호 간호시스템전공 (Community and Nursing Care System Major) 811.508 고급지역사회간호학세미나 (Seminar in Advanced Community Health Nursing) 3-2-2 811.523 간호관리이론 (Management Theory in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.613 건강증진과간호 (Health Promotion in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.617 간호조직행위론 (Organizational Behavior in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.642A 간호개념측정및도구개발 (Measurement of Nursing Concept) 3-3-0 811.646 지역사회간호학연구 (Community Health Nursing Research) 3-3-0 811.647 지역사회응급의료체계 (Emergency Care System in Community) 3-3-0 811.648 지역사회간호사업평가론 (Community Health Nursing Service Evaluation) 3-3-0 811.649 간호관리연구 (Research Seminar in Nursing Management) 3-3-0 (Nursing Diagnosis Intervention and Outcome Classification) 3-3-0 811.654 고급간호지도자론 (Advanced Leadership in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.655 간호업무평가론 (Performance Evaluation in Nursing) 3-3-0 811.670 간호정보시스템분석및설계 (Nursing Information System Analysis and Design) 3-3-0 811.672 간호정보시스템데이터베이스설계및개발 (Nursing Information System Database Design and Development) 3-3-0 811.673 간호정보시스템구현및평가 (Nursing Information System Implementation and Evaluation) 3-3-0 811.674 보건의사결정지원시스템 (Decision Making Support System in Public Health) 3-3-0 811.675 간호정보학세미나 (Nursing Informatics Seminar) 3-3-0 811.681 소비자건강정보학 (Consumer Health Informatics) 3-3-0 811.682A 이헬스와간호지식경영 (E-health and Nursing Knowledge Management) 3-3-0 811.693 장기요양정책과간호 (Long Term Care Policy and Nursing) 3-3-0 811.711 간호정책세미나 (Seminar in Nursing Politics) 3-2-2 811.694 간호와경제 (Economics and Nursing) 3-3-0 811.695 간호재정관리론 (Financial Management for Nursing Services) 3-3-0 811.696 간호정책의계량분석 (Quantitative Analysis for Nursing Policy) 3-3-0 811.714 지역사회사례관리 (Case Management in the Community) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Nursing) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함 - 173 -

경영대학 College of Business Administration 251. 경영학과 Department of Business Administration < 경영대학주관 > 251.744 기술경영론 (Technology Management) 3-3-0 251. 경영학과 (Department of Business Administration) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 250.514A 상법연구 1(Legal Aspects of Business 1) 3-3-0 250.529 관리경제학 (Managerial Economics) 3-3-0 250.622 한국경영론 (Management Problems and Issues in Korea) 3-3-0 250.629 경영전략연구 (Studies in Corporate Strategy) 3-3-0 250.632 경영혁신론 (Innovations and Management) 3-3-0 250.634 전략계획및실행론 (Strategy Formulation and Implementation) 3-3-0 250.636 전자상거래연구 (Studies in Electronic Commerce) 3-3-0 250.701 경영철학 (Business Philosophy) 3-3-0 251.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 회계학전공 (Accounting Major) 251.501 관리회계연구 (Studies in Managerial Accounting) 3-3-0 251.510 전략적원가관리 (Strategic Cost Management) 3-3-0 251.511 회계감사연구 (Studies in Auditing) 3-3-0 251.512 세무회계연구 (Studies in Tax Accounting) 3-3-0 251.513A 고급회계세미나 (Seminar in Advanced Accounting) 3-3-0 251.515 기업회계와재무보고 (Corporate Accounting and Financial Reporting) 3-3-0 251.613A 재무제표분석과기업가치평가연구 (Studies on Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Valuation with Accounting Information) 3-3-0 251.614 회계와정보시스템 (Accounting and Information System) 3-3-0 251.615 기업세무전략 (Corporate Tax Strategy) 3-3-0 251.618 회계학연구방법론 (Methodology of Accounting Research) 3-3-0 251.619 회계모델링과분석 (Accounting Modeling and Analysis) 3-3-0 251.621 자본시장회계이론 (Capital Market Studies in Accounting) 3-3-0 251.624 국제회계 (International Accounting) 3-3-0 251.625 재무회계이론연구 (Studies in Financial Accounting Theory) 3-3-0 251.704 회계학특수문제 (Contemporary Issues in Accounting) 3-3-0 생산관리전공 (Operations Management Major) 251.541 생산전략분석 (Analysis of Production Strategies) 3-3-0 251.543 생산 - 재고시스템 (Production-Inventory Systems) 3-3-0 251.545 품질경영론 (Total Quality Management) 3-3-0 251.546 생산관리연구 (Studies in Operations Management) 3-3-0 251.548 공급사슬관리론 (Supply Chain Management) 3-3-0 251.556 생산운영계획론 (Operations Planning) 3-3-0 251.637 생산관리세미나 (Seminar in Operations Management) 3-3-0 251.652 고급경영과학연구 (Management Science) 3-3-0 251.653 생산관리특수연구 (Special Topics in Operations Management) 3-3-0 251.680 서비스운영관리 (Service Operations Management) 3-3-0-174 - 경영정보전공 (Management Information System Major) 251.552 정보시스템론 (Fundamentals of Information Systems) 3-3-0 251.553B 기업경영과정보기술세미나 (Corporate Management and Information Technology Seminar) 3-3-0 251.555B 정보시스템통합관리연구 (Studies in Information Systems Integration Management) 3-3-0 251.557A 정보통신기술특강 (Topics in Information and Communication Technology) 3-3-0 251.558B 고급기업데이터관리세미나 (Advanced Corporate Data Management Seminar) 3-3-0 251.559A 정보시스템세미나 1 (Information Systems Seminar 1) 3-3-0 251.643B 기업데이터관리론세미나 (Corporate Data Management Seminar) 3-3-0 251.646A 경영응용프로그래밍연구 (Studies in Business Application Programming) 3-3-0 251.647B 정보시스템디자인연구 (Studies in Information Systems Design) 3-3-0 251.648 정보시스템연구 (Studies in Information Systems) 3-3-0 251.651A 정보시스템세미나 2 (Information Systems Seminar 2) 3-3-0 251.655A 전자경제연구 (Studies in Digital Economy) 3-3-0 251.739 정보시스템연구방법론 (Information System Research Methodology) 3-3-0 251.745 조직과정보시스템세미나 (Organization and Information Systems Seminar) 3-3-0 251.746 정보시스템개발세미나 (Information Systems Development Seminar) 3-3-0 마케팅관리전공 (Marketing Management Major) 251.562A 가격론연구 (Studies in Price Management) 3-3-0 251.563 유통기관경영론 (Marketing Channels) 3-3-0 251.564A 촉진관리론세미나 (Seminar in Promotion Management) 3-3-0 251.574A 신제품개발및제품관리세미나 (Seminar in New Product Development and Product Management) 3-3-0 251.575 소비자행동론연구 (Studies in Consumer Behavior) 3-3-0 251.576 마케팅조사론 (Marketing Research) 3-3-0 251.579 서비스마케팅 (Service Marketing) 3-3-0 251.580 장소마케팅 (Place Marketing) 3-3-0 251.583 하이테크마케팅 (High-Tech Marketing) 3-3-0 251.671A 게임이론과마케팅 (Game Theory and Marketing) 3-3-0 251.672 물류관리론 (Logistics) 3-3-0 251.673A 계량적마케팅의사결정연구 (Studies in Quantitative Marketing Decision-Making) 3-3-0 251.675 마케팅세미나 (Seminar in Marketing) 3-3-0 251.676A 베이지안마케팅모형론 (Bayesian Marketing Models) 3-3-0 251.677A 데이터베이스마케팅연구 (Studies in Database Marketing) 3-3-0 251.679 소비자연구신경향 (Special Topics in Consumer Research) 3-3-0 251.764 소비자행동론세미나 (Seminar in Consumer Behavior) 3-3-0 251.769A 마케팅모형세미나 (Seminar in Marketing Models) 3-3-0 251.771A 소비자의사결정세미나 (Seminar in Consumer Decision Making) 3-3-0

경영대학 College of Business Administration 251. 경영학과 Department of Business Administration 재무금융전공 (Finance Major) 251.560A 채권투자론연구 (Studies in Fixed Income Securities) 3-3-0 252.501 투자론연구 (Studies in Investment) 3-3-0 252.502 자본시장론 (Capital Market Theory) 3-3-0 252.505 금융기관경영론연구 (Studies in Financial Institutions) 3-3-0 252.508 기업재무론연구 (Studies in Corporate Finance) 3-3-0 252.511 재무관리연구 (Studies in Financial Management) 3-3-0 252.513 기업인수합병론 (Mergers and Acquisitions) 3-3-0 252.603 투자관리세미나 (Seminar in Investments) 3-3-0 252.615 파생금융상품론연구 (Studies in Financial Derivatives) 3-3-0 252.616 포오트폴리오관리연구 (Studies in Portfolio Management) 3-3-0 252.619A 위험관리론 (Risk Management) 3-3-0 252.620 재무특강 (Special Topics in Finance) 3-3-0 252.621 보험과위험관리연구 (Studies in Insurance and Risk Management) 3-3-0 252.709 재무관리세미나 (Seminar in Financial Management) 3-3-0 252.713A 투자론실증연구 (Empirical Research in Investments) 3-3-0 252.715A 자산가격결정이론연구 (Asset Pricing Theory) 3-3-0 252.718 재무워크숍 (Finance Workshop) 3-3-0 252.719A 기업재무실증연구 (Empirical Research in Corporate Finance) 3-3-0 252.720 금융공학이론 (Theory of Financial Engineering) 3-3-0 252.721A 기업재무이론연구 (Corporate Finance Theory) 3-3-0 252.722 금융시장이론특수연구 (Advanced Theory of Financial Markets) 3-3-0 252.723 투자론박사과정세미나 (Ph.D. Seminar in Investments) 3-3-0 252.727 기업재무박사과정세미나 (Ph.D. Seminar in Corporate Finance) 3-3-0 252.728 위험과보험경제학연구 (Economics of Risk and Insurance) 3-3-0 인사조직전공 (Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Major) 252.531 인력개발론 (Human Resource Development) 3-3-0 252.532 임금관리론 (Compensation) 3-3-0 252.536A 협상론 (Negotiation) 3-3-0 252.538 노사관계론연구 (Studies in Industrial Relations) 3-3-0 252.540 조직개발론 (Organizational Development) 3-3-0 252.543 인사평가론 (Personnel Evaluation) 3-3-0 252.546 인사관리연구 (Studies in Human Resource Management) 3-3-0 252.547 조직행위론연구 (Studies in Organizational Behavior) 3-3-0 252.548 조직이론연구 (Studies in Organization Theory) 3-3-0 252.552A 비교노사관계론 (Comparative Industrial Relations) 3-3-0 252.553A 집단관리론 (Group Management) 3-3-0 252.554A 모티베이션연구 (Studies in Motivation) 3-3-0 252.650 인사조직세미나 (Seminar in Organization Behavior and Human Resources) 3-3-0 252.651 인사전략론 (Strategic Human Resource Management) 3-3-0 252.652 조직전략론 (Organization and Strategy) 3-3-0 252.731 모티베이션세미나 (Seminar in Motivation) 3-3-0 252.735 임금관리세미나 (Seminar in Compensation) 3-3-0 252.738 단체협상론 (Collective Bargaining) 3-3-0 252.739 리더십세미나 (Seminar in Leadership) 3-3-0-175 - 252.740 인사조직연구방법론 (Methodology in Personnel and Organization) 3-3-0 252.741A 경영사회정책론 (Social Policy for Business) 3-3-0 252.742 조직문화론 (Organizational Culture) 3-3-0 252.743 인사관리세미나 (Seminar in Human Resource Management) 3-3-0 252.744 조직행위론세미나 (Seminar in Organizational Behavior) 3-3-0 252.745 노사관계세미나 (Seminar in Industrial Relations) 3-3-0 252.746A 인사전략세미나 (Seminar in Strategic Human Resource Management) 3-3-0 252.747 조직이론세미나 (Seminar in Organizational Theory) 3-3-0 252.748 조직사상사 (History of Organizational Thoughts) 3-3-0 국제경영전공 (International Business Management Major) 252.563 다국적기업경영론 (Multinational Business Management) 3-3-0 252.565 국제기업환경론연구 (Studies in International Business Environment) 3-3-0 252.566 국제조세론 (International Taxation) 3-3-0 252.570 국제경영이론연구 (Studies in International Business Theory) 3-3-0 252.662A 국제재무관리연구 (Studies in International Financial Management) 3-3-0 252.667 환위험관리론 (Foreign Exchange Risk Management) 3-3-0 252.672 국제협상론 (International Negotiation) 3-3-0 252.673A 경영전략사례연구 (Case Studies in Corporate Strategy) 3-3-0 252.675A 기업전략세미나 (Seminar in Corporate Strategy) 3-3-0 252.676A 국제기업전략연구 (Studies in International Corporate Strategy) 3-3-0 252.677 국제금융시장론 (International Financial Markets) 3-3-0 252.678A 전략과기업지배구조연구 (Studies in Strategy and Corporate Governance) 3-3-0 252.680A 글로벌마케팅전략연구 (Studies in Global Marketing Strategy) 3-3-0 252.681A 국제마케팅연구 (Studies in International Marketing) 3-3-0 252.682 국제경영세미나 (Seminar in International Business) 3-3-0 252.683A 전략경영이론과실제 (Strategic Management Theory and Practice) 3-3-0 252.764 국제재무세미나 (Seminar in International Financial Management) 3-3-0 252.769 국제경쟁력연구 (Studies in International Competitiveness) 3-3-0 252.770A 해외직접투자연구 (Studies in Foreign Direct Investment) 3-3-0 252.771A 고급전략경영이론세미나 (Advanced Seminar in Theories of Strategic Management) 3-3-0 252.772A 경영전략이론연구 (Theories of Strategy in the Global Knowledge-base Economy) 3-3-0 252.773 국제기업협상연구 (Studies in International Negotiation) 3-3-0 252.774A 지역연구와국제경영세미나 (Area Studies and International Business Seminar) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Business Administration) 지도교수의추천에의해학과장이인정하는과목 각전공분야별수강과목은학과내규에의한과목지도를받아야함.

학사과정 Undergraduate Courses 공과대학 College of Engineering 401. 건축학과 Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering < 공과대학주관 > 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 400.505 유한요소법입문 (Introduction to the Finite Element Method) 3-3-0 400.506 세미나 3(Seminar 3) 1-1-0 400.510 공학영어커뮤니케이션 (Engineering English Communications) 3-3-0 400.511 공학영어논문작성법 (Technical English Writing for Engineers) 2-1-2 401. 건축학과 (Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering) 401.605 건축계획특론 1 (Topics in Architectural Planning 1) 3-3-0 401.606A 건축환경시뮬레이션연구 (Studies in Environmental Modeling & Simulation) 3-3-0 401.607 건축계획연구 (Studies in Architecture Design Process) 3-3-0 401.608 건축공간구성특론 (Topics in Architectural Space) 3-3-0 401.614 주거학특론 (Seminar in Housing) 3-3-0 401.616 건축의장론 (Theory of Architectural Design) 3-3-0 401.617 실내장식특론 (Topics on Interior Design) 3-3-0 401.618 건축환경심리론 (Environmental Psychology) 3-3-0 401.620 건축법규연구 (Seminar in Building Code) 3-3-0 401.621 건축환경공학특론 (Advanced Building Environmental Technology) 3-3-0 401.628 건축구조설계특론 1 (Design of Building Structures 1) 3-3-0 401.629 건축구조설계특론 2 (Design of Building Structures 2) 3-3-0 401.630 건축콘크리트공학특론 (Architectural Concrete Technology) 3-3-0 401.646 건축공사관리론 (Project Planning and Control in Construction) 3-3-0 401.648 건축재료공법특론 (Advanced Concepts and Applications of Building Materials in Construction) 3-3-0 401.649 건축코스트계획론 (Cost Planning of Building Design and Construction) 3-3-0 401.650 건축설계연구 1 (Architectural Design Studio 1) 3-0-6 401.651 건축설계연구 2 (Architectural Design Studio 2) 3-0-6 401.652 건축설계연구 3 (Architectural Design Studio 3) 3-0-6 401.656 건축설비계획특론 (Advanced Building Systems Design) 3-3-0 401.657 건축론연구 (Studies in Theory of Architecture) 3-3-0 401.658 한국건축사세미나 (Seminar in History of Korean Architecture) 3-3-0 401.659 동양건축사세미나 (Seminar in History of Asian Architecture) 3-3-0 401.660 한국건축사연구방법론 (Methodology in History of Korean Architecture) 3-3-0 401.661 건축기술특론 (Advanced Building Construction Technology) 3-3-0 401.663 건축생산공학론 (Construction Performance and Productivity Improvement) 3-3-0 401.664 건축구조진동론 (Structural Dynamics of Building - 176 - Structures) 3-3-0 401.667 콘크리트소성학특론 (Advanced Theory of Concrete Plasticity) 3-3-0 401.668 건설경영공학론 (Construction Management & Project Engineering) 3-3-0 401.669 건축구조해석및응용 (Structural Analysis Theory and Applications) 3-3-0 401.770 철골구조소성학 (Behavior and Plastic Design of Steel Structures) 3-3-0 401.771 유한요소응용 (Finite Element Implementation) 3-3-0 401.772 철골구조안정론 (Stability of Steel Structures) 3-3-0 401.773 건축공간분석학 (Architectural Space Analysis) 3-3-0 401.775 건축내진공학 (Earthquake Engineering for Building Structures) 3-3-0 401.776 건축환경계획방법론연구 (Studies in Building Technologies) 3-3-0 401.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 4541. 전기 컴퓨터공학부 (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 4541.501 전기기기및제어 (Electric Machine and Control) 3-3-0 4541.502 전기전자기술의산업응용 (Industrial applications of electrical and electronic technologies) 3-3-0 4541.512 선형시스템이론 (Linear System Theory) 3-3-0 4541.513 시스템수학이론 (Mathematical System Theory) 3-3-0 4541.523 확률신호론 (Stochastic and Random Process) 3-3-0 4541.525A데이터네트웍 (Data Networks) 3-3-0 4541.531 고체전자공학의기초 (Introduction to Solid State Electronics) 3-3-0 4541.534A고급디지털집적회로 (Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits) 3-3-0 4541.535B 아날로그집적회로 (Analog Integrated Circuits) 3-3-0 4541.541 플라즈마공학 (Plasma Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.554 컴퓨터이용설계의기초 (Introduction to Computer -Aided Design) 3-3-0 4541.555 지식및데이터베이스시스템 (Knowledge and Database Management Systems) 3-3-0 4541.561 고급계산이론 (Advanced Theory in Computation) 3-3-0 4541.562 고급그래픽스 (Advanced Graphics) 3-3-0 4541.564 고급데이타베이스 (Advanced Database) 3-3-0 4541.565 고급데이타통신 (Advanced Data Communication) 3-3-0 4541.568 고급운영체제 (Advanced Operating Systems) 3-3-0 4541.569 고급인공지능 (Advanced Artificial Intelligence) 3-3-0 4541.570 고급컴파일러구성 (Advanced Compiler Construction) 3-3-0 4541.571 고급컴퓨터구조 (Advanced Computer Architecture) 3-3-0 4541.572 고급컴퓨터네트워크 (Advanced Computer Networks) 3-3-0 4541.573 고급컴퓨터설계 (Advanced Computer Design) 3-3-0 4541.574 고급프로그래밍언어 (Advanced Programming Languages) 3-3-0 4541.601 고밀도전원장치설계 (High Density Power Supply Design) 3-3-0

공과대학 College of Engineering 4541. 전기 컴퓨터공학부 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 4541.603 반도체전력회로와설계 (Semiconductor Power Circuits and Their Design) 3-3-0 4541.604A최적화기법의전력시스템응용 (Power System Application of Optimization Methods) 3-3-0 4541.606 전기기기제어론 (Electric Machine Control Theory) 3-3-0 4541.607 전기기기최적설계 (Optimal Design of Electric Machines) 3-3-0 4541.609 전기유한요소법 (Finite Element Method in Electrical Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.610 전력시스템계획 (Power System Planning) 3-3-0 4541.611 전력시스템공학 (Power System Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.612 전력시스템모델링및시뮬레이션 (Power System Modeling and Simulation) 3-3-0 4541.613 전력시스템안정도및제어 (Power System Stability and Control) 3-3-0 4541.614 전력시스템운영론 (Power System Operation) 3-3-0 4541.616 전자에너지변환론 (Electromagnetic Conversion Theory) 3-3-0 4541.617A유기반도체 (Organic Semiconductor) 3-3-0 4541.628 전력시스템특강 (Topics in Power Systems) 3-3-0 4541.629A전기에너지변환및회로특강 (Topics in Electric Energy Conversion and Circuit) 3-3-0 4541.630 고급컴파일러 (Advanced Compilers) 3-3-0 4541.631A디지털신호처리시스템설계 (Digital Signal Processing System Design) 3-3-0 4541.632A내장형시스템소프트웨어 (Embedded Systems Software) 3-3-0 4541.633ASoC설계자동화 (SoC Design Automation) 3-3-0 4541.636 컴퓨터조직및설계 (Computer Organization and Design) 3-3-0 4541.638 그래픽스프로그래밍 (Graphics Programming) 3-3-0 4541.658 시스템소프트웨어특강 (Topics in System Software) 3-3-0 4541.659 컴퓨터및 VLSI특강 (Topics in Computer and VLSI) 3-3-0 4541.661 객체지향시스템 (Object-Oriented Systems) 3-3-0 4541.662A분산정보처리 (Distributed Information Processing) 3-3-0 4541.663A고급애니메이션 (Advanced Animation) 3-3-0 4541.664A프로그램분석 (Static Program Analysis) 3-3-0 4541.665 컴퓨터이용설계 (Computer-Aided Design) 3-3-0 4541.666 기계학습 (Machine Learning) 3-3-0 4541.667 기하모델링 (Geometric Modeling) 3-3-0 4541.668A디지털시스템설계방법론 (Digital Systems Design Methodology) 3-3-0 4541.669A고급내장형시스템 (Advanced Embedded Systems) 3-3-0 4541.670 병렬처리론 (Parallel Processing) 3-3-0 4541.671 시스템성능평가 (System Performance Evaluation) 3-3-0 4541.672 실시간시스템 (Real-Time Systems) 3-3-0 4541.673 암호학 (Cryptography) 3-3-0 4541.676 인공신경망 (Artificial Neural Networks) 3-3-0 4541.677A무선인터넷 (Wireless Internet) 3-3-0 4541.678 자연언어처리 (Natural Language Processing) 3-3-0 4541.680 지식표현및추론 (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning) 3-3-0 4541.681A유전알고리즘 (Genetic Algorithm) 3-3-0 4541.682A컴퓨터보안특강 (Topics in Computer Systems Security) 3-3-0 4541.683 컴퓨터비젼 (Computer Vision) 3-3-0 4541.684 분산시스템 (Distributed Systems) 3-3-0 4541.685 데이터통신이해 (Understanding Data Communication) 3-3-0 4541.686 소프트웨어비용분석 (Software Cost Analysis) 3-3-0 4541.687 운영체제이해 (Understanding Operation Systems) 3-3-0 4541.688 프로그래밍이해 (Understanding Programming Languages) 3-3-0 4541.702 동역학응용및모델링 (Modeling and Applied Dynamics) 3-3-0 4541.704 비선형시스템이론 (Nonlinear System Theory) 3-3-0 4541.705 비선형제어특론 (Advanced Topics in Nonlinear Control) 3-3-0 4541.707 신경회로망 (Neural Network) 3-3-0 4541.708A협조제어이론및응용 (Cooperative Control Theory and Applications) 3-3-0 4541.709A최적화기법 (Optimization Theory and Applications) 3-3-0 4541.710 지능로봇및응용 (Intelligent Robot and Applications) 3-3-0 4541.711A컴퓨터비젼의기초 (Introduction to Computer Vision) 3-3-0 4541.713 최적제어이론 (Optimal Control Theory) 3-3-0 4541.714 추정이론 (Estimation Theory) 3-3-0 4541.728 고급디지탈통신 (Advanced Digital Communications) 3-3-0 4541.729 제어자동화특강 (Topics in Control and Automation) 3-3-0 4541.730 검출및추정 (Detection and Estimation) 3-3-0 4541.732 고급오류정정부호 (Advanced Error Correcting Codes) 3-3-0 4541.733A적응신호처리 (Adaptive Signal Processing) 3-3-0 4541.734 고급전자기학 1 (Advanced Electromagnetics 1) 3-3-0 4541.735 고급전자기학 2 (Advanced Electromagnetics 2) 3-3-0 4541.737B 컴퓨터및네트워크보안 (Computer and Network Security) 3-3-0 4541.738 광대역정보통신 (Broadband Telecommunications Technology) 3-3-0 4541.740 신호원부호화이론 (Source Coding Theory) 3-3-0 4541.741A송수진기설계 (Transceiver design) 3-3-0 4541.742 음성신호처리 (Speech Signal Processing) 3-3-0 4541.743 음향공학 (Applied Acoustics) 3-3-0 4541.744 이동및위성통신 (Wireless and Satellite Communications) 3-3-0 4541.745 정보이론 (Information Theory) 3-3-0 4541.746 채널부호화이론 (Channel Coding Theory) 3-3-0 4541.748 초고주파회로 (Microwave Circuits) 3-3-0 4541.749 초음파공학 (Ultrasonic Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.750 화상신호처리 (Image Signal Processing) 3-3-0 4541.751A고급이동통신 (Advanced Wireless Communications) 3-3-0 4541.752B 무선네트워크 (Wireless Networking) 3-3-0 4541.758 신호처리특강 (Topics in Signal Processing) 3-3-0 4541.759 통신공학특강 (Topics in Communications) 3-3-0 4541.761 계산이론특강 (Topics in Theory of Computation) 3-3-0 4541.762 그래픽스특강 (Topics in Computer Graphics) 3-3-0 4541.763 내장형시스템특강 (Topics in Embedded Systems) 3-3-0 4541.764 대규모집적회로특강 (Topics in VLSI) 3-3-0 4541.765 데이터베이스특강 (Topics in Database) 3-3-0 4541.767 병렬처리특강 (Topics in Parallel Processing) 3-3-0 4541.770 실시간시스템특강 (Topics in Real-Time Systems) 3-3-0 4541.771 알고리즘특강 (Topics in Algorithms) 3-3-0-177 -

공과대학 College of Engineering 445. 재료공학부 Department of Materials Science and Engineering 4541.773 인공지능특강 (Topics in Artificial Intelligence) 3-3-0 인터넷특강 (Topics in Internet) 3-3-0 컴파일러구성특강 (Topics in Compiler Construction) 3-3-0 4541.776 컴퓨터공학특강 (Topics in Computer Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.777 컴퓨터구조특강 (Topics in Computer Architecture) 3-3-0 4541.778 컴퓨터네트워크특강 (Topics in Computer Networks) 3-3-0 4541.779 컴퓨터응용특강 (Topics in Computer Applications) 3-3-0 4541.781 고급컴퓨터공학세미나 (Colloquium on Advanced Computer Engineering) 1-1-0 4541.803B반도체공정 (Semiconductor Processes) 4-2-4 4541.805 반도체미세공정 (Microelectronics Fabrication) 3-3-0 4541.806A반도체성질및소자 (Semiconductor Device Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.807B 반도체소자잡음 (Noise of Semiconductor Devices) 3-3-0 4541.808 반도체센서및액츄에이터 (Semiconductor Sensors and Actuators) 3-3-0 4541.809 신경보완기술 (Neural Prosthesis) 3-3-0 4541.811A나노소자및양자전송 (Nanoelectronic Devices and Quantum Transport) 3-3-0 4541.774 4541.775 4541.812 Microwave소자 (Microwave Devices) 3-3-0 4541.828 반도체소자특강 (Topics in Semiconductor Devices) 3-3-0 4541.829 생체전자공학특강 (Topics in Bioelectronics) 3-3-0 4541.830 광정보처리 (Optical Information Processing) 3-3-0 4541.831 집적회로특강 (Topics in Integrated Circuit Design) 3-3-0 4541.832A나노광학 (Nano-Optics) 3-3-0 4541.833A디스플레이공학 (Display Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.835 박막소자 (Thin Film Devices) 3-3-0 4541.836 비선형광공학 (Nonlinear Optical Engineering) 3-3-0 4541.837A분자나노공학 (Principles of Molecular Nanotechnology) 3-3-0 4541.838A전기전자재료및소자설계 (Electric Materials and Devices Design) 3-3-0 4541.839 전자광학 (Electro-optics) 3-3-0 4541.841 플라즈마전자공학 (Plasma Electrodynamics) 3-3-0 4541.843 고급프로그래밍방법론 (Advanced Programming Methodology) 3-3-0 4541.844 MEMS 공정및설계 (Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems Design & Fabrication) 3-2-2 4541.859 전자물리특강 (Topics in Electro-physics) 3-3-0 4541.960 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 서울대학교대학원과목중학부장이인정하는과목 해당사항없음. - 178-445. 재료공학부 (Department of Materials Science and Engineering) 445.604A 투과전자현미경학특강 (Topics in Transmission Electron Microscopy) 3-2-2 445.607 고체이온공학 (Solid State Ionics) 3-3-0 445.608 미세소자재료공학 (Materials Science in Micro Devices) 3-3-0 445.609 응용전기화학특강 (Topics in Applied Electrochemistry) 3-3-0 445.611 철강재료특강 (Topics in Ferrous Materials) 3-3-0 445.612 전자현미경학특강 (Topics in Electron Microscopy of Materials) 3-3-0 445.613 부식및방식 (Corrosion and Protection of Metals) 3-3-0 445.614 전해공정공학 (Electrolytic Process Engineering) 3-3-0 445.615 결정학특강 (Topics in Crystallography) 3-3-0 445.616 결정구조해석 (Crystal Structure Analysis) 3-3-0 445.619 재료열역학 (Thermodynamics of Materials) 3-3-0 445.620 고체반응속도론 (Kinetic Processes in Materials) 3-3-0 445.621 재료의표면및계면론 (Surface and Interface of Materials) 3-3-0 445.623 박막공학 (Thin Film Technology) 3-3-0 445.624A 유기전자재료 (Organic Electronic Materials) 3-3-0 445.625A 전자재료 (Electronic Materials) 3-3-0 445.630 섬유복합재료특강 (Topics in Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials) 3-3-0 445.631A 소성재료역학 (Plasticity of Materials) 3-3-0 445.633A 전달체용고분자 (Polymeric Delivery System) 3-3-0 445.634 점탄성학 (Viscoelasticity) 3-3-0 445.635 고분자분광학 (Polymer Spectroscopy) 3-3-0 445.636 초전도재료특강 (Topics in Superconducting Materials) 3-3-0 445.637 재료의전자물성 (Electronic Properties of Materials) 3-3-0 445.638 생체세라믹스 (Bioceramics) 3-3-0 445.639 자성재료특강 (Topics in Magnetic Materials) 3-3-0 445.640 재료의집합조직과이방성 (Texture and Anisotropy of Materials) 3-3-0 445.643 생체고분자 2(Biopolymers 2) 3-3-0 445.644 섬유고분자공정해석특강 (Topics in Fiber and Polymer Manufacturing Analysis) 3-3-0 445.648A 전위론 (Dislocation Theory) 3-3-0 445.650A 재료및소자의파괴론 (Fracture of Materials and Devices) 3-3-0 445.651 통계열역학 (Statistical Thermodynamics) 3-3-0 445.653A 화학야금특강 (Topics in Chemical Metallurgy) 3-3-0 445.654A 스핀과학과기술 (Spin Science and Technology) 3-3-0 445.655A 물리야금특강 (Topics in Physical Metallurgy) 3-3-0 445.656A 경량금속재료특강 (Topics in Light Metals) 3-3-0 445.657A 재료공정전산응용 (Computer Application in Material Processes) 3-3-0 445.658 상평형의계산과응용 (Calculation of Phase Equilibrium and its Applications) 3-3-0 445.659A 재료강도학특강 (Topics in Mechanical Behavior of Materials) 3-3-0 445.660 반도체물리 (Semiconductor Device Physics) 3-3-0 445.661 반도체고집적기술 (Advanced Integration Technology of Semiconductor) 3-3-0 445.662 반도체특수공정 (Special Processes of Semiconductor) 3-3-0

공과대학 College of Engineering 446. 기계항공공학부 Department of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering 445.663A 반도체재료특강 (Topics in Semiconductor Materials) 3-3-0 445.664A LED공학개론 (Introduction to LED Engineering) 3-3-0 445.665 결정미소역학 (Micromechanics of Crystalline Solid) 3-3-0 445.667A 특허와정보분석 (Patents and Information Analysis) 3-3-0 445.668 무기재료특강 2 (Topics in Inorganic Materials 2) 3-3-0 445.670A 복합재료합성특강 (Topics in Composite Materials Synthesis) 3-3-0 445.672A 재료콜로퀴엄1(Materials Colloquium 1) 1-1-0 445.673 소재신뢰성특수문제 (Special Topics in Materials Reliability) 3-3-0 445.674A 고분자물리학 1(Polymer Physics 1) 3-3-0 445.675A 고분자물리학 2(Polymer Physics 2) 3-3-0 445.677A 재료색채과학 (Colour Science of Materials) 3-3-0 445.678 X-선고분자구조론 (X-ray Diffraction & Polymers Structure) 3-3-0 445.680 색소유기화학 (Organic Chemistry in Colour) 3-3-0 445.682A 섬유고분자유변학 (Rheology of Polymers & Fibers) 3-3-0 445.683 고분자전자재료 (Polymeric Materials for Electronics and Photonics) 3-3-0 445.684A 생체의료용유기재료 (Biomedical Organic Materials) 3-3-0 445.685 고분자구조연구 (Special Topics in Polymer Structure) 3-3-0 445.686 환경기능신소재연구 (Environmentally Functioning Materials) 3-3-0 445.687A 분자모델링과전산모사 (Molecular Modeling and Computer Simulations) 3-3-0 445.688 고분자유기화학특강 (Topics in Organic Chemistry of Polymers) 3-3-0 445.689 합성화학특강 (Topics in Synthetic Chemistry) 3-3-0 445.690 고체고분자케릭터리제이션 (Characterization of Solid Polymers) 3-3-0 445.691 폐기물자원화특강 (Topics in Solid Waste Resource and Recycling) 3-3-0 445.692 고기능성색소재료 (High-Technology Application of Colourants) 3-3-0 445.693 재료비탄성수치해석 (Computational Inelasticity for Polymeric Materials) 3-3-0 445.694 진공장비와계측제어 (Vacuum Systems and Signal Measurement) 3-3-0 445.695 유전박막재료 (Dielectric Thin Film Materials) 3-3-0 445.696 재료산업과기술혁신 (Materials Industry and Technology Innocation) 3-3-0 445.697 연구자를위한기술관리와사업화 (Technology Management and Commercialization for Researchers) 3-3-0 445.698 재료콜로퀴엄2(Materials Colloquium 2) 1-1-0 445.699 재료콜로퀴엄3(Materials Colloquium 3) 1-1-0 445.700 나노세라믹소재구조분석및제어 (Analysis and control of ceramic nano-structure) 3-3-0 445.701 비정질재료 (Amorphous Materials) 3-3-0 445.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 4451. 하이브리드재료전공 (Hybrid Materials Major) 4451.601 재료구조론 (Theories of Structure of Materials) 3-3-0 4451.602 하이브리드재료열역학 (Hybrid Material Thermodynamics) 3-3-0 4451.603 재료반응속도론 (Kinetic Process in Materials) 3-3-0 4451.604 통계역학 (Statistical Mechanics) 3-3-0 4451.605 계면구조분석 (Interfacial Structure Analysis) 4-4-0 4451.606 합성과공정 (Synthesis and Processing) 6-6-0 4451.607 계면현상의반도체소자응용 (Application of Interface Phenomena to Semiconductor Devices) 3-3-0 4451.608 재료의전기광학적성질 (Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials) 3-3-0 4451.609 바이오포토닉스 (Bio-photonics) 3-3-0 4451.610 나노소재의생체용임플란트응용 (Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Implant) 3-3-0 4451.611 에너지변환및저장용하이브리드재료 (Hybrid Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage) 3-3-0 4451.612 에너지나노재료및소자 (Nanomaterials and Devices for Energy) 3-3-0 4451.613 나노재료의공정및기계적성질 (Processing and Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials) 3-3-0 4451.614 유기반도체의전기광학적성질 (Electrical and Optical Properties of Organic Semiconductors) 3-3-0 4451.615 화합물반도체광전자재료및소자 (Compound Semiconductor Optoelectronic Materials and Devices) 3-3-0 4451.616 기능성고분자 : 분자설계및응용고급과정 (Advanced Functional Polymers: Molecular Design and Applications) 3-3-0 4451.617 재료콜로퀴 (Colloquium of Materials Science) 1-1-0 4451.618 학생포럼 (Students Forum) 1-1-0 *4451.619 하이브리드재료특강 1 (Topics in Hybrid Materials 1) 3-3-0 *4451.620 하이브리드재료특강 2 (Topics in Hybrid Materials 2) 3-3-0 4451.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Materials Science Engineering) 공과대학의타학과 ( 부 ) 및자연계대학과목중지도교수및학부장이인정하는과목 1 학부내규에따름 2 재료공학부및재료공학부 ( 하이브리드재료전공 ) 의교과과정은통합운영하는것으로함. 446. 기계항공공학부 (Department of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering) 446.502 고급가스터빈론 (Advanced Gas Turbine) 3-3-0 446.504B 마이크로유체역학 (Micro Fluid Mechanics) 3-3-0 446.506 기계공학수치해석 (Numerical Analysis in Mechanical Engineering) 3-3-0 446.507 고급기계공학해석 (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Analysis) 3-3-0 446.511A 난류유동 (Turbulent Flows) 3-3-0 446.514 고급내연기관론 (Advanced Internal Combustion Engine) 3-3-0 446.515 대류열및물질전달 (Convective Heat and Mass Transfer) 3-3-0 446.517 레이져응용열공학 (Laser Application in Thermal Engineering) 3-3-0-179 -

공과대학 College of Engineering 446. 기계항공공학부 Department of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering 446.518 복사열전달 (Radiation Heat Transfer) 3-3-0 446.522 고급연소공학 (Advanced Combustion) 3-3-0 446.524 열유동계측 (Thermofluid Measurement) 3-3-0 446.531A 입자및에어로졸공학 (Particle and Aerosol Technology) 3-3-0 446.540 저온공학 (Cryogenic Engineering) 3-3-0 446.541A 마이크로 / 나노스케일열전달 (Micro/Nano Scale Heat Transfer) 3-3-0 446.542 전산유체역학 (Computational Fluid Mechanics) 3-3-0 446.544 통계열역학 (Statistical Thermodynamics) 3-3-0 446.547 고급유체역학 (Advanced Fluid Mechanics) 3-3-0 446.572 에너지공학특강 (Topics in Energy Engineering) 3-3-0 446.573 열공학특강 (Topics in Thermal Engineering) 3-3-0(S/U평가 ) 446.575 열전달특강 (Topics in Heat Transfer) 3-3-0(S/U평가 ) 446.603 공작기계설계론 (Machine Tool Design) 3-3-0 446.607 기초음향공학 (Engineering Acoustics) 3-3-0 446.612 로봇역학 (Robot Mechanics) 3-3-0 446.613A 비선형시스템제어 (Control of Nonlinear dynamic System) 3-3-0 446.618 소성역학 (Plasticity) 3-3-0 446.620A 강건제어시스템설계 (Robust Control System Design) 3-3-0 446.622 연속체역학 (Continuum Mechanics) 3-3-0 446.623A 차량동역학및제어 (Vehicle Dynamics and Control) 3-3-0 446.624 유한요소해석 (Finite Element Analysis) 3-3-0 446.625 고급윤활공학 (Advanced Tribology and Lubrication Engineering) 3-3-0 446.632 제어및시스템이론 (Control and System Theory) 3-3-0 446.633 컴퓨터이용설계 (Computer Aided Design) 3-3-0 446.636 정밀기계계측 (Instrumentation for Measurement Analysis and Control) 3-3-0 446.639A 벡터공간최적화 (Vector Space Optimization) 3-3-0 446.642 특수정밀가공 (Special Accurate Machining) 3-3-0 446.645 터보기계 (Turbomachinery) 3-3-0 446.646 진동학 (Vibration) 3-3-0 446.671 고급기계설계문제연구 1(Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 1) 3-3-0 446.672 고급기계설계문제연구 2(Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 2) 3-3-0 446.673 고급기계설계문제연구 3(Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3) 3-3-0 446.674 고급기계설계문제연구 4(Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 4) 3-3-0 446.675 자동화설계특강 1(Topics in Automation System Design 1) 3-3-0(S/U평가 ) 446.676 자동화설계특강 2(Topics in Automation System Design 2) 3-3-0(S/U평가 ) 446.677 정밀기계설계특강 1(Topics in Precision Machinery Design 1) 3-3-0(S/U평가 ) 446.678 정밀기계설계특강 2(Topics in Precision Machinery Design 2) 3-3-0(S/U평가 ) 446.681 탄성학 (Elasticity) 3-3-0 446.684 바이오마이크로기전시스템 (Bio-MEMS) 3-3-0 446.685 지능재료및설계 (Smart Materials and Design) 3-3-0 446.686A 제조고려설계 (Design for Manufacturing) 3-3-0 446.701 공기흡입추진이론 (Air Breathing Propulsion Theory) 3-3-0 446.702 공력소음론 (Aeroacoustics) 3-3-0 446.703 공력열화학 (Aerothermochemistry) 3-3-0 446.704 공력탄성학 (Aeroelasticity) 3-3-0 446.706 구조안정론 (Elastic Structural Stability) 3-3-0 446.712 극초음속유동 (Hypersonic Flow) 3-3-0 446.713A 전산연소공학 (Numerical Combustion) 3-3-0 446.726 고급항공전자 (Advanced Avionics) 3-3-0 446.728 고급항공우주비행동역학및제어 (Advanced Theory on Vehicle Dynamics and Control) 3-3-0 446.732 고급연소론 (Advanced Combustion) 3-3-0 446.736 우주추진이론 (Space Propulsion Theory) 3-3-0 446.737 유체및연소현상계측론 (Theory of Physical Measurement in Gas Dynamics and Combustion) 3-3-0 446.743 고급점성유체역학 (Advanced Viscous Fluid Flow) 3-3-0 446.746A 판및쉘이론 (Theory of Plates and Shells) 3-3-0 446.747 고급전산유체역학 (Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics) 3-3-0 446.752 항공유한요소법 (Finite Element Method in Aerospace Engineering) 3-3-0 446.753 고급항공응용수학 (Advanced Applied Mathematics for Aerospace Engineering) 3-3-0 446.754 항공응용최적제어론 (Applied Aerospace Optimal Control) 3-3-0 446.755A 항공우주추정론 (Aerospace Estimation) 3-3-0 446.756 항공제어유도론 (Theory of Flight Vehicle Guidance and Control) 3-3-0 446.758 고급항법시스템 (Advanced Navigation System) 3-3-0 446.761 고급해석동역학 (Advanced Analytical Dynamics) 3-3-0 446.763A 헬리콥터고급이론 (Advanced Theory of Helicopter) 3-3-0 446.764 희박기체역학 (Rarefied Gas Dynamics) 3-3-0 446.771 항공우주문제특강 (Topics in Aerospace Engineering) 3-3-0 446.772 항공우주문제윤강 (Seminar in Aerospace Engineering) 3-3-0 446.773 메카트로닉스특강 (Topics in Mechatronics) 3-2-2 446.774 전산나노역학 (Computational Nanomechanics) 3-3-0 446.775 고급필터링이론 (Advanced Filtering Theory) 3-3-0 446.776 연료전지개론 (Fuel Cell Fundamentals) 3-3-0 446.777 견실최적설계방법론 (Robust Optimal Design Methodology) 3-3-0 446.778 생체모사로봇공학 (Biologically Inspired Robotics) 3-3-0 446.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 4461. 멀티스케일기계설계전공 (Multiscale Mechanical Design Major) 4461.510 마이크로시스템계측 (Micro System Measurements) 3-3-0 4461.511 멀티스케일열전도 (Multiscale Heat Conduction) 3-3-0 4461.512 멀티스케일복사 (Multiscale Radiation) 3-3-0 4461.513 분자운동론및통계열역학 (Microscale Gas Dynamics And Statistical Thermodynamics) 3-3-0 4461.514 난류유동해석 (Analysis of Turbulent Flow) 3-3-0 4461.515 멀티스케일전산유체역학 (Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics) 3-3-0 4461.516 열에너지시스템의미시해석및응용 (Microscale Analysis of Thermal Energy Systems) 3-3-0 4461.520 연속체역학기초 (Fundamentals on Continuum Mechanics) 3-3-0 4461.521 멀티스케일탄성학 (Multiscale Elasticity) 3-3-0-180 -

공과대학 College of Engineering 457. 건설환경공학부 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 4461.522 파괴역학 (Fracture Mechanics) 3-3-0 4461.523 연속체시스템의전산해석 (Numerical Analysis on Continuum Bodies) 3-3-0 4461.524 멀티스케일유도초음파해석및응용 (Multiscale Guided Wave Analysis and Applications) 3-3-0 4461.525 재료역학및마이크로재료설계 (Mechanics of Materials And Design of Microstructure) 3-3-0 4461.526 멀티스케일물리, 소자이론 (Fundamentals of Multiscale Physical Devises) 3-3-0 4461.527 탄성학이론과응용 (Theory of Elasticity And Application) 3-3-0 4461.530 공학응용수치해석 (Numerical Analysis for Engineering Applications) 3-3-0 4461.531 멀티스케일시뮬레이션 (Multiscale Simulation) 3-3-0 4461.532 나노 - 연속브릿징해석 (Nano-continuum Bridging Analysis) 3-3-0 4461.533 멀티스케일시스템설계 (Multiscale System Design) 3-3-0 4461.540 멀티스케일가공공정개론 (Fundamentals of Multiscale Fabrication) 3-3-0 4461.541 마이크로 / 나노기전시스템제작및실습 (Hands on Fabrication of MEMS And NEMS) 3-1-4 4461.542 멀티스케일자연모사시스템제작및응용 (Multiscale Biomimetics System manufacturing and Applications) 3-3-0 4461.543 나노 / 바이오융합시스템 (Nano/Bio Fusion Systems) 3-3-0 4461.544 멀티스케일입자공학 (Multiscale Particle Engineering) 3-3-0 4461.545 에어로졸공학 (Aerosol Science And Technology) 3-3-0 4461.546 나노복합재료의제작및평가 (Fabrication and Evaluation of Nano Composites) 3-3-0 4461.547 멀티스케일유체역학의의공학응용 (Biomedical Application of Nano, Micro and Macro-scale Fluidics) 3-3-0 4461.550 멀티스케일기계설계세미나 1 (Seminar on The Multiscale Mechanical System Design 1) 3-3-0(S/U 평가 ) 4461.551 멀티스케일기계설계세미나 2 (Seminar on The Multiscale Mechanical System Design 2) 3-3-0(S/U 평가 ) 4461.803 대학원논문연구 1 (Dissertation Research 1) 3-3-0(S/U 평가 ) 4461.804 대학원논문연구 2 (Dissertation Research 2) 3-3-0(S/U 평가 ) 1 학부내규에따름 2 기계항공공학부및기계항공공학부 ( 멀티스케일기계설계전공 ) 의교과과정은통합운영하는것으로함. 457. 건설환경공학부 (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) 457.501 교량역학 (Mechanics of Bridges) 3-3-0 457.511 구조최적화론 (Theory of Structural Optimization) 3-3-0 457.512 판및쉘이론 (Theory of Plates and Shells) 3-3-0 457.514 지능형구조시스템공학 (Intelligent Structural Systems Engineering) 3-3-0 457.515 내진공학 (Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering) 3-3-0-181 - 457.516 구조진동론 (Dynamics of Structures) 3-3-0 457.522 교통류특강 (Topics in Traffic Flow Theory) 3-3-0 457.523 교통계획특론 (Advanced Transportation Planning) 3-3-0 457.524 비행장공학특론 (Advanced Airport Engineering) 3-3-0 457.526 대중교통공학특론 (Advanced Mass Transit Engineering) 3-3-0 457.527 교통망이론 (Transportation Network Theory) 3-3-0 457.528 교통최적화기법 (Transportation Optimization Techniques) 3-3-0 457.529 교통운영 (Operation of Transportation Facilities) 3-3-0 457.530 도시및지역계획특론 (Advanced Theory of Urban and Regional Planning) 3-3-0 457.531 도시및지구환경경제론 (Urban and Environmental Economics) 3-3-0 457.533 도시계획연구방법론 (Research Methodology in Urban Planning) 3-3-0 457.536 도시재개발론 (Advanced Theory of Urban Renewal) 3-3-0 457.537 사진측량특론 (Advanced Photogrammetry) 3-3-0 457.538 측지학특론 (Advanced Geodesy) 3-3-0 457.539 원격탐사특론 (Advanced Remote Sensing) 3-3-0 457.541 지리정보시스템특론 (Advanced Geographic Information Systems) 3-3-0 457.542 측량학특론 (Advanced Surveying) 3-3-0 457.544 위성영상판독 (Satellite Sensing Image Interpretation) 3-3-0 457.551 도시공간구조론 (Formation of Urban Structure) 3-3-0 457.552 도시주택론 (Urban and Land Information Systems) 3-3-0 457.553 도시해석 (Urban Analysis) 3-3-0 457.555 도시설계특론 (Advanced Urban Design) 3-3-0 457.557 수자원시스템공학 (Water Resources Systems Engineering) 3-3-0 457.558 전산수리학 (Computational Hydraulics) 3-3-0 457.559 수리학특론 (Advanced Hydraulics) 3-3-0 457.560 환경수리학특론 (Advanced Environmental Hydraulics) 3-3-0 457.561 유체동역학 (Fluid Dynamics) 3-3-0 457.562 하천공학특론 (Advanced River Engineering) 3-3-0 457.566 파랑역학 (Water Wave Mechanics) 3-3-0 457.567 파랑역학특론 (Advanced Water Wave Mechanics) 3-3-0 457.568A 통계수문학 (Statistical Hydrology) 3-3-0 457.602 흙의동력학 (Soil Dynamics) 3-3-0 457.603 지반공학특론 1 (Advanced Geotechnical Engineering 1) 3-3-0 457.604 지반공학특론 2 (Advanced Geotechnical Engineering 2) 3-3-0 457.607 토질역학특론 1 (Advanced Soil Mechanics 1) 3-3-0 457.608 토질역학특론 2 (Advanced Soil Mechanics 2) 3-3-0 457.609 지반환경공학특론 1(Advanced Geoenvironmental Engineering 1) 3-3-0 457.610 지반환경공학특론 2(Advanced Geoenvironmental Engineering 2) 3-3-0 457.618 환경공학특론 (Advanced Environmental Engineering) 3-3-0 457.619 환경생명공학및실험 (Environmental Biotechnology and Lab.) 3-2-2 457.620 수질오탁특론 (Advanced Water Pollution) 3-3-0

공과대학 College of Engineering 458. 화학생물공학부 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering 457.621 생물학적처리공정 (Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering) 3-3-0 457.626 환경화학특론 (Advanced Environmental Chemistry) 3-3-0 457.627 유해폐기물공학 (Hazardous Waste Engineering) 3-3-0 457.628 토양오염및위해성평가 (Soil Contamination and Risk Assessment) 3-3-0 457.629 폐기물공학특론 (Special Topics in Solid Waste Engineering) 3-3-0 457.630 지속가능한물관리 (Sustainable Water Management) 3-3-0 457.631A 통합유역물관리 (Integrated Watershed Management) 3-3-0 457.632 물리화학적처리공정 (Physico-chemical Treatment Process) 3-3-0 457.634 오염물질이동해석 (Contaminant Transport Analysis) 3-3-0 457.635 지능형교통체계의계획과설계 (Planning and Design of ITS) 3-3-0 457.641A 흙의역학시험 (Engineering Properties of Soils) 3-2-2 457.643 불규칙구조진동론 (Structural Random Vibrations) 3-3-0 457.644 고급교량공학 (Advanced Bridge Engineering) 3-3-0 457.645 구조안정론 (Theory of Structural Stability) 3-3-0 457.646 구조신뢰성특강 (Topics in Structural Reliability) 3-3-0 457.647 고급비선형구조해석 (Advanced Nonlinear Structural Analysis) 3-3-0 457.648 탄성체역학 (Theory of Elasticity) 3-3-0 457.649 고급구조해석 (Advanced Structural Analysis) 3-3-0 457.650 고급철근콘크리트설계 (Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design) 3-3-0 457.651 고급철근콘크리트역학 (Advanced Reinforced Concrete Mechanics) 3-3-0 457652 재해와리스크관리 (Disaster and Risk Management) 3-3-0 457.653 해안공학 (Coastal Engineering) 3-3-0 457.654 토목지질공학특론 (Advanced Engineering Geology in Civil Engineering) 3-3-0 457.655 물리수문학 (Physical Hydrology) 3-3-0 457.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering) 서울대학교대학원과목중에서지도교수가추천하고학부장이승인하는과목을전공선택과목으로인정함. 해당사항없음. 458. 화학생물공학부 (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering) 458.501 이동현상 (Transport Phenomena) 3-3-0 458.502 반도체화학공정 (Chemical Processes in Semiconductor Fabrication) 3-3-0 458.503 생유기화학 (Bioorganic Chemistry) 3-3-0 458.504 생물반응공학 (Biological Reaction Engineering) 3-3-0-182 - 458.505 고급환경공학 (Advanced Environmental Engineering) 3-3-0 458.601 반응공학특론 (Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering) 3-3-0 458.602 분자열역학 (Molecular Thermodynamics) 3-3-0 458.603 분리공정특론 (Advanced Separation Processes) 3-3-0 458.604 공정동력학및제어 (Process Dynamics and Control) 3-3-0 458.605 화공수학 (Chemical Engineering Mathematics) 3-3-0 458.611 화공수치해석 (Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering) 3-3-0 458.612 물질전달 (Mass Transfer) 3-3-0 458.613 고분자유변학 (Polymer Rheology) 3-3-0 458.614 화학공정모형및모사 (Modelling and Simulation of Chemical Processes) 3-3-0 458.615 공정합성 (Process Synthesis) 3-3-0 458.616 고분자프로세싱 (Polymer Processing) 3-3-0 458.621 전기화학특론 (Advanced Electrochemistry) 3-3-0 458.622 표면화학특론 (Advanced Surface Chemistry) 3-3-0 458.623 촉매론 (Special Lecture on Engineering Catalysis) 3-3-0 458.624 에너지공학 (Energy Engineering) 3-3-0 458.625 고체구조및물성 (Structures and Properties of Solids) 3-3-0 458.631 고급재료화학 (Advanced Materials Chemistry) 3-3-0 458.632 촉매공학 (Catalyst Engineering) 3-3-0 458.641 고분자합성 (Synthesis of High Polymers) 3-3-0 458.642 고분자물성특론 (Structures and Properties of Polymers) 3-3-0 458.643 정밀화학특론 (Advanced Organic Chemistry for Fine Chemicals) 3-3-0 458.644 고분자물리화학 (Physical Chemistry of Polymers) 3-3-0 458.645 고분자재료특강 (Topics on Polymeric Materials) 3-3-0 458.651 고분자계면공학 (Interfacial Engineering in Polymers) 3-3-0 458.652 고분자반응론 (Polymeric Reactions) 3-3-0 458.643 정밀화학특론 (Advanced Organic Chemistry for Fine Chemicals) 3-3-0 458.653 고급유기합성화학 (Advanced Organic Synthesis) 3-3-0 458.654 나노유기재료 (Organic Nanomaterials) 3-3-0 458.661 생물분리공학 (Bioseparation Engineering) 3-3-0 458.662 분자생물공학특론 (Advanced Molecular Biochemical Engineering) 3-3-0 458.663 응용단백질공학 (Protein Engineering) 3-3-0 458.664 환경공정 (Environmental Process) 3-3-0 458.665 막기술 (Membrane Technology) 3-3-0 458.672 나노바이오공학특론 (Advanced Nanobiotechnology) 3-3-0 458.673 생물화학공학특론 (Advanced Biochemical Engineering) 3-3-0 458.674 효소공학 (Enzyme Engineering) 3-3-0 458.675 수질화학 (Aquatic Chemistry) 3-3-0 458.701 공정시스템특강 (Topics in Process and System Engineering) 3-3-0 458.702 무기및반도체특강 (Topics in Inorgarnic Material and Semiconductor Process) 3-3-0 458.703 정밀화학및고분자특강 (Topics in Fine Chemicals and Polymeric Materials) 3-3-0 458.704 생물및환경공학특강 (Topics in Biological and Environmental Engineering) 3-3-0

공과대학 College of Engineering 459. 에너지시스템공학부 Department of Energy System Engineering 458.711 화학생물공학대학원세미나 (Graduate Seminar) 1-2-0(6 개학기반복이수가능 )(S/U 평가 ) 458.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 4582. 에너지환경화학융합기술전공 (Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment Major) 4582.501 표면및계면화학개론 (Introduction to Surface/Interface Chemistry) 3-3-0 4582.502 고체물리화학 (Solid State Physical Chemistry) 3-3-0 4582.503 기능성고분자나노소재 (Functional Polymer Nano Materials) 3-3-0 4582.504 기능성무기나노소재 (Functional Inorganic Nano Materials) 3-3-0 4582.505 에너지환경화학융합개론 (Introduction to Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment) 3-3-0 4582.506 에너지환경화학융합소재및구조 (Materials & Structure of Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment) 3-3-0 4582.601 자기조립소재의특성과평가 (Characterization & Properties of Self-Assembled Materials) 3-3-0 4582.602 나노소재분석 (Characterization of Nano Materials) 3-3-0 4582.603 고체고분자물리학 (Physics of Solid Polymers) 3-3-0 4582.604 유기나노소재합성 (Synthesis of Organic Nano Materials) 3-3-0 4582.605 고분자합성특론 (Modern Techniques in Polymerization) 3-3-0 4582.606 에너지저장및변환나노복합소재 (Nanocomposite Materials for Energy Storage & Conversion) 3-3-0 4582.607 에너지저장소재및시스템 (Energy Storage Materials & System) 3-3-0 4582.608 전기화학에너지공학 (Electrochemical Energy Engineering) 3-3-0 4582.609 환경공정공학 (Environmental Process Engineering) 3-3-0 4582.610 고급환경화학 (Advanced Environmental Chemistry) 3-3-0 4582.701 에너지환경화학융합세미나 (Seminar of Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment) 1-1-0 4582.702 에너지환경화학융합특강 1 (Special Topics to Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment 1) 3-3-0 4582.703 에너지환경화학융합특강 2 (Special Topics to Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment 2) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Chemical Engineering) 공과대학및자연과학대학대학원과목중학부장이인정하는과목 1 학부내규에따름. 2 화학생물공학부및화학생물공학부 ( 에너지환경화학융합기술전공 ) 의교과과정은통합운영하는것으로함 에너지전공 (Energy Major) 433.501 산업의안전, 환경및보건 (Management of Safety, Environment and Health in Energy Industry) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Chemical Engineering) 212.657 산업조직론연구, 212.672 기술및발전경제학연구, 212.674A 기업구조와전략론연구, 212.679 기업연구세미나, 212.703 계량경제학연구, 401.621 건축환경공학특론, 401.656 건축설비계획특론, 409.417A 에너지정책및경제, 409.427 시스템설계프로젝트, 446.514 고급내연기관론, 446.515 대류열및물질전달, 446.522 고급연소공학, 447.546 고급자원경제학연구, 447.549 환경경영연구, 447.550 국제자원시장분석론, 447.575 물리탐사자료분석, 447.576 전기탐사특론, 447.580 응용지구화학특론, 447.582 석유개발공학특론, 447.583 유전및대수층평가공학, 447.584 지하유체공학특론, 447.585 저류층전산해석특론, 447.587 탄성파탐사특론, 447.588 지구물리수치해석, 447.590 분체공학, 447.591 지하유체수치해석, 447.592 유정제어, 447.593 지구통계학특론, 447.595 발파공학특론, 447.597 암석역학특론 1, 447.611 응용지질특론, 447.612A 지반재해문제, 447.615 암석역학자료해석, 447.616 암석파괴역학, 447.620 지구환경계량분석특론, 447.642 지반정보시스템이론, 4541.519 전력시장이론, 4541.541 플라즈마공학, 4541.628 전력시스템특강, 4541.838A 전기전자재료및소자설계 459. 에너지시스템공학부 (Department of Energy Systems Engineering) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 459.500 에너지정책세미나 (Seminar in Energy Issues) 3-3-0 459.501 폐기물지층처분공학개론 (Fundamental Waste Disposal Engineering in Underground Rock Mass) 3-3-0 459.502 고급에너지경제학연구 (Advanced Energy and Energy Technology Economics) 3-3-0 459.503 탄성파탐사특강 (Topics in Seismic Prospecting) 3-3-0 459.504 원자로시스템공학 (Nuclear Systems Engineering) 3-3-0 459.505 원자로시스템전산 (Nuclear Systems Simulation) 3-1-4 459.600 석유가스공학특강 (Topics in Petroleum and Gas Engineering) 3-3-0 459.601 에너지시스템신뢰도공학 (Energy System Reliability Analysis) 3-3-0 459.700 환경표면화학 (Environmental Surface Chemistry) 3-3-0 459.701 에너지시스템재료특강 (Topics in Energy System Materials Engineering) 3-3-0 459.702 몬테카를로법 (Monte Carlo Methods) 3-3-0 459.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 에너지자원공학전공 (Energy Resource Engineering Major) 459.520 환경경영연구 (Advanced Principles of Environmental Management) 3-3-0 459.521 에너지개발시스템 (Energy Development System) 3-3-0 459.522 물리탐사자료분석 (Geophysical Data Processing) 3-2-2 459.523 고급암석역학 (Advanced Rock Mechanics) 3-2-2 459.524 에너지자원원격탐사 (Remote Sensing for Energy Resources) 3-2-2 459.620 전기탐사특강 (Topics in Electrical Prospecting) 3-3-0 459.621 응용지구화학특강 (Topics in Applied Geochemistry) 3-3-0 459.622 저류층특성공학 (Advanced Reservoir Engineering) 3-3-0 459.623 유전평가공학 (Well Testing) 3-3-0-183 -

공과대학 College of Engineering 464. 산업 조선공학부 Department of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture 459.624 지구물리수치해석 (Numerical Analysis in Geophysics) 3-3-0 459.625 암반사면공학 (Rock Slope Engineering) 3-3-0 459.626 암석블록거동해석 (Rock Block Behavior Analysis) 3-3-0 459.627 암반응력해석 (Rock Stress Analysis) 3-3-0 459.628 지반재해분석 (Geohazards Assessment) 3-3-0 459.629 환경지구화학특강 (Topics in Environmental Geochemistry) 3-3-0 459.630 환경분리공정 (Separation Process in Waste Minimization) 3-3-0 459.631 청정석탄기술 (Clean Coal Technology) 3-3-0 459.720 산업경제계량분석 (Econometric Analysis of Industry and Technology) 3-3-0 459.721 저류층수치해석 (Advanced Reservoir Simulation) 3-3-0 459.722 지구물리역산특강 (Topics in Geophysical Inverse Theory) 3-3-0 459.723 고급지구통계학 (Advanced Geostatistics) 3-2-2 459.724 발파공학특강 (Topics in Engineering Blasting) 3-3-0 459.725 암석파괴역학 (Fracture Mechanics of Rocks and Other Brittle Materials) 3-3-0 459.726 전자탐사특강 (Topics in Electromagnetic Prospecting) 3-3-0 459.727 지반정보시스템이론 (Theory of Geotechnical Information Systems) 3-3-0 459.728 석유공학수치해석 (Numerical Analysis in Petroleum Engineering) 3-3-0 459.729 암반불연속면해석 (Analysis of Rock Mass Discontinuities) 3-3-0 459.730 지구물질의물리화학분석 (Physicochemical Analysis of Earth Materials) 3-2-2 459.731 다공성매질의탄성체역학 (Theory of Poroelasticity) 3-3-0 459.732 전산암반공학 (Numerical Analysis in Rock Engineering) 3-2-2 원자핵공학전공 (Nuclear Engineering Major) 459.560 원자로정특성해석 (Analysis of Static Reactor Characteristics) 3-3-0 459.561 응용핵물리특강 (Topics in Applied Nuclear Physics) 3-3-0 459.562 핵융합플라즈마이론 1 (Theory of Fusion Plasmas 1) 3-3-0 459.563 핵융합플라즈마이론 2 (Theory of Fusion Plasmas 2) 3-3-0 459.564 핵변환공학 (Nuclear Transmutation Engineering) 3-3-0 459.565 핵연료공학 (Nuclear Fuel Engineering) 3-3-0 459.566 방사선응용공학 (Radiation Application Engineering) 3-3-0 459.567 공정플라즈마특강 (Topics in Plasma Processing) 3-3-0 459.568 핵계측전자공학 (Nuclear Electronics) 3-3-0 459.569 감마선분광학 (Gamma-ray Spectroscopy) 3-3-0 459.660 원자로시스템설계 (Nuclear Systems Design) 3-1-4 459.661 동력로설계 (Power Reactor Design) 3-3-0 459.662 핵융합및플라즈마실험 (Advanced Fusion and Plasma Laboratory) 3-0-6 459.663 고급원자로동력학 (Advanced Reactor Dynamics) 3-3-0 459.664 가속기공학 (Accelerator Engineering) 3-3-0 459.665 방사선방어공학 (Radiation Protection Engineering) 3-3-0 459.666 핵융합및플라즈마특강 1(Topics in Fusion and Plasma Studies 1) 3-3-0 459.667 핵융합및플라즈마특강 2(Topics in Fusion and Plasma Studies 2) 3-3-0 459.760 핵융합로공학 1 (Fusion Reactor Technology 1) 3-3-0 459.761 핵융합로공학 2 (Fusion Reactor Technology 2) 3-3-0 459.668 방사선생물물리학 (Radiation Biophysics) 3-3-0 459.760 핵융합로공학 1 (Fusion Reactor Technology 1) 3-3-0 459.761 핵융합로공학 2 (Fusion Reactor Technology 2) 3-3-0 459.762 중성자수송론 (Neutron Transport Theory) 3-3-0 459.763 고속증식로이론 (Fast Breeder Reactor Theory) 3-3-0 459.764 고급원자력계통공학 (Advanced Nuclear Power Systems Engineering) 3-3-0 459.765 원자로열전달특강 (Topics in Nuclear Heat Transport) 3-3-0 459.766 원자로안전해석 1 (Reactor Safety Analysis 1) 3-3-0 459.767 원자로안전해석 2 (Reactor Safety Analysis 2) 3-3-0 459.768 빔공학 (Beam Technology) 3-3-0 459.770 이상유동열전달공학 (Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer Engineering) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Nuclear Engineering) 서울대학교대학원과목중에서지도교수가추천하고학부장이승인하는과목. 학부내규에따름. [ 경과규정 ] 1 2007 학년도이전에대학원원자핵공학과에입학한학생중대학원에너지시스템공학부로소속이변경된학생은대학원에너지시스템공학부의교과과정을이수하여야한다. 2 2007 학년도이후에대학원지구환경시스템공학부에서대학원에너지시스템공학부로소속이변경된학생은대학원에너지시스템공학부의교과과정을이수하여야한다. 464. 산업 조선공학부 (Department of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture) 산업공학전공 (Industrial Engineering Major) 464.504 추계학 (Stochastic Processes) 3-3-0 464.505 기술혁신이론및연구방법론 (Basic Theories and Research Methodology of Technological Innovation) 3-3-0 464.506 데이터마이닝기법 (Data Mining Technology) 3-3-0 464.507 제품공학 (Product Engineering) 3-3-0 464.508 인간-기계시스템설계및평가 (Design and Evaluation of Human-Machine Interface) 3-3-0 464.551 비선형계획법 (Nonlinear Programming) 3-3-0 464.552 생산계획및통제 (Production Planning and Control) 3-3-0 464.553 신뢰성공학 (Reliability Engineering) 3-3-0 464.554 인간성능 (Human Performance) 3-3-0 464.555 기업자원과공급망관리의기술적논제 (Technical Aspects of ERP/SCM) 3-3-0-184 -

공과대학 College of Engineering 464. 산업 조선공학부 Department of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture 464.556 공업경제분석 (Engineering Economic Analysis) 3-3-0 464.557 하이터치디자인 (High-Touch Design) 3-3-0 464.558 계산지능특론 (Topics in Computational Intelligence) 3-3-0 464.559 산업공학특론 (Topics in Industrial Engineering) 3-3-0 464.560 공급사슬통합관리론 (Integrated Supply Chain Management) 3-3-0 464.561A 정보서비스모형및기술 (Models and Technologies for Information Services) 3-3-0 464.563 최적화원론 (Convex Optimization) 3-3-0 464.652 조합최적화이론 (Combinatorial Optimization Theory) 3-3-0 464.653 스케줄이론 (Theory of Scheduling) 3-3-0 464.654 전문가시스템응용 (Application of Expert Systems) 3-3-0 464.655 동적시스템 (Dynamic Systems) 3-3-0 464.656 의사결정분석 (Decision Analysis) 3-3-0 464.657 품질보증론 (Quality Assurance) 3-3-0 464.658 수요예측론 (Theory of Forecasting) 3-3-0 464.659 기술경영통계분석 (Statistical Analysis of Technology Management) 3-3-0 464.660 전략기획및통제 (Strategic Planning and Control) 3-3-0 464.661 산업뉴로컴퓨팅 (Industrial Neurocomputing) 3-3-0 464.662 투자위험관리론 (Theory of Investment Risk Management) 3-3-0 464.663A 인터넷서비스공학 (Internet Service Engineering) 3-3-0 464.665 제품및서비스경영 (Product and Service Management) 3-3-0 464.666 조합최적화 2 (Combinatorial Optimization 2) 3-3-0 464.667 정수계획법 (Integer Programs) 3-3-0 464.751 산업공학세미나 (Seminar in Industrial Engineering) 1-1-0 464.801 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 조선공학전공 (Naval Architecture Engineering Major) 464.502 선박생산공학특강 (Topics in Ship Production Engineering) 3-3-0 464.503 곡선및곡면모델링특강 (Topics in Curve and Surface Modeling) 3-3-0 464.511 특수선설계 (Special Ship Design) 3-3-0 464.512 선박설계특론 (Advanced Ship Design) 3-3-0 464.513 구조물유한요소해석및프로그래밍 (Finite Element Structure Analysis& Programming) 3-3-0 464.514 선박조종론특론 (Advanced Maneuverability of Ship) 3-3-0 464.515 비선형파이론 (Nonlinear Wave Theory) 3-3-0 464.516 선박설계자동화특강 (Topics in Ship Design Automation) 3-3-0 464.517 선박유체역학특강 (Topics in Ship Hydrodynamics) 3-3-0 464.518 부유체운동론특론 (Advanced Study of Floating Body Motion) 3-3-0 464.519 수치선박유체역학 (Computational Marine Hydrodynamics) 3-3-0 464.520 선체구조특강 (Topics in Ship Structures) 3-3-0 464.521 선체구조설계특강 (Topics in Ship Structural Design) 3-3-0 464.522 해양공학설계특강 (Topics in Ocean Engineering Design) 3-3-0 464.523 고급형상모델링 (Advanced Shape Modeling) 3-3-0 464.601 혁신적설계방법론 (Design Innovation Methodology) 3-3-0 464.611 조파저항이론 (Theory of Wave Resistance) 3-3-0 464.612 점성유동해석 (Analysis of Viscous Fluid Flows) 3-3-0 464.613 고급전산역학이론 (Advanced Theories of Computational Mechanics) 3-3-0 464.614 고급선박유체역학 (Advanced Ship Hydrodynamics) 3-3-0 464.615 해양환경하중과구조응답 (Ocean Environmental Loads & Structural Response) 3-3-0 464.616 소음제어공학 (Noise Control Engineering) 3-3-0 464.701 시뮬레이션기반설계 (Simulation-based Design) 3-3-0 464.702 시뮬레이션기반생산시스템 (Simulation-based Manufacturing Systems) 3-3-0 464.711 조선공학특론 (Advanced Topics in Naval Architecture) 3-3-0 464.712 해양공학특론 (Advanced Topics in Ocean Engineering) 3-3-0 464.713 용접구조열탄소성해석 (Thermo-Elastic Plastic Analysis of Welded Structure) 3-3-0 464.714 선박소음진동측정분석법 (Ship Noise and Vibration Measurements and Analysis) 3-3-0 464.715 선박구조진동음향학 (Ship Structural Vibroacoustics) 3-3-0 464.716 설계민감도해석 (Design Sensitivity Analysis) 3-3-0 464.717 수중음향학 (Fundamentals of Underwater Acoustics) 3-3-0 464.718 해양음파전달이론 (Theory of Sound Wave Propagation in the Ocean) 3-3-0 464.719 탄성연속체역학 (Continuum Mechanics and Elasticity) 3-3-0 464.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering) 서울대학교대학원과목중지도교수가추천하고학부장이승인하는과목 학과내규에따름. [ 경과조치 ] 2008 학년도입학생부터적용하며, 2007 학년도이전입학생은변경전소속학과인산업공학과와조선해양공학과의이수규정을적용한다. - 185 -

농업생명과학대학 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 500. 공통과목 Extradepartmental Courses < 농업생명과학대학주관 > 500. 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 500.501 실험설계 (Experimental Design) 3-2-2 500.505 분자유전학 (Molecular Genetics) 3-3-0 500.511 농업생태학특론 (Topics in Agricultural Ecology) 3-3-0 500.514 유전자조작론 (Gene Manipulation) 3-3-0 500.517 식물세포공학 (Plant Cell Engineering) 3-3-0 500.525 농업부산물자원학 (Resourcification of Agricultural Byproducts) 3-3-0 500.521 세포생물학특강 (Topics in Cell Biology) 3-3-0 500.522 분자생물학특강 (Topics in Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 500.523 생물화학공학특강 (Topics in Biochemical Engineering) 3-3-0 500.524 북한농업 (North Korean Agriculture) 2-2-0 500.526 후생유전학 (Epigenetics) 3-3-0 500.527 기기분석 (Instrumental Analysis) 3-3-0 517. 식물생산과학부 (Department of Plant Science) 작물생명과학전공 (Crop Science and Biotechnology Major) 500.517 식물세포공학 (Plant Cell Engineering) 3-3-0 501.511 농학세미나 1(Seminar in Agronomy 1) 1-0-2 501.512 작물학세미나 1(Seminar in Crop Science 1) 1-0-2 501.516 작물생리학특론 (Advanced Crop Physiology) 3-3-0 501.517 작물수분생리론 (Crop-Water Relations) 3-3-0 501.521 쌀생산학 (Rice Production) 3-3-0 501.522 밭작물생산학 (Field Crop Production) 3-3-0 501.523 사료작물학 (Forage Crops) 3-3-0 501.524 작물유전학특론 (Topics in Crop Genetics) 3-3-0 501.525 공예작물학 (Industrial Crops) 3-3-0 501.526 작물유전체분석론 (Crop Genome Analysis) 3-3-0 501.611 농학세미나 2(Seminar in Agronomy 2) 1-0-2 501.612 작물학세미나 2(Seminar in Crop Science 2) 1-0-2 501.617 잡초학특론 (Advanced Weed Science) 3-3-0 501.620 세포유전학 (Cytogenetics) 3-3-0 501.621 작물생장수리해석론 (Crop Growth Simulation) 3-3-0 501.711 농학세미나 3(Seminar in Agronomy 3) 1-0-2 501.713 경지생태학 (Cropland Ecology) 3-3-0 501.714 종자학 (Seed Science) 3-3-0 501.715 제초제생리작용론 (Mode of Action of Herbicides) 3-3-0 501.717 계량유전육종학 (Biometrical Genetics and Breeding) 3-3-0 501.718 작물진화론 (Crop Evolution) 3-3-0 501.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 5171.513 작물육종특강 (Topics in Plant Breeding) 3-3-0 5171.514 식물육종연구 (Studies in Plant Breeding) 3-3-0 5171.721 작물단백질체학 (Crop Proteomics) 3-3-0 5171.722 작물생명공학특강 (Topics in Crop Biotechnology) 3-3-0 5171.723 작물구조유전체연구특강 (Topics in Crop Structural Genomic) 3-3-0 원예과학전공 (Horticultural Science Major) 502.511 채소학특론 (Topics in Vegetable Crops) 3-3-0 502.512 과수학특론 (Topics in Pomology) 3-3-0 502.513 화훼학특론 (Topics in Floriculture) 3-3-0 502.514 원예작물육종학특론 (Advanced Horticultural Crop Breeding) 3-3-0 502.515 시설원예학특론 (Advanced Protected-Horticulture) 3-3-0 502.517A 조경식물학특론 (Advanced Landscape Plant) 3-3-0 502.521 원예학세미나 1(Seminar in Horticulture 1) 1-0-2 502.522 원예학세미나 2(Seminar in Horticulture 2) 1-0-2 502.523 원예산물관리학특론 (Topics in Postharvest Technology) 3-3-0 502.525 원예산물생리학특론 (Topics in Postharvest Physiology) 3-3-0 502.529 식물공장론 (Plant Factory Study) 3-3-0 502.615 원예작물화학조절론 (Chemical Control of Horticultural Crops) 3-3-0 502.616 환경원예학 (Environmental Horticulture) 3-3-0 502.618 개화생리학 (Physiology of Flowering) 3-3-0 502.621 무토재배론 (Soilless Culture) 3-3-0 502.624 원예식물생식생리학 (Reproductive Physiology of Horticultural Crops) 3-3-0 502.711 시설원예학최신과제 (Topics in Protected Horticulture) 3-3-0 502.715 원예학세미나 3(Seminar in Horticulture 3) 1-0-2 502.716 원예학세미나 4(Seminar in Horticulture 4) 1-0-2 502.718A 식물분자육종학 (Plant Molecular Breedin) 3-3-0 502.719 원예산물생리학최신과제 (Issues in Postharvest Physiology) 3-3-0 502.720 채소학최신과제 (Issues in Vegetable Crops) 3-3-0 502.721 과수학최신과제 (Issues in Pomology) 3-3-0 502.722 화훼학최신과제 (Issues in Floriculture) 3-3-0 502.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 5172.723 잔디학 (Turfgrass Science) 3-3-0 5172.724 식물환경조절및모델링 (Plant-environment Comtrol and Modelling) 3-3-0 5172.725 채소산업개발론 (Industrial Development in Olericulture) 3-3-0 5172.726 내병성육종론 (Breeding for Disease Resistance) 3-3-0 5172.727 원예작물스트레스생리학 (Stress Physiology of Horticultural Plant) 3-3-0 학부내규에의함. 520. 농경제사회학부 (Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) 농경제학전공 (Agricultural Economics Major) 212.703 계량경제학연구 (Studies in Econometrics) 3-3-0 520.501 응용미시경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Microeconomics) 3-3-0 520.502 응용거시경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Macroeconomics) 3-3-0 520.503 농업생산경제학연구 (Studies in Agricultural Production Economics) 3-3-0 520.505 농업의사결정론 (Agricultural Decision Analysis) 3-3-0 520.506 수리계획모형연구 (Advanced Mathematical Programming) 3-3-0 520.507 농산물가격분석 (Agricultural Price Analysis) 3-3-0 520.508 식량경제정책특론 (Advanced Studies in Food Economics and Policies) 3-3-0 520.510 인적자원경제학연구 (Studies in Economics of Human Resources) 3-3-0-186 -

농업생명과학대학 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 524. 산림과학부 Department of Forest Sciences 520.601 농업정책연구 (Studies in Agricultural Policy) 3-3-0 520.602 농산물선물시장분석 (Agricultural Futures Market Analysis) 3-3-0 520.603 환경경제학연구 (Studies in Environmental Economics) 3-3-0 520.604 농산물유통연구 (Advanced Agricultural Marketing) 3-3-0 520.605 농업발전연구 (Studies in Agricultural Development) 3-3-0 520.606 농산물무역연구 (Studies in Agricultural Trade) 3-3-0 520.607 농업관련산업연구 (Studies in Agribusiness) 3-3-0 520.608 지역경제연구 (Studies in Regional Economics) 3-3-0 520.609 자원경제학연구 (Studies in Resource Economics) 3-3-0 520.610 농업기술경제학연구 (Studies in Economics of Agricultural Technology) 3-3-0 520.701 농업경제학세미나 1 (Seminar in Agricultural Economics 1) 3-3-0 520.703 지역개발연구 (Advanced Regional Development) 3-3-0 520.705 응용계량경제학 (Applied Econometrics) 3-3-0 520.706 농산물무역정책연구 (Studies in Agricultural Trade Policy) 3-3-0 520.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 지역정보전공 (Regional Information Major) 520.552 농촌개발커뮤니케이션 (Communication in Rural Development) 3-3-0 520.566 지역개발특론 (Special Topics in Regional Development) 3-3-0 520.567 지역사회개발최신과제 (Advanced Topics in Community Development) 3-3-0 520.651 농촌지도력 (Leadership in Rural Community) 3-3-0 520.653 비교개발커뮤니케이션 (Comparative Development Communication) 3-3-0 520.654 주택및사회인구론 (Housing and Social Demography) 3-3-0 520.658 농업방송론 (Agricultural Broadcasting) 3-3-0 520.672 집단역동특론 (Advanced Group Dynamics) 3-3-0 520.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 5202.501 지역정보세미나 1 (Seminar in Regional Information 1) 1-0-2 5202.601 지역정보세미나 2 (Seminar in Regional Information 2) 1-0-2 5202.554 농업정보시스템연구방법 (Research Methods for Agricultural Information System) 3-3-0 5202.680 농업정보시스템연구 (Studies in Agricultural Information System) 3-3-0 5202.681 지역정보시스템설계 (Regional Information System Design) 3-3-0 5202.683 공간정책거시모형론 (Macroeconomic Modeling of Spatial Policies) 3-3-0 5202.684 공간정책미시모형론 (Microeconomic Modeling of Spatial Policies) 3-3-0 5202.751 데이터마이닝의농업응용 (Datamining and Its Application to Agriculture) 3-3-0 5202.752 농산물전자상거래연구 (Studies in e-agribusiness) 3-3-0 5202.753 머신러닝의농업응용 (Machine Learning and Its Application to Agriculture) 3-3-0 5202.755 공간계량경제모형응용 (Application of Spatial Econometric Models) 3-3-0-187 - 5202.757 지속가능성응용경제모형 (Applied Economic Modelling for Sustainability) 3-3-0 5202.758 공간경제연구 (Studies in Spatial Economics) 3-3-0 5202.759 지속가능경제개발과정책 (Sustainable Economic Development and Policy) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development) 해당사항없음 해당사항없음. 524. 산림과학부 (Department of Forest Sciences) 산림환경학전공 (Forest Environmental Science Major) 5241.500 야생동물관리학특강 (Topics in Wildlife Management) 3-3-0 5241.501 산림자원평가및계획특강 (Topics in Forest Resources Assessment and Planning) 3-3-0 5241.502 식물분포론 (Plant Biogeography) 3-3-0 5241.504 수목생리학 (Tree Physiology) 3-3-0 5241.505 임목집단유전학 (Population Genetics in Forest Trees) 3-3-0 5241.506 산림환경학세미나 1(Seminar in Forest & Environmental Science 1) 1-0-2 5241.507 산림환경학세미나 2(Seminar in Forest & Environmental Science 2) 1-0-2 5241.508 식물식별학특강 (Topics in Plant Identification) 3-3-0 5241.509 산림표본조사론 (Survey Sampling in Forestry) 3-3-0 5241.510 임분동태및갱신론 (Forest Stand Dynamics & Regeneration) 3-3-0 5241.511 산림미생물학 (Forest Microbiology) 3-3-0 5241.512 임목분자유전학 (Molecular Genetics of Forest Trees) 3-3-0 5241.513 야생동물생태학특강 (Topics in Wildlife Ecology) 3-3-0 5241.514 산화관리학 (Forest Fire Management) 3-3-0 5241.515 산림토목공학특강 (Topics in Forest Engineering) 3-3-0 5241.516A산림유역관리및모델링 (Forest Watershed Management and Modeling) 3-3-0 5241.517 산림자원정책학특강 (Topics in Forest Resources Policy) 3-3-0 5241.518 산림자원경영학특강 (Topics in Forest Resources Management) 3-3-0 5241.520A농촌관광특강 (Topics in Rural Tourism) 3-3-0 5241.522A산림토양학특강 (Topics in Forest Soil) 3-2-2 5241.526 생태경제학특강 (Topics in Ecological Economics) 3-3-0 5241.527 산림문화사 (Forest History & Culture) 3-3-0 5241.528 산림생산공학계획특강 (Topics in Forest Production Engineering & Planning) 3-3-0 5241.529 산림생태계관리및계획론 (Forest Ecosystems Management & Planning) 3-3-0 5241.531 삼림유전육종학특강 (Topics in Forest Genetics & Tree Improvement) 3-3-0 5241.532 공원휴양학 (Park & Recreation) 3-3-0 5241.533 휴양환경과인간행동 (Recreation Environment & Human Behavior) 3-3-0

농업생명과학대학 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 526. 바이오시스템 소재학부 Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering 5241.534 산림식물분류학특강 (Topics in Forest Plant Taxonomy) 3-3-0 5241.535 야생동물행동생태학 (Behavioral Ecology of Wildlife) 3-3-0 5241.537 수변생태학 (Riparian Ecology) 3-3-0 5241.538 산지재해방재학 (Mountain Disaster Prevention and Mitigation) 3-3-0 5241.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 환경재료과학전공 (Environmental Materials Science Major) 5242.502 목질비파괴검사론 (Nondestructive Evaluation of Wood) 3-3-0 5242.503 목조주거환경특강 (Topics in Residential Performance of Wood Structure) 3-3-0 5242.504 환경친화성생물소재특강 (Topics in Environmental Engineering of Bio-Materials) 3-3-0 5242.506 제지공정특강 (Topics in Papermaking Processes) 3-3-0 5242.507 펄프및제지설비특강 (Topics in Pulping & Papermaking Machinery) 3-3-0 5242.508 펄프공학특강 (Topics in Pulping Technology) 3-3-0 5242.509 목재절삭학특강 (Topics in Wood Machining) 3-3-0 5242.510 바이오복합재료학특강 (Topics in Bio-Composite Materials) 3-3-0 5242.511 접착과학특강 (Topics in Adhesion Science) 3-3-0 5242.512 도료과학특강 (Topics in Organic Coatings) 3-3-0 5242.513 목질기기분석론 (Topics in Instrumental Analysis of Lignocellulose) 3-3-0 5242.514 특수임산자원이용 (Topics in Utilization of Forest Products) 3-3-0 5242.515 임산미생물학특강 (Topics in Forest Microbiology) 3-3-0 5242.516 목재물리학특강 (Topics in Physical Properties of Wood) 3-3-0 5242.517 목재기계적성질론 (Mechanical Properties of Wood) 3-3-0 5242.519 제지화학특강 (Topics in Paper Chemistry) 3-3-0 5242.520 지류가공학특강 (Topics in Paper Converting Technology) 3-3-0 5242.522 목재특수건조론 (Topics in Special Drying of Wood) 3-3-0 5242.523 제지공정제어 (Papermaking Process Control) 3-3-0 5242.524 탈묵및고지재활용기술 (Deinking and Wastepaper Recycling Technology) 3-3-0 5242.525 목구조설계 (Design of Wood Structures) 3-3-0 5242.526 목재열기건조특강 (Topics in Kiln Drying of Wood) 3-3-0 5242.528 목재화학특강 (Topics in Wood Chemistry) 3-3-0 5242.529 섬유및제지물성학특강 (Topics in Fiber & Paper Physics) 3-3-0 5242.530 임산바이오에너지특강 (Topics in Forest Products Bioenergy) 3-3-0 5242.531 열화학변환기술 (Thermochemical Conversion Techniques) 3-3-0 5242.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 전공내규에의함. - 188-526. 바이오시스템 소재학부 (Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering) 바이오시스템공학전공 (Biosystems Engineering Major) 5261.601A 생물생산기계시스템공학 (Biological Production Machinery and Implement) 3-2-2 5261.602 바이오시스템공학세미나 1 (Seminar in Biosystems Engineering 1) 1-0-2 5261.603 바이오시스템공학세미나 2(Seminar in Biosystems Engineering 2) 1-0-2 5261.606A 생물자원저장론 (Preservation of Biological Resources) 3-3-0 5261.607 농업기계동력학 (Dynamics of Farm Machine Elements) 3-3-0 5261.609A 생체물성공학특강 (Topics in Engineering Properties of Bioproducts) 3-2-2 5261.610 유체기계특강 (Topics in Fluid Machines) 3-3-0 5261.611 토양기계시스템 (Soil Machine System) 3-2-2 5261.612A 바이오로봇 (Bio-Robotics) 3-3-0 5261.613 농업기계화계획및분석 (Planning and Analysis of Agricultural Mechanization) 3-3-0 5261.614 농산가공기계설계 (Design of Agricultural Processing Machines) 3-3-0 5261.615A 바이오시스템제어특강 (Topics in Biosystems Control) 3-2-2 5261.616 생물영상처리 (Biomaterial Image Processing) 3-2-2 5261.617A 인공지능응용및실습 (Applications and Practice of Artificial Intelligence) 3-2-2 5261.618 농업기계설계특강 (Topics in Agricultural Machinery Design) 3-3-0 5261.619A 시설생물생산시스템설계 (Design of Biological Production System in Protected Agriculture) 3-3-0 5261.620 생물시스템분석 (Biological System Analysis) 3-3-0 5261.621 바이오센서 (Biosensor) 3-3-0 5261.622A 전산바이오시스템공학 (Computational Biosystems Engineering) 3-3-0 5261.623 응용계측 (Measurement and Instrumentation) 3-2-2 5261.624 트랙터공학 (Tractor Engineering) 3-3-0 5261.625 농산물물류공학 (Handling and Distribution Engineering of Agricultural Product) 3-3-0 5261.626 환경관리기계특강 (Topics in Environmental Management Process and Machinery) 3-3-0 5261.627 생물공정시스템설계 (Design of Bioprocess System) 3-3-0 5261.628 생체역학특강 (Topics in Biomechanics) 3-2-2 5261.629 생물재료역학특강 (Topics in Material Engineering for Biological Application) 3-2-2 5261.631 조직배양공학특강 (Topics in Tissue Culture Engineerin) 3-3-0 5261.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 바이오소재공학전공 (Biomaterials Engineering Major) 5262.561 단백질화학 (Protein Chemistry) 3-3-0 5262.563 고분자특강 (Topics in Polymer Chemistry) 3-3-0 5262.564 섬유레오로지 (Fiber Rheology) 3-3-0 5262.565 바이오소재구조및분석 (Structure and Characterization of Biomaterials) 3-3-0 5262.566 섬유고분자물리특강 (Topics in Fiber and Polymer Physics) 3-3-0 5262.568 섬유보강복합재료 (Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials) 3-3-0 5262.573 고기능성섬유고분자 (High Performance Fibers and Polymers) 3-3-0

농업생명과학대학 527. 생태조경 지역시스템공학부 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering 5262.574 막분리 (Membrane Separation) 3-3-0 5262.575 셀룰로오스화학 (Cellulose Chemistry) 3-3-0 5262.576 생물화학 (Biological Chemistry) 3-3-0 5262.577 천연고분자신소재 (New Materials of Natural Polymers) 3-3-0 5262.578 생체고분자특강 (Topics in Biopolymer Materials) 3-3-0 5262.579 나노바이오표면학특강 (Topics in Nano and Biosurface) 3-3-0 5262.580 주사탐침현미경특강 (Topics in Scanning Probe Microscopy) 3-3-0 5262.582 의용바이오소재 (Biomaterials for Medical Applications) 3-3-0 5262.583 생체모방소재특강 (Topics in Biomimetic Materials) 3-3-0 5262.584 바이오소재공학세미나 1 (Seminar in Biomaterials Engineering 1) 1-0-2 5262.585 바이오소재공학세미나 2 (Seminar in Biomaterials Engineering 2) 1-0-2 5262.588 바이오소재공학최신과제 (Current Topics in Biomaterials Engineering) 2-0-4 5262.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 전공내규에의함. 527. 생태조경 지역시스템공학부 (Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering) 생태조경학전공 (Landscape Architecture Major) 5271.511 조경설계및시공 (Advanced Landscape Design Studio) 3-1-4 5271.515 환경생태론 (Theories of Environmental Ecology) 3-3-0 5271.517 환경미학 (Environmental Aesthetics) 3-3-0 5271.520 관광단지개발론 (Theories of Tourism Site Composition) 3-3-0 5271.521 경관구성론 (Theories of Landscape Composition) 3-3-0 5271.522 도시생태학 (Urban Ecology) 3-3-0 5271.523 환경설계와인간행태 (Behavioral Factors in Environmental Design) 3-3-0 5271.524 도시조경설계론 (Theories & Practices in Urban Landscape Design) 3-3-0 5271.611 옥외공간설계 (Outdoor Space Design Studio) 3-1-4 5271.615 풍수환경설계론 (Environmental Design with Pungsu Theory) 3-2-2 5271.616 특수지역식재계획 (Special Issues in Planting Design) 3-1-4 5271.617 시각자원관리 (Visual Resources Management) 3-3-0 5271.621 환경영향평가론 (Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment) 3-3-0 5271.622 경관정보체계 (Landscape Information System) 3-2-2 5271.623 지속가능환경계획설계기법연구 (Studies in Technique of Sustainable Environmental Planning & Design) 3-3-0 5271.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 지역시스템공학전공 (Rural System Engineering Major) 5272.502 생물시설공학 (Bio-Production Structures Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.504 유역수문모델링 (Watershed Hydrologic Modeling) 3-3-0 5272.505A지역용수시스템설계및운영 (Rural Water Systems Design and Operation) 3-3-0 5272.506 지역배수조직설계 (Design of Rural Drainage System) 3-3-0 5272.507 농업수리구조설계 (Design of Agriculture Water Use Structures) 3-3-0 5272.508 비점오염관리공학 (Nonpoint Source Pollution Control) 3-3-0 5272.509 지역산업시설설계 (Design of Rural Industrial Facilities) 3-3-0 5272.512 지역위생공학 (Rural Sanitary Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.516 공기유동해석응용 (Application of Aerodynamic Technology) 3-3-0 5272.517 환경바이오콜로이드공학 (Environmental Biocolloid Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.601 수리환경공학특강 (Topics in Hydraulic Environment Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.603 유역비점오염모델링 (Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling) 3-3-0 5272.604 지역정보공학특강 (Topics in Rural Information Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.605 지역기반조성공학특강 (Topics in Rural Infra-Structure Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.610 토질공학특강 (Topics in Geotechnical Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.612 연속체역학의전산해 1(Computational Solution of Continuum Mechanics 1) 3-3-0 5272.613 연속체역학의전산해 2(Computational Solution of Continuum Mechanics 2) 3-3-0 5272.614 환경복원공학 (Environmental Remediation Engineering) 3-3-0 5272.615 환경복원모델링 (Environmental Remediation Modeling) 3-3-0 5272.616 지역용수정보시스템 (Rural Water and Information Systems) 3-3-0 5272.617 지역자원정보시스템특강 (Topics in Rural Resources Information Systems) 3-3-0 5272.619 대기환경및농업시설 (Atmospheric Environment and Agricultural Structures) 3-3-0 5272.620 전산유체역학응용 (Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics) 3-3-0 5272.621 매질체환경공정 (Environmental Processes in Porous Media) 3-3-0 5272.622 지역생태수리학 (Rural Eco-Hydraulics) 3-3-0 5272.701 지역시스템공학세미나 1(Seminar in Rural System Engineering 1) 1-0-2 5272.702 지역시스템공학세미나 2(Seminar in Rural System Engineering 2) 1-0-2 5272.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 전공내규에의함. 5140. 농산업교육과 (Department of Agricultural and Vocational Education) 514.525 산업교육사 (History of Vocational & Adult Education) 3-3-0-189 -

농업생명과학대학 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 5321. 농생명공학부 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology 514.528 산업교육교재연구 (Studies of Teaching Materials in Vocational & Adult Education) 3-3-0 514.530 산업교육세미나 1 (Seminar 1 in Vocational Education & Human Resource Development) 1-0-2 514.532A 농업교육특강 (Topics in Agricultural Education) 3-3-0 514.541 진로지도및경력개발특강 (Topics in Career Guidance and Development) 3-3-0 514.542 산업교육과정및프로그램개발특강 (Topics in Program Development for Vocational Education and Workforce Development) 3-3-0 514.543 농촌지도와개발 (Agricultural Extension Education and Rural Development) 3-3-0 514.612 산학협동교육론 (Cooperative Occupational Education) 3-3-0 514.630 기업교육론 (Business and Industry Education) 3-3-0 514.631A 특수직업교육론 (Vocational Education for Special Needs Population) 3-3-0 514.632 직업심리학 (Vocational Psychology) 3-3-0 514.633 국제직업교육론 (International Vocational Education) 3-3-0 514.635 청소년지도특론 (Advanced Adolescent Guidance) 3-3-0 514.636 산업교육세미나 2 (Seminar 2 in Vocational Education & Human Resource Development) 1-0-2 514.640 실과기술교육론 (Practical Arts and Technology Education) 3-3-0 514.641A 성인교육특강 (Topics in Adult Education) 3-3-0 514.642 고등직업교육론 (Postsecondary Vocational Education) 3-3-0 514.643 산업교육정책연구 (Studies in Vocational Education Policy) 3-3-0 514.646 산업교육행정및장학연구 (Studies in Administration & Supervision of Vocational Education) 3-3-0 514.647 인적자원개발컨설팅 (Consulting in Human Resource Development) 3-3-0 514.648 인적자원개발연구 (Studies in Human Resource Development) 3-3-0 514.649 산업교육연구방법론 (Research Methodology in Vocational Education) 3-3-0 514.650 산업교원교육연구 (Studies in Vocational & Adult Educator Education) 3-3-0 514.665 산업교수학습이론 (Theories of Teaching & Learning in Vocational Education) 3-3-0 514.666 산업교육통계학 (Statistics in Vocational Education) 3-3-0 514.682 산업인력개발성과관리론 (Performance Management in Vocational Education and Workforce Development) 3-3-0 514.701 산업교육평가특강 (Topics in Evaluation of Vocational and Adult Education) 3-3-0 514.702 산업교육학질적연구법 (Qualitative Research Methods in Vocational Education and Workforce) 3-3-0 514.703 직무분석과자격체계 (Job Analysis and Qualification System) 3-3-0 514.704 인간동기와산업인력개발 (Human Motivation in Vocational Education and Workforce Developmen) 3-3-0 514.705 산업인력개발최신이슈연구 (Studies in current issues of Vocational Education and Workforce Developmen) 3-3-0 514.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0-190 - 학과내규에의함. 5321. 농생명공학부 (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 5321.5001 기주기생체분자유전학 (Host-Parasite Molecular Genetics) 3-3-0 5321.5003 농업환경생물학특강 (Topics in Environmental Biology in Agriculture) 3-3-0 5321.6001 생물농약학 (Biopesticide Science) 3-3-0 5321.6002 생화학특강 (Topics in Biochemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6003 식품생물공학특강 (Topics in Food Biotechnology and Bioengineering) 3-3-0 5321.6004 식품안전성 (Food Safety) 3-3-0 5321.7003 농생명공학콜로퀴엄 1(Colloquium in Agricultural Biotechnology 1) 1-0-2 5321.7004 농생명공학콜로퀴엄 2(Colloquium in Agricultural Biotechnology 2) 1-0-2 5321.7006 동물유전학특강 (Topics in Animal Genetics) 3-3-0 5321.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 동물생명공학전공 (Animal Science and Biotechnology Major) 5321.5004 동물생리학특강 (Topics in Vertebrate Physiology) 3-3-0 5321.5101 근육식품학특강 (Topics in Unit Processes of Muscle Foods) 3-3-0 5321.5102 동물내분비학특강 (Topics in Animal Endocrinology) 3-2-2 5321.5103 동물번식학특강 (Topics in Physiology of Reproduction in Animal) 3-3-0 5321.5104 동물세포배양학특강 (Topics in Animal Cell Culture) 3-3-0 5321.5105 동물영양생화학 (Nutritional Biochemistry of Animals) 3-3-0 5321.5106 동물영양학특강 (Topics in Animal Nutrition) 3-3-0 5321.5107 동물육종학특강 (Topics in Animal Breeding) 3-3-0 5321.5108 동물세포신호전달학 (Animal Cell Signaling) 3-3-0 5321.5109 동물유전정보학특론 (Topics in Animal Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 5321.5110 동물산업특강 (Topics in Animal Industry) 3-3-0 5321.6101 동물자원미생물학특강 (Topics in Microbiology of Animal Resources) 3-3-0 5321.6102 동물집단유전학 (Animal Population Genetics) 3-3-0 5321.6103 반추미생물생태학 (Rumen Microbial Ecology) 3-3-0 5321.6104 비유생리학 (Physiology of Lactation) 3-2-2 5321.6105 사료가공학특강 (Topics in Feed Processing) 3-3-0 5321.6106 생식세포공학 (Biotechnical Manipulation of Embryos) 3-2-2 5321.6107 비교면역학특론 (Topics in Comparative Immunology) 3-3-0 5321.6108 동물조직공학특론 (Topics in Animal Tissue Engineering) 3-3-0 5321.7101 유제품특강 (Topics in Dairy Food Science) 3-3-0 5321.7102 조류유전공학 (Avian Genetic Engineering) 3-3-0 5321.7103 축산시설환경특강 (Topics in Bioenvironmental and Structural System for Livestock) 3-3-0

농업생명과학대학 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 5321. 농생명공학부 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology 5321.7104 축산식품품질론 (Quality of Livestock Products) 3-3-0 5321.7105 축산학세미나 1 (Seminar in Animal Science 1) 1-0-2 5321.7106 축산학세미나 2 (Seminar in Animal Science 2) 1-0-2 5321.7107 생식세포학 (Gamete Biology) 3-3-0 5321.7108 비타민광물질영양학 (Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition) 3-3-0 5321.7109 동물소재공학특강 (Topics in Animal Materials Engineering) 3-3-0 5321.7110 동물세포유전학특강 (Topics in Animal Cytogenetics) 3-3-0 5321.7111 배아줄기세포학특강 (Topics in Embryonic Stem Cells) 3-3-0 응용생명화학전공 (Applied Life Chemistry Major) 5321.5202 구조생물학 (Structural Biology) 3-3-0 5321.5204 농약작용기작론 (Mode of Action of Pesticides) 3-3-0 5321.5205 단백질및효소화학 (Protein and Enzyme Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.5206 대사공학 (Metabolic Engineering) 3-3-0 5321.5207 식물생태화학 (Plant Ecological Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6201 식물영양학특강 (Topics in Plant Nutrition) 3-3-0 5321.6202 유전공학 (Genetic Engineering) 3-3-0 5321.6203 유전체및생물정보학 (Genomics and Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 5321.6204 천연물화학 (Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6205 토양물리학 (Soil Physics) 3-3-0 5321.6206 토양화학특강 (Topics in Soil Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6208 미생물화학특강 (Topics in Microbial Chemistr) 3-3-0 5321.6209 RNA 대사특강 (Topics in RNA metabolis) 3-3-0 5321.7201 토양환경미생물학및생화학 (Soil Environmental Microbiology and Biochemistry) 3-3-0 5321.7202 환경독성학특강 (Topics in Environmental Toxicology) 3-3-0 5321.7204 농화학세미나 1 (Seminar in Agricultural Chemistry 1) 1-0-2 5321.7205 농화학세미나 2 (Seminar in Agricultural Chemistry 2) 1-0-2 식물미생물학전공 (Plant Microbiology Major) 5321.5301 기주기생체생리형태학 (Host-Parasite Physiology and Anatomy) 3-3-0 5321.5302 농업미생물생태학 (Microbial Ecology in Agriculture) 3-3-0 5321.5303 농업미생물유전학 (Microbial Genetics in Agriculture) 3-3-0 5321.5304 생물조직및미세구조연구기술 (Methods in Histological and Ultrastructural Research) 2-1-2 5321.5305 수병학및실험 (Forest Pathology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.5306 식물균병학및실험 (Fungus Diseases of Plants & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.5307 식물바이러스병학및실험 (Plant Virology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.6301 식물병역학 (Plant Disease Epidemiology) 3-3-0 5321.6302 식물병원생태학 (Ecology of Plant Pathogens) 3-3-0 5321.6303 식물병학과제 (Issues in Plant Pathology) 2-2-0 5321.6304 식물병학원리 (Principles of Plant Pathology) 3-3-0 5321.6305 식물생리학특강 (Topics in Plant Physiology) 3-3-0 5321.6306 식물선충병학및실험 (Plant Nematology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.6307 식물병학실험법 (Research Methods in Plant Pathology) 2-1-2 5321.7301 식물세균병학및실험 (Phytobacteriology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.7302 응용균학및실험 (Applied Mycology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.7303 진균독소학 (Mycotoxicology) 3-3-0 5321.7310 식물미생물학세미나 1 (Seminar in Plant Microbiology 1) 1-0-2 5321.7311 식물미생물학세미나 2 (Seminar in Plant Microbiology 2) 1-0-2 곤충학전공 (Entomology Major) 5321.5403 곤충생리학및실험 (Insect Physiology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.5404 곤충생태학및실험 (Insect Ecology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.5406 생태독성학및실험 (Ecotoxicology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.5407 곤충분자생물학및실험 (Insect Molecular Biology & Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.5408 곤충분류형태학및실험 (Insect Taxonomy/ Morphology and Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.6402 곤충발육및내분비론 (Insect Development & Endocrinology) 3-3-0 5321.6404 곤충생태연구방법론 (Methodology in Insect Ecology) 3-3-0 5321.6405 곤충미생물학 (Insect Microbiology) 3-3-0 5321.6406 곤충생리활성천연물 (Insect Bioactive Substances) 3-3-0 5321.6407 곤충화학생태학 (Insect Chemical Ecology) 3-3-0 5321.6408 해충군관리학 (Insect Pest Management) 3-3-0 5321.6409 곤충진화생리학 (Insect Evolutionary Physiology) 3-3-0 5321.6410 곤충과식물상호작용특강 (Topics in Insect and Plant Interactions) 3-3-0 5321.7401 환경자원곤충학 (Environmental and Resource Entomology) 3-3-0 5321.7402 곤충학세미나 1(Seminar in Entomology 1) 1-0-2 5321.7403 곤충학세미나 2(Seminar in Entomology 2) 1-0-2 5321.7404 위생곤충학및실험 (Medical Entomology and Lab.) 3-2-2 5321.7405 수서곤충학 (Aquatic Entomology) 3-3-0 5321.7406 곤충생명공학특강 (Topics in Insect Biotechnology) 3-3-0 5321.7407 응용곤충학특강 (Topics in Applied Entomology) 3-3-0 식품생명공학전공 (Food Science and Biotechnology Major) 5321.5502 기능성식품학 (Functional Foods) 3-3-0 5321.5503 발효학특강 (Topics in Fermentation) 3-3-0 5321.5505 식품공정자동화 (Food Process Automation) 3-3-0 5321.5506 식품공학특강 (Topics in Food Engineering) 3-3-0 5321.5507 식품단백질 (Food Protein) 3-3-0 5321.5509 식품물성학특강 (Topics in Food Rheology) 3-3-0 5321.6501 식품미생물대사공학 (Metabolic Engineering in Food Microbiology) 3-3-0 5321.6502 식품분자미생물학 (Molecular Food Microbiology) 3-3-0 5321.6503 식품탄수화물 (Food Carbohydrates) 3-3-0 5321.6504 식품포장학 (Food Packaging) 3-3-0 5321.6505 식품풍미화학 (Food Flavor Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6506 식품화학특강 (Topics in Food Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.7501 식품효소학 (Food Enzymes) 3-3-0-191 -

농업생명과학대학 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 5321. 농생명공학부 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology 5321.7503 식품공학세미나 1 (Seminar in Food Science 1) 1-0-2 5321.7504 식품공학세미나 2 (Seminar in Food Science 2) 1-0-2 5321F. 바이오모듈레이션전공 (Biomodulation Major) 5321.6601 유전과기능 (Gene and Function) 3-3-0 5321.6602 조류, 발생에서형질전환까지 (The Birds, from Development to Transgenesis) 3-3-0 5321.6603 곤충과바이오모듈레이션 (Insects and Biomodulations) 3-3-0 5321.6604 식품과바이오모듈레이션 (Food and Biomodulations) 3-3-0 5321.6605 내분비기능및시그날 (Endocrine Function and Signal) 3-3-0 5321.6606 바이오모듈레이션과단백질 (Biomodulation and Protein) 3-3-0 5321.6607 세포와종양 (Cell and Cancer) 3-3-0 5321.6608 질환중심연구 (Disease-based Research) 3-3-0 5321.6609 바이오모듈레이션을위한세포제어학 (Control of Cell Function for Biomodulation) 3-3-0 5321.6610 핵자기공명분광학및실습 (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) 3-2-2 5321.6611 생리활성물질탐색론 (Development of Natural Produced Based Bioactive Substances) 3-3-0 5321.6612 생명공학을위한조류생리학특론 (Topics on Avian Physiology for Biotechnology) 3-3-0 5321.5601 생물모델발굴 (Biomodel Development) 4-4-0 5321.5602 신생물소재및생활성조절 (Neobiomaterials and Bioregulation) 4-4-0 5321.5603 중개연구입문 (Introduction to Translational Study) 4-4-0 5321.5604 실험디자인과논문작성 (Experimental Design and Scientific Writing) 2-2-0 5321.5605 학위논문세미나 (Thesis Seminar) 1-0-2 5321.7601 바이오과학과산업 (Science and Industry) 2-2-0 학부내규에의함. - 192 -

미술대학 College of Fine Arts 610. 미술학과 Department of Fine Art < 미술대학주관 > 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 600.537 현대미술담론연구 (Studies in the Discourses in Contemporary Art) 3-3-0 600.538 현대서양미술사특강 (Topics in Contemporary Western Art) 3-3-0 600.539 현대한국미술사특강 (Topics in Contemporary Korean Art) 3-3-0 600.540 시각예술의매체간연구 (Intertextual Studies in Visual Art Media) 3-3-0 600.541 현대미술현장연구 (Field Studies in Contemporary Art) 3-3-0 600.542 공공미술연구 (Studies in Public Art) 3-3-0 600.543 미술과대중매체특강 (Topics in Art and Mass Media) 3-3-0 600.701 한국미술세미나 (Seminar in Korean Art) 3-3-0 600.702A 한국근대미술작품분석연구 (Studies in Modern Korean Art) 3-3-0 600.703 아시아현대미술작품분석연구 (Studies in Contemporary Asian Art) 3-3-0 600.704 중국근현대미술작품분석연구 (Studies in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art) 3-3-0 610. 미술학과 (Department of Fine Art) 동양화전공 (Oriental Painting Major) 601.536 중국미술사연구 (Studies in History of Chinese Art) 3-3-0 601.617 일본미술사연구 (Studies in History of Japanese Art) 3-3-0 6101.501 전통매체연구 (Studies in Traditional Materials and Techniques) 3-2-2 6101.502 전통회화기법의활용 (Application of Traditional Painting Technique) 3-2-2 6101.503 창작서예와전각 (Creative Calligraphy and Seal Carving) 3-2-2 6101.523 현대수묵화연구 (Studies in Contemporary Sumuk Painting) 3-2-2 6101.524 현대채색화연구 (Studies in Color Tradition) 3-2-2 6101.525 작품연구세미나 1 (Seminar in Graduate Project 1) 3-2-2 6101.526 작품연구세미나 2 (Seminar in Graduate Project 2) 3-2-2 6101.527 창작작품세미나 1 (Seminar in Expression and Analysis1) 3-2-2 6101.528 창작작품세미나 2 (Seminar in Expression and Analysis2) 3-2-2 6101.529 동양조형론연구 (Comparative Studies in East Asian Art Theory) 3-3-0 6101.531 한국벽화기법 (Korean Mural Painting) 3-2-2 6101.532 건축과회화공간 (Architecture and Pictorial Space) 3-2-2 6101.534A 작품보존실습 (Practice in Art Conservation) 3-2-2 6101.616 작품감정론 (Studies in Connoisseurship) 3-3-0 6101.702 한국회화비평론 (Critical Theory of Korean Art) 3-3-0 6101.703 일본근현대미술작품분석연구 (Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Art) 3-3-0 6101.704 전통회화기법론연구 (Studies in Technical Terms of Traditional Painting) 3-3-0 6101.705 통합매체연구 (Studies in Collective Media) 3-2-2 610.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Oriental Painting) 학과내규에의함. 1 석사과정 : 학과내규상필수과목을이수하고, 3 과목이상의실기과목을선택하여이수하여야함. 2 박사과정 : 학과내규상필수과목을이수하고, 2 과목이상의실기과목을선택하여이수하여야함. 서양화전공 (Painting Major) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 602.613 작품론연구 (Studies in Graduate Thesis) 3-3-0 602.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 6102.601 연구작품세미나 1(Seminar in Advanced Project 1) 3-2-2(2개학기반복이수 ) 6102.602 연구작품세미나 2(Seminar in Advanced Project 2) 3-2-2(2개학기반복이수 ) 6102.603 작품발표 (Presentation) 3-2-2 (2개학기반복이수가능 ) 서양화 (Painting) 602.540 현대서양회화비평특론 (Topics in Criticism of Modern Painting) 3-3-0 602.541 한국현대회화비평특론 (Topics in Criticism of Modern Korean Painting) 3-3-0 602.622 현대매체특론 (Topics in New Media) 3-3-0 6102.5105 모더니즘과포스트모더니즘이론연구 (Studies in the Theories of Modernism and Postmodernism) 3-3-0 6102.5108 한국현대미술의제문제 (Issues in Korean Contemporary Art) 3-3-0 6102.5123 회화연습 1(Seminar in Painting 1) 3-2-2 (2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 6102.5124 회화연습 2(Seminar in Painting 2) 3-2-2 (2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 6102.5125 초빙작가세미나 (Field Artist Seminar) 3-2-2 (4 개학기반복이수가능 ) 6102.5126 작품연구세미나 (Project Seminar) 3-2-2 (4 개학기반복이수가능 ) 6102.5128 복합매체연습 (Seminar in Multimedia) 3-2-2 (2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 6102.5132 미술실기교육연구 (Teaching of Fine Arts) 3-3-0 6102.5134 뉴미디어연습 (New Media Practice) 3-2-2 (2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 판화 (Printmaking) 602.522 현대판화특론 (Topics in Contemporary Printmaking) 3-3-0 602.563 사진판화연습 (Seminar in Photo Process Printmaking) 3-2-2 6102.5201 판화소재연습 (Seminar in Materials and Techniques of Printmaking) 3-2-2 6102.5261 판화연습 1(Seminar in Printmaking 1) 3-2-2 (2개학기반복이수 ) 6102.5262 판화연습 2(Seminar in Printmaking 2) 3-2-2 (2개학기반복이수 ) 미술이론 (Art Theory) 602.681A 미술이론및비평특강 (Topics in Art Theory and Criticism) 3-3-0 602.683A 미술행정및경영실습 (Practice in Art Administration and Management) 3-3-0 6102.5301 국제미술전비평연구 (Studies in Criticism of International Art Exhibitions) 3-3-0-193 -

미술대학 College of Fine Arts 611. 디자인학부 Department of Crafts and Design 6102.5302 1960 년대미술특강 (Topics in the 1960s' Art) 3-3-0 6102.5304 미술언론특강 (Topics in Art Journalism) 3-3-0 6102.5307 서양미술사론및비평론연구 (Studies in the History and Criticism of Western Art) 3-3-0 6102.5308 미술행정및경영연구 (Studies in Art Administration and Management) 3-3-0 6102.5309 근대서양미술사연구 (Studies in Modern Western Art) 3-3-0 6102.5310 현대서양미술사연구 (Studies in Contemporary Western Art) 3-3-0 6102.5312 한국미술사론및비평론연구 (Studies in History and Criticism of Korean Art) 3-3-0 6102.5313 전시기획실습 (Exhibition Project and Practice) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Painting) 지도교수의추천에의하여학과장이인정하는과목 (Department Course Requirements) 1 학과내규상필수과목을필히이수하여야함. 2 매학기해당전공이론과목중 1 과목이상을이수하여야함. 조소전공 (Sculpture Major) 6103.502A 조각과테크놀로지 1 (Sculpture and Technology 1) 3-2-2 6103.503A 시간, 공간, 질서연구 1 (Studies in Time, Space, and Order 1) 3-2-2 6103.504B 자연, 문화, 조각연구 1(Studies in Nature, Culture and Sculpture 1) 3-2-2 6103.505 환경조각연구 (Studies in Environmental Sculpture) 3-2-2 6103.506 한국조각사특강 (Topics in History of Korean Sculpture) 3-3-0 6103.507 동양조각사특강 (Topics in History of Oriental Sculpture) 3-3-0 6103.508 서양조각사특강 (Topics in History of Western Sculpture) 3-3-0 6103.509 조각특강 (Special Topics in Sculpture) 3-3-0 6103.510 시간, 공간, 질서연구 2 (Studies in Time, Space and Order 2) 3-2-2 6103.511A 자연, 문화, 조각연구 2(Studies in Nature, Culture and Sculpture 2) 3-2-2 6103.512A 작품론연구 1(Writing Workshop 1) 3-2-2 6103.513A 작품분석및해석 1 (Graduate Studio Critique 1) 3-2-2 6103.514 현대조각특론 (Theories and Criticisms of Modern and Postmodern Art) 3-3-0 6103.526 작품론연구 2(Writing Workshop 2) 3-2-2 6103.527 소조연구 2(Seminar in Modeling 2) 3-2-2 6103.528 매체워크숍 2(Media Workshop 2) 3-2-2 6103.529 조형연구 2(Studies in Form and Space 2) 3-2-2 6103.530 환경 / 장소 2(Environment/Site 2) 3-1-4 603.515A 형상조각연구 1 (Studies in Plastic Figure 1) 3-2-2 603.517A 형상조각연구 2 (Studies in Plastic Figure 2) 3-2-2 603.518A 조각연구 1(Studies in Carving 1) 3-2-2 603.519 조형연습 (Seminar in Sculpture Project) 3-2-2 603.521A 소조연구 1(Seminar in Modeling 1) 3-2-2 603.523A 조각과테크놀로지 2 (Sculpture and Technology 2) 3-2-2 603.525A 작품분석및해석 2 (Graduate Studio Critique 2) 3-2-2 603.527A 조각연구 2(Studies in Carving 2) 3-2-2 603.529 조형연구 1(Studies in Form and Space l) 3-2-2 603.537 매체워크숍 1(Media Workshop 1) 3-1-4 603.541A 환경 / 장소 1(Environment/Site 1) 3-1-4 603.803 대학원논문연구 (Research and Thesis) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Sculpture) 지도교수의추천에의하여학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함. 611. 디자인학부 (Department of Crafts and Design) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 611.5001 조형심리연구 (Theory in Art and Perception) 3-3-0 611.5003 한국조형문화론 (Studies in Korean Culture and Form) 3-3-0 611.5004 창조성개발연구 (Creativity Development) 3-3-0 611.5012 공예문화론 (Seminar in Crafts and Culture) 3-3-0 611.5013 문화상품론 (Seminar in Cultural Products) 3-3-0 611.5014 작가연구 (Survey and Research in the Independent Artist/Designer) 3-3-0 611.5018 디자인윤리 (Design Ethics) 3-3-0 611.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 611.7001 고급통합디자인특강 (Advanced Topics in Integrated Design) 3-3-0 611.7002 고급현대디자인론 (Advanced Theories of Modern Design) 3-3-0 611.7004 디자인과비교문화연구 (Studies in Design and Comparative Culture) 3-3-0 611.7007 디자인정책및전략연구 (Studies in Design Policy and Strategy) 3-3-0 611.7008 고급디자인프로젝트경영관리론 (Advanced Theories of Design Project Management) 3-3-0 611.7010 색채디자인기획과전략 (Color Design Planning and Strategy) 3-3-0 611.7012 디자인과인간학 ( 공학인자 ) 연구 (Studies in Design and Human Factors) 3-3-0 611.7014 디자인정보구조론 (Theories of Information Architecture) 3-3-0 611.7015 디자인역사와비평 (History of Design and Criticism) 3-3-0 도예전공 (Ceramics Major) 611.5101 도예스튜디오 1(Ceramic Studio 1) 3-2-2 611.5102 도예스튜디오 2(Ceramic Studio 2) 3-2-2 611.5103 도예스튜디오 3(Ceramic Studio 3) 3-2-2 611.5104 전통도예연구 (Studies in Traditional Ceramics) 3-2-2 611.5105 제품도자연구 (Studies in Product Ceramics) 3-2-2 611.5106 환경도자연구 (Studies in Environmental Ceramics) 3-2-2 611.5107A 도예재료학세미나 (Seminar in Ceramic Materials) 3-2-2 611.5109 개별주제연구 1 (Independent Study in Ceramics) 3-2-2 611.5110 현장사례연구 1(Directed Field Survey and Research in Ceramics) 3-3-0 611.5111 도예비평연구 (Ceramic Criticism) 3-3-0-194 -

미술대학 College of Fine Arts 611. 디자인학부 Department of Crafts and Design 611.5112 건축과장식연구 (Studies in Architecture and Ornaments) 3-2-2 611.5113 근현대도예가연구 (Studies in Modern Ceramic Artists) 3-3-0 611.5114 도예작품연구 1 (Studies in Ceramic Works 1) 3-2-2 611.5115 도예작품연구 2 (Studies in Ceramic Works 2) 3-2-2 611.5116A 도예작품연구 3 (Studies in Ceramic Works 3) 3-2-2 611.5117A 도예작품연구 4 (Studies in Ceramic Woks 4) 3-2-2 금속공예전공 (Metalsmithing Major) 611.5201 금속공예스튜디오 1 (Metalsmithing Studio 1) 3-2-2 611.5202 금속공예스튜디오 2 (Metalsmithing Studio 2) 3-2-2 611.5203 금속공예스튜디오 3 (Metalsmithing Studio 3) 3-2-2 611.5204 전통금속공예연구 (Studies in Korean Traditional Metalsmithing) 3-2-2 611.5205 장신구연구 (Studies in Jewelry) 3-2-2 611.5206A 금속재료학세미나 (Seminar in Metal Materials) 3-3-0 611.5207 현대금속공예특론 (Topics of Contemporary Metalsmithing) 3-3-0 611.5209 개별주제연구 2 (Independent Study in Metalsmithing) 3-2-2 611.5210 현장사례연구 2(Directed Field Survey and Research in Metalsmithing) 3-3-0 611.5212 금속작품연구 1(Studies in Metal Works 1) 3-2-2 611.5213 금속작품연구 2(Studies in Metal Works 2) 3-2-2 611.5214A 금속작품연구 3(Studies in Metal Works 3) 3-2-2 611.5215 금속공예비평 (Metalsmithing Criticism) 3-3-0 611.5217A 금속작품연구 4(Studies in Metal Works 4) 3-2-2 시각디자인전공 (Visual Communication Design Major) 611.5301 시각정보디자인스튜디오 1 (Visual Information Design Studio 1) 3-2-2 611.5302 시각정보디자인스튜디오 2 (Visual Information Design Studio 2) 3-2-2 611.5304 아이덴티티디자인연구 (Studies in Identity Design) 3-3-0 611.5305 광고디자인연구 (Studies in Advertising Design) 3-3-0 611.5306 시각디자인마케팅론 (Topics in Visual Communication Design Marketing) 3-3-0 611.5309 영상디자인스튜디오 1 (Moving Image Design Studio 1) 3-2-2 611.5310 영상디자인스튜디오 2 (Moving Image Design Studio 2) 3-2-2 611.5311 영상커뮤니케이션연구 (Studies in Moving Image Communication) 3-2-2 611.5312 멀티미디어연출 (Multimedia Production) 3-2-2 611.5313 영상비평 (Critiques on Moving Image) 3-3-0 611.7301 시각정보디자인특강 (Topics in Visual Communication Design) 3-3-0 611.7302 고급시각정보디자인연구 (Advanced Studies in Visual Information Design) 3-3-0 611.7304 고급정체성개발연구 (Advanced Studies in Identity Development) 3-3-0 611.7305 디자인양식및표현연구 (Studies in Design Visualization and Presentation) 3-3-0 611.7306 고급광고디자인론 (Advanced Theories of Advertising Design) 3-3-0 611.7307 영상디자인특강 (Topics in Multimedia Design) 3-3-0 611.7308 고급영상디자인연구 (Advanced Studies in Multimedia Design) 3-3-0 611.7310 뉴미디어개발연구 (Studies in New Media Development) 3-3-0 611.7311 인터랙션디자인연구 (Studies in Interactive Design) 3-3-0 611.7312 영상컨텐츠기획론 (Theories of Multimedia Contents Planning) 3-3-0 공업디자인전공 (Industrial Design Major) 611.5401 산업디자인스튜디오 1 (Industrial Design Studio 1) 3-2-2 611.5402 산업디자인스튜디오 2 (Industrial Design Studio 2) 3-2-2 611.5404 디자인기획전략연구 (Studies in Design Planning and Strategy) 3-3-0 611.5405 디자인산업경영연구 (Studies in Design Industry and Information) 3-3-0 611.5406 디자인마케팅정보론 (Theories in Design Marketing and Information) 3-3-0 611.5409 공간디자인스튜디오 1 (Space Design Studio 1) 3-2-2 611.5410 공간디자인스튜디오 2 (Space Design Studio 2) 3-2-2 611.5411 프로젝트경영관리론 (Project Process Management) 3-3-0 611.5412 공간행태론 (Space and Human Behavior) 3-3-0 611.5413 여가문화공간개발론 (Researches in Leisure and Festivity) 3-3-0 611.7401 제품디자인특강 (Topics in Product Design) 3-3-0 611.7402 고급제품디자인연구 (Advanced Studies in Product Design) 3-3-0 611.7404 감성디자인연구 (Studies in Emotional Design Engineering) 3-3-0 611.7405 신디자인소재및기술연구 (Studies in Material Development for Design) 3-3-0 611.7406 제품디자인문화연구 (Studies in Product Design Culture) 3-3-0 611.7407 공간디자인특강 (Topics in Space Design) 3-3-0 611.7408 고급공간디자인연구 (Advanced Studies in Space Design) 3-3-0 611.7410 인간행태와공간디자인연구 (Studies in Human Behavior in Space Design) 3-3-0 611.7411 여가문화공간디자인연구 (Studies in Role of Culture in Leisure Space Design) 3-3-0 611.7412 공간디자인버츄얼리즘연구 (Studies in Virtualism in Space Design) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Crafts and Design) 지도교수의추천에의하여학과장이인정하는과목 학부내규에의함. - 195 -

법과대학 College of Law 275. 법학과 Department of Law < 법과대학주관 > 275. 법학과 (Department of Law) 공통과목 (Core Course) 270.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 기초법전공 (Basic Laws Major) 270.501 법철학기본연구 (Fundamentals of Legal Philosophy) 3-3-0 270.502 법철학특수연구 (Special Topics in Legal Philosophy) 3-3-0 270.503 법학방법론연구 (Methodology of Legal Science) 3-3-0 270.504 법가치론특수연구 (Problems of Values in Law) 3-3-0 270.505 자연법연구 (Studies in Natural Law) 3-3-0 270.506 법사상사연구 (Studies in History of Legal Thoughts) 3-3-0 270.507 법사상사특수연구 (Special Topics in History of Legal Thoughts) 3-3-0 270.508 근대법사상사연구 (Studies in Modern Legal Thoughts) 3-3-0 270.510 법사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Law) 3-3-0 270.515 서양법제사연구 (Studies in European Legal History) 3-3-0 270.517 동양법제사연구 (Studies in Oriental Legal History) 3-3-0 270.518 한국법제사특수연구 (Topics in Korean Legal History) 3-3-0 270.522A 사법사비교연구 (Comparative Studies in History of Private Law) 3-3-0 270.523 법경제학연구 (Studies in Law and Economics) 3-3-0 270.524 미국법특강 (Topics in American Law) 3-3-0 270.525 영미사법제도론 (Anglo-American Judicial System) 3-3-0 270.527 로마사법연구 (Studies in Roman Private Law) 3-3-0 270.530 로마공법특수연구 (Advanced Studies in Roman Public Law) 3-3-0 270.531 근세사법사연구 (Studies in History of Modern Private Law) 3-3-0 270.532 근세공법사연구 (Studies in History of Modern Public Law) 3-3-0 270.539 법이론연구 (Studies in Legal Theory) 3-3-0 270.540 한국근대법사연구 (Studies in Modern Korean Legal History) 3-3-0 270.542 중국법연구 (Studies in Chinese Law) 3-3-0 270.545 법사회학특수연구 (Special Topics in Sociology of Law) 3-3-0 270.547 외국법강독 (Readings in Foreign Law) 3-3-0 270.548 법여성학연구 (Feminist Jurisprudence) 3-3-0 270.550 법인류학연구 (Studies in Anthropology of Law) 3-3-0 헌법전공 (Constitutional Law Major) 270.601 헌법일반이론 (General Theory of Constitutional Law) 3-3-0 270.602 기본권론 (Political Rights and Civil Liberties) 3-3-0 270.603 헌법기본판례연구 (Case Studies in Constitutional Law) 3-3-0 270.604 비교헌법론 (Comparative Constitutional Law) 3-3-0 270.605 위헌법률심사제도론 (Judicial Review System) 3-3-0 270.606 헌법특수연구 (Topics in Constitutional Law) 3-3-0 270.607 기본권특수연구 (Topics in Political Rights and Civil Liberties) 3-3-0 270.608 일반국법학연구 (General Theory of State) 3-3-0 270.609 사법제도론 (Judicial System) 3-3-0 270.610 정부제도론 (Studies in Government Institutions) 3-3-0 270.612 정당선거제도론 (Political Parties and Elections) 3-3-0 270.613 의회제도론 (Studies in the Legislature and Parliamentary Systems) 3-3-0 270.616 언론정보법 (Press, Mass Communication, Telecommunication and Information Law) 3-3-0 270.617 법정책학연구 (Policy Science of Law) 3-3-0 270.618 법정책학특수연구 (Topics in Policy Science in Law) 3-3-0 민사법전공 (Civil Law Major) 270.535 영국사법연구 (Studies in English Private Law) 3-3-0 270.536 미국사법연구 (Studies in American Private law) 3-3-0 270.621 사법일반이론 (General Theory of Private Law) 3-3-0 270.622 물권법연구 (Studies in Law of Property) 3-3-0 270.623 채권법연구 (Studies in Law of Contracts and Torts) 3-3-0 270.625 재산법판례연구 (Case Studies in Law of Property and Obligation) 3-3-0 270.626 민사소송법연구 (Studies in Civil Procedure) 3-3-0 270.627 사법특수연구 (Topics in Private Law) 3-3-0 270.628 비교사법연구 (Comparative Study of Private Law) 3-3-0 270.629 민사소송법특수연구 (Topics in Civil Procedure) 3-3-0 물권법특수연구 (Topics in Law of Property) 3-3-0 채권법특수연구 (Topics in Law of Contracts and Torts) 3-3-0 270.632 가족법특수연구 (Topics in Family Law) 3-3-0 270.633 부당이득불법행위법연구 (Studies in Law of Torts and Unjust Enrichment) 3-3-0 270.634 민사소송법판례연구 (Case Studies in Civil Procedure) 3-3-0 270.637 가족법판례연구 (Case Studies in Family Law) 3-3-0 270.639 파산법연구 (Studies in Law of Bankruptcy) 3-3-0 270.640 담보물권법연구 (Studies in Law of Secured Property) 3-3-0 270.630 270.631 270.642 독일사법연구 (Studies in German Private Law) 3-3-0 270.644 프랑스사법연구 (Studies in French Private Law) 3-3-0 270.645 비교민사소송법연구 (Comparative Study of Civil Procedure) 3-3-0 270.646 강제집행법판례연구 (Case Studies in Law of Enforcement of Judgement) 3-3-0 270.647 국제민사소송법연구 (Studies in International Civil Procedure) 3-3-0 270.648 재판외분쟁해결절차연구 (Studies in Alternative Dispute Resolution) 3-3-0 270.649 가사소송법연구 (Studies in Domestic Relations Adjudication Law) 3-3-0 270.717 국제사법특수연구 (Topics in Conflict of Laws) 3-3-0-196 -

법과대학 College of Law 275. 법학과 Department of Law 상사법전공 (Commercial Law Major) 270.638 무체재산권특수연구 (Topics in Law of Intellectual Property) 3-3-0 270.549 과학기술과법연구 (Science, Technology and Law) 3-3-0 270.651 상법기본연구 (Principles of Commercial Law) 3-3-0 270.652 회사법연구 (Studies in Corporations) 3-3-0 270.654 보험법연구 (Studies in Insurance) 3-3-0 270.656 상법특수연구 (Topics in Commercial Law) 3-3-0 270.657 회사법특수연구 (Topics in Corporations) 3-3-0 270.661 비교상사법연구 (Comparative Study of Commercial Law) 3-3-0 270.662 국제상사법연구 (Studies in Law of International Business Transaction) 3-3-0 270.663 상사특별법연구 (Studies in Special Commercial Law) 3-3-0 270.665 증권거래법연구 (Studies in Securities Regulation) 3-3-0 270.666 회사정리법연구 (Studies in Corporate Reorganization Act) 3-3-0 270.667 상법사연구 (Studies in History of Commercial Law) 3-3-0 270.668 법인세법연구 (Studies in Corporate Income Tax) 3-3-0 270.670 상법기본판례연구 (Case Studies in Commercial Law) 3-3-0 270.671 회사법판례연구 (Case Studies in Corporations) 3-3-0 270.673 보험법판례연구 (Case Studies in Insurance) 3-3-0 270.675 법인세법특수연구 (Topics in Tax Law of Business Corporation) 3-3-0 270.676 상속증여세법연구 (Studies in Gift and Estate Tax) 3-3-0 270.677 소비세법연구 (Studies in Consumption Taxes) 3-3-0 270.679 270.680 지적소유권법연구 (Studies in Law of Intellectual Property) 3-3-0 지적소유권법특수연구 (Topics in Intellectual Property System) 3-3-0 270.736 세법기본연구 (Principles of Tax Law) 3-3-0 270.737 세법특수연구 (Topics in Tax Law) 3-3-0 270.738 재산제세연구 (Gift and Estate Taxes) 3-3-0 형사법전공 (Criminal Law Major) 270.681 형법기본연구 (Principles of Criminal Law) 3-3-0 270.683 범죄학연구 (Theory of Crime) 3-3-0 270.684 형벌학연구 (Theory of Punishment) 3-3-0 270.685 형사소송법기본연구 (Principles of Criminal Procedure) 3-3-0 270.686 형사법판례연구 (Case Studies in Criminal Law and Procedure) 3-3-0 270.687 형사증거법연구 (Evidence) 3-3-0 270.688 형사정책연구 (Studies in Criminal Policy) 3-3-0 270.691 형법특수연구 (Topics in Criminal Law) 3-3-0 270.692 비교형사법연구 (Comparative Study of Criminal Law) 3-3-0 270.696 범죄사회학연구 (Criminal Sociology) 3-3-0 270.697 형사소송법특수연구 (Topics in Criminal Procedure) 3-3-0 270.698 형사판례특수연구 (Topics in Criminal Law Cases) 3-3-0 270.699 특별형법연구 (Studies in Special Criminal Acts) 3-3-0 270.700 조세형법연구 (Tax Crimes) 3-3-0 270.701 행정형법연구 (Administrative Crimes) 3-3-0 270.703 경제범죄의연구 (Economic Crimes) 3-3-0 270.704 형사증거법특수연구 (Topics in Evidence) 3-3-0 270.707 한국형정사연구 (History of Criminology in Korea) 3-3-0 270.709 형사정책특수연구 (Topics in Criminal Policy) 3-3-0 행정법전공 (Administrative Law Major) 270.721 행정법일반이론 (General Theory of Administrative Law) 3-3-0 270.722 행정조직법연구 (Law of Administrative Organization) 3-3-0 270.723 행정작용법연구 (Law of Administrative Action) 3-3-0 270.724 행정쟁송법연구 (Law of Administrative Litigation) 3-3-0 270.725 행정강제법연구 (Law of Administrative Execution) 3-3-0 270.726 국가보상법연구 (Law of Administrative Compensation) 3-3-0 270.727 행정법특수연구 (Topics in Administrative Law) 3-3-0 270.728 행정법판례연구 (Case Studies in Administrative Law) 3-3-0 270.729 비교행정법연구 (Comparative Study of Administrative Law) 3-3-0 270.730 복리행정법연구 (Law of Welfare Administration) 3-3-0 270.731 규제행정법연구 (Law of Regulatory Administration) 3-3-0 270.732 행정구제법특수연구 (Topics in Administrative Remedies) 3-3-0 270.733 토지행정법연구 (Law of Land Use and Administration) 3-3-0 270.734 환경법연구 (Environmental Law) 3-3-0 270.735 재정행정법연구 (Law of Public Finance) 3-3-0 270.739 지방자치법연구 (Studies in Local Government Law) 3-3-0 270.806 조세행정법연구 (Law of Tax Administration) 3-3-0 270.807 환경법특수연구 (Special Topics in Environmental Law) 3-3-0 국제법전공 (International Law Major) 270.741 국제법일반이론 (General Theory of International Law) 3-3-0 270.742 국제판례연구 (Case Studies in International Law) 3-3-0 270.744 국제조직법연구 (Law of International Organization) 3-3-0 270.746 국가책임제도연구 (Law of State Responsibility) 3-3-0 270.747 조약법연구 (Law of Treaties) 3-3-0 270.748 국제거래법연구 (Law of International Transactions) 3-3-0 270.750 외교관계법연구 (Law of Diplomatic Relations) 3-3-0 270.751 국제재판연구 (International Litigation) 3-3-0 270.753 국제법특수연구 1 (Topics in International Law 1) 3-3-0 270.754 국제법사연구 (History of International Law) 3-3-0 270.756 국제인권연구 (International Human Rights) 3-3-0 270.757 국제분쟁처리법연구 (Law of Settlement of International Disputes) 3-3-0 270.758 전쟁법연구 (Law of War) 3-3-0-197 -

법과대학 College of Law 2751. 지식재산전공 Intellectual Property Major 270.759 국제법특수연구 2 (Topics in International Law 2) 3-3-0 270.760 국제형사법연구 (International Criminal Law) 3-3-0 270.761 지역국제법연구 (Regional International Law) 3-3-0 270.762 해양법연구 2(Law of the Sea 2) 3-3-0 270.763 국제경제법연구 (International Economic Law) 3-3-0 270.765 국제인도법연구 (International Humanitarian Law) 3-3-0 270.766 국제환경법연구 (International Environmental Law) 3-3-0 270.767 국제조세법연구 (Studies in International Taxation) 3-3-0 270.768 국가관할권연구 (Studies in State Jurisdiction) 3-3-0 270.769 국가승계연구 (Studies in Law of State Succession) 3-3-0 사회경제법전공 (Social Law Major) 270.771 사회법일반이론 (General Theory of Social Law) 3-3-0 270.772 노동보호법연구 (Law of Individual Labor Relations) 3-3-0 270.776 노동조합특수연구 (Topics in Trade Union) 3-3-0 270.778 단체협약제도연구 (Studies in Collective Agreement) 3-3-0 270.781 ILO근로기준연구 (ILO Labor Standards) 3-3-0 270.783 노동법기본연구 (Principles of Labor Law) 3-3-0 270.784 사회보장법연구 (Social Security Law) 3-3-0 270.786 비교노동법연구 (Comparative Study of Labor Law) 3-3-0 270.787 비교사회보장법연구 (Comparative Study of Social Security Law) 3-3-0 270.788 노동법판례연구 (Case Studies in Labor Law) 3-3-0 270.789 사회보장법판례연구 (Case Studies in Social Security Law) 3-3-0 270.790 노사협의제도특수연구 (Topics in Labor-Management Council) 3-3-0 270.791 경제법연구 (Studies in Economic Law) 3-3-0 270.792 경제법특수연구 (Topics in Economic Law) 3-3-0 270.793 비교경제법연구 (Comparative Study of Economic Law) 3-3-0 270.794 독점규제법연구 (Anti-Trust Law) 3-3-0 270.795 법경제학특수연구 (Special Topics in Law and Economics) 3-3-0 270.798 국제노동법연구 (Studies in International Labour Law) 3-3-0 270.799 소비자보호법연구 (Studies in Consumer Law) 3-3-0 270.800 농업법연구 (Studies in Law of Agriculture) 3-3-0 270.804 산업규제법일반연구 (Studies in Law of Industrial Regulations) 3-3-0 270.805 산업재해보상법연구 (Law of Worker Compensation) 3-3-0 270.852 산업규제법특수연구 (Topics in Law of Industrial Regulations) 3-3-0 270.853 고용보장법연구 (Studies in Employment Protection Law) 3-3-0 270.855 경제법판례연구 (Case Studies in Economic Law) 3-3-0 (Departmental Curricula Requirements) 학과내규로정함. 2751. 지식재산전공 (Intellectual Property Major) 지식재산전공 (Intellectual Property Major) 2751.501 특허관리 (Patent Management) 3-3-0 2751.502 특허실무 (Case Study of Patent) 3-2-2 2751.503 국제비즈니스협상 (International Business Negotiation) 3-3-0 2751.504 협상과거래의디자인 (Negotiation and Deal Design) 3-3-0 2751.505 지적재산권법 (Introduction to Intellectual Property Law) 3-3-0 2751.506 국제지적재산권 (International Intellectual Property) 3-3-0 2751.507 라이센싱 (Licensing Intellectual Property) 3-3-0 2751.508 ITC 소송전략 (Strategies in ITC Litigation) 3-3-0 2751.509 국제특허소송전략 (Strategies for International Patent Litigations) 3-3-0 2751.510 저작권실무 (Copyright Law in Practice) 3-2-2 2751.511 지적재산경영론 (Management of Intellectual Property) 3-3-0 2751.512 지적재산사업화 (Commercialization of Intellectual Property) 3-3-0 2751.513 과학기술과법 (Science, Technology and Law) 3-3-0 2751.514 혁신과경쟁 (Innovation & Competition) 3-3-0 2751.515 기술가치평가 (Evaluation of Technology Value) 3-3-0 2751.516 IP 법률상담 (Intellectual Property Law & Counseling) 3-3-0 2751.517 새로운사업환경과지적재산 (Intellectual Property in Business Environment) 3-3-0-198 -

사범대학 College of Education 교직공통과목 Teacher-Training Courses < 사범대학주관 > 교직공통과목 (Teacher-Training Courses) 대학원교육계학과교직대학원교육계학과 ( 교육학과포함 ) 학생으로서교원자격무시험검정으로교원자격증을취득하고자하는자는다음규정에따라소정의학점을이수하여야한다. 가. 대학원교육계학과와학사과정에서 자격증표시과목 과관련된소정의전공과목과교직과목의학점을다음과같이이수해야함. 전공과목 : 50 학점이상 { 기본이수영역 5 과목 14 학점이상, 교과교육영역 2 과목 ( 교과교육론, 교과논리및논술에관한과목포함 ) 6 학점이상 } 을이수하되학사과정에서이수한전공과목학점인정은교육부장관이고시한 표시과목관련학과 에포함되어있는전공학과또는부전공학과에서이수한학점으로함. 교직과목 : 교원자격검정령등관계규정에정해진 22 학점이상을영역별 ( 교직이론 14 학점이상, 교직소양 4 학점이상, 교육실습 4 학점이상 ) 로이수하여야함. 나. 학사과정에서이수한교직과목의이수학점인정은학사과정재학당시교원자격검정령등관계규정에의거교직과목으로인정된과목으로함. 다. 대학원교육계학과에서이수한과목이교원자격검정령등관계규정의교직과목과유사한과목일때에는소정의절차를거쳐교직과목을이수한것으로인정할수있음. * 교직이론과목을다음과같이교육학과대학원전공과목으로대체이수할수있으나, 교직이론대체과목으로이수할경우대학원졸업 ( 수료 ) 학점에는포함하지않음. 교직이론대체과목생활지도 상담이론, 진로및직업상담교육심리 학습과인지교육철학및교육사 교육사상사연구교육사회 교육사회학연구교육행정및교육경영 교육행정이론, 학교컨설팅교육방법및교육공학 교육공학기초, 교수체제설계교육과정 교육과정개발세미나교육평가 교육평가이론 라. 자격증표시과목은대학원교육계학과전공관련표시과목을부여함. < 경과조치 > ㄱ. 이규정은 2009 학년도입학자부터적용한다. ㄴ. 2008 학년도이전입학자는종전의교직에따른다. 교직과목, 교과전공과목은학사과정 사범대학, 교직과목 내용참고 701. 교육학과 (Department of Education) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 701.503 한국교육사연구 (Studies in Korean History of Education) 3-3-0 701.574A 교육사회학연구 (Pro-seminar in Sociology of Education) 3-3-0 701.584 경험과학적연구방법론 (Empirical Research Methods) 3-3-0 701.629 현지연구와질적분석 (Field Based Research and Qualitative Analysis) 3-3-0 701.632 학습과인지 (Learning & Cognition) 3-3-0 701.821 교육문화기술법연습 (Seminar in Ethnography of Education) 3-3-0 701.822A 다변량통계분석법 (Multivariate Statistical Methods) 3-3-0 701.826 교육사상사연구 (Studies in History of Educational Thoughts) 3-3-0 701.916 교육통계분석론 (Advanced Statistical Method for Educational Research) 3-3-0 701.930A 교육프로그램평가 (Educational Program Evaluation) 3-3-0 701.984A 지능과교육 (Intelligence and Education) 3-3-0 701.990 교육과정개발세미나 (Seminar in Curriculum Development) 3-3-0 701.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 701D. 교육학전공 (Foundations of Education Major) 701.535 교육인류학연구 (Studies in Anthropology of Education) 3-3-0 701.571 교육평가이론 (Theories of Educational Evaluation) 3-3-0 701.577 교사상연구 (Studies in the Making of the Problems of the Ideal Teacher) 3-3-0 701.611A 동양교육사상사세미나 (Seminar in History of Educational Thoughts in the Orient) 3-3-0 701.612 서양교육사상사 (History of Educational Thoughts in the West) 3-3-0 701.625 도덕심리연구 (Studies in Psychology of Moral Behavior) 3-3-0 701.634 인간발달과교육 (Human Development and Education) 3-3-0 701.730 문화전달이론 (Theories of Cultural Transmission) 3-3-0 701.760 교육과정사 (Historical Research in Curriculum) 3-3-0 701.781 문항반응이론 (Item Response Theory) 3-3-0 701.813 현대교육철학연구 (Studies in Modern Philosophies of Education) 3-3-0 701.850B 비교교육연구방법론 (Comparative Education Research Methodology) 3-3-0 701.859 교육사연구특강 (Topics in History of Education) 3-3-0 701.911 교육측정세미나 (Seminar on Educational Measurement) 3-3-0 701.929 도덕및사회성발달연구 (Studies in Morality and Social Development) 3-3-0 701.938 701.939 701.941 교육역사사회학연구 (Seminar on Historical Sociology of Education) 3-3-0 한국교육사특수연구 (Topics in Korean History of Education) 3-3-0 근대한국교육의형성 (The Making of Modern Education in Korea) 3-3-0 701.953A 교육통계세미나 (Seminar in Educational Statistics) 3-3-0 701.955B 교육사회학연구세미나 (Advanced Seminar in Sociology of Education) 3-3-0 701.956 구술사 (Oral History) 3-3-0 701.977A 사고와학습전략교육 (Thinking and Learning- Strategy Instruction) 3-3-0 701.979 아시아교육사연구 (Studies in the History of Asian Education) 3-3-0 701.988 교육심리학세미나 (Educational Psychology Seminar) 3-3-0 701.991 교육과정이론세미나 (Seminar in Curriculum Theories) 3-3-0 701.992 학교교육과정연구 (Studies in School Curriculum) 3-3-0 701.993 학습동기연구 (Learning Motivation Research) 3-3-0 701.999 서양교육사연구 (Studies in the History of Western Education) 3-3-0-199 -

사범대학 College of Education 701. 교육학과 Department of Education 701E. 교육공학전공 (Educational Technology Major) 701.572A 교수이론세미나 (Seminar in Instruction Theory) 3-3-0 701.636A 교수심리학세미나 (Seminar in Instruction Psychology) 3-3-0 701.647 교수필요및과제분석 (Instructional Needs and Task Analysis) 3-3-0 701.651 학습자분석및학습환경설계 (Learner Analysis and Design of Learning Environment) 3-3-0 701.652A 교수체제설계 (Survey of Instructional Systems Design) 3-3-0 701.653 교육커뮤니케이션 (Education and Communication) 3-3-0 701.680A 교육공학기초 (Foundations of Educational Technology) 3-3-0 701.688 교수설계세미나 (Seminar in Instructional Design Theories) 3-3-0 701.689 원격교육세미나 (Seminar in Distant Education) 3-3-0 701.690 웹기반교육세미나 (Seminar in Web-based Instruction) 3-3-0 701.831 교수방법유형론 (Models and Ways of Teaching) 3-3-0 701.869 교수방법연구 (Studies in Instructional Methods) 3-3-0 701.943 컴퓨터매개학습 (Computer-Mediated Learning) 3-3-0 701.945A 원격교육과이러닝 (Theories of Distance Education and E-learning) 3-3-0 701.946 정의적영역의교수설계 (Instructional Design in the Affective Domain) 3-3-0 701.948 교육공학연구법 (Research Methods of Educational Technology) 3-3-0 701.996 교육연구인턴십 (Educational Research Internship) 3-3-0 701.997 이러닝설계 (Designing e-learning Environment) 3-3-0 701.998 첨단매체와교육 (Advanced Technologies and Education) 3-3-0 701F. 교육상담전공 (Educational Counseling Major) 701.635 청소년비행및약물상담 (Counseling for Juvenile Delinquents and Substance Abusers) 3-3-0 701.650 상담윤리법제도 (Ethical, Logical & Organizational Issues in Counseling) 3-3-0 701.678 직업심리학과상담 (Vocational Psychology & Counseling) 3-3-0 701.879 상담교육및수퍼비전실습 (Practicum of Counselor Education and Supervision) 3-3-0 701.880 집단상담및교육프로그램개발 (Program Development of Group Counseling and Psycho-education) 3-3-0 701.881 상담학의최근동향과쟁점 (Current Movement and Issues in Counseling) 3-3-0 701.894 직업역량의발달과교육 (Career Development and Education) 3-3-0 701.895 마음 뇌 교육 (Mind, Brain and Education) 3-3-0 701.896 교육 심리검사및진단실습 (Educational and Psychological Test : Practicum) 3-3-0 701.897 고급상담이론과교육 (Advanced Theories in Counseling and Education) 3-3-0 701.898 사례연구방법론 (Research Methods of Case Study) 3-3-0 701.917A 상담이론 (Counseling Theory) 3-3-0 701.923 상담연구방법론 (Methodology of Counseling Research) 3-3-0 701.932 상담연구세미나 (Seminar in Counseling Research) 3-3-0 701.958 상담기법 (Counseling Skills) 3-0-6 701.960 상담현장실습 2(Counseling Practicum 2) 3-0-6 701.965A 교육심리검사및진단 (Educational and Psychological Testing) 3-3-0 701.966 진로및직업상담 (Career and Vocational Counseling) 3-3-0 701.968 집단상담 (Group Counseling) 3-3-0 701.969 상담현장실습 1(Counseling Practicum 1) 3-0-6 701.971 상담교육및수퍼비죤 (Counselor Education and Supervision) 3-3-0 701.989 집단상담실습 (Practice in Group Counseling) 3-3-3 701A. 교육행정전공 (Educational Administration Major) 701.548 교육행정이론 (Theories of Educational Administration) 3-3-0 701.551 교육지도성이론 (Theories of Educational Leadership) 3-3-0 701.556 교육정책론 (Educational Policy) 3-3-0 701.563 교육경제학 (Educational Economics) 3-3-0 701.681 교육재정학 (Educational Finance) 3-3-0 701.684A 교육인적자원행정 (Human Resource Administration) 3-3-0 701.685 학교경영 (School Administration) 3-3-0 701.793A 교육행정세미나 (Seminar of Educational Administration) 3-3-0 701.804 학교컨설팅 (School Consulting) 3-3-0 701.805 고등교육정책 (Higher Education Policy) 3-3-0 701.871 교육법 (Educational Law) 3-3-0 701.872 교원교육론 (Teacher Education) 3-3-0 701.873 교육정책세미나 (Seminar in Educational Policy) 3-3-0 701.874 고등교육론 (Higher Education) 3-3-0 701.877 인간관계론 (Human Relations in Education) 3-3-0 701.899 교육정책분석론 (Education Policy Analysis) 3-3-0 701.900 고등교육세미나 (Seminar of Higher Education) 3-3-0 701.909 교육행정연구법 (Research Methods in Educational Administration) 3-3-0 701.981 교육제도비교연구 (Comparative Studies in Educational Systems) 3-3-0 701.987 교육개혁론 (School Reform : Theories and Practices) 3-3-0 701.687 장학이론연구 (Studies in Supervision Theories) 3-3-0 701G. 평생교육전공 (Life-Long Education Major) 701.606B 평생교육방법연구 (Studies in Methods of Lifelong Education) 3-3-0 701.608A 평생학습사회론 (Theory of Lifelong Learning Cities) 3-3-0 701.609A 평생교육프로그램개발 (Lifelong Education Program Development) 3-3-0 701.610 인적자원개발과평생학습정책 (Human Resource Development and Lifelong Learning Policy) 3-3-0 701.659A 지역평생교육개발세미나 (Regional Lifelong Education Development Seminar) 3-3-0 701.660B 학습시스템론 (Learning Systems Theory) 3-3-0 701.677B 성인교육의국제정치경제학 (Political Economy of Global Adult Education) 3-3-0-200 -

사범대학 College of Education 705. 국어교육과 Department of Korean Language Education 701.691 기업교육론 (Introduction to Business and Industry Education) 3-3-0 701.696A 성인학습자연구 (Understanding the Adult Learner) 3-3-0 701.698 교육과생애사 (Life-Span History and Education) 3-3-0 701.732 평생교육연구 (Research in Life-long Education) 3-3-0 701.806 평생교육현장실습 (Lifelong Education Practicum) 3-0-6 701.807 세계교육과창의적글쓰기 (Global Education Issues and Creative Writing) 3-3-0 701.809 역량기반교육연구 (Competence-based Education Research) 3-3-0 701.810 역량기반교육프로젝트실습 (Project Practices on Competence-Based Education) 3-3-0 701.824 평생교육연구방법론 (Research Methodology in Adult Education) 3-3-0 701.825A 평생교육경영세미나 (Seminar in Lifelong Education Policy and Administration) 3-3-0 701.976 국제경제와교육 (Global Economy and Education) 3-3-0 701.994 전략적 HRD세미나 (Strategic HRD Seminar) 3-3-0 701.995 국가인적자원개발론 (National Human Resource Development Theory) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Education) 서울대학교과목중매학기지도교수및학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함. 705. 국어교육과 (Department of Korean Language Education) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 705.525 국어교수학습론연구 (Studies in Korean Language Education) 3-3-0 705.526A 국어문법교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Language Grammar) 3-3-0 705.527 국어규범론연구 (Studies in Standard Rules of Korean Language) 3-3-0 705.528 고전시가교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Classical Poetry) 3-3-0 705.529 고전산문교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Classical Prose) 3-3-0 705.530 현대시교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Modern Poetry) 3-3-0 705.531 현대산문교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Modern Prose) 3-3-0 705.606 언어와문학 (Language and Literature) 3-3-0 705.608 국어문화교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Language Culture) 3-3-0 705.716 언어교육연습 (Seminar in Language Teaching) 3-3-0 705.717 문학교육연습 (Seminar in Literary Education) 3-3-0 705.720 국어교육과관련학문연구 (Studies in Korean Language Education and it's Related Disciplines) 3-3-0 705.723 국어교육정책론연구 (Studies in Policy of teaching Korean Language) 3-3-0 705.724 국어어휘교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Lexicon) 3-3-0 705.725A 담화텍스트교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Discourse Text) 3-3-0 705.726 구비문학교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Oral Literature) 3-3-0 705.727 교술문학교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Didactic Literature) 3-3-0 705.728 문학비평교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 705.729 문학교육사상론연구 (Studies in Thoughts of Teaching Literature) 3-3-0 705.735 문학사교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching History of Literature) 3-3-0 705.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 국어교육전공 (Korean Language Education Major) 705.509 국어교육사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Language Education) 3-3-0 705.532A 국어의미 화용교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Semantics and Pragmatics) 3-3-0 705.533 국어생활사교육론연구 (Studies in the History of the Life in Korean Language) 3-3-0 705.534 시학교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Poetics) 3-3-0 705.535 서사교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Narrative) 3-3-0 705.536 교육연극론연구 (Studies in the Educational Theatre) 3-3-0 705.607 독서교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Reading) 3-3-0 705.609 매체언어교육연습 (Seminar in Teaching Media Language) 3-3-0 705.610 화법교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Speech) 3-3-0 705.611 작문교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Composition) 3-3-0 705.730 국어교재구성연구 (Studies in Teaching Materials in Korean Language) 3-3-0 705.731 국어문장교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Sentence and Discourse) 3-3-0 705.732 현대언어학과국어교육연구 (Modern Linguistics and Korean Language Teaching) 3-3-0 705.733 문학교육특수문제연구 (Studies in Problem in Teaching Literature) 3-3-0 705.734 문예미학교육연구 (Studies in Teaching Literary Aesthetics) 3-3-0 705.736 국어활동교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Language Performance) 3-3-0 705.737 매체언어교육이론연구 (Studies in Teaching Theories of Media Language) 3-3-0 705.738 문화교육이론연구 (Studies in Theories of Teaching Culture) 3-3-0 705.739 국어장르교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Language Genre) 3-3-0 705.740 구어교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Spoken Language) 3-3-0 한국어교육전공 (Korean as a Foreign Language Education Major) 705.612 한국어교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Language for Foreigners) 3-3-0 705.613 한국문학교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Korean Literature for Foreigners) 3-3-0 705.614 한국어음운교육론연구 (Studies in Korean Teaching Phonology) 3-3-0-201 -

사범대학 College of Education 706. 외국어교육과 Department of Foreign Language Education 705.615 한국어대조오류분석론연구 (Contrastive Analysis of Teaching Korean Language as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 705.616 한국어문법교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Grammar of Korean Language) 3-3-0 705.617 한국어이해론연구 (Studies in Korean Language Understanding) 3-3-0 705.618 한국어표현론연구 (Studies in Korean Language Expression) 3-3-0 705.619 한국어교수법연구 (Studies in Teaching Methods of Korean Language as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 705.620 한국문화와한국어교육연구 (Korean Culture and Teaching Korean Language as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 705.622 한국어교육실습 (Practicum Teaching Korean as Foreign Language) 3-0-6 705.623 다중언어문화교육연구 (Studies in Multi-language and Multi-culture Education) 3-3-0 705.741 한국어교재론연구 (Studies in Teaching Material of Korean Language as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 705.742 한국어평가론연구 (Studies in Evaluation of Korean Language) 3-3-0 705.743 한국어교육과정론연구 (Studies in Curriculum in Teaching Korean Language as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 705.744A 한국어습득론연구 (Studies in Aquisition of Korean as Foreign Language) 3-3-0 705.745 한국언어문화특수문제연구 (Problems in Korean Language Culture) 3-3-0 705.746 한국고전문학교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Classical Korean Literature) 3-3-0 705.747 한국현대문학교육론연구 (Studies in Teaching Modern Korean Literature) 3-3-0 705.750 한국어교육연구방법론 (Methods of Research Teaching Korean Language as a foreign Language) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean Language Education) 매학기지도교수가추천하고학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함. 706. 외국어교육과 (Department of Foreign Language Education) 707A. 영어전공 (English Language Major) 706.704A 응용언어학연구 (Studies in Applied Linguistics) 3-3-0 706.705 영어교육론연구 (Studies in English Language Teaching) 3-3-0 706.707 영어교재및교과과정 (English Teaching Materials and Curriculum) 3-3-0 706.708 외국어교육사 (History of Teaching Foreign Languages) 3-3-0 706.709 담화분석 (Discourse Analysis) 3-3-0 706.711 영어교육연구방법론 (Research Methods in TEFL) 3-3-0 706.733 영어음운론연습 (Seminar in English Phonology) 3-3-0 706.734 영어통사론연습 (Seminar in English Syntax) 3-3-0 706.735 영어의미론연구 (Studies in English Semantics) 3-3-0 706.736 영어형태론연구 (Studies in English Morphology) 3-3-0 706.737A 미국문화와문학연구 (Seminar in American Culture and Literature) 3-3-0 706.738A 영국문화와문학연구 (Seminar in British Culture and Literature) 3-3-0 707.508 영어교육론특강 (Topics in English Language Teaching) 3-3-0 707.513 영한대조분석연구 (Studies in Contrastive Analysis of English and Korean) 3-3-0 707.514 영어교육평가 (Evaluation in TEFL) 3-3-0 707.515 심리언어학과외국어교육 (Psycholinguistics and Foreign Language Education) 3-3-0 707.516 사회언어학과영어교육 (Sociolinguistics and TEFL) 3-3-0 707.517 미국소설연구 (Studies in American Novels) 3-3-0 707.518 영문학교육연구 (Studies in Teaching English Literature) 3-3-0 707.519 영미현대문학연구 (Studies in British and American Modern Literature) 3-3-0 707.520 영미문학비평연구 (Studies in British and American Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 707.521 영미시연구 (Studies in British and American Poetry) 3-3-0 707.523 영국소설연구 (Studies in English Novels) 3-3-0 707.524 영어음운론연구 (Studies in English Phonology) 3-3-0 707.525 영어형태론연습 (Seminar in English Morphology) 3-3-0 707.526 응용언어학연구방법론 (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics) 3-3-0 707.527 영어통사론연구 (Studies in English Syntax) 3-3-0 707.528 영어통사론특강 (Topics in English Syntax) 3-3-0 707.529 영어학연구 (Studies in English Linguistics) 3-3-0 707.530 영어학연습 (Practice in English Linguistics) 3-3-0 707.531 영어교수법연구 (Studies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 707.532 영어교수법특강 (Topics in Teaching English as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 707.533 교육영문법 (Pedagogical English Grammar) 3-3-0 707.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for English Language Major) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 708A. 불어전공 (French Language Major) 706.817A 프랑스문학교육론 (Theories of Teaching French Literature) 3-3-0 708.565A 현대프랑스어문법연구 (Studies in French Contemporary Grammar) 3-3-0 708.567A 프랑스어통사론연구 (Studies in French Syntax) 3-3-0 708.568A 프랑스어어휘론연구 (Studies in French Lexicology) 3-3-0 708.569A 프랑스어의미론연구 (Studies in French Semantics) 3-3-0 708.570A 프랑스어화용론연구 (Studies in French Pragmatics) 3-3-0-202 -

사범대학 College of Education 711. 사회교육과 Social Studies Education 708.571A 프랑스문화교육론 (Theories in Teaching French Culture) 3-3-0 708.572A 프랑스어문법교육론 (Theories of Teaching French Grammar) 3-3-0 708.575A 멀티미디어와프랑스어교육 (Multimedia and French Didactics) 3-3-0 708.576A 프랑스어교수법의역사 (History of French Didactics) 3-3-0 708.577A 프랑스어교육론 (Theories of Teaching French) 3-3-0 708.578A 프랑스어교육평가론 (Evaluation in Teaching French) 3-3-0 708.579A 프랑스어교재론 (Teaching Materials in French Language Education) 3-3-0 708.582 프랑스문학연구방법론 (Methods of Studying French Literature) 3-3-0 708.583 프랑스중세에포포이아연구 (Studies in Medieval French Epopees) 3-3-0 708.584 중세앵글로노르만혹은켈트문학연구 (Studies in Anglo-Norman and Celtic Literatures of the Middle Ages) 3-3-0 708.585 프랑스풍자문학연구 (Studies in French Satirical Literature) 3-3-0 708.586 프랑스희곡연구 (Studies in French Drama) 3-3-0 708.587 프랑스환상괴기문학연구 (Studies in French Fantastic Literature) 3-3-0 708.588 프랑스풍속소설연구 (Studies in French Genre Novel) 3-3-0 708.589 프랑스철학자소설사연구 (Studies in French Philosopher-Novelists) 3-3-0 708.590 19세기프랑스소설 (19th Century French Novel) 3-3-0 708.591 20세기프랑스소설 (20th Century French Novel) 3-3-0 708.592 프랑스주변문학연구 (Studies in French Literature) 3-3-0 708.593 프랑스어와한국어대조분석연구 (Studies in Comparative Analysis of French and Korean) 3-3-0 708.594 프랑스어학특강 (Topics in French Linguistics) 3-3-0 708.595 프랑스어음성학과음운론연구 (Studies in French Phonetics and Phonology) 3-3-0 708.596 프랑스어교육과주변학문 (French Didactics and related Studies) 3-3-0 708.597 프랑스어의사소통교육론 (Theories of French Communication Didactics) 3-3-0 708.598 프랑스어사실자료교육론 (Theories of French Didactics with Authentic Documents) 3-3-0 708.599 프랑스어내용조직론 (Theories of Organizing French Contents) 3-3-0 708.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for French Language Major) 인문대학불어불문학과석 박사전공과목 ( 다만, 학과장의사전승인을요함 ) 학과내규에의함 709A. 독어전공 (German Language Major) 706.901 독문학교육방법론연구 (Methods of Teaching German Literature) 3-3-0 706.908 독문학비평교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 706.909 독문학사조사특강 (Topics in German Literary Trend) 3-3-0 706.911 독희곡분석연구 (Analysis of German Drama) 3-3-0 706.912 독소설분석연구 (Analysis of German Fiction) 3-3-0 709.506 독어사특강 (Topics in the History of German Language) 3-3-0 709.512 독소설이론 (Theories of German Novel) 3-3-0 709.514 독일노벨레의이론 (Theories of German Novelle) 3-3-0 709.516 독문예학방법론연구 (Studies in Methods of German Literaturwissenschaft) 3-3-0 709.521 독문학사조론교육 1 (Teaching German Literary Trends 1) 3-3-0 709.523 독일작가론교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Authors) 3-3-0 709.524 현대독문학교육연구 (Studies in Teaching Modern German Literature) 3-3-0 709.531 독어교육과언어습득이론 (German Language Education and Theory of Language Acquisition) 3-3-0 709.532 독어교육평가 (Test in German Language Education) 3-3-0 709.534 독일아동및청소년문학연구 (Study of German Literature for Children and Adolescence) 3-3-0 709.535 독어학이론 (Theories of German Linguistics) 3-3-0 709.536 외국어로서의독일어 (German as a Foreign Language) 3-3-0 709.539 독어교수법 (Teaching of German Language Education) 3-3-0 709.923 텍스트언어학 (Text Linguistics) 3-3-0 709.924 번역학연구 (Studies in Translation) 3-3-0 709.925 독일어권의의식구조와문화연구 (Studies in the Consciousness Structures and Cultural Patterns of the German Speaking World) 3-3-0 709.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for German Language Major) 타학과의전공관련과목에한하여석사 6 학점, 박사 12 학점까지인정 ( 다만, 학과장의사전승인을요함 ) 학과내규에의함. 711. 사회교육과 (Social Studies Education) 711A. 일반사회전공 (Social Studies Major) 710.703 사회교육사연구 (History of Social Studies Education) 3-3-0 710.704 사회교육목표론 (Objectives in Social Studies) 3-3-0 710.705 사회교육지도론 (Methods in Teaching of Social Studies) 3-3-0 710.706 사회교육교재연구 (Teaching Materials of Social Studies Education) 3-3-0 710.708 비교사회교육연습 (Seminar in Comparative Social Studies) 3-3-0 710.709 도덕교육특강 (Topics in Moral Education) 3-3-0 710.710 정치교육특강 (Topics in Political Education) 3-3-0-203 -

사범대학 College of Education 711. 사회교육과 Social Studies Education 710.711 경제교육특강 (Topics in Economic Education) 3-3-0 710.712 사회교육특강 (Topics in Social Studies Education) 3-3-0 710.713 사회교육철학특강 (Topics in Philosophy of Social Studies Education) 3-3-0 710.741 사회교육연구방법 2(Research Methods in Social Studies Education 2) 3-3-0 711.506 사회과교육연구 (Studies in Social Studies) 3-3-0 711.508B 현대사회와시민교육 (Modern Society and Civic Education) 3-3-0 711.509 사회교육연구방법 1(Research Methods in Social Studies Education 1) 3-3-0 711.517 정치교육연구 (Studies in Education and Politics) 3-3-0 711.519 정치학특강 (Topics in Politics) 3-3-0 711.530 경제교육연구 (Studies in Economic Education) 3-3-0 711.546 사회변동과교육 (Social Change and Education) 3-3-0 711.547 사회문제특강 (Topics in Social Problems) 3-3-0 711.549 사회과학연구방법론 (Studies in Research Methods of Social Sciences) 3-3-0 711.556 법학특강 (Topics in Law) 3-3-0 711.557 한국사회교육특강 (Topics in Education of Korean Society) 3-3-0 711.558 헌법교육연구 (Studies in Education of Constitutional Law) 3-3-0 711.559 법교육연구 (Studies in Law-related Education) 3-3-0 711.665 윤리교육연구 (Studies in Moral Education) 3-3-0 711.666 사회철학연구 (Studies in Social Philosophy) 3-3-0 711.669 한국사상과시민교육 (Korean Social Thoughts and Civic Education) 3-3-0 711.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Social Studies Major) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 712A. 역사전공 (History Major) 710.714A 역사이론과역사교육 (Theories of History and History Education) 3-3-0 710.715 사회과학과역사교육 (Social Sciences and History Education) 3-3-0 710.716 역사교육목적론 (Objectives of History Education) 3-3-0 710.717A 역사교육과정론 (Curriculum in History Education) 3-3-0 710.720 역사교육의심리학적기초 (Psychological Preliminaries in History Education) 3-3-0 710.721 역사교육사연구 (History of History Education) 3-3-0 710.723 역사교재론특강 (Topics in Teaching Materials in History Education) 3-3-0 710.724 국사교육특강 (Topics in Korean History for Teaching) 3-3-0 710.725 세계사교육특강 (Topics in World History for Teaching) 3-3-0 710.758 한국대외관계사특강 (Topics in History of Foreign Relation of Korea) 3-3-0 710.759 한국정치사상사연구의쟁점 (Issues in Studies on History of Korean Political Thoughts) 3-3-0 710.760 한국고대사론 (Ancient Age in Korean History) 3-3-0 710.761 한국중세사론 (Medieval Age in Korean History) 3-3-0 710.762 한국근대사론 (Modern Age in Korean History) 3-3-0 710.764 아시아전통사회론 (Seminar in History of Traditional Asian Society) 3-3-0 710.765 동서문화교류사특강 (Cultural Interrelation between East and West) 3-3-0 710.766 동양현대사연구 (Studies in Contemporary East Asian History) 3-3-0 710.767 로마공화정사 (History of Roman Republic) 3-3-0 710.768 서양중세사회 (Medieval Society in the West) 3-3-0 712.501 역사교육원론 (Principles of History Teaching) 3-3-0 712.502 역사교육연습 (Seminar in History Teaching) 3-3-0 712.503 역사교육연구법 (Research Methods in History Teaching) 3-3-0 712.504 한국교육사 (History of Korean Education) 3-3-0 712.505 국사교재연구 (Studies in Teaching Materials for History of Korea) 3-3-0 712.506 동양사교재연구 (Studies in Teaching Materials for History of East Asia) 3-3-0 712.507 서양사교재연구 (Studies in Teaching Materials for History of the West) 3-3-0 712.511 한국문화연구 (Studies in Korean Culture) 3-3-0 712.512 한국사상사특강 (Topics in History of Korean Thoughts) 3-3-0 712.513 한국근대사연구 (Studies in Modern History of Korea) 3-3-0 712.514 한국사학사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Historiography) 3-3-0 712.515 한국고대사연구의동향 (Recent Trends in Ancient History of Korea) 3-3-0 712.516 한국중세사연구의동향 (Recent Trends in Medieval History of Korea) 3-3-0 712.517 한국현대사연구 (Studies in Contemporary History of Korea) 3-3-0 712.521 동양전통사회연구 (Studies in Traditional Society of East Asia) 3-3-0 712.522 동양근대사연습 (Seminar in Modern History of East Asia) 3-3-0 712.523A 일본사특강 (Topics in Japanese History) 3-3-0 712.524 동양사상사연구 (Studies in History of Oriental Thoughts) 3-3-0 712.525 동양사회경제사의쟁점 (Issues in Socio-Economic History of Asia) 3-3-0 712.531 서양고대사연구 (Studies in Ancient History of the West) 3-3-0 712.532 서양중세사의제문제 (Problems in Medieval History of the West) 3-3-0 712.533 서양근대사특강 (Topics in Modern History of the West) 3-3-0 712.535 역사이론및방법론연구 (Theories and Methods in Historical Studies) 3-3-0 712.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for History Major) 1 학과에서인정하는과목 2 박사과정에서는인문대학관련학과의과목 12 학점이수를인정함. - 204 -

사범대학 College of Education 714A. 윤리교육과 Department of Ethics Education 해당사항없음. 713A. 지리전공 (Geography Major) 710.732 지리교육세미나 (Seminar in Geographic Education) 3-3-0 710.743 한국지형연구 (Studies in Landform of Korea) 3-3-0 710.781 지역지리교육연구 (Studies in Teaching Regional Geography) 3-3-0 710.788 환경지리교육연구 (Studies in Environmental Education in Geography) 3-3-0 710.791 지리교수방법론특강 (Instructional Design and Teaching Methods in Geography Education) 3-3-0 710.792 컴퓨터보조지리교육연구 (Advanced Computer-Based-Instruction in Geography) 3-3-0 713.503 지형학특강 (Topics in Geomorphology) 3-3-0 713.507 지리사상사특강 (Topics in History of Geographical Thought) 3-3-0 713.517 기후지형학 (Climatic Geomorphology) 3-3-0 713.518 기후환경론연구 (Studies in Environmental Climatology) 3-3-0 713.522 하천지형학 (Fluvial Geomorphology) 3-3-0 713.523 기후학특강 (Topics in Climatology) 3-3-0 713.531 한국지리교육론특강 (Topics in Teaching Regional Geography of Korea) 3-3-0 713.532 경제지리교육론특강 (Topics in Economic Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.533 촌락지리교육론특강 (Topics in Rural Settlement Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.534 역사지리교육론특강 (Topics in Historical Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.535 문화지리교육론특강 (Topics in Cultural Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.536 지리교육론특강 (Topics in Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.603 도시구조론 (Theories of Urban Structure) 3-3-0 713.607 도시체계론 (Studies in Urban System) 3-3-0 713.609 사회지리학특강 (Topics in Social Geography) 3-3-0 713.617 지도학특강 (Topics in Cartography) 3-3-0 713.618 원격탐사와지리교육 (Remote Sensing and Geographic Education) 3-3-0 713.621 자원지리특강 (Topics in Geography of Resources) 3-3-0 713.622 환경지리학특강 (Topics in Environmental Geography) 3-3-0 713.631 인구지리교육론특강 (Topics in Population Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.632 경제활동과입지론특강 (Topics in Economic Activities and Location Theory) 3-3-0 713.633 지역구조변동론과지리교육 (Change of Regional Structure and Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.636A 관광지리학특강 (Topics in Geography of Tourism) 3-3-0 713.637 지구환경변화와인간의역할 (Human Dimension in Global Environmental Change) 3-3-0 713.638 지리교재개발론특강 (Topics in Development of Teaching Materials in Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.640 지리정보체계와지리교재연구 (Studies in Geographic Information System and Teaching Materials of Geography) 3-3-0-205 - 713.641 도시지리정보체계와지리교육 (Urban Geographical Information System and Geographic Education) 3-3-0 713.642 정치지리교육론특강 (Topics in Political Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.643 정치지리교육론연구 (Studies in Political Geography Education) 3-3-0 713.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Geography Major) 지도교수가인정하는과목 714A. 윤리교육과 (Department of Ethics Education) 714.507 현대윤리학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Ethics) 3-3-0 714.515 인간학특강 (Topics in Philosophical Anthropology) 3-3-0 714.520 서양윤리사상연습 (Seminar in Western Ethical Thoughts) 3-3-0 714.522 북한체제론 (North Korean Political Systems) 3-3-0 714.523 사회와정의 (Society and Justice) 3-3-0 714.525 한국민족사상사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Ethos) 3-3-0 714.526 응용윤리 (Applied Ethics) 3-3-0 714.527 사회윤리연구 (Studies in Social Ethics) 3-3-0 714.528 북한의사회와교육 (Society and Education of North Korea) 3-3-0 714.531 도덕윤리과교육방법론 (Teaching Methods of Moral Education) 3-3-0 714.532 정치사회학특강 (Seminar in Political Sociology) 3-3-0 714.533 동양윤리연구 (Studies in Oriental Ethics) 3-3-0 714.534A 현대도덕교육이론연구 (Studies on Contemporary Moral Education Theories) 3-3-0 714.538 국가와윤리특강 (Issues and Problems of the State and Ethics) 3-3-0 714.539A 공동체교육연구 (Studies in Community Education) 3-3-0 714.541 국가안보론 (National Security Affairs) 3-3-0 714.542 정치와시민 (Politics and Citizen) 3-3-0 714.543 도덕성발달연구 (Studies in Moral Development) 3-3-0 714.544 신유가윤리사상연구 (Studies in Neo-Confucian Ethical Thoughts) 3-3-0 714.602A 아태지역도덕교육실태비교연구 (Comparative Studies in Civic and Ethics Educations in Asia-Pacific Region) 3-3-0 714.603 국제문제와윤리 (International Affairs & Ethics) 3-3-0 714.604 민주주의와시민윤리 (Democracy and Civic Ethics) 3-3-0 714.606 동서양비교윤리 (Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Ethics) 3-3-0 714.724 북한의협상전략과협상행태 (North Korea's Negotiating Strategy and Behavior) 3-3-0 714.725 한국사상특수연구 (Topics in Korean Thoughts) 3-3-0 714.728 사회정의와공공선택 (Social Justice and Public Choice) 3-3-0 714.730 가치론연구 (Studies in Axiology) 3-3-0 714.731 응용윤리연구 (Studies in Applied Ethics) 3-3-0

사범대학 College of Education 715. 수학교육과 Department of Mathematics Education 714.734 북한사회연구특강 ( 사회문화교육 )(Topics in Society, Culture and Education of North Korea) 3-3-0 714.736 동양윤리사상특수연구 (Topics in Oriental Thoughts) 3-3-0 714.737 도덕윤리교과교육학연구 (Research in Subject Matter of Moral and Ethical Education) 3-3-0 714.740 남북한관계론 (Inter-Korean Relations) 3-3-0 714.741 사회존재론 (Social Ontology) 3-3-0 714.742 현대중국윤리사상연구 (Seminar on Contemporary Chinese Ethical Thoughts) 3-3-0 714.803A 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of National Ethics Education) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 715. 수학교육과 (Department of Mathematics Education) 715.516 해석학특강 1(Topics in Analysis 1) 3-3-0 715.517 해석학특강 2(Topics in Analysis 2) 3-3-0 715.519 해석학교육특강 (Topics in Analysis related to School Mathematics) 3-3-0 715.520 위상수학특강 1(Topics in Topology 1) 3-3-0 715.526 수학교육연구 1 (Studies in Mathematics Education 1) 3-3-0 715.527A 수학교육연구 2 (Studies in Mathematics Education 2) 3-3-0 715.528 수학교재론 (Materials of Mathematics Education) 3-3-0 715.532 컴퓨터와수학교육특강 (Topics in Computers and Mathematics Education) 3-3-0 715.534 수치해석학 2(Numerical Analysis 2) 3-3-0 715.537 조합행렬론특강 (Topics in Combinatorial Matrix Theory) 3-3-0 715.538A 원격수학교육특강 (Topics in Distance Mathematics Education) 3-3-0 715.539 기하와기하교육 (Geometry and the Teaching of Geometry) 3-3-0 715.602 응용수학특강 (Topics in Applied Mathematics) 3-3-0 715.603 그래프이론 (Graph Theory) 3-3-0 715.605 대수적위상수학특강 (Advanced Algebraic Topology) 3-3-0 715.606A 영재및창의력수학교육 (Mathematics Education for Creativity and the gifted) 3-3-0 715.607 대수학특강 1 (Topics in Abstract Algebra 1) 3-3-0 715.608 대수학특강 2 (Topics in Abstract Algebra 2) 3-3-0 715.701 수학교육특강 1 (Topics in Mathematics Education 1) 3-3-0 715.702 수학교육특강 2 (Topics in Mathematics Education 2) 3-3-0 715.711 수학교육연구법 (Research Methods in Mathematics Education) 3-3-0 715.712 수학교육과정론 (Theory of Mathematics Curriculum) 3-3-0 715.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Mathematics Education) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 716. 과학교육과 (Department of Science Education) 716.604 과학교육과정 (Science Curriculum) 3-3-0 716.605 과학교수이론 (Theories of Science Teaching) 3-3-0 716.615 과학보도교육론 (Science Communication and Education) 3-3-0 716.616 과학교육질적연구법 (Qualitative Research Methods in Science Education) 3-3-0 716.618 과학문화교육론 (Science Culture Education) 3-3-0 716.619 초등과학교육연구 (Studies in Elementaty Science Education) 3-3-0 716.620 과학교육양적연구법 (Quantitative Research Methods in Science Education) 3-3-0 716.624 과학특수아교육 (Education of Special Students of Science) 3-3-0 716.632 첨단실험기기의원리와응용 (Principles and Applications of Advanced Science Instruments) 3-3-0 716.633 과학교육세미나 1 (Science Education Seminar 1) 1-1-0 716.634 과학교육세미나 2 (Science Education Seminar 2) 1-1-0 716.635 과학교육역사 (History of Science Education) 3-3-0 716.636 과학교사교육의지식이론적접근 (Knowledge Theory Based Approach in Science Teacher Education) 3-3-0 716.637 과학교사교육의사회문화적접근 (Socio-Cultural Approach in Science Teacher Education) 3-3-0 716.811 과학영재교육론 (Theories and Issues in Science- Gifted Education) 3-3-0 716.812 창의력과과학영재교육 (Creativity and Science-Gifted Education) 3-3-0 716.813 과학영재교수 / 학습및평가 (Teaching/Learning Method and Assessment in Science-Gifted Education) 3-3-0 716.900 과학교육의최신쟁점 (Current Issues in Science Education) 3-3-0 716.901 다중매체활용과학교육 (Multimedia Tools in Science Education) 3-2-2 716.902 과학교육평가와국제비교 (Evaluating and International Comparative Study of Science Education) 3-3-0 716.903 과학 수학 컴퓨터융합교육 (Fusion Education in Science, Mathematics and Computer Technology) 3-3-0 716.904 과학교사전문성발달과현장연구 (Science Teachers as Researchers into Their Own Practice) 3-3-0 716.905 과학의본질과과학교육 (Theories of the Nature of Science and Science Education) 3-3-0 716.906 과학기술사회와과학교육 (STS & Science Education) 3-3-0 716.907 과학교육포럼 1 (Science Education Forum 1) 1-1-0 716.908 과학교육포럼 2 (Science Education Forum 2) 1-1-0-206 -

사범대학 College of Education 716. 과학교육과 Department of Science Education 716.909 과학영재교육프로그램개발 (Program Development for the Scientifically Gifted) 3-3-0 716.910 과학영재교육연구 (Research in Science Gifted Education) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Science Education) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 717A. 물리전공 (Physics Major) 717.520A 전자기교육 (Electromagnetism Education) 3-3-0 717.521A 양자역학교육 (Quantum Mechanics Education) 3-2-2 717.522B 물리교육세미나 (Seminar in Physics Education) 3-3-0 717.524A 역학교육 (Mechanics Education) 3-2-2 717.525A 음향물리교육 (Acoustics Education) 3-2-2 717.527A 컴퓨터와물리실험 (Computerized Physics Experiment) 3-3-0 717.528 물리교육의사회적맥락 (Physics Education in Social Context) 3-3-0 717.529A 열및통계물리교육 (Thermal and Statistical Physics Education) 3-2-2 717.603 물리학습지도 (Instruction Theory of Physics) 3-3-0 717.604A 물리교육특강 (Topics in Teaching Physics) 3-3-0 717.626 물리교육평가 (Evaluation in Physics Education) 3-3-0 717.647 중등물상실험연구 (Research in Physical Science Experiment) 3-2-2 717.648 고급물리실험연구 (Research in Advanced Physics Experiment) 3-2-2 717.649 응집물리와응용 (Condensed Matter Science and Applications) 3-3-0 717.650A 생활속의물리 (Physics in Daily Life) 3-3-0 717.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Physics Major) 대학원이공계학과와교육학과에서제공하는과목중에서지도교수가인정하는과목 718A. 화학전공 (Chemistry Major) 718.601 화학교육특론 (Topics in Chemistry Education) 3-3-0 718.603 화학실험교육특론 (Topics in Chemistry Experiment for Teachers) 3-2-2 718.613 고급물리화학 (Advanced Physical Chemistry) 3-3-0 718.635A 화학교육연구 (Research in Chemistry Education) 3-3-0 718.652 유기화학특론 (Topics in Organic Chemistry) 3-3-0 718.653 무기화학특론 (Topics in Inorganic Chemistry) 3-3-0 718.659A 고급분석화학 (Advanced Analytical Chemistry) 3-3-0 718.661 컴퓨터와화학교육 (Computer and Chemistry Education) 3-2-2 718.662 화학교육및화학세미나 (Chemistry Education and Chemistry Seminar) 3-3-0 718.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Chemistry Major) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함. 719A. 생물전공 (Biology Major) 719.513 컴퓨터를활용한생물교재 (Computer-Aided Biology Teaching Materials) 3-3-0 719.515 생물교재연구 (Studies on Biology Teaching Materials) 3-2-2 719.516 생물교육세미나 1 (Seminar 1 in Biology Education) 1-1-0 719.517 생물교육세미나 2 (Seminar 2 in Biology Education) 1-1-0 719.521 생물교육연구세미나 1(Seminar in Biology Education Research 1) 1-1-0 719.522 생물교육연구세미나 2(Seminar in Biology Education Research 2) 1-1-0 719.610 환경교육론 (Environmental Education) 3-3-0 719.619 분자생물학특론 (Topics in Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 719.622 생물교육연구 (Research in Biology Education) 3-3-0 719.625 현대생물학교육특강 (Topics in Modern Biology Education) 3-3-0 719.626 생태원리학습지도특강 (Topics in Ecological Principle Teaching) 3-3-0 719.627 습지생태학교육 (Wetland Ecology Education) 3-3-0 719.628 유전학교육특강 (Topics in Genetics Education) 3-3-0 719.629 발생학교육특강 (Topics in Developmental Biology Education) 3-3-0 719.630 컴퓨터접속생물실험연구 (Studies in Microcomputer Based Laboratories in Biology) 3-3-0 719.631 환경과학특론 (Topics in Environmental Sciences) 3-3-0 719.751A 생물교수학습이론 (Teaching and Learning Theory of Biology Education) 3-3-0 719.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Biology Major) 학과내규에의함. 해당사항없음. 721A. 지구과학전공 (Earth Science Major) 721.618 현대천문학특강 (Topics in Modern Astronomy) 3-3-0 721.633 연근해해양학 (Coastal Oceanography) 3-3-0 721.635 인공위성지구과학 (Satellite Earth Science) 3-3-0 721.645 지구화학특강 (Topics in Geochemistry) 3-3-0 721.648 고급지질학연습 (Problems in Advanced Geology) 3-3-0 721.651 이론지구물리학 (Theoretical Geophysics) 3-3-0 721.653 지구물리자료처리및분석 (Geophysical Data Processing and Analysis) 3-3-0 721.654 고급지구물리학연습 (Problems in Advanced Geophysics) 3-3-0 721.655 환경지구물리학및실험 (Environmental Geophysics and Lab.) 3-2-2 721.662A 지구과학교육특론 (Topics in Earth Science Education) 3-3-0-207 -

사범대학 College of Education 722. 체육교육과 Department of Physical Education 721.665 해양과학 (Topics in Oceanography) 3-3-0 721.667A 지구과학교육언어론 (Theories of Earth Science Literacy) 3-3-0 721.668 지구과학교육과정 (Earth Science Curriculum) 3-3-0 721.669 지구과학본질론과교육 (Theories of the Nature of Earth Science and Education) 3-3-0 721.672 지구과학교육연구실습 (Earth Science Education Research Practicum) 3-3-0 721.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Earth Science Major) 학과내규에의함. 해당사항없음. 722. 체육교육과 (Department of Physical Education) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 722.601 체육연구설계법 (Experimental Design in Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.625 체육학입문 (Introduction to Kinesiology) 3-3-0 722.626 체육학질적연구법 (Qualitative Research Methodologies in Kinesiology) 3-3-0 722.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 스포츠과학전공 (Sports Science Major) 722.511 체육철학연구 (Studies in the Philosophy of Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.513 세계체육사연구 (Studies in World History of Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.522A 스포츠교육학연구 (Studies in Sport Pedagogy) 3-3-0 722.524 스포츠마케팅연구 (Studies in Sport Marketing) 3-3-0 722.525 스포츠경영연구 (Studies in Sport Management) 3-3-0 722.533 스포츠사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Sports) 3-3-0 722.534 스포츠심리학연구 (Studies in Sport Psychology) 3-3-0 722.563 무용창작연구 (Studies in Creative Dance) 3-3-0 722.603 한국체육사연구 (Studies in History of Physical Education in Korea) 3-3-0 722.604 비교체육학특강 (Topics in Comparative Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.605 체육교수이론특강 (Topics in Teaching Methods in Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.607A 스포츠정책특강 (Topics in Sports Policy) 3-3-0 722.612 여가및레크리에이션연구 (Studies in Leisure & Recreation) 3-3-0 722.617 체육교육장학론특강 (Topics in Instructional Supervision of Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.618 레저스포츠지도특강 (Topics in Teaching Methods in Leisure Sport) 3-3-0 722.619 응용스포츠심리학특강 (Topics in Applied Sport Psychology) 3-3-0 722.621 무용미학연구 (Studies in Aesthetics of Dance) 3-3-0 722.622 스포츠문화사특강 (Topics in History of Sports Culture) 3-3-0 722.711 체육철학특강 (Topics in Philosophy of Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.712 세계체육사특강 (Topics in World History of Physical Education) 3-3-0-208 - 722.721 체육교육과정특강 (Topics in Curriculum in Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.723A 스포츠전문인교육특강 (Topics in Education for Sport Professionals) 3-3-0 722.731 스포츠심리특강 (Topics in Sport Psychology) 3-3-0 722.734 스포츠사회학특강 (Topics in Sport Sociology) 3-3-0 722.737 여가및레크리에이션특강 (Topics in Leisure & Recreation) 3-3-0 722.745 스포츠경영특강 (Topics in Sport Management) 3-3-0 722.761 신체이론특강 (Topics in Theory Body) 3-3-0 인간운동과학전공 (Human Exercise Major) 722.523 체육측정평가연구 (Studies in Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.532 운동학습연구 (Studies in Motor Learning) 3-3-0 722.541 운동생리학연구 (Studies in Exercise Physiology) 3-3-0 722.542 트레이닝이론 (Training of Advanced Sport-Skill) 3-3-0 722.553 운동역학연구 (Studies in the Biomechanics of Human Movement) 3-3-0 722.554 영상분석의이론및실습 (Theory & Practice in Film Analysis) 3-3-0 722.555 운동역학기기론연구 (Studies in Instrumentation in Sport Biomechanics) 3-3-0 722.561A 특수체육연구 (Studies in Adapted Physical Activity) 3-3-0 722.564 스포츠의학연구 (Studies in Sports Medicine) 3-3-0 722.606 운동제어특강 (Topics in Motor Control) 3-3-0 722.608 근신경운동역학 (Neuromuscular Exercise Dynamics) 3-3-0 722.609 운동역학실험 (Laboratory in Biomechanics) 3-3-0 722.610 대사작용과운동 (Metabolism in Exercise) 3-3-0 722.611 근신경생리 (Neuromuscular Physiology) 3-3-0 722.613 스포츠상해및재활 (Sports Injury and Rehabilitation) 3-3-0 722.614 운동생리학실험 (Exercise Physiology Laboratory) 3-0-6 722.620 운동용기구디자인특강 (Topics in Sports and Fitness Equipment Design) 3-3-0 722.623 운동발달특강 (Topics in Motor Development) 3-3-0 722.624 장애인체육프로그램운영론특강 (Management of Adapted Physical Activity Program) 3-3-0 722.733 운동학습특강 (Topics in Motor Learning) 3-3-0 722.742 순환기능과운동처방 (Cardiovascular Dynamics and Prescriptive Exercise) 3-3-0 722.746 스포츠트레이닝방법특강 (Topics in Sports Training Methods) 3-3-0 722.752 운동역학특강 (Topics in Sport Mechanics) 3-3-0 722.755 행동생리학특강 (Topics in Physiology of Behavior) 3-3-0 722.757 운동기술분석 (Biomechanical Analysis of Motor Skill) 3-3-0 722.758A 장애인체육특강 (Topics in Adapted Physical Activity for People with Disabilities) 3-3-0 722.759 체육측정평가특강 (Topics in Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Education) 3-3-0 722.760 운동의학특강 (Topics in Exercise Medicine) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Physical Education) 학과내규에의함. 학과내규에의함.

생활과학대학 College of Human Ecology 352. 식품영양학과 Department of Food and Nutrition < 생활과학대학주관 > 352. 식품영양학과 (Department of Food and Nutrition) 352.501A 고급영양학연구 (Studies in Advanced Nutrition) 3-3-0 352.504 실험설계법 (Experimental Design in Food & Nutrition) 3-3-0 352.514A 식품영양학세미나 1 (Seminar in Food and Nutrition 1) 1-0-2 352.515A 식품영양학세미나 2 (Seminar in Food and Nutrition 2) 1-0-2 352.516A 식품영양학세미나 3 (Seminar in Food and Nutrition 3) 1-0-2 352.517A 식품영양학세미나 4 (Seminar in Food and Nutrition 4) 1-0-2 352.518A 고급식품학연구 (Studies in Advanced Food Science) 3-3-0 352.519 식품기기분석및실험 (Instrumental Food Analysis and Lab.) 2-1-2 352.520 영양실험연구 (Nutrition Research and Lab.) 2-1-2 352.601 탄수화물및지질화학 (Carbohydrate and Lipid Chemistry) 3-3-0 352.602A 단백질및효소화학 (Protein Chemistry and Enzymology) 3-3-0 352.609 임상영양학 (Clinical Nutrition) 3-3-0 352.611 단백질대사 (Protein Metabolism) 3-3-0 352.615 비타민학 (Vitamins) 3-3-0 352.616 무기질영양 (Mineral Nutrition) 3-3-0 352.617 식품의향미및색소화학 (Food Flavor and Pigment Chemistry) 3-3-0 352.619A 탄수화물및지질대사 (Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism) 3-3-0 352.701 식품물성론 (Food Rheology) 3-3-0 352.704 고급식품미생물학 (Advanced Food Microbiology) 3-3-0 352.706 식품발효학 (Food Fermentation) 3-3-0 352.710 식품학특강 (Current Topics in Food Science) 3-3-0 352.715 영양조사및평가법 (Nutritional Survey and Assessment) 3-3-0 352.719 영양학특강 (Current Topics in Nutrition) 3-3-0 352.722A 식품생리활성론 (Food Functionality) 3-3-0 352.723 모자및성장기영양 (Maternal and Child Nutrition) 3-3-0 352.726 영양정책 (Nutrition Policy) 3-3-0 352.727 가공식품의성분변화 (Chemical Changes During Food Processing) 3-3-0 352.729 식품관능검사법 (Sensory Evaluation of Food) 3-3-0 352.730B 급식연구방법론 (Research Methods in Foodservice) 3-3-0 352.732A 고급식품조리학 (Advanced Food Preparation) 3-3-0 352.733 영양생리학 (Nutritional Physiology) 3-3-0 352.734 영양역학 (Nutritional Epidemiology) 3-3-0 352.735 식품독성학 (Food Toxicology) 3-3-0 352.736 영양과유전 (Nutrition and Genes) 3-3-0 352.738 식품안전성평가 (Safety Assessment of Food) 3-3-0 352.759 고급급식경영 (Advanced Food Service Management) 3-3-0 352.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Food and Nutrition) 학과내규로정함. 학과내규로정함. 353. 의류학과 (Department of Clothing and Textiles) 353.501 의류학연구방법론 (Research Methods in Clothing and Textiles) 3-3-0 353.502A 의류학연습 1 (Seminar in Clothing and Textiles 1) 3-3-0 353.503A 의류학연습 2 (Seminar in Clothing and Textiles 2) 3-3-0 353.601A 패션디자인발상연구 (Studies in Creative Ideas for Fashion Design) 3-1-4 353.603 한국복식사특론 (Topics in History of Korean Costume) 3-3-0 353.604 한국복식학특론 (Topics in Construction of Korean Costume) 3-1-4 353.605 피복체형론 (Somatology for Clothing) 3-3-0 353.608 세척원리및평가 (Detergency : Theory and Testing) 3-3-0 353.609 복식과인간행동 (Clothing and Human Behavior) 3-3-0 353.614 섬유물리학 (Physical Properties of Textile Fibers) 3-3-0 353.618 직물보존학 (Textile Conservation) 3-3-0 353.619 복식미학 (Aesthetics in Dress) 3-3-0 353.620 고급테일러링 (Advanced Tailoring) 3-1-4 353.621 복식디자인특론 (Advanced Fashion Design) 3-1-4 353.622 천연섬유화학및가공 (Textile Chemistry of Natural Fibers & Their Finishes) 3-3-0 353.623 패션마케팅특론 (Special Topics in Fashion Marketing) 3-3-0 353.625 의류신소재연구 (New Synthetic Fibers for Clothing) 3-3-0 353.626 특수의류소재개발 (Topics in Fabrication of Special Apparel Textiles) 3-2-2 353.627A 의복생리학특론 (Special Topics in Clothing Physiology) 3-2-2 353.702 복식과문화 (Cultural Aspects of Clothing) 3-3-0 353.703 특수의복설계 (Functional Apparel Design) 3-2-2 353.715 이론염색화학 (Principles of Dyeing) 3-3-0 353.721 복식산업론 (Apparel Industry) 3-3-0 353.724 고급패션마케팅 (Advanced Fashion Marketing) 3-3-0 353.725 고급의류학연구방법론 (Advanced Research Methods in Clothing and Textiles) 3-3-0 353.726A 패션리테일링특론 (Special Topics in Fashion Retailing) 3-3-0 353.728 복식과예술 (Art and Fashion) 3-3-0 353.732 동양복식사 (History of Eastern Clothing) 3-3-0 353.733 복식미학특론 (Topics in Aesthetics in Dress) 3-3-0 353.734A 온열생리학 (Thermal Physiology and Lab.) 3-2-2 353.735 특수기능복특론 (Topics in Functional Clothing) 3-2-2 353.736 복식과색채론 (Theory of Fashion and Color) 3-3-0 353.737 의복인간공학 (Clothing Ergonomics) 3-3-0-209 -

생활과학대학 College of Human Ecology 358. 소비자학과 Department of Consumer Science 353.738A 복식조형론 (Theories of Formative Features of Fashion Design) 3-3-0 353.739 패션산업리더십개발 (Developing Leadership in Fashion Industry) 3-3-0 353.740 패션상품디자인개발 (Practice for Developing Fashion Goods) 3-2-2 353.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Clothing and Textiles) 학과내규로정함. 학과내규로정함. 358. 소비자학과 (Department of Consumer Science) 358.530 고급소비자학연구법 1(Advanced Research Methods in Consumer Science 1) 3-2-2 358.531 소비자행태특론 (Topics in Consumer Behavior) 3-3-0 358.533 가계경제특론 (Topics in Economic Analysis of Household) 3-3-0 358.539 소비자학연구방법론 (Research Methods in Consumer Science) 3-2-2 358.540 소비자정책특론 (Topics in Economics of Consumer Policy) 3-3-0 358.543 생활시간연구 (Studies in Time Use) 3-3-0 358.546 소비자시장환경분석특론 (Topics in Analysis of Market Environment) 3-3-0 358.547A 가정자원경영특강 (Topics in Family Resource Management) 3-3-0 358.548B 비영리기관운영관리특강 (Topics in Non-Profit Organization Management) 3-3-0 358.549A 공공가정경영특강 (Topics in Institutional Household Management) 3-3-0 358.550A 소비자교육특강 (Topics in Consumer Education) 3-3-0 358.551A 가계생산특강 (Topics in Household Production) 3-3-0 358.631 소비문화특론 (Topics in Culture and Consumption) 3-3-0 358.634A 소비자광고특강 (Topics in Advertising for Consumer) 3-3-0 358.635 소비자정보특론 (Topics in Consumer Information) 3-3-0 358.637A 소비자상담특강 (Topics in Consumer Counselling) 3-2-2 358.638 소비자보호법특론 (Topics in Consumer Laws) 3-3-0 358.640B 소비트렌드분석특강 (Topics in Consumer Trends Analysis) 3-3-0 358.645A 가정정보화와생활양식 (Informatization and Family Lifestyle) 3-3-0 358.646 여가관리특론 (Topics in Leisure Studies) 3-3-0 358.649 소비자교육프로그램개발연구 (Studies in Consumer Education Program Developments) 3-3-0 358.650 소비자유통특강 (Topics in Consumer Retailing) 3-3-0 358.730 고급소비자학연구법 2(Advanced Research Methods in Consumer Science 2) 3-2-2 358.731 한국가계분석론 (Economic Analysis of Korean Household Behavior) 3-3-0 358.733A 소비사회특강 (Topics in Consumption Society Theories) 3-3-0 358.738 특수유형소비자문제연구 (Problems in Special Groups of Consumers) 3-3-0 358.739 비교소비자정책특론 (Topics in Comparative Analysis on Consumer Policy) 3-3-0 358.740A 소비자주의특강 (Topics in Consumerism) 3-3-0 358.747A 가계복지정책특강 (Topics in Household Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 358.748B 소비자재무설계상담특강 (Topics in Personal Financial Planning and Consulting) 3-3-0 358.749 생활설계특론 (Topics in Family Life Planning) 3-3-0 358.751 자원관리시뮬레이션연구 (Simulation Studies in Resource Management) 3-3-0 358.752 소비자신용특론 (Topics in Consumer Credit) 3-3-0 358.754A 금융소비자특강 (Topics in Consumers of Financial Market) 3-3-0 358.755 은퇴설계특강 (Topics in Retirement Planning) 3-3-0 358.756 소비자문제분석세미나 (Seminar in Consumer Problems Analysis) 3-3-0 358.757 가정경영정책특론 (Topics in Family Resource Management Policy) 3-3-0 358.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Consumer Science) 학과내규로정함. 학과내규로정함. 359. 아동가족학과 (Department of Child Development and Family Studies) 359.552 아동발달특론 (Topics in Child Development) 3-3-0 359.553 한국유아교육론 (Korean Child Education) 3-3-0 359.554 특수아발달과지도 (Development & Guidance of Special Children) 3-3-0 359.555 고급유아사회성교육론 (Advanced Studies of Children's Social Development and Education) 3-3-0 359.556 고급유아인지교육론 (Advanced Studies of Children's Cognitive Development and Education) 3-3-0 359.557 고급유아언어교육론 (Advanced Studies of Children's Language Development and Education) 3-3-0 359.563A 가족관계연구 (Studies in Family Relations) 3-3-0 359.564 가족문제연구 (Studies in Family Problems) 3-3-0 359.566 비교문화가족연구 (Seminar in Families in Cross- Cultural Perspective) 3-3-0 359.567 고급가족이론연구 (Advanced Seminar in Family Theories) 3-3-0 359.568 가족스트레스연구 (Seminar in Family Stress) 3-3-0 359.651 아동놀이이론및실제 (Theory & Practice in Child Play) 3-2-2 359.653 영유아보육실습 (Practice in Infant Educare) 3-1-4 359.657 유아교육현장실습 (Advanced Teaching Experience in Preschool) 3-2-2 359.664 가족생활교육프로그램구성법 (Program Construction Methods in Family Life Education) 3-2-2-210 -

생활과학대학 College of Human Ecology 359. 아동가족학과 Department of Child Development and Family Studies 359.665 가족치료이론 (Theories of Family Therapy) 3-3-0 359.750B 고급아동가족학연구법 1 (Advanced Research Methods in Child and Family Studies 1) 3-2-2 359.752 부모자녀관계특론 (Topics in Parent-Child Relations) 3-3-0 359.753A 다문화와사회화 (Socialization in Multicultural Context) 3-3-0 359.755 아동복지정책론 (Child Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 359.756 고급아동상담이론 (Advanced Theory in Child Counseling) 3-3-0 359.758 영유아보육정책론 (Topics in Child Care Policy) 3-3-0 359.761 가족가치론 (Value Theory of Family) 3-3-0 359.763 한국가정생활사연구 (Seminar in the Korean Family Life History) 3-3-0 359.764 가족복지정책론 (Family Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 359.766A 고급가족상담이론및실습 (Advanced Theories & Practice in Family Counseling) 3-2-2 359.767 가족학질적연구법 (Qualitative Methods in Family Research) 3-3-0 359.768 청년발달특강 (Topics in Adolescence Development) 3-3-0 359.770 아동청소년이상발달세미나 (Seminar on Childhood & Adolescents' Atypical Development) 3-3-0 359.771 아동실험관찰연구법 (Advanced Course of Experimental & Observational Methods for Children) 3-2-2 359.772 가족정책평가 (Family Policy Evaluation) 3-3-0 359.773A 고급아동가족학연구법 2(Advanced Research Methods in Child and Family Studies 2) 3-2-2 359.774 아동환경론 (Environment and Child Development) 3-3-0 359.775 아동가족대학원세미나 1(Graduate Seminar in Child Development and Family Studies 1) 1-0-2 359.776 아동가족대학원세미나 2((Graduate Seminar in Child Development and Family Studies 2) 1-0-2 359.777 젠더와노년기생활세계 (Gender and Aging) 3-3-0 359.778 생애주기와가족발달 (Family and Life Course) 3-3-0 359.779 가족, 젠더, 일 (Family, Gender, and Work) 3-3-0 359.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies) 학과내규로정함. 학과내규로정함. - 211 -

수의과대학 College of Veterinary Medicine 551. 수의학과 Department of Veterinary Medicine < 수의과대학주관 > 551. 수의학과 (Department of Veterinary Medicine) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 550.566 수의통계학 (Veterinary Medical Statistics) 3-3-0 551.814 동물바이러스생물학 (Biology of Animal Viruses) 3-2-2 551.815 동물생리학특론 (Advanced Vertebrate Physiology) 3-2-2 551.803 수의학연구방법론 (Introduction to Research) 3-3-0 552.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 551.819 산학협력연구특론 (Topics in Industry Research) 3-1-4 551.820 수의학세미나 (Seminar in Veterinary Science) 3-3-0 수의해부학전공 (Vet. Anatomy Major) 551.502 실험동물해부학 (Anatomy of Laboratory Animals) 3-3-0 551.511 수의조직학특론 551.567 (Advanced Veterinary Histology) 3-3-0 수의발생학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Embryology) 3-3-0 551.568 전자현미경기술학 (Electron Microscopy) 3-3-0 551.619 수의게놈연구특강 (Topics in Veterinary Genome Research) 3-3-0 551.821 동물의구조와기능이해 (Animal Structure and Function for Non-DVM) 3-3-0 551.822 수의해부학연구방법론 (Methods in Veterinary Anatomy) 3-3-0 551.823 수의해부학특강 (Topics in Veterinary Anatomy) 3-3-0 551.824 마우스유전체학및발생학 (Genomics and Embryology of Mouse) 3-3-0 551.853 야생동물의비교해부학 (Comparative anatomy of wild animals) 3-3-0 수의생리학전공 (Vet. Physiology Major) 551.526 약독물학생화학 (Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology) 3-3-0 551.536A 체액생리학 (Physiology of Body Fluid) 3-3-0 551.574 수의화학연구기법 (Veterinary Biochemical Methodology) 3-3-0 551.580A 평활근생리학 (Physiology of Smooth Muscle) 3-3-0 551.586 동통조절기전특론 (Special Topic in Pain Modulation) 3-3-0 551.589 약력학특론 (Pharmacodynamics) 3-3-0 551.592 수의약동학 (Veterinary Pharmacokinetics) 3-3-0 551.594 침술의신경생리학적기전 (Neurophysiological Basis of 551.598 Acupuncture) 3-3-0 야생동물보전유전학 (Wildlife Conservation Genetics) 3-3-0 551.600 시각신경과학 (Visual Neuroscience) 3-3-0 551.693 수의임상신경과학 (Veterinary Clinical Neuroscience) 3-3-0 551.694 수의임상약리학특강 (Topics in Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology) 3-3-0 551.699 야생동물보전의학개론 (Introduction to Wildlife Conservation Medicine) 3-3-0 551.825 수의생화학및분자생물학특강 (Topics in Veterinary Biochemisstry and Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 551.826 수의신경과학특론 (Special Topics in Space eterinary Neuroscience) 3-3-0 551.828A 수의약리학특강 (Tpoics in Veterinary Pharmacology) 3-3-0 수의미생물학전공 (Vet. Microbiology Major) 551.509 현대면역학비평 (The Critique on Modern Immunology) 3-3-0 551.510 고급현대면역학비평 (Advanced Critiques on Modern Immunology) 3-3-0 551.655 분자역학개론 (General Molecular Epidemiology) 3-3-0 551.677 병원성세균의특성과진단 (Characteristics and Diagnosis of Bacteria in Practice) 3-3-0 551.678 면역현상에대한철학적접근 (Immune Self as the Metaphor) 3-3-0 551.743 동물의세균성전염병특론 (Advanced Bacterial Diseases of Animals) 3-3-0 551.754 조류면역학 (Avian Immunology) 3-3-0 551.756 조류질병특론 (Advanced Avian Diseases) 3-3-0 551.757 동물전염병진단론 (Diagnostics of Veterinary Infectious Diseases) 3-3-0 551.758 551.759 551.829 동물백신의학 (Veterinary Vaccinology) 3-3-0 돼지바이러스성질병관리와생산체계 (Swine Viral Diseases and Production Systems) 3-3-0 병원성미생물의유전면역학적접근 (Immunogenetical Approach to Pathogenic Microorganisms) 3-3-0 수의병리학전공 (Vet. Pathology Major) 551.830 수의병리학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Pathology) 3-3-0 551.831 수의진단병리학 (Molecular Veterinary Pathology) 3-3-0 551.832 수의기생충학특론 (Special Course of Veterinary Parasitology) 3-3-0 551.833 수의병리조직학슬라이드컨퍼런스 (Veterinary Histopathology Slide conference) 3-3-0 551.834 수의진단병리학특론 (Special Topics in Surgical Pathology) 3-3-0 551.835 수의세포병리학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Cellular Pathology) 3-3-0 수의공중보건학전공 (Vet. Public Health Major) 551.617 동물성식품위생학 (Hygiene of Animal Originated Food) 3-3-0 551.618 수의공중보건학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Public Health) 3-3-0 551.646 화학물질의안전성평가법 (Safety Evaluation of Chemical Products) 3-3-0 551.650 독성병리학 (Toxicological Pathology) 3-3-0 551.668 독성물질의작용기전 (Mechanisms of Toxic Action) 3-3-0 551.671 실험동물종양학 (Laboratory Animal Oncology) 3-3-0 551.672 어류병리학특론 (Advanced Fish Pathology) 3-3-0 551.675 독성학특론 (Advanced Toxicodynamics) 3-3-0 551.681A 줄기세포생물학 (Stem Cell Biology) 3-3-0 551.682 환경물질의분자역학 (Molecular Epidemiology in Environmental Health) 3-3-0 551.684 환경오염과환경호르몬 (Environmental Pollution and Endocrine Disrupter) 3-3-0 551.686 환경물질의생물지표 (Biomarker of Environmental Toxicants) 3-3-0 551.836 실험동물의질병 (Diseases of Laboratory Animals) 3-3-0-212 -

수의과대학 College of Veterinary Medicine 551. 수의학과 Department of Veterinary Medicine 551.804 551.854 애완동물감염성질환관리 (Management of Infectious Disease in Pet Animals) 3-3-0 유전자도입동물의생물학적연구 (Transgenic Animals in Biomedical Research Subtitle : Application in Biotechnology) 3-3-0 수의내과학전공 (Vet. Internal Medicine Major) 551.517 야생동물의학특강 (Topics in Wild Animal Medicine) 3-3-0 551.518 인간과동물의관계특강 (Topics in Human-Animal Bond) 3-3-0 551.520 소동물피부과학특강 (Topics in Small Animal Dermatology) 3-3-0 551.764 수의임상병리학특론 (Recent Advances in Veterinary Clinical Pathology) 3-3-0 551.805 소동물알레르기피부질환연구 (Studies in Allergic Skin Diseases of Small Animals) 3-3-0 551.837 반려동물내과질환연구 (Studies in Small Animal Internal Disease) 3-3-0 551.838 대동물내과학특강 (Topics in Large Animal Internal Medicine) 3-3-0 551.839 절지동물매개질병연구 (Studies in Arthropod-borne Diseases) 3-3-0 551.840 반려동물내과학특강 (Topics on Companion animal Internal Medicine) 3-3-0 551.841 반려동물임상영양학특강 (Topics on Companion Animal Clinical Nutrition) 3-3-0 551.842 야생동물진단학 (Diagnostics of Wild Animals) 3-3-0 수의외과학전공 (Vet. Surgery Major) 551.853A 수의마취및통증관리 (Veterinary Anesthesia and Pain Control) 3-3-0 551.773A 수의정형외과학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Orthopedics) 3-3-0 551.774 수의신경외과학 (Veterinary Neurosurgery) 3-3-0 551.816 수의방사선생물학 (Veterinary Radiation Biology) 3-3-0 551.843 수의영상학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Medical Imaging) 3-3-0 551.844 대동물외과학특강 (Topics in Large Animal Surgery) 3-3-0 551.845 대동물운동기질환 (Large Animal Musculoskeletal Diseases) 3-3-0 551.847 수의안과학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Ophthalmology) 3-3-0 551.848 수의치과학특론 (Advanced Veterinary Dentistry) 3-3-0 551.849 소동물응급의학 (Emergency Procedures for Small Animal) 3-3-0 551.850 소동물일반외과학특강 (Topics in Small Animal General Surgery) 3-3-0 551.851 소동물흉부외과학원론 (Principles of Small Animal Thoracic Surgery) 3-3-0 551.852 고급수의영상의학 (Advanced Veterinary Medical Imaging) 3-3-0 수의산과학전공 (Vet. Obstetrics Major) 551.689 수의분자번식학 (Veterinary Molecular Reproductive Biology) 3-3-0 551.782 수정란의보존및이식특론 (Storage and Transfer of Mammalian Embryos) 3-3-0 551.786 수정란의미세조작법 (Methods in Embryo Micromanipulation) 3-3-0 551.787 체외수정 (In Vitro Fertilization) 3-3-0 551.789 반려동물산과학 (Theriogenology in Companion Animals) 3-3-0 551.790 산과질환진단특론 (Advanced Diagnostic Methods in Reproductive Disease) 3-3-0 551.818 수의생물공학특강 (Topics in Veterinary Biotechnology) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) 전공지도교수의추천에의하여학과장이인정하는타학과의과목 - 213 -

약학대학 College of Pharmacy 375. 약학과 Department of Pharmacy < 약학대학주관 > 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 375.501 약학연습 1(Seminar in Pharmacy 1) 1-2-0 375.502 약학연습 2(Seminar in Pharmacy 2) 1-2-0 375.505 약학특강 1 (Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1) 3-3-0 375.506 약학특강 2 (Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2) 3-3-0 375.601 약학연습 3(Seminar in Pharmacy 3) 1-2-0 375.602 약학연습 4(Seminar in Pharmacy 4) 1-2-0 375.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 375. 약학과 (Department of Pharmacy) 의약생명과학전공 (Pharmaceutical Bioscience Major) 375.510 생화학특강 (Topics in Biochemistry) 3-3-0 375.538 약품미생물학특론 (Advanced Pharmacal Microbiology) 3-3-0 375.542 의약분자생물학특강 (Topics in Pharmaceutical Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 375.642 항생물질화학특론 (Advanced Antibiotic Chemistry) 3-3-0 375.643A 면역치료제특강 (Topics in Immunological Products) 3-3-0 375.647 방선균성분및실험 (Actinomycetal Metabolites and Lab.) 3-2-4 375.648A 유전및유전체학연구특강 (Topics in Genetics and Genomic.) 3-3-0 375.737A 의약면역학특강 (Topics in Medicinal Immunology) 3-3-0 375.783 분자내분비학 (Molecular Endocrinology) 3-3-0 375.795A 종양학특론 (Advanced Oncology) 3-3-0 생약 분석약학전공 (Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Analysis Major) 375.536 식물성분생합성 (Biosynthesis of Plant Constituents) 3-3-0 375.537 약용식물분류학 (Medicinal Plants Taxonomy) 3-3-0 375.580 약품분석특론 1 (Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis 1) 3-3-0 375.582 의약품제제분석 1(Analysis of Pharmaceutical Preparation 1) 3-3-0 375.585 기기분석 1(Instrumental Analysis 1) 3-3-0 375.682 약품분석특론 2 (Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis 2) 3-3-0 375.684 의약품제제분석 2(Analysis of Pharmaceutical Preparation 2) 3-3-0 375.686 기기분석 2(Instrumental Analysis 2) 3-3-0 375.696 약물단백질체학연구 (Studies in Pharmacoproteomics) 3-3-0 375.697 자원생약연구법 1(Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals 1) 3-3-0 375.698 자원생약연구법 2(Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals 2) 3-3-0 375.796 활성물질탐색 1(Screening Methods for Bioactive Natural Products 1) 3-2-2 375.797 활성물질탐색 2(Screening Methods for Bioactive Natural Products 2) 3-2-2 375.798 생약성분화학구조분석 (Chemical Structure Analysis of Medicinal Plant Constituents) 3-3-0 375.799 생약화학및실험 (Chemistry in Pharmacognosy and Lab.) 3-2-2-214 - 375.800 생약학특론 (Advanced Pharmacognosy) 3-3-0 375.805 생약자원보전연구 (Preservation of Natural Resources) 3-3-0 375.811 생리활성천연물연구 1(Methods in Bioactive Natural Products Research 1) 3-3-0 375.812 생리활성천연물연구 2(Methods in Bioactive Natural Products Research 2) 3-3-0 약물학전공 (Pharmacology Major) 375.513 약물학특론 1 및실험 (Advanced Pharmacology 1 and Lab.) 3-2-4 375.514 약물학특론 2 및실험 (Advanced Pharmacology 2 and Lab.) 3-2-4 375.516 임상약물동태학및실험 (Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Lab.) 3-2-2 375.517 약물수용체론및실험 (Drug-Receptor Interaction and Lab.) 3-2-4 375.618 생화학적약물학 (Biochemical Pharmacology) 3-3-0 375.620 신경약리및실험 (Neuropharmacology and Lab.) 3-2-4 375.668 분자병태생리학특강 (Topics in Molecular Pathophysiology) 3-3-0 375.669 모델생명체의형질표현체학 (Phenomics of Model Organisms) 3-3-0 375.670 단백질치료제개발특강 (Topics in Protein Therapeutics Development) 3-3-0 375.721 세포병태생리학특강 (Topics in Cellular Pathophysiology) 3-3-0 375.786 약물역학특론 (Advanced Pharmacokinetics) 3-3-0 375.787 막전압과이온채널 (Membrane Potential and Ion Channels) 3-3-0 375.813 분자약물학 (Molecular Pharmacology) 3-3-0 802.901 생리학특론 1(Advanced Physiology 1) 3-3-0 예방 임상약학전공 (Pharmaceutical Health Science Major) 375.518 위생화학특론 (Advanced Hygienic Chemistry) 3-3-0 375.523 산업독성학 (Industrial Toxicology) 3-3-0 375.622 약원성질병 (Drug Induced Disease) 2-2-0 375.623 임상약학실습 1 (Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship 1) 2-0-8 375.624 임상약학실습 2 (Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship 2) 2-0-8 375.625 환경위생학및실습 (Environmental Hygiene and Lab.) 3-2-2 375.629A 농약독성학 1(Pesticide Toxicology 1) 3-3-0 375.630 농약독성학 2(Pesticide Toxicology 2) 3-3-0 375.711 생체방어기전 (Biological Self-Defence Mechanism) 3-3-0 375.716 생체안전성연구법 (Methods in Biological Safety Evaluation) 3-3-0 375.718 분자독성학 (Molecular Toxicology) 3-3-0 375.719 임상약물유전체약학 (Clinical Pharmacogenomics) 3-3-0 375.720 임상약학시험방법론 (Clinical Trial Methodology) 3-3-0 375.808 생체유해래디컬작용론 (Free Radical in Biology and Medicine) 3-3-0 375.810 약물치료학특론 (Advanced Pharmacotherapy) 3-3-0 375.815 복약지도 (Patient Education) 3-2-4 375.816 영양소혼합조제및임상응용 (IV Admixture of TPN and Clinical Application) 2-2-4 375.817 의약품정보학특강 (Topics in Drug Information) 2-2-4 375.818 소아약학 (Pediatric Pharmacy) 2-2-4

약학대학 College of Pharmacy 375. 약학과 Department of Pharmacy 375.819 노인약학 (Geriatric Pharmacy) 2-2-4 375.820 임상약학세미나 (Seminar in Clinical Pharmacy) 2-0-4 375.821 약사정책특강 (Topics in Pharmaceutical Affairs) 3-3-0 375.822 약과사회 (Drugs in Society) 3-3-0 375.823 약업경제정책론 (Pharmaceutical Economics & Policy) 3-3-0 375.834 약물경제학특론 (Advanced Pharmacoeconomics) 3-3-0 375.835 사회약학연구방법론 (Research Methods in Social & Administrative Pharmacy) 3-3-0 375.837 임상약물계량학 (Clinical Pharmacometris) 3-2-2 약품화학전공 (Pharmaceutical Chemistry Major) 375.571 약화학특론 1 (Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1) 3-3-0 375.573 화학요법제 1(Chemistry of Chemotherapeutic Agents 1) 3-3-0 375.579 입체화학 1(Stereochemistry 1) 3-3-0 375.678 입체화학 2(Stereochemistry 2) 3-3-0 375.771 화학요법제 2(Chemistry of Chemotherapeutic Agents 2) 3-3-0 375.772A 의약화학특론 1 (Advanced Medicinal Chemistry 1) 3-3-0 375.774 약화학특론 2 (Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2) 3-3-0 375.789A 의약화학특론 2 (Advanced Medicinal Chemistry 2) 3-3-0 375.791 물리유기약품화학 1(Physical Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1) 3-3-0 375.792 물리유기약품화학 2(Physical Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2) 3-3-0 375.793 유기약품합성화학특론 1(Advanced Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1) 3-3-0 375.794 유기약품합성화학특론 2(Advanced Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2) 3-3-0 약제과학전공 (Pharmaceutics Major) 371.688 의약용생체재료학 (Biomedical Biomaterials) 3-3-0 371.689 거대분자약물송달특론 (Advanced Macromolecular Drug Delivery) 3-3-0 375.555 약제학특론 1(Advanced Pharmaceutics 1) 3-3-0 375.556 물리약학특론 1 (Advanced Physical Pharmacy 1) 3-3-0 375.557 생물물리약학 (Pharmaco-Biophysics) 3-3-0 375.559 분산계특론 (Advanced Dispersion System) 3-3-0 375.657 약제학특론 2(Advanced Pharmaceutics 2) 3-3-0 375.659 물리약학특론 2 (Advanced Physical Pharmacy 2) 3-3-0 375.660 공업약학특론 (Advanced Industrial Pharmacy) 3-3-0 375.661 약품분자구조론 1 (Molecular Structure of Drug 1) 3-3-0 375.662 약품분자구조론실험 1 (Lab. in Molecular Structure of Drug 1) 2-0-4 375.809 약학핵자기공명학 (NMR in Pharmacy) 3-3-0 375.824 생체막수송체학특강 (Topics in Drug Transporters in Biological Membranes) 3-3-0 375.825 조직특이적약물수송학특강 (Topics in Tissue Specific Drug Transport) 3-3-0 375.826 약물상호작용기전특강 (Topics in Pharmacokinetic Drug Interaction) 3-3-0 375.827 약물동태학특강 (Topics in Pharmacokinetics) 3-3-0 375.828 약물동태학해석특강 (Topics in Pharmacokinetics Analysis) 3-3-0 375.829 생물약제학특강 (Topics in Biopharmaceutics) 3-3-0 375.830 생물약제학실험법특강 (Topics in Experimental Biopharmaceutics) 3-3-0 375.831 생리활성물질전달시스템특론 (Topics in Bioactives Delivery System) 3-3-0 천연물과학전공 (Natural Products Science Major) 371.514 천연물의약품학 (Natural Medicines) 3-3-0 375.836 탄수화물의약품론 (Introduction to Carbohydratebased Drugs) 3-3-0 821.510 천연물성분화학특수연구 (Special Research in Chemistry of Natural Products) 3-2-2 821.511 천연물성분화학 (Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 821.512 생리활성천연물분리정제기술론 (Separation Techniques in Bioactive Natural Products) 3-3-0 821.520 천연물생체기능론특수연구 (Special Research in Biological Functions of Natural Products) 3-2-2 821.521 천연물생화학 (Natural Products Biochemistry) 3-3-0 821.522 천연물약리독성학 (Natural Products Pharmacology and Toxicology) 3-3-0 821.523 천연물생체기능론 (Biological Functions of Natural Products) 3-3-0 821.531 천연물자원 (Natural Resources) 3-3-0 821.612 천연물성분화학특강 (Topics in Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 821.624 천연물생물공학 (Natural Products Biotechnology) 3-3-0 821.625 천연물생화학특강 (Topics in Natural Products Biochemistry) 3-3-0 821.626 천연물약리독성학특강 (Topics in Natural Products Pharmacology and Toxicology) 3-3-0 821.627 천연물생체기능특강 (Topics in Biological Functions of Natural Products) 3-3-0 821.632 천연물자원특강 (Topics in Natural Resources) 3-3-0 821.642 천연물정보과학특강 (Topics in Natural Products Information) 3-3-0 821.711 천연물구조결정론 (Structure Elucidation of Natural Products) 3-3-0 821.713 천연물합성화학 (Natural Products Synthesis) 3-3-0 821.715 해양천연물성분화학 (Marine Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 821.716 천연물합성화학특강 (Topics in Natural Products Synthesis) 3-3-0 821.721 세포기능조절천연물 (Cell Function Regulators from Natural Products) 3-3-0 821.731 자원식물분류학 (Taxonomy of Economic Plants) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Manufacturing Pharmacy) 지도교수가인정하는과목 해당사항없음 - 215 -

음악대학 College of Music 657. 음악과 Department of Music < 음악대학주관 > 657. 음악과 (Department of Music) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 650.501 졸업연주 (Graduate Recital) 1-0-2(S/U평가 ) 650.511A 19세기음악사 (History of 19th Century Music) 3-3-0 650.567 조성음악문헌연구 (Study in Literature of Tonal Music) 3-3-0(2개학기반복이수가능 ) 650.572 예술경영 (Arts Management) 3-3-0 657.715 박사과정연주회 (Doctoral Recital) 1-0-2 (4개학기반복이수 ) (S/U 평가 ) 657.721 현대음악문헌연구 (Studies in Literature of Contemporary Music) 3-3-0(2개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation and Research) 3-3-0 661.517 중세음악사 (History of Medieval Music) 3-3-0 661.518 르네상스음악사 (History of Renaissance Music) 3-3-0 661.519 바로크음악사 (History of Baroque Music) 3-3-0 661.520 고전주의음악사 (History of Classic Music) 3-3-0 661.523 민족음악학방법론 (Theory & Method in Ethnomusicology) 3-3-0 성악전공 (Vocal Music Major) 650.562 작곡가특강 ( 성 )(Topics in Major Composers) 3-3-0 (2개학기반복이수가능 ) 650.557 합창지휘법연구 (Studies Choral Conducting) 3-3-0 651.505 성악문헌연구 (Studies in Vocal Literature) 3-3-0 651.591 전공실기 ( 성악 )(Major) 2-1-2(4개학기반복이수 ) 657.701 성악실기 (Vocal Major) 3-1-4(6개학기반복이수 ) 작곡전공 (Composition Major) 650.506 음악미학연구 (Aesthetics of Music) 3-3-0 650.526 인도음악연구 (Studies in Indian Music) 3-3-0 650.532 음악기호학연구 (Studies in the Semiology of Music) 3-3-0 650.534 음악사회학연구 (Studies in the Sociology of Music) 3-3-0 650.535 음악현상학연구 (Studies in the Phenomenology of Music) 3-3-0 650.561 음악분석이론연구 (Study of Music Analysis Theory) 3-3-0(2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 652.562A 음악심리학연구 (Studies in Cognitive Psychology of Music) 3-3-0(2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 652.586 전공실기 ( 작곡 )(Major) 2-1-2(4 개학기반복이수 ) 652.588 전공지휘 (Conducting Major) 2-1-2 (4 개학기반복이수 ) 652.598 현대음악미학연구 (Studies in the Aesthetics of Contemporary Music) 3-3-0 652.599 음악청중의사회사 (A Social History of Music Public) 3-3-0 652.600 20 세기초반한국의서양음악사 (European music in Korea during the Japanese colony) 3-3-0 657.513 음악문화구조론 (Structure of Music Culture) 3-3-0 657.702 작곡실기 (Composition Major) 3-1-4 (6 개학기반복이수 ) 657.703 지휘실기 (Orchestral Conducting Major) 3-1-4 (6 개학기반복이수 ) 657.712 작곡세미나 (Composition Seminar) 3-3-0 (4 개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.720 전자음악연구 (Studies in Electro-acoustic Music) 3-2-2(4 개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.730 20 세기음악사연구 (Studies in History of 20th Century Music) 3-3-0 657.731 졸업작품발표및공개연주회 (Graduate recital & Colloquium about own works for graduation) 3-0-6 657.732 오페라문헌연구 (Opera Literature) 3-3-0 657.733 관현악문헌연구 (Orchestral Literature) 3-3-0 657.734 지휘졸업연주 (Graduation recital for Conductors) 3-0-6 657.735 음악극창작워크 (Workshop fork the creation of Music Theater) 3-3-0(2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.736 현대음악어법 (Vocabulary and Technique of Contemporary Music) 3-3-0(4 개학기반복이수가능 ) 652.601 음악인류학 (Anthropology of Music) 3-3-0 652.602 음악신경과학연구 (Research in Neuroscience of Music) 3-3-0 기악전공 (Instrumental Music Major) 653.504A 피아노문헌세미나 (Seminar in of Piano Literature) 3-3-0(2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 653.505 현악문헌연구 (Studies in Literature of String Music) 3-3-0 653.589 전공실기 ( 피아노 )(Major) 2-1-2(4 개학기반복이수 ) 653.590 전공실기 ( 현악 )(Major) 2-1-2(4 개학기반복이수 ) 653.591 전공실기 ( 관악 )(Major) 2-1-2(4 개학기반복이수 ) 653.593 작곡가특강 ( 피 )(Topics in Major Composers) 3-3-0 (2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.704 피아노실기 (Piano Major) 3-1-4(6 개학기반복이수 ) 657.707 현악실기 ( 전공악기명 )(String Major) 3-1-4 (6 개학기반복이수 ) 657.708 관악실기 ( 전공악기명 )(Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Major) 3-1-4(6 개학기반복이수 ) 657.716 실내악연주세미나 (Chamber Music Seminar) 3-3-0 (2 개학기반복이수 ) 657.717 근대음악문헌연구 (Studies in Literature of Modern Music) 3-3-0(2 개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.724 현문헌분석연구 (Analytic Approach to Strings Literature) 3-3-0 657.725 고음악연주세미나 (Research Seminar in Early Music) 3-3-0 657.726 20 세기미국음악연구 (Studies in 20th Century American Music) 3-3-0 657.729 연주자를위한음악연구입문 (Introduction to Music Scholarship for Performers) 3-3-0 국악전공 (Korean Music Major) 650.556 논문발표 (Thesis) 1-0-2 650.564 한국음악학방법론 (Methodology of Korean Traditional Musicology) 3-3-0 650.569 국악분석연구 (Analysis of Korean Traditional Music) 3-3-0 654.592 전공실기 ( 국악기악 )(Major) 2-1-2(4개학기반복이수 ) 654.593 전공이론 ( 국악 )(Theory in Music) 2-1-2 (4개학기반복이수 ) 654.594 전공실기 ( 국악성악 )(Major) 2-1-2(4개학기반복이수 ) 654.595 전공실기 ( 국악작곡 )(Major) 2-1-2(4개학기반복이수 ) 654.596 산조음악론 (Studies in San-jo Music) 3-3-0 654.597 전공실기 ( 국악지휘 )(Orchestra Conducting Major of Korean Music) 2-2-0 654.598 국악작곡가특강 (Korean Composer s Forum) 3-3-0 657.514 한국음악미론 (Korean Music Aesthetics) 3-3-0 657.710 국악기악실기 ( 전공악기명 )(Instrumental Major of Korean Music) 3-1-4(6개학기반복이수 ) 657.722 국악합주실습 (Korean Music Orchestral Practice) 3-1-4(4개학기반복이수가능 ) 657.727 국악고문헌연구 (Studies in Early Literature of Korean Traditional Music) 3-3-0-216 -

음악대학 College of Music 657. 음악과 Department of Music 657.728 창작국악세미나 (Seminar in Korean Contemporary Music based on Korean Traditional Music) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Music) [ 석사과정 ] 1 본교음악대학학사과정의전공실기 (Major) 과목을제외한모든전공과목 ( 다만, 본교음악대학에서학사학위를취득한자는기이수한과목의학점을재취득할수없음.) 2 본교의타대학에서제공하는학사과정이상의모든전공과목중음악대학대학원위원회에서인정하는과목 3 박사과정의각전공실기 (Major) 과목과박사과정작곡발표회 (doctorial Composition Recital), 박사과정연주회 (Doctoral Recital) 는선택할수없음. 4 협동과정음악학의 661.525, 661.527, 661.538, 661.539, 651.540, 651.507, 651.508, 651.509, 651.510, 651.511 (Course Requirements) 학위취득최저소요학점은음악학석사는 26 학점, 음악박사는 40 학점임. [ 석사과정 ] 1 졸업연주 (Graduate Recital) 에관한세부사항은각전공교수회의에서정한다. 2 각전공별로내규에의해필수과목을지정할수있다. 3 기타세부적인사항은음악대학대학원위원회에서정한다. [ 박사과정 ] 1 박사과정작곡발표회 (Doctoral Composition Recital) 및박사과정연주회 (Doctoral Recital) 에관한세부사항은각전공교수회의에서정한다. 2 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 의학점은박사과정모든전공자가필히 3 학점취득하여야하며, 수료학점에포함한다. 3 각전공별로내규에의해필수과목을지정할수있다. 4 기타세부적인사항은음악대학대학원위원회에서정한다. [ 박사과정 ] 1 본교의타대학에서제공하는석사과정이상의모든전공과목중음악대학대학원위원회에서인정하는과목 2 본교의대학원음악과에서석사학위를취득한자는기이수한과목의학점을재취득할수없음. 3 석사과정의각전공실기 (Major) 과목과석사졸업연주 (Master's Recital) 는선택할수없음. - 217 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine < 의과대학주관 > 801. 의학과 (Department of Medicine) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 801.501 의학연구방법론 ( 연구계획, 논문작성법 ) (Research Methodology) 3-3-0 801.502 의학통계론 (Medical Statistics) 3-3-0 801.503 실험기법 1(Experimental Techniques 1) 3-3-0 801.505 자료처리론 (Computer Assisted Medical Data Processing) 3-3-0 801.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 801.862 논문작성법 (Writing Scientific Papers) 3-2-2 801.2302 의학교육학개론 (Introduction to Medical Education) 3-3-0 801.2303 의학교육방법론개관 (Survey of Methodology in Medical Education) 3-3-0 801.2304 실험동물학개론 (Laboratory Animal Science) 3-3-0 801.2305 질환모델동물 (Animal Models) 3-3-0 801.2306 신약개발을위한독성실험방법론 (Toxicological Research for New Drug Development) 3-3-0 801.2401 의학교육의최신동향 (Current Trends in Medical Education) 3-3-0 801.2402 의학교육연구방법 (Research Methodology in Medical Education) 3-3-0 801.2502 SPSS- 응용기초통계 (SPSS-Applied Basic Statistics) 3-3-0 801.2601 근거중심보건의료 (Evidence Based Healthcare) 3-3-0 801.2701 법과의료정책특강 (Topics in the Law & Health Care Policy) 3-3-0 해부학전공 (Anatomy Major) 801.511 신경해부학특강 (Advanced Anatomy of the Nervous System) 3-1-4 801.520 해부학연구법 (Research Methods in Anatomy) 3-1-4 801.523 전자현미경기법 (Electron Microscopy) 3-1-4 801.791 림프계의발생및발달 (Ontogenic Development of Immune System) 3-3-0 801.794 해부학특강 ( 몸통 ) (Advanced Anatomy of the Trunk) 3-1-4 801.797 최신조직화학 (Recent Progress of Histochemistry) 3-1-4 801.798 조직학세미나 (Seminar in Histology) 3-3-0 801.799 세포생물학세미나 (Cell Biology Seminar) 3-3-0 801.800 림프기관의최신지견 (Recent Progress of Lymphoid Organs Studies) 3-3-0 801.2051 세포의형태학적연구특강 (Topics in the Morphological Techniques in Cell Biology) 3-3-0 801.2307 뇌의노화 (Brain Aging) 3-3-0 801.2308 뉴런 - 신경아교세포의상호관계 (Neuron-glia Interrelation) 3-3-0 801.2403 체질인류학연구특강 (Topics in the Research of Physical Anthropology) 3-3-0 801.2602 종자중심과 B 세포분화 (Germinal Center and B Cell Differentiation) 3-3-0 801.2603 구조물의삼차원재구성 (3D Modelling in Structure) 3-3-0 801.2604 영상분석 (Image Analysis) 3-3-0 801.2605 수지상세포면역학 (Dendritic Cell Immunology) 3-3-0 801.2606 획득면역기능조절의이해 (Understanding of Modulation in Acquired Immunity) 3-3-0 801.2607 고병리학연구의최신지견 (Recent Progress in Paleopathology) 3-3-0 801.2608 고 DNA 연구의최신지견 (Recent Progress in Ancient DNA Study) 3-3-0 801.2609 림프기관의발생과발달 (Development of Lymphoid Organs) 3-3-0 801.2610 NK 세포면역학 (NK Cell Immunology) 3-3-0 801.2611 면역조직학특강 (Topics in Histologic Aspect of Immune System) 3-3-0 801.2612 종양조직학특강 (Topics in Tumor Histology) 3-3-0 생리학전공 (Physiology Major) 801.524 세포막을통한물질이동 (Transport Across Cell Membrane) 3-3-0 801.525 흥분성세포의생리 (Physiology of Excitable Cells) 3-3-0 801.526 골격근및평활근생리 (General Aspect of Smooth Muscle Physiology) 3-3-0 801.527 심장전기생리 (Cardiac Electrophysiology) 3-3-0 801.533 소화관운동생리 (Physiology of Gastrointestinal Motility) 3-3-0 801.539 감각기능의신경기전 (Central Mechanism of Sensory Function) 3-3-0 801.543 흥분 - 수축의연결 (Excitation-Contraction Coupling) 3-3-0 801.675 세포막이온통로및감수체 (Ionic Channels and Receptors in Cell Membrane) 3-3-0 801.676 시냅스 (Synapse) 3-3-0 801.677 동통의생리 (Physiology of Pain) 3-3-0 801.751 생리학을위한실험기법 1(Experimental Methods for Physiologists 1) 3-1-4 801.752 생리학을위한실험기법 2(Experimental Methods for Physiologists 2) 3-1-4 801.753 단일통로기록법 (Single-channel Recordings) 3-1-4 801.756 세포내이온측정기법 (Measurement of Intracellular Ions) 3-2-2 801.757 세포생리학 (Cell Physiology) 3-3-0 801.758 신경생물리학 (Nerve Biophysics) 3-3-0 801.759 수축측정기법 (Measurement of Contractions) 3-1-4 801.760 생리학세미나 1(Seminars for Modern Concepts of Physiology 1) 3-3-0 801.761 생리학세미나 2(Seminars for Modern Concepts of Physiology 2) 3-3-0 801.2201 생리의과학 (Human Physiology & Biophysics) 3-3-0 801.2202 인체신경생리 (Human Neurophysiology) 3-3-0 생화학전공 (Biochemistry Major) 801.549 인체질환의생화학 (Biochemistry of Human Diseases) 3-3-0 801.554 면역생화학 (Immunobiochemistry) 3-3-0 801.557 암의분자생물학 (Molecular Biology of Cancer) 3-3-0 801.812 노화생화학 (Biochemistry of Aging) 3-3-0 801.813 세포신호전달학 (Cellular Signal Transduction) 3-3-0 801.839 신경면역학 (Neuroimmunology) 3-3-0 801.840 생정보학 (Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 801.841 단백질연구기법 (Methods of Protein Research) 3-3-0 801.842 유전자발현 (Gene Expression) 3-3-0 801.861 파지디스플레이 (Phage Display) 3-3-0 801.2052 크로마틴리모델링과질환 (Chromatin Remodeling and Diseases) 3-3-0-218 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine 801.2203 의학분야생물공학개론 (Introduction to Biotechnology in Medicine) 3-3-0 801.2204 의학생화학 (Medical Biochemistry) 3-3-0 801.2205 신경계질환의분자생물학 (Molecular Biology of Neurological Disease) 3-3-0 병리학전공 (Pathology Major) 801.563 염증병리학 (Pathology of Inflammation) 3-2-2 801.564 면역병리학 (Immunopathology) 3-2-2 801.565 종양병리학 (Pathology of Tumor) 3-2-2 801.566 심맥관병리학 (Pathology of the Heart and Blood Vessels) 3-2-2 801.567 폐병리학 (Pathology of the Lung) 3-2-2 801.568 소화관병리학 (Pathology of the Alimentary Tract) 3-2-2 801.569 간병리학 (Pathology of the Liver) 3-2-2 801.570 임파망상계병리학 (Pathology of the Lymphoreticular System) 3-2-2 801.572 신병리학 (Pathology of the Kidney) 3-2-2 801.573 부인과병리학 (Gynecologic Pathology) 3-2-2 801.574 골관절병리학 (Pathology of the Bone and Joint) 3-2-2 801.575 신경병리학 (Neuropathology) 3-2-2 801.576 소아병리학 (Pediatric Pathology) 3-2-2 801.577 외과병리학 (Surgical Pathology) 3-2-2 801.581A 병리학실습 (Practice in Pathology) 3-0-6 약리학전공 (Pharmacology Major) 801.584 약작용의원리 1 (Principles of Drug Action 1) 3-3-0 801.587 분자약리학 1(Molecular Pharmacology 1) 3-2-2 801.588 분자약리학 2(Molecular Pharmacology 2) 3-2-2 801.589 약상호작용 (Drug Interaction) 3-3-0 801.590 독물학 (Toxicology) 3-2-2 801.591 임상약리학 (Clinical Pharmacology) 3-2-2 801.594 순환기약리학 (Cardiovascular Pharmacology) 3-2-2 801.596 소화기약리학 (Gastrointestinal Pharmacology) 3-3-0 801.601 약리학연습 1(Seminar in Pharmacology 1) 3-3-0 801.602 약리학연습 2(Seminar in Pharmacology 2) 3-3-0 801.825 임상약동학 (Clinical Pharmacokinetics) 3-2-2 801.845 분자심장학 (Molecular Cardiology) 3-3-0 801.846 산소라디칼의생물반응 (Biological Reaction of Oxygen Free Radicals) 3-3-0 801.847 약리반응계량학 (Pharmacometrics) 3-3-0 801.848 치료적약물농도모니터링 (Therapeutic Drug and Toxicology Monitoring) 3-3-0 801.2055 면역약리학 (Immunopharmacology) 3-3-0 801.2218 약물의신호전달과유전자발현 (Drugs for Signal Transduction and Gene Expression) 3-3-0 801.2309 뇌질환의병인과약리학 (An etiological Factor of Brain Disease and Pharmacology) 3-3-0 미생물학전공 (Microbiology Major) 801.604 세균의병원성총론 (General Bacterial Pathogenicity) 3-3-0 801.606 미생물유전학 (Microbial Genetics) 3-3-0 801.607 세균의병원성각론 (Pathogenicity of Individual Bacteria) 3-3-0 801.613 면역질환병인론 (Pathogenesis of Immunological Diseases) 3-3-0 801.616 면역학최신토픽 (Current Topics in Immunology) 3-3-0 801.617 종양바이러스학 (Oncogenic Viruses) 3-3-0 801.619 바이러스학최신토픽 (Current Topics in Virology) 3-3-0 801.621 생물학적제제 (Biological Products) 3-3-0 801.687 세균학최신토픽 (Current Topics in Bacteriology) 3-3-0 801.688 리켓치아학 (Rickettsiology) 3-3-0 801.689 분자면역학 (Molecular Immunology) 3-3-0 801.690 면역계기능 (Biological Function of Immune System) 3-3-0 801.691 면역생물학실험 (Laboratory in Immunobiology) 3-0-6 801.692 바이러스학총론 (General Virology) 3-3-0 801.693 바이러스병인론개요 (Concepts in Viral Pathogenesis) 3-3-0 801.694 바이러스의병원성실험 (Laboratory in Pathogenicity of Viruses) 3-0-6 801.2206 레트로바이러스학개론 (Introduction to Retrovirology) 3-3-0 801.2207 면역관용개론 (Introduction to Immunologic tolerance) 3-3-0 801.2208 이식면역학실험 (Transplant Immunology Laboratory) 3-0-6 801.2209 이식면역학최신지견 (Current Topics in Transplantation Immunology) 3-3-0 801.2210 분자및세포미생물병인론 (Molecular and Cellular Microbial Pathogenesis) 3-3-0 801.2211 세포내기생세균학 (Biology of Intracellular Pathogens) 3-3-0 801.2212 분자세포면역학개론 (Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Immunology) 3-3-0 801.2213 간염바이러스감염학개론 (Introduction to Infection of Hepatitis Viruses) 3-3-0 801.2214 호흡기감염세균학개론 (Introduction to Bacteriology of Respiratory Infection) 3-2-2 예방의학전공 (Preventive Medicine Major) 801.702 코호트연구방법론 (Cohort Study) 3-3-0 801.703 환자 - 대조군연구방법론 (Case-Control Study) 3-3-0 801.705 임상역학 (Clinical Epidemiology) 3-3-0 801.709 만성병역학특론 (Epidemiology of Chronic Illness) 3-3-0 801.711 암역학자료처리론 (Analytic Methods in Cancer Epidemiology) 3-3-0 801.815 환경독성학 (Environmental Toxicology) 3-3-0 801.816 대기오염과건강 (Air Pollution and Health) 3-3-0 801.818 산업의학의새로운문제 (New Epidemics of Occupational Diseases) 3-3-0 801.820 분자역학 (Molecular Epidemiology) 3-3-0 801.821 약물역학 (Pharmacoepidemiology) 3-3-0 801.2056 환경과유전자상호작용의이해 (Understanding Gene and Environmental Interaction) 3-2-2 801.2215 약물역학연구설계특강 (Topics in Design of Pharmacoepidemiology Research) 3-3-0 801.2216 약물사용평가개론 (Principles of Drug Utilization Review) 3-3-0 801.2217 임상시험통계학 (Statistics in Clinical Trials) 3-3-0 801.2310 임상산업의학 (Clinical Occupational Medicine) 3-3-0 801.2404 의학적연구방법론에따른중급응용의학통계 (Intermediate Applied Statistical Methods by the Specific Medical Research Designs) 3-3-0 801.2503 유전역학방법론 (Methodology in Genetic Epidemiology) 3-3-0 801.2613 근거중심임상예방의학 (Evidence Based Clinical Preventive Medicine) 3-3-0 기생충학전공 (Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Major) 801.668A 장흡충증 (Intestinal Trematodiases) 3-2-2-219 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine 801.669 기생충학연습 (Seminar in Parasitology) 3-2-2 801.714 기생원충에대한면역 (Immunity to Parasitic Protozoa) 3-2-2 801.715 윤충감염증에서의면역학 (Immunology in Helminthic Infections) 3-2-2 801.2063 기생충생태학및진화학 (Ecology and Evolution of Parasites) 3-3-0 801.2066 사상충증 (Filariasis) 3-3-0 801.2067 유충이행증 (Larva migrans) 3-3-0 801.2068 아메바증 (Amebiasis) 3-3-0 801.2070 폐흡충증 (Paragonimiasis) 3-3-0 801.2072 열두조충증및고충증 (Diphyllobothriasis and Sparganosis) 3-3-0 801.2073 조직내편모충증 (Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis) 3-3-0 801.2075 톡소포자충증 (Toxoplasmosis) 3-3-0 801.2076 와포자충증 (Cryptosporidiosis) 3-3-0 801.2504 장내선충증 (Intestinal Nematode Infections) 3-2-2 801.2505 기생충감염과암발생 (Oncogenesis in Parasitic Infections) 3-3-0 의사학전공 (History of Medicine Major) 801.783 의학사특론 (Advanced Studies in the History of Medicine) 3-3-0 801.784 고대및중세의학사특론 (Advanced Studies in the History of Ancient and Medieval Medicine) 3-3-0 801.785 근대의학사특론 (Advanced Studies in the History of Modern Medicine) 3-3-0 801.786 20 세기의학사특론 (Advanced Studies in the History of the 20th Century Medicine) 3-3-0 801.787 한국전통의학사특론 (Advanced Studies in History of the Traditional Korean Medicine) 3-3-0 801.788 한국근대의학사특론 (Advanced Studies in History of Modern Korean Medicine) 3-3-0 801.789 의학사연구방법특론 (Advanced Studies in Research Methods in the History of Medicine) 3-3-0 801.804 의료윤리사특론 (Advanced Studies in the History of Medical Ethics) 3-3-0 801.805 고대및중세의건강과질병의역사특론 (Advanced Studies in History of the Health and Diseases- Ancient Times and Middle Ages) 3-3-0 801.806 근대및현대의건강과질병의역사특론 (Advanced Studies in History of the Health and Diseases-Modern Period) 3-3-0 801.807 병원의역사특론 (Advanced Studies in History of the Hospitals) 3-3-0 801.808 의학사연구세미나 (Advanced Seminar in the History of Medicine) 3-3-0 801.2614 의과학연구와윤리 (Biomedical Research and Ethics) 3-3-0 801.2702 생명의료윤리개론 (Introduction to Biomedical Ethics) 3-3-0 801.2703 생명의료윤리특강 (Topics in Biomedical Ethics) 3-3-0 법의학전공 (Forensic Medicine Major) 801.721 검시방법론 (Methods of Postmortem Examination) 3-3-0 801.722 법의부검연습 (Practice of Legal Autopsy) 3-3-0 801.723 사망기전론 (Mechanism of Death) 3-3-0 801.724 법의외상학 (Forensic Traumatology) 3-3-0 801.729 질식사론 (Asphyxial Death) 3-3-0 801.732 교통사고사의검시 (Postmortem Examination of Traffic Victims) 3-3-0 801.831 의료법학 1(Medical Laws 1) 3-3-0 801.832 의료법학 2(Medical Laws 2) 3-3-0 801.851 법의유전학 1(Forensic Genetics 1) 3-3-0 801.852 법의유전학 2(Forensic Genetics 2) 3-3-0 801.853 의료분쟁각론 1(Medical Dispute 1) 3-3-0 801.854 의료분쟁각론 2(Medical Dispute 2) 3-3-0 801.2405 법과학개론 1 (Introduction to Forensic Science 1) 3-3-0 801.2406 법과학개론 2 (Introduction to Forensic Science 2) 3-3-0 의료관리학전공 (Health Services and Hospital Management Major) 801.638 의료관리학연구방법세미나 (Seminar in Research Method of Health Care Administration) 3-3-0 801.639 병원관리학개론 (Introduction to Hospital Administration) 3-3-0 801.641 의료정책론 (Health Policy) 3-3-0 801.642 정신보건관리 (Mental Health Services) 3-3-0 801.647 보건의료경제학 (Health Economics) 3-3-0 801.649 병원기획과건축 (Hospital Planning and Construction) 3-3-0 801.652 의료사회학 (Medical Sociology) 3-3-0 801.733 보건행정학세미나 (Seminar in Public Administration of Health) 3-3-0 801.735A 의료보험론 (Concepts of the Medical Insurance System) 3-3-0 801.736 의료행태론 (Health and Illness Behaviour) 3-3-0 801.738 지역사회의학세미나 (Seminar in Community Medicine) 3-3-0 801.739 의료정보학세미나 (Seminar in Medical Information System) 3-3-0 801.740A 질병예방과건강증진사업 (Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Project) 3-3-0 801.2506 의료의질관리의이해 (Understanding Quality Assurance) 3-3-0 801.2704 의료관리학개론 (Introduction to the Health Policy and Management) 3-3-0 801.2705 의료관리학특론 (Topics in the Health Policy and Managemen) 3-3-0 의공학전공 (Biomedical Engineering Major) 801.538A 의공학개론 1(Introduction of Biomedical Engineering 1) 3-3-0 801.744A 생물리학 (Biophysics) 3-3-0 801.746 생체신호처리론 (Biomedical Signal Processing) 3-3-0 801.747 생체시스템시뮬레이션 (Biomedical System Simulation) 3-3-0 801.748 인공장기론 (Introduction to Artificial Organs) 3-3-0 801.749 생체적합성연구 (Research on Biocompatibilty) 3-3-0 801.2001 의료정보검색개론 (Introduction to Medical Information Retrieval) 3-3-0 801.2057 생체계측공학특강 (Topics in Measurements in Biology and Medicine) 3-3-0 801.2058 의료정보시스템특강 (Topics in Hospital Information System) 3-3-0 801.2615 의료정보표준의이해와응용 (Standard in Medical Informatics: Understanding and Its Applications) 3-3-0 801.2616 임상의료정보학개론 (Introduction of Clinical Informatics) 3-3-0 801.2617 의공학개론 2(Introduction of Biomedical Engineering 2) 3-3-0-220 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine 내과학전공 (Internal Medicine Major) 802.501 소화기병리학특론 (Recent Advances in Gastroenterology Pathology) 3-2-2 802.502 호흡기병리학특론 (Recent Advances in Pulmonology) 3-2-2 802.503 내분비학특론 (Recent Advances in Endocrinology) 3-2-2 802.506 감염병학 (Infectious Diseases) 3-2-2 802.507 신장병학특론 (Recent Advances in Nephrology) 3-2-2 802.509 알레르기학 (Allergology) 3-2-2 802.511 순환기병학특론 (Recent Advances in Cardiology) 3-2-2 802.1001 노인병학 (Geriatrics) 3-3-0 802.1002 류마티스학 (Rheumatology) 3-3-0 802.2219 기초분자종양학특강 (Topics in Basic Molecular Oncology) 3-3-0 802.2220 임상종양학특강 (Topics in Clinical Oncology) 3-3-0 802.2221 전해질및산 - 염기대사장애의이해 (Understanding Electrolytes and Acid-Base Disorders) 3-3-0 802.2222 조혈모세포이식특강 (Topics in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantations) 3-2-2 802.2223 혈액학특강 (Topics in Hematology) 3-2-2 외과학전공 (Surgery Major) 802.514C 임상이식학개관 (Clinical Transplantation) 2-2-0 802.515A 췌장외과학개관 (Surgery of Pancreas) 2-2-0 802.518A 외과학원론 (Principles of Surgical Science) 2-2-0 802.519B 두경부외과학개관 (Survey of Head and Neck Surgery) 2-2-0 802.520A 외과종양학이해 (Understanding Surgical Oncology) 2-2-0 802.521A 대장항문병학개관 (Survey of Proctology) 2-2-0 802.523 소아외과학 (Research in Pediatric Surgery) 1-1-0 802.525A 담도외과학개관 (Survey of Biliary Surgery) 2-2-0 802.526A 소화기외과학개관 (Survey of Gastroenterological Surgery) 2-2-0 802.527A 간외과학개론 (Introduction to Hepatic Surgery) 2-2-0 802.529 내분비외과학 (Endocrine Surgery) 1-1-0 802.530C 말초혈관외과학개관 (Survey of Peripheral Vascular Surgery) 2-2-0 802.886C 이식면역학개관 (Survey of Transplantation Immunology) 2-2-0 802.887A 혈관질환연구 (Studies in Vascular Disease) 2-2-0 802.888A 직장항문생리학개론 (Introduction of Anorectal Physiology) 2-2-0 802.889A 간담췌외과학개관 (Survey of Hepato-Biliary- Pancreas(HBP) Surgery) 2-2-0 802.1003A 간이식학개론 (Introduction to Liver Transplantation) 2-2-0 802.2051 외과발생학개관 (Survey of Surgical Embryology) 3-3-0 802.2224 외과종양학에서유전체데이터분석 (Understanding Genomics data in Surgical Oncology) 2-2-0 802.3401 최소침습수술개론 (Introduction to Minimal Invasive Surgery) 3-3-0 802.3501 외과학연구방법개론 (Introduction to Research Methodology in Surgery) 2-2-0 산부인과학전공 (Obstetrics & Gynecology Major) 802.541 여성생식생리학 (Recent Advances in Physiology of Female Reproduction) 3-2-2 802.542 청장기부인과학 (Adolescent Gynecology) 3-2-2 802.545 고위험산과학 (High Risk Obstetrics) 3-2-2 802.546 산부인과유전학 (Genetics in Obstetrics and Gynecology) 3-2-2 802.548 산부인과초음파학 (Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology) 3-2-2 802.811 비뇨부인과학 (Urogynecology) 3-2-2 802.812 폐경기학 (Menopause) 3-2-2 802.813 부인종양분자생물학 (Application of Molecular Biologic Techniques in Gynecologic Oncology) 3-2-2 802.2052 보조생식학 (Assisted Reproduction) 3-3-0 802.2053 태아의학 (Fetal Medicine) 3-3-0 802.2225 생식의학 (Reproductive Medicine) 3-1-4 소아과학전공 (Pediatrics Major) 802.556 최신소아내분비학개론 (Recent Advances in Pediatric Endocrinology) 3-1-4 802.557 신생아학 (Neonatology) 3-1-4 802.559A 소아선청성심질환 (Pediatric Cardiology Heart Disease) 3-1-4 802.561 소아소화기학 (Pediatric Gastroenterology) 3-1-4 802.911 소아감염학 (Pediatric Infections) 3-1-4 802.3301 주산기의학 (Perinatology) 3-1-4 802.3302 소아중환자학 (Pediatric Intensive Care) 3-1-4 802.3502 소아심장질환의전기생리학적이해 (Electrophysiology of Pediatric Heart Disease) 3-1-4 정신과학전공 (Psychiatry Major) 802.732 노인정신의학 (Geriatric Psychiatry) 1-1-0 802.927 치매학 (Dementia) 2-2-0 802.2226 노년기정신장애 (Mental Disorders in the Elderly) 3-3-0 802.3101 성격의이론 (Theories of Personality) 3-3-0 802.3102 기분장애 (Mood Disorders) 3-3-0 802.3103 정신분열병해석 (Interpreting Schizophrenia) 3-3-0 802.3104 정신약물학 (Psychopharmacology) 3-3-0 802.3303 중독정신의학의최신지견 (Update in Addiction Psychiatry) 3-3-0 802.3304 분자정신의학 (Molecular Psychiatry) 3-3-0 802.3305 정신종양학 (Psychooncology) 3-3-0 802.3402 뇌과학의최신지견 (Updates in Neuroscience) 3-3-0 802.3403 소아청소년뇌영상학 (Brain Imaging in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry) 3-3-0 802.3503 수면의학의이해 (Understanding Sleep Medicine) 3-3-0 피부과학전공 (Dermatology Major) 802.817 건선 (Psoriasis) 3-1-4 802.818 접촉피부염 (Contact Dermatitis) 3-3-0 802.820 피부병리학연습 (Dermatopathology Conference) 3-3-0 802.821 백반증 (Vitiligo) 3-1-4 802.2043 여드름 (Acne) 3-3-0 802.3105 피부표면생리학 (Skin Surface Physiology) 3-2-2 802.3404 여드름및피지선관련질환연구 (Research on Acne and Sebaceous Gland-Related Disorders) 3-3-0 802.3504 피부장벽학개론 (Introduction to Skin Barrier) 3-3-0 802.3505 모발및모발관련질환 (Hair and Hair Diseases) 3-3-0 정형외과학전공 (Orthopedic Surgery Major) 802.620A 수부외과학 (Hand Surgery) 3-1-4 802.2227 인공반월상연골판 (Artificial Meniscus) 3-2-2 802.2228 근골격계악성종양생물학 (Biology of Musculoskeletal Sarcomas) 3-2-2-221 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine 802.3106 골조직치유기전과그응용 (Bone Healing Mechanism and its Application) 3-3-0 802.3107 최소침습척추외과학 (Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery) 3-3-0 802.3108 근골격계줄기세포생물학 (Stem Cell Biology in Musculoskeletal System) 3-3-0 802.3506 골관절염연구 (Osteoarthritis) 3-3-0 802.3507 골다공증성골절학 (Osteoporotic Fracture) 3-3-0 802.3508 소아청소년스포츠의학 (Sports Medicine for Skeletally Immature Patients) 3-3-0 802.3509 수부외상학 (Traumatology of the Hand) 3-3-0 802.3510 경추외과학 (Cervical Spine Surgery) 3-3-0 흉부외과학전공 (Thoracic Surgery Major) 802.634A 체외순환법개론 (Introduction of Extracorporeal Circulation) 3-2-2 802.635 혈관외과학연습 (Seminar & Practice in Vascular Disease) 3-1-4 802.636 폐외과학 (Pleuropulmonary Surgery) 3-1-4 802.637 식도외과학 (Esophageal Surgery) 3-1-4 802.992 폐이식술의연구 (Lung Transplantation) 3-1-4 802.993 심근보호법의연구 (Myocardial Protection) 3-1-4 802.2059 심실보조장치및인공장기특강 (Topics in Ventricular Assist Device & Artificial Organ) 3-2-2 802.2060 후천성심장판막외과학의이해 (Understanding Surgery for Acquired Valvular Heart Disease) 3-2-2 신경외과학전공 (Neurosurgery Major) 802.645 소아신경외과학 (Pediatric Neurosurgery) 3-2-2 802.650 뇌혈관외과학 (Surgery of the Cerebral Vessels) 3-2-2 802.652 척수외과학 (Surgery of the Spine and the Spinal Cord) 3-2-2 802.653 신경내분비학 (Neuroendocrinology) 3-3-0 802.654 기능적신경외과학 (Functional Neurosurgery) 3-3-0 802.891 뇌종양학 (Neurooncology) 3-3-0 비뇨기과학전공 (Urology Major) 802.655 비뇨기과학특론 (Recent Advances in Urology) 3-2-2 802.656 비뇨기과종양학 (Urological Oncology) 3-2-2 802.657 여성비뇨기과학 (Female Urology) 3-2-2 802.658 소아비뇨기과학 (Pediatric Urology) 3-2-2 802.659 요로결석증 (Urolithiasis) 3-2-2 802.660 남성과학 (Andrology) 3-2-2 802.661 폐쇄성요로질환 (Obstructive Uropathy) 3-2-2 802.662 비뇨생식기계의화학요법 (Chemotherapy in Genitourinary System) 3-2-2 802.664 내시경적비뇨기과학 (Endourology) 3-1-4 802.665 요로조영법 (Urinary Tract Imaging) 3-2-2 802.3201 신경인성방광의이해 (Understanding Neurogenic Bladder) 3-3-0 802.3202 요로감염특강 (Topics in Urogenital Tract Infection) 3-3-0 이비인후과학전공 (Otolaryngology Major) 802.672 후두과학 (Laryngology) 3-1-4 802.962 일반비과학 (General Rhinology) 3-1-4 802.964 와우전기생리학 (Cochlea Electrophysiology) 3-1-4 802.967 고급청각학 (Advanced Audiology) 3-3-0 802.2073 코성형및재건의원론 (Principles of Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction) 3-2-2 802.2074 발성의이해 (Understanding phonation) 3-0-6 802.2235 음성외과학 (Phonosurgery) 3-1-4 802.3511 연하장애의수술적치료 (Surgical Management of Dysphagia) 3-1-4 802.3512 신경이과학 (Neurotology) 3-1-4 802.3513 수면외과학 (Sleep Surgery) 3-1-4 802.3514 후각신경생리학 (Neurophysiology of Olfaction) 3-1-4 802.3515 비부비동생리학 (Physiology of the Nose and Sinuses) 3-1-4 안과학전공 (Ophthalmology Major) 802.678 고안압증및녹내장 (Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma) 3-3-0 802.679 전신병과눈 (Systemic Ophthalmology) 3-3-0 802.680 눈의전기생리학 (Electrophysiology of the Eye) 3-3-0 802.687 수정체질환 (Diseases of the Crystaline Lens) 3-3-0 802.688 안광학 (Ophthalmic Optics) 3-3-0 802.2236 안수술의원론 (Principles of Ocular Surgery) 3-3-0 802.2237 눈과혈관신생개론 (Introduction to the Ocular Angiogenesis) 3-3-0 802.2238 눈과인공장기개론 (Introduction to the Ocular Prosthesis) 3-3-0 802.3516 안면역학 (Ocular Immunology) 3-3-0 영상의학전공 (Diagnostic Radiology Major) 802.690 최신전산화단층영상학 (Recent Advance of Computed Tomography) 3-2-2 802.754A 영상의학물리학 (Diagnostic Radiology Physics) 3-3-0 802.757A 디지털영상의학 (Digital Radiology) 3-3-0 802.831A 흉부영상의학 (Thoracic Radiology) 3-3-0 802.835A 근골격영상의학 (Musculoskeletal Radiology) 3-3-0 802.836A 복부영상의학 (Abdominal Radiology) 3-3-0 802.837A 응급영상의학 (Emergency Radiology) 3-3-0 802.838 자기공명분광법개론 (Introduction of MR Spectroscopy) 3-3-0 802.839 자기공명영상학 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 3-3-0 802.841A 선천성기형의영상의학 (Radiology in Congenital Anomaly) 3-3-0 802.842 영상진단비교평가론 (Technological Assessment in Radiology) 3-3-0 802.843 초음파진단학 (Ultrasonographic Diagnosis) 3-3-0 802.844A 중재적영상의학 (Interventional Radiology) 3-3-0 802.2229A 초급복부영상의학 (Basic Abdominal Radiology) 3-3-0 802.2230A 중급복부영상의학 (Intermediate Abdominal Radiology) 3-3-0 802.2231A 고급복부영상의학 (Advanced Abdominal Radiology) 3-3-0 802.2232A 비뇨생식기계영상의학 (Genitourinary Radiology) 3-3-0 802.2233 뇌의기능영상연구 (Studies in Functional Imaging of the Brain) 3-3-0 802.2234A 복부영상의학개론 (Introduction to Abdominal Radiolog) 3-3-0 802.3311 의학입문자를위한우리몸의구조이해 (Understanding Basic Human Anatomy) 3-3-0 마취통증의학전공 (Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Major) 802.706 응용호흡생리학 (Applied Respiratory Physiology) 3-2-2 802.708 중환자관리법 (Intensive Care) 3-2-2 802.709 소생법 (Resuscitation) 3-2-2 802.714 전신마취과학 (General Anesthesia) 3-2-2 802.715 소아마취과학 (Pediatric Anesthesia) 3-2-2 802.716 산과마취과학 (Obstetric Anesthesia) 3-2-2 802.759 실험동물마취과학 (Experimental Animal Anesthesia) 3-2-2-222 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine 802.823 심장마취 (Cardiac Anesthesis) 3-2-2 802.824 장기이식마취 (Anesthesis for Transplantation) 3-2-2 802.825 외래환자마취 (Ambulatory Anesthesis) 3-3-0 802.826 통증관리 (Pain Management) 3-2-2 802.1011 뇌신경마취과학 (Neuroanesthesiology) 3-2-2 802.2077 마취과에서사용되는공학기술 (Technology in Anesthesia) 3-2-2 802.2239 주술기수혈의학 (Perioperative Transfusion Medicine) 3-3-0 802.2240 마취와자율신경계 1(Autonomic Nervous System in Anesthesia 1) 3-3-0 802.2241 마취와자율신경계 2(Autonomic Nervous System in Anesthesia 2) 3-3-0 802.3109 폐병태생리연구 (Studies in Pulmonary Pathophysiology) 3-3-0 802.3110 급성통증치료학 (Acute Pain Treatment) 3-3-0 성형외과학전공 (Plastic Surgery Major) 802.535 미세수술학 (Practice in Microsurgery) 3-1-4 802.537 악안면외과학개요 (Maxillofacial Surgery) 3-2-2 802.982 유방재건술 (Breast Reconstruction) 3-2-2 802.983 구순열협동치료 (Cooperative Treatment of the Cleft Lip) 3-2-2 802.984 두경부종양 (Head and Neck Oncology) 3-2-2 802.985 성형외과학분야의생체공학 (Biomechanics in Plastic Surgery) 3-2-2 802.3306 지방유래줄기세포연구 (Adipose Cell Derived Stem Cell Research) 3-3-0 802.3517 임플란트및조직이식 (Implant & Transplantation) 3-2-2 방사선종양학전공 (Radiation Oncology Major) 802.784 임상방사선물리학 (Clinical Radiation Physics) 3-2-2 802.785 방사선생물학특론 ( 세포 ) 1 (Advanced Radiation Biology 1(Cell)) 3-3-0 802.786 방사선생물학특론 ( 거대분자 ) 2(Advanced Radiation Biology 2(Macromolecule)) 3-3-0 802.788 방사선생물학특론 ( 종양 ) 4 (Advanced Radiation Biology 4(Tumor)) 3-3-0 802.789 방사선방어특론 (Topics in Radiation Protection) 3-2-2 802.790 방사선종양학특론 (Recent Advanced in Radiation Oncology) 3-3-0 802.792 방사선민감제연구 (Studies in Radiosensitizers) 3-3-0 802.793 근접치료법연구 (Studies in Brachytherapy) 3-3-0 802.797 두경부방사선종양학 (Radiation Oncology of Head and Neck) 3-2-2 802.799 부인과방사선종양학 (Gynecologic Radiation Oncology) 3-2-2 802.800 소아방사선종양학 (Pediatric Radiation Oncology) 3-2-2 802.801 방사선화학병용요법 (Combined Chemoradiotherapy) 3-2-2 802.802 중추신경계방사선종양학 (Radiation Oncology of C. N. S.) 3-2-2 검사의학전공 (Laboratory Medicine Major) 802.766 임상미생물학및실습 1 (Clinical Microbiology & Lab. 1) 3-2-2 802.770 진단면역학세미나 (Seminar in Diagnostic Immunology) 3-3-0 802.776 수혈학 (Transfusion) 3-3-0 802.986 임상지질학특론 (Recent Advances in Clinical Lipidology) 3-3-0 802.1005 분자진단학 1(Molecular Diagnostics 1) 3-3-0 802.1006 분자진단학 2(Molecular Diagnostics 2) 3-3-0 802.3405 면역혈액학 (Immuno-Hematology) 3-3-0 802.3518 세포치료와성체줄기세포 (Cellular Therapy & Adult Stem Cell) 3-3-0 802.3519 혈전지혈학 (Thrombosis and Hemostasis) 3-3-0 재활의학전공 (Rehabilitation Medicine Major) 802.629 재활의학 (Rehabilitation Medicine) 3-2-2 802.630 소아재활의학 (Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine) 3-2-2 802.778 운동치료학 (Therapeutic Exercise) 3-2-2 802.779 척추손상재활개론 (Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation) 3-3-0 802.780 뇌졸중재활개론 (Stroke Rehabilitation) 3-3-0 802.781 관절염재활개론 (Arthritis Rehabilitation) 3-3-0 802.782 보행분석학 (Gait Analysis) 3-2-2 802.783 만성동통치료학 (Chronic Pain Therapy) 3-2-2 핵의학전공 (Nuclear Medicine Major) 802.861 방사약학 (Radiopharmacology) 3-3-0 802.863 신경핵의학 (Nuclear Neurology) 3-3-0 802.864 심장핵의학 (Nuclear Cardiology) 3-3-0 802.865 종양핵의학 (Nuclear Oncology) 3-3-0 802.866 양전자단층촬영법 (Positron Emission Tomography) 3-3-0 802.869 방사면역측정법 (Radioimmunoassay) 3-3-0 802.914 핵의학영상진단연구 (Studies in Nuclear Imaging) 3-0-6 802.916 추적자동역학과응용 (Traced Kinetic and Application) 3-3-0 802.917 기능적뇌영상화 (Functional Neuroimaging) 3-3-0 802.918 핵의학영상기기 (Nuclear Imaging Instrumentation) 3-3-0 802.3203 분자핵영상의학 (Molecular Nuclear Imaging in Medicine) 3-3-0 802.3406 종양핵의학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Nuclear Medicine Oncology) 3-3-0 802.3407 종양PET(PET in Oncology) 3-3-0 802.3408 종양분자나노영상치료개론 (Introduction to Molecular Nano Imaging & Therapy in Oncology) 3-3-0 802.3409 동위원소프로브응용화학 (Applied Chemistry for Radioisotope Probes) 3-3-0 802.3410 나노의학 (Nanomedicine) 3-3-0 가정의학전공 (Family Medicine Major) 802.879 건강증진의학의원리 (Clinical Preventive Medicine) 3-3-0 802.883A 원격진료학 (Telemedicine) 3-2-2 802.2080A 노화방지의학초급편 (Basic Clinical Antiageing Medicine) 3-2-2 802.2081A 노화방지의학고급편 (Advanced Clinical Antiageing Medicine) 3-2-2 802.3111 삶의의학초급편 (Basic Life Medicine) 3-2-2 802.3112 삶의의학고급편 (Advanced Life Medicine) 3-2-2 802.3204 비만의학초급편 (Basic Bariatiric Medicine) 3-2-2 802.3205 비만의학고급편 (Advanced Bariatiric Medicine) 3-2-2 802.3307 스트레스의학초급편 (Stress Medicine, Basic Course) 3-2-2 802.3308 스트레스의학고급편 (Stress Medicine, Advanced Course) 3-2-2 802.3520 일차의료특론 (Advanced Primary Care) 3-3-0-223 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 801. 의학과 Department of Medicine 면역학전공 (Immunology Major) 802.2001 기초면역학개론 (Introduction to Basic Immunology) 3-3-0 802.2002 임상면역학개론 (Introduction to Clinical Immunology) 3-3-0 802.2003 이식면역학개론 (Introduction to Transplantation Immunology) 3-3-0 802.2004 자가면역질환론 (Autoimmune Diseases) 3-3-0 802.2098 T세포발달및기능특강 (Topics in Development and Functions of T Cells) 3-3-0 802.2099 알레르기학개론 (Introduction to Allergology) 3-3-0 802.2100 면역억제치료의연구 (Studies in Therapeutic Immunosuppression) 3-3-0 802.2101 B세포분화및발달특강 (Topics in B Cell Differentiation and Development) 3-3-0 802.2245 생체면역조절특강 (Topics in Immune Regulation in Vivo) 3-3-0 802.2246 면역유전학특강 (Topics in Immunogenetics) 3-3-0 802.2247 자연면역특강 (Topics in Innate Immunity) 3-3-0 802.3113 기초시스템생물학 (Fundamentals of Systems Biology) 3-3-0 802.3309 고급이식면역학 (Advanced in Transplant Immunology) 3-2-2 802.3521 류마티스관절염 (Rheumatoid Arthritis) 3-3-0 802.3522 면역학특강 (Topics in Immunology) 1-1-0 802.3523 기도점막면역학 (Airway Mucosal Immunology) 3-3-0 802.3524 조직공학과재생의학원론 (Principles of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine) 3-3-0 802.3525 조직공학과재생의학연구를위한질환모델동물학개론 (Introduction to the Animal Models for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Research) 3-3-0 802.3526 사구체신염면역학 (Immunology in Glomerulonephritis) 3-3-0 분자 유전체의학전공 (Molecular & Genomic Medicine Major) 801.1002 유전체정보의학 (Bioinformatics for Genomic Medicine) 3-3-0 802.2005 분자세포의학총론 (Molecular & Cellular Medicine 1) 3-3-0 802.2006 유전자및세포이식요법 (Gene and Cell Therapy) 3-3-0 802.2007 분자세포의학각론 (Molelcular & Cellular Medicine 2) 3-3-0 802.2083 기능단백질체학특강 (Topics in Functional Proteomics) 3-3-0 802.2086 단백질체학연구방법 (Proteomics Methods) 3-3-0 802.2089 기능유전체학세미나 (Functional Genomics Seminar) 3-3-0 802.2092 인체질환분자병인론 (Molecular Mechanism of Human Disease) 3-3-0 802.2248 의생명정보학특강 (Topics in Biomedical Informatics) 3-3-0 802.3412 소화기질환분자생물학특강 (Topics in Molecular Biology of Gastroenterological Diseases) 3-1-4 802.3413 분자내분비학총론 (Introduction to Molecular Endocrinology) 3-3-0 802.3414 분자내분비학특강 (Topics in Molecular Endocrinology)3-3-0 802.3415 내분비질환분자병인총론 (Introduction to Molecular Pathogenesis of Endocrine Diseases) 3-3-0 802.3416 내분비질환분자병인특강 (Topics in Molecular Pathogenesis of Endocrine Diseases) 3-3-0 분자종양의학전공 (Molecular and Clinical Oncology Major) 802.2009 임상종양학개론 (Introduction to Clinical Oncology) 3-3-0 802.2010 세포신호전달학 (Cellular Signal Transduction) 3-3-0 802.2011 종양분자진단학 (Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer) 3-3-0 802.2012 방사성동위원소이용암치료론 (Therapy of Cancer Using Radioisotopes) 3-3-0 802.2095 두경부종양외과학실습 (Surgical Oncology of Head and Neck Cancer) 3-0-6 802.2097 암의생물학적치료의이해 (Understanding Biologic Therapy of Cancer) 3-1-4 802.2242 종양유전체학 (Cancer Genomics) 3-3-0 802.2243 분자종양실험연구 1(Experimental Studies in Molecular Oncology 1) 3-3-0 802.2244 세포기능조절학 (Regulation of Cellular Functions) 3-3-0 802.3114 조혈모세포이식개론 (Introduction to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation) 3-3-0 802.3527 약물유전체학을이용한 Personalized 항암치료 (Personalized Cancer Medicine Implementing Pharmacogenomics) 3-3-0 802.3528 임상시험과이행성연구 (Translational Research in Clinical Trials) 3-3-0 802.3529 분자표적항암제의기전과임상적용 (Mechanisms and Clinical Applications of Molecular Targeted Agents) 3-3-0 뇌신경과학전공 (Neuroscience Major) 802.2017 신경종양학 (Neuro-Oncology) 3-3-0 802.2103 운동조절신경생리학 (Neurophysiology of Motor Control) 3-3-0 802.2105 안구운동신경생리학 (Neurophysiology of Eye Movements) 3-3-0 802.2249 뇌기능매핑개관 (Survey in Brain Function Mapping) 3-3-0 802.3115 치매와노인신경학 (Demintia and Geriatric Neurology) 3-3-0 802.3116 뇌파학개론 (Introduction to Electroencephalography) 3-2-2 802.3117 간질학개론 (Introduction to General Epileptology) 3-2-2 802.3118 신경병리학개론 (Introduction to Neuropathology) 3-2-2 802.3119 신경계종양의신경병리학 (Neuropathology of Nervous System Tumors) 3-3-0 802.3206 이상운동질환의이해 (Understanding Movement Disorders) 3-3-0 802.3310 뇌기능영상기술 (Functional Neuroimaging Technology) 3-3-0 응급의학전공 (Emergency Medicine Major) 802.2111 소생의학 (Resuscitation) 3-1-4 802.2112 중독학 (Toxicology) 3-2-2 802.2113 환경응급의학 (Environmental Emergency Medicine) 3-3-0 8802.2116 응급의료체계 (Emergency Medical Service System) 3-3-0 802.2117 재해의학 (Disaster Medicine) 3-3-0 802.3411 응급중환자의학 (Emergency Critical Care Medicine) 3-3-0 802.3530 실험소생의학 (Experimental Medicine for Resuscitation) 3-3-0-224 -

의과대학 College of Medicine 806. 의과학과 Department of Biomedical Sciences 타학과학생을위한과목 (Courses for Non-major Students) 802.901 생리학특론 1(Advanced Physiology 1) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Medicine) 본대학학사위원회에서인정하는과목 학과내규에의함. 806. 의과학과 (Department of Biomedical Sciences) 806.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 806.501A 의과학강독 (Readings in Biomedical Sciences) 3-3-0 806.502A 우수의과학자특강 (Topics in Biomedical Science) 3-3-0 806.503 인체의구조와기능 (Structure and Function of Human Body) 3-3-0 806.504 인체질병의병태생리학개론 (Introduction to Pathophysiology of Human Disease) 3-3-0 806.505 초급분자세포의과학 (Basic Biomedical Molecular Cell Biology) 3-3-0 806.506 고급분자세포의과학 (Advanced Biomedical Molecular Cell Biology) 3-3-0 806.507 신경생리학원론 (Principles of Neurophysiology) 3-3-0 806.508 신경계질환의분자세포학 (Celluar and Molecular Mechanisms of Neurological Diseases) 3-3-0 806.509 초급면역의과학 (Basic Biomedical Immunology) 3-3-0 806.510 고급면역의과학 (Advanced Medical Immunology) 3-3-0 806.511A 종양의학개론 (Introduction to Cancer Medicine) 3-3-0 806.513 감염및인체반응 (Infection and Immune Response) 3-3-0 806.515 임상단백질체학 (Clinical Proteomics) 3-3-0 806.517 노화생물학 (Biology of Aging) 3-3-0 806.518 암의저산소적응에관한연구 (Studies in Tumor Adaptation to Hypoxia) 3-3-0 806.519A 면역질환개론 (Introduction of Immune Diseases) 3-3-0 806.520 약물유전체학및맞춤약물요법 (Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Pharmacotherapy) 3-3-0 806.524 암유전체학 (Cancer Genomics) 3-3-0 806.526 생체분자영상개론 (Introduction to Molecular Imaging) 3-3-0 806.601 임상약물연구설계 (Clinical Drug Study Design) 3-3-0 806.602 약물요법모니터링 (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring) 3-3-0 806.603 세균생리학강독 (Readings in Bacterial Physiology) 3-3-0 806.604 칼슘항상성조절기전의이해 (Understanding the Regulatory Mechanisms of Calcium Homeostasis) 3-3-0 806.605 막단백질생화학 (Biochemistry of Membrane Proteins) 3-3-0 806.607 세포막과신호전달연구 (Studies in Cell Signaling Through the Membrane) 3-3-0 806.608 분자영상처리 (Molecular Image Processing) 3-3-0 806.610 암전구세포면역약리학 (Cancer Stem Cell Immunopharmacology) 3-3-0 806.612 분자세포세균학 (Molecular and Cellular Bacteriology) 3-3-0 806.613 분자세포바이러스학 (Molecular and Cellular Virology) 3-3-0 806.614 정신질환분자생물적기전의이해 (Understaning Molecular-Biological Basis of Psychiatric Disorders) 3-3-0 806.615 최신면역학논문강독 (Critical Reading for Immunology) 3-3-0 806.616 면역유전시스템강론 (Immunogenetic Systematics) 3-3-0 806.617 실시간세포영상개론 (Introduction to Real-time Cellular Imaging) 3-3-0 806.618 퇴행성신경질환의병인기전 (Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorder) 3-3-0 806.619 바이오정보의학 (Biomedical Informatics and Genomic Medicine) 3-2-2 806.620 피부기질단백질생물학 (Cutaneous Matrix Biology) 3-3-0 806.621 신경가소성에대한의과학적이해 (Biomedical Understanding of Neural Plasticity) 3-3-0 806.622 질환발생의의과학적이해 (Biomedical Basis for Human Diseases) 3-3-0 806.623 종양생물학의이해 (Understanding of Tumor Biology) 3-3-0-225 -

치과대학 College of Dentistry 852. 치의과학과 Department of Dental Science < 치과대학주관 > 852. 치의과학과 (Department of Dental Science) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 851.543 치의학특강 (Introduction to Dentistry) 3-3-0 851.544 분자세포생물학 1(Molecular Cell Biology 1) 3-3-0 851.545 분자세포생물학 2(Molecular Cell Biology 2) 3-3-0 851.602 치학연구방법론 (Methodology of Dental Research) 3-3-0 851.606 생물통계학 (Biostatistics) 3-3-0 851.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 851.906 치의학연구윤리 (Ethics of Dental Research) 3-3-0 구강악안면해부및영상과학전공 ((Head and neck) Anatomy and Imaging Science Major) 850.509 디지털해부학 (Digital Anatomy) 3-3-0 851.510 비교치아형태학 (Comparative Dental Morphology) 3-3-0 851.511 두경부응용해부학 (Applied Anatomy of the Head and Neck) 3-3-0 851.660 치학연구동물실험법 (Laboratory animal models for dental and biomedical research) 3-3-0 851.740 악관절해부학 (Anatomy of Temporomandibular Joint) 3-3-0 851.900 가상치아삼차원재형성 (Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Virtual Tooth) 3-3-0 851.901 신경줄기세포학 (Neural Stem Cell Biology) 3-3-0 851.902A 기능신경해부학 (Functional Neuroanatomy) 3-3-0 851.903 응용치아계측학 (Applied Tooth Metrology) 3-3-0 851.904 응용악안면근육해부학 (Applied Head and Neck Muscle Anatomy) 3-3-0 851.905 신경재생학 (Neural regeneration) 3-3-0 852.548 구강악안면진단영상정보학 (Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnostic Imaging Informatics) 3-3-0 852.549 진단영상물리학 (Diagnostic Imaging Physics) 3-3-0 852.550 방사선생물학 (Radiation Biology) 3-3-0 852.551 방사선보건물리학 (Radiation Health Physics) 3-3-0 852.552 골질평가영상분석학 (Image analysis for evaluation of bone density) 3-3-0 852.553 악구강계영상학 (Imaging of Orofacial System) 3-3-0 852.554 타액선영상학 (Imaging of Salivary Glands) 3-3-0 852.555 부비동영상학 (Imaging of Paranasal Sinuses) 3-3-0 852.556 구강악안면감염영상학 (Imaging for Oral and Maxillofacial Infection) 3-3-0 852.557 구강악안면영상분석학 (Image Analysis for Oral and Maxillofacial Reconstruction) 3-3-0 852.558 컴퓨터를이용한구강진단및치료계획 (Computer Assisted Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning) 3-3-0 852.559 디지털영상학 (Digital Imaging) 3-3-0 852.560 임플란트영상학 (Implant Imaging) 3-3-0 852.561 두경부 3 차원영상학 (3D imaging of head and neck) 3-3-0 852.562 개인식별용디지털진단영상학 (Individual indentification from digital diagnostic imaging) 3-3-0 852.936 생후두개골의성장 (Growth of Skull after Birth) 3-3-0 예방치과학전공 (Preventive & Social Dentistry Major) 851.682 구강보건통계학 (Dental Health Statistics) 3-3-0 851.716 구강역학 (Oral Epidemiology) 3-3-0 851.725 구강진료관리론 (Dental Care Management) 3-3-0 851.835 구강보건정책및건강보험제도론 (Oral Health Policy and Insurance) 3-3-0 851.837 지역사회구강보건관리론 (Community-based Oral Health Management) 3-3-0 851.838 구강보건교육방법론 (Oral Health Education Methodology) 3-3-0 851.839 구강보건증진론 (Oral Health Promotion) 3-3-0 851.842 행동치과학 (Behavioral Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.563 최신구강병예방론 (Advanced Preventive Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.564 임상구강상병예방술개발및평가 (Development & Evaluation of Clinical Dental Health Prevention) 3-3-0 852.565 구강보건사업의기획과관리 (Designing oral health program) 3-3-0 852.566 생애주기별구강보건관리 (Oral Health Care throughout Lifecycle) 3-3-0 852.567 역학적임상연구계획론 (Research Designs for Clinical Epidemiological Studies) 3-3-0 852.568 치과의사와환자의관계 (Relationships between Patients and Dentist) 3-3-0 852.569 행동관리측면에서본치과의료분쟁예방론 (Prevention of Dental Dispute in the aspect of behavior management) 3-3-0 치과생체재료과학전공 (Dental Biomaterials Science Major) 850.801 심미수복생체재료학 (Esthetic Restorative Biomaterials) 3-3-0 851.509 치과용결합재 (Dental Bonding Materials) 3-3-0 851.516 치과용금속및합금 (Dental Metals and Alloys) 3-3-0 851.517 치과용세라믹 (Ceramics for Dentistry) 3-3-0 851.518 치과용매식재료 (Dental Implant Materials) 3-3-0 851.519 치과용폴리머 (Polymeric Materials for Dentistry) 3-3-0 851.525 치과용기공재료 (Laboratory Materials for Dentistry) 3-3-0 851.638 치과용시멘트 (Dental Cements) 3-3-0 851.647 예방치과재료 (Preventive Dental Materials) 3-3-0 851.728 치과용인상재 (Dental Impression Materials) 3-3-0 851.768 치과생체재료의특성 (Properties of Dental Biomaterials) 3-3-0 851.769 치과생체재료의생체적합성 (Biocompatibility of Dental Biomaterials) 3-3-0 851.810 치과용금속매식재학 (Dental Implant Fixtures) 3-3-0 851.812A 생체재료의생물학적안전성평가 (Biological Safety Evaluation of Biomaterials) 3-3-0 851.813 치아재생재료학 (Tooth Regenerative Materials) 3-3-0 851.815 기능성치과생체재료학 (Functional Dental Biomaterial Research) 3-3-0 세포및발생생물학전공 (Cell and Developmental Biology Major) 850.703A 세포신호전달 1 (Cellular Signal Transduction 1) 3-3-0 851.548 세포생물학특강 1(Topics in Cell Biology 1) 3-3-0 851.549 세포생물학특강 2(Topics in Cell Biology 2) 3-3-0 851.550 세포생물학특강 3(Topics in Cell Biology 3) 3-3-0 851.551 발생생물학 2(Developmental Biology 2) 3-3-0 851.552 세포신호전달 2 (Cellular Signal Transduction 2) 3-3-0 851.553 세포및발생생물학기법 (Methods in Cell and Developmental Biology) 3-3-0 851.554 조직생물학특강 (Topics in Tissue Biology) 3-3-0-226 -

치과대학 College of Dentistry 852. 치의과학과 Department of Dental Science 851.708A 발생생물학 1(Developmental Biology 1) 3-3-0 851.796A 경조직생물학 (Hard Tissue Biology) 3-3-0 851.797A 세포외기질생물학 (Extracellular Matrix Biology) 3-3-0 851.798A 단백체학특강 (Topics in Proteomics) 3-3-0 852.526A 유전자발현조절 (Gene Expression and Regulation) 3-3-0 852.584 시스템생물학 (Systems Biology) 3-3-0 신경생물학전공 (Program in Neuroscience Major) 851.555 세포막수송체학 (Membrane Transporter biology) 3-3-0 851.556 시냅스생리학 (Synapse Physiology) 3-3-0 851.557 신경생물학원론 1 (Principles of Neurobiology 1) 3-3-0 851.558 신경생물학원론 2 (Principles of Neurobiology 2) 3-3-0 851.825 말초신경재생학 (Topics in nerve regeneration) 3-3-0 851.829 신경생리학 (Neurophysiology) 3-3-0 852.588 신경계신호전달 (Signal transduction in the nervous system) 3-3-0 852.590 신경발생학 (Developmental Neurobiology) 3-3-0 852.591 신경교세포학 (Glial Cell Biology) 3-3-0 852.592 신경과학연구방법론 (Tools for Neuroscience Research) 3-3-0 852.595 신경외분비생물학 (Neuroexocrine biology) 3-3-0 852.596 미각과후각의생리학 (Physiology of taste and smell) 3-3-0 852.597 통증학 (Pain in Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.598 통증연구방법론 (Methods in Pain Research) 3-3-0 852.599 악관절기능구조장애학 (TMJ functional structure and dysfunction) 3-3-0 852.600 악구강근육학 (Orofacial myology) 3-3-0 852.692 섭식행동학 (Study of Ingestive Behavior) 3-3-0 852.693 신경과학세미나 (Seminars in Neuroscience) 3-3-0 치의재생생명공학전공 (Dental Regenerative Biotechnology Major) 851.539 치주조직재생개론 (Introduction to Periodontal Regeneration) 3-3-0 851.564 치과분자유전학특강 (Topics in Molecular Genetics in Dentistry) 3-3-0 851.565 생명공학을위한분자유전학개론 (Introduction to Molecular Genetics for Biomedical Engineering) 3-3-0 851.567 재생치의학특강 (Topics in Regenerative Dentistry) 3-3-0 851.568 조직재생바이오신소재공학 (Biomaterial Engineering for Tissue Regeneration) 3-3-3 851.569 조직재생용약물전달시스템 (Drug Delivery System for Tissue Regeneration) 3-3-3 851.570 두개악안면연조직재건과학 (Reconstructive Science in Craniomaxillofacial Soft Tissue) 3-3-0 851.571 바이오인공치아재생술개론 (Introduction to Technology for Bio-artificial Tooth Fegeneration) 3-3-0 851.572 줄기세포분화론 (Stem Cell Differentiation) 3-3-0 851.573 줄기세포응용적응성진화론 (Stem Cell-based Accomo- evolution) 3-3-0 852.700 치아분자생물발생학 (Dental Developmental Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 852.867 분자재생치의학 (Molecular Dental Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.868 줄기세포생물학특론 (Stem Cell Biology) 3-3-0 852.869 세포분리및동정법연구 (Stem Cell Establishment) 3-3-0 852.870 치계줄기세포학 (Dental Stem Cell Biology) 3-3-0 852.871 줄기세포분화 (Stem Cell Differentiation) 3-3-0 852.872 조직및장기재생연구 (Tissue and organ regeneration) 3-3-0 852.873 연조직재생치의학 (Dental Soft Tissue Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.874 경조직재생치의학 (Dental Hard Tissue Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.875 치주조직재생과학 (Periodontal tissue regeneration) 3-3-0 852.876 치의재생나노바이오기술 (Dental Nanobiotechnology) 3-3-0 852.877 치의재생용약물전달시스템 (Drug Delivery System for Dental Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.878 치의재생용성장인자및유전자조작 (Growth factor and Genetic Engineering for Dental Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.879 치의재생용신소재학 (Biomaterials for Dental Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.880 세포치료연구 (Cell therapy research) 3-3-0 852.881 치계조직공학 (Dental Tissue Engineering) 3-3-0 852.882 치과임플란트와골조직재생의생물학 (Dental implant and related biology for bone regeneration) 3-3-0 852.883 치의재생소재 - 생물계계면학 (Material-Cell Biointerfacial Phenomena) 3-3-0 852.884 치의재활공학 (Dental Rehabilitation Engineering) 3-3-0 852.885 치수조직재생과학 (Dental pulpal tissue regeneration) 3-3-0 852.886 임프란트보철수복학 (Restorative Implant Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 면역및분자미생물치의학전공 (Immunology and Molecular Microbiology in Dentistry Major) 851.627 구강미생물학특론 (Advanced Oral Microbiology) 3-3-0 851.631 구강질병면역학특론 (Advanced Immunology of Oral Diseases) 3-3-0 851.633 미생물의병원성 (Molecular Basis of Microbial Pathogenicity) 3-3-0 851.636A 기초면역학 (Basic Immunology) 3-3-0 851.739A 심층면역학 (Advanced Immunology) 3-3-0 851.763 분자미생물학 (Molecular Microbiology) 3-3-0 851.782A 구강질병의면역유전학기초 (Immunogenetic Basis of Oral Diseases) 3-3-0 852.694 실험면역학 (Experimental Immunology) 3-3-0 852.695 점막면역학 (Mucosal Immunology) 3-3-0 852.696 치과임상에서의감염 - 면역 (Infection and immunity in dental clinics) 3-3-0 852.923 미생물 - 면역학연구방법론 1(Methodology in Microbiology and Immunology 1) 2-2-0 852.924 미생물 - 면역학연구방법론 2(Methodology in Microbiology and Immunology 2) 1-1-0 852.925 감염 - 면역세미나 (Seminar on Infection and Immunity) 1-1-0 의료경영과정보학전공 (Healthcare Management and Informatics Major) 850.501 전자의무기록 (Electronic Medical Record) 3-3-0 850.503 임상적의사결정지원시스템 (Clinical Decision Support System) 3-3-0 850.504 질병개념표현론 (Conceptual Representation of Diseases) 3-3-0-227 -

치과대학 College of Dentistry 852. 치의과학과 Department of Dental Science 850.505 진료술식개념표현론 (Conceptual Representation of Medical Procedures) 3-3-0 851.533A 보건의학지식표현 (Healthcare Knowledge Representation) 3-3-0 851.535 인터넷과의료서비스 (Internet and Medical Service) 3-3-0 852.570 의생명온톨로지공학 (Biomedical Ontology Engineering) 3-3-0 852.571 의학문헌정보시스템 (Healthcare Literature Information System) 3-3-0 852.572 경영의제요소 (Overview of Business Management) 3-3-0 852.573 의료기관의마케팅기법 (Marketing Skills in Healthcare Institutions) 3-3-0 852.574 의료기관의조직구조와기능 (Organizational Aspects of Healthcare Institutions) 3-3-0 852.575 네트워크형병원의조직과운영 (Network-based Healthcare Organization and its Operation) 3-3-0 852.576 의료기관경영사례연구 (Case Study on Healthcare Management) 3-3-0 852.577 전략기획과사고 (Strategic Thinking and Planning) 3-3-0 852.578 우리나라의보건의료정책 (Healthcare Policy in Korea) 3-3-0 852.579 의료기관의고객관리 (Customer Management in Healthcare Services) 3-3-0 852.580 의료기관의질관리 (Quality Assurance in Healthcare Institutions) 3-3-0 852.581 의료경영의최신지견 (Contemporary Issues of Healthcare Management) 3-3-0 852.582 의료지식경영 (Knowledge in Healthcare Management) 3-3-0 852.583 의료용어의표현 (Expressiveness of Healthcare Vocabulary) 3-3-0 종양및발달생물학전공 (Cancer and Developmental Biology Major) 852.887 구강암의최신지견 (Advanced opinion for head and neck cancer) 3-3-0 852.888 종양의분자기전 (Molecular Carcinogenesis) 3-3-0 852.889 줄기세포분화생물학 (Stem cell differentiation) 3-3-0 852.890 구강상피세포분화생물학 (Differentiation biology of the oral epithelial cells) 3-3-0 852.891 구강상피세포노화생물학 (Senescence biology of the oral epithelial cells) 3-3-0 852.892 유전체학연구기법 (Methods in Genomics) 3-3-0 852.893 발생공학실험기법 (Methods in developmental biotechnology) 3-3-0 852.894 발달생물학 (Developmental biology) 3-3-0 852.895 발달생물학특론 (Topics in developmental biology) 3-3-0 852.896 인체발생이상 (Developmental disorder in human) 3-3-0 852.897 줄기세포생물학 (Stem cell biology) 3-3-0 852.898 줄기세포실험기법 (Methods in stem cell biotechnology) 3-3-0 852.899 종양줄기세포 (Cancer stem cells) 3-3-0 852.900 치과분자질환특론 (Advanced dental molecular diseases) 3-3-0 852.901 치과유전자분자생물학 (Molecular biology of the genes in dentistry) 3-3-0 852.902 두개악안면연조직생물학 (Molecular biology of the genes in dentistry) 3-3-0 852.903 세포분화및사멸 (Cell differentiation and death) 3-3-0 분자유전학전공 (Molecular Genetics Major) 852.904 분자유전학개론 (Principles of Molecular Genetics) 3-3-0 852.905 치과질환의분자유전학 (Advanced molecular genetics in Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.906 분자유전학특강 (Current topics in molecular genetics) 3-3-0 852.907 인체분자유전학 (Human molecular genetics) 3-3-0 852.908 유전체생물학 (Genome biology) 3-3-0 852.909 약물유전체학개론 (Introduction to Pharmacogenomics) 3-3-0 852.910 분자유전학실험기법 (Methods in molecular genetics) 3-1-3 852.911 임상유전학 (Clinical genetics) 3-3-0 852.912 세포유전학특강 (Current topics in Cytogenetics) 3-3-0 852.913 기능유전학 (Functional Genetics) 3-3-0 852.914 유전학과맞춤의학 (Genetics and tailored medicine) 3-3-0 852.915 만성질환의유전역학 (Genetic epidemiology of chronic diseases) 3-3-0 852.916 두개안면성장발육학 (Craniofacial growth and development) 3-3-0 852.917 유전과기형 (Genetics and malformation) 3-3-0 852.918 단백질의구조와기능 (Structure and function of proteins) 3-3-0 구강병리학전공 (Oral Pathology Major) 851.674 치아경조직의병리 (Pathology of Dental Hard Tissue) 3-3-0 851.676 구강감염성질환론 (Oral Infectious Disease) 3-3-0 851.783 구강종양의세포생물학 (Cell Biology of Oral Tumors) 3-3-0 851.784 악안면기형유전학 (Genetics of Maxillofacial Anomaly) 3-3-0 851.785 종양표지자생물학 (Biology of Tumor Markers) 3-3-0 851.786 분자병리학개요 (Introduction to Molecular Pathology) 3-3-0 851.787 종양기질생물학 (Tumor Matrix Biology) 3-3-0 851.788 조직공학연습 (Seminar in Tissue Engineering) 3-3-0 851.789 병리조직형태분석학 (Hisomorphometry in Pathology) 3-3-0 851.791 미세구조병리학 (Ultrastructural Pathology) 3-3-0 851.793 두경부염증과창상치유론 (Head and Neck Inflammation and Eound Healing) 3-3-0 치과보철학전공 (Prosthodontics Major) 852.512A 총의치학특강 (Topics in Complete Denture Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.514A 국소의치학특강 (Topics in Partial Denture Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.522A 가공의치학특강 (Topics in Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.528 보철생역학연구 (Biomechanics in Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.529 보철수복연구 (Studies in Prosthodontic Rehabilitation) 3-3-0 852.780 가공의치학특수연구 (Special Research in Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.781 국소의치학특수연구 (Special Research in Partial Denture Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.782 고급임상보철학 (Advanced Clinical Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.784 치과임플랜트보철학 (Implant Prosthodontics) 3-3-0-228 -

치과대학 College of Dentistry 852. 치의과학과 Department of Dental Science 852.785 특수치과도재학 (Advanced Dental Ceramics) 3-3-0 852.786A 구강악안면보철학 (Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.787A 악기능교합학 (Stomatognathic Function and Occlusion) 3-3-0 852.860 임플랜트보철학 (Implant Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.865 임상임프란트보철수복학 (Clinical Restorative Implant Prosthodontics) 3-3-0 852.866 치과보철학연구방법론 (Methodology of Prothodontic Research) 3-3-0 치과보존학전공 (Conservative Dentistry Major) 851.561 치과용고분자물성계측학입문 (Introduction to Instrumentation for Dental Polymer Characterization) 3-2-2 852.510 치수자극 (Pulp Irritant) 3-3-0 852.641 치수질환 (Pulp Disease) 3-3-0 852.642 생활치수보존과치수반응 (Conservation of Pulp Vitality and Pulp Response) 3-3-0 852.644 임상근관치료학실습 (Practice in Clinical Endodontics) 3-0-6 852.645 비외과적근관치료 (Non-Surgical Endodontics) 3-3-0 852.646 외과적근관치료 (Surgical Endodontics) 3-3-0 852.647 수복물의유지 (Retention of Filling Materials) 3-3-0 852.649 임상보존학연습 (Seminar in Clinical Operative Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.710 치근단병인론 (Periapical Pathosis) 3-3-0 852.711 근관내세균 (Microbiology in Endodontics) 3-3-0 852.794 CAD/CAM 수복 (CAD/CAM Restoration) 3-3-0 852.795 상아질 - 치수복합체생물학 (Dentin-Pulp Complex Biology) 3-3-0 852.847 최신심미수복론 (Contemporary Esthetic Resoration) 3-3-0 852.848 미세근관치료학 (Microscopic Endodontics) 3-3-0 852.854 보존적심미수복학 (Conservative Esthetic Restoration) 3-3-0 구강악안면외과학전공 (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Major) 852.602 타액선외과 (Surgery of Salivary Gland) 2-2-0 852.604 악관절기능구조및장애론 (Functional Structure and Disorders of Temporomandibualr Joint) 2-2-0 852.607 특수치성감염론 (Specific Odontogenic Infection) 2-2-0 852.614 악관절기능회복실습 (Practice in Functional Rehabilitation of T. M. J.) 2-0-4 852.617 악교정외과학 (Orthognathic Surgery) 2-2-0 852.730 악안면재건외과학 (Maxillofacial Reconstruction Surgery) 2-2-0 852.734 보철을위한구강악안면외과학연습 (Seminar in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Prosthesis) 2-2-0 852.735 보철을위한구강악안면외과학 (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Prosthesis) 2-2-0 852.736 악안면매식학 (Maxillofacial Implantology) 2-2-0 852.739 악안면종양외과학 (Maxillofacial Surgical Oncology) 2-2-0 852.741 악안면미세수술학 (Maxillofacial Microsurgery) 2-2-0 852.742 두개악안면미용외과학 (Craniomaxillofacial Cosmetic Surgery) 2-2-0 852.743 구강악안면외과합병증론 (Complications of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) 2-2-0 852.796 상악동외과학 (Surgery for Maxillary Sinus Disease) 2-2-0 852.797 악안면분자생물학 (Maxillofacial Molecular Biology) 2-2-0 852.799 구강악안면기형학 (Oral and Maxillofacial Teratology) 2-2-0 852.800 구강점막질환론 (Surgical Pathology in Oral Mucosa) 2-2-0 852.801 악안면응급의학 (Emergency Maxillofacial Surgery) 2-0-4 852.802 낭종학 (Cyst of Maxillofacial Region) 2-2-0 852.803 치성종양학 (Odontogenic Tumor) 2-2-0 852.849 구강악안면악성종양학연습 (Seminar in Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology) 3-3-0 852.850 안모형태분석학 (Facial Morphometry) 3-3-0 852.851 두개악안면외상학 (Craniomaxiallofacial Traumatology) 2-2-0 852.855 구순구개열기형학 (Cleft Lip and palate Teratology) 2-2-0 852.926 구강암치료의분자생물학적접근 (Molecular biologic approach to Oral cancer treatment) 2-2-0 852.927 악안면골신장술 (Maxillofacial distraction osteogenesis) 2-2-0 852.928 두개악안면치아조직공학 (Cranio-Maxillofacia Dental tissue engineering) 3-3-0 852.929 얼굴표정경영 (Facial profile Management) 3-3-0 852.930 임상말초신경재생학 (Clinical peripheral nerve regeneration) 2-2-0 852.931 미세수술연습 (Practice in microsurgery) 2-2-4 852.932 코골이수면무호흡증 (Snoring Sleep Apnea Syndrome) 2-2-0 852.933 턱얼굴미용외과학 (Maxillofacial Cosmetic Surgery) 2-2-0 852.934 임상구강악안면생역학 (Clinical Oral & Maxillofacial Biomechanics) 2-2-0 852.935 악관절질환적안면비대칭 (TMD disorders facial asymmetry) 2-2-0 소아치과학전공 (Pediatric Dentistry Major) 852.519 유치의치수치료 (Pulp Treatment for Primary Teeth) 3-3-0 852.521 임상소아치과학연습 (Seminar in Clinical Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.523 병원치과학 (Hospital Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.675 소아의구강내연조직질환 (Soft Tissue Disease in Oral Cavity of Children) 3-3-0 852.679 소아의심리학 (Child Psychology) 3-3-0 852.716 소아교정학 (Orthodontics in Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.725 최신소아치과학 (Advanced Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.744 소아예방교정학 (Preventive Orthodontics in Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.805 장애아동치과학 (Dentistry for Handicapped Child) 3-3-0 852.806 악안면발육과치아의맹출 (Maxillofacial Growth and Teeth Eruption) 3-3-0 852.807 유치및유영구치외상 (Traumatic Infuries to Primary and Developing Tooth) 3-3-0 852.808 소아치과에서의불소의이용 (Application of Fluorides in Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.809 소아진정마취학 (Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.810 소아구강외과학 (Oral Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry) 3-3-0 치주과학전공 (Periodontology Major) 852.517 예방치주학 (Prevention in Periodontics) 3-3-0 852.713 치주조직의생리학 (Biology of Periodontium) 3-3-0-229 -

치과대학 College of Dentistry 852. 치의과학과 Department of Dental Science 852.714 치주조직이식학 (Transplantation of Periodontal Tissue) 3-3-0 852.811 비외과적치주치료학 (Non-Surgical Therapy) 3-3-0 852.812 치주수복보철학 (Periodontic-Prosthodontic- Restorative Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.814 치주교정학 (Periodontic-Orthodontics) 3-3-0 852.816 심미치과매식학 (Esthetic Implantology) 3-3-0 852.817 치주조직재생유도술 (Guided Tissue Regeneration) 3-3-0 852.937 치주성형수술 (Periodontal plastic surgery) 3-3-0 852.938 치과임플란트시술을위한골유도재생술 (Guided bone regeneration in implant dentistry) 3-3-0 852.939 치주미생물학 (Periodontal microbiology) 3-3-0 852.940 치주과학연구기법 (Research methods for Periodontology) 3-3-0 구강악안면방사선학전공 (Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Major) 852.547 삼차원영상진단학 (Three Dimensional Imaging Diagnosis) 3-3-0 852.746 구강악안면방사선해부학 (Radiographic Anatomy of Oral and Maxillofacial Region) 3-3-0 852.748 구강악안면방사선학연습 (Seminar in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology) 3-3-0 852.749 방사선측정과방어 (Dosimetry and Radiation Protection) 3-3-0 852.750 두경부초음파진단학 (Ultrasonography of Head and Neck) 3-3-0 852.818 측두하악관절진단영상학 (Diagnostic Imaging of Temporomandibular Joint) 3-3-0 852.820 타액선진단영상학 (Diagnostic Imaging of Salivay Gland) 3-3-0 852.821 부비동진단영상학 (Diagnostic Imaging of Paranasal Sinuses) 3-3-0 852.823A 디지털영상학개론 (Principles of Digital Imaging) 3-3-0 852.824 임플랜트영상학 (Implant Imaging) 3-3-0 852.852 두경부방사선종양학 (Head and Neck Radiation Oncology) 3-3-0 852.853 영상물리학 (Imaging Physics) 3-3-0 852.861 두경부디지털영상진단학 (Digital Imaging Diagnosis of Head and Neck) 3-3-0 852.862 구강악안면영상진단학 (Imaging Diagnosis of Oral and Maxillofacial Region) 3-3-0 구강내과진단학전공 (Oral Medicine and Oral Diagnosis Major) 851.563 치과의료행위와의료문서 (Dental Practice and Documents) 2-2-0 852.505 구강진단학및구강내과학연구 (Research of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine) 2-2-0 852.506 구강진단학및치료계획 (Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning) 2-2-0 852.629 치과응급환자의진단 (Diagnosis of Emergencies in Dental Practice) 2-2-0 852.630 치과진단세포학 (Diagnostic Cytology in Dentistry) 2-2-0 852.631 구강연조직병소론 (Principles of Differential Diagnosis of Oral Soft Tissue Lesions) 2-2-0 852.632 구강진단을위한검사법 (Laboratory Aids for Diagnostic Stomatology) 2-2-0 852.633 악구강근학 (Orofacial Myology) 2-2-0 852.639 악구강동통기능장애론 (Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome) 2-2-0 852.691 노인치과학 (Geriatric Dentistry) 2-2-0 852.723 두개안면동통론 (Craniofacial Pain) 2-2-0 852.752 임상법치의학 (Clinical Forensic Odontology) 2-2-0 852.753 근막동통 (Myofascial Pain) 2-2-0 852.754 두통및안면통 (Headache and Facial Pain) 2-2-0 852.755 악운동묘사법 (Gnathography) 2-2-0 852.756 개인식별 (Individual Identification) 2-2-0 852.758 치과심리학 (Psychology in Dentistry) 2-2-0 852.826 타액학 (Sialogy) 2-2-0 852.827 수면장애와치의학 (Sleep Disorders in Dentistry) 2-2-0 852.828 물리치료학 (Physical Therapy) 2-2-0 치과교정학전공 (Orthodontics Major) 851.574 악안면정형학 (Dentofacial Orthopedics) 3-3-0 852.762 치열발육론 (Development of Dentition) 2-2-0 852.830A 가철식교정장치 (Removable Orthodontic Appliance) 3-3-0 852.831 치과교정학발달사 (History of Orthodontics) 2-2-0 852.832 부정교합진단학 (Diagnosis of Malocclusion) 3-3-0 852.834 두부X선계측사진학 (Roentgenographic Cephalometrics) 3-3-0 852.836A 두부X선계측사진학실습 (Practice in Roentgenographic Cephalometrics) 2-0-4 852.837A 부정교합원인론 (Etiology of Malocclusion) 2-2-0 852.839 악안면성장박육론 (Maxillofacial Growth and Development) 3-3-0 852.840 교정생역학 (Orthodontic Biomechanics) 3-3-0 852.841 순구개열교정학 (Orthodontics for Cleft Lip and Palate) 3-3-0 852.842 치과인류학 (Dental Anthropology) 2-2-0 852.843 교정재료학 (Materials in Orthodontics) 3-3-0 852.844 악안면기형교정학 (Orthodontics for Maxillofaical Deformity) 3-3-0 852.845 교정심미학 (Esthetics in Orthodontics) 3-3-0 852.846 하악운동학 (Mandibular Kinesiology) 3-3-0 치과마취과학전공 (Dental Anesthesiology Major) 851.562 치과장애인환자마취관리 (Anesthesia for Dental Treatment of Disabled Patients) 3-3-0 852.764A 마취와자율신경계 (Anesthesia and Autonomic Nervous System) 3-3-0 852.765A 마취와호흡기계 (Anesthesia and Respiratory System) 3-3-0 852.766 마취와심순환계 (Anesthesia and Cardiovascular System) 3-2-2 852.770 마취와환자감시법 (Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring) 3-3-0 852.773 치과노인마취학 (Geriatric Anesthesia in Dentistry) 3-3-0 852.775 외래환자마취 (Outpatient Anesthesia) 3-3-0 852.856 진정법 (Sedation) 3-3-0 852.857 통증관리 (Pain Control) 3-3-0 852.858 치과응급처치 (Emergencies in the Dental Office) 3-3-0 1 석사과정은입학후첫학기에는공통과목으로 '851.602 치학연구방법론 ' 을반드시이수하여야함. 2 학사과정에서치의학을전공하지않은석 박사과정입학자는반드시 '851.543 치의학특강 ' 을이수하여야함 ( 다만, 치의학석사학위취득자는예외로한다 ). 3 석사과정 2 학년 1 학기에는공통과목으로서 851.606 생물통계학 ' 을이수할것을권장함. 4 대학원논문연구 는석사과정중 6 학점, 박사과정중 6 학점또는석 박사통합과정에서는 12 학점을통산이수학점에포함함. - 230 -

보건대학원 Graduate School of Public Health 901. 보건학과 Department of Public Health < 보건대학원주관 > 901. 보건학과 (Department of Public Health) 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 900.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 필수과목 (Required Course) 901.742 보건학특론 (Advanced Studies in Public Health Sciences) 3-3-0 보건학 (Public Health) 901.728 보건유전학특론 (Topics in Public Health Genetics) 3-3-0 901.745 범주형자료분석 (Categorical Data Analysis) 3-3-0 901.765 유전체역학 (Genome Epidemiology) 3-3-0 901.774 인구학세미나 (Seminar in the Study of Human Population) 3-3-0 901.778A 진화, 인구집단유전학과건강 (Evolution, population genetics and health) 3-3-0 902.666 생명정보학특강 (Advanced Research Topics in Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 902.669 바이오통계학특론 (Topics in Biostatistics) 3-3-0 보건정책관리학 (Health Care Management & Policy) 900.540B 보건정치경제학 (Political Economy of Health System and Policy) 3-3-0 901.727 보건경제학특론 (Topics in Health Economics) 3-3-0 901.743 노인간호특론 (Advanced Seminar in Gerontological Nursing) 3-3-0 901.749A 보건의료정책의이론과이념 (Theories and Philosophy of Health Policy) 3-3-0 901.776 사회이론과건강 (Social Theory of Health) 3-3-0 902.624B 건강증진기획 (Health Promotion Program Planning) 3-3-0 902.678 보건의료의계량경제분석 II (Econometrics in Health Care II) 3-3-0 902.684 노인보건정책세미나 (Seminar on Health Policy for Aging Populations) 3-3-0 환경보건학 (Environmental Health) 901.758A 환경오염물질이동특론 (Topics on Fate and Transport of Environmental Pollutants) 3-3-0 901.760 수질독성학및실험 (Aquatic Toxicology and Laboratory) 3-2-2 901.766A 환경독성학연구 (Studies in Environmental Toxicology) 3-3-0 901.768B 미생물위해성평가 (Microbial Risk Assessment) 3-3-0 901.769 분자보건미생물학 (Molecular Public Health Microbiology) 3-3-0 903.509A 환경영향평가특론 (Environmental Impact Assessment) 3-3-0 903.533 작업환경허용기준 (Scientific Basis for Occupational Exposure Standards) 2-2-0 903.543 산업안전보건관리 (Occupational Health and Safety Management) 2-2-0 903.561 기후변화특론 (Topics in Climate Change) 3-3-0 903.563 작업환경노출평가론 (Strategy and Assessment of Working Environment Exposure) 3-3-0 903.564 노출분석학특론 (Advanced Exposure Analysis) 3-3-0 903.568 수질화학및실습특론 (Topics on Water Chemistry and Experiment) 3-2-2 903.569A 정량적노출평가방법론 (Quantitative methods of exposure assessment) 3-3-0 903.571 분자독성학특론 (Molecular toxicology perspectives) 3-3-0 903.572A 생물학적모니터링과반응감수성 (Topics in environmental health and susceptibility) 3-3-0 학과내규로정함. - 231 -

행정대학원 Graduate School of Public Administration 921. 행정학과 Department of Public Administration < 행정대학원주관 > 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 920.701 연구방법론 (Research Methodology) 3-3-0 920.702 질적연구방법론 (Qualitative Research Methods for Social Sciences) 3-3-0 920.703 특강 (Topics in Public Administration and Policy) 3-3-0 920.739 고급계량연구 1 (Advanced Quantitative Study 1) 3-2-2 920.767 고급계량연구 2 (Advanced Quantitative Study 2) 3-2-2 920.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-2-0 921. 행정학과 (Department of Public Administration) 행정학과는 2010 학년도 2 학기부터행정학과 ( 행정학전공 ) 으로변경함 [ 관련 : 교무과 -1320(2010.02.12)]. 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 921.707A 행정과민주주의 (Public Administration and Democracy) 3-3-0 921.712A 행정과경제 (Public Administration and Economics) 3-3-0 921.720 비교공기업 (Comparative Public Enterprise) 3-3-0 921.728B 지방행정연구 (Local Administration Research) 3-3-0 921.737A 경제이론과행정분석 (Economic Theory & Public Administrative Analysis) 3-3-0 921.741 행정과사상 (Administration and Thought) 3-3-0 921.742 조직구조연구 (Research for Organizational Structure) 3-3-0 921.743 조직행태연구 (Research for Organizational Behavior) 3-3-0 921.746 예산과정론 (Theory of Budgeting Process) 3-3-0 921.754 도시정책연구 (Research for Urban Policy) 3-3-0 921.760 행정법제도론 (Administrative Law and Legal Policy) 3-3-0 921.764A 거버넌스와공공리더십 (Governance and Public Leadership) 3-3-0 921.766A 인적자원관리연구 (Studies in management of Human Resources) 3-3-0 921.769 행정이론과철학 (Theories and Philosophy of Public Administration) 3-3-0 921.770 조직학습과진화 (Organizational Learning and Evolution) 3-3-0 921.771 특수분야행정연구 (Research for Special Sector Administration) 3-3-0 921.772 환경행정과지속가능한발전 (Environment and Sustainable Development) 3-3-0 921.773 행정정보자원관리론 (Public Information Resource Management) 3-3-0 921.774 시민참여연구 (Citizen Participation Research) 3-3-0 921.775 글로벌거버넌스와국가발전 (Global Governance and National Development) 3-3-0 921.776 도시공공서비스론 (Urban Public Services) 3-3-0 921.777 공공관리실증연구 (Empirical Research on Public Management) 3-3-0 924. 정책학과 (Department of Public Policy) 정책학과는 2010 학년도 2 학기부터행정학과 ( 정책학전공 ) 으로변경함 [ 관련 : 교무과 -1320(2010.02.12)]. 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 924.723 정책기획론 (Policy Planning Theory) 3-3-0 924.724 정책평가연구 (Policy Evaluation Research) 3-3-0 924.725 정책수단론 (Research on Policy Instruments) 3-3-0 924.726 비용편익분석연구 (Studies in Cost-Benefit Analysis) 3-3-0 924.727 게임과정보이론 (Game and Information Theory) 3-3-0 924.728 경쟁정책연구 (Competition Policy Seminar) 3-3-0 924.729 언론미디어정책 (Media and Communication Policy) 3-3-0 924.730 불평등과공공정책 (Inequality and Public Policy) 3-3-0 924.731 정치경제학 (Political Economics) 3-3-0 924.732 재정정책연구 (Studies in Fiscal Policy) 3-3-0 924.733 환경문제와글로벌거버넌스 (Environmental Issues and Global Governance) 3-3-0 924.747 정책과정이론연구 (Research for Policy Process Theory) 3-3-0 924.748 정책분석연구 (Studies in Policy Analysis) 3-3-0 924.749 정책과정실증연구 (Research for Policy Process) 3-3-0 924.755 문화정책연구 (Research for Cultural Policy) 3-3-0 924.756 외교정책연구 (Research for Foreign Policy) 3-3-0 924.758 특수분야정책연구 (Research for Special Sector Policy) 3-3-0 924.761 규제제도연구 (Research on the Regulatory Systems and Institutions) 3-3-0 924.762 방송통신정책연구 (Studies in Communications Policy) 3-3-0 924.768 전자정부연구 (Studies in E-government) 3-3-0 학과내규로정함. - 232 -

환경대학원 Graduate School of Environmental Studies 941. 환경계획학과 Department of Environmental Planning < 환경대학원주관 > 941. 환경계획학과 (Department of Environmental Planning) 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 941.701 계획이론연구 (Studies in Planning Theory) 3-3-0 941.706A 비용편익분석 (Cost Benefit Analysis) 3-3-0 941.707 도시계획사연구 (Studies in Planning History) 3-3-0 941.710B 토지 주택연구 (Studies in Land and Housing Issues) 3-3-0 941.711B 도시 지역계획연구 (Studies in Urban and Regional Planning) 3-3-0 941.715A 공간구조연구 (Studies in Spatial Structure) 3-3-0 941.717 교통공학연구 (Studies in Traffic Engineering) 3-3-0 941.718 교통계획연구 (Theory in Transportation Planning) 3-3-0 941.721 환경생태연구 (Studies in Environmental Ecology) 3-3-0 941.725B 국토 도시정책 (Urban and Regional Policy) 3-3-0 941.726A 도시성장관리 (Urban Growth Management) 3-3-0 941.727 교통정책연구 (Transportation Policy) 3-3-0 941.728A 환경정책과지속가능발전 (Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development) 3-3-0 941.731 계획모형연구 (Mathematical Models Building in Planning) 3-3-0 941.735 대기관리모형연구 (Air Quality Modeling) 3-3-0 941.737 수질관리모형연구 (Water Quality Modeling) 3-3-0 941.741 교통경제학연구 (Studies in Transportation Economics) 3-3-0 941.744 도시개발연구 (Studies in Urban Development and Renewal) 3-3-0 941.745 환경거동모형특강 (Topics in Environmental Fate and Transport Model) 3-3-0 941.746A 공간정보분석 (Advanced Urban Information Analysis) 3-3-0 941.747 도시통계분석론 (Advanced Quantitative Methods for Planning) 3-3-0 941.748 도시 지역경제연구 (Studies in Urban and Regional Economics) 3-3-0 941.749 사회문화론 (Urban Community and Culture) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Environmental Planning) 환경대학원환경계획학과참조 - 233 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 131. 서양고전학전공 Classical Studies < 인문대학주관 > 131. 협동과정서양고전학전공 (Program in Classical Studies) 131.501 고전문헌학개론 (Introduction to Classical Philology) 3-3-0 131.503 희랍문체연습 (Studies in Greek Stylistics) 3-3-0 131.505 고전희랍문헌강독 1 (Readings in Classical Greek Texts 1) 3-3-0 131.506 고전희랍문헌강독 2 (Readings in Classical Greek Texts 2) 3-3-0 131.507 고전라틴문헌강독 1 (Readings in Classical Latin Texts 1) 3-3-0 131.508 고전라틴문헌강독 2 (Readings in Classical Latin Texts 2) 3-3-0 131.509 고전희랍문헌연구 1 (Studies in Classical Greek Texts 1) 3-3-0 131.510 고전희랍문헌연구 2 (Studies in Classical Greek Texts 2) 3-3-0 131.511 고전라틴문헌연구 1 (Studies in Classical Latin Texts 1) 3-3-0 131.512 고전라틴문헌연구 2 (Studies in Classical Latin Texts 2) 3-3-0 131.513 고전문학이론강독 (Readings in Theories of Classical Literature) 3-3-0 131.516 고전희랍문학연습 1 (Seminar in Classical Greek Literature 1) 3-3-0 131.517 고전희랍문학연습 2 (Seminar in Classical Greek Literature 2) 3-3-0 131.518 고전라틴문학연습 1 (Seminar in Classical Latin Literature 1) 3-3-0 131.519 고전라틴문학연습 2 (Seminar in Classical Latin Literature 2) 3-3-0 131.520 고전희랍산문선독 1(Selected Readings in Classical Greek Prose 1) 3-3-0 131.521 고전희랍산문선독 2(Selected Readings in Classical Greek Prose 2) 3-3-0 131.522 고전라틴산문선독 1(Selected Readings in Classical Latin Prose 1) 3-3-0 131.523 고전라틴산문선독 2(Selected Readings in Classical Latin Prose 2) 3-3-0 131.524 고전문학비평연습 1 (Seminar in Classical Literary Criticism 1) 3-3-0 131.525 고전문학비평연습 2 (Seminar in Classical Literary Criticism 2) 3-3-0 131.526 고전문학과근대문학 1(Classical Literature and Modern Literature 1) 3-3-0 131.527 고전문학과근대문학 2(Classical Literature and Modern Literature 2) 3-3-0 131.528 라틴문체연습 (Studies in Latin Stylistics) 3-3-0 131.529 고전문학이론연구 (Studies in Ancient Literary Criticism) 3-3-0 131.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 132.502 132. 협동과정인지과학전공 (Program in Cognitive Science) 인지과학방법론 (Methodology in Cognitive Science) 3-3-0-234 - 132.504 인지과학연습 1 (Seminar in Cognitive Science 1) 3-3-0 132.505 인지과학제문제 (Issues in Cognitive Science) 3-3-0 132.510 논리철학과인지과학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Logic and Cognitive Science) 3-3-0 132.511 과학철학과인지과학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science) 3-3-0 132.520 통사-의미구조와인지 (Syntactic and Semantic Structure and Cognition) 3-3-0 132.521 언어습득 (Language Acquisition) 3-3-0 132.530 정보처리연구 (Studies in Information Processing) 3-3-0 132.531 인지과정의모델링 (Modeling of Cognitive Processes) 3-3-0 132.540 신경과학과두뇌연구 1 (Studies in Neuroscience and Brain 1) 3-3-0 132.541 인지신경과학연습 (Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience) 3-3-0 132.550 지식표현과추론과정연구 (Studies in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Process) 3-3-0 132.551 계산학적지능모델 (Computational Models of Intelligence) 3-2-2 132.560 자연언어처리연구 (Studies in Natural Language Processing) 3-3-0 132.600 인지과학연습 2 (Seminar in Cognitive Science 2) 3-3-0 132.601 인지과학응용연습 (Seminar in Application of Cognitive Science) 3-3-0 132.611 심리철학과인지과학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science) 3-3-0 132.620 언어구조와인지 (Language Structure and Cognition) 3-3-0 132.630 인지심리학연습 (Seminar in Cognitive Psychology) 3-3-0 132.631 인지과학실험설계및통계분석 (Seminar in Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis) 3-2-2 132.640 신경과학과두뇌연구 2 (Studies in Neuroscience and Brain 2) 3-3-0 132.641 인지장애연구 (Studies in Cognitive Dysfunction) 3-3-0 132.642 기능적뇌영상법실습 (Experiments in Functional Neuroimaging) 3-0-6 132.650 인공지능과인지과정연구 (Studies in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Process) 3-3-0 132.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 133. 협동과정비교문학전공 (Program in Comparative Literature) 133.501 비교문학연구방법 (Research Methods in Comparative Literature) 3-3-0 133.502 문학일반이론 (General Theories of Literature) 3-3-0 133.503 번역의이론과실제 (Theory and Practice of Translation) 3-3-0 133.504 문체론 (Stylistics) 3-3-0 133.505 동서비교문학 (Comparative Studies in Asian and Western Literature) 3-3-0 133.506 동양비교문학 (Comparative Studies in Asian Literature) 3-3-0

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 134. 기록관리학전공 Archival Science 133.508 제 3 세계비교문학 (Comparative Studies in the Third World Literature) 3-3-0 133.509 문학과인접예술 (Literature and Other Arts) 3-3-0 133.510 문학연구와인접학문 (Literature and Other Disciplines) 3-3-0 133.511 비교문학특강 1 (Topics in Comparative Literature 1) 3-3-0 133.512 비교문학특강 2 (Topics in Comparative Literature 2) 3-3-0 133.602 문학사조비교연구 (Comparative Studies in the History of Literary Ideas) 3-3-0 133.603 문학갈래비교연구 (Comparative Studies in Literary Genres) 3-3-0 133.605 비교문학연습 1 (Seminar in Comparative Literature 1) 3-3-0 133.606 비교문학연습 2 (Seminar in Comparative Literature 2) 3-3-0 133.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 134. 협동과정기록관리학전공 (Program in Archival Science) 134.501B 기록학개론 (Introduction to Archival Science) 3-3-0 134.502B 전산기록관리론 (Theories of Archival Computing Management) 3-2-2 134.503B 기록관리법령연구 (Studies in Legal System Related to Record and Archives) 3-3-0 134.504B 기록관리의역사 (History of Archives Management) 3-3-0 134.505B 정리와기술 (Arrangement and Description) 3-3-0 134.506A 기록관리실습 (Archival Practicum) 3-2-2 134.507A 기록관리학연습 (Seminar in Archives Management) 3-3-0 134.508A 세계기록관리의역사 (History of Archives Management) 3-3-0 134.509 고문서연습 (Seminar in Paleography) 3-3-0 134.510 역사자료론 (Historical Records) 3-3-0 134.512 헌법행정법기초 (Introduction to Constitution and Administrative Law) 3-3-0 134.514 정보정책및정보법 (Information Policy and Law) 3-3-0 134.515 기록학특강 (Topics in Archival Science) 3-3-0 134.516 기록관리학연구 (Studies in Archives Management) 3-3-0 134.517 수집평가론 (Theories of Acquisition and Appraisal) 3-3-0 134.518 기록정보서비스론 (Theories of providing Reference Services for Archives) 3-3-0 134.519 보존처리론 (Theories of Preservation Disposal) 3-3-0 134.520 전자정부론 (Theories of e-government) 3-3-0 134.521 메뉴스크립트관리론 (Theories of Manuscript management) 3-3-0 134.522 수집평가실습 (Archival Prcaticum-Acquitision and Appraisal) 3-2-2 134.523 정리기술실습 (Archival Practicum-Arrangement and Description) 3-2-2 134.524 보존처리실습 (Archival Practicum-Preservation of Archival Materials) 3-2-2 134.601 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 135. 협동과정공연예술학전공 (Program in Performing Arts Studies) 135.501 동양연극이론의역사 (History of Performing Arts Theories in Asian) 3-3-0 135.502 서양연극이론의역사 (History of Performing Arts Theories in Europe) 3-3-0 135.503 한국전통연희연구 (Studies in Korean Traditional Theatrical Arts) 3-3-0 135.504 한국현대극연구 (Studies in Modern Korean Theatre) 3-3-0 135.505 공연예술미학 (Aesthetics of Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.506 공연예술학연습 (Seminar Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.507 공연예술심리학 (Psychological Studies in Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.508 공연예술사회학 (Sociological Studies in Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.509 현대공연예술특수연구 (Special Studies in Modern Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.510 비교공연예술학연구 (Comparative Studies in Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.601 교육연극연구 (Studies in Educational Drama) 3-3-0 135.602 매체공연예술론 (Studies in Media Performing Arts) 3-3-0 135.603 공연예술비평론 (Performing Arts Criticism) 3-3-0 135.604A 극작론 (Theories of Playwriting) 3-3-0 135.605 연출론 (Theories of Production) 3-3-0 135.606 연기론 (Theories of Acting) 3-3-0 135.607 무대미술및기술론 (Theories of Stage and Design and Directing Techniques) 3-3-0 135.608 극장론 (Theories of Theatre Space) 3-3-0 135.609 음악극연구 (Studies in Music Dramas) 3-3-0 135.610 무용극연구 (Studies in Dance Theatre) 3-3-0 135.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Performing Arts Studies) 101.680, 101.653, 102.617, 103.623, 103.624, 103.625, 103.626, 104.651, 105.667, 105.670, 106.674, 107.533, 107.542, 115.626, 115.601, 115.603, 115.640, 115.641, 115.715, 115.711, 115.720, 705.524, 709.513, 706.911, 722.563, 650.572 (Course Requirements) 해당사항없음. - 235 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 213. 여성학전공 Gender Studies < 사회과학대학주관 > 213. 협동과정여성학전공 (Program in Gender Studies) 213.502 페미니즘이론연구 (Studies in Feminist Theories) 3-3-0 213.504 한국사회와여성 (Women in Korean Society) 3-3-0 213.505 여성사연구 (Studies in History of Women) 3-3-0 213.506 여성운동연구 (Studies in Women's Movements) 3-3-0 213.507 성과계급 (Gender and Class) 3-3-0 213.508 성과가족 (Gender and Family) 3-3-0 213.509 여성노동연구 (Women and Labor) 3-3-0 213.510 여성복지연구 (Women and Social Welfare) 3-3-0 213.511 여성주의문화이론 (Feminist Theories on Culture) 3-3-0 213.513 여성학연구방법 1 : 양적연구방법 (Research Methods in Gender Studies 1 : Quantitative Methods) 3-3-0 213.514 여성학연구방법 2 : 질적연구방법 (Research Methods in Gender Studies 2 : Qualitative Methods) 3-3-0 213.515 페미니즘사상사 (History of Feminist Thought) 3-3-0 213.601 여성정책과국가 (Feminism, State and Public Policy) 3-3-0 213.602 성과법 (Gender and Law) 3-3-0 213.603 여성과과학기술 (Women, Science and Technology) 3-3-0 213.604 페미니즘과민족주의 (Feminism and Nationalism) 3-3-0 213.605 성과사회통제 (Gender, Sexuality and Social Control) 3-3-0 213.607 비교여성연구 (Comparative Studies in Women of Different Tradition) 3-3-0 213.608 여성, 생명, 건강 (Women, Life and Health) 3-3-0 213.609 문학과여성 (Women and Literature) 3-3-0 213.610 성과심리 (Gender and Psychology) 3-3-0 213.611 성과종교 (Gender and Religion) 3-3-0 213.614 여성과경제 (Women and Economy) 3-3-0 213.615 여성학특강 (Special Topics in Gender Studies) 3-3-0 213.616 여성주의인식론 (Feminist Epistemology) 3-3-0 213.618 여성주의문화연구 (Stuides in Feminist Cultures) 3-3-0 213.619 글로벌리제이션과젠더 (Globalization and Gender) 3-3-0 213.620 남성성과젠더 (Masculinity and Gender) 3-3-0 213.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. - 236 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 321. 과학사및과학철학전공 History and Philosophy of Science < 자연과학대학주관 > 321. 협동과정과학사및과학철학전공 (Program in History and Philosophy of Science) 321.501 과학사통론 1 (Survey of History of Science 1) 3-3-0 321.502 과학사통론 2 (Survey of History of Science 2) 3-3-0 321.503 과학철학통론 1 (Survey of Philosophy of Science 1) 3-3-0 321.504 과학철학통론 2 (Survey of Philosophy of Science 2) 3-3-0 321.603 과학사특강 (Topics in History of Science) 3-3-0 321.604 현대과학사연구 (Studies in History of Twentieth- Century Science) 3-3-0 321.605A 동양과학사통론 (Survey of History of East Asian Science) 3-3-0 321.606A 한국과학사통론 (Survey of the History of Korean Science) 3-3-0 321.611 과학철학특강 (Topics in Philosophy of Science) 3-3-0 321.612 물리학의철학 (Philosophy of Physics) 3-3-0 321.613 생물학의철학 (Philosophy of Biology) 3-3-0 321.702 근대사회의과학연구 (Studies in the Science of the Modern World) 3-3-0 321.703 321.704 전통사회의과학연구 (Studies in the Science of Traditional Societies) 3-3-0 과학분야사연구 (Studies in History of Scientific Disciplines) 3-3-0 321.705 과학사과제연구 1 (Issues in History of Science 1) 3-3-0 321.706 과학사과제연구 2 (Issues in History of Science 2) 3-3-0 321.707 과학사서술방법론 (Historiography in History of Science) 3-3-0 321.708 기술사연구 (Studies in History of Technology) 3-3-0 321.714 과학철학과제연구 1 (Issues in Philosophy of Science 1) 3-3-0 321.716 시 공간철학 (Philosophy of Space and Time) 3-3-0 321.717 양자역학철학 (Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics) 3-3-0 321.718 과학방법론연구 (Studies in Methodologies of Science) 3-3-0 321.722 과학기술과사회연구 (Studies in Science, Technology and Society) 3-3-0 321.723 과학정책의역사연구 (Studies in History of Science Policy) 3-3-0 321.724 과학사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Science) 3-3-0 321.735 과학과문화연구 (Studies in Science and Culture) 3-3-0 321.736 과학기술과사회주제연구 (Research Topics on Science, Technology and Society Studies) 3-3-0 321.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in History and Philosophy of Science) 1 인문대학국사학과, 동양사학과, 서양사학과, 철학과및의과대학의사학전공대학원과목전부 2 205.761 과학기술사회학연구, 212.672 기술및발전경제학연구, 212.749 산업과기업의역사연구, 213.603 여성과과학기술, 451.512 기술산업조직론, 451.522 기술정책연구방법론, 900.511A 보건사, 921.588 과학기술정책 321.501 과학사통론 1, 321.502 과학사통론 2, 321.503 과학철학통론 1, 321.504 과학철학통론 2 중반드시 3 과목이상을수강할것 322. 협동과정유전공학전공 (Program in Genetic Engineering) 322.511 유전공학특론 1 (Advanced Genetic Engineering 1) 3-3-0 322.512 유전공학특론 2 (Advanced Genetic Engineering 2) 3-3-0 322.518 유전공학콜로키움 1 (Colloquium in Genetic Engineering 1) 2-2-0 322.519 유전공학콜로키움 2 (Colloquium in Genetic Engineering 2) 2-2-0 322.520 유전공학특론 3 (Advanced Genetic Engineering 3) 3-3-0 322.522 인체분자병리학 (Human Molecular Pathology) 3-3-0 322.523 유전공학특론 4 (Advanced Genetic Engineering 4) 3-3-0 322.526 대사성질환의이해 (Understanding Metabolic Disease) 3-3-0 322.527 의생명과학연구방법론 (Methodology in Medical Bioscience) 3-3-0 322.529A 면역세포분화론특강 (Topics in Immune Cell Differentiation) 3-3-0 322.528 실험생물유전학특강 (Topics in Genetics of Experimental Organisms) 3-3-0 322.530 단백질체연구특강 (Topics in Proteomics Methods) 3-3-0 322.531 신경면역학특강 (Topics in Neuroimmunology) 3-3-0 322.532 시스템분자생물학 (Systems Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 322.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Genetics Engineering) 서울대학교과목중지도교수가추천하고전공주임교수의승인을얻은과목 (Course Requirements) 전공필수과목인 '322.511 유전공학특론 1', '322.512 유전공학특론 2' 과목은반드시수강해야한다. 3391. 협동과정뇌과학전공 (Program in Neuroscience) 3391.502 세포신경생리학 (Cellular Neurophysiology) 3-3-0 3391.503 분자신경생물학 (Molecular Neurobiology) 3-3-0 3391.506 컴퓨터신경과학 (Computational Neuroscience) 3-3-0 3391.507 신경과학의원리 1 (Principles of Neuroscience 1) 3-3-0 3391.508 신경과학의원리 2 (Principles of Neuroscience 2) 3-3-0-237 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 3393. 생물정보학전공 Bioinformatics 3391.601A 뇌과학세미나 1 (Seminars 1 in Neuroscience) 2-2-0 3391.602A 뇌과학세미나 2 (Seminars 2 in Neuroscience) 2-2-0 3391.701 신경해부학 (Neuroanatomy) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Neuroscience) 서울대학교과목중지도교수의추천에의하여협동과정뇌과학전공주임이인정하는과목 (Course Requirements) 1 3391.507 신경과학의원리 1 은필수과목으로반드시수강해야하며, 기타 3391.508 신경과학의원리 2, 3391.502 세포신경생리학, 3391.503 분자신경생물학, 3391.504 시스템신경과학, 3391.505 행동신경생물학, 3391.506 컴퓨터신경과학 등 6 개과목중 1 개과목을선택하여수강해야한다. 2 자연과학대학을포함한기타여러단과대학에서개설되는신경과학관련과목을전공선택과목으로인정한다. 3 기타사항은협동과정뇌과학전공내규에의함. 3393. 협동과정생물정보학전공 (Program in Bioinformatics) 3393.501A* 생물정보학및실습 1 (Bioinformatics and Practice 1) 4-3-2 3393.502A* 생물정보학및실습 2 (Bioinformatics and Practice 2) 4-3-2 3393.504 단백질체학 (Proteomics) 3-3-0 3393.505 서열분석알고리즘 (Algorithms for Sequence Analysis) 3-3-0 3393.506 생물정보학세미나 (Seminars in Bioinformatics) 1-1-0 3393.508 생물정보학특론 1 (Advanced Bioinformatics 1) 3-3-0 3393.509 생물정보학특론 2 (Advanced Bioinformatics 2) 3-3-0 3393.510* 생물정보학및실습 3 (Bioinformatics and Practice 3) 4-3-2 3393.602 단백질구조분석 (Analysis of Protein Structure) 3-3-0 3393.603 바이오데이터마이닝 (Biological Data Mining) 3-3-0 3393.606 화학정보학 (Chemoinformatics) 3-3-0 3393.607 생물정보통계학 (Statistics for Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 3393.703 화학유전체학 (Chemical Genomics) 3-3-0 3393.704A 유전체환경상호작용 (Genome Environment Interaction) 3-3-0 3393.705 바이오칩정보학 (Integrative Biochip Informatics) 3-3-0 3393.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Bioinformatics) 본협동과정에서신설하는과목과참여교수해당학부혹은학과에개설되어있는과목중전공지도교수의추천에의하여전공주임이인정하는과목으로내규에정한과목들로한다. (Course Requirements) 1 전공필수과목인 3393.501 생물정보학및실습 1, 3393.502 생물정보학및실습 2 와본협동과정에서개설한과목중에서논문연구과목을제외하고 10 학점이상을필수로이수하여야한다. 2 필요한경우지도교수의추천에의해전공주임은본교학부과정개설과목중선수과목지정할수있다. ( 학부과정개설과목은한학기 3 학점초과또는석사과정중 6 학점을초과하는학점에대하여는인정하지않는다 ) 3 : 본과정에서신설한과목외참여의기존설치과목을수강하였을시전공선택과목으로인정될수있다. ( 다만, 각대학이지정한과목에한하여학점을인정한다.) 3394. 협동과정계산과학전공 (Program in Computational Science and Technology) 3394.501 과학적가시화 (Scientific Visualization) 3-3-0 3394.503 과학적병렬계산 (Parallel Scientific Computation) 3-3-0 3394.504 과학계산모델링 (Scientific Computational Modeling) 3-3-0 3394.506 고급수치선형대수 (Advanced Matrix Computation) 3-3-0 3394.508 편미분방정식의수치해법 (Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations) 3-3-0 3394.509 고급과학계산특강 1(Topics in Advanced Scientific Computation 1) 3-3-0 3394.510 고급과학계산특강 2(Topics in Advanced Scientific Computation 2) 3-3-0 3394.511 고급병렬계산특강 1(Topics in Advanced Parallel Computation 1) 3-3-0 3394.512 고급병렬계산특강 2(Topics in Advanced Parallel Computation 2) 3-3-0 3394.513 고급계산모델링특강 1(Topics in Advanced Computational Modeling 1) 3-3-0 3394.514 고급계산모델링특강 2(Topics in Advanced Computational Modeling 2) 3-3-0 3394.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Computational Science and Technology) 서울대학교과목중지도교수가추천하고전공주임교수의승인을얻은과목 (Course Requirements) 학과내규로정함. - 238 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 453. 도시설계학전공 Urban Design < 공과대학주관 > 453. 협동과정도시설계학전공 (Program in Urban Design) 453.501 도시설계스튜디오 1(Urban Design Studio 1) 4-4-0 453.502 도시설계스튜디오 2(Urban Design Studio 2) 4-4-0 453.503 도시설계스튜디오 3(Urban Design Studio 3) 4-4-0 453.504 도시설계세미나 1(Urban Design Seminar 1) 2-2-0 453.505 도시설계세미나 2(Urban Design Seminar 2) 2-2-0 453.506 도시설계세미나 3(Urban Design Seminar 3) 2-2-0 453.507 도시설계론 (Introduction to Urban Design) 3-3-0 453.508 도시형태론 (Theory of Urban Form) 3-3-0 453.510 환경디자인론 (Environmental Design) 3-3-0 453.512 단지계획특론 (Site Planning) 3-3-0 453.514 정성적설계연구방법론 (Qualitative Research Methods in Design) 3-3-0 453.515 학술논문, 연구제안서작성워크숍 (Journal Article and Grant Writing Workshop) 1-1-0 453.516 도시건축연구방법론 (Research Methods in Architecture and Urbanism) 3-3-0 453.517 도시설계스튜디오 4 (Urban Design Studio 4) 4-2-4 453.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Urban Design) 협동과정내규에의함. (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 461. 협동과정바이오엔지니어링전공 (Program in Bioengineering) 461.501 응용미생물학특론 (Microbiology for Industrial Application) 3-3-0 461.502 컴퓨터의학응용 (Computer Application in Medicine) 3-3-0 461.503 의학물리 (Medical Physics) 3-3-0 461.504 바이오엔지니어링개론 1 (Introduction to Bioengineering 1) 3-3-0 461.505 바이오엔지니어링개론 2 (Introduction to Bioengineering 2) 3-3-0 461.601 동물세포공학특강 (Topics in Mammalian Cell Biotechnology) 3-3-0 461.602 단백질공학특강 (Topics in Protein Engineering) 3-3-0 461.603 항체공학 (Antibody Engineering) 3-3-0 461.604 생물정보학과응용 (Bioinformatics and Its Applications) 3-3-0 461.605 생물신소재와조직공학 (Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering) 3-3-0 461.606 의용계측 (Biomedical Instrumentation) 3-3-0 461.607 생체현상에대한공학적해석 (Engineering Aspects of Physiological Phenomena) 3-3-0 461.608 발효공학특강 (Topics in Fermentation Technology) 3-3-0 461.609 생체촉매기술특강 (Topics in Enzyme and Microbial Catalyst Technology) 3-3-0 461.610 단백질안정성및제제화 (Protein Stability and Formulation) 3-3-0 461.611 환경생물공학특강 (Topics in Environmental Biotechnology) 3-3-0 461.612 나노바이오공학 (Nanobiotechnology) 3-3-0 461.613 유기생화학특강 (Topics in Organic Biochemistry) 3-3-0 461.614 의용생체신호해석론 (Bio-medical Signal Analysis) 3-3-0 461.615 의학영상응용 (Medical Image Processing) 3-3-0 461.616 인공장기특강 (Topics in Artificial Organ Research) 3-3-0 461.617 의용생체시스템해석 (Bio-medical System Analysis) 3-3-0 461.618 의료정보시스템설계 (Design of Medical Information System) 3-3-0 461.619 의용생체공학특강 (Topics in Bio-medical Engineering) 3-3-0 461.620 바이오엔지니어링세미나 1 (Bioengineering Seminar 1) 1-0-2 461.621 바이오엔지니어링세미나 2 (Bioengineering Seminar 2) 1-0-2 461.622 바이오엔지니어링세미나 3 (Bioengineering Seminar 3) 1-0-2 461.623 생물산업경영 1(Marketing and Business in Bioindustry 1) 1-0-2 461.624 생물산업경영 2(Marketing and Business in Bioindustry 2) 1-0-2 461.625 바이오멤스 (BioMEMS) 3-3-0 461.626 생물네트워크의이해 (Dynamical Networks in Biology) 3-3-0 461.627 생체이동현상 (Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems) 3-3-0 461.628 신경공학 (Neuroengineering) 3-3-0 461.629 생물전자기학 (Bioelectro-magnetic Phenomena) 3-3-0 461.630 마이크로머신과바이오로봇공학 (Micromachines and Biorobotics) 3-3-0 461.631 생체모방학 (Biomimetics and Design) 3-3-0 461.632 생체광학 (Bio-optics) 3-3-0 461.633 바이오센서및계측공학 (Biosensors and Instrumental Analysis) 3-3-0 461.634 재활공학 (Rehabilitation Engineering) 3-3-0 461.635 의료기기학 (Medical Instrumentation) 3-3-0 461.701 바이오엔지니어링특강 (Topics in Bioengineering) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Bioengineering) 협동과정내규에의함. (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 463. 협동과정기술 경영 경제 정책전공 (Program in Technology, Management, Economics, and Policy) 463.501 기술경영경제정책입문 (Introduction to Technology Management, Economics, and Policy) 3-3-0 463.502 기술경영경제정책방법론 (Methodologies for Technology Management, Economics, and Policy) 3-3-0 463.503 기술경영경제정책세미나 (Seminar in Technology Management, Economics, and Policy) 3-3-0 463.504 경영통계론 (Managerial Statistics) 3-3-0 463.505 기술경영계량분석 (Econometric Analysis of Technology Management) 3-3-0-239 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 463. 기술 경영 경제 정책전공 Program on Technology, Management, Economics, and Policy 463.507 기술경영경제정책실습 (Practice in Technology Management, Economics, and Policy) 3-3-0 463.508 고급생산성이론 (The Theory of Productivity and Application) 3-3-0 463.509 기술전략분석론 (Analysis on Technology and Strategy) 3-3-0 463.510 기술시장분석방법론 (Methodologies for Technology Market Analysis) 3-3-0 463.511 기술사업화론 (Technology and Commercialization) 3-3-0 463.512 기술혁신론 (Technological Innovation) 3-3-0 463.513 신기술패러다임분석론 (Analysis of New Technology Paradigm) 3-3-0 463.514 첨단기술과창업 (High Technology and Entrepreneurship) 3-3-0 463.515 기술경영의사결정론 (Decision Making in Technology Management) 3-3-0 463.516 융합기술경영론 (Management of Technology Convergence) 3-3-0 463.517 산업기술세미나 (Seminar on Industrial Technology) 3-3-0 463.518 융합기술세미나 (Seminar on Technology Convergence) 3-3-0 463.519 기술혁신의이론과실제 (Theory and Practice of Technological Innovation) 3-3-0 463.520 지식경영론 (Theory and Practice of Knowledge Management) 3-3-0 463.521 기술예측론 (Technology Forecasting) 3-3-0 463.522 연구개발관리론 (R & D Management) 3-3-0 463.524 기술경영전략론 (Strategic Management of Technology) 3-3-0 463.525 기술가치평가론 (Technology Valuation Assessment) 3-3-0 463.526 지적재산권관리론 (Management of Intellectual Property Rights) 3-3-0 463.529 산업과환경전략 (Industrial Ecology) 3-3-0 463.530A 에너지산업분석론 (Analysis of Energy Industry) 3-3-0 463.531 에너지경영정책론 (Analysis on Energy Business and Policy) 3-3-0 463.532 정보네트워크정책론 (Information Networks Policy) 3-3-0 463.533 네트워크산업규제론 (Telecommunications Regulations) 3-3-0 463.534 정보기술응용론 (Practical Application of Information Technology) 3-3-0 463.535 정보통신융합기술경영및정책 (Information Technology IT Conversance management and Policy) 3-3-0 463.536 정보통신비용분석론 (Information Technology Cost Analysis) 3-3-0 463.537 신기술수요분석론 (Demand Analysis of New Technology) 3-3-0 463.538 신기술확산론 (Diffusion of New Technology) 3-3-0 463.539 첨단기술마케팅론 (Marketing of High Technology) 3-3-0 463.540 신기술가격전략론 (New Technology Pricing Strategy) 3-3-0 463.541 기술산업조직론 (Industrial Technology Organization) 3-3-0 463.542 응용기술정책론 (Applied Technology Strategy) 3-3-0 463.543A 산업기술정책의계량적분석 (Econometric Evaluation of Industrial Policy) 3-3-0 463.544 국가발전의기본원리 (Principle of National Development) 3-3-0 463.545 신기술세미나 (Seminar on Emerging Technologies) 3-3-0 463.546 전기및전자산업정책 (Electrical and Electronic Industry Policy) 3-3-0 463.547 정보및통신산업정책 (Information and Telecommunication Industry Policy) 3-3-0 463.548 산업경영정책사례분석 (Case Studies in Industrial Policy and Management) 3-3-0 463.549 기술경영경제정책문제연구 (Special Topics in Technology Management, Economics, and Policy) 3-3-0 463.550 보건의료산업경영과혁신 (Health Care Management and Innovation) 3-3-0 463.551 바이오및보건의료기술경영론 (Managing Biotechnology and Health Care) 3-3-0 463.552 보건의료기술평가론 (Health Technology Assessment) 3-3-0 463.553 산업동학과혁신전략 (Industry Dynamics and Innovation Strategy) 3-3-0 463.554 성과분석및의사결정방법론 (Methods for Performance Analysis and Decision Making) 3-3-0 463.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Technology and Management) 서울대학교과목중지도교수가추천하고전공주임교수의승인을얻은과목 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. - 240 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 531. 농업생물공학전공 Agricultural Biotechnology < 농업생명과학대학주관 > 531. 협동과정농업생물공학전공 (Program in Agricultural Biotechnology) 500.505 분자유전학 (Molecular Genetics) 3-3-0 500.514 유전자조작론 (Gene Manipulation) 3-3-0 500.521 세포생물학특강 (Topics in Cell Biology) 3-3-0 500.522 분자생물학특강 (Topics in Molecular Biology) 3-3-0 500.523 생물화학공학특강 (Topics in Biochemical Engineering) 3-3-0 501.620 세포유전학 (Cytogenetics) 3-3-0 531.502 단백질공학 (Protein Engineering) 3-3-0 531.511 농업생물공학세미나 (Seminar in Agricultural Biotechnology) 1-0-2 531.512 농업생물공학콜로퀴엄 (Colloquium in Agricultural Biotechnology) 1-0-2 5321.7006 동물유전학특강 (Topics in Animal Genetics) 3-2-2 5321.5104 동물세포배양학특강 (Topics in Animal Cell Culture) 3-3-0 5321.5205 단백질및효소화학 (Protein and Enzyme Chemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6002 생화학특강 (Topics in Biochemistry) 3-3-0 5321.6003 식품생물공학특강 (Topics in Food Biotechnology & Bioengineering) 3-3-0 5321.6204 천연물화학 (Natural Products Chemistry) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 해당사항없음. - 241 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 3392. 미술경영전공 Arts Management < 미술대학주관 > 3392. 협동과정미술경영전공 (Interdisciplinary Program in Arts Management) 614.501 예술경영원론 (Introduction to Art Administration) 3-3-0 614.502 예술경영전략 (Management Strategy for the Arts) 3-3-0 614.503 비영리회계원리 (Principles of Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations) 3-3-0 614.504 비영리재무관리 (Financial Management for Non-Profit Organizations) 3-3-0 614.505 국제비즈니스커뮤니케이션 (International Business Communication) 3-3-0 614.506 비영리인사관리 (Personnel Management for Non-Profit Organizations) 3-3-0 614.507 비영리마케팅 (Marketing Management for Non-Profit Organizations) 3-3-0 614.508 미술경영특강 (Seminar in Arts Administration) 3-3-0 614.509 예술경영을위한재원조성 (Development and Fund Raising for Arts) 3-3-0 614.510 미술관운영론 (Museum Operation) 3-3-0 614.511 공공예술교육 (Public Arts Education) 3-3-0 614.512 전시기획실습 (Practice in Organizing Exhibition) 3-3-0 614.513 미술품보존과학 (Arts Conservation) 3-3-0 614.514 공공정책과예술 (Public Policy and Arts) 3-3-0 614.515 미술관법연구 (Seminar in Museum Law) 3-3-0 614.516 경매와미술품거래 (Auction and Art Business) 3-3-0 614.517 미술관실습 (Museum Internship) 3-3-0 614.803 대학원논문연구 ((Master s Essay) 3-3-0 614.601 국제예술경영전략 (Management Strategy for International Art Markets) 3-3-0 614.602 디자인경영 (Design Management) 614.603 예술소비행동의이해와관객개발 (Behavior of Art Consumers and Audience Development) 3-3-0 614.604 장소마케팅 : 미술관과관광정책 (Place Marketing : Policy on Museum and Tourism) 3-3-0 614.605 비영리조직서비스마케팅 (Service Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations) 3-3-0 614.606 미술품감정및평가연구 (Studies in Connoisseurship and Appraisal) 3-3-0 614.607 예술기획특강 (Seminar in Planning Arts) 3-3-0 614.608 시각예술과법 (Law and the Art) 3-3-0 614.609 미술품지적소유권계약및사례연구 (Case Studies in Intellectual Property Contract of Art) 3-3-0 614.610 미술시장분석 (Art Market Analysis) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Interdisciplinary Program in Arts Management) 1 115.507 미술사론연습, 115.612 미술양식론연습, 115.613 미술비평사연구, 115.623 예술철학연습 1, 115.626 예술학연습, 115.638 현대미학연구 1, 115.713 미술심리학연습, 115.714 미술사회학연습, 115.716 조형예술론연습, 115.718 미술비평론연습, 251.101 경영학원론, 251.424 경영전략, 251.205 회계원리, 251.301 재무관리, 251.219 국제비즈니스커뮤니케이션, 251.303 인사관리, 251.328 경영학특강, 251.322 국제경영, 251.327 소비자행동, 251.580 장소마케팅, 251.321 마케팅관리, 251.579 서비스마케팅, 270.680 지적소유권법특수연구, 600.537 현대미술담론연구, 600.538 현대서양미술사특강, 600.539 현대한국미술사특강, 600.540 시각예술의매체간연구, 600.541 현대미술현장연구, 600.542 공공미술연구, 600.543 미술과대중매체특강, 600.701 한국미술세미나, 600.702A 한국근대미술작품분석연구, 600.703 아시아현대미술작품분석연구, 600.704 중국근현대미술작품분석연구, 601.535 한국미술사연구, 601.536 중국미술사연구, 601.617 일본미술사연구, 602.540 현대서양회화비평특론, 602.541 한국현대회화비평특론, 602.622 현대매체특론, 603.319 조각사, 603.515 조각론, 603.413 현대조각론 1, 603.414 현대조각론 2, 603.531 현대조각특론, 6101.534 보존과학이론, 6101.616 작품감정론, 6101.703 일본근현대미술작품분석연구, 6102.5307 서양미술사론및비평연구, 602.583 미술행정및경영연구, 6102.5309 근대서양미술사연구, 602.681A 미술이론및비평특강, 602.683A 미술행정및경영실습, 6102.5310 현대서양미술사연구, 6102.5301 국제미술전비평연구, 6102.5302 1960 년대미술특강, 6102.5303 북한의시각문화연구, 6102.5304 미술언론특강, 6102.5312 한국미술사론및비평론연구, 6102.5104 회화와사진특강, 6102.5105 모더니즘과포스트모더니즘이론연구, 6102.5106 한국현대미술의제문제, 6103.506 한국조각사특강, 6103.507 동양조각사특강, 6103.508 서양조각사특강, 6103.509 조각특강, 611.5003 한국조형문화론, 611.5012 공예문화론, 611.5013 문화상품론, 611.5111 도예비평연구, 611.5113 근 현대도예가연구, 611.5211 근 현대금속공예가연구, 611.5215 금속공예비평, 611.7007 디자인정책및전략연구, 611.7008 고급디자인프로젝트경영관리론, 611.7012 디자인과인간학연구, 611.7013 디자인비평, 611.7301 시각정보디자인특강, 611.7305 디자인양식및표현연구, 611.7307 영상디자인특강, 611.7308 고급영상디자인연구, 611.7401 제품디자인특강, 611.7406 제품디자인문화연구, 611.7407 공간디자인특강, 611.7410 인간행태와공간디자인연구, 921.666 문화정책, 921.625 행정계량분석 2 기타전공주임또는지도교수가전공선택으로인정하는과목 (Course Requirements) 1 전공필수과목 9 학점을포함하여전공과목 30 학점이상이수 2 614.501 예술경영원론, 251.101 경영학원론, 601.535 한국미술사연구, 6102.5310 현대서양미술사연구, 115.613 미술비평사연구중 3 과목이상을이수해야함. - 242 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 704A. 음악교육전공 Music Education < 사범대학주관 > 704A. 협동과정음악교육전공 (Program in Music Education) 704.550A 음악교육학 1 (Foundation of Music Education 1) 3-3-0 704.551A 음악교육학 2 (Foundation of Music Education 2) 3-3-0 704.552 음악교육연구방법 (Research Methods in Music Education) 3-3-0 704.555 음악교육심리학 (Psychology of Music Education) 3-3-0 704.556 음악교육철학 (Philosophy of Music Education) 3-3-0 704.558 음악교육세미나 (Seminars in Music Education) 3-3-0 704.559 음악교육과정및평가 (Curriculum and Assessments in Music Edcation) 3-3-0 704.563A 가창지도법 (Teaching Methodology of Vocal Music) 3-3-0 704.568A 테크놀로지와음악교육 (Technology and Music Education) 3-3-0 704.572B 음악교수법 (Music Teaching Methods) 3-3-0 704.576 기악지도법 (Teaching Methodology of Instrumental Music) 3-3-0 704.577 음악창작지도법 (Teaching Methodology of Musical Composition) 3-3-0 704.578 음악감상지도법 (Teaching Methodology of Music Appreciation) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Music Education) 서울대학교과목중지도교수및전공주임이인정하는과목 (Course Requirements) 전공내규에의함. 704B. 협동과정미술교육전공 (Program in Fine Arts Education) 704.521 미술교육연구 (Studies in Fine Arts Education) 3-3-0 704.522A 미술교육과비평이론 (Critical Theory in Art Education) 3-3-0 704.523A 한국의시각문화와미술교육 (Korean Visual Culture and Art Education) 3-3-0 704.524 현대미술교육연구 (Studies in Contemporary Fine Arts Education) 3-3-0 704.525 아동미술교육연구 (Studies in Fine Arts for Children) 3-3-0 704.528 미술치료세미나 (Seminar in Art Therapy) 3-3-0 704.529 미술교육과테크놀로지 (Technologies in Art Education) 3-3-0 704.530 미술교육평가연구 (Studies in Evaluation in Art Education) 3-3-0 704.541 미술교육과정개발연구 (Studies in Curriculum Development of Art Education) 3-3-0 704.542 미술문화교육정책특강 (Topics in Policy of Culture and Education) 3-3-0 704.543A 한국근대미술이론과미술교육 (Topics in Modern Korean Art Theory and Art Education) 3-3-0 704.549A 아시아미술교육과전시문화특강 (Topics in Asian Art - 243 - Education and Exhibition) 3-3-0 704.601 현대미술교육철학사 (History of Philosophy in Contemporary Art Education) 3-3-0 704.602 미술교재연구 (Studies in Teaching Materials in Art Education) 3-3-0 704.603A 미술교육과미술사 (Studies in Art Education and Art History) 3-3-0 704.604A 미술영재교육연구 (Studies in Education of Artistic Talents) 3-3-0 704.605B 미술관인턴십 (Museum Internship) 3-0-6 704.606A 서양미술이론특강 (Topics in Western Art Theory) 3-3-0 704.607A 한국현대미술이론연구 (Studies in Contemporary Korean Art Theory) 3-3-0 704.613 미술관교육연구 (Studies in Museum Education) 3-3-0 704.614B 국제미술전과권력특강 (Topics in International Art Exhibition and power) 3-3-0 704.615 전시기획론 (Theories of Exhibition Planning) 3-3-0 704.617 저작권연구 (Studies in Copyright) 3-3-0 704.618A 한국현대미술이론특강 (Topics in Contemporary Korean Art Theory) 3-3-0 704.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Fine Arts Education) 701.584, 701.627, 701.629, 701.636. 701.813( 이상사범대 ), 602.581, 602.582,602.583, 602.585, 602,681, 602.683, 611.5003, 611.5011, 611.5012, 611.5014, 611.5208, 611.5410, 611.5412( 이상미대 ), 109.664, 111.613, 113.572, 113.573, 114.714, 115.507, 115.612, 115.613, 115.713, 115.714, 115.716, 115.718, 116.317, 116.318, 116.610, 116.642, 116.643, 116.648, 133.509( 이상인문대 ), 005.030, 273.431, 273.432, 270.638, 270.679, 270.680( 이상법대 ), 250.634, 251.101, 251.643, 251.675, 251.677( 이상경영대 ), 207.509, 207.511, 207.512, 207.516, 207.522, 207.739( 이상사회대 ) (Course Requirements) 전공내규에의함. 704C. 협동과정가정교육전공 (Program in Home Economics Education) 704.501A 가정과교육특강 (Topics in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0 704.502A 가정교육연구방법론 (Research Methodology in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0 704.503A 아동가족교육특강 (Topics in Child and Family Education) 3-3-0 704.504 소비자경제교육론 (Consumer Education) 3-3-0 704.506 영양학교육론 (Nutrition Education) 3-3-0 704.507 피복과학교육론 (Clothing Science Education) 3-3-0 704.508 의복구성학교육론 (Clothing Construction Education) 3-3-0 704.661 소비자문제분석특강 (Topics in Analysis of Consumer Issues) 3-3-0 704.662 가정자원관리세미나 (Seminar in Family Resource Management) 3-3-0 704.663 가정과교육세미나 (Seminar in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0 704.664A 가정교육질적연구방법론 (Qualitative Research Methods in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0 704.665 가정과교육평가론 (Evaluation of Home Economics Education) 3-3-0

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 723. 특수교육전공 Special Education 704.666 가정과교수법 (Theory of Home Economics Teaching) 3-3-0 704.667A 가정과교육과정연구 (Studies in Home Economics Education Curriculum) 3-3-0 704.668 고급아동학교육론 (Advanced Child Studies Education) 3-3-0 704.669 청소년문제와가정환경세미나 (Seminar on Development Problems of Adolescence and Family Environment) 3-3-0 704.670 가족관계교육론 (Family Relations Education) 3-3-0 704.671 생애주기영양학교육론 (Teaching Nutrition throughout Life Cycle) 3-3-0 704.672 조리과학교육론 (Teaching Food Preparation) 3-3-0 704.673 식품안전교육론 (Food Safety Education) 3-3-0 704.674 복식학교육특강 (Topics in Clothing Education) 3-3-0 704.675 의복환경학교육론 (Clothing Comfort Education) 3-3-0 704.676 가정생활과복지 (Family Life and Welfare) 3-3-0 704.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Home Economics Education) 서울대학교과목중지도교수및전공주임이인정하는과목 (Course Requirements) 전공내규에의함. 723. 협동과정특수교육전공 (Program in Special Education) 723.507 학습장애아교육론 (Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities) 3-3-0 723.508 정신지체아교육 (Teaching Children with Mental Retardation) 3-3-0 723.509 정서및행동장애아교육 (Teaching Children with Behavior Disorders) 3-3-0 723.511 통합교육론 (Seminar on Inclusion) 3-3-0 723.513 특수아진단및평가 (Assessment of Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0 723.514 특수교육교수학습연구 (Instructional Materials and Methods in Special Education) 3-3-0 723.515 특수아동상담세미나 (Seminar on Counseling with Special Children) 3-3-0 723.701 응용행동분석및단일사례연구 (Research in Applied Behavior Analysis and Single Subject) 3-3-0 723.702 특수교육의쟁점과최근동향 (Current Issues in Special Education) 3-3-0 723.703 특수교육연구세미나 (Seminar on Special Education Research) 3-3-0 723.705 고급학습장애세미나 (Advanced Seminar on Learning Disabilities) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Special Education) 360.514 유아문제행동수정, 360.515 유아발달진다만, 360.517 특수아교육의이론과실제, 701.591 교육심리검사이론, 701.917A 상담이론, 701.780 교육심리측정이론, 701.822 다변인통계분석법, 701.923 상담연구방법론, 701.953 유목자료의통계분석, 207.501 고급심리통계, 207.505 고급학습심리학, 207.528 심리측정이론, 207.706 학습이론연습, 207.721B 인지치료 ( 이상총 14 과목 ) (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 724. 협동과정환경교육전공 (Program in Environment Education) 724.501 환경교육세미나 (Seminar on Environment Educations) 3-3-0 724.502 환경교육교수학습방법론 (Instructional Design and Teaching Methods in Environment Education) 3-3-0 724.503A 지형환경론 (Topics in Geomorphology and Environment) 3-3-0 724.504 환경과기후변화 (Environment and Climate Change) 3-3-0 724.505A 토지이용변화와환경교육 (Change of Land Use and Environment Education) 3-3-0 724.506 국토와환경교육연구 (Studies in Our Living Place and Environment Education) 3-3-0 724.507 도시환경론 (Urban Environment) 3-3-0 724.508 환경교육교재개발 (Development of Teaching Materials in Environmental Education) 3-3-0 724.509 환경교육프로그램개발 (Development of Environmental Education Program) 3-3-0 724.510A 대기환경론 (Atmospheric Environment) 3-3-0 724.511A 토양과환경 (Soil and Environment) 3-3-0 724.512 환경지리학세미나 (Seminar on Environmental Geography) 3-3-0 724.513A 환경과학세미나 (Seminar on Environmental Science) 3-3-0 724.514 환경교육논리및논술 (Logic and Essay Writing in Environment Education) 3-3-0 724.515 인간과지구환경 (Man and Global Environment) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 742. 협동과정유아교육전공 (Program in Early Childhood Education) 360.501 유아교육론세미나 (Seminar in Foundations of Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 360.503 고급유아교육교수법 (Advanced Course of Teaching Methods for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.504 영유아발달세미나 (Seminar in Early Childhood Development) 3-3-0 360.505 유아교육과정연구 (Curriculum for Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 360.507 유아음악교육세미나 (Seminar in Music for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.508 유아언어교육세미나 (Seminar in Language Arts for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.511A 유아수학교육세미나 (Seminar in Mathematics for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.512 유아사회교육세미나 (Seminar in Social Studies for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.516A 유아놀이지도 (Play in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 360.517A 특수아동의이해 (Teaching Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0-244 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 743. 글로벌교육협력전공 Global Education Cooperation 360.518 유아교육실습 (Teaching Practicum in Early Childhood Education) 3-0-6 360.520A 유아교과교육론 (Theory in Early Childhood Education) 3-0-6 360.521 고급유아상담 (Advanced Course of Counseling for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.523 부모교육세미나 (Seminar in Parent Education) 3-3-0 360.524A 유아교과교재연구및지도법 (Studies in Materials and Methods for Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 360.525 유아교육평가 (Assessment in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 360.526 고급유아연구방법론 (Advanced Course of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 360.527 유아교육기관운영관리세미나 (Seminar in Planning and Management of Early Childhood Programs) 3-3-0 360.531 유아과학교육세미나 (Seminar in Science for Young Children) 3-3-0 360.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 742.601 영아발달과교육프로그램연구 (Advanced Studies in Infant Development and Educational Programs for Infants and Toddlers) 3-3-0 742.602 유아교육및보육정책세미나 (Seminar on the Policy of Early Childhood Education and Care) 3-3-0 742.603 유아인지발달및창의성연구 (Advanced Studies in Children's Cognitive Development & Creativity) 3-3-0 742.604 유아교육질적연구세미나 (Seminar on Qualitative Research Methods in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 742.605 유아교육연구법 (Quantitative Research Method in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 742.606 유아교사론세미나 (Seminar on Early Childhood Teacher Education) 3-3-0 742.607 유아교육의쟁점과최근동향 (Current Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 742.608 유아건강교육세미나 (Seminar on Health Education for Young Children) 3-3-0 742.609 유아교육프로그램연구 (Advanced Study on Early Childhood Program) 3-3-0 742.610 유아교육개인연구 (Independent Study in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Early Childhood Education) 359.552 아동발달특론, 359.553 한국유아교육론, 359.554 특수아발달과지도, 359.555 고급유아사회성교육론, 359.556 고급유아인지교육론, 359.557 고급유아언어교육론, 359.651 아동놀이이론및실제, 359.654A 유아교과지도론, 359.657 유아교육현장지도, 359.752 부모 자녀관계특론, 359.753 비교육아론, 359.756 고급아동상담이론 ( 아동가족학과 12 과목 ), 701.954 학습이론연구, 701.929 도덕및사회성발달연구, 701.935 아동청소년상담, 701.591 교육심리검사이론, 701.822 다변인통계분석법 ( 교육학과 5 과목 ), 음악교육연구 1 : 교재론, 704.512 음악교육연구 2 : 방법론, 704.514 음악교수법 ( 협동과정음악교육전공 3 과목 ), 704.523 미술교과과정연구, 704.525 아동미술교육연구 ( 미술교육전공 2 과목 ), 723.507 학습장애아교육론, 723.514 특수교육교수학습연구 ( 특수교육전공 2 과목 ) 743. 협동과정글로벌교육협력전공 (Program in Global Education Cooperation) 743.501 교육발전론 (Theories of Education Development) 3-3-0 743.502 한국교육발전론 (Korean Education and National Development) 3-3-0 743.503 글로벌교육개발협력의제연구 (Global Agendas for Educational Development and Cooperation) 3-3-0 743.504 글로벌교육협력정책 (Educational Planning in International Educational Development) 3-3-0 743.505 만민교육의이론과실제 (Universal Access to Education: Theories and Practices) 3-3-0 743.601 평생학습과사회발전 (Lifelong Learning and Development) 3-3-0 743.602 국제비교교육재정론 (International and Comparative Studies in Educational Finance) 3-3-0 743.603 탈식민지성과교육연구 (Postcolonial Studies of Education) 3-3-0 743.604 지역사회개발과민중교육 (Popular Education for Community Development) 3-3-0 743.605 지속가능발전교육 (Education for Sustainable Development) 3-3-0 743.606 교육과성평등 (Education and Gender Equity) 3-3-0 743.607 국제교육론 (Theories of International Education) 3-3-0 743.701 교육개발협력세미나 (Seminar in International Education Development) 3-3-0 743.702 교육개발협력전략연구세미나 (Advanced Seminar in International Education Development Strategies) 3-3-0 743.801 교육개발프로젝트구안 (Education Development Project Design) 3-3-0 743.802 연구제안서작성법연구 (Practice of Writing Research Proposal) 3-3-0 743.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 743.804 글로벌교육협력실습 (R&D Apprentice course) 3-3-0-245 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 554. 인수공통동물질병학전공 Zoonotic Animal Diseases < 수의과대학주관 > 554. 협동과정인수공통동물질병학전공 (Program in Zoonotic Animal Diseases) 554.501 반려동물의인수공통전염성질병진단병리 (Diagnostic Pathology of Zoonotic Disease of Companion Animals) 3-2-2 554.503 실험동물유래인수공통전염병 (Zoonosis of Laboratory Animals) 3-3-0 554.504 산업동물인수공통전염병 (Zoonosis of Industry Animals) 3-3-0 554.505 신변종인수공통전염병학 (Molecular Approach of Emerging Zoonosis) 3-3-0 554.506 식품유래인수공통전염병 (Foodborn Zoonosis) 3-3-0 554.507 바이오테러 (Bioterrorism) 3-3-0 554.508 수생동물의인수공통전염성질병진단 (Diagnostic of Aquatic Animal) 3-2-2 554.509 인수공통전염병으로서의프리온질환 (Prion Diseases as Zoonosis) 3-3-0 554.510 인수공통기생충 (Zoonotic Parasites) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Program in Zoonotic Animal Diseases) < 수의학과 > 550.562-6, 551.526, 551.598, 551.614, 551.646, 551.655, 551.657, 551.664, 551.668, 551.745, 551.754, 551.756, 551.797, 551.798, 551.810, 551.811, 551.813, 551.814 < 농생명공학부 > 5321.6004, 5321.7202, 5321.5406, 5321.7505, 5321.7404 < 약학과 > 375.501-2, 375.601-2, 375.643A, 375.518, 375.716, 375.737A, 375.711, 375.807, 375.808, 375.523 < 의학과 > 801.803, 801.607, 801.611, 801.619, 801.621, 801.689, 801.692, 801.693, 801.702, 801.704, 801.705, 801.706, 801.814, 801.820, 801.1001, 801.718, 801.719, 802.506, 801.604, 801.605, 801.606, 801.607, 801.610, 801.611, 801.613, 801.616, 801.617, 801.619, 801.621, 801.687, 801.688, 801.689, 801.690, 801.691, 801.692, 801.693, 801.694, 801.2206, 801.2207 801.2208, 801.2209, 801.2210, 801.2211, 801.2212, 801.2213, 801.2214 < 보건학과 > 900.803, 900.504, 900.534, 900.535, 900.579, 902.523, 902.623, 901.760, 900.516A, 902.613, 901.765, 901.761, 902.607 (Course Requirements) 1 협동과정인수공통동물질병학전공의고유과목과참여대학에서제공하는전공인정과목으로구분하여이수토록한다. 2 협동과정고유과목의최저이수학점은학위과정별로아래와같다. 석사과정 : 총 24학점중 12학점이상이수박사과정 : 총 36학점중 18학점이상이수석 박사통합과정 : 총 60학점중 30학점이상이수 3 기타세부사항은수의과대학의내규또는협동과정인수공통질병학전공의내규를따른다. - 246 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 661. 음악학전공 Musicology < 음악대학주관 > 661. 협동과정음악학전공 (Program in Musicology) 661A. 한국음악학전공 (Korean Music Major) 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 661.525 일본음악연구 (Studies of Japanese Music) 3-3-0 661.527 중국음악연구 (Studies of Chinese Music) 3-3-0 661.538 한국아악연구 (Korean Court Music) 3-3-0 661.539 민속악연구 (Folk Music) 3-3-0 661.540 동양음악사상연구 (Oriental Musical Thought) 3-3-0 661.553 조선후기음악연구 (Studies in Late Chosun Music) 3-3-0 661.556 한국중세음악사연구 (Studies in Music of Medieval Korea) 3-3-0 661.557 한국무속음악연구 (Studies in Korean Shamanistic Music) 3-3-0 661.561 한국음악이론연구 (Studies in Korean Music Theories) 3-3-0 661.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Korean Music Major) 국어국문학과대학원전과목, 미학과 115.501, 115.504, 115.623, 115.626 이외에인문대학, 사회과학대학및음악대학대학원과목중전공주임교수의승인을얻은과목. (Course Requirements) 전공과목외에위의중 12 학점을이수하여야함. 661B. 서양음악학전공 (Western Music Major) 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 661.510 음악일반연구방법론 (Studies in Methodology of General Research on Music) 3-3-0 661.514 악기음향학 (Instrument Acoustics) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Western Music Major) 철학과대학원전과목, 미학과 115.501, 115.504, 115.509, 115.623, 115.626 이외의인문대학, 사회과학대학및음악대학대학원과목중전공주임교수의승인을얻은과목 (Course Requirements) 전공과목외에위의중 12 학점을이수하여야함. - 247 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 803. 종양생물학전공 Cancer Biology < 의과대학주관 > 803. 협동과정종양생물학전공 (Program in Cancer Biology) 803.508 종양신호전달 (Signal Transduction of Cancer Cell) 3-3-0 803.510 암유전자학 (Oncogene) 3-3-0 803.511 종양학개론 (General Concept of Oncology) 3-3-0 803.512 종양생물학방법론 (Methodology of Tumor Biology) 3-3-0 803.513A 종양생물학세미나 (Tumor Biology Seminar) 3-3-0 803.601 분자세포생물학개론 1 (Molecular Cell Biology 1) 3-3-0 803.602 분자세포생물학개론 2 (Molecular Cell Biology 2) 3-3-0 803.604 암유전체학연구기법 (Cancer Genomics Methodology) 3-3-0 803.701 암분자역학 (Molecular Cancer Epidemiology) 3-3-0 803.702 임상종양학 (Clinical Oncology) 3-3-0 803.801 바이러스와암 (Virus and Cancer) 3-3-0 803.802 종양줄기세포 (Cancer Stem Cell) 3-3-0 803.803 종양단백질체학 (Cancer Proteomics) 3-3-0 803.804 암의형태학적특성 (Morphological Research of Tumor Biology) 3-2-2 803.805 종양저산소환경과신생혈관 (Hypoxia and Angiogenesis in Cancer Tissues) 3-3-0 803.806 암분자영상 (Molecular Imaging of Cancer) 3-3-0 803.807 다학제적암치료연구 (Multidisciplinary Approach for the Cancer Therapy) 3-3-0 803.808 유전성종양 (Hereditary Tumor) 3-3-0 803.809 발암기전과화학적암예방 (Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis and Cancer Chemoprevention) 3-3-0 803.810 암에피제네틱스 1(Cancer Epiginetics 1) 3-3-0 803.811 종양생물학특론 (Topics in Cancer Biology) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 804. 협동과정임상약리학전공 (Program in Clinical Pharmacology) 804.501 임상시험세미나 1 (Seminar in Clinical Trials 1) 3-3-0 804.502 제약의학 (Pharmaceutical Medicine) 3-3-0 804.503 신약평가, 허가및관리제도 (Regulatory Affairs in Drug Registration) 3-3-0 804.504 임상약물유전학 (Clinical Pharmacogenetics) 3-3-0 804.505 분자약물유전학 (Molecular Pharmacogenetics) 3-3-0 804.506 임상약물상호작용 (Clinical Aspects of Drug Interactions) 3-3-0 804.507 약물이상반응과과민반응 (Adverse Drug Reactions and Hypersensitivity) 3-3-0 804.508 약물역학특론및시판후조사사례연구 (Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Case Study) 3-3-0 804.509 약물요법특론 (Advances in Pharmacotherapy) 3-3-0 804.510 특수환자집단의적정약물요법 (Optimum Therapy in Special Patients) 3-3-0 804.701 임상시험세미나 2(Seminar in Clinical Trials 2) 3-3-0 804.702 약동학 / 약력학모델링특론 (Advances in PK/PD Modeling) 3-3-0 804.703 임상약력학및임상평가법 (Clinical Pharmacodynamics and Evaluation Methods) 3-3-0 804.707 약물역학연구방법론 (Edicine) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements) 협동과정내규에의함. 805. 협동과정방사선응용생명과학전공 (Program in Radiation Applied Life Science) 802.2019 의용방사선생물학 (Medical Radiation Biology) 3-3-0 802.2021 의용방사선물리학 (Medical Radiation Physics) 3-3-0 802.2022 의학영상처리기술 (Medical Image Processing) 3-3-0 802.2023 방사성의약품개발론 (Development of Radiopharmaceuticals) 3-3-0 802.2024 방사화학특강 (Topics in Radiochemistry) 3-3-0 802.2025 양전자방출체약제학 (Pharmaceutics of Positron Emitters) 3-3-0 802.2026 방사선의약화학 (Radiomedicinal Chemistry) 3-3-0 802.2027 방사선약물동태학 (Tracer Pharmacokinetics) 3-3-0 802.2029 방사선치료계획 1 (Radiation Therapy Planning 1) 3-3-0 802.2030 방사선치료계획 2 (Radiation Therapy Planning 2) 3-3-0 802.2031 의학영상에서의컴퓨터보조 (Computer-aided Diagnosis in Medical Image) 3-3-0 802.2032 디지털의학영상의처리 (Image Processing in Digital Radiography) 3-3-0 802.2034 3차원의료영상특강 (Topics in 3D Medical Imaging) 3-3-0 805.601 방사선응용생명과학개론 1(Introduction to Radiation Applied Life Science 1) 3-3-0 805.602 방사선응용생명과학개론 2(Introduction to Radiation Applied Life Science 2) 3-3-0 805.603 방사선응용생명과학특강 (Topics in Radiation Applied Life Science) 3-3-0 805.605 고급핵의학영상론 (Advanced Nuclear Medicine Image) 3-3-0 805.606 핵의학물리학 (Physics in Nuclear Medicne) 3-3-0 805.607 생체전산모영및다차원영상분석 1 (Computational Modeling and Multi-dimensional Image Analysis of Biosystems 1) 3-2-2 805.608 생체전산모영및다차원영상분석 2 (Computational Modeling and Multi-dimensional Image Analysis of Biosystems 1) 3-2-2 805.701 방사선과학개론 (Introduction to Radiological Sciences) 3-3-0 805.611 방사선치료임상실습 (Practicum in Clinical Radiation Therapy) 2-2-0 805.612 몬테카를로의학응용 (Monte Carlo Application in Medicine) 3-3-0 805.613A 방사선의학물리특강 1 (Topics in Medical Radiation Physics 1) 2-2-0 805.614 방사선의학물리특강 2 (Topics in Medical Radiation Physics 2) 2-2-0 (Course Requirements) 전공내규에의함. - 248 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 807. 의료정보학전공 Medical Informatics 807. 협동과정의료정보학전공 (Program in Medical Informatics) 807.501 의료정보학기초와응용 (Introduction and Application of Medical Informatics) 3-3-0 807.502 의료정보학연구방법론 (Research Methods in Medical Informatics) 3-3-0 807.503 의학용어표현이론 (Representation of Medical Concept) 3-3-0 807.504 의료정보시스템분석및설계 (Medical Information System Analysis and Design) 3-3-0 807.505 임상의료정보학 (Clinical Informatics) 3-3-0 807.506 의학통계추론 (Statistical Inference in Medicine) 3-3-0 807.507 의생명온톨로지개론 (Introduction of Biomedical Ontology) 3-3-0 807.508 의학지식표현및추론 (Medical Knowledge Representation and Inference) 3-3-0 807.509 의학자료자연어처리및검색 (Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval of Medical Data) 3-3-0 807.510 전자건강기록시스템 (Electronic Health Record System) 3-3-0 807.511 병원정보시스템세미나 1(Hospital Information System Seminar 1) 3-3-0 807.512 임상의사결정지원시스템세미나 (Seminar in Clinical Decision Support System) 3-3-0 807.513 의생명문헌정보시스템 (Biomedical Literature and Digital Library System) 3-3-0 807.514 의학영상시스템 (Medical Imaging System) 3-3-0 807.515 공중보건정보학 (Community Healthcare Informatics) 3-3-0 807.516 정보보안과개인정보보호 (Information Security & Privacy) 3-3-0 807.517 의생명윤리및법제도 (Ethical & Legal Issues in Biomedicine) 3-3-0 807.518 의료경영정보학 (Medical Management and Informatics) 3-3-0 807.519 미래의학과정보의학 (Biomedical Informatics in Future Medicine) 807.520 유헬스케어특강 (Topics in Ubiquitous Healthcare) 3-3-0 807.521 소비자건강정보학세미나 (Seminar in Consumer Health Informatics) 3-3-0-249 -

대학원 협동과정 Interdisciplinary Programs 951. 조경학전공 Landscape Architecture < 환경대학원주관 > 951. 협동과정조경학전공 (Program in Landscape Architecture) 박사과정 (Doctoral Courses) 951.701 환경미학특론 (Topics in Environmental Aesthetics) 3-3-0 951.702 조경설계방법특론 (Advanced Study in Landscape Design Method) 3-3-0 951.703 도시생태계와인간적설계 (Urban Ecosystem and Humane Design) 3-3-0 951.705 경관구성특론 (Topics in Theory of Landscape Composition) 3-3-0 951.706A 도시경관계획론 (Theory of Urban Landscape Planning) 3-3-0 951.707 경관평가이론연구 (Studies in Landscape Assessment) 3-3-0 951.708 사적보전과조경계획 (Historic Preservation and Landscape Planning) 3-3-0 951.710 환경설계사특론 (Advanced Study of Environmental Design in History) 3-3-0 951.713 환경심리행태분석 (Environmental Psychology and Behavior Analysis) 3-3-0 951.714 관광특론 (Tourism and Recreation Studies) 3-3-0 951.715 현대도시설계특론 (Contemporary Issues in Urban Design) 3-3-0 951.716 정주해석학 (Analysis and Interpretation of Human Settlement System) 3-3-0 951.717 주거환경계획특론 (Advanced Study in Residential Environment) 3-3-0 951.718 도시개발과정특론 (Topics in Urban Development Process) 3-3-0 951.722A 자연환경 생태복원이론및방법 (Theory and Practices in Ecological Restoration) 3-3-0 951.723 조경재료및시공연구 (Advanced Study in Landscape Materials and Construction) 3-3-0 951.724 조경연구방법론 (Research Methods in Landscape Architecture) 3-3-0 951.725 도시건축특론 (Advanced Study in Architecture and Urbanism) 3-3-0 951.728A 전통생태와환경설계 (Ecology in Tradition and Environmental Design) 3-3-0 951.729 경관생태학특론 (Advanced Landscape Ecology) 3-3-0 951.730A 환경설계이론 (Environmental Design Theory) 3-3-0 951.731 정원예술론 (Theory of Garden Art) 3-3-0 951.732 환경정보수집기법연구 (Advanced Study in Environmental Data Collection Methodologies) 3-3-0 951.733 경관사상론 (Readings in Landscape Thoughts) 3-3-0 (Course Requirements for Program in Landscape Architecture) 전공내규에의함. - 250 -

보건대학원 Graduate School of Public Health 902. 보건학과 Department of Health Science and Services 900. 보건대학원 (Graduate School of Public Health) 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 900.502 지역사회보건실습 (Community Health Field Training) 2-0-4 900.504A 역학원론및실습 (Principles of Epidemiology) 3-2-2 900.579A 보건통계학개론 (Principles of Biostatistics) 3-2-2 900.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 902.661 보건학개론 (Introduction to Health Science and Services) 3-3-0 902. 보건학과 (Department of Health Science and Services) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 904. 보건정책관리학전공 (Health Care Management & Policy Major) 900.508B 보건교육원리 (Principles of Health Education) 3-3-0 900.511A 보건사 (History of Health & Medical Care) 3-3-0 900.513A 보건경제학원론 (Introduction to Health Economics) 3-3-0 900.529A 보건의료조직론 (Organization Design and Behavior of Health Institutions) 3-3-0 900.530B 보건재정정책과관리 (Health Care Financing Policy and Management) 3-3-0 900.536 여성건강 (Women's Health) 3-3-0 901.750B 경제성평가세미나 (Seminar in economic evaluation methods) 3-3-0 901.762B 건강과보건의료의형평연구 (Research in Equity for Health and Healthcare) 3-3-0 901.767A 가정간호학 (Home Nursing) 3-3-0 902.507B 노인보건 (Aging and Public Health) 3-3-0 902.517B 건강보장론 (Thoery & Practice of Health Security) 3-3-0 902.536A 비교의료제도론 (Comparative Study of Medical Care Systems) 3-3-0 902.540B 공공보건정책론 (Studies in Health Care Policy) 3-3-0 902.544B 보건의료경제성평가 (Methods of Research in Health Economics) 3-3-0 902.575A 보건사회학 (Medical Sociology) 3-3-0 902.618B 국제보건 (Global Health) 3-3-0 902.620B 보건조사방법론 (Research Methods of Health Care) 3-3-0 902.656B 노령화와장기요양정책 (Aging and Longterm Care Policy) 3-3-0 902.675A 보건커뮤니케이션 (Health Communication) 3-3-0 902.676 지역사회건강증진론 (Community Health Promotion) 3-3-0 902.677 보건의료의계량경제분석 I (Econometrics in Health Care I) 3-3-0 902.679 경제성평가모형연구 (Modeling for Health Economic Evaluation) 3-3-0 902.680 의약품경제와정책 (Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy) 3-3-0 902.681 환경경제정책론 (Environmental economics and policy) 3-3-0 902.683 장기요양시스템과관리 (Long-term Care Systems and Administration) 3-3-0-251 - 905. 보건학전공 (Public Health Major) 900.516A 환경역학 (Environmental Epidemiology) 2-2-0 900.528A 산업역학 (Occupational Epidemiology) 3-3-0 900.532 역학연구설계론 (Research Designs for Epidemiological Studies) 2-2-0 900.533 방사선보건학 (Introduction to Radiation Health) 2-2-0 901.772A 보건인구학방법론 (Research Techniques for Health Demography) 3-3-0 901.777 출산력분석 (Analysis of Human Fertility) 2-2-0 902.524B 만성병역학 (Epidemiology of Chronic Degenerative Disease) 3-3-0 902.538B 노화역학 (Epidemilolgy of Aging) 3-3-0 902.552B 유전체통계학 (Genomic Statistics) 3-3-0 902.571 보건통계자료처리론 (Data Processing in Health Research) 2-2-0 902.607 분자역학 (Molecular Epidemiology) 2-2-0 902.611 선형통계분석 (Linear Statistical Analysis) 3-3-0 902.613 역학통계분석론 (Epidemiological Statistics) 2-2-0 902.621A 보건영양역학 (Nutritional Epidemiology in Public Health) 3-3-0 902.650A 보건영양학 (Public Health Nutrition) 3-3-0 902.652A 지역사회영양평가 (Nutritional Assessment) 3-3-0 902.655 역학특강및백신학 (Topics in Epidemiology and Vaccinology) 2-2-0 902.660 건강증진자료분석 (Design and Analysis of Health Promotion Program) 3-3-0 902.662 환경통계학 (Statistics for Environmental Sciences) 3-3-0 902.663 기초생명정보학 (Basic Topics in Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 902.664 고급생명정보학 (Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics) 3-3-0 902.665 전산유전체역학 (Computational Genomics and Epidemiology) 3-3-0 902.667 보건인구학의이해 (Understanding the Study of Health Demography) 3-3-0 902.668 사회역학론 (Social Epidemiology) 3-3-0 902.670A 감염병역학 (Epidemiology of infectious diseases) 3-3-0 902.671 보건통계학연습 (Practice of Biostatistics) 3-3-0 902.673 가족-쌍둥이분석방법론 (Analytic Methods in family-twin study) 3-3-0 902.674 맞춤형보건의료론 (Personalized Health and Medicine) 3-3-0 902.682 다빈도복합질환의역학 (Common complex disease dpidemiology) 3-3-0 1 박사과정보건학과과목을전공과목으로이수할수있음. 2 석사 2 부생의학위취득최저소요학점 : 24 학점 903. 환경보건학과 (Department of Environmental Health) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 901.771A 환경미생물학및실험 (Environmental Microbiology and Laboratory), 3-2-2 903.501A 환경화학 (Environmental Chemistry) 3-3-0 903.503A 대기오염개론 (Introduction to Air Pollution) 3-3-0 903.524 수질오염관리 (Water Pollution Management) 3-3-0 903.532B 작업환경측정및실습 (Sampling & Analysis of Industrial Environment) 3-2-2

보건대학원 Graduate School of Public Health 903. 환경보건학과 Department of Environmental Health 903.534 산업독성학 (Industrial Toxicology) 2-2-0 903.535 산업의학개론 (Introduction to Occupational Medicine) 2-2-0 903.549 산업환기 (Industrial Ventilation) 3-3-0 903.550B 산업위생학 (Industrial Hygiene) 3-3-0 903.555A 에어로졸오염관리개론 (Introduction to Aerosol Science and Technology) 3-3-0 903.556A 환경보건특강및세미나 (Topics in Environmental Health) 1-1-0 903.557A 환경독성학개론 (Introduction to Environmental Toxicology) 3-3-0 903.558B 환경보건개론 (Introduction to Environmental Health) 3-3-0 903.560A 생태위해성평가론 (Ecological Risk Assessment) 3-3-0 903.565 실내환경학 (Indoor Environmental Quality) 3-3-0 903.566 노출평가개론 (Introduction to Exposure Assessment) 3-3-0 903.567 생물학적유해요인과환경보건 (Biological Agents and Environmental Health) 3-3-0 903.570 환경보건학을위한독물동력학 (Toxicokinetics in environmental health) 3-3-0 1 박사과정보건학과과목을전공과목으로이수할수있음. 2 석사 2 부생의학위취득최저소요학점 : 24 학점 - 252 -

행정대학원 Graduate School of Public Administration 921. 행정학과 Department of Public Administration 920. 행정대학원 (Graduate School of Public Administration) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 920.501 공공인턴십 (Public Intership) 3-0-6 920.611 행정이론 (Administrative Theory) 3-3-0 920.620 경제분석 (Economic Analysis) 3-3-0 920.621 행정법 (Administrative Law) 3-3-0 920.622 공공윤리와리더십 (Ethics and Leadership) 3-3-0 920.625 계량분석 (Quantitative Analysis for Public Administration and Policy) 3-2-2 920.651 조사방법론 (Research Methods for Public Administration and Policy) 3-3-0 920.658 정책이론 (Theories of Public Policy) 3-3-0 921. 행정학과 (Department of Public Administration) 행정학과는 2010 학년도 2 학기부터행정학과 ( 행정학전공 ) 으로변경함 [ 관련 : 교무과 -1320(2010.02.12)]. 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 921.505A 공공조직론 (Theories of Public Organizations) 3-3-0 921.506A 인적자원관리 (Human Resource Management in the Public Sector) 3-3-0 921.507A 재무행정론 (Financial Administration) 3-3-0 921.513A 지방행정론 (Local Administration) 3-3-0 921.516 비교행정 (Comparative Administration) 3-3-0 921.517 공기업론 (Government Enterprise) 3-3-0 921.528 행정부와의회 (Administrative and Parliamentary Politics of Budgeting) 3-3-0 921.529 정부간관계론 (Intergovernmental Relations) 3-3-0 921.530 현대복지국가의거버넌스 (Governing the Welfare State in Post-modern Era) 3-3-0 921.564A 갈등관리와협상 (Conflict Management and Negotiation) 3-3-0 921.566 위기관리 (Crisis Management) 3-3-0 921.567 환경과행정 (Environment and Public Administration) 3-3-0 921.614A 행정정보체계론 (Administrative Information System) 3-3-0 921.616B 성과관리론 (Performance Management in Public Sector) 3-3-0 921.617A 시민참여론 (Civil Participation) 3-3-0 921.618 국가와행정 (State and Public Administration) 3-3-0 921.619 행정과사회이론 (Public Administration and Social Theory) 3-3-0 921.623 한국행정사 (History of Korean Public Administration) 3-3-0 921.628 정부와 NGO(Government and Non- Governmental Organizations) 3-3-0 921.652 행정과기업 (Public Administration and Business) 3-3-0 921.665 도시정책 (Urban Policy) 3-3-0 921.679A 행정과커뮤니케이션 (Public Administration and Communication) 3-3-0 924. 정책학과 (Department of Public Policy) 정책학과는 2010 학년도 2 학기부터행정학과 ( 정책학전공 ) 으로변경함 [ 관련 : 교무과 -1320(2010.02.12)]. 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 924.515 국제관계론 (International Relation) 3-3-0 924.523 재정정책 (Fiscal Policy) 3-3-0 924.544 경제정책 (Economic Policy) 3-3-0 924.556 비용편익분석 (Cost-Benefit Analysis) 3-3-0 924.588 과학기술정책 (Science and Technology Policy) 3-3-0 924.591 외교정책 (Foreign Policy) 3-3-0 924.595 산업정책 (Industrial Policy) 3-3-0 924.600 규제정책 (Regulatory Policy) 3-3-0 924.601 통상정책 (Trade Policy) 3-3-0 924.659 정책과정론 (Policy Process Theory) 3-3-0 924.661 기획론 (Planning Theory) 3-3-0 924.662 정책분석 (Policy Analysis) 3-3-0 924.663 정책평가 (Policy Evaluation) 3-3-0 924.666 문화정책 (Cultural Policy) 3-3-0 924.667 방송통신정책 (Communications Policy) 3-3-0 924.669 경쟁정책 (Competition Policy) 3-3-0 924.671 교육인적자원정책 (Education and Human Resources Policy) 3-3-0 924.673 대통령의정책관리 (Presidential Management of Public Policies) 3-3-0 924.674 환경정책과법 (Environmental Policy and Law) 3-3-0 924.675 의료정책과정 (Health Policy) 3-3-0 924.676 공공복지정책론 (Public Welfare Policy) 3-3-0 924.677 정보화와전자정부 (Information Society and Electronic Government) 3-3-0 924.678 인터넷정책과법 (Internet Policy and Law) 3-3-0 925. 공기업정책학과 (Department of Public Enterprise Policy) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 925.501 공기업조사통계 (Statistics for Public Enterprise Management) 3-2-2 925.502 공기업정책론 (Policy of Public Enterprise) 3-3-0 925.503 공기업조직 인사론 (Management of Public Enterprises) 3-3-0 925.504 공기업재무분석및예산회계 (Financial Analysis and Budget Accounting) 3-3-0 925.505 공기업경영전략 (Public Enterprise Strategy) 3-3-0 925.506 공기업과성과관리 (Performance Management in Public sector) 3-3-0 925.507 공기업과지역사회 (Public Enterprise and Community) 3-3-0 925.508 공기업정보정책및관리 (Corporate Information Policy and Management) 3-3-0 925.509 혁신전략과관리 (Innovation Strategy and Management) 3-3-0 925.510 공기업노사관계론 (Industrial Relation of Public Enterprise) 3-3-0 925.511 공기업과커뮤니케이션 (Public Enterprise and Communication) 3-3-0 925.512 거버넌스와공기업정책 (Policy Making and Implementation of Public Enterprises in the Era of Governance) 3-3-0-253 -

행정대학원 Graduate School of Public Administration 925. 공기업정책학과 Department of Public Enterprise Policy 925.513 공기업정책분석 평가 (Policy Analysis and Evaluation) 3-3-0 925.514 공기업정책과정 (Policy Process of Public Enterprise) 3-3-0 925.515 공기업규제개혁론 (Issues of Regulatory Reform : Case-Study Approach) 3-3-0 925.516 법과경제 (Law and Economics) 3-3-0 925.517 공기업과세계화 (Public Enterprise and Globalization) 3-3-0 925.518 공기업과환경법 (Environmental Law and Public admistration) 3-3-0 925.519 공기업의사결정론 (Decision Making Theory in Public Enterprise) 3-3-0 학과내규에의함. - 254 -

환경대학원 Graduate School of Environmental Studies 941. 환경계획학과 Department of Environmental Planning 940. 환경대학원 (Graduate School of Environmental Studies) 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 940.501 환경계획 설계 (Environmental Planning and Design) 3-3-0 940.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 3-3-0 941. 환경계획학과 (Department of Environmental Planning) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 941.508 토지및환경경제학 (Land and Environment Economics) 3-3-0 941.511 계획이론 (Planning Theory) 3-3-0 941.580 공공경제학 (Public Economics) 3-3-0 941.610 지리정보체계 (Geographic Information System) 3-2-2 941.614A 도시조사통계론 (Statistical Methods for Planning) 3-3-0 941.687A 도시및환경정책세미나 (Seminar in Urban and Environmental Policy) 3-3-0 도시및지역계획학전공 (Urban and Regional Planning Major) 941.512A 도시 지역분석 (Urban and Regional Analysis) 3-3-0 941.513B 기반기설계획론 (Infrastructure Planning) 3-3-0 941.514B 도시 지역경제학 (Urban and Regional Economics) 3-3-0 941.521B 토지이용계획론 (Land Use Planning) 3-3-0 941.522 계획법 (Planning Law) 3-3-0 941.533A 도시계획사 (Planning History) 3-3-0 941.534A 공간구조 입지론 (Spatial Structure and Location) 3-3-0 941.622A 도시계획론 (Urban Planning) 3-3-0 941.623A 도시개발 재생 (Urban Development and Regeneration) 3-3-0 941.624 부동산론 (Real Estate Development and Investment) 3-3-0 941.641B 국토 지역계획론 (Regional Planning) 3-3-0 941.659B 토지 주택정책 (Land and Housing Policy) 3-3-0 941.660A 도시사회론 (Urban Sociology) 3-3-0 941.662 글로벌도시계획론 (International Planning and Development) 3-3-0 941.663 도시 지역세미나 (Seminar in Urban and Regional Issues0 3-3-0 941.664 사회 커뮤니티계획 (Social and Community Planning) 3-3-0 환경관리학전공 (Environmental Management Major) 941.561 환경체계론 (Environmental Systems) 3-3-0 941.570 환경과학 (Environmental Science) 3-3-0 941.576 대기관리 (Air Quality Management) 3-3-0 941.577 수질관리 (Water Quality Management) 3-3-0 941.578 환경생태학 (Environmental Ecology) 3-3-0 941.579 폐기물관리 (Waste Management) 3-3-0 941.581 기후변화정책 (Climate Change Policies) 3-3-0 941.680 토양환경학 (Soil Environment) 3-3-0 941.683 환경법 (Environmental Law) 3-3-0 941.688 환경원격탐사 (Remote Sensing of Environment) 3-3-0 941.689A 환경관리특강 (Topics in Environmental Management) 3-3-0 941.690 환경실험 (Environmental Laboratory) 3-0-6 941.693A 환경관리세미나 (Seminar in Environmental Management) 3-3-0 941.695 오염물질거동 (Multimedia Fate of Organic Contaminants) 3-3-0 941.696 환경 에너지특강 (Topics in Environment and Energy) 3-3-0 교통관리학전공 (Transportation Management Major) 941.527 교통공학 (Traffic Engineering) 3-3-0 941.528 교통계획 (Transportation Planning) 3-3-0 941.530 교통경제학 (Transportation Economics) 3-3-0 941.531A 교통신호운영 (Traffic Signal Operation) 3-3-0 941.587 대중교통관리 (Mass Transit Management) 3-3-0 941.588 화물교통론 (Goods Transportation) 3-3-0 941.589B 지능형교통체계세미나 (Seminar in Intelligent Transportation System) 3-2-2 941.590 교통계획세미나 (Seminar in Transportation Planning) 3-3-0 941.591 교통경제세미나 (Seminar in Transportation Economics) 3-3-0 941.592 수송물류관리세미나 (Seminar in Transport Logistics Management) 3-3-0 941.593 수송물류관리론 (Transport Logistics Management) 3-3-0 941.594 국제수송물류론 (International Transport Management) 3-3-0 941.653 교통계획실습 (Transportation Planning Practice) 3-2-2 941.671 교통공학실습 (Traffic Engineering Practice) 3-2-2 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Environmental Planning) 환경대학원환경계획학과참조 942. 환경조경학과 (Department of Landscape Architecture) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 942.531 경관의해석 (The Interpretation of Landscapes) 3-3-0 942.534 문화와공간행태 (Culture and Spatial Behavior) 3-3-0 942.545 조경식물소재 (Plant Materials) 3-3-0 942.546 재식설계 (Planting Design) 4-4-0 942.547 주거환경설계 (Residential Planning and Design) 4-4-0 942.550 여가공간설계 (Leisure and Recreational Space Design) 4-4-0 942.631 환경보전과관리 (Environmental Conservation and Management) 2-2-0 942.635A 조경세미나 (Seminar in Landscape Architecture) 2-2-0 942.641 도시오픈스페이스계획과설계 (Urban Open Space Planning and Design) 4-4-0 942.645 광역조경계획 (Regional Landscape Planning) 4-4-0 942.649 한국조경론 (Korean Landscape Studies) 3-3-0 942.651 단지설계 (Site Design) 4-4-0 942.652 도시장소와도시건축 (Urban Places and Urban Architecture) 2-2-0-255 -

환경대학원 Graduate School of Environmental Studies 942. 환경조경학과 Department of Landscape Architecture 942.653 역사속의환경설계 (Environmental Design in History) 2-2-0 942.654 한국의문화경관 (Cultural Landscape in Korea) 3-3-0 942.655 커뮤니티계획과설계 (Community Planning and Design) 4-4-0 942.656 도시환경과주거 (Urban Environment and Housing) 2-2-0 942.657 골프장설계 (Golf Course Architecture) 4-4-0 942.658 조경과멀티미디어 (Landscape Architecture and Multimedia) 3-3-0 942.659 문화환경세미나 (Seminar in Cultural Environment) 3-3-0 942.660 조경공학워크숍 (Landscape Engineering Workshop) 3-3-0 942.661A 현대조경의설계매체와방법 (Design Media and Methods in Contemporary Landscape Architecture) 2-2-0 942.662 생태과정과디자인워크숍 (Workshop for Ecological Process and Design) 3-3-0 942.663 서식지관리계획 (Wildlife Habitat Management Planning) 2-2-0 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Landscape Architecture) 환경대학원환경조경학과참조 - 256 -

국제대학원 Graduate School of International Studies 875. 국제학과 Department of International Studies 870. 국제대학원 (Graduate School of International Studies) 8751.826 국제경영연구프로젝트 (Research Project in International Business) 3-2-2 875. 국제학과 (Department of International Studies) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 875.512 국제경제관계의이해 (International Economic Relations) 3-3-0 875.520 국제협력의이해 (International Cooperation) 3-3-0 875.532 동아시아지역의이해 (Understanding the East Asia) 3-3-0 875.541 국제이주와이민정책 (Transnational Migration and Immigration Policy) 3-3-0 875.601 동아시아정치와경제 (East Asian Politics and Economy) 3-3-0 875.602 세계속의한국 (Korea in the World) 3-3-0 875.810 조사방법론 (Research Methodology and Skills) 3-2-2 875.820 고급연구방법론 (Advanced Research Methods) 3-2-2 875.823 비교방법론 (Comparative Methodology) 3-2-2 875A. 국제통상전공 (International Commerce Major) 8751.511 국제금융의세계 : 시장, 기관, 정책 (International Financial World : Markets, Institutions and Policies) 3-2-2 8751.514 통상협상의역사와사례 (Multilateral Trade Negotiations: History and Major Rounds) 3-2-2 8751.515 국제통상연습 1 (Workshop in International Commerce 1) 3-2-2 8751.518 국제통상특강 1 (Topics in International Commerce 1) 3-3-0 8751.612 통상정책의정치경제학 (Political Economy of Trade Policy) 3-3-0 8751.615 국제통상법의이해 (Understanding Int'l Trade Law) 3-3-0 8751.619A 글로벌경영전략 (Global Business Strategy) 3-2-2 8751.620 국제통상연습 2 (Workshop in International Commerce 2) 3-2-2 8751.621A 국제경영관계 (International Business Relations) 3-3-0 8751.716 통상협상특수연구 (Special Studies in Trade Negotiations) 3-3-0 8751.718 세계무역기구와다자간무역협정 (World Trade Organization & Multilateral Trade Agreements) 3-3-0 8751.720 해외직접투자 (Foreign Direct Investment) 3-2-2 8751.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 8751.812 국제협상시뮬레이션게임 (International Negotiation Simulation Game) 3-2-2 8751.814 국제통상세미나 1 (Seminar in International Commerce 1) 3-2-2 8751.815 다국적기업의사례연구 (Multinational Corporations: Case Studies) 3-2-2 8751.818 통상분쟁연구프로젝트 (Research Project for Trade Dispute) 3-2-2 8751.819 고급통상연구방법론 (Advanced Research Method for International Commerce) 3-3-0 8751.821 국제통상세미나 2 (Seminar in International Commerce 2) 3-2-2 8751.825 통상협상연구프로젝트 (Research Project in Commercial Negotiation) 3-2-2-257 - 875B. 국제협력전공 (International Cooperation Major) 8752.515 국제법 (International Law) 3-3-0 8752.516 국제협력연습 1(Workshop in International Cooperation 1) 3-2-2 8752.517 동아시아지역질서와남북관계 (East Asian Regional Order & Inter-Korean Relations) 3-3-0 8752.518 세계화시대의노동사회정책 (Labor and Social Policy in Globalizing Economy) 3-2-2 8752.519 세계화론 (On Globalization) 3-3-0 8752.520 초국경이슈와국제협력사례연구 (Case Studies on Transnational Issues and International Cooperation) 3-2-2 8752.612 국제갈등관리사례연구 (Case Studies in International Conflict Management) 3-2-2 8752.613 국제정치경제의이해 (Understanding International Political Economy) 3-3-0 8752.616 국제협력연습 2(Workshop in International Cooperation 2) 3-2-2 8752.715 국제기구론 (International Organization) 3-3-0 8752.717 국제협력특수연구 (Special Studies in International Cooperation) 3-3-0 8752.720 국제환경자원문제의법과정책 (Law & Policy of International Environment & Resources Problem) 3-2-2 8752.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 8752.812 국제커뮤니케이션과문화 (International Communication and Culture) 3-3-0 8752.813 세계질서의변화와한국 (Changing World Order and Korea) 3-2-2 8752.814 국제인권과난민문제의이해 (Understanding International Human Rights and Refugee Issues) 3-3-0 8752.815 국제협력세미나 1 (Seminar in International Cooperation 1) 3-2-2 8752.816 세계시민사회와비정부기구 (Global Civil Society and NGOs) 3-3-0 8752.819 법경제학 (Law and Economics) 3-3-0 8752.820 국제협력세미나 2 (Seminar in International Cooperation 2) 3-2-2 8752.827 국제협력연구프로젝트 (Research Project in International Cooperation) 3-2-2 8752.828 세계화세미나 (Seminar on Globalization) 3-3-0 8752.829 동아시아의국가안보전략 (East Asian National Security Strategy) 3-3-0 875C. 국제지역학전공 (International Area Studies Major) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 8753.511 현대세계정치의이해 (Contemporary World Politics: Theory and Case) 3-3-0 8753.594 지역연구연습 (Seminar on Area Studies) 3-2-2 8753.595A 동아시아경제발전의이해 (Understanding East Asian Economic Development) 3-3-0 8753.596A 세계금융발전론 (Financial Development of World) 3-3-0 8753.597 종족갈등과민족주의에대한이해 (Ethnic Conflict and Nationalism) 3-3-0 8753.614A 지역연구프로젝트 2(Research Project in International Area Studies 2) 3-2-2 8753.615 지역통화금융통합연구 (Studies in Regional Monetary and Financial Integration) 3-2-2 8753.794 세계화와한국기업연습 (Workshop in Globalization and Korean Firms) 3-2-2 8753.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0

국제대학원 Graduate School of International Studies 875. 국제학과 Department of International Studies 8753.810 현대일본정치의이론과쟁점 (Theories and Issues in Contemporary Japanese Politics) 3-3-0 8753.811 지역통합비교연구 : 유럽과아시아 (Comparative Studies in Regional Integration: The Case of Europe and Asia) 3-3-0 8753.812 동아시아의성과가족 (Gender and Family in East Asia) 3-3-0 8753.813 현대일본의소수자 : 역사와쟁점 (Minority in Contemporary Japan: History and Issues) 3-3-0 8753.814 한일기업비교연구 (Comparative Studies in Korean and Japanese Firms) 3-3-0 8753.815 현대일본경영의이론과쟁점 (Theories and Issues in Contemporary Japanese Management) 3-3-0 8753.816 지역연구프로젝트 3(Research Project in International Area Studies 3) 3-2-2 8753.880 세계와지역현안연습 (Workshop in Global and Regional Issues) 3-2-2 8753.881A 현지조사 (Fieldwork in International Area Studies) 3-1-4 8753.889 글로벌시장과마케팅의이해 (Understanding the Global Market and Marketing) 3-3-0 8753.894A 지역연구의제쟁점 (Topics in Area Studies) 3-2-2 8753.896A 지역연구프로젝트 1(Research Project in International Area Studies 1) 3-2-2 8753.898 지역무역현안비교연구 (International Trade Issues in Comparative Perspective) 3-3-0 < 아시아지역 > 8753.521A 중국의금융 재정 (China's Banking and Finance) 3-3-0 8753.541 한일관계연구 (Studies in Korea-Japan Relations) 3-2-2 8753.542A 현대일본사회의쟁점 (Issues in the Contemporary Japanese Society) 3-2-2 8753.543 동아시아은행과금융 (Banking and Finance in East Asia) 3-3-0 8753.623 중국기업문화연구 (Study of China's Business Culture) 3-2-2 8753.624 중국의권력구조와정치체계 (Power and Politics in Contemporary China) 3-3-0 8753.642 일본의정치와외교 (The Politics and Diplomacy of Japan) 3-3-0 8753.643 일본의경제와산업 (Japanese Economy and Industry) 3-3-0 8753.644 일본의사회와문화 (Japanese Society and Culture) 3-3-0 8753.645 일본기업사례연구 (Case Studies in Japanese Firms) 3-2-2 8753.651 동남아의사회와문화 (Society and Culture of Southeast Asia) 3-3-0 8753.661 동남아의산업화와발전 (Industrialization & Development in Southeast Asia) 3-3-0 8753.664A 아시아의경제발전과리더십 (Economic Development and Leadership in Asia) 3-2-2 8753.665 동남아의정치 (Southeast Asian Politics) 3-3-0 8753.666 동아시아국제관계의이해 (Understanding International Relations in East Asia) 3-3-0 8753.667A 동아시아시민사회의이해 (An Understanding Civil Societies in East Asia) 3-3-0 8753.722 중국과세계경제연습 (Workshop in China and World Economy) 3-2-2 8753.724 현대중국의사회현황과문제 (Current Issues in Chinese Society) 3-3-0 8753.890 일본의상업과유통사례연구 (Case Studies in Japanese Commerce and Distribution) 3-2-2 8753.892 중국대외관계의현황과쟁점 (Current Issues in China's Foreign Relations) 3-2-2 8753.895 동아시아의경제발전과민주화 (Economic Development and Democratization in East Asia) 3-3-0 < 미주지역 > 8753.513 한미관계사연구 (Studies in History of Korean- American Relationship) 3-3-0 8753.612 미국의대외정책 (American Foreign Policy) 3-3-0 8753.675 중남미의정치 (Latin American Politics) 3-3-0 8753.772 중남미의경제발전 (Economic Development of Latin America) 3-3-0 8753.891A 현대중남미경제의제쟁점연습 (Workshop in Contemporary Economic Issues in Latin America) 3-2-2 8753.897 중남미사회와문화 (Latin American Society and Culture) 3-3-0 < 유럽지역 > 8753.531A 유럽연합의거시경제학연습 (Workshop in Macroeconomics of European Union) 3-2-2 8753.636 유럽연합의정치적발전 (Political Development of the European Union) 3-3-0 8753.638 유럽통합의과정과이론 (Theory and Process of European Integration) 3-3-0 8753.639A 유럽통합 : 유럽연합의법과제도 (European Integration : Law and Institutions of European Union) 3-3-0 8753.652 동구러시아정치 (Politics in Russia & Eastern Europe) 3-3-0 8753.653 동구러시아경제 (Economies of Russia & Eastern Europe) 3-3-0 875D. 한국학전공 (Korean Studies Major) 8754.513 한국의역사 (Korean History) 3-3-0 8754.517A 근대한국문학연구 (Research in Modern Korean Literature) 3-3-0 8754.518 한국생활사 (History of Korean Life Style) 3-3-0 8754.519 한국의경제정책과경제발전 (Economic Policies and Economic Development in Korea) 3-2-2 8754.520 한국학개론 (Introduction to Korean Studies) 3-3-0 8754.522 북한세미나 (Seminar in North Korea) 3-2-2 8754.523 한국의대외관계사 (History of Korea's Foreign Relations) 3-3-0 8754.525 대학원논문작성법 (Skills of Writing MA Thesis) 3-2-2 8754.540A 근대한국의역사와사회 (Modern Korean History and Society) 3-3-0 8754.615A 한일정치비교연구 (Comparative Studies in Korean and Japanese Politics) 3-2-2 8754.616 한국의경제 (Korean Economy) 3-2-2 8754.712 한국의종교 (Korean Religion) 3-2-2 8754.715 한국의사회 (Korean Society) 3-3-0 8754.717 한국의기업과경영 (Business and Management in Korea) 3-2-2 8754.720 한국학현지조사 (Fieldwork in Korean Studies) 3-0-6 8754.722 근대화와한국사회의변화 (Modernization and transformation of Korean Society) 3-3-0 8754.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 3-3-0 8754.821A 한국학세미나 (Seminar in Korean Studies) 3-2-2 (Credited as Major Electives for Dep. of International Studies) 1 지도교수추천에의해전공주임교수가승인한과목 - 258 -

국제대학원 Graduate School of International Studies 876. 국제개발정책학과 Department of International Development Policy 2 그외는국제대학원내규에의함. 1 논문연구과목의최대취득학점은석사과정 3 학점, 박사과정 12 학점으로수료학점에포함. 2 학위취득최저소요학점은석사 45 학점, 박사 45 학점임. 3 그외는국제대학원내규 ( 전공내규포함 ) 에의함. 876. 국제개발정책학과 (Department of International Development Policy) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 875.512 국제경제관계의이해 (International Economic Relations) 3-3-0 875.520 국제협력의이해 (International Cooperation) 3-3-0 875.532 동아시아지역의이해 (Understanding the East Asia) 3-3-0 875.810 조사방법론 (Research Methodology and Skills) 3-2-2 8751.514 통상협상의역사와사례 (Multilateral Trade Negotiations: History and Major Rounds) 3-2-2 8751.612 통상정책의정치경제학 (Political Economy of Trade Policy) 3-3-0 8751.812 국제협상시뮬레이션게임 (International Negotiation Simulation Game) 3-2-2 8751.821 국제통상세미나 2 (Seminar in International Commerce 2) 3-2-2 8752.520 초국경이슈와국제협력사례연구 (Case Studies on Transnational Issues and International Cooperation) 3-2-2 8752.613 국제정치경제의이해 (Understanding International Political Economy) 3-3-0 8752.820 국제협력세미나 2 (Seminar in International Cooperation 2) 3-2-2 8753.615 지역통화금융통합연구 (Studies in Regional Monetary and Financial Integration) 3-2-2 8753.666 동아시아국제관계의이해 (Understanding International Relations in East Asia) 3-3-0 8753.898 지역무역현안비교연구 (International Trade Issues in Comparative Perspective) 3-3-0 8754.519 한국의경제정책과경제발전 (Economic Policies and Economic Development in Korea) 3-2-2 8754.616 한국의경제 (Korean Economy) 3-2-2 876.501 국제개발정책론 (International Development Policy) 3-3-0 876.502 경제발전전략 (Economic Development Strategy) 3-3-0 876.503 국제개발협력론 (Global Development and Development Cooperation) 3-3-0 (Credited as Major Electives for Dep. of International Development Policy) 1 지도교수추천에의해전공주임교수가승인한과목 2 그외는국제대학원내규에의함. 1 논문연구과목의최대취득학점은석사과정 3 학점으로수료학점에포함. 2 학위취득최저소요학점은석사 33 학점임. 3 그외는국제대학원내규 ( 전공내규포함 ) 에의함. - 259 -

치의학대학원 School of Dentistry 861. 치의학과 Department of Dentistry 860. 치의학대학원 (School of Dentistry) 861. 치의학과 (Department of Dentistry) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 861.501* 구강질환과인체 (Oral Disease and Human Body) 1-8-24 861.502* 악구강영역의기능해부학 1(Functional Anatomy of Stomatognathic System 1) 2-24-24 861.503* 인체의구조와기능 1(Structure and Function of Human Body 1) 3-32-48 861.504* 인체의구조와기능 2(Structure and Function of Human Body 2) 4-32-96 861.561* 생명현상과인체의이해 (Human Bioscience) 6-80-48 861.563* 치아우식의이해 (Dental Caries) 2-24-24 861.564* 타액선, 타액과구강환경 (Salivary Gland, Saliva and Oral Environment) 2-24-24 861.565* 방사선의이해 (Principles of Radiology) 1-24-0 861.567* 악구강영역의기능해부학 2(Functional Anatomy of Stomatognathic System 2) 1-8-24 861.568* 치아보존수복 1(Restoration of Tooth 1) 1-32-0 861.569A* 치아보존수복 2(Restoration of Tooth 2) 1-8-24 861.570* 치과생체재료 1(Dental Biomaterials 1) 1-8-24 861.571* 치과생체재료 2(Dental Biomaterials 2) 1-8-24 861.572* 치아 (Tooth) 3-32-48 861.573* 임상치의학입문 1(Basic Clinical Dentistry 1) 1-0-48 861.574* 임상치의학입문 2(Basic Clinical Dentistry 2) 1-0-72 861.575* 치과와사회 (Dentistry and Society) 1-16-0 861.576* 미생물과감염-면역 (Microorganism, Infection and Immunity) 2-30-9 861.577* 악골과경조직 (Jawbone and Hard Tissue) 1-8-24 861.578* 치주조직과치주질환 (Periodontium and Periodontal Disease) 2-24-24 861.579* 금관가공의치학 1 (Crown and Bridge Prosthesis 1) 1-16-0 861.580* 국소의치학 1(Removable Partial Denture 1) 1-16-0 861.581* 총의치학 1(Complete Denture 1) 1-16-0 861.601* 감염방지 (Infection Control) 1-16-0 861.602* 구강종양론 (Oral Oncology) 2-16-48 861.603* 구강질환의예방적진료 (Prevention of Oral Disease) 1-8-24 861.604* 국소의치학 2 (Removable Partial Prosthetics 2) 2-16-48 861.605* 금관가공의치학 2 (Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics 2) 2-16-48 861.606* 소아의수복및치수치료 (Restorative and Pulp Treatment for Children) 2-16-48 861.607* 악안면신경과학 (Maxillofacial Neuroscience) 1-8-24 861.608* 인체의구조와기능 3(Structure and Function of Human Body 3) 1-8-24 861.609* 임상치의학입문 3 (Introduction to Clinical Dentistry 3) 1-0-48 861.610* 총의치학 2(Full Denture Prosthetics 2) 2-16-48 861.611* 치과마취의이해 1 (Understanding Dental Anesthesia 1) 1-8-24 861.612* 치과생체재료 3(Dental Biomaterials 3) 1-8-24 861.613A* 치아보존수복 3(Restoration of Tooth 3) 2-16-48 861.614* 치주질환의치료 (Treatment of Periodontal Disease) 2-16-48 861.615* 국소의치학 3 (Removable Partial Prosthetics 3) 2-16-48 861.616* 근관치료학 (Endodontics) 3-32-48 861.617* 도재수복학 (Dental Ceramic Prosthesis) 3-32-48 861.618* 두개악안면성형외과학 (Wound Healing and Craniofacial Plastic Surgery) 1-24-0 861.619* 부정교합의진단및치료 (Treatment of Malocclusion) 2-16-48 861.620* 소아의교합유도 (Occlusal Guidance in Children) 1-8-24 861.621* 악안면동통의진단과치료 (Diagnosis and Management of Orofacial Pain) 1-16-12 861.622* 임상치의학입문 4 (Introduction to Clinical Dentistry 4) 1-0-48 861.623* 전신질환의진단및치료 1(Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Disease 1) 3-48-48 861.624* 지역사회구강보건 (Community Oral Health) 1-8-24 861.625* 총의치학 3(Full Denture Prosthetics 3) 2-16-48 861.626* 치과마취의이해 2 (Understanding Dental Anesthesia 2) 1-8-24 861.627* 치아보존수복 4(Restoration of Tooth 4) 1-8-24 861.701* 고정식교정장치실습 (Clinical Practice Using Fixed Orthodontic Appliance) 1-0-64 861.702* 구강악안면영역의질환 (Disease of Oral and Maxillofacial Region) 5-64-36 861.703* 두개악안면외상학 (Cranio-maxillo-facial Traumatology) 1-30-0 861.704* 임상구강내과학 (Clinical Oral Medicine) 1-16-0 861.705* 임상치과약리학 (Dental Pharmacology) 1-16-0 861.706* 전신질환의진단및치료 2(Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Disease 2) 1-16-0 861.707* 치과의료와정보기술 (Dental Service Management and Informatics) 1-8-24 861.708* 치의학의역사 (History of Dentistry) 1-16-0 861.709* 노인치과학 (Geriatric Dentistry) 1-16-0 861.710* 심미치과학 (Esthetic Dentistry) 1-16-0 861.711* 의료전달체계와건강보험 (Dental Health Care Delivery System and Health Insurance) 1-16-0 861.712* 임상구강악안면방사선학 (Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology) 1-16-0 861.713* 임상구강악안면병리학 (Clinical Oral Pathology) 1-16-0 861.714* 임상구강악안면외과학 1(Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1) 1-16-0 861.821* 임상금관가공의치학 (Clinical Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics) 1-16-0 861.716* 임상두경부해부학 (Clinically Oriented Head and Neck Anatomy) 2-16-48 861.717* 임상치과보존학 (Clinical Conservative Dentistry) 1-16-0 861.718* 임상치과약물치료학 (Dental Pharmacotherapeutics) 1-16-0 861.719* 치과임플란트학 (Dental Implantology) 1-16-0 861.720* 구강내과학임상실습 1 (Clinical Practice in Oral Medicine 1) 1-0-48 861.721* 구강악안면방사선학임상실습 1(Clinical Practice in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 1) 1-0-48 861.722* 구강악안면외과학임상실습 1(Clinical Practice in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1) 1-0-48 861.723* 소아치과학임상실습 1(Clinical Practice in Pediatric Dentistry 1) 1-0-48 861.724* 치과교정학임상실습 1 (Clinical Practice in Orthodontics 1) 1-0-48 861.725* 치과보존학임상실습 1(Clinical Practice in Conservative Dentistry 1) 1-0-48 861.726* 치과보철학임상실습 1 (Clinical Practice in Prosthodontics 1) 1-0-48 861.727* 치주과학임상실습 1 (Clinical Practice in Periodontology 1) 1-0-48 861.728* 구강내과학임상실습 2 (Clinical Practice in Oral Medicine 2) 1-0-48-260 -

치의학대학원 School of Dentistry 861. 치의학과 Department of Dentistry 861.729* 구강악안면방사선학임상실습 2(Clinical Practice in Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology 2) 1-0-48 861.730* 구강악안면외과학임상실습 2(Clinical Practice in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2) 1-0-48 861.731* 소아치과학임상실습 2(Clinical Practice in Pediatric Dentistry 2) 1-0-48 861.732* 치과교정학임상실습 2 (Clinical Practice in Orthodontics 2) 1-0-48 861.733* 치과보존학임상실습 2(Clinical Practice in Conservative Dentistry 2) 1-0-48 861.734* 치과보철학임상실습 2 (Clinical Practice in Prosthodontics 2) 1-0-48 861.735* 치주과학임상실습 2 (Clinical Practice in Periodontology 2) 1-0-48 861.736* 논문연구 (Dissertation Research) 2-2-0 861.S701* 구강보건교육의최신동향 (Current Topics in Oral Health Education) 1-16-0 861.S702 구강세균의숙주 - 기생체상호작용 (Host-parasite Interaction in Periodontal Disease) 1-8-24 861.S703** 구강악안면방사선학연구 (Research in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology) 1-16-0 861.S704** 구강암생물학 (Oral Cancer Biology) 1-8-24 861.S705** 바이오장기재생치의학 (Bio-organ in Dental Regenerative Medicine) 1-16-0 861.S706A** 발생공학치의학특강 (Advanced Developmental Biotechnology in Dentistry) 1-16-0 861.S707** 세포분자생리학 (Cell and Molecular Physiology) 1-16-0 861.S708** 임상심리학 (Clinical Psychology) 1-16-0 861.S709** 치의학생물공학실험법 (Methods in Dental Biotechnology) 1-16-0 861.S710** 3 차원가상 set-up 에의한디지털교정치료 (Digital Orthodontic Treatment with 3 Dimensional Virtual Set-up) 1-0-48 861.S711** 고급바이오장기재생치의학 (Bio-organ in Dental Regenerative Medicine: Advanced Course) 1-16-0 861.S712** 구강건강증진프로그램의실제적용 (Application of Oral Health Promotion Program) 1-12-12 861.S713** 구강안면통증및측두하악장애최신치료학 (Advanced Course for Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders) 1-16-0 861.S714** 구강조직재생과치유 (Regeneration and Repair of Oral Tissues) 1-16-0 861.S715** 근관치료학의신경향 (New Trends in Endodontics) 1-16-0 861.S716** 신경과학특론 (Advanced Neuroscience) 1-16-0 861.S717** 악안면골질환연습 (Seminar in Maxillofacial Bone Diseases) 1-8-24 861.S718** 임플란트재료학 (Dental Implant Materials) 1-16-0 861.S719** 치과생체재료의생물학및생체적합성 (Biology and Biocompatibility of Dental Biomaterials) 1-16-0 861.S720** 치주학의최신개념 (Current Concepts in Periodontology) 1-16-0 861.S721** Biofilm 과구강질병 (Biofilm and Dental Disease) 1-8-24 861.801* 새로운치과의사 (Advanced Dentistry in Community) 2-8-96 861.802* 임상구강악안면외과학 2(Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2) 1-16-0 861.803* 임상국소의치학 (Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics) 1-16-0 861.804* 임상소아치과학 (Clinical Pediatric Dentistry) 1-16-0 861.805* 임상총의치학 (Clinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics) 1-16-0 861.806* 법치의학 (Forensic Odontology) 1-16-12 861.807* 새로운치의학 (Advances in Dentistry) 2-32-0 861.808* 임상증례연구 (Clinical Case Study and Discussion) 1-16-0 861.809* 임상치과교정학 (Clinical Orthodontics) 1-16-0 861.810* 임상치주과학 (Clinical Periodontology) 1-16-0 861.811* 구강내과학임상실습 3 (Clinical Practice in Oral Medicine 3) 2-0-96 861.812* 구강악안면방사선학임상실습 3(Clinical Practice in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 3) 2-0-96 861.813* 구강악안면외과학임상실습 3(Clinical Practice in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 3) 2-0-96 861.814* 소아치과학임상실습 3(Clinical Practice in Pediatric Dentistry 3) 2-0-96 861.815* 치과교정학임상실습 3 (Clinical Practice in Orthodontics 3) 2-0-96 861.816* 치과보존학임상실습 3(Clinical Practice in Conservative Dentistry 3) 2-0-96 861.817* 치과보철학임상실습 3 (Clinical Practice in Prosthodontics 3) 2-0-96 861.818* 치주과학임상실습 3 (Clinical Practice in Periodontology 3) 2-0-96 861.819* 치의학임상선택 (Senior selective in Clinical Dentistry) 4-0-192 861.820* 치의학종합평가 (Comprehensive Assessment of Dentistry) 2-15-15 861.S801** 구강병리슬라이드토론회 (Oral Pathology Slide Conference) 1-16-0 861.S802** 구강점막질환및타액선질환최신치료학 (Advanced Course for Oral Mucosal Diseases and Salivary Gland Diseases) 1-8-24 861.S803** 근관치료학의고급과정 (Advanced Course in Endodontics) 1-8-24 861.S804** 스포츠치의학과 Mouthguards (Sports Dentistry and Mouthguards) 1-8-24 861.S805** 심미색상학연습 (Esthetic Color Training) 1-12-12 861.S806** 약물치료와치과진료 - 증례학습 (Drug therapy and Dentistry-Case Study) 1-16-0 861.S807** 인공조직수복을위한조직공학 (Tissue Engineering for Tissue Repair) 1-12-12 861.S808** 전치부심미수복 (Anterior Esthetic Restoration) 1-8-24 861.S809** 치과의원급구강악안면소수술 (Clinic based Minor Dentoalveolar Surgery) 1-16-0 861.S810** 치의학과공학기술 (Technology in Dentistry (Dental engineering)) 1-8-24 861.S811** 치주임플란트수술 (Periodontal & Implant Surgery) 1-12-12 861.S812** 구강악안면질환감별진단 (Differential Diagnosis of Oral and Maxillofacial Disease) 1-8-24 861.S813** 병의원경영의실제 (Contemporary Issues in Dental Practice Management) 1-8-24 861.S814** 신경외과 (Neurosurgery) 1-16-0 861.S815** 안 이비인후과 (Ophthalmology-ENT) 1-16-0 861.S816** 임상구강악안면임플란트외과학 (Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Implant Surgery) 1-16-0 861.S817** 임플란트를위한영상진단법 (Diagnostic Imaging for Dental Implant) 1-16-0 861.S818** 장애인치과학 (Dentistry for the People with Disabilities) 1-8-24 861.S819** 치과교정학의이해와임상적적용 (Clinical Application of Basic Orthodontic Knowledge) 1-16-0 861.S820** 치과마취과학임상실습 (Dental Anesthesiology Clinical Practice) 1-8-24 861.S821** 치과의원에서의 PACS 환경구축 (PACS in Local Dental Clinics) 1-12-9 861.822* 임상심리학 (Clinical Psychology) 3-3-0 861.823* 의료커뮤니케이션 (Communication in Healthcare) 3-3-0-261 -

치의학대학원 School of Dentistry 861. 치의학과 Department of Dentistry 학기 sem. 학년 yr. 1 2 3 861.501* 861.502* 861.561* 861.563* 861.564* 861.565* 861.570* 861.572* 861.573* 861.575* 861.601* 861.602* 861.603* 861.604* 861.605* 861.606* 861.607* 861.608* 861.609* 861.610* 861.611* 861.612* 861.613A* 861.614* 861.701* 861.702* 861.703* 861.704* 861.705* 861.706* 861.707* 861.708* 861.720* 861.721* 861.722* 861.723* 861.724* 861.725* 861.726* 861.727* 861.736* 861.S701** 861.S702** 861.S703** 861.S704** 861.S705** 861.S706A** 861.S707** 861.S708** 861.S709** 861.S718** 861.S720** 석사과정전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Graduate Majors) Ⅰ 구강질환과인체악구강영역의기능해부학 1 생명현상과인체의이해치아우식의이해타액선, 타액과구강환경방사선의이해치과생체재료 1 치아임상치의학입문 1 치과와사회 감염방지구강종양론구강질환의예방적진료국소의치학 2 금관가공의치학 2 소아의수복및치수치료악안면신경과학인체의구조와기능 3 임상치의학입문 3 총의치학 2 치과마취의이해 1 치과생체재료 3 치아보존수복 3 치주질환의치료 고정식교정장치실습구강악안면영역의질환두개악안면외상학임상구강내과학임상치과약리학전신질환의진단및치료 2 치과의료와정보기술치의학의역사구강내과학임상실습 1 구강악안면방사선학임상실습 1 구강악안면외과학임상실습 1 소아치과학임상실습 1 치과교정학임상실습 1 치과보존학임상실습 1 치과보철학임상실습 1 치주과학임상실습 1 논문연구 구강보건교육의최신동향구강세균의숙주 - 기생체상호작용구강악안면방사선학연구구강암생물학바이오장기재생치의학발생공학치의학특강세포분자생리학임상심리학치의학생물공학실험법임플란트재료학치주학의최신개념 861.503* 861.504* 861.567* 861.568* 861.569A* 861.571* 861.574* 861.576* 861.577* 861.578* 861.579* 861.580* 861.581* 861.615* 861.616* 861.617* 861.618* 861.619* 861.620* 861.621* 861.622* 861.623* 861.624* 861.625* 861.626* 861.627* 861.709* 861.710* 861.711* 861.712* 861.713* 861.714* 861.716* 861.717* 861.718* 861.719* 861.728* 861.729* 861.730* 861.731* 861.732* 861.733* 861.734* 861.735* 861.736* 861.S710** 861.S711** 861.S712** 861.S713** 861.S714** 861.S715** 861.S716** 861.S717** 861.S719** 861.S721** Ⅱ 인체의구조와기능 1 인체의구조와기능 2 악구강영역의기능해부학 2 치아보존수복 1 치아보존수복 2 치과생체재료 2 임상치의학입문 2 미생물과감염면역악골과경조직치주조직과치주질환금관가공의치학 1 국소의치학 1 총의치학 1 국소의치학 3 근관치료학도재수복학두개악안면성형외과학부정교합의진단및치료소아의교합유도악안면동통의진단과치료임상치의학입문 4 전신질환의진단및치료 1 지역사회구강보건총의치학 3 치과마취의이해 2 치아보존수복 4 노인치과학심미치과학의료전달체계와건강보험임상구강악안면방사선학임상구강악안면병리학임상구강악안면외과학 1 임상두경부해부학임상치과보존학임상치과약물치료학치과임플란트학구강내과학임상실습 2 구강악안면방사선학임상실습 2 구강악안면외과학임상실습 2 소아치과학임상실습 2 치과교정학임상실습 2 치과보존학임상실습 2 치과보철학임상실습 2 치주과학임상실습 2 논문연구 3 차원가상 set-up 에의한디지털교정치료고급바이오장기재생치의학구강건강증진프로그램의실제적용구강악안면통증및측두하악장애최신치료학구강조직재생과치유근관치료학의신경향신경과학특론악안면골질환연습치과생체재료의생물학및생체적합성 Biofilm 과구강질병 비고 remarks 선택적필수교과 ( 학기당택 2) - 262 -

치의학대학원 School of Dentistry 861. 치의학과 Department of Dentistry 학기 sem. 학년 yr. Ⅰ Ⅱ 비고 remarks 861.801* 861.802* 861.803* 861.804* 861.805* 861.736* 861.821* 861.822* 새로운치과의사임상구강악안면외과학 2 임상국소의치학임상소아치과학임상총의치학논문연구임상금관가공의치학임상심리학 861.736* 861.806* 861.807* 861.808* 861.809* 861.810* 861.819* 861.820* 861.823* 논문연구법치의학새로운치의학임상증례연구임상치과교정학임상치주과학치의학임상선택치의학종합평가의료커뮤니케이션 4 861.811* 861.812* 861.813* 861.814* 861.815* 861.816* 861.817* 861.818* 구강내과학임상실습 3 구강악안면방사선학임상실습 3 구강악안면외과학임상실습 3 소아치과학임상실습 3 치과교정학임상실습 3 치과보존학임상실습 3 치과보철학임상실습 3 치주과학임상실습 3 861.S801** 861.S802** 861.S803** 861.S804** 861.S805** 861.S806** 861.S807** 861.S808** 861.S809** 861.S810** 861.S811** 구강병리슬라이드토론회구강점막질환및타액선질환최신치료학근관치료학의고급과정스포츠치의학과 Mouthguards 심미색상학연습약물치료와치과진료 - 증례학습인공조직수복을위한조직공학전치부심미수복치과의원급구강악안면소수술치의학과공학기술치주 - 임플란트수술 861.S812** 861.S813** 861.S814** 861.S815** 861.S816** 861.S817** 861.S818** 861.S819** 861.S820** 861.S821** 구강악안면질환감별진단병의원경영의실제신경외과안 이비인후과임상구강악안면임플란트외과학임플란트를위한영상진단법장애인치과학치과교정학의이해와임상적적용치과마취과학임상실습치과의원에서의 PACS 환경구축 선택적필수교과 ( 학기당택 2) 1 위의전문석사과정전공과목이수표준형태는 2005 학년도치의학대학원신입생부터적용함. 2 졸업이수학점은 165 학점으로하며, 논문연구 8 학점을반드시취득하여야한다 ( 수료학점불포함 ). 3 학기당최고이수학점 : 22 학점 ( 연통산학점은제외 ) 4 861.811 861.818 은통년과목으로서과목의학점은연통산학점임. 5 선택적필수과목 (**) 은 3 4 학년의매학기당 2 학점씩이수하여야함. - 263 -

의학대학원 School of Medicine 911. 의학과 Department of Medicine 910. 의학대학원 (School of Medicine) 911. 의학과 (Department of Medicine) 911.501* 태생학및실험 (Embryology & Lab.) 1-12-20 911.502* 해부학및실험 (Anatomy & Lab.) 5-51-120 911.503* 조직학및실험 (Histology & Lab.) 3-43-56 911.504* 생리학및실험 (Physiology & Lab.) 4-54-32 911.505* 생화학및실험 (Biochemistry & Lab.) 5-77-32 911.506* 환자-의사-사회 1 (Patient-Doctor-Society 1) 1-32-0 911.507* 신경해부학및실험 (Neuroanatomy & Lab.) 2-24-41 911.508* 신경생리학및실험 (Neurophysiology & Lab.) 1-21-8 911.509* 병리학및실험 (Pathology & Lab.) 7-70-116 911.510* 미생물학및실험 (Microbiology & Lab.) 4-52-64 911.511* 환자-의사-사회 2 (Patient-Doctor-Society 2) 1-32-0 911.512* 기초면역학 (Basic Immunology) 1-20-20 911.513* 예방의학및실험 (Preventive Medicine & Lab.) 2-25-32 911.514* 의공학 (Biomedical Engineering) 1-16-0 911.601* 약리학및실험 (Pharmacology & Lab.) 4-53-40 911.602* 기생충학및실험 (Parasitology & Lab.) 2-20-44 911.603* 임상면역학 (Clinical Immunology) 2-35-0 911.604* 종양학 (Oncology) 2-35-0 911.605* 혈액학 (Hematology) 3-48-21 911.606* 내분비학 (Endocruinology) 3-69-0 911.607* 의학유전학 (Medical Genetics) 1-17-15 911.608* 환자-의사-사회 3 (Patient-Doctor-Society 3) 1-16-24 911.609* 감염학 (Infectious Disease) 1-19-0 911.610* 신경계학 (Nervous System) 3-80-8 911.611* 신장요로학 (Nephrology and Urology) 3-58-6 911.612* 순환기학 (Circulatory System) 3-81-5 911.613* 호흡기학 (Respiratory System) 3-87-8 911.614* 소화기학 (Gastroenterology) 3-87-8 911.615* 환자-의사-사회 4 (Patient-Doctor-Society 4) 1-16-24 911.701* 내과학및실습 (Internal Medicine & Clerkship) 8-32-320 911.702* 외과학및실습 (Surgery & Clerkship) 4-23-160 911.703* 산부인과학및실습 (Obstetrics & Gynecology & Clerkship) 4-31-160 911.704* 소아과학및실습 (Pediatrics & Clerkship) 4-8-160 911.705* 정신과학및실습 (Psychiatry & Clerkship) 4-33-160 911.706* 정형외과학및실습 (Orthopedic Surgery & Clerkship) 3-16-80 911.707* 영상의학및실습 (Radiology & Clerkship) 3-8-64 911.708* 핵의학및실습 (Nuclear Medicine & Clerkship) 1-9-16 911.709* 임상추론 (Clinical Reasoning) 1-27-0 911.710* 환자-의사-사회 5 (Patient-Doctor-Society 5) 1-12-12 911.711* 신경과학및실습 (Neurology & Clerkship) 3-0-80 911.712* 진단검사의학 (Laboratory Medicine) 1-10-0 911.713* 응급의학및실습 (Emergency Medicine & Clerkship) 3-5-80 911.801* 임상특과 (Advanced Clinical Medicine) 4-93-0 911.802* 의학연구 (Research in Medicine) 4-0-130 911.803* 임상수행능력종합훈련및평가 (Clinical Performance Training and Examination) 1-0-35 911.804* 직업환경의학 (Occupational and Environmental Medicine) 1-35-0 911.805* 중환자관리 (Critical Care Medicine) 1-24-2 911.806* 환자-의사-사회 6 (Patient-Doctor-Society 6) 3-57-30 911.807* 의학의새지평 (New Horizons in Medicine) 1-32-0 911.808* 종합임상의학 (Integrated Clinical Medicine) 2-0-70 911.809 마취통증의학 (Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine) 3-0-90 911.810 피부과학 (Dermatology) 3-0-90 911.811 흉부외과학 (Thoracic Surgery) 3-0-90 911.812 신경외과학 (Neurosurgery) 3-0-90 911.813 비뇨기과학 (Urology) 3-0-90 911.814 이비인후과학 (Otolaryngology) 3-0-90 911.815 안과학 (Ophthalmology) 3-0-90 911.816 성형외과학 (Plastic Surgery) 3-0-90 911.817 진단검사의학 (Laboratory Medicine) 3-0-90 911.818 재활의학 (Rehabilitation Medicine) 3-0-90 911.819 방사선종양학 (Radiation Oncology) 3-0-90 911.820 지역사회의학 (Community Medicine) 3-0-90 911.821 가정의학 (Family Medicine) 3-0-90-264 -

의학대학원 School of Medicine 911. 의학과 Department of Medicine 학기 sem. 학년 yr. 1 2 3 4 석사과정전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) Ⅰ 911.501* 태생학및실험 911.502* 해부학및실험 911.503* 조직학및실험 911.504* 생리학및실험 911.505* 생화학및실험 911.506* 환자-의사-사회 1 911.601* 약리학및실험 911.602* 기생충학및실험 911.603* 임상면역학 911.604* 종양학 911.605* 혈액학 911.606* 내분비학 911.607* 의학유전학 911.608* 환자-의사-사회 3 911.609* 감염학 911.701* 내과학및실습 911.702* 외과학및실습 911.703* 산부인과학및실습 911.704* 소아과학및실습 911.705* 정신과학및실습 911.706* 정형외과학및실습 911.707* 영상의학및실습 911.809 마취통증의학 911.810 피부과학 911.811 흉부외과학 911.812 신경외과학 911.813 비뇨기과학 911.814 이비인후과학 911.815 안과학 911.816 성형외과학 911.817 진단검사의학 911.818 재활의학 911.819 방사선종양학 Ⅱ 911.507* 신경해부학및실험 911.508* 신경생리학및실험 911.509* 병리학및실험 911.510* 미생물학및실험 911.511* 환자-의사-사회 2 911.512* 기초면역학 911.513* 예방의학및실험 911.514* 의공학 911.610* 신경계학 911.611* 신장요로학 911.612* 순환기학 911.613* 호흡기학 911.614* 소화기학 911.615* 환자-의사-사회 4 911.708* 핵의학및실습 911.709* 임상추론 911.710* 환자-의사-사회 5 911.711* 신경과학및실습 911.712* 진단검사의학 911.713* 응급의학및실습 911.820 지역사회의학 911.821 가정의학 911.801* 임상특과 911.802* 의학연구 911.803* 임상수행능력종합훈련및평가 911.804* 직업환경의학 911.805* 중환자관리 911.806* 환자-의사-사회 6 911.807* 의학의새지평 911.808* 종합임상의학 비고 remarks - 265 -

경영전문대학원 981. 경영학과 Graduate School of Business Department of Business Administration 980. 경영전문대학원 (Graduate School of Business) 981. 경영학과 (Department of Business Administration) 석사과정 (Master's Courses) 1 년제이며, 별도의학사력에의해운영됨. 경영전문대학원은교과과정범례의 2. 학점시간표시 의규칙을따르지않고경영전문대학원과목운영방법의특성에따라예외적으로표기하였음. 981.501* 관리경제학 (Managerial Economics) 2-30-0 981.502* 재무회계 (Financial Accounting) 2-30-0 981.503* 통계와의사결정모형 (Statistics and Decision Models) 2-30-0 981.504* 재무관리 (Financial Management) 2-30-0 981.505* 마케팅 (Marketing) 2-30-0 981.506* 조직행위론 (Organizational Behavior) 2-30-0 981.507* 전략 (Strategy) 2-30-0 981.508* 관리회계 (Managerial Accounting) 2-30-0 981.509* 경영정보 (Information Technology) 2-30-0 981.510A* 생산서비스운영 (Operations Management) 2-30-0 981.511* 국제경영 (International Business) 2-30-0 981.512* 인적자원관리 (Human Resource Management) 2-30-0 981.513* 경영실습 (Business Practicum) 3-45-0 981.514* 경영프로젝트 (Applied Business Project) 2-30-0 981.515 논문연구 (Literature Review and Thesis Writing) 3-45-0 981.516 재무제표분석및기업가치평가 (Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation) 2-30-0 981.517 전략적원가관리및성과평가 (Strategic Cost Management and Performance Management) 2-30-0 981.518 기업세무전략 (Strategic Tax Planning) 2-30-0 981.519A 회계정보와경영의사결정 2-30-0 981.520 국제경제 (Global Economy) 2-30-0 981.521 창업론 (Entrepreneurship) 2-30-0 981.522 기업윤리와법률문제 (Business Ethics and Legal Issues) 2-30-0 981.523 기업인수합병과지배구조 (M&A and Governance) 2-30-0 981.524 투자론 (Investments) 2-30-0 981.525 파생상품 (Derivatives) 2-30-0 981.526A 기업재무 (Corporate Finance) 2-30-0 981.527 포트폴리오관리론 (Portfolio Management) 2-30-0 981.528 팀경영 (Managing Teams) 2-30-0 981.529 노사관계론 (Industrial Relations) 2-30-0 981.530 변화관리론 (Managing Changes) 2-30-0 981.531A 조직설계 (Organizational Design) 2-30-0 981.532 디지털경영전략 (Digital Business Strategy) 2-30-0 981.533 기술과경영혁신 (Technological Innovation and Business Redesign) 2-30-0 981.534 데이터웨어하우스분석 (Data Warehouse Analysis) 2-30-0 981.535 정보통신기술특강 (Topics in Information and Communications Technology) 2-30-0 981.536 경영전략특강 (Topics in Strategy) 2-30-0 981.537 국제재무관리 (International Financial Management) 2-30-0 981.538 기업전략 (Corporate-level Strategy) 2-30-0 981.539 소비자행동 (Consumer Behavior) 2-30-0 981.540 마케팅전략 (Marketing Strategy) 2-30-0 981.542 마케팅심층주제 (Special Topics in Marketing) 2-30-0 981.543 공급사슬관리 (Supply Chain Management) 2-30-0 981.544 서비스운영관리 (Service Operations Management) 2-30-0 981.545 전사적품질관리 (Total Quality Management) 2-30-0 981.546 생산관리특강 (Topics in Operations Management) 2-30-0 981.547 자본시장회계 (Accounting and Capital Markets) 2-30-0 981.548 고급재무회계 (Advanced Financial Accounting) 2-30-0 981.549 금융공학과위험관리 (Financial Engineering and Risk Management) 2-30-0 981.550 재무특강 (Topics in Finance) 2-30-0 981.551 협상론 (Business Negotiation) 2-30-0 981.552 국제경영특강 (Topics in International Business) 2-30-0 981.553 경쟁전략론 (Competitive Strategy) 2-30-0 981.554 혁신전략론 (Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation) 2-30-0 981.555 정보시스템개발론 (Information Systems Development) 2-30-0 981.556 신기술과엔터프리너십 (Emerging Technologies and Entrepreneurship) 2-30-0 981.557 가격관리론 (Pricing Management) 2-30-0 981.558 시장조사론 (Marketing Research) 2-30-0 981.559A 생산전략분석 (Analysis of Operations Strategies) 2-30-0 981.560 기술경영론 (Technology Management) 2-30-0 981.561 신제품및신서비스개발 (New Product and Service Development) 2-30-0 981.562 한국비즈니스의이해 (Doing Business in Korea) 3-45-0 981.563 서비스마케팅 (Service Marketing) 2-30-0 981.564 금융기관경영론 (Banking and Financial Institutions) 2-30-0 981.565 자본시장론 (Financial Markets & Institutions) 2-30-0 981.566 채권분석 (Fixed-Income Analysis) 2-30-0 981.567 금융법 (Finance and Business Law) 2-30-0 981.568 금융수학 (Financial Mathematics) 2-30-0 981.569 전략적브랜드관리 (Strategic Brand Management) 2-30-0 981.570 위험과보험 (Risk and Insurance) 2-30-0-266 -

경영전문대학원 981. 경영학과 Graduate School of Business Department of Business Administration 경영전문대학원경영학과이수표준형태 (Tracks for MBA Majors) 프로그램명 Global MBA 학기 (Term) 이수과목 이수학점 1 관리경제학 *, 재무회계 *, 통계와의사결정모형 *, 재무관리 *, 마케팅 *, 조직행위론 * 12 학점 2 전략 *, 관리회계 *, 경영정보 *, 생산서비스운영 *, 국제경영 *, 인적자원관리 * 12 학점 3 4 재무제표분석및기업가치평가, 전략적원가관리및성과평가, 기업세무전략, 회계정보와경영의사결정, 국제경제, 창업론, 기업윤리와법률문제, 기업인수합병과지배구조, 투자론, 파생상품, 기업재무, 포트폴리오관리론, 팀경영, 노사관계론, 변화관리론, 조직설계, 자본시장회계, 고급재무회계, 금융공학과위험관리, 재무특강, 협상론, 국제경영특강, 경쟁전략론 디지털경영전략, 기술과경영혁신, 데이터웨어하우스분석, 정보통신기술특강, 경영전략특강, 국제재무관리, 기업전략, 소비자행동, 마케팅전략, 마케팅심층주제, 공급사슬관리, 서비스운영관리, 전사적품질관리, 생산관리특강, 신제품및신개발서비스, 한국비지니스의이해, 혁신전략론, 정보시스템개발론, 신기술과엔터프리너십, 가격관리론, 시장조사론, 생산전략분석, 기술경영론, 금융법, 금융수학, 전략적브랜드관리, 경영실습 *, 경영프로젝트 * 21 학점이상 * 표시는필수로이수하여야하며, 논문연구 를포함하지않고총 45 학점이상이수하여야한다. 프로그램명 학기 (Term) 이수과목 이수학점 1 관리경제학 *, 재무회계 *, 통계와의사결정모형 *, 재무관리 *, 마케팅 *, 조직행위론 *, 전략 *, 관리회계 *, 경영정보 *, 생산서비스운영 *, 국제경영 *, 인적자원관리 * 16 학점이상 SNU MBA 2 3 재무제표분석및기업가치평가, 전략적원가관리및성과평가, 기업세무전략, 회계정보와경영의사결정, 국제경제, 창업론, 기업윤리와법률문제, 기업인수합병과지배구조, 투자론, 파생상품, 기업재무, 한국비지니스의이해, 포트폴리오관리론, 팀경영, 노사관계론, 경영프로젝트 * 변화관리론, 조직설계, 디지털경영전략, 기술과경영혁신, 데이터웨어하우스분석, 정보통신기술특강, 경영전략특강, 국제재무관리, 기업전략, 소비자행동, 마케팅전략, 마케팅심층주제, 공급사슬관리, 서비스운영관리, 전사적품질관리, 생산관리특강 10학점 8학점 4 신제품및신개발서비스, 자본시장회계, 고급재무회계, 금융공학과위험관리, 재무특강, 협상론, 국제경영특강, 경쟁전략론, 혁신전략론, 정보시스템개발론, 신기술과엔터프리너십, 가격관리론, 시장조사론, 생산전략분석, 기술경영론, 금융법, 금융수학, 전략적브랜드관리, 경영실습 * 11 학점 * 표시중 경영프로젝트 와 경영실습 을포함하여 10 과목이상필수로이수하여야하며, 논문연구 를포함하지않고총 45 학점이상이수하여야한다. 1 수료에필요한학점은 45 학점이상으로한다. 2 Global MBA 프로그램이수자는필수과목중에서 981.513 경영실습 과 981.514 경영프로젝트 를포함하여 14 과목 (29 학점 ) 이상취득하여야하며, 선택과목중에서 8 과목 (16 학점 ) 이상취득하여야한다. 3 SNU MBA 프로그램이수자는필수과목중에서 981.513 경영실습 과 981.514 경영프로젝트 를포함하여 10 과목 (21 학점 ) 이상취득하여야하며, 선택과목중에서 12 과목 (24 학점 ) 이상취득하여야한다. 4 경영전문대학원학생은교내타의과목을이수할수없으며, 타대학원학생은경영전문대학원의과목을이수할수없다. 5 복수학위과정을이수하는학생은지도교수및학과장의사전승인을받아, 교외타대학원이개설한과목을이수할수있으며, 수료학점으로도인정받을수있다. 6 논문연구는 S/U 로평가하고, 수료학점에포함하지않는다. 7 학기 (Term) 당최대취득가능학점은아래와같다. 프로그램명 학기 (Term) 1 학기 2 학기 3 학기 4 학기비고 Global MBA 15 15 15 15 SNU MBA 20 15 15 15 매학기 (Term) 당논문연구과목 (3 학점 ) 이수할수있음 - 267 -